Two Different Languages


June 13, 2017

Two Different Languages

So we have established why there is a black hole interfering with the right and the left communicating with and understanding each other. The right tries to convince through analytical reasoning and the left through appeal to the emotions. When the emotions conflict with mind then we have the Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus effect. It is as if people from two different worlds were trying to talk to each other.

That which each side is trying to say and that which is heard are often two different things, as if different languages were spoken.

Here are some examples.


The Left says: We must make food stamps available to all those in need.

What the Right hears: We must throw additional borrowed money at this problem and much of it will be wasted.

The Right says: An increase in spending will increase our debt as all the tax money is already spent. We must make sure food stamps are given to those in need and not taken advantage of.

What the Left hears: The right is happy to see people starve because they just want to funnel money to their pet projects.


The Left says: Reducing spending would hurt the poor and disadvantaged.

What the Right hears: I’m willing to spend borrowed money whether we can pay it back or not. What I want is the most important thing.

The Right says: We are $20 Trillion in debt and do not have the money to spend endlessly. We must cut back or suffer eventual collapse.

What the Left hears: I am a soulless human being willing to balance the budget on the backs of the poor.


The Left says: We are a nation of immigrants and must open our doors to them. We need them.

What the Right hears: We must have completely open borders, ignore all immigration laws and make the illegals citizens as they will become new voters for Democrats.

The Right says: I am for legal immigration. We must have just laws that control border crossing as we are limited in the number we can assimilate. We must also take measures to prevent terrorists from crossing.

What the Left hears: I am a racist who wants to discriminate against darker skinned people. Immigrants are bad people, even terrorists.

We could supply many other examples, but this should suffice to give the reader an idea of the language barrier that exists.

It is interesting that we are leaving the Age of Pisces, which for over 2000 years strongly influenced humanity. Pisces is the most emotionally charged of all the signs and is ruled by the sixth ray of idealism. Despite all the emotionally charged wars and conflicts much good has come out of it. We had the great example of love, sacrifice and the ideal human being presented to us by the Christ. People are much more centered on helping and loving each other than they were 2000 years ago.

We are now entering the Age of Aquarius. Aquarius is an air sign symbolic of the dominance of mind and reason and is ruled by Ray 7 which favors the analytical side, ceremony, business, law and order.

During this transition period the conflict of the two energies will be great as those centered in the passing energies will fight with all their power to preserve the dominance of feeling.

This is why we see many emotional marches, protests and even violence from the left in attempting to silence or stop the progression from the right. In addition we see almost daily attempts by the left to prevent people from the right from speaking. If authorities cannot be convinced to reject them as speakers they will protest the speech and often enter with the the audience and shout down the speakers.

This type of emotional behavior comes almost exclusively from the left and is a sign of a last Hail Mary resistance before the new energies of mind settle in and dominate.

What we have seen from the recent left is the negative side of the feeling aspect. As the Aquarian energies begin to dominate we will see more of the positive side put to use that works toward a practical ideal and puts emphasis on love for humanity and right human relations.

As the Aquarian energies take hold we will see both the feeling and analytical natures satisfied as never before. For instance:

  • Nations will experience problems from overspending to the point where they will be forced to deal with the problem and correct it. We will eventually develop a plan to live within our means.
  • The disadvantaged will be assisted but we will not have to borrow from our grandchildren to do it. A logical plan will manifest.
  • After a number of points of tension the world will achieve stability so nations will not have to spend so much on the military.
  • Poorer nations will achieve more economic stability so there will be little need of illegal crossing of borders. This will cause borders to be more open, similar to the situation with Canada and the United States.
  • Alternative sources of energy will become readily available reducing the conflict between the climate alarmists and skeptics. It will not matter who is right if our energy sources are clean.
  • As logical non discriminatory plans are set in motion and more minorities achieve success race relations will improve.
  • Education, will trim itself of the non essentials and refocus on efficient learning. Salman Khan, founder of Khan Academy is an initiate who has set the new tone for this to develop.
  • It may be some time before most agree on the actual language around LGBT rights, but tolerance is on the increase and people as a whole will develop a live and let live attitude toward those different than themselves.
  • Attention will shift away from traditional religion toward one that focuses on spiritual values. Value will be seen in the different belief systems.
  • Increasingly, people will get discouraged with traditional medicine and turn to alternative and preventive medicine. This, as well as greater efficiency, will eventually cause medical expenses to go down.

