Finding the Truth about Vaccinations

This entry is part 6 of 50 in the series 2011A

There has been a huge controversy over whether or not vaccination shots have caused autism in children. This presents a good opportunity to use our powers of discernment and judgment to discover the truth.

First, watch the following video
Autism/Vaccination Video

Both sides of the argument were presented.  Which side made the best case and why?

Where do you think the truth lies?

An Ocean of Problems

This entry is part 5 of 50 in the series 2011A

Larry W. makes some good points that we must take into consideration concerning gathering on the seas, or Seasteading as it is called today.

(1) Someone must come up with a gigantic INITIAL INVESTMENT and then face constant maintenance far beyond that of land based buildings.

You are right, the investment would be large. This is why I have taught that we will need to have between 5,000-10,000 people interested before we proceed toward such an enterprise. If we were to start with even a view hundred it would most likely fail as it would lack the resources and funding to create a desirable quality of life and if the quality of life is not good then the project will fail.

I just watched the video Sterling recommended .

Go to Video

It presented the idea of finding a small nation and buying our way into power and turning it into a free nation with no taxes that will gather freedom-loving individuals from around the world.

I have also considered this idea but there are several problems with it.

First one would need billions in capital.
Second – few people who have power are willing to relinquish it at any price. Most are willing to see their country destroyed before yielding it.

On the other hand, if one had the means and did find a country willing to give up it’s identity for a payoff then this could work. I just wouldn’t bet my grandmother’s operation money on this coming to pass.

A more viable alternative would be to purchase an island or large tract of land from a third world nation in need of funds and secure autonomy so the gathered people will have power to govern themselves within a designated land area. Even here the residents would need to be prepared to defend themselves from a possible warlord who may decide he wants to steal the fruit of their labors.

Thus the gathering force needs to be in the thousands and the financing in the billions before a new government can be created.

This is why the first major step will be a gathering under an already established government in areas such as Boise or Sterling’s Safe Haven in Utah. All one has to do to gather around like minded friends is to move until the greater gatherings come.

(2) A crew formed by spiritual development criteria rather than affinity for the sea or knowledge or skill of the sea presents ALL the problems of IGNORANCE. Ignorance on the part of a crew in building framing work, for example, is disastrous.

Yes this will be a problem but not insurmountable. If we can go to the moon then we can do this also.

(3) The right design and material presents vast problems. One promising plan I’ve seen used concrete boat shells. However, salt water is particularly harsh on concrete.

There are all kinds of possibilities and when the time of opportunity comes then I believe the technology will be there.

In fact there is some technology that may be feasible that has been around for a long time. A promising one is Pykrete. You can read about it here:

(4) Then you face the very real problems which these various Architectural firms are attempting to resolve. Mainly community planning.

That is an important point, for bad planning has caused many planned communities to be doomed from the start. However, there have been success stories in the past and it can happen again. I am not drawling up precise details or a new constitution because we are not ready for action yet. But when the time comes, and if I am still here, then I will see to it that the planning is concise enough so everyone will know what they are getting into.
Copyright 2011 By J J Dewey

Predictions 2011, Part 4

This entry is part 4 of 50 in the series 2011A

Apple will continue to put out innovative products that will keep it on the cutting edge and its popularity will increase when it markets a 3-D monitor.

Obama will work toward normalizing relations with Cuba whether Congress cooperates or not.

There will be several weather related disasters and flooding will be a problem. Problems will be worse than usual but not cataclysmic.

With the high price of gold staying up there and unemployment high more people will prospect and mine for gold. There will be a gold rush in several parts of the world and gold production will go up.

The danger of China having a monopoly on rare earth elements will finally dawn on the public consciousness and there will develop a push to mine theses elements in the United States, Canada, Australia and other countries.

Prices of essentials such as food, fuel and power will go up and many non essentials will go down. This will create the illusion that there is not as much inflation as there really is affecting he average household.

Talk of global warming will become a joke except during the summer when it does truly get warm.

The Patriots will win the Superbowl.

Academy Awards
The King’s Speech will win best Picture and Colin Firth who stars in it will receive Best Actor

Natalie Portman will receive best actress for Black Swan.

No direct pipeline to God claimed for these predictions.

Predictions 2011, Part 3

This entry is part 3 of 50 in the series 2011A

Now let’s look at the new Republican Congress.

Overall the results of this will be predictable.  The Democrats will find them very frustrating as well as many on the Right who do not see as much reform as they desire.

Obama will try the divide and conquer approach by befriending some who he sees as cooperative to entice them to opposing those who he will label as far right.

On the other hand, there will be Democrats who will side with the Tea Party views in the hope this will secure re-election.  Then there are a handful who see that overspending must be curtailed.

The Left and the mainstream media will attempt to blame all that goes wrong on the new Congress but, even though this will have some effect, it will not take hold as it did in the days of Newt Gingrich.

The Economy
The greatest short term threats to the economy for this year will be from outside influences such as natural or manmade disaster and the threat of new conflict.  Outside of this the economy will actually show some improvement due to business optimism because of the new Republican Congress.  This will not produce a miracle but it will hold a shaky economy together for one more year.  Next year at this time we will have a lot better feel about where the near term economy seems to be going.

Possible Conflicts
North Korea and Iran will both rattle their sabers but we will not go to war this year.  One of the reasons is that China warns us against it and they are becoming so powerful that we are afraid to stir up a possible conflict with them.  There will be growing concern that they could turn aggressive, but on the positive side there is a growing number of Chinese who desire a peaceful Democracy.  We can only hope that this aspect of the people will prevail.

There will be a number of medical advances related to technology such as artificial eyesight, artificial limbs and nano technology.

