Crème Again


Crème Again

To a new Member: I was glad to see that a student of DK, such as yourself had joined the list but was disappointed that one as reasonable as yourself is a disciple of Benjamin Créme. Keep in mind, however, your belief system is not important to be a member of the group. The important thing is that you’re seeking to learn or contribute.

You seem to have the impression that questions or conversation on Benjamin is not welcome. This is not necessarily the case. We had a problem from the last Créme disciple because he was zealously trying to convert us from an emotional level. If you speak from the plane of the mind and are interesting, the group will consider most any topic. We’ve already covered a lot about Benjamin Créme and do not want to bore the group with a rehash of past dialogue, but we will entertain some review of past topics if they are of interest.

You appear to be the most intelligent Créme follower that I have met so far so I’ll ask you the same question I ask each follower that I meet, which is this.

How could Benjamin Créme be speaking the words of Christ when I am a much better prophet than he is? I first heard him in person, around 1988, predict that within a couple months Christ would appear on television and all the world at one moment would realize who he was. Of course, this did not happen. I knew this was a false prophecy at the time. If Christ is speaking through him why was he so wrong? Am I smarter than the master?

I surmised that the time that he was caught up an astral glamour and also verified this by analyzing his handwriting. You can get a fuller account of this in the archives; you might want to check it out. Just type in Benjamin Créme in the search engine and you’ll find a lot of things I said about him.

It seems that every prophecy I read the Créme has made is not come true. and they were usually off not by little, but by a lot. But even a stopped clock is right twice a day so you would think you would come across at least one prediction that would come true even if he was giving them out of random. His followers seem to think he makes lots of predictions that have come true but haven’t been able to show any that I have verified. I’ve tried to find the source material and haven’t been able to find anything that verified an accurate prophecy.

In addition to this false prophecy he has made a lot of others including a recent one that Saddam Hussein was killed at the beginning of the war. Then when he was captured, Créme said that he was a double. This is obviously wrong. For one thing the double had a suitcase full money with him which is unlikely for a double. Secondly, he is going to be tried by his own people, which the United States would never allow if he were really a double.

Créme also indicated that Dennis Kucinich had a good chance of capturing the presidency. As soon as I heard this prophecy I stated that there was no chance in hell that he would achieve such a thing. He is not the type of guy to inspire confidence – and his belief system is pretty far removed from that of DK’s teachings. On the surface this may not seem so, but when you look the details of his philosophy this is obvious. One example of this is his stance against the use of nuclear energy when DK is for it.

What bothers me about Créme even more than the false prophecies is that his message has much less intelligence in it than DK, or even Anthony Robbins or Wayne Dryer.

Another thing that really bothers me about him is it is said he is a member of the Communist party, and from my what I have read it appears he supports implementing communism by force even if a means a totalitarian government. When he speaks of sharing, if you read between the lines, you see that he supports a forced sharing. not a sharing by freewill.

But just because we do not agree with Benjamin Crane, does not mean you’re not welcome here. You have been a very reasonable, and as long as you do not generate complaints from the group your are welcome.

I know many old timers do not want to discuss Benjamin Crème again, but we have a new member who I think shows some good potential and I would like to share some thoughts with him. I do not plan on taking much more time on this subject.

Créme Supporter: Whether Créme is a so-called prophet (your word), I do not care to indulge in a semantical debate. Although it would be wise to consider everything Créme speaks as a hypothesis, before denying and disbelieving his words. I ask – are you crystallized in your beliefs when it comes to Créme? Has your mind been made when it comes to believing him to be a so-called false prophet? A gentle gust of wind cannot move a heavy, stubborn rock.

JJ: I could turn this around. Are you crystallized because you disbelieve my words and do not even consider that Crème is representing something else besides the Spiritual Hierarchy?

Are you crystallized because you do not accept Sally of Detroit’s channelings from Zor of Zurkin II declaring that the world will enter the 5th dimension next week?

Using the discerning qualities of the mind to weigh the facts and come to logical conclusions is more the mark of one who has not crystallized rather than one who has.

Perhaps we should soon talk about the principle of crystallization and exactly what it is.

The conclusions I have reached on Crème have been through study of his materials and the use of such discernment in connection with the sensing of spiritual vibration.

If I were crystallized I would not have read his writings to discover whether or not they are true.

Créme Supporter: I do not disbelieve that you heard Créme speak in 1988 that the Christ will be seen on television, but I cannot believe it either.

JJ: I do not understand why you cannot believe it. Do you really consider that I would have just made it up?

Créme Supporter: So, for me, your point is moot. I can only validate my experience and my knowledge and my understanding. If you believe Créme has lied to you, should that cancel out the intuitive response to what I have heard and read? JJ:, brother! The story you tell will not be the authority of truth.

JJ: This does not make sense. This would mean it would be worthless to study history, the scriptures, Bailey material, or even Crème’s revelations because they are not linked to your direct experience. The mind can discern much truth by reading and considering the accounts of others. To dismiss the factual account I give because it does not agree with a preconceived notion is strange indeed for a seeker.

When I relate what I saw and heard it should have much more credibility than a statement of some belief in a theory or doctrine.

Créme Supporter: As far the so-called prophecies, they were given to Créme by a close associate of Maitreya during the late 80s. I do not want to make any mistakes, so in the coming days I will attempt to obtain the exact writings of those predictions. I’ve read them before and they are quite curious. Maitreya never meant for them to be so-called prophecies, they were more like statements he made from observing the law of cause and effect.

