The Law of Karma


Sep 9, 2016

The Law of Karma

Or Cause and Effect – Part 1

I have already written quite a lot about this law. Here are some excepts

Karma is in principle the law of cause and effect. To determine whether or not there is bad karma we must merely look at the causes and effects that we all agree upon as the real thing.

We know that if we cause money to be put in the bank we will have the effect of available money (good karma). We also agree that if you cause a loan to be made at the bank that you will then owe some money (bad karma).

To say that there is no bad karma is to say that there are no negative effects. Therefore if there were no such thing as bad (or negative) karma is the same as saying that when you take out a loan from the bank that you will owe no debt. In this case if negative karma is denied long enough you will awaken to reality when you watch the bill collectors haul your car off.

To say there is no bad karma is the same as saying that when you drive over a cliff that only good things will happen. I think here we all will agree that when we create a cause in this life that an effect will follow.

Now perhaps some think that when we die all of our causes die with us and we carry no effects into the next life, but in principle a cause always is followed by an effect and they are carried over into future lives.


It seems like a number of people have a strong aversion to the terms good and bad or good and evil. It seems strange to me to want to negate or eliminate words from the dictionary, as if that will change anything, or as if that would eliminate negative judgments. A rose is a rose by any name. You can change the name of good and evil and you will still wind up talking about good and evil, but just using different terminology.

For instance I find it amusing that some who criticize me for using the word “judgment” and “good and evil” wind up judging me as being on the wrong path which is the evil one in their mind. They think that by avoiding the word evil and judgment that the two does not exist for them even though they are talking about it just as much as I am. The only difference is that I am being up front and honest about it.

Even though it is true that good and evil is what we define them to be, there are two definitions that should be important to us.

The first definition is that which has been given by the Brotherhood of Light. I stated this a few days ago, but it was not new with me for it has been stated and restated by the Master DK through Alice A. Bailey. Good is that direction which takes us forward in evolution and evil is that which takes us backward into what we were in the past.

The second definition to consider is that espoused by general humanity. For the general populace good is that which is desirable and evil is the undesirable. There is a lot of basic agreement as to the desirable and undesirable which allows the general public to talk about this subject with some intelligence. For instance giving to worthy charities is considered a good thing and robbing your neighbor considered bad.

If we could just have the oneness of either the Masters or the general public on discussing this subject I think we would all be far ahead.

A reader made an interesting comment on karma. She says basically that karma, or cause and effect can be stopped in its tracks by not reacting to it. Let me give my thoughts on this. On an emotional basis reacting or not reacting to an attack has no effect on karma. If someone is angry with you and kicks your leg and breaks it, you then have a choice to react or not react emotionally. If you feel anger at the guy that does nothing to his karma or if you feel no anger that has no effect either. It does not matter what you feel there was still a cause and an effect. He kicked you (cause) and broke your leg (effect).

Your feelings only have causes within your self. Such feelings have to be translated into some type of action to create new karma. If you kick him back then that is a new cause with a new effect. If you do not kick him back (whether you are angry or not) then you do not negate the past cause with its effect. Instead you have prevented a new one from surfacing.

Concerning the debt of karma Jesus said: “Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.” (Matt 5:26)

The reader tells us that karma (I assume negative karma) is wiped clean when we forgive ourselves. Forgiveness releases you from guilt and grievances but does not negate karma. It can lead to a faster repayment of it, but does not negate cause and effect. There has not been any negation of cause and effect since the beginning of the universe. Not one example can be cited.

Some may say that a miracle such as Jesus walking on water is an example. Not so. Jesus created a cause in accordance with the law and the effect was the walking on water, which was just as natural of an effect as a boat floating on water.


The law of Karma is the Law of Cause and Effect. There can be no cause unless there is a corresponding effect, for that is what a cause is. The first definition of a cause in The American Heritage Dictionary is: “The producer of an effect, result, or consequence.” The same dictionary gives as the first definition of effect as: “Something brought about by a cause or an agent; a result.” Therefore, by definition, there can be no effect without cause and there can be no cause without producing an effect.

Now some have said that Karma, or the Law of Cause and Effect, can be negated or eliminated. Some say that it only exists because we are attached to it or because we have judgment within us. Others say that we merely must rise above the illusion of this world and Karma will cease.

Do you realize what it would mean to escape karma to the extent that karma would no longer exist? If karma no longer exists for you, this means you would cease to exist. Non-existence is to have no power to initiate cause and effect. And non-existence is impossible; therefore, total escape from karma is impossible. If you are beyond cause and effect, you are beyond the power to even be alive.

DK through Alice A. Bailey tells us that the Masters do not eliminate the Law of Karma. Instead they learn to “wield the law”. In other words they create causes so the effects that result are desired effects rather than undesirable ones. In this way they are free from unpredictable karma. In other words, they are no longer victims of the law as regular humanity is.

A regular human in his use of karma is a little like a novice going to Las Vegas to gamble at blackjack. The odds are against him because he does not understand the game and does not realize, that because of his ignorance, the longer he plays the more he will lose. He who learns to master karma is a little like the master gambler who learns how to count the cards which will give him control over the game. In both cases the law of cause and effect is in full force, but in the latter case the Master Gambler uses the law instead of being used by the law.

Is cause and effect only applicable in the worlds of form? It would have to be applicable in all worlds because the worlds of form are an effect of energy which was an originating cause before the worlds were created.

In the beginning there was God and God Itself was a cause and creation is the effect. To those who say they can exist apart from karma, let me put forth this challenge.

I can show you billions of examples of karma (cause and effect). But can you show me even one example of anything that is real that creates no cause and effect? It takes a tremendous leap of faith to believe so strongly in that for which no example can be given. Why would someone believe in a place beyond cause and effect if such a place cannot be demonstrated internally or externally??? You can in deep meditation, attempt to withdraw into perfect stillness, but even this meditation (cause) has the effect of peace or stillness of thought.

Not only does logic, experience and the law of correspondences bear witness to the eternal existence of cause and effect, but all the writings revealed by the teachings of the Masters as well as the scriptures agree.

The Bible: Gal 6:5 For every man shall bear his own burden. Gal 6:6 Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. Gal 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Gal 6:8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. Gal 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Note here that Karma extends beyond the physical for it says: “He that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”

The Book of Mormon: “For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so, my first-born in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility.

“Wherefore, it must needs have been created for a thing of naught; wherefore there would have been no purpose in the end of its creation.

Wherefore, this thing must needs destroy the wisdom of God and his eternal purposes, and also the power, and the mercy, and the justice of God.

“And if ye shall say there is no law, ye shall also say there is no sin. If ye shall say there is no sin, ye shall also say there is no righteousness.

“And if there be no righteousness there be no happiness. And if there be no righteousness nor happiness there be no punishment nor misery. And if these things are not there is no God. And if there is no God we are not, neither the earth; for there could have been no creation of things, neither to act nor to be acted upon; wherefore, all things must have vanished away.” (II Nephi 2:11-13)

Note that without karma, cause and effect there would be no creation, no you and me, and no God for God is the First Cause, the first agent of karma.

A Course In Miracles: “If I intervened between your thoughts and their results, I would be tampering with a basic law of cause and effect; the most fundamental law there is.” (Text Pg 27)

“Think not you understand anything until you pass the test of perfect peace, for peace and understanding go together and never can be found alone. 5 Each brings the other with it, for it is the law of God they be not separate. 6 They are cause and effect, each to the other, so where one is absent the other cannot be.” Text Pg 278 “ Nothing can have effects without a cause, and to confuse the two is merely to fail to understand them both.” (Text Pg 420)

Alice A Bailey; “As I write this instruction I would call your attention to the subject of karma. There comes ever in the life of a disciple and in the soul’s experience some one particular life wherein the Law of Cause and Effect assumes importance in the consciousness. From that life and that moment, the disciple begins to deal with karma, consciously and definitely. He learns to recognize it when events and happenings come which require understanding and which evoke questioning; he begins to study the quality of his radiation as a karmic agent, and therefore he becomes the maker and constructor, in a new and important sense, of his own destiny and future. His reactions to life and circumstances cease to be simply emotional in nature and become deliberately dictated by conscious observation; they then have in them a significant quality of preparation which is absent from the life of the average man. For the remainder of this life, therefore, I would ask you to carry the theme of karmic decision and of preparation for the future ever in your consciousness; I would ask you always to take action with as full an understanding of the probable following effects as you can manage to achieve, and to make a real effort to study the Law of Consequence and Compensation.”

“It is not my intention to explain or elaborate the subject of Karma. This occult yet fundamentally exoteric theme, the Law of Cause and Effect, evokes a general recognition when called by this name. When called the Law of Karma, it is immediately regarded as mysterious, Oriental and new. Called (as it sometimes is) the Law of Retribution, an entirely erroneous connotation has become attached to it. Today, the karma of humanity is descending upon it. I would remind you, however, that the continuous emphasis laid upon the malevolent aspects of karma conveys a wrong impression and negates the full grasp of the truth. There is as much good karma as there is bad; even in the present world situation, the good karma emanating from the soul of humanity balances the evil which comes from the material aspect and is continuously over-emphasised. It is the rhythm of matter in contradistinction to the rhythm of the soul, and these constitute the initiating causes of the present conflict, both in individual lives and in the general world situation. When this is properly grasped, the true picture may emerge in your hearts and minds with greater clarity.”

“A steady endeavour to see the reality in every form. This literally involves a study of the law of cause and effect, or karma, the object of the karmic law being to bring the opposite pole of Spirit, matter, into strict conformity with the requirements of spirit so that matter and form can perfectly express the nature of spirit.”

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol II, Pages 538-539

DK goes on to tell us that the earth is not a sacred planet because Sanat Kumara himself is somewhat of a rebel from a cosmic point of view and has some effects that he must deal with before the planet can take the needed initiation.

Even high entities who have learned to use the law of karma in a positive sense cannot let their guard down, for one of the Kumaras that came to the earth with the Ancient of Days (called Lucifer by Christians) fell from his lofty station when he did not wield the law with wisdom.


I am amazed at this strange doctrine concerning the negation of Karma that has surfaced in the new age community over the past few years and am curious where it has come from. All the sages past have taught the principle of cause and effect. It is plainly taught in all the scriptures of the world and in modern inspired books by Blavatsky, Alice A Bailey and even A Course in Miracles.

