Emotional Issues

Emotional Issues

Let us continue our discussion corresponding our time to the civil war era.

We have already discussed a number of topics that the nation is currently warring over. Instead of one main issue – slavery with a subsidiary issue of states rights, we seem to have many issues. Some we have discussed are abortion, death penalty, the war in Iraq, conspiracies, euthanasia, drunk driving and a few others.

It seems that the current astral civil war is over a plethora of issues instead of the one. Almost every week some new issue comes up that severely divides the people.

The latest issue (in Feb 2004) is the issuance of marriage licenses for gays by the mayor of San Francisco. Part of the population feel he should be immediately arrested and the other part feel he should be given a medal.

Before this we had the opposite situation where a judge on the right wing defied the law by refusing to remove the Ten Commandments from his courthouse. Again a good portion of the people thought he should be arrested and the other part thought he should be given an award.

It is interesting how similar the above two issues are. Here are some of them.

(1) Both sides feel that their freedom and civil rights are at stake.

(2) Both sides feel very strongly that they should have their way.

(3) Both sides feel their issue is of extreme importance and the other side is trivial that the other guy should just follow the law and let it go – but their issue is above the law.

(4) Neither side is trying to have empathy for the other point of view.

(5) Both have an approach filled with religious zeal.

(6) Both are unconcerned with majority will.

(7) Both condemn each other in numerous ways.

(8) Neither issue is of much importance in the scheme of things, but each side attaches sublime importance to their view.

This last statement will alarm people on the left and right so let me explain.

On the Right:

It is of little consequence as to whether a monument for the Ten Commandments is allowed in a courthouse as long as freedom of speech is not curtailed or as long as people are free to place whatever they wish (within reason) on private property. What matters more is that justice is administered by the courts.

On an issue like this the matter should be determined by the will of the majority and not an activist judge – especially since the matter can be argued both ways from the Constitution.

On the Left.

I do not see this as a significant issue one way or another either. Why?

I use the golden rule here.

What if the State were to tell me I couldn’t have a piece of paper certifying that I was married, but that was all the further they went?

This wouldn’t bother me in the least.


Because true marriage is a commitment between two people and really has nothing to do with a piece of paper. The document only has a physiological effect and that’s about it. I do not need the psychological effect.

Both of these matters have more to do with psychological effect than any real effect. To see that this is true all one needs to do is imagine what life would be like if the right and the left quit feeling so passionate about these and other issues and moved ahead and lived within the system as it is. Would things be different either way?

Not much.

Both sides are often upset because of attachment to their issues rather than the real effect behind their issues.

Because then of the golden rule I cannot get excited one way or another about gay marriage because I’m not excited for myself about the piece of paper granted by the state to begin with. If I am not that concerned about myself I have a hard time getting excited about it for someone else.

On the other hand, my real marriage to my wife which is my commitment to her is of profound importance that far overshadows the approval of the State and makes the certificate it gives pale in significance.

It is true that there are some legal advantages to being married, but there are disadvantages also. I think they about cancel each other out.

I do think that if they do legalize gay marriages that they should also do the same for polygamists who have just as good of a case. I have a number of friends, and even family, who are polygamists and they are always in danger of the State giving them grief – not just telling them they can’t get married but going after them for breaking the law. At least the gays can have a partnership without fear of going against the law.

I don’t agree with polygamy, but if the relationship is entered into with free will and they aren’t hurting anyone they should be left to live their lives in peace.

An interesting point here is that there is no Hebrew word for “marriage,” “wife” or “husband” in the old testament. When a man married a woman it merely reads that he “took a woman,” or something to that effect.

All these emotional issues are only representative of a larger issue – the same issue which started the first civil war. And what is this large issue?


The funny thing about the first civil war is that both sides claimed to be fighting for this principle.

How is that you say? How could the southern states who fought to keep their slaves claim to be fighting for freedom?

A number of ways.

(1) Economic freedom. They claimed that the slaves gave them economic freedom and without them this freedom would be lost. They used this argument even though the North was much wealthier without slaves. They also felt the Negro couldn’t handle freedom so they were not taking anything away from them.

(2) They were fighting for the freedom of States Rights, even though they felt a state had the right to enslave a race of people.

(3) They fought for the freedom to maintain their way of life which included slavery.

Now several generations have passed it is obvious to us that the cause of the North represented the true moving ahead of freedom, but rest assured the demarcation was not clear in that age. In that time the South was so sure they represented the greater freedom that they were willing to send their children off to die for the cause.

Even so, in our age is the fight again over freedom. We have the many fighting for illusionary freedom that leads to bondage and only a few who are willing to raise the banner for true freedom.

So where are those fighting for illusionary freedom and where are those fighting for true freedom? What separates the illusion from the reality today? That is the question.

To state “I shall be well,” is to say, “I am ill.” Neville

Feb 21, 2004

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Squares to Triangles

Squares to Triangles

I agree with a comment that the present situation corresponds very closely to that of the civil war. As I said recently, I believe we are having a civil war on the astral level, but this time it engulfs Western Civilization rather than just the United States.

Concerning the period we spend in the spirit realm between lives I believe I recently have written that the average period is around 5-600 years. There are two groups that experience short periods between incarnation.

First those with a low vibration attached to the material world. Murders are included in this and often come back quickly. However, when the vibration of the entire planet is sufficiently raised these individuals will have much longer periods between lives.

Secondly, disciples who have paid off most of the negative karma and have the ability to choose their time. They sometimes bypass the heavenly bliss that is available and come right back into incarnation so they can continue a service.

