The Misspelled Word

2005-5-16 00:27:00


"I have some difficulty with this, JJ, because one cannot assume that the effect of the lie is going to be bad at any level."


To say a thing is not good or bad at any level is to say a spoken word or action has no effect. Every spoken word and action has an effect.


"What if one lied to save a person who went on to save 1,000 people? Wouldn't the good karma generated more than outweigh any bad?"


Yes, of course. This is part of the point I have made.


"Karma is the law of balance after all. If one improved the world as a result of saving a person through a lie, surely the balance would be in his or her favor?"


Yes, of course. Why would you believe I think otherwise?


"If one lied to save a life because of a definite prompting of the soul, would that not affect the karmic load as well? Particularly if the lie involved great personal sacrifice, such as going against one's personal code of conduct."


We are in agreement here.


"How often do disciples have to deny themselves for the sake of the dominating good?"


As far as the lower self goes the answer is indefinitely. When the disciple becomes polarized in the higher self then no sacrifice is registered, except maybe extreme circumstances where sacrifice of higher ideals also come into play.


"It seems to me that this could be one example where that could happen.

"Furthermore, once one steps on the Path they are able to transmute their personal karma into service karma."


Now you're getting to the point where further light can be shed.

Karma is a result of the Law of Cause and Effect. In the broader sense all actions create karma because all actions are a cause that have an effect, or, in the case of the lie we are discussing, several effects. Just like the guy effected by gravity who saved a life, but scrapped his knee. Both a positive and negative effect was created. The first (the saving of a life) was a positive effect that would have certainly balanced off some previous debts he had made that caused injury to others.

The second effect was an injured knee. This effect is in a different category from the action related to service of others. It matters not whether he served a little or a lot as far as how quickly the knee will heal. To heal the knee he does not look to the credit he received from his service, for the injured knee does not represent a debt to others. It was caused by a personal action and only effects him personally and must be dealt with by him as an individual.

Let me give another example. Let us say that you write a masterful treatise that will have a very positive effect on the world and will help many people. Obviously, this will generate some positive karma. There is one problem. You misspelled one word. Now the misspelled word does not effect any communication in the treatise as the readers can surmise what the correct word should have been, but it stands out enough that it does distract from the perfection that the treatise should represent.

So how do you correct this problem? Is the treatise so good and such a good generator of positive karma that the misspelled word will just go away?

No. Of course not.

Will the person decide to pay off the spelling mistake by writing another great treatise with no misspelled words.

No. Even a dozen more treatises will not correct the misspelled word.

Will he decide to do some other good deeds to correct the misspelled word like establish a homeless shelter?

No. Even a dozen homeless shelters will not correct the misspelled word.

No one is condemning him for the misspelled word, but he does realize it is a mar on the perfection her seeks so he does the one thing he can do to correct it. He cannot retract the copies that went out. That mistake will remain, but on new editions be will make sure the word is spelled correctly. Now he has corrected the mistake so it will not reappear in the future he is satisfied.

This correspondence fits the lie to save a life or even a thousand lives.

The lie is a mistake (like the misspelled word) that could have been avoided if the disciple had foreseen the future and took the correct steps to edit that future. It has a personal effect on him, but little if any on others. Even though he got caught in a corner he made the best of the situation, saved a life and generated good service karma. Even so, the lie (like the misspelled word) effects him personally, no one condemns him for it, but he eventually realizes that the cause must be corrected so his future situations (editions) will not cause him to tell the lie.

To become a Master one must not only balance off cause and effect as it relates to others, but also as it relates to oneself and between the lower and higher self.

When a Master, or a member of the God kingdom, speaks to you, you will know it is not a lie, but the truth because such a person has made the external and internal corrections to insure the word is God, and is true.


"Reality continues to ruin my life."
  -- Bill Watterson (1958 - ), Calvin and Hobbes