The Mysteries of A Course in Miracles, Chapter 13

The Real World

Beginning ACIM students read about the “Real World” in the Course and they often think that it is just another term for heaven. After all, the Course tells us many times that heaven is our real home and the separation from heaven created the illusion, or dream state, where we have made real something that is not real at all in the eternal scheme of things.

In this illusion we have great difficulty seeing what is the true reality, for we have substituted the true with illusion. This caused the great separation as mentioned by the Course. Concerning ourselves who are trapped in the illusion, it says:

“You may be surprised to hear how very different is reality from what you see. You do not realize the magnitude of that one error. It was so vast and so completely incredible that from it a world of total unreality had to emerge. What else could come of it? Its fragmented aspects are fearful enough, as you begin to look at them. But nothing you have seen begins to show you the enormity of the original error, which seemed to cast you out of Heaven, to shatter knowledge into meaningless bits of disunited perceptions, and to force you to make further substitutions.” T-18.I.5

So, it tells us we have made a world where we have substituted illusion for the real and have become bewildered by the “meaningless bits of disunited perceptions.”

Reading ACIM, one could envisage a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle all put together making an easy-to-understand picture. The separation is like the shattering of that puzzle, and the bewildered dreamers are like a person looking at the pieces in a pile having no idea of the picture they make when they are all put together. One piece does not seem to relate to any random piece that can be picked up.

The Course tells us that in reality the picture has not been lost or destroyed. Instead, we are just dreaming about this loss, but it is a dream by our god-like minds which gives it such a strong appearance of reality that all things in it seem to be real.

According to the Course, the ultimate goal is to fully awaken and return to heaven where we are one of the pieces that complete the great picture, but first there is a major step that must be taken. We must first see the real world.

Seeing the real world does not take us to heaven but gives us a taste of it while still living in this world of illusion. When one sees the real world, he sees true reality, but just not yet able to go there. In other words, instead of seeing unrelated pieces, he obtains an understanding of the completed picture, understands the dream, and knows there is a path to returning to the true home.

Once the real world is seen, the journey is almost over, for it is written:

“The perception of the real world will be so short that you will barely have time to thank God for it. For God will take the last step swiftly, when you have reached the real world and have been made ready for Him.” T-17.II.5

Now keep in mind that a short time in relation to eternity could be a fairly long stretch to us, but it is obvious that seeing the real world signifies we are nearing the end of the journey in the scheme of things.

Among the various descriptions of the real world ACIM says this:

“The real world holds a counterpart for each unhappy thought reflected in your world; a sure correction for the sights of fear and sounds of battle which your world contains. The real world shows a world seen differently, through quiet eyes and with a mind at peace. Nothing but rest is there. There are no cries of pain and sorrow heard, for nothing there remains outside forgiveness. And the sights are gentle. Only happy sights and sounds can reach the mind that has forgiven itself.” W-pII.8.2

It also describes the real world as “a borderland of thought that stands between this world and Heaven. It is not a place, and when you reach it is apart from time. Here is the meeting place where thoughts are brought together; where conflicting values meet and all illusions are laid down beside the truth, where they are judged to be untrue. This borderland is just beyond the gate of Heaven.” T-26.III.3

The real world is perceived on two levels. The first is with our regular organs of perception and the second is through right-minded understanding, for “Only right-mindedness can correct in a way that has any real effect.” T-2.V.A.14

“The term ‘right-mindedness’ is properly used as the correction for ‘wrong-mindedness,’ and applies to the state of mind that induces accurate perception.” T-3.IV.4

This “accurate perception” involves accurate perception of the world through our organs as well as an accurate spiritual perception involving understanding of true principles and reality.


Let us first examine the seeing of the real world through organs of perception. This is a concept not even considered by most Course students, for it doesn’t occur to them that the real world can be visually perceived. On the contrary, such students have missed key statements from the Course. For instance, we are told that the real world “can be perceived.” “The real world is the second part of the hallucination time and death are real, and have existence that can be perceived.” T-26.V.12

“The real world can actually be perceived. All that is necessary is a willingness to perceive nothing else.” T-11.VII.2

Seeing it in this world involves the “spiritual eye” which is often called the third eye or the ajna center in other traditions. It works in connection with our regular eyes and allows for true seeing in form as well as beyond form to the realm of correct understanding.

“Corrective learning always begins with awakening the spiritual eye, and turning away from belief in physical sight. … We said before that the spiritual eye cannot see error, and is capable only of looking beyond it to the defense of Atonement.” UR T 2 C 19

“The Spiritual eye is the mechanism of miracles, because what the Spiritual eye perceives IS truth. The Spiritual eye perceives both the Creations of God AND the creations of man. Among the creations of man, it can also separate the true from the false by its ability to perceive totally rather than selectively. It thus becomes the proper instrument for reality testing, which always involves the necessary distinction between the true and the false.” UR T 1 B 32c

Beyond normal physical vision are many things to see in the real world, not only with eyes of understanding but in terms of seeing forms revealed by real light.

We are told that “Things which seem quite solid here are merely shadows there; transparent, faintly seen, at times forgot, and never able to obscure the light that shines beyond them.” W-pI.159.5

“The Great Light always surrounds you and shines out from you.” T-11.III.4

“Its (the body) thinness and transparency are not apparent until you see the light behind it. And then you see it as a fragile veil before the light.” T-18.IX.5

So, what is this light that shines beyond and “behind” the body, making it “a fragile veil before the light.”

The Course gives us a clear answer:

“You will begin to understand it when you have seen little edges of light around the same familiar objects which you see now. That is the beginning of real vision. You can be certain that real vision will come quickly when this has occurred.” W-pI.15.2

What then are these “little edges of light around the same familiar objects which you see now”?

Many students of eastern religions and the Ancient Wisdom will understand immediately what the Course is talking about. It is speaking of the etheric double of all things in the physical world. This does not just exist in theory, but it is easily seen by those who look. When I have given classes on this, often everyone in the class can see it when they learn to look.

To see it involves a principle that I call “not seeing.” In this you tune out the physical and then you can see beyond it. It’s like A Course in Miracles says that you cannot see two worlds. If you tune out this world, the other appears.

To see those little edges of light, do this exercise:

Interlock the fingers of your two hands and point the tips of your two thumbs toward each other. Separate the tips of your thumbs by about an eighth of an inch. Now find a wall that is white or light in color and hold your hands up to the wall so when you look at the space between your thumbs the wall is on the other side. Concentrate now and stare at the empty space between your thumbs for about a minute. Do not put your attention on your hands or thumbs, but only the empty space between your thumbs. After about a minute, while keeping your attention on the empty space, pull your thumbs slowly apart so now you have about a quarter of an inch of space. As you do this you should notice a thin film, about a millimeter from your skin, light blue in color.

What you are seeing here is your etheric double which is slightly larger than your physical. Learning to see this is the first step in seeing auras.

Here is a second exercise you can do.

Have a friend stand next to a light-colored background like a white or light-colored wall. Tell him to stand perfectly still and to not move his head. Now stare at his forehead for about a minute. Pick one spot on his forehead and do not deviate your attention from that spot. After 60-90 seconds have him move to the side, but continue to look at the spot as if he were still there.

What you see next will amaze you if you have not done this before. Your eyes will have taken a photograph of his etheric light, and you will see the after image of his head glowing before you. When you see his lighted head, note the shades of light and dark patches. The dark patches will indicate a blockage in the flow of energy. Most people have dark patches when they have a head cold, for instance.

These exercises illustrate the truth of the words of ACIM that the body is a “veil before the light.”

Not only the body, but the entire physical world has an etheric double, and one with real vision can see the “little edges of light around the same familiar objects which you see now” just as the Course says.

The etheric light is just one of the lights that can be seen in the real world. The next step in seeing is that which is commonly called the aura, which is much more difficult to see than the etheric double. Whereas I was able to see the etheric double right away, it took me several months of intense practice to clearly see the aura. To see the aura, which is more refined light than the etheric, one has to take the principle of “not seeing” to a higher level and completely tune out the physical world. You only look at one world and that is not the physical. I noticed numerous times that as soon as I caught a glimpse of the aura it completely disappeared the instant my vision went back to the physical, verifying the Course’s statement that you cannot see two worlds.

You can be aware of two worlds, but your focus has to be nonphysical to see the real world.

The next step up in seeing is what I call the auric film. In reality we are egg-shaped. The most concentrated aura of intense fluorescent light extends about a foot from our bodies. This is followed by a more refined mental substance that circles around us like electrons circle around an atom. Then about an arm’s length from us is a film that corresponds to the film in the outer part of an egg. On this film is projected your thoughts in geometric forms which composes an advanced language in the real world. If you could clearly see the forms projected by mind on the auric film you could read the person’s mind and have real communication with no distortion.

Once the student learns to see some of the effects in the real world, he will easily notice the “little edges of light” around the forms of this world. When his vision is in tune, he can look at the night sky and see all kinds of living etheric light and shapes projected by the various stars, and see that space is full of living energy and is not a vacuum.

The final seeing in the real world comes to us after the physical body dies and we no longer use the body’s senses for seeing. In between lives we are in a higher state of consciousness equivalent to the real world. This is not the heaven spoken of by ACIM, but we are able to see reality much more clearly there as stated, “Together we will disappear into the Presence beyond the veil, not to be lost but found; not to be seen but known.” T-19.IV.D.19 “To be without a body is to be in our natural state.” W-pI.72.9

So, after death where we are “without a body” we are in a more “natural state” in the real world, but this is temporary until we are reborn into the physical. It is here where the finding of the real world is of the greatest importance, for finding it here is a major step toward a total reawakening and advance to the time that the “Father will lean down to you and take the last step for you, by raising you unto Himself.” T-11.VIII.15


In addition to seeing the real world through our senses of form perception, we must learn to see it through our eyes of understanding. This basically means we will see things as they really are rather than seeing with distorted understanding as if in a fog in the dream state.

The Course says: “I can therefore see a real world, if I look to my real thoughts as my guide for seeing” W-pI.53.1. (11)

So, finding our real thoughts is a key to seeing with eyes of understanding where there “is the new perception, where everything is bright and shining with innocence, washed in the waters of forgiveness, and cleansed of every evil thought you laid upon it. Here there is no attack upon the Son of God, and you are welcome.” T-18.IX.9

“Nothing is now as it was formerly. Nothing but sparkles now which seemed so dull and lifeless before.” M-4.X.2.

“When you perceive yourself without deceit, you will accept the real world in place of the false one you have made. “T-11.VIII.15

To see the real world with eyes of understanding, the student must follow the precepts of the Course, such as forgiving all those who offend, let go of guilt, cease attacking others, etc. When he has covered the basics, he must look to his “real thoughts as my guide for seeing.

What is the difference then between real and unreal thoughts?

The workbook places emphasis on this from the beginning, for it is an important point to understand as we progress toward salvation and the real world. The lessons start out by telling us that we do not even understand anything that is right in front of us, for any thoughts about them “do not mean anything.” This is followed by lessons telling us that we “see nothing as it is now.” Then reemphasizing that “My thoughts do not mean anything” and “I do not know what anything is for.” Finally, we reach this thought in lesson 57:

“There is another way of looking at the world.”

This is “an attempt to recognize that you can shift your perception of the world in both its outer and inner aspects.” W-pI.33.1

Notice that the way of looking at the real world involves both “outer and inner aspects.”

The key to doing this is to focus on your real thoughts: “Delusional ideas are not real thoughts, although you can believe in them. But you are wrong. The function of thought comes from God and is in God. As part of His Thought, you cannot think apart from Him.” T-5.V.6

When we think apart from God in the dream state, we are not thinking our real thoughts, which are thoughts shared by the mind of God. Think of this correspondence.

When we have a dream in this world, we often do crazy things in the dream not related to anything we would do in the waking state. In other words, our dream thoughts are often much different than our waking thoughts. Even so, in this greater dream our thoughts are much different than they would be if we are totally awake and in alignment with the mind of God. To take that great step to the real world we must access those “real thoughts” that are within us.

