Conscious Thought

Feb 14, 2017

Conscious Thought

The thought of the day:

“There is no such thing as unconscious thought. Thought only springs from consciousness.”

To correctly understand what this is getting at one must understand that there are two parts to our makeup, which are:

(1) The physical body, the vehicle we use which is a very advanced machine.

(2) The thinker, the consciousness that operates the machine.

Correspond category one to the computer or device where you are reading this post. Your computer operates on previously created programs, but it does not think, neither does it have consciousness.

It was, however, created by conscious thinkers and it is used by conscious thinkers.

If you write something original and thought provoking on your computer then this was accomplished by conscious thought. Your computer did not originate the thought, but you, the conscious thinker did.

People are not speaking accurately when they say a thought came into their heads. What came into their heads was either a piece of data or an image. Such things are not thoughts or consciousness, but can stimulate thought and consciousness.

An irritating song may start playing over and over in my head. This is not because of creative thought but because something triggered my computer brain to play the song. How one applies consciousness to deal with this recording would be thinking.

Many speak of the unconscious mind. This is usually not really a mind at all but a number of computer programs containing lots of memory banks in the computer brain.

And how about the Higher Self then? Is it not a thinker of which we are not conscious?

Yes, but because we are not conscious of it does not mean it is not a conscious thinker. There is a veil between the higher and lower self just as there is a barrier between you and other human beings. Just because you are not aware of what Bob is thinking does not mean that Bob is not applying conscious thought.

Even so, most are not aware of what the Higher Self is thinking, but this does not mean that it is not applying conscious thought.

All thought is applied to solving or creating something and is a conscious process.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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Catching Up

Here are more posts that were left out of the web site.

June 6, 2015

The Problem with Socialism

My biggest concern for any move toward socialism from the left is that half or more of the population has be to dragged into it by force and free will is thrown out the window.

My second concern in this matter is the extreme waste and inefficiency.

Check out this article that gives an idea if the waste.

A cash only private doctor says “he can get a cholesterol test done for $3, versus the $90 the lab company he works with once billed to insurance carriers. An MRI can be had for $400, compared to a typical billed rate of $2,000 or more.”



June 12, 2016

The Left and the Right

Response on an Esoteric Site to a person who was offended at my observations of the political right and left on this post.


I wasn’t planning on talking politics here since it is such a hot button issue at the present time, but your comments deserve a response.

Indeed there are unknowing supporters of the left hand path on both the political right and left. In fact DK tells us that we cannot clearly choose either the right or left hand path until the third initiation where illusion is dispelled. As long as there is illusion that is not faced and dispelled the seeker most likely will support some elements of both paths, not just the political left or right.

This is one reason that we find highly evolved people on both the political right and left. Because of illusion you may find two highly evolved initiates condemning each other as being in league with the dark side. The truth may be that both of them are nearing the threshold where they face the Dweller and Angel of the Presence where illusion will be understood.

There is much illusion in politics on both sides and very few see all the places where it resides.

The main dividing point between the two paths is the principle of freedom, of which I have written much. DK also has elaborated a lot on this telling us how important occult obedience is that relies on no coercion and maximum freedom of the disciple.

We must carry this principle into our political views. Socialism is a wonderful ideal, but any ideal enforced with Stalinist methods that violates free will becomes a great evil as is now happening in Venezuela.

Overall, the political left support procedures that run contrary to the free will of the people to enforce their ideals more than does the right. Many have no qualms about going contrary to the will of the people to establish and enforce their ideals.

The political right also has its own problems with this, but pay more homage to individual freedom. People of the left rarely talk about freedom any more. JFK was the last Democrat president that promoted it in word and deed.

Yes, I know that many of the political right are willing to abuse the Principle of Freedom but they do stand up for the freedoms espoused in the Constitution more than does the left. Most do not support shutting down free speech or to abolish the Second Amendment or the right to a peaceful assembly.

I have written proposals to implement socialist ideals using free will rather than coercion from Big Brother. One proposal is called The Molecular Business. You can find writings on it by search my website.


June 13, 2018


The attack in Orlando had nothing to do with

The Republicans

The Tea Party

Koch Brothers

Donald Trump


None of these advocate any violence toward gays or any other citizens.

Since the event I have seen all of these blamed as being responsible for the massacre in the media, which is insane. These same people make no mention that the shooter was a radical Muslim. Since the killer, Omar Mateen, is a registered Democrat it seems even more hypocritical that so many are pointing fingers at Republicans.

Who is responsible? A radical Muslim who supports Sharia Law which supports a death sentence for all gays. If some mislead soul thinks he is doing the world a favor by killing others he will find a way to do so as did the Islamic Terrorists in France (with strict gun controls) who killed, not 50 people, but 130.

If you want to point some fingers do so at Islamic teachers who make headlines like this:

“Imam Speaking in Orlando Said Gays Must Be Killed Out of ‘Compassion’”



July 6, 2016

Calling on Elementals

Kelly quotes me as follows:

”Jesus had power to speak to these elementals and thus had power to direct then to go elsewhere – or to just dissipate their energy so it had no more effect.”

Then she asks:

I realize Jesus was a great initiate (was it 5th or 6th level?) and he had these types of what we call “super” powers. … Now I’m curious to know when does one learn to manipulate and control elementals? During which stage in a souls evolution does One seek to master this? And when did Jesus learn them exactly? Seems Merlin too had these powers and somehow all these characters who had super powers all become myths overtime for some reason.


Control of the elementals is determined by three factors.

(1) A person’s state of evolution

(2) His knowledge of words of power and sensitivity to impression.

(3) Where his focused attention lies, for energy follows thought.

All of us have some degree of power over the elements and the tiny lives that compose them, but most know it not.

You may not realize it, but you, merged with your soul, or Higher Self before birth, sounded certain words of power and certain tones which assisted your mother in drawing the right combinations of elements together to create the body you wanted for this life. You, from the vantage point of a higher state of consciousness, drew together elemental lives to manifest the body you desired.

After entering that body much of your knowledge was veiled but all the abilities of the soul and spirit are still there latent within you. If you focus strongly in prayer or mediation, or even an idea, you are sending out thought energy that attracts the lesser lives and rearranges them to a certain extent. Many things happen in your life because of a thought-elemental interplay of which you may be unaware.

“That’s all well and good,” you may say, “but I want to do the big stuff like Jesus such as calm the seas, raise the dead and heal the sick.”

To achieve big things we must start where we are and that usually involves working with small things and moving forward step by step. The elementals and devas work with creative energies. If you want their assistance think of that which you want to create.   It may be in art, writing, music, relationships, business, career or even mediation techniques. Work with your desires and imagination and become a creator. The more you create the greater will be your interplay with the lesser lives.

When you are seeking to manifest realize that the creative process uses actual living essences that are influenced by mind and include them in your thoughts and even talk to them and sound the OM and AUM when focusing on them. Concentrate on feeling them through your spirit and your centers.

Jesus was a third degree initiate (before the crucifixion) working with the assistance of the Christ. Likewise we can call on Higher Lives to help us if we lack the full knowledge ourselves.

DK makes the interesting prediction that regular humanity will one day master the elementals to the extent that firefighters will use words and sound to put our fires rather than water.

Those will be interesting times.


July 8, 2016

Teachings of the Temple

Thanks for posting the Song of the 144,000 Video, Patrick. I feel elevated every time I watch this and the strange thing is I do not know the guy who put it together to thank him.

I finished the first volume of The Teachings of the Temple a while back. Since you wanted my opinion I’ll give a comment.

It was enjoyable reading and covered a lot of ground. There’s something in there for every seeker. I’d put them up there with Helena Roerich and Rudolph Steiner, but not as significant as HPB or DK’s works. Of course, DK through Alice A. Bailey is my all time favorite for quality and depth.

The thing that caught my attention most was in the foreword as follows:

Begin Quote

We have been told by “Those Who Know” that it is not an uncommon occurrence for a planet to be riven into fragments by retributive forces when the inhabitants of some world have misused high spiritual powers persistently, thus accumulating an excess of destructive forces, outweighing the balance of constructive energies and finally culminating in the destruction of the planet itself. In our solar system we have evidence of such a happening. Astronomers had noted the wide gap between Mars and Jupiter in which no planet was found, and for years they looked in vain to find a body that ought to be there. Finally over two hundred asteroids were discovered. These are very small planets, some of them not over twenty-five miles in diameter, and moving very close one to another, and all in the same direction, between the orbits of Mars and .Jupiter, as would be the case if they were shattered fragments of a once large planet.

A similar fate threatened our own world in 1899; but it was saved at that time by many Masters of high degree and power assembling from other planets at certain zones on and in the earth centers and holding the balance for the time being. The “Dark Star” was saved for the time, but for how long? Who can tell? Since that time there has been a great advance in scientific knowledge, invention, and attainments, and we are harnessing nature’s finer forces more and more to our personal and commercial uses and pleasures. But “these forces are forces of Life Itself—rays of Deific Energy from the very Heart of God and of Nature, and unless rightly used in the spirit of unselfish service and for the good of all, there is bound to be a reaction, due to the inversion of divine qualities, with terrible consequences to humanity, endangering the very existence of the planet itself upon which we live. Like unto a brotherhood of worlds in the celestial spaces, so must there be a Brotherhood of Nations on the earth and a true spirit of Universal Brotherhood without distinction of race, age, color, or creed among all the peoples of this earth, in order that such a cosmical catastrophe may be averted.

End Quote

I have never heard of such a danger occurring in 1899 or of any other time in the world’s history. I was hoping the author would go into more detail about this but came across no further comments.

Do you have any more information on why there was such a crisis in 1899? It would seem that with weapons of mass destruction that we are in much more danger today.

I haven’t forgot about your request on checking the handwriting of HPB and KH and will be posting something soon.


July 17, 2016

Comments on a Quote

When the world around you seems to fall apart after it seems that you have given your all, what should you do?

Give some more.

Coz wtites:

Isn’t this a recipe for being taken advantage of by others?


Not really, if you are working toward a good cause and you direct your energies wisely. If one’s giving is in the direction of enabling weakness in others then your strength will be sapped and never replenished enough. But if you are wisely working toward a good end there is no reason to allow yourself to be taken advantage of. If you do it will just slow your progress.


And a second question, unrelated to the first: How does one continue to give when they feel like they have nothing left in the tank?


If your labour is in harmony with the soul then there is always something left in the tank. It may seem otherwise from time to time, but if you stop and look within you will always find more strength to continue.

If the goal is not in harmony with the soul and others are running you ragged then when you look within you will not find sustenance from your soul because the soul wants no part of it.

Copyright  by J J Dewey

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Mormon Outreach

Mormon Outreach

I am writing this with my LDS friends in mind but it should be an interesting read for all.

I was excommunicated from the church back in 1978 basically for believing in the principle of revelation. The problem was that many of the things I believed did not come through the prophet of the church. I was thus judged to be not in harmony and expelled, even though I had broken no church rules, had a temple recommend and seven jobs in the church at the time.

My nephew, Curtis, was similarly excommunicated and together we concluded that now with the shackles off we could openly teach the LDS some of the higher knowledge we had received. We were motivated by this scripture which said:

“For there are many yet on the earth among all sects, parties, and denominations, who are blinded by the subtle craftiness of men, whereby they lie in wait to deceive, and who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it.” D&C 123:12

Here are several things we attempted to teach.

(1) There are many truths and revelations available not recognized by the church.

(2) The importance of the gathering principle for the spiritual and physical salvation of the church and that the church had ceased to obey the commandments concerning it.

(3) The principle of reincarnation.

(4) The Molecular Relationship (See my book on this).

We thus figured that since the LDS were several steps above other Christian religions in truths perceived that there should be quite a few who would be open to “greater things.” All that would be necessary would be that we show them where to find it.

We labored diligently, and at great sacrifice, for about two years among the Mormons attempting to teach them that there were many truths and revelations available that were not recognized by the church.

The strange thing is we gained significant interested across the land, but almost all that interest came from non members. To our dismay and surprise we found that the LDS were the most closed minded of any people that we encountered. There seemed to be a vacancy of those who didn’t know the truth merely because they knew not where to find it. We presented the truth over and over in every approach possible and were rejected.

After two years of tireless work and almost zero results among the LDS we decided that we needed to retire to the real world and take care of our badly neglected material responsibilities.

Several years later a group showing the film called the Godmakers caught our attention. They were making the rounds in cities across the United States showing this film which distorted and mocked the teachings of Joseph Smith that we can eternally progress until we can become as advanced as the God that is over us and that there is a hierarchy of beings we call Gods.

Curtis and I went to see the film and were disgusted with its mockery, We wondered what the response of the church would be. We checked into this and to our dismay we discovered that the authorities were telling the members to do nothing. They basically said, don’t challenge the Godmakers, don’t confront them and basically act as if they do not exist.

We thought this was a new low for a church response and that the Mormons of this age were so much different than those who founded the church. In Nauvoo, for instance, members often challenged outsiders to public debates.

