In the past I wrote a number of fun quizzes. Thought it would be an interesting change of pace to post a few.


There is no absolute way to tell how long you will live, but there are things you can do to insure that you will live to your maximum age in good health. This quiz centers around areas that are within your control. If you score too many points take note of the things you can do to reduce your risk.

  1. How much do you smoke? (a) None (b) Light (c) Medium (d) Heavy.
  2. How much do you drink alcoholic beverages? (a) None (b) Light (c) Medium (d) Heavy.
  3. How much time a week do spend exercising or playing sports? (a) Virtually none (b) 0-1.5 hours (c) 1.5-3 hours (d) Over 3 hours.
  4. Pick the one that best describes your job: (a) I am sitting most of the day (b) I sit about half the day and active the other half (c) I am active most of the day.
  5. Pick the one that best describes your attitude toward your job: (a) I hate my job and wish I was doing something else. (b) I don’t hate my job, but I don’t love it either. It’s just a necessary evil. (c) I enjoy my work, even though it is not my first choice (d) I love my work. It would be difficult to find a vocation I would enjoy more.
  6. Describe the choice that best reflects your closest relationship: (a) There is much fighting and tension with little lightness and laughter. (b) There is fighting and tension, but there are also good times with lightness and laughter. (c) There is little fighting and tension with quite a bit of lightness and laughter and good communication. (d) There is little fighting and tension, but we are a fairly serious and quiet.
  7. When someone hurts your feelings what do you do? (a) I keep them to myself for I do not want to cause further upset by disturbing anyone. (b) If it is a small hurt I will keep it to myself, but if it is a large hurt I will let the person know how I feel. (c) If anyone hurts my feelings at all I will try to let him know how I feel.
  8. Describe the foods you eat more than twice a week: (a) Fresh fruits (b) Well done beef (c) Rare to medium done beef (d) Fresh green vegetables (e) Water with no chlorine added (f) Whole grain bread. (g) Fried foods. (h) Food or sweets containing white sugar or fructose.
  9. Are you in love? (a) Yes (b) No
  10. Do you want to live a long life? (This assumes you will grow old but live a reasonably healthy life). (a) Yes (b) No
  11. Would you be willing to make changes in your lifestyle to live longer? (a) Yes (b) No.
  12. Do you think people over sixty can enjoy life as much as a young person? (a) Yes (b) No
  13. Describe the quality of your life: (a) Excellent; it’s great to be alive (b) Good; I can’t complain (c) Fair; life goes on but I don’t have much to look forward to. (d) My life sucks.


SCORE: Question One: (a) 0, (b) 1, (c) 2, (d) 3; Two: (a) 0, (b) 0, (c) 1, (d) 4; Three: (a) 3, (b) 2, (c) 1, (d) 0; Four: (a) 2, (b) 1, (c) 0; Five: (a) 3, (b) 2, (c) 1, (d) 0; Six: (a) 2, (b) 1, (c) 0, (d) 1; Seven: (a) 2, (b) 1, (c) 0; Eight: (a) -1, (b) 2, (c) 1, (d) -1, (e) -1, (f) -1, (g) 1 [Note: subtract the negatives of this answer from the final score] Nine: (a) 0, (b) 1; Ten: (a) 0, (b) 2; Eleven: (a) 0, (b) 2; Twelve: (a) 0, (b) 1; Thirteen: (a) 0, (b) 1, (c) 3, (d) 4.


-4 to +4 Points: You are a health conscious person with a positive mental attitude. You always expect the best and you usually get it. Barring things beyond your control such as heredity, you have the best chance for a long healthy life.

5-12 Points: You also have a good chance for a long healthy life. Study the questions that ran up your score and you can increase your chances. 13-22 Points: You need to be more conscientious toward your emotional, mental and physical health, which are all interrelated. You don’t want to live an average life do you?

23 + Points: You scored the worst. You need to brighten your outlook and take better care of yourself and your needs. The items in this quiz are all under your control. Start working on them now to lengthen your stay here on planet earth.



  1. How physically attractive are you? (Perhaps you should get a second opinion here.) (a) Fair (b) Average (c) Good (d) Great!
  2. Do you drink more alcohol or take more drugs than your loved ones feel you should?
  3. If you smoke, have you tried to quit smoking but been unable to?
  4. Do you feel adultery offends God?
  5. Do others describe you as impulsive?
  6. Describe your temper: (a) Mild (b) Average (c) Strong (d) So strong you have difficulty in controlling it.
  7. Would you lie to prevent hurting another person? 8. How much should your mate be allowed to know about your activities? (a) Only what I am willing to tell him or her (b) Almost everything, but there are some things one should be able to keep private (c) I am happy to honestly tell my mate whatever he or she wants to know.
  8. Do you believe and practice the idea that a couple should feel committed to each other before having sexual intercourse?
  9. How important is it to you that both you and your partner are sexually faithful in a committed relationship? (a) It would be nice, but not all important (b) It is reasonably important (c) It is extremely important.

SCORING: Question One: a 0, b 1, c 2, d 3; Two: Yes 1, No 2; Three: Haven’t tried to quit 2, Yes 1, Don’t smoke 0; Four: Yes 0, No 1; Five: Yes 1, No 0; Six: a 0, b 0, c 1, d 2; Seven: Yes 1, No 0; Eight: a 2, b 1, c 0; Nine: Yes 0, No 2; Ten: a 2, b 1, c 0. INTERPRETATION:

0-6 Points: You believe in commitment, honesty and integrity in a relationship and can be trusted as much as humanly possible. Your mate should be able to rest securely while you are away. Nevertheless, remember that we are all human; don’t play with fire just because you are in this category.

7-11 Points: You like to have the opportunity to do a little flirting and get attention from the opposite sex. You have no intention of being an unfaithful mate when you are in a committed relationship, but enjoy playing with a little fire. You must be careful to always remember the importance of your relationship or you may find yourself tempted at times. Your mate can help by being an interesting partner.

12-18 Points: You do not have a strong desire to be committed to any one person for a whole lifetime. You must be careful to avoid making the other person think that you are more committed than you are; this could save a lot of hurt. Nevertheless, you may find that right one who steals your heart and causes you to become completely devoted. If it happened to Hugh Heffner, it can happen to any of us.



  1. Choose one answer that best describes you: (a) I am the firstborn in my family. (b) I am not the firstborn but there are 3 or less years separating me from my older brother or sister. (c) I am not the firstborn but there are four or five years separating me from my older brother or sister. (d) I am not the firstborn and there are six or more years separating me from my older brother or sister.
  2. What is your attitude toward arguments? (a) I try to avoid them (b) I will argue if the cause is important, but would never start one. (c) I will never run away from an argument and may start one from time to time.
  3. What is your attitude toward winning an argument? (a) It is totally useless to even try. (b) I will try to win only if the other person has offended my principles (c) I will try to win whenever I see the other person is in ignorance (d) I must always try to win and never give up.
  4. How strong is your attraction toward the opposite sex? (a) Less than average (b) Average (c) Above average.
  5. When someone insults something you believe in, how do you react? (a) It’s not worth getting bothered about. (b) I feel insulted but feel that it doesn’t do much good to react to something negative. (c) I feel upset and do everything in my power to correct the insult.
  6. How do you learn the best? (a) With the guidance of a good teacher with a set curriculum. (b) On my own setting my own curriculum and pace using a teacher only to answer my questions.
  7. Describe your attitude or situation toward self-employment: (a) I am self-employed to the extent that I set my own hours and am my own boss. (b) I am not presently self-employed but have plans to be in the near future. (c) I prefer the security of working for someone else.
  8. Did you have a close relationship with your mother or did she have a strong influence on you? (a) Yes (b) No.
  9. Do you sometimes think your doctor’s advise is not as sound as your own? (a) Yes (b) No.
  10. How many casual friends do you have? (a) A small number (b) An average amount (c) A large number.
  11. Describe your posture (Try to get the opinion of another person): (a) poor to fair (b) Average (c) Good to excellent.
  12. How many days work have you lost due to personal illness (do not count accidents) over the past three years? (a) 0-3 (b) 4-10 (c) More than 10


SCORING: Question One: (a) 3, (b) 0, (c) 1, (d) 2; Two: (a) 0, (b) 1, (c) 2; Three: (a) 0, (b) 1, (c) 2, (d) 1; Four: (a) 0, (b) 1, (c) 2; Five: (a) 0, (b) 0, (c) 1; Six: (a) 0, (b) 1; Seven: (a) 2, (b) 1, (c) 0; Eight: (a) 1, (b) 0; Nine: (a) 1, (b) 0; Ten: (a) 0, (b) 1, (c) 2; Eleven: (a) 0, (b) 1, (c) 2; Twelve: (a) 2, (b) 1, (c) 0.



16-21 Points: You have many natural leadership qualities. You are willing to take over where others will give up. You are one who does not follow the crowd or does things for the sake of appearance. You like to be your own person. A person cannot be a true leader unless he is willing to leave outworn methods of doing things. This you are willing to do. You do not mind taking some heat or criticism to which a leader is always subjected, and you are willing to take an unpopular side of an issue. 10-15 Points: You don’t mind taking your share of chances and are qualified to lead in all the normal areas of life. As long as there are no major problems or turbulence, you could be well accepted in a leadership situation. Under too much pressure you may seek for easy solutions to avoid confrontation.

5-9 Points: You may like to be a leader, but you lack the initiative to take the necessary steps so that others can follow. You may find yourself torn between leading or following and have difficulty in deciding which path to take or how leadership is to be attained. If you truly want to be a leader, it can still be done but you must learn to believe in yourself. 0-4 You don’t mind following and do not apologize for it. You seek security in life and don’t desire to take any risks which will jeopardize you or your family financially or otherwise. You should be a good, stable provider.



Everyone thinks he has an open mind, but in reality we all have acquaintances who immediately shut down their minds to ideas that do not conform to their pre-conceived notions.

Take this test for an indication of how open-minded you are:

  1. The politician who you least like comes up with a plan for world peace. How would you react? (a) I would assume that the plan was as bad as the rest of his ideas. (b) I would listen to the proposal, but I know I wouldn’t like it. (c) I would listen to the proposal with the idea that it may contain something of value.
  2. An acquaintance wants you to listen to what you consider to be the worst music in existence so he can explain to you why it has value. (a) You would not consider such a thing (b) You would listen but are sure it has no redeeming value (c) You would listen with the idea that this person may perceive something of value that you do not.
  3. You are at a party and meet a person who says he is a member of The Flat Earth Society. He tells you that the stars above are an illusion, the earth is really flat and we only appear to be circling around the sun. He seriously tells you that he can logically prove all of this if you will listen to him a few moments. (a) The man is obviously a crackpot and you excuse yourself. (b) You listen for entertainment value only (c) You listen at least partly because you want to see if his thought has any logical foundation.
  4. You have a six year old daughter who, as far as you know, is completely normal. One day she comes to you out of the blue and says that some space people are in contact with her by mental telepathy and that they have an important message for the people of the earth. How would you react? (a) I would feel that she has a problem and take her for professional help (a minister or psychologist). (b) Ignore the problem and hope it goes away. (c) I would question her with a mind open to the possibility that the communication may be valid.
  5. A representative of a religious cult knocks on your door and wants you to read a pamphlet proving that their leader is God incarnate. What do you do? (a) Slam the door on him before he can explain why he is there. (b) Politely listen to him but refuse the pamphlet. (c) Take the pamphlet but not read it. (d) Take the pamphlet and read it.
  6. An old friend who has a reputation of being eccentric and whose advice caused you to lose money in the past approaches you with a sure-fire-get- rich-quick business venture. It requires $1000 investment which you happen to have at the time and he tells you that you should be able to get that back ten-fold in a month and possibly have financial security for the rest of your life. You would: (a) Be polite, but refuse to listen to his new scheme. (b) Listen to what the man has to say, then ignore him without trying to consider his ideas. (c) Listen to his idea with the possibility (however slim) of acting on it.
  7. Which of the following have you changed your opinion or belief on after the age of 18? (a) Your religion (b) Your political party (c) Birth control (d) Abortion (e) Capitalism or communism (f) The environment (g) Nuclear arms or world peace (h) Legalization of drugs (i) The foods you like. (j) The type of person you want for a mate.

