Universes Upon Universes

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  How many lives exist in the universe?  Answer:  The number that can be imagined by the Mind of God.

2  Within yourself is a virtual universe and you are a god to that universe, just as the originating God is a God to us.

3  Soul is the interplay between spirit and matter and when looking at the universe as a whole the point of interplay is humanity.

4  When the majority of human lives in the universe achieve soul contact then the true soul of the universe will come into being and lead the universe itself to self consciousness and a soul contact of its own.

5  In our Milky Way Galaxy we have billions of solar systems and there are many great Logoi until we get to the Galactic Logos. As you know, there are also billions of galaxies which compose our universe, the end of which has not yet been discovered by our scientists. But it does have an end and beyond that we assume there are more universes.

6  The universe is ever Becoming and evolving as an ever expanding spiral.

7  This universe is an evolving universe and as such, the top Logos of our system is in a state of BECOMING and solidifying His position and purpose. There is no top universe of all the universes as the relationship between physical universes will be virtually non existent for ages to come.

8  Because the evolutionary age of the universe is only about one [year old] or so, I predicted a loose organization of the galaxies. The astronomers are now just discovering this and have called it “the end of greatness” in the universe. If the universe were to not evolve this would be true; but with the knowledge that the universe is just a babe, we can then see that this loose organization just discovered is not the end of greatness, but the beginning of greatness, the end of which will defy the imagination of any thinker or Master on the planet.

9  Just as we humans are ever seeking to increase our ring-pass-not, even so is the universe as a whole expanding its ring.

10  This universe is created by seven rays and is part of seven planes which is merely a subplane of a greater system of seven greater planes.

11  All the elements of the entire universe compose the physical body of the one great life which is God. Man, being composed of element, is a tabernacle of God, or a temple.

12  The universe is God’s one body, yes, but it changes form consistently. Changing form could be defined as adding to, from one point of view, or not from another.

13  Not a lot is given out on the previous solar system except that the foundation for all physical form was laid there including human and serpent.

14  Now there are an unlimited number of other universes, but the hierarchy in one universe is not linked to hierarchies in other universes. But, progression does not stop there. The life of God as it is incarnated in the various universes is BECOMING, and as it does, groups of universes will eventually be linked in Hierarchical order.

15  You are a universe composed of millions of smaller lives including the animal. Because we are closest to the animals it is easiest to sense the animal within us.

16  All lives in the universe must find their limitations before they can become unlimited.

17  You as the master of your body are like a god to the infinite little lives who live there. Similarly, the one God has the whole universe as a physical body, and you are a tiny life that lives within this greater body.

18  Most metaphysicians assume the Hierarchy and creation goes on infinitely. They think that our universe is one out of millions and these millions form a greater universe and then there is yet another group higher and so on for infinity. This assumption is a guess and is not the case. The hierarchy ends with the universe of galaxies. The creative mind of God has reached its ring-pass-not at this point.

19  The universe is a spiral of ever increasing size, ever expanding.

20  Why was the universe created and why do we create and play games? The answer is the same to both questions.

21  There are higher lives ahead of us that guide us but we’re now the ones in charge of creating in the physical universe. We’re the creators of the universe. We’re going to do the physical creating and splice the genes and create new DNA.

22  As humanity on the various worlds advance more power will be given to the soul of the universe to give life and shape to the universe.

23  There are universes within the subatomic particles built on a different ray or number system than our universe.

24  The Bottomless Pit is a Star System which is a gathering place for the Dark Ones and after a sufficient number are gathered, their combined energy creates an implosion of force which causes the system to collapse on itself just as their own bodies are collapsing on themselves. Then in their world all light is sucked into a point of nothingness and as Jesus said, “If your light is then darkness, how great is that darkness.”  All the lives in that system, all the matter, all the light is reduced to a point, a (singularity as Steven Hawking may call it). This point is not a wormhole or a gateway to another universe, but a point of pure soul which is a gateway back to essential Spirit. Thus do these failed lives go back to their source where their true Spiritual Selves contemplate in a state of Pralaya for several billion years before making another attempt at physical manifestation. Another way to put this is to say a black hole is the recycling bin of the galaxy.

25  The higher and larger things get in the universe, the slower their time and the younger their cosmic age.

26  Let us suppose we could go to the edge of the universe and look out in the void. What would we see? Nothing, for two reasons. First the nearest universe would be so far away it would only seem a dot at best. Secondly, the nearest universe would be so far away that its light could virtually never reach us. All the universes in the greater universe would come and go a thousand times before light could ever be received.

27  The universe is an infant very alone in a great void receiving no physical light from any source. As it grows to self awareness its first external question will be:  “Am I alone?”

28  The imbalance of energy in our physical world thus causes one energy to be a sending one and one to be a receiver. The process of sending and receiving is an attempt by nature to bring balance in the universe.

29  To say that to exist God is complete because He has nowhere to go or nowhere to expand makes no sense because we see that the universe is expanding and that none of His creations in the macrocosm are complete.

30  An advancement of humanity on this earth is only a small matter when looking at the universe as a whole.

31  We live in a universe that operates under the “law of dominating good” — or “Becoming.”  This law of dominating good causes progression to NOT take the form of an endless repeating circle, but an ever expanding spiral of circles. Thus at each new turn of the spiral the ring-pass-not has expanded and we continually have new worlds to explore and new gains to acquire.