A reader quotes DK:

“I would remind you that the release of atomic energy has had a far more potent effect in the etheric web than in the dense physical vehicle of the planet. Three times the atomic bomb was used, and that fact is itself significant. It was used twice in Japan, thereby disrupting the etheric web in what you erroneously call the Far East; it was used once in what is also universally called the Far West, and each time a great area of disruption was formed which will have future potent, and at present unsuspected, results.” Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2 Page 61

When DK says “unsuspected” it leaves me considering lots of things. 🙂 Any idea of what these future potent and unsuspected results may be? Why is ‘three’ significant in this case?

JJ: Some students read this and think that these unsuspected results are going to be something bad. But if this would be the case with three small bombs then what about the results nuclear testing later on of dozens of bombs much larger than the original releasing hundreds of time more radiation than was the case when DK wrote this? Logically, it would seem that if this unexpected result were negative and far reaching then we would now be in the midst of a cataclysm and such is not the case.

One of the reasons we read this and wonder where the unexpected results are is that much of what was unexpected in DK’s time is known today and doesn’t seem unexpected.

This unexpected result plays out in the negative and positive. On the negative side is the effect of radiation on the etheric double of the physical which thus effects the dense physical with deterioration, disease, mutations etc. Many studies of those effected at Hiroshima and Nagasaki revealed many “unexpected” findings of intense radiation on physical well being.

There are unexpected results on the positive side yet to be discovered. There are some rough studies that indicate that the slight increases in radiation throughout the world may actually produce numerous positive effects, but it is presently politically incorrect to follow this line of research as political correctness decrees that anything connected with atomic energy is evil.

When we rise above our primitive thinking the world will eventually become aware that atomic radiation is like a medicine. Too much can make you sick or kill, but just enough can stimulate and heal. Most present environmentalist categorically state that any increase in radiation, even a miniscule amount is to be deplored and attacked at all costs.

In addition DK said this:

My problem has been to choose which of the myriad interlocking triangular relationships I would take up with you and thus present this science in such a manner that it would prove of real interest. The inner web of light which is called the etheric body of the planet is essentially a web of triangles and when the evolutionary process is completed, it will have been organised. At present a pattern of squares is the major construction of the web but this is slowly changing as the divine plan works out. The etheric webs of the sacred planets are largely triangles whilst that of the Sun is that of interlaced circles. The effort on Earth today (as seen by the planetary Logos) is to bring about a transformation of the web of the planet and thus slowly change the existing squares into triangles. This is done by the creation of division, by the application of the Law of Separation, but also by the recognition, in consciousness, of duality, the application of directed motion and the appearance of two triangles in the place of one square. When this has taken place, the perceiving consciousness recognises identity and the rule of the square is ended. These words were once spoken to me by an ancient seer who bisected the square esoterically, thus forming two triangles and united them in a fresh manifestation to form a Star of Life. Ponder on this.

It is for this reason that the astrologers of the future will emphasise the relation and the interrelation of triangles. The new astrologer will, as I have hinted before, lay the emphasis upon:The Science of Triangles, as the result of the growth of the initiate understanding. Esoteric Astrology Pg 480

Glenys was on to something when she suspected the square patterns in the etheric web will be assisted in changing to triangles through atomic energy. The hint is given above when DK says: “This is done by the creation of division, … the application of directed motion and the appearance of two triangles in the place of one square.

What happens in an atomic explosion?

Again we have “the creation of division”… the appearance of two atoms in the place of one original atom.

Note the sublime correspondence here.

DK said that the splitting of the atom was an initiation for matter itself indicating a leap in evolution. He also said that the leap in the evolution of the etheric web will be the spitting of the square into two triangles of living substance.

All we need do now is to add two and two and realize that the initiation of matter through the splitting of the atom will indeed stimulate the evolution of the etheric web.

The full results of this will take over a thousand years to see, but we have already witnessed much by the tremendous changes we have seen in every department of life through the geometric progression of knowledge since 1945. The splitting of the square into triangles has allowed more light to permeate our consciousness. It is also interesting to note that DK started triangular relationships among disciples shortly before the splitting of the atom.

A reader made an interesting proposal. He suggests we take my analogy that the situation we are in now corresponds to the U.S. civil war but on an astral level and make the comparisons.

This may be interesting. so we’ll start by comparing Bush/Lincoln. Here are some interesting points.

(1) Both were elected in that dangerous year ending with zero calling in a strong Saturn influence as it has been occurring in twenty year cycles. Every president Since Lincoln, presiidents elected during this twenty year cycle has either died or been shot while in office.

On an astral level Bush suffered a strong psychic attack because of the bitter feelings over the phenomenally close election of 2000. Let us hope that is as far as it goes.

(2) Bush was elected 140 years after Lincoln which completes 7 of the twenty year cycles. Seven is a number of completion which would indicate a new cycle with a possible new type of civil war emerging.

(3) Neither received the majority of the popular vote.

(4) Neither were accepted by the Democrats as a legitimate president from the time of the election.

(5) Both men changed the face of the Republican party.

(6) Both had conservative views yet increased the size of the federal government.

(7) Both were forced to fight an unpopular war which was despised by the majority of the Democrats.

(8) The press portrayed both men as lacking in intelligence and grace.

(9) Both were underestimated and hated by their enemies and loved by their friends.

(10) Through war both freed millions from slavery or tyranny and both have been accused of not having this as one of their main motives.

(11) On reelection both ran against a pacifist war hero with a questionable past (Assuming Bush runs against Kerry).

(12) Both spent tremendous sums of money.

There are, of course, a number of differences, but the similarities are interesting.

The coming election (Nov 2004) will be interesting and whoever looses will feel like rebelling against those in power so the situation will require the greatest wisdom.

I have said that I expect Bush to win but when you see that people are so volatile that they fluctuate as many as ten points in one day in the polls one can see that some wild card event can change the election at the last moment.

