The Mysteries of A Course in Miracles, Chapter 1

Chapter One
Why Should We Take the Course Seriously?

I have been a seeker of wisdom and truth for my entire life which is beginning to be fairly lengthy by earthly standards since I was born in 1945. During this time, I have studied quite a number of spiritual and philosophical writings. Many of them which present themselves as enlightening or from other worldly sources do little for me. On the other hand, many who make no claims but just present the highest they know have been quite inspiring.

When a writing does come along that claims to be inspired by God, Christ or a Master I ask myself this question:

“Using my creative imagination, could I have written this?”

In almost all cases the answer is yes. That doesn’t mean that all such works are not true or do not have truth. Instead, it means that some mortal in the flesh, or astral entity, could have just made the whole thing up.

But then, three or four times in my life materials have come to me that are so profound, as well as beyond that which I could have created, that my attention was indeed captured causing me to take them seriously. In addition to recognizing the writings as coming from a higher intelligence, I also found they presented truths that were verified by my Inner Voice as well as my personal spiritual experiences.

Therefore, a handful of teachings I have stumbled across in my life have become an earned authority to me. An earned authority is one that has proven itself reliable (though not infallible). An unearned authority is one that makes claims but with little or no evidence to back them up. The difference with an earned authority is this. When it teaches something that is not part of my belief system, I do not automatically reject it but take it seriously and mull it over in my mind. If I cannot accept it in the present, I put it on the shelf until I can get a definite yes or no on the matter and is in harmony with my Inner Voice.

If an unearned authority tells me that aliens from the Pleiades are going to arrive next year to take us into the fifth dimension, then I take that with a grain of salt.

But if an earned authority, that has proven itself in the past, makes an unusual prediction or statement, I will take it seriously and do what I can to find the truth of the matter.

This is my situation with A Course in Miracles (ACIM). This is one of those rare works that I take seriously. Here are the reasons:

(1) This is a work that was originated by a very high intelligence, definitely beyond the reach of the scribe Helen Schucman, a fine lady of normal intelligence but who showed no evidence of an almost supernatural intelligence necessary to produce such a work.

I ask myself: “Could I have written this using my highest creative thinking?” This is one of those rare times that I must admit the answer is no.

(2) There were a number of ACIM teachings, not found in other materials (that I know of) that I had already discovered to be true.

One was its teaching on guilt. The standard thinking is that guilt is associated with conscience and if we do not have it we are a lost soul. Shortly before coming across ACIM, I discovered for myself the illusion behind guilt and how to neutralize it. When I then read about the Course’s teaching on the matter, I was impressed indeed, for it was in harmony with my own discoveries. Here is a  quote from the Course on the subject of guilt:

“What is truly blessed is incapable of giving rise to guilt, and must give rise to joy. This makes it invulnerable to the ego because its peace is unassailable. It is invulnerable to disruption because it is whole. Guilt is always disruptive. Anything that engenders fear is divisive because it obeys the law of division. If the ego is the symbol of the separation, it is also the symbol of guilt. Guilt is more than merely not of God. It is the symbol of attack on God. This is a totally meaningless concept except to the ego, but do not underestimate the power of the ego’s belief in it. This is the belief from which all guilt really stems. T-5.V.2

A second teaching that impressed me was the importance of letting go of all grievances. Before I read ACIM I had come to the conclusion that grievances were extremely detrimental to spiritual progression as well as physical health. I was in great harmony with statements such as this:

“For every grievance is a block to sight, and as it lifts you see the Son of God where he has always been.” W-pI.78.3

“You who were created by love like itself can hold no grievances and know your Self. To hold a grievance is to forget who you are. To hold a grievance is to see yourself as a body. To hold a grievance is to let the ego rule your mind and to condemn the body to death. Perhaps you do not yet fully realize just what holding grievances does to your mind. It seems to split you off from your Source and make you unlike Him. It makes you believe that He is like what you think you have become, for no one can conceive of his Creator as unlike himself.” W-pI.68.1

A third point and a clincher was a personal interpretation I had on these words of Jesus:

“Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matt 25:40

Now the standard Christian thought is that the least of the brethren are the homeless and downtrodden. But I concluded that this was not true, for almost everyone feels some empathy for them and wishes them well. Instead, I concluded that the least of the brethren were those who you thought of as being the worst and most irritating or evil people on the planet. I had never found any teaching to agree with me until read a similar view in ACIM. It reads:

“We will select one person you have used as target for your grievances, and lay the grievances aside and look at him. Someone, perhaps, you fear and even hate; someone you think you love who angered you; someone you call a friend, but whom you see as difficult at times or hard to please, demanding, irritating or untrue to the ideal he should accept as his, according to the role you set for him.

“You know the one to choose; his name has crossed your mind already. He will be the one of whom we ask God’s Son be shown to you. Through seeing him behind the grievances that you have held against him, you will learn that what lay hidden while you saw him not is there in everyone, and can be seen. He who was enemy is more than friend when he is freed to take the holy role the Holy Spirit has assigned to him. Let him be savior unto you today. Such is his role in God your Father’s plan.” W-pI.78.4-5

If I was not a convert to ACIM’s brilliance, this was the turning point. This presented the idea I had in my mind better than I could have written it myself.

I wasn’t impressed with ACIM, though, merely because it only taught things that was in alignment with my thinking, for this was not the case. It taught many things I had not considered before and a number that disagreed with my thinking. But because the intelligence in it is of a high order, it is an earned, though not an infallible authority with me. Therefore, when I come across something that appears to not be sound, I ask myself: “Could my thinking on this have been incorrect?” or “Am I correctly understanding that which is presented?”

This has happened a number of times and has always caused me to think. Some of these were resolved by finding clarifications in other parts of the Course, and others I now see were strong points emphasized in one direction to cause a shift in the reader’s attention. Then there are mysteries not yet resolved. We shall be talking about some of these.

Read the Introduction HERE, Read Chapter One HERE. Chapter Two HERE, Chapter Three HERE, Chapter Four HERE, Chapter Five HERE Chapter Six HERE, Chapter Seven HERE, Chapter Eight HERE, Chapter Nine HERE, Chapter Ten HERE, Chapter Eleven HERE, Chapter Twelve HERE, Chapter Thirteen HERE, Chapter Fourteen HERE, Fifteen HERE, Sixteen HERE, Seventeen HERE,       Eighteen HERE, Nineteen HERE, Twenty HERE, Twenty-One HERE, Twenty-Two HERE, Twenty-Three HERE, Twenty-Four HERE, Twenty-Five HERE, Twenty-Six HERE, Twenty-Seven  HERE, Twenty-Eight  HERE, Twenty-Nine HERE, Thirty HERE

ACIM Conversations, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part  16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25

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The Mysteries of A Course in Miracles, Introduction

The Mysteries of A Course in Miracles

Since A Course In Miracles was introduced to the public in 1976, a plethora of writings have sprung up commenting on it and explaining it.

A negative spin comes from mostly fundamentalist Christians who are upset that it claims to be a revelation from Jesus, but one that does not fit into orthodox interpretation. Thus, they view it as a crafty work of the devil himself made to lead the elect away from the real Christ.

I do not know of any full-length book critical of the Course, but there are many articles, videos and web pages attacking it.

On the other hand, most of the commentary on A Course in Miracles (ACIM for short) is positive, and there are many full-length books in addition to websites, podcasts, videos, symposiums and study groups making an attempt to explain to the average reader what the Course is really saying.

These authors and students mostly see the Course as a revelation of Christ and fully accept everything therein. The main question they try to answer is, “How can we best apply the teachings in our lives?” That seems to be the theme of every book I have examined on the Course itself.