UFO sightings will be up and one in particular will be difficult to explain away.

New particle discoveries will be made at the Large Hadron Collider at Cern but they will not find the Higgs particle this year.

Lady Gaga will make even stranger attempts to get attention causing some to think she is not stable.

Reality TV will finally begin to lose some of its popularity, thank God.

To be continued…

Copyright 2011 By J J Dewey

Predictions 2011, Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 50 in the series 2011A

Many thanks to those who posted predictions. I’m impressed. I’ll bet your accuracy will be better than professional psychics.

The last time I took a stab at this I was about 80% accurate. I’ll be surprised if I can duplicate that again as not even God knows all the details of the future, though the mind of God is aware of how creation will unfold and the ending results of the various cycles.

First, let us take a look at President Obama.

The big democratic defeat has done nothing to change his mind on his basic goals. He wants a single payer, government controlled health care system and as much redistribution of the wealth as possible by 2012.

However, the Republican victory has for the first time caused him to modify his approach. He realizes he must now make some adjustments if he and his party are going to have any power over the next few years.

Here is his strategy.

He plunged ahead with his leftist agenda unapologetically for the first two years thinking this was the time of opportunity which may not come again. Now the backlash has come he will attempt to create the illusion that he is listening to the people and moderating his position. He will present himself as the common sense guy in the middle whereas the Republicans, especially the newly elected tea party supporters, are right wing extremists unwilling to cooperate.

The term “reaching across the aisle” will be stressed many times while doing very little reaching but lots of condemning the other side as being inflexible.

Obama thought that his big spending practices would make him beloved of the many and he would be hailed as greater than FDR. This has backfired on him, but not changed his mind. Some economic advisers are still telling him that the problem is that he has not spent enough. Now he is not personally sure what to do, but is addicted to spending and will continue to spend all that is possible to further his goals and win the next election.

The whole country is shifting toward the conservative view of financial responsibility and even some of the liberal mainstream media will shift and be more supportive in the direction of economic common sense. This will put pressure on Obama to follow and by the end of the year some will think he has gown while in office and is now able to govern more from the center than before.

This shift of perception will make Obama harder to beat even if the economy declines. Mitt Romney and Chris Christie are the only Republicans that are a sure bet to beat him. But Christie will not run and Mitt may or may not get the nomination. Sarah Palin, and Mike Huckabee have a 50/50 chance of beating him and Ron Paul has a slimmer chance because of the attacks that would come from the media if he gets the nomination.

One of Obama’s advisors has, or shortly will, place an ingenious idea into his head in hope of turning public support in his direction again. The idea is to get Michelle pregnant again and have a new baby in the White House just before the election of 2012 takes place.

Since most view Obama as a great Dad a new cute cuddly baby will be just the ticket to draw attention to Obama in a positive way and take the public’s mind off his shortcomings. The only problem is that Michelle isn’t excited about having another kid right now and may not cooperate, but could give in if the right incentives are given her.

Obama’s health care plan will face serious challenges. It will not be repealed by 2012 but there will be a growing dissatisfaction and the Republicans will slow its implementation through defunding and other means.

The requirement that everyone has to purchase health insurance will continue to be challenged by the courts and go all the way to the Supreme Court where it will be declared unconstitutional. This will not discourage liberal Democrats though who will still attempt to give us universal health care through every back door possible. They correctly believe that once a give-away program is implemented that it will be almost impossible to eliminate.

Rumors of Obama having an affair will circulate and some type of another scandal will surface that he will be linked to but not destroyed by. Wiki and other leakers will embarrass the administration and world leaders and give them an excuse to push for internet regulation. Most of the media will work to smooth over the damage to Obama that could have destroyed a conservative president.
To be continued.

The Molecular Relationship, Chapter 1

The Molecular Relationship

J J Dewey

Published by
Great AD-Ventures
P. O. Box 8011
Boise, Idaho 83707

Copyright 1988, 2003
All Rights Reserved



There was a beginning to time, but no beginning to God for God created time from a point that knows not time. From eternity the Father/Mother/It existed as a point of life with no form, hence no time, no space, no motion, and no mass. It becomes the He/She/It who is eternally reflected as a circle around the point. The circle around the point is the Eternal Son/Daughter and the interplay of the two is the Holy Ghost. The beginning of visible creation is male because all things seen are in a state of radiation and is polarized in the male. All things unseen, which create the magnetic energy of the universe, and holds all things together, is female. The seen and the unseen are the two great poles of the Creative God.

In the beginning, before there existed manifested form in time, there was only God, and God was a point of life. There was no form, hence no time, no space, no motion, and no mass. Therefore, the point of life which was God filled all space since there was no space, and was smaller than anything because there was nothing. Without form, all dimensions are meaningless, but in this world without form, there was only the One Life, or the One God. There was nothing else.

The Father/Mother God or the Originating Decision, then reflected Itself as the Son/Daughter. Thus we had the first atom, or Adam, which was the point in the center, the originating God circled about by the prime creation.

Because spiritual creation was produced outside of time and space it is eternal and all embryonic lives are eternal. From our point of view all creation has always been and will always be. The word creation is not an accurate word to describe spiritual manifestation because the word implies a beginning and an end. Since the origin of all creation exists outside of time and space there is no beginning and end to these things.

Manifestation is perhaps more descriptive from our limited point of view than creation. The universe manifested on a spiritual level and levels of manifestation can appear at points in time and space, yet manifestation itself, including you and I, had no beginning. Manifestation just is, but becomes and evolves in time and space in various octaves.