Is there some new recent channeled work that I am unaware of that brings forth this great illusion? If anyone could cite some reference here it may help me understand where this teaching is coming from and why it is so easily believed. Or is it possible that many are just creating their own version of belief in Karma associated with a desire to escape effect?

There is great illusion being derived here from the comparison of karma to the statement of Newton’s Law. The potential correspondence is accurate, but the correspondence must be seen as it is.

Where is the illusion then? In Newton’s law, as well as cause and effect which is basically Newton’s law, like creates like. The Law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Note that it DOES NOT say that the opposite reaction is a different type of force than that created by the action but an “equal” one. The word “opposite” refers to the direction of the force, not the force itself.

Sending out force does not cause something other than force to return, and sending out love does not return hate. But the opposite involved is not the opposite of love or force, but the opposition involved is in direction. Love begets love, force begets force, hate begets hate.

A reader asks what is the opposite of Karma? Answer: Oblivion, lifelessness, voidness, nothingness, deadness, no creation, no love – the opposite of Becoming. If this appeals to you then go for it, but for the life of me, I cannot see the attractiveness of it in this reality.

Now some say that cause and effect are happening at the same time in a higher reality where there is no time. This may be true, but still it does not negate karma. I submit that the Eternal Now is not timelessness as many teach, but a consciousness that allows time selection. If there were true timelessness, as some believe, then nothingness would be the result and the higher worlds are far from being nothing.

Now some associate karma with guilt, but guilt is created by illusion, a trick of the mind caused by an outside entity or voice that takes the place of the true god within. Outside voices can be very deceptive, but again, even with this we have a cause and effect. An outside voice causes you to believe you are to trust in the voice of God out there and that you need to hang your head in shame when commands are not followed.

Let us take a Mormon and a non-religious person drinking coffee together. The good Mormon will feel very guilty about it, but the other guy will feel no guilt even though they are doing the same thing. The true basic effect on them, physically, is the same. However, one feels guilty because he erroneously believes he is displeasing god and the other feels no guilt. Because guilt is created by illusionary cause, it can instantly disappear as soon as the illusion is removed. In this way Christ removed our sins; he dispelled much illusion that removed us from the effects of karma that we never had in the first place.

Imagine that the Mormon authorities told the church that they could now drink coffee. Instantly, all guilt surrounding this act of coffee drinking would be erased, but the real effect from the hot liquid and caffeine would remain the same as before in the real world.

On the other hand, the effect of missing out on a lot of enjoyable coffee drinking is a residual effect through decision to accept illusionary cause.

Now some of you are saying that karma exists merely because we believe in it. The only way karma is altered by belief is when belief initiates a new cause and produces a new effect. It does not negate a past effect, but joins in with it.

Let us say a person throws a stone in a stagnant pool and it creates a rippling of waves. Now I have a second stone that I will label as a cause created by belief and I throw it in where the ripples are. Does this nullify the previous effects? No. The ripples are still there from the first stone.

Does the new stone create an overall new effect? Yes. Is there any way that you can use belief only to cause all the ripples to instantly disappear? No. If you desire a still pool what are you to do? Wait for the forces to play themselves out. There is no other way. As the forces are playing themselves out you might want to make the best of it and throw a leaf in the midst and watch it dance upon the forces until stillness arrives.

The time will indeed come when all karma will be played out and we will enter into a peaceful rest to contemplate the experience. But then we will plunge again into the rippling world of cause and effect and play the game one more time, but a little wiser than before.

If karma, cause and effect, is caused by mere belief then why does it exist on the surface of Mars where there is no intelligent life or belief? Why does karma exist in the animal kingdom, for animals have no beliefs? Some say that karma exists because we see ourselves as separate. Yet the animals see themselves as interconnected, and still experience the effects of karma.

DK basically saidAmong primitive man, for millions of years, the animals were the ones that dominated the human kingdom. Early man lived in constant fear of ferocious animals and there was a great struggle on the part of the human kingdom just to stay alive in their midst. Many there were who had friends and family killed and eaten by the beasts.

Now he says that this situation which lasted for eons created karma within the animal kingdom that is being played out today. The situation is reversed and humans are a threat to the animals rather than animals being a threat to humans. He says this karma is the true reason that we presently kill animals for food. When this karma has played out then there will be a balance achieved between the human and animal kingdoms and both shall live together with greater harmony.

DK also says there is karma in the very elements of the earth itself, an effect from the previous solar system. Our personal belief would have nothing to do with this residual effect from billions of years hence.

If we define karma as that which is perceived, then a change in perception can give the illusion of negating karma. For instance if Jim wants to give me an anonymous gift and gives it to Jane to give to me, I will erroneously perceive that the gift originated with her. The true fact is that the cause of the gift was Jim, no matter what my perceptions were. If my perception is changed and I see that the gift did not originate with Jane, but perceive it erroneously to be from Jack that does not negate the true cause. This true cause is still Jim no matter what my perceptions are.

True karma is actual cause and effect, not perceived cause and effect. We daily experience the effects of many causes of which we are consciously unaware and which have nothing to do with our individual belief system.

A while back I perceived myself typing the word “the,” but instead typed “tghe.” My perception did not create the reality, but my lack of focus and cause on the physical plane did. I believed at first I typed the word correctly, but belief did not alter reality.

In fact, the alteration of reality and the creation of misperception of cause and effect is a technique used in brainwashing. In the book 1984 we read of many alterations by Big Brother, but instead of creating a new pleasant reality, the result was hell on earth.

Some say there is no real karma here because this world is just a larger dream state, and when we awaken from the dream we will discover the karma never was. First let me state that this is a very long dream. Creation on the physical plane has been ongoing for trillions of years and since we have been and will be involved for such extensive periods then perhaps it is in our interest to make this a “happy dream” as A Course in Miracles calls it.

It is in the nature of all conscious beings to dream on a regular basis. One who is deprived of the dream state becomes insane. Dreaming in one form or another is something we will do on and off as long as there is existence.

Even a dream has a cause and then within the dream itself there are causes and effects. When I have a good dream with good causes and effects (karma) I often reflect upon it during the next day or so and feel that it adds to my quality of life. Thus even if it turns out that this life is like a dream we will still take the experience with us to a greater reality and this life will be a cause to ongoing effects in higher realms.

DK describes the coming liberation from physical life as follows:

“Respond, O Rising One, to the call which comes within the sphere of obligation; recognize the call emerging from the Ashram or from the Council Chamber where waits the Lord of Life Himself. The Sound goes forth. Both soul and form together must renounce the Principle of life and thus permit the Monad to stand free. The soul responds. The form then shatters the connection. Life is now liberated, owning the quality of conscious knowledge and the fruit of all experience. These are the gifts of soul and form combined.” Tenth Law of Healing

Note that in this liberation, form reality is not forgotten for he says we will then own “the quality of conscious knowledge and the fruit of all experience. These are the gifts of soul and form combined.”

“The quality of conscious knowledge and the fruit of all experience” is thus good karma (effect) that we take with us to the higher planes. Belief has nothing to do with it. Attachment has nothing to do with it and judgment has nothing to do with it. You will just take this “fruit” with you even though you will be free from attachments at that distant time.

Now those of us here are far from having the connection shattered with form so it is best to plow with the horses we do have rather than dreaming of riding the tractor we do not have. If we merely dream of riding the tractor we do not have, we will cease being a cause, but if we plow with the horses we have, cause will be generated and the effect will be a plowed field. Maybe it will not be plowed as quickly as we can dream of doing it on a tractor, but at least it will be plowed in real life and preparation is made to eat the real fruit of the vine.

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The Law of Correspondences


Sep 7, 2016

The Law of Correspondences

As far as laws go that pertain to the seeking of truth this is the most important of them all and is stressed by DK more than any other. It is interesting that neither HPB or Roerich used this term, however, they did use the phrase “the law of analogy,” which is similar, though not exactly the same. The word “correspondences” implies a stronger relationship requiring a stronger look at the truth presented.

In addition to emphasizing this law in his many writings he also presents it in the famous introduction to all his books as a way to test the truth of his words. He says:

“…if the information given raises the aspiration and the will-to-serve from the plane of the emotions to that of the mind (the plane whereon the Masters can be found) then they will have served their purpose. If the teaching conveyed calls forth a response from the illumined mind of the worker in the world, and brings a flashing forth of his intuition, then let that teaching be accepted. But not otherwise. If the statements meet with eventual corroboration, or are deemed true under the test of the Law of Correspondences, then that is well and good. But should this not be so, let not the student accept what is said.”

In this statement he gives three criteria for verifying the truth of his words, or that of any other teacher.

(1) They must raise the focus of service away from pure emotional good feeling and intention to the plane of the mind. In other words, their service must rise to a level where it will actually accomplish some real change for the better.

(2) An enlightened teaching should bring forth a “flashing forth” of the intuition. I like this wording and it registered with me the first time I read it. The modern phrase for describing this is, “the ah-ha moment.”

Yes, when a teacher is able to stimulate these inspired moments then we know that we are at least being led in the right general direction.

(3) The teaching must be “deemed true under the test of the Law of Correspondences.”

This final test is the one in which many teachings miss the mark. Either the teacher or student may do his best to focus on the plane of the mind and have his ah-ha moments, but still manage to throw some illusion into the mix so the teachings d o not quite cme out right. This is where the Law of Correspondences comes in. It will reveal flaws in thinking that nothing else will. A seeker may think he has had a great revelation from God or his Higher Self only to discover his interpretation of the truths involved were flawed when he tests it against the Law of Correspondences.

So, exactly what is the Law of Correspondences and how do we apply it?

It works by taking that which we can observe as a known quantity and correlating it to a higher or lower creation with the idea of that which is lower will have similarities with that which is higher.

This can also be used to examine cycles such as historical ones. For example, one cycle of history will correspond to another. Correspondences will rarely be exact, but will be close enough to give us clues in the search for truth.

Here is a tributary law in connection with this law.

“Any principle which is true or leads to truth will have enough correspondences to known truth that a resonation will occur with the inner self when such correspondences are contemplated.”

As one proceeds from the lower to the higher, or the higher to the lower, there will be similarities between the various levels. Of particular note are levels that correspond to a higher or lower octave. By projecting possible correspondences in connection with reason and intuition one can discern probable realities in the unseen areas either in the higher or lower levels. No two levels are exactly the same, but similarities will always give clues to higher knowledge.