32  The universe as a whole is created as a projection from the prime energy of Purpose with a foundation on Ray One or the Father aspect; but our solar system is created from the foundation of Ray Two or the Son-Love-Soul aspect. This is why the apostle John wrote that “God is Love.”

33  Obviously this universe, with you and I in it, is here for a purpose and if we do not live through this experience we are in with wisdom then we are negating the grand purpose of God.

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Unlimited Evolutions

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes From

The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  When life reaches the end of its evolution it becomes radioactive.

2  There have been many Adams. The Christ was the last Adam around 6000 years ago, but the first was the Ancient of Days or the Planetary Logos who incarnated 18 million years ago.

3  The smaller you go in size the higher the evolution is within that plane.

4  The evolution of the greater is dependent on the successful evolution of the lesser.

5  In the vegetable kingdom the flowers of the planet are much more evolved in their plane than humans are on their plane.

6  Evolving human beings are like pendulums swinging back and forth between two extremes.

7  Everyone wonders what the unused strands of DNA are for. They were created by us in the first solar system and will be activated as we grow in consciousness.

8  DK [Djwhal Khul] is mysteriously silent about the black race as far as its origins and purposes. He merely tells us that they have a unique place in our evolution and strongly supported their civil rights as equals during that troublesome time that he wrote 1920-1950.

9  The gathering is an actual principle that governs the evolution of all things. Each time a new leap in evolution is imminent a gathering of intelligence occurs.

10  The freeing of the slaves through the initiate Abraham Lincoln and others marked a turning point in the evolution of the human race and opened the door for many of them to enter into higher states of consciousness.

11  The evolution of religion, as a whole, is some distance behind the evolution of political systems.

12  As humans begin evolution we start with attention centered in the instinct and, or physical. Next we evolve to the emotional and, or astral. Then we move to the mental and, or thinking and finally to the intuitive and, or soul.

13  On a metaphysical note animals hunting animals and people hunting animals produces a strong stimulating force that furthers their evolution. If you’ve ever seen an elk up close which has survived three or more hunting seasons you will see an intelligence in his eyes that is far beyond the rest of the herd.

14  We move ahead or backward in evolution according to where we place our focused thought.

15  It takes a certain point in the evolution of the human being to comprehend the difference between a principle and a fact.

16  Decision creates cause and effect, which creates evolution.

17  Just as existence is self-evident because our consciousness proves it, so is evolution. We experience ourselves evolving, creating and changing. There is no denying this unless we deny reality and existence itself.

18  The first Adam was male and female as one unit and it was “their” name not “his” name.  [See Genesis 5:2]

19  True steps in evolution are often difficult to perceive and often read incorrectly.

20  Humanity has presently evolved to the fifth root race. The coming sixth and seventh will allow us to be more sensitive to higher contact.

21  The consciousness of God is manifesting through kingdoms in human form at this period of universal evolution and thus the responsibility falls upon man to bring the beauty of molecular form from the microcosm to the macrocosm, from the lower lives to the higher, and when the higher is completed its complexity and beauty will surpass all previous creations.

22  True equality must evolve within mankind as the consciousness of the race evolves.

23  No matter how far we go on the scale of evolution there is still an infinite eternity of becoming awaiting us.

24  A key point to remember is that even though the atomic lives are much closer to the end of their evolution than is humankind that humans are a more complex life form than molecules, cells and atoms.

25  Studying ancient physical races will not shed much light because the first two races were not physical. The first two were in grades of etheric matter. It was the third race, the Lemurian, was physical, of which the Australian aborigine is a remnant.

26  The first [physical] race was hermaphrodite and has similarities to the seventh and last race, but with differences. One of the biggest differences is the seventh race will be physical.

27  The programming and knowledge to recreate any part of our bodies with perfection will never be lost.

28  We indeed experience heaven and hell right here on the earth, but because of the “dominating good” that governs the universe the hells will lessen in their intensity and the heavens will increase until the end of this great creative cycle and then we shall devise a new heaven and new hell to keep things exciting.

29  Heaven is pretty much what you define it but in most people’s minds it is a state of being where there is a state of joyousness beyond that which we normally experience and there are many levels of intensity of enjoyment awaiting us. We shall go from sphere to sphere enhancing our becoming and joy and when we make progress (or have a blissful rest) we shall experience “heaven.”  When we fail and retrogress we shall experience “hell.”

30  Limitations are an essential ingredient to our evolution, for we cannot expand in intelligence without them.

31  The intelligence within matter itself (as far as we can see) comes from the long evolutionary process of the intelligence of the reflections of God creating and playing upon matter itself.

32  Forget self and move forward in experience until the desire of your soul is satisfied. Then you will rest in peace and prepare for another.

33  After we have mastered all there is to master we will create other planes and master them worlds without end and worlds without beginning.

34  There are an unending number of starting and ending points for us.

35  As we go from point to point in our journeys through this universe we have an unlimited number of beginnings and endings, but as long as form is involved the form, or incarnation of an idea, has a beginning and end.

36  Our mission is to take group life on a quantum leap into evolution and pave the way for all of our brethren to follow.

37  Our evolution toward the Molecular Relationship is part of our destiny.

38  Now many may believe that all evolution transpires within, but this is only half the equation. We must be stimulated from without and then evolve from within.

