2000-11-26 11:21:00
You seem to think I am misusing the term Nirmanakayas. You are right that different schools of thought use the term differently. Djwahl Khul puts a different slant on it than did HPB (Helen Blavatsky). Your explanation seems to be pretty much in harmony with theosophy, but Djwahl Khul expanded somewhat on their purpose.
What I look for in any teacher, is how he defines his terms and then go with it. This is the only way to clearly understand the teacher.
Djwahl Khul called the Nirmanakayas "Divine Contemplatives."
Here are a few quotes from him:
"Nirmanakaya. Those perfected beings who renounce Nirvana (the highest state of spiritual bliss) and choose a life of self-sacrifice, becoming members of that invisible host which ever protects humanity within karmic limits."
("Initiation, Human and Solar," Page 222, by Alice A. Bailey)
"The Nirmanakayas gather Their personnel out of the Hierarchy, the second great planetary centre. Their relation to Shamballa is not one of affiliation, nor is it the same as that of the New Group of World Servers to the Hierarchy. Their major relationship is with the Triangle of the Buddhas of Activity, and it is under Their creative inspiration that They work. This stream of inspiration or of 'energy flooded with creative light' is made available to the Hierarchy at all times and when needed for Their creative work; it is a part of that dynamic, galvanizing energy which feeds the enthusiasm of the New Group of World Servers, binds them together in the One Work, and enables them to work intelligently and with creative ability."
("Discipleship in the New Age Vol 2," Page 201-202, by Alice A. Bailey)
"The effect of that reflective vibration is both vertical and horizontal, and this wide diffusion has led to the formation of that major group of contemplatives, the Nirmanakayas; They focus the hierarchical invocative appeal and (to quote the Old Commentary) 'put it into the musical form which will please the ear of the One Who dwells in the highest plane.' They then transfer the focussed received energies-after due reflection and contemplation-to Shamballa. One of Their functions is to relate the invocative appeal of the Hierarchy to karmic law, and thus determine 'in the deep silence of Their united work' what can be possible because it does not infringe upon karmic intention, and what is not yet possible in time and space-those two major factors which are governed by karmic law. They have to bear in mind that the time has not yet come and 'the karmic era cannot yet demand that demanded good become accomplished good.'
"The members of this group are also transmitters to the Hierarchy of the response evoked from Shamballa. They are constantly in touch with the Council Chamber at Shamballa. Just as the Hierarchy-in this present cycle of world endeavour-is working through the New Group of World Servers, so Shamballa is carrying out its intentions (as far as humanity is concerned) through this group of Nirmanakayas. This all connotes a great centralization of the work in connection with the reappearance of the Christ."("Discipleship in the New Age Vol 2," Page 206, by Alice A. Bailey)
"The Nirmanakayas, the divine Contemplatives. This is the receptive group which receives impression from Shamballa in relation to the planetary creative purpose. Then They, on Their own level of atmic activity, build-through contemplative meditation-a vast reservoir of potent energies which are impregnated with the qualities of the seven energies of the seven planetary Rays. They are the Custodians of life, under the direct inspiration of the Buddhas of Activity, and They spend the aeons of Their planetary service:
"a. In active contemplation of the divine Purpose.
"b. In a developed receptivity to that aspect of the Purpose which must be expressed through the medium of the divine Plan, and thus presented to the Hierarchy.
"c. In developing that spirit of sevenfold receptivity which will make Them a channel for the inflow of ray energies from Shamballa into the Hierarchy. Their united aura or area of influence and the extent of Their magnetic and dynamic radiation correspond roughly to the aura of the planet itself; They contain (within Their ranks) Members Who are identified with the Lords of the Seven Rays."("Discipleship in the New Age Vol 2," Page 210, by Alice A. Bailey)
You point out that:
"Finally, Nirmanakaya represents the rough, earthly emanations of Buddha, as they appear in our world, in the full embodiment of 'the enlightened one'."
Djwahl Khul gives an expansion on this by saying that they work "under the direct inspiration of the Buddhas of Activity, and They spend the aeons of Their planetary service."
I would be interested in hearing your opinion on where the two unnamed centers of humanity will be. Djwahl Khul (DK) does tell us that they will become major population centers in the future.
"Today, I tell you that He (Christ) will come; that plans for His coming are already set on foot, but I set no date or hour. The time is known only to the two or three, but in such an hour as ye think not, He will come."
-- DK through Alice A. Bailey
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