SCORING: 1a 0, 1b 0, 1c 2; 2a 0, 2b 1, 2c 2; 3a 0, 3b 1, 3c 3; 4a 0, 4b 1, 4c 2; 5a 0, 5b 1, 5c 1, 5d 3; 6a 0, 6b 0, 6c 2. On question 7 score two points for each category in which change occurred.


0-12 Points: You may think you are open-minded, as all people do, but in reality you instinctively resist any idea that is not commonly accepted within your group or belief system. You tend to fear others who are different than yourself. Lighten up and be more flexible. 13-17 Points: You may change when you have to, and some may see you as open-minded, but you tend to listen to an opposing point of view out of courtesy rather than having any consideration for it.

18-24 Points: You have a good live and let live philosophy. You have a high tolerance for other points of view. You are open-minded on a subject you feel is important or credible but will not sustain enough interest to keep your mind open if the subject is not on your interest list. 25-34 Points: You are truly an open-minded person. You will always be open to all possibilities. This will lead you into many interesting experiences. To use this open-mindedness effectively, however, make sure you maintain a stable mind or others may think you are fickle-minded.



Those who are not married are often unaware (or forget if previously married) as to how many adjustments must be made to have a successful relationship. A certain willingness to compromise must exist in each person if the marriage is to be successful. Score one point for each of the adjustments you would be willing to make with a marriage partner.

  1. Could you accept your mate’s children as if they were your own?
  2. Could you live with a mate who wants either more or fewer children than you?
  3. Could you accept a mate who has different ideas on birth control?
  4. Could you live with a mate who wants more or less sex than you?
  5. Would you be willing to eat your meat cooked either more or less than you are used to?
  6. Are you willing to eat some foods and preparations you presently would not eat?
  7. Could you live with a mate that snores?
  8. Could you live with a mate who wants you to go to bed with him or her at a different hour each night than you are used to?
  9. Can you handle a mother or father-in-law giving you advise that you do not want to hear?
  10. If your mate gains weight and loses some attractiveness, can you still give him or her all of your love?
  11. If you have an attractive mate can you handle him or her being attractive to the opposite sex and possibly having to work with them?
  12. Could you handle having your mate not showing a lot of interest in your work or goals?
  13. Are you willing to be more punctual than you presently are to keep your mate happy?
  14. Are you willing to vacation at your tenth choice rather than your first?
  15. If your mate is cleaner than you, are you willing to help make your home cleaner than you are used to; or if your mate is messier than you, are you willing to tolerate more mess than normal? (Counts as one answer)
  16. Could you handle having your mate talk about experiences with past lovers?
  17. Could you let your mate spend most of the extra money on his or her desires?
  18. Could you handle having a mate of a different religion?
  19. Would you allow your children to be raised in your mate’s religion?
  20. Would you be willing to miss some of your favorite TV shows and movies to watch those that your mate likes?


0-5 Points: You are set in your ways and need to find that imaginary “perfect person” to have a happy marriage. 6-10 Points You have the possibility of a happy marriage if you find a person who thinks like you do.

11-15 Points: You have excellent potential to have a happy marriage. You are willing to give and take.

16-20 Points: You are willing to make your mate happy but you may find yourself being walked over by your mate so much that you are miserable in a relationship. Remember that you are entitled to have some things go your way.

June 4, 2004

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The Synthesis Test – Analysis, Part 8

The Synthesis Test – Analysis, Part 8

Questions Fifty and Fifty-One:

Have you read three or more Health Food related books in your life? (a) Yes (b) No

Do you purchase from a Health Food store periodically? (a) Yes (b) No

50 &51. Most enlightened people try to keep their bodies in good functioning shape and will express some interest in health foods and visit health food stores or organic sections in grocery stores occasionally.

Question Fifty Two: If your next door neighbor angrily accused your boy of stealing $5.00 from inside the neighbor’s house and your boy’s feelings were hurt to the extent that he shed tears; and you knew the accusation was false, because he had been helping you in your house at the time of the purported stealing, how would you react?

(a) I would be visibly upset and tell the neighbor off. (b) I would remain calm and tell the neighbor off. (c) I would refrain from telling the neighbor off, but would explain that my boy was with me and did not go into the neighbor’s house.

Question Fifty-Three: Whatever your response, the neighbor becomes more angry and demands you give her the $5.00 that your son has stolen. What is your reaction? (a) I would hit the neighbor (for this answer, assume that you are of the same sex).

(b) I would take my son and walk away and make sure neither I nor my son darken the neighbor’s door again.

(c) I would tell the neighbor off some more. (d) I would remain calm and explain that I know my son is innocent. If the neighbor calms down later I would react as though the incident had never occurred.

(e) I would give the neighbor the $5.00.

Question Fifty-Four: If you discover that your neighbor’s boy stole $5.00 from your house what do you do?

(a) Angrily confront the neighbor and demand punishment of the boy and return of the $5,00.

(b) Same as (a) but without anger.

(c) Calmly explain the boy’s behavior to his parents, but not demand the $5.00. Wait and see if they return it.

(d) Catch the boy and punish him myself.

(e) Do nothing.

Comment on Questions 52-54. This is a difficult set of questions to answer honestly. It may help to explain the objective. People respond one of two ways to emotional situations. They will act or react. The actor is his own person; whereas the reactor is controlled by the situation. The majority of people are reactors; the few who are actors are on the path of Synthesis.

The actor returns good for evil. The reactor returns evil for evil, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. The reactor always wants revenge and to “get even”. He wants his pound of flesh. He always wants the criminal to serve the last day of his sentence.

The actor does not follow the accepted pattern of behavior and response. Someone may shout directly at him or even slap him on the cheek and he will not impulsively return the insult. He will mentally consider first whether such response is desirable. To the offender’s surprise, the actor may respond by a show of love or friendliness which may often disarm him. The response of such a person will not always appear as love, however. Remember the cutting words of Jesus to the Jewish officials a few pages earlier. Even here Jesus was not just reacting, but acting. When an actor does respond with criticism, it is with a well deserved righteous indignation. The actor’s emotionally charged criticism will always be true and cutting. The reactor’s criticism will often contain half truths and insinuations.

The reactor will always think his criticism is justified, but the basic difference between an attack by an actor and by a reactor is the frequency and the predictability. If you shout at a reactor in an angry fashion he will always react in a negative way. On the other hand, if you shout at or attack an actor, even with great anger, he may not return the attack, perhaps nine times out of ten. But on that one time he does return it you may be assured it will have the result as a penetrating arrow, just as the attack of Jesus inflamed the Pharisees. “Frequency” then is the key word in determining the difference between the actors and reactors.

Many reactors deceive themselves and think they are really actors and think that even Jesus would do the same thing in their situation. Many overestimate their control in differing situations, thus will give an incorrect answer in these three questions. It was felt wise to include questions like these anyway, for a prospective Synthesizer should at least examine himself to see if he is acting or reacting. If he finds himself constantly reacting, perhaps he can become more self-aware and improve himself.

Examine the best answers on these three questions and ask yourself if this is really the trend you would be likely to follow. If it is not, above all do not deceive yourself. Self deception is the greatest hindrance to spiritual progression there is on this planet and when one gets caught in the web it can become almost impossible to break out. “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free,” said the Master. Even if the truth is humiliating, face it boldly. There is no other road to freedom.

Question Fifty-Five: What percentage of your free time each day is spent in constructive activity?

(a) Almost none (b) 5-10% (c) 10-20% (d) 20-40% (e) 40-60% (f) Over 60%

55 To a Synthesizer, time is his most important possession, and he values it greatly. On the other hand, he also identifies with the “eternal now” and knows the timelessness of the spirit and has a calmness so he does not appear to be impulsively in a hurry. He values his free time and wants to spend it constructively.

Some may have answered this question incorrectly because they misunderstood what we meant by “free time” and “constructive activity”. Free time is time that you do not have to work in order to make money, time that you do not have to sleep, that that you do not have to spend in doing chores, washing dishes, tending kids, mowing lawns, fixing up the house, and so on. It is time you can spend in constructive activity. And what is constructive activity? First let us explain what it is not. It is not earning money. It is not sleeping, doing chores, washing dishes, tending kids, mowing lawns, fixing up the house, etc. These things may be constructive in the normal sense, but are not constructive use of free time.

By constructive use, we mean time which is used for self-improvement or unselfishly used for the benefit of mankind. Some types of reading may be for self-improvement and some may not. Reading a novel would generally be for entertainment unless one were reading it for study so he can become a writer. Studying non-fiction would generally constitute self-improvement. However, some of the gossip about movie stars, even though some of it may be true, is of very little use. Taking various lessons and educational classes of your own initiative is also constructive. Going to church would not count here, as it is usually done out of duty instead of for a real benefit. Anything that improves skill is constructive. Of course, watching sitcoms on television is not counted as constructive, but this time is definitely free time.

Time used for the benefit of mankind is the second area of constructive use. This may be a project designed to bring enlightenment to your fellow men. If you are a church goer, it would be time spent proselytizing activities. If you are into meditation, it would be time spent in teaching others your methods. If you are into healing (not as a profession) it would be the time spent in helping others to better health.

Now that we have defined terms, review the question again. Figure out how much free time you actually average a week and then decide approximately how many hours you honestly spend in genuinely constructive activity.

Note that the highest score is 60%. This is because it is recognized that no one spends all their time in constructive pursuits, nor is it desirable. Everyone needs to unwind at times in frivolous activities.

Now that you have studied the commentary here, you may want to reevaluate your score. If you have to lower it some it does not make you a lesser person. You are what you are, and no test will change that. It is important, however, that each individual sees clearly his true location on the path so the right steps can be taken. There is no greater or more common hindrance than for an aspirant to think that he is further advanced than he really is.

Again, in perceiving ourselves, it is good to follow the advice of Christ: “When he noticed how the guests were trying to secure the places of honor, he spoke to them in a parable: ‘When you are asked by someone to a wedding feast, do not sit down in the place of honor. It may be that some person more distinguished than yourself has been invited; and the host will come and say to you, “Give this man your seat.” Then you will look foolish as you begin to take the lowest place. No, when you receive an invitation, go and sit down in the lowest place, so that when your host comes he will say, “Come up higher, my friend.” Then all your fellow guests will see the respect in which you are held. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled; and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Luke 14:7-11 New English Version.

There will be no greater humiliation than that which will come to him who represents himself as being higher upon the Path than he really is. Humility is the safest route and the only way to be exalted by the Master. A true Synthesizer will someday hear the words: “Come up higher, my friend.”

It is a difficult task to determine by black and white questions as to who is and is not capable of receiving truth. Generally, one with intuition will be able to fairly accurately surmise the enlightenment of another brother within about five minutes of conversation. Those who have not developed the intuition will always have limitations on the amount they can receive. It is as if each person has within him a container of a certain size that is able to contain so much truth and no more. Each person walks around with a different sized receptacle. Some may contain a teaspoon, some a cup, some a quart, and some a gallon, but once they are full, no more may be poured in. This is an important truth which many proselyters ignore: ONCE THE LIMIT HAS BEEN REACHED IT DOES NOT MATTER HOW CLEARLY THE TRUTH IS PRESENTED, IT WILL BE REJECTED.

