The Birth of the Christ Within, Part 1

This entry is part 28 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

The title of tonight’s class is “The Birth of the Christ Within.” Now it is interesting that wherever the name Christ is circulated it seems to create and cause a lot of controversy. Even as innocent a thing as Christmas does this. We turn on the TV these days and we see an assault on Christmas itself. There are arguments about taking the Christ out of Christmas. They want to call a Christmas tree a holiday tree and want to say happy holidays instead of merry Christmas. So even the most innocent appearance of the name of Christ is creating a controversy.

It is interesting that when Jesus was sending His disciples off He said to them, “Ye shall be hated of all the world for my name’s sake.” It is interesting that where the name of Christ manifests there is controversy created. And the last element of controversy around the name of Christ seems to be the celebration of his birthday. Just even wishing somebody Merry Christmas seems to upset a lot of people these days.

When I was kid it did not upset anyone you just said Merry Christmas and you did not even know about that happy holidays thing you just said merry Christmas and there was just a Christmas tree and that was it. Now there is a controversy over this very innocent sounding holiday. If you wish somebody Merry Christmas you are going to leave out the Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and the new agers like us. So it is interesting how just the name of Christ in circulation causes controversy and friction even though He is called the Prince of Peace. What happened when the Prince of Peace came?

Audience: War

JJ: Was there peace around Him where ever He walked? No wherever He went people wanted to kill Him. So doesn’t that seem strange that He appears as the Prince of Peace and the first thing that happens is that all the authorities around Him become upset and begin to have secret little conferences as to how to get rid of the guy. Finally they crucify Him and they think they are finally rid of Him. He is dead and gone and just one more troublemaker that they don’t have to worry about anymore. Well about three days later they had to change their minds on that idea. And so it is fascinating that as the name of Christ was circulated over the ages we had the crusades and the crusades was fought over what?

Audience: Fought over the name of Christ.

JJ: Fought over the name of Christ and to secure the name of Christ in Jerusalem. They wanted to re-take Jerusalem and secure the name of Christ there so the name of Christ could dominate. What did Constantine see in a vision that made him want to go out and conquer the world? He saw a vision of a cross in the heavens and he heard these words spoken “by this you shall conquer.” So all of a sudden Constantine changed from being a Roman Emperor and became a Christian Emperor and he decide to conquer the world in the name of Christ.

It interesting that the name of Christ, the one called the Prince of Peace creates disturbance wherever His name manifests. Admittedly it is most probable that Constantine did not receive a vision from Christ or the higher spheres but from the lower astral realm. He was probably given information from a lower vibration to go and conquer the earth. As a matter of fact he corrupted a lot of the teachings of Christ and he was one that initiated the great changes away from real truth. He told the Christians basically, look we are going to stop persecuting you if you change your doctrines to what we tell you. If you change your doctrines and teachings to the way the State wants then we will quit persecuting you.

So a lot of Christians thought, well I guess that would be worth About 95% of them went along with the changes but there was a small number that thought they are not going to change and continue to teach what they have been taught. Well this small percentage that was left over were persecuted more than ever and the Empire did everything it could to get rid of this group that held out. They were hunted down like dogs and persecuted because they did not go along with the changes of the Roman Emperor.

Ironically, He was called the prince of peace. Often times when He met with His disciples one of the first things He said to them was what, do you remember what His introductory statement was when He met with His disciples?

Audience: Peace be with you.

JJ: Right peace be unto you. What do you suppose it felt like to be in His presence and have Him say that to you? Peace be unto you. Now imagine that I am the Christ; visualize that I am He and I say to you, peace be unto you. Do you think it would feel a little bit different than if say Wayne said it to you?

Audience: Chuckling!

JJ: I’ll tell how Wayne would say it you, Hey you want a piece of me!

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: But anyway that was His introductory statement and I believe that when He said that to them that they did feel something, they felt a presence about Him and they felt an inner peace around Him because He had such a great peace within Him self. It is interesting that when they were on the ship and this giant storm came up and the disciples were doing everything they could to save the boat from sinking – it was tossing and turning all over the place and as they were trying to save the boat from sinking they were saying, where is Jesus at – we haven’t seen Him around.

They went down below deck and Jesus was down there sleeping! And they were shouting, good grief how can He sleep? The boat is tossing and turning like crazy and there Jesus is sleeping! So they wake Him up and they said Master awake and save us we are going to sink here in this great storm and you can’t be sleeping! So Jesus yawns and got up and goes up on deck and says, oh ye have little faith!

Audience: Chuckling!

JJ: Then Jesus said, peace; be still. All of a sudden the storm went away. The boat just sat there on very still waters. At that time when He said the word peace it really had an affect, not only on His followers but on the sea, the ship and the people that were there. One person on the ship said, who is this man that even the elements obey Him? Why did the elements obey Him and why was it that when He said peace, something happened? Curtis

Curtis: Because He was connected with the elements and the deva’s and the all the powers that be and He was the Christ. He had the power of Christ and the power of God in Him.

JJ: I thought you knew the answer, darn it!

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: When He said peace it had an affect because within His soul, the inner part of His being was a tremendous peace. The words that you speak will have no power unless that word is within you and the word peace was within Him. This was His greeting to His fellow man, peace be unto you. It had an affect because within Him was a great sense of peace, a peace that passes all understanding. Have you ever had a peace that seemed to surpass all understanding and was so great that you could really not put it into words?

There is a peace that is like an absence of noise but that is kind of tranquility and not necessarily peace. Then there is a peace that goes beyond the absence of noise, what the scriptures call a peace that passes all understanding. If the person has that peace within him then when he speaks the word peace, he speaks it from his soul. Have you ever considered how it was that Jesus had the power to heal people?


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Series NavigationPast and Future Lives, Part 5The Birth of the Christ Within, Part 2

1 thought on “The Birth of the Christ Within, Part 1

  1. Great reflection on the peace of Christ, JJ. Although, is bringing up the whole Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays controversy really necessary? Better yet, to even suggest that there is a war on Christmas? I can agree that it is silly when some people get all bent out of shape when others say “Christmas,” but it’s really equally silly when people get all bent out of shape over “Happy Holidays” as well.

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