Understanding, Initiation and Numbers

Understanding, Initiation and Numbers

Understanding comes when the person perceives, asks all the pertinent questions about the thing perceived and then comes up with the most logical answers.

Understanding also has three levels and this is the first.

In seeking answers like this it is always good to look at various levels of being and find correspondences. So how would I describe the upper two levels of understanding?

As I said, the first level is accomplished through standard thinking and analyzing a subject until we see more than a spreadsheet of facts, but we see a bigger picture. We see how the facts fit together to create greater light on the subject.

To attain the next level of understanding one must access the Buddhic plane through the soul, or the source of true intuition. The seeker then understands through the comprehension of principles. In other words, he can see more than the first level deductive reasoning, but can see the bigger picture through seeing principles.

The third level of understanding takes the seeker to the level of spirit or up to the plane of atma, the realm where divine ideas originate. A divine idea may embrace many principles in its application and such a revelation beings an increase in understanding in the process of creation itself.

Question: “Are the three levels exclusive, or do the ‘higher’ levels incorporate/include/use the ‘lower’? In other words, will one still use the 1st even if one ‘uses’ the 3rd?”

JJ: There is a principle involved here. The higher always includes the lower, but the lower does not comprehend the higher. Higher levels of understanding thus use the lower when dealing with the physical plane.

What is An Initiate?

I do not know of any book anywhere that tells the true meaning of an initiate.

The answer is quite simple. An initiate is one who is able to initiate. There have been many societies in times past and present that claim to make initiates by having them learn data or to learn various levels. In truth this has nothing to do with initiation into the Brotherhood of Light. To draw the attention of the Brotherhood of Light you must initiate or begin things that will benefit others. There are also dark initiates who begin projects that will enslave others.

Edison was an initiate because he invented the light bulb and many other items. He was the first to manufacture it and it benefited the world.

Abraham Lincoln was an initiate of high degree because he initiated the freeing of the slaves.

The founding Fathers were initiates because they initiated a whole new and beneficial method of government.

A small businessman is an initiate in a lesser degree because he initiated his business.

Jesus, Buddha and Moses initiated major religions therefore, they are major initiates.

One of the purposes of the Keys is to stimulate the power of initiation in others by getting them to stimulate contact with their own souls.

Jesus said “by their fruits you shall know them.” Always look at the actions and teachings to determine good and evil of an individual or group.

Back to Numbers

There is an ancient maxim that says: “The mind is the slayer of the real.”

Now I am a big believer in the use of the mind myself and believe the world of the mind is higher than that of emotion, but when we stop at mind without guidance from the unseen soul then reality is slain.

Because what I teach does not fit within the guidelines of the scientific method as you have learned, some seek to disprove me with much more vigor than they seek to consider the truth in what I say. Many metaphysical principles cannot be proven scientifically. On the other hand, the sound ones cannot be disproved either, but they can be proven by soul contact.

A reader again expresses the view that different numbering systems in different cultures have no effect.

I say different numbering systems set up different vibrations, cycles and points of meditation for different civilizations and do produce different results. There is not enough data to prove or disprove my point so the soul is the only answer.

I say there is a reason for ten fingers and the appearance and reappearance of the number ten and multiples thereof, but it cannot be entirely explained by scientific knowledge.

The changes near the year 2000 are somewhat self-fulfilling but that does not explain it all. Many other cycles are involved.

Both light and sound are vibration. There is no disagreement about the seven notes and if the law of correspondences is correct then the seven notes would have seven corresponding major colors. There are millions of shades and mixtures of colors but the seven corresponding to the seven notes are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. If you can see auras you will note that the colors are much more distinct than they are in a rainbow and they are fairly distinct there.

You say the most common numbering system today is Base 2. Which civilization is using this?

The use of 1, 2, 3, 7 12, 24, and 49 in cyclic reappearance is quite different from (but not entirely) from mathematical cycles that you are using as comparison. You cannot make completely accurate predictions of human events by using any present mathematical formula or cycle.

“In America, through pressure of conformity, there is freedom of choice, but nothing to choose from.” — Peter Ustinov (1921 – 2004)

March 16, 2009

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Attention, Perception and Understanding

Attention, Perception and Understanding

Perception is a key word. You mention that you doubt that this is the word because animals have great perception. I would submit that perception is not the right word here in relation to the animal kingdom.

Their main lesson is to learn to pay attention. Notice that your dog is always paying attention. He has learned at least a half dozen signs as to when food may be available. Your opening the refrigerator door, for instance. 24 hours a day he is paying attention to the possibility of that sound — if he is a normal house dog. His receiving abilities are open at all times to that sound and also the sight of the door opening, but the normal dog (yours may be the exception) does not perceive how the door was open. He receives information on you pulling the handle and opening the door, but he does not fully perceive it. Your dog, however perceives the process of opening a door. Evidently you are preparing him to enter the human kingdom.

The animal kingdom receives light, but does not perceive it. The human kingdom receives light and eventually learns to perceive it.

The third principle is called “Communion.” The lower lives receive from the God within, but do not perceive God. It is the destiny of humans to receive and perceive. The key to communion is perception.

A hint lies in this scripture: “Be still and know that I AM God.” This could be worded “Be still and perceive that I AM God.”

There is a trinity of words here. Receive-Perceive-Understand. Animals receive, humans perceive — Gods understand.