This Law of Correspondences led early scientists who had observed planets circling around the Sun to conclude that there were such things as atoms which had planet-like electrons circling around a center nucleus of much higher density.

Now that we have much exact data on the atomic world we know that there are certain things the early scientist concluded that were correct, but that the correspondence was not exact. An atom has similarities to a solar system, but with subtle differences.

From this and other studies of the Law of Correspondences we learn that there are always many similarities between the higher and lower worlds, but there are differences also. The use of correspondence is useful because it can point us in the general direction of the truth. Then it is our job to use our minds and instinct to put together the pieces of the whole.

There are three basic kingdoms where we can relate the law. First is the Macrocosm which is the larger universe of star systems and galaxies we see around is. The second is the Microcosm which is the atomic and molecular world. The third and often overlooked kingdom is the regular sized world, which we see around us and all the life forms that exist on this planet. We can just call this the World.

By observing facts in the known three kingdoms and correlating them to the unknown we can discover hints of truth. Let’s try this concept on the universe itself.

The whole of the macrocosm is the universe itself. What in our world corresponds to the universe? The closest known correspondence is the individual human being. Some religions take this a step further and teach that the physical body of God is the universe itself. Most religions teach that God is omnipresent throughout the entire universe just as our life force is omnipresent in our body.

Another evidence of the correlation between humans and the universe is that we both began with a big bang. At the conception of a human being there is a tremendous explosion of growth similar to an atomic bomb. The embryo starts with one fertilized cell called a zygote. This cell is divided in two. Then there is a division into four, eight, sixteen etc. just as what happens with the splitting of the atom.

Scientists tell us that there was a similar type of geometric progression in the beginning of the big bang and this is often related to a great atomic explosion.

The human being existed as a single cell and grows to over twenty trillion (20,000,000,000,000) cells. The Big Bang began with a single point of matter and exploded into perhaps a similar number of galaxies. We haven’t finished counting them yet.

In the past many scientists thought that the universe would eventually by the force of gravity pull all the elements back into its center and then explode again. The Hubble telescope has given us great evidence that this will not happen. This agrees with our correspondence. When a human gets old and dies his cells do not collapse back into a single cell to then divide again.

What does happen? The human body expands for many years and then reaches a point of stabilization in growth for the better part of life. Then at death the force that holds the body together dissipates and the body disintegrates. After this point there are three trains of thought:

  1. That is the end of us as a human and life form.
  2. We are born again into some type of spiritual life with God in the next world.
  3. We are reincarnated into another physical body in this world and experience another big bang at a future conception.

Thus if we want to know the end (or new beginning) of the universe we must pick one of the above three possibilities as a correspondence.

Thus the future of the universe will be:

  • A long period of growth and expansion then a long period of stabilization followed by death, disintegration and an eternal void.
  • Same as #1 above, but after death and disintegration the universe is recreated in a spiritual dimension.
  • Same as #1 above, but the matter goes back into energy and is recreated as another big bang.

Astronomers tell us that the universe is still expanding, but may be nearing the end of this growth. If this is true then the universe corresponds in age to about a 16 to 18 year old child. If we follow the correspondence out then the universe has about sixty billion years to go before it disintegrates. This is a far cry from the ten billion years that many scientists have predicted, but I would be willing to bet that the life the universe has left will be much closer to sixty billion than ten.

If assumption #2 or #3 above is true, perhaps we’ll be around to find out.

Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey

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The Law of Synthesis


Sept 5, 2016

The Law of Synthesis

As usual, DK does not clearly state this law and define what it is in layman’s terms. It is interesting that he stresses the importance of this law yet neither HPB or Roerich specifically mentions it, though they do talk of the general idea of synthesis.

We’ve covered the Law of Economy, associated with the third ray and the first solar system, the Law of Attraction associated with the second ray and the second solar system. Now we move on to the Law of Synthesis, the foundation of all creation, associated with Ray One and the next solar system.

Before we get into DK’s comments on the law let us look at the principle of synthesis itself from a more common perspective.

To synthesize is to take diverse elements or parts and gather from them what is needed to create something that is new and useful.

All the tools and items we see about us that we find useful are the result of synthesis – your car, the house you live in, your computer, phone, television etc. They are all made of diverse materials that may not have much value by themselves, yet combined with other elements, often much different than themselves, they make a complete whole which is of much more value than the part by itself. What good is a nail if it is never used to create something of which it is just a part? Not much. But when used synthetically to build the nail becomes an essential ingredient of a greater whole.

There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who are synthesizers and those who are not. What is the difference? Here are a few.

(1) The ordinary person only uses the tools that are commonly available.

The synthesizer makes new tools by gathering and combining what he has available.

(2) The ordinary person only sees the obvious in people.

The synthesizer sees more and helps others merge together to create something useful.

(3) The ordinary person just puts in his time at work and does his job.

The synthesizer is always looking for ways to improve, not only his performance, but the whole company.

(4) The ordinary person merely believes what he has been taught through a chain of authority.

The synthesizer looks at all possible beliefs and gathers from them that which is useful and makes sense.

(5) The ordinary person when on a team will concentrate on his performance.

The synthesizer will go beyond this and focus on the performance benefit of the team as a whole.

(6) The ordinary person only acquires and applies knowledge as needed or required.

The synthesizer throws out a wide net, gathers in more knowledge than required and discovers wonderful ways to put it to use.

Obviously the true seeker needs to become a synthesizer, for without using this principle his usefulness will be limited.

One of the most obvious characteristics of a synthesizer is that he or she will not see or judge things with a black and white attitude. Instead of seeing black and white he will often see many shades of gray. This expanded vision though will not make him indecisive but will allow him to make wiser decisions and judgments than the non synthetic person.

He will value the words of Solomon who gave us these words of wisdom:

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

Eccl 3:1-8

This gives us a good perspective of synthesis as it applies to general humanity. Is this what DK had in mind when he talked about the Law of Synthesis?

Partially. The Law of Synthesis embraces this but goes deeper.

To understand what DK means by speaking of this law we have to conceive in our minds the beginning and end of all creation and evolution which is the world of pure spirit where all is synthesized into one unified whole. The great pralaya, the rest in pure spirit between creations is an example of the consummation of this law. Even though there is a great oneness he says that “pralaya is simply subjectivity, and is not that ‘which is not,’ but simply that which is esoteric.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 130

What the final synthesis is then is esoteric, or hidden from our present consciousness. Even though much is hidden we perceive enough from our Source to be attracted to it, and this is the basis of the Law of Attraction leading to the Law of Synthesis.

We have two poles, spirit and matter. Matter is really spiritual energy in a scattered condition that allows creation and form building to proceed. After the forms are built and used there is perceived by the intelligence in matter (includes you and me) that something (Spirit) is pulling on us to synthesis and unify in order to return to our Source, or home.

The fact that all lives in the universe will eventually sense and follow this pull back to Spirit is the Law of Synthesis. It is like the associated Law of Gravity. It is just there and when the pull becomes greater than the resistance the law decrees that the form must go in the direction of the pull.

The Law of Synthesis is more involved than the Law of gravity, which merely pulls objects toward a center. With Synthesis, the pull is toward cooperation and unity that creates greater life out of the blending of many lives.

When creation wraps up and we all go home we will find that we are much more than just a part of the whole, but identify with that whole in a synthetic way.

The Tenth Law of Healing Sums it up:

Both soul and form together must renounce the principle of life and thus permit the Monad to stand free. The soul responds. The form then shatters the connection. Life is now liberated, owning the quality of conscious knowledge and the fruit of all experience. These are the gifts of soul and form combined.

When we return we will own, “the quality of conscious knowledge and the fruit of all experience.” Thus when we return to the ultimate home we will have grown and enlarged in intelligence and will savor this until the next creation.

Below are some quotes from DK on the Law of Synthesis for further light.

the Law of Synthesis which is the new emphasis pouring through from Shamballa.

Destiny of the Nations, Page 97

Later, after the fourth initiation, the disciple comes increasingly under the Law of Synthesis, which is the major Law of the Spirit in the universe. His capacity then to include rapidly develops and his sense of awareness can (after the sixth Initiation of Decision) begin to range in an extra-planetary fashion. The meaning of all this may be only theoretical, as far as your understanding may be concerned; its significance must be carefully sought and this will not, by any means, prove an easy matter. Revelation will, however, come if you study what is said about these three major laws in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Page 423

This Being (Avatar of Synthesis) is closely related to the Will Aspect of divinity, and His cooperation has been made possible through Christ’s Own attainment along the line of the highest, spiritual will. He works under the great natural Law of Synthesis, producing at-one-ment, unification and fusion. His function (in unison with the energy of Christ) is to generate spiritual will in humanity, the will-to-good; His potency works in three fields of activity at this time:

The Reappearance of the Christ, Page 77

The Law of Synthesis….the law governing spirit, or the first aspect.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 11

This ray (First) is governed by the Law of Synthesis, and is the basis of the systemic movement which may be best described as that of driving forward through space, or forward progression. Little can be predicated anent this ray and its expression. It controls the movements of the entire ring-pass-not in connection with its cosmic centre.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 41

The working of the flame divine under the Law of Synthesis a generic term which will be seen eventually to include the other two laws as subdivisions.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 50

Law of Synthesis, the cosmic law governing the tendency to unification

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, page 147

the Law of Synthesis, which is the law of a coherent will-to-be, persisting not only in time and space, but within a still vaster cycle.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pages 149-150

Sight – The recognition of totality, the synthesis of all, the realisation of the One in Many, the first Logos. The Law of Synthesis, operating between all forms which the self occupies, and the recognition of the essential unity of all manifestation by the means of sight.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 196

It blends with the All-Self. This is under the Law of Synthesis.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 200

The first Aspect, or the will to exist, is governed by the Law of Synthesis, and the activities of the cosmic entities who are its embodiments are governed by the law of enforced unity, and of essential homogeneity. It is the law that eventually comes into play after spirit and matter are blending, and adapting themselves each to each; it governs the eventual synthesis of Self with Self, and finally with the All-Self, and also of essence with essence in contra-distinction to the synthesis of matter and Spirit. It demonstrates as:

  1. Abstraction,
  2. Spiritual liberation,
  3. Destruction of form through the withdrawal of Spirit (the Destroyer aspect)
  4. Absolute homogeneity and absolute essential unity,
  5. Progressive forward motion.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 215-216

The solar Logos is governed by the Law of Synthesis. He holds all in synthetic unity or homogeneity. His subjective life is governed by the Law of Attraction; His material form is governed by the Law of Economy.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 257