Then, a bright idea entered my head and I said something like this to Curtis:

“If the church will not defend Joseph Smith then we ought to do it. Let us challenge these Godmakers to a debate on whether or not the Bible supports the teachings of Joseph Smith on God.”

Curtis thought that was a great idea, but the question was how to go about it. After all, we were a couple unknowns who were not currently even associated with the church. It would seem that they would have little interest in debating us.

Then I had another bright idea. “We will embarrass them into debating us. We’ll run an ad in the Boise Statesman and challenge the Godmakers to a public debate.”

That sounded good to Curtis so we knocked our heads together and came up with an ad challenging the makers of the film, The Godmakers, to a public debate.

We ran the ad and sat back and waited for the phone to ring.

To our surprise one of the first calls we received was from an authority pretty high up in the LDS church, a Regional Representative. The conversation went something like this.

Authority: “Are you brethren aware that the Prophet has told us to avoid any conflict with this group?”

I received the impression that he figured we were just regular members who were over zealous, but ignorant of the decree from Salt Lake. I decided to set him straight.

“Yes, we are aware,” I said, “but the problem is that the prophet is disobeying the commandment from the scriptures on this matter. Someone has to obey it so we decided to.”

“And what commandment is that?” he asked with the realization that we were not regular members.

“Here, I’ll read it to you out of the Doctrine and Covenants. It says:

“Wherefore, confound your enemies; call upon them to meet you both in public and in private; and inasmuch as ye are faithful their shame shall be made manifest.

Wherefore, let them bring forth their strong reasons against the Lord. … keep my commandments; they are true and faithful. Even so. Amen.” D&C 71:7-11

“Here the scripture plainly says to ‘call upon’ these type of people and deal with their ‘strong reasons’ in public and private. Why do you suppose the Prophet is not obeying this commandment?”

There was somewhat of a gasp and a mumble. Then I said, “Someone needs to obey this commandment and stand up for Joseph Smith so we decided to and it matters not what the authorities in the church think. We care more about what God thinks.”

After that, he said something about the importance of following the prophet and hung up.

Following that incident we sat back and waited for the phone to ring. It did ring a number of times, but each person phoning asked the same question, “When’s the debate going to be? This sounds interesting.”

We told the callers that no one had stepped forward yet to debate us, but if we get some bites we would publish the details in the paper.

A couple days passed and to our disappointment we did not receive even one call accepting our challenge to debate.

As we sat together in contemplation it seemed at first that the best thing to do was to abandon the idea. After thinking about it I told Curtis that we were not done yet. What we needed to do was to run a second and bigger ad much more powerful than the first and embarrass them into debating us.

Curtis thought this was worth a try so we pooled together all the money we had and bought a much bigger ad. After we finished writing the ad we figured that if this didn’t get a response, nothing would.

Here is the wording of the ad:

On February 15, 1984 we issued a challenge through the Statesman to anyone who supported the film called:


to a public biblical debate on the teachings of Joseph Smith, the Mormon prophet, that man can become a god and the plurality of gods.

Public opinion supported us in this challenge and everyone wanted to know when the debate would be. Since none accepted our challenge, the response to all who called in was essentially the same: “Sorry, not one born again Christian has called in who is willing to defend his belief in God out of the Bible either In public or private.”

Is there not even ONE born again Christian out there who is willing to stand up for his beliefs??? The challenge went out not only to the Saints Alive, but to all who oppose the teachings of Joseph Smith.

There are plenty of people who publicly condemn the teachings of Joseph Smith. It takes no intelligence or faith to do that. But where are they to defend their accusations now on the day of reckoning when they are met with a challenge?

The Saints Alive refuse to debate us. Perhaps they are afraid. How about the rest of you God-fearing born again Christians??? There must be about 100,000 within the reach of this paper. Is there none that dare step forward and accept the challenge to debate us on the Biblical teachings of Joseph Smith? Are you defenders of the faith or accusers only?

Please call us at *** or check the appropriate box below and send it into us. We will publish the results of this survey in a future edition of the Statesman.

( ) Yes. I am willing to defend my faith before God and man and will accept the challenge to a public debate.

( ) I believe in one God, but am afraid to defend Him publicly.

( ) (No need to check this. Keep clipping in drawer.) I am not a concerned Christian and am not bothering to send this in.

( ) I want more information on man becoming a God and on the eternal nature of man.





Please clip and send to THE DEFENDERS OF JOSEPH SMITH; P.O. Box 8011; Boise, ID 83707

This time the response was overwhelmingly different. The phone rang constantly and everybody wanted to debate us. We got calls from 12 year old kids wanting to debate us, from old men, from housewives, from ministers… We received responses from almost every state in the United States. We just ran the ad in Boise, so how did this happen? Local people clipped out that ad and they sent it to people they knew outside of Boise. Many sent copies to various Christian ministers and we even received calls from famous ministers wanting to debate us.

We thought this was much better and we had a good time answering all those phone calls. So I said to Curtis, “lets pick the two best ones to debate us.” So we picked the two best responses. The most notable response we received was from the famous Christian author named Dick Hunt. He had a number of best selling books with millions of copies in circulation in 50 different languages.

Dick wrote us back and said he had “gotten several letters saying that you wanted to debate me about Joseph Smith out of the Bible. Is this is a Joke?” He did not think it was possible to defend Joseph Smith’s teachings about God out of the Bible.

He then said that if this is not a joke he would debate us. We then contacted him and informed him it was not a joke and we were willing to debate him.

Here is a LINK to Dave’s Amazon Page.

The other guy we picked was Wally Tope. He was a famous anti-Mormon guy and was the main guy leading protests and causing trouble whenever the church had a new temple opening or rededication. He would visit the area and pass out anti-Mormon literature. He traveled from temple to temple and he was perhaps the most famous and notorious anti-Mormon guy of the time and was totally focused.

So we picked these two guys and the local Christians were very enthused because they thought we were going to be totally humiliated. The Christian community picked up the ball and they did all the advertising and rented a big ballroom at Boise State University and arranged for us to be live on the radio. They encouraged their congregations to see this debate.

You would think the Mormons would have been interested in this but the Mormon authorities from Salt Lake City issued a command to the local people and it circulated all throughout the local regions that no Mormons were to attend this debate. They were just supposed to ignore us hoping we will go away.

So when the big day came we went into the big auditorium and the only Mormons that were there were Curtis’ Mom and Dad who reluctantly came to support their son. I think there were about 1300 people there and the place was full and sadly there were only two Mormons in the whole audience to see a defense of Joseph Smith, and as I said they were Curtis’ parents who had to be dragged to the event.

What was funny about this event though was whenever Wally Tope and Dick Hunt got up and shouted that Jesus is Lord and God, Hallelujah – the audience would rise up and repeat this and scream with approval. Then we would take our turn speaking and they would boo us. It was like Daniel in the lion’s den. I never felt so much negativity in my life. We were lucky to get out of there alive.

My friend Wayne came and another friend of mine came that was not a Mormon. I think we had about six people supporting us, and the rest of the 1300 people thought we had been belched right out of hell.

So it was a pretty interesting debate but we held our own. I made the mistake of over preparing. I don’t usually prepare when I make a speech but I prepared for that one because I thought it was important. The first segment of the debate I felt like I was not impacting anyone and then the second segment I threw away my notes and just talked off the cuff and this worked out a lot better.

It was interesting that we were the ones who used the scriptures and they hardly used any. They just rambled on about Jesus being lord and the audience cheered them along. They did not really have any good points in the debate but because they kept touching on what the audience believed in they had the audience on their side.

If you listened to the audience you would really think that they won the debate and they were convinced they won because a good portion of their debate consisted of the audience shouting praise to Jesus.

Christian catch phrases and the 1300 standard Christians in the audience cheering completely overwhelmed our six supporters. The cacophony made it sound like they were winning but if you listened to the words then we won the debate of reason. It was an interesting experience.

After the event was over we soaked in the fact that not a single LDS person came of his own initiative to support the defense of their prophet and founder, Joseph Smith. And they had no excuse. The event was widely advertised and the details widely circulated through the church. I would guess that nine out of ten active Mormons knew about it, but none, not one was curious enough to come.

On the other hand, the born again Christians in the area were happy to come and   support their beliefs.

At that time Curtis and I were considering making another outreach, but this time we wrote the Mormons off as a lost cause for a focus and we decided to present teachings that would be of interest to seekers within all belief systems.

Since that time I have written numerous books and thousands of articles and the funny thing is that probably about a third of my readers have an LDS background. My greatest success among the LDS has come when I was not trying to reach them.


The Best Books

One of the reasons the Mormons were so difficult to reach with greater light and truth was they made the same mistake as did the Christians they often criticized.

And what was that criticism?

They quote the Book of Mormon to non Mormons which says:

“many of the Gentiles shall say: A Bible! A Bible! We have got a Bible, and there cannot be any more Bible.” II Nephi 29:3

Then they triumphantly teach that God has not ceased to give revelation, but has given us modern revelation in the Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price.

They thus see a regular Christian who will only accept the Bible, and what his religious authorities say about it, as backwards and trapped in ignorance.

The problem is that the LDS of today are guilty of the same flaw that they see in regular Christians. This includes not only the orthodox church, but also many who have broken off from the mainstream and are following a different path.

How can this be asks the faithful follower? After all, we accept the revelations of Joseph Smith as well as the fact that more revelations are forthcoming. Some have even claimed to produce additional revelations. These surely would not be in the same closed minded situation as are the mainstream Christians.

I wouldn’t be so sure. Have you read your own scriptures which say?

“And as all have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith.” D&C 88:118

And where do we find these “best books”?

The typical member will say that these are books of good clean literature, history, self improvement and the writings of the General Authorities of the Church.

But are these really the best books containing the “words of wisdom” members are commanded to seek?

Perhaps a hint as to where the best books lie is given in this scripture:

“For I command all men, both in the east and in the west, and in the north, and in the south, and in the islands of the sea, THAT THEY SHALL WRITE THE WORDS WHICH I SPEAK UNTO THEM; for out of the books which shall be written I will judge the world, every man according to their works, according to that which is written.

“For behold, I shall speak unto the Jews and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto the Nephites and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto the other tribes of the house of Israel, which I have led away, and they shall write it; AND I SHALL ALSO SPEAK UNTO ALL NATIONS OF THE EARTH AND THEY SHALL WRITE IT.” II Nephi 29:11-12

This scripture gives us some amazing knowledge that has basically been ignored by the LDS church since its infancy. We are told that God will speak to “all men, both in the east and in the west, and in the north, and in the south, and in the islands of the sea, that they shall write the words which I speak unto them … and I shall also speak unto all nations of the earth and they shall write it.”

Sounds like God will give us more “best Books” than just the Bible from the nation of Israel and three others in America through Joseph Smith.

Where are all these other writings from the east, the west, the north and the south – verily from all nations of the earth?

Is it possible that God has been speaking to many people on the planet since the death of Joseph Smith and the LDS have been closed to them just as the orthodox Christians are closed to the Book of Mormon?

Sadly, the answer is yes. They are caught up in a prison of their own ring-pass-not just as are the standard Christians. The only difference is their ring is just a little larger. Just as the regular Christian will not look outside the Bible and their authorities for additional inspiration the LDS stay focused on their Standard Works and the words of their authorities that stay within the ring of Mormon doctrine.

Outside the ring there is more, much more that has been overlooked by the members of the church.

Shortly after Joseph Smith died God spoke through the Bab and Bahaulla to establish the Bahai religion in Iran. Ironically, they were persecuted for preaching against polygamy whereas the Mormons suffered for preaching for it.

The next major revelation came through a Russian lady, Helena P. Blavatsky who produced the masterful work called The Secret Doctrine. She solved the mystery spoken of in the D&C 49:8 of the “holy men that ye know not of.” Because of her we know who these men are.

Next came a revelation to Levi Dowling giving the complete life of Christ including the missing years called The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ.

After this a great revelation came through an English lady named Alice A. Bailey. She wrote 24 inspired books containing the deepest knowledge ever revealed. Almost every paragraph turns on a light in the contemplating mind.

Other best books since the time of Joseph Smith containing inspired words are from Helena Roerich, Howard Percival, Lucille Cedercrans and Helen Schucman’s A Course in Miracles. There are other inspired works but this will suffice for now.

Just as Joseph Smith is controversial and has much evil and distortion spoken against him, even so, this is the case with these other modern day prophets. They are all flawed human beings, but if a seeker reads their writings in the light of the Spirit he or she will see that many truths from God are revealed in the words.

A good set of books containing some basic easy to read teachings that are a step up for a sincere LDS seeker are The Teachings of the Masters of the Far East. You can download them free here:

“A man is saved no faster than he gets knowledge.”
Joseph Smith DHC 4:588


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Ray Five: Concrete Knowledge

This entry is part 05 of 5 in the series Rays

Feb 5, 2017

Ray Five: Concrete Knowledge

The duality = focus all pertinent facts vs focus on a few facts mixed with distortion.

This boils down to the open mind willing to look at both sides vs one who is not open and seeks to look at only that which supports his view.