The first three keys are really one key. If we have correct perception then we can make a correct judgment. With correct judgment then we can make a wise decision. When we consummate a wise decision we then have understanding and are a candidate for the kingdom of the Gods.

Now the question of the day is this. What are the obstacles to correct perception? Keep in mind that if our perception is wrong then our judgment will be bad and our decisions will lead us on wasteful paths.

A reader asks: “Help me see the difference between perceiving and understanding.”

First it is important to understand that there are three levels of perception.

The first we could call animal perception, which I did not even classify as such in the article I posted. Instead, I called it animal reception.

We could also call this computer perception. This is comparable to entering a piece of data in a computer program and then the program responds in a predetermined way.

Similarly, you offer a dog food, you know how he will respond.

The next two levels are perception. On level two the entity perceives, and consciously registers the thing perceived. The response then is not predetermined as if by a computer program, but is determined by consciousness. Because consciousness is not 100% predictable you never know exactly how the perceiver will respond.

On level three the entity perceives, consciously, registers the thing perceived and goes one more step. That additional step includes some understanding of the thing perceived as it fits into a bigger picture.

Example: There is a loud crash caused by a car accident.

The dog takes it in through his physical perception and is frightened and backs off.

The person on level two takes it in and consciously thinks about the damage and what he can do to help.

The person on level three responds as does the level two but analyses to increase understanding. He asks himself questions such as:

“What caused the accident?”

“How fast was the guy going?”

“What was the guy thinking just before it happened?”

Understanding comes when the person perceives, asks all the pertinent questions about the thing perceived and then comes up with the most logical answers.

Understanding also has three levels and this is the first.

The Solar Plexus

Only the solar plexus is governed by ray six or the number six and corresponds to the note of “F.”

Solar plexus or desire energy that is not governed by the higher energies distorts perception and turns everything upside down. Good seems evil and evil seems good. The animal receives but does not perceive and thus the bearer of 666 is called “The Beast” or an animal. The number 6 in relation to the Beast is control by reception with no perception. Emotion, but no mind. Obedience, but no free will. The three sixes stand for an astral control over the will of man in the three worlds — the physical, emotional and the mind. The Mark of the Beast on the forehead signifies control over thought. The right hand signifies labor. Thus, the Mark of the Beast on the right hand signifies control over a person’s work. The word Beast itself signifies control by emotion. He who has the Mark of the Beast is expected to think and believe according to what he is told by some authority (Mark on the forehead) and is expected to do his job in the workplace as he is told without asking questions and no perception. (the mark on the right hand).

The Beast is not just some Hitler, but a system of government that reaches and influences every man woman and child on the earth. But there is a way to escape:

“And I looked, and lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred and forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.” (Rev 14:1)

What does it mean to have the Father’s name written in your forehead and how is this accomplished?

“About the only thing that comes to us without effort is old age.” — Gloria Pitzer, in Reader’s Digest, 1979

March 12, 2009

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The topic of discrimination and bullying on the job came up. Here was my response.

I’m not sure what you mean by “bullying.” It appears though the only thing that would cause a financial loss and loss of health insurance is losing your job.

Yes, it’s tough losing a job but to give Big Brother power to tell an employer that he cannot clear out what he thinks is dead wood in his own business violates the principle of free will.

Suppose you have a circle of 10 friends who are demanding of your time. You do not have time for them all. Two of them do nothing but irritate you when you get together so you cut off the friendship. Now the two are upset and they cry discrimination. Suppose they had the power of Big Brother to demand you reinstate them as friends even though their friendship is a drain on you.

If the government did this to any of us we would complain, but a businessman has to make a similar decision. He may think, right or wrong, that Jones has to go because he is not productive. Jones can claim that the firing is unfair and sue him if he wants.

I worked on construction through the AFL-CIO, for about 4 years back in the 1960’s. In some jobs I worked as a general laborer but usually worked as a hod carrier for either masons or plasterers. Hod carrying is about the most physically demanding construction job you can do, but I enjoyed the challenge.

The job consisted of building scaffolding and supplying the masons with all the blocks or bricks they need as well as mixing and supplying the mortar. For plasterers the job was similar except we also mixed and supplied the plaster.

The average job lasted maybe 6 weeks and then you had to wait for the Union to call you for another job.

I had a heck of a time in the beginning because a lot of jobs I went on I was “let go” after only a day or two. I didn’t even get a chance to prove myself.

Finally, I figured out that I was being fired because the guy in charge saw I had an injured hand and either thought I couldn’t do the job or I may be a danger to myself or others moving heavy wheelbarrows of bricks, sometimes high up on planks on scaffolding.

On the other hand, I knew most bosses would be happy with me once I had a chance to perform. To increase my odds, I started wearing my work gloves over my bad hand at all times for the first two weeks of work. Then after I gained their confidence I would let them see I had an injured hand.

When I started doing this I found I wasn’t laid off the first few days but was kept on to the finish of the job. The boss was usually startled to learn I had a handicap and sometimes commented on how surprised he was that my handicap didn’t seem to interfere with my work.

Now this happened before they had discrimination laws, but I didn’t hold anything against those who fired me and wouldn’t have taken them to court if I could have. I could understand why I made them a little nervous and just had to figure out a way to work around it.

As far as bullying goes, I think it’s hard to find bigger bullies than some of the coarse bosses in construction. I had a number of bosses who shouted in my face and insulted me on a regular basis. One boss shouted at me so much he was hoarse most of the time. I needed the money so I tuned him out and just did my job.

