Higher Lives

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  The One Great Life only works through Its representatives. Any person who is Master or higher, who is in alignment with God’s Purpose on this little planet is one with God and speaks for God, or the One Life.

2  The true oversoul for humans is the Higher Life that permeates the whole human kingdom as a whole.

3  I contend that it is important to discover the Great Lives who are our fairly immediate superiors for much of what is to be our destiny is in Their hands.

4  Shamballa was established 23 million years ago when the Ancient of Days arrived here, but the earth itself is billions of years old and has been occupied since it’s creation by an Entity even higher than the Ancient of Days.

5  One of the basic differences between the Masters who have overcome death and us ordinary mortals is that Their word is always to be trusted and Their promises are to be relied on.

6  The higher lives are not just sitting around waiting for you to merely declare that you are ready. You must make yourself useful as a tool in their hands to get their attention.

7  All the plans of the Masters are not executed flawlessly, that They have their problems in Their sphere of activity as we have in ours.

8  The Masters are actually more adept on Their own plane than they are on the human plane just as we are better at doing human things than animal things such as building a beaver dam.

9  Very little accurate information is given out about the Masters in this current time but one day all will be revealed.

10  A good piece of advice for anyone wishing to get in the good graces of the Masters is to learn to mentally check their offensive meter. If one is easily offended by a wrong or misplaced word then he must wait a while to do the real work.

11  It takes more courage to enter into the presence of one of the Great Ones than it does to risk certain death by offending an absolute ruler on earth.

12  A Master is one who has overcome physical death and has power to manifest in all three worlds of form at will.

13  To the Lives Higher than human there are many freedoms that are just beyond our ring-pass-not that seem very simple to Them.

14  The Logos above the Solar [Logos] is so far removed from our consciousness that in ‘the ancient wisdom’ He is called “The One About Whom Naught Can Be Said.”

15  The Higher Lives contact us for instruction, and such instruction concern what is needed rather than what is desired.

16  There are highly evolved entities that have passed beyond physical existence and seek to help us in our evolution. The Bible calls these beings “the spirits of just men made perfect.”  In the east they are called Nirmanakayas.

17  You must develop your talents and abilities so you can be useful to the work of the Masters.

18  When a Master is among us in the flesh, the student has a tremendous barrier of ego to overcome in order to recognize the full value of the teachings; but when the Teacher works from subtle levels, the disciple often thinks the concepts are his own idea so the ego is not a hurdle.

19  The higher lives speak the language of silence and silence does not clamor for attention; instead attention must find the silence.

20  We are told through Alice A. Bailey that a great Avatar called the Avatar of Synthesis has come to the earth from another solar system to assist the Christ and this entity exceeds Him in evolution.

21  Djwahl Khul [DK] called the Nirmanakayas Divine Contemplatives.

22  Maitreya is not necessarily a specific name, but more of a title and a number of entities are known by it.

23  The Christ occupies the position as the head of the Spiritual Hierarchy, as the mediator between Shamballa and humanity. Sananda is the second Kumara close to the heart of Sanat Kumara. Psychics undoubtedly picked up a close link between Sananda and the Christ for both are firstborn sons of God.

24  All the qualities and abilities of the Greater Lives which have gone before us are available and waiting for us to achieve.

25  There is a hierarchy of beings of a diverse magnitude of consciousness who are tuned into the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost aspects.

26  Our Planetary Logos is a disciple of the Solar Logos.

27  Let me define what I mean by a Higher Life in this context. I am not speaking of the Masters or advanced individual entities that have passed through the human kingdom.

28  The higher lives will eventually incarnate into the physical among humanity. Its first body most likely will be composed of the twenty-four humans.

29  Question:  So what is the Higher Life above human?  Answer:  It is a Molecular Life currently living on the mental plane waiting for a physical body to manifest.

30  A true Master will generally appear in a physical body that you can touch or feel if you are meeting on the physical plane. To meet on higher planes you must go to that plane with Him.

31  In this earth sphere there does exist a hierarchy of Masters, which are also linked to an even higher order of lives through other solar systems. These all work through an order which is called The Molecular Relationship.

32  Christ is on the Earth right now in a physical body. He’s not up in heaven somewhere.

33  The Avatar of Synthesis has come to the earth from another solar system to assist the Christ and this entity exceeds Him in evolution. He is of such high vibration that He can only descend to the plane of the mind.