Finally, the time comes when the intuition is developed. When this happens it is as if the bottom were to fall out of the container and is now capable of having an infinite amount of truth pass through it. The person is now opened to any possibility that his consciousness can conceive of. His next limitation to overcome is the limitation of consciousness.

May 31, 2004

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The Synthesis Test – Analysis, Part 7

The Synthesis Test – Analysis, Part 7

Question Forty-Nine: What is your view concerning revelations from God? (a) God no longer speaks to man. His whole revelation is in the scriptures. (b) God speaks to man through His authorized church representatives only. (c) God can and will reveal whatever He wants through whomever He wants, whenever He wants, and it may be to those who do not belong to any church.

These three answers cover the three basic beliefs concerning revelation from higher intelligence to man on the earth.

(a) This answer rates a -15 because it represents an extremely closed-minded view. Is it logical to assume that God spoke to people right and left thousands of years ago, but is powerless to do it today when we need him the most? Why do people think this way? Amazingly, they blame it on the scriptures themselves and quote the following from the last page of the Bible: “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things that are written in this book.” Rev. 22:18-19.

This scripture is interpreted by many fundamentalist Christians to mean that this was the last page of holy writ that would ever be written in history and after this pronouncement man was on his own with no revelation from God, for God had given him everything that he was ever going to need in the Bible. If one wants to know what God has to say one must examine the thoughts of God toward mankind in situations that occurred from 2-6,000 years ago.

Not only is this belief not rational to an enlightened person, but it is not scriptural either. Let us examine the passage in the cold clear light of reason.

First we notice that “man” is not supposed to add to or take away from the book. They forget that if a new revelation comes, it is revealed not by man, but by God. Of course, God does not want man adding his thoughts to scripture and purporting them to be from God. God says nowhere that He, Himself, will not add revelation.

Secondly, John told us not to add to or take away from “the prophecy of this book.” What book is this? Is it the Bible? No–the Bible was not compiled until centuries later. Instead, John speaks of a book containing prophecies and plagues which is, naturally, the Book of Revelations, which was the book that he had his pen placed on when he wrote the above scripture. This little book of revelations has more prophesies and plagues mentioned than any other book in the Bible.

John wanted the vision he recorded to be preserved intact just as he wrote it and he knew of the habit of many scribes to add their own opinions and footnotes to scripture as they copied them over, so he warned them against doing this, knowing that a little note added could be interpreted by the next scribe as being from the original text.

Furthermore, if this scripture applied to the whole Bible, then John himself was under condemnation, for he wrote the Gospel of John after the Book of Revelations. If the books of the Bible were arranged in true chronological order, the last of the Gospel of John would compose the last page of the Bible, which would have ended the Bible on an entirely different note: “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.” John 21:25.

This would be a much more appropriate last verse in the Bible, for it tells us that many more scriptures like the Gospels could be written.

Many feeling people make the mistake of believing that the Bible is all the scripture that will ever be written. Many even believe the Bible contains all the truth available to mankind. Ask such a one to explain why 2+2=4 is not in there and you will not get a logical answer.

These fundamentalist Christians are not the first to make such a mistake. The Jews who rejected Christ did the same thing. They felt that the Old Testament contained all of the word of God and that Christ and his disciples were blasphemers for claiming to have more.

The Samaritans were even more closed-minded. They accepted only the first five books in the Bible and thought that they contained the total revelation of God. This was not without reason, for in the last accepted book of their scriptures was written: “Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it…” Deut. 4:2. Thus the Samaritans, Jews, and Christians are all caught up in the “last word” syndrome.

Fortunately, there is no last word from God.

Future revelation is predicted numerous times in the Bible, once in the Book of Revelations itself. In chapter eleven, we have the prophecy of two prophets who will arise at the end of the age and prophesy for three and one half years. Obviously, they will speak the word of God as much as any prophet in the Bible.

There are also numerous books obviously missing from the Bible. Some of those mentioned and quoted by Bible writers, but not included in the Bible itself are: The Book of the Covenant (Exodus 24:4); The Book of the Wars of the Lord (Numbers 21:14); The Book of Jasher (Josh. 10:13, II Sam. 1:18); The Book of Statutes (I Sam. 10:25); The Book of the Acts of Solomon (I Kings 11:41); The Books of Nathan and Gad (I Chron 29:29); The Prophecy of Ahijah and Visions of Iddo (II Chron 9:29); The Acts of Uzziah (II Chron 26:22); The Sayings of the Seers (II Chron. 33:19).

The New Testament also mentions missing scripture. Concerning Jesus, Matthew wrote: “And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene.” Matt. 2:23. This prophecy is found nowhere in holy writ, so obviously, it was from some lost book that Matthew had knowledge of. Acts has twenty-eight chapters in the Bible, but a twenty-ninth was discovered in the archives at Constantinople.

Paul gives several inferences to epistles he wrote that are not in the Bible. An obvious one is: “And when this epistle is read among you, cause that it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans; and that ye likewise read the epistle from Laodicea.” Col. 4:15. Other inferences into missing epistles are found in I Cor. 5:9 and Eph. 3:3.

Obviously, there was a missing book of Enoch, for Jude wrote: “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, The Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints.” Jude 14. Interestingly, there was a book of Enoch that was accepted as authorized scripture for the first two hundred years of the Christian church. With all of this evidence plus all of the logic and reason in the world, one cannot help but wonder how even an extremely emotional person can believe that the Bible contains all of the revelation or truth that there is.

The (b) answer is almost as illogical. This person does not want to take the responsibility of receiving truth or revelation for himself, so he leaves it up to his authorities to receive and interpret. He does not even want to think through the meaning of things, but wants someone else to do the thinking for him (though he would never admit this). He believes that if God has anything to say, or a new truth to presented that it will come through duly constituted authorities, prophets or Priests. He never expects God to work through some regular guy down the road or even some non-religious person,. Amazingly, throughout the scriptures, this is exactly the procedure that God has used. Study all of the apostles and prophets and you will see that they were almost all so average and unpious that the religious leaders as well as the people rejected them. They were not selected through “authorized” means. Usually, a prophet is only called by God when the current religious and civil authorities are corrupt.

(c) is the best answer. God will speak to the one who is willing to seek, listen, and do, not to the one with the most authority. As said of David of old: “God looketh upon the heart”.

The objection given to this line of reasoning is: “God is a God of order. It would be confusion for God to speak through just anyone. Therefore, He must use recognized authorities so the people will know the message is valid.”

This sounds like a reasonable point until it is realized that there are thousands of authorities all teaching different things to their followers and that most authorities are crystallized in their beliefs and cannot accept new doctrine as Jesus illustrated: “Neither do men put new wine (truths) into old bottles (established authorities): else the bottles break (The authorities cannot endure or accept the truth), and the wine runneth out (The truth is lost), and the bottles (men) perish: but they put new wine (truth) into new bottles (men who are not recognized authorities and generally not known to the public), and both are preserved.” Matt. 9:17.

This was the procedure followed in presenting truths through prophets throughout the Bible. Moses was not at first recognized. He was not even thought to be a Hebrew, but an Egyptian enemy. David was an upsurger whom Saul and his government constantly tried to kill.

Joseph was sold into Egypt by his own brothers and spent seven years in a dark prison from whence he was fetched to prove himself a true prophet.

Jeremiah was certainly no authority. He was rejected by both religious and political authorities. Even those in his home area thought he was crazy for prophesying their doom. God will not allow his own great city of Jerusalem to be destroyed, they said.

Ahab, King of Israel inquired of his four hundred and one prophets as to whether or not he should go to battle. Apparently, all were yes men except one, because four hundred of them gave him the answer he wanted which was yes. One, named Micaiah, received a true revelation and predicted disaster. The king was angry with this dissenter, but did not get to carry out his punishment, for the battle the next day was a disaster and Ahab was slain. (See II Chron, chapter 18)

Amos was no recognized authority and was himself surprised when he was called: “Then answered Amos, and said to Amaziah, I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet’s son; but I was an herdsman, and a gatherer of Sycamore fruit: And the Lord took me as I followed the flock, and the Lord said unto me, Go, prophesy unto my people Israel.” Amos 7:14-15. Thus was an ordinary laborer sent to prophesy to the “recognized prophets”.

There is probably no better example of God working through a non-authority than that of the carpenter’s son, Jesus.

When he announced his mission as the Messiah to the kind folks of his home town in the middle of a church meeting they were so horror struck with his audacity that they bodily picked him up right then and there and the whole group took him to the edge of a cliff to dispose of this blasphemer. Miraculously, he was able to escape.

When he told other Jews that he was a son of God and lived before Abraham they picked up stones and tried to kill him right there.

Listen to what Jesus had to say to the religious leaders and authorities in his day: “Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel…Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead man’s bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocracy and iniquity. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous, and ye say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers. Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” Matt. 23:24-33.

Is it any wonder that established authorities did not like the Son of God? Who has the guts today to speak to them that way? Never before had the powers that be been shaken to the core with such penetrating words as those which came from the mouth of Jesus, presented even before their faces.

It is common knowledge that the Apostles also were common people. None of them were selected because of religious experience or even because they were particularly religious or pious.

It is true that God is a God of order, but it would produce only deception and confusion to work only through authoritative figures. To keep order and continued spiritual progress for mankind he must work through the “new bottles” or receptive channels only, for the word of God itself, or truth, is the greatest authority: “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Heb 4:12

How can one reasonably argue against answer (c)? Put yourself in God’s shoes. Can you see yourself always working through orthodox procedures? Don’t you think that you would find yourself pulling unorthodox strings occasionally, as God has done?

May 31, 2004

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The Synthesis Test – Analysis, Part 6

The Synthesis Test – Analysis, Part 6

Question Forty-One: What is your attitude toward future emotional pain? (a) I am very hesitant to give or commit myself completely in my present romance or a new one, for I do not want to make myself vulnerable to emotional hurt. (b) The emotional hurt doesn’t worry me. I will open up whatever amount is beneficial.

(a) Those who answered (a) in question 40 will probably answer (a) here, also. Those who are emotionally polarized are only willing to give of themselves completely in a romance when they are sure that they can trust the person and that he will not hurt them. Once the emotionally polarized person is deeply hurt the pain is relived again and again and he feels very vulnerable to any new situation and will often suppress any emotional feelings to avoid hurt. This produces more problems and the person usually winds up hurting the one he or she loves and becoming frustrated.

(b) The Synthesizer is prepared to be jilted or hurt a hundred times if necessary. He is out to live life to its fullest and emotional pain does not slow him down. He loves to communicate on a 100% level as soon as possible in any relationship.

Question Forty-Two: How much time do you average a day in self educational activities? (College and school related activities not counted)

(a) Almost none.

(b) 15-30 minutes a day

(c) 30-60 minutes a day

(d) One to two hours a day

(e) Over two hours a day.

Again we have a question that demands an honest answer. For the majority of the populace the answer would be (a). To figure out if your answer is accurate, decide how much learning you can accomplish in one hour. Then figure out (according to your answer) how many hours you must spend a month in study. Multiply that by the amount you can accomplish in one hour. Did you accomplish that much last month? Perhaps it was an unusual month. Well, did you accomplish that much the month before? If your answer was not correct, redo it. Do not go back more than one year to figure your average here.