After moving on from construction I worked for about a dozen companies in a row that went out of business. One of them had been in business for 150 years. I finally decided that someone was trying to tell me to work for myself and have been self-employed since 1971. I haven’t gotten rich, but at least no one was able to fire me.

What was a lot more disturbing effect of my handicap was its effect on girls when I was a teenager. Immediately after my accident the girls treated me differently. I had an extremely difficult time getting a date until I was 21. After this it was quite easy for two reasons. Females mature a lot when they reach 20 and I developed my personality to a more workable stage.

I can see that in extreme circumstances that an employee should have redress for certain harmful things, but do not support laws that interfere with an employer running his business as he sees fit, even if he makes mistakes.

Feel free to disagree — no wrath of God will be called down.

“When you hire people that are smarter than you are, you prove you are smarter than they are.” — R. H. Grant

March 9, 2009

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Understanding the Name of God


Understanding the Name of God

It is interesting how you can be reading along in A Course in Miracles, thinking you are getting the point when all of a sudden it hits you with something that seems in total opposition to what has been previously said. For instance, as noted in my last article on the name of God, which is a name mentioned many times as something we are supposed to seek and use, but then it gives us this:

“God has no name.” W-pI.184.12

I’ve seen this quoted in isolation numerous times and it seems perplexing in that we are told numerous times to use and seek the name. What’s going on here?

Perhaps quoting the text in context will help us understand:

“God has no name. And yet His Name becomes the final lesson that all things are one, and at this lesson does all learning end. All names are unified; all space is filled with truth’s reflection. Every gap is closed, and separation healed. The Name of God is the inheritance He gave to those who chose the teaching of the world to take the place of Heaven…. No one can fail who seeks the meaning of the Name of God. Experience must come to supplement the Word. But first you must accept the Name for all reality” W-pI.184.12-13

This seems contradictory. It seems to say God has no name but he has a name that we “must accept.”

This text from the above quote sheds some light:

“The Name of God is the inheritance He gave to those who chose the teaching of the world to take the place of Heaven.”

In other words, the name of God only has meaning to those who are in the separated condition. In heaven, or the unified condition, God has no name for there are no names or words exchanged there. All communication is total without the need of any words or separate names. Names here are used to identify separate beings, but when we are again united with our true selves there will be no separation and no names, as we understand them, will be needed.

BUT… In this separated condition the name of God is our “inheritance” and “His Name becomes the final lesson that all things are one.”

Think of it. If all things are one, if we all share the one mind of God there will be no need for names, for all communication is instant. We only need them here because we see each other as separate individuals. Jill is different from Jane who is different from Jack so we have different names for each of them. But in our true home where “all things are one.” There will be no need for names as we understand them here.

But because we live in a separated world where all beings are different from each other we need names.

So… if God has no name in heaven why do we need to discover and use His name here?

The answer is quite simple. We live in this world in the condition of separation and in this condition, we see God as being not only separated, but different than ourselves.

To end the separation, we must identify the name which seems to make God different from ourselves. Then we are to understand the name and realize that “God’s Name is holy, but no holier than yours. To call upon His Name is but to call upon your own.” W-pI.183.1

We have the same name as God, but in our separated condition this does not seem to be the case. Realizing “His Name becomes the final lesson” because at that point we realize our true identity and when this is realized we awaken to true reality where names are no longer needed. “Repeat the Name of God, and little names have lost their meaning.” W-pI.183.4

In the meantime, we must discover the name for God, which also reveals our true identity and will awaken us from the dream. “Your Father’s Name reminds you who you are, even within a world that does not know.” W-pI.183.1

The name for God most clearly presented in the Course is love: “Father, Your Name is Love and so is mine.” W-pII.282.2

Since names are associated with separation then why are we told God’s name is Love?

The answer is quite simple. It is because in our separated condition we see the love of God as being different, or much higher or different quality than our own. When we realize that our name is also love the need for a name has been fulfilled. “So has his name become the Name of God, for he no longer sees himself as separate from Him.” M-23.2

A crucial point in understanding the name of God being associated with love is this. In our separated condition most people fear God in some way. Regular Christians fear He may send them to hell, others feel unworthy of him and still others fear He may be angry with them and destroy their very souls.

Knowing and understanding the name of God as being love puts an end to all those fears because truly loving parents would never hurt their children and when the parent is seen as truly loving, the child will have no fear.

Thus, the name of God associated with love eliminates fear.

The Course associates other names with God but they are all manifestations of love. For instance

“Healing is but another name for God.” LESSON 356

Is not the assisting in the of healing another or yourself an act of love? The ending of the separation is the ultimate healing.

Here’s another one: “The Name of God’s Son is One.” T-8.IX.7

Since we are told that the Son has the same name as the Father then we can assume here that “One” is one of God’s names.

How is one, or oneness, associated with love? The text explains as it continues: “and you are enjoined to do the works of love because we share this Oneness.” T-8.IX.7

Finally, we have Jesus, the Son, or “elder brother” T-1.II.4 who came to teach the meaning of love. Of this name the Course says:

“The name of Jesus Christ as such is but a symbol. But it stands for love that is not of this world.” M-23.4

The name of Jesus Christ stands for love even more literally than generally assumed.

