DK’s Students

May 6, 2016

DK’s Students

Kelly writes:

I have a few questions on DK and Annoyances – what exactly happened to this group of “world servers”?

Did they succeed? Was DK going through Alice Bailey in order to criticize constructively his students, or did he do it live in front of them? I’m assuming this was an actual group here on earth and not some ethereal beings. As such – then where is the group at now or their successors?


DK worked with real people like you and me in the flesh in an effort to establish a new type of working living group. He referred to it as a living organism so he seemed to be trying to take it in a molecular direction, but did not work with any type of pairing or molecular numbers, though he did say that 49 ashrams are in the process of materializing on the planet, of which his group was a part of one.

He had a disadvantage in that the group members were from various different places on the planet, but had an advantage that he could tune in to their minds and monitor their progress. As needed he gave individual instructions to the students through Alice A. Bailey and then she sent them on to the various students.

Over a period of 15 years or so he worked with about 50 students. He called the experiment a failure as far as their work in this period is concerned but stated the group has a unity on subtle planes and will eventually be successful in future lives.

Of the original 50 students 16 stayed with him until the effort ended and of that sixteen only six had progressed well enough to be of any value to the hierarchy.

He pointed out that even the masters cannot predict success or failure as far as dealings with humans go because of human freewill in time and space.

So, if a master can labor with all the tools at his disposal and only wind up with six souls that are of any use in group work then I guess I should not feel discouraged. DK found six, I need to find 24 for my mission and have to do it as a normal human being with no particular special abilities.

DK pointed out three main reasons for the failure of his group.

First students were more concerned about developing their own abilities than in service and support of the goals of the group.

Second, they were more concerned with the flaws of other group members rather than looking at their own.

Third, they only gave lip service to his advice and didn’t follow it. If they disagreed with the instructions they claimed that Alice A. Bailey wrote it rather than DK. DK said this never happened.

Finding a group of people who can work together under the direction of the soul is a daunting task indeed, but one that will be accomplished. It is just a matter of time, for one day soul groups on earth will be a common thing.


Has Lucis Trust via their website taken over the “works” in our modern era? Or did DK just call himself on an absent leave until 2025 (ish) like it was said so somewhere in the Bailey books or JJ’s archives.


Alice A. Bailey founded the Lucis trust and the Arcane school completely on her own with no help from DK. It was something she had to do to demonstrate her own powers of initiation. DK did not give her any grade on her work. Lucis Trust does have custody of the books which was fine with DK. The people at Lucis trust seem to be fine people and the Arcane School does good work, but they are very cautions about following the Bailey writings and I have not seen any thinking out of the box come from anyone associated with them.

Unfortunately, most Alice A. Bailey students lean left even though, as I pointed out earlier, most of DK’s writings lean right.

Ruth asks about the advanced souls who got caught under the reign of Hitler:

“Did any of them kill Jews? Did any of them go down the wrong path with Hitler, instead of working against Hitler?”


I am sure that a number of them did things that they wish they could have a voided. Many people are way too judgmental of those caught up in various thoughtforms of history past. They do not realize how powerful they are and that they themselves in past lives did all kinds of things that we in the current time judge as evil. For instance, many of the finest people we see about us today were slave holders in another era.

Many advanced souls cooperated with Hitler to some degree. Some woke up and others did not.

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Christmas Message 2001

This entry is part 5 of 29 in the series Christmas Messages


I thought I would divert from the regular class and give a Christmas message. Maybe I will start a tradition with this and do it each year.
This is the time of year that we celebrate the birth of Christ, a symbol of the first initiation where the birth of the Christ Consciousness is born in the dark cavern of the heart.

I like the account of this given in the Aquarian Gospel:

(Beginning of quoted material.)

“1. The time was nearly due for Jesus to be born, and Mary longed to see Elizabeth, and she and Joseph turned their faces toward the Judean hills.

“2. And when upon their way they came to Bethlehem the day was done, and they must tarry for the night.