Question Forty-Three: What category have you spent the most time in mastering during your life?

(a) How to win friends and influence people.

(b) A new language

(c) History

(d) Healing techniques

(e) Gaining knowledge that increases my income

(f) I have not tried to master any field of knowledge to any degree.

Only one answer here rates a positive score. Just about everyone would like to learn new things, but a desire to heal is a desire to help your brethren, which is a Synthetic desire.

Question Forty-Four: What is your employment situation?

(a) I work for someone else and am happy with my job. (b) I work for someone else and am not happy. (c) I am not self employed, but would like to be. (d) I am a salesman. (e) I own my own business. (f) I am not employed.

A Synthetic person enjoys freedom and will take risks to get it. He is often self-employed or an independent salesman. This is not a black and white statement as many synthetic people are also employed by others, though many have a desire to be independent.

Question Forty-Five: Do you pray or meditate regularly? (a) Yes. (b) No.

Prayers in church or meditations in groups does not count here. We are referring to private inner seeking sessions as mentioned by Christ: “And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily, I say unto you, they have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. But when ye pray, use not vain (useless) repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.” Matt. 6:5-8.

Group prayer and meditation can be good and effective, but most of it done in the world is without purpose but merely part of a routine. However, when a person prays or meditated on his own, and no one else is aware of what he is doing, then at least the purpose behind it is unselfish.

When one uses correct prayer and meditation, he will find all the answers to his problems in advance, even before he asks for solutions, for the “father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.”

We are not told to cease using repetitions as many suppose, but we are not supposed to use “vain repetitions”. The Greek for vain means “useless”.. We can use repetitions as long as they have value, but to rattle off mantras and prayers because they sound good or for duty’s sake is vain indeed.

Question Forty-Six: What is the highest goal you presently have in life? Choose one: (a) To have a successful marriage and a happy family. (b) To find my true purpose in life,. (c) To be successful financially. (d) To be successful in my chosen career. (e) To do the greatest good for the largest number of people.

Did you pick the Synthetic answer here: (e)? If so, do you believe it in deed as well as word? Are you giving your highest and best personal energy and work to accomplish such a project? Or is over 90% of your energy going to accomplish other goals. Think this through. Is your answer honest?

Question Forty-Seven: If you could be anyone you wanted to be, which would you choose? (a) The President of the United States (b) The most knowledgeable person in the world (c) The most famous movie star in the world (d) The richest person in the world (e) The wisest person in the world (f) One with the ability to perform miracles like Jesus did.

You could accomplish nothing of worth by becoming the other answers without wisdom. “wisdom is the principle thing…” knowledge is the second most useful answer, but it is ineffective without wisdom. For instance, if a foolish man had the ability to perform miracles, he could cause a great deal of harm. A Synthesizer will desire wisdom above all other things in this world.

Question Forty-Eight: What do you think of the phrase “All men are created equal”? (a) People of all races and beliefs are equal in every way. (b) All people have equal opportunity to achieve. (c) Some applications of this statement are not correct.

A feeling orientated person interprets the phrase: “all men are created equal” in a much different light than one who is mentally polarized. Many people even think that it is a quotation out of the Bible, but, of course, it is not. It is from the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson.

Emotionally polarized people feel that this is a truth applicable to all things, particularly the different races. Never in a million years could such a person examine the obvious physical, emotional, and intellectual differences in the various races on a rational level. All men are equal, they feel, so there is no sense in even thinking about making comparisons.

Did Thomas Jefferson intend to indicate that all people are equal in every way? Of course not. Here is what he wrote: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Here Jefferson explains what he means. All men are endowed with equal rights by their creator. Each man, high or low, should be able to pursue life, liberty and happiness, according to his desire. On the other hand, it is obvious to even a general observer that all people are different in their endowments of physical, emotional and mental capacities. No two people in the world are the same. No two races are the same. No two nations are the same. No two of anything anywhere are exactly the same. Diversity is a rule of nature and this principle saves all living things from eternal monotony.

The truth of this matter is so “self-evident”, as Jefferson said, that it is very condescending to explain it to adults, for a two year old child can understand it; but it is amazing how many adults, even high officials, do not understand it.

You may wonder why (b) scores a zero. The reason is that it is not correct. All men do not have equal opportunity to achieve. Some are born rich, others poor, some free and others slaves, and all are born with differing opportunities, but all should be treated equal under the law.

May 31, 2004

Copyright by J J Dewey

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Gathering of Lights 2021

Gathering of Lights 2021

Special Revealing of the 12 Keys of knowledge to those who make the effort to come this year

This year’s Gathering will be in LaVerkin Utah, which is close to the beautiful Zion’s National Park. The Gathering will start Thursday, Sept 9 at 6 pm (after checking in a few hours earlier) and we will check out Monday morning on Sept 13.

This year we have an extra treat for those readers of The Immortal who make the effort to come despite the virus.

JJ will reveal the remainder of all the 12 Keys of Knowledge. Seven so far have been revealed in the books and at gatherings with five more to go.

JJ will also present highlights from his new book “The Mysteries of A Course in Miracles.” This Course presents a different perspective than that held by many esoteric teachers but it covers some overlooked principles and mysteries.

In addition we will have group meditations designed to reach a spiritual high as well as healing ceremonies.

There are two groups of lodgings available. The first group consists of four cottages we have reserved that are 1000 square feet each. Each one has two private bedrooms, each with a private bath. Each bedroom has a kingsize bed as well as a single daybed, so each cottage can sleep 6, or three in each bedroom. Couples wanting their privacy may want just the two of them in a bedroom.

The cottages have a fully-stocked kitchen with refrigerator, stove, microwave, dishwasher; a clothes washer/dryer; a dining area; a living room with TV and internet connection; and outdoor patio with a large grill.

The cost for use of 1 bedroom/bath and shared use of the rest of the cottage will be a total cost of $595.00 for 4 nights, whether one, two or three people use the bedroom. When reserving, you’ll need to tell us who is in your group and full pre-payment is required to reserve it on a first-come, first-served basis.

Here is a graphic showing the cottages

The second group of lodgings we have reserved are 3 bunkhouses that have 2 units each, separated by a connecting door. Four units have 1 king bed and one 2-person bunkbed, 1 unit has two 2-person bunkbeds (sleeps 4), and 1 unit has 2 king beds. While they lack a kitchen and living room, these units have a full bathroom, TV, a propane and charcoal grill, toaster, crock pot, and other amenities such as a hairdryer, coffee maker, blender, cooler, rice cooker, microwave, full refrigerator, A/C, heat and WiFi.

Each bunkhouse unit can sleep 4, but we will require only three people per unit so no one has to share a bed. The price for staying in a bunkhouse unit will be $240.00 per person for 4 nights. Plan on staying with two others in the unit.

Here is a graphic showing the bunk houses

All prices include cleaning fees for the lodgings and the cost of the 4-day Gathering seminar. The cost of food is not covered. Damage deposits are not charged because they are refundable, and we know everyone will leave their lodging as they found it, right?? All rooms will be disinfected for bacteria and viruses prior to your stay.

As for payments to us through PayPal, after choosing “Send Money”and indicating how much and who you want to send the money to, please choose “Sending to a friend”. In doing so, we don’t lose a portion of your payment to PayPal fees. If you have any technical problems with this option, please contact Artie at artiedewey@gmail.com.

If you need to pay with a credit card let us know and we’ll send you an invoice that you can pay with any standard card.

If you provide your own lodgings, the cost will be $100 per person or $180 for a couple.

Artie and JJ will be staying in an apartment about a mile away where we will hold our indoor meetings. If the weather is not too hot, we may also hold part of the meetings in the spacious lawn area by the lodgings.

Please note that car rentals from the airports may be limited due to agencies selling their cars due to limited travel during the pandemic, but hopefully by September this will not be the case. We also hear there has been some scams by fake rental agencies, so be careful in making your reservation.

We look forward to seeing all of you in the flesh again. There are always good times to be had among like-minded people.

To reserve a place or to ask questions email jjdewey@gmail.com or call 208-371-7719 and ask for Artie or JJ.

The time is getting short so please register in as soon as possible as we have to know how many lodgings to hold in reservation. If you register after Aug 25 we may or may not be able to provide lodgings. Those who register late may have to stay in a nearby motel if additional lodgings are no longer available.

The Synthesis Test – Analysis, Part 5

The Synthesis Test – Analysis, Part V

Question Thirty-One Suppose a man kidnapped your daughter and raped and killed her, but was later repentant. If he called you into his cell and, kneeling at your feet in tears, begged your forgiveness, what would you tell him?

(a) I could not forgive him.

(b) I would think about it.

(c) I would try to forgive him.

(d) I would forgive him.

This will be about the most difficult question to answer dispassionately. Many will say that the answer they want to give is not offered here, but in reality your attitude will have to fall in one of the categories included. A person may have other feelings, but we are not dealing with feelings, we are dealing with forgiveness. Thus, if one wants the man punished to the full extent of the law, it has no bearing on the question. Even if he is forgiven, the law will still take care of the punishment. A Synthesizer will be a basically forgiving person and try to follow the example of Christ on the cross: “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

(a) Again, whoever says this is at least being honest, but should examine the importance of forgiveness. “He who does not forgive is guilty fo the greater sin.” A lack of forgiveness is one of the greatest hindrances to spiritual progression there is.

(b) A large percentage would have this reaction, but this is not admirable enough for a positive score.

(c) Few people would even go so far as too tell the man that they would try to forgive him, so we rate this a positive ten.

(d) Two types of people will give this answer. One is the person who is truly forgiving. The other is he who does not understand himself or his own reactions. This second type of person would actually be the last to forgive. To make sure you have answered this accurately, it is recommended that you show the three people closest to you the question and your answer, and ask them if they think it is accurate. If two out of three agree, then score yourself fifteen points.

If you find yourself wanting to take full vengeance on the man, then obviously you could not forgive him completely. Christ did not call down the legions of angels to slay those who crucified him. If you feel that the man is still dangerous to the public, perhaps because he cannot control himself, then one is justified in wanting him put away, but since the man is in a repentant state, he obviously does not want to repeat his crime.

Question Thirty-Two: If you had just gone through a bitter divorce, wherein your spouse had tried to legally prevent you from ever seeing the children again, how would you handle future confrontations with this person? (a) I would be friendly, as though my spouse had done me no wrong. (b) I would not want to see this person again. (c) I would try to hurt him or her back.

This is another question wherein honesty is a factor. Again we test the forgiving attitude. (a) is, of course, the best answer.

Question Thirty-Three: Which would you choose if you had to pick one?

(a) A happy marriage (b) To see my children become the type of persons I hoped they would become. (c) To become a success in life (d) An opportunity to bring happiness to millions of people.

It should be obvious that (d) is the best answer. Now the question is, are you answering it honestly. If you truly want to bring happiness to millions of people above all else, is that what you are currently putting your major efforts towards? Over 99% of the populace are putting their major effort in the other categories. Remember, the reason for the question is not to test you to see if you can pick the best answer, but to see if you are the best answer.

It is best to emulate the example of Jesus: “While he yet talked to the people, behold, his mother and his brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him. When one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee. But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.” Matt. 12:46-50. If we can look upon mankind as Christ did, then we can be true Synthesizers.

Question Thirty-Four: Do you pick up hitchhikers?

