Like Attracts Like

This entry is part 83 of 98 in the series Principles

Principle 86

Like Attracts Like

What is the principle that determines who gathers or is attracted to certain people? It is this simple principle

“Like attracts like.”

Here are some examples:

Those of similar vibration, or wavelengths, as they say.

Those of similar intelligence.

Those of similar interests.

Those with similar beliefs.

Those who have similar values etc.

Sometimes on this earth it may seem this rule does not apply. Some apparent contradictions occur in families where individuals sometimes feel they do not belong because everyone is so different than themselves. This situation also exists as we start school. Many look back on early schooldays and feel like they did not fit in.

It is true that on this planet in the dense physical we are often thrown together with others who are not like us.

But.. . does this situation last forever?


The person who feels out of place in his family will gravitate to friends and associates in life who are more like himself. He may attend family reunions but will spend his quality time with those who understand and appreciate him.

The one who feels out of place with his schoolmates as a whole will seek out the few who are most like himself and then attend a college that offers schooling more geared to his interests.

On this earth like is often scattered with unlike but in the higher spheres this is not the case. In the spiritual worlds souls gather with other souls that are like them and are in a similar sate of evolution.

The main difference to Gods will being carried out “on earth as it is in heaven” is found in this principle. Like must gather with like to create heaven. When like is mixed with that which is much different or of a lower vibration then you have hell.

It is interesting that the scriptures indicate that this earth is hell. It is hell because like must endure unlike. Those who have the pure love of Christ must endure the presence of those who hate them merely because they give out the vibration representing true love.

If heaven is then created by like merging, or associating with like then it would make no sense to allow those with evil desires to enter paradise. If such were to occur then it would no longer be a place of peace, or of love, or of union…

The goal of the lights is not just any union. If that were the case then the Nazis were good because they created one of the strongest unions in our history and if Hitler had won the war we would have had a forced union of all the good and bad on the entire planet. That would made the earth a living hell.

Instead union with like through free will creates heaven and the higher the vibration of those involved the greater the joy.

Are there lessons to be learned from this earth where like is thrown together with unlike?

Yes. There are many. This earth needs to be viewed as a schoolroom and the opportunities many.

The main lesson to be learned from those not like us is to look upon the individual’s soul and see its present perfection linked with the future perfection of the person. When an athlete perfects his craft he has to go through painful exercise to increase his joy of achievement to come. Even so, by exercising our will and seeing the Christ in those who repulse our personality we exercise the power of the God within. This gives us the strength to merge with those who are closest to being like us.

Even those who are close to our vibration have enough differences to create major problems in union if we focus on the personality. If we learn the prime lesson of this sphere and see the Christ within others during difficult times then the door is open to the kingdom of God. When we therefore leave this sphere and go on to the higher we will have joy in the presence of exalted beings and our rest shall be glorious.

And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. Jesus

Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey
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