The extremists relish the conflict of the two sides, but their days are numbered. Progress is on the side of unity even though it may not be obvious. When the day comes that people’s basic needs are met the angry divisive voices will not garner as much attention.

For Part 1 of this Treatise go HERE

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McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 54 in the series McCall Gathering 2007

 The Transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius

JJ: What I consider the greatest aspect of slavery in the modern age is taxes, because in that way we are like the slave in the Roman Empire who had to give a half or even less of his profits to his master. The average taxpayer today has to give 50% of his income to his master. The only thing different is that we can circulate around more and go from job to job. So we have moved ahead, that which was slavery then just moved up on a higher turn of the spiral. We are going to talk about the beast a little later on and how the powers that control us produce slavery in the mind and this has to be escaped and can only be escaped through the soul.

Audience: There was a show on TV where these Anthropologists were looking at the bones of some victims in Herculean and Pompeii, and they were looking at the bones of a 12 or 13 year old girl. There was overwhelming evidence in her bones that she had been malnourished and worked to the point where there were actual bruises on her bones indicating that the amount of work that she was forced to do. Today you have to work to make a living, but that is not slavery, that is, just the nature of reality.

2nd member: We are talking about getting to keep all of the money you make and how much time is really you’re own and they enslave our minds today with the use of emotion and propaganda.

JJ: Not all the slaves got to keep most of their profits as there were a variety of relationships there. It was just the ones that had a good master and it is possible that bad masters outweighed the good masters by a large margin. Some of the slaves did not have any freedom at all, but others did.

Audience:  I would just like to see this cycle finish, right now it still feels as though we still have the slave mentality and if nothing else than all this taxation without representation needs to stop and if we continue to cycle and come full circle than we should be able to develop that also.

JJ: One of the things about evolution is that we increase freedom and then move forward and throughout history freedom overall is just slightly increased. Then we made a big surge with the creation of the United States. We made a big surge in freedom and this wounded one of the heads of the beast as it were to death, as the scriptures tell us. But then the deadly wound was healed and the power of the beast was able to creep in and take more control again after the foundation of the country was laid.

Slavery is an evolving thing. We evolve from one point to another to another and another, and we do this as individuals as well. As individuals we are enslaved by our own thoughts and our own belief systems. We shed certain beliefs and we go on to a greater sphere of freedom and then we shed other beliefs and things that hold us back and then move on to an even greater sphere of freedom. Society does this and we as individuals do this. You can look at this in your own life and maybe in the last ten years you have greater sense of freedom inside of you now than you did then. Yes, Larry.

Larry: I think a lot of people feel that they are enslaved but they are the ones that are enslaving themselves and they are afraid that they are going to loose their job and afraid of how they are going to take care of themselves. It’s their own fear that really enslaves them and not the fact that somebody is standing behind them with a whip, forcing them to be a slave.

JJ: Right, if a person has the right state mind then he can actually be in an oppressed position and not feel as enslaved as someone who is totally free. For instance, look at Brittany Spears and Lindsey Lohan. We look at them and think, these people are completely free, (Laughter) but they are misusing their freedom and they probably feel enslaved to a degree.

This is what is creating such a frustrating life for them. In the greatest point of freedom you can still feel enslaved and at the point where you are most restricted that with the right state of mind you can feel free. I look on my most enslaving conditions in my life, I will not go into detail, but what I learned from these points of enslavement was how to feel free within my own mind in a very awkward situation and I found myself being in a greater state of freedom than those who were apparently in a very free situation.

So a lot of freedom is a state of mind but we want to match the state of mind with physical reality. We want to free people physically that holds them down. And this is one of the things that we are going to have as we move into the Aquarian age; we are going to move into greater and greater spheres of freedom.

