Questions on Lesser Lives

This entry is part 62 of 73 in the series 2015

Dec 12, 2015

Questions on Lesser Lives

Ruth quotes me as follows:

“What you see and sense is a powerful life form dwelling in the solar plexus area that wants to take control of the body and direct it toward destructive ends for its own satisfaction.”

And then asks:

Why would this powerful life form want to direct out body toward destructive ends for its own satisfaction?


These lives are on a different course than whole human lives. They evolve by being controlled. When intelligently controlled, they can be directed toward constructive ends. When not controlled they merely take the line of least resistance which leads to chaos.


Does it get some type of pleasure from this? And why would it?


Emotionally based lives get pleasure from expressing themselves whether it be constructive or destructive. They do not have much discernment.

Have you ever reacted emotionally and then minutes later asked yourself, “Why did I do or say that?” What happened is you turned your body over to the life of the solar plexus which just wants to express itself, good or bad.


If it did this, then it would have no body?


There is a lot of destructive emotional things said and done that do not involve injuring the body. Normally the feeling nature seeks to preserve the life of the body.


Where did this life form that is so destructive come from?


All lives are composites of lesser lives. The solar plexus has ten petals dominated by ten lesser lives with a more significant one in the center of the lotus.

From the beginning of the universe the intelligence of God worked through lesser lives, gathering them together to create greater lives. All organized lives came from the creative mind of God.


Are these life forms part of the Lunar Lords from the Moon chain?


Many lesser lives here were partially developed in past systems.


So why are we housing a life form that is so destructive? Is that part of our karma, or part of our own lower nature from a past universe?


It has little to do with negative karma. All life, including man goes through a destructive and uncontrolled period until he begins to fulfill the purpose of his creation and creates or encounters some type of control or direction that moves it toward a constructive, joyful end.

When lives of the solar plexus are put under constructive control they then reflect the energies of the soul and add to the joy of being human.


Is this lifeform the Dweller also, or is this life form, like the Dweller wherein it is a collective of all our negative thoughts, since the beginning of time and space?


No. Your dweller is a thoughtform composed of emotional and mental matter apart from the centers. It may use fear and negative emotion connected with the lower centers, but it is distinct from them.

Copyright 2015 by J J Dewey

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