This is emphasized in lesson 45 which tells us that in the real world “God is the Mind with which I think. … My real thoughts are in my mind. I would like to find them.”

The student must come to the understanding that, “What I call ‘my’ thoughts are not my real thoughts. My real thoughts are the thoughts I think with God. I am not aware of them because I have made my thoughts to take their place. I am willing to recognize that my thoughts do not mean anything, and to let them go. I choose to have them be replaced.” W-pI.51.4

Thus, the illusionary dream-state thinking is replaced with thoughts from the real thinker who is awake. The mind thinking real thoughts then sees things as they are, truth instead of error and peace instead of conflict.

“I can also call upon my real thoughts, which share everything with everyone. As my thoughts of separation call to the separation thoughts of others, so my real thoughts awaken the real thoughts in them. And the world my real thoughts show me will dawn on their sight as well as mine.” W-pI.54.3

As significant as it is to discover the real world, we must realize that this is not the final destination, for it is written:

“The real world still is but a dream. Except the figures have been changed. They are not seen as idols which betray. It is a dream in which no one is used to substitute for something else, nor interposed between the thoughts the mind conceives and what it sees.” T-29.IX.7

The Course describes the final goal:

“For as Heaven and earth become one, even the real world will vanish from your sight. The end of the world is not its destruction, but its translation into Heaven.” T-11.VIII.1

Copyright by J J Dewey

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ACIM Conversations, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part  16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25

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Capitalism/Socialism 1.0

Capitalism/Socialism 1.0

Our Crème acolyte gives us a quote from DK that will be unnerving to some free enterprisers. He gives it as evidence that Benjamin Créme is correct in his socialistic/communistic teachings.

“The principle of barter and of exchange (to the benefit of all concerned) will control. – Owing to the development of atomic energy on behalf of human welfare, national currencies will have been largely superseded, not only by a system of barter but by a universal monetary exchange – representative of the bartered goods when they are relatively small and unimportant – and by a planned scale of related values. National material assets and the needed commodities will all be provided for under an entirely new system. – Private enterprise will still exist, but will be regulated; the great public utilities, the major material resources and the sources of planetary wealth – iron, steel, oil and wheat, for instance – will be owned in the first place by a governing, controlling international group; they will, however, be prepared for international consumption by national groups chosen by the people and under international direction.” Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Page 581

If one reads this and nothing else he would think that DK is indeed on the side of socialism and government control. I will admit that of all his writings this, taken by itself is perhaps the most disturbing which sounds like a socialist plan similar to what Hitler had in mind, which brings us to an important consideration.

Suppose DK, the Bible or some trusted teachers says something that just flat out disagrees with a principle understood by my soul? What do I do then? Do I acquiesce my reason and understanding and just blindly accept?


Do I totally reject it then?


What do I do?

You go by the highest you know and at the same time give weight to the earned authority. You consider that you may have misunderstood the words or are missing pieces to a greater understanding.

Therefore, if DK or anyone else states any teaching that goes against the light I have I will not accept, but will put the teaching in the background if it comes from an earned authority. If the teaching comes from one of the numerous unearned authorities I will not waste much time or thought upon it if it does not register with my soul.

That said we must ask if DK is taking the side of socialism or even communism here?

To understand his teachings the reader must examine what he is against before he can fully understand what he is for.

When Hitler came to power there were quite a number of psychics, teachers and spiritual leaders who not only tolerated him but almost embraced him. Today we see the evil behind Hitler as an obvious thing, but evil is not so obvious when it is on the rise. DK, from the beginning saw Hitler for what he was.

He stated:

“In the world order of the Axis powers, the individual has no rights; he has no freedom except in so far as he serves the state; there will be no liberty of thought or conscience, all issues will be decided by the state, and the private citizen will have no right to an opinion. Men will be drafted like slaves into the service of the state.

“Such is the picture of the order which the Axis powers are preparing to impose upon the world, and to this their own words testify. Only insight into the true nature of this crisis, a determination to face the facts, and fearlessness will suffice to defeat Hitler. “This conquering fearlessness must be based on a recognition of the spiritual values involved, on a belief in God, and on a commonsense which is determined to establish security, right human relations and liberty.

“It is important that people face up to the facts immediately. They must realise what is the nature of the world order which Hitler is preparing to enforce, and what lies ahead of humanity if the Axis powers triumph. It is essential that the little children of the world be rescued from this overshadowing evil and from the false education to which they will be subjected if the totalitarian powers hold Europe in their grasp.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 188-189, April 1940

Then after the war instead of speaking favorably of communist Russia he criticized it as repressive, separative and totalitarian.

Her correctly teaches that we are headed toward a one world government. There is no getting around this product of evolution. Instead of decrying and resisting this movement what must happen is that the lights of the earth must participate in it to insure that the principle of freedom is upheld. Think of it. If the lights stay on the sidelines waiting for some rapture then the future government will be planned and executed by selfish materialists who do not have the good of the whole at heart.

When the United Nations was established DK acknowledged that it carried the seed of the future, but also saw an alarming danger. He said:

“The United Nations is still the hope of the world and can remain so; it is a great field of experimentation, but is suffering today from an initial error. That error was the admitting of a totalitarian power into its nations. For seven long and terrible years the Forces of Light had been fighting totalitarianism. In the early days of the post-war period the Nations compromised with principles and admitted Russia to the United Nations. Had they proceeded to unite all the other nations of the world on the sure ground of economic reform, of needed national reorganisation and of regional groups (a better term than “blocs”), Russia would have been forced to conform, for her very existence would have been at stake. An initial error can lead to much trouble, and it is this type of trouble which the United Nations today faces.” Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Page 640 – April 1948

His hope was thus for a United Nations of the free countries of the world and excluding the totalitarian ones until they reform. This danger still exists within the U.N. even though Russia has underwent significant changes. The idea has been to include all nations no matter what their human rights record and thus the problem with the U.N. of over a half century ago still exists today.

DK thus stood up for freedom and common sense by endorsing power in the hands of the free nations and coming out against Hitler and other tyrants.

Concerning the future world government he said that it would include the best ingredients of the east and the west and of socialism and capitalism.

He gave nine points that he considered desirable for future government. Keep in mind this New World Order he speaks of is the one we are living in now, for he wrote this right after the War.

“1. The new world order must meet the immediate need and not be an attempt to satisfy some distant, idealistic vision.

“2. The new world order must be appropriate to a world which has passed through a destructive crisis and to a humanity which is badly shattered by the experience.

“3. The new world order must lay the foundation for a future world order which will be possible only after a time of recovery, of reconstruction, and of rebuilding.

“4. The new world order will be founded on the recognition that all men are equal in origin and goal but that all are at differing stages of evolutionary development; that personal integrity, intelligence, vision and experience, plus a marked goodwill, should indicate leadership. The domination of the proletariat over the aristocracy and bourgeoisie, as in Russia, or the domination of an entrenched aristocracy over the proletariat and middle classes, as has been until lately the case in Great Britain, must disappear. The control of labour by capital or the control of capital by labour must also go.

“5. In the new world order, the governing body in any nation should be composed of those who work for the greatest good of the greatest number and who at the same time offer opportunity to all, seeing to it that the individual is left free. Today the men of vision are achieving recognition, thus making possible a right choice of leaders. It was not possible until this century.

“6. The new world order will be founded on an active sense of responsibility. The rule will be “all for one and one for all.” This attitude among nations will have to be developed. It is not yet present.

“7. The new world order will not impose a uniform type of government, a synthetic religion and a system of standardisation upon the nations. The sovereign rights of each nation will be recognised and its peculiar genius, individual trends and racial qualities will be permitted full expression. In one particular only should there be an attempt to produce unity, and that will be in the field of education.

“8. The new world order will recognise that the produce of the world, the natural resources of the planet and its riches, belong to no one nation but should be shared by all. There will be no nations under the category “haves” and others under the opposite category. A fair and properly organised distribution of the wheat, the oil and the mineral wealth of the world will be developed, based upon the needs of each nation, upon its own internal resources and the requirements of its people. All this will be worked out in relation to the whole.

“9. In the preparatory period for the new world order there will be a steady and regulated disarmament. It will not be optional. No nation will be permitted to produce and organise any equipment for destructive purposes or to infringe the security of any other nation. One of the first tasks of any future peace conference will be to regulate this matter and gradually see to the disarming of the nations.” Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Pages 190-191

Number 8 sounds a little like the quote our friend gave.

Question: What is right/wrong – good/bad about capitalism/free enterprise and socialism/communism as they have existed in the last century?

What must be left behind and what must we take with us to the future?

The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority. Ralph W. Sockman

May 5,  2004

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Dialog with New Reader

Dialog with New Reader

Thought I would post my response to fairly new reader. Some people read the first Immortal book and get very enthused until they discover some of the teachings which run contrary to orthodoxy. Since this occurs periodically and may happen with some of your friends I thought I would make available this dialog.

Reader: I found the dialog in your book with John the Revelator interesting but do not see him saying anything in your other writings, such as those about reincarnation which is a false doctrine. What gives?

JJ: Reincarnation and the Bible was written by me back around 1980. The Immortal series (which you have read one of three books) was written much later and is presented as a combination of fact and fiction with some events based on truth and some fictionalized. This is explained in the book itself.

There are two reasons for this. The first is to present true teachings in an interesting manner so people will read and understand them.

The second is to avoid the mark of the Beast. I would suggest you go to the beginning of the archives and read the teachings on the Beast and his mark which is basically this.

He who places an outward authority before his mind in the place of the Holy Spirit (which works within) has the mark. This mark can be something or someone good such as the Bible, a church, a prophet or even John the Beloved.

If I were to teach from the authority of an outward source in such a stance so that source is not questioned and seen as basically infallible then the student acquires the mark of the beast.

Therefore, in my writings I claim no authority except as the Holy Spirit speaks to the reader as he reads, which thing happened to you when you read the first book. You want to deny this now, but if you are honest you will have to admit it.

You are seeking an outward John or prophet to be your authority and this is the mark of the beast which must be transcended through finding the Holy Spirit which resides within your own mind and heart. I hope you will read the beginning archives so you can see the truth behind my words here. Also, you might want to read the other two Immortal books.

The teachings I give on reincarnation are a stumbling block to many Christians in a similar manner that the teachings of Jesus concerning the Sabbath were. Jesus was accused of violating the law and the prophets they screamed.

But he was not. When one honestly examines the scriptures we see that Jesus was in harmony with the scriptures as am I with reincarnation.

The scriptures plainly verify reincarnation as my writings testify. You can read my writings on this in the archives.

So why does a believer of scripture such as yourself criticize me for teaching reincarnation when it is proven in the scriptures?

(1) I gave you positive scriptural evidence that we lived before birth.

(2) I gave irrefutable evidence that John the Baptist was Elijah.

(3) God’s will is to HAVE ALL MEN TO BE SAVED, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” I Tim 2:4 God’s will is always fulfilled, but this cannot be done without reincarnation.

(4) Obviously reincarnation was a popular belief back then for many thought that Jesus may be Elijah or Jeremiah born again (see Matt 16:13-14)

(5) Some of the early church Fathers wrote of reincarnation, such as Origen.

Reader: You say you proved reincarnation to yourself through handwriting but then say it was regression that made you take it seriously. Which is correct?

JJ: Both are correct. I believed in reincarnation when I was young but then when I started going to church I was taught that this was an evil doctrine contrary to the scriptures. I swallowed this explanation for about 12 years. I then did experiments with past life regression that made me take it seriously. This was followed by studies in handwriting samples that convinced me.