(a) Never


Having done some hitchhiking myself, I have had a first hand look at the type of people who pick them up. They are almost all good-hearted, generous people of goodwill. No one picks up all hitchhikers on the road, but a true Synthesizer will feel empathy toward those less fortunate travelers than himself and pick them up once in a while. If you feel that you would only pick one up if you felt inspired or if you knew one was in trouble, that isn’t good enough for a (b) answer. For a (b) answer, you should have a past record of picking some up. (Note from the year 2021: Hitchhikers are pretty rare these days so there is not much opportunity to help them, but there were a lot of them when I was younger)

Question Thirty-Five: What is your reaction toward beggars? (a) Ignore them. They should get a job.

(b) Give to them when possible.

Again, we test your generosity and goodwill. Many people feel that all beggars are leeches on society and that they are in that situation because of their own fault and that helping them only encourages them to beg more. I find that many of those who proclaim the loudest of their belief in the Bible are the last to obey the injunction of the Master: “Give to him that asketh thee.” Matt. 5:42. It is true that one may find reason after reason for not helping a person who is down and out, such as: “He’ll just spend it on booze.” “He’s probably making a lot of money doing it.” “Giving just encourages more begging.” “He won’t appreciate it.”

These same people may be the first to help the rich old lady up the street shovel her snow, as long as she is a member of their religion, so they can broadcast the good deed among their friends.

If you merely are willing to give to a beggar when a great stroke of inspiration from heaven hits you or when you know it is a matter of life and death, this is not enough. If you want to know if you deserve the (b) answer, examine your past life. What percentage of the times you have been approached by someone begging for money did you give? If you have given around 25% or more of the times you were asked, or when you were able, then you may deserve some points. Otherwise answer (a).

Question Thirty-Six: What is your reaction toward religious people (of a religion different from yours) who knock on your door wanting to give you a message? (a) Slam the door in their face. (b) Politely tell them I am not interested. (c) Give them a few minutes of my time and then tell them I am not interested. (d) Listen to them and also share my philosophy with them.

Having knocked on over 5,000 doors in the name of a religion a lifetime ago when I was a young LDS missionary, I have a firsthand knowledge of the typical reaction of the public. The average person is completely closed-minded and wants to get rid of you as soon as possible. About one out of ten will slam the door in your face or a semblance thereof. About 80% will politely tell you they are not interested. The remainder fit in categories (c) and (d). Even many of those who listen do it out of courtesy and not because they are open-minded. Some are merely afraid of offending you. Very few are willing to listen and share philosophy or theology. If you answered this (d), ask yourself what your reaction was to the last ten religious people who knocked on your door. How many did you invite inside? Even if you do not agree with them, you might remember that a little courtesy is like an oasis in a desert to them. If you have not actually entertained these people periodically, then you should not answer (d).

Question Thirty-Seven: When Jesus comes again:

(a) People will have to obey him and recognize his authority or be destroyed. (b) People will be free to reject his rule and still remain on the earth.

(a) The authoritarian “Obey or else” type of person will select this one.

(b) Those with more tolerance, which is the mark of the Synthesizer, will choose this. Furthermore, the scriptures support this answer.

Thirty-Eight: Mohammed claimed he received visitations from the angel Gabriel. How do you look upon this claim (If you are not a Muslim)?

(a) It could not be the same Gabriel who appeared to Mary the mother of Jesus. (b) It is possible it could be the same angel. (c) I do not believe in angels.

(b) scores the highest here, for the Synthesizer, realizing that God works through many different religions would be open to the possibility of Gabriel visiting someone outside of the Christian faith.

Question Thirty-Nine: If you knew you had only $10.03 in the bank and you received a statement showing that you had a balance of $1003.00, you would: (a) Tell the bank about the error.

(b) Keep the money. The bank wouldn’t miss it. (c) Not sure I could resist the temptation.

Honesty is a virtue for all classes of people, so obviously (a) is the best answer. (c) gets two points because one would have to be fairly honest with himself to choose this one. Perhaps some of those who marked (a) should have marked (c).

Question Forty: What is your attitude toward painful emotional hurts and experiences of the past?

(a) I do not like to be reminded of them, as I seem to relive the pain. (b) It does not bother me to think back on them, or to talk about them.

The Synthesizer is not controlled by his feelings, or the feeling world, but by the mind and intuition. Thus he has the ability to look upon painful experiences in the past with detachment. Let us take an example of the emotional reaction: A young couple is in love and they have a favorite song they play over and over as they gaze lovingly into each other’s eyes.

Without notice the man becomes attracted to another woman and ruthlessly jilts his loved one. The young lady is very upset and depressed over her lost love, but she gradually adjusts and acquires another boyfriend. He invites her over to his place for a romantic evening and a charming atmosphere seems to be created. Suddenly the stereo plays the song that was “their song” and she breaks down and cries and wants to leave. He is at a loss to understand what is wrong, for she does not want to talk about it –”it hurts too much.”

Another example: A woman is raped while staying in a particular motel. From this point on she never wants to stay in any motel again, even if it is particularly safe, and she cannot bear to enter the motel in which she was raped even with an armed guard.

Third example: A little boy is run over by a bright yellow car. The car does not stop, but peels away at great speed and the driver is never apprehended. The little boy’s father had a bright yellow car, but now he cannot stand the sight of it because it reminds him of the accident. He will not ride in any bright yellow car unless it is a matter of life and death, because it brings back painful memories.

A Synthesizer would react differently to the above situations. A Synthesizer is not without emotion. He feels emotion like anyone else, but is not ruled by his feeling, because he is not polarized in his emotional nature. In the first example, the tune would indeed remind the Synthesizer of her lost love, but because she would not be polarized in the emotional nature she would be able to handle it in a rational manner. She could mentally stop her feelings from being transported back into the past, even as she may talk about the song and the memories it brings. In fact, she may still enjoy listening to the tune and can play it over and over with no pain. She is perfectly willing to talk about the experience of her lost love.

The second example would be a real test even for a true Synthesizer, but any emotional situation can be handled if one does not shift gears back to emotional control. Logically, she should have no more fear of staying in a motel after the rape than before. Even before the incident, she realized the possibility. Now that the freak event has happened, there is no more danger than there was before. Of course, if the rape happened through carelessness, then logically, correct precautions must be taken in the future. The Synthesizer could continue to visit motels– even the motel in which she was raped without reliving the pain. It may be discomforting, but she could handle it.

In the third case, the Synthesizer realizes that the color yellow had nothing to do with his boy’s accident. The color may temporarily remind him of that painful event, but he does not relive the pain and does not feel impelled to sell his yellow car.

After reviewing these three examples, you may want to reread the question and make sure you have answered it properly.

May 31, 2004

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The Synthesis Test – Analysis, Part IV

The Synthesis Test – Analysis, Part IV

Question Twenty-One: If Jesus had returned to the earth and all the nations laid down their arms and peace was established with the kingdom of God a physical reality, and a man rebelled and shouted: “Jesus is crazy, do not follow him. The old ways are better.” If the man then went about teaching a philosophy completely contrary to the Kingdom of God, what would happen? (a) The man could not abide here on the earth. He would be killed or removed in some way.

(b) Jesus would be upset and punish the man. (c) Jesus’ feelings would be hurt, but he would not punish the man. (d) If the man proposed a threat, Jesus may challenge him to a public debate.

Comment: There is nothing in the scriptures that indicates that a person will have his free agency taken away from him when Christ comes again. There is nothing that tells us that there shall not be disagreements at that time. Jesus would not punish the man, for he is merely exercising his right to freedom of speech, which Jesus certainly supported in the New Testament. Jesus’ feelings would not be hurt, as his lofty spirit is above such trivia. If the man led people astray, Jesus might challenge him to a debate and defeat him with the sharp sword that proceeds out of his mouth (See Rev. 19:15) which is the weapon of words that will defeat his enemies. His word was his only weapon against the early Jews and this is the only sword he will need.

Question Twenty-Two: Which is the worst sin?

(a) Looking at a pornographic magazine.

(b) Deliberately hurting your spouse’s feelings.

It should be obvious that looking at a pornographic magazine is not nearly as harmful as making another human being miserable. This question tests common sense.

Question Twenty-Three: Which is the most important?

(a) Reverencing God.

(b) Living in peace with your neighbor.

Those who answer (a) do not realize that we reverence God by living in peace with our neighbor. It is written: “If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: but he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?” I John 4:20.

Question Twenty-Four: None of Hitler’s ideas had any merit. (a) This statement is absolutely true.

(b) Some of his ideas could have benefited mankind.

A person must be unbiased to answer (b) here. A little study of the man will reveal that he had a brilliant mind and numerous useable ideas, but misguided intentions. Hitler was responsible for the first Volkswagen, which was an idea ahead of his time. Under him, the first jet planes were produced and the most advanced rockets in the world at that time. He also initiated the Autobahn which is still in use.

Because a villain has used his talents in a destructive way does not mean every idea he had was bad. He had to come up with things that sounded good to get a following in the first place.

Question Twenty-Five: When we sin:

(a) We make God, as well as ourselves, unhappy. (b) We only make ourselves unhappy. There is no unhappiness with God.

There is nothing in the scriptures to indicate that God is ever unhappy. If sinning makes God unhappy, then He would be unhappy all the time, for there are millions of sins committed hourly. Furthermore, it is written: “In thy presence is fulness of Joy.” Psalms 16:11.

Question Twenty-Six: Which statement is true?

(a) God knows everything there is to know, even the exact second I will awake in the morning.

(b) It is possible that God doesn’t know everything.

This is a good test of broadmindedness, and it is an argument that has concerned humanity down through the ages . Most people believe that God knows every piece of trivia that will ever happen in our lives. Few ever stop to think that God would not even concern Himself with such things, just as a man is not concerned about which direction a slug under a rock is going to turn. It would be a great distraction to have such things in our consciousness. God is at a state of awareness that does not necessitate having His mind cluttered with facts. Furthermore, there is no scripture in the Bible that tells us that He knows everything; thus it is entirely possible that there are things He does not know. To understand this thoroughly, one must understand what is meant by the term “God”, as everyone has different concepts. We shall explore this later.

Question Twenty-Seven: Let us suppose that the draft was reinstalled and our government intervened in a civil war in a foreign country and took the side of a tyrant who was fighting against real freedom fighters seeking democracy. On the other hand, the media was reporting the situation in reverse as if the tyrant was a good guy and the freedom fighters were terrible rebels. You notice that the mass of people believe the media. Not all do though and quite a few avoid the draft. How would you look upon draft dodgers? (a) They are all dishonorable, for they are breaking the law. (b) They are doing the honorable thing, for the war is immoral. (c) Some are honorable, some are dishonorable.

(a) The black and white person will give this answer, for all he will see is that the draft dodgers went against authority. There are many who believe it is wrong to go against authority no matter what the reason.

(b) This the answer given by a person from the world of feeling. Because the war is wrong, then all who oppose it are right. We must consider here that many are not aware of the true facts behind the war. Even though some may think the enemy is evil and we are fighting for the cause of freedom, they may not want to fight for other reasons, one of which would be fear or cowardice. This, of course, is dishonorable. They may be taking the correct action, but for the wrong reason.

(c) This is the best answer. Some are honorably refusing to fight in an immoral war, and others are dishonorably unwilling to fight in what appears to them be an honorable war because they are not properly informed..

Question Twenty-Eight: What is your attitude toward free agency? (a) It is never necessary to give it up. (b) It is often necessary to subject our will to an authority over us. (c) Our will should be subject only to the God within.

(a) A person who is unwilling to sacrifice his personal desires at all cannot Synthesize. In fact, he will never be completely at unity with even one other person.

(b) This is the other extreme. The person needs an authority to follow. This is not Synthesis, for the sheep never know the mind of the shepherd, but only follow on blind faith that they are led correctly.