So basically, writings and comments on the Course come from two camps. On the one side, we have those who reject the whole thing out of hand. Then, on the other, we have the true believers who accept it all without question and only wish to understand it better.

I know of no book delving into the Course where the author sees great value in the writings, but is prepared to take a dispassionate position on teachings that are controversial and difficult to understand.

Furthermore, ACIM covers numerous mysterious teachings that are not touched upon by writers who are trying to tell us how to apply the Course to have a better life, or to awaken. This ignored aspect of the Course needs to be examined and examined with dispassion and reason rather than merely as an affirmation of a belief system.

This book is different in three different ways from anything I have seen published to date.

(1) We will discuss mysteries and teachings from the Course that are of high interest to readers but have basically been ignored by other writers.

(2) Instead of presenting the writings from the starting point of total acceptance or rejection, we will take the position of the observer and see how each teaching registers with the internal truth detector, with pure reason and the Course itself. The writings will be accepted at face value unless otherwise stated.

The Course itself places strong emphasis on reason, telling us that most are suffering from a lack of it:

“You do not realize the whole extent to which the idea of separation has interfered with reason. Reason lies in the other self you have cut off from your awareness. And nothing you have allowed to stay in your awareness is capable of reason. How can the segment of the mind devoid of reason understand what reason is, or grasp the information it would give? All sorts of questions may arise in it, but if the basic question stems from reason, it will not ask it. Like all that stems from reason, the basic question is obvious, simple and remains unasked. But think not reason could not answer it.” T-21.V.4

This book will attempt to stay true to the direction of reason as well as that which is verified by the inner Self.

(3) Instead of merely telling readers how to better apply the principles of the Course, we will look into what is taught there (and sometimes not taught) that many have glossed over or missed completely.

Besides, if you want to know how to apply the Course to your life, there is nothing better than the Course itself to learn to do that. We will leave that aspect to others and move on to the new, the beautiful and the true – the mysteries of Divine Thought.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Read the Introduction HERE, Read Chapter One HERE. Chapter Two HERE, Chapter Three HERE, Chapter Four HERE, Chapter Five HERE Chapter Six HERE, Chapter Seven HERE, Chapter Eight HERE, Chapter Nine HERE, Chapter Ten HERE, Chapter Eleven HERE, Chapter Twelve HERE, Chapter Thirteen HERE, Chapter Fourteen HERE, Fifteen HERE, Sixteen HERE, Seventeen HERE,       Eighteen HERE, Nineteen HERE, Twenty HERE, Twenty-One HERE, Twenty-Two HERE, Twenty-Three HERE, Twenty-Four HERE, Twenty-Five HERE, Twenty-Six HERE, Twenty-Seven  HERE, Twenty-Eight  HERE, Twenty-Nine HERE, Thirty HERE

ACIM Conversations, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part  16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25

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The Moon and Deception

The Moon and Deception

A reader mentioned an account he read saying that the moon rocks are no different than some found in Antarctica.

I would doubt this since all rocks on the earth have water in them and moon rocks have virtually none. In addition, moon rocks are composed of “iron, titanium, chromium, and others that resist high temperatures, high pressure and corrosion. It is an alloy unknown on earth.”

The Soviets also retrieved moon rocks with an unmanned mission and their rocks were very similar to ours in composition.

I have no problem with the lack of stars in the photos for the surface of the moon is very bright and adjusting the aperture for that brightness would have dimmed the stars away. The astronauts were only on the moon in the brightness of the lunar day.

The astronauts took over 1100 photos that have been made available. As critics pour over this great number they are bound to find some oddities.

I’ll tell you this. If I were to arrange a fake lunar landing I wouldn’t repeat it six times (yesterday I mistakenly said five) with one disaster (Apollo 13) for theatrics. I also wouldn’t produce 1100 photos that could be used as evidence to expose me. I’d maybe release 6-12 to the public and be darned sure there was nothing odd in them. I’d also only fake the thing one time. Seven attempts would just insure that I would get caught.

Like they say a secret held by three or more people is no longer a secret. NASA made seven moon attempts with a couple dozen astronauts and hundreds of accused conspirators that had to be controlled. It’s literally impossible that no one is talking – if it were a hoax.

Here’s a couple other items that would be difficult to fake.

Before the manned mission NASA sent several unmanned missions, one of them was Surveyor 3. Apollo 12 landed within 600 feet of this craft and pulled out the camera and several other items and returned them to earth for study. The scientists who studied this definitely saw that it was the real thing because of bombardment with cosmic rays and micrometeorites over the three years it was there.

The astronauts placed laser reflectors on the moon. Lasers were then sent from the earth to the moon and bounced back and observed by observatories. How did this happen if men did not go to the moon and place them there?

Perhaps the most powerful evidence is that three Apollo missions placed seismometers on the moon in three different locations. Several times the Lunar Module was sent back to crash on the moon after the astronauts were headed home. The crash created an explosion equal to 2,000 pounds of TNT and produced a moonquake. Moonquakes were recorded by all three seismometers and the data as received by scientists here on the earth.

I’ve never seen the conspiracy people explain how three different landings placed three different seismometers on the moon in three locations which have been verified, yet all this was done in a studio? Also, how did they make the moon quake from a studio?

I’ll just be glad when we go back to the moon and take pictures of the flags and footprints that we planted there. This is one matter that will eventually be put to rest – which brings me to a final point.

If I were so inclined to fake a moon landing I would be very reluctant to do it even if I was very devious. Why? Because someday we would really go to the moon and prove to history that I was a fake. Would I really want to go down in history as the perpetrator of the biggest fraud in history? Not many would want that legacy.

I’m glad the group is having fun with the question as to whether God will lie or use lies for certain ends.

Actually, I included those verses from the Bible to stimulate thought more than an attempt to prove that God uses lies. It never occurs to most standard Bible believers that God actually used lying to achieve certain ends.

The answer to this dilemma is not in the idea that you can prove anything out of the Bible. Just like you cannot prove anything from the writings of DK, even so what you can prove from the Bible is quite limited – especially if you use verses where the interpretation is fairly black and white.

When it says “Now therefore the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets.” (2 Chron. 18:22) we have a pretty clear statement. The from the New Testament: “God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie…” (2 Thes. 2:11) is also a pretty clear statement. The enlightened reader, however, does not interpret the Bible in black and white, but by seeing underlying principles.

As most of you realize God is not some old man with a beard sitting on a throne, but is the One Great Life whose body is the universe, of which we are less than atoms in that body. This totality of life does not speak directly to the individual but instead It’s Purpose and Being are filtered down through the Hierarchy of beings until they reach humanity. Humans are not perfect, neither are the godlike beings who communicate higher purpose to us.

Even so, the Brotherhood of Light does not deceive or directly lie. Instead, if an individual or group has their heart set on a path that can only be trod through deception, the Masters will allow the person or group to proceed along this path so a lesson can be learned.

When a Brother of Light is asked a question his answer will be literally true as far as the communication of language is possible.

But he may deem it wise to not fully answer the question, thus leaving the filling in of gaps to the disciple. If the disciple is not pure of heart then he may take the truth revealed to him and fill in the gaps with illusion and thus move on a path of deception through his own frailties and not because of a lie told by the master.

The 400 prophets of Ahab received a lie because they desired a lie and the story is in the form of a parable to explain what happened to them. Micaiah, the true prophet, saw beyond the lie because he did not fear what man can do and though the Spirit within, that never faileth, he perceived the truth.