39  The serpent race should not be seen as evil but as a step in our early evolution.

40  I have long taught from the ancient wisdom that we were once hermaphrodites.

41  Very little, except a few hints are given out about our serpent past, but this form had a place in the second through the fourth races. They became extinct during Atlantean times.

42  On some planets birds, dinosaurs, fish, and other creatures evolve into human like form, but the serpents are very tough physically and usually dominate for a time. Then when humans appear they are nurtured because of their beauty. When they multiply and become a threat for domination, conflict ensues until only one upright race is left.

43  The size of a man’s aura will vary greatly according to the point of evolution; just as will the size of the orbiting fields of the atoms vary according to their atomic weight, or point of evolution.

44  The monad is the mother which gives birth to Self and is female.

45  The first Adam was created out of the non-physical (from our point of view) ethers and was like a living cell with male and female united into one. He was a reflection of the Divine Hermaphrodite God with all the capabilities of reproduction.

46  There is no logical reason why there would not be evolution. The evidence that there is evolution is that it is happening now.

47  All beings must enjoy the amenities of life within their own sphere and when they learn to maintain those accomplishments the lives can then move on.

48  We are going where man or God has not gone before and working on new creation and new orders that have not exactly manifested before.

49  The aim of evolution for us is to progress from the lower (physical) to the highest (mental) worlds of human endeavor.

50  Completely sealing the door to totalitarian evil will be the most important evolutionary step mankind has made in recorded history and that is why the coming of Christ and his associates will be such an important event for mankind.

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Vibrational Energies

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes From

The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  We thank the One Great Life for reflecting Itself and creating motion, or vibration, causing the Music of the Spheres, and All There Is, to become manifest so the various parts of God can know themselves and each other.

2  Highly evolved entities tune the chord of their energies from the highest to the lowest, and thus all the notes in the energy chord can vibrate harmoniously.

3  The vibration of a person’s Spirit is much higher than his personality, and it is logical that the higher would be more reliable than the lower.

4  If a Master connects with you in the Spirit, you will note a high vibration that needs a period of adjustment.

5  There are many life forms and beings working on the side of good, who are much higher in vibration than ourselves, of which the average seeker is totally unaware and unprepared to enter into the presence of such. This difference in vibration can require great courage to approach.

6  If a Master decides to admit you into his ashram, you will first be sent a flow of energy of higher vibration to give you time to adjust. This adjustment can be disturbing at first – a little like getting into a hot bath. It’s discomforting at first but after you adjust it is okay. Then, after you make adjustments in vibration, you are admitted to the group. If the ashram were to let you in without the adjustment, you would either suffer death or go insane.

7  Even though the vibration of higher lives is very intense, the person receiving them will inherently know that they are on the side of good because the vibration will be recognized by the inner most part of themselves as desirable to attain.

8  There is a difference between soul energy and the Solar Angel.

9  If all energies were to become perfectly balanced, then we would have perfect circles formed around a point which would then be reduced to a point of nothingness.

10  Even though electricity is composed of negative electrons I see this energy itself as positive, or male, because it is action energy capable of initiating motion. Magnetism is the opposite polarity (female) that tends to still action and pull toward the center.

11  When we think of protective energy, it is natural to think only of ourselves, but in projecting our thoughts to the whole, where each of us draws from the pool of accumulated energy, the individual will benefit as well as the group.

12  The higher vibration is always more difficult to comprehend and master.

13  Once a person becomes aware of the various energies unfolding he will have no doubt that there are major energy centers at play in the body. When I first felt them I knew nothing about the centers and it did not occur to me what was happening, but then when I later learned about the chakras it all began to make sense to me.

14  Energy follows thought which is held by focused attention.

15  At the point of definite reversal with no energy directed toward the path of evolution then there is no attention on the soul or spirit. To understand this we must realize that energy does follow thought and if there is no energy on the higher then all energy follows the line of least resistance toward the lower.

16  Just as atomic energy is much more potent than gas and oil, so will the building energies of Zion and the Molecular Relationship be more powerful than anything before witnessed.

17  In our solar system at this point in time and space Love does seem to be the foundation energy, but the truth is that this energy is one of seven projections from a higher Ray which is the Father Ray – Ray One.

18  When a seeker, through the principle of identification, senses the vibrating energies emanating from such an initiate he then assumes the vibration of the 144,000 and feels the music of the spheres within.

19  Unquestioned or unproven authority is always a destroying energy.

20  If one overcomes Maya that does not mean he ceases to enjoy good food, sex and rock and roll. But it does mean that he is the master of this energy and the energy is not the master of him.

21  Think of all the energy that you expend and you will see that somehow, someway, all of it is directed to fulfill some conscious goal somewhere.

22  The best we can do with energy set in motion (effect), is to direct it wisely.

23  Without contact with the higher energies of the heart and mind going with the flow, or the line of least resistance, always seems to be the most desirable.

24  If you go to the higher lives and see or experience them as they are, the vibration difference will be alarming for the first several encounters.

25  The higher the life in evolution the higher the vibration and the greater the adjustment necessary to endure the presence.

26  In making the transition to a new venture of fulfillment another problem can surface. As you move ahead new energies are released from your centers and with these new energies must come new ways of doing things. You just cannot fall back on what was comfortable in the past, but one must move forward with a sense of higher purpose and attunement with the soul.