JJ: I do not think so. Crème came to Boise and I attended his lecture. I had already read a book or two that he had written – not in the name of an associate of Maitreya, but Maitreya himself. When Crème spoke to us and talked about the Maitreya messages he made no mention of receiving them from this associate you mention. In fact he demonstrated how he received his revelations by going into a meditative state where he stated that he would be overshadowed – not by some acolyte – but by Maitreya himself. It was around this period of his lecture that he stated that in April of that year (I believe it was 1987 or 88) a few months from the lecture that Maitreya would appear on worldwide television and announce himself. At that moment every person on the earth would experience a oneness with him and realize that Christ had come again.

I was quite amazed at such a black and white prediction, but attempted to analyze it objectively.

I could find many reasons to disbelieve such a prediction and none to believe it.

I rejected the prediction for the following reasons. (1) I had knowledge that Christ would not come until some time after the turn of the millennium. This was too soon for him to appear.

(2) I had read most of Crème’s material he had published to that date and received no soul confirmation on them.

(3) To cause every person on the earth to accept Maitreya, even the born againers would involve the use of force on the human will. This is contrary to the methods used by the real Christ. He always works with free will to the maximum possible.

(4) Crème’s teachings that were supposed to come from the Christ revealed no new principles. The Christ of the Bible taught around a principle in almost every sentence we have of his dialog. DK revealed much new light and amplification of principles. I can find little or no new light in Créme’s writings.

Can you find anything that is not just unverifiable data? So far no Crème follower has been able to give us even one piece of new light.

(5) I sensed a strong sense of glamour around him. To check my observation I wet up to him after the meeting and asked for a sample of his handwriting. He gave it to me rather reluctantly. My long experience in handwriting revealed that Crème’s glamours were exactly as I had ascertained by watching him.

Concerning your comments on Crème’s statement that the real Saddam is dead and the one caught is a double I will add this. I found Glenys’ finding that his wife thinks the captured Saddam is a double to be interesting and it is remotely possible that this is true.

Overall, it does not make sense because of the following reasons:

(1) If the military were to deceive us why would they want to present a fraud to the world and even allow his wife to visit?

(2) If he was killed earlier it would have been advantageous for the military to merely announce he was killed so they wouldn’t have to deal with a live person, relatives, a trial etc.

(3) DNA analysis revealed it was Saddam. Now it is remotely possible there was fraud or a mistake here, especially if the double were a relative and had similar DNA.

(4) Dozens of people close to Saddam met with him after the capture and none questioned that it was really him.

(5) None of his daughters have questioned that the prisoner is not Saddam Hussein. One of them did think he was drugged to mellow him out. This is believable.

(6) It would be incredibly stupid to purposefully proclaim a double was the real Saddam. Any intelligent person would have to realize that such a fraud would come unraveled and would destroy the Bush administration.

I haven’t received any revelation on this matter but I would give a 95% chance that we have the real Saddam. On the off chance the captured one is a double I would guess it started with an honest mistake that turned into a cover-up by the military and Bush doesn’t even know the truth of the matter. Then too it is possible that the double is a relative with a close DNA match and even the military is deceived.

(7) The anti Bush media here and in Europe has not picked up on the double story. If there was any hard evidence they would be on it.

Créme Supporter: You are correct that Créme had indicated that Dennis Kucinich had a good chance of capturing the presidency – but you are forgetting or neglecting a specific part of what Créme has said, which is – if Kucinich was nominated as the democratic candidate. Quote in context my friend : )

JJ: I quoted correctly and my statement is accurate. Here’s an exact quote from the last Crème follower on the list:

“Créme has said that the Hierarchy supports Kucinich, that Kucinich is the only presidential candidate who is receptive to the mental impressions from the Hierarchy. Créme has also said if Kucinich gets on the bill as the Democratic presidential candidate, he will become President.”

The fact that Crème talked about the possibility that Kucinich could actually get the nomination, let alone “become president” shows a great error in judgment. Thank God the real Hierarchy are smarter than this. Thank God I am smarter than this. From the first time I heard his Kucinich’s name and felt the vibration around it, even before I saw and heard him I sensed that he had no chance.

I take it back there is a one in a million chance. Here is a possible scenario.

John Kerry’s botox (which he says does not exist) bursts, casing a temporary obstruction of vision. He slips on a glossy anti Bush flyer, falls on his head and sinks into a comma.

John Edwards and Howard Dean rush to an emergency meeting where Democrats are trying to decide who to back. Their cars run head on into each other and both die.

Joe Lieberman eats a piece of bad ham and becomes comatose.

Al Sharpton storms into the meeting and demands support for the nomination. Sheila Jackson Leigh feels that Sharpton has steamrolled over her and grabs him by the neck and strangles him. She is then hauled off to jail.

Clark Gets amnesia and can’t remember his name.

Hillary actually keeps her word and decides to serve out her senate term.

Kucinich alone enters the meeting and as he approaches the committee he steps on a bare power cord and electricity shoots through his body lighting him up. The committee sees this as a sign from God and the Democrats back him to the Convention.

After the convention two days before the election it is revealed that Bush killed JFK. The public is so outraged that they vote for Kucinich in protest and he wins.

Ahh, well, the Kucinich true believers can always dream.

Créme Supporter: As a side note, we have been given the information that the Hierarchy is supporting and throwing the weight of their assistance behind the democratic candidate – even though it’s not Dennis Kucinich.