The negative aspect of Ray Five works out in the political world with what is called “spin.” Politicians and pundits will carefully present limited facts in such a way that their views may look much better than they really are.

They do this by presenting certain facts and leaving out others that may change the picture entirely. Others go further and present a couple things that are true, leave out much, and then present distortions and exaggerations that are far from the true reality.

Others go further still and throw in some outright lies mixed in with a few true facts.

On the positive side are those who make a sincere effort in presenting that which is true. Even sincere ones may leave out a few facts that does not support their case, but when brought up they will at least acknowledge them. The negative ones generally do not.

Unfortunately there are not many in the political world who correctly use the positive side of this Fifth Ray energy, but take heart. We are entering the Age of Aquarius, an air sign, and air is a symbol of the mind. As we move forward in time over the next century or two humankind will become much more polarized in the mind, instead of the emotions. We are just leaving Pisces, the most powerful of the water signs. Water represents the emotions and indeed for the past two thousand years there have been many great emotional battles fought out with many of them descending to the physical plane.

When the mind dominates then the main battle will be reason against reason with the most potent battles descending to the emotional plane. Emotional battles do have some destructive effect, but nothing like our physical ones, such as World War II.

Perhaps some dialog I have written that takes place between a hypothetical true believer and a thinker will illustrate the positive and negative uses of the Fifth Ray.

Here is some dialog on the hot subject of global warming.


Global Warming, Part 1

Where are the Deniers?

True Believer: You guys got to admit that you are on the wrong side of science and fact with your denial of climate change.


Thinker: And who is it that rejects the idea that the climate changes?

True Believer: Almost everyone on the Right.


Thinker: Can you find me one?

True Believer: Probably you for starters.


Thinker: Wrong again. I accept the fact that the climate has been changing. In fact it has been changing every year for billions of years. I have never met one of these illusive climate change deniers the Left is always conjuring up and I doubt if you can find me one anywhere.

True Believer: You know what I mean.


Thinker: Maybe, but you do not seem to know what you mean. Now instead of saying what you don’t really mean in an effort to demonize the Right how about starting over by speaking accurately? You don’t really think that people on the Right do not believe the climate changes do you?

True Believer: Well, yes, I suppose most people realize the climate changes over time. I’m talking about human caused climate change that is denied by the Right.


Thinker: The word for what you’re thinking is anthropogenic climate change. If that’s what you meant, you should have said this from the beginning rather than make the ridiculous claim that the Right denies there is climate change when no one denies this. I don’t know why more people do not call the Left on this accusation because it is just plain silly.

True Believer: Okay, I get your point. You deny that there is anthropogenic climate change then. Is this correct?


Thinker: No. You know you really should find out what the other side thinks before you demonize them.

True Believer: So, you don’t deny man-made climate change. Are you saying we agree on this subject?


Thinker: I suppose we will not know until we clarify what each of us believes. Tell me your thoughts on the subject.

True Believer: Unlike the Right I agree with actual science which tells me that humans are causing the current climate change.


Thinker: So you’re saying then that all the global warming and climate change in recent times was caused by humans?

True Believer: Basically, yes.


Thinker: Then you must also be saying that if humans were not using fossil fuels there would be no climate change and the earth’s temperature and climate wouldn’t change, as it has in the past for billions of years, but would stay exactly the same, year after year, not changing at all. Is that correct?

True Believer: Not exactly.


Thinker: Well, spit it out man. For once, say what you mean!

True Believer: Okay, without humans consuming energy there would be some climate change and temperature variation but it has accelerated recently because of greenhouse gasses released by us, mostly caused by CO2.


Thinker: So, you believe that humans are not the full cause of climate change, but a partial cause?

True Believer: I suppose you could say that.


Thinker: On this point most on the Right and Left agree. Climate change is influenced by both natural causes and human activity. The unthinking on both sides paint with a broad brush. Some on the Right carelessly say that humans have no effect and the careless Left will blame 100% of the change on humankind. Both are incorrect, Do you agree?

True Believer: I suppose you are correct on that point.


Thinker: It seems that we have two main areas of disagreement. The first is about the degree in which the release of human caused greenhouse gasses contributed to global warming over the past 100 years. What percentage do you believe that to be?

True Believer: I’m not sure but humans account for most of it.


Thinker: So, would the human contribution be just over 50% then or more?

True Believer: I’d say more.


Thinker: Like maybe 90%.

True Believer: That sounds about right.


Thinker: And why do you believe this?

True Believer: It’s what scientists are telling us.


Thinker: And where are they telling us this? Can you cite a conclusive study?

True Believer: It’s common knowledge that scientists blame human activity as the main cause of climate change.


Thinker: You mean scientists like Al Gore?

True Believer: Well he tells us what the science says.


Thinker: So where is this scientific study that concludes that humans are by far the largest factor in causing global warming and climate change?

True Believer: There’s the IPCC UN report that represents the work of thousands of scientists.


Thinker: And where in that report is any conclusive study that tells us the percentage of warming that is caused by humans?

True Believer: I couldn’t say. I just read a small part of the summary. It seemed to indicate that humans are the main cause of warming.


Thinker: The summary was written by bureaucrats, not scientists doing the study and it always comes out before the scientific data is released. But nowhere in any of the studies is there a percentage agreed upon as to how much humans contribute to warming. The fact is that there is no consensus on this and there are many opinions on it ranging from close to zero to over 100%.

Here’s a researcher who makes the case that humans only cause about a tenth of one percent of the warming. LINK

The hard truth is that there is no evidence available that gives us a provable percentage. There is some powerful evidence though that the amount of warming and damage caused by humans is much less than politicians on the Left would have us believe.

True Believer: And what would that be?


Thinker: History. It is important to look at actual results and data, which, unlike predictions, we know to be true. I’ll give you some that global warming facts alarmists like to ignore.

Between 1850-1940 temperatures rose yet CO2 levels stayed about the same. Then the opposite happened. From 1940 to 1976 the earth cooled, yet during this period we had a major surge in CO2 levels.

From 1976-1998 the temperature increased along with CO2 levels. Then something unexpected happened for the alarmists. Since 1998 the warming has been very small while CO2 has had the largest increase of all time. None of the orthodox global warmers predicted this would happen. In fact, they predicted a continued accelerated warming period.

So tell me, my friend. How is it proven that increases in CO2 will bring destructive global warming when our actual history tells us this did not happen?

True Believer: I’d have to look into it.


Thinker: And there you stated a major problem. Global warming alarmists do not look into these facts, but ignore them. They trust predictions of the future by those who have been very inaccurate more than geologists who have been quite accurate in predicting climate cycles.

True Believer: Well I trust the scientists.


Thinker: But can you name me one scientist who rejects historical fact?

True Believer: Silence.

Copyright  by J J Dewey

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Continuity of Consciousness & More

Feb 4, 2017

Catching Up

There are a number of comments I’ve made over the past year that didn’t get posted online so I am posting the best of them so readers can have greater access.

Here are the first ones. The titles are:

  • You Are Needed
  • Continuity of Consciousness
  • Synthesis Needed
  • Male/Female Inclinations

Jan 16, 2016

You Are Needed

How can he (the Son of God) enter, to rest and to remember, without you? Except you be there, he is not complete. And it is his completion that he remembers there. … Think you when this has been achieved that you will rest without them? You could no more leave one of them outside than I could leave you, and forget part of myself.

From A Course in Miracles

Basically it is touching on the same principle that Jesus did when he said that a sparrow falling to the ground does not escape the attention of God. God needs all his creations for Itself to be complete for the ALL is God.


May 15, 2016

Continuity of Consciousness

Jenny asks:

My son desires do learn to live without sleep as some masters have. Have you heard of anyone who has been successful doing so?

I have heard stories, but haven’t seen any proof that anyone has been successful avoiding sleep.

Sleep is based on the principle of rest and this applies to all lives on all levels, even God. God, we are told in the Bible, needed to take a rest after creation was complete and the ancient wisdom teachings tell us that in between creations the universe dissipates and God and all lives in him/her/it rest in the Great Pralaya.

When it is said of certain masters that they need not sleep it doesn’t mean they do not need times of rest. Like they say a change is considered a rest and this is really what sleep or rest is. It is not the obliteration of consciousness, but a change in where consciousness is directed.

In normal sleep our consciousness is split between the astral/emotional and the mental. The mental part returns to the world of the soul and the astral part takes you into the dream state. In both cases attention is taken off the physical body which allows it to get some rest and recharge. This recharging of the physical body is absolutely necessary for anyone who is occupying one. Anyone who goes several days without such a recharging gets himself in serious trouble on he physical plane.

When a Master who is in a physical body is said to go without sleep what really happens is that he has developed continuity of consciousness that allows him to have continuous consciousness and awareness of surroundings 24 hours a day. During part of those 24 hours he will take his attention off the body so it can recharge, but will maintain full awareness in the world of the soul. So his consciousness is awake 24 hours a day, even though for part of that time his attention on the physical will be minimal allowing for physical rest and recharging.

Here are a couple quotes from DK on continuity of consciousness:

We call it continuity of consciousness, and by this we mean the power to be fully aware of all happenings in all spheres and departments of man’s being during the entire twenty-four hours of the day. As yet this is far from being the case. There is no real awareness of existence during the hours of sleep. The dream life as related is as full of illusion as any of the more definitely lower psychic experiences. The slowly growing interest in dreams from the standpoint of psychology and the investigation of their probable source are the first weak attempts towards establishing the awareness on a really scientific basis. There is as yet no conscious registering of mental activity during such times, for instance, as when the emotional body holds the centre of the stage.

A Treatise on White Magic, Pages 423-424

Learn to keep focussed in the head through visualization and meditation and through the steady practice of concentration; develop the capacity to live increasingly as the king seated on the throne between the eyebrows. This is a rule that can be applied to the every day affairs of life. *** Learn, as you go to sleep, to withdraw the consciousness to the head. This should be practiced as a definite exercise as one falls to sleep. One should not permit oneself to drift off to sleep, but should endeavor to preserve the consciousness intact until there is a conscious passing out onto the astral plane. Relaxation, close attention, and a steady drawing upwards to the center in the head should be attempted, for until the aspirant has learned to be steadily aware of all processes in going to sleep and to preserve at the same time his positivity, there is danger in this work. The first steps must be taken with intelligence and followed for many years until facility in the work of abstraction is achieved.

A Treatise on White Magic, Pages 503-504


May 20, 2016

Synthesis Needed

Thanks for the reminder Natalie. Just before the full moon is a potent time to say the Great Invocation and put attention on receiving from Higher Lives. The exact time of the full moon is 3:34 PM MST Saturday (today). You can find it for your time zone here: LINK

Ruth pointed out the leftist promotion attacking half the country as being idiots at this time when we are supposed to be placing attention on unity. It is sad indeed that many DK followers see conservatives as totally deceived, Piscean aged, backward and focused on evil while anyone who mouths liberalism, no matter how impractical and anti freedom, are seen as the good guys.

Instead of giving a rational analysis as to why Bernie Sanders plan would work they merely label Trump as fascist and the bad guy. Obviously they think Jesus would vote for Bernie.

We need a synthetic approach that takes good liberal ideals and applies practical steps in harmlessness that supports the Principle of Freedom.


May 24, 2016

Male/Female Inclinations

Interesting question Kelly (as to why most sommeliers are male) and good input so far from the group. Because males are polarized in the sending/mind energy and females in the receiving/nurturing/emotional they will naturally apply their talents in different directions.

In the food industry most chefs are male and most waitresses are female. The chef sends to the waitress more than the waitress sends to the chef.

A sommelier (one who specializes in all aspects of wine service as well as wine and food pairing) uses a lot of decision making in his work and winds up doing more sending than receiving.

As far as food goes I have personally noticed an interesting difference between men and women as far as preparation goes. Every female I have ever known wants to have a recipe available that gives her exact amounts of ingredients to put in the dish to be created.

I, and most males I know, take a totally different attitude. We generally just throw in the food preparation what looks and seems to the be right ingredients and sizes and hope for the best – and to the surprise of some females, things turn out pretty good.

If the recipe says two tablespoons of flour my wife will get a measuring tablespoon and make sure the amount added is exactly correct. I, on the other hand, will just throw I what seems right at the time.

It is interesting to observe male/female influences and how they approach things so differently. I have studied this and been amused by it all my life. I figure that I could develop a pretty good comic routine on the subject if I went that direction.

When talking about this subject with the average guy, he will usually come up with exceptions. Yes, there are always exceptions to the rule, but that doesn’t mean the energy pushing and pulling on us is not there. While it is true most people would prefer to row downstream, there are always a few who decide to go against the current just to see if they can do it.


I am curious JJ- and I may have missed this in the past. It appears like you may think that the choosing of a presidential candidate is a “soul” decision and thus may be something that should be able to be reached as a consensus by a group seeking “oneness”?! According to my understanding of what the soul will and will not influence us about, I would not think that the selection of a president may be one of those things?


