Principle 77

This entry is part 74 of 98 in the series Principles

The Satellite Principle

The placing of a satellite in orbit illustrates a great principle that can be applied to practical work here on earth.

Consider what it takes to place a satellite in orbit. The satellite is usually set atop a rocket consisting of several stages. The first stage is the booster rocket. This gives the satellite its initial thrust and here is where the greatest energy expenditure is required. The second stage is smaller and requires less thrust and the third is smaller still and requires sill less thrust because the weight of the first two stages is left behind.

Even so, the thrust required is that which is necessary to keep the satellite increasing in speed until it reaches orbital velocity which is around 17,000 miles per hour. Then when orbital velocity is reached a strange thing occurs. The satellite continues to speed around the earth at this same high speed of 17,000 MPH without the need of any additional thrust or power.

To understand how this works take a ball on a string and twirl it around. You will feel the ball pulling away from you and the faster you spin the ball the more force there is pulling tight against the string.

When a satellite reaches 17,000 MPH its circles the earth like a ball on a string, but the string holding on to it is the invisible gravity. Gravity is balanced off by the centrifugal force of the satellite pulling the other direction. When balance is achieved then the satellite will go on virtually forever if it is in a perfect vacuum.

If the satellite is supplied with additional power and speed is increased it will move to a higher orbit and if its speed is increased to 25,000 MPH it then reaches what is called “escape velocity” and moves free from the earth’s gravity and can be sent to Mars, Venus or wherever directed.

This concept nicely encapsulates what we must do as individuals who tackle a significant goal to accomplish.

For instance, let us say you want to start a business. To get it started you need to apply tremendous initial thrust. You have to sink significant money and concentrated effort toward the goal. You have to rent a place, put up signs and run a lot of initial ads so consumers will know about you etc.

Then, after you get the first stage off the ground you still have to apply effort, but not as much. A lot of the start up expenses are no longer needed and if your ads worked you will not have to run so many. Even so, you still have to put in significant effort to keep the project moving ahead.

Then, as your business succeeds and you hire a few people you will have to put less effort into it. Finally, you can take a vacation or two without worrying about things falling apart.

Then, after a period of continual thrust (effort), you reach a point where the business can be managed without you. You can appoint someone to replace you and it will just continue with no effort on your part. Your goal has reached a comparable to orbital velocity.

But there’s more. If you really want to accomplish something then you’ll want to add even more thrust to the business and take it to escape velocity. If you place even more attention on the project you can increase its size and scope until you have enough personal power ands wealth to escape all the gravity pulls of every day life and do whatever you want to do. Final success frees your hands so you correspond to a rocket that has escaped the pull of the earth and head toward any direction the universe has to offer.

The satellite Principle can be summarized as follows:

A significant goal requires great energy and attention, especially at first, and continued energy is required until it seems to take on a life of its own and continues with a minimal amount of attention. Further attention may give even increased freedom, allowing you to navigate to many new vistas of accomplishment.

“Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.”

Horace Mann

Copyright 2015 by J J Dewey

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