- The Left, the Right and DK, Part 1
- The Left, the Right and DK, Part 2
- The Left, the Right and DK, Part 3
- The Left, the Right and DK, Part 4
- The Left, the Right and DK, Part 5
- The Left, the Right and DK, Part 6
- The Left, the Right and DK, Part 7
- The Left, the Right and DK, Part 8
- The Left, the Right and DK, Part 9
- The Left, the Right and DK, Part 10
- The Left, the Right and DK, Conclusion
- The New Jerusalem Meditation
- Keys Writings 2015, Part 12
- The Lives of the Seven Chakras
- Keys Writings 2015, Part 13
- Keys Writings 2015, Part 14
- Keys Writings 2015, Part 15
- The Pope and The Donald
- Keys Writings 2015, Part 17
- Keys Writings 2015, Part 18
- Keys Writings 2015, Part 19
- Keys Writings 2015, Part 20
- The Pope and the People
- Dialog with Readers
- True Spirituality
- Helping the Poor
- Fox News
- The Point of Focus
- Global Warming Facts
- Molecular Purpose
- Disease and Energy
- Mastering Emotion
- More on The Song of Eternal Life
- Suppression and Anger
- Challenging Situations
- DK Quotes
- Pralaya and Change
- Solar Angels & Vibration
- Health 101
- Health 102
- Health 103
- Health 104
- Vegetarian Nazis
- Healing 105
- Health 106
- Health 107
- Global Warming Mistakes
- Healing 108
- Affirmations of the Disciple
- Healing 109
- More on Freedom
- Two Types of People
- Healing 110
- A Practical Solution
- A Time for Silence
- Equal, But Different
- Right/Left Brain
- Freedom, A Pearl of Great Price
- Have a Thankful Thanksgiving
- Contacting Lesser Lives
- Freedom Without Responsibility
- Questions on Lesser Lives
- DK, War & Peace
- The Lives of the Throat and Heart
- The Lives in the Head
- Manti Gathering Video
- The Foundations of the Earth
- God’s Imagination
- Advice for a Happy Life
- The Peacemakers
- Time and Consciousness
- The Ethers
- Truth and Health
Dec 17, 2015
The Lives in the Head
Now let us look at the two highest centers which are the center between the eyebrows – the ajna, sometimes called the third eye, and the crown center – also called the sahasrara chakra, or the thousand petalled lotus.
The center between the eyebrows consists of two major petals. One petal is rose red and yellow and the other blue and purple. Each of these major petals consists of 48 lesser petals each making a total of 96 petals composing this center. It takes many lifetimes to unfold all of these lives but when they are the powers of heaven are manifest on earth through a human entity.
Just as the physical eyes see and bring in data for the brain to process, even so does the ajna center see, but on a higher level. How much the seeker sees depends on his point of evolution and how many lesser lives of the center are activated and cooperating.
So how much can the disciple see through the ajna center? Seeing is virtually unlimited as a fully opened center is linked to the originating monad. He or she can penetrate into the unseen worlds of form as well as the formless. He can see into the hearts and minds of men and sense the heart and will of God and beings unseen by common man.
As the disciple opens this center he begins to penetrate the realm where ideas are born and principles understood. He realizes he must do more than memorize facts and data, but must understand the how and why of things. This third eye receives principles and reflects them to the heart center which processes them with added wisdom and understanding.
So, what will the seeker feel when he senses the lives of this center? These lives dance and play upon the inner light within the head. Close your eyes and focus in the forehead until you see or sense living light in motion. Feel them transmitting that light to your whole being.
You’ve sensed them before, but you didn’t realize they were lives in their own right laboring to bring heaven down to earth for you. Recognize their labors and the gifts of the spirit will multiply and manifest.
The highest center in the body is the crown at the top of the head. Even though it is called the thousand petalled lotus the actual number is a little short of this. It consists of twelve larger outer petals, white and gold in color, that interplay with the twelve golden petals of the heart center. This is sometimes called the “heart center in the head.” Within the circle of these twelve petals are 960 lesser petals.
This center is linked to the monad and this link is slowly realized by the seeker, after many lifetimes of struggle, when many of the petals are activated.
This center reflects the will of God and assists in manifesting it on the earth. Each of the 960 lesser petals represents some divine purpose manifested in some life, past or future. The twelve major petals represent a greater embrace of Divine Will where the seeker becomes a disciple and performs a correspondence to the Twelve Labors of Hercules in twelve or more lifetimes or cycles.
Have you ever sensed that you have a purpose that you are supposed to fill in this life? All of us have this sense whether we acknowledge it or not. This sense is reflected to you from one or more of the lives in the head center.
Be still for a few minutes and contemplate your purpose and the value of your life. That sense of value and mission is reflected to you by an inner life doing his darndest to get through your thick skull. If you are like the rest of us these dedicated lives have their work cut out for them.
As the disciple advances along the path his sense of higher will increases so he can see beyond the purpose of his own life to Divine Will as it is designed to work out in groups, nations, the human race, the entire planet and more. There is always more.
Now we have covered the seven major centers it would be beneficial for the seeker to practice now and then in quiet moments in sensing the lives from the base of the spine to the top of the head and then synthesize them in the inner consciousness and see them and himself as one greater life working in cooperation.
Give thanks to the lives within and the God they serve as you cheerfully continue on your journey.
If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.
Bishop T. D. Jakes
Copyright 2015 by J J Dewey
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Do we have all these highest centres opened when we die and reconnect fully with our soul? If yes, why struggle so many lifetimes to attempt to open them again here on earth instead of remaining up there where they are opened?