The disciple should seek to make every decision in harmony with the soul. He who does this doesn’t have the soul come whisper “yes” or “no” in his ear concerning every decision he makes. The only time a sensitive person gets a direct message concerning a individual decision will be if it has far reaching ramifications that will affect much more than the mere individual.

The soul will not normally intervene and tell you who to vote for, which job to take, which food to eat etc.

The key to making right decisions in the course of normal living is to obtain an understanding of true principles. In this understanding the soul can help you for if the disciple seeks confirmation with a pure heart he or she can receive verification and understanding of true principles and how they apply to life.

As far as candidates who may wind up having some control over our lives the key principle is the Principle of Freedom. After the disciple understands this principle he should then seek to understand which candidate is in the greatest alignment with it and then vote for that person.

The problem with this principle is that the seeker must catch a glimpse through the eyes of the soul to fully understand it for many good people, even after having it explained to them, will have a distorted understand of it due to their own personal desires of how they want right and wrong to be played out.

The prime example of this is the slave-owners in the Old South. They felt that the black race were not evolved enough to be free and they needed their masters to keep them in line. They felt they were doing the blacks a favor. In doing this they believed that slavery enhanced freedom for all, especially themselves.

This was a warped understanding of the Principle of Freedom. Their own personal desire to use slaves prevented them from accessing the soul to see the true principle.

This happens to a lesser extent to the masses as they seek to make decisions that will lead to more or less external control over their lives and that of others.

Bernie Sanders supporters are making a terrible violation of the Principle of Freedom by attempting to shut down free speech, our most important right and Bernie acquiesces to this by doing virtually nothing to stop it.

Socialism through force, especially that which runs contrary to the will of the people, is also a violation, but this will not be clear to the seeker until a vision of the Principle of Freedom is seen and understood.


Right now the best decision I can come up with for this election is “none of them”! I don’t want to be responsible for selecting any of the current candidates.


Any time there are two choices before us one is always better than the other. If we do not make the choice then our lives will be controlled by the choices of others which is a type of slavery by default.


I must be grossly uninformed, ignorant, or obstinate as I disagree with the arguments made for Sanders and Trump. What good is a “skilled businessman” who completely lacks morals and integrity?


Morality is often in the eyes of the beholder. The greatest immorality in my opinion is a violation of the Principle of Freedom and Trump scores pretty good in this area as I have not seen him advocate anything that would violate this in any major way.

Bernie and Hillary advocate huge violations of this which would take us long the same path that has led to the downfall of Venezuela.


I just don’t understand the business argument in relation to running a country when he will do exactly what the big corporations have done, which is, whatever the hell they want in order to get what they want.


Corporations have been demonized by the media and the political left, but take a look at counties who have successfully attacked and controlled or destroyed them such as North Korea, Cuba and now Venezuela. Would you rather live there free from corporate influence? I do not think so. Just as individuals are not perfect, neither are corporations, but overly restricting freedom is not the answer.

Without the assistance of business and corporations the long looked for new age of peace and prosperity could not happen.


His purpose and focus is completely off base, imo?


He states that his main purpose and the main reason he is running for president is to straighten out our terrible economic situation and reverse the destructive national debt, which could devastate us within a few years if not handled. Do you think this is off base?

Bernie and Hillary are not concerned with the debt and their plan would only add to it and shorten the time of the approaching collapse.


Also, in my opinion, the argument about one’s sun sign is weak in relation to the elements that they respond to. There are so many other factors that influence an individual, particularly their rising sun sign, as well as other factors within their chart.


I didn’t have time to go into detail but if you look at the whole chart you will see, of the three, that Trump has the largest percentage of air (mind) aspects. Aquarius is also a fixed cross sign and Trump has the largest percentage of the fixed cross in his chart.

The problem with politics and religion is that fixed ideas and personal desires enter in on one’s personal outlook which makes clear vision very difficult, hence we find many intelligent people standing with all kinds of varying beliefs, 95% of which have illusion built in to them.

Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey

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Ray Four – Harmony Through Conflict

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Rays

Jan 29, 2017

Harmony Through Conflict

Ray Four is known by the phrase, “Harmony through conflict.” We certainly see the conflict played out in the political world today, but far from enough harmony.

This ray is dually expressing itself as follows:

Positive: Reasonable argument through logic, reason and measured words as well as peaceful demonstration and petition. A disciple, however, may bring up a point that may lead to conflict (as did the Christ) to bring the truth to light.

Negative: Focus on attack, distorted accusations, name calling, labeling in place of reason, distortion of the facts, guilt by association, bias, violent and disruptive demonstrations, mob action and attempts at shutting down free speech.

The negative side of this ray is a powerful tool in the hands of those on the Left Hand Path.

It is interesting that in the Bible Satan is called, “ the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.” Rev 12:10

Accusations with the power to put those who want to serve on the defensive where all they are doing is defending themselves is very destructive. It winds up making good appear as evil and evil appear as good as predicted by Isaiah.

As in all things there is a time and a place to make accusations. If a person commits a crime or an obvious harmful act, or fraud, then this needs to see the light of day and be judged by law and the court of public opinion.

But obvious infractions are not a concern of those assisting the left hand path for they will attack anyone who disagrees with them by accusations, “night and day” as the scripture says. Such accusations are often completely fabricated or based on trivial statements distorted and blown up.   The accusations will often get front page coverage, but then if the truth reveals that the accused was innocent such information will be buried or not covered at all.

In the end the good guy who is accused is remembered as the bad guy and the bad guy making the distorted accusation is remembered by many as the good guy.

Isaiah indeed spoke wisely:

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!” Isa 5:20-21

Accusations take many forms. Blown up sexual misconduct or bad humor is a big one. Another popular one is to take a person’s words out of context and present them as wanting to destroy American institutions when the person had no such intention. Many are accused of hating women, minorities, little children, animals, wanting to destroy the environment, poison our water, pollute the air etc when they are often more harmless than their accuser.

Our politics would be much improved if our representatives would concentrate on honestly debating the issues rather than getting sidetracked with negativity.

Name calling and labeling is another powerful tool used by those on the dark side. Perhaps the most common accusation is in the use of the word “liar.”

Ever once in a while this accusation is justified, but often the accusation itself is the real lie.

A lie is an intentional statement that is false and the person knows it is false. All of us at times will mistakenly repeat things that are not true. Either we received incorrect information, remembered incorrectly or just made a slip of the tongue. A mistake is not a lie, but political opponents will take an honest mistake and label it a lie. This is an insidious method of attack and it is done all the time.

Some go so far as to call an opinion of an opponent a lie.

I would guess that at least 75% of the liar accusations in the political world are not lies at all, but are either mistakes or mere opinions that run contrary to what the accusers want to be true.

I have participated in a number of political forums and usually get called a liar in short order. I have many times challenged my accusers to prove one thing I said was a lie and none have ever done so. It is frustrating though to attempt to have an intelligent conversation in the midst of incessant name-calling. I pretty much avoid political forums now for that reason, though I am glad I did participate in them enough to get an understanding of how they operate.

A distortion of the facts is a big problem. Almost everyday I read some accusation that essentially says, “Mr. Smith said this and it is outrageous.”

What the writer often does is put Mr. Smith’s words in his own language which merely states what he felt when Mr. Smith spoke. Then when I look up the actual quote it is often completely different in meaning than was the accusers summary. I personally find this outrageous when I see it done, especially by establishment news media who is just supposed to give us the facts.

The problem with these accusers is the actual quote does not do the job of demonization, so they have to embellish.

Guilt by association is another tool used by the deceptive ones. A racist, killer or communist voting for or agreeing with a candidate’s point does not mean that the candidate is a racist, killer or communist.

It is interesting that a KKK newspaper article agreed with (but did not endorse) Trump on several issues while Will Quigg, a grand dragon of the Klan’s California chapter and responsible for recruitment in the western United States endorsed Hillary. Hillary also has a nephew in the Klan.

Both could have been accused of being guilty by association, but Trump was the one singled out for this while few even know about the Hillary KKK endorsement.

Which brings us to the next point – bias. Bias not only surfaces in what is said, but also what is not said. For instance, when the media pointed out KKK support for Trump, but ignored the endorsement of Clinton.

Both sides lack confidence in the trustworthiness of the major media as, according to Gallup, they have only around an 8% vote of high confidence, just a little higher than Congress.

The last category is particularly disruptive as it has been used by tyrants to take power to themselves – that is violent and disruptive demonstrations, mob action and attempts at shutting down free speech.”

This type of action is particularly dangerous to a free society. Peaceful demonstrations are a part of a free society, but when we see demonstrators defy the law and wear masks and then defy and attack police, overturn and burn vehicles, break windows, loot businesses, make physical attacks, stop traffic, invade meetings, shout down speakers as well as put them in danger, then we see people who are agents of the brothers of the left hand path.

Unfortunately for the political left almost all of these problems originate from their side. Some are disgusted by it but far too many are either silent or endorse such actions.

In a piece of strange irony protesters of Trumps Muslim immigration policies on Inauguration Day did $70,000 worth of destruction to a limousine that belonged to a Muslim immigrant. Here’s the story.

When Bill O’Reilly reports something negative about one party he usually tries to find something negative about the other and saying, “both sides do it..” When reporting about this type of mob action though he stated that he looked through the archives and could not find any comparative examples from the political right. I agree, as I cannot recall seeing any people of the right doing this type of mob action. While it is true both sides have their flaws, this type of destructive behavior seems to be the exclusive property of the political left at this present time.

The peaceful people of the left should not put up with such things as it has to be embarrassing to have their side identified with such destructive behavior.

We’ve covered a lot concerning the negative political aspects of the Fourth Ray, and a lot more could be written than on the positive which is basically this:

Reasonable argument through logic, reason and measured words as well as peaceful demonstration and petition.

Both sides of the political spectrum could use a dose of good reason and logic into their discussions. It is very refreshing to see it and when it happens it is quite stimulating and gets a lot of circulation on the internet.

The problem is that many are just cheerleaders for their political side and often think they are hearing reason and logic when there is none to speak of. Often, all we get are talking points and many of them are distortions of fact.

It will not do much good for me to explain what is reasonable and logical. Intelligent people can recognize it but ideologues will think that anything that follows the party line is pure truth.

Part of the problem is the influence left over from the Age of Pisces of strong Sixth Ray influence of idealism. Fortunately this will be losing strength during the next hundred years and it is assumed by the teachers of the race that mind will then dominate over emotion and pure reason will be much more widely recognized and sought.

Thus we have before us the great work to be done by the disciples of the Christ which is.

Deal with opposition with the wisdom of a serpent, yet harmless as a dove. Let the light of reason and logic shine in the darkness which has to, by law, flee and make way for the light of truth. However, the light must be steady, focused and continuous or the darkness will return.

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works … if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” Matt 5:16 & 6:22

In summary, this Ray is named “Harmony through Conflict” for a reason. Some have difficulty in seeing the relationship between these two opposing words but the interplay is significant.

One must understand that harmony is not created by the suppression of numerous voices, as is the case in North Korea, for example. If people there did not fear for their lives then the true lack of harmony would be obvious.

You do not obtain harmony on a piano by playing the same note over and over. Instead, the student plays many notes and chords and learns by trial and error which notes to press to create true harmony.

Even so, a society must have the free will to express opposition which leads to a conflict of ideas. Citizens are then like the piano student who hears the different notes expressed and after a time we realizes that which produces harmony and that which does not. When society has absorbed the lesson of the Fourth Ray they will then have a lasting harmony with both sides of the political spectrum playing their part

.May each of us do our part in hastening that day.

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Freedom and Ray Three

This entry is part 03 of 5 in the series Rays

Jan 28, 2017

Freedom and Ray Three

I started a series a while back discussing Trump and the rays which covered the first two. As we move on to Ray Three I think I will concentrate more on dealing with the political and esoteric Left and Right.

Each one of the Rays manifests as a duality. Here are the first two as they manifest in the political world.

(1) Will-Power-Purpose manifests as Intent

The duality = unselfish intent vs selfish intent.

(2) Love-Wisdom manifests as love of Truth.

The duality = focus on truth vs lies and distortions to reach goals.

We will now move to Ray Three

(3) Active intelligence responsible for the manifestation of beauty and form manifests as freedom.

Why is freedom the key word in politics?

Because all the variety of forms that we have cannot manifest in fullness without the maximum possible freedom.

And keep in mind form covers more than the physical seen with the eye. The U.S. Constitution is one of the great forms. Apple Computer is another as well as groups like the Red Cross.

Third Ray freedom dually manifests as focus on self-control by inner authority and initiative vs control by strong outer authority.

Strong inner authority enhances freedom to produce form but powerful control by outer authority inhibits it.

When discussing political principles I prefer to Left and Right rather than Democrat and Republican as both parties incorporate elements of the true Left and Right that leads to the Right or Left hand path. Left and Right also includes all the fringe political parties and groups.

I have already written a lot about the Principle of Freedom. Here is a link to a two part article making some essential points.