34  Watchers are not like angels. The Angelic kingdom actively works to make that which is watched for by the higher lives materialize.

35  To become a Master one must not only balance off cause and effect as it relates to others, but also as it relates to oneself and between the lower and higher self.

36  Seeking to identify or call on the Monad will not have the intended effect until you have removed certain limitations and grown in purpose and ability.

37  The Universal Mind craves experience, and as it contemplates in its various energy states, it sees all possibilities. Each possibility is an extension of itself, created in its own image and becomes a point in the Universal Life.

38  But you may ask,  “I know of lots of people who have seen higher beings and there was no fear.”  Ninety-nine percent of all such visions are from either the astral world or an encounter with a thoughtform, and these do not have a high vibration and create no cause for alarm.

39  Our mission now is to open the door for the higher lives to incarnate among humans even as they have among the Masters.

40  The Holy Spirit is a great cosmic entity that works through the Oversoul.

41  The universal One God is not a logos or a part of any hierarchy, but manifests through all the hierarchy as well as every life in the universe and is thus aware of the fall of a sparrow so long as the sparrow itself is aware of its fall.

42  The plan of reappearance goes forward and if we do our part in the next thirty years, the miracle of the consciousness of the entity who was Christ, Krishna, and Melchizedek will be among us again down to the physical level.

43  If an avatar incarnates he wastes 20-30 years in the relearning process. If he lets a disciple prepare the body with the necessary learning recorded in the brain he can save several decades of time that he can apply to other necessary work.

44  Alice A Bailey lists Abraham Lincoln as a great avatar. She calls him a racial avatar, one of the greatest we’ve had.

45  A direct incarnation of an avatar would require a certain quality of karma as well as consciousness from the people he will encounter.

46  The Holy Spirit is a great spiritual entity that fills our whole solar system and is linked to all other Holy Spirits in other solar systems to bring about the grand purposes of God.

47  When the lower life has filled the measure of its creation it then continues to progress by identifying with a higher life and living through that life with other lesser lives as if they are the one greater life.

48  Higher lives can appear in any form and it is possible that in very ancient times it served a purpose to appear as serpents.

49  The intentional creation of a thoughtform of a Master can actually draw the consciousness of the Master into the thoughtform if the group is ready for revelation.

50  There are immortal beings which some call Gods, but the One God exists within the heart of each and every person who is a reflection of Deity.

51  I personally believe that a final decision was made by the Avatar [of Synthesis] to assist the Christ and humanity somewhere around 1978 and since then he has been working from the plane of the mind through certain disciples to affect synthetic change upon the earth. The workers sensitive to his vibration are fewer than was hoped.

52  There are entities even above the Masters who dwell in higher planes of feeling that must step down their vibration even in dealing with what we may call a Master of Wisdom.

53  The only entities that can help us are those that are a step or maybe two above us.

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Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes

From The Discourses Of JJ Dewey

1  One who dwells on the plane of the mind will have to step down to the emotional plane to deal with those encountered there.

2  Generally, what seems like supernatural guidance for personal issues only affecting ourselves comes from the Higher Mind or Superconscious.

3  Overall the guidance a person receives from the hidden mind will be more accurate and useful than that received by the average person from his emotional feeling self.

4  The mind reflects the soul and thus the mind can lead us to the soul – after all the plane of the mind is where the Masters can be found.

5  Emotion leads us into experience with no plan to master that experience. Mind must eventually be brought into play to create plans and direct the emotion and the experience in a constructive direction.

6  There is always a danger for the seeker and the danger that comes from the mind is to allow “the mind to slay the real.”

7  Emotion without mind is self destructive.

8  There comes a time when the pull of reason and intuition become stronger than feeling, for the mind can no longer justify the entity accepting illogical feeling beliefs.

9  Many religious people believe that a logical approach to the spiritual is misleading or even evil.

10  So if time, space, numbers, the earth and universe did not come from God, where did they come from? I know. You say the mind of man. So where did this mind come from? If the mind was created by God then time space and numbers were also created by God. But if our minds were not created by God, then where do you think they came from?