27  The lower cannot control itself or the higher, but the higher can control the lower. The lower never has desire to cooperate with the higher and enters onto the higher vibration kicking and screaming with resistance.

28  Where the energies are not balanced each individual will feel there is something that is lacking, but will not be sure what it is.

29  When the Molecular Relationship is properly set up the opportunity to balance energy will be more abundant. The couple will always have a teacher and, or sender available from which to receive and there will always be students and, or receivers for whom to give.

30  When a critical mass of radioactive humans (Israelites) are gathered then we can have a controlled chain reaction, a controlled release of energy to sustain peace on earth goodwill toward men.

31  Light is a form of radiation – wavelengths increasing. Love is an aspect of magnetism – wavelengths merging, having interplay or coming together.

32  If we send Light and Love to anyone on the dark path or of a low vibration or someone who will use power contrary to the good of the whole then the Light and Love we send will be transmuted to the lower centers and all we will do is energize the lower desires of these people.

33  It is true that the positive energy dominates in our physical world, the negative dominates in the etheric and astral. Then the positive dominates in the mental and so on up to the monad.

34  Just as light has a higher vibration than sound, and yellow is higher than red, even so is the astral vibration higher than physical and the matter of mind is higher than astral-emotion.

35  To be evolutionary, the physical and emotional energies must adjust their vibration so they are in harmony with the heart and mind energies.

36  Purpose is that which causes vibration so that within that vibration lies all energy, form, plans and goals.

37  In the beginning the essence of God which is PURPOSE (which gives power to make DECISION) reflected Itself to unlimited numbers and these reflections vibrated generated Love. Love gathered them together and then vibrated again. This process was repeated many times until the thought in the Purpose of God of human intelligence began to vibrate.

38  If you could achieve a balance of the two energies [male and female] and “be still and know God,”  then your body would disappear until you let the energies slip out of balance again. This is one of the reasons that the Masters can transport their bodies instantly. They do not increase their vibration as many teach. Instead they still their vibration through the balancing of energies and can move through a door or wall as easily as an imaginary point of thought.

39  An energy which is directed to restrict life and imprison it, or take away its freedom of expression in any way becomes evil, but an energy which is directed to free life and give greater room for expression and expansion and joy is good.

40  The eternal part of us has no vibration.

41  A “force” has to exist at the mercy of some type of vibration and all vibration is eventually stilled. Therefore “forces” are not eternal.

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What Are You Deciding To Become?

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  The translation “I AM” is incorrect and misleading. In the Hebrew it reads:  “I AM BECOMING.”

2  When the seeker says he has found the ultimate feeling, bliss, or God Presence, he knows not that he is only at the beginning of his journey. No matter how high the consciousness, bliss or joy, the seeker adjusts to it and eventually becomes ready for more. When he is ready, the more will come, worlds without end.

3  Additional seeking is always necessary no matter where we think we are upon the Path. There is always more BECOMING ahead of us.

4  BECOMING is the action of Purpose, the dominating good which interpenetrates both male and female energies.

5  Unfortunately the word BEING is associated by many with the decision “not to be” as spoken by Shakespeare. True BEING is not yielding to the line of least resistance but after we have taken “arms against a sea of troubles,” and have prevailed as Gods – only then will true BEING become known and no longer esoteric to us.

6  We are in a state of eternal becoming because there is no ultimate perfection.

7  He, who humbles himself before those greater than himself and before those seeking the light from his radiance, will be endowed with the glory of God from on High and generations unborn will yet warm themselves with his light and love.

8  Let us join the great ones together, my friends, and humble ourselves; so any greatness which is manifest is from the one Spirit that permeates us all.

9  “Being yourself,” for many of us, involves recognizing that we have a purpose for being here. Our obligation–our opportunity–is to discern what that purpose is, and then surrender to whatever it requires of us to fulfill. It can be a source of deep joy:  service to humanity, in whatever form, is deeply satisfying.

10  Part of being humble is just being you.

11  The I AM of itself is not wrong or evil for it is a description of BEING which is the foundation of life for us all. Where the problem comes in our evolution is where we become lazy and cease to become and just “be.”

12  We only go forward on the path by amplifying our power to decide in harmony with the Will of God and then bring that decision into reality through BECOMING.

13  God works through each of us and BECOMES who He decides to be through us so long as we follow the Spirit of God within each of our inner selves.

14  Incorporated in BECOMING is BEING.

15  In order to become, one first must be, or become alive. Becoming only increases the sense of being alive.

16  You have “to be” before you can “become.”  You do not “become” so you can “be.”

17  If you are in a state of “being” only, you are enjoying a temporary rest. When you are “becoming,”  your life is in a state of “being” with the added aspect of “becoming.”

18  Those who live upon the sea of hateful and bitter emotions despise the good, the beautiful and the true. They die as to the things of the Spirit.

19  Greatness is seen in worldly power and money rather than in spiritual power, intelligence and character.

20  Many of those who fight the truth of the soul will be stolen and taken away by the spirit of Christ and removed from their illusions.

21  To become the greatest possible help to others who are under negative influence, it is important to develop your sensitivity to the feelings (and sometimes thoughts) of those within your aura of concern.

22  As an individual you can, through the soul, contact the spiritual worlds and your own higher self, which is a Master upon its own plane.

23  How does the Beast of unjust authority want you to see yourself: as I AM, standing still – easy to control, or I AM BECOMING, changing and improving and therefore difficult to control?