“3. But Bethlehem was thronged with people going to Jerusalem; the inns and homes were filled with guests, and Joseph and his wife could find no place to rest but in a cave where animals were kept; and there they slept.

“4. At midnight came a cry, a child is born in yonder cave among the beasts. And lo, the promised son of man was born.

“5. And strangers took the little one and wrapped him in the dainty robes that Mary had prepared and laid him in a trough from which the beasts of burden fed.

“6. Three persons clad in snowwhite robes came in and stood before the child and said,

“7. All strength, all wisdom and all love be your, Immanuel.

“8. Now, on the hills of Bethehem were many flocks of sheep with shepherds guarding them.

“9. The shepherds were devout, were men of prayer, and they were waiting for a strong deliverer to come.

“10. And when the child of promise came, a man in snow-white robe appeared to them, and they fell back in fear. The man stood forth and said,

“11. Fear not! behold I bring you joyful news. At midnight in a cave in Bethehem was born the prophet and the king that you have long been waiting for.

“12. And then the shepherds all were glad; they felt that all the hills were filled with messengers of light, who said,

“13. All glory be to God on high; peace, peace on earth, good will to men.”

(End of quoted material.)

“Peace, peace on earth, good will to men,” is perhaps the most glorious and hopeful words in all the scriptures, perhaps the greatest words in our language, period, but unfortunately, the full meaning behind the phrase is hidden and not seen by the majority.

When the words are heard many only hear the first part of the phrase and discount the implications of the “good will” portion.

“What do you mean?” one may ask. “Do not peace and good will go together?”

Not necessarily. It depends on the kind of peace which is pursued.

Is there more than one kind of peace?


What are they?

Answer: Peace without good will and peace with good will.

What is the difference?

Let me give a possible example. If we had given in to all Hitler’s demands and let him have dominion piece by piece over the world we could have had peace, but there would have been no good will. If today the people had peace, or a lack of conflict, yet have Nazis as our cruel taskmasters there would be no good will either from the Nazis or from the people abused by them.

Instead of settling for this false peace, the Allied nations waged war on Hitler and when we prevailed then the possibility of both peace and good will became possible. We then worked with the energy of good will in a time of peace and helped Germany and Japan rebuild and then let them retain their own independent government.

Because of this good will in a time of peace, which was won through conflict, Japan and Germany are now our friends. In fact they are often more supportive of the United States today than are some of our allies from World War 2.

A static peace which is merely as lack of conflict is easy to attain. All you have to do is roll over and play dead. But then as the enemy steamrolls over you and your friends good will will be ground into the ethers nowhere to be found

Here are a few words of Djwahl Khul (DK) on the subject:

“It is no doubt an undeniable spiritual truth that right thought can change and save the world, but it is also true that there are not enough people able to think to do this work. Also, there is not enough time in which to do it. The thoughts of peace are mainly founded upon a stubborn idealism that loves the ideal more than humanity. They are based also upon an unrecognised fear of war and upon an individual inertia which prefers the dream world of wishful thinking to the shouldering of responsibility for the security of humanity.

“Thus briefly have I sought to make the position of the New Group of World Servers clear as it fights for the rights of man, for the spiritual future of humanity, and for the new world order.

“Peace must not be imposed by those who hate war. Peace must be a natural outcome and expression of the human spirit, and of a determination to change the world attitude into one of right human relations (good will to men).”

This is an interesting statement: “Peace must not be imposed by those who hate war.”

Why is this?

Because hatred of any kind, even a hatred of war will bring circumstances that will suffocate good will. To bring the desired peace and good will we must be willing to do what is necessary.


DK explains it in this profound statement:

“There is no peace in the questioning hearts of those who are not actively sharing in the struggle against evil.”

This is an interesting statement. No real peace is even possible for those “who are not actively sharing in the struggle against evil.” Unfortunately, this struggle can sometimes include war.

Of the Christ it is written:

“In righteousness he doth judge and make war.” (Rev 19:11)

This is also affirmed by DK as follows:

“The Prince of Peace will lead His people–through war–to peace. Those who think only in terms of peace as they understand it and desire it are apt to forget the Biblical implication that the Prince of Peace takes a definite part in the battle of Armageddon… After achieving victory, He will then lead His triumphant cohorts through the gates into “Jerusalem,” the city of peace. The symbolic and practical significance of this is becoming increasingly apparent. This notable event can and will take place when the free will of the people, blended by invocation and prayer, can make this possible.”

Here is another quote from DK:

“This Avatar can descend to the physical plane and there appear, to lead His people–as the Prince Who leads through war to peace.”

DK tells us that the Christ led us to peace through war during World War Two by working with the hearts and minds of the leaders of the Allied nations to defeat the Axis powers. It is hoped by the Hierarchy that we will not have another major physical conflict before the coming new age, but that the next war will be on the plane of the mind reaching down to the emotional level.

Where this new war surface?

DK gives us a hint:

“Years ago I said that the war which may follow this one would be waged in the field of the world religions. Such a war will not work out, however, in a similar period of extreme carnage and blood; it will be fought largely with mental weapons and in the world of thought; it will involve also the emotional realm, from the standpoint of idealistic fanaticism. This inherent fanaticism (found ever in reactionary groups) will fight against the appearance of the coming world religion and the spread of esotericism. For this struggle certain of the well-organised churches, through their conservative elements (their most powerful elements), are already girding themselves. Those sensitive to the new spiritual impacts are still far from powerful; that which is new always faces the supreme difficulty of superseding and overcoming that which is old and established. Fanaticism, entrenched theological positions, and materialistic selfishness are to be found actively organised in the churches in all continents and of all denominations. They can be expected to fight for their established ecclesiastical order, their material profit and their temporal rule, and already are making the needed preparations.

“The coming struggle will emerge within the churches themselves; it will also be precipitated by the enlightened elements who exist in fair numbers already, and are rapidly growing in strength through the impact of human necessity. The fight will then spread to thinking men and women everywhere who–in a protesting revolt–have denied orthodox churchianity and theology. They are not irreligious but have, through pain and sorrow, learned (without ecclesiastical help) that the spiritual values are the only values which can salvage humanity, that the Hierarchy stands, and that Christ–as the symbol of peace and the Leader of the Forces of Light–is not a negligible force but one that is evoking response from the hearts of men everywhere. True religion will come to be interpreted in terms of the will-to-good and its practical expression, goodwill.”

Today we have just scratched the surface in introducing the truths of the coming age to the churches of the world. The time is coming that these truths must be presented by spiritual warriors who are ready for the great conflict which will ensue. Many churches already see new agers as agents of evil and the antichrist. Imagine their alarm when these truths are actively discussed through the media so they become points of discussion which reaches into almost every home.

Many will rise up and resist the new tidal wave of truth with all their means, but just as the church fathers failed to prevent the exploration of the New World after Columbus, even so will they fail in stopping the great light which has come out of the East “and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” (Matt 24:27)

What must be accomplished before the Prince of Peace can return and consummate the peace which leads to good will?

First the world must reach a degree of stability on its own–so the chances of another great world war on the physical plane is reduced to a minimum. This conflict with the terrorists must be resolved and their power to disrupt the peace of the nations must be curtailed.

The teachings of the East (Djwahl Khul, H. P. Blavatsky, and others) must become more widely taught and discussed.

One or more groups must be prepared to receive this Master of Masters. As it is now the “son of man hath no where to lay his head.” In other words, there is no major group upon the earth (new or old age) that he could walk into and be accepted. Most would cast him out as a trouble maker for his teachings would be seen as a threat to their own belief system.

The call is therefore made to you and me, my friends:

Prepare, prepare a home for the coming of the Lord of Light and Love. Come out of the wilderness of illusionary thought and make a straight the path to the minds and hearts of humanity for the great Lord. If he comes to us as a thief in the night, let us be on watch that we be not overtaken by unbelief and cast out the Word of God as if it were an intruder. Let us prepare ourselves to recognize the face of the Lord and give Him a place to begin His great work that we may hear the desired words of every disciple:

“Well done my good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy of the Lord.”
Posted 2001-12-25 01:51:00

Copyright © 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved

Next: Christmas Message 2002

Higher Lives

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  The One Great Life only works through Its representatives. Any person who is Master or higher, who is in alignment with God’s Purpose on this little planet is one with God and speaks for God, or the One Life.

2  The true oversoul for humans is the Higher Life that permeates the whole human kingdom as a whole.

3  I contend that it is important to discover the Great Lives who are our fairly immediate superiors for much of what is to be our destiny is in Their hands.

4  Shamballa was established 23 million years ago when the Ancient of Days arrived here, but the earth itself is billions of years old and has been occupied since it’s creation by an Entity even higher than the Ancient of Days.

5  One of the basic differences between the Masters who have overcome death and us ordinary mortals is that Their word is always to be trusted and Their promises are to be relied on.

6  The higher lives are not just sitting around waiting for you to merely declare that you are ready. You must make yourself useful as a tool in their hands to get their attention.

7  All the plans of the Masters are not executed flawlessly, that They have their problems in Their sphere of activity as we have in ours.

8  The Masters are actually more adept on Their own plane than they are on the human plane just as we are better at doing human things than animal things such as building a beaver dam.

9  Very little accurate information is given out about the Masters in this current time but one day all will be revealed.

10  A good piece of advice for anyone wishing to get in the good graces of the Masters is to learn to mentally check their offensive meter. If one is easily offended by a wrong or misplaced word then he must wait a while to do the real work.

11  It takes more courage to enter into the presence of one of the Great Ones than it does to risk certain death by offending an absolute ruler on earth.

12  A Master is one who has overcome physical death and has power to manifest in all three worlds of form at will.

13  To the Lives Higher than human there are many freedoms that are just beyond our ring-pass-not that seem very simple to Them.

14  The Logos above the Solar [Logos] is so far removed from our consciousness that in ‘the ancient wisdom’ He is called “The One About Whom Naught Can Be Said.”

15  The Higher Lives contact us for instruction, and such instruction concern what is needed rather than what is desired.

16  There are highly evolved entities that have passed beyond physical existence and seek to help us in our evolution. The Bible calls these beings “the spirits of just men made perfect.”  In the east they are called Nirmanakayas.

17  You must develop your talents and abilities so you can be useful to the work of the Masters.

18  When a Master is among us in the flesh, the student has a tremendous barrier of ego to overcome in order to recognize the full value of the teachings; but when the Teacher works from subtle levels, the disciple often thinks the concepts are his own idea so the ego is not a hurdle.

19  The higher lives speak the language of silence and silence does not clamor for attention; instead attention must find the silence.

20  We are told through Alice A. Bailey that a great Avatar called the Avatar of Synthesis has come to the earth from another solar system to assist the Christ and this entity exceeds Him in evolution.

21  Djwahl Khul [DK] called the Nirmanakayas Divine Contemplatives.

22  Maitreya is not necessarily a specific name, but more of a title and a number of entities are known by it.

23  The Christ occupies the position as the head of the Spiritual Hierarchy, as the mediator between Shamballa and humanity. Sananda is the second Kumara close to the heart of Sanat Kumara. Psychics undoubtedly picked up a close link between Sananda and the Christ for both are firstborn sons of God.

24  All the qualities and abilities of the Greater Lives which have gone before us are available and waiting for us to achieve.

25  There is a hierarchy of beings of a diverse magnitude of consciousness who are tuned into the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost aspects.

26  Our Planetary Logos is a disciple of the Solar Logos.

27  Let me define what I mean by a Higher Life in this context. I am not speaking of the Masters or advanced individual entities that have passed through the human kingdom.

28  The higher lives will eventually incarnate into the physical among humanity. Its first body most likely will be composed of the twenty-four humans.

29  Question:  So what is the Higher Life above human?  Answer:  It is a Molecular Life currently living on the mental plane waiting for a physical body to manifest.

30  A true Master will generally appear in a physical body that you can touch or feel if you are meeting on the physical plane. To meet on higher planes you must go to that plane with Him.

31  In this earth sphere there does exist a hierarchy of Masters, which are also linked to an even higher order of lives through other solar systems. These all work through an order which is called The Molecular Relationship.

32  Christ is on the Earth right now in a physical body. He’s not up in heaven somewhere.

33  The Avatar of Synthesis has come to the earth from another solar system to assist the Christ and this entity exceeds Him in evolution. He is of such high vibration that He can only descend to the plane of the mind.

34  Watchers are not like angels. The Angelic kingdom actively works to make that which is watched for by the higher lives materialize.

35  To become a Master one must not only balance off cause and effect as it relates to others, but also as it relates to oneself and between the lower and higher self.

36  Seeking to identify or call on the Monad will not have the intended effect until you have removed certain limitations and grown in purpose and ability.

37  The Universal Mind craves experience, and as it contemplates in its various energy states, it sees all possibilities. Each possibility is an extension of itself, created in its own image and becomes a point in the Universal Life.

38  But you may ask,  “I know of lots of people who have seen higher beings and there was no fear.”  Ninety-nine percent of all such visions are from either the astral world or an encounter with a thoughtform, and these do not have a high vibration and create no cause for alarm.

39  Our mission now is to open the door for the higher lives to incarnate among humans even as they have among the Masters.

40  The Holy Spirit is a great cosmic entity that works through the Oversoul.

41  The universal One God is not a logos or a part of any hierarchy, but manifests through all the hierarchy as well as every life in the universe and is thus aware of the fall of a sparrow so long as the sparrow itself is aware of its fall.

42  The plan of reappearance goes forward and if we do our part in the next thirty years, the miracle of the consciousness of the entity who was Christ, Krishna, and Melchizedek will be among us again down to the physical level.

43  If an avatar incarnates he wastes 20-30 years in the relearning process. If he lets a disciple prepare the body with the necessary learning recorded in the brain he can save several decades of time that he can apply to other necessary work.

44  Alice A Bailey lists Abraham Lincoln as a great avatar. She calls him a racial avatar, one of the greatest we’ve had.

45  A direct incarnation of an avatar would require a certain quality of karma as well as consciousness from the people he will encounter.

46  The Holy Spirit is a great spiritual entity that fills our whole solar system and is linked to all other Holy Spirits in other solar systems to bring about the grand purposes of God.

47  When the lower life has filled the measure of its creation it then continues to progress by identifying with a higher life and living through that life with other lesser lives as if they are the one greater life.

48  Higher lives can appear in any form and it is possible that in very ancient times it served a purpose to appear as serpents.

49  The intentional creation of a thoughtform of a Master can actually draw the consciousness of the Master into the thoughtform if the group is ready for revelation.

50  There are immortal beings which some call Gods, but the One God exists within the heart of each and every person who is a reflection of Deity.

51  I personally believe that a final decision was made by the Avatar [of Synthesis] to assist the Christ and humanity somewhere around 1978 and since then he has been working from the plane of the mind through certain disciples to affect synthetic change upon the earth. The workers sensitive to his vibration are fewer than was hoped.

52  There are entities even above the Masters who dwell in higher planes of feeling that must step down their vibration even in dealing with what we may call a Master of Wisdom.

53  The only entities that can help us are those that are a step or maybe two above us.

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Shedding Additional Light

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  The first principle of purpose is as deep as the human mind can contemplate and the more we meditate on it the more light will be shed.

2  “Repent” is translated from the Greek word METANOEO which literally means “to exercise the mind to think differently, or to comprehend differently”.

3  We must accept responsibility for our own actions, and not wait for God to save us or to set things right, but to get off our butt and put some action behind our words and correct the mess the world is in.