11  The mind controls emotions in two ways. (1) The individual has progressed to the plane of the mind and can directly control and direct emotion through the power of his thought. (2) The individual has not progressed to the plane of the mind but has programming in his brain created by someone else who has progressed to the plane of mind or above.

12  I have talked to a number of people involved in cults and read much of their literature and they are generally more interesting to talk to about philosophy and more mental in their approach than the standard Episcopalian.

13  Obstacles to soul contact must be removed by the light of the soul shining upon the mind, or by the mind coming to an understanding which will in turn receive the soul light.

14  The mind must be stimulated and take control of the decision making process.

15  When the mind has understanding and sees the value of working through the negativity then it can decide to follow a path to render harmless the negative emotion.

16  Without the aid of the mind the final centering on the God within cannot be maintained on a permanent basis.

17  Shepherds are those who are ascended to the plane of the mind or above and are prepared to lead others to greater learning and direction.

18  Many there are who, instead of working to advance humanity into mind, seek to take them deeper into emotional polarization which takes people back into the past just as much as a fire and brimstone preacher does.

19  The development of mind and reason overriding emotion will do much to put things in perspective and cause do-gooders to work at doing good in areas where a real difference can be made verses a psychological difference.

20  A disciple of Christ uses his mind to devise a plan that is so logical to be irrefutable from those who are astral based.

21  If the One Holy Spirit of Truth speaks through me and you together, we will be as one mind.

22  After a principle is made clear to the student, through an increase in light, much knowledge then becomes available to the physical brain that was previously hidden.

23  In the end, open-mindedness is open communication through the mind, or from mind to mind, until oneness is achieved. Two open-minded people placed together will eventually become one in thought.

24  Many New Agers as well as Born Againers are telling us to “lose the mind,” “Become mindless,” or “follow your feelings and ignore the mind.” Such teachings are 100 percent Piscean and will soon pass away.

25  Without the dominance of mind over emotion there will always be a lack of completion of purpose and a drifting off randomly in a new direction.

26  The emotions cannot control themselves and their redemption comes from the mind controlling them.

27  When the disciple treads the path of Christ he brings down to mind the truths of heaven and the true knowledge of the kingdom of God.

28  There are many mediocre minds with large egos who will do everything in their power to get greater minds to follow them.

29  It takes no original thinking to merely attempt to nullify or make fuzzy the words of others using the same logic over and over.

30  To go beyond being a knee jerk reaction or sliding down the road of the line of least resistance does require the “arrogance” to examine all information, often ignore established authority and to make a judgment based on what you perceive as the best direction.

31  The Beast maintains its power through the manipulation of emotional energy and to escape its influence we must rise to the plane of the mind and the mind can only be developed in an atmosphere of freedom.

32  When the light of the soul is reflected off the mind and there is interplay, understanding is realized and greater knowledge is available to the seeker.

33  Once we have discovered and understand our limitations we must project our minds into the probable future on a daily basis.

34  A person may use common sense principles in his business and have great success, yet let all reason fly out the window in his relationships or with his religion.

35  Humanity is at a crisis point where it is seeking to stabilize itself in the mind and hovers between the yielding of the mind to emotion or soul.

36  Wisdom energies in connection with the two head centers are very much linked to mind and thought as well as spiritual feeling.

37  Truth is not relative, but the image of truth we have in our minds is indeed relative to our understanding.

38  A thought about something being true does not make it true, or even close to the truth. Thinking that something, which is false, as being true, is illusion, not truth.

39  If you are a real positive thinker you will be taking positive action to materialize those thoughts.

40  It is dangerous to think we can stay positive by avoiding discussions about negative energies and people. Darkness is always dispelled by shining light upon it.

41  Wisdom is gained by reflection and making the full use of the mind as a two-way mirror between the worlds by the use of the Law of Correspondences.

42  The way to discover knowledge and develop ability to commune through the oneness principle is through the meditative state called contemplation.

43  A truth from the plane of the mind is a true conclusion derived from reasoning, logic and higher understanding.

44  One cannot prove any position from DK’s [Djwhal Khul’s] writings to one polarized on the plane of the mind or higher.

45  The main purpose of the mind is to teach us to become creators on the physical plane in preparation for higher creation which will follow later.

46  Mind takes the lower love and transmutes it into the higher love, blends all with brain and out comes logic which leads to wisdom.