JJ: Crème’s Hierarchy, perhaps. The real one merely teaches correct principles and lets us decide for ourselves. There are disciples in both parties and the Hierarchy isn’t telling half the disciples to switch parties.

Créme Supporter: I’ve read in the archives why you believe Créme is a Communist and his support of enforced sharing. Is the source of this information to be trusted?

JJ: It’s supposed to be Crème’s own words as revealed by Sean David Morton. He has written quite a bit and I’ve seen no evidence of him being an outright fabricator.

Here is part of an interview with Sean David Morton written in 1994:

The ultimate purpose, according to Créme, and I quote, is to “Give over all of your power and energy to the Masters so that they can use it as they please, to facilitate global change.” Someone has something backwards here! Spiritual Masters are suppose to reflect the Light of God and the Creation through themselves down TO US, not the other way round. And what do these “Masters” need with all our energy? To quote the now deceased Capt. James T. Kirk, “Excuse me! What does God need with a Starship?” As Créme and I spoke, he began to lay out his global philosophy. His anger was clearly directed primarily at America. He felt that all of Western Civilization should be destroyed and dismantled so that the wealth, mostly of America, could then be “re-distributed” to feed the starving huddled masses of the world. “By what means?” I asked. “They must come to a place of consciousness for it to take place.” he answered. “And if they refuse to do it willingly?” I asked slowly. “Then it should be done by force, if necessary!” “That,” I replied cautiously, truly wanting to hear what he had to say, “sounds like Communism.” “And what’s wrong with Communism?” he retorted. “Are you a Communist?” I asked. “Young man, I have been a card carrying Communist for 32 years!” The plot thickens. “Have you ever been to Moscow, or studied there? “Many times!” he said with pride.

I asked the last Crème disciple who did not accept this to merely ask Crème if the quote is accurate and if he is a Communist, but he refused. You ought to write Crème a letter or call; him and ask him if he is or has been as card-carrying communist and if the above is quoted accurately and reflects his views.

Créme Supporter: I’ve read the interview and I do not put my faith into the honesty of the interviewer. The tone of fear colours the entire article. Whether Créme is a ‘card-carrying member of the Communist Party’ is a relative, personal attribute. The actual life that Benjamin Créme lives should be evaluated. However, that was not me confirming that he is a member of the Communist Party. I have no idea – and whether he is or not – is a superficial statistic. The man is 82 years old and still steadily doing his work.

JJ: What concerns me more than being a communist was this statement: “And if they refuse to do it willingly?” I asked slowly. “Then it should be done by force, if necessary!”

It appears that Crème believes in dismantling America through old style Soviet style tyrannical force.

That’s not the Hierarchy I’m associated with.

Does such philosophy not concern you? You seem to be a reasonable young man. Could this be your blind spot?

Créme Supporter: The pity is that one of us is more right and the other less right. Time will tell – time will solidify the fact.

JJ: Time has already spoken on many of Crémes predictions and teachings. I’d say that at least 90% of the times time has spoken, it has spoken against him.

Créme Supporter: The fact that what Créme speaks is true and that he is in contact with a Master of Wisdom and has been willingly working for the reappearance under direct inspiration from the Hierarchy – or the fact that Benjamin Créme is not and has not.

JJ: It would be sad indeed if the Hierarchy cannot see the future as well as I can – or Glenys can, or Larry can…

Créme Supporter: All in all, you are certainly entitled to your beliefs – the glory of free will! The modest suggestion that I make is that you become aware of all the good that Benjamin Créme has done and continues to do, if you are not already aware.

JJ: I have followed Crème since around the 1980’s. I read his first book and have checked out his new teachings from time to time. So far I have not been able to find one enlightened statement from the man. Can you give us even one good paragraph that turns on a light?

Let me put it this way. Open any Alice A. Bailey book dictated by DK and read a paragraph at random. Then try and find one paragraph by Crème or his Master which is equal to it.

Créme Supporter: The work is One.

JJ: It is indeed, but there is a dark Hierarchy opposed to the one work and workers many levels down are trapped by their illusions. I feel impressed to make an effort to awaken you to find the real power of the soul and let it guide you through the Crème maze to the feet of the real Master of Light and Love. There is more awaiting you than you have imagined.

April 21, 2004

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Interpreting a Master

Interpreting a Master

A reader was uncertain as to what DK meant by “soul impression” when making a prediction of a future disciple that we discussed.

Perhaps this needed some added clarification. The advanced seeker with reliable soul contact receives a soul impression when he comes across a work or teaching that furthers the plan. Such teachings are either inspired by a master, written by a master or from the soul of the teacher, which soul is a master on its own plane. DK often says “the work is one.” A work representing the “one” work creates an impression on the seeker.

A teaching that is thus verified by soul has a similar impression or ring of familiarity to it. Even though a teacher may not spend a lot of time quoting DK he could produce the same familiar impression as him by writing in the soul.

The other part of the impression one must look for (which I did not cover previously) is the impression on the mind. DK makes the statement that the mind is “the plane whereon the masters can be found.” Part of this impression would be a lack of astral glamour and the incorporation of thought, logic and reasoning that is attributed to mind. DK was very mental in this regard, more so than the mystics of the Piscean age. In addition to soul, this would be a part of the impression to look for in this age that furthers the previous work of DK.

One may be lead astray if he is looking for the same writing or teaching style. Note he did not say “signature” but “impression.”