In order for the ONE to manifest, It had to become the MANY. To manifest, the ONE Decision reflected Itself from the Prime Cause. Because the Prime Cause is infinite, the reflection was infinite; and infinite points of Decision filled and created all space. Each point was in the image of the ONE and had all the potential of the ONE. In other words, each point was a Son of the ONE or a Son of God.

All there is existed and still exists within this Point of Life, for It dwells in Eternity, or the Eternal Now, for all things are present before It. There is no past or future for the Life, but only Now. It sees beginnings and endings as Now, just as we can see the beginning and end to a line we draw. We can see the whole line with its millions of possible sections in one glance.

The infinite reflections had relationship between one another because they were all One in origin. This relationship is called Purpose and Purpose began to vibrate and this vibration creates the universal wavelength that manifests all things.

At the same non time that Purpose was created the vibration of Light and Love was manifest within the originating wavelength.

Light and Love and Purpose exist for eternity beyond time in the Eternal Now.

If we substitute a picture for this Eternal Now we can visualize timeless creation. Assuming the left side of a picture is the beginning and the right side the end, we can see the beginning and end with one glance; so does the Life see all things in creation – past, present, and future – all at one glance and knows the end from the beginning. It, however, sees time and space constantly changing to fit that end, but even the changes between beginning and end are, before It’s eyes, seen as Now.

The Life is like a creative artist with one great paintbrush in It’s hand, and with that paintbrush all that is, is made manifest. The hand which holds the paintbrush is that energy we call Purpose. Without Purpose, there would be no creation, for Purpose is behind all there is. It is the motivating Power of God.

From the beginning of creation then, there is eternally projected the Ray of Purpose. Purpose has no beginning because the Life that projects it has no beginning; thus, it has no end. Purpose is like a single endless line, or spiral, and because it is endless, it penetrates all things. When Purpose decides to paint pictures, it projects vibration and thus creates the wavelength. The top of the wavelength is called Love and the bottom is called Light, but Purpose is always there existing unseen between the two. It is the motivating Power.

The creative hand is Purpose, the paintbrush is Love, and the beautiful colored paints are Light. These three form the Trinity of God, projected by the One Life and are the powers behind all creation.

These powers are symbolized by the following diagram:

From Decision/Life is projected the supreme energy of Purpose. In the scriptures, this energy is represented by God the Father, the Most High God.

When Purpose vibrates with the objective of creating divine art, or manifest form, then the illusion of two separate energies is created. These energies, or aspects, are Love and Light, and are not separate from Purpose any more than Purpose is separate from Life. Purpose, Love, and Light are three Aspects of the One Life. They are one energy, but appear to be three energies. They are the One in Three, and the Three in One. They are the energies of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

One of the best illustrations of this is the guitar string. When it is stationary there is before you only one string, but as soon as you pluck it there is immediately produced the illusion of three strings. There appears to be three strings until the vibration ends. Then we see one string again.

So it is with creation. There appears to be three energies as long as the one energy of manifestation is vibrating, but creation is based upon the illusion of the three. In reality there is only one. While manifest creation is in existence in time and space the Trinity will be real to us, but when the vibration that creates all things is stilled then all the universe will go back to its source: The One Great Life who is God, or the Singularity as it is was called by Stephen Hawking.

Notice that the line of energy that produces Love and Light is a single emission. It is only the fluctuation of that one energy on both sides of Purpose that creates the illusion of Two, or the great illusion of Duality.

Even though the appearance of the Trinity of strings is an illusion that does not negate its value. Quite the contrary, for without this Trinity it would be impossible to create any rhythm or melodies and the guitar would be able to fulfill no useful function except to stand silent in the closet.

Even so can we thank the One Great Life for reflecting Itself and creating motion, or vibration, so the Music of the Spheres, and All There Is made manifest so the various parts of God can know themselves and each other.

There are seven worlds created in our reality from the universal wavelength. The highest four do not have form as we know it, but from a higher point of view all that is produced by wavelengths is still form. The lower three create the three worlds of form as is registered by the consciousness of man.

The original wavelength is of such a high frequency that it is beyond our conception. This produces the highest spiritual world called the “divine” in esoteric writings. However, the creation of the second world down in vibration is a great mystery, yet at the same time simple. It is created by the vibration of the original wavelength. The general idea (but not perfect) is as follows:

This has the interesting effect of creating a secondary wavelength seven times larger than the first. It helps to visualize it if we draw a line through it to see the wavelength of the second world.

The finer wavelength we see above creates the Divine World, but the larger one creates the second energy world called the Monadic. Within the Monadic we see there are seven smaller wavelengths of the Divine Plane also creating seven subplanes of the Monadic Plane.

The interesting thing to consider here is that both worlds are created from the same wavelength. There only appears to be more than one. Then the original wavelength which appears to be three energies is created from one energy.

Now this process repeats itself over again and another wavelength is created seven times as large. This creates the third world, the Spiritual, or Atmic Plane. We do not have room to diagram all three wavelengths co-existing. We see in the above diagram a wavelength riding upon another wavelength. To visualize three worlds you must see a wavelength riding on a wavelength which is riding upon another wavelength.

This process does not stop here. The third wavelength vibrates and creates the fourth world of the Buddhic Plane, or intuitional energy.

This process is repeated and the Mental Plane is created. Then the Mental Plane vibrates and creates the Astral. Finally, the Astral vibrates and creates the physical.

This explains a great mystery, the reason we cannot, with present scientific knowledge, detect the higher worlds. The wavelengths which create the higher worlds are hidden within the wavelengths of our own. Who has ever considered that the wavelengths that create our world are made of smaller wavelengths?

Many world thinkers have taught that all is vibration and there are an infinite variety of them, but what is a new thought here is that the vibration is made from vibration is made from vibration… The vibrations within vibrations are the unseen worlds. This hides them so well that it is difficult to prove their existence without understanding this principle.