47  Mind leads us to ask, to reason and to create philosophy for better life, for livingness that has never been seen upon the earth before.

48  It is always dangerous to let any belief and blind reasoning hold the mind in check.

49  Emotion can influence mind and mind can influence emotion, but mind has the final say on any decision. That’s why we say “make up your mind,” and not “make up your feelings.”

50  Mind on the dark path becomes the dictator of emotion. But mind on the path of light becomes the liberator of feelings in denial.

51  The mind will often destroy emotional conclusions, and such a thoughtform created by the emotions will fight to maintain its life.

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Unlimited Evolutions

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes From

The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  When life reaches the end of its evolution it becomes radioactive.

2  There have been many Adams. The Christ was the last Adam around 6000 years ago, but the first was the Ancient of Days or the Planetary Logos who incarnated 18 million years ago.

3  The smaller you go in size the higher the evolution is within that plane.

4  The evolution of the greater is dependent on the successful evolution of the lesser.

5  In the vegetable kingdom the flowers of the planet are much more evolved in their plane than humans are on their plane.

6  Evolving human beings are like pendulums swinging back and forth between two extremes.

7  Everyone wonders what the unused strands of DNA are for. They were created by us in the first solar system and will be activated as we grow in consciousness.

8  DK [Djwhal Khul] is mysteriously silent about the black race as far as its origins and purposes. He merely tells us that they have a unique place in our evolution and strongly supported their civil rights as equals during that troublesome time that he wrote 1920-1950.

9  The gathering is an actual principle that governs the evolution of all things. Each time a new leap in evolution is imminent a gathering of intelligence occurs.

10  The freeing of the slaves through the initiate Abraham Lincoln and others marked a turning point in the evolution of the human race and opened the door for many of them to enter into higher states of consciousness.

11  The evolution of religion, as a whole, is some distance behind the evolution of political systems.

12  As humans begin evolution we start with attention centered in the instinct and, or physical. Next we evolve to the emotional and, or astral. Then we move to the mental and, or thinking and finally to the intuitive and, or soul.

13  On a metaphysical note animals hunting animals and people hunting animals produces a strong stimulating force that furthers their evolution. If you’ve ever seen an elk up close which has survived three or more hunting seasons you will see an intelligence in his eyes that is far beyond the rest of the herd.

14  We move ahead or backward in evolution according to where we place our focused thought.

15  It takes a certain point in the evolution of the human being to comprehend the difference between a principle and a fact.

16  Decision creates cause and effect, which creates evolution.

17  Just as existence is self-evident because our consciousness proves it, so is evolution. We experience ourselves evolving, creating and changing. There is no denying this unless we deny reality and existence itself.

18  The first Adam was male and female as one unit and it was “their” name not “his” name.  [See Genesis 5:2]

19  True steps in evolution are often difficult to perceive and often read incorrectly.

20  Humanity has presently evolved to the fifth root race. The coming sixth and seventh will allow us to be more sensitive to higher contact.

21  The consciousness of God is manifesting through kingdoms in human form at this period of universal evolution and thus the responsibility falls upon man to bring the beauty of molecular form from the microcosm to the macrocosm, from the lower lives to the higher, and when the higher is completed its complexity and beauty will surpass all previous creations.

22  True equality must evolve within mankind as the consciousness of the race evolves.

23  No matter how far we go on the scale of evolution there is still an infinite eternity of becoming awaiting us.

24  A key point to remember is that even though the atomic lives are much closer to the end of their evolution than is humankind that humans are a more complex life form than molecules, cells and atoms.

25  Studying ancient physical races will not shed much light because the first two races were not physical. The first two were in grades of etheric matter. It was the third race, the Lemurian, was physical, of which the Australian aborigine is a remnant.

26  The first [physical] race was hermaphrodite and has similarities to the seventh and last race, but with differences. One of the biggest differences is the seventh race will be physical.

27  The programming and knowledge to recreate any part of our bodies with perfection will never be lost.

28  We indeed experience heaven and hell right here on the earth, but because of the “dominating good” that governs the universe the hells will lessen in their intensity and the heavens will increase until the end of this great creative cycle and then we shall devise a new heaven and new hell to keep things exciting.

