Day 323
Seeking Answers
The Seed Thought:
Human nature generally takes the easy way and just wants to be told the answer by some authority instead of being forced back upon their own souls.
The truth behind this thought is more subtle than appears. Some may take it to mean that the seeker should never seek answers through established books and teachers, but such is far from the case. Without stimulation from the outside none of us would be able to function in this material world.
This is illustrated by some horrid examples of child abuse where the parents kept a child as an isolated prisoner for a number of years. When this happens, and the child is left with only himself and his soul, it is as if his progress comes to a standstill. If he were imprisoned at the age of ten and released at 15 then he still sees himself as a ten year old.
This tells us that we do indeed need more than guidance from within. In this world guidance from within must be balanced off with stimulation from without.
So, what is meant by the easy way? Does this include reading books and taking classes?
No. It does not. There are many truths in the books of the world and in instructions given by various teachers. Both of these can be very helpful.
What then is this easy way that causes the seeker to not reflect upon his own soul?
To understand we must realize that there are two types of information to be gleaned by the seeker.
The first is knowledge to which all reasoning minds agree is true. For instance, there are few who would question the principles of mathematics as taught in textbooks. The seeker has little reason to question that 2+2=4.
There is little reason to question any established facts. Concerning these it is best for the seeker to just take them in and add them to his memory.
What then is this lazy way that we should avoid?
To understand we must realize that there are two types of information given out to the public.
The first is information that contains facts that are not in dispute. An example would be that Washington was president of the United States between 1789 to 1797.
On the other hand, there are those who tell us what was in Washington’s mind concerning slavery. This represents the second type of information, which is not settled knowledge. Nothing is established here as an absolute fact and in this case the seeker must check out all the facts himself to come to a correct conclusion. If he goes the easy way and just accepts the word of an authority he will share the errors of that authority.
Are there other planets besides earth? Yes, definitely?
Do intelligent aliens live on these other worlds? To this there is no solid agreement and instead of trusting some UFO authority the seeker must examine the evidence and fall back on his own soul and decide for himself.
Is global warming going to present a catastrophic problem that should be of our greatest concern? Some authorities say yes and others tell us that we face much greater danger from other events such as a giant solar flare that happens every couple hundred years.
There are many who tell us what to believe when the facts are still in question. In this case the seeker must not take the word of any authority without question but seek out all the known facts and run them by his own soul to establish his own conclusions.
This is the key to escaping the mark of the beast as mentioned earlier.
Seed Thought of the Day:
Take those concepts that are embraced by the authorities of the world and look in the opposite direction. There you will find gems of truth.
Day 324
The Opposite Direction
The Seed Thought:
Take those concepts that are embraced by the authorities of the world and look in the opposite direction. There you will find gems of truth.
Unfortunately, most people will go in the opposite direction of this thought. Instead of thinking for themselves they will, without question, accept the authorities of the world and only look in the direction to which they point.
Fortunately, for the progress of the world there have always been a handful who have broken this rule.
One of the most notable was Galileo. In his day the authorities declared that the earth was the center of the universe and it was the sun that moved around it.
Galileo questioned this, built a telescope and found out the opposite was the true reality.
2000 years ago the religious authorities declared that an eye for an eye was the gold standard. Then Jesus came along, looked in opposite