Three Cosmic Laws. The first of the cosmic laws is the Law of Synthesis. It is almost impossible for those of us who have not the buddhic faculty in any way developed, to comprehend the scope of this law. It is the law that demonstrates the fact that all things—abstract and concrete—exist as one; it is the law governing the thought form of that One of the cosmic Logoi in Whose consciousness both our system, and our greater centre, have a part. It is a unit of His thought, a thought form in its entirety, a concrete whole, and not the differentiated process that we feel our evolving system to be. It is the sumtotal, the centre and the periphery, and the circle of manifestation regarded as a unit.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 568

the Law of Synthesis governs pralaya and obscuration

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 577

The Nature of Pralaya. We can view pralaya as the work of “abstraction,” and as the method which brings the form under the Destroyer aspect of Spirit, working ever under the Law of Attraction, of which the Law of Synthesis is but a branch.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 734

The Law of Economy is the basic law of one pole, that of the negative aspect; the Law of Synthesis is the basic law of the positive pole, but the ***Law of Attraction is the law for the fire which is produced by the merging during evolution of the two poles. From the standpoint of the human being, it is that which brings about the realisation of self-consciousness; … the Law of Synthesis is the Law of the positive central life; whilst the Law of Attraction governs that which is produced by the relation of these two, and is itself controlled by a greater cosmic law which is the principle of the intelligence of substance. It is the law of Akasha.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 1166-1167

  1. The Law of Economy demonstrates as an urge,
  2. The Law of Attraction as a pull,
  3. The Law of Synthesis as a tendency to concentrate at a centre, or to merge.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 1182

  1. The Law of Synthesis, determining the future, certifying the goal, and concerned with the life or spirit aspect.

  1. The Law of Attraction, determining the present, and governing the immediate condition of the planetary types. It is concerned with the consciousness or the soul aspect.

  1. The Law of Economy. This law determines the past, conditions the planetary consciousness, and concerns itself with the form or matter aspect.

Esoteric Psychology Vol I, Page 376

The energy of Mind. The force of manas. The reflection of divine will and purpose. Motivation. The impulse to plan, under the Law of Synthesis.

Esoteric Psychology Vol II, Page 284

Integration eventually produces synthesis. The many cyclic integrations which are carried forward in the great life cycle of an incarnating soul lead to the final synthesis of spirit and soul, which is the goal of the evolutionary process where humanity is concerned. After the third initiation, this results in the complete liberation of the man from the “pull” of substance in the three worlds and in his consequent ability to wield, with full understanding, the Law of Attraction in its various phases, as far as the creative process is involved. Other phases will then be later mastered.

Esoteric Healing, Pages 434-435

Let the group understand the Law of Synthesis, of unity and fusion;… (This is the law which governs the thinking of those great Lives Who form the Council of Sanat Kumara in Shamballa.) … It has enabled him to gather around him his own group and thus begin to form his own ashram. The personnel of the world group which will reveal the hidden mystery will all of them be “radiant centres” to a greater or lesser degree. They will thus be invocative and evocative. This thought holds the clue to the Law of Synthesis, of unity and of fusion as given in Rule XIII for initiates.

From Rays and initiations

Of the Law of Synthesis, I can tell you but little. It is the law governing the activities of the Spiritual Triad, and the conditioning law of monadic living. It works neither through the use of the energy of love nor through the application of the principle of economy. The fulfillment of these laws is necessary and preparatory to an understanding of the Law of Synthesis, and under the Law of Synthesis the worlds of illusion and glamour are mastered and the control of maya is negated; under the Law of Attraction the nature of love is revealed, first of all through desire for form life, and then through attraction to the soul and a consequent resolution of the dualities of soul and personality. This brings about a unity which – in due time – serves to reveal a greater potential dualism – that of soul and spirit; this fundamental duality must also be resolved, leaving the essential, universal planetary duality, Spirit-matter, present in time and space.

The Law of Synthesis has reference to this relationship and to the factual nature of the tremendous assertion of H. P. Blavatsky that “Matter is spirit at its lowest point of manifestation and spirit is matter at its highest.” It is of this synthesis that the group must learn; it is this relation which they must begin to comprehend, and the distinction (for there is a distinction) between synthesis, unity and fusion must in due time be mastered.

Rays and initiations, Page 264

Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey (Excluding AAB Quotes)

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The Law of Attraction, Part 2


Sept 4, 2016

The Law of Attraction, Part 2

The Journey Home

When people today speak of the Law of Attraction they are often referencing a modern new age book such as The Secret by Rhonda Byrne or The Law of Attraction, a channeled book by Jerry and Esther Hicks.

These books contain little that is new though, Most of the principles and ideas were already presented by Napoleon Hill in his famous book, Think and Grow Rich, published in 1937.

This was a a terrific book and the fascinating part is that Mr. Hill claimed to have received communications from a group of Masters from Tibet.

And when we think of Masters from Tibet what name comes to mind to students of the Ancient Wisdom?

None other than Djwhal Khul, (DK) the Tibetan Master, who communicated numerous books through Alice A. Bailey.

It is interesting to consider that way back in 1925, 12 years before the publication of Think and Grow Rich, that Alice A. Bailey published A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, which contained numerous teachings on The Law of Attraction. And that was just the beginning. Through the decades numerous other Bailey books were published giving more secrets to The Law of Attraction, creation and manifesting the seen and the unseen.

The writings inspired by the Tibetan Master, DK, are difficult reading for many and never reached close to the sales numbers of popular self help books. The meat in them is reserved for true seekers who are willing to slowly wade through the writings and contemplate as they go.

Even though the sales of the Bailey books have only been a fraction of others dealing with The Law of Attraction their influence has been great. Many thinkers have read the Bailey books, as well as the works of H. P. Blavatsky, and have presented some of the ideas in easy to read format that obtained wide circulation.

So what then is The Law of Attraction according to D K? – seen by many as the most reliable source on the planet on this subject.

In a nutshell here is what he says it is. There is a force of attraction originating with spirit and an opposing force of repulsion originating with matter. The Law of Attraction comes into play when the attractive force of spirit becomes greater than the repelling force of matter.

The mastery of The Law of Attraction involves the pilgrim gradually changing focus from the material side of life to the spiritual over the course of many lifetimes.

The attractive power of Spirit filters down to the average person and first manifests through the sacral and solar plexus centers as sexual and desire energy. The building energies of spirit draw two people together to procreate and then attracts. for their child, the elements necessary to create a body for the desired child of the union.

As the entity progresses he desires to draw more creations to him. He wants a better house, car and money in the bank. As his desire for these things increases he draws to him the lower octave of spiritual energy and learns to manifest his desires.

Now these desires may not be seen as spiritual in nature, but nevertheless he is still taking a step in the direction of the pull of Spirit.

This phase in the life of the soul is the focus of many of the self-help books that are popular. They all give various tips on manifesting those things we desire to make us happy as individuals.

As the seeker progresses onward and satisfies his many desires from life to life he begins to feel a void and becomes unsatisfied. He wants more, but where is the more? He seems to have everything.

As this vacuum within him persists more attractive energy of Spirit begins to flow into him. He senses this wonderful peace and joyousness and feels called to pursue it. This is the beginning of a more endowed power of Spirit pulling the consciousness of the seeker away from his material desires to the source of the spiritual flow.

In other words, his attention begins to shift away from the forces of matter to the attractive power of Spirit.

Over a series of lifetimes this shift is made. At first the pull of spirit is very slight and he wonders if he is imagining sensations associated with it. As his attention increases the manifestations of it become much stronger and all doubt is removed. He eventually loses interest in the material world and only places the attention on it required for basic needs, as far as self is concerned. He now finds his real treasure is in “heaven” or the realm of Spirit.

As he progresses onward the the pull of Spirit eclipses the pull of the material side of life and he becomes one with his soul. This feels like he has found his true home. Then he discovers that this was just one great step and feels the call of a greater spiritual Source, his personal Father in Heaven, his Monad and later groups of monads.

The Law of Attraction takes him to a path with no end – “worlds without end” as written in the scriptures.

Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey

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The Law of Attraction, Part 1

Sept 3, 2016

The Law of Attraction, Part 1

As I started researching what is written about the Law of Attraction in the Bailey writings I found myself somewhat surprised at the amount of material on the subject. A small book related to this law could be extracted and compiled.

DK referred to this law so much because it is the most important law for us concerning our present state of evolution.

At this time I will give you what I see as the most important quotes on the subject and in the next post we will look at the principles behind the law and how it applies to us.

Law of Attraction Quotes

Intelligence, therefore, is the capacity to think or choose, to select, and to discriminate. It is, in reality, that abstract, inexplicable something which lies back of the great law of attraction and repulsion, one of the basic laws of manifestation. This fundamental faculty of intelligence characterises all atomic matter, and also governs the building up of forms, or the aggregation of atoms.

Consciousness of the Atom, Page 58

the law of attraction and repulsion, whereby matter and spirit are co-ordinated whereby the central life gains experience, expands its consciousness, and, through the use of that particular form attains self-knowledge and self-control. All is carried forward under this basic law.

Consciousness of the Atom, Page 62

just as does the Logos, only on a tiny scale; he controls his little system by the great law of attraction and repulsion, as does the Logos, and he energises it and synthesises his threefold nature into a coherent unit.

Consciousness of the Atom, Page 69

Then we studied the building of forms by means of the great law of attraction, which gathered the atoms together, causing them to cohere and vibrate in unison, and thus producing a form, or an aggregation of atoms.

Consciousness of the Atom, Page 97

In the great body of humanity there are certain areas which vibrate in unison and which attract to themselves souls of a certain quality and keynote; there is a magnetic interplay between countries (territories) and the nations which occupy them. This is not an arbitrary matter but due to magnetic interplay. It is also vibratory interplay, under the great Law of Attraction and Repulsion which has much to do with the intercourse and relationships between nations.