If we examine the original Greek and Hebrew, we see that full name of Jesus Christ literally means “anointed to deliver.” The deliverance is not some nebulous salvation but an act of love that delivers others from the separation Aiding in the deliverance of our brethren and sisters causes us to become as Jesus and to take upon ourselves His name and become as Jesus Christ, or to take upon ourselves the name of love itself.

In addition to discussing the name of God the Course does mention a number of attributes associated with Him such as Holiness,

Kindness, Helpfulness and Perfection. W-pI.67.2

It is good to meditate on all the words associated with God because merely declaring that God or yourself is love does little. Many who use the word Love the most have less understanding of it than those who rarely use it. Inwardly we know what love is and the only way to understand it is to feel its sharing from another Son or perhaps God.

We recognize love when we experience it and when experienced we realize that just saying the words does little to communicate its true reality.

Let us then remember that to call upon the name of God in this world is to send and receive love in its truest form to our brothers and sisters.

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Understanding Cycles

Understanding Cycles

I received a comment from a reader who seems to believe that there are no laws that govern cycles. It is hard to think that one would disbelieve this since every cycle that has exoteric facts behind it can be explained and predicted.

We have heard the phrase “history repeats itself.” There is a lot of truth in this statement, but no one has figured out the exact cycles of history. This does not mean that history does not have cycles, however — a point to which I think we will agree.

An important point to understand is that no two cycles are alike, even though there are correspondences. A conservative or liberal cycle may be quite different from the last one, yet there will be similarities that will allow for some correct predictions.

Let us examine the number ten again. He says in one breath that our number system is based on this because we have ten fingers, then goes on to say that the Incas based theirs on the number 60. Did the Incas have 60 fingers?

For that matter why do we have ten fingers? Why do the more evolved animals have ten fingers or claws and the lesser evolved have other numbers of tentacles.

Man is given ten fingers because the Powers-That-Be planned on him creating a numbering system based on ten because the number ten is a governing number for the cycles of humanity in this and other systems.

The cyclic system works two ways. There are cyclic numbers that mankind can tune into and use. Then when he uses them, the cycles developed by the numbers receives added power of repetition because of the thought form created around the number.

For instance, people all around the world expect great change at the end of a century, a generation or a millennium because they recognize these are the end of cycles. The power of this group thought actually sets up a vibration to create change. Look around you and see how much change has occurred in the past fifty years.

Mankind was given a hint of the usefulness of the number ten when he was given ten fingers. Fortunately, we took the hint and have used the number. If we are wise, we can take a further hint and use the number to our advantage to predict cycles.

If the Incas used a base number of 60 then this number would somewhat affect their cycles of history. Such a number is an anomaly in history indicating that such a choice of that number was against the grain of cycles for this planet.

He says that we acquired the use of the number 12 because of lunar cycles. This does not fully explain it because twelve lunar cycles equal 354 days, 11 days short of a year.

Seven was a natural number for mankind to use as divisions of the days of the week because it is a universal dividing number as evidenced by the seven notes in the musical scale and as light in a rainbow is divided into seven colors.

Mankind has borrowed some of our major cyclic numbers from nature, but the psyche of the race instinctively knew the correct places to use them.

In cases where the correct numbers were not used (by some cultures) such a use has not endured the test of time.

Every number has a place in the law of cycles, but there are certain governing or major numbers.

1, 2, 3, 7, 12, 24, 49 are key numbers for governing cycles in the world of form. 10 and multiples thereof are important governors of time. By studying the numbers of form and time as well as using the law of correspondences you can become a prophet more accurate than the general psychic.

Let us take a number not in this group, for instance the number 9. Nine should be interpreted from the aspect of three threes rather than nine ones. 27 would be looked upon as 3 X (3 X 3). Since three is the foundation number for all life forms then the number twenty-seven has particular significance when examining life purpose. It is not by accident that this corresponds closely with the Saturn cycle as talked about at length by astrologers.

“The reason there are two senators for each state is so that one can be the designated driver.” — Jay Leno

March 7, 2009

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Cycles and Hope

Cycles and Hope

I was asked why I made a correlation using the number 1000. Why not another number?

The answer is quite simple. There are cycles in all things and the subconscious of humanity tunes into the universal truth enough that it has picked up on certain cyclic numbers and incorporated them into our own cycles.

Seven is the number of days (periods) of creation (and re-creation) and is an important number in the study of cycles and correspondences. Humanity realizes this and has made the calendar to have seven days in the week which repeat over and over. It is instinctive in this cycle for humans to give themselves a day of rest whether they are religious or not.

Another cyclic number is 12. Humanity uses this number over and over and has incorporated it into its cycles by giving us 12 months in a year. This tradition dates back past 4000 BC in Egypt.

A third and important cyclic number is 10 and multiples thereof. Humanity could have built our numbering system around any number, but we chose 10 because the soul of the race realizes that this is an important number when dealing with cycles.

The number 10 and multiples thereof are useful in the study of cycles when dealing with years of time.

10 is useful in the cycle of the individual. You should assess your life every ten years. Look for correspondences to happen now that occurred ten years ago and try and sense the lessons your soul is sending you. Look over the message of your experience over the past ten years and look for a higher correspondence in the next ten years. If you do this in connection with the soul you can be a prophet for your own life. The end of each ten years and the beginning of the new is the beginning of a new cycle for you.

