The Blur Principle

The Blur Principle

In this age have the many fighting for illusionary freedom that leads to bondage and only a few who are willing to raise the banner for true freedom.

So where are those fighting for illusionary freedom and where are those fighting for true freedom? What separates the illusion from the reality today?

It is interesting that since I brought up the subject of the astral civil war I have heard a half dozen commentators talk about this. Until I brought up the subject I had never heard a mainstream media person comment on the current division in this manner.

Of course, the media is not reading the Keys, but what I believe to be happening is a crystallization of the current situation so a coming conflict is becoming very apparent in the astral ethers. As I have previously taught the future is very malleable, but as we approach certain cycles the immediate future becomes more predictable.

The current issue of gay marriage with the mayor of San Francisco giving out marriage certificates is almost like a pearl harbor in the astral realm. Now Bush seeking for a Constitutional Amendment which defines marriage has drawn a line in the sand. The people of this country are indeed lining up on one side or the other with great fervor.

In addition to this the release of Mel Gibson’s movie The Passion of Christ is adding additional polarization. Traditional Christians are calling this a great movie producing one of the most touching experiences of their lives while anti-religionists are calling it a terrible revolting movie and have been criticizing it for a year without even seeing it. The New York Times just gave it a scathing review and Andy Rooney called Mel Gibson “God’s mistake” and made fun of the movie.

Not all the establishment are negative. Ebert and Roper gave it their highest rating – “two thumbs way up.”

It seems that when these divisive issues come up, even though the subject matter is different, that the two groups lining up on both sides of the trenches are the same characters – with a few exceptions.

So what is the key that defines the true Middle Way path and the real and not illusionary freedom?

We pointed out earlier that both sides of the U.S. Civil War fought in the name of freedom. It is easy for most of us today to see that the enslavement of a people has nothing to do with freedom, but in that day the vision of the people of the South was very blurred on the matter.

The interesting thing is that the very principle that blurred the vision of the Old South still blurs the vision of the people today.

And what is that principle?

Perhaps we could call this the “Blur Principle” since it has caused so much illusion and conflict in the history of the world. We could state this principle as follows:

The deceived person looks at freedom only as it applies to the individual and not as it applies to the whole. If an act or a law brings him or her more freedom at the greater expense of the group, the vision becomes blurred through selfishness. Because he seems to be more free he thinks he is fighting for the cause of freedom. The illusion is that if the freedom of the whole is diminished then the body becomes sick and when the whole dies the individual dies also. Then his little grip on individual freedom comes to an end.

Now let us see how this applied to the first Civil War. Slave owners represented a minority, but they were rich and powerful people, many with large payrolls. The slaves gave them greater financial freedom. These individuals selfishly benefited at the expense of the health of the whole and thus their vision of true freedom was blurred.

The Blur Principle applies in many situations today. In the United States presently there are close to having 50% of the population who pay no federal income tax. These people are able to vote and tell those who do pay taxes how much they have to pay and how the money is to be spent. If the person gets more money from the government than he pays in he sees this benefit through the Blur Principle as a greater freedom to him as the individual, even though he is restricting the greater freedom of the group.

If we had a fair tax system where those who pay are not feeling like they are being robbed (and their taxes well spent) then those who benefit would not be taking freedom away from the whole.

The spending of other people’s money without their permission is the making use of their labor as slaves just as sure as did the south used the labor of their slaves before the civil war. The argument is the same: “I get money from the government (which gets it from slave labor) and this gives me or my group more freedom. Therefore this is a good thing.

Those who benefit from the slave labor are not only the lower income, but those in the higher income brackets. The rich often are able to get away with paying little or no tax and thus benefit from the taxes paid on the hard working middle class, some of them working two or three jobs just to survive and pay their taxes.

Many of the rich today are like the old plantation owners who benefit from the labor of others but do not pay their share of the costs.

We thus have a situation where the upper class not only have the influence of their vote but influence through their wealth to control the labor of others. The lower income merely have their vote, but are generally happy to get whatever Uncle Sam is willing to give out.

“It is good that senior citizens get free prescription drugs. This gives them more freedom,” says one who agrees with the system.

That would be fine if it could be paid for under a fair tax system that was agreed upon by the majority of actual taxpayers. But the money is taken from slave labor that takes financial freedom away from more people than the prescription drug program helps.

Here we have a corresponding situation that occurred in the Old South:

“It is good that our senior citizens have slaves to help nurse them in their old age. This gives them greater freedom.”

But at what cost? Slave labor – labor not given voluntarily – against the will of an important part of the whole.

Well did Isaiah speak of our age:

“For thus saith the LORD, Ye have sold yourselves for naught; and ye shall be redeemed without money. For thus saith the Lord GOD, My people went down aforetime into Egypt to sojourn there; and the Assyrian oppressed them without cause. Now therefore, what have I here, saith the LORD, that my people is taken away for nought? they that rule over them make them to howl, saith the LORD; and my name continually every day is blasphemed.” Isaiah 52:4-5

Here we are told of our day where the lights of the earth will have sold themselves into a different kind of slavery and “they that rule over them make them to howl.”


Try and think of other situations where the Blur Principle applies.

I was asked about this quote from DK as to whether the next teaching will be given through AAB in a future life or through someone else.

“In the next century and early in the century an initiate will appear and will carry on this teaching. It will be under the same ‘impression,’ for my task is not yet completed and this series of bridging treatises between the material knowledge of man and the science of the initiates has still another phase to run.” Rays and Initiations, Page 255

I can’t find the reference, but I remember DK saying that he definitely would not use AAB as his scribe after 2025. He seemed to leave it open-ended. It’s even possible he will be here in the flesh and do his own

“Under the same impression” seems to not mean the same relationship would be re-established in 2025, or the first of the century..

“Under the same impression” could mean a number of other things:

(1) DK showing up in person

(2) DK working through another scribe.

(3) Another disciple coming forth in tune with DK’s work and expanding on it but not receiving directly from him. This could be preparatory to the 2025 revelation. Note he said “early in the century.” That would probably be in the first 25 years or so.

“A man can receive nothing (no thing) except it be given him from Heaven.” Remember heaven is your consciousness; the kingdom of Heaven is within you.” Neville

Feb 25, 2004

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