When it says that “God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie…” we are not told that God, or a Master will lie, but that because many desire to receive a lie rather than the truth that God will merely allow this to happen and events will occur so a false belief system will appear to be true.

In other words, the scriptures are saying something like this:

“If you ignore the truth and want that which is deception more than you want truth then you shall live in a world which is upside down where that which is false shall appear to be true. This shall be your fate until you sincerely desire the truth no matter where it shall lead you.”

The truth behind truth is this. The more light the disciple acquires and the further he progresses along the path the more truthful he will be and the more reliable will be his words. If the disciple is to ascend up the Hierarchy his words must be trusted so those who rely upon him he can trusted in that which has been said and promised.

The tactic of the Dark Brotherhood is different. They control, not through trust, but through power over their underlings. The disciple of light follows because of trust. The dark one because of fear of punishment or power.

A dream is nothing more than uncontrolled four-dimensional thinking, or the rearrangement of both past and future sensory impressions. Neville

Jan 24, 2004

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Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy Theories

Looks like another prediction of Benjamin Crème has fallen by the wayside. According to him the Masters were putting their support behind Dennis Kucinich and he received a whopping 1% of the vote in Iowa. Kucinich himself said that if he received less than 15% he would drop out.

Créme also said that Saddam was dead and still maintained he was right even after he was captured. He claimed that we caught a double instead. It would be unlikely though that the double would have a suitcase full of money, a notebook full of plans and high level names and the same DNA as Saddam.

It has always been one of the signs of a true teacher that he will not give wild-eyed prophesies that do not come true. It is also a sign of enlightened seekers that they will hold teachers accountable for predictions and statements that prove to be full of error. So many times has a guru lead his flock to the mountain to meet the Lord, a UFO or the end of the world and nothing has happened. Still the followers do not question and yet believe the “revised plan” of the leader.

I think a group finally exists that knows better. It is this group here on the Keys.

Let me say this about the history of mankind, the earth and the universe. No one has given the whole story out accurately, not even DK. DK, for instance, teaches our history within the framework of cycles and correspondences and hides much of the story within them. Other teachers have pieces to the puzzle, but have taken those pieces and mixed them with conjecture, imagination and astral revelation.

I will be writing about several additional pieces, but not all. Others will come after me giving more still. These sparks of truth will fly in the midst of a downpour of misinformation, but the wise will always see the light in the midst of darkness.

Many thanks to those of you who commented on the Philadelphia Experiment. Those of you who did some research came away feeling that all was not what was claimed by the advocates of it being a supernatural experience.

A reader made an excellent logical observation:

“I did really want this to be true but after taking all the facts into consideration I just can’t. Mostly because if it did happen then it is human nature to persevere and we would try it again and again until we got it right regardless of the loss endured.”

Yes, if such technology was developed then you just can’t put the genie back into the bottle. The technology of time/dimensional travel would now be far along and could not be completely covered up.

First we looked into the reality behind the Philadelphia Experiment and now we are taking a look at the controversy behind the moon shot. As many of you know, there is a large percentage of the population who believe we did not land on the moon.

Conspiracy theorists who have looked for clues have published so many that Fox even did a special on the idea.

The claim is that NASA just couldn’t reach the moon landing goal set by John Kennedy and decided to fake it by filming the whole thing Hollywood style in a studio.

Dozens of clues are given as to why the moon landing was a hoax. In the interest of time I will name just two.

(1) When the astronauts are assembling the American flag, the flag waves. This must have been from an errant breeze on the set. A flag wouldn’t wave in a vacuum.

Answer: “Of course a flag can wave in a vacuum. In the shot of the astronaut and the flag, the astronaut is rotating the pole on which the flag is mounted, trying to get it to stay up. The flag is mounted on one side on the pole, and along the top by another pole that sticks out to the side. In a vacuum or not, when you whip around the vertical pole, the flag will ‘wave’, since it is attached at the top. The top will move first, then the cloth will follow along in a wave that moves down. This isn’t air that is moving the flag, it’s the cloth itself.”

(2) There are a lack of stars in the pictures taken by the Apollo astronauts from the surface of the Moon. Without air, the sky is black, so where are the stars?


“So why aren’t they in the Apollo pictures? Pretend for a moment you are an astronaut on the surface of the Moon. You want to take a picture of your fellow space traveler. The Sun is low off the horizon, since all the lunar landings were done at local morning. How do you set your camera? The lunar landscape is brightly lit by the Sun, of course, and your friend is wearing a white spacesuit also brilliantly lit by the Sun. To take a picture of a bright object with a bright background, you need to set the exposure time to be fast, and close down the aperture setting too; that’s like the pupil in your eye constricting to let less light in when you walk outside on a sunny day.

“So the picture you take is set for bright objects. Stars are faint objects! In the fast exposure, they simply do not have time to register on the film. It has nothing to do with the sky being black or the lack of air, it’s just a matter of exposure time. If you were to go outside here on Earth on the darkest night imaginable and take a picture with the exact same camera settings the astronauts used, you won’t see any stars!”

As I have gone down the list of proofs of conspiracy I have found a logical answer given to each one.

There are many pieces of information proving the moon landing which is ignored by the hoax believers. Here are a few:

(1) Dust in a vacuum

If you watch the film of the moon rover, “you will see dust thrown up by the wheels of the rover. The dust goes up in a perfect parabolic arc and falls back down to the surface. Again, the Moon isn’t the Earth! If this were filmed on the Earth, which has air, the dust would have billowed up around the wheel and floated over the surface. This clearly does not happen in the video clips; the dust goes up and right back down. It’s actually a beautiful demonstration of ballistic flight in a vacuum. Had NASA faked this shot, they would have had to have a whole set (which would have been very large) with all the air removed. We don’t have this technology today!”

Answers from:

(2) Unique moon rocks

“Moon rocks are absolutely unique,” says Dr. David McKay, Chief Scientist for Planetary Science and Exploration at NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC). McKay is a member of the group that oversees the Lunar Sample Laboratory Facility at JSC where most of the Moon rocks are stored. “They differ from Earth rocks in many respects,” he added.

“For example,” explains Dr. Marc Norman, a lunar geologist at the University of Tasmania, “lunar samples have almost no water trapped in their crystal structure, and common substances such as clay minerals that are ubiquitous on Earth are totally absent in Moon rocks.”

“We’ve found particles of fresh glass in Moon rocks that were produced by explosive volcanic activity and by meteorite impacts over 3 billion years ago,” added Norman. “The presence of water on Earth rapidly breaks down such volcanic glass in only a few million years. These rocks must have come from the Moon!”

Fortunately not all of the evidence needs a degree in chemistry or geology to appreciate. An average person holding a Moon rock in his or her hand can plainly see that the specimen came from another world.

“Apollo moon rocks are peppered with tiny craters from meteoroid impacts,” explains McKay. This could only happen to rocks from a planet with little or no atmosphere… like the Moon.

Meteoroids are nearly-microscopic specks of comet dust that fly through space at speeds often exceeding 50,000 mph — ten times faster than a speeding bullet. They pack a considerable punch, but they’re also extremely fragile. Meteoroids that strike Earth’s atmosphere disintegrate in the rarefied air above our stratosphere. (Every now and then on a dark night you can see one — they’re called meteors.) But the Moon doesn’t have an atmosphere to protect it. The tiny space bullets can plow directly into Moon rocks, forming miniature and unmistakable craters.

“There are plenty of museums, including the Smithsonian and others, where members of the public can touch and examine rocks from the Moon,” says McKay. “You can see the little meteoroid craters for yourself.”