Destiny of Nations, Pages 71-72

They (the Masters) embody and express the love aspect of the divine purpose; They wield, direct and control the Law of Attraction – the motivating energy which swings the Law of Evolution into activity in the three worlds.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol II, Page 211

After the first initiation, he comes under the Law of Attraction which carries and wields the energy of love and though the Law of Economy is then abrogated it preserves an habitual control over the habitual process of the form vehicles which are now used under the Law of Attraction; this law works within the consciousness of man and also within the forms in the service of the Hierarchy. This Law of Attraction is a major soul law.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol II, Page 422

This Law of Love can be seen functioning in the universe as the Law of Attraction, with all that is involved in that term – coherency, integration, position, direction and the rhythmic running of our solar system; it can be seen also in the disposition of God towards humanity, as revealed to us through Christ. This unique function of Christ as the custodian and the revealer of a cosmic principle or energy lies behind all He did; it was the basis and the result of His achieved perfection; it was the incentive and impulsion to His life of service, and it is the principle upon which the kingdom of God is founded.

From Bethlehem to Calvary, Page 90

A gradual grasp of the law of vibration as an aspect of the basic law of building, the law of attraction, is brought about, and the initiate learns consciously to build, to manipulate thought matter for the perfecting of the plans of the Logos, to work in mental essence, and to apply the law on mental levels, and thereby affect the physical plane. Motion originates cosmically on cosmic levels, and in the microcosm the same will be seen. There is an occult hint here that, pondered on, will reveal much. At initiation, at the moment of the application of the Rod, the initiate consciously realises the meaning of the Law of Attraction in form building, and in the synthesis of the three fires. Upon his ability to retain that realisation, and himself to apply the law, will depend his power to progress.

Initiation, Human and Solar, Page 140

When we have attained liberation, then these Paths will stretch before us, and the one that we should tread will become apparent to us. All in this system works under the great law of attraction, and therefore, according to our vibration, according to our colour and tone, will depend, in all probability, our choice.

Initiation, Human and Solar, Pages 185-186

First, let us repeat the truism that the worlds are the effect of sound. First life, then matter; later the attraction of the matter to the life for purposes of its manifestation and expression, and the orderly arrangement of that matter into the necessary forms. Sound formed the allying factor, the propelling impulse, and the attractive medium. Sound, in an occult and deeply metaphysical sense, stands for that which we term “the relation between”, and is the creating intermediary, the linking third factor in the process of manifestation. It is the akasha. On the higher planes it is the agent of the great Entity Who wields the cosmic law of gravitation in its relation to our solar system, whilst on the lower planes it demonstrates as the astral light, the great agent of reflection, that fixes and perpetuates on its vibratory bosom the past, the present and the future, or that which we call Time. In direct relation to the lower vehicle it manifests as electricity, prana and the magnetic fluid. A simplification of the idea may come to you perhaps in the recognition of sound as the agent of the law of attraction and repulsion.

Letters on Occult Meditation, Pages 53-54

It is the law of attraction demonstrating through sound. Like to like and kind to kind, driven thereto by unity of sound, of colour and of rhythm.

Letters on Occult Meditation, Page 57

Again and again would I reiterate the apparently simple truth, that only similarity of vibration will draw a man to the higher group to which he may belong, to the Master Who represents to him the Lord of His Ray, to the World Teacher Who administers to him the mysteries, to the One Initiator Who effects the final liberation, and to the centre within the Heavenly Man in Whose Body he finds a place. It is the working out of the Law of Attraction and Repulsion on all the planes that gathers the life divine out of the mineral kingdom, out of the vegetable and animal kingdoms, that draws the latent Deity from out of the limitations of the human kingdom, and affiliates the man with his divine group. The same law effects his liberation from subtler forms that likewise bind, and blends him back into his animating source, the Lord of the Ray in Whose Body his Monad may be found.

Letters on Occult Meditation, Pages 268-269

Then, experience in meditation having been gained, and by an act of the will, the student can meditate on the subtle subjective nature of God as manifested under the great Law of Attraction, to which the Christian refers when he says “God is Love.” The nature of God, the great “love” or attractive force, is responsible for the “things subtle” which are veiled by the things external.

The Light of the Soul, Pages 98-99

Gravity . . . garima. This concerns weight and mass and deals with the law of gravity which is an aspect of the Law of Attraction.

The Light of the Soul, Page 346

There is next the Fire or Spark of Mind which is the correspondence in man to solar fire. This constitutes the thinking self-conscious unit or the soul. This fire of mind is governed by the Law of Attraction as is its greater correspondence. Later we can enlarge on this. It is this spark of mind in man, manifesting as spiral cyclic activity, which leads to expansion and to his eventual return to the centre of his system, the Monad the origin and goal for the reincarnating Jiva or human being. As in the macrocosm this fire also manifests in a twofold manner.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire – Page 46

the work of the Destroyer and of the Preserver is carried on under the Law of Attraction and Repulsion.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 79

The activity of the second Logos is carried on under the cosmic Law of Attraction. The Law of Economy has for one of its branches a subsidiary Law of marked development called the Law of Repulsion. The cosmic Laws of Attraction and Economy are therefore the raison d’tre (viewed from one angle) of the eternal repulsion that goes on as Spirit seeks ever to liberate itself from form. The matter aspect always follows the line of least resistance, and repulses all tendency to group formation, while Spirit, governed by the Law of Attraction, seeks ever to separate itself from matter by the method of attracting an ever more adequate type of matter in the process of distinguishing the real from the unreal, and passing from one illusion to another until the resources of matter are fully utilised.

Eventually the Indweller of the form feels the urge, or attractive pull, of its Own Self. The reincarnating jiva, for instance, lost in the maze of illusion, begins in course of time to recognise (under the Law of Attraction) the vibration of its own Ego, which stands to it as the Logos of its own system, its deity in the three worlds of experience. Later, when the body egoic itself is seen as illusion, the vibration of the Monad is felt, and the jiva, working under the same law, works its way back through the matter of the two planes of superhuman evolution, till it is merged in its own essence.

These three concepts are governed by the Law of Attraction, or the law governing the interplay or the action and reaction.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 144-145

Under the Law of Attraction, man touches and makes contact with that which is brought to his attention through sound waves of activity. This leads to a condition of mutual repulsion and attraction between the one who apprehends and that which is apprehended.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 198-199

There is an occult hint here that will reveal much if pondered upon. At initiation, at the moment of the application of the Rod, the initiate consciously realises the meaning of the Law of Attraction in form building, and in the synthesis of the three fires. Upon his ability to retain that realisation and himself to apply the law, will depend his power and progress.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 209

The second Aspect, the building, or Vishnu aspect, is governed by the Law of Attraction; the activities of the entities who embody this aspect are directed to the attracting of matter to Spirit, and the gradual approximation of the two poles. It results in cohesion, in the production of congeries of atoms in various formations, and this attraction is brought about by the attractive power of Spirit itself. It shows itself in:

  1. Association,
  2. Form building,
  3. Adaptation of form to vibration,
  4. Relative homogeneity of group unity,
  5. Cyclic spiralling movement.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 215

The Law of Attraction finds expression in the manipulation of matter and its welding into form for the use of Spirit.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 218

Expansion, vibratory stimulation, magnetic interaction, or the law of attraction and repulsion.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 235

The general law, which produces cyclic effect, is the Law of Attraction and Repulsion, of which the subsidiary law is the Law of Periodicity, and of Rebirth. Cyclic evolution is entirely the result of the activity of matter, and of the Will or Spirit. It is produced by the interaction of active matter and moulding Spirit. Every form holds hid a Life. Every life constantly reaches out after the similar life latent in other forms. When Spirit and matter sound the same note evolution will cease. When the note sounded by the form is stronger than that of Spirit, we have attraction between forms. When the note sounded by Spirit is stronger than that of matter and form, we have Spirit repelling form. Here we have the basis for the battlefield of life, and its myriads of intermediate stages, which might be expressed as follows:

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 275

Primarily, nevertheless, it may be posited that the Law of Attraction is the demonstration of the powers of Spirit, whilst the Law of Repulsion governs the form. Spirit attracts Spirit throughout the greater cycle. In lesser cycles, Spirit temporarily attracts matter. The tendency of Spirit is to merge and blend with Spirit. Form repulses form, and thus brings about separation.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 276

We might, therefore, consider time as that process of activity, or that progression in development, wherein the indwelling Consciousness is seeking its opposite, and coming under the Law of Attraction, which leads to atomic, human, planetary, spiritual, solar and cosmic marriage. This idea is comparatively simple in relation to a human being, and can be seen in daily demonstration in his contacts with other men; these contacts are governed, for instance, very largely by his likes and dislikes.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 280

The second law is the Law of Attraction and Repulsion. Fundamentally, the law describes the compelling force of attraction that holds our solar system to the Sirian; that holds our planets revolving around our central unit, the sun; that holds the lesser systems of atomic and molecular matter circulating around a centre in the planet; and that holds the matter of all physical plane bodies, and that of the subtle bodies co-ordinated around their microcosmic centre.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 568

All branches of the law of attraction, demonstrating in this system, show themselves as a force that ingathers, that tends to coherence, that results in adhesion, and leads to absorption. All these terms are needed to give a general idea of the basic quality of this law. …

In manifestation the cosmic Law of Attraction controls all these subsidiary laws, just as the Law of Synthesis governs pralaya and obscuration, and the law of Economy deals with the general working out, along the line of least resistance, of the logoic scheme. During manifestation we have most to do with the Law of Attraction, and it will be found, on study, that each subsidiary law is but a differentiation of that law.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 577

sex is only the physical plane demonstration of the Law of Attraction;

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 585

That energizing the devas of construction, or the form building groups; this comes from the second aspect of Brahma, and is prana, issuing from the physical Sun, and working under the Law of Attraction.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 637

The second correspondence concerns the latent “consciousness of desire,” and works under the Law of Attraction

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 721

We can view pralaya as the work of “abstraction,” and as the method which brings the form under the Destroyer aspect of Spirit, working ever under the Law of Attraction, of which the Law of Synthesis is but a branch

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 734

the Self in the beginning identifies Itself with sensation. Later, when the Self is beginning to identify Itself with Itself, and to recognise the nature of the Not-Self, the Law of Attraction and Repulsion becomes more active, and conscious will and purpose are displayed.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 766-767

By means of the pituitary body, the second element of desire or of the form-building energy, becomes available, and under the law of attraction he can mould, and build in deva substance.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 966

Law of Attraction governs the Soul aspect. The Law of Economy is the law of the negative electron; the Law of Synthesis is the Law of the positive central life; whilst the Law of Attraction governs that which is produced by the relation of these two, and is itself controlled by a greater cosmic law which is the principle of the intelligence of substance. It is the law of Akasha.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 1167

  1. a. The Law of Economy demonstrates as an urge,
  2. b. The Law of Attraction as a pull,
  3. c. The Law of Synthesis as a tendency to concentrate at a centre, or to merge.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 1182

The Law of Attraction produces certain effects which it might profit us to touch upon here, provided we remember that only a few effects out of many possible are being considered.