Reader: Here’s what my research into the named book turned up. …”Almost any hypnotic subject capable of going into a deep trance will babble about a previous incarnation if the hypnotist asks him to. He will babble just as freely about his future incarnations….In every case of this sort where there has been adequate checking on the subject’s past, it has been found that the subject was weaving together long forgotten bits of information acquired during his early years” (Gardner 1957).

JJ: Not so. Such a thing would not explain experiences I had such as the one I mentioned in the treatise. There have been numerous cases where information has been retrieved that was not available in the current life. I have had this happen in my own regressions. Sometimes the subject will even speak in a foreign or ancient language of which he has no knowledge of in this life.

Reader: Are you blind? You have twisted your own mind to believe these things, and now you shine your wasting rays of black light onto all others you meet. Your payload of souls you will lead into damnation shall be great, but if so, these were never intended for paradise anyway.

JJ: You insult me whereas I give the light of scripture to you that you claim to accept. Who is using the words of light here? It is I who is using the scriptures to prove my point, not you. Think on that.

Reader: It is obvious by your dialect what kind of man you are, much in the same way you claim to know so much about a person simply through his or her handwriting, so much more can be learned about someone through the actual words they reveal. I have not the time , nor the patience to debate further, but this reproach I decree, that you should delete the archive, and if you must write, begin anew, and this time, stick to the truth, and leave out all the bs.

JJ: Consider this scripture: Satan is “the accuser of the brethren.” Rev 12:10 Who is being the accuser here? Who is accusing without cause? Who is behaving like the Biblical Satan?

Reader: I doubt you’ll make it to this point in this letter, but if you do, I am sure you won’t respond.

JJ: You are obviously wrong about me here just as you are wrong about my teachings. Go back to your original feeling when you read my book “as a little child” without preconceived notions.

Science has proof without any certainty. Creationists have certainty without any proof. Ashley Montague

May 4,  2004

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Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution

Several have questioned my wisdom concerning the recent dialog with the Crème supporter There are several reasons they question this.

(1) Benjamin Crème has been discussed before.

(2) Some do not like the conflict of discussions of disagreements at all.

(3) Some do not mind a little conflict but do not want to see it move beyond a couple posts.

(4) Some believe we should not attempt to expose illusion in any other philosophy.

Let me make a few comments on these points.

(1) Benjamin Crème has been discussed before. While it is true that we have discussed Crème before; in this round the Crème supporter led us into discussions where new ground was covered. True some details were repeated, but a considerable amount of new material and teachings were added.

I think some just tuned out thinking that there was nothing new, but I assure you that in most of my posts on the subject that new teachings were added. I think some missed important ones because of the feeling that only a rehash was being offered.

(2) Some do not like the conflict of discussions of disagreements at all. If a Keys member does not like the idea of confronting illusion then he is in the wrong group. When an illusionary idea is presented that I believe the majority of the group already see for what it is, or if it has been covered before, I will usually not comment. But if someone presents an illusion which would be beneficial to many to dispel then I will tackle it. When this occurs it can sometimes be handled with a post or two. Other times it may take a half dozen or so.

The illusion which to which the greatest attention was given is the idea that duality can easily be bypassed by basically believing you are centered in some non dualistic point, sometimes called the great void.

Because this illusion is so widely circulated and effects so many new agers it was covered from many angles.

Now when a student brings it up we can just refer him to the archives.

There must be contrast between light and dark for vision to manifest. Illusion must be confronted head on and the contrast between illusion and reality must interplay in order to see the two for what they are.

When I teach I attempt to not offend the various religions and philosophies by mentioning them by name, but generally will comment on specific trends of thought and teachings and then comment. Generally, I will only mention a specific movement when someone on the group brings it up. If someone brings up a name such as Benjamin Créme then I will comment if I feel clarification is needed.

I’m sure there are more Benjamin Créme readers here than have surfaced. The are also students of Ramtha, Elizabeth Prophet, standard Christianity and many other teachers. A lot of these teachers, including Crème, teach some great truths and stimulate many to search and discover. Students of all beliefs are welcome to stay and will not be judged unless they attempt to judge or convert us to what I see to be illusion.

Our friend began this exchange by extolling the virtues of Crème, posting an article from him, while mentioning we were in denial about him. This demanded a response and led to the exchange.

If he would have merely given a short quote from Crème about the subject at hand then we would have probably talked about the thought and not the man behind the thought.

Any quote from any source is welcome and will probably not lead to conflict if it is the idea that is the focus and not the man behind the idea. I certainly hope that no one is telling other groups that they need to believe my teachings because I am JJ Dewey. On the other hand, if they quote me and let my words stand for themselves I am happy with this.

(3) Some do not mind a little conflict but do not want to see it move beyond a couple posts.

Keep in mind here that the current topic is illusion.

Tell me this. In which situation will you learn the most in a cake-making class?

(A) Studying the theory and creation of cakes.

(B) Actually making some cakes and then tasting them after the work is complete.

The answer is obvious as far as cakes go (which is of course B) but is not so obvious when it comes to metaphysics-philosophy-spirituality.

In these categories the line of least resistance is to dwell on theory and that which cannot be proven. Then when we come to actually applying something we find (as we do with making a cake) that we must supply specific ingredients, heat and timing etc. Finally when the work is complete we must taste the whole to see if the work is good.

Here is something I find interesting. We have gone through a number of conflicts (related to teachings) that have generated considerable impatience and complaints from readers. Many felt we were spinning our wheels.

But then what part of the archives do you suppose is the source of some of the greatest praise I receive from new readers?

Right. It is these same writings where conflict seemed wearisome to current readers. In other words, when the cake was done and was tasted by newcomers the taste caught their interest.

As usual the second key of judgment must be used. It is certainly possible to overdo things and this must be avoided. I attempt to feel out when the recipe is complete and then leave the cake alone to bake. Your comments are always a big help here.

(4) Some believe we should not attempt to expose illusion in any other philosophy.

In other words, isn’t it a sign of tolerance to just live and let live as far as differing philosophies go?

Yes, it is, but live and let live has different interpretations by differing people.

For one thing, most of those with who I have had conflicting dialog have not felt that I have interfered with their ability to live according to their will. Anyone can follow any belief system they desire and yet be a good and accepted member of the group. The live and let live philosophy is an important ingredient of our direction here. This does not mean that members are not free to question me or any other member when they make a statement that makes no sense to them.

If we are not allowed to question and to clarify then we will not learn much more than unusable theory.

Overall Benjamin Créme is probably a more important person to examine than meets the eye.

One evidence of this is the statement by Glenys that in many metaphysical gatherings quite a large number are Crème followers. Now the people that come to these gatherings she mentions are thinkers and often people of influence, far above the typical new age connoisseur. Many of the Crème followers are very bright and have real potential to prepare the field for the coming of Christ.

If therefore Crème is right then indeed it would be important to pay attention to his message so the lights could join forces and aid the Christ in his preparations.

But if he is wrong then what?

Then you have a large number of intelligent seekers and disciples diverted into looking for him where he is not and making preparations for something other than Christ.

And what is that “something other?’

Some think it is an antichrist, others a false teacher and still others just a diversion sponsored by the Dark Brothers to hinder the work of light as much as possible.

Whatever the case, because of what is at stake it can only be helpful to at least get the basic pros and cons of Benjamin Créme before the seekers so they can run them by their own souls and make up their own minds. Many of those who investigate Crème only get one side of the equation. The ground that we have covered and will make available in the archives will be helpful for the pilgrims that wander through them. And it is interesting to note that many people read the archives who never buy my books or come to this group.

It’s getting to the point now that most of the time when I do a search on a spiritual topic that something from the archives comes up near the top.

This is one step we have taken to reach the public that is on its way to the envisioned success.

“If thee marries for money, thee surely will earn it.” Ezra Bowen

May 1,  2004

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The Mysteries of A Course in Miracles, Chapter 12

Where is Heaven?

Some Course students believe that heaven can be fully experienced here on earth while others do not. This latter group believe we have to first fully awaken from the dream. Then this universe will disappear and we will enter heaven. They cite numerous passages such as:

 “For you realize that if you look on this and let the veil be lifted, they will be gone forever. All of your “friends,” your “protectors” and your “home” will vanish. Nothing that you remember now will you remember…. all that will occur is you will leave the world forever.” T-19.IV.D.6 &7

“God cannot come into a body, nor can you join Him there.” T-18.VIII.3

“The body is the symbol of the world. Leave it behind. It cannot enter Heaven. But I can take you there anytime you choose. Together we can watch the world disappear and its symbol vanish as it does so.” UR F-35

On the other hand, those who believe we can enter heaven while still in the world have plenty of ammunition such as:

“Atonement might be equated with total escape from the past and total lack of interest in the future. Heaven is here. There is nowhere else. Heaven is now. There is no other time.” M-24.6

“Heaven has come to earth at last, from which the ego’s rule has kept it out so long. Heaven has come because it found a home in your relationship on earth. And earth can hold no longer what has been given Heaven as its own.” T-21.IV.7

Do we have conflicting teachings here or do we just need to see these statements in a correct light?

I maintain the answer is the latter. Allow me to explain.

The Course definitely teaches that our perception of this world of good and evil is caused by a dream state in which we find ourselves. It says “The world you see does not exist, because the place where you perceive it is not real.” T-28.V.7 “It is impossible to see two worlds which have no overlap of any kind. Seek for the one; the other disappears. But one remains.” W-pI.130.5

Heaven, we are told, is only related to the eternal state and this dream state is only a temporary residence until we awaken. We must awaken to fully enter heaven.

But then the Course throws in another odd teaching that we must enter into the equation of truth.

“There is no need for help to enter Heaven for you have never left. But there is need for help beyond yourself as you are circumscribed by false beliefs of your Identity, which God alone established in reality.” C-5.1

Then it speaks of “The Holy Spirit, seeing where you are but knowing you are elsewhere” (heaven) T-14.II.2

Many Course students take the unusual view that they are already in heaven because they never left, even though they see themselves in the mirror every day, earn a living and take care of their bodies.

This quote sheds some more understanding:

“So is all reality, being of Him. The instant the idea of separation entered the mind of God’s Son, in that same instant was God’s Answer given. In time this happened very long ago. In reality it never happened at all.” M-2.2

So then, there are two places where events occur. One is in “reality” where heaven is, and the other is in “time” where the dream is taking place. Several times the Course makes it sound as if the separation never occurred at all when it is really saying it did not happen in the reality which it calls heaven. It does, however, say that the separation became “a serious idea, and possible of both accomplishment and real effects.” T-27.VIII.6

The real effect was the creation of a universe in time and space where that which is perceived seems to be very real. Because everything in this world has a beginning and an end, events here are not considered real happenings from the celestial point of view. Even the birth and death of a star, lasting billions of years, is not considered real because, after it is gone, it is as if it had never been. In the eternal world, creations never come and go but always remain, says the Course.

Understanding this is a key to shedding light on the supposed contradictions that cause students to come up with widely different interpretations. Here is what the Course seems to be saying:

In the overall picture, heaven only consists of that which is eternal. Everything that is not eternal is not real or a part of heaven. Therefore, nothing in the illusion (or our created universe) has any connection with heaven.

How then do we explain the passages that tell us that heaven is available now in this world of dualities? To answer that question, we must look to see where heaven can be found within this realm of time and space.

Where is this illusive place?

Answer: It is within you. Even though you are trapped in the world of illusions, within yourself in the eternal present is heaven which has never not been there.

This was taught by Jesus 2000 years ago:

“Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:21

Indeed. “Heaven is not a place nor a condition. It is merely an awareness of perfect Oneness, and the knowledge that there is nothing else; nothing outside this Oneness, and nothing else within.” T-18.VI.1

And where do we find this Oneness while we are still here in the world?

