More DK Quotes

April 14, 2016

More DK Quotes

There is a group of what we might call Telepathic Communicators. (head, heart and throat centres) These people are receptive to impression from the Masters and from each other; they are the [36] custodians of group purpose and, therefore, closely related to all the other types of groups. Their work is largely on the mental plane and they work in and with thought matter and with the reception and direction of thought currents. They are also working at the facilitation of communication between individuals so that the rules and methods whereby speech can be transcended may become known and the new way of intercourse be brought about.


Present day healers should endeavour to break loose from the modern and traditional ideas as to healing; they should recognise the stupendous fact that healing must eventually be carried forward by groups which will act as the intermediaries between the plane of spiritual energy (either soul energy, intuitional energy or will energy) and the patient or group of patients.


Inner work which does not work out into objective activity upon the physical plane is wrongly oriented and inspired.


I have stated that the first requirement is sensitivity. What exactly is this? It does not mean primarily that you are a “sensitive soul”—the connotation of which usually means that you are thin-skinned, self-centred and always on the defensive! Rather do I refer to the capacity whereby you are enabled to expand your consciousness so that you become aware of ever- widening ranges of contact. I refer to the ability to be alive, alert, keen to recognise relationships, quick to react to need, mentally, emotionally and physically attentive to life and rapidly developing the power to observe upon all three planes in the three worlds simultaneously. I am not interested in your personal relations where they concern your wrong personality sensitivity to depression, to self-pity, your defenses, your so-called sensitivity to slights, to misunderstandings, your dislike of your environing conditions, your hurt pride and qualities of this kind. These all cause you bewilderment and let loose in you the floodgates of compassion for yourself. But you do not need me to deal with them; of them you are well aware and can handle them if you choose. These faults are interesting only in so far as they affect the life of your group; they must be handled by you with care and with the open eye that senses danger from afar and seeks to avoid it. The sensitivity which I want to see developed is alertness to soul contact, impressionability to the “voice of the Teacher,”


“Better a man’s own dharma, than the dharma of another.” Thus does the Bhagavad Gita express this truth, telling the disciple to mind his own business. … In every group there is usually one group member (and perhaps several) who constitute a problem to themselves and to their group brothers.


Steadily and without descent must the attitude of meditation be held—not for a few minutes each morning or at specific moments throughout the day, but constantly, all day long. It infers a constant orientation to life and the handling of life from the angle of the soul.

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