Several days before the 2000 election the Democrats released a DUI charge on Bush that he did not have time to do damage control with and cost him about 4 points and made for the closest election in history.

There have been a lot of predictions over the last thirty years of the United States splitting into several territories through a difference in ideology or because of earth changes, World War III, Conspiracy or whatever. These predictions vary from a dual split to 6 or twelve smaller countries.

We currently have a powerful division between conservatives and liberals, but even though there may be great discontent in the near future a physical division within the country between conservatives and liberals is unlikely.


Because there is no such thing as a pure conservative or pure liberal state. Take Idaho. For instance. It is the most Republican dominated State in the United States making it as conservative as they come. Even so, the democratic and liberal influence is quite strong.. We sent Frank Church to the Senate, a man after Ted Kennedy’s heart – who held the hearings on the CIA and clipped its wings. We elected a fairly famous Democratic governor – Cecil Andrus three times who later went on to work with Jimmy Carter. Most of our newspapers are dominated with liberal thinking.

The point is that even if we had a split in the two factions, even here in Idaho it would be very difficult for the conservative wing to claim authority to govern.

The same goes for a liberal state like Massachusetts. There are lots of conservatives there who would rebel against pure liberal government.

The only way such a split could work would be if there was a great migration of the two groups of people to the new territories that harmonized with their beliefs.

One way the gathering I have written of could happen in the United States is, if by a stroke of luck, we were able to revitalize the government after an enlightened pattern that could allow the freedoms necessary for the Gathering of Lights to work.

The other way is if we had a great destruction of some kind that would leave large areas of the country with no government creating an opportunity for the new. This would be a dangerous situation as there is more probability for the creation of tyranny than for good government.

The highest probability is that the Lights will have to gather on the “new land” I have hinted at and will write more about later.

It is interesting that the Mormon scripture predicts a separation among the people just before the coming of Christ. (See D&C 63:54)

Do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are… Jesus sanctified himself instead of others. Neville

Feb 16, 2004

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The Mysteries of A Course in Miracles, Chapter 6

Chapter Six
The Holy Spirit and Angels

The idea of the Trinity – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – being three but one is presented similarly in A Course in Miracles and orthodox Christianity. The Father aspect, representing the all-powerful creator, has similar ingredients, but the Son is presented quite differently and in more detail in ACIM than in the New Testament. On the other hand, even though there is more about the Holy Spirit in the Course, overall it is significantly in harmony with the Bible.

Concerning the Holy Spirit, Jesus of the New Testament says this:

“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.” John 14:16-17

“But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” John 14:26

It is interesting that the word Comforter is translated from the Greek PARAKLĒTOS, which means “One who is called in” or “called to one’s aid.”

The Course tells us that the creation of the Holy Spirit originated at the separation of the Son from the Father. He was indeed called in to aid in assisting the Son to return to his right mind. It is written:

 “He came into being with the separation as a protection, inspiring the Atonement principle at the same time. Before that there was no need for healing, for no one was comfortless. The Voice of the Holy Spirit is the Call to Atonement, or the restoration of the integrity of the mind.” T-5.I.5

So, His purpose is to call us “to Atonement, or the restoration of the integrity of the mind.”

Concerning the atonement, the Course also says this:

“Atonement means correction, or the undoing of errors.” M-18.4

The “Atonement centers on the past, which is the source of separation, and where it must be undone. For separation must be corrected where it was made.” T-17.III.5

“The purpose of the Atonement is to restore everything to you, or rather to restore it to your awareness. You were given everything when you were created, just as everyone was. When you have been restored to the recognition of your original state, you naturally become part of the Atonement yourself.” OE Tx:1.31

So then, in the ancient past, we as Sons of God who had been given all the creative powers of the Father, had what the Course calls a “mad idea.” We wondered what it would be like to live in a universe of time and space that was separate from God and based upon duality rather than unity, where there was evil as well as good, pain as well as joy. We had this idea that could not be carried out in God’s reality so we created dream world of illusion and entered it as if falling asleep and dreaming. The trouble was that we went into such a deep state of sleep that we had no awareness that we were dreaming, so we accepted the world of illusion as real and forgot that we even had a true home in the celestial realm.

The Course says the story of Adam symbolized what happened to us:

“Yet the Bible says that a deep sleep fell upon Adam, and nowhere is there reference to his waking up. The world has not yet experienced any comprehensive reawakening or rebirth. Such a rebirth is impossible as long as you continue to project or miscreate.” T-2.I.3

Only after the deep sleep fell upon Adam could he experience nightmares.” T-2.I.4

So one reason this whole separation was called a mad idea was that, instead of just entering a universe that was interesting and challenging, we also entered a dream state that gave us many “nightmares.”

This created a barrier in communication between the Father and the Son so deep that God decided a correction was necessary.

“God’s extending outward, though not His completeness, is blocked when the Sonship does not communicate with Him as one. So He thought, ‘My children sleep and must be awakened.’” T-6.V.1

God wanted to awaken His Sons, but there was a major problem. Whatever God places His attention on becomes as if it is real. If God entered the dream to redeem His Sons, then the dream would become real to Him as well and He would also be trapped. There would be created the risk of both the Father and the Son becoming eternally separated from their true home, eternally losing their identity.

To solve the problem and allow God to keep His attention focused on reality He created a special agent, The Holy Spirit, that could be a bridge between the two worlds.

So, God created the “Holy Spirit, Who was God’s answer to the separation.” T-17.IV.4

“The Holy Spirit mediates higher to lower communication, keeping the direct channel from God to you open for revelation.” T-1.II.5

This gives some further light on the seriousness of the matter:

“He has created the Holy Spirit as the Mediator between perception and knowledge. Without this link with God, perception would have replaced knowledge forever in your mind. With this link with God, perception will become so changed and purified that it will lead to knowledge.” W-pI.43.1

So then, if the Holy Spirit had not been created as a link between the worlds, “perception would have replaced knowledge forever.” Perception is what makes the world of illusion real and “seeing would be believing,” forever without the aid of the Holy Spirit whose mission is to bring us the knowledge that there exists a reality which is beyond normal vision.