(c) This answer is after the pattern set by the Christ: “Not my will, but thine be done.” This leads to Synthesis, for if two or more people follow the God within or the Holy Spirit, then they will be as one mind, for they are led by one mind and they “have been all made to drink into one Spirit.” I Cor. 12:13.

Question Twenty-Nine: If your daughter came to you and announced that she was in love with a man who was a member of a cult who looked upon their leader as God, and that she planned to marry this man with or without your approval, what would be your reaction?

(a) It’s her life. Let her do what she wants. (b) I would use every means at my disposal to stop her, even force if necessary. (c) I would reserve my judgment until I got to know him a little better. (d) If I disapproved, I would try to persuade her to not marry him, but leave the final decision up to her.

This is one of the hardest questions to answer honestly. I would guess that about half of the populace would react differently in a real life situation than they would answer here. Nevertheless, the answer will give an indication of broadmindedness and common sense.

(a) This answer scores zero. It indicates indifference. Indifference is not broadmindedness, and is not a virtue, but is usually less harmful than th totalitarian approach.

(b) This rates the lowest score, because free will should not be infringed upon by another person except to prevent imminent violence. There is no indication that the man in question is violent.

(c) This is a good answer. It is possible the person is actually quite harmless and that you may like him if you give him a chance.

(d) You may have answered this along with (c), which would have scored the highest points. If you disapprove of your daughter’s action, then there is nothing wrong with trying to use persuasion and reasoning and even appealing to her emotions, but after you present your case the decision should be hers. If she makes a mistake it will still be a learning experience for her and all is not lost. All is never lost.

Question Thirty: If your daughter actually married the above man, what would be your reaction?

(a) I would no longer accept her. The two together would not be welcome in my house. (b) I would still accept my daughter, but he would not be welcome. (c) They would both be treated with the same hospitality I show anyone else.

Whoever answers (a) is at least honest. Many more would react this way than is realized. (c) is obviously the best answer. However, those who answered this one may want to honestly ask themselves if they would really react in such a kind manner.

May 31, 2004

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The Mysteries of A Course in Miracles, Chapter 16

The Mysteries of the Dream

There is a major problem created by some of the wording of the teachings of A Course in Miracles which causes numerous apparent contradictions to appear in the text. A prime cause of this problem is that the Course teaches about the true reality it calls heaven contrasted with the dream world wherein we currently dwell.

The problem occurs because of the way the two worlds are described. Heaven is said to be the only true reality there is, and this visible world is seen as being not real as is a dream.

“The world you see does not exist, because the place where you perceive it is not real.” T-28.V.7

“The world as you perceive it cannot have been created by the Father,” T-11.VII.1

Therefore, when the Course speaks from the reality as seen from God’s view, it often speaks as if this world, we apparently live in, does not even exist.

But the purpose of the entire course is directed to the inhabitants of this dream world that is said to not exist, so something must be somewhere. Unfortunately, the Course is limited to the use of human language in referencing things in this world.

Dealing with the two worlds in the script often causes confusion, for sometimes the Course is speaking from the view of the true reality, and readers think it is talking about this world. Other times it talks about this world, and readers think it is talking about heavenly things.

For instance, in speaking from the heavenly view it says: “You dwell not here (on earth), but in eternity. You travel but in dreams, while safe at home.” T-13.VII.17

This and other verses telling us this world, the body, the past, etc. does not even exist is taken so literally by some students that it makes it difficult to have a conversation with them. If you casually mention anything about living in this world, they will correct you and remind you that you are not here. The problem is that you cannot have an intelligent conversation about any subject without referring to the world we see and how it works.

Some students take a very simplistic view of the power of illusion in this world, seeing it as no more real than a dream at night. The Course says otherwise:

“It is a mistake to believe that a thought system based on lies is weak. Nothing made by a child of God is without power. It is essential to realize this, because otherwise you will be unable to escape from the prison you have made.” T-3.VII.1

In other words, having a flippant attitude toward this illusion we are in and just declaring we are not here falls short of what is needed for liberation. The power we inherited from God made this world, and it takes that same power to undo it.

That said, in this chapter we will look at several problematic interpretations of the Course and try to get some clarification. We have already covered several of these, such as time, predestination, the separation, the one and the many, and others, but here we will focus on illusions about the illusion, or the dream and the awakening.

The first question we will consider is: “Where are we?”

As pointed out in the previous quote, the Course seems to indicate that we are not even here, but “home” in “eternity” or heaven. Verses like this add to the confusion:

“There is no need for help to enter Heaven for you have never left.” C-5.1

“Father, Your Son, who never left, returns to Heaven and his home.” W-pII.241.2

In addition, we are told that our separation from God and heaven never even happened:

In time this (the separation) happened very long ago. In reality it never happened at all.” M-2.2

Many students take these quotes to heart and will correct you if you say anything that deviates from their interpretation.

If you talk of heaven as if it were a place, they will tell you that heaven is not a place. If you talk about being someplace in this world, they will tell you that this world does not exist and you are not here. If you mention anything related to the body, they will accuse you of thinking you are a body and lecture that you are not in a body that isn’t even here.

What it boils down to is that you cannot have a normal conversation with some of these folk, for everything you can say about the world we live in is wrong minded as they see it.

The problem is that we are having an experience in this world, and one cannot say more than a few words without talking about something we see, hear or experience within it, causing ACIM critics to come forward and accuse you of wrong thinking.

Not only are some students violating the teachings of the Course with their zealous corrections bordering on attack, but they are also often more in error than the ones they seek to correct.

So, if we are not here in the world because here does not exist, where are we according to ACIM? Since we are told that “Heaven is not a place nor a condition” T-18.VI.1 then we must not be there either. It appears we are all nowhere if we take things literally.

On the other hand, as Descartes said, “I think therefore, I am;” therefore, we indeed exist and must exist somewhere.

A lot of this problematic dialogue comes from the imperfection of language itself, as many words can be used with several meanings. For instance, the word “place” often refers to a physical location, but other times it does not. Sometimes it refers to a non-physical state. When it says that heaven is not a place, it is saying that it has no physical location that we can visit in a spaceship, but then other times it does use the word as referring to a state of existence.

It is interesting that in the same paragraph where heaven is said to not be a place it says: “The Kingdom of Heaven is the dwelling place of the Son of God.” T-18.VI.1

There are numerous passages using “place” in relation to heaven. Here is one more: “And They come quickly to the living temple, where a home for Them has been set up. There is no place in Heaven holier.” T-26.IX.6

So, from one view presented in ACIM, there is no such thing as a place anywhere, neither in heaven or on earth. There is no place in heaven because there are no physical dimensions there, and there is no place in this world because it is an illusion like a dream and does not really exist.

What does not seem to be realized by some students is that in the correct context the word can be correctly used in reference to things in heaven and the earth.

For example, our dreams we have at night are not real relative to our normal waking state. One could be technically correct in saying that the place you dreamed of does not exist. Yet in describing the dream, you may say you drove your car from one place to another. If one gave this description, it would be silly for the listener to say “you were not in any place!” That is disagreeing just to be disagreeable.

So, if we use ACIM language, how can we accurately describe where we are? This seems like a silly question to the man on the street who would say that he knows exactly where he is. Instead, this is a serious question for many Course students trying to understand the sometimes confusing and seemingly contradictory language.

To clarify, we need to ask whether we are in heaven instead of in this world.

This passage sheds some light: “Now try to reach the Son of God in you. This is the Self that never sinned, nor made an image to replace reality. This is the Self that never left Its home in God to walk the world uncertainly.” W-pI.94.3

So, we in this dream world can look within and “reach the Son of God” who never left his home.

This tells us there is a real part of ourselves that is still at home in heaven with God. But could it be that we are 100% in heaven and not here when we are having actual experience and perceiving here as being in this world? After all, when we dream at night our consciousness is mostly in the dream. Obviously, something is here in this place. Even when we dream we are having an experience in a non-physical place in the dream state, so why would we deny that anything is happening here?

The problem is in the Course language which only recognizes reality that is eternal and changeless. Thus, the earth and everything in it is not eternal, so it is not classified as real and sometimes seen as not even existing.

But there are two worlds where we experience life. The first is the eternal world which the Course calls heaven, and the second is the world of time and space where all things have a beginning and an end. All things with a beginning and an end are seen as not real because when they cease to exist and the focus is on the eternal present, it is as if nothing happened.

On the other hand, when living in time, lots seem to be happening, and from our perception we are living here now. After all, the Course says that “the thought (of this world) become a serious idea, and possible of both accomplishment and real effects.” T-27.VIII.6

So, the creation of this world and universe of form became “possible of both accomplishment and real effects” to the extent that part of the Sonship separated and produced these effects that we experience here.

The Course is quite confusing in saying on one hand that this world and separation does not exist, yet speaks of it consistently throughout its entire half million words. Why go to such effort to redeem us from something that never happened and does not exist? This makes absolutely no sense when taken literally.

Obviously, this world has an existence, and the separation was real enough to cause God to be “lonely without His Sons, and they are lonely without Him.” T-2.III.5

Some students will insist that this world never happened and we are not here, yet the Course says that the separation caused God to be lonely and to create the Holy Spirit to help bring the prodigal son home. In addition, Jesus has made a tremendous effort in creating A Course in Miracles as a guide to help us awaken and return home. Would he spend all that effort on nothing?

Why go to all that effort to create an extensive Course as a remedy for something that does not even have an existence?

Obviously, some are not understanding the true message of the Course, which is that a separation did happen causing God to think, “My children sleep and must be awakened.” T-6.V.1 and we are to “not delay my coming home” W-pII.242.1

Here the Course makes it clear that our existence here is more than a non-existent symbol:

“The Separation is NOT symbolic. It is an order of reality, or a system of thought that is PERFECTLY real in time, though not in Eternity. All beliefs are real to the believer.” UR T 3 I 6 “The separation is a system of thought real enough in time, though not in eternity” T-3.VII.3

This separated reality was created by mind. Since mind is eternal, it could also be:

“It may surprise you to learn that had the ego willed to do so, it COULD have made the eternal, because, as a product of the mind, it IS endowed with the power of its own creator.” UR T 4 F 13

The problem in understanding comes from the fact that the Course stresses that true reality only consists of that which is eternal, and since this separated world has a beginning and an end it is temporary. When it is over, all is like a dream that never happened in heaven.

But what is overlooked is time and space, as well as dreams, are real when we are in them, and we are definitely in a dream now or we wouldn’t be discussing the Course.

To equate this dream, which we made real, to a dream at night, is somewhat misleading as they are significantly different. Let us list a few differences.

For simplicity’s sake we’ll call our existence here Dream 1 and a dream at night Dream 2.

(1) Dream 1 is much more complex and elaborate with many consistent laws and forms lasting billions of years.

Dream 2 is fleeting, lasting only a few minutes and has few if any laws.

(2) When an entity in Dream 1 wakes up, the other entities and forms do not disappear as they do in Dream 2, but are still there trapped in the dream. The awake person can even communicate with the people in Dream 1 after awakening.

Example: Jesus woke up but we and the universe is still here and he can communicate with individuals as he did with Helen Schucman.

In addition, the Course tells us of other advanced beings who have awakened, yet can communicate with us:

“There are those who have reached God directly, retaining no trace of worldly limits and remembering their own Identity perfectly. These might be called the Teachers of teachers because, although they are no longer visible, their image can yet be called upon. And they will appear when and where it is helpful for them to do so. To those to whom such appearances would be frightening, they give their ideas. No one can call on them in vain.” M-26.2

(3) Waking up from Dream 2 is simple, as the slightest disturbance will do the trick.