What we have right now as we approach the Aquarian Age are two forces converging, the forces of darkness and the forces of light. The forces of light and freedom have certain plans and there are forces that are entering into human consciousness, the forces of darkness are trying to move us in the other direction back towards slavery, and would like nothing better than for us to go back in the stone age. These could also be called the building forces and the destructive forces. The dark and light forces are very active in the world today and they are on a collision course with each other. We are approaching a great point of tension and when the dust settles we will learn as to whether we will be moving forward towards more light and freedom or moving backward and loosing much of what we have gained.

So we have this clash between the Piscean and Aquarian age. I believe we have just passed over the cusp of the Aquarian age, which means we have a couple hundred years to go before we get solidified. And until that time we have all this residual effects from the Piscean age. We have all these people still sacrificing to churches, giving money just to build stone churches that really do not accomplish very much. They give money to priests and who knows what they do with it. A little bit is accomplished, you see some of these guys on TV where they ask for donations to feed a child in a third world country and that is good but generally the money given to churches does not really accomplish much. In other words, what we have is a residual effect of sacrifice from the Piscean age and much of that sacrifice is not intelligently put to good use, it does not go to where it will really help to make any kind of great change.
The mistake people make is that they think everything about the Piscean age is bad. Well, not everything is not bad, it is just the fact that we are moving into a new age and there are certain things that we have to let go of. With the Piscean Age we have to learn about what did not work and let it go. We have to learn about what did not work about sacrifice, which is the key ingredient of the Piscean age. When we give our money we should give it in such a way that we know what is being done with it so we know that our money is being put to good use.

Now how many times have people given their money to what they thought was a good cause and it winds up doing something that actually does more harm than good. This happens with our taxes, organizations, churches, and not only to churches but also to all kinds of other benevolent organizations, and all of them whether they be good or evil have a really nice sounding name. But everything that sounds good is not necessarily good.

One of the things that I always ask when somebody asks for a donation is, what percentage actually goes to help these kids or this cause? Half the time the telephone solicitor says, well I am not really told. If they are not really told than it means that not too much is going to where they are saying it goes to. If a large amount goes to a good cause than they will use that as a selling point. I have heard some of them only have about 20% that goes to overhead, which is good and others when you look into it maybe only 2% goes to where you think the money is going to.

One of my first jobs in advertising was selling advertising in a police magazine and I think about 2% of the money we took went to publish the magazine and to the policemen. That was the easiest advertising I ever sold. When we sold it the salespeople spoke with a voice of authority and this seemed to work well. This was back in 1972 when there were hardly any long distance sales because the watts line was extremely expensive back then and not too many people had one. All of us loved selling that police magazine because we could speak with a voice of authority and we could tell that people would get a little bit nervous when they heard that authoritative voice. (Laughter)

But anyway just a very small percentage went to the police magazine and the police were happy to get their magazine published for free. We also did one for the Jaycees and that was a lot harder to sell because people were not afraid of the Jaycees and everyone was afraid of the police. Now you get calls from all these people and it does not put the fear of God in you like the old days.

During the Piscean age they would give their money to their priest, prophet, or leader and they would not question it, because they were told, give this money and it will get you into the kingdom of God it would please Jesus. You would get a notch up higher in heaven and would get more of a reward by giving this money. Did they get any reward you think?

About the only reward they got was the discipline they got from giving the money itself. To get a reward from giving a gift the gift actually has to produce some good. If the gift goes to a place where it does more harm than good than the only reward you will get is the feeling of giving the gift at the time and that will be about all.

We are approaching a time when the two great energies are meeting with each other. I am not going to go into the details of the energies because much of what is good today, people are calling evil. A lot of that which is evil, people are calling good. So even if I were to spell it out in this room there would be much disagreement, people over here would say this good and people over there would say no, this is good.

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Principle 99 – Sacrifice

This entry is part 96 of 98 in the series Principles


Principle 99


We’ll end this book with a look at the basic principles incorporated in the passing age of Pisces and the new age of Aquarius.

First we’ll look at the guiding principle of Pisces, which is sacrifice.

When we look back at the more than 2000 years of Pisces we see the common thread of sacrifice manifesting many times. The Keynote was set in place by Jesus with his great sacrifice on the cross.

After this many of his disciples, inspired by his example, sacrificed their lives and fortunes.