Just as meteoroids constantly bombard the Moon so do cosmic rays, and they leave their fingerprints on Moon rocks, too. “There are isotopes in Moon rocks, isotopes we don’t normally find on Earth, that were created by nuclear reactions with the highest-energy cosmic rays,” says McKay. Earth is spared from such radiation by our protective atmosphere and magnetosphere.

Even if scientists wanted to make something like a Moon rock by, say, bombarding an Earth rock with high energy atomic nuclei, they couldn’t. Earth’s most powerful particle accelerators can’t energize particles to match the most potent cosmic rays, which are themselves accelerated in supernova blastwaves and in the violent cores of galaxies.

Indeed, says McKay, faking a Moon rock well enough to hoodwink an international army of scientists might be more difficult than the Manhattan Project. “It would be easier to just go to the Moon and get one,” he quipped.

Taken from:

(3) If the moon landing was planned as a hoax they wouldn’t have repeated it five times. It’s remotely possible they could have fooled the world one time, but attempting to do it five times would have been insane.

(4) If the moon landing were filmed in a studio then why would they have faked the disaster of Apollo 13? This would have been a daring move unprecedented by any government workers.

We could explore another conspiracy. There are several connected with 9/11. Some conspiracies have a thread of truth but many are based on much false information and illogical conclusions.

The habit of seeing only that which our senses permit renders us totally blind to what, otherwise, we could see. To cultivate the faculty of seeing the invisible, we should often deliberately disentangle our minds from the evidence of the senses and focus our attention on an invisible state, mentally feeling it and sensing it until it has all the distinctness of reality. Neville

Jan 20, 2004

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Methods of Revelation

Methods of Revelation

Question: What are the methods used by the Brotherhood or Higher Lives to communicate with us?

As far as how the brotherhood can make contact – if we use the old standby, the Bible as an example, we have the following:

(1) Through Physical visitation.

Examples of this are the visitation of Jesus in the flesh to the apostles after the resurrection and God and his two associates who ate dinner with Abraham.

(2) Through visions.

Examples of this would be the visions of Daniel and John the Beloved.

(3) Through angels

(4) Through inspiration or revelation from higher intelligence, assumed to be God.

This is the principle upon which most of the Bible was written. Since none of the prophets tell exactly how this inner voice of God came to them we can only conjecture on the subject. When they said thus saith the Lord were they quoting an actual voice, an inner impression from the Holy Spirit, mental telepathy from a Master, or their own imagination?

Now fundamentalists believe that they all quoted the infallible voice of God, but they forget that these were merely fallible individuals just as we are today and in reality had varying degrees of contact with the divine.

Whether we read the Bible, the Koran, Ultimate Frontier, Alice A. Bailey or any other writings each individual must test the words against the Holy Spirit within. Each must do this even if his contact with the Spirit is far from perfect. Why? Because eventually it will be perfect and toward this goal all must proceed, even at the risk of making some mistakes in the process. All the pure in heart will reach the goal. We must thus learn to trust the verification from the inside more than the outside, yet use trusted outside authorities as guideposts when the inner is not yet perfected.

(5) In addition there are several controversial methods God used to communicate with man in the scriptures. Lying

(A) God used lying spirits to communicate:

In the days of Ahab, King of Israel, all the prophets were deceived except one. In that day there were 401 prophets. (See 2 Chron. 18:5-7. ) Ahab inquired of the 401 as to whether he should go to battle. The 400 knew the king would be angry if they prophesied anything but victory for the king, so their own hearts and fears greatly influenced the answer they received; however, one man, Micaiah, was not so influenced and he, being the last one called on for a prophecy, said, “As the Lord liveth, even what my God saith, that will I speak.” (2 Chron. 18:13) Then he proceeded to prophesy evil and disaster for the king which thing made the king angry. Then Micaiah explained why everyone was deceived except him:

“I saw the Lord sitting upon his throne, and all the host of heaven standing on his right hand and on his left. And the Lord said, Who shall entice Ahab, king of Israel, that he may go-up and fall at Ramothgilead? And one spake saying after this manner, and another spake saying after that manner. Then there came out a spirit, and stood before the Lord, and said, I will entice him. And the Lord said unto him, Wherewith? And he said, I will go out, and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And the Lord said, Thou shalt entice him, and thou shalt also prevail: Go out, and do even so. Now therefore the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets.” (2 Chron. 18:18-22)

Isn’t it interesting that the Bible tells us that the Lord himself could and has sent a lying spirit to deceive Israel when their hearts desired the delusion? Will it happen again?

It not only will happen, but it has been prophesied: “They receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth.” (2 Thes. 2: 10-12)

I personally believe that references to God sending or causing deception is symbolic as the scriptures call God a God of truth. I believe the correct wording is that God allows us to be deceived according to our own desires. When one open to deception receives a deluded revelation it is generally around that which he wishes to receive, right or wrong. The 400 prophets all wanted a revelation that did not anger the king and that is what they received.

Read this chapter in reference and you will see that it deals with events just preceding the second coming. When has God sent (or allowed) strong delusion that people would believe a lie? If God allows the delusion, then it must be around the principle of revelation. This was the dialog amidst the 400 prophets of Ahab.

Could God allow strong delusion to the prophets, seers and revelators today? Why not?

(B) God spoke to Balaam through the mouth of a dumb animal, an ass. (See Numbers chapter 22)

What do these last two examples tell us? They tell us that God can use whatever means he sees fit to reveal truth or expose deception. This is why the final voice must be the Holy Spirit within for a true revelation may come through an unexpected source or person.

As I’ve said many times the Masters and the Holy Spirit transmit their teachings through impression or telepathy. The lesser entities use direct voice or the standard process of channeling as it is called today. There is some truth in channeled material, but none of it must be taken as a final authority for mediums often receive such material from astral entities or thoughtforms not as smart as the average member of this group. Some of them are deceptive and some sincere, but all must be checked against the soul.

In the quest for truth, here is my advice. Search among the books and people that seem good to your soul and then run by all you learn by your soul. Keep that which registers. Discard those teachings do not bring inner response. Then put on the shelf those that stimulate, yet do not yet make complete sense.

At the cusp of each age the Brotherhood has to reassess their approach to humanity. Each age demands a different one and since the coming age is particularly significant the approach is likely to be altered more than in the past.

Why is the coming age of such significance? Because we are not only entering a lesser Aquarian cycle of around 2160 years but also a greater Aquarian cycle of over 25,000 years. We are basically entering a rare cycle of double Aquarius influences. This is a rare occurrence and is the reason that so many changes are taking place, especially in the area of the mind, air and space which is governed by Aquarian energies.

Just as human scientists must experiment to find that which works and that which does not, even so, must the spiritual scientists in the Hierarchy experiment with humanity, especially in dealing with the changes of a new age. The higher lives are not perfect as many suppose, but their judgment and decisions are on a higher level than ours.

During the Piscean age certain approaches to humanity became dependable and the results predictable. But with the tremendous inflow of the of the Aquarian energies from both a greater and lesser cycle even the Masters of Wisdom are tested to the max in doing their part to step down the energies and light so it will be wisely used for the next couple hundred years as we adjust to the new cycle.

Along these lines it is of interest to note that the Piscean Age did not begin with the date given for the coming of Christ. At 4 BC the Piscean Age was already a couple hundred years old. There were several great teachers before the coming of Christ of which only a scant reference is made by history. Even so, the turning point of the Aquarian age was the end of the Great War in 1945 and it is most likely that we will have a trinity of significant teachers that will have been recognized within a couple hundred years from now. In addition there will be numerous supporting teachers.