In addition to being a comforter who reaches across worlds to us, Jesus in the scripture told us the Holy Spirit would “abide with you for ever.”

This Biblical statement agrees with the Course which says:

“But what God creates is eternal. The Holy Spirit will remain with the Sons of God, to bless their creations and keep them in the light of joy.” T-5.I.5.

Next Jesus calls him, “the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him.”

The Course is in harmony with this scripture and adds:

“The Holy Spirit mediates between illusions and the truth. Since He must bridge the gap between reality and dreams, perception leads to knowledge through the grace that God has given Him, to be His gift to everyone who turns to Him for truth.” W-pII.7.1

“When you made visible what is not true, what is true became invisible to you. Yet it cannot be invisible in itself, for the Holy Spirit sees it with perfect clarity.” T-12.VIII.3

The scripture continues:

“but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.”

 And the Course adds:

“The Holy Spirit is in you in a very literal sense. His is the Voice that calls you back to where you were before and will be again. It is possible even in this world to hear only that Voice and no other. It takes effort and great willingness to learn.” T-5.II.3

Next the scripture says:

“But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” John 14:26

And the Course affirms as follows:

“The Holy Spirit, Who remembers this for you, merely teaches you how to remove the blocks that stand between you and what you know. His memory is yours.” T-14.IV.9

“truth can still set you free. Look as the Holy Spirit looks, and understand as He understands. His understanding looks back to God in remembrance of me. He is in communion with God always, and He is part of you.” T-5.III.11

The Course, however, goes beyond the Biblical statements of the Holy Spirit and sheds additional light. One point that we already covered was the purpose of his creation, which was to heal the separation from God.

The Course gives additional light on exactly what the Holy Spirit is. It says:

“He is part of the Holy Trinity, because His Mind is partly yours and also partly God’s. This needs clarification, not in statement but in experience. The Holy Spirit is the idea of healing. Being thought, the idea gains as it is shared. Being the Call for God, it is also the idea of God. Since you are part of God it is also the idea of yourself, as well as of all His creations.” T-5.III.1-2

When it speaks of its mind as “partly” ours, it is speaking of the higher part of our minds:

“I do work with your higher mind, the home of the Holy Spirit.” T-4.IV.11

Then it adds this:

“Apart from the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit has no function. He is not separate from either, being in the Mind of Both, and knowing that Mind is One. He is a Thought of God, and God has given Him to you because He has no Thoughts He does not share.” T-13.VIII.4.

 The Course emphasizes that the Holy Spirit is higher mind that dwells in both God and the higher part of ourselves, the same mind that was in Christ:

“The Holy Spirit is the Christ Mind which is aware of the knowledge that lies beyond perception.” T-5.I.5

As far as what its purpose is in addition to the atonement “It is the Holy Spirit’s function to teach you how this oneness (with God) is experienced, what you must do that it can be experienced, and where you should go to do it” T-25.I.6

“The Holy Spirit holds this plan of God exactly as it was received of Him within the Mind of God and in your own.” W-pI.99.5

An important part of the mission of the Holy Spirit involves assisting us in the removal of guilt, as guilt is a major barrier between man and God.

“You whose mind is darkened by doubt and guilt, remember this: God gave the Holy Spirit to you, and gave Him the mission to remove all doubt and every trace of guilt that His dear Son has laid upon himself. It is impossible that this mission fail.” T-13.XI.5

“The Holy Spirit knows that all salvation is escape from guilt. You have no other “enemy,” and against this strange distortion of the purity of the Son of God the Holy Spirit is your only Friend. He is the strong protector of the innocence that sets you free.” T-14.III.13

Finally, a main part of his mission in connection with the Sons of God who are trapped within the illusionary dream is to link our minds with His and guide us until we awaken and arrive home. We cannot do it on our own and need His assistance:

“When you have learned how to decide with God, all decisions become as easy and as right as breathing. There is no effort, and you will be led as gently as if you were being carried down a quiet path in summer. Only your own volition seems to make deciding hard. The Holy Spirit will not delay in answering your every question what to do.” T-14.IV.6

For eons the Sons of God have been trapped in the dark and dreary world. The Course tells us that the only way out is to switch our attention from the lower mind of the ego to the higher mind of the Holy Spirit, which is linked to the eternal part of ourselves.

So, what do we have to do to make this miracle of infallible guidance happen? The answer is amazingly simple.

We have to ask, and when there is a response, we then must receive. Jesus stated this simple principle in the New Testament:

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” Matt 7:7-8

Here is what the Course says about asking:

“The very fact that the Holy Spirit has been asked for anything will ensure a response. Yet it is equally certain that no response given by Him will ever be one that would increase fear. It is possible that His answer will not be heard. It is impossible, however, that it will be lost. There are many answers you have already received but have not yet heard. I assure you that they are waiting for you.” T-9.II.3

“The Holy Spirit will answer every specific problem as long as you believe that problems are specific.” T-11.VIII.5

“To ask the Holy Spirit to decide for you is simply to accept your true inheritance. Does this mean that you cannot say anything without consulting Him? No, indeed! That would hardly be practical, and it is the practical with which this course is most concerned. If you have made it a habit to ask for help when and where you can, you can be confident that wisdom will be given you when you need it.” M-29.5

The second part of the process is for the seeker to be open to receiving beyond theory, but in actuality. Here is what is asked of us to complete the process:

“Your little part is but to give the Holy Spirit the whole idea of sacrifice. And to accept the peace He gives instead, without the limits that would hold its extension back, and so would limit your awareness of it. For what He gives must be extended if you would have its limitless power, and use it for the Son of God’s release.” T-19.IV.B.9

“you must choose to hear one of two voices within you. One you made yourself, and that one is not of God. But the other is given you by God, Who asks you only to listen to it.” T-5.II.3

“The Holy Spirit asks you to respond as God does, for He would teach you what you do not understand. God would respond to every need, whatever form it takes. And so He keeps this channel open to receive His communication to you, and yours to Him.” T-15.VIII.5

When full reliance is made on the side of the Holy Spirit, we are told all future decisions will be effortless, for the right choice will be obvious. For instance, if you were about to drive over a cliff and you realize you could prevent this by merely applying the brakes, then what choice is there really? In theory you could choose to not hit the brakes, but in reality the choice is so obvious that it is the only one to be made.

That is how choices along the path are seen for those who are at one mind with the Holy Spirit.


In addition to the Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit we are told there is one other group of inhabitants in heaven. This fourth group are the angels, and the Course says a mysteriously small amount about these beings. When it does mention them, it often does so as a side item.

It may seem somewhat contradictory that there is a separate category of angels mentioned when we are told that:

“God created nothing beside you (the Son) and nothing beside you exists.” T-10.in.2

“The universe consists of nothing but the Son of God,” W-pI.183.10

Yet something else called angels apparently does exist. Here is one of the few pieces of knowledge given out concerning the angels.

“You were created ABOVE the angels because your role involves creation as well as protection. You who are in the image of the Father need bow only to HIM, before whom I kneel with you.” UR T 1 B 30y

So, the Son (us) is created “above” the angels, apparently meaning we are of a higher order because we are creators as well as protectors. Protection seems to be the job of angels.

Apparently, after the fall into illusion the angels tried to recover us, but were unable to:

“The Atonement actually began long before the Crucifixion. Many Souls offered their efforts on behalf of the Separated Ones but they could not withstand the strength of the attack, and had to be brought back. Angels came, too, but their protection was not enough, because the Separated ones were not interested in peace. They had already split themselves, and were bent on dividing rather than reintegrating.” UR T 2 B 43

The only way to see harmony in this contradiction is to see the angels as a part of the Sonship, but a group having a different job. Also of note is that teachings in the Ancient Wisdom tell us that angels eventually become Sons of God.

Here are some other quotes from the Course that give some light on the purpose of angels.

“Your newborn purpose is nursed by angels, cherished by the Holy Spirit and protected by God Himself.” T-19.IV.C.9

“Around you angels hover lovingly, to keep away all darkened thoughts of sin, and keep the light where it has entered in.” T-26.IX.7

“This do the body’s eyes behold in one (your brother) whom Heaven cherishes, the angels love and God created perfect.” W-pI.161.9

“God’s Name can not be heard without response, nor said without an echo in the mind that calls you to remember. Say His Name, and you invite the angels to surround the ground on which you stand, and sing to you as they spread out their wings to keep you safe, and shelter you from every worldly thought that would intrude upon your holiness.” W-pI.183.2

Note: The wings here must be symbolic, as ACIM says there is no form in heaven.

“You do not walk alone. God’s angels hover near and all about. His Love surrounds you, and of this be sure; that I will never leave you comfortless.” W.ep.6

“He will not leave you comfortless, nor fail to send His angels down to answer you in His Own Name.” S-2.III.7

Thus, we complete our examination of the four groups of lives which compose heaven, who we are told are really one life to whom we give the generic title of God.

Read the Introduction HERE, Read Chapter One HERE. Chapter Two HERE, Chapter Three HERE, Chapter Four HERE, Chapter Five HERE Chapter Six HERE, Chapter Seven HERE, Chapter Eight HERE, Chapter Nine HERE, Chapter Ten HERE, Chapter Eleven HERE, Chapter Twelve HERE, Chapter Thirteen HERE, Chapter Fourteen HERE, Fifteen HERE, Sixteen HERE, Seventeen HERE,       Eighteen HERE, Nineteen HERE, Twenty HERE, Twenty-One HERE, Twenty-Two HERE, Twenty-Three HERE, Twenty-Four HERE, Twenty-Five HERE, Twenty-Six HERE, Twenty-Seven  HERE, Twenty-Eight  HERE, Twenty-Nine HERE, Thirty HERE

ACIM Conversations, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part  16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25

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Comments on Suicide

Comments on Suicide

The Question: If one finds himself in an awkward situation in life should he then commit suicide? Is suicide ever justified?

A reader gave a great response: “I think that to take one’s life because of ‘an awkward situation’, hopelessness, despair, grief etc is wrong (because it is contrary to the will of the soul) and people contemplating it should be stopped, even forcibly…

But there are circumstances when I think suicide could be the right option. These are mainly in cases where death is inevitable and it serves no purpose to prolong life. Terminal illness is the obvious scenario where suicide *could* be the right thing to do. When doctors told me I had months to live, I fought because I knew it wasn’t my soul’s will for me to die at that time. But if I became ill again and sensed my soul was wanting to pull the plug, I would seriously consider suicide rather than endure seemingly endless suffering.”

JJ: The key here is the phrase “the will of the soul.” Each of us comes into this life with several purposes to fulfill, not the least of which is personal growth and realization to aid us on our journey through a series of many lives.

It is only after this higher will is fulfilled or temporarily frustrated that cause the soul to give approval for us to leave the scene. There are several things that may cause this.

(1) If the entity commits murder of innocent blood then through the effect of Karma he forfeits his soul purpose. Even here it is not good for him to commit suicide, but he could do much to pay for his crime by giving his life to save or in service to others if the occasion should arise.