  1. Association.
  2. Form Building.
  3. Adaptation of the form to the life

(Quite a bit of material)

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 1185-1189

The Hierarchies are the users of the vehicles, and it is the nature of these lives and the quality of their vibration which under this great Law of Attraction brings to them the needed forms.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 1195

We must remember that the hierarchies work under the Law of Attraction; it is the law of the Builders.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 1197

The quality that emerges through the process of manifesting, and under the impulse of the divine Life, is love, which functions through the medium of the Law of Attraction, with the aim of producing an ultimate synthesis in consciousness.

Esoteric Psychology, Vol I, Page 193

However, (and this is the fact of supreme importance), all this activity, all this directed unfoldment, all this evolving purpose and livingness, all the events in all the kingdoms of nature, and all the phases of life-conditioning in the human family, plus the kaleidoscope of events, the emergence of characteristics and tendencies, the appearance of forms with their unique colouring, qualities and activities, the syntheses and fusions, the urges, instincts and aspirations, the manifested loves and hates (as expressions of the great law of attraction and repulsion), the producing of civilisations, of the sciences and arts in all their wonder and beauty,all this is but the expression of the will-to-be of certain Beings or Lives.

Esoteric Psychology, Vol II, Page 28

The Law of Attraction breaks up the forms and draws back to primal sources the material of those forms, prior to rebuilding them anew. On the path of evolution the effects of this law are well-known, not only in the destruction of discarded vehicles, but in the breaking up of the forms in which great ideals are embodied….All eventually break under the working of this law.

Esoteric Healing, Page 415

The Law of Attraction governs the process of dying, as it governs all else in manifestation. It is the principle of coherency which, under the balanced integration of the whole body, preserves it intact, stabilises its rhythm and cyclic life processes and relates its varied parts to each other. It is the major coordinating principle within all forms, for it is the primary expression (within the soul) of the first aspect of divinity, the will aspect. This statement may surprise you, accustomed as you are to regard the Law of Attraction as an expression of the second aspect, love-wisdom. This attractive principle is found in all forms, from the tiny form of the atom to that form, the planet Earth, through which our planetary Logos expresses Himself. But if it is the principle of coherency and the cause of integration, it is also the medium through which “restitution” is brought about and by which the human soul is periodically reabsorbed into the overshadowing soul. This aspect of the Law of Attraction has, as yet, received little attention. The reason is that it concerns the highest expression of that Law, and is therefore related to the will aspect of Deity, as also the will aspect of the Monad. Only as the Shamballic force proceeds with its more direct work in the coming cycle, and men begin to discriminate (as they must and will) between self-will and the spiritual will, between determination, intention, plan, purpose, and fixed polarisation, will clarification come. The Law of Attraction has (as all else in manifestation) [Page 434] three phases or aspects, each related to the three divine aspects:

  1. It relates life and form, spirit and matter – the third aspect.
  2. It governs the coherent integrative process which produces forms – the second aspect.
  3. It brings about the imbalance which results in the act of disintegration, thus overcoming form – as far as the human being is concerned – and brings this about in three phases to which we have given the names:

Esoteric Healing, Page 433-434

Under the Law of Attraction the nature of love is revealed, first of all through desire for form life, and then through attraction to the soul and a consequent resolution of the dualities of soul and personality. This brings about a unity whichin due timeserves to reveal a greater potential dualismthat of soul and spirit; this fundamental duality must also be resolved, leaving the essential, universal planetary duality, Spirit-matter, present in time and space.

Rays and Initiations, Page 264

This thought-form has four main characteristics:

  1. It is brought into being through the conscious use of the Law of Attraction.
  2. It is formed of an infinite number of living entities who are attracted by the mind of the divine Creator and thus enter into relation with each other.

Treatise on White Magic, Pages 454-455

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The Law of Economy, Part 2


Sept 2, 2016

The Law of Economy, Part 2

Using the Law

The Law of Economy is perhaps the most important and pervasive law in the worlds of form for without it evolution itself could not proceed. Whenever intelligence creates a better way that saves time, motion or energy then that same intelligence preserves this advance and uses it from that point on.

The invention and use of the wheel illustrates this law. When humans saw how the wheel could be used to save time and expenditure of energy they then used this improvement from that point on wherever it made sense to do so.

When it became obvious that the automobile was a faster and more efficient means of transportation than the horse and buggy the Law of Economy demanded that it be utilized.

When it became obvious that the computer was more efficient than the typewriter, the Law of Economy demanded that the typewriter be replaced, and, sure enough, the people, as a whole, using their judgment and intelligence, moved onward to something more efficient.

Similarly the Law of Economy was at play in the creation of the universe. In the beginning there was intelligence working with the creation of matter putting together every possible combination for a foundation atom. Finally, Divine Intelligence, after applying billions of processes and combinations, settled on the relative perfection of the hydrogen atom as the foundation of matter. We owe this marvel to the fact that the Law of Economy was followed. That which was not efficient and did not work was discarded and that which did work and was efficient was kept.

It is an interesting fact that as astronomers gaze upon the island universes called galaxies, some of them as far as 13 billion light years away, and most containing over 100 billion stars, that that the various logoi all use the exact same foundation atom in their creative process – hydrogen.

And why is this?

Because the Law of Economy demands it. If some solar or galactic logos were to start from scratch to create his system he would wind up settling on the hydrogen atom as a foundation – because that is where the Law of Economy leads.

The same principle applies in the case of two workers in two different locations attempting to settle on the shape for the most efficient wheel. We know they will rule out all shapes except for a very circular shape. The Law of Economy demands this as an end product and this is what materializes whether it be two creators or a thousand. They will all settle on the circular form.

Now keep in mind that the Law of Economy only works well if there is a guiding intelligence behind it. You are not going to have a wheel or a car – or DNA – materialize without a guiding hand putting the seal of approval on the various steps of creation.

We as ordinary mortals use the Law of Economy in our own lives – some more than others. Anyone who wants to excel at a skill must pay a lot of attention to it.

Take a champion such as Michael Phelps, who holds the all time record of 23 gold medals. Did he achieve greatly through just being a casual swimmer? Of course not. Instead, he studied the sport and calculated down to the finest detail every possibility that he could incorporate into his sport to create the most efficient use of force. In other words, he mastered the Law of Economy in swimming to become a champion.

Of course, not all of us are seeking to be Olympic champions, but all of us are faced with using the Law of Economy within our own lives. Some of us use it well and others not so much.

DK makes an interesting statement concerning it. He says that initiates have to master it before that can achieve liberation.

(See Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 220)

Well, that shouldn’t be that difficult, should it? After all, it is pretty easy to see that a wheel must be round and not square or that a computer is more efficient than a typewriter.

Yes, many more efficient steps are obvious to average humanity, but many are not. To become a master of an art, as did Phelps, required honing in efficiency in many details and nuances that most swimmers have never considered.

Even so, us seekers are attempting to become masters of life. This requires more than following the obvious signposts along the path. It requires contemplation, study and good judgment.

Consider this. Two people who have mastered the Law of Economy will be in very close agreement on any necessary step to be taken. They will both want the most efficient move and both will see what needs to be done.

The two largest areas of disagreement for humanity are politics and religion. Even here, two seekers who have mastered the Law of Economy will have a minimal amount of disagreement.

For instance, a hot button item in politics is the budget – including spending and borrowing money. A huge amount of national budget violates the Law of Economy. Two people who understand this law and agree to abide by it will seek to avoid waste and spend the money efficiently as well as maintain a balanced budget, just as they seek to do in their household.

There are probably no greater violators of the Law of Economy than those political leaders with whom we trust our money.

Finances are the greatest cause of friction within the marriage relationship. If the two understand and abide by the Law of Economy most of the problems would be eliminated.

All of us use this law daily – when we go for a drive, shop for groceries, plan our day, perform a job etc. There are many activities we do regularly where we seek to save time and be efficient. Few realize that this law must be carried forward to the point where great wisdom is required to receive maximum benefit.

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The Law of Economy, Part 1


Sept 1, 2016

The Law of Economy, Part 1

I have already written a book on principles explaining 100 different ones. LINK Now it is time to tackle something a little different. This time we will look at various universal laws and seek a further understanding of them. The core laws we will examine are those which have been mentioned by Djwhal Khul in the writings of Alice A. Bailey.

Before we proceed we need to ask ourselves what is the difference between a principle and a law. It is basically this.

A principle is that which reveals understanding of the intelligence of God working in the three worlds of form which causes creation in the universe to work toward a dominating good.

A law is a description of the working of a principle, or principles. By law I am referring to universal laws and not man-made rules.

If the law is accurately described then the perfection of God is made visible because such a description shows the consistency of the principle and allows us to predict the future actions of the mind of God in the universe.

To put it simple, a law is something we may observe. The principle requires understanding to properly register it.

Therefore, let us seek to not only observe universal laws but to understand them that we may not only see the various laws, but understand the principles behind them.

DK writes about three prime laws which are associated with the three aspects of power, love and intelligence, usually mentioned in reverse order, or the order toward which we are advancing.

In the previous solar system we were governed by and seeking to perfect Ray Three, or Intelligence in Matter. The law associated with this is the Law of Economy.

In this solar creation we are seeking to perfect Ray Two, Love/Wisdom. The law associated with this is the Law of Attraction

In a future solar system we will seek to perfect the demonstration of Ray One, Will-Power-Purpose. The law associated with this is Synthesis.

Each one of these laws has branch laws associated with them. In addition, DK gives us a number of laws that stand on their own with no association given, though all are linked together in some ultimate fashion.

We will thus examine the Law of Economy first.

The main problem we have in defining this term is that DK is not one to give clear-cut black and white definitions – at least not all in one place. Instead, he states that he prefers the occult method of circling around the subject in question and then in the end centering on the core of the meaning, or, better yet, to allow the student to come to his own conclusions.

This type of presentation is great for the sincere, but flexible student, as in the last analysis, he is able to acquire a greater angle of understanding of the subject and fill in the gaps with his intuition than if he just had a couple paragraphs in black and white explanation.