And here is one on the Principle of Freedom

I write a lot about this principle because it represents the battleground between the light and dark forces of the world. The Brotherhood of Light seeks to expand individual and group freedom whereas the dark side thinks that individuals are too inept to be trusted with freedom and must be controlled. The Right places maximum trust in the individual and the Left great distrust.

The Left wants a plethora of laws, regulations, controls, supervision, bureaucracy and strong central government whereas the Right seeks a minimum amount of these with decentralized government.

We all recognize that a certain amount of control, authority, laws and regulations are needed. It is an act of wisdom to see how much is too much or not enough.

The cornerstone to the masters approach to freedom is what DK called “occult obedience.” This plays out not through an authority such as a master giving commands and the disciple obeying. Instead the teacher assists the disciple in raising his consciousness so he can see the plan with the same vision as the master. When they both see the plan through the same eyes then the obedience will be to the plan, not to a person.

Here are some comments from DK on this principle:

Two questions always arise the moment the stage of discipleship is discussed: the problem of occult obedience and the nature of the vision. I would like to deal with these right at the beginning of any help which I may be able to give you. What is this occult obedience which a Master is supposed to exact? `Today, the Masters are dealing with the highly mental type of disciple who believes in the freedom of the human will and consciousness and who resents the imposition of any so-called authority. The intellectual man will not accept any infringement of his freedom, and in this he is basically right. He objects to having to obey. This is today axiomatic. Out of this fundamental question, lesser ones arise which I would like to cite. Has the disciple to obey the slightest hint which the Master may give? Must every request and suggestion be accepted? Must all that a Master says be accepted as true and infallibly correct? Is the disciple wrong when he refuses (if he does) to recognise the Master’s point of view and the statements He may make? Will the fact of Accepted Discipleship limit his freedom of opinion or choice, coerce his judgment and make him simply a replica in thought of the Master’s thought? These are questions of importance.

`The obedience required is obedience to the Plan. It is not obedience to the Master, no matter what many old-style occult schools may say. The obedience which is asked of you is based on your growing recognition of the Plan for humanity, as it emerges in your consciousness through the processes of meditation and through definite service, based upon a growing love of your fellowmen.

`The obedience demanded is that of the personality to the soul as soul knowledge, soul light and soul control become increasingly potent in the mind and brain reactions of the disciple. This whole problem of occult obedience would not arise at all if the rapport between soul and personality or between the disciple and the Master was complete and soundly established. The entire question is based upon the blindness and lack of knowledge of the disciple. `As the rapport becomes more firmly established, no fundamental divergences of opinion can appear; the aims of the soul and the personality blend and fuse; the objectives before the disciple and the Master become identical, and the group life conditions the service rendered by both of them. It is, therefore, the limitations of the disciple which prompt the question and his fear that too much may be asked of him by the Master and his soul. Is this not true, my brother? It is the holding on to your personality interpretations, wishes and ideas which leads you to draw back from the word obedience. It is your liking for yourself and for your own point of view which—literally and factually—makes you afraid of a too prompt acquiescence in the known suggestions of the Masters. I would have you remember that suggestion is all that a Master ever makes to a disciple, even though He may make positive statements about human affairs. These statements may be entirely correct; the neophyte, however, is usually too blind or prejudiced by his own individual point of view to accept them. Obedience can only be rendered when there is a developed understanding and an inclusive vision; if that is lacking, the passing of time will adjust the matter.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Pages 686-687

Copyright by J J Dewey

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Discernment 101

Discernment 101

The Problem of Accuracy

Seekers of truth are often very concerned about all the voices out there from which to choose. There are all kinds of spiritual and religious institutions, teachers, prophets, visionaries that sound good, yet often contradict each other.

If one says that 2+2=4 and another says 2+2=5 then one or both of them has to be incorrect. They cannot both be right.

Yet many are in the situation of examining numerous different voices and being captivated by a number of them. After all, if Sally says that Jesus showed her in a vision that doom and tribulation are just around the corner should we not pay attention? If she is right, then indeed, we need to stockpile food and prepare for the evil day.

I’ve made it a hobby over the past 50 years to read the various predictions that are out there from the tabloids to serious religious visionaries as there never seems to be a pause in the prophesies of doom. Some great tribulation is always just a few months away.

So far, in the passing of five decades, not one of them has come close to being true. This brings up a logical question: Since such prophesies have had a failure rate of 100% then how much attention should we pay to new ones that surface?

Logically, the answer should be – not much.

Another interesting thing is that during this 50 year time period we have had a number of calamities and significant events that should have been included in any prophecy of our future. Some of these are the falling of the Soviet empire and the Berlin Wall, the financial crashes of 1987 and 2008, the 9/11 disaster, Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, the Syrian refugee problem among others.

Even though I have always scanned all the predictions available not once did I come across one that accurately predicted such events in advance. The religious, spiritual visionaries were no more accurate than were the casual psychics.

The funny thing is after a major event occurs you have people coming out of the woodwork claiming they have accurately predicted them. These are generally people I have never heard of before, but the funny thing is the several times I checked out their original words I found that the actual claimed perdition was very nebulous and not specific at all.

For instance, some claimed to have predicted the 9/11 disaster when all they said was we were in danger of a nebulous terrorist attack – and sometimes they have been saying such things for decades.

As they say a stopped clock is right twice a day. Catastrophes and significant events happen from time to time so if some visionary is predicting doom over a period of 10 years or so he is likely to see a major catastrophe happen during one of them and then claim he was a true prophet. Ignored is the fact that most of the details of the prophecy didn’t happen.

If someone wants to develop a reputation of being a true prophet, all he has to do is take the predictions that are out there and say the opposite. In my case, I have had a number of readers ask me about some pretty outlandish predictions and so far I have been right every time that I said they would not happen. Several times my answers have angered readers who seemed to want doomsday to come.

Does this mean that there is no such thing as a true vision or revelation?

Of course not, but this much can be assessed. There is a lot of illusion in circulation out there and the true visionaries are few and far between.

There are not only a plethora of prophets out there with different versions of the future but there are also many teachers, books and gurus, all with different versions of reality and salvation.

The big question facing the seeker is why there are so many contradictory revelations and how is he or she to tell what is true and what is not? That is the question.



The first question we want to consider when contemplating this is why there are so many differing visions and revelations out there. Two people will claim to see Jesus or some revered entity yet be told two contradictory things. Two people will have a near death experience and also give contradictory stories. Two people will claim a revelation on the same topic, yet when you read them it appears that they came from two different sources.

The easy answer is to merely blame every revelation with which you do not agree on the devil. This requires no thought or discernment and often just shows a bias as the accuser is often just as likely to be in league with dark forces as the accused.

The truth is that we do not need some tricky devil running around deceiving everyone. We have plenty of ability to do this on our own. In most cases all a cunning devil has to do it just sit back and watch us fool ourselves.

Alma from The Book of Mormon tells us that it is God that set up circumstances that allows us to be deceived. He, of course, does not deceive us, but if we are bent on doing so he will allow us to go full steam ahead.

“I know that he granteth unto men according to their desire, whether it be unto death or unto life; yea, I know that he allotteth unto men, yea, decreeth unto them decrees which are unalterable, according to their wills, whether they be unto salvation or unto destruction. Yea, and I know that good and evil have come before all men; he that knoweth not good from evil is blameless; but he that knoweth good and evil, to him it is given according to his desires, whether he desireth good or evil, life or death, joy or remorse of conscience.” Alma 29:4-5

Here the prophet clearly says that God (no devil necessary) grants to us according to our desires and wills and it matters not whether those desires lead to good or evil – he will grant them.

Why do you suppose he does this?

Most likely so we can learn. If one has his heart set on a wrong course sometimes the only way he can change direction under the law of free will is to follow that path until it becomes obvious that his desire was wrong, and then backtrack and find the right path.

Thus we can have five different people with five different concepts of Jesus in their minds, all with a desire to communicate with him. If the desire is strong enough all five will have some type of vision or encounter, but if all of them have different self deceptions about him then all five will have a different experience and they will contradict each other.

So, if they are not seeing the real Jesus then what are they seeing?

What most of them see is an image created by the power of their own thoughts and desires. Since they desire their own version of Jesus that is exactly what God grants them, except it is done through natural law using the energy of thought and desire. In many teachings these are called thoughtforms.

Here is how a thoughtform is created. A person or group will set their hearts and wills upon an image, teaching or idea that is pleasing or satisfying to the emotional nature. It matters not weather the thinking is correct or not. What matters is the intensity of the thought and desire. Over a period of time the emotional and thought energy pours into this thoughtform until it is vitalized and becomes as if it were a living thing. It becomes like a sophisticated virtual reality computer that is an extension of yourself, or a group. After a sufficient energy is poured into the thoughtform it becomes activated and ready to serve you according to your desires, right or wrong. This point is called the “point of tension.”

When the point of tension is reached the person can then receive a vision or revelation of Jesus. Unfortunately, it will not be the real Jesus, but an illusion.

This illusion is not restricted to revered entities but also revelations in general. If a seeker is concerned about the future and has in his memory banks many prophesies of doom from the scriptures and other teachers that he accepts without question then these items will be programed into the thoughtform that he will contact through prayer or contemplation. When the revelation is then received it will contain a mixture of data that represents a combination of that which has already been floating around in his mind. This will wind up being a combination of true and false ideas according to that which is already incorporated into his belief system.

The revelation may supply a few pieces of unverifiable information that that seems new, but nothing that is a true revelation. All the information will be of no higher quality than that which the guy could make up using his own imagination. If he receives a thoughtform generated revelation on what will happen in the coming decade then the result will be comparable to what he would produce if a teacher gave him a writing assignment to do this. Either way, the results will be that most of it will turn out to be incorrect and the really significant things will be missed.

There are many other things that are the result of desire created thoughtforms. One of them is the Stigmata, where the wounds of Christ seem to magically appear in the body of a saint. In these cases wounds appear in the heads, hands and feet, sometimes even accompanied by blood.

This occurs in a dedicated believer who spends many hours in prayer and devotion focusing on the passion of Christ. When enough emotional energy has been gathered and the point of tension occurs then the wounds will appear. This is a result of natural causes and has nothing to do with God sending a sign.

Then we hear stories of statues of Christ appearing to cry. Again, this is the result of accumulated emotional energy. When the group accumulation is strong enough individuals, or even groups will see tears in their own minds. If the intensity is strong enough actual physical tears may materialize.

We carry our thoughtforms with us for a time even after death. In near death experiences some truth is usually related but often an encounter with Jesus, God or others is really an encounter with a thoughtform and, consequently, some of the information retrieved may be distorted.

Another powerful way in which thoughtforms manifest is within strongly knit groups. Religious groups in this category include (but not limited to) the LDS, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah Witnesses and Scientology.

In groups such as these faithful members tap into a thoughtform which has programming for all major beliefs, protocol and standards of acceptable behavior. Thus a Mormon Sunday School teacher knows that which is acceptable doctrine to discuss even if there is no written approval or disapproval on the subject. He knows where the line is even though the line has not been defined. The computer type program in the thoughtform has calculated the line in a similar fashion that Google uses algorithms to calculate trends in individuals as well as the masses.

These group thoughtforms account for the reason that a congregation in one of these groups is so similar to the others. This similarity is often used as a faith promoting platform. A member will figure that the various groups are so similar, even when separated by thousands of miles, because the Spirit of God permeates them.

What is not realized is that all groups with strong central authority exhibit this same effect for the strong authority causes a strong concentration of emotional energy creating a strong thoughtform – thus creating homogeneity.

It is interesting to be exposed to a strong thoughtform as an outsider, especially with the realization of how they work.

For instance, if you are a Mormon and attend a Jehovah Witness meeting you will get an entirely different feel than in an LDS church. Then, after settling in for a while you will pick up what is acceptable and what is not. In a class will instinctively know which questions would be frowned upon and which ones would be appreciated. If you are sensitive to this different thoughtform you will seem to pick up a lot of things through the air about this different religion and its people.

This same thing may happen with politics at a party. There may be a group of six people discussing a political view as you join them. You are amazed that they all seem to think the same and no one questions anything. You sense that if you inject an opposing view that something invisible will be shattered.

The thoughtform here is not generated by the six people, but these six have linked their minds to a thoughtform held by the millions who hold their point of view and is projecting the idea that outside thoughts are not allowed. If you do present an opposing thought then the link to the thoughtform held by the six will be temporarily disrupted and they will become quite irritable.

After considering this the question may arise in the mind of the seeker as to whether all revelation, inspiration, thinking and beliefs come from thoughtforms of some kind.

The answer is no.

The general public, as a whole, vaguely recognizes the power of thoughtforms and casually refers to them as “the box.”

Thinking within the confines of the thoughtforms is referred to as thinking within the box. Those who go beyond the thoughtform, or bypass it, are said to be “thinking outside the box.”

The question now before us is how do we obtain freedom from the box, or thoughtforms, and discover the real truth?

To be continued.


A Critical Look

Let us say that Alice comes to us with a vision of Jesus or revelation of some kind. What should we do to find out whether or not it is true?