24  All activity that one can engage in is pushing toward the fulfillment of a conscious intelligent goal set by someone somewhere.

25  If one wants to accomplish beyond the norm he must not only believe but make a decision within his ring of consciousness.

26  A goal is a specific believable objective set by the mind and accepted by the heart. It includes definite steps that will be taken to ensure its completion at an approximated time.

27  We can become a member of the heavenly Jerusalem at any moment that we “overcome” and obtain soul contact and the Christ consciousness.

28  The principles that just are cannot be altered or changed but must be mastered and used to mold creation to a desired end. That desired end is that which we DECIDE and creates the process of BECOMING.

29  When we realize that we are BECOMING beings, we discover the truth and the truth sets us free. Free to do what? Free to DECIDE for ourselves and BECOME that which we decide to become.

30  The path for us to become one with God and manifest the name within is us for us to take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ by committing ourselves to the highest service that we know and then practice the science of BECOMING the highest that you can DECIDE to BECOME.

31  It is only after a decision has been made that Purpose is made manifest even though they both silently co-exist in the mind of the Creator. Then it is only after a purpose is sensed that Power can be applied. Again it is only after purpose and power is in play that Will can be exercised to manifest the decision.

32  You may receive inspiration, knowledge and some guidance, but your own power of discernment and DECISION will always play a large part in how you will apply yourself.

33  We begin to win at the game of life when our ATTENTION is focused in one direction rather than scattered.

34  Put your attention on finding that which is true rather than that which is in error.

35  Any denial of that which is true, leads to greater failures than those experienced by one who faces the truth of failure and perseveres in learning from it and turning it into success.

36  The mirror of ourselves is always out there in the world of our creation. I seek to help you create a more loving world to reflect back to you.

37  To become a Master one must not only balance off cause and effect as it relates to others, but also as it relates to oneself and between the lower and higher self.

38  When the heart and mind are in agreement (as was Jesus and the Christ) then there is peace and harmony and miracles happen in your life.

39  I caught a glimpse of the suffering humans experience on the earth, and I saw much of it happens because people just don’t take the course of action they know within their hearts they are supposed to do.

40  If you look for verification of something that you have a preconceived notion is true, then you will find evidence to prove it, at least to yourself. This will happen whether the notion is true or false.

41  The Still Small Voice is the revelation of “Direction.” It is fortunate for humanity that the use of this requires no great spiritual evolution. The only real requirement is that a seeker seeks that which he understands as the guidance of God. He must do so with sincerity of heart and pure intent.

42  When God switched from the state of Being to BECOMING, the worlds of form were created.

43  My conscience is a perfect man whom I would like to see.

44  If we can attain a true realization that we are truly a reflection of the Solar Angel, and one life with it, then we can become as Christ and have power over physical reality and even death.

45  Keep checking with your souls, and when the link called in the east the antahkarana is created, then the seeker graduates from a sheep to a disciple to a shepherd.

46  As you double your ability to achieve, your opportunity to use other people’s energy and efforts will multiply geometrically.

47  If you are a light to the world and light is produced by contrast would this not indicate that you should live a life that appears in sharp contrast to average “Joe six pack”?

48  Without fear there is no courage and without courage there is no point of tension and with no point of tension there are no quantum leaps into newness and great adventures.

49  Seek ye therefore the baptism of fire and the Holy Spirit, the greatest of the gifts of God in this life.

50  All who follow the highest they know will join with the higher consciousness and share a oneness with them and assist in the great work.

51  If the seeker follows the direction of the peace that passes understanding then he will be led to true vision.

52  When you make a decision around some goal of becoming that decision relates to what you will be in a future time or what you shall become.

53  Contemplate the part of you that actually decides and you can feel that link between you and God. It uses your bodies but it is not your bodies.

54  What are you deciding to become?

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What We Are

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  You are not your body, you are not your feelings and you are not your mind or thoughts. What are you?  You are that power within that can make a decision from which purpose and potential power reside and from which all things spring.

2  We decide because of what we are and we BECOME because of what we are.

3  I use my uniqueness to see for Him which is myself.

4  Whatever we create is a creation for which God is responsible for man and God are one. We are His hands.

5  How can being one with God be anything else than being God?

6  How can one believe in the omnipresence of God and not believe that God is within us? What do such people think – that God is everywhere but in us?

7  Just as the eternal part of you is the idea of you in the mind of God, even so the eternal part of light and love are the idea of them within God.

8  The whole physical body consists of the dense physical that all of us see, plus the normally invisible etheric. The etheric is composed of millions of lines of force joining and merging to give the dense physical a coherent form.

9  We could define instinct as reliable computer programs that have been placed by the Creator into our vehicles [bodies] for the purpose of insuring our survival. These little programs are always correct in their original context and worked well for primitive humanity, but in more complex situations they are often misleading.

10  The fact is that when one is given a job, and the job is accepted, it becomes a matter of pride to do a good job, even if the job turns out to be disgusting.

11  When a normal human being sees and understands what is right, he will normally follow it.

12  The equality of the human race, as far has having basic needs met and equal opportunity offered, is planted in all human souls and is an ideal that will someday be manifest.