The Matrix is far from the same signature as Star Wars, but certain elements produced the same impression.

Reader Comment: You say that we are “…periodically be born again and become as a little child to reenter the kingdom of God.” I do not share this literal interpretation. Also, not only does the term little child refer to the occult fact of the status of a disciple, but the purity of the little child is the purity one must have to take the ‘baptism’ initiation, the 2nd.

I think we will agree here if I elaborate. When I talk about rebirth I am not talking about a physical rebirth, even though this is how it plays out on the lowest level. I am saying that each time we advance to a higher sphere there has to be a death and rebirth of some kind.

To obtain the first initiation we have to undergo many physical rebirths until (in the words of Paul) we put away, or let the old man die and put on the new.

To obtain the second initiation we have to let out glamours die and be reborn into a polarization where we have control of our emotions. To obtain polarization in the mind we must die as to our emotional attachments and be reborn into the world of mind.

It all fits nicely into the Law of Correspondences. Just as there are many physical rebirths, even so are there many rebirths on higher levels.

As there are many physical rebirths in the life of the pilgrim in the human kingdom, even so are there many rebirths related to a higher correspondence in the fifth kingdom. Just as human rebirth allows the human to live for an extended time in the human kingdom even so do the higher rebirths hold the key to extended life in one body for the fifth kingdom.

Here is an interesting quote from the Old Commentary illustrating that even high disciples must die as to what they hold dear and be reborn through the portals of a new kingdom.

“The law went forth from the inner group which guided the destinies of men: Detach yourselves. Withdraw within yourselves the power to hold and gain and get. The sons of God, who train themselves to leave the world of men and enter into light, they ever travel free. They hold not what they have. Release yourselves, and enter through the gates of peace.

“Some of the sons of God, waiting outside those gates, ready to enter when the Word went forth to roll the gates aside, were laden with the treasure of the earth. They brought their gifts as offerings to the Lord of life, who needed not their gifts. They sought to enter through those gates, not with a selfish end in view, but to present the garnered treasures of the world, and thus shew their love.

“Again the Word went forth: Leave all behind and pass beyond the portal, laden with naught of earth. They waited and discussed. The rest of those who were prepared entered into light and passed between the pillars of the gate; they left behind the loads they brought and entered free, and were accepted, carrying naught.

“Because they travelled as a group, and as a group progressed and grasped, the group responded to the divine command and halted. There they waited, standing before the portal of the Path, grasping the garnered treasures of a thousand cycles. Naught did they wish to leave behind. They had laboured for the riches which they held. They loved their God, and Him they sought to dower with the fullest measure of the riches they had gained. They loved not discipline.

“Again the Word went forth: Drop on the ground all that you hold, and enter free.

“But three revolted from that stern command. The rest obeyed. They passed within the gates, leaving the three outside. Many were raised unto the heights of joy. The three remained without the gates, holding their treasure firm.” Esoteric Psychology Vol 1, Page 396

I can see your concern that DK would have to sacrifice some time and data to be reborn, but if he chose this course he would eventually retrieve it with interest – and others would take care of his duties. Keep in mind that some duties would be taken care by him in the sleeping state and through his Higher Self.

I pick up intuitively that he did not want to give out full details of his future mission. For one thing if he told us he would be reborn all kinds of DK students would think they were DK come again.

I will predict this. When he does teach again many Theosophical as well as Bailey students will reject the teachings. It’s the natural order of things.

I can see how you derive your “impression” of DK’s use of impression, but keep in mind this. Often initiates write with dual and triple meanings.

He could also be referring to a disciple who would appear before 2025 who would help prepare students for the complex revelations to come.

I see your point and do not disagree with you but am merely saying there are a number of possible interpretations that could apply.

“Reading made Don Quixote a gentleman. Believing what he read made him mad.” George Bernard Shaw (1856 – 1950)

April 17, 2004

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The Mysteries of A Course in Miracles, Chapter 10

What Heaven Is Not

In a nutshell, the purpose of A Course in Miracles is to help us awaken to our true reality so we can return to heaven, our true home.

The separation and entering this dream state was perhaps more serious than realized by students, for we are told there was a possibility the Son could “be lost forever in the madness of his wish.” T-25.III.2

In other words, there was a danger that the Prodigal Son could wind up living with the swine forever with no realization that there was any home to which he could return.

We are told that the Father took quick action after the fall and created the Holy Spirit as a means of communicating with the Son to eventually bring him to his senses and awaken.

Evidently, this got a little behind schedule, causing a need for extra stimulation. This is said to come to us in the form of A Course in Miracles.

As noted in chapter two, the Voice told Helen that the Course was necessary because “The world situation is worsening to an alarming degree. … Because of the acute emergency, however, the usual slow, evolutionary process is being by-passed in what might best be described as a ‘celestial speed-up.’” From Journey Without Distance by Robert Skutch

So then, the world situation produced an “acute emergency” requiring a celestial speed up. God was not going to allow us to be “lost forever” in our madness, hence the Course was given as a roadmap to heaven showing us the quickest way to get there.

You would think then that since the Course is of such great importance in awakening us to the journey home, to a heaven we have forgotten, that it would spend a lot of time refreshing our memory and tell us why it is a desirable place to seek.

Yet, instead of dangling a carrot before us to entice us to return, the Course is mysteriously silent about what heaven is like and why it is such a wonderful place compared to this material existence. It strangely tells us more about what heaven is not than what heaven is.