The first thing to do is ask some questions. You cannot evaluate the truth of her revelation without getting the data on it. Before we use any inner guidance to discern truth we must use our own minds as far as they will take us. It is only after we have done all we can do on our own that the Spirit will give us more.

So let us say that she says she saw Jesus and feels kind of special because of it as if she now has at least one foot in heaven. One needs to ask her for details. To this some will say the experience was too sacred and personal to elaborate on.

If this is the case Alice should not have said anything about the experience to begin with for she has to know it would just stimulate curiosity along with questions.

So, let us not let Alice off the hook. The first thing most would want to know is what did he look like?

Alice cooperates and says that Jesus appeared in a white robe and her description pretty much matches the common pictures of him.

A description that does not deviate from the common image of him indicates that she saw a thoughtform. Since we have no actual proof as to what he did look like it is possible he did look something like the common image so this is merely an indication, but not proof of a thoughtform.

We need to explore further. What did Jesus tell her?

She then tells us that Jesus told her about the importance of love and kindness and that the world has deviated from his teachings and Alice needs to spread love wherever she goes.

Many people who have claimed to see Jesus relate a message in harmony with the basic Bible message.

This is another indication of a thoughtform. Any revelation that gives the seeker that which is already available in his memory banks is most likely from a thoughtform and not the real thing.

Next let us move on to Jim. Jim says Jesus appeared to him and gave him some new information.

This gets our attention. If an advanced being like Jesus were to take the time to visit someone he would do more than repeat what is already universally known. He would reveal something new.

So, now we ask Jim what it is that he received.

Jim says that Jesus told him that we will have a nuclear war with Russia by the end of the year. We must prepare as well as warn everyone.

The trouble with this is that predictions of doom have been made for thousands of years and almost all of them have been wrong. Thus if we look at this prediction statistically the chances are slim that it is a true revelation, though there is always some chance that we could have a nuclear war.

Now we come to Bob. He says he received marvelous teachings as a revelation from God.

Okay, let us check this out and ask him what he received.

He gives us a couple hundred pages of revelation and we read it through. The writings make some interesting points, but contain nothing new as all the material is available in a number of books already published.

This raises a question. Why would God go out of his way to give this guy a revelation of teachings that are already available at Amazon or Barnes and Noble?

Again, it is most likely this guy tapped into a thoughtform of his own making.

Next we come across Jeb. Jeb is the most interesting so far as he is teaching many new things not found in any book. He says that God revealed to him many missing gaps from history from the first man to missing events in the life of Jesus and even what happened to the Ark of the Covenant.

This is interesting and we study it out as well as take a closer look at Jeb. We find that Jeb is pretty smart, studied a lot of history and has a good imagination. It is possible Jeb received a true revelation but the chances are that he tapped into a thoughtform rather than receiving a true revelation. It is also possible that he just made the whole thing up and is presenting it as a revelation in order to draw attention to himself.

That said, what kind of visionary could we meet that would qualify as a likely source of true inspiration or revelation?


Recognizing True Messengers

Many people think that a true messenger will be able to predict the future with exactness but this is asking too much for no one can. Some events planed by Divine Will can be predicted because they are planned, but even these have to be revealed to someone and will not include a lot of details, as the details are always subject to free will.

Consider this. Any messenger, teacher or prophet of whom we have a reasonable record has not been able to make predictions with more than about 50% accuracy. Most of them are around 10% or less.

Jesus is credited with being accurate though some question several of his prophesies. But keep in mind that the predictions we have were approved by the church centuries after his crucifixion and they were not about to let anything get into the gospels that would show any flaw. This also applies to Old Testament prophets.

Now Nostradamus has been given high marks, but his quatrains are so esoteric that one can interpret many of them in dozen different ways. After a big event happened students will always declare that Nostradamus predicted it. The funny thing though, if it was so obvious, they should have been able to see the prediction before the event and inform us about it. Over the past 50 years I have seen many predictions from students of Nostradamus and none of them have come true, but then after an event they find it there.

The same things applies to the Bible Code. They seem to be able to find any significant past event by using a computer screening process that produces the code, but the process just does not seem to work in predicting the real future. I have read a quite a few Bible Code predictions since it became popular and so far their success rate is very dismal.

Then, we have lots of people making predictions based on the Book of Revelation, Daniel or other parts of the Bible. So far I haven’t come across a single one who has made a correct one.

In recent history where we have a fairly accurate record only a couple of which I am aware have scored higher than 50% in accuracy. These are Joseph Smith and Djwhal Khul in the Alice A. Bailey writings and they both had a number of failed predictions. Edgar Cayce had around 40% accuracy which was still much better than most.

Overlooked is this truth. Because of free will the future is malleable and many details are impossible to accurately predict. Only significant events incorporated into the Divine Plan can be known for sure, but the details in manifesting such things will never be known with completeness in advance.

Therefore when you see any visionary predicting lots of details of coming events you can know with certainly that this person is either tapping into a thoughtform or making things up using their creative imagination.

Lately, there have been several LDS visionaries giving out predictions of doom followed by struggle and the building of Zion.

A sweet lady named Julie Rowe had a near death experience and was met a guide who showed her lots of visions of the future. It is interesting that it was quite similar to other visions, such as the previously published book by John Pontius called Visions of Glory. Were they both tapping into the same divine source or the same thoughtform?

Well, Julie predicted the great calamities would be underway by the end of 2016 and that Obama would remain in power for a third term so the infallibility of her source took a big hit when these did not occur.

The question is when have you ever seen a prediction giving lots of details that came true? I’ve never found one. Have you?

The reason for this is us humans have free will and are only predictable to a degree. After the line of predictability is crossed then most anything can happen.

If Jim is a big Seahawks fan we can safely predict he will be watching the game and cheering for his team. On the other hand, if the referee calls a winning touchdown for the other team when Jim saw with his own eyes that it was not legal then Jim may go a bit crazy and do something out of the range of predictability.

When a true warning voice comes along the messenger usually doesn’t give many details. Winston Churchill was such an example. He realized the danger that Hitler posed and spent seven lonely years trying to warn the world, but no one listened until the threat was in their face.

The bottom line is this. If someone comes along giving detailed predictions of the future that will require you to act for physical or financial safety the chances are that they will be no more correct than the last person who made such predictions. Only give such things weight that appeal to your highest reason or if you get some strong confirmation from within.

As far as future calamities go a good rule of thumb is to expect the best and be prepared for the worst.

So, how do we recognize a true message then? There are a number of ingredients in a true message, Among them are.

(1) The core message will not contain provable falsehoods and be in harmony with known and proven truth.

(2) The message will contain something new that isn’t readily available in books or through others on the Internet. Many false teachers are merely plagiarists.

(3) The message will speak to the highest part of yourself. It will enlighten your mind, gladden your heart and give you hope.

(4) If one follows the teachings in the message he will be a better person.

(5) The message will be in harmony with the best of past writings of wisdom and the scriptures. I say the best because there are many wrong headed interpretations of scriptures and other works.

(6) A true messenger will either shed new light on revealed principles or give out new ones.

Anyone with a good imagination can give out lots of predictions or data that cannot be proven. For instance, if a teacher tells us there are alien bases under the ocean there is no way to prove that such a thing is right or wrong. But a principle cannot be faked for it enlightens the mind so knowledge pours in.

For instance, Joseph Smith taught the principle that if a thing has a beginning then it will have an end and if it has no beginning then it will have no end.

A principle such as this registers with the soul and by its use one can discover much knowledge.

(7) Though the giver of the message may be controversial he will live a harmless life dedicated to service. He will not make claims of greatness about himself nor will he seek to feed the ego of followers by emphasizing their specialness.

Concerning true messengers, Jesus was the great example to look toward. Instead of merely proclaiming himself great he demonstrated greatness as well as giving us great words, “words which will not pass away.” He was loving, harmless and dedicated to a life of service, freely giving of himself.

We cannot expect a true messenger to be exactly like Jesus, but he will do his best to set a similar example.


Escaping the Thoughtform

The seeker may say something like this. “I can see that if God grants to us according to our desires that we can be controlled by those desires through created thoughtforms. The question I now have is how can one bypass such desire related thoughtforms and go right to the Source of truth?”

This is an important question for even a sincere prayer can access a thoughtform and bring a distorted answer.

A seeker’s seeming answer from God through prayer, meditation or reflection comes from three sources. The first is a thoughtform created from accumulated energy of mass thought and feeling.

The second is his own emotional self which will often distort truth according to his desires.

The third is that he will access a real source of truth through the Holy Spirit.

The problem here is that accessing a thoughtform or the higher part of our emotional selves can produce a warm feeling that is mistaken by many to be verification from God that they have received an answer.   A great example of this occurred when I was on a mission in England for the LDS church way back in the 1960s. The mission had a problem with missionaries falling in love with local English girls. They were praying about the situation and receiving what they thought were warm feelings from the Holy Ghost telling them they were supposed to marry the girls after their mission. This proved to be a great distraction from their work.

At a mission conference our mission president was clearly exasperated with this situation and this was the only time I ever heard a church leader cuss at the pulpit. He said:

“We have a plague of elders falling in love with the local girls and to justify themselves they come to me and say they prayed about them and the Spirit gave them a warm feeling that they were supposed to marry.”

He paused a few seconds and then out of the blue hammered the pulpit so hard with his fist that it shook the room and said:

“I don’t give a damn about your warm feeling!!! You came to England to be missionaries, not find wives. Now get out there and do the work! After you are home for a few weeks the girls here will be out of your minds and you’ll find someone else.”

The mission president was correct. Most of the elders were deceived by their warm feelings and did lose interest in returning to England to marry an English lass after they returned home.

Now the problem for our LDS friends is that they are taught that a true answer from God is accompanied by a warn feeling or “burning in the bosom.” While it is true that a revelation of truth is often accompanied by a spiritual fire that is indeed warm, it is also true that anything that stimulates the higher feeling nature also creates warmth. Falling in love certainly creates a warmth within and this warmth is easily mistaken by many as confirmation from God.

Such warmth from love is not confirmation, but is merely the result of the blending of high emotional energy.

The basic problem is this. If a seeker has not made the breakthrough and felt the true spiritual fire then he will generally assume that his highest emotional feelings represent an answer from God. These feelings can be so deceptive that they can even captivate someone who has at one time made a breakthrough and touched the spiritual fire. One can tend to get spiritual amnesia from such an event and after a period of time assume that high emotional feeling is from God.

To make the breakthrough to contact the true Spirit and mind of God one must learn to recognize a thoughtform when he sees it.

All of us pick up thoughtforms, but few are aware they are doing so and being controlled by them. Those who are aware have achieved a much greater degree of freedom than those who are not, illustrating the truth of the words of Jesus, “The truth shall make you free.” Without a true knowledge of thoughtforms and how the emotions deceive, the seeker is not free.

It is particularly difficult for the seeker to recognize his own thoughtform so to start with it is best to look at those that captivate others.

In politics in the United States there is a thoughtform for both the Democrat and Republican parties. Then within these parties are thoughtforms dominating various trends of thinking. Every time there is a major protest march there is a thoughtform controlling the group.

Taking all this into consideration contemplate some people who have an obnoxious political belief different than your own. Can you see that arguing with one is very similar to arguing with any in that particular mindset? It can seem like anyone of the same political belief went to the same school to learn how to respond. It is as if they are hypnotized, because they are indeed controlled by a thoughtform and no amount of reasoning will release them from the control.

Now the problem is that you may be controlled just as much as the other guy, but the flow of your thinking seems so natural that you seem free, when you may not be at all.

Next attend a church different than your own and tune in to what is considered right and wrong, acceptable or not.

The next time you attend a party and see a group of a half dozen or so having a good time and seem to all be on the same page join in with them. You may discover they are all thinking alike and seem to all be units in a greater group life. You may sense that you are not to break their train of thought or you will not be welcome. To be accepted you have to tune into the same thing they are.

Practice seeing the thoughtforms that control others and soon you will be able to sense the thoughtforms that control you and how they are influencing you.

Once the seeker learns to recognize thoughtforms he can take reliable steps toward higher contact.


Penetrating the Barriers

The reason people are captivated by thoughtforms is they do not think for themselves and must let the thought form do the thinking for them.

To neutralize or control the effect of a thoughtform the seeker must understand how it works and why.

It works a little like a hypnotic suggestion. When a subject is in a deep trance the hypnotist can give him a suggestion and on awakening the subject will be controlled by it without recalling that the suggestion was ever given. For instance, he can tell the subject that when he scratches his head that he will crow like a roster, but not remember the suggestion to do so.

Then the hypnotist can draw laughs from the audience when he brings the guy out of the trance and is carrying on a normal conversation, but then scratches his head. When the subject crows like a rooster the audience will roar with laughter.

But here is the interesting point. If the subject is asked why he crowed like a rooster out of the blue he will think that he did it of his own free will and give an explanation such as, “I just thought it would be a funny thing to do on the spur of the moment.”