Then, after the churches obtained a foothold the people were encouraged to sacrifice e all the wealth possible to the church. Many of the great cathedrals were built during the Middle Ages by the sacrifice of the common people.

Then in the midst of the Piscean Age Islam was established which also demanded great sacrifice from followers.

Then in the political world there has always been some sort of tribute or tax of increasing size demanded of the people.

Indeed, the lesson to be learned in this passing age centers on sacrifice, but has the appropriate lesson be assimilated? To understand we must look at the principle which is this:

Sacrifice is the giving up of the lower for the higher, of things that are desirable for something better.

In other words, making a sacrifice is not a lose-lose situation. Instead it is one of lose-win with the win being greater than the loss.

There is no such thing as giving and getting nothing in return. There is always a return, but not always in kind.

As with all principles there are two ways that it can manifest: One is in reality and the other in illusion. In both situations the person is hoping for a greater benefit than the required sacrifice, but only in the first is the full benefit possible.

Here are some examples of the two sacrifices.

Sacrifice in Illusion

(1) Giving money and time to religious authorities thinking you will obtain a better spot in heaven.

(2) Supporting higher taxes thinking your money will be spent efficiently

(3) Giving your life in a suicide bombing thinking God will give you a hero’s welcome after death.

(4) Sacrificing your virgin child to the Gods so your people will have good crops.

Sacrifice in Reality

(1) Sacrificing money and time to a sound business idea that may bring real financial rewards.

(2) Giving of your time to growing a garden in the hope of getting fresh and health produce.

(3) Spending time with your kids teaching them things they will find useful throughout life.

(4) Sacrificing time and money to learn a skill that will make your life much more rewarding.

It is interesting to note that though the sacrifice in reality brings more tangible benefits the sacrifice in illusion is not a total waste. In the evolution of the soul each of us goes through the sacrifice in illusion before we obtain the wisdom to become firmly set upon sacrifice in reality.

The very act of sacrifice, even in illusion, teaches the seeker discipline that he will find very useful after his eyes are open. During this path of learning then even sacrifice for a bad cause has its benefits as it is a part of the divine school that prepares us for later rewards.

During the past 2000+ years of the Piscean Age we seemed to have been centered on the sacrifice of illusion and our main lesson has been learning what not to do.

We are finally absorbing the idea that not all that which appears to be worthy of sacrifice is beneficial as advertised. We are learning not to give of our substance to one who merely claims to be Gods representative. We are learning that some type of “service” or benefit should be returned to us – not in some distant heaven, but right here upon the earth.

Many of the churches are still caught in the Piscean mindset on sacrifice, but every day more and more people are breaking away and refusing to donate or sacrifice unless there is understanding behind it and a good seen on the horizon.

The true principle behind sacrifice is much different than dreamed of in religious philosophy.

Instead of a giving up with no thought of return it is really a payment. To understand we must look at the reason we work.

We work in order to create or obtain a thing of beauty, a product or a desired goal beneficial to the individual or group.

Sometimes that work is a strenuous effort that we would just as soon not do, but because the end goal is seen we continue. The work is thus the sacrifice, but it is a sacrifice of joy because the end is in view. If there were no desirable end true sacrifice would not be made.

True sacrifice has its beginnings in the family unit where the parents work on behalf of their children so they can have a better life than they themselves have had. In the process of this work they will also benefit themselves as well as have joy in the achievements of their children.

The ministers, teachers and gurus are constantly demanding money time and energy from their followers and only giving illusion in return. True sacrifice occurs when you give up something on one level to obtain a greater good on another level. Through corrupt sacrifice, you give up something of value to a representative of the beast and only receive false images in return.

Jesus demanded sacrifice, even unto death, but He offered the reward of real soul contact and the lifting of much negative karma for the disciples.

The authorities of the beast today want everything from us and give us nothing real in return. Sacrificing everything for nothing is a sin against all that is holy if there ever was one.

Sometimes the only benefit is the discipline that becomes a part of our character.

Now we are entering the Aquarian Age the sacrifices made in illusion must be seen for what they are and be replaced with sacrifice in reality. We must keep the good from the passing age and press forward in learning the new.