That said, before we comment on the Law of Economy, let us look a some of the clues that DK has given us on it. Here are a few quotes:

the law governing matter, the third aspect.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 6

This law is the basic law of nature and of the natural evolving man…

Discipleship in the New Age Vol II, Pages 422-423

…this Law of Economy might be considered as the controlling factor in the life of the third Logos … the Law of Economy, which is the Law of Adaptation in time and space, or the line of least resistance. This line of least resistance is that which is sought for and followed on the matter side of existence.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 142-143

It is the law governing the scattering of the atoms of matter and their dissociation from one another, wide distribution, vibratory rhythm, heterogeneity and quality and their inherent rotary action. This Law of Economy causes matter always to follow the line of least resistance, and is the basis of the separative action of atomic matter. It governs matter, the opposite pole of spirit.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 214-215

The subsidiary laws under the Law of Economy are four in number

  1. The Law of Vibration
  2. The Law of Adaptation
  3. The Law of Repulsion
  4. The Law of Friction

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 219

It might be added in closing, that this law (Economy) is one that initiates have to master before They can achieve liberation.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 220

A man is governed by the Law of Attraction, is evolved through the Law of Economy, and is coming under the Law of Synthesis.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 249

The lower three planes or subplanes act under the Law of Economy

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 330

The third law is the Law of Economy, and is the law which adjusts all that concerns the material and spiritual evolution of the cosmos to the best possible advantage and with the least expenditure of force. It makes perfect each atom of time, and each eternal period, and carries all onward, and upward, and through, with the least possible effort, with the proper adjustment of equilibrium, and with the necessary rate of rhythm.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 568

a waste of energy which is forbidden under the Law of Economy.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 1021

in the Hierarchy nothing is lost through failure to recognise the law of economy. Every expenditure of force on the part of a Master or Teacher is subjected to wise foresight and discrimination.

Initiation, Human and Solar, Pg 67

This instinct of Deity is closely connected with the Law of Economy and is an expression of the Principle of Materialisation. For man, it has to be studied, grasped, and wrought out through the right use of the mental body, working under the influence of Atma or Spirit.

Esoteric Psychology Vol II, Page 242

The man who aims at providing a point of contact, between conditions of chaos and Those Who work for constructive ends and order, should likewise use that most necessary factor of common-sense in all that he does. This involves always obedience to the law of economy of force, due to discrimination, and a true sense of values. Where these are present, time will be economised, strength will be husbanded, energy will be wisely distributed, excessive zeal will be eliminated, and the Great Ones will be able to depend upon an aspirant’s sagacity and thus find a helper.

A Treatise on White Magic, Page 323

In summary, here are some of the important ingredients of the Law of Economy.

  1. It governs matter and the third aspect.
  2. It is the basic law of nature and of the natural evolving human.
  3. It follows the line of least resistance
  4. Initiates have to master this law before they achieve liberation.
  5. It “adjusts all that concerns the material and spiritual evolution of the cosmos to the best possible advantage and with the least expenditure of force.”
  6. The law forbids the wasting of energy.
  7. Common sense and good judgment are key factors in the right use of this law.
  8. It has subsidiary laws

Stated more briefly we could say that this law causes the maximum amount of effect through the use of a minimal amount of force. One masters this law by learning to correctly discern the right amount of energy to use, and direct it in such a way that the maximum constructive effect is achieved.

We’ll discuss this further in the next post.

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Questions & Comments

July 31, 2016



Another question I had to ask you, was when you regress someone, do they tap into their permanent astral and physical atom or mental atom, when they give you information?   Or are they tapping into a higher entity or other people from the astral realm who are just feeding the hypnotized person with dream like visions?


They either tap to the Akasha or a thought form. If it is the Akasha it is usually through the astral body. The astral permanent atom may be involved, but not sure on this. If they tap into a thought form there may be significant illusion involved mixed with some true things. If they tap into the Akasha then it will be mostly true according to the degree of contact. I rarely give a judgment as to the validity of a regression to a group and let them make up their own minds.


If entities came here to help unblock humans and connect them up with their souls, then that would kind of defeat the need for all those Initiations and teachings on soul contact and how to obtain it……….?


If this was a black and white thing you would be correct, but it is far from black and white. People come here to assist others, not to do all the work for them. One entity may see into the makeup of another, see what needs done and encourage and assist, but the person still has to cooperate and do the nuts and bolts work.

Aug 9, 2016

The Dark Night


“After all, during the dark night of the soul, lower desire runs rampant.”


I don’t recall such a statement from you before, tying the “dark night of the soul” with this degree of lower desire that “runs rampant.”

That’s an interesting, added twist of difficultly to the whole ordeal. Care to elaborate?


The term “Dark Night of the Soul” is a loosely used term and can refer to two different time periods. One covers the time the entity first incarnates as a human being until he becomes soul infused and the second is from the time he begins to truly seek until he becomes soul infused. In this second period the night seems particularly dark because the person is aware of his isolation.

During both periods he is led by his desire nature in its positive and negative aspects. Then after the turning around he is led by guidance from his Higher Self.

Aug 29, 2016

Bogus Friends of Light

The quote today was:

“A work of light is never destroyed by its enemies, but by its friends.”

Ruth asks if this is always the case.

Even when a work of light appears to be destroyed by an enemy, the real core of its destruction can generally be traced to people on the inside who claim to be supporters. As a general rule, when you have twelve or more supporters of a plan and then stress occurs you are going to see a Judas or Benedict Arnold surface.

The real destruction of a work of light by its friends is often not so obvious. Once a work is set in motion that is beneficial for humanity and becomes established it will draw many people to it. Many of those who claim to be friends and supporters of the organization will desire to show their importance by making changes. They will claim these changes will improve things whereas the changes often destroy the work of light brick by brick, until after several generations it has changed almost beyond recognition.

Take the Christian church for example. It started out with a handful of followers who were so close to Spirit that miracles occurred regularly and the group shared tremendous brotherhood and spiritual flow.

Then after a few generations, those who claimed to be the true friends of Christ started weeding out the heretics (the good guys) and persecuting them and putting them to death.

Then take a look at the founding of the United States with its enlightened Constitution. Since the foundation we have often seen supposed supporters of the Constitution want to change or bypass it for our own good. They want to restrict and control free speech, the right to keep and bear arms, restrict the independence of the states, the right to have government as the servant rather than the master, etc.

The same problem occurred in the Mormon Church. I’ll just point out one item. A foundation teaching was that every person could be a prophet and receive revelations of truth. The mysteries were available to all. This was a great piece of enlightenment for that time. Now the friends of Mormonism will excommunicate anyone who even mentions that he has received any truth or revelation that is not standard doctrine, approved by the authorities.

We also see this principle at work with many beneficial businesses. A business may start with a great idea, with a motive to be of service to the people and treat employees well and then after a period of time the “friends” come on board ad start making changes that turn it into just another business only interested in the bottom line, or perhaps enrichment of a few at the top.

This problem will continue to occur until the Molecular Relationship is firmly established. The principles within it will weed out these bogus friends and neutralize their power to destroy.

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The Search for Vulcan


Aug 26, 2016

The Search for Vulcan

Another apparent DK contradiction to which I have given considerable thought is his numerous comments on the mysterious planet Vulcan.

Unlike the comment on Apollonius, which was made only once, and could be written off as an Alice A. Bailey error, comments on Vulcan was made numerous times and is an important part of his teachings. If Vulcan does not exist then this creates a great flaw in his writings.

So, does the physical planet Vulcan exist?

The possibility of a hidden planet within the orbit of Mercury was made famous by amateur French astronomer Edmond Modeste Lescarbault who claimed to observe it on March 26, 1859. This sighting was confirmed as valid by the greatest astronomer of the day, Urbain Le Verrier. He calculated that Mercury had a wobble in its orbit that could be accounted for by an inner planet. When he confirmed Lescarbault’s observation, because of his reputation, this was hailed by The New York Times as one of the great discoveries of the century.

Based on supposed observations Le Verrier calculated some details of Vulcan. It supposedly revolved about the Sun in a nearly circular orbit at a distance of 21 million kilometres (13 million miles). By contrast, Mercury, the closest planet to the sun, is 36 million miles from the sun. The period of revolution was 19 days and 17 hours compared to Mercury’s 88 days and the earth 365 days. Leverrier also estimated the diameter of Vulcan to be about two thousand kilometers (1243 miles), or only a little over half the diameter of our Moon.

The problem was that repeated observations could not positively confirm the existence of Vulcan to fellow astronomers. Even so, Le Verrier maintained his belief in Vulcan until he died in 1877. At his death interest in Vulcan subsided though many still believed that such a planet was necessary to account for Mercury’s unusual orbital wobble.

This changed though in 1919 when observations during a solar eclipse confirmed ingredients of Einstein’s theory of relativity and gravity that accounted for Mercury’s wobble. No longer was a missing planet needed to explain the anomaly.

A handful continued to believe in Vulcan until the current age of space probes and super telescopes. Now the space between Mercury and the Sun has been so thoroughly observed that the possibility of a physical planet being there is close to zero. The only possible physical objects that could be there would be asteroid sized of a couple miles in diameter, far too small to be considered a planet.

HPB seemed to pick up on the supposed existence of Vulcan and used the name for a mysterious hidden planet. Here are some quotes:

Not all of the Intra-Mercurial planets, nor yet those in the orbit of Neptune are yet discovered, though they are strongly suspected.

We know that such exist and where they exist; and that there are innumerable

planets “burnt out” they say, — in obscuration we say.

KH Mahatma Letters.

“It is the same in the Eastern Esoteric Philosophy, which, however, adds that the Sun is not a planet, but the central star of our system, and the Moon a dead planet, from which all the principles are gone, both being substitutes, the one for an invisible inter-Mercurial planet, and the other for a planet which seems to have now altogether disappeared from view.” SD3 459.

“The Sun The Giver of Life physically, Spiritually and Esoterically, the substitute for the inter-Mercurial Planet, a sacred and secret planet with the ancients.” SD3 454.

“Q. Can you tell us something of the planets for which the Sun and the Moon were substitutes?

There is no secret in it, though our modern astrologers are ignorant of these planets. One is an intra-mercurial planet, which is supposed to have been discovered, and named by anticipation Vulcan, and the other a planet with a retrograde motion, sometimes visible at a certain hour of night and apparently near the moon. The occult influence of this planet is transmitted by the moon.”

Notes from a meeting held at 17, Lansdowne Road, London, W., on January 31st, 1888

So what do the direct words of DK say about an intra-mercurial planet?