The thing to register is that because the approach of the Brotherhood to humanity is unique to the times that it may take some time before the teachers are recognized by the mainstream for a different note and tone will be sounded by the various lights.

The Brotherhood, of course, have worked on more than two projects or endeavors, but a particular two that failed were mentioned in the Immortal book. Actually there is no such thing as failure to one who learns from mistakes and moves ahead and even the great lives must learn from that which does not work.

In the past all that was needed was a few miracles, a vision and some new teachings and the teacher was assured to draw a significant following who would listen to his every word.

But now at this juncture there are so many claiming miracles and revelation that the intelligent often ignore them. There are so many claiming visions and supernatural contact that one more seems meaningless to an Aquarian mind. Then there are so many claiming new teachings from the brotherhood or ascended masters or God himself that a true teacher may seem like one more crackpot and get lost in the shuffle.

Because of these changing times and energies several attempts by the Brotherhood received little recognition and got smothered in the multitude of competitive astral teachings that had more emotional appeal. Therefore, certain attempts had to be withdrawn and a fresh approach taken.

The Immortal is a part of this experimental new approach where the teachings are presented with a little enhanced entertainment to a world that demands much more than a black and white presentation. So far progress has been far from spectacular, but we have been successful in drawing some excellent seed disciples.

But timing is something that even the greatest lives have difficulty predicting so I will not set a time frame for success – except to say that it will happen. And if I should fail another will come.

And yes, there are numerous disciples with numerous missions, but each is unique and one does not compete with the other.

“How would I feel were my wish realized?” is the feeling which should monopolize and immobilize your attention as you relax into sleep.” Neville

Jan 17, 2004

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ETs and the Philadelphia Experiment

ETs and the Philadelphia Experiment

Comment: What I want to know is if some of the aliens described by people like: eks (Whitley Strieber) are what they try to say they are. And that that they are good and try to help us with expansion of the mind to the higher consciousness. And if they are apart of the brotherhood of light?? And by quoting Whitley Strieber: He once asked them in a close encounter experience “Who or what are you and what is the earth?” And the alien he spoke to answered: “We are recyclers of souls and the earth is a school. And the being was one of the so called “greys”

JJ: It is interesting how silent the brotherhood has been on extraterrestrials.

I think the reason is this.

There are several schools of thought among the various seekers of the planet and many of them have a fairly strong fixed belief about what they consider to be the truth of the matter. If the Brotherhood were to clearly reveal the truth of the matter then many would discount other teachings which could assist them as they move upon the path.

I’ll therefore give you my belief as an opinion that you should feel free to accept or reject.

There is very little interstellar flight where physical vehicles and bodies are involved. The technology for such a feat is a spiritual technology that is in the hands of the Brotherhood of Light. They have the power to fold and unfold physical matter. Visits by these spiritual travelers are infrequent by our standards with intervals spanning thousands of years. They come when it is important to assist with our evolution.

There is a larger number of visits by entities in lower etheric vehicles. This class consists of a large variety of entities with a number of different objectives – some helpful and some not so helpful. These entities and their vehicles do not exist in the dense physical, but some have the power to lower their vibration for short periods so they are close to being physical and have convinced many that they are physical.

Observers have reported UFO’s making sharp right angle turns, instant stops and disappearing into the ocean as if the water was no barrier. This gives a strong indication that these vehicles are not constructed of physical matter as we know it.

There is much misinformation about extraterrestrials for many of the stories told about them are from implanted memories of events with no concrete reality. Many have memories of being taken aboard a spacecraft when they really either have a memory implant or have desired such a thing so much that they have created a thoughtform which deceived them, a little like many supposed visions of God that wind up to have proven false information and predictions.

Most of the interplanetary and interstellar travel occurs in the higher bodies of advanced entities without the use of any craft. Shamballa receives these visitors periodically and all those who laid the foundations of Shamballa came from other planets, namely Venus, but not the physical planetary body.

The Philadelphia Experiment

Question: It is my understanding that the Philadelphia Experiment caused a rift in time and space allowing for an abnormal amount of visitations. Do you feel JJ that all of this was part of the Divine Plan for Earth’s unfoldment and for the big jump into a higher dimension for Earth and its occupants?

JJ: One of the principles of discovery of new truth and insights is to first become familiar with the information that is readily available. The Greater Lives do not give out revelation to the lazy, but to those who discover all they can on their own. (I am not saying that anyone here is lazy – just stating a principle)

Perhaps you will recall the parable of the Talents:

14 “For it will be like a man going on a journey to a far country, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property. 15 To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away.

16 He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made five talents more. 17 So also he who had the two talents made two talents more. 18 But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master’s money. 19 Now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them. 20 And he who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five talents more, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me five talents; here, I have made five talents more.’ 21 His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ 22 And he also who had the two talents came forward, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me two talents; here, I have made two talents more.’ 23 His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’

24 He also who had received the one talent came forward, saying, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed, 25 so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here, you have what is yours.’ 26 But his master answered him, ‘You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed? 27 Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest. 28 So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents. 29 For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. 30 And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ Matt 25:14-30

The above scripture has many interpretations which may apply, but I will give one here that is off the beaten path.

The man from “a far country” represents the soul. The talent represents the inherit light and knowledge of the seeker. The experienced entity may have five portions, another may have two and the beginning seeker may have only one.

The two more advanced seekers understand the principles of discovery and expansion and desire to expand their knowledge in any way possible by looking into all possibilities within and without. On the other hand, the beginner thinks that all comes from within and thus keeps his knowledge buried within himself, not allowing for expansion to be stimulated from the interplay of that which is without with that which is within.

The beginner often makes the mistake of burying his talent, expecting to reap where he has not sown. He does this because he sees his soul as having acquired all the knowledge of the universe with no effort: “I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed.

On the other hand, his Solar Angel has struggled through countless cycles of time to get where it is and says to the beginner: “Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.”

In other words, the power of the soul will gravitate to him who has much, but does not bury his talent. The soul knows that he will have to come back later to the beginner who has buried his head in the sand. Alas, the soul must wait until the novice learns his lesson and looks outward as well as inward.

This same principle applies to any piece of knowledge we wish to understand.

I’ve read a few things about the Philadelphia Experiment and found them quite fascinating, but have not researched it enough to get the final piece of the puzzle from my soul.

Since I am short on time right now I thought I would make this a class project.

Go to your favorite search engine and type in the words “Philadelphia Experiment” and then attempt to find two web pages that support a supernatural event and two that are skeptical and give us a post on what you have concluded by reading both sides.

Don’t just take the first four or five sites that come up but look over a number of them before you explore.

(1) Did a supernatural event occur?

(2) Are there real witnesses? Are they telling the truth?

(3) Was time (or dimensional) travel involved?

(4) Any other interesting insights.

Since I have only heard the believing side in the past I thought I would check a couple skeptical ones. Here are a couple good ones:


“A change of feeling is a change of destiny.” Neville

Jan 14, 2004

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Limitations of Experts

Limitations of Experts

It was suggested the other day that we present my analysis of the handwritings of HPB and JFK to expert handwriting analysts to see if they agree with me.

The only problem with this is that there are no experts I know of who know how to compare handwritings of two separate lifetimes for a probable match. Most authorities are only authorities in what they have been trained to look for.

And even in standard forgery work many experts disagree. There should be little disagreement in this area, however, for the detecting of forgery is close to an exact science. Even so, some judgment is required and there is still some disagreement. I’m sure you have heard of court cases where the experts disagree.