Our attention must now shift from the keynote of sacrifice to service, the key principle for the Aquarian Age.

I think that the good and the great are only separated by the willingness to sacrifice.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

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Christmas Message 2008

This entry is part 12 of 28 in the series Christmas Messages


I guess it’s about time I gave my Christmas message, albeit a little late. As you know I wanted to see Valkyrie and comment on it first.

And what does Valkyrie have to do with Christmas?

True sacrifice.

And what does sacrifice have to do with Christmas?

Answer:   The core message of Jesus and the Piscean Age he represented was sacrifice.

His life was a great example of sacrifice culminating with his crucifixion on the cross. This symbol has inspired billions to come to and believe in the Christian religion.

It is interesting that each age is a schooling period to teach humanity an understanding and correct use of the key word. So it was with the principle of sacrifice. At first humanity had little understanding of it, save a few. The few went forth and sacrificed themselves in order that love and light may increase in the earth.

The many, however, sacrificed to an outer god. That god was merely a man or individuals giving commands in the name of God so sacrifice was directed toward their personal gain.

For 2000 years the vast majority of humanity sacrificed for the outer gods. And what was achieved? The sacrifice itself achieved nothing outwardly except to enrich the pockets of the pretenders. There was an inward benefit however.

When the sacrificer gives in sincerity, with pure intent, even though his gift is misused, the heart of the giver is strengthened. This prepares him to truly give when the day of real opportunity comes.

In the movie “Valkyrie” a small band of men and their wives gave true sacrifice, not to a god without, but to destroy such a god. Some have called their efforts a failure because they did not stop the great antichrist, but in the wider picture they set an inspiring example of what true sacrifice was meant to be. The effect was subtle and meaningful. Their example has caused many to contemplate the virtue of the few standing up to the many trapped in illusion.

This action and others like it in history are the true fruits of sacrifice that we do not want to discard as we sort through that which we should keep dear to our hearts around this principle as we enter into a new age.

The key word for the coming age is service. True sacrifice of the past has paved the way for true service and the fruits thereof.

Sacrifice which bears fruit leads to service, and is the true lesson left to us by Christ and most appropriate to reflect upon this Christmas season.
Posted 2008-12-31 04:29:00

Next: Christmas Message 2009

Copyright © 2008 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved

Service and Sacrifice

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1.  “In true sacrifice of self, below or above, other selves are served, loved, and feel love.”

2.  “True enlightenment is found, not by retreating into the self, but by taking the highest you know and radiating it in the service of others.”

3.  “Service is a cause which alters the course of causes past.”

4.  “In order to serve, we must succeed.”

5.  “Serve and you will be given power to serve.”

6.  “In the Piscean Age sacrificial service was stressed with little or no reward on this earth.”

7.  “If you rise above the ego you will be given all you seek to successfully complete your field of service.”

8.  “If the time comes for certain events to happen then God will use whoever is available and is willing to serve.”

9.  “Let him who believes in the setting in order count the cost before he decides to serve else his strength give out.”

10.  “The beginner sees service as an act of sacrifice on his part, as if he is doing a favor for God and the Masters of Wisdom; but then after lifetimes of struggle, he begins to realize that true service is a prize and a privilege to obtain.”

11.  “When we serve with purity of heart the self is taken care of, making self-first an unnecessary step.”

12.  “True sacrifice occurs when you give up something on one level to obtain a greater good on another level.”

13.  “Through corrupt sacrifice, you give up something of value to a representative of the beast and only receive false images in return.”

14.  “Another false sacrifice demanded by many New Agers is technology. Many of them want us to give up all the benefits of technology and go back to living virtually on the level of the savage.”

15.  “Look at the landscape of the work that needs done and make the best DECISION you can about the part that you will play and move forward with all your strength.”

16.  “There are times that a person may accumulate tremendous Karma, such as being responsible for many deaths. Instead of coming back and giving his life ten times for ten lives he may pay the whole thing off in one life through loving service where he saves the lives of ten people, either physically or spiritually.”

17.  “We all understand service for pay or even praise, but only a small number understand selfless service as it relates to the good of the whole.”