“In you is all of Heaven.” T-25.IV.5

“What is within your brother still contains all of creation, everything created and creating, born and unborn as yet, still in the future or apparently gone by. What is in him is changeless, and your changelessness is recognized in its acknowledgment.” T-24.VII.2

So, within ourselves, as well as our brothers and sisters, is a place beyond physical dimensions where our true Source resides that has never left heaven. Even while we are in this deep sleep and dreaming, we can stop, pay attention to the life within and get a taste of heaven. There we will find “a sense of peace so deep that no dream in this world has ever brought even a dim imagining of what it is.” T-13.XI.3

“You will awaken to your own call, for the Call to awake is within you.” T-11.VI.9

So, the power to awaken enough to become aware of heaven is within us, but must be activated by our own consciousness and will.

“For what you chose to ‘sell’ had to be kept for you, since you could not ‘buy’ it back. Yet you must invest in it, not with money but with spirit. For spirit is will, and will is the “price” of the Kingdom. Your inheritance awaits only the recognition that you have been redeemed.” T-12.IV.7

“The changelessness of Heaven is in you, so deep within that nothing in this world but passes by, unnoticed and unseen. The still infinity of endless peace surrounds you gently in its soft embrace, so strong and quiet, tranquil in the might of its Creator, nothing can intrude upon the sacred Son of God within.” T-29.V.1

And how do we find this heaven within? That is what the Course is all about, especially the lessons in the Workbook. But catching a glimpse through inner contact is merely the first step. Eventually,  our consciousness must shift to the Real World, a way of seeing things as they are. Then when we are ready God Himself will take the final step:

“The final step is God’s, because it is but God Who could create a perfect Son and share His Fatherhood with him. No one outside of Heaven knows how this can be, for understanding this is Heaven itself.” T-30.V.4

“When you perceive yourself without deceit, you will accept the real world in place of the false one you have made. And then your Father will lean down to you and take the last step for you, by raising you unto Himself.” T-11.VIII.15

Some students get caught up in the idea that we are not here, but are 100% in heaven now since the Course indicates the body and the world are not real, but consider this:

“The body is merely part of your experience in the physical world. Its abilities can be and frequently are overevaluated. However, it is almost impossible to deny its existence in this world. Those who do so are engaging in a particularly unworthy form of denial.” T-2.IV.3

Denying this physical reality including the body and insisting you are in heaven is not helpful. You will not be fully in heaven until you first see the real world followed by the Father taking you there. What is fully here is the heaven within the core of your being that must be realized.

When the Course tells us that the Son is in heaven, we must remember that the Son is composed of billions of units here on this planet and trillions from other planets. As explained earlier, not all the Sons experienced the separation; so many units of the One Son never entered the dream. We are told that God is lonely until all the Sons return, so, from the world of time, the separation did happen and our awareness is not completely in heaven. If it were, our very bodies would disappear as the Course says happened to Jesus after the crucifixion according to this account:

“My body disappeared because I had no illusion about it. The last one had gone. It was laid in the tomb, but there was nothing left to bury. It did not disintegrate because the unreal cannot die. It merely became what it always was. And that is what “rolling the stone away” means. The body disappears, and no longer hides what lies beyond. It merely ceases to interfere with vision. To roll the stone away is to see beyond the tomb, beyond death, and to understand the body’s nothingness. What is understood as nothing must disappear.

“I did assume a human form with human attributes afterwards, to speak to those who were to prove the body’s worthlessness to the world. This has been much misunderstood. I came to tell them that death is illusion, and the mind that made the body can make another since form itself is an illusion. They did not understand. But now I talk to you and give you the same message. The death of an illusion means nothing. It disappears when you awaken and decide to dream no more. And you still do have the power to make this decision as I did.

“God holds out His hand to His Son to help him rise and return to Him. I can help because the world is illusion, and I have overcome the world. Look past the tomb, the body, the illusion. Have faith in nothing but the spirit and the guidance God gives you. He could not have created the body because it is a limit. He must have created the spirit because it is immortal. Can those who are created like Him be limited? The body is the symbol of the world. Leave it behind. It cannot enter Heaven. But I can take you there anytime you choose. Together we can watch the world disappear and its symbol vanish as it does so. An then, and then… I cannot speak of that.

“A body cannot stay without illusions, and the last one to be overcome is death. This is the message of the crucifixion; there is no order of difficulty in miracles. This is the message of the resurrection: Illusions are illusions. Truth is true. Illusions vanish. Only truth remains.

“These lessons needed to be taught but once, for when the stone of death is rolled away, what can be seen except an empty tomb? And that is what you see who follow me into the sunlight and away from death, past all illusions, on to Heaven’s gate, where God will come Himself to take you home.” From “Special Messages”, by Jesus…Additional material through Helen Schuchman. Also quoted in Absence From Felicity by Ken Wapnick

So, we can get a glimpse of heaven while still here on earth where form is perceived, but as long as we still perceive form (which all reading this do) then our awareness is not completely in heaven. Concerning entrance, an important point overlooked is “no one can enter Heaven by himself.” W-pI.134.17

“Together is your joint inheritance remembered and accepted by you both. Alone it is denied to both of you. … you may not fully understand as yet that you could never be released alone.” T-31.II.11

Yet how many ACIM students have gone it alone thinking they have fully entered heaven? The Course says this cannot be done. Furthermore, to enjoy the complete fruits of heaven, all the Sons must return:

“It should especially be noted that God has only one Son. If all His creations are His Sons, every one must be an integral part of the whole Sonship. The Sonship in its Oneness transcends the sum of its parts. However, this is obscured as long as any of its parts is missing. That is why the conflict cannot ultimately be resolved until ALL THE PARTS OF THE SONSHIP HAVE RETURNED. Only then can the meaning of wholeness in the true sense be understood.” T-2.VII.6

All the parts have to awaken before there is a fullness to be had. Perhaps this is the reason that even Jesus, according to the Course, is not fully there. One thing we know for sure is that he is still involved enough in the dream to be aware of what is happening here and to construct an entire Course related to it and transmit it to Helen Schucman, a person who was still perceiving in the dream.

Jesus himself tells us that, “Because my feet are on the ground and my hands are in Heaven, I can bring down the glories of Heaven to my brothers on earth.” UR T 1 B 40ab

So even of him it is written that only part of his Being (hands) is in heaven while another part (feet) are anchored on the earth, else he could not be a part of the great work to bring all the Sons of God home.

We are not there yet but through applying the principles of the Course such as love, forgiveness and letting go of guilt we can get a taste of heaven here, and this will give us impetus to move forward no matter what our belief system on other matters.

Read the Introduction HERE, Read Chapter One HERE. Chapter Two HERE, Chapter Three HERE, Chapter Four HERE, Chapter Five HERE Chapter Six HERE, Chapter Seven HERE, Chapter Eight HERE, Chapter Nine HERE, Chapter Ten HERE, Chapter Eleven HERE, Chapter Twelve HERE, Chapter Thirteen HERE, Chapter Fourteen HERE, Fifteen HERE, Sixteen HERE, Seventeen HERE,       Eighteen HERE, Nineteen HERE, Twenty HERE, Twenty-One HERE, Twenty-Two HERE, Twenty-Three HERE, Twenty-Four HERE, Twenty-Five HERE, Twenty-Six HERE, Twenty-Seven  HERE, Twenty-Eight  HERE, Twenty-Nine HERE, Thirty HERE

ACIM Conversations, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part  16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25

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Créme and Illusion 2.0

Créme and Illusion 2.0

Créme Supporter: Today, Créme does not speak of a date or a time-frame, although the words, “very soon” are to be attributed to his Master and Maitreya. In 1977 Maitreya said the whole world would know the fact of His existence and presence “very soon”.

JJ: You can save Crème some embarrassment by communicating to him and his strange hierarchy that he is wrong again. The coming will not be “very soon.” There are at least 20 years of preparation before he can “appear” in the physical. (written in 2004) Much more needs to be done than declaring that he is secretly running around the earth incognito.

Crème’s followers will not like the teachings of the real Christ any more than they like mine.

Créme Supporter: Now, it is possible that Créme could be under the influence of some glamour or illusion – but if he were and it were interfering with the Master’s work, with the group good and with the Plan – do you not think that his Master would bring the needed eradication to Créme’s attention? Or even the Master withdrawing His contact with Créme until he tackles those glamours and illusions?

JJ: You are assuming that he is in contact with a Master of Wisdom and not some other entity or thoughtform. I make no such assumption.

Créme Supporter: What if the interviewer who believes that the moon is made of green cheese is interviewing someone who believes that the moon is not made of green cheese, that the moon is made of basalt (feldspar, pyroxene, apatite, magnetite)? Are you telling me that the interviewer is not prone to be bias, not prone to fabrication, not prone to dishonesty when writing an article about the interview?

JJ: Again I say this: A person can be full of illusions but if he is honest and gives actual quotes then the illusions have nothing to do with whether or not the quotes are accurate. For instance, most of the New York Times staff hates George Bush and distort his views in many of their stories. But when they give an actual quote it is almost without exception accurate. Bias or illusion does not alter a quote. Only an outright act of dishonesty can.

Show me examples of actual lying by Morton and I’ll start doubting the quotes. Better yet write Crème and ask him if the quotes are accurate and/or reflect his views. I keep asking Crème followers to do this and no one seems to have the guts to do it.

Créme Supporter: In Créme’s work, we both see the consistency in relation to the work of Blavatsky and Bailey – there are differences, but we do not lose sight of the common ground.

JJ: To Crème’s credit he is an astute student of Bailey and uses much of her material. He does teach contrary to the teachings on several core issues such as the use of nuclear energy. Créme is to Bailey as Charles T. Russell (Jehovah’s Witness founder) is to the Bible.

Créme Supporter: I have read and heard people speak about Benjamin Créme being cold, about his lectures being boring or lifeless or both. There are people, and I think you are one of them, who speak about Créme lacking a spiritual vibration and such. Could it be that Créme’s ray structure is not compatible with your own?

JJ: I thought he was a decent lecturer and did not come across as cold. There’s nothing wrong with his rays. What is wrong is that he has been dead wrong yet not admitting it. “To thine own self be true.”

Créme Supporter: Yet, JJ:, you think that Créme is glamoured and under heavy illusion. Could it not be your own glamour and illusion?

JJ: This is always possible and all the more reason to use plain old common sense and the power of discernment and the second Key of judgment. To do this examine Crème’s writings and ask: How many have been proven to be incorrect?

Answer: Dozens.

Examine my writings and ask the same question:

Answer: Zero

Créme Supporter: The message from Maitreya is seemingly mundane; which is precisely why I chose it. Let me elaborate: most people would comment on the normalcy of the message, how it appears blasé, … The Christ energy in the message is known to some, but it’s not to be expected that all of the average masses can consciously detect it. Furthermore, the average thinking person sees the words, but does not experience the revelation of their meaning.

JJ: You remind me a lot of the Mormon faithful here. Twice a year they attend or watch the general conferences of the church and listen to the general authorities. To the casual observer (and most members) the speeches are extremely boring, repetitive and reiterate what has been said many times before. But if you take a very astute Mormon and mention this to him he will say something like this:

“Your problem is that you did not listen closely enough. These authorities have profound wisdom and there is hidden depth in their words that reveal revelation after revelation. Their words may sound simple but they are really very deep and profound.”

But then if you ask them to reveal to you this profound truth or revelation he received from the speeches he will give you a blank stare.

Créme Supporter: The question that I leave you with, JJ:, and whoever in the group would like to answer, is the following:

Who on earth (and in the public arena) do you think are some of the most evolved (from the point of evolution) people living today? In other words, who do you think is a soul-infused personality – individuals who are not just in contact with their soul – but know themselves to be the soul? Also, people nearing this degree of consciousness can also be mentioned.

JJ: First let me state that many who are fairly high initiates are not versed in the ancient wisdom and would not know what is meant by a “soul-infused personality.” Initiates are often focused along their lines of service and are not considered particularly spiritual.