Waking up from Dream 1 is very complex as it involves billions of individual lives. All the billions of lives in the dream have to wake up before the larger composite life, called The Son, fully awakens. A great disturbance, even a super nova, does not awaken the One Son.

(4) Cause and effect and laws are consistent in Dream 1, but are lacking in Dream 2.

(5) You may have some vision and audio in Dream 2, but the rest of the senses from Dream 1 are pretty much dormant.

(6) We learn and apply things in Dream 1, but this rarely if ever happens in Dream 2.

(7) We use reason and choice in Dream 1, but we basically just drift along without thinking in Dream 2.

We thus see that blithely stating that our life here is like a dream doesn’t really give the full picture. About the only way it is like a dream is that it has a beginning and an end. When anything ends, it is in the past, and when attention is taken off that past and focused on the Eternal Now, then it is like a dream which has passed.

What is similar in the two dream states is that we do have a real experience that has been created by the power of mind. In both cases the experience is caused by a creation of the mind.

According to ACIM, creation of our entire physical universe including our bodies are caused by a dream:

“Does not a world that seems quite real arise in dreams? Yet think what this world is. It is clearly not the world you saw before you slept. Rather it is a distortion of the world, planned solely around what you would have preferred.” T-18.II.1

“What if you recognized this world is an hallucination? What if you really understood you made it up?” T-20.VIII.2

This is in harmony with us not being our bodies.

The Course does not say the body wakes up. It is the Son who is asleep that needs to wake up:

“Sleep is not death. What He created can sleep, but cannot die. Immortality is His Will for His Son, and His Son’s will for himself.” T-11.I.9

The real us is a part that is one with the One Son of God. From the standpoint of eternity, this world is not real but it was an actual happening with “real effects.”

“In his forgetting did the thought become a serious idea, and possible of both accomplishment and real effects.” T-27.VIII.6

Another source of confusion is that the awakening of the Son occurs in two stages, but many students lump them together as if it were one event.

The first stage is where part of the Sons wake up, and the second and final stage is where they all wake up, realizing they belong to the life of the One Son.

Most assume that Jesus is awake and 100% in heaven, yet He says:

“Because my feet are on the ground and my hands are in Heaven, I can bring down the glories of Heaven to my brothers on earth.” UR T 1 B 40ab

It appears then that even Jesus does not yet dwell fully in heaven, for his “feet are on the ground.” In other words, he still has a presence in this earth or the dream world.

He gives additional light on this:

“I must understand uncertainty and pain, although I know they have no meaning. Yet a savior must remain with those he teaches, seeing what they see, but still retaining in his mind the way that led him out, and now will lead you out with him.” W-pI.rV.in.6

So even Jesus must remain connected to this dream world “seeing what they see.” Obviously, this connection allowed him to see into the lives of Helen and Bill so he was aware of what was going on in their lives.

And why is this?

Because all the Sons of God must awaken for the separation to completely end. Even those who achieve awakening cannot be completely at peace or in heaven until all have been liberated:

“And as they rest, the face of Christ shines on them and they remember the laws of God, forgetting all the rest and yearning only to have His laws perfectly fulfilled in them and all their brothers. Think you when this has been achieved that you will rest without them? You could no more leave one of them outside than I could leave you, and forget part of myself.” T-20.IV.7

Let me repeat this crucial part: “You could no more leave one of them outside than I could leave you, and forget part of myself.”

Furthermore, “Souls cannot rest until everyone has found salvation.” UR T 1 B 24a. 24 “Ultimately, every member of the family of God must return.” UR T 1 B 34b “It is the duty of the released to release their brothers.” UR T 1 B 29a

The goal is to have all the Sons awaken so that the whole Sonship can be at peace. Until then, a few will awaken here and there, but even here one cannot awaken alone, just focusing on himself. It can only happen by sharing the Sonship with your brother.

“For you will not see the light, until you offer it to all your brothers. As they take it from your hands, so will you recognize it as your own.” W-pI.153.11

“Together is your joint inheritance remembered and accepted by you both. Alone it is denied to both of you.” T-31.II.11

The sharing and awakening process will go on for a long period until it is complete, for the full salvation will take a very lengthy period of time as is written:

“the separation occurred over millions of years, the Last Judgment will extend over a similarly long period, and perhaps an even longer one.” T-2.VIII.2

Scientists tell us that this universe, which is the result of the separation, is over 13 billion years old. Is it possible that the full awakening could take that long? Or perhaps the Course is referring to the beginning of human consciousness which was millions of years back instead of billions.

Whatever the case, any amount of time from the point of view of eternity is counted as a mere instant. When fully awakened, even a billion years in the past is seen as an instant, or as nothing.

One final problem confronting students concerning the awakening is this. In some places the Course speaks of God as having only one Son, and then in others speaks of Sons or many parts. This causes a division on what will be the final result of our awakening.

Some take the One Son concept literally to the extent that they believe that they will awaken to be the One Son with no parts. Others see it as awakening with a realization of being connected to the One Life while still a part of it, something like a cell in the body has a distinct life but is also a part of the whole.

Reaching the right view on this should be a no-brainer. While it is true that the Course does speak of God having “one Son” 14 times it speaks of having Sons (plural) 54 times. When looking at the text as a whole, it is obvious that the One Son is composed of many Sons creating a united one life. This we covered in some depth in chapter five.

One of the best references illustrating this is the Course using the parable of Jesus concerning the Prodigal Son. One son left his home and the other stayed behind. This corresponds to the separation as mentioned here by the Voice:

“The Atonement actually began long before the Crucifixion. Many Souls offered their efforts on behalf of the Separated Ones but they could not withstand the strength of the attack, and had to be brought back. Angels came, too, but their protection was not enough, because the Separated ones were not interested in peace.” UR T 2 B 43

So, you have two groups here – the “Separated Ones” who entered the dream and the “Many Souls” who stayed with God. Obviously, the life of the One Son is composed of many parts that are capable of division.

This different interpretation of oneness also causes confusion on what happens when we awaken from the dream. Those who lean toward the One-Son-only interpretation see the dream as only being had by one entity and not as a shared experience of many parts. They say that when we dream at night, we may dream of many different characters; but when we awaken, we find they are just figments of our imagination. Only the single dreamer is real, they say. They therefore believe that when they wake up from this greater dream, that all the people in this world will disappear and be no more. Only the single dreamer will remain.

This interpretation has many problems. First, as we pointed out earlier, there are numerous differences between a night dream and our dream world here. There are some rough correspondences, but exact matches do not work.

The question to ask such a believer is who is the true dreamer – me or you? If it is you, then I will disappear when you wake up, and if it is me, you will be the one going into oblivion.

Indeed, if there is only one having the dream and it corresponds to a dream at night, then all the billions of people on the planet are just figments of your imagination and would disappear upon awakening.

The problem is that this did not happen in reality. The first we know of who has awakened was Jesus with his resurrection. So, after his awakening, did all his loved ones, friends and people in his dream disappear as do people in our night dreams?

No. He visited his apostles and loved ones who were still here and not yet fully awake. In fact, the entire world was still here.

As we quoted earlier: “Yet a savior must remain with those he teaches, seeing what they see, but still retaining in his mind the way that led him out, and now will lead you out with him.” W-pI.rV.in.6

So even though Jesus is awake, he still has an obligation to teach others what he knows.

“It is the function of God’s ministers to help their brothers choose as they have done. God has elected all, but few have come to realize His Will is but their own. And while you fail to teach what you have learned, salvation waits and darkness holds the world in grim imprisonment.” W-pI.153.11

These passages and numerous others make it clear that we do not dream alone:

“Like you, your brother thinks he is a dream. Share not in his illusion of himself, for your Identity depends on his reality. Think, rather, of him as a mind in which illusions still persist, …Your mind and his are joined in brotherhood.” T-28.IV.3

“The special ones are all asleep, surrounded by a world of loveliness they do not see.” T-24.III.7

As stated earlier, the awakening happens in two stages. First, individuals awaken and assist loved ones to follow. Then in the far future, all the Sons of God will awaken together.

This passage reflects the whole story:

“All that is given you is for release; the sight, the vision and the inner Guide all lead you out of hell with those you love beside you, and the universe with them.” T-31.VII.7

The one who awakens seeks to aid those he loves, producing an eventual chain reaction that eventually affects the whole universe.

It is this final awakening that corresponds more closely to the night dream. We altogether will share the life of the One Son, and when the many parts of the One Son fully awaken, the entire dream world will disappear. That is when the true disappearance of the universe will happen.

For us in time, the event is a long way away, but from the view of eternity only an instant will pass.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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The Synthesis Test – Analysis, Part 3

The Synthesis Test – Analysis, Part 3

Question Eleven: Which would you rather win?

(a) A free ticket on the first passenger rocket to the moon. (b) An all expense trip around the world.

A Synthesizer always has a spirit of adventure and loves to explore and discover, therefore he would rather go to the moon than on a mundane cruise around the world.

Question Twelve: If you were in the mountains and met a harmless looking old man, who told you that he was a keeper to a passageway to the center of the earth and you had been selected to meet some wise master awaiting your visit; but first you must follow the old man through an unknown passageway, what would be your attitude?

(a) Assume immediately the old man was crazy and ignore him. (b) Be curious and ask some questions, but not go to the passageway. (c) Ask questions and follow the old man just to see if such a passage exists, but not enter it.

(d) Probably be curious enough to follow the old man into the passageway.

This question is also related to curiosity and the desire to explore, which is the mark of the Synthesizer. Such a person would be curious enough to follow the old man to the cave and courageous enough to enter it and explore. The man with the highly developed intuition would generally know if he was in danger.

Question Thirteen: If an old friend, whom you knew was a bit eccentric, approached you with a sure fire get-rich-quick business venture concerning a revolutionary computer product, requiring a $l,000.00 investment (which you just happen to have at the time), and he tells you that you should be able to get that back tenfold in a month, plus, with a little work, obtain financial security for the rest of your life–you would: (a) Be polite, but express no interest in the venture. After all, the man has a reputation of being involved in useless schemes. (b) Be polite, listen to what the man has to say, then ignore him. (c) Listen to what the man has to say, on the off chance that he may have come across a venture of real value. If the idea sounds good, and further investigation warrants it, I may invest in it. (d) If the man presents me an attractive enough picture, I would take a chance and definitely invest in it.

This question tests tolerance, curiosity and open-mindedness. Also there will be many who may not give a truly honest answer here, for few people will listen or consider the ideas of one who has a reputation of being eccentric. (c) is, of course, the best answer. A Synthesizer has enough sense to not jump at an opportunity just because it sounds good. He will at least investigate it as much as possible. If, however, the idea strikes a chord with his intuition, he may espouse it contrary to what appears logical.

Question Fourteen: If you had a six year old daughter who, as far as you knew, was completely normal, and she came up to you out of the blue and explained that some space people were in contact with her by mental telepathy and that they had a very important message for your family and also for the people of the earth, how would you react? (a) I would feel that my daughter is possessed and take her to my religious authorities. (b) I would feel that she has a problem and take her for professional help. (c) I would ignore the problem and hope it goes away. (d) I would question her with the attitude that her communication may be valid. (e) If the communications seemed logical and intuitionally sound, I would take them seriously

This question is a good test of open-mindedness. Be sure you are honest here. Open-mindedness is the hardest point to prove through a test because almost all people believe themselves to be so. I have never met one person who thought he was closed-minded, yet there are billions of such persons out there.