I remember a time many years ago that there was a big controversy over some early LDS documents and their authenticity, as it was claimed that Joseph Smith retrieved the Book of Mormon from a lost Spaulding manuscript. What was ironical was that the LDS experts interpreted known Spaulding handwriting in their favor and the anti Mormon experts interpreted against the church. I took a look at the two samples and saw immediately that the two samples were written by two different individuals just as the church had maintained. I noticed that the church experts didn’t seem to be making a good case, however, so I wrote up my analysis giving various handwriting comparisons similar to what I did on HPB/JFK and sent it to church headquarters.

I never heard anything back, but I did notice about a month later that the Church published another defense of their position, this time using some of the comparisons I sent them. I think it must have worked for I never heard of any more attacks along this line from the anti Mormons again.

It is also interesting that expert analysts have disagreed on whether the handwriting of the Mahatma letters was by H. P. Blavatsky. I’m sure that if I could look at them I could tell in a few minutes.

NOTE: I later did an analysis and have posted it HERE

See the link at the end of the post for Part II

Another area where the experts disagree is in the translation of the ancient Biblical Hebrew and Greek into modern English. These ancient languages seem so complicated to a beginner that many would never dare question a scholar or team of scholars it takes to do a biblical translation.

The fact is that many are too intimidated by experts and scholars and if the truth be known an average person with a little common sense is as good a judge as the experts if they have the right materials before them to examine.

For instance, the orthodox translation of Matthew 24:3 reads “Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?”

“World” her comes from the Greek AION from which the English Aeon, or eon is derived. This signified a definite period of time with a beginning and an end and is more appropriately translated as “age.” Even though this translation should be beyond dispute many of the experts still use the “end of the world” translation.

Over the years I have given you many mistranslations from the Bible that readers have been able to check with their own resources and discover that I spoke the truth and many of the experts were in error.

The sad fact is this. If you are forging new ground and then call the experts in they will often be less likely to see the truth an will the average guy with the facts in front of him.

This is why I painstakingly dissected the two handwritings and placed various elements side by side so you can see and judge for yourself. If you trust your judgment you will be able to be as accurately as many experts.

What do I think another handwriting expert may think if he looked at the web page? Some would find it quite fascinating and others would see the minor differences and go by their training based on comparing two samples living in the same time frame and then criticize my conclusions.

It doesn’t hurt to listen to a true expert, but much more important is to find out some of the details for yourself and get a feel as to how accurate the expert really is.

After all, many of the experts who have done Biblical translations have starkly left out entire words and phrases they didn’t agree with. An expert may have completed the translation, but the average guy with a little common sense will know that something is wrong when words and phrases that do not conform to a belief system are just left out or altered.

I thus designed the HPB/JFK analysis in such a way that the reader can look at the comparisons, use his own mind and come to his own judgment on the matter and be an expert in his own right.

Question: How can we believe the Bible when it is thousands of years old and been through so many translations?

JJ: Most people believe the Bible because they were taught by some authority figure that it is the infallible word of God and to doubt the Bible is like doubting God. Therefore, the safe thing to do is to accept it literally no matter what.

The first thing you need to know is that the written word cannot perfectly represent human thought, let alone the mind of God. To understand what a person is saying who is right next to you often requires reading between the lines. To read between the lines in the study of inspired words one must establish a degree of soul contact and read through the eyes of the soul. Without this the seeker may wind up handling snakes or beating his kid with the idea of pleasing God.

Any work that has spiritual teachings must be read with judgment through the eyes of the soul if true spiritual food is to be ingested. From this aspect the Bible is like any other book.

What makes it unlike most other books is that it has stood the test of time and many of its teachings are as applicable today as they were thousands of years ago.

Do not concern yourself with the Bible existing today exactly as it was first written down. Some passages are very close to the original while others have been altered. Only concern yourself with reading it (if so moved) and sensing the response from your inner being. When that response is positive then pay attention and reflect on what you have just received. Sometimes even a bad translation can turn on the light

Question: Was there a Mrs., Judas and what happened to her after Judas killed himself?

JJ: Has anyone ever thought of her before? Her fate would make an interesting novel.

I believe that Judas has a loosely attached working non married partner that stayed with the group.

The typical reaction for a dedicated spouse is to follow her mate through good or evil. A fictional book on this premise would make for interesting reading. I do not have time to write it but this is a good idea for aspiring writers out there.

“Suggestions, like propaganda, are boomerangs unless they are accepted by those to whom they are sent. So your world is a gift you have given to yourself.” Neville

Jan 12, 2004

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Soul Guidance

Soul Guidance

I was asked to elaborate on the process that led to the conclusion that HPB was later JFK.

When I went to the web page and saw H. P. Blavatsky’s writing it seemed familiar. Then I recalled mentally that JFK’s writing was very close and compared the two side by side. I immediately concluded that the match was close enough that there was a strong chance that they could be the same entity. I then decided to investigate more closely. During the next three days I spent every moment researching the two and during this time I felt highly driven. Then as I was lining things up and the pieces were falling in place I felt a presence. I felt it was the HPB/JFK entity sighing, thinking with gladness that it was about time someone figured out the puzzle.

When I receive revelation on a principle I am 100% sure because the soul speaks the language of principles. The soul rarely reveals data, but will verify data from time to time when it is important to the life purpose of the seeking entity. Receiving verification of data is rarely infallible, however, for it is not the language of the soul. I can only say that my soul impressed me to do this research, but cannot say that my soul has verified that my research to be 100% correct.

I relate the soul with principles and facts with this caveat.

First: the soul will verify facts on occasion as I just said.

Secondly, the soul does not give facts, but can open a door so facts can be discerned or discovered. Few are able to go in and out of that door with authority.

MY logical mind does tell me that there is better than a 90% chance that H. P. Blavatsky was later JFK. It also feels right to me.

On this note let me add this. In times past disciple after disciple have revealed many pieces of facts and data that were later proven wrong and they have been discredited to a degree. To retrieve facts and data through the soul or spirit with accuracy requires the status of Master or higher and even these high lives are not infallible. The temptation for the disciple such as HPB, Helena Roerich or Joseph Smith is this: when asked a question they like to give an answer to illustrate the truth of their calling. What happens with many of them is when they do not have a true revelation on the facts they will distill them from their own thoughtforms.

This flaw that many past disciples have possessed needs to come to an end and part of my mission is to bring this about. I am to teach the importance of principles over facts and if I do not have a true revelation of the facts I am to not manufacture them just so my personality will grow in authority. When I do not know the answer to a question where a fact or piece of data is requested I will tell you the truth as I am here with JFK.

All should feel free to disagree with me. No one should ever feel like they are going against some answer from God when they do. Only going against one’s own soul should create any distress.

A reader mentioned the possibility of glamour from me in examining JFK’s past. There’s not much chance of this unless I were to have the glamour of idolization in connection with either HPB or JFK.

There is a strong possibility of glamour entering in when we attempt to see our own past lives, however.

All truth whether it be in the form of facts or principles is helpful to the seeker in seeing the big picture.

If I am correct on HPB/JFK then it teaches us much more than just who JFK was in a past life. It teaches us a method of discovery, the use of logic, and the fact that many people out there making proclamations of true facts do not know any more than the rest of us.

It also gives us a great clue as to what to look for in a trio of entities (JFK, RFK and John Jr.) that are likely to appear on the scene in a generation.

If I am still here I may be able to identify them as they begin their work.

