2001-8-2 04:36:00
John writes:
"First, some statements from earlier lessons: Our Soul, the Solar Angel our Higher Self an actual entity (a master on its own plane) an exalted being who seeks eternal increase by reflecting or multiplying themselves was a standard human like ourselves (long ago) [from "Lessons In White Magic," Lesson 2, Part 1] We are a reflection of the soul, and when we go back to being spirit, we will merge with that soul, into 'one.' Our being separate from our soul is somewhat of an illusion. We exist as we are today, for the purpose of new experience, and experiencing all there is to know. The soul lives on what we would call a formless world [from Lesson 2, Part 2].
"Questions: a. Biblically speaking, it sounds like this 'soul' being is God, the Father, right? [as opposed to Christ, the Holy Spirit or the 'Light of Christ,' etc.] b. I've always heard the word 'soul' as referring to the combination of body and spirit (e.g. your individual spirit body + your mortal body your 'soul'). Is this not correct?"
I have written quite a lot on this subject and will recommend you go to the archives and do a search for the word soul. I will add a couple things though.
What is confusing to Mormons and some others is that they see the Father, Son and Holy Spirit only as individualized entities, but what they fail to realize is that individualized entities only represent these three aspects. There was a beginning to this representation, but there is no beginning to the three aspects of the Father (represented by the Monad and the ray of Will, Power, Purpose), the Son (The soul -- the Ray of Love/Wisdom) and the Holy Spirit (an omnipresent entity -- the Ray of active intelligence).
There is evidence that Joseph Smith had a knowledge of this as he stated that the Christ is an office and that office is currently held by Christ of Galilee. Take away the office and what do you have?
Answer: An eternal aspect which awaits manifestation of billions of worlds.
Both the light of Christ and the Holy Spirit manifest through the power of soul energy (different than the solar angel). The light of Christ is the light of the intuition in varying degrees that that shines upon our mind and enlightens it. In its beginning influence it produces a conscience and desire for self improvement and in full development it creates a "flashing forth" of the intuition.
The Holy Spirit is a link between the lower worlds and the higher and through the power of the soul gives us direction and the "still small voice."
There is a difference between soul energy and the Solar Angel. Soul energy is produced through the interplay of spirit and matter and thus when God placed His spirit in the body and the interplay began, soul energy was the result and man became a living soul.
The Solar Angel is an actual entity who uses soul energy to work with you. When teachers of ancient wisdom speak of the soul one must look at the context of their words to figure exactly what they are referring to.
"If the 'soul' is an 'exalted being,' was he/she resurrected, after his/her mortal life?"
Your Solar Angel overcame death in a previous solar system billions of years ago.
"If so, why would we call his/her world 'formless?' [i.e. What happened to the concept of an immortal physical body?]."
Joseph Smith just taught the bare bones of this principle. He stated that the God over us was appointed in a conference of Gods and there was one assigned to this planet Earth and that he has a physical body.
This is the entity which is called "The Ancient of Days" in the Bible and "Sanat Kumara" in the Alice A. Bailey writings.
The higher lives do not live in physical bodies of lower vibration as we do. He who is called the Father on this planet lives in etheric matter as we do in reality. The physical body we see is created by an illusionary principle and the Father can so manifest if he desires. What many do not realize is that the etheric body is our true physical body.
The etheric body gives our lower physical body form and life, and after death it lives on for a short time and then disintegrates -- leaving us in our astral body.
When spirit and body are united in those who become as the Immortals the physical is folded up into the spiritual. How do you think Jesus walked through walls? He did not have a physical body when He did so, but unfolded it after He was through the wall and became physical again.
Our Father God has spent eons of time with no physical body (as we understand the term) after He overcame death in a past system, but when circumstances warrant it He can descend into the physical as He has done in coming to this earth and becoming the first Adam and continuing to dwell in an etheric physical body. A Master or higher who dwells in etheric matter can manifest a physical body when desired that can be touched and felt.
If not, why come to a world of "form" to get experiences when our 'end product' (so to speak) is formless?
There is no single end product. WE come into the physical for experience and to obtain power over all things. When this power is obtained we can then fold up our lower bodies and go to the higher realms. Then when we desire we can put on our lower clothes and visit the lower worlds. Those who have not taken physical bodies do not have this power. One has to overcome all things in the physical to be come a co-creator with God and participate in eternal increase.
"If, when we 'go back to being spirit' (i.e., after physical death, I presume), we 'merge' with that soul, does this mean we no longer have = a separate identity? Also, if the Soul is a resurrected being, how do billions of physical bodies 'merge'?"
We will always have a separate identity. This is eternal because the seed of our identity is eternal.
The merging takes place as described in 1 Corinthians, Chapter 12. Just like the millions of cells in your body are individual lives in their sphere and merge to create a greater life, even so is it our destiny to merge and create a greater life for the soul of humanity.
Out of time. More later.
Copyright © 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved