McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 28

This entry is part 28 of 54 in the series McCall Gathering 2007

Other Differences in Light and Dark

Okay any other difference between light and dark?

Audience: Free will.

JJ: Yes, freedom, this is one of the big dividing ones. It is said that the war in Heaven where it talks about the war between Satan and God was fought over the principle of freedom. The side of Christ wanted to give free will to mankind and Satan wanted to keep it from mankind and control everybody because they would not be responsible and they could make a lot of mistakes with their own free will. His argument was that we will take away their free will and “I will assume command and I will make sure that none of the souls are lost or go down the wrong path and I will get all the glory.”

It is said that Christ said the opposite, He said we will give man free will and yes they will make mistakes but they will recover and they will learn on their own and I will be their teacher and give the glory to God and not take it upon myself.

The Father, or presiding One replied, “I will take the plan of The One who is to became Jesus, The Christ.” And so the legend has it that the struggle between having freedom and taking away freedom continues on the earth today and whether or not the legend is true is beside the point because what is true is that that struggle does exist right before our eyes today and yet, unfortunately, again every politician and every ruler in authority thinks that he or she is working for our freedom.

Now lets look at the most notorious guy in history. Do you think Hitler was fighting for freedom? He said this all the time, “I am fighting for the freedom of Germany, for your freedom and mine. He would say this regularly, but was he? No he was fighting so he could have control and tell the people what to do. In his warped mind he thought that once he got completely in charge of the world that he would lay out the rules and people would actually have more freedom. Actually, the only ones with more freedom would be the Nazi leaders.

The Brotherhood of Light teaches the principle of freedom and teaches it correctly. Such a teacher just does not say that I am going to give you freedom. The truth is that you cannot really give freedom to anybody. What the Brotherhood of Light does is they say I am not going to take your freedom away. The dark brother says I am going to change things and if you read between the lines you will find that he is going to take your freedom away and then in the next sentence he will say this is going to give you greater freedom. But this is a deception, what he does, he tells you it will give you greater freedom but it does not.

It is like what the politicians do with our taxes. They say, we are going to increase this tax here that is going to give you less freedom and less money to spend, less power over your own destiny, but we are going to give this benefit and the people that get this benefit will have a lot more freedom. The people that get the benefit are usually around 1% of the population of the country and the people that are going to get taxed are a 100% of the taxpayers of the country. So the amount of freedom taken away is much more than the freedom given.

The Light Brother will say that he is not going to take additional freedom away but “I am going to work to increase your freedom without taking anything away.” Freedom is a key word here because it is a key dividing point between the light and the dark. One thinks we need a good strong powerful central authority that is more intelligent than everybody else and can tell everyone what to do and set them in line, forcing them to do what is right. The side of Light trusts in the intelligence of the average person and wants to give them more control over their own destiny.

JJ: Okay what is the next difference between the Light and the dark.

Audience: Good and evil, the dark brothers want to take things back to a time where they have complete control and the Light Brothers want to move the human race forward.

JJ: Good! The Brotherhood of Light moves us forward in our progression. Again lets go back to Hitler, what did he want to do? Did he want to establish democracy on the earth? No, what did he want to establish?

Audience: The Empire.

JJ: The old Reich and the kingdom type government, the empire where you had a supreme commander telling everyone what to do and they had to do it or they would die. That is what he was working toward and that was going back in the past as far as government is concerned. He was also going back in the past with race. He was going for racial purity and was going to eliminate anyone who did not fit into his idea of a pure race. DK explains that this was also going back in the past that in the far distant past that this was what humanity actually tried to do. As a matter of fact if you even go back to the Old Testament you will read that they tried to keep all the races pure back then. So DK says that this time has past that Hitler was trying to return to the racial purity teachings of the past. The Light Brothers move forward.
What is another difference between the Light and the dark?

No answer.

I will give you one more that that is important, the Light Brothers are inclusive. On the other hand, Hitler was exclusive, he wanted to exclude the Jews, to eliminate them so we could cleanse the planet and have a fresh start, To the Brotherhood of Light, Jews are our brothers just like everybody else and we must treat them as equals. Blacks do not deserve to be slaves and, in other words, Abraham Lincoln represented inclusiveness because he worked towards the freedom of the slaves and uniting a nation. They include as many people as possible in whatever goal as part of the work of Light.

Okay anything else? I will tell you one thing, a trick that the dark brothers try and I will present their side. They work with labels and sound bites, and, in other words, they label people. This person is a hater and needs to be put down and silenced, they say. They will use labels and instead of saying, we disagree with this person and lay down a logical argument of why he is wrong. This is what the Brotherhood of Light does – they use Light to correct the person if he is wrong, where if the dark brothers disagree with someone they will attach a label to him – he is a sinner, he is a reprobate, he is a republican, democrat, liberal, conservative or whatever.

They will use whatever label sounds bad. They will apply the label to them, like hater, stupid, uneducated. The New York Times used to call Abraham Lincoln an ape all the time. Bigot is currently used a lot, and racist is a big one. I see so many people called racist today that don’t show any evidence of being racist at all. I find this very irritating but these are labels that they use and circulate them and if it gets circulated enough many believe them.

Hitler used to use this method of attack; he would label the Jews as being part of a conspiracy as an excuse to take over all the wealth and also label them as an inferior race. I do not remember all the labels but he had a number of them that he applied to the Jews and he operated on the idea that if you stick a lie on somebody long enough then the general public would soon accept it as the truth.

When Hitler became chancellor of Germany only a handful of people hated the Jews, not too many at all, but because he labeled them like this and no one really countered his argument then pretty soon the majority in Germany began to be affected by that label and began to feel good about persecuting the Jews.

Audience: Labels can also be used to put a positive label on something to further the agenda.

JJ: That is a good point also can you think of an example?

Audience: Like the whole green movement for instance.

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McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 26

This entry is part 26 of 54 in the series McCall Gathering 2007


JJ: What is light and what does light do?

Audience: Reveals

JJ: Reveals, okay, light reveals truth and what is. Light reveals things as they really are and dark conceals. If you look at politicians, a politician that is influenced by the light will tell things as they really are, “Look I am really going to increase your taxes.” When is the last time we heard that? Never?

The politician who sides with the dark will say, no I am not going to increase your taxes and then within a month after getting elected, he supports increasing our taxes. What the politician did was conceal what he was really going to do from us and perhaps even from himself. He may have believed his own words.

“To thine own self be true and as the light falls the day thou can not be false to any man.” This is one of the greatest statements ever made. We have to be true to our self and I think many of these politicians actually believe what they are saying and then when they get in office and after about a month they join the good ole boys club and they are told that if they want to get along then you have to play ball and vote as they are told to vote and vote with the group. Forget about this individual stuff it does not work in Washington.

So the majority of the politicians are unable to reveal in the light and tell you what they will do. If you find somebody that does we will keep him or her, unless they have a screw that is too loose on what makes sense. Keep them for their honesty if at all possible.

So the light reveals what is and the Brotherhood of Light stresses the principle of honesty. This is one of the principles of liberation – to be honest. Now I have known people who believe this to the wrong extreme. I have known this person that if she sees someone that is fat she will say you are fat, I said why did you word it that way? Well she would say I was just being honest. I replied, you are honest but you are also cruel. You have to blend the virtues together not isolate them and take them to the extreme. So how could she have been totally honest about the gal being fat? For one she just could not have said anything. You know if your wife comes to and says honey, are my thighs too heavy? You are going to sleep on the couch no matter what you say!

Audience: Laughter!

JJ: The thing is to be honest and you could say, honey, you look better to me than the day we were married. You can say it and if you really believe that then you are honest and you are not saying anything negative. You probably are still going to sleep on the couch though because then she will say, you are avoiding the question – why are you avoiding the question? Answer me.

Women are so very mysterious to us guys. They are one of the last mysteries for us guys to unfold, the mind of the female.

So anyway the key is, “as honest as possible because you are in the light” you will notice that when you read the New Testament in the words of Jesus, He was starkly honest and he was usually polite and kind except when someone richly deserved to be told off. Then He was not beyond letting them have it. You remember in the temple where He made the whip and chased everybody out and turned over the tables because they were turning the house of God into a house of merchandise, which infuriated Him.

Audience: So could you think about it in terms of that you want to be honest and you are also practice harmlessness?

JJ: That is a good point because with the wrong wording of your honesty you can actually create harm for somebody. I remember Curtis wrote this paper and he was really enthused about it, I had done a lot of writing and I took a look at it and I pointed out some positive things and I was honest and it made him feel pretty good about and then Wayne comes in and Curtis says what you think Wayne? Wayne takes a look and says, man, this needs a lot of correction, give me your red pen.

He said his English is awful and he spent about a half hour on one paragraph until the paper was dripping with red ink. Curtis says, give me that back I do not want anymore feedback from you! And you could tell poor Curtis’ jaw just dropped as Wayne was making these corrections. When I commented I was nice as I could be and fed his ego a little bit but old Wayne, he just was not thinking of Curtis’s ego at all.  You could just feel ole Curtis sink as Wayne was going through this paper with that red pen. It was kind of funny from my angle but Curtis did not think it was funny! Wayne was having a good time destroying Curtis’s ego.

This illustrates that you have to be careful, Wayne and I were both honest but Wayne was just not thinking of Curtis’s feelings at all. Wayne is a really nice guy, don’t get me wrong, but when it comes to correcting English, I am real hesitant to give him anything to look at. Now I just say, Wayne read this quickly and tell me what you think, don’t worry about correcting it. If he starts to correct it then he never gets through more than about three pages because he finds so many things to correct.

Wayne and I were both honest to Curtis but we chose different words to portray that honesty. I realized that was his first major attempt to write anything and being a writer myself I understand how important it is to have support and constructive criticism. I remember when I first started writing I was very fragile and positive feedback was much more important then than it is now. Now if I write something and someone has a negative opinion towards it then I just take it with a grain of salt.

So I figured Curtis would be more fragile at this early stage of his endeavor also and Wayne proved me right. So one of the keys to white magic is total honesty, honesty with graciousness, kindness and sometimes you may want to leave something out and leaving something out is not being dishonest. Leaving something out can support deception but if dome with judgment one can be totally honest with what is revealed.

Even in the Book of Proverbs it says, “It is the glory of God to conceal things.” In other words God, the Masters and the Higher Lives conceal a lot of things from us because as DK tells us, He says many times that I could tell you certain things but it could prove dangerous so I am not going to tell you right now. He says it will be revealed to those who are ready. Why does he not tell us? There are certain mantras the he says and words of power that He could give us but if they were used incorrectly they could cause insanity or death so I am not going to tell you how certain things work here because if a person is not ready then they could be misused.

So concealing a thing is not dishonest, especially if you admit you are concealing something. Now if a person is asked if he is concealing something and he says no, then that is dishonest. So to conceal a thing is not dishonest and is even supported by the Bible itself, but to state something that is just black and white not true is being dishonest. If I have a dollar in my hand and I tell you it is five dollars then that is an absolute black and white untruth. That is definitely something that we must avoid.

Something else that is not dishonest is telling a joke and I have told quite a number of jokes in my life and the basis of the jokes is always something that is not true but often times the principle of the joke is true. They say that only the truth is funny so jokes often illustrate some point of truth but a joke always has things that are untrue to really stretch the reality to make it funny and of course most people would not consider a joke to be dishonest because once a person gets the joke and then they realize what it is and it was just a joke.

What is funny though is when you tell a joke and people do not get it and they think you are being serious. I went into Kinko’s one time and I took out brand new twenty dollar bill  I had just got it from the bank and it was really fresh looking and crisp. It looked like it had just been printed, I had a couple dollars worth of copies and I handed it to the gal and said, it looks pretty good doesn’t it, I printed it up on one of your machines!

Audience: Laughter

JJ: She looks at it wondering if I had really done this and I saw she was worried I was a lawbreaker and said, I was just joking. She was just so nervous and she kept looking at it and she really believed I printed it up and she just did not get the joke.

Audience: On the same lines we often take cash when we are doing one of the shows, so will take five dollars at a time in cash for people who admission charge of five dollars, so at the bank she asked me how I got all this money and I said drugs, and as it turns out you have to report that. Good thing it all turned out well because I am sitting here.

Audience: Laughter

JJ: That is interesting. So light and dark the names of the two brotherhoods and reveals a lot about how they are different. The dark brothers conceal or deceive about everything and they portray themselves differently than they are. If one is a politician, for instance, he will present himself as the benevolent caretaker of humanity type thing that is going to do all kinds of good things for everybody. There may be blatant lies and deceptions and he or she may know they are deceptions but he says them anyway because the truth does not matter to them.

Now very few politicians are actually members of the dark brothers but the dark brothers do use certain people, especially if they have positions of power – they are much more likely to be used by the brotherhood than somebody like the average John Doe who has no position of power.

For instance, those who come to me and say, yea my ex-wife was in with the dark brotherhood. Well did your ex-wife have any power or influence? No she was a housewife. Well then what use would the dark brothers have for her unless she was committed to the dark path, and if she was committed to the dark path she would be doing more than just being a housewife.

So that is one thing to look for, the agents of the dark brotherhood will be people with influence and power. No one is put to use more in this particular age than the politicians. They also make use of heads of religions, heads of state, education groups, finance and banking. These people that are in positions of power are in a big struggle between the two brotherhoods. Very few of them are actually members of the dark brotherhood for to be a member of the dark brotherhood, you have to actually make a certain degree of progress, you have to reach the point to where you are approaching the third initiation. You have to reach the point to where you have mastery over the physical and emotional to a fairly high degree before you can see the choice.

Now you can be used before this point, but you have to reach a fairly high degree before you can actually make the choice because you cannot join either one of the two brotherhoods consciously until you have the two paths open up before you and see clearly what the two paths are and you make a conscious definite choice. So unless the person you know has made the definite choice, he or she is not a dark brother. However, as DK also says all of humanity are under control of the antichrist forces and almost all of humanity are used to a degree by the dark brothers because they have people in positions of power and they influence and the average person to a high degree. The average person is much more influenced by emotion and selfishness than they are with group consciousness and altruism and group service. Not too many people are into the higher virtues and average humanity, almost everybody, is influenced by individual selfishness.

If a politician gets up and the first thing he or she says is, “Here is what I am going to do for you.” And whatever that may be whether it is lots of benefits and entitlements, or rebates or tax cuts or to pay you for education and you get a piece of the government nest egg and so on. You can be sure that you must be very wary of that kind of talk about what they are going to do for you. Now the worker in the light, of course, serves us but He is not going to serve just by having the government give stuff to us. He is going to help to increase our state of freedom. The worker on the side of light increases freedom and the worker on the dark side will say that they are going to give stuff to you and they are going to put benefits on every plate of some kind, but the price will be a decrease in freedom.

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Light and Dark

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1.  “Darkness is dispelled by shining a light on the problem, not by casting additional darkness on its path.”

2.  “If a light is slowly dimmed to fifty percent strength and then is instantly turned up to full strength, the person is startled as to the intensity. He had no idea he was missing so much light. Even so with spiritual light. We are often not aware when we are losing it.”

3.  “Light also reveals knowledge, which knowledge is light, which light protects from darkness because darkness has no power to penetrate light as light has power to penetrate darkness.”

4.  “Without contrast light shines in darkness, but does not register on consciousness.”

5.  “The war between light and dark, as it plays out in present time on this planet, is between the philosophy of maximum freedom and maximum control at the expense of freedom.”

6.  “There are three things that cause those in darkness to destroy the lights:  fear of change, the challenge of their authority and impulses received from the Dark Brothers.”

7.  “Darkness is the illusion (and only illusion) that there are places where nothing exists.”

8.  “The light is always here, but it must be revealed to us who identify with darkness.”

9.  “Actually dark appears to be the opposite of Light, but because of distortions in this physical world dark is not a true opposite.”

10.  “You can shine a light and dispel darkness, but you cannot shine ‘dark’ and dispel light.”

11.  “Light is that which reveals (or that which is visible) and dark is that which hides.”

12.  “Love is very closely associated with dark, but is the highest correspondence of the female polarity just as divine light is the highest correspondence to the male polarity.”

13.  “When a light is turned on in the darkness, the darkness is no more. Darkness cannot extinguish light, but light can cause darkness to immediately disappear.”

14.  “As you go through your final dark night before [soul] contact, you will be observed by inner teachers who await your arrival. These inner teachers, along with other disciples of similar evolution to yourself, form an invisible group mind that you become one with, when you reach the light at the end of the tunnel. When this is reached and you advance to greater oneness, then this realization of oneness turns on a light that immediately dispels the dark night.”

15.  “The disciple will go through many periods of light and darkness over a period of numerous lives, but the final one will be different from the rest. The isolation and loneliness will be very profound.”

16.  “Light is that which is radiant and reveals truth.”

17.  “Our reality is a part of this greater reality [Soul Consciousness] but does not encompass it, but Soul Consciousness encompasses our reality.”

18.  “Light will not continue without end. The photons of which it is composed will eventually land somewhere and change form. Then at the end of the universe all light will be transformed in a great black hole to prepare for another creation.”

19.  “Light cleaves to light and recognizes itself in others who are prepared.”

20.  “A work of light is never destroyed by its enemies, but by its friends.”

21.  “Can spiritual light shine in the darkness and none perceive it? Yes, if there are no contrasts available.”

22.  “There must be great contrast between light and darkness or the light will not be seen or sought. Verily the time is at hand when that contrast between the light and the dark, the shadows and the real, the ego and the soul will be seen of all humanity and the choice will be clear. Let us hope that all people of goodwill choose the highest light they see before their eyes.”

23.  “There are three lights within the range of the consciousness of man:  (1) The light of matter.  (2) The light of the soul.  (3) The light of the monad or our highest spiritual essence which is the originating power of our ability to decide. These three lights produce vision when shining ON darkness or the higher light shining on the lower light.”

24.  “Keep attention focused on the light revealed, keeping the message bright within the consciousness.”

25.  “He who has light for a covering would be one who has his attention centered on the light of knowledge and truth.”

26.  “Eliminate guilt. Guilt is caused by illusion and if completely dispelled darkness will have difficulty in opening the door.”

27.  “He who denies the existence of a truth because it sounds negative creates a vacuum that draws the darkness unto him.”

28.  “Light in its highest essence is the radiation which is seen whereas its true opposite Love is not visible, but lies hid in the esoteric dark of life.”

29.  “Although the forces of darkness are always at work, when they have opportunity the forces of light are also available with more power than is normally the case.”

30.  “To believe only in the Brotherhood of Light and not the Dark Brothers is to believe you can clap with one hand.”

31.  “Light can only reveal when a shadow is cast. If you are in space and look through millions of miles of the sun’s rays shining through the void, but with no duality of shadow, there is only blackness.”

32.  “Serving self for the purpose of self is the dark path. But serving self when necessary to insure the good of the group is the path of light.”

33.  “The greater the light the greater will be the attack of the forces of darkness upon the light or upon his name.”

34.  “The joy after a period of darkness and struggle is greater than the peace of one who only basks in the light.”

35.  “Evil forces always arise to fill a vacuum and if we find ourselves approaching such a vacuum we need to fill it with light and not darkness. The vacuums are created by injustices, economic instability, threat of war, unemployment and so on.”

36.  “A worker of darkness and ignorance always makes an effort to appear outwardly righteous and pure. The worker in the light does not make such an effort. He is more concerned with helping his brother progress and elevating mankind than in appearances.”

37.  “It is a glorious thing to bring light to others. This principle is behind the entire concept of salvation.”

38.  “Because the name Lucifer is now so rigidly associated with evil instead of light, few dare use the term openly, but originally Lucifer was a glorious title.”

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Shedding Additional Light

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  The first principle of purpose is as deep as the human mind can contemplate and the more we meditate on it the more light will be shed.

2  “Repent” is translated from the Greek word METANOEO which literally means “to exercise the mind to think differently, or to comprehend differently”.

3  We must accept responsibility for our own actions, and not wait for God to save us or to set things right, but to get off our butt and put some action behind our words and correct the mess the world is in.

4  Tagging any teaching with a name makes it neither true nor false.

5  There are times that a starving person needs the fish for immediate relief and has no time to learn to catch anything. Sometimes you have to feed him until he has strength – then you can teach him to fish.

6  We may not have all the light and all understanding, but each of us will always have some light on the truth.

7  If we examine the history of the race, we will see that the ones who have truly proved themselves a benefit to humanity made no big announcement as a great one, and they usually had a very good rapport with common men and women.

8  When the word “repent” is used in this day and age one pictures in mind the image of either a bearded fanatic or a zealous born again Christian fundamentalist. Actually, these are some of those in the greatest need for repentance.

9  The baptism of children is not mentioned in the scriptures. Because they have no guilt baptism performed on them is useless. John and Peter commanded people to “repent” and be baptized. Since a child cannot repent, baptism of them is a mockery before God and man.

10  A human with their [chakra or energy] centers opened will sometimes have such a strong aura that they will glow and have a visible radiance, like the Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration.

11  Each of us is a light to the world in some way and as a light to the world we must see ourselves in the symbol of a candle. Where we lack light we share in the light received by another and we are then filled with light. Consider the image of one candle lighting another candle. Unlike sharing as is done in the world there is no loss in the sharing of light. When one candle lights another and the flame is full, both shine with the same brightness. All the light of the first is given to the second and none is lost, neither diminished. One candle can light two, two can light four, four, eight and so on until after a few generations millions of candles can be lit by the one and none suffer any loss through the sharing, but the light of the whole is increased many fold.

12  Teachings of light will not change all instantly.

13  So my friends, what good is it if we have light but keep it under a bushel? The bushel is composed of fear, inertia, ego, lack of confidence and dependence on unjust authority. Let us remove the covering of the light and keep this a land of the ever present sun, in season and out of season.

14  I do not know of any major religion that is becoming more conservative. In fact, religion is experiencing somewhat of a revival because of various liberal experiments in independent churches to bring back the flock.

15  I think all charities and give-away programs should work around the following principle which has been reduced to a well worn cliche.  “Give a man a fish and you have fed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime.”

16  The infinite does not exist. It is only a theoretical point that you go toward.

17  True perception in relation to law or principles is the correct realization of how the law or principle works itself out.

18  Falsehood is a distortion of an experience or an existence to make that which did not happen or exist appear to have happened.

19  It is true that a falsehood is false, but that does not make that which is false, true. It is true that 1+1 does not equal three, but that does not make it equal three. 1+1=3 is never true for anyone. 1+1=3 is not even true in your dreams.

20  There is really no such thing as up or down — such concepts are only relative to location.

21  No change which fulfills the purpose of God will hurt the world at large and the people as a whole will always benefit.

22  Even one who has achieved soul contact can fall away from it so the use of common sense is a factor that guides us toward the truth and keeps all of us in alignment.

23  Correct use of the light of knowledge is called “righteousness” in the scriptures and correct sharing is called “love.”

24  In certain dark ages there could be no progression without blazing forward, but today humanity is mature enough to gradually accept greater fire without greeting it with persecution. Those having the flame must proceed gradually and with great wisdom.

25  The devas are not monads, but also grew from a seed or monad.

26  When soul contact is reached the mind becomes a reflector of the soul and the contrast between the higher light of soul and the lower light of mind creates enlightenment and understanding on the physical plane.

27  Keep asking and then paying attention to impressions coming within throughout the day. In a quiet moment when you are not expecting anything the answer may come.

28  To one who has their attention centered on physical light the light of the soul is as night and does not reveal. But later the soul reveals its great light as the downward focused eyes are lifted. Then later as the greater light is seen the soul has a second dark night, but this time the dark is a contrast that reveals joy.

29  If we want more light we must stand in the light which is seen.

30  When an additional glimmer of light is seen, we must hold our focus on it until the flame grows bright enough that we are assured, the revelation will never be lost.

31  Right use of light is extremely important for without it the light grows dim and the vision seen is forgotten. The only way to keep it is to follow certain steps.

32  Alice A. Bailey was indeed a scribe for most of her writings. She received them from Djwahl Khul, a Tibetan Master who was one of the Three Wise Men from the East in a previous incarnation. He is around 300 years old and is sometimes called the “messenger boy for the Gods” because he is fairly young as far as the age of Masters go.

33  Contemplate the impressions that come to you during the day because of the increase of Light and Love and Power.

34  The enemies of light and love will continue to create problems from time to time, but if we do our part in standing in harmlessness while seeking to serve in the light, with light and love and power manifesting for the whole, the triumph in the end will be sure.

35  Light and Love is eternally present, but we individually and collectively create veils that cause the illusion of separation. These veils can be penetrated by directed thought on an individual and collective basis.

36  What I write can be realized to be true because it can be proven by experience and that which we prove through experience is to be trusted until a higher experience gives additional light.

37  As reflections of God, we must also find and bring light to our blind spots. This is often hard on the old ego, and there is a natural resistance for many to even acknowledge that a specific blind spot exists.

38  There is corruption in Masonry, but there is also a lot of truth there and it will be reformed to represent the side of light in totality in the coming age.

39  If you are saying the Song with pure intent and tuning into the Oneness Principle additional light will just come to you from time to time and it is important that you contemplate or think long and hard about what you receive so you can have power to retain it.

40  Wherever we live we must always work to improve our country and communities.

41  The teachings here are not a repeat or rehash of teachings given elsewhere. When other useful teachings are found we will reference them, but attempt not to present them as if they are new or unique.

42  Contemplation is a positive aspect of meditation and is more active and takes a person in the direction of the soul if attention is used and the heart is pure.

43  True peace comes from the Spirit of God, which is the Spirit of freedom or the soul.

44  Let us all add our light and love to dispel the fear and darkness that envelops so many, that the day may come that light is so universal that a dark corner cannot be found and that love will create such a fire that none can resist being consumed.

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