I used the word “revelation” in relation to this HPB/JFK disclosure and perhaps this was a little misleading. A revelation can be some supernatural revealing or it can be a discovery using normal methods. This revelation happened to mentally dawn on me when I compared the two handwritings side by side.

Even when I am 100% sure through the soul of a teaching I try to avoid giving it out as a divine message. For some, this creates an authority behind the teaching that causes them to not examine the validity of it through their own means of truth detection.

Question: One thing that I can’t figure out though. Why would HPB/JFK be pleased that someone figured out the puzzle when there is so much glamour around about past lives?

JJ: For one thing a glamour is a distorted reaction to an a truth or untruth. The glamour is not the teaching or the information, but how the information is processed and acted upon.

It is true that there is a lot of glamour associated with past lives, but over 90% of such glamour comes from an erroneous perception that the person involved is more important that he is, often some important historical figure. An entity who really discovers he is a true historical figure would be much less likely to have a glamour associated with it than he who is deceived.

Let us suppose that Joel discovered he was Einstein in his last life. Now the fact that he concretely realizes this has nothing to do with a glamour. If, however, he comes on the group as says: “Hey guys. Guess what? I was Einstein in a past life. Isn’t that cool? Now maybe you’ll pay attention to me.”

Such desire for recognition and authority is a sign of glamour.

On the other hand, I have met Joel and would guess that if he discovered such a thing he would pretty much keep it to himself – maybe telling his wife or best friend. He’d probably feel that blurting it out to the public would create more problems that it would be worth.

But let’s move ahead a few years to Joel’s old age. Maybe on his deathbed he thinks, “It is indeed true that I was Einstein and I knew some of my friends and family in that past life. It would be nice, after I am gone and not here to take undue glory in my past, that the truth be revealed. Then Joel dies and it seems this knowledge dies with him.

But then a few years later his son discovers the truth and publishes it. This disclosure would not cause a glamour with Joel on the other side unless he was already wrestling with them in the flesh. It is most likely that he would look on and smile, reflecting on the fruit of his labors in both lifetimes. A simple acknowledgement or appreciation for that which is true has nothing to do with glamour. It is the undue or unnecessary inflation of the ego that creates the problem.

When I picked up the impression that HPB/JFK was glad someone figured out this connection I felt no glamour involved – just a simple appreciation for truth revealed.

Comment: You would think that JFK would at least be a little interested in some abstract or occult spiritual practices. I don’t think it would be more different if you said that Jimi Hendrix was reincarnated into one of the Olsen twins.

JJ: How did you know that Jimi Hendrix reincarnated into one of the Olsen twins? (Just joking)

There are several things to take into consideration here. First, a number of our ray influences change with each lifetime. Secondly, our soul has a different destiny for us in each life that often requires a change in focus.

Thirdly, the Kennedy family into which JFK was born was extremely political. Politics was the main focus and Joe Kennedy had political ambitions that he instilled in all his boys. John, Bobby, Ted and also Joe Jr. who was killed were all political animals. There was no getting around a focus on politics for the entity who was JFK, no matter that his interest was in his past life.

The soul often decides on a shift of focus for us when we enter a new life. It comes after we have become proficient in our last learning lesson. In HPB’s case one must admit that she had become about as learned in occult philosophy as one can get, meaning it was time for her to enter a new field of learning which was apparently politics. When this shift happens the entity often becomes so absorbed in the new learning that he seems disinterested in his old field. But he will have an internal understanding of the past principles learned.

Comment: When I looked at the photographs side by side I realized how much a personality can make an impression on who we think we are and who others are but when we die we truly on some level cease to exist. Its kind of depressing even believing in reincarnation that once we die we will never be who we were.

JJ: That which is real is eternal and never ceases to exist. On the other hand, our personality and our illusionary belief systems are unreal and will change and eventually be no more as it is now. This even happens within a single lifetime.

When I was about 21 years of age, and an active member of the LDS church, I was contemplating my future, trying to imagine myself 20, or 40 hears from then. I asked myself, If I could see the future what possibility would be most shocking (in a bad way)? I ran by the possibility and this was the vision of me that made me cringe the most: “That I would stray from the doctrines taught by the church and actively teach that which the church would condemn.”

Well, here I am in that future fulfilling my worst nightmare. The only thing is that it is not a nightmare, but an awakening to a much greater light than I had before. Would I go back to where I was? No. Instead I embrace who I am and look forward to BECOMING a new and improved version of myself tomorrow.

It is true that the old church-going indoctrinated JJ: of yesteryear no longer exists, but that which is real within me persists. The elements composing my outer self have changed, but the inner me which makes the decisions persists and will always be.

Perhaps the concern is partially based on a glimpse of the fourth initiation of renunciation which comes to all of us. In the great renunciation we let go of all attachments to personality desires. The disciple must release attachments to desire and belief that is more important to him than physical life itself.

In the meantime regular seekers can take comfort in this. As long as we follow the soul our next level of development will be embraced and joyous. It is nothing to cause fear or dread.

“It is in sleep and in prayer, a state akin to sleep, that man enters the subconscious to make his impressions and receive instructions. In these states the conscious and subconscious are creatively joined. The male and female become one flesh.” Neville

Jan 8, 2004

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HPB JFK Connection

HPB JFK Connection

Thanks for your comments on the H. P. Blavatsky page. I found the research on this fascinating. Because I have 40 years experience (as of 2004) with handwriting analysis the comparisons are quite impressive to me. If any of the rest of you have comments on the credibility of the presentation I would be interested in hearing it.

One thing we could do is an astrological chart comparison. I’m sure we would find some interesting correspondences, but there is probably nothing available to compare to handwriting analysis to give hard physical proof.

As a person moves from life to life he changes rays, personality, circumstances and sometimes sex. Normally, a person will have changed enough so his handwriting will appear significantly different – at least in superficial ways. The main thing to look for is the basic intelligence- and where that intelligence is most pronounced. Since Kennedy and H. P. Blavatsky are both extremely intelligent they both would be expected to have aspects that would catch the eye of the analyst.

Fortunately, in this case there was an amazing amount of similarities making this a great concrete case for reincarnation.

If DK is a 10 in intelligence H. P. Blavatsky would be an 8, Kennedy an 8.5 and Alice A. Bailey a 7 – based on handwriting.

Comment: “Funny how they’re both known by their three initials.”

Yes, that is interesting and I meant to include that piece of information.

It is also interesting that H. P. Blavatsky suffered greatly with ill health in her last twenty or so years. Her kidneys and possibly other organs gave out due I think to her excessive smoking and possibly her medications. As I said, she smoked up to 200 cigarettes a day. I think this ill health carried over in to JFK’s life for he suffered greatly with poor health from his youth. As a young man is was always in and out of the best hospitals undergoing every test possible as the doctors were trying to figure out his mystery illness.

Neither of them seemed to control their physical desires. Since H. P. Blavatsky was not that great in looks for a woman it appears she took out her compulsion in smoking whereas JFK was excessive in sex. Such apparent lack of control is unusual in an initiate. Yet both of them showed self-control of the physical worthy of an initiate in other areas of life. Their ability to override their pain and illness and function normally is a good example.

I do not think either of them achieved the fourth initiation as I do not see any evidence that either of them yielded to the “great renunciation.”

The is one possibility, however. If Kennedy knew in advance that he was to be assassinated in Dallas and his soul told him to yield to it because it was a part of some great plan – this could qualify. The reason would be that he would have been giving up more than his life (which is not enough). He would have been giving up the opportunity to change the world as the most powerful leader on the planet.