The understanding of this principle is the key to creation as employed by Masters and Gods of legends past. After passing through the spiritual worlds an idea is formulated in the mind. When it is clearly visualized it exists in the mental vibrations. The mental vibrations are shaken by the power of Purpose and the thought becomes clothed in Astral or emotional matter. The wavelengths of the Astral are too shaken with Purpose energy and physical manifestation appears.

Within each of these seven worlds exist the Seven Ray energies. They are created through a ripple effect as various wavelengths involve and evolve. The dot indicates a point in space and time where a planet, individual, or atom may find itself.

The One Wavelength further subdivides itself into infinite amounts as illustrated below:

When we consider the originating wavelength a question that may arise is which direction did it go? All the above diagrams have it going from left to right. This is not exactly correct. These illustrations are two dimensional in order to register preparatory truth upon the mind of the seeker.

In actuality, before the first wavelength there was no space or time for space and time are created out of the wavelengths. Because there was no space or time there was no direction. Therefore, the first wavelength had to go all directions at once through all the infinite reflections: up, down, front, back and sideways. In going all directions from the center the circular ball was produced. As we look through the universe at atoms, planets, stars we see circular balls which are recreations of the first wavelength. See the diagram below as a circular ball of wavelengths emanating all directions originating from the point of life in the center:

Visualize the above ball as the entire universe. This is all the physical form there is in the higher four worlds, (even though there is additional form of imagination) only wavelengths riding upon wavelengths emanating from a center point which is God. The Center point plus these four worlds, dimensions or degrees of wavelengths produce the creative mind of God. This is sometimes called the universal mind. Science has not discovered the higher wavelengths of the physical plane or any of the astral and the formless worlds are much more illusive than these.

The current creative life, the human, has within him all the wavelengths and is the soul of the universe, the mediator between God and matter.

The four energy worlds had to be created before God could even think for the very idea of thought implies that there will be space, time and form. Now there is no space, time or form, as we know it, in the four energy worlds, but in them is laid the foundation for all these possibilities.

The Universal Mind craves experience and as it contemplates in its four energy states it sees all possibilities. Each possibility is an extension of itself, created in its own image and becomes a point in the Universal Life. The greatest of these thoughts, according to our knowledge, gather wavelengths and become galaxies. The next order of thoughts gather and become suns, the next order planets, the next life forms, the next atoms, the next subatomic particles and so on down. These are the order of the greatness of the thoughts of God, but the order of creation proceeds from the small particles to the large.

Each point of life is in the image of God, for God’s thoughts reflect God. The projection of God rides on the energy of Purpose and to understand it one must take two mirrors and place one in front and one in back of yourself. Look ahead and you will see yourself projected ad infinitum. God is still One, but appears to be God the many.

By the time that the reflection of God enters the fifth world some distortion occurs so one part of God appears different from another part. As the reflection enters the astral, or sixth world, the distortion is greater still. Finally, the seventh, or physical, is entered and imperfection, or distortion reaches its greatest degree.

Here one star is different from another, as well as the planets, lives and all forms. The forms are all created by a disturbance of divine force in the higher worlds and that disturbance was caused by the Thoughts of God.

You and I are also one of the thoughts of God in the Eternal Now and as such never had a beginning and will never have an end. If we trace ourselves back to our source we will see that behind the thought of us is a point that is a reflection of God and that reflection comes directly from God. In this way we can see that we are created by God, as the religions teach, but at the same time we are Gods because we are in His image, or reflection.

Look at the ball of wavelengths again and see a point of disturbance occurring on one of the lines. This creates counter wavelengths which create other counter wavelengths and thus are forms caused to appear.

All possibilities exist within the Mind of God and they all manifest somewhere in His universe. Our job, as life forms in His image is to live out all the possibilities that we can. When we have then experienced all possibilities within our sphere, God then makes new circumstances and creations and we go on to greater possibilities. Thus it is for all eternity.

Go To Chapter Two


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The Molecular Relationship, Chapter 2

Light, Love and Purpose

When the projection of the One Life that produces Love and Light vibrates again, we have four additional rays of energy created, making a total of seven Ray energies. The three are recreated in a lower octave plus four additional making the seven and are represented in the Bible as the “Seven Spirits before the throne of God.”

In this treatise, we are mainly concerned with the three primary energies of Purpose, Love and Light, and will not deal at present with Rays 4, 5, 6, and 7.

We shall pay particular attention to Light and Love, for they are the root cause of the great illusion that separates, or appears to separate, man from God. Both Light and Love have beginning and ending points and all things with a beginning and an end are illusion. However, they are from an eternal source; thus, they manifest periodically for all eternity, but such manifestation always has a beginning and an end, and is therefore illusionary. Illusion, or the dream state of God, is thus a cyclic occurrence, just as we human beings sleep and dream every twenty-four hours. Our dreams may bring pleasure, pain, and experience, and they seem very real while we are dreaming, but when we are awakened, we know that it was an illusion. The significant point is that our consciousness participated in the illusion and this made the experience seem real.

Light and Love create the dreams of God and the power of the One Life is projected into the dreams through Purpose. Thus, God is in all things and through all things and is an active participant in all things so long as the illusion of Duality exists.

The energy of Purpose is not an illusion, for it has no form, and has no beginning and no end. Purpose is the only energy which is eternal because it is the One Energy. Only Oneness can be eternal. Anything that appears to be more than one is part of the great illusion and will have a cyclic end or rest. The end will always result in unification with the One Purpose, projected from the One Life.