(2) If the person is in a no win situation. I would certainly not hold it against anyone who took his own life to escape torture nor charge one with murder who killed another to save him from torture by an enemy.

That said, there are few exceptions where suicide may be justified and if it is not justified by your soul then the person will have the misfortune to return in another life and face the situation all over again.

The suicide where the person is merely depressed, lost a lover, in a bad financial situation, doesn’t like his job etc. has little justification and he will return to face the problem again if he tries to escape by suicide. Keep in mind that when the situation is faced again it will usually be more difficult, not less, so we might as well face our problems in the present rather than delay and later face greater problems.

(3) If the entity has finished his life’s purpose.

Jesus gave the example on this. After he declared that his mission was “finished” he yielded his spirit up to God rather than endure further unnecessary suffering.

I’m sure that someone who has endured a lot of suffering and has been at the brink of death would be upset if in a future time some do-gooders kept her on life support for years while she suffered in agony.

I know if this happened to me I think (after I died) I would wait for these perpetrators to pass over and give them a piece of my mind they would never forget. I would ask them to not do me any more favors.

Question: So what do you think? Should we keep a person alive on life support at all costs? How about the lady in Florida who is in an immobile state? Her husband has been fighting to get the feeding tube removed. Is this any way to let someone die?

“To feel a thing intensely, and then rest confidently that it is, makes the thing felt appear within your world. “I shall stand upon my watch and see the salvation of the Lord.” I shall stand firmly upon my feeling, convinced that it is so, and see my desire appear.” Neville

Feb 15, 2004

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Dimensions of Freedom

Dimensions of Freedom

I posted this meme a couple days ago which generated quite a bit of comment and questions.

“They who cannot feed, clothe and house themselves and loved ones are not free.”

This received a variety of response largely because people have different views of what freedom is. The odd thing about freedom is that everyone thinks they are for it. Hitler claimed he was fighting for freedom as did the American South who fought for freedom to own slaves. They saw slavery as a win-win. They thought the blacks were better off being slaves and the masters had more freedom because of their benefits from the slave labor. If you look far and wide you probably cannot find one person who will admit to being against freedom.

Therefore, when one speaks of freedom he should define the terms involved. As with all ideas both extremes do not work. Most realize that tyrannies where the populace is strictly controlled is not desirable.

But the other extreme is also not desirable, for a situation of anarchy evolves into tyranny. For instance, if the burglar has freedom to come into your home and take what he wants with impunity then his unchecked freedom diminishes the freedom for the whole.

The desirable point is what I call maximum freedom. This acknowledges that the more freedom we have as a society the better off we are and the goal is to create situations where laws, government, business and social activities are efficient so the maximum amount of freedom is had by all.

Now some think that maximum freedom would materialize if our government would just follow the Constitution and honor the Bill of Rights. That would certainly help as a number of rights are under assault, including the most important of all – free speech.

So yes, for maximum freedom the most just constitutional and civil laws are a prime ingredient.

So, does this mean that all who live under an idealistic legal system are enjoying maximum freedom?

Not quite.

Two other main items influence our freedom. The first is our own minds. Even more than government our own minds create prison walls for us. Hitler realized this when he said this:

“By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.”

Even so, one can live in a country with just laws and abundance, but if his mind is held captive to some outside authority that says life is bad for him he will not be able to enjoy the fruits of his society but will be held prisoner by his own adoptive belief system.

The mind above all things determine how much freedom we enjoy for all decisions we made in the past determine our circumstances today and decisions today affect the freedoms we will enjoy tomorrow.

The other thing that determines our freedom is our circumstances. That said we acknowledge that current circumstances are based on past decisions . This includes our unequal beginnings at birth for even this was determined by decisions and actions made in past lives.

Even so, it is a definite fact that some find themselves born into situations where more or less freedom is available.

For instance, one who is born blind is much more restricted in his freedom than one with good sight. One who is born with very strict parents has less freedom than liberal ones. One who is born in North Korea has much less freedom than someone in Switzerland.

In addition, our own mistakes or even what appears to be bad luck affects our freedom. Say a person runs a stop sign, has an accident and is a paraplegic for life. His dumb unintentional mistake stripped him of his most basic freedoms for life, even if he lives in the freest society on the planet.

Others make bad financial investments, get laid off their jobs or have problems that strip them of all their money and resources. They are often in the situation mentioned in my meme

“They who cannot feed, clothe and house themselves and loved ones are not free.”

It doesn’t matter if you are in the freest country on earth, or if the situation was your own fault or something else, this is a situation where maximum freedom is not possible – at least until the situation changes.

If you are extremely limited in funds you have limited freedom to buy food, clothing housing etc. Having enough material goods to sustain needs is a basic ingredient for maximum freedom.

Therefore, the lover of freedom will not only fight for good civil government but also to improve situations to benefit the less fortunate.

Now many feel that it is fine to take away freedom by force from those who have abundance to help those in need often even quoting Jesus on this idea.

But Jesus only advocated helping others through free will. He never advocated forcefully taking money from the rich to give to the poor but encouraged those with abundance to give though their own free will.

Even so, will true freedom lovers in this day do what they can through free will to help those who need assistance enjoy maximum freedom.

June  3, 2021

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Just Effects

Just Effects

Reader Comment: The way you live your life in this time is based on your actions. The law of karma does not judge or punish it is the law of cause and effect.

JJ: If the cause is good then the effect will generally be seen as a reward, but if the cause is negative then the effect will generally be interpreted as a punishment. For instance, if you initiate a cause by hitting someone and the effect is that he hits you back both of you may interpret this to be a punishment.

Whether the effect is seen as punishment or reward depends on how we define our terms.

If someone murders (cause) then he will generally pay though being murdered (effect). 99% would probably interpret this as a punishment of some type.