Now a thoughtform contains a number of commands, similar in effect to a hypnotist’s post hypnotic suggestions. And similar to the crowing subject when a certain trigger is made the person will respond and think he is doing so out of his own free will.

It is important to realize that thoughtforms are by themselves are neither good nor bad. It is how they are used that determines this.

You do not want someone to hypnotize you to do something crazy but many go to a hypnotist to help them lose weight or break a bad habit. In this case the person understands what is going an and uses it to his advantage.

Similarly, we can use various thoughtforms to our advantage if learn to recognize them and even create them for ourselves.

If one seeks real truth and higher knowledge the first thing he must do is honestly examine himself and discover the thoughtforms that influence him. If he is under the influence of one that controls the area of truth he is seeking then he can pray or meditate all he wants and the answers he gets will be that which is filtered through the thoughtform in harmony with his own desires.

If he is a member of a close knit religion the thoughtform will make sure any answer to a prayer is in harmony with church authorities and any error made by such authorities will be a part of the answer.

If the seeker is a member of a church or part of a strong belief system overall he has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages is that some of the teachings in the belief system will be true and lead him on the right path, but others will not be true and will require him to detach himself from the thoughtform to find the real truth. This is one of the reasons Jesus told us that we must be born again, or become as a little child to enter the kingdom of heaven. Part of being born again is to release yourself from all past influences and look at the world anew. When this is done the thoughtforms will be penetrated and the seeker can expose himself to pure truth and reason that will vibrate in harmony with the Spirit within.

This is easier said than done as most believers will think they are already free and controlled by nothing but God and their own free will.

For those who want to take their next step and discover new realms of truth here are some steps that can be taken.

(1) Socrates said that “an unexamined life is not worth living.” The seeker must examine himself inside and out as well as each of his beliefs and ask if they are really his own or just planted in him from some outside source. Does he incorporate a belief system as a package or does he analyze them piece by piece to see if each of them is true?

(2) Read materials from those who believe much differently than yourself. Try to see things from their point of view. Sometimes you will find truths that will awaken you to the thoughtform that is in control.

(3) Have discussions with those who think differently than yourself for the same reason. You must remain civil or any thoughtform will just be given more control.

(4) Since God grants to us according to our desires then desire the truth no matter where it leads, even if it runs contrary to all that you have been taught.

(5) Realize that, in the end, all truth is logical and will be in harmony with pure reason.

(6) “Seek and you will find.” We have all heard this scripture but few actually follow it. The person must seek with all his strength and really want to know additional truth.

(7) Learn to recognize the difference between the true voice of the Spirit within as distinguished from thoughtforms, high emotion, and voices without. The Spirit within recognizes all truth, but it is a still small voice that can easily be overshadowed by the louder voices without.

(8) Plant ideas and possible truths as seeds within your mind and heart and contemplate the truth of them. Sustained attention will cause the truth to manifest as well as bring new truths to your attention.

(9) Praying for additional truth is fine when the seeker neutralizes the influence of thoughtforms. If he has not the prayer could bring him a distorted answer. If the seeker prays with barriers removed it may take a while to get an answer. Accompanied to the prayer must be the constant thinking about the truth desired. Finally when the point of tension is reached the seeker will receive his answer. It may not be what he expected.

As the seeker learns to listen to the inner voice he will become more sensitive. Each time he accepts what it reveals then the sensitivity is increased until he has unlimited knowledge available and his soul is satisfied.

May we all tread the strait and narrow path that leads us beyond the reach of the distorted influences of the world to an inner world wherein lies the source of unlimited truth.

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Flat Earth Story


Jim Bob grew up in the early Fifties in a religion that took the Bible literally. Even so he accepted the standard view of a round earth until he came across a new preacher named Clem. Clem told him that if he really believed the Bible he has to believe in a flat earth. To prove his point Clem showed Jim Bob a number of scriptures that seemed to indicate the earth was the center of the universe, was flat, sat on pillars, had four corners and surrounded by a great dome over which resided great waters. The sun and the moon were really the same size and much smaller than we are told, and just circle above us in the dome. The stars and the planets were just lights in the dome set there by God.

This all seemed hard to believe for Jim Bob, but he knew the Bible was the literal Word of God so he checked out the scriptures and sure enough Clem was right. From that point on Jim Bob had no doubt the earth was flat – after all, that was what the Bible said and God is not a liar.

Then in 1957 the Soviets claimed to have sent a satellite into earth orbit. This concerned Jim Bob so he asked Clem about it. “If the earth is flat how can the satellite be circling around the earth?”

Clem responds, “It’s a trick, my friend. You know those Russians lie about everything.”

“You must be right,” replied Jim Bob.

Then on Jan 31, 1958 the Newspaper headline read that the United States had sent a satellite into orbit. Again Jim Bob approached Clem. “How is this possible, for this is from our own government, the good guys?”

“It’s all a game,” says Clem. “If the Soviets say that are in orbit we have to say the same thing or lose face. Who are you going to believe, the corrupt news media or the Bible?”

“Thanks for setting me straight,” said Jim Bob.

Jim Bob was a little discombobulated in April 1961 when he saw on television that the Russians claimed to have actually sent a man into orbit and then more discomforted still when the United States claimed to have sent John Glenn in orbit also the following year.

“What’s going on here?” asked Jim Bob to Clem.

“Just more of the same, “ he said. You just watch. There is no end to the extent they will go too deceive us into thinking that the Word of God is not valid.”

“I have to admit that the devil and his angels are pretty tricky,” Jim Bob admitted.

Then it wasn’t long after that that the United States and Russia sent probes to Mars, Venus and then later to other planets.

“What’s the explanation for this?” asked Jim Bob.

“Same ole, same ole,” said Clem. “Like I said there is no end they will not go to trick us. These guys are Satan’s angels right here on the earth working to deceive us.”

Then came the real big events. The United States Apollo mission sent Apollos 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17 to the moon and brought the men back again. Jim Bob watched all the events on TV.

Jim Bob approached Clem, “My boy is asking questions about these moon missions and is doubting the word of God about a flat earth. What shall I tell him?”

“Teach him that God is smarter than all of NASA who are agents of the devil himself. Here is a booklet proving the moon mission is fake.”

“Are all six of them fake. Why not fake just one and why did they go to all the trouble to fake six for them?”

“That’s just who they are,” said Clem. “The more deception the better. Remember what I told you. There is nothing they will not do to help the devil in deceiving us.”

Jim Bob took Clem’s words to heart and earnestly taught his son Jim Bob Jr. to believe in a flat earth, NASA deception and a very literal Bible.

Jim Bob Jr. followed in the footsteps of his father and continued fighting the good fight. He lived to see the internet and Facebook develop and defended the truth of the flat earth as he saw it as well as attacking all who made the supposed false claims of space flight. After he died Jim Bob III and Jim Bob IV continued the effort.

To their dismay they had more difficult conspiracies to confound. The Chinese eventually went to the moon and built a settlement there and there were thousands of pictures on the internet of a round earth taken from the moon as well and the people who were supposedly on the moon, Jim Bob IV of course knew though they were all fake.

Eventually NASA, private enterprise and several nations went to Mars, the moons Jupiter and explored the upper atmosphere of Venus. Jim Bob Jr. knew they were all fake, but he was having a more difficult time convincing people as more testimonies were made of extra planetary human exploration.

Finally a sad day came for Jim Bob IV. His son Jim Bob V just came home for a visit and was all excited. He said this to his dad.

“Dad, I just received a great bonus from my work. I have two tickets for a cruise rocket that will take us into orbit several times and then when we reach escape velocity we’ll be off to the moon. We’ll land at the spaceport there and relax a day in the low gravity and then return. You’ve got to come with me.”

Jim Bob IV couldn’t believe how Satan had gotten hold of his kid. “Son, how could you participate in the works of the devil? How could you be so deceived.”

“Well, there’s one way to prove it,” he said. “Come with me aboard the spaceship and see for yourself.”

“If you board that spaceship, my son, your brain will be radiated with frequencies from NASA that will make you see and believe whatever it is they want. “I’m not going to have my brain altered and I’m ashamed of you for even thinking about going along with Satan and his kingdom of followers..”

“Sorry Dad, I don’t buy your flat earth belief any more. There is just too much evidence to the contrary. I have many friends who ave taken space cruises and their brains are just fine.

Jim Bob IV’s head was about to explode, “You are no longer a son of mine! You now belong to the devil. Get out and don’t come back until you get your mind right.”

Jim Bob V sadly left, but on the bright side he had a great cruise and realized it was only a matter of time before the flat earth’s had to give in to reality.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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The Gods of the Bible, Part 10

This entry is part 10 of 10 in the series Gods


QUESTION: What is salvation?

ANSWER: Assurance that you will go to Heaven.

QUESTION: Why do you want to go to Heaven?

ANSWER: To be with God and Jesus.

QUESTION: Why do you want to be with God and Jesus?

ANSWER: So I will be happy.

QUESTION: What makes you think you will be happy with them?

ANSWER: I just know I will be.

QUESTION: Will you be happier in Heaven with God than you are now?


QUESTIONS: But you believe that God is everywhere. Therefore, you are in the presence of God now. How will you be more in the presence of God in Heaven than you are now? Is God concentrated in one spot as some believe?

ANSWER: No. You’re twisting things again.

COMMENT: Again we come to a contradiction in traditional Christian belief. This person believes he will be happier in God’s presence in the next world than he can be in God’s presence right now. He forgets that God’s presence is with us always. Happiness isn’t given to us when we step across some line into God’s presence into Heaven. God’s presence is with us always and we are already in heaven or hell, depending upon how we respond to that presence.

Why is it that many Christians believe in obtaining a nebulous happiness or damnation in some far away Heaven or Hell, when the Scriptures plainly tell us that God, or the source of Heaven, is in us already?

Why do they believe in a God who is everywhere or omnipresent, and then in a second breath say there are many places where God is not?

Why do they believe that God is perfect, but almost everything He makes is imperfect?

Why do they believe in an unchangeable God when the Bible tells us that God has periodically changed his mind?

Why do they believe in an all powerful God, but that his hands are tied in fulfilling His will in bringing all to salvation?

Why do they believe in an all knowing God who would knowingly create damned souls?

Why do they believe the Bible is perfect, and then not believe what it says?

We hope that Christians and others will re-examine their beliefs when apparent contradictions such as these arise. Contradictions such as these mean that there is a flaw in the belief system and the person should search and find what it is and correct it so he can know the truth and the truth will set him free.


QUESTION: Are you born again?


QUESTION: The Bible says: “We know that whomsoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.” I John 5:18. According to this Scripture, if you are really born again you do not sin. Can you honestly say that since the day that you were born again you have not committed even one sin?

ANSWER: (Some will answer yes that they have not sinned; but most will say no, that they have sinned since their born again experience.)

QUESTION: (If the answer is “yes”:) I find it rather hard to believe that you and the millions of others who claim to be born again never sin. How do you explain the fact that some born again Christians wind up in jail?

QUESTION: (If the answer is “No”:) If you indeed have sinned, then according to the Bible you are not born again. How do you explain this?


QUESTION: Is the Trinity (The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost) three Gods or one God?

ANSWER: Essentially one God. They are three in one and one in three.

QUESTION: Do you have any idea what that means?

ANSWER: It is a great mystery. No one can explain it.

QUESTION: But the Bible says: “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” John 17:3. Therefore, if you do not know and understand God, you cannot have eternal life. Are you going to seek eternal life by knowing God, or are you going to continue to call Him an unknowable mystery and forfeit life eternal?

ANSWER: We are supposed to know His presence, not understand Him.

QUESTION: But Paul spoke of a time when “I shall know even as also I am known.” I Cor. 12:12. Therefore, we are supposed to know God as He knows us. If you do not know or understand God, then how can you claim He is three in one and one in three any more than the people in the middle ages could claim that the world was flat?

ANSWER: I just have faith..

QUESTION: But the Bible says true faith is “the evidence of things not seen”. Heb.11:1. Where is your evidence that God is three in one and one in three, and where is your evidence that God is a mystery that you cannot understand? Can you even find evidence of it in the Bible?

ANSWER: The Bible says that Jesus was in the Father and the Father in the Son.

QUESTION: But Jesus said in speaking of true believers: “And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; THAT THEY MAY BE ONE, EVEN AS WE ARE ONE.” John 17:22. If we are to be one in the same way as the Godhead is one, how then is God a mystery any more than man is one?

ANSWER: (He has no answer. Checkmate!)

QUESTION: Was and is Jesus God?


QUESTION: Were all three Gods in Jesus’ body, or just God the Son?

ANSWER; All the Trinity was in him. Paul said: “For in him dwelleth the fulness of the Godhead bodily.” Col. 2:9.

QUESTION: But in speaking to ordinary disciples, Paul said “That ye might be filled with the fulness of God.” Eph 3:19. So do the disciples have the Trinity in them the same as Jesus did?

ANSWER: No. Man can have the Spirit of God dwell in him, but Jesus was God.

