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Human Relationships

Chapter Seven Human Relationships

The foundation of the family unit through the establishment of the marriage bond was the foreshadowing of The Molecular Relationship. The one-to-one monogamous relationship has been historically proven to be the most natural and stable one existing among men and women. In this union, the man is like a positive ionic atom who takes a negative ion and together produce a whole with greater properties than either alone have. You could say that a male and female in a good relationship create one human atom, or Adam. These greater properties appear, however, only when there is true union. When this union is consummated, the couple has the power to become as one entity, with much greater strength and power than the one sex ...Read More

About JJ Dewey

Joseph J. DeweyJJ has spent the majority of his childhood and adult life in Idaho (USA).  He presently resides with his wife in Boise, Idaho where he has run a business for many years. JJ is an author and lecturer and is best known for his books from the “Immortal” series. The first is The Immortal, Books 1 & 2 published in 1998. These were followed by The Lost Key of the Buddha (Book 3) and Eternal Words (Book 4). He has written numerous other books that he prints on demand for those who want to read more. These are: ... [Read More]

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