18.  “Many of the martyrs in the history of the planet have been sacrificed to preserve either the money or the power of the harlot or materialistic individuals or groups.”

19.  “As some see sacrifice they see loss, but from the viewpoint of the disciple there is no such thing as loss when serving the greater good, even if you lose all you have in the material sense.”

20.  “True sacrifice is a trade off. You are trading a lower good for a higher good, a lower enjoyment for one more exquisite and a temporary possession for one with more permanence.”

21.  “It is a sad part of our history that there are more who are willing to suffer for a cause that will enslave mankind, than they who are willing to sacrifice to free the human soul. In coming ages this trend will be reversed.”

22.  “The more you serve the more negative karma is paid off.”

23.  “Service does not keep us from resolving patterns, but reveals solutions in the long run.”

24.  “Since disciples were supposed to have absorbed the lessons of sacrifice during the past 2000+ years the emphasis will shift. The emphasis on service will revolve around cause and effect or karma. Instant or more immediate karma becomes the ideal.”

25.  “The new emphasis on service is not in the sacrifice direction where we do good deeds and get paid back in some far away future, but on the idea is that we serve and in just a short time we receive a recompense for our service.”

26.  “People sacrifice and give to churches and most of the money goes to salaries rather than spiritual work.”

27.  “The prime emphasis on the spiritual teachers of this time is not sacrifice, but service with the principle of cause and effect in mind.”

28.  “The positive lessons of sacrifice will be eternally used, but will not be the focus in the coming age.”

29.  “All those who serve, whether they be spiritual teachers or brick layers, are entitled to receive a just payment for their labor or products they sell.”

30.  “The Aquarian way is to create a service of value so you can charge what you need for your physical comforts.”

31.  “How many of us have met seekers who are so caught up in their ‘vision’ or ‘dream’ that they cannot even consider that there may be a greater path of service available than the one they are on?”

32.  “There is no higher act than being anointed to deliver or taking the one seeking help and pulling him up to where you are. This represents the pure love of Christ and is love manifest.”

33.  “Of course, doing the work is what trips up the many with egos to prove. Instead of them doing the work, many want to be called and exalted, but have others do the work, recognize their greatness and serve their own little needs.”

34.  “Good and loving people should be the ones most determined to stay and assist in the triumph of the dominating good.”

35.  “To get in the top ten per cent where you share in the use of ninety percent of the world’s purpose energy, all you have to do is set conscious intelligent goals and then reach them. To get in the top one per cent you must set and attain conscious intelligent goals that go beyond self-interest and help many people.”

36.  “With an opportunity for service also comes an increase of negative force that will try and discourage you from taking the next step.”

37.  “Even helping one person makes it all worthwhile.”

38.  “Many, who are seeking greater light, yearn for a calling from God or a Master and none seems to come. After a period of time some get discouraged and feel that God does not want them or perhaps feel insignificant. What is needed is understanding, not a calling.”

39.  “Wisdom is a wonderful thing and so is knowledge but both of them would aimlessly drift along without the third aspect of understanding. Understanding gives eyes to knowledge and wisdom so the seeker is able to give completion to his service.”

40.  “As each of us fulfills the mission of Christ in us we reach out to our brothers and sisters upon the path and assist them in their journey to the presence of God. Each of us takes one more step toward completion as we effectively serve the wholeness of the creation of God by assisting the part, even if it is only one individual soul who is walking in darkness yet seeking light.”

41.  “Many preach of peace and goodwill, but who is doing anything about it? Project Peace and Goodwill is a method of putting words into action. There are many others ways to those who are willing.”

42.  “It is unfortunate in life that it is more dangerous to help others than to do nothing.”

43.  “Choose – Contemplate – Work like hell.”

44.  “Phenomenon does often distract from the needed path of service.”

45.  “The point of attention at this time is service to a discerned Purpose greater than self rather than service to a Master.”

46.  “Without help from others stretching forth their hands in service through the principle of Christ which is the name of Christ we must remain forever in the fallen state.”

47.  “Service for the sake of service to an unknown God has been the cause of great pain, destruction, suicide bombers, and almost every war that has been upon the earth.”

48.  “True service is love in action and the true servers of humanity are love incarnate.”

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