QUESTION: The Bible does say that Jesus was a Son of God, but where does it say that he was or is God?

ANSWER: We know the Word was Jesus and the Bible says “The Word was God.” John 1:1.

QUESTION: It is true that the King James version makes the word sound like Jesus because it calls the Word a “he”, but in the Greek it can also be translated as “it”. When we read “it” instead of “he” when talking about the Word in the first chapter of John, we can see that it is not talking about a person, but an aspect of deity, or an energy. Furthermore, when Jesus was here in the flesh he said: “God is a Spirit.” John 4:24. If Jesus was God in the flesh, then why did he tell them to worship “a Spirit”. Why didn’t he say: “worship me”?

ANSWER: I’m not sure.

QUESTION: It is written: “No man hath seen God at any time.” John 1:18 & I John 4:12. How could Jesus be God, when thousands of people saw him?

ANSWER: In a way we do not understand, God was in Jesus.

QUESTION: So was Jesus God, or was God merely in Jesus?

ANSWER: God was in Jesus and Jesus was also God.

QUESTION: Then, when people saw Jesus they saw God?

ANSWER: In a way.

QUESTION; Either they saw God or they didn’t. What is the answer, yes, or no?

ANSWER: Yes, of course.

QUESTION: But the scriptures say that “no man hath seen God.” Do you then believe than man has seen or has not seen God?

ANSWER: Well, no man has seen all of God.

QUESTION: It doesn’t say that no man has seen all of God. It just says that no man hath seen God. Furthermore, “God is a Spirit;” therefore if Jesus was God he would have had to have been a spirit wouldn’t he?

ANSWER: But the Spirit of God was in Jesus.

QUESTION: Good, we have finally established a very important point. Jesus the man was not God, but had the Spirit of God within him. John “saw the Spirit descending from Heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.” John 1:32. Jesus also said over and over “The Father is in me.” Thus if the people in Jesus’ day were to have seen God, they would have to have seen that invisible Spirit that was in Jesus wouldn’t they?

ANSWER: I suppose.

QUESTION: This is further verified by Paul who speaks of God “dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see.” I Tim. 6:16.   Here the Scriptures solidly verify that when the thousands of people saw Jesus, they did not see God. Would you agree then that God was IN Jesus, but not actually seen by men and that Jesus showed forth the works of God?
ANSWER : Yes, I suppose I have to if I believe the Bible.

QUESTION: Now the Scriptures also tell us that this Spirit of the one God fills Heaven, Earth, and Hell. (Jer 24:23; Psalms 139:8) Paul said that: “In Him we live, and move, and have our being”. Acts 17:28. We are also told that “it is the same God that worketh all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to EVERY MAN”, and that the Spirit divides Itself to EVERY MAN severally as He will.” I Cor. 3:16.

In addition, Paul said: Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the SPIRIT OF GOD DWELLETH IN YOU.” I Cor. 3:16. We are thus plainly told in the Scriptures that men and women are temples and God dwells in all of us. Is there any difference between the way that God dwells in us and the way He dwelled in Jesus?

ANSWER: God was actually in Jesus; it’s just His influence the rest of us feel.

QUESTION: Where does it say that in the Bible?

ANSWER: I’m not sure.

QUESTION: That is because it is not there anywhere. It does say very clearly that God “fills” all things and “The Spirit of God dwelleth IN YOU.” Would you agree then that the same Spirit of God dwells in us as dwelled in Jesus?

ANSWER: I suppose.

QUESTION: Thus we conclude that God was in Jesus, but was not seen by the people. On the other hand, God is also in the rest of us. Was God in Jesus in any different way than He is in the rest of us?

ANSWER: Yes. Jesus had God’s actual presence—his fullness.

QUESTION: So did God stop filling Heaven and Earth to come dwell in Jesus?


QUESTION: Did everyone else have less of God in them when Jesus was here?

ANSWER: I don’t suppose.

QUESTION: Then obviously Jesus did not have all of God with him, for God was still spread all over the Universe. The Bible does say that he had a fullness of God, but it says the same thing about the rest of us. (Eph 3:19; John 1:16) It is obvious that you cannot tell me how God was in Jesus in any different way than He is in the rest of us. How about it?

ANSWER: (He is unable to utter a logical statement.)

COMMENT: Concerning Jesus, it is written that “God was manifest in the flesh”. I Tim 3:18. He also said: “The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, HE DOETH THE WORKS”. John 14:10. Jesus did not do the works by his own power but by the Father or Spirit of God within him, just as we have to do if we perform a work of God. Thus, Jesus manifested God in the flesh by doing the works of the Spirit. Concerning man, we are told (and I quote again:) “But the manifestation of the Spirit (God) is given to EVERY MAN.” I Cor 12:7 Paul hoped “that the life of Jesus might be made manifest in our body”. II Cor   4:10. He also said: “Let this mind be in you WHICH WAS ALSO IN CHRIST JESUS: who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God” Phil 2:7.

From these scriptures we see that Jesus did indeed manifest God. Jesus was not God of himself, but God (The Father) was in him and performed the works, and thus God did work on the Earth through Jesus. But this same Spirit is in “every man” and if we are faithful to It and contact It and manifest It as Jesus did, then we can be as he was and do even “Greater works” John 14:12.

Jesus was not intended to be some unique being that will never appear again, but was to be the “firstborn among MANY brethren”. Rom 8:29. We are to be “heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ” Rom 8:17.

Where is the evidence that he is any different than we should be? There is none in the Bible. It can only be found in false tradition passed down largely from the Dark Ages, when men believed in goblins and feared a hell of fire and brimstone and devils with pitchforks that would stab them for eternity. Those people were so simple in their thinking that they never thought to ask how a body could be burned or stabbed forever and still look like a body. It’s time that man passed out of dark age blind believing in whatever tradition says and at least get back to the perception disciples had in the days of Jesus. Then maybe mankind could be prepared for him to appear again among us.


QUESTION: Is Jesus God?

ANSWER: Yes, of course.

QUESTION: Jesus said: “I can of my own self do nothing…” (John 5:30) “I do nothing of myself; but as my Father taught me, I speak these things.” (John 8:28) “The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth the works.” (John 14:10). Who was it here that had no power to do anything by himself?

ANSWER: Jesus.

QUESTION; Now, you said Jesus was God; therefore do you realize that you are saying that God has no power to do anything by Himself?

ANSWER: You’re twisting things.

QUESTION: If it wasn’t the God who is Jesus that had no power to do anything, who was it?

ANSWER: No comment.


QUESTION: Is God good?

ANSWER: Of course.

QUESTION: When a man called Jesus good, he answered: “Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is God.” Matt 19:17. If Jesus is God, why did he refuse to be called good?

ANSWER: (He is confused)

ARE MORMONS (Jehovah Witnesses and other Minority religions) SAVED?

QUESTION: Are Mormons saved?

ANSWER: Not unless they accept Jesus.

QUESTION: Most of the Mormons I know say they accept Jesus as their savior and as the Son of God. Are they therefore saved?

ANSWER: They do not accept the true Jesus of the Bible.

QUESTION: Do you mean to say that if they accept the Mormon idea of Jesus they will not be saved?

ANSWER: I’m afraid they won’t. They have to accept the true Jesus.

QUESTION: I suppose the true Jesus is your version of Jesus.

ANSWER: No, the Biblical Jesus.

QUESTION: The last I heard the Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah Witnesses and other minority religions believe they teach the Biblical Jesus. Have you ever seen in any of their literature a statement saying they reject the Biblical Jesus?


QUESTION: Do you admit then that these religions do their best to teach and accept what they believe to be the Biblical Jesus?

ANSWER: Yes, they do, but they are deceived.

QUESTION: On the other hand, they think you are deceived. It seems to boil down to the fact that their interpretation of Jesus is different from yours. Do these other religions have to have the same interpretation of Jesus as you do before they can be saved?

ANSWER: They have to believe in the Biblical Jesus.

QUESTION: That’s not what I asked. They already believe and accept the Jesus of the Bible to the best of their ability. Do they have to have the same interpretation of Jesus that you do to be saved?

ANSWER: I interpret the Bible the way it reads. They must accept the Jesus that is in there.

QUESTION: It is obvious that you do not think others will be saved unless they accept your interpretation of Jesus. Do you therefore think that if a person has a mistaken notion of Jesus, but still accepts him, that is not good enough to obtain salvation?

ANSWER: If he has a wrong idea, or is deceived about who Jesus is, he must come to the truth or he cannot be saved.

QUESTION: Are you aware that the disciples in the days of Jesus had mistaken ideas about him?

ANSWER: Yes, but they later came to the truth.

QUESTION: Are they now saved?


QUESTION: Did Jesus anywhere condemn anyone to damnation because they had false ideas about him?


QUESTION: Then why do you condemn to Hell those who sincerely believe in Jesus, but in your eyes have false ideas about him?

ANSWER: But they must accept the true Jesus.

QUESTION: But the Bible says: “”If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Rom 10:9. Neither this Scripture nor any other that I know of specifies that you have to have an exactly correct interpretation of Jesus to be saved. Most Mormons and other sincere Christians that I know have confessed that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised him from the dead. So, why will they not be saved?

ANSWER: Well, maybe they will be.


QUESTION: Is Jesus our brother?

ANSWER: Yes. Jesus is called ‘the firstborn among many brethren.” Rom 8:29.

QUESTION: Is Jesus God?


QUESTION: Then why do we not call God brother, instead of Father?

ANSWER: You’re confusing me.


QUESTION: Are you born again?


QUESTION: The Bible says: “We know that whosoever is born of God SINNETH NOT; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.” I John 5:18. According to this Scripture, if you are really born again, you do not sin. Can you honestly say that since the day that you were born again you have not committed even one sin?

ANSWER: I know I’m born again so I must not have.

QUESTION: But the Bible also says: “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us…we make Him (God) a liar, and His word is not in us.” I John 1:8&10. Then according to the Bible, you do not have the truth. How do you explain that?

ANSWER: I had sin before I was born again, but I have not sinned since that time.

QUESTION: You mean that you and all the other millions of born again Christians have not committed even one sin since being born again?


QUESTION: Now, think a moment. Doesn’t that sound ridiculous?


QUESTION: How do you explain the fact that thousands of born again Christians have actually been sinning and a number of them are even in jail?

ANSWER: Then they are not really born again.

QUESTION: But you are?


QUESTION: Let me shake your hand. I want you to know I feel privileged to be in the presence of one of the elite sinless ones. What would you rather be called—Jesus or God?

ANSWER: (He becomes irritable).

Our Father God

QUESTION: Why is God called our Father?

ANSWER: Because He created us.

QUESTION: You mean you do not look upon Him as the literal Father of our spirits as the Mormons do?

ANSWER: If you mean to ask me if God had sex with his wives to create our spirits…I certainly do not believe that.

QUESTION: So you definitely believe that God is our Father because He created us?


QUESTION: Spiritually, then, does that make all of us brothers and sisters?


QUESTION: Is this also why we are called the children of God, or His sons and daughters?


QUESTION: Did God create evil?

ANSWER: No. The Devil does.

QUESTION: Apparently, you are wrong here. God speaks in the Bible and says:: “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.” Isa 45:7. Do you believe that God is speaking the truth here when He says that He creates evil?

ANSWER: Yes, I suppose so.

QUESTION: He says He creates both light and darkness, so would we be correct in also calling God the Father of both good and evil?

ANSWER: I guess you could say that.

QUESTION: Did God create the Devil?

ANSWER: I suppose.

QUESTION: Could we then call God the Father of the Devil?

ANSWER: Certainly not.

QUESTION: Why not?

ANSWER: God is good. Satan is evil. He will never be like God.

QUESTION: Are you saying then that because men are his sons they will be like God?

ANSWER: Certainly not.

QUESTION: Then if God created Satan, why would He not be called his Father?

ANSWER: Because Satan is not like God.

QUESTION: But you say that men are not, and never will be like God either, yet you call God our Father. So why is He not the Devil’s Father?

ANSWER: I’m not sure.

QUESTION: The Bible further tells us that he was an angel and perfect at one time: “Thou art the annointed Cherub (Or angel) that covereth…thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.” Eze28:14-15. Now when an angel appeared to John he told him he was one of his brethren (Rev 19:10). Finally, we are told: “Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them.” Job 1:6.

Because Satan was perfect when he was created indicates that he was a son of God. Also, he was presenting himself before the Lord with others who were definitely called sons of God. It sounds more and more like God was the original Father and Satan was the son doesn’t it?

ANSWER: I’m not sure

QUESTION: If God is the Father of both us and the Devil, then the Devil is our brother, isn’t he?

ANSWER: He may be your brother.

QUESTION: You are avoiding the answer. You seem happy to call Jesus our brother even though you think he is not a man but God. Why are you so reluctant to call the Devil (however fallen he may be) a brother also?

ANSWER: I can’t accept it.

QUESTION: If we are right then in concluding that both Jesus and the Devil are our brothers, then Jesus and Lucifer are also brothers are they not?

ANSWER: (He doesn’t want to comment).

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