29  Heaven is pretty much what you define it but in most people’s minds it is a state of being where there is a state of joyousness beyond that which we normally experience and there are many levels of intensity of enjoyment awaiting us. We shall go from sphere to sphere enhancing our becoming and joy and when we make progress (or have a blissful rest) we shall experience “heaven.”  When we fail and retrogress we shall experience “hell.”

30  Limitations are an essential ingredient to our evolution, for we cannot expand in intelligence without them.

31  The intelligence within matter itself (as far as we can see) comes from the long evolutionary process of the intelligence of the reflections of God creating and playing upon matter itself.

32  Forget self and move forward in experience until the desire of your soul is satisfied. Then you will rest in peace and prepare for another.

33  After we have mastered all there is to master we will create other planes and master them worlds without end and worlds without beginning.

34  There are an unending number of starting and ending points for us.

35  As we go from point to point in our journeys through this universe we have an unlimited number of beginnings and endings, but as long as form is involved the form, or incarnation of an idea, has a beginning and end.

36  Our mission is to take group life on a quantum leap into evolution and pave the way for all of our brethren to follow.

37  Our evolution toward the Molecular Relationship is part of our destiny.

38  Now many may believe that all evolution transpires within, but this is only half the equation. We must be stimulated from without and then evolve from within.

39  The serpent race should not be seen as evil but as a step in our early evolution.

40  I have long taught from the ancient wisdom that we were once hermaphrodites.

41  Very little, except a few hints are given out about our serpent past, but this form had a place in the second through the fourth races. They became extinct during Atlantean times.

42  On some planets birds, dinosaurs, fish, and other creatures evolve into human like form, but the serpents are very tough physically and usually dominate for a time. Then when humans appear they are nurtured because of their beauty. When they multiply and become a threat for domination, conflict ensues until only one upright race is left.

43  The size of a man’s aura will vary greatly according to the point of evolution; just as will the size of the orbiting fields of the atoms vary according to their atomic weight, or point of evolution.

44  The monad is the mother which gives birth to Self and is female.

45  The first Adam was created out of the non-physical (from our point of view) ethers and was like a living cell with male and female united into one. He was a reflection of the Divine Hermaphrodite God with all the capabilities of reproduction.

46  There is no logical reason why there would not be evolution. The evidence that there is evolution is that it is happening now.

47  All beings must enjoy the amenities of life within their own sphere and when they learn to maintain those accomplishments the lives can then move on.

48  We are going where man or God has not gone before and working on new creation and new orders that have not exactly manifested before.

49  The aim of evolution for us is to progress from the lower (physical) to the highest (mental) worlds of human endeavor.

50  Completely sealing the door to totalitarian evil will be the most important evolutionary step mankind has made in recorded history and that is why the coming of Christ and his associates will be such an important event for mankind.

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Your Solar Angel

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  A common name for the Solar Angel is the Higher Self. Eventually your perfected self will fuse with your Higher Self and evolve through all the higher spheres together as this solar system dies. In that far future age your new and improved Higher Self will reflect again and nurture its new born baby – a new and improved version of you.

2  Each one of us has a higher self sometimes called the Solar Angel.

3  When your Solar Angel becomes aware that you are offering others assistance on the Path through service, it will seek to open the door to Spirit for you so your power to serve can be enhanced.

4  Your monad is a seed that has become you. The Solar Angel is like the Farmer that nourishes the seed. Without the Solar Angel you may not have sprouted up in this system of things.

5  Monads do not have consciousness as we do but they do have a consciousness. It is sometimes referred to as a higher consciousness–higher than the Solar Angels because the monad is closer to the Source.

6  Without the help of our Solar Angels we would still be at a very primitive level of consciousness.

7  Your Solar Angel who works through your soul and higher entities up to the Masters will not do for you what you can do for yourself.

8  Our Solar Angel which communes with us through the soul has lived on other planets so far in the distant past that its native solar system no longer is in existence in physical form.

9  We see the reflection of our Solar Angel before we meet the Solar Angel itself because the average person isn’t ready to meet his true Solar Angel.

10  The Solar Angel reflects Itself down into the astral world but the reflection of the Solar Angel will often teach some things that are upside down but they’ll be things that are encouraging to the person to live a good life so they can eventually face their illusions.