The Course explains why it doesn’t give more details:

Concerning heaven it says, “There is no need to further clarify what no one in the world can understand.” W-pI.169.10 “No one on earth can grasp what Heaven is, or what its one Creator really means.” M-23.6 “Nor is there any need for us to try to speak of what must forever lie beyond words. “ T-18.IX.11 Heaven “can never be described” W-pI.122.8

“We say ‘God is,’ and then we cease to speak, for in that knowledge words are meaningless. There are no lips to speak them, and no part of mind sufficiently distinct to feel that it is now aware of something not itself.” W-pI.169.5.

“for what we cannot speak of, for you go from there to where words fail entirely, into a silence where the language is unspoken and yet surely understood.” W-pI.129.3

So, basically, we are told that heaven is beyond our current understanding, but we will understand when we get there. Until then, nothing can be put into words that will mean anything.

This is one of the more problematic teachings of A Course in Miracles, as it seems to correspond with a major tactic revealed about the ego:

I have said that the ego’s rule is, ‘Seek and do not find.’ Translated into curricular terms this means, ‘Try to learn but do not succeed.’” T-12.V.7

So, we have the situation where many Course students would like to know what heaven is, to give them more impetus to take focus off the dream world to awaken to the heavenly, but we are told this is something we cannot find, not until we irreversibly get there.

This answer is like that which many young people find irritating about Sunday School. They ask questions about God, sex in heaven or why a loving God created hell, and they are told it is a mystery and you find all the answers after you die and return to God.

Well, many students would like to know more about heaven now. After all, we are told to give up everything to go there, for we can only live in one reality as indicated by the Course:

“It is impossible to see two worlds which have no overlap of any kind. Seek for the one; the other disappears. But one remains. They are the range of choice beyond which your decision cannot go. The real and the unreal are all there are to choose between, and nothing more than these.” W-pI.130.5

We live in the unreal and we must let it go to the extent that it “disappears” so we can enter heaven. But why would we sacrifice everything that holds us to this reality for another of which we know close to nothing? If this is indeed the path we are supposed to take, wouldn’t it make sense for Higher Intelligence to reveal more about our eternal destination?

Now, each of us has a spark from God within us that can be contacted through the soul, and because of this contact, I know there are higher and more perfect realms than this, but if I had to go by merely what was written in ACIM, I would be quite confused.

On the other hand, there are many who do go strictly by what has been written, some quite literally. Therefore, it may be helpful to carefully examine what A Course in Miracles says about heaven, for despite it saying that describing it is beyond words, it does give us some words that provide interesting insights.

First, as I said, it does tell us a few things that heaven is not. Let us look at some of these.

The one thing above all others that a Course student is supposed to realize is that there are no dualities in heaven. We have “to recognize a condition in which opposites do not exist. And this is the condition of knowledge. Without this awareness you have not met its conditions, and until you do you will not know it is yours already.” T-11.VII.4

In heaven, therefore, we will only experience the positive feelings, not the negative. There will be love, but not hate, peace and nothing to attack or disturb, joy and no pain or sorrow, formlessness and no form, and only winning, for there will never “be a time when anything that it (God’s thoughts) created suffers any loss.” W-pII.11.1

Instead, there will be “an awareness of perfect Oneness, and the knowledge that there is nothing else; nothing outside this Oneness, and nothing else within.” T-18.VI.1

Many students do not seem to realize that without the possibility of loss that there will be no games. Indeed, the Course speaks negatively of them: We are told that heaven is a “place where truth abides and games are meaningless.” W-pI.153.14 Heaven is a place “where losing is impossible.” W-pI.129.4

And what is it that gives us mere mortals some of our greatest enjoyments in life?

Games, where losing is possible.

One of the famous teachers and writers of ACIM is Gary Renard, and in his books, he spends considerable time telling us how much he enjoys watching ball games. I found it amusing that he spoke with more enthusiasm about attending games than going to heaven. I wondered in reading his books if he realizes that there will be no games in heaven, for there are no contrasting winners and losers there according to ACIM.

Indeed, even many spiritual writers are avid sports fans and like to attend or watch games in their free moments. Many also play games with friends and family when visiting.

We enjoy games because of the limitations, for if we knew each move in advance it would be no fun.

I submit that it is the thrill of playing games was the main draw that caused the separation. A large number of the Sons of God wanted to create a universe where we could struggle to win, and when we win with a risk of losing, we would experience a positive feeling unlike any available in the world of non-duality.

Life itself with its limitations is like a challenging game. You set goals for personal achievement and then you set out to realize them, or to win at the game of life. Then when you are successful, you get a positive feeling that is not achieved any other way.

If you think about it, this giving up the fun connected with games may be the largest obstacle in the way of entering ACIM heaven for many. Part of the problem is that many students have not realized what the Course teachings are on this matter. Lesson 79 needs to be applied: “Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved.”

If students do not realize the changes that need to be made to end the separation, then the problem will never be solved.

That said, let us see what else that is available in mortality that may be missing in heaven.