13  All of us are deluded to some degree in one area or another.

14  Do not overlook your own uniqueness and that your slant on things is often more interesting than you think.

15  We are all composite beings made of many lesser lives and to maintain the cohesive force to keep the lower lives together to maintain the higher, attention must be focused on the higher energies of soul. Without this attention and the drawing forth of spiritual power then the forces holding the lesser lives becomes diminished until, eventually, the lesser lives come apart and return to their native element. This produces a death or disintegration of the person as they are.

16  Unfortunately it is rare to find even one person who is this open minded as an adult. Most who do see themselves as open will shut down as soon as some truth crosses their path that does not align with their mindset.

17  The very fact that we are here in a place of risk illustrates that deep within the souls of us all is a greater desire to be free and to explore and to BECOME than to just be still, stagnate and safe.

18  If God and man are one, then man is God and God is man. We only seem to be two because we have been deceived into thinking it.

19  Five entities in the Bible have called men Gods. They are the serpent in the garden, the God of the Old Testament, Moses, David, and Jesus.

20  The eternal part of ourselves, or divine intelligence, has no cause but is cause and has no beginning or end.

21  Whether the self is complete [or not] we have to define what complete is. Some selves are complete idiots.

22  We are ideas in the mind of God.

23  The monad is our originating point in this universe and beyond this point is the mystery of our timeless past.

24  That which makes you a human unit existed for eternity in the mind of God as a human intelligence. You were not an idea for an atom, a plant, or an animal, but the song which is you is a human song.

25  As humans we are not the highest but neither are we the lowest.

26  We are a part of the body of the Source; as such we are the source of ourselves.

27  We are unborn eternal individual units each with our own differing purposes.

28  The real you is not three parts but one part using numerous vehicles. When we are done with the vehicles we do not fuse them together but discard them, taking only with us the intelligence they provided.

29  You are a reflection of your Solar Angel and are nourished by it.

30  If we are in tune with the Spirit of God we can tune into the smaller lives within our body and catch a glimpse of smaller units of consciousness than we ever dreamed possible.

31  The possibilities of mankind will be revealed in outer form through technology as a forerunner to the full revelation of the inner powers.

32  The five lower chakras and hundreds of other smaller energy points are actually little lives that were once animals and other little lives eons ago.

33  People today are attracted to the safety of the status quo and strong personalities more than ideas.

34  Another interesting person of more recent historical note who got himself in trouble and eventually killed for teaching the Godhood of man was the Mormon prophet, Joseph Smith.

35  God creates through His imagination just as we create through ours. Just as our imagination is unlimited so is His, but neither are infinite. There is always an end to what any being imagines, but no limit.

36  When condemnation subsides, the son of man becomes the Son of God and the Father recognizes another beloved Son who has found himself.

37  Cause is initiated and directed by intelligence and purpose through the power of Decision, which is the core of what we are.

38  We exist or live to have experience.

39  You as an individual are going through an experience unique to yourself, slightly different from any other life in the Universe.

40  Human beings are the soul of the universe.

41  Just as you have soul within your physical body that creates and gives you form, even so man is the soul energy within the great body of the universe and has a destiny to create the great body of God on a universal scale.

42  There is a higher part of ourselves that is like Christ and has the Christ consciousness.

43  Our bodies are not who we are. Instead they are vehicles that we use. A person giving his body to another for a higher use can be a great act of free will.

44  You as an individual entity consists of a musical chord of four notes at any given point in time and space. Your physical body vibrates on a certain note as well as does your emotions and your mind. Then your soul vibrates on a fourth note. You also play your notes in a certain key. The four notes are predicated on the worlds of form. Three correspond to the physical, astral and mental. The fourth is a synthesis of the three corresponding to the whole personality.

45  The first great purpose of man is to discover and use the intelligence behind the great forms that have already been completed in the microcosm and apply that knowledge to the macrocosm.

46  All the lives that make up our bodies have a great amount of knowledge, but it is “below the threshold of consciousness.”

47  Your whole body is a hierarchy of atoms and molecules with the permanent atom at its head recreating the great power of organization necessary to create your physical structure. This feat is greater than we can imagine.

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Within, Without and Inside Out

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  When men find the true Christ within, then they can recognize the Christ manifested without, and the old authoritative structure will collapse.

2  Before an idea is manifested without it must be first contemplated within.

3  Lower psychism relies on signs without, whereas higher psychism focuses on the God within.

4  2+2=4 has no meaning or cannot even exist without an outside division of form combined with an inner recognition.

5  Anything that exists within has its physical counterpart.

6  The purpose of the outside world is to stimulate with experience, and the purpose of the inner is to verify. Without the outer world there is nothing to verify, and without the inner there is no source to find the point of truth that exists in all things.

7  When one discovers that the true fullness of the godhead is in each of us then one will never again bow down to mystery Babylon, nor have any desire to.

8  The spirit of God that dwells in each of us is the true God and when we seek for God in heaven, a flying saucer, or in the form of a Master or even resurrected and glorified man we bow down to Babylon the great which “is drunk on the blood of the prophets.”  [Also see Revelation 16:6 & 17:6]

9  Men bow down and worship the image of gold and glitter without realizing that the true god is within.

10  As one advances down the evolutionary path he eventually drops his reliance on authority without and relies on the authority within.

11  Never let yourself be limited by what I teach or present to you, but always go with what is revealed within yourself.

12  If one were to look over the billions of people in humanity he would find that most radiate little or no light from the center, but are led by insignificant reflections from without that they follow with blindness.