The wavelength produced by the energy of the Trinity produces everything there is from the tiniest atom, with it’s electrons circling the nucleus of protons and neutrons, to the largest galaxy of billions of star systems. There is no such thing as solid matter. As the scientist divides and divides and goes smaller and smaller, he will find nothing but wavelengths. The electrons and protons and quarks that create the atom of substance vibrate and produce wavelengths, and are in turn created by wavelengths.

The wavelength is divided into an infinite number of waves and these waves permeate everything there is, but at the midpoint of all waves is the energy of Purpose from the One Life. If we visualize Purpose as a thread, then we can take any wavelength in existence, whether it be matter, light or sound, and follow the thread of Purpose as it crisscrosses through all form, great and small, back to the projecting One Life. In this simple statement is the omnipresence of God explained.

Contemplate this point because it is important. The power of Purpose projected from God is like an interconnecting thread within each wavelength, and all things are created from wavelengths. Within our bodies are billions and billions of wavelengths, all connected by the one thread of Purpose. The wavelengths that produce other humans are an extension of this one infinite thread. Not only are humans an extension of the one thread, but all living things are made of wavelengths and the single thread also permeates them. Even rocks, earth, and apparently inorganic matter is made of wavelengths, and this single thread goes through them also. Thus, there is no such thing as matter without Life and Purpose. All form is interconnected by the divine thread of Purpose, making god “in all things”.

That which produces differentiation in life, quality and appearance is merely the different frequencies and distortions of the one wavelength.

For instance, the different colored lights such as red, green and blue only appear different because of their different frequencies, or repetitions, of the wavelength that produces them. Sound is a wavelength that travels through air and produces a different effect because the wavelength of sound repeats itself much more slowly than the wavelength of light. The different frequencies of wavelengths produce different notes in sound. As you progress up the musical scale, you merely create wavelengths of a higher vibration. If one could make the vibration high enough, light could be created. If one could manipulate vibration into form, then matter could be produced.

The highest wavelength is the vibration of manifested life which is the projection of the One Life that animates all forms. The life that animates every man and woman is a wavelength of high vibration, but no two groups of wavelengths that create each man and woman are the same. Each possesses different frequencies and tones peculiar to itself. Also, that wavelength that creates each of us does not stay on the same frequency, but changes hour by hour, day by day, year by year, and from life to life. The life that we were yesterday is different from the life we are today, and will change again tomorrow. Our individual frequencies will continue to change until we play the whole symphony of God. Then the music will temporarily subside and all life will return to its source billions of years hence, and we shall share in the waking hours of God. Because we are one with God we shall never cease to be, but we daily cease to be as we were yesterday.

All physical creation is, then, produced by wavelengths, and there are wavelengths within wavelengths within wavelengths. All dualities are created by reflections and distortions of the energies of Light and Love that form the one wavelength. Reflections of Love and Light are good and evil, pleasure and pain, joy and misery, hot and cold, positive and negative, light and dark, and most important for this treatise, male and female.

The dividing point of all these dualities is Purpose. As the energy of the wavelength swings from Love to Light, the unifying energy of Purpose is sensed, and thus the energy of duality is recharged and sent on its way to expand or contract the form.

It may seem strange to say that good and evil is a reflection or correspondence to Love and Light, but an important point to remember is that all dualities correspond to these two energies. In their purest form, Love and Light are not as we understand them, but these two words are the best choice available to us for the two aspects of the wavelength. Good is a distorted reflection of Love and evil is a distorted reflection and misuse of Light. Good and evil repeats itself in history like a great wavelength animated by Purpose, and that which is good in one era can be evil in the next.

To understand relationship is to understand duality, for a relationship, or a marriage is a symbol of the unifying Purpose behind duality.

Male and female bodies are only symbols of male and female energies. The male energy is a correspondence to the energy of Love, or the Son aspect. The female energy corresponds to Light, the Holy Ghost, or Mother aspect. These correspondences can be reversed if other vantage points are used.

All things that are manifest are created by male and female energies and all these energies are united in form through the process of marriage, or union. Marriage is motivated through Purpose and gradually guides all male and female energies away from duality and separateness toward unity and oneness. Relationship, marriage or the union of male and female energies, leads all life forms back to their Source.

All things in the universe are either positively or negatively charged. That is, they are influenced more by either Love or Light energy, or they are either male or female. This includes everything from a sub-atomic particle to an atom, a human being, a planet, or a galaxy. Everything is either male or female. There is nothing that is 100% neutral except for the energy of Purpose.

Even though it is true that all forms are polarized in either male or female energy, it is also a fact that each form is composed of wavelengths with much interplay between both energies. Within the makeup of a human male for instance, there will be many female energies at work, and so will the female deal with numerous male energies within her. The reason an entity takes a male body in a certain life is because at that time his emitting waves are polarized in male energy. This polarization shifts from time to time throughout our incarnations.

Next: The Marriage of the Atoms.
Is there a similarity between the bonding of the atoms and the marriage of humans? Does the atomic worlds foreshadow the destiny of man?

Go to Chapter Three

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The Molecular Relationship, Chapter 3

The Marriage of Atoms

For this treatise, it is important that we look upon ourselves not only as male and female in the physical sense, but also as male and female in the sense that we are two aspects of the divine energy of Purpose. We should see ourselves as separated energies that are working toward union.

Marriage, too, is much more than the joining of two physical persons; marriage is a universal order, a bonding relationship. It unites the male and female energies into a united whole. All male and female energies seek this marriage.