Someone asked if I believe that JFK/HPB has reincarnated again. I’m not sure of the time, but I believe he has taken incarnation recently. What I have strongly picked up is the reason his son John Jr. was killed. One of JFK’s great disappointments was that he was not able to raise his son with whom he had an especially close soul connection. In the realm of the Soul JFK asked his son if he would join him in his new life and he agreed. Thus was the airplane crash arranged by the powers that be so John Jr could be again born as JFK’s son – this time, hopefully to have a relationship together. Of course Bobby will be joining in too, but not Ted for he is not in the soul group.

Question: I wonder if you’ve considered any other possibilities to explain the similarities in handwriting, or is reincarnation the only explanation? The reason I’m asking is that the teaching that HPB became a Master in 1924 comes from an exceptionally highly regarded source and has remained unchallenged for 70 years.

JJ: In line of authority I trust:

(1) My own soul

(2) My common sense

(3) Inspired writings, scriptures, DK etc.

I don’t care who says what if it does not line up with my soul and the logic of the mind.

Why are you inclined to trust this source?

Actually a number of people have given other lives for H. P. Blavatsky including the web page you posted which had her as Sybil Leek. This does not register at all with me for H. P. Blavatsky was much more intelligent than Sybil.

I did think that about half of his guesses were possibilities though.

The idea that Madonna was Marilyn Monroe is fairly far fetched though figuring that Marilyn was alive when Madonna was four. However, when we consider the doctrine of walk-ins all things become possible – though this one is not probable.

Question: Maybe it is possible that HPB overshadowed JFK., Could that explain the similarities in the handwriting?

JJ: An overshadowing does not affect the handwriting to any significant degree. The original entity still owns the body, is in charge and does not undergo any personality change other than that of normnal evolution. There is only a personality change when there is a walk in situation where the body is vacated by the original entity. In this case the new entity would assume the memory of the original occupant and duplicate many of his personality characteristics for a time, but make numerous changes over the next ten years.

A close look at the evidence I have presented testifies that that chances are extremely high that the two entities are the same person.

Comment: While I find your handwriting analysis quite compelling, I cannot believe that JFK was as advanced as HPB – or more intelligent.

JJ:: The handwriting shows JFK had a slight edge in most departments – which makes sense if he was a later incarnation. He was a little quick thinker, a little sharper wit, a little more courage, a little more difficult to fool, a little more organized, a little clearer thinker – just a slight edge in most factors. This does not negate the fact that both were highly intelligent. Overall, by using our normal standards of intelligence JFK was our most intelligent president and one of the most intelligent entities overall in our history.

Was he more intelligent than Lincoln? By normal standards, yes, but Lincoln was the type of person who had an intelligence that was not obvious. He didn’t have the natural ability that JFK or H. P. Blavatsky did, but he had an inner spiritual perception that made up for it. Lincoln had the same problem as Bush in that he was accused by many as being stupid, but they underestimated the spiritual intelligence that was below the surface.

Comment: One only has to compare the significance of their works to see that. HPB’s work made the new age possible. JFK was a great statesman, perhaps even a great man, but his legacy is nowhere near as important as HPB’s.

JJ: The significance of one’s work and their intelligence is two different things.

One may be a master at his profession and even famous and then the soul may lead him in a new direction of learning in his next life. Because he is entering new ground he may have little success. For instance, it would be unfair to say Bob in one life could not be the Master composer of a past life because he failed at painting. He may need a couple lives to develop the new talent.

Even so, it is quite possible that JFK’s short presidency was more important than the mission of HPB. Consider the Cuban Missile Crisis. It is quite possible that we would have had a nuclear war if a lesser man was in charge. If JFK did lead humanity away from this development then he fulfilled one of the greatest of destinies possible.

In addition he initiated the Peace Corp, the mission to the moon and civil rights legislation that passed after his death in his honor. Three significant accomplishments. But beyond this he initiated a new optimism that infected the whole world. The White house of his era was called Camelot signifying that the world soul recognized him as an initiate from the likes of Camelot of old.

Comment: Perhaps he was cut off in his prime for a greater purpose and so never got a chance to take his 4th but that is pure speculation and so we can’t know for sure. If we are speculating we could also say that HPB did take her 4th but there is no record of it.

JJ: It’s possible that H. P. Blavatsky was a 4th degree, I know some think she was, but if she was there was no evidence that was passed down or even hinted at. It is unlikely that one who has passed the Great Renunciation would be so addicted to cigarettes to the extent that it would ruin her health.

Comment: While Helena Roerich isn’t as accurate as AAB (I think you gave her a 7 rating from memory) one wonders how she could be *so* wrong about HPB’s subsequent incarnation.

JJ: A seven can still make many mistakes. I think she was given a mission, but she made the mistake of tapping into some of her own thoughtforms and coming up with some misinformation. Again this is why it is so important to trust your own mind and soul above all others – even your humble servant.

“You never attract that which you want but always that which you are.” Neville

Jan 7, 2004

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The H P Blavatsky Discovery

The H P Blavatsky Discovery

I’m working on the new H. P. Blavatsky presentation. Since this is a significant discovery I thought I’d take the time to do it right and present it on a web page.

Glenys is right that H. P. Blavatsky did incarnate again as a male. Before she gave us the reference on her handwriting all I had seen was her signature on the cover of The Secret Doctrine, and that is not enough for good analysis. For one thing, the signature often differs from the normal script. It presents the image we like to portray to the world, which is often different than the real person revealed in regular writing.

When I looked at H. P. Blavatsky’s writing on the web I thought to myself that I had seen the writing before. But then that would be impossible for I had never seen H. P. Blavatsky’s regular handwriting. Then I racked my brain trying to recall where I had seen that handwriting before and it came to me. I dug up some samples of this person’s writing and compared it to Blavatsky’s writing and was amazed at the similarities. As I examined more carefully I concluded that there was at least a 99% chance that these two were the same entity.

Just as your handwriting may not look exactly like it did 20 or 30 years ago there are often even more pronounced differences between lifetimes. Proving through handwriting that two personalities in two lifetimes are the same person is a little like proving that your diary as a teenager was written by the same person who writes with a somewhat different script today.

It can be done, but not by proving there is an exact match.

I am making a case as to who H. P. Blavatsky was in her next incarnation. In addition to proving this fact my presentation will also be a strong case for proving reincarnation.

A reader compared the endorsement of the Principles of Unification to the taking of an oath. I can understand the reluctance to the taking of an oath, but is quite removed from an oath.

By endorsing the Principles of Unification you are not making any type of oath or promise. An endorsement is just what the word implies. An endorsement.

You can endorse the eating of Big Macs, but it wouldn’t be an oath unless you gave your word that you would eat one a day or something like that.

You have no more chance of getting on anyone’s black list because of endorsing the Principles than you would by being on this list or by being a registered Republican or Democrat.

Glenys said something interesting I do not recall hearing or reading before:

“Incidentally, because sometimes people ask, the male body is able to withstand the force of the 1st ray energies experienced when taking the higher initiations which is why the majority choose to take those initiations in male bodies. I think this is changing though. HPB took her 4th initiation as a female (but suffered greatly for the privilege) and I think we shall see more female masters in the future.”

JJ: It makes sense that a male energy would have an easier time handing first ray energy. I’m curious where you heard this as well as the source of H. P. Blavatsky taking her fourth initiation. I am aware that she suffered a lot with health problems but never heard of them being connected with initiations. Indeed they could have had an effect, but so did her chain smoking.

There is a strong analogy between a spoken voice and a mental voice. To think is to speak low; to speak is to think loud.” Neville

To read the full discovery go to this link:

Jan 5, 2004

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