100 years is an important cycle to study for the progression of the souls of the earth. This cycle gives us an idea of how much progress has been made by the average incarnated soul. For instance, this last 100 years tells us that the humans souls are making a giant step forward at this time in their evolution and that many have learned important individual lesson as well as group lessons.

1000 years is called in the Bible a day with God. It helps us to understand the cyclic nature of the 1000 if we look upon it as a day in the life of the human race. We do not have the history of mankind far enough back to study this correctly, but if we study what we have we will discover certain correspondences in the various centuries. For instance, we would find correspondences to our current time in the end of the first millennium AD and also just before the birth of Christ. The correspondence to the period before the birth of Christ would be stronger because 2000 years is close to an astrological day.

We are currently approaching the beginning of the seventh thousand years since the last Adam. Humanity realizes this and all religions express it in their dream and expectation of a period of rest and peace on the earth.

Such a day is coming, but its full implementation may be later than many are hoping for.

A reader says I imply facts that cannot be proven. Not so my friend. You can find the truth of any statement that I or anyone else makes by establishing soul contact and then running the principle involved by your soul. If the principle in the teaching is true, a chord within yourself will vibrate in harmony to it and you will sense a flashing of light within your mind. If it is not true there will be no light and no soul confirmation. This principle only works when you go beyond the personality and listen to your higher self.

If I receive soul confirmation on a teaching and tell you that the teaching is just my opinion then I would not be honest and honesty is imperative to maintain soul contact. On the other hand, you are welcome to look upon any positive or absolute statement I make as opinion. We must both look upon them as we see them from the highest part of ourselves.


I gave this quote a while back that created some interesting comments:

“When hope is loose in the streets, wise men bolt their doors and shutter their windows.” — Eric Hoffer

Most thought of hope as something positive and couldn’t relate to this negative presentation.

JJ: Indeed, I have written about hope as a positive aspect in the past. The ancient truism reads: “Hope springs eternal.” This is indeed a true statement and it is a good thing that it is true because sometimes, as human beings, that is all we have had to keep us going. No matter how much the weight and trials of the world bear down on us, as long as we continue, hope returns and we have a sense of daylight at the end of the path.

That said, we must also take into consideration that we live in a world of duality and all qualities have their positive and negative aspect.

Now hope is such a positive quality in most minds that it is difficult to see any negative side of it, but it is there nonetheless.

Hope is positive when you are hoping for an end result that will play a part in moving spiritual evolution forward and result in more love, light and abundance on the earth.

On the other hand, hope is negative when its attention is placed on something that is harmful to progression or is full of illusion

For instance, Hitler and his group hoped Nazism would succeed.

Many there are who hope their belief system will triumph when it would spell disaster if it did.

Many hope the object of their desire will become their mate when there is no compatibility and a marriage would be a disaster.

When I read Hoffer’s quote of hope being “loose in the streets” an image of something like the Bolshevik Revolution or Castro’s band of hopeful freedom fighters came to my mind. These were rebels filled with illusionary hopes that caused retrogression and human suffering.

Another misuse of hope is to place too much on a fallible individual because of charisma or strong authority. The scriptures say, “cursed is he who trusts in the arm of flesh.” One could follow this by saying “cursed is he whose hope rests in the arm of flesh.” One should look to internal verification from the soul and heart to generate positive hope — not to a man.

Hope that true principles will prevail and the Spirit will bring forth the people necessary for the hope to become a reality is a good thing. Place your hope in a man to bring forth true principles and disappointment will generally follow.

“Fools rush in where fools have been before.” – Unknown

March 6, 2009

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Coming Changes

Coming Changes

Written 1994

Several have asked my opinion on the common thread of the coming earth changes and avatars. So, I have decided to make several comments here that may be helpful.

Ever since the apostles asked Jesus about the end of the world there have been people and groups that thought the end was just around the corner. Even Paul talked about “we who are alive when the Lord comes…” as if he would see the end of times in his lifetime.

Nevertheless, we are approaching the beginning of what has been called the seventh millennium. Since many view the number seven to be one of completion they have supposed that the year 2000 will herald a great change or the end of the world.

Many base such a belief in the Bible which says that God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. Since the year 2000 is the beginning of the seventh thousand year therefore that marks the end of time and the beginning of the great millennium.

What is the truth here? Most enlightened people are aware that the earth is much older than 7,000 years. Man has been here much longer than 7,000 years. The truth behind Adam is that there have been many Adams. The first connected to us  obtained self-consciousness over eighteen million years ago. The latest appeared as represented by the Bible story somewhere around 7,000 years ago as traditionally believed. Adam is not the name of a man, but the name of a male-female unit. Each Adam is a stimulant to the evolution of mankind and their posterity are the true Israelites whose destiny it is to bring the knowledge of God to the world.

If you read the Hebrew carefully you will see that the first verses in the Bible read: “In the beginning strong bonding of male-female energies (the Gods) creates the heavens and the earth. And the earth was a desolate wasteland…”

The earth was a desolate wasteland for some period after the destruction of Atlantis and this is what Moses was referring to here. Somewhere around 7,000 years ago the last Adam was put here to help rebuild the earth. The six days of creation are really six days of rebuilding the earth, but are written to correspond to all creative periods that have taken place on this and other earths.

Most religionists believe that God created the world in six days or periods and rested on the seventh. This is not what the Bible says. It tells us that God continued working on into the seventh day “And on the seventh day God ended his work.” (Gen 2:2) After ending his work at the beginning part of the seventh day — then he rested.