13  To the dismay of the oppressors the light within cannot be extinguished from without.

14  A person can be a member of a benevolent church, business or organization and yet still mindlessly follow the authorities without.

15  Goats are very independent and are a law unto themselves. They follow their own inner impulses and recognize no shepherd or leader. On the New Age side of things the goats claim to be following the “God within” but instead are following their own wills and their own inner impulses and feelings.

16  Over ninety percent of those who go within for truth get their verification filtered through the astral world and the astral world is manipulated by the authorities WITHOUT.

17  There are many people claiming to teach knowledge from within which is really illusion reflected from without.

18  Only when soul contact has actually been made will one be able to discern the difference between the astral within and the soul within.

19  Guilt can only exist when God within is substituted for a false god without. The spirit of God speaking to you from within will never bring guilt, but instead an increase of awareness so true progress can be made.

20  We observe that which is outside and reflect it off that which is inside and through the power of the soul truth is registered.

21  To even create more than one on the inside the One Life had to create an outside as well as inside. All form on the outside is dependant on the sustaining power of the One inside. Technically there is no inside without an outside. To say that all is within is no different than saying that all is without for both are interdependent.

22  One of the main messages of the Gita is to not retreat into your inner world and seek peace at the expense of avoiding facing the real problems of the outside world.

23  If we are complete within and do not need anyone else then why did God create the universe with billions of inhabited planets and place us on one of them with billions of other people?

24  The God within is blameless and thus the disciple who is one with his inner God is also blameless when he follows the direction he receives.

25  God is already within every man, woman and child on the planet.

26  Outside teachers may point us in the right direction, but he who has escaped the mark of the beast will not firmly embrace even Jesus, an angel, the scriptures, synchronicity or any other outward sign or teaching unless the great authority within confirms it.

27  The seat of the Beast is any illusion that supports the voice, or word of God, which comes from outside of the spirit of God within.

28  Those who rely upon the outer authority reject the idea of going within to verify that which they have received from without. This causes a blanket of darkness to fall upon the blind follower.

29  Swearing by something outside of ourselves creates a power outside of us that interferes with the Spirit of truth within ourselves. We should make a promise so the light of the soul is not diminished.

30  One can be captivated by falsehood and think it is true but such a person will be internally bewildered.

31  Truth is neither on the outside or inside.

32  Outward ups and downs do not change the inward kingdom of God.

33  “The Kingdom of God is within,” and that is where the principle of atonement lies. The seeker At-One-Moment shifts attention from the outer god to the inner. When they do this all guilt disappears and they see a vision of a path that leads away from error into the light of truth.

34  Guilt is usually caused by substituting the voice of God within to a false voice without who teaches you to feel ashamed. Sever the tie with the voice without and guilt will dissipate.

35  Light is the world without – Love is the world within.

36  Many there are who look for signs outside of themselves rather than relying on the Spirit within.

37  Within yourself and all other human beings is available all knowledge written by the finger of God.

38  Truth is discovered through the interplay of that which is outside with that which is inside.

39  If a teaching is true it will grow like a good seed and expand your sensitivity to the Spirit of God within you. If the teaching is false you will receive an empty feeling and your interest and attention on the teaching will fade away, (unless you have the beast of authority force feeding you).

40  I have presented a definition of an Israelite as one who recognizes and follows the God within. The Hebrew of this name also bears this out.

41  Trust that inner sense (that comes from the soul) and pay attention to it. Then it will not be long before the still small voice becomes an inner flame that cannot be ignored.

42  The fullness of the Godhead is within us and we can manifest all the powers of godliness by cultivating the Spirit of God within us.

43  The first union that needs to be established is within the individual:  the union of the personality with the soul, or the lower self with the higher self.

44  I have taught many times that salvation is not 100 percent within or without, but we must use a balance of the two. For instance, the Holy Spirit, is a Being who touches and teaches us from within, but The Christ is an actual entity in a physical body existing in the world without when he so chooses. To become like Christ we must learn from within and without.

45  When we recognize and master the hypnotic suggestions within us we become masters of our fate.

46  A busy person in the West, such as me, has little time for meditation so I have to learn to go within, in the mist of work, turmoil, noise and even conflict.

47  “Peace on earth good will to all,” are still the words on the lips of angels. Let it also be on your lips, my friends, and let it spread as the fire of a candle lighting other candles until all the hearts of humankind feel the presence of the most holy peace within, transforming the world to peace without.

48  When the peace comes it matters not what the outward circumstances are.

49  If you perceive something from within it is only true that you perceived it, but it does not follow that your perception is true.

50  The false inner voice (from the solar plexus) always gives us impressions that accommodate our desires and pre-conceived notions.

51  The only thing you can obtain from within, until you become an initiate, is confirmation of true principles.

52  We must be planted with seed thoughts and ideas from without and then verify and expand the essential truth from within. Both the within and the without are necessary to find the truth.

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Your Solar Angel

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  A common name for the Solar Angel is the Higher Self. Eventually your perfected self will fuse with your Higher Self and evolve through all the higher spheres together as this solar system dies. In that far future age your new and improved Higher Self will reflect again and nurture its new born baby – a new and improved version of you.

2  Each one of us has a higher self sometimes called the Solar Angel.

3  When your Solar Angel becomes aware that you are offering others assistance on the Path through service, it will seek to open the door to Spirit for you so your power to serve can be enhanced.