You will notice that Créme seems to think that only those on the left in today’s world are advanced enough to be initiates. The truth is they are on both sides. Those on the right are more likely to be initiates along the lines of 1-3-5-7 or politics, science, business, philosophy-logic-reasoning and those on the left are more likely to be found in 2-4-6 or social movements, creative arts, education etc. This is not a hard and fast rule, but a general one.

Living initiates in 2004 on the right are:

Ann Coulter
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Condoleezza Rice
George W Bush
Ronald Reagan
Newt Gingrich
David Horowitz
Ward Connerly
Roger Ailes
Ted Nugent
Steve Forbes
Oliver North
Benjamin Netanyahu
Mel Gibson

Near the Middle we have:

Bill O’Reilly
John Stossel
Dennis Miller
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Colin Powell
Rudy Giuliani
Lech Walesa
Harry Wu (Civil Rights Activist)

On the Left we have:

Patrick Moore (founder of Greenpeace)
Steve Jobs
Bill Gates
Nelson Mandela
Steven Spielberg
George Lucas
Jane Fonda
Ted Turner
Dr. Jack Kevorkian
Dan Brown – Author of the DaVinci Code
And Benjamin Crème – though not as high as he sees himself

These are not all 100% soul-infused by any means but are initiates of some degree.

Some of the most soul-infused have been side-tracked and are having difficulty in finding their true calling during this period of transition. That is one of my purposes – to find them and redirect them to the Aquarian energies rather than the Piscean.

Many there are who believe themselves to be on the path of enlightenment when in reality they are stuck in the energies and thoughtforms of the past. This needs to be corrected to some degree before Christ can manifest.

Créme Supporter: Your analogy of the hypnotist is “a feeble analogy dependent on ignorance and unsound conclusions. The analogy you created is full of fanciful elaboration and has a clever tone, but it lacks wisdom because it is not applicable.

“How so? I will ask you a question. If you were walking down the street and a man politely attracted your attention and you stopped and he said, “Gentleman, ponder on this: today the sun is bright” Would you, JJ:, think he was hypnotically implanting a thought in your mind?

JJ: My friend. My analogy was very sound and you never pointed out any flaw in the correspondence, least of all with this example. Having a casual conversation with a stranger is about a million miles away from an encounter with a hypnotic situation.

What causes a hypnotic situation? A reader said it very well:

“To hypnotize someone, anyone, all you need to do is bypass his or her Critical Faculty. This can be done by various methods that produce an altered state of mind. The most common everyday method is simply via a bond of trust. Once someone trusts someone else to the point that they `believe every word they say’, they are then in a state of hypnosis and every time they receive some communication from this person, they allow it to enter directly into their subconscious bypassing their critical reasoning process.”

Two things cause this to happen.

(1) The person relinquishes his “critical faculty” to a known hypnotist and places his trust in him for some predetermined result.

(2) A parent, guru or leader generates so much trust that the student yields all (or most) critical thinking in favor of the authoritative voice. Crème fits in this category in relation to his followers because he is seen as speaking the words and will of Christ. Who is going to argue with the Messiah?

Some stranger commenting on the brightness of the sun certainly does not carry the authority of Christ,

Créme Supporter: Does the man become a hypnotist when you have full ability to reject the thought? Does the man become a hypnotist if you agree with the thought he presents?

JJ: Under actual hypnosis the subject always thinks he has full power to reject the suggestion of the hypnotist at any time, but he will not if he is under a deep trance – not unless the suggestion is outrageous to his belief system.

You think you merely agree with Créme, but I have seen no sign of independent thinking. If Créme thinks a certain way you seem to think likewise with no deviation, especially when he claims to speak for Christ.

Even though he was blatantly wrong on a number of predictions you hypnotically bypass this information as if it did not exist. It enters not into your critical thinking.

Créme Supporter: The analogy of the hypnotist and his hypnotism fails because Créme does not manipulate anyone. The analogy fails because it is a belief that Créme is planting a thought by means of hypnotic suggestion.

JJ: I am not saying that Crème is attempting to use hypnosis. I am saying that when a person allows another in a position of authority (especially one who speaks for God or Christ) to be an absolute authority, then he relinquishes his critical mind, just as a subject does with hypnosis.

I’ve seen this not only with Créme followers, but with many who adore a religious or group leader.

It could even happen with those I teach. This is why I bring up the subject of thinking for ourselves periodically and claim no authority behind my words. Who ever disagrees with me should not see themselves as opposing God, Christ or some master.

Créme Supporter: There could be people who manipulate themselves into blindly believing everything Créme says – but I am not one of those possible people, nor does self-hypnosis mean Créme is a hypnotist.

JJ: So what has Crème taught that has not yet been proven to be wrong with which you disagree? What has Maitreya said through him with which you disagree?

Créme Supporter: The millions and millions of religious people who ‘bypass their critical reasoning process’ would fall into the category of the sleep state you ascribed to me. Is Christ a hypnotist because millions of people ‘believe every word he says’?

JJ: You are to blame if you believe anyone’s words without critically thinking about them and running them by your soul. It doesn’t matter if it appears to come from God himself.

Créme Supporter: I have faith that Christ is alive, here, in the flesh and awaiting His reappearance at the soonest possible time. Remember, faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen.

JJ: Most Bailey readers and many Christians believe this. This is not a new message. Even the Mormons believe Christ is still in a physical body and can appear to whomever he wants.

Créme Supporter: Therefore, my purpose becomes evident when I know that there are reasonable, intelligent people in this group who happen to misunderstand what Benjamin Créme speaks, a misunderstanding based on lack of knowledge and information.

JJ: Your problem here is that they do understand. More information here will not help your cause.

Créme Supporter: But when people misunderstand what Créme speaks because a crystallized belief holds their mind captive – I can do very little, if anything, about their conditioned state.

JJ: You’ve mentioned this crystallization several times. When I first heard of Crème in the early 80’s I bought his book. I have the first edition of “The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom.” I read the book, I later attended a lecture and contemned to monitor his teachings.

I’ve done a similar investigation with most every other major movement. They all have the idea that I just haven’t read or studied enough. Instead of reading one or two books and attending several classes I am supposed to read every single book and go to every class and lecture.

No one can humanly do this with all movements. You do not have to read every single book someone writes to have enough to make a judgment.

Have you read the Book of Mormon? Maybe you are missing something.

Have you read Paul Twitchell’s works from Ekankar? How about Elizabeth Claire Prophet? Have you read the Immortal? By your standards if you have not thoroughly checked them out you are crystallizing.

Créme Supporter: Today, Lucis Trust is a sufficient example when it comes to crystallization. Many people involved with Lucis Trust reject what Créme speaks because of one explanation or many.

JJ: Because someone rejects something that does not make sense does not indicate crystallization.

Créme Supporter: The point being, there are people who tend to see the glamours and the illusions in Créme’s group as Créme’s glamours and illusions.

JJ: It’s Crème’s actual teachings we have checked out. Not the flaws of the followers.

Créme Supporter: Thus, if you see Créme as glamoured – could it not be the glamour surrounding him, around the periphery, that you recognize?

JJ: No. I had never met a Crème follower when I reached my first conclusion about him.

Créme Supporter: Is it your soul granting you the authority to tell me that I am in a trance-sleep state and to explain my experience as illusion? Is it your soul who seeks to discredit, deny and demean my reality?

JJ: My soul tells me you have great potential which could be wasted if you do not take your next step. I am guided to shake you for a moment and then step back and observe and be ready to extend the arm of fellowship. I give you a 30-70% chance short term but a 70-30% long term. A 30% chance is worth fighting for.

Let me clarify an important point. I am not saying that all of Crème’s teachings are false. Much of what he says has truth in it, especially his teachings using the Bailey material for a base.

Where I see a lack of evidence is in his claim that Christ is speaking through him. You would think that Christ could plan a couple months ahead and make the plan materialize, but according to Créme he has failed in this four or more times. Can you not see this does not make sense????

But above this my soul does not confirm this message from Crème. There is no “flashing forth” in the intuitive mind when Crème speaks on behalf of Maitreya.

I think he does have a good mind and sometimes he comes up with an interesting twist on the Bailey material, but consider this. If Crème did not have this fabulous claim that Christ was speaking to him would anyone listen to him?

Suppose it was not Christ who speaks through him but someone else. How many followers would he have then? When his followers then hear words they think are from their Lord there will be no questioning, but a willingness to please and to follow at all costs. This is a dangerous situation, a breeding ground for Kool Aide drinking and riding the Hale Bop comet. One must look carefully and get soul confirmation before he leaps.

“Always tell the truth, not only because it is the decent thing to do, but because it gives you such an advantage over the man who is trying to remember his lies!” Sam Brookes

April 26,  2004

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The Lost Second Coming

The Lost Second Coming

Reader: I’ve just been reading JJ: Dewey’s writing. To be specific, his explanation of 1Thessalonians 4:13-17 says the dead remain dead till the return of Christ on earth so where does reincarnation come in? In other words, when does one really reincarnate?

Here is the text of the scripture:

“But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. I

“For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” I Thess 4:13-17

I would guess that the verse you are concerned about is where Paul said that them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

Evidently you think that because the righteous are sleeping, that they cannot reincarnate. But we need to look at verse 17 which says this:

“Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

Notice here the interesting phrase that Paul expects himself and others to be alive when the Lord comes again. Now it’s been around 2000 years since Paul said this and Christ has not yet come.

There are two ways that Paul and his disciples could be alive when Christ comes.

(1) Through reincarnation.

(2) Christ made a second appearance in his lifetime.

Actually both could be true.

Concerning the second possibility there is an interesting quote from Josephus that indicates that there was some type of second coming in Paul’s generation He recorded a possible second coming of Christ on May 30, 73 AD:

“Besides these, a few days after the feast, on the one and twentieth day of the month -Artemisius, a certain marvelous and incredible phenomenon appeared. I suppose what I am going to tell would seem a fable, were it not related by those who saw it, and were not the sad events that followed it deserving of such signs. Before sunset chariots were seen in the air, and troops of soldiers in their armour running about among the clouds. Moreover, at the feast which is called Pentecost, as the priests were going by night into the inner temple, as was their custom, to perform their sacred ministrations, they said that first they felt a quaking, and heard a great noise, and after that they heard a sound as of a multitude saying, Let us remove hence.” The Jewish War, Book 6, page 106, Chapter 5, section 3.

In addition to this Tacitus, the Roman historian, relating the same events, wrote:

“In the sky appeared a vision of armies in conflict, of glittering armour. A sudden lightening flash from the clouds lit up the Temple. The doors of the holy place abruptly opened, a superhuman voice was heard to declare that the gods were leaving it, and in the same instant came the rushing tumult of their departure” (Histories, v. 13).

In addition, Eusebius (A.D. 325), quoting from the Latin Josephus, in the fourth century wrote:

“For before the setting of the sun chariots and armed troops were seen throughout the whole region in mid-air, wheeling through the clouds and encircling the cities” (Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History, Book 3, Ch. 8)

On the other hand, even if we do not take this miraculous event into consideration the scripture does not discourage the belief in reincarnation. Notice he talks about they who are asleep in the present tense. He doesn’t say that they’ll remain asleep for 2000 years or for ever.

A member commented on the importance of being influenced by principles rather than just feelings. There is a principle behind keeping our word. It goes to the core of the meaning that the word is God. This is one of the secrets of eternal life and in our own little way we can take a step toward mastering the secret by learning to keep our word. You were obviously taught this principle in a past life, and it is embedded within you. When we learn a principle that contains a concept that brings understanding, the light remains with us when were reborn, and we intuitively understand how it is to play out in our lives.

A Little Humor

After reading some humorous remarks in posts I thought it may be a good time to inject some humor.

Osama Bin Laden was killed by a falling rock and went to hell.

“Where’s my 70 virgins? Where’s Mohammed?” he exclaimed to the devil.

“Sorry,” said the devil. 3000 people who died on 911 demanded to Allah that you go to hell. The good news is that we have modernized here and you have three choices as to your final destination. You must chose one, but I warn you. Once you make a choice there is no going back. You must spend eternity there.

Several imps with pitchforks prodded Osama Bin Laden to follow the devil to the first door. He opened the door and Osama Bin Laden saw a room full of people with shaved heads standing on their heads on pointed swords.

Osama Bin Laden cringed and said. Good Grief! We wouldn’t even treat Bush this bad. Show me the next room.

The devil opened the next door and Osama Bin Laden saw a room full of people again shaven standing on their heads on sharp razor blades.

Again Osama Bin Laden shuttered and said, “Not even Cheney deserves such punishment. Show me the next room.”

The devil opened the third door and to Osama Bin Laden’s amazement he saw a room full of people sitting in fresh dung up to their waist drinking coffee.

Osama Bin Laden stared at the people and said, “This is bad but not as bad as the others. If I have to make a choice I’d pick this one.”

At that, the devil threw him in this third room. Just as Osama Bin Laden settled in the devil clapped his hands and shouted out. “OK you fools. Coffee break’s over. Back on your heads!”

April 21,  2004

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The Mysteries of A Course in Miracles, Chapter 11

Chapter Eleven
What Heaven Is

Now that we have covered what is not in heaven, we are left with the question of what is there and why we would want to leave this world behind to make it our final destination.

We are told that heaven is not a place, and that within it is no space, form, distance, time or differences. All is one.

It sounds as though, by our definitions of existence, that heaven is composed of nothing and does not exist.

The Course (and many other traditions) insist that a non-dualistic heaven or celestial realm does exist and has certain qualities and aspects that can be seen as supplying the seeds of dualism.

As we noted earlier, the Course itself tells us that we cannot comprehend heaven, and thus it gives us little to go on. Nevertheless, it does give us a few things.

First, let us look at how A Course in Miracles defines heaven:

“The Kingdom of Heaven is the dwelling place of the Son of God, who left not his Father and dwells not apart from Him. Heaven is not a place nor a condition. It is merely an awareness of perfect Oneness, and the knowledge that there is nothing else; nothing outside this Oneness, and nothing else within.” T-18.VI.1

“Heaven is everything God values, and nothing else. Heaven is perfectly unambiguous. Everything is clear and bright, and calls forth one response. There is no darkness and there is no contrast. There is no variation. There is no interruption. There is a sense of peace so deep that no dream in this world has ever brought even a dim imagining of what it is.” T-13.XI.3

“Heaven is the home of perfect purity, and God created it for you.” T-22.II.13

As noted previously, even though all life is linked through the One Mind, there are many parts. The four main divisions in heaven are the Father, the Son (includes billions of us), the Holy Spirit and angels.

What they do in heaven is pretty sketchy, but it does clearly tell us that there is great love, joy and peace there. There is no change, so these three states are consistent. And something important that does not exist there is fear, which allows love, joy and peace to be undisturbed.

Let us look at a few references concerning these three blissful states:


First, we have brief explanations of what love is:

“In Heaven, where the meaning of love is known, love is the same as union.” T-16.V.3

“Love is extension. To withhold the smallest gift is not to know love’s purpose. Love offers everything forever. Hold back but one belief, one offering, and love is gone, because you asked a substitute to take its place.” T-24.I.1

“Love is freedom.” T-16.VI.1

Here are some quotes that give us an idea of how love may play out in heaven:

“For it is the function of love to unite all things unto itself, and to hold all things together by extending its wholeness.” T-12.VIII.7

“it increases as it is given.” T-13.V.1

Love “holds the universe together in its meaning.” T-15.XI.6

“For love asks only that you be happy, and will give you everything that makes for happiness.” T-16.I.6

“For love is wholly without illusion, and therefore wholly without fear.” T-16.IV.11

“You have gone past fear, for no two minds can join in the desire for love without love’s joining them.” T-18.III.7

“Love wishes to be known, completely understood and shared. It has no secrets; nothing that it would keep apart and hide.” T-20.VI.2

“His (God’s) Love remains the only thing there is” M-18.3

“Love is not learned. Its meaning lies within itself. … Love is not learned, because there never was a time in which you knew it not.” T-18.IX.12


The next prominent quality found in heaven is joy, concerning which is written:

 “There is no difference between love and joy. Therefore, the only possible whole state is the wholly joyous”

“Joy is unlimited, because each shining thought of love extends its being and creates more of itself.” T-22.VI.14

So, joy is very closely linked to love, for it is indeed one of its qualities. You can’t have joy without feeling love also.

And what increases joy?

“To give without limit is God’s Will for you, because only this can bring you the joy that is His and that He wills to share with you” T-11.I.6

Then we have this:

“Joy is the inevitable result of gentleness. Gentleness means that fear is now impossible, and what could come to interfere with joy? The open hands of gentleness are always filled. The gentle have no pain. They cannot suffer.” M-4.V.1

It is interesting that ACIM associates joy with gentleness. The Course uses a variation of this word 117 times indicating its importance on earth and heaven. Very few spiritual traditions place emphasis on gentleness – a very significant word.


One of the most quoted statements of the apostle Paul is about “the peace of God, which passeth all understanding.” Phil 4:7

This is the peace which A Course in Miracles speaks in association with God and heaven. It is a much different and deeper peace than a mere tranquility here in the world when there is no apparent conflict.

The Course gives us a reasonable description of this peace:

“peace is the condition of knowledge because it is the condition of the Kingdom.” T-8.I.1 “Peace is a natural heritage of spirit.” T-3.VI.10 “Peace is the state where love abides, and seeks to share itself.” T-23.I.12

Peace is the natural condition of our heavenly home:

“You are at home there, too, because it is a place of peace, and peace is of God. You who are part of God are not at home except in His peace. If peace is eternal, you are at home only in eternity.” T-5.III.10 “For peace is of God, and no one beside Him.” T-15.IV.2

There is a higher part of our self still experiencing this peace:

“Your Self is still in peace (in heaven), even though your mind (on earth) is in conflict. You have not yet gone back far enough (to the memory of heaven), and that is why you become so fearful. As you approach the Beginning, you feel the fear of the destruction of your thought system upon you as if it were the fear of death. There is no death, but there is a belief in death.” T-3.VII.5

Peace is such an important heavenly quality that it supplied the “motivation” for A Course in Miracles.

“Forget not that the motivation for this course is the attainment and the keeping of the state of peace. Given this state the mind is quiet, and the condition in which God is remembered is attained.”

Then we are told peace is linked to understanding:

“Think not you understand anything until you pass the test of perfect peace, for peace and understanding go together and never can be found alone. Each brings the other with it, for it is the law of God they be not separate. They are cause and effect, each to the other, so where one is absent the other cannot be.” T-14.XI.12

Finally, the importance of peace is stressed as a key to finding heaven:

“I want the peace of God. To say these words is nothing. But to mean these words is everything. If you could but mean them for just an instant, there would be no further sorrow possible for you in any form; in any place or time. Heaven would be completely given back to full awareness, memory of God entirely restored, the resurrection of all creation fully recognized.” W-pI.185.1

“Those who offer peace to everyone have found a home in Heaven the world cannot destroy” T-25.IV.4

In addition to these three qualities contributing to blissful feeling, ACIM tells us of other things we can expect to find in heaven.


One of the ingredients of heaven is truth which it describes as follows:

“truth is real in its own right, and to believe in truth you do not have to do anything.” T-12.I.1 “Truth can only be recognized and need only be recognized.” T-7.IV.1

“The truth is simple; it is one, without an opposite.” T-26.III.1

It places a lot of emphasis on the idea that real truth comes from God and nowhere else.

“All truth is here” (with God) T-15.IX.7 “truth is God” T-10.II.4

“Truth is God’s Will. Share His Will and you share what He knows.” T-7.X.2

The reasoning behind this is that only in heaven will we find eternal things, whereas in our world of illusion all things will pass away. The Course does not consider anything that is not eternal as being real. All illusion is seen as something temporary, so when it is gone it is as if it has never been.

“Truth is the opposite of illusions because it offers joy.” T-22.II.2

“No illusion has any truth in it. … any wish that seems to go against His Will has no foundation in the truth.” T-26.VII.6

“Truth is without illusions and therefore within the Kingdom. Everything outside the Kingdom is illusion.” T-6.V.C.9

Love is closely associated with real truth:

“It is the nature of love to look upon only the truth, for there it sees itself, with which it would unite in holy union and completion.” T-19.IV.A.10

And peace…

“truth stands radiant, apart from conflict, untouched and quiet in the peace of God.” T-23.I.7

and heaven…

Yet Heaven is sure. This is no dream. Its coming means that you have chosen truth” T-18.II.9

And where do we find the truth?

“But it is given you to know the truth, and not to seek for it outside yourself.” T-29.VII.1

Truth is. It can neither be lost nor sought nor found. It is there, wherever you are, being within you.” T-14.VII.2

“truth lies only in the present, and you will find it if you seek it there” T-13.VI.5


The next question that is likely to arise in the mind of the seeker is what do we do in heaven wherein we use truth that brings love, joy and peace?

The Course makes it clear that our prime function is creation.

“your function in Heaven is creation” T-12.VII.4

 “You were created only to create” T-14.I.4

“everything He creates has the function of creating” T-11.I.6

And why is creation so important?

“Unless you create you are unfulfilled, but God does not know unfulfillment and therefore you must create.” T-7.IX.3.

Now the question is – what do we create?

“Remember Him Who has created you, and THROUGH YOUR WILL created everything. Not one created thing but gives you thanks, for it is by your will that it was born. No light of Heaven shines except for you, for it was set in Heaven by your will.” T-30.II.3

Very interesting statement. The answer is we create “everything,” which would be the universe itself, which is verified in this quote:

“Without you … there could be no universe and no reality.” T-24.VI.2

So then “God Himself did not will to be alone.” T-11.I.1 and created the Son and used the “will” of the Son to create all there is.

It is interesting that this is in harmony with this famous verse from the Gospel of John:

“All things were made by him (the Son); and without him was not any thing made that was made.” John 1:3

So, we are left with this: God creates the Son and used the power of the Son’s will to create the universe. The problem related to our understanding from our reality is this: In heaven there is no time, space, form, stars, planets or bodies, so what do we create there?

We are told that we create the universe, but what is that in the plane of Spirit?

“The universe consists of nothing but the Son of God,” W-pI.183.10

“God created nothing beside you and nothing beside you exists.”

God thus creates the Son and the Son creates the universe, but the universe consists of only the Son of God. How does this make sense? What in the universe are we creating as Sons?

The answer is more Sons. “Know, then, the Sons of God, and you will know all creation.” T-7.XI.7

“your creations, who are son to you, that you might share the Fatherhood of God,” T-24.VII.1

The son remembers his own creations, as like to him as he is to his father.” T-24.II.6

“A co-creator with the Father MUST HAVE A SON. Yet must this Son have been created like Himself. “ T-24.III.6

We are now left with this interesting conclusion: “The universe consists of nothing but the Son of God (us),” and each son “must have a son.”

The Course makes clear that creations in time, space and form which have a beginning and end are not real and do not fall under its definition of creation. A creation in terms of reality has to be eternal. Things that are not eternal are considered “made,” not created.

Thus, in heaven we, the Sons of God, will not be making stars, galaxies and bodies housing life forms. Instead, according to the Course, we will be creating just one thing: more Sons of God who are eternal.

Since the real universe, or all there is in reality, only consists of the Sons of God, then our only creation will be more Sons.

The Course tells us that this creation of Sons “extends” God, as extension of His being is an eternal process. “There is no end to God and His Son, for WE ARE THE UNIVERSE” T-11.I.5.

Exactly how we will go about creating new Sons is not clear, but it would probably follow the same process used in our own creation. The Course gives a hint here:

“God created every mind by communicating His Mind to it, thus establishing it forever as a channel for the reception of His Mind and Will.” T-4.VII.3

This seems to tell us that we will create Sons by communicating our minds to Potential Mind creating a link from God to us to the newly created Sons.

As we extend creation through creating more Sons, sharing and pure communication are said to enhance our joy.

“Communication, unambiguous and plain as day, remains unlimited for all eternity.” W-pI.129.3 “all talents will be shared by all the Sons of God.” T-1.V.3

The closest we find in the Course to anything related to what can be perceived in found in this description:

“Beyond the body, beyond the sun and stars, past everything you see and yet somehow familiar, is an arc of golden light that stretches as you look into a great and shining circle. And all the circle fills with light before your eyes. The edges of the circle disappear, and what is in it is no longer contained at all. The light expands and covers everything, extending to infinity forever shining and with no break or limit anywhere. Within it everything is joined in perfect continuity. Nor is it possible to imagine that anything could be outside, for there is nowhere that this light is not.” T-21.I.8

So then, the joy and fulfillment that the Sons receive in heaven are not related to things that seem to fulfill us here. There will be no pleasure that we associate with the body, no forms to perceive or create, no special relationships… not much of anything that our physical brains can understand. All the Course says for sure is that there will be many Sons linked together within a golden circle sharing as one, creating more Sons, and that will be a blissful situation beyond our wildest dreams.

Is it possible that many thought heaven was too much of a good thing and wanted more variety and challenges?

Obviously, there was a compelling reason that caused billions of Sons to rebel and create a universe of their own design. Of all the eternities that have passed in heaven it seems that the rebellion was the only happening that made for an interesting story.

Read the Introduction HERE, Read Chapter One HERE. Chapter Two HERE, Chapter Three HERE, Chapter Four HERE, Chapter Five HERE Chapter Six HERE, Chapter Seven HERE, Chapter Eight HERE, Chapter Nine HERE, Chapter Ten HERE, Chapter Eleven HERE, Chapter Twelve HERE, Chapter Thirteen HERE, Chapter Fourteen HERE, Fifteen HERE, Sixteen HERE, Seventeen HERE,       Eighteen HERE, Nineteen HERE, Twenty HERE, Twenty-One HERE, Twenty-Two HERE, Twenty-Three HERE, Twenty-Four HERE, Twenty-Five HERE, Twenty-Six HERE, Twenty-Seven  HERE, Twenty-Eight  HERE, Twenty-Nine HERE, Thirty HERE

ACIM Conversations, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part  16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25

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Crème and Illusion

Crème and Illusion

I give appreciation to the Crème supporter for responding calmly, a trait very uncharacteristic of those who take issue with me.

Your defense of Crème goes along nicely with our subject of illusion.

Consider this, A stage hypnotist will sometimes give a performance as follows:

He takes a guy from the audience and puts him under a fairly deep trance.

He tells him: “Whenever I say the word ‘banana’ you will scratch your head and whenever I say the word ‘apple’ you will stand on your head. You will not remember me giving you this suggestion.”

Then he wakes him up and starts talking to the audience using the word “banana” twice. The man then scratches his head twice. The hypnotist turns to the man and asks him, “Why did you scratch your head.”

The man will give a seemingly logical answer, “Because it itches.”

The audience laughs

The hypnotist then turns and continues talking to the audience and slips out the word “apple.” The man then stands on his head.

As the audience is rolling in laughter the Hypnotists asks the man, “Why are you standing on your head?”

“I thought the audience would find it amusing,” he says.

“And it doesn’t bother you that the audience is laughing?”

“Of course not,” says the man. “That’s what I wanted to happen.”

In the end the subject feels rather silly when he finds out the truth. He didn’t scratch his head or stand on it because of his own idea but because of a hypnotic suggestion he allowed to be planted within him. The truth should have dawned on him. After all, he was in the presence of a hypnotist who was making people do crazy things. Why did it not occur to him that his strange behavior was not his own idea but from something implanted within him?

You my friend are the subject, Crème is the hypnotist and we are the audience. This is a polite audience and they will not outright laugh, but I guarantee that most of them are amused by your strange explanation as to how Crème can be dead wrong at least four times about fixing dates for a mass appearance of Christ and yet you come up with fantastic explanations as to why he is wrong, entirely overlooking the obvious.

You are not alone. At least once a year there appears a story about some Christian preacher who gets a revelation to meet Christ or a spaceship on some mountaintop at a certain date. The followers often sell all they have because they will not need them after the noted date. When the date arrives the group goes to the mountaintop and nothing happens.

What does the preacher do? Does he admit he is wrong?


Instead the dialog usually goes something like this:

“The Master did not show up because circumstances have changed. He has now set a new date. In addition to this, many in the group have shown a lack of faith and have displeased the Master. We are not ready for him if he should appear. Our task now is to work on showing greater faith and be prepared for the real date of the appearance which will be soon. Very soon.”

Or he may just give something even more simple:

“Bothers and sisters this was a test of your faith. Now we must get ready for the real thing.”

The interesting thing is to examine the reaction of the followers. You would think they would see right through this preacher, realize they have been deceived, throw their arms up in disgust and go home and start a new life. But do they?

No. Rarely. Maybe one or two out of a hundred. The ninety nine are in deep hypnosis and cannot see the truth in front of their nose, just like the subject on the stage. They accept without question whatever the preacher tells them and will not even consider anything else.

Such a deceived one may be encountered by a friend:

“The man said Jesus was going to show up at Noon on March 3rd. He didn’t show up. Nothing happened. Does that not tell you something?”

“You don’t understand. Reverend Jones is in contact with Jesus and speaks for him. Jesus was just testing us and I’m not going to let him down.”

The friend sighs. He feels badly for his friend, but realizes there is nothing he can do.

Why is it that the vast majority fail to even consider that such a grievous error is evidence that Jones’ contact with Jesus is illusion even thought it is sublimely obvious to a casual observer?

The answer is this.

A belief planted in the solar plexus of desire and nourished by attention, study and works becomes a strong attachment and acts as if it were a powerful hypnotic suggestion. It is so powerful that the man cannot see the source of the illusion just as the subject who stood on his head could not.

If you follow the standard reaction here you will seek to turn this around and tell me that it is I and not yourself who is under the deep trance. Before you attempt this I will ask then where is the correspondence?

Where is my hypnotist? I have none that plant false data into my mind.

Where are the false predictions hat I have mindlessly swallowed?

Where is the audience that is laughing at me?

You cannot attempt to turn the tables and point back at me because I do not fit the mold. I have no guru with which I feel an impulse to hypnotically conform.

I do not mean to offend you my friend, but I do seek to awaken you out of your deep sleep so you can be of real use to the world. As I said before I see real potential in you, but such potential is often wasted on the slumbering giants of history who live and die with little effect on the world.

I’ll end with an instructive quote from DK

“The visionary dreamer or the well-intentioned but impractical person whose ideas and world plans and suggestions as to the new world order litter the desks of world leaders and of those groups and organisations who are attempting practically to blueprint the future. Their dreams and ideas deal with projects for which the world of today is not ready and will not be ready for several thousand years. It is an easy thing for them to present impossible Utopias which have not the faintest relation to things which are needed today and which could be made possible. The name of these people is legion, and at this time they constitute a definite hindrance. A vision of the impossible is not the type of vision which will keep the people from perishing. Because of an inability to compromise and to face up to things as they are, these people and those whom they influence are landed in despair and disillusionment.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 459-460

April 25,  2004

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Crème and Common Sense

Crème and Common Sense

Here is some more dialog with the Crème supporter recently engaged.

Créme Supporter: I do not think you are lying (See last post). I just have no interest in believing or disbelieving your story because I cannot validate it.

JJ: If you told me that you ate bacon and eggs for breakfast I could not validate that for sure either, but I surely would not go into a nebulous state of neither believing or disbelieving you. I would believe you unless there was some evidence to the contrary. It is not logical to outright reject an honest man’s actual experience. It is true he could be inaccurate on small pieces of data because of memory, but for most people their general memory of events is fairly reliable, especially for something unusual.

Créme Supporter: I have the authority of my own experience and the validation of intuitive confirmation which transcends your personal anecdote.

JJ: If you say you had an experience I accept that you are telling the truth here. However, I may have a different interpretation of your experience than you do.

Créme Supporter: It is a fallacy to assume that my experience is a ‘preconceived notion’. There are thousands of people around the world who have had experiences of “Créme’s Maitreya, Masters and Hierarchy”. There have been hundreds, even thousands, of letters sent to Share International from people who have experienced a unique encounter or interaction with the Christ, Maitreya, and with other Masters, predominately with the Master Jesus. It would be unwise to discredit all these accounts, especially when so many of them are peculiar – but are still reasonable.

JJ: No one is questioning yours or any other experiences. Lots of born againers also see Jesus on a regulars basis. Do you also give them similar weight? I do. Many Mormons and excommunicated Mormons claim to have conversations with Jesus, Joseph Smith, God, book of Mormon characters etc. Do you give them similar weight? Many members of Ekankar have visions of their “living” Eck master. Do you give them similar weight? I do.

There is no denying that many people have supernormal experiences and sincerely believe what they perceive is the real thing. To say they are all making them up is not logical. But to blindly accept that each encounter with Jesus was the real Jesus and God the real God or Sanat Kumara is the basis of illusion indeed. Thoughtforms have great power to appear real to the great unwashed.

Even DK tells us that over 90% of all such contacts with the Hierarchy are deceptions of some kind and have nothing to do with the Hierarchy.

An experience with a thoughtform and a real encounter with the Hierarchy are two different things.

One of the ways to tell the difference is this.

A false encounter will produce no light, no new knowledge, but will produce false prophesies and platitudes.

A real encounter will bring forth new useful information or new light on principles.

If you wish to present an encounter you should also provide the new light that should accompany it.

Créme Supporter: For example, a person writing of their account of picking up a hitchhiker and that person being of good cheer and sharing wise advice to the driver. After arriving at their destination, they part ways and that is the end of the encounter. However, the driver never forgets about this hitchhiker and the conversation. Is it illogical to think that the hitchhiker was Master Jesus in a certain guise? If you believe it is – then you think of me as illogical because I do think that such a simple experience can occur between a Master. Perhaps not hundreds of years ago, but today in the midst of the externalization, yes.

JJ: Did the Hitchhiker say he was Jesus? If not then why assume such? Maybe there is one chance in a million that the hitchhiker was Jesus. I would think that the master has better things to do with his time myself.

Créme Supporter: The concrete, finite mind is a great tool but the intuitive soul does not serve the limited mind. The concrete mind can weigh facts, it can help book a flight for an airplane, it can aid in not missing the bus, it can learn the data of a science – but it is not the source of pure reason.

JJ: The last Crème follower stressed this same point and even advocating negating the mind (the plane whereon the masters may be found.” (DK)

When you ascend to the mind you do not negate the emotions, but you use them with even greater fullness and usefulness. When you ascend in consciousness to the Buddhic plane the same occurs. You use the mind more than ever. Instead of not using emotion and mind the intuitive uses them with greater harmony and synthesis.

Seekers stuck in the emotional glamour of guru worship almost without exception will have swallowed the illusion of negating elementary reasoning and common sense and give the following reasons:

(1) We must become mindless.

(2) The mind is not to be trusted.

(3) I trust in a higher logic and reasoning. You are stuck in the lower mind and cannot understand.

(4) God’s ways are not man’s ways.

(5) Outsiders do not understand the pure reasoning of me or my guru. Regular reasoning does not apply any more.

(6) My thoughts are not your thoughts saith the Lord.

(7) I am in the world but not of the world.

Yes, there are elements of truth in these statements, but they are no excuse to bypass reasoning and common sense.

Créme Supporter: Are all these experiences of thousands of people to be ignored? The skeptic may comment that it was all a figment of their imagination, that the most blissful experience they have ever had in their life was totally self-created or a result of violent emotion.