4  Tagging any teaching with a name makes it neither true nor false.

5  There are times that a starving person needs the fish for immediate relief and has no time to learn to catch anything. Sometimes you have to feed him until he has strength – then you can teach him to fish.

6  We may not have all the light and all understanding, but each of us will always have some light on the truth.

7  If we examine the history of the race, we will see that the ones who have truly proved themselves a benefit to humanity made no big announcement as a great one, and they usually had a very good rapport with common men and women.

8  When the word “repent” is used in this day and age one pictures in mind the image of either a bearded fanatic or a zealous born again Christian fundamentalist. Actually, these are some of those in the greatest need for repentance.

9  The baptism of children is not mentioned in the scriptures. Because they have no guilt baptism performed on them is useless. John and Peter commanded people to “repent” and be baptized. Since a child cannot repent, baptism of them is a mockery before God and man.

10  A human with their [chakra or energy] centers opened will sometimes have such a strong aura that they will glow and have a visible radiance, like the Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration.

11  Each of us is a light to the world in some way and as a light to the world we must see ourselves in the symbol of a candle. Where we lack light we share in the light received by another and we are then filled with light. Consider the image of one candle lighting another candle. Unlike sharing as is done in the world there is no loss in the sharing of light. When one candle lights another and the flame is full, both shine with the same brightness. All the light of the first is given to the second and none is lost, neither diminished. One candle can light two, two can light four, four, eight and so on until after a few generations millions of candles can be lit by the one and none suffer any loss through the sharing, but the light of the whole is increased many fold.

12  Teachings of light will not change all instantly.

13  So my friends, what good is it if we have light but keep it under a bushel? The bushel is composed of fear, inertia, ego, lack of confidence and dependence on unjust authority. Let us remove the covering of the light and keep this a land of the ever present sun, in season and out of season.

14  I do not know of any major religion that is becoming more conservative. In fact, religion is experiencing somewhat of a revival because of various liberal experiments in independent churches to bring back the flock.

15  I think all charities and give-away programs should work around the following principle which has been reduced to a well worn cliche.  “Give a man a fish and you have fed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime.”

16  The infinite does not exist. It is only a theoretical point that you go toward.

17  True perception in relation to law or principles is the correct realization of how the law or principle works itself out.

18  Falsehood is a distortion of an experience or an existence to make that which did not happen or exist appear to have happened.

19  It is true that a falsehood is false, but that does not make that which is false, true. It is true that 1+1 does not equal three, but that does not make it equal three. 1+1=3 is never true for anyone. 1+1=3 is not even true in your dreams.

20  There is really no such thing as up or down — such concepts are only relative to location.

21  No change which fulfills the purpose of God will hurt the world at large and the people as a whole will always benefit.

22  Even one who has achieved soul contact can fall away from it so the use of common sense is a factor that guides us toward the truth and keeps all of us in alignment.

23  Correct use of the light of knowledge is called “righteousness” in the scriptures and correct sharing is called “love.”

24  In certain dark ages there could be no progression without blazing forward, but today humanity is mature enough to gradually accept greater fire without greeting it with persecution. Those having the flame must proceed gradually and with great wisdom.

25  The devas are not monads, but also grew from a seed or monad.

26  When soul contact is reached the mind becomes a reflector of the soul and the contrast between the higher light of soul and the lower light of mind creates enlightenment and understanding on the physical plane.

27  Keep asking and then paying attention to impressions coming within throughout the day. In a quiet moment when you are not expecting anything the answer may come.

28  To one who has their attention centered on physical light the light of the soul is as night and does not reveal. But later the soul reveals its great light as the downward focused eyes are lifted. Then later as the greater light is seen the soul has a second dark night, but this time the dark is a contrast that reveals joy.

29  If we want more light we must stand in the light which is seen.

30  When an additional glimmer of light is seen, we must hold our focus on it until the flame grows bright enough that we are assured, the revelation will never be lost.

