Molecular Questions

This entry is part 11 of 62 in the series 2010

John C
So, what’s going to happen? Will the concept of the human molecule evolve as society’s consciousness evolves? Will the members of a molecule be able to change this exclusionary rule by majority or unanimous vote?

Can you change the way electrons flow to a light bulb by a vote?  We will go with what works.  You can’t make something work by voting on it.

Future Molecular Relationship scientists will do much experimentation and when something is found that works the results will be obvious and incorporated.

John C
In other words, is this rule in place now only because it harmonizes with current thinking, or is it some eternal principle that will never change, however much human consciousness changes, and however distasteful it may appear to some now, and to many more in the future?

Spiritual electricity that will flow through the molecule operates on scientific principles just as does regular electricity.  Copper allows the flow of electrons because of low resistance to the energy.  A human molecule must also achieve this.  The principle has nothing to do with politics or what pundits think.

John C
We say that the Gods are constantly experimenting. In fact, to experiment is a sign of a highly evolved person. John the Baptist established the first successful human molecule in history, right? And Jesus came along and perfected it,

John gathered most of the human ingredients but did not create a molecule or even understand what one was. Jesus and the Christ created the molecule.

John C
…or at least perfected it enough (since absolute perfection is unobtainable) to demonstrate the possibilities of a working human molecule. I believe JJ has stated that there will be further experimentation with other types of molecules, for other purposes, in the future.

Yes, there will be many experiments, not only with spiritual molecules but the power created by various human groupings.  At first various human groupings not connected to Hierarchy will be thought to be the same as the Molecular Relationship, but eventually the difference will be seen.

John C
Has it ever been demonstrated, through experimentation, either here or on some other world or some higher plane, or some other solar system that same sex couples have some kind of energy defect that must be corrected by a third party?

Fundamentalists Christians are trying to do this now but they are on the wrong track.  Where we are with our male/female energy does not need to be corrected, but understood and then properly applied.  If you think that I believe gays have an energy defect then you must have been reading something some enemy said about me but not  my writings.

All of us whether male or female, gay or straight are not defective in our energy but we all can use it constructively or destructively.

John C
(Can we add this to our list of experiments to try?)

I’m sure gays will experiment with all kinds of group formations when it becomes a popular science.

John C
How can you measure or demonstrate the energy flow between two people?

They can’t do it with a physical instrument yet but one day they will even be able to do this to a degree.  In the meantime, one with soul contact can sense the flow and when the zero point is reached within a group. If the molecule is activated then the group as a whole will sense it.

John C
I have tried to pose these questions in a positive manner. I’m not trying to attack anybody’s beliefs or force anybody to accept any belief.

Sincere questions are never seen as negative.  You are welcome to ask or comment as the need arises.
Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey

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