It is interesting to study the marriage of atoms. In observing them, we must realize that every form, whether it be an atom or planet, possesses a consciousness and life peculiar to itself and is either positively or negatively charged. In other words, it is either male or female. The chemist calls the male atom a positive particle and the female atom a negative one. Within the atom we also have the positive or male nucleus, and the negative or female electron shells which are married to the nucleus to produce something greater than themselves – a whole atom. In the case of the marriage of the female electrons to the male protons in the nucleus, the ratio is always one to one. If there are seven protons, for example, as in the case of nitrogen, they are balanced off with the energies of seven orbiting female electrons. These sub-atomic particles, which are the building blocks of all form, never deviate from seeking this one-to-one ratio.

As we study the atomic and molecular world, we do so with purpose, for we seek truth in the ancient truism “as above, so below; as below, so above”. In other words, by studying the atomic worlds (the microcosmic) and the higher worlds of planets, stars, etc. (the macrocosmic) and corresponding their relationships with humanity, we can ascertain correct principles whereby stability may be produced. At present, social scientists tell us that three out four of our marriages are unhappy, or unstable. If we can find the secret of how tiny atoms achieve stability, we can then take those principles and apply them to humanity.

In addition to the electrons and protons, the atoms are also made of a third major particle called the neutron. This particle is relatively neutral and there is usually one or more neutrons for each proton in the atom. There seems to be no set rule governing the number of neutrons in each atom – just what is necessary to create stability. Most of the lower elements have an approximate ratio of one neutron for each proton, but some of the heavier elements have a ratio of approximately 1.5 neutrons for each proton. In each atom there is always a certain number of neutrons that produces the most stable atom. In carbon, for instance, there are usually six protons, six electrons, and six neutrons. This is commonly called carbon 12. This the most stable carbon atom. In nature there are also trace amounts of carbon with seven and eight neutrons. Carbon, with eight neutrons, is called carbon 14 and is unstable and is radioactive, and tends to break down to a more stable element.

To create balance, the protons (male energy) and the electrons (female) then has a marriage relationship with two particles: their opposite charge and the neutral neutron. In these three particles, we again have represented the energies of the Trinity. The neutron represents the Father (Purpose), the proton is the Son (Love), and the electron is the Holy Ghost (Light).

Protons and neutrons are composed of electrons and positrons, and have a mass more than 1800 times as large as either of them. A positron is the same as an electron, but has a positive charge. It is the general carrier of the male energy in the universe, just as the electron is the carrier of all the female energy. Within the proton itself is many layers of positrons and electrons of various energy levels, but the outer layer has a surplus of one positron, making it a male particle. The neutrons have a balance of positive and negative particles, making it neutral. However, this is only a relative neutrality, for even though all life forms are seeking balance, or neutrality, none of them are exactly neutral. Anything that has form is either male or female, but sometimes the energy difference is very slight. The neutrons are very slightly female. This evidenced in nuclear physics by the fact that neutrons will tend to throw off an electron (female energy) before they will emit a positron (male energy).

See the diagram of helium – figure 1 below:

Then as we go smaller we find that the nucleus of the atom is made of up and down quarks. The up quarks have a charge of +2/3 and the down quarks have a negative charge of -1/3. They are always found in triangles which combine to either neutralize or a charge of positive one (except in anti matter where the charge would be -1).

Notice how the foundation block of creation is represented by Star of David. This microcosm is built on the number six as mentioned in the Immortal.

Protons and electrons are normally seen as having a uniform charge but some are slightly more charged than others. In our diagram of the helium atom, we have two electrons circling roughly like planets. Even though they are both female, or negative, one is more negative than the other; no two particles are exactly alike even if the difference is not yet measurable by us. Thus, there will be a secondary marriage relationship between the two electrons. The electron with the lowest negative charge assumes the role of the male and the other the female. The protons play upon each other’s energies in the same way and the electrons have some interplay with the neutrons. Thus, each particle has a Trinity of marriage relationships: one major and two minor. This Trinity of relationships produces the stable atom.

An interesting principle to contemplate is that all male and female energies in the universe are seeking stability, or neutrality. In other words, they seek to return to the energy of Purpose. The prodigal son of form is seeking to return to his father. This stability, or return, is always reached through marriage. Thus, marriage is a universal principle used to unite all male and female energies.

We have been talking about atoms in the microcosm, but there are also greater atoms in the macrocosm. Our Earth, with one moon, is like a great hydrogen atom, but the next true atomic correspondence is the Sun, with the planets circling it. On an even greater scale, the galaxies, which are composed of billions of stars, correspond to great positive and negative charges. Even the universe itself is a great ball of galaxies that will form a positive charge that will eventually become much more than an atom.

Man, who finds himself between the great and small atoms, is an atom on his own level and has the great destiny to create building blocks that will evolve into higher life forms through marriage, just as the marriage of atoms produced Molecules that eventually created life which finally evolved into man. So too must man create life greater than himself through marriage. This will lead us to the evolution of life consciousness hitherto undreamed of, and powers we cannot at present fathom, until man attains all the powers of godliness and creates in his own image a grand heavenly man.

The correspondence of man to an atom is most interesting to make. The physical body corresponds to the nucleus of protons and neutrons and the normally unseen aura that circles around him corresponds to the orbiting electrons. The nucleus of an atom has a mass of up to 4,000 times that of its electrons. So too does man’s dense physical body account for almost all his mass. The female energy circling man/woman has almost negligible mass and is invisible to him unless he trains himself to see it. When the aura is seen, the seer will discover beautiful changing colors, geometric shapes and an aura that actually revolves around the physical nucleus just as electrons dance within the atom. The true shape of man is then circular and he is in a constant state of rotation and movement as the atoms are.

The size of the human aura will vary greatly according to the point of evolution, just as will the size of the orbiting fields of the atoms vary according to their atomic weight, or point of evolution.