31  Right use of light is extremely important for without it the light grows dim and the vision seen is forgotten. The only way to keep it is to follow certain steps.

32  Alice A. Bailey was indeed a scribe for most of her writings. She received them from Djwahl Khul, a Tibetan Master who was one of the Three Wise Men from the East in a previous incarnation. He is around 300 years old and is sometimes called the “messenger boy for the Gods” because he is fairly young as far as the age of Masters go.

33  Contemplate the impressions that come to you during the day because of the increase of Light and Love and Power.

34  The enemies of light and love will continue to create problems from time to time, but if we do our part in standing in harmlessness while seeking to serve in the light, with light and love and power manifesting for the whole, the triumph in the end will be sure.

35  Light and Love is eternally present, but we individually and collectively create veils that cause the illusion of separation. These veils can be penetrated by directed thought on an individual and collective basis.

36  What I write can be realized to be true because it can be proven by experience and that which we prove through experience is to be trusted until a higher experience gives additional light.

37  As reflections of God, we must also find and bring light to our blind spots. This is often hard on the old ego, and there is a natural resistance for many to even acknowledge that a specific blind spot exists.

38  There is corruption in Masonry, but there is also a lot of truth there and it will be reformed to represent the side of light in totality in the coming age.

39  If you are saying the Song with pure intent and tuning into the Oneness Principle additional light will just come to you from time to time and it is important that you contemplate or think long and hard about what you receive so you can have power to retain it.

40  Wherever we live we must always work to improve our country and communities.

41  The teachings here are not a repeat or rehash of teachings given elsewhere. When other useful teachings are found we will reference them, but attempt not to present them as if they are new or unique.

42  Contemplation is a positive aspect of meditation and is more active and takes a person in the direction of the soul if attention is used and the heart is pure.

43  True peace comes from the Spirit of God, which is the Spirit of freedom or the soul.

44  Let us all add our light and love to dispel the fear and darkness that envelops so many, that the day may come that light is so universal that a dark corner cannot be found and that love will create such a fire that none can resist being consumed.

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Your Solar Angel

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  A common name for the Solar Angel is the Higher Self. Eventually your perfected self will fuse with your Higher Self and evolve through all the higher spheres together as this solar system dies. In that far future age your new and improved Higher Self will reflect again and nurture its new born baby – a new and improved version of you.

2  Each one of us has a higher self sometimes called the Solar Angel.

3  When your Solar Angel becomes aware that you are offering others assistance on the Path through service, it will seek to open the door to Spirit for you so your power to serve can be enhanced.

4  Your monad is a seed that has become you. The Solar Angel is like the Farmer that nourishes the seed. Without the Solar Angel you may not have sprouted up in this system of things.

5  Monads do not have consciousness as we do but they do have a consciousness. It is sometimes referred to as a higher consciousness–higher than the Solar Angels because the monad is closer to the Source.

6  Without the help of our Solar Angels we would still be at a very primitive level of consciousness.

7  Your Solar Angel who works through your soul and higher entities up to the Masters will not do for you what you can do for yourself.

8  Our Solar Angel which communes with us through the soul has lived on other planets so far in the distant past that its native solar system no longer is in existence in physical form.

9  We see the reflection of our Solar Angel before we meet the Solar Angel itself because the average person isn’t ready to meet his true Solar Angel.

10  The Solar Angel reflects Itself down into the astral world but the reflection of the Solar Angel will often teach some things that are upside down but they’ll be things that are encouraging to the person to live a good life so they can eventually face their illusions.

11  The Solar Angel represents the Christ Consciousness.

12  The Solar Angel, often called our Higher Self is an actual entity which is a master on its own plane.

13  Your Solar Angel was once a standard human being such as yourself, but that was a long time ago in a star system far away, billions of years in the past. He/She achieved relative perfection and through the Molecular Relationship achieved a oneness of life with all other perfected souls within their planetary and solar groups.