JJ: You have to realize that for the beginning seeker the highest spiritual experience they have had is related to the solar plexus. Many there are who think they have found the highest of experience but have merely touched the hem of the garment.

Those who have not touched the higher spiritual energies can be easily deceived by wrong interpretation of both true and false teachers.

Créme Supporter: The problem with the matter is that the Master rarely gives an answer that can easily be confirmed from the major news sources.

JJ: This is a general problem common to teachers caught in illusion.

Créme Supporter: For example, in the latest issue of Share International, the Master answers a number of questions about the bombings in Spain last month. I was thinking perhaps it was Al-Qaeda who are responsible – but the Masters information speaks otherwise.

JJ: Al Qaeda claims responsibility and authorities have found pretty solid evidence that they were involved. Why would you accept Crème without question on this when he is usually wrong?

Créme Supporter: There was no judgment made on behalf of Créme. He said that Kucinich is the candidate hopeful that is receptive to the mental impressions and desires of the Hierarchy and that the Hierarchy will back Kucinich.

JJ: He also said Kucinich is a “high initiate.” If Kucinich is a high initiate then George Bush is Yoda.

Just because someone is a pacifist does not mean he is an initiate. If you read what DK says about pacifists you’ll see that the opposite is usually the case.

Interestingly Crème said that the Christ marched for peace on March 20th in London Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin, Dusseldorf, Rome, Madrid and New York.

First it would seem that Christ would have to physically split into to be in so many places at the same time.

Secondly, an initiate’s work will generally consist of promoting a positive plan rather than taking the negative route of joining an emotionally based protest that is merely bent on destroying and offering nothing positive after the destruction is complete.

Créme Supporter: Quoting Crème’s publication:

If Congressman Kucinich does not win the nomination, however, would Hierarchy “throw the weight of Their not little assistance” behind whoever the Democratic Party nominates, given the global danger posed by the current Republican administration in the US, and their domination by nefarious forces?

JJ: So the hierarchy are all democrats? Hmmm. If the Crème’s hierarchy were as smart as me there would be no “IF about Kucinich.” Crème should inform his illusionary Hierarchy that JJ: has spoken from the higher authority of common sense back in Sept 2003 (in this group) and common sense said that Kucinich has no chance.

Perhaps Crème’s hierarchy should read my postings to save themselves future embarrassment.

Créme Supporter: The Hierarchy did not only teach correct principles in 1942 and today, again, they are not only teaching correct principles. They will do everything within karmic law to see that the current Republican administration is removed from the power they posses.

JJ: The Dark Brotherhood is doing everything in their power to see that democracy is not established in Afghanistan and Iraq. If Kucinich were elected then all this hope would be dismantled and tyranny would be reestablished. This is what the true Brotherhood is against.

During World War II the Hierarchy supported a number of directions FDR took including supporting the Allies in World War II, but they did not publicly support his reelection or announce that they are on the side of the democratic party (which was much different then than today).

You say you do not accept the interview of Sean David Morton because he errors in some of his doctrines. This is not a logical approach. I have probably never read an interview where I have completely agreed with the philosophy of the interviewer. A person can believe that the moon is made of green cheese yet be completely trusted when he is making actual quotes in an interview. Being a liar and fabricating quotes is a much different thing from being caught up in some wrong theory or doctrine. If you wish to discredit the Sean David Morton interview you have to show that he lies, not that he errors on doctrine.

Actually, if the interview is a fraud I would think that Crème would publish an article giving the truth of the matter – especially since the interview is circulating the internet making him look bad. He also could sue Morton if he is fabricating the interview.

I know I certainly wouldn’t sit still and let lies go unanswered about me.

Créme Supporter: I do not have the contact information to reach Créme personally, and if I did, it is not likely that I would bother him with such questions as to whether these “quoted” statements from Morton originated from Créme’s mouth.

JJ: That’s what the Mormons tell me when I tell them to check out quotes from their authorities. They do not want to bother anyone and never discover the truth.

Can you give us even one good paragraph that turns on a light?

Créme Supporter: I quote the following which is a message from Maitreya, overshadowed through Benjamin Créme, on September 12th, 1978. Read the message aloud, with willful and focused intent. The energy that flows through these words is evident to me…

“My dear friends, I am happy to be with you once more.

“Many times have you heard Me say that My Coming means change. Specifically, the greatest change will be in the hearts and minds of men, for My Return among you is a sign that men are ready to receive new life. That New Life for men do I bring in abundance. On all the planes this Life will flow, reaching the hearts and souls and bodies of men, bringing them nearer to the Source of Life Itself. My task will be to channel those Waters of Life through you.

“I am the Water Carrier. I am the Vessel of Truth. That Truth shall I reveal to you and lift you into your true nature.

“I am the River. Through Me flows the new stream of God-given Life, and this shall I bestow on you. Thus shall we together walk through My Garden, smell the perfume of My Flowers, and know the joy of closeness to God.

“My friends, these things are not dreams. All of this will be yours. My Mission will vouchsafe this to you.

“May the Divine Light and Love and Power of the One Most Holy God be now manifest within your hearts and minds. May this manifestation take you into the lap of the Everlasting God.”

JJ: I must congratulate you for being the first Crème follower to accept this challenge.

How about it my friends. Is the above equal in light to a random page from DK’s writings? Blayne doesn’t seem to think so.

My personal opinion is that I cold write something of equal quality in about 5 minutes being half asleep just using my concrete mind mixing in a little solar plexus feeling.

I see no new light here. If you do I would like you to point out what it is.

Créme Supporter: “During the course of writing this reply, particularly near the end here, I put myself in your shoes. I thought about what it would be like to have known about Benjamin Créme and his efforts 20 years ago, to be presented with this information that the Christ is in physical body in the world and is awaiting for the right time to make known His factual presence to all the world. And I thought about what it would be like to reject this information that Créme speaks – only to know one day that he spoke the truth. Would I feel anguish and embarrassment for disbelieving Créme year after year? Would I have the heaviest sense of remorse for the continual effort to discredit Créme?”

(Note his response was lengthy stating several times how much regret I will have when I find out Crème was a true messenger)

JJ Response: You remind me here a lot of my Mormon friends who reacted to me when they found out I was to be excommunicated from the faith because my thought process was supposedly out of order.

Here are typical comments I heard from them.

“Are you out of your mind? Don’t you realize what you believe is out of harmony with the prophet? When the day of judgment comes and you find out the prophet was right how will you feel then? You will weep and wail and gnash your teeth with the wicked.”

“Some day you’ll have an experience like Paul and see the light. How will you feel then?”

“The prophet speaks for God and when you realize you are going against God you will be ashamed and burn in hell.”

“You are in danger of being a son of perdition for speaking contrary to the authorities. There will be no forgiveness.”

“You are cursed according to the order of God – the priesthood.”

“You will lose you family and loved ones forever.”

“You will never have the blessings of God again and will die in a cursed state, a broken man.”

“If you are right then God will stretch out his arm and continue to give us chances, but if the prophet is right and you reject this great light there will be no forgiveness and you will dwell with the devil and his angels forever and ever. Do you really want to take that chance? Don’t you want to stay in the church and at least play it safe?”

Now your reaction to me represents a different ideology, but the idea is the same which is this?”

“If you reject this outward authority (Crème) and later find out that he does indeed speak for God will you not feel ashamed and will not your pain and torment be exceedingly great, perhaps more than you can bear?”

In other words, who do you think you are, defying the words of my outward idols?

Those who have read my books will remember that perhaps the most powerful mantra of the Dark Brothers is this very statement:

“Who do you think you are?”

Whenever a brother of light will seek to move away from the outward authority to the inner or to teach by the authority of the inner God while ignoring the outer illusions he will be hit with the “who do you think you are” mantra which will be followed with words designed to place fear and doubt in his mind.

“Wake up man!!! Do you not realize that when you find out that (outward authority) is correct that you will suffer the torments of the damned??? I sure wouldn’t want to be in your shoes when that happens. I’ll pray for you.”

These well meaning people who want to pray or meditate on my behalf do not realize that they are agents of dark force and carriers of the most powerful arm of fear based thought with which the true Dark Brotherhood works.

The sad thing is that this plan of attack works over and over with regularity. Only now and then will a disciple trust the inward authority enough to rise above the thoughtform of his group and rely on the Spirit within. Then after he does this he is attacked with this basic mantra from numerous other outward gods.

Now to answer your question.

Do I not fear that I would be ashamed and greatly pained if I found out that Crème speaks the truth?

The answer is a definite no.

There are two reasons for my answer.

(1) Christ does not expect us to be perfect, or to have all the answers. But he does expect one thing from seekers and disciples and that is this. To seek the truth and follow the highest that you know. The one sin the Master spoke angrily against was hypocrisy. Therefore, one must be true to himself and the light he has. I am true to myself and the light I have and am therefore glad and not ashamed when I discover new truth – no matter what the source.

(2) Without exception when I have made a definite discovery of something that is a true principle I have been glad. It has always brought me happiness. Therefore, no matter what the real truth I discover in the future is, there is nothing to fear – there is no great pain awaiting the honest in heart.

On the other hand, if one is not honest with his own thoughts, heart and soul and hypocritically denies reality and thus covers the truth from his own consciousness, yes he can indeed suffer remorse when the truth is revealed. He may kick himself and say: “Why O why did I not see this? It was right in front of me. So much pain could have been avoided if I had only paid attention.”

I am faithful to the highest I know and do follow the inner voice and thus continually receive the truth with gladness. I have absolutely no fear that the future holds anything else but fascinating truth.

And I am not alone. Many of those who learn here with me also receive the truth with gladness.

That’s essentially what Christ’s “gospel” is. The “good news” of additional truth.”

Truth is always good news to the pure in heart, but wounds as a searing knife to those attach themselves to lower desire.

When the Mormon prophet said we would never go to the moon and then I saw with my own eyes that we did go there I had to be honest with myself about my religion of the time. I had to go by what I saw and realize that he was just plain wrong.

I was somewhat amazed, however that my Mormon friends did not see it as I did and they expressed astounding comments when I brought the subject up.

Many thought he never made the statement and refused to examine the validity of the reference.

Others thought he was correct after all, I was just interpreting incorrectly. (Believe me the wording was clear)

Still others said he was just speaking as a regular guy here and not for God. The funny thing about this answer is that everything else he said was to be followed as if it were from God or you get kicked out of the church.

In other words, my friends were not being honest with their own hearts. They just couldn’t say their prophet made a mistake and incorporate that into their truth seeking mechanism. They couldn’t bring themselves to ask” “What else was he wrong about?”

Now to those who say: Will you not be ashamed when you find out the prophet speaks for God?” I say that, even if I find out he is the holiest man on the earth it will always be true that he was wrong about going to the moon.

The same applies to Benjamin Créme. He stated again and again that Christ would manifest on national TV and that all the world would see him and that he would speak to our souls so we would know that it was him. He set a number of specific dates for this, probably many more than is known. For one thing, the date he set when I heard him speak was not published anywhere I know.

The hard core truth that must be accepted by the honest in heart is this.

Crème was just plain wrong; just as wrong as the Mormon prophet who said we would not go to the moon.

Now the question to ask is this? Is the real Christ so deceptive that he would make such obviously false prophecies again and again? The entity making the predictions is obviously short-sighted and doesn’t even have the common sense that I do to see that it wouldn’t happen. Is the real Christ really that short-sighted? Are we to believe in a master that is not even a maser of his future two or three months in the distance?

The honest in heart must ask these questions and face reality as it is. If he does this then all truth that is waiting at the door waits with open arms and fullness of joy. If he is not true to himself then the truth will always be a fearsome thing to be avoided as a monster in a nightmare.

He who follows the highest he knows will never be condemned by the Christ or his own soul. What parent would ever condemn a child for doing his best? Is not God even greater in virtue than earthly parents? Verily, yes.

‘You can’t shake hands with a clenched fist.” Indira Gandhi

April 24, 2004

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