Question Fifteen: How do you feel about exceeding the speed limits? (a) One should never exceed the speed limit except in an emergency. (b) One should be able to go as fast as he wants without harassment. (c) I look upon the speed limit as a guide and try to make safety the main principle in my driving. I do not feel bad about exceeding the speed limit a few miles if there is no additional hazard.

A Synthesizer always recognizes the shades of grey and obeys laws, rules and regulations because of the good they achieve. If going a few miles over the speed limit creates no harm, then his conscience does not suffer. Those who are bothered about going five miles over the speed limit would have done well under the law of Moses, but missed the concept of the law of Christ.

Question Sixteen: If your mother was cheating on her income tax and the authority (religious, political or otherwise) whom you admired most told you to report her–would you? (a) Yes (b) No.

Again, the black and white type person would answer yes here. This is the type of person who made Hitler so successful. Much of Hitler’s success was due to the good Christian people reporting on each other for indiscretions. The mother of the Synthesizer would have to be guilty of significant harmfulness before he would even consider reporting her to the authorities. He may counsel her in private where he sees it may be beneficial.

Question Seventeen: If your child broke a fairly harmless archaic school rule, which if discovered would lead to expulsion, would you report him if the authority you admired most counseled you to? (a) Yes. (b) No.

The same principle applies here. Many would not report transgressions of others on their own initiative, but would if some authoritative figure told them to–a prophet or priest, for instance. A Synthesizer does not have an authority for his conscience, but the Holy Spirit.

Question Eighteen: If your children were starving and you had a rich neighbor who refused to give you any food and you had an opportunity to steal some bread from him which may save the lives of your children, how do you think God would feel if you stole the loaf?

(a) I have committed a sin because I have broken a commandment. I must be punished. Even though I was in an awkward situation, I shouldn’t have done the deed, nor should I have allowed myself to be put in that circumstance. (b) God would overlook it , as I took the loaf as an act of love.

One who answers (a) here must look upon God in a similar light as the Nazis looked upon Hitler or as the Jews in the time of Christ looked upon their religion. Jesus told them: “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have OMITTED THE WEIGHTIER MATTERS OF THE LAW, JUDGMENT, MERCY, AND FAITH.” Matt. 23:23. Mercy, we are told here, is one of the weightier matters of the law that is overlooked in the (a) answer. What is more important, a loaf of bread, or a child’s life?

Question Nineteen: Do you favor laws that would make harmful cults illegal? (a) Yes. (b) No.

The black and white person would be likely to answer yes here, but this is a fairly dangerous way of thinking, similar to that of the leaders in the Roman Empire in the days of Christianity. They thought Christianity was a harmful cult, made it illegal and put many Christians to death. There are laws already on the books defining what is lawful. If a cult disregards these laws, then it can be dealt with according to the law, but to define certain cults as illegal may suppress a new inspired religion that may arise in the future.

Question Twenty: Which is the worst sin?

(a) Doubting the word of God

(b) Robbing a bank.

Doubting the word of God is not a sin. How can one even know if a statement is from God unless he doubts it first and examines it logically and through the Spirit?

May 31, 2004

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The Synthesis Test – Analysis, Part 2

The Synthesis Test – Analysis, Part 2

Question Six: What do you think of religions other than your own? (a) Some of them may have been inspired by God. (b) They are either the creations of men’s minds or from the devil. (c) Some may contain some sound doctrine, but God recognizes only my religion.

(a) This answer rates a positive score, for it shows open-mindedness and the ability to see a larger part of the elephant than the mere leg he is holding on to.

(b) Again we have an extremely closed view. This person thinks the elephant is like a tree.

(c) This person is open-minded enough to see some truth in other religions, but is blinded to the fact that God is willing to work through them as well as his own.

Question Seven: What do you think of scriptures other than the Bible, such as the Koran or the Buddhist scriptures?

(a) Inspired by the devil.

(b) All could have some inspiration from God in them. I’d have to read them and see.

(c) I do not even have to read them to know they are not true.

(a)&(c) are extremely closed-minded. It is very unlikely that one who answers such could be a Synthesizer. (b) reveals open-mindedness.

Question Eight: What do you think of the devil?

(a) No semblance of any such being exists. (b) He is a being totally evil that puts all my evil thoughts in my mind. (c) There is a devil, but most of my evil thoughts are my own. (d) The devil is a symbol of the evil that confronts us, no such being exists. (e) The devil is indeed a symbol, but there is a reality behind all symbols and beings of great evil do exist, but they are not responsible for all the evil we do

(a) This attitude is closed-minded. To the Synthesizer, anything may be possible.

(b) This answer reveals great ignorance and even contradicts the Bible:” But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.” James 1:14.

“When He (God) made man He made him straightforward, but man invents endless subtleties on his own.” Eccl 7:29 New English Version.

Man is responsible for his own thoughts and evil intentions, not the devil.

(c) This is closer to the truth, but only rates two points, as it reveals no great insight.

(d) This person is closer to the truth than (b) but his mind is still closed to the possibility that such a being exists. We should be open to all possibilities.

(e) It is logical that the “devil” and “Satan” as described in the scriptures are often symbolic, but, on the other hand, it is also reasonable to assume that beings of great evil do exist in this universe and the battles of good versus evil continues on a cosmic plane higher than our own.

The word devil as it is used in the Bible comes from the Greek word DIABOLOS. This word is used in the following scripture: “Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.” Matt. 4:1. But the word literally means “accuser” or “adversary”. What then was the adversary that tempted Jesus? Was it an evil being, or his carnal self?

DIABOLOS is translated in the King James version to other words than “DEVIL”. Paul advised: “The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers…”Tim. 2:3. The Greek word for “false accusers” is the same DIABOLOS.

If DIABOLOS were translated consistently then we have Paul here telling old women not to be devils. He uses the same words concerning wives in I Timothy 3:11. It is there translated: “slanderers”.

The word “Satan” comes from the Hebrew word SATAN and similarly means “accuser, attacker or adversary”. SATAN is not translated literally in a number of passages. If it were, the Christian world would look upon the word in a different perspective. In several instances in I Kings Chapter eleven, we have God Himself stirring up the devil: “And the Lord stirred up an adversary (From the Hebrew ‘SATAN’) unto Solomon.” I Kings 11:14 “And God stirred up another adversary (SATAN) Rezon the son of Eliadah.” Verse 23 “And he was an adversary (SATAN) to Israel all the days of Solomon.” Verse 25.

The most amazing antithesis to the accepted meaning of SATAN is found in the story of Balaam: “And God’s anger was kindled because he went: and the ANGEL OF THE LORD STOOD IN THE WAY FOR AN ADVERSARY (SATAN) against him.” Numbers 22:22.

First we have God stirring up Satan and then we have an angel of the Lord actually becoming Satan. It is obvious that the word has come down to us with a distorted meaning, thanks to the crude belief in the devil that was common during the Middle Ages when the King James Version was produced.

The only other word with the connotation of “devil” is Lucifer. This is mentioned only once in the entire Bible in Isaiah 14:12 and this is not intended to refer to some horned devil, but to the King of Babylon! The word itself comes from the Hebrew HEYLEL which means “the morning star” or “the day star”, It has an implied meaning of “lightbringer”.. The planet Venus has often been called the morning star and that may have been the original Lucifer.

In speaking of Lucifer, God told Isaiah to “take up this proverb against the King of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! The golden city ceased!” Isa 14:4.

The ancient Babylon spoken of here is both literal and symbolic. In one sense it refers to that ancient city Babylon that fell, and also to that materialistic system at the end of the age, epitomized by Hitler, that is to fall. This Babylon was to fall in a symbolic period of “one hour” according to Revelations Chapter 18. It was to be utterly destroyed. For further enlightenment, read this whole chapter. It has many similarities to Isaiah 14

The ancient Babylon was indeed the morning star of the earth at one time. Daniel saw it in his image as the head of gold, or the morning star of all the political kingdoms of the earth. The original Babylon or Babel was built by Nimrod contrary to the commandment of God to spread abroad on the face of the earth. All of the various kings of the literal and symbolic Babylons are exemplified in Lucifer: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” Isa 14:12.

Hitler, a modern king of Babylon, fulfills this description. He weakened the nations, but was cut down. As one reads the whole chapter, one can see how Hitler or other characters of an Anti-Christ nature can fit this description.

The symbolism could also extend to the heavenly spheres. Perhaps there is a great Babylon challenging the heavenly realms with a morning star, Lucifer, at the helm.

A possible reference to this is found in the book of Revelation: “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon: and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And that great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: He was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Rev 12:7-9.

This does not mean that there were real serpents and dragons and medieval devils involved here, but there do exist beings that are best described with this symbolism. We are told that these beings are right here on the earth. Is it not logical to assume that many of them have the bodies of men walking around in the flesh? Are not men themselves capable of being great adversaries, accusers, and devils? It is true that many similar beings may exist in an unseen world, but you have to go a long way to find a better devil than Hitler, for instance.

The Victorian concept of the devil is not correct, even by Bible standards, but there are adversaries (Satans) to the truth on every hand that must be defeated by the word of truth.

Question Nine: How do your religious beliefs compare with the way you were taught as a child?

(a) I am still a member of the same religion. (b) I have changed religious beliefs. My philosophy is much different now than I was taught as a child.

(c) I have changed religions, but my basic philosophy of life is about the same.

A Synthesizer is one who can change and adapt as truth is presented to him. He never reaches the plateau of self-satisfaction; therefore his basic philosophy will often change several times in his life. He may even find himself in the position of Winston Churchhill, who went through all the political parties and added one of his own. Many of his peers, observing this change, thought him to be a traitor to their cause. He had enemies within the whole round of political belief because they could not understand the motivation behind his constant changing. An enlightened person will usually change philosophies several times in his life and never find an ultimate truth to keep him permanently satisfied. On the other hand, as he undergoes this change he will sift the good from the bad, the true from the false, and keep that which is beneficial, discarding the unusable.

Question Ten: What do you think of evolution?

(a) It is a doctrine inspired by the devil. (b) There is no truth to it at all, (c) It could be basically true and still not conflict with the Bible. (d) The Bible and evolution cannot both be true.

It is interesting to observe people’s reaction to the word “evolution”. Those who answer (a) or (b) usually are not even aware of the definition of the word, which is “The process of unfolding or gradual development.” We can even use the word in connection with the origin of the Bible, for this book was not created by some spontaneous means by God, but was gradually compiled and evolved. Thus, the Bible is a product of evolution. However, because a feeling person is likely to associate evolution with Darwin alone he may not be caught dead using the word favorably at all.

We shall not go into a dissertation on the truth of evolution here. All thinking people realize that some points of Darwin’s theory is a fait accompli, proven beyond argument. By selective breeding scientists have caused both the plant and animal kingdom to evolve better strains and higher quality species.

The Bible even directly tells us that God did not create by a direct spontaneous creation, as many fundamentalists suppose. It is written: “And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind…” Gen 1:11. Here we see that God let the earth itself “bring forth”, or evolve, the plant kingdom.

We are told that the fish and bird kingdom came from the waters: “And God said, let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.” Gen 1:20.

Again we are told that the earth brought forth the animal kingdom: “And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.” Gen 1:24.

Contrary, then, to the belief that God directly made all living things, the Bible tells us that he had the earth and waters bring them forth, or evolve them. This is in harmony with scientific thought.

The only thing that God claimed to make Himself is man, and this idea may explain the missing links in man’s evolution. It is quite possible that God-like beings from other planets visited the earth in earlier times and left their seed upon it. Whatever the case, the thinking person will not discard the logical elements of any theory. A Synthesizer must be open-minded.

May 31, 2004

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