4  Your monad is a seed that has become you. The Solar Angel is like the Farmer that nourishes the seed. Without the Solar Angel you may not have sprouted up in this system of things.

5  Monads do not have consciousness as we do but they do have a consciousness. It is sometimes referred to as a higher consciousness–higher than the Solar Angels because the monad is closer to the Source.

6  Without the help of our Solar Angels we would still be at a very primitive level of consciousness.

7  Your Solar Angel who works through your soul and higher entities up to the Masters will not do for you what you can do for yourself.

8  Our Solar Angel which communes with us through the soul has lived on other planets so far in the distant past that its native solar system no longer is in existence in physical form.

9  We see the reflection of our Solar Angel before we meet the Solar Angel itself because the average person isn’t ready to meet his true Solar Angel.

10  The Solar Angel reflects Itself down into the astral world but the reflection of the Solar Angel will often teach some things that are upside down but they’ll be things that are encouraging to the person to live a good life so they can eventually face their illusions.

11  The Solar Angel represents the Christ Consciousness.

12  The Solar Angel, often called our Higher Self is an actual entity which is a master on its own plane.

13  Your Solar Angel was once a standard human being such as yourself, but that was a long time ago in a star system far away, billions of years in the past. He/She achieved relative perfection and through the Molecular Relationship achieved a oneness of life with all other perfected souls within their planetary and solar groups.

14  The Solar Angels are “exalted beings” who seek an eternal increase through reflecting, or multiplying themselves, just as the One God did in the beginning (or beginning/end as it could be called).

15  Whereas earthly parents often have unrealistic expectations that the child will be just like them, the Solar Angel does realize that through a series of hundreds of lifetimes the reflection will attain all the attributes of the reflector, yet keep its individual will and purpose.

16  The Solar Angel has developed a high degree of consciousness and is able to use the potentialities of God much more than an unrealized monad.

17  There was a time when there were no Solar Angels, but there was never a time when there were no monads.

18  The first Solar Angels developed through trial and error in an earlier era of this developing universe somewhere around 60 trillion years ago. Without the help of assisting Solar Angels the unfoldment of a monad takes much longer.

19  The Solar Angel, your higher self, is distinct and separate from you, yet it is you.

20  The Solar Angel continues to enjoy life in its own plane while also enjoying the life and experience, which is you. He has thus increased his capacity for joy.

21  Not all planets have Solar Angels assisting and this is one of the reasons we have not picked up intelligent radio signals from any neighboring star system yet.

22  Because of positive karma we have the good fortune to have the assistance of Solar Angels in this solar system.

23  Our Solar Angels are linked to higher angels that have risen to an even higher state of being and these are linked to higher still until you get to the originating Solar Angels in this creation.

24  Our Solar Logos was once a Solar Angel.

25  There are many Solar Angels in this Solar System, but the ones for this earth, in connection with human life, are from one basic family and share a oneness of life.

26  The Christ and the Logos have merged with their Solar Angels ages ago and are one with their own monads.

27  The job of soul energies and the Solar Angel is to work with the lower man until the monad and the lower reflection is linked and directed toward oneness.

28  Your experiences are on a different order and flavor than your Solar Angel experienced as a human. Were it not so, there would be no impetus for us or God to extend ourselves.

29  Since animals do not have Solar Angels this could explain why the earth is more accepting of their waste.

30  The Solar Angel is the soul. It’s a name for the soul. He’s called the Solar Angel because He works with solar energy from the Solar Logos.

31  The Solar Angels which commune with us when soul contact is achieved are indeed emanations from the Solar Logos.

32  If we can attain a true realization that we are truly a reflection of the Solar Angel, and one life with it, then we can become as Christ and have power over physical reality and even death.

33  Your Solar Angel is a Lord of Compassion and sacrificed itself through compassion so you could be born as an entity.

34  Your Solar Angel is more like your Divine Mother who has nourished you from an embryo, or your monad.

35  As reflections we are one with our Solar Angels in the higher spheres, but in this one we are the same Song, but played in a different key. Eventually the two keys must come together and play as one.

36  It is not the job of the Masters to work with average humanity. This is the work of the Solar Angel and its reflections in the astral world.

37  Our Solar Angels operate on several planes to communicate with human entities according to the highest they [humans] can perceive.

38  The Solar Angel doesn’t have a physical body.

39  This planet is different because we’ve had assistance. The Sons of Mind were sent to us to assist us in our evolution. These are basically our Solar Angels. We have Solar Angels assisting us in our evolution. Not all planets have this as the case. Because of this we’re one of the more progressed planets.

40  When people receive instruction from their Solar Angel, people think they’re getting a revelation from God.

41  When we develop soul contact we open the door to contacting our Solar Angels as well as the Masters and Christ and up and beyond; the doors open to all these communications.

42  DK [Djwahl Khul] says the Solar Angel casts a shadow and this shadow becomes our lower nature which the beginning human identifies with and falsely believes himself to be. Instead he is the monadic life which is occupying the shadow of the Solar Angel.

43  Before this earth scheme and this solar system there was a previous solar system where we (or our Solar Angels) passed through 49 other globes. This was our first estate.

44  The Solar Angels are in a Molecular Order of their own. Even though they are many they operate with such unity, and as one life, that the masters often just call them “the soul.”

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