Within man’s physical body and extending about a millimeter or two from it is his etheric body. This is the energy field that holds the physical body together and gives it its shape and vitality similar to the job of gluons within the atom.

Within man is also seven chakras, or force centers and concerning these much has been written. The first five are aligned up the spine and the final two are in the head. The first is the center at the base of the spine. This center enflames and supports the energy of all the other centers. The second is the sacral center and controls sex energy. The third is the solar plexus; it creates the desire nature and the emotions. The fourth is the heart center and from it issues love and wisdom. The fifth is the throat center and from it emanates the high creative energies of the artist and creator. The sixth is the Ajna center between the eyes, called the Third Eye; the energy that creates ideas springs from it. The seventh center is at the top of the head and it manipulates the energy of Will-Power-Purpose.

As a person progresses through numerous lifetimes as a human being, these centers of energy open and begin their circulation, and a corresponding negative or female energy circulates in the aura. A lowly evolved person may have only the bottom center or two opened, while a highly evolved initiate will have energy circulating unimpeded through all seven centers.

Correspondingly, the atoms have seven energy centers which open into circulation as the atom evolves from hydrogen to radium. These seven centers found in the orbit of the atom are called electron shells. The chemist designates them by the letters K, L, M, N, O, P, and Q It is interesting to note that radium is the first element to have all centers opened and it naturally glows in the dark. In the same way, a human with his centers opened will sometimes have such a strong aura that he will glow and have a visible radiance, like the Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration.

The energy centers of the atom are divided into numerous subshells and orbitals, and correspondingly the seven chakras are subdivided into numerous energy petals.

The most interesting correspondence for the sake of this treatise is that each atom is polarized in either positive or negative (male or female) energy and they marry each other.

The secret behind the marriage of atoms and the production of a stable Molecule is the master secret to the building blocks of the universe. This universal marriage, which we shall name Molecular Marriage, or The Molecular Relationship, creates for us a pattern that man must follow or remain forever separate and single, damned of his evolutionary progression. After eons and eons of time, humanity has finally reached a point where he must take his next giant leap into the evolution of life.
Copyright by J J Dewey

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The Gathering of Lights, Chapter 1

To Prevail As God

The story of Israel is the story of humanity.  Israel was a microcosm of the human race intended to be an ensign to her brethren. Israel was to exemplify a closeness with God and spiritual progress that would be admired and imitated by other races just as Christ lived an exemplary life that will eventually be duplicated by us all. The life of Christ fulfilled its purpose. Israel did not. The perfect example worthy of emulation is yet waiting to be set. The greatest drawback of Israel through the ages has been her separateness — the chosen people syndrome. The feeling that they are more approved by God because of their birth or race. The feeling that they are special in Gods eyes above others. Those who claim to be modern Israelites (Jews and non-Jews) do not stop to think that if Hitler had not had this “special” feeling about himself and his own people that there would have been no holocaust and no World Was II.  This feeling of being special, or better in the eyes of God because of some life’s mission has been the cause of more pain and misery among mankind that any other thing. Equally damaging are unthinking followers who support other men or races in this feeling of specialness. Without support these special beings could not sew their seeds of destruction.

In this writing we will explore the true destiny of Israel showing how she is to be a benefit to mankind and a help to her brothers, and moreover that Israel is lying latent in each member of the human race waiting to be awakened.

The word Israel is first used in the Bible in connection with the patriarch Jacob. In the book of Genesis we are

told that he and a supernatural being had an actual wrestling match and Jacob prevailed to the extent that the entity could not escape his grip. Jacob told him that he would not let him go unless he were given a blessing to which the messenger agreed and said: “Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel.” Gen 32:38 From that time on Jacob was known as Israel and his descendants were (and many still are) called “the children of Israel” or “Israel”.

Whether or not the story of Jacob is true or symbolic is not important here. The needful point here is the meaning behind the whole story of Israel and, more particularly at present, the meaning behind the word itself.

The word “Israel” comes from the Hebrew YISRAEL. The first part of the word is derived from the prime root SARAH which literally means “to prevail” or to “have power”. It is sometimes used to indicate a princely or royal power.  The second half of the word is EL. This word is translated as “God” numerous times throughout the Old Testament.  When it is not used in this connection it means “mighty” or “strong” and implies superhuman goodness or strength.

If we put these combinations together we have several possible meanings among which are: “To prevail as God”, “to have royal power as God”, or “to prevail through great strength and goodness”. Some say that it should mean “prince of God”, but this is a watered down euphemism designed to conform to orthodoxy.

In examining the first rendition (“to prevail as God”) one may wonder why such a title would have been bestowed upon a man for surely man was not intended to prevail or have power as God. Is not this a bold title to assume?

It may seem bold, but it is also quite fitting, for did not Jacob prevail and have power over an angel of God, or possibly more than an angel? After the entity left it is written: “And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel (Which means the “face or appearance of God): for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.” Gen 32:30

Most religionists call this personage an angel, but eh Bible does not. The scriptures call him two things. He is called “a man” (Gen 32:24) and “God (Gen 32:30). The amazing thing is that Jacob being a man prevailed

over another person who was called a “god”. Therefore, he was given a name which meant “to prevail as God” for only a God could overpower another God.

Jacob, however, was not the first Israel for others before him had obtained similar powers to prevail. Among them were Abraham, Melchizedek, Enoch, Seth, and Adam. The Israel power in man became obvious when man first used his free agency to sample good and evil “and the Lord God said, Behold, THE MAN IS TO BECOME AS ONE OF US, to know good and evil.” Gen 3:22

The Creators here recognized that the man was to become eventually like unto them (“One of us”). They realized that man had latent within him the power of Israel, or the power to prevail even as they did. They knew that man was like unto the son of God, or the Creators, and that eventually a son grows to be like unto his father.