14  The Solar Angels are “exalted beings” who seek an eternal increase through reflecting, or multiplying themselves, just as the One God did in the beginning (or beginning/end as it could be called).

15  Whereas earthly parents often have unrealistic expectations that the child will be just like them, the Solar Angel does realize that through a series of hundreds of lifetimes the reflection will attain all the attributes of the reflector, yet keep its individual will and purpose.

16  The Solar Angel has developed a high degree of consciousness and is able to use the potentialities of God much more than an unrealized monad.

17  There was a time when there were no Solar Angels, but there was never a time when there were no monads.

18  The first Solar Angels developed through trial and error in an earlier era of this developing universe somewhere around 60 trillion years ago. Without the help of assisting Solar Angels the unfoldment of a monad takes much longer.

19  The Solar Angel, your higher self, is distinct and separate from you, yet it is you.

20  The Solar Angel continues to enjoy life in its own plane while also enjoying the life and experience, which is you. He has thus increased his capacity for joy.

21  Not all planets have Solar Angels assisting and this is one of the reasons we have not picked up intelligent radio signals from any neighboring star system yet.

22  Because of positive karma we have the good fortune to have the assistance of Solar Angels in this solar system.

23  Our Solar Angels are linked to higher angels that have risen to an even higher state of being and these are linked to higher still until you get to the originating Solar Angels in this creation.

24  Our Solar Logos was once a Solar Angel.

25  There are many Solar Angels in this Solar System, but the ones for this earth, in connection with human life, are from one basic family and share a oneness of life.

26  The Christ and the Logos have merged with their Solar Angels ages ago and are one with their own monads.

27  The job of soul energies and the Solar Angel is to work with the lower man until the monad and the lower reflection is linked and directed toward oneness.

28  Your experiences are on a different order and flavor than your Solar Angel experienced as a human. Were it not so, there would be no impetus for us or God to extend ourselves.

29  Since animals do not have Solar Angels this could explain why the earth is more accepting of their waste.

30  The Solar Angel is the soul. It’s a name for the soul. He’s called the Solar Angel because He works with solar energy from the Solar Logos.

31  The Solar Angels which commune with us when soul contact is achieved are indeed emanations from the Solar Logos.

32  If we can attain a true realization that we are truly a reflection of the Solar Angel, and one life with it, then we can become as Christ and have power over physical reality and even death.

33  Your Solar Angel is a Lord of Compassion and sacrificed itself through compassion so you could be born as an entity.

34  Your Solar Angel is more like your Divine Mother who has nourished you from an embryo, or your monad.

35  As reflections we are one with our Solar Angels in the higher spheres, but in this one we are the same Song, but played in a different key. Eventually the two keys must come together and play as one.

36  It is not the job of the Masters to work with average humanity. This is the work of the Solar Angel and its reflections in the astral world.

37  Our Solar Angels operate on several planes to communicate with human entities according to the highest they [humans] can perceive.

38  The Solar Angel doesn’t have a physical body.

39  This planet is different because we’ve had assistance. The Sons of Mind were sent to us to assist us in our evolution. These are basically our Solar Angels. We have Solar Angels assisting us in our evolution. Not all planets have this as the case. Because of this we’re one of the more progressed planets.

40  When people receive instruction from their Solar Angel, people think they’re getting a revelation from God.

41  When we develop soul contact we open the door to contacting our Solar Angels as well as the Masters and Christ and up and beyond; the doors open to all these communications.

42  DK [Djwahl Khul] says the Solar Angel casts a shadow and this shadow becomes our lower nature which the beginning human identifies with and falsely believes himself to be. Instead he is the monadic life which is occupying the shadow of the Solar Angel.

43  Before this earth scheme and this solar system there was a previous solar system where we (or our Solar Angels) passed through 49 other globes. This was our first estate.

44  The Solar Angels are in a Molecular Order of their own. Even though they are many they operate with such unity, and as one life, that the masters often just call them “the soul.”

Copyright by J J Dewey

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