There is no learning in heaven:

“The ability to learn has no value when change is no longer necessary. The eternally creative have nothing to learn.” T-2.II.5 “everything you learned is meaningless, replaced forever by the knowledge of love and its one meaning.” T-18.IX.12

There is no perception:

“nothing that the eyes have ever seen or ears have heard remains to be perceived.” T-27.III.7

“Perception did not exist until the separation introduced degrees, aspects and intervals” T-3.IV.1

“For the mind that knows this unequivocally, knows also that it dwells in eternity, and utilizes no perception at all.” UR T 13 A 1

There is no memory:

You will not remember change and shift in Heaven. You have need of contrast only here. T-13.XI.6

“Memory, like perception, is a skill made up by you to take the place of what God gave in your creation.” T-28.I.2 “Nothing that you remember now will you remember. “T-19.IV.D.6

There is no choice:

“The power of decision, which you made in place of the power of creation” T-14.VI.5 “Nothing conflicts with oneness. … What is there to decide? For it is conflict that makes choice possible…. The truth makes no decisions, for there is nothing to decide between.” T-26.III.1 “There is no choice of function anywhere. The choice you fear to lose you never had.” T-27.III.7

There is no consciousness:

“Consciousness, the level of perception, was the first split introduced into the mind after the separation, making the mind a perceiver rather than a creator. Consciousness is correctly identified as the domain of the ego. The ego is a wrong-minded attempt to perceive yourself as you wish to be, rather than as you are.” T-3.IV.2

“Yet the very fact that it (consciousness) has levels and can be trained demonstrates that it cannot reach knowledge.” (where heaven is) C-1.7

There is no contrast:

“There is no darkness and there is no contrast. There is no variation. There is no interruption. “ T-13.XI.3

There is no time, space, form or motion

“Ultimately, space is as meaningless as time. Both are merely beliefs. … Acts were not necessary before the separation, because belief in space and time did not exist.” T-1.VI.3-4

“Here will time end forever. At this gate (of heaven) eternity itself will join with you.” S-1.V.4

It speaks of “the eternal formlessness of God.” C-6.5 and “what love will mean to you when formlessness has been restored to you is greater still.” W-pI.186.14

“As nothingness cannot be pictured, so there is no symbol for totality. Reality is ultimately known without a form, unpictured and unseen. T-27.III.5

There will be no special relationships

“All of your ‘friends,’ your ‘protectors’ and your ‘home’ will vanish. Nothing that you remember now will you remember.” T-19.IV.D.6

Everyone on earth has formed special relationships, and although this is not so in Heaven,” T-15.V.8

There is no change

“Nothing will ever change; no shifts nor shadings, no differences, no variations that made perception possible will still occur.” T-17.II.4

“reality is wholly real, apart from size and shape and time and place–for differences cannot exist within it” M-8.6

There are no differences

 “in Heaven They are all the same, without the differences which would have made a hell of Heaven and a heaven of hell, had such insanity been possible.” T-25.VII.10

There is no individuality.

“The structure of ‘individual consciousness’ is essentially irrelevant because it is a concept representing the ‘original error’ or the ‘original sin.’” C-in.1

We thus see that the Course tells us quite a few things that heaven is not. Without space, time and form what is left? It would seem that the answer would be nothing, but as we proceed, we will see that is not quite the case.

Read the Introduction HERE, Read Chapter One HERE. Chapter Two HERE, Chapter Three HERE, Chapter Four HERE, Chapter Five HERE Chapter Six HERE, Chapter Seven HERE, Chapter Eight HERE, Chapter Nine HERE, Chapter Ten HERE, Chapter Eleven HERE, Chapter Twelve HERE, Chapter Thirteen HERE, Chapter Fourteen HERE, Fifteen HERE, Sixteen HERE, Seventeen HERE,       Eighteen HERE, Nineteen HERE, Twenty HERE, Twenty-One HERE, Twenty-Two HERE, Twenty-Three HERE, Twenty-Four HERE, Twenty-Five HERE, Twenty-Six HERE, Twenty-Seven  HERE, Twenty-Eight  HERE, Twenty-Nine HERE, Thirty HERE

ACIM Conversations, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part  16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25

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Masters and Rebirth

Masters and Rebirth

A fifth degree master is not immortal in the physical sense, but has achieved power to extend his life or to restore his vital essence. A fifth degree master will die when his course of work is done which is associated with a certain body. He can go on to other work in higher spheres or incarnate again in a new body on the path to higher initiations.

A greater power over physical death is achieved at the seventh initiation represented in the words:

“Know, express, reveal, destroy and resurrect.” Rays and Initiations, Page 23

As Christ demonstrated this high initiate can allow his body to be destroyed and restore it through the power of resurrection.

It is not revealed for sure, but it is possible speculation is correct that DK did die and has been reborn. If so he has maintained continuity of consciousness and it is quite possible that he may give the third installment of his teachings in person around 2025. We’ll find out for sure in a couple decades. (Written in 2004)

Question: Why would a master discard his body and waste decades in losing time through rebirth and relearning many things to bring him back to the point of knowledge and understands where he was before?

The answer to this lies in the secret behind death itself as well as the secret behind the mastery of death. I use the word “mastery” here instead of the more common “overcoming death” to be technically correct. That is, no life including God Itself ever overcomes death in the worlds of form. Of course, there is no death in the higher formless worlds. All lives use the cycle of life and death in the process of eternal creation and eternal progression. There will never be a time that forms inhabited by the life of God do not come and go as the great Purpose ascends on the upward arc.

The reason for death is this. Eventually the life in the form ceases making progress and is limited in the current form and circumstance. The principle of Dominating Good dictates that a new form and new circumstance must be cyclically acquired.