Thus, if we use the correlation made by many religions that the end of times will come at the beginning of the seventh thousand years because God rested then, we will have to revise this because if the correlation is correct then the end of times would not come until some time into the seventh millennium because God continued working for a period on into the seventh day.

Even so many people are expecting events to occur before the year two thousand because they have misread the scriptures and have produced an illusionary correspondence.

From now until around 2010 many false messiahs and prophets will surface. There will be quite a few right around the year 2000. For some period after they will continue to surface claiming that the calendar is a few years off and the real year 2000 is 2001, 2002, 2003 and so on. Around the year 2010 people will become cynical and even the most religious will begin to question as to whether any real messiah or avatar of the new age will come.

Actually, the entity who was and is the Christ has never left us. He has spoken to the world numerous times through his servants. I will name just one. When Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of England and gave his speech to a discouraged country that was the single obstacle between Hitler and world conquest. The Christ came into him and inspired him to speak these words:

“Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight in the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the Old.”

These great words rallied a nation from despair to sublime confidence until the inspiration was fulfilled.

Christ has and will continue to work through individuals and groups for the betterment of mankind, but the time of a great millennium or a New Age of peace is on the horizon and the entity we know as the Christ is committed to take a more direct role in directing mankind.

“He who will not reason is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave.” — Sir William Drummond

First posted on AOL in Aug 1994, Reposted March 1, 2009

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Questions on Evil and Equality

Questions on Evil and Equality

Question from Reader: “Are you teaching some New Age principle of tolerance where people who do evil just think they are decent guys so we shouldn’t “call a spade a spade” even when we see it?”

JJ: To call the thousands of points of one’s character as all evil is not calling a spade a spade, but is a mistake. Even Hitler did some good things. He started the Autobahn, the Volkswagen, got manufacturing going again, etc. No matter how bad the guy is it is always more accurate and productive to specifically point out what it is that is evil.

After all, what is evil, but a mistake, and we all make mistakes, but none of us are always mistaken, neither are all of us always correct.

I have never taught that we should tolerate or embrace mistakes. You cannot find any example of this in my millions of words posted.

Reader: Previously you have taught: “Good is that which takes us forward on the path of Spiritual evolution toward greater freedom, livingness, intelligence, light and love. Evil is that which takes us back into the past to lesser freedom, lesser livingness, lesser intelligence, light and love.”

I agree with the above principle. If we identify a person as being evil we are in fact identifying their principle direction. We are saying that they want to go back to a “past of lesser freedom.”

JJ: I think we agree on this but you are seeing disagreement. I would have no problem in identifying a person as pulling us more in an evil direction than a good one, but even so, no one is 100% evil in his thoughts or actions. Even a dark brother will generally treat his dogs and kids well and want to get the trains to run on time.

Reader: So, if Hitler just popped up in reincarnation and you recognized him, and recognized he hadn’t changed much from his previous life, and if he was looking to succeed again in seizing power, you wouldn’t label his as evil, because you don’t like people labeling you as evil?

JJ: No. I wouldn’t label him as evil but would look at his words and works and fight against the error in them. Just calling him evil would communicate little light to anyone and make the accuser look like Jimmy Sawggart.

It is more effective to pinpoint where the error (evil) is and attack that.

Reader: “What if Winston Churchill had been afraid to label Hitler as a madman early on?”

JJ: Churchill pointed out where Hitler was in error and how he was dangerous. That is just what I would have done in that situation.

How did Churchill fight the mistaken person? First he attacked his regressive philosophy. Then when appropriate he used physical force.

I do not see any disagreement if we define our terms properly. If one concentrates on semantics then one can argue all day long when there is no disagreement.

As far as calling people evil, consider three people who fought evil and created positive change:

[1] George Washington: I do not believe he ever called King George evil but the British did condemn him and his band of rebels as such.

[2] Abraham Lincoln: Many, not only in the South, but the North called him evil but I do not recall him ever singling out any individual as evil. He never called Jefferson Davis evil though he did think he was in error.

[3] Ronald Reagan: Even though he thought Jimmy Carter screwed up the economy, Reagan never called him evil or any negative names. He acted according to the principles I teach and explained the error and worked to rectify it.

On the other hand, many called Reagan evil. Here is just one quote from a comment made:

“Reagan was a cold-blooded murderer, a union busting parasite, con artist, and a good liar. I’ll shed no tear for the death of a tyrant. Nor will I stand by idly while the truth is sacrificed in a frenzied worship of a demagogue. Reagan was evil personified; he can rot in hell.”

It is interesting that those who use the strongest words of pure condemnation are usually in the greatest of error.

I think we both agree on the following.

We both believe in identifying evil in the world, bringing it to the light of day and fighting against it in every possible effective way.

The problem as I see it is that too many just point fingers at each other calling each other names associated with evil instead of identifying the problem and peacefully discussing it.

The reader then pointed out that he embraced many of the ideas of Ayn Rand even though she was an Atheist. He particularly liked her book on the history of capitalism

I had the impression while reading this book that her soul let her drift toward atheism so her mind would not be influenced by illusion from religion. This allowed her to develop a rational philosophy without interference.

I suspect that in her next life she will consciously sense the soul and the value of group work without losing her value of individual effort and freedom.

Another reader expressed concern that I was advocating communism because of some of my comments on equality. I responded as follows:

No one is talking about establishing communism or doing away with the free market. You need to read my treatise on the Molecular Business to understand where I am coming from.

