Vibrational Energies

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes From

The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  We thank the One Great Life for reflecting Itself and creating motion, or vibration, causing the Music of the Spheres, and All There Is, to become manifest so the various parts of God can know themselves and each other.

2  Highly evolved entities tune the chord of their energies from the highest to the lowest, and thus all the notes in the energy chord can vibrate harmoniously.

3  The vibration of a person’s Spirit is much higher than his personality, and it is logical that the higher would be more reliable than the lower.

4  If a Master connects with you in the Spirit, you will note a high vibration that needs a period of adjustment.

5  There are many life forms and beings working on the side of good, who are much higher in vibration than ourselves, of which the average seeker is totally unaware and unprepared to enter into the presence of such. This difference in vibration can require great courage to approach.

6  If a Master decides to admit you into his ashram, you will first be sent a flow of energy of higher vibration to give you time to adjust. This adjustment can be disturbing at first – a little like getting into a hot bath. It’s discomforting at first but after you adjust it is okay. Then, after you make adjustments in vibration, you are admitted to the group. If the ashram were to let you in without the adjustment, you would either suffer death or go insane.

7  Even though the vibration of higher lives is very intense, the person receiving them will inherently know that they are on the side of good because the vibration will be recognized by the inner most part of themselves as desirable to attain.

8  There is a difference between soul energy and the Solar Angel.

9  If all energies were to become perfectly balanced, then we would have perfect circles formed around a point which would then be reduced to a point of nothingness.

10  Even though electricity is composed of negative electrons I see this energy itself as positive, or male, because it is action energy capable of initiating motion. Magnetism is the opposite polarity (female) that tends to still action and pull toward the center.

11  When we think of protective energy, it is natural to think only of ourselves, but in projecting our thoughts to the whole, where each of us draws from the pool of accumulated energy, the individual will benefit as well as the group.

12  The higher vibration is always more difficult to comprehend and master.

13  Once a person becomes aware of the various energies unfolding he will have no doubt that there are major energy centers at play in the body. When I first felt them I knew nothing about the centers and it did not occur to me what was happening, but then when I later learned about the chakras it all began to make sense to me.

14  Energy follows thought which is held by focused attention.

15  At the point of definite reversal with no energy directed toward the path of evolution then there is no attention on the soul or spirit. To understand this we must realize that energy does follow thought and if there is no energy on the higher then all energy follows the line of least resistance toward the lower.

16  Just as atomic energy is much more potent than gas and oil, so will the building energies of Zion and the Molecular Relationship be more powerful than anything before witnessed.

17  In our solar system at this point in time and space Love does seem to be the foundation energy, but the truth is that this energy is one of seven projections from a higher Ray which is the Father Ray – Ray One.

18  When a seeker, through the principle of identification, senses the vibrating energies emanating from such an initiate he then assumes the vibration of the 144,000 and feels the music of the spheres within.

19  Unquestioned or unproven authority is always a destroying energy.

20  If one overcomes Maya that does not mean he ceases to enjoy good food, sex and rock and roll. But it does mean that he is the master of this energy and the energy is not the master of him.

21  Think of all the energy that you expend and you will see that somehow, someway, all of it is directed to fulfill some conscious goal somewhere.

22  The best we can do with energy set in motion (effect), is to direct it wisely.

23  Without contact with the higher energies of the heart and mind going with the flow, or the line of least resistance, always seems to be the most desirable.

24  If you go to the higher lives and see or experience them as they are, the vibration difference will be alarming for the first several encounters.

25  The higher the life in evolution the higher the vibration and the greater the adjustment necessary to endure the presence.

26  In making the transition to a new venture of fulfillment another problem can surface. As you move ahead new energies are released from your centers and with these new energies must come new ways of doing things. You just cannot fall back on what was comfortable in the past, but one must move forward with a sense of higher purpose and attunement with the soul.

27  The lower cannot control itself or the higher, but the higher can control the lower. The lower never has desire to cooperate with the higher and enters onto the higher vibration kicking and screaming with resistance.

28  Where the energies are not balanced each individual will feel there is something that is lacking, but will not be sure what it is.

29  When the Molecular Relationship is properly set up the opportunity to balance energy will be more abundant. The couple will always have a teacher and, or sender available from which to receive and there will always be students and, or receivers for whom to give.

30  When a critical mass of radioactive humans (Israelites) are gathered then we can have a controlled chain reaction, a controlled release of energy to sustain peace on earth goodwill toward men.

31  Light is a form of radiation – wavelengths increasing. Love is an aspect of magnetism – wavelengths merging, having interplay or coming together.

32  If we send Light and Love to anyone on the dark path or of a low vibration or someone who will use power contrary to the good of the whole then the Light and Love we send will be transmuted to the lower centers and all we will do is energize the lower desires of these people.

33  It is true that the positive energy dominates in our physical world, the negative dominates in the etheric and astral. Then the positive dominates in the mental and so on up to the monad.

34  Just as light has a higher vibration than sound, and yellow is higher than red, even so is the astral vibration higher than physical and the matter of mind is higher than astral-emotion.

35  To be evolutionary, the physical and emotional energies must adjust their vibration so they are in harmony with the heart and mind energies.

36  Purpose is that which causes vibration so that within that vibration lies all energy, form, plans and goals.

37  In the beginning the essence of God which is PURPOSE (which gives power to make DECISION) reflected Itself to unlimited numbers and these reflections vibrated generated Love. Love gathered them together and then vibrated again. This process was repeated many times until the thought in the Purpose of God of human intelligence began to vibrate.

38  If you could achieve a balance of the two energies [male and female] and “be still and know God,”  then your body would disappear until you let the energies slip out of balance again. This is one of the reasons that the Masters can transport their bodies instantly. They do not increase their vibration as many teach. Instead they still their vibration through the balancing of energies and can move through a door or wall as easily as an imaginary point of thought.

39  An energy which is directed to restrict life and imprison it, or take away its freedom of expression in any way becomes evil, but an energy which is directed to free life and give greater room for expression and expansion and joy is good.

40  The eternal part of us has no vibration.

41  A “force” has to exist at the mercy of some type of vibration and all vibration is eventually stilled. Therefore “forces” are not eternal.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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2 thoughts on “Vibrational Energies

  1. 8. Just imagine I read it twice. While I am not as accomplished on this topic, I concur with your closings because they make sense. Thanks and good luck to you.

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