Moses himself said: “ye are the children of the Lord your God.” Deut 14:1. Paul wrote: “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ. . .” Rom 8:16-17 Moreover, God is called “the Father of spirits”. Heb 12:9.

In addition Paul said: “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” I Cor 13:6. If the Spirit of God dwells in man then obviously a God dwells in man that is waiting to be recognized. This is why Paul told us: “LET THIS MIND BE IN YOU, which was in also Christ Jesus:  Who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God.” Phil 2:5-6. Interestingly we are told to actually be of the same mind as Christ and to think it not robbery to be “equal with God”. After all it makes sense. Is not a son eventually equal with his father? Did not Jesus pray concerning his disciples: “That they may be one, AS WE ARE.”?  John 17:11,21-23.

David acknowledged this interesting doctrine: “God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.” Psalms 82:1 The word “mighty” is translated from EL or the last part of IsraEL. Remember that this word is usually rendered “God”. The word “gods” is translated from ELOHIYM which is the most common Hebrew word for God. The word “God” in “God created the heaven and the earth” is taken from this word. Thus we see that God stands in the congregation of those with the power of God to judge among these gods. Then David says: “Ye are gods (ELOHIYM); and all of you are children of the most High, but ye shall die like men.” Psalms 82:6.

Many believers who feel that greatest destiny of man is to drift for eternity in some nebulous heaven, or to be some harmless watered down being in another world will be amazed and perhaps alarmed to find this doctrine in the Bible, a doctrine espoused by esoterists for centuries. They, modern orthodoxy, could be no more upset than were the Jews who tried to stone the Christ for claiming to be a god: “for a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, I said ye are gods?  If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent unto the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?” John 10:33-36

Jesus himself used this scripture as evidence that he was Emmanuel, or a God among men, but he did not use it to refer exclusively to himself, but to all Israel, or those who received and recognized the word of God. This reasoning drove the Jews to a frenzy and they again sought to kill him right on the spot “but he escaped out of their hand”.

This reasoning also adversely affects an emotionally based individual. The God within must be recognized by the intuition and the feeling man cannot properly sense it, even if his religion teaches it, and he becomes angry at others who teach such doctrines and many of them would relish a return to the days of the inquisitions.

There are many scriptures indicating that there is a god in man for man is often called a god in the Bible. The children of Heth were so impressed with Abraham that they called him a “mighty prince” Gen 23:6 This, however, is a mistranslation.  Prince comes from the Hebrew NASIY which literally means “exalted one” and “mighty” comes from ELOHIYM the word for God. A more correct translation would be: “exalted God”. The sons of Heth indeed marveled at the power of Israel in Abraham for he did prevail as a god in their eyes.

The judges in ancient Israel were often called “gods”, but it is usually mistranslated for the sake of orthodoxy:

“If the thief be not found, then the master of the house shall be brought to the judges (ELOHIYM – Gods), to see whether he put his hand unto his neighbor’s goods. For all manner of trespass, whether it be for ox, for ass, for sheep, for raiment, or for any manner of lost thing, which another challengeth to be his, the cause of both parties shall come before the judges (ELOHIYM); and whom the judges (ELOHIYM) shall condemn, he shall pay double unto his neighbor.”  Exodus 22:8-9

This word is translated correctly a few verses later: “Thou shall not revile the Gods (ELOHIYM), nor curse the ruler of thy people.” Ex 22:28. King James Version.

Jehovah himself approves of calling one with the power of Israel a god for he said to Moses: “I have made thee a god (ELOHIYM) to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall by thy prophet.” Ex 7:1 He also said: “He (Aaron) will do all the speaking to the people for you, he will be the mouthpiece and you will be the god (ELOHIYM) he speaks for.”  Ex 4:16 New English.

Moses was indeed a true Israelite for he prevailed as a god, as did Jacob, did and got the best of another ELOHIYM. God was dismayed at Israel because they disobeyed him and built the golden calf and had decided to destroy them all. The problem God faced in destroying them is that it would interfere with his promise to Abraham and to fulfill this promise he had to keep some of the promised see for breeding so he told Moses: “Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may consume them: and I will make of thee a great nation.” Ex 32:10

Moses did not want all of his labors with the people to have been in vain so he reasoned with God and told him how embarrassing it would be before the eyes of the Egyptians. They would think that there is something wrong with a god that would save a people just to destroy them in the wilderness. Then Moses reminded God that he may not be able to completely fulfil his promise to Abraham if he destroyed the whole house of Israel and left Moses alone. Moses still had his free will and if he did not cooperate it would be possible that the promise could not be fulfilled making God a covenant breaker. Thus through the powerful reasoning of Moses God was forced to change his mind. It is written: “And the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people.” Exodus 32:14 (Read the whole chapter.)

It should not be surprising that men like Moses and Jacob can prevail among the gods for when man was created “God said, Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness. . .” Gen 1:26 Man is then a reflection of God and has an unrecognized god within and can eventually have all the power of the creators “for the spirit of God dwelleth in us”.

It is written that man was made “a little lower than the angels . . .” Psalms 8:5, but this is a mistranslation. The Hebrew word from which angels is taken here is ELOHIYM so it should be written than man is “a little lower than the Gods”. He is a little lower, but when he recognizes the god within he can advance to the God Kingdom, or the kingdom of the Gods, and then recognize the higher beings in the universe as his brothers.

We are told that Christ “is the image of God”  II Cor 4:4 and in this relation John said: “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM; for we shall see him as he is.” I John 3:2

Those who shall be like him when he shall appear are Israel, the people who can prevail as God, those who submit to the will of the god within.