Look at the air that we all breath. We all desperately need it, but because there is an abundance of it there is complete freedom to gather all of it we want. There is also equal opportunity to breath it. We can all breath in all they need.

Even so, this will eventually happen with the things we consume. Technology and ingenuity will eventually provide us all we need so we will have all we want in consumables just as we now have all the air we need. Eventually this will eliminate the need for money itself.

As long as good prevails no freedom or freedom to market will be taken away, but an abundance will totally change our attitude in the way we look at wealth and making an effort to acquire it.

In the future society of abundance there will be no money and people will be motivated to work at a labor they love. Undesirable work like garbage collecting will be completely automated.

In the interim we will have something like the Molecular Business where most within a single company will receive the same wage. Those who work extra hours can received extra cash or stock. Those in management can also receive extra stock.

The government is not involved in anything I have advanced. To be a successful Molecular Business would require around 50 or more employees. Some businesses could do it with less but a 50 or more is desirable.

If a person has a small business he may or may not succeed. In the coming era of abundance, he would have no worries in experimenting with a business or enterprise because his basic needs will be covered.

In the future state of abundance, society will not require anyone to get a job unless we happen to be living in a dictatorship. In a free society people will get a job because they want a job and its benefits, not because of what the government tells them.

In a Molecular Business people apply for a job just like any other business. All employees receive an equal wage for hours worked. If that wage is too low,  he will not even apply. If a person does not work he does not get paid.

Different Molecular Businesses and different countries will pay different wages for some time to come.

The trend toward equality will embrace the world. The two brotherhoods have their ideas about achieving it. The Dark Brothers want to do it by force and the Brotherhood of Light by free will.

“I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something.” — Jackie Mason

Feb 26, 2009

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The Name of God

The Name of God

The Course places a lot of emphasis on the name of God, telling us that “the Son of God allowed to be himself, and all creation freed to call upon the Name of God as One.” T-26.VII.20

We are told to “Repeat God’s Name, and all the world responds by laying down illusions. Every dream the world holds dear has suddenly gone by, and where it seemed to stand you find a star; a miracle of grace. The sick arise, healed of their sickly thoughts. The blind can see; the deaf can hear. The sorrowful cast off their mourning, and the tears of pain are dried as happy laughter comes to bless the world.” W-pI.183.3.

The name indeed has great power and is even associated with the great miracle stressed in the Course:

“The miracle but calls your ancient Name, which you will recognize because the truth is in your memory. And to this Name your brother calls for his release and yours.” T-26.VII.16

The question many have is this: What is this name and what is the meaning behind it? After all, “No one can fail who seeks the meaning of the Name of God. Experience must come to supplement the Word.” W-pI.184.13

It seems that not many take advantage of this promise, for I haven’t seen much discussion about the meaning of the name of God or exactly what the name is.

I have to admit that the first few times I read the Course I found myself curious about the name but couldn’t find the name there neither did there seem to be a clear explanation of it.

I had the same problem with the Bible before I ACIM was even published.  I found this scripture perplexing:

“I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world… And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it.” John 17:6 & 26

Here it sounds like Jesus clearly declared the name of the Father yet there is no New Testament scripture telling us of the name.

He also said that “I am come in my Father’s name” John 5:43 and speaks of “the works that I do in my Father’s name,” John 10:25 Then in his famous prayer he says: “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.” Matt 6:9

But what was the name? I kept seeking for it but the scripture never quotes Jesus giving it out.

Then I came across this: “teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” Matt 28:19

Notice here that “name” is singular implying that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit all have the same name. This same teaching is found in the Course which uses “name” singular for all three:

“For reality is one with the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit blesses the real world in Their Name.” T-12.VI.4

Then I found this:

“For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.” Eph 3:14-15

Not only do the Trinity have the same name, but also “the whole family in heaven and earth.”

The fascinating thing is that what I discovered in the Bible was the same thing I later discovered in A Course in Miracles:

“God’s Name is holy, but no holier than yours. To call upon His Name is but to call upon your own. A father gives his son his name, and thus identifies the son with him. His brothers share his name, and thus are they united in a bond to which they turn for their identity.” W-pI.183.1

It is interesting then that the Bible tells us that the family in heaven shares one name, but so does A Course in Miracles: “For Your Son must bear Your Name, for You created him.” W-pII.262.1

“Your ancient Name belongs to everyone, as theirs to you. Call on your brother’s name and God will answer, for on Him you call… by this little gift of truth but let to be itself, the Son of God allowed to be himself, and all creation freed to call upon the Name of God as One.” T-26.VII.20

“Creation has one Name, one meaning, and a single Source which unifies all things within Itself.” W-pI.184.11

The Course clearly teaches then that there is only one name for God, The Sonship and all creation, but the question remains: What is it?”

I did one more search looking for a clue and finally found it staring me in the face both from the Bible and ACIM.  Here it is plain as can be.

“Father, Your Name is Love and so is mine.” W-pII.282.2

In addition, both the Bible and the Course tell us that “God is Love.” T-9.I.9 & I John 4:8

The Course goes on to tell us that even the Kingdom is love:

“You could not remain within the Kingdom without love, and since the Kingdom is love.” T-6.IV.2

Does this mean that we should address God as LOVE then?

