DK, War & Peace

This entry is part 63 of 73 in the series 2015

Dec 14, 2015

DK, War & Peace

Richard writes:

JJ has already politicized the supernatural by determining if DK leans to the left or right.


Most people tell us with their own words which direction they lean. In examining DK’s leanings I merely presented his views in his own words which made many of his leanings quite obvious.


My question to JJ is does DK lean to the War Party or to the Peace Party?


Don’t know of any peace party. It couldn’t be the Democrats as Democratic administrations led us in World War I, World War II, the Korean War and into Vietnam.

The Republicans led us into the Gulf War and Afghanistan.

I would guess that neither of these is the peace party. It can’t be the Green Party as they are always at war with capitalistic interests.

The Libertarians as a whole try to avoid physical war but most consider themselves at war on other levels with Big Government.

As far as DK goes we know of a surety that he supported the Allies against Hitler in World War II. He strongly criticized the United States for taking an isolationist attitude and allowing Hitler to become such a menace to civilization.

He strongly criticized the peace movements for getting in the way and slowing down the process of winning the war.

After the War he wanted the Allied nations to have a monopoly on the atomic bomb in order to prevent totalitarian regimes from threatening the world. Unfortunately, this did not happen.

Outside of World War I & II we do not have data on which recent wars he would have supported, but he did make it clear that when freedom or a just cause is at stake that one should fight. He often quoted the example of Arjuna from the Bhagavad Gita which he said was a scripture of the highest order.

Arjuna was faced with a similar prospect to many in the American Civil War and said this to Krishna:

How can I do battle with my kinsmen, with those I love and who have loved me, for whom I have cared, as they once cared for me? Though they have gathered to serve Duryodhana’s folly, to deprive us of our birthright, to kill me and my brothers on this battlefield, how can I fight them? My body trembles at the thought. My bow falls from my hands. My flesh burns. My arms and legs have no strength. My mind is confused; my reason confounded. I am lost.

… To act is to bring upon us a day of pitch darkness. We have come here for the sake of an earthly kingdom; … But by acting, we reserve for ourselves only a place in Hell. It is best for me if Duryodhana and his armies come before me. Disarmed by doubt, I will not resist them as they kill me. This will be my best reward. These were Arjuna’s words to Krishna as the two armies awaited Arjuna’s signal to begin the battle.

With Arjuna’s words sounding in his ears, Krishna’s spirit quickened. He spoke to Arjuna, whose eyes burned with tears, overwhelmed by despair. Krishna said: —What shameful words are these, Arjuna? This is the hour of trial. Why do you falter? Your despondent grief enfeebles you; it dishonors you. Slunk in the trenches of despair, you will win neither heaven nor earth. Do not exchange arrows and bow for impotence and cowardice; this is not your way. Do not yield to these faults or to this weakness. Rise up and fight!”

Arjuna said: —How can I fight them, immortal Krishna? These enemies are my teachers from earliest youth. How can I cut them down when they deserve only my veneration? It is better to wander in rags, begging for alms, than to sprinkle the bread of my sustenance with their blood.

… With these words, Arjuna cried out: —I will not fight! and said nothing more.

Krishna smiled, hinting of laughter, and spoke gently to Arjuna as they stood between the two armies. Krishna said: —Do not weep tears for them. Though your words are sincere and full of insight, your sorrow profits no one. Tears are wasted on the dead; the wise do not grieve for the living or the dead, for life and death shall pass away. —In time we have always been, both you and I and all these kings of men; and we will always be. Putting on the body of the child, the youth, the old man, a wise man does not wonder that in death, the Self passes into another body. … Even if you believe that a man is born again and again, and that he dies again and again, you should not grieve, for in death birth is inevitable and in birth death is inevitable. Being born, he must die. In death, he is reborn. If you understand this, then you will not grieve for the loss of what can never be lost.

Do your duty, Arjuna. Act without hesitation. For the warrior, the greatest good is lawful war against an evil enemy. A lawful war opens the doors of heaven for you. Enter therein, Arjuna. Rejoice in good fortune that this battle is joined. But if you shrink before this battle or turn your back upon your duty, casting aside honor, this is a grievous transgression. Men will recount your shame, dishonor, and disgrace now and in the future. They shall say cowards possess the courage of Arjuna. For one honored, the loss of honor is worse than death. Great warriors will accuse you of cowardice; those who once honored you will treat you with contempt. Your enemies will rejoice in mocking you. They will laugh and say, “See how Arjuna fled before us, a deer among lions.” Death in battle is better than the mocking derision of enemies. —If you are victorious, you gain glory in this world. If you are defeated and cut down on this field, you gain glory in the next world. Arise and fight, Arjuna. Glory is upon you. Be detached from happiness and unhappiness, gain or loss, victory or defeat. Be resolved to fight, or you will fall into error.

Indeed, if we are faced with low life’s who wish to kill us or take away our freedoms the best course is to fight to preserve that which is just and right.

Copyright 2015 by J J Dewey

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