Comment: Each incarnation you decide what part of yourself you want to work on in order to choose the setting of your life.

JJ: This is true of disciples. However many average people have karma that they are reluctant to work on and are guided into the correct situation through their souls. The thief rarely wants to volunteer to be stolen from, so his higher self makes the arrangements so he can learn his lesson. Sometimes this plays out within the lifetime of the crime contrary to the will of the criminal.

Comment: Now if a murderer chose this part of him/her to work on are we not taking his/her opportunity away to do so by putting him/her to death?

JJ: How can he work on it in a prison cell? The effects in prison do nor harmonize with the crime of murder unless he is killed by fellow prisoners. Sitting in a cell, meditating, sleeping reading and watching TV does not pay the debt for the crime of murder. A life in prison usually delays his progress because he has to wait longer for his next life where he can be placed in the appropriate situation by his soul to learn his lesson.

Comment: I don’t understand how we have the right to kill the killer?

JJ: If the state acts as an agent of karma and carries out an effect equal to the cause there is no additional karma created. The two forces are neutralized.

Again, let me repeat. If we have the right to put someone in prison then we would have the right to free the person from prison through the death penalty. Why would we have the right to do one and not the other? Who’s this mysterious person or force that tells us what we cannot do?

Common sense and logic in examining cause and effect is the final judge.

Question: Would it not be better to put somebody in jail and have him/her generate positive karmic credits so that a person can atone for his/her crimes by good works. Just like the person I know is adding good to mankind by saving a lot of life’s!

JJ: The vast majority add to their negative karma serving long prison terms whereas most improve their situation with karma through death and rebirth. Which makes the most sense?

Even if a person does good works in prison he will do little to pay for the crime of murder. He may pay off other debts from karma if is he is in that fortunate minority. In rare cases, if he saves a life by risking his own he can pay some of the debt for murder.

This is an emotional issue and many just feel that the state does not have the right to give the death penalty – just because… But feeling does not make it so. To find the truth we must rise to the plane of the mind and using the powers of logic, reeason and understanding examine cause and effect for how it plays out in real life.

Another hurdle that makes it difficult to surmount emotional feeling in looking at this is that many see death as the absolute worst thing that can happen to a human being. This illusion causes many to go to extremes to surmount the death penalty. In addition, this illusion also causes many to seek to preserve life even though the person is in great pain with no hope of recovery.

If we realize that there are many things that are worse than death then it ceases to be the boogieman that scares us into clinging to life at all costs.

Even Jesus, when he decided he did not want to suffer anymore, decreed: “Father receive my Spirit” and voluntarily “gave up the ghost.”

DK tells us that we will all eventually learn how to do this – that when any further physical existence is no longer useful we will just will ourselves to pass on to greener pastures.

Here’s a couple quotes from DK

“They make a horror out of death, whereas death is a beneficent friend.” Esoteric Healing, Page 42

“Through death, a great at-one-ing process is carried forward. In the “fall of a leaf” and its consequent identification with the soil on which it falls, we have a tiny illustration of this great and eternal process of at-one-ing, through becoming and dying as a result of becoming.” Esoteric Psychology, Vol 2, Page 173

Those who are against the death penalty make the argument that life is sacred and should be respected no matter what.

The question to ask, however, is what is life?

Much of the world sees life as only an existence within the physical body and apart from the body is only death. This is misleading. Death is not no existence, but merely a separation. In fact, the best definition of death “to be separated from” a body.

Thus at physical death we are merely separated from the physical body and our focus of attention is upon another body – what is called the causal body in esoteric writings..

“Nothing can take or touch the life” as DK says.

What this means is that what is called the death penalty is not really the death penalty. If we were to speak from a technically correct view the death penalty would be called the switching vehicle penalty. The real penalty here is that the person is temporally deprived of one vehicle out of seven and for a time is no longer able to interact in the physical world.

This lack of a physical vehicle is definitely a hindrance, especially if it was to aid you in the performance of a designated service, but is this the worst thing that can happen to a human being?

No there are a number of things that are worse.

To be deprived of liberty is worse than death as was realized by many reformers of the past such as Patrick Henry who stated: “Give me liberty or give me death.”

Secondly, to be in a situation where the entity is descending away from the soul with no turnaround in sight is much worse than death.

Many of those in prison are in this second state and definitely the first. There are a few who increase in spirituality, but there are far too many who receive a negative influence from the people who surround them. The average person will be strongly influenced by those around him and if all he has for company are criminals who see themselves as victims that need to get even then this produces a downward spiraling force that is difficult to resist.

Question for consideration: Does this mean that if one finds himself in an awkward situation in life that he should commit suicide then? Is suicide ever justified?

“To be conscious of being or possessing anything is to be or have that which you are conscious of being or possessing. Therefore, lift yourself to the consciousness of your desire and you will see it automatically outpicture itself.” Neville

Feb 12, 2004

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The Right to Judge

The Right to Judge

Question: If it creates bad karma to murder wouldn’t it also produce a similar bad karma to sentence a killer to death?

JJ: If it were negative karma for the state to judge that someone should get the death penalty when he has committed first degree murder then it would also be negative karma to give the man something worse than death – life in prison. Using this same reasoning it would produce negative karma to give out punishment of any kind – even a fine or a short prison term for the thief or wife-beater.

If it were to produce negative karma to administer justice through judges then this would mean that all the judges of all the nations are in a precarious situation indeed and all judges should be dismissed and no punishments administered.

Actually the truth is the other way around. If the judge is just he creates positive karma because he helps society and aids in protecting the innocent. But if the judge judges badly either too harsh or too soft then he may incur bad karma. For instance, the guy in Florida named Joseph P. Smith had many arrests and just received a slap on the wrist before he killed the little girl in the news. Several judges may incur some karma here because they did not do their job in protecting the innocent.