To master death the initiate must understand this principle and periodically be born again and become as a little child to reenter the kingdom of God. Each person cyclically reaches a point where the line of least resistance takes him to a dead end in progression. Average people, when they reach this point settle into a comfort zone and cease making substantial progress. At this point they esoterically die followed by a corresponding physical death.

Some internally realize that a new birth is necessary and find a new purpose that rejuvenates their progression. Because their progression continues death is not necessary and their life is extended. Those who are not fifth degree initiates may undergo rebirth many times but do not master death because they do not understand what must be done to extend the principle of rebirth. Instead they are reborn, or refocus two or three times with their Saturn cycles in a life because they sense the plan, but then they die because they do not become the plan.

Now a master may use the principle of rebirth and extend his life as long as his body and circumstance provide the most efficient vehicle to move forward the great plan. When this is no longer the case his approaching rebirth must extend to more than a state of consciousness, but he must literally be reborn into either the physical or some higher level.

Thus, even a master eventually approaches a time when he must let go, become as a little child and begin a new with a clean slate.

The masters who are dedicated to earth service who have reached the end of their cycle of use will incarnate just as you and I have.

DK tells us that the master will have power to maintain a “continuity of consciousness” from life to life. Notice that he says “consciousness” and not memory.

When such an entity is reborn he will usually not have memory of who he was for some time, but he will have continuity of consciousness in that he will have full access to all intelligence and principles which he has mastered in the past; then memories will often follow.

Let us suppose that DK is reborn and is 30 years old. Would he be able to recall the great words of the Old Commentary, all the details of the Rays and the spirits before the throne? Probably not. Perhaps he has not even come across the Bailey teachings and instead is working on mastering an entirely different approach. Maybe he is a research scientist working for a large corporation and this takes all his attention.

But when the time comes that he does discover the writings he will quickly understand them because he will easily retrieve the principles behind them.

A DK reborn would write quite differently than the DK of the past. The DK of the past has the advantage of several hundred years of study incorporated in his memory banks. The new DK would not have all this knowledge, but would have even more wisdom because his total rebirth would be a great stimulus to his progression in wisdom.

The old DK would be like one with an IQ of 140 with last years computer, but with lots of programs. The new DK would be like one with an IQ of 160 and with this year’s more advanced computer, but only a few programs loaded. He has to use his creativity to do a superior job with fewer programs. Keep in mind that eventually he will have all the newer and more advanced programs loaded and then he will surpass the old DK in every way.

There is another reason that the great ones have to incarnate among us from time to time. This has to do with the karma connected with the human race as opposed to karma in connection with the fifth kingdom.

Karma in connection with both kingdoms is too heavy to allow the masters to directly appear to us and teach us as they really are. Because of this, the Master must take upon himself the vibration of human karma through rebirth and work through the handicaps thereof before his teachings can permeate our consciousness. The other alternative is work through overshadowing a disciple who must do this same thing.

Because the master or disciple must work through the handicap of not only his own karma, but that of humanity, as a whole, many suffer detours and delays in their plans and missions. As I said before there are many disciples who have suffered such detour and have been of little use to the plan. One reason that this is such a problem at this time is because of the great change we are undergoing by not only entering a lesser Aquarian age, but a greater one also, a rare event. This requires a great adaptation by the teachers and many have not yet made the adjustments and are thus off the path for a time.

A question arises concerning this quote:

“In the next century and early in the century an initiate will appear and will carry on their teaching. It will be under the same “impression” for my task is not yet completed and this series of bridging Treatises between the material knowledge of man and the science of the initiates has still another phase to run.” Rays and Initiations, Page 255

I am sure DK used the word “impression” for the good reason that a future vision often plays out in several probable ways.

It is true that if he was talking of himself this future initiate would definitely carry on the same impression that DK presents. But impression has several levels of meaning. Think back on the two or three greatest writings that inspired you and then ask yourself this question: Did not they all produce a similar impression upon your soul?

In other words, the teachings of this disciple will produce a similar soul impression as do the writings of DK as well as provide a greater understanding of his writings.

In other words, the prophecy could be fulfilled by an interim disciple which will aid in the final presentation by DK or it could be the actual presence of DK.

It’s quite possible that DK himself did not know exactly how things would play out so he carefully worded the prophecy to make it flexible.

“Everything in the world may be endured except continued prosperity.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

April 16, 2004

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The Liberal/Conservative Test

The Liberal/Conservative Test

Since we have been discussing whether we are liberal or conservative I thought I would write up a test in the matter. Some feel that they cannot be labeled as either, but to fit in this category you would pretty much have to have no opinion on the questions below. I have never met a person with no opinion on even half of the items so this should be interesting.

Let me again stress that we are not using the media definition of liberal and conservative, but the dictionary definition. A liberal is one who is open to change, tolerant, and willing to learn new things. A conservative seeks to “conserve things as they are or were” and is intolerant of change or different views.

Let me stress that neither side is good or evil as a whole, but both have their place. For instance, it is correct to conserve that which is good and to be intolerant of things that create harm. It is also good to be liberally tolerant of beneficial change and to work for a better tomorrow..

Both sides can be used for the negative also. The conservative can resist needed change and the liberal often works for change which makes matters worse.

In the end the second key of judgment must be used to find the point of truth at the midway point.