The reader may be surprised to learn that the answer is – nothing.

“But wait,” says a student. “As I recall Alice A. Bailey mentioned that Vulcan was an intra-mercurial planet.”

Yes, Bailey did mention it in her own words in footnotes seemingly to be using data from Blavatsky’s writings, but DK is never quoted directly as saying this. The earliest quote I can find about Vulcan being within the obit of Mercury is from the Mahatma letters concerning which DK tells us that few of them contain the words of a Master.

It seems quite possible then that HPB did receive information about a sacred planet known to the ancients but because speculation of Vulcan was in the news, she assumed incorrectly through her own initiative that this was it.

So… If Vulcan does not exist as a dense physical planet within the orbit of Mercury, where is it?

The most common proposal put forth by students is that Vulcan is not physical, but probably composed of the fourth ether or higher.

That would indeed seem to be the obvious possibility as both HPB and DK spoke of etheric planets beyond the vision of earth science.

Indeed Rudolf Steiner spoke of Vulcan as being in a highly spiritualized state. He said this in his book Cosmic Memory:

“‘No soul which, with its thinking is still tied to a physical body, should reflect about Vulcan and its life.’ That is, only the mystery students of the higher order, who may leave their physical body and can acquire supersensible knowledge outside of it, can learn something about Vulcan.”

Then DK says this about previous inhabitants of Vulcan:

They could only “come in” in the middle of the fifth round, and were a group of initiates who arrested their own evolution (technically speaking) in order to take up a special piece of work on the planet Vulcan; therefore, they must return to continue and complete that which has been left undone. Owing to the results of their experience on Vulcan, the physical vehicle necessitated is of such an order that they could not at this time, and in this round, incarnate without disaster.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pg 719

But, just as we seem to have the mystery solved we come across this tabulation in the writings of DK:

The Dense Physical Planets:

Earth   4th Chain  4th Globe

Jupiter 3rd Chain  4th Globe

Saturn  3rd Chain  4th Globe

Mars    4th Chain  4th Globe

Vulcan      3rd Chain  4th Globe

Venus  5th Chain  5th Globe

Mercury    4th Chain  5th Globe”

Esoteric Astrology, Pg 693

So here we have a tabulation of some planets in the dense physical and Vulcan is listed as one of them along with Earth, Mars and others that we know to be physical.

Now it is possible that Alice A. Bailey wrote the headline for the tabulation, but not likely in this case.

Let us assume that DK gave the heading for this tabulation and ask: Where then is Vulcan?

Here is another possibility. Vulcan may be another name for our physical sun. Here are some quotes:

Vulcan (the sun, exoterically considered)

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 369

Vulcan – the sun exoterically considered

Esoteric Astrology, Pg 652

The Sun (Veiling Vulcan)

Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 62

Planet: The Sun, substituting for the veiled planet Vulcan.

Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Pg 418 (Quoting from the Secret Doctrine)

Sun, veiling Vulcan.

Esoteric Astrology, Pg 50

The Sun (standing here for Vulcan, which is a sacred planet) governs a centre in the front of the throat

Esoteric Astrology, Pg 78

It indeed sounds like a possibility that Vulcan could just be another name for the Sun, which was considered to be one of the seven planets by the ancients.

This is a possibility but DK also talks about other veiled planets that are literal planets. For instance, he tells us that the moon veils Uranus, Neptune and Vulcan and the Sun also veils Neptune and several hidden planets.

We know that Uranus and Neptune are definitely planets in the dense physical so speaking of them as veiled does not mean they are invisible, the same or etheric.

Could there be another explanation?

There is one more interesting possibility. In the past we have heard all kinds of speculation from new agers about the mysterious planet X, or Nibiru, made popular by Zecharia Sitchin. This planet is supposed to pass by earth and cause a cataclysm every 3600 years.

Scientists have not taken the existence of this planet seriously and have found no evidence of its reality. Even so, they are open to the possibility that more sizable planets are out there and astronomers are continually scanning the skies for new planets.

This paid off with the discovery by famed astronomer Mike Brown and team in 2005 of what appeared to be a 10th planet, (now named Eris) for it was a little larger in mass than Pluto.

Instead of calling Eris a planet, Astronomers reclassified what a planet was and threw both Pluto and Eris out of the mix and decided to call objects of such size dwarf planets.

Brown and his team have now found quite a few objects beyond the orbit of Pluto and astronomers have named the region the Kuiper belt.

Now Brown believes he is on the verge of his greatest discovery. He has teamed up with fellow astronomer, Konstantin Batygin, and have been studying anomalies in the orbits of various planetoids and have calculated that the grouping of their orbits must be caused by a large planet, over ten times the size of earth. They are sure of its existence by a probability of 15,000 to one.

Their calculations indicate that this planet is way out there, It’s nearest approach is seven times further away than Neptune and its furthest approach is over three times that far.

This extreme distance will make this planet very difficult to find, but Brown is working on it.

Now the interesting thing is that other astronomers are not sneering at this idea but acknowledge that Brown and Batygin are most likely on to something. They can’t argue with what their math indicates.

Now consider this. If a planet does exist in the outer reaches of the solar system that is over ten times more massive than earth, would the Hierarchy be aware of it?

Most likely.

Would they have a name for it?

Most likely.

What could the name be? Let’s see, is there a planet identified by them that we have not yet found?

By golly, there is – none other than Vulcan.

In conclusion, my proposal is this. HPB received the fact that there was a sacred planet unknown to astronomers of her day. Because there was much speculation at that time that an intra-Mercurial planet existed, and given the name Vulcan, she mistakenly assumed that this was the missing planet. DK just used that name in his writings to identify the missing planet without specifying where it was.

If indeed another planet ten times the size of earth exists in our solar system it would be of significance to the Hierarchy and the only missing link in the dense physical noted by them is Vulcan.

Go HERE for the story of the search for the missing planet.

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Positive and Negative Nationalism


Aug 24, 2016

Positive and Negative Nationalism

In my last post we talked about the duality of negative and positive nationalism. A problem with this topic is that people as a whole are fairly black and white about it. They are either all in – “My country right or wrong,” or all out and look with a jaundice eye on any sign of patriotism.

I submit that both extremes are wrong and as usual the seeker must use some good judgment to find points of truth at the middle.

Let us examine the words and DK and our common sense on the subject and ascertain what ingredients of nationalism are on the positive and the negative sides.

The first question we want to ask is this. Which ingredients lead to harm, destruction or may frustrate the plans of the hierarchy? The second question is which ingredients are either harmless or on the constructive side?

DK gives us some good information as to the ingredients of negative nationalism. The prime example he cites is Nazi Germany. Indeed if there is any good that came out of Nazi Germany it is examples of what not to do.

Here were some ingredients of their nationalism that nations should avoid.

(1) Such a state of superiority that other nations must change to conform or be forced to submit to their rule.

(2) The idea that their people were superior physically and mentally to other nations.

(3) All inventions and advancements were for the glory of Germany with little or no thought in aiding the rest of the world.

(4) Within the country minority races and groups were discriminated against and treated as being inferior.

(5) They were aggressive and threatening toward other nations, especially the weak and defenseless.

(6) Extreme materialism

DK tells us that all nations on both sides of the war were guilty in some degree of nationalism that separates and if the negative aspects of this were not so prevalent among the democracies that they could have united their positive energies and prevented the war.

Unfortunately we had to learn the hard way.

He then tells us that a benefit from World War II was that many old forms were destroyed to be replaced by new and better ones.

Humanity has this made a step forward, but the nations still have a long way to go.

We do not want to repeat the nationalistic errors of the past, but neither do we want to go to the other extreme, so let us look at some ingredients of the positive or ideal nationalism, that is acceptable to DK.

Here is he quote again:

There is, needless to say, an ideal nationalism which is the reverse of all this; it exists as yet only in the minds of an enlightened few in every nation, but it is not yet an effective and constructive aspect of any nation anywhere; it remains still a dream, a hope and, let us believe, a fixed intention. This type of nationalism rightly fosters its individual civilization but as a national contribution to the general good of the comity of nations and not as a means of self-glorification; it defends its constitution, its lands and its people through the rectitude of its living expression, the beauty of its mode of life and the selflessness of its attitudes; it does not infringe, for any reason, the rights of other people or nations. It aims to improve and perfect its own mode of life so that all in the world may benefit. It is a living, vital, spiritual organism and not a selfish, material organization.

From: Problems of Humanity, Pages 88-89

Let us list the acceptable ingredients:

(1) “…fosters its individual civilization but as a national contribution to the general good of the comity of nations and not as a means of self-glorification”

(2) “it defends its constitution, its lands and its people through the rectitude of its living expression,”

(3) It aims to improve and perfect its own mode of life so that all in the world may benefit

Then in Externalization of the Hierarchy he adds:

(4) Blocs (of nations) in themselves can be good and proper if they follow lines of natural cleavages, of language differences and of cultural distinctions.

(5) He has repeatedly stressed the prime ingredient of allowing for the freedom of expression and of the human spirit.

There are certain ingredients here, that are often criticized as being wrongfully nationalistic that are approved of by DK so long as done constructively.

He mentions “individual civilization.” Some seekers think that nations will evolve to all be petty much the same, but such is not the case. Nations will all have their individual personalities and cultures for some time to come.

Some purists think that talk of a nation’s constitution, integrity of lands or is people are wrong, but DK approves of a nation defending “its constitution, its lands and its people,” with as much integrity as possible.

A citizen can love his nation’s Constitution, its people, its culture, what its flag represents, the integrity of its lands, the National Anthem, its history, its culture and not be placed in the category of negative nationalism. Such as person (myself included) wants to see all the good things of his own country made available to the whole world. Because he sees good in his country does not mean that he sees all differences in other countries as bad,

It is the separateness and superior attitude above all which some attach to country that causes the negative turn.

Using the Law of Correspondences we could compare a country to a person. Humans are governed by the lower personality until they achieve soul contact and submit to higher will. But when soul infusion is achieved the person still maintains a distinct personality, lives in a separate home protected by law from intruders, and in many ways his life is not that much different from his neighbor of average evolution.

Nations follow the same pattern. They start out in the lower personality mode and advance to the soul, but even in the soul they will still maintain their distinct personality and differences, but will be motivated to share, using good judgment, the benefits they have received with others having no intent to infringe on the free will of others.

Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey

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