The Point of Focus

This entry is part 28 of 73 in the series 2015

Oct 9, 2015

The Point of Focus

A subject that may just cause me more reflection than any other is the great divide between the left and the right. The interesting thing is that this division occurs in all divisions of intelligence and known spiritual progression.

I say “known” because at some point up the spiral left and right have to merge into a unified whole and seen with oneness through eyes of understanding.

Forget about the unknown for now and let us look at this division as it exists among us humans. This division exists most prominently in the political field, though one may see it expressing itself to some degree in all matters of thought.

It is curious indeed that when there is an argument as to who is right and who is wrong that we just cannot go to some informed and intelligent individual and just ask. That doesn’t work because there are intelligent and informed individuals on both sides of most every political argument.

Yes, it is interesting that if we wanted to know if a certain complex mathematical equation is correct all we would have to do is find an expert and he could tell us. If we wanted to know how to set a bone a doctor could tell us. If we wanted to know how a rocket engine works a rocket scientist could tell us.

On the other hand, if we want to know if Obamacare is a good thing, if gun control is beneficial or if abortion should be allowed there is no authority, high or low, who can give an answer that settles the conflict.

We can take most any divisive issue and watch two intelligent people from the two sides debate and after the facts are presented no one changes his mind, or rarely so.

Why is this?

The answer more than anything is the point of focus.

Both the left and the right share a lot of the same goals and ideals, but have a totally different focus on how to achieve them. For instance, both sides want world peace, but the right puts focus on peace through strength and the left on peace though being nice.

Both sides want to help the poor, but the right wants to help them become self sufficient and help them to help themselves whereas the left wants to give them money, usually other people’s money.

We see a pattern here. Both sides see the problems that exist, but the right focuses on analyzing the problem and then creating a step-by-step long term solution that may be difficult, but a permanent fix.

The left focuses on the here and now and wants quick and easy results. We can be nice to the bad guy now, but it takes time and effort to create a good defense.

If we give the poor an immediate handout the problem is solved for today, but to help them become self-sufficient takes time and effort.

If you abort a fetus the problem of inconvenience is immediately solved. Keeping the baby may require a lifetime of commitment.

There’s the easy way and the hard way to achieve a goal. Unfortunately, the easy way often turns out to be the hard way in the long run. It is easy right now for us as a nation to borrow trillions more dollars to fund programs we like, but when we find that we have to deal with that debt we then realize that the easy path was not so easy after all.

DK puts focus on the practical approach:

I am acting upon the assumption that all have lived long enough and battled sufficiently with deterrent forces of life to have enabled them to develop a fairly true sense of values. I assume they are endeavouring to live as those who know something of the true eternal values of the soul. They are not to be kept back by any happenings to the personality or by the pressure of time and circumstance, by age or physical disability. They have wisely learnt that enthusiastic rushing forward and a violent energetic progress has its drawbacks, and that a steady, regular, persistent endeavour will carry them further in the long run. Spasmodic spurts of effort and temporary pressure peter out into disappointment and a weighty sense of failure. It is the tortoise and not the hare that arrives first at the goal, though both achieve eventually…

Intention and effort are considered by us of prime importance, and are the two main requisites for all disciples, initiates and masters, plus the power of persistence.

Treatise on White Magic, Page 54


Here DK talks about the unity that will be required that must be applied to create a Molecule

You must not imagine that the particular line of work on which you may be engaged is the factor of main interest. It is not primarily the unfoldment of the intuition, or of the power to heal, or of telepathic efficiency which is of importance. That which counts with the Hierarchy as the Ashrams function is the establishing subjectively of such a potent group interplay and group relation that an emerging world unity can be seen in embryo. A joint power to be telepathic or a group capacity to intuit truth is of value and somewhat novel. It is the functioning of groups who have the ability to work as a unity, whose ideals are one, whose personalities are merged into one forward swing, whose rhythm is one and whose unity is so firmly established that naught can produce in the group the purely human characteristics of separation, of personal isolation and selfish seeking, that is new. Unselfish people are not rare. Unselfish groups are very rare. Pure detached devotion in a human being is not rare but to find it in a group is rare indeed. The submergence of personal interests in the good of the family or in that of another person is often to be found, for the beauty of the human heart has manifested itself down the ages. To find such an attitude in a group of people and to see such a point of view maintained with an unbroken rhythm and demonstrating spontaneously and naturally—this will be the glory of the New Age.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Page 22-23

Copyright 2015 by J J Dewey

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