The Liberal/Conservative Test

  1. Do you support a woman’s right to choose during the first half of the pregnancy? A Yes B No C No Opinion (or refuse to choose)
  2. You agree with the environmental view of Greenpeace, the Sierra Club and Earth First that forests should be preserved in their natural state. Logging of mature trees in natural forests should be opposed. A Yes B No C No Opinion (or refuse to choose)
  3. Do you support the attempts to bring democracy to other nations with authoritarian rule? A Yes B No C No Opinion (or refuse to choose)
  4. Do you support the legalization of recreational drugs? A Yes B No C No Opinion (or refuse to choose)
  5. I support the government’s creation of assisted healthcare and increase in coverage for all. A Yes B No C No Opinion (or refuse to choose)
  6. We should keep the phrase “In God we trust” on our money (in the USA) A Yes B No C No Opinion (or refuse to choose)
  7. I think a manned mission to mars is a good idea even though the cost may be high. A Yes B No C No Opinion (or refuse to choose)
  8. I believe the government should operate on a balanced budget except in times of national emergency. A Yes B No C No Opinion (or refuse to choose)
  9. If a pilot program showed that the voucher system could improve education would you support the privatization of education which would follow? A Yes B No C No Opinion (or refuse to choose)

Explanation. Currently the government spends thousands of dollars to educate each student. Instead of the government giving the money directly to a public school, under a voucher system the government would give it to the individual who can then spend the money on private education if he so desires. A Yes B No C No Opinion (or refuse to choose)

  1. The rich need to continue paying at least as much in taxes as is currently the case to make sure they pay their fair share. A Yes B No C No Opinion (or refuse to choose)
  2. I look forward to obtaining and learning the next generation of computers and electronic devices. A Yes B No C No Opinion (or refuse to choose)
  3. A person who is undergoing great suffering should be able to legally ask for and receive assistance in ending his life. A Yes B No C No Opinion (or refuse to choose)
  4. The Russians are a bunch of S.O.B.s. A Yes B No C No Opinion (or refuse to choose)
  5. I support nondenominational prayer in schools. A Yes B No C No Opinion (or refuse to choose)
  6. Since talk radio is dominated by the orthodox right wing it would be fair for the government to make a law requiring the stations to broadcast an equal amount of liberal views. A Yes B No C No Opinion (or refuse to choose)

Note: They had such a law in the Sixties called “The Fairness Doctrine.” Reagan repealed it.

  1. I would support laws that prosecute those who use hate speech – or at least the most vile of it. A Yes B No C No Opinion (or refuse to choose)
  2. I support the death penalty for first degree murder? A Yes B No C No Opinion (or refuse to choose)
  3. I support a prison reform that truly helps the prisoner reform even if less punitive measures are applied. A Yes B No C No Opinion (or refuse to choose)
  4. Government assisted social programs (health care, social security, welfare etc.) needs to be increased. A Yes B No C No Opinion (or refuse to choose)
  5. Government assisted social programs need to be decreased and private enterprise needs to take a greater role. A Yes B No C No Opinion (or refuse to choose)


In one column add up your positive points and in the other add up your negative. The positive represents a liberal attitude and the negative a conservative one. If you have more positive points than conservative then you are more liberal than conservative and visa versa. If you score a lot more points in one area than another this will show a strong polarization.

Question 1 A +1 B -1 C 0

Explanation: Obvious

  1. A -1 B +1 C 0

Explanation: Even the word conservationist is derived from the same root as conservative. Those who do not want to alter nature for human benefit are conservative indeed.

  1. A +1 B -1 C 0

Explanation: To attempt to bring democracy to Iraq is a liberal venture. To not make the attempt and to take no aggressive action is conservative for it conserves the status quo.

  1. A +1 B -1 C 0

Explanation: Obvious

5 . A -1 B +1 C 0

Explanation: Because the status quo supports assisted healthcare and increased spending the conservative stance supports what we have and the direction things are headed. The true liberal would support a direction that would change the current inertia.

  1. A -1 B +1 C 0

Explanation: It is conservative to “conserve” the phrase and liberal in this case to want change.

  1. A +1 B -1 C 0

Explanation: This should be obvious. It is a liberal attitude to explore new worlds, even at great cost.

  1. A -1 B +1 C 0

Explanation: Operating on a balanced budget is a virtue that most want to “conserve.”

  1. A +1 B -1 C 0

Explanation: A voucher system would represent liberal change in the true sense even though it is called conservative by the press. It also allows more than one choice which allows tolerance. 10. A -1 B +1 C 0

Explanation: To insist the taxation system continues as is in this area is to “conserve” the status quo or an amplification of it. 11. A +1 B -1 C 0

Explanation: A liberal is flexible and likes to learn new things. 12. A +1 B -1 C 0

Explanation: Obvious

  1. A -1 B +1 C 0

Explanation: Intolerance is a conservative trait. 14. A -1 B -1 C +1

Explanation: Both sides of this issue are trying to conserve their mindset. A liberal and tolerant view would be flexible and adapt to the majority will.

  1. A -1 B +1 C 0

The left wing dominates the more powerful television and print media so the situation is more than fair. It would show conservative intolerance to support a law to force a point of view on the public. 16. A -1 B +1 C 0

Explanation: It is conservative to be intolerant of speech and desire to control it – even of a hateful kind

  1. A -1 B +1 C 0

Explanation: Obvious

  1. A +1 B -1 C 0

Explanation: See #20

  1. A +1 B -1 C 0

Explanation: Obvious

  1. A +1 B -1 C 0

Explanation: To work for change in social programs in either is a liberal move.

April 14, 2004

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