No. Words are symbols and the truth lies behind the symbol. We are told this:

“The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught.” T-in.1

The truth is that God’s name is not expressed in saying or writing the word LOVE.  The name is only expressed when love is actually felt and communicated.  We may not be able to teach others in the ego the meaning of love, but our eternal essence can recognize the feeling when it is communicated. When the true understanding of love is felt you have then inwardly expressed the name of God that the Father has shared with all creation.

That is where the real miracle from A Course in Miracles begins.

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The Mindless Beast

The Mindless Beast

A reader gives examples of three people who are basically fighting City Hall and think they are fighting the Beast. She basically wants to know if it is sometimes better to just follow the rules and avoid the problems that come through defiance?

First let me say that the many people who go out of their way to defy civil rules, police, local laws, etc., are not fighting the Beast. The Beast is not composed of the rules society passes in an attempt to make life better for the whole. Of course, many such rules may do more harm than good, but it is better to have a society with law and order than anarchy.

If our laws were part of the Beast then the burglar could say he is fighting the Beast by invading your home and defying the law.

My friend Wayne, who is now passed, had this illusionary idea of the Beast and was always getting into trouble by defying his personal Beast. For many years he refused to carry a driver’s license because he was not going to let “them” tell him what to do and besides, no one asked his permission to make such a law. He went to jail over it several times, but still continued to drive without a license.

He didn’t believe that City Hall had authority to force him to get building permits and built illegal structures on his property without them. He accumulated thousands of dollars of fines over this.

He never paid a dime of income tax in his adult life. One time the IRS came to his door and he threatened them and they never came back. I guess they never wanted another Randy Weaver.

When he went to court, he would refuse to stand for the judge and would openly condemn them and speak against whoever was prosecuting him.

He had so many troubles for defying authority that I think all the tension created in his life was one of the reasons for his early death. The sad thing is all the trouble he went through in defying authority never made any difference. City Hall remains as strong as ever.

On many other matters Wayne was extremely intelligent, but he seemed to have a huge blind spot in dealing with civil laws and authorities.

Another thing is that he, and others like him, are not fighting the Beast.

The Beast is composed of outward authorities that take the place of God and thus control your mind with your actions following along.

The civil laws I follow, even the ones I disagree with, do not control my mind. I am not brainwashed into thinking they are infallible or come from a holy or divine source. I use my personal judgement as to how I will handle them. If the speed limit is 30 mph, I may just go crazy and go 35 mph if I feel like it!

I was under control of the Beast when I was active in the LDS church for I saw the prophet as a spokesman for God to the extent that if he gave me an order it would be like God giving me an order. When a Mormon learns to see such an order as coming from a fallible man that he can take or leave, according to his inner guidance, then he has moved away from the Beast.

If you are in a profession, such as climatology and work toward proving the standard global warming theory because otherwise you may lose funding then you are under the power of the Beast.

If you are on the political left or right and follow your leaders without thinking it through then you are under the power of the Beast.

If you mindlessly follow your doctors orders with an important diagnoses without doing a little research on your own, then you are under the power of the Beast.

All of us have unearned and unjust authorities that tempt us to follow like mindless beasts.

A reader  quoted me as saying: “In my whole life I do not recall ever calling anyone ‘evil’ or even ‘bad.’“

He then says: “Even Jesus is quoted as — in essence — calling some people evil (or son’s of the Devil, which certainly seems to be the reasonably equivalent to me):

“‘Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.’ John 8:44 (KJV)”

JJ: But he did not call them “evil.” Jesus used the word evil many times, just as I do, but not once did he apply it to any specific person. To call someone a liar when they lie is not a judgement condemning the whole of the person’s character, but a black-and-white fact that condemns a specific part of their character.

He also predicted they would commit murder, which they did do when they crucified him. That was a specific fact.

Even with their faults they had good aspects to their character so Jesus did not pronounce them 100% evil by calling them that. On the cross he said, “they know not what they do.”

I denounce real evil when I see it. To be effective, however, it is much better to point out the error rather than to point blank condemn the whole of the person as evil. Doing this makes the condemner come across like a lunatic to be ignored.

The principle involved here is judgement. It is a negative use of judgment to condemn thousands of points of one’s character under the blanket of evil. It is a positive use to specifically point out the evil and explain the error.

Concerning another subject of discussion, you are not becoming God, you are already one with God. You are a part of the body of the One Great Life. On the other hand, the God you are is becoming what you decide to become because as God you have the power to decide and become what you decide to become.

As you observe the universe from one end to the other you will see that no two things are alike. That is because each part of God has decided to become something a little different, which is unique. You must decide what it is that you want to become. When you  are  though you will return home. It is not one decision. It will be a combination of many decisions. However, in this one life you will have one overriding decision which will govern all others. Perhaps you have not discovered it yet.

Most people do not truly exercise the power of decision, but are controlled by the reflective decisions of others. Perhaps this first key has been difficult for many because they have been controlled by the decisions of others more than realized. If so, they must take this power to themselves, keeping the principle of harmlessness in mind.

If you feel you are going crazy this is good. It is a sign of growth. Just don’t let it scare you off. Be governed by love, not fear. As you get close to greater knowledge dark forces will attempt to amplify your fears. You must realize this and ignore them.

If, in pursuing these principles, you feel you are at a dead-end, go ahead anyway, guess if you have to and this will open doors.

“I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.” — Agatha Christie (1890 – 1976)

Feb 25, 2009

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