A judge who administers fair justice does not incur negative karma, but the opposite because of the good outcome.

Question: Aren’t we guilty of murder if we agree to the death penalty?

JJ: Where do you get this idea? If we follow this reasoning then we must also be guilty of having slaves if we support sending someone into the slavery of prison or even fine him and make him work like a slave to repay his debt.

Logic alone tells us this is not the case.

Any time true justice is administered there is no negative karma and nothing to feel guilty about.

In the commandments of the Bible where we are told “thou shalt not kill…” The word kill comes from the Hebrew RATSACH which is more literally translated as “murder.” The word kill in relation to war or administering justice uses other words that mean kill, which is different from a criminal murder.

Melody: What would you say, if somebody drives under the influence of alcohol and kills one or more people in a car crash, should we agree on the death penalty?

JJ: The person is responsible for the death, but did not commit the crime intentionally. A death by accident is much different than first degree murder. Therefore, the death penalty would be overkill. Society does need to be protected from him and he should be forced to pay recompense to the victim. If he doesn’t learn his lesson he will suffer the loss of a loved one in some future time through criminal neglect. Then he will understand his crime.

Question: Do we have the right to judge others?

JJ: Definitely in situations regarding civil law. This is why every nation, city and state has judges. This idea of judging criminals has universal support. If society is not protected from criminal civilization would fall apart. This will continue until a much greater portion of humanity become enlightened.

Question: What about someone who is sentenced to more than 20 years who is not a murderer? Who perhaps is in prison for fraud or kidnapping where no life has been taken.

I am assuming that the 20 years = a life principle would stand and you would advocate capital punishment for anyone sentenced to more than 20 years? Or would it be judged on a case by case basis?

JJ: I think it should be judged case by case. There are some crimes that may be as bad a murder such as rape, child molestation and abuse. I wouldn’t feel it injustice to administer the death penalty to some of the worst of these, but whatever the case, society needs protection from them one way or another until they become harmless.

One of the problems with long prison sentences are the conditions within them. Sure these guys have made mistakes, but there is much more we can do to aid them on the course of true rehabilitation. Such a course would in the end be best for all of society, the criminals and the victims as well.

But this is another topic and we’ll have to cover it later.

Since we have been speaking of prisoners I thought I would include a touching letter I just received from one here in Boise. This prisoner has read most of the archives and just finished Book III.

I have donated quite a few books to prisoners as anything which will redirect their attention is a good investment indeed.

He writes:

The Immortal series is going to be to illusion what the atomic bomb is to World War II! What a mind blowing experience I had reading Book III. The book was pure electricity – wow! I am beginning to visualize the significance of the Keys. After reading Book III I can see that each Key is a single part to a greater mechanism. A mechanism that if an individual accepts each key and applies a working practice to it, will become something incredible. Each Key needs to be understood and grafted into the belief system and strengthened with exercise. When all 12 Keys have been assembled into the belief system it is my guess that that individual will have the instrument in place that will enable him to manifest the fullness of the light, love and power of God to the sons and daughters of mankind.

The people who accomplish this will be the ones who do greater miracles than the Christ. They are the ones who will create successful molecules. They are the ones who will walk in communion with the Brotherhood of Light! I cannot imagine anyone reading the Immortal series and not making this their number one priority.

How bitter sweet it has become for me to read your teachings. Tears come to my eyes when I ponder the vast amount of truth I have received from you, and the possibility of my positive development as a result. But my heart weeps that I have rendered myself useless to you. I truly wish I could be helping you right now… I often feel like my team is going to the superbowl and I have removed myself from play. I am so sorry for my part in the mess I am in, and sorry I’ve become a deficit for my team.

I will continue to implement the Keys into my belief system. I will continue to battle to get out of here. I feel I have a couple touchdowns in me and I’m hoping that circumstances will bend to my will so that I can contribute.

I am no longer a victim – I accept full responsibility for my situation in life. I’ve dug myself into a deep pit and I’m going to have to climb out myself – I feel strongly that I can get it done.

This reminds me of something else. Some time last summer I went to the New Jerusalem in meditation and asked the question: “What past life deed was responsible for this life’s prison experience?”

The scene I was shown was an army. I was one of the leaders. We were all on horses. I had a large red cape. We rode our horses full speed into battle. At this point I remember being surprised that I felt absolutely no fear but an anticipating excitement, sort of like pre-sex excitement. I did not see the battle but I saw myself in the midst of a ruined city rummaging through rubble looking for a box. I looked in every direction – the city was reduced to rubble and every man, woman and child had been killed. Then I had the horrible feeling that in some way I was responsible.

So, if I saw this correctly this means that much like yourself I’ve got some serious debt to pay. I must have selected to make a partial payment when I designed this prison experience for this life. I’m not interested in trying to get out of paying my debt. What I’ve decided to do is take your lead .. I’ve decided that I will change (adjust) my life plan. I’ve decided to switch my form of payment from sitting in prison to service to the Brotherhood.

I think that whenever this decision can be made with sincerity and right intention that it becomes a blessing for all involved. So I’m deciding to make it so. I feel good about it.

JJ: Comment: One can surely sympathize with him here. He has discovered truths which has changed his life and which he wishes to share with the world, but is confined to prison where he is very limited in what he can do.

He is one of the few who is indeed making the best of an awkward situation so when he is released there is a strong possibility that he will take the lessons learned and be of great service to the world.

His crime didn’t cause any permanent harm to anyone and was influenced somewhat from a bi-polar disorder that was not taken into consideration at the trial. He wound up with a much longer sentence than one with his temperament deserves. The possible answer to this was in the vision he saw.

“Greatness does not have to be explained.” John Stolworth

Feb 10, 2004

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