11  The Solar Angel represents the Christ Consciousness.

12  The Solar Angel, often called our Higher Self is an actual entity which is a master on its own plane.

13  Your Solar Angel was once a standard human being such as yourself, but that was a long time ago in a star system far away, billions of years in the past. He/She achieved relative perfection and through the Molecular Relationship achieved a oneness of life with all other perfected souls within their planetary and solar groups.

14  The Solar Angels are “exalted beings” who seek an eternal increase through reflecting, or multiplying themselves, just as the One God did in the beginning (or beginning/end as it could be called).

15  Whereas earthly parents often have unrealistic expectations that the child will be just like them, the Solar Angel does realize that through a series of hundreds of lifetimes the reflection will attain all the attributes of the reflector, yet keep its individual will and purpose.

16  The Solar Angel has developed a high degree of consciousness and is able to use the potentialities of God much more than an unrealized monad.

17  There was a time when there were no Solar Angels, but there was never a time when there were no monads.

18  The first Solar Angels developed through trial and error in an earlier era of this developing universe somewhere around 60 trillion years ago. Without the help of assisting Solar Angels the unfoldment of a monad takes much longer.

19  The Solar Angel, your higher self, is distinct and separate from you, yet it is you.

20  The Solar Angel continues to enjoy life in its own plane while also enjoying the life and experience, which is you. He has thus increased his capacity for joy.

21  Not all planets have Solar Angels assisting and this is one of the reasons we have not picked up intelligent radio signals from any neighboring star system yet.

22  Because of positive karma we have the good fortune to have the assistance of Solar Angels in this solar system.

23  Our Solar Angels are linked to higher angels that have risen to an even higher state of being and these are linked to higher still until you get to the originating Solar Angels in this creation.

24  Our Solar Logos was once a Solar Angel.

25  There are many Solar Angels in this Solar System, but the ones for this earth, in connection with human life, are from one basic family and share a oneness of life.

26  The Christ and the Logos have merged with their Solar Angels ages ago and are one with their own monads.

27  The job of soul energies and the Solar Angel is to work with the lower man until the monad and the lower reflection is linked and directed toward oneness.

28  Your experiences are on a different order and flavor than your Solar Angel experienced as a human. Were it not so, there would be no impetus for us or God to extend ourselves.

29  Since animals do not have Solar Angels this could explain why the earth is more accepting of their waste.

30  The Solar Angel is the soul. It’s a name for the soul. He’s called the Solar Angel because He works with solar energy from the Solar Logos.

31  The Solar Angels which commune with us when soul contact is achieved are indeed emanations from the Solar Logos.

32  If we can attain a true realization that we are truly a reflection of the Solar Angel, and one life with it, then we can become as Christ and have power over physical reality and even death.

33  Your Solar Angel is a Lord of Compassion and sacrificed itself through compassion so you could be born as an entity.

34  Your Solar Angel is more like your Divine Mother who has nourished you from an embryo, or your monad.

35  As reflections we are one with our Solar Angels in the higher spheres, but in this one we are the same Song, but played in a different key. Eventually the two keys must come together and play as one.

36  It is not the job of the Masters to work with average humanity. This is the work of the Solar Angel and its reflections in the astral world.

37  Our Solar Angels operate on several planes to communicate with human entities according to the highest they [humans] can perceive.

38  The Solar Angel doesn’t have a physical body.

39  This planet is different because we’ve had assistance. The Sons of Mind were sent to us to assist us in our evolution. These are basically our Solar Angels. We have Solar Angels assisting us in our evolution. Not all planets have this as the case. Because of this we’re one of the more progressed planets.

40  When people receive instruction from their Solar Angel, people think they’re getting a revelation from God.

41  When we develop soul contact we open the door to contacting our Solar Angels as well as the Masters and Christ and up and beyond; the doors open to all these communications.

42  DK [Djwahl Khul] says the Solar Angel casts a shadow and this shadow becomes our lower nature which the beginning human identifies with and falsely believes himself to be. Instead he is the monadic life which is occupying the shadow of the Solar Angel.

43  Before this earth scheme and this solar system there was a previous solar system where we (or our Solar Angels) passed through 49 other globes. This was our first estate.

44  The Solar Angels are in a Molecular Order of their own. Even though they are many they operate with such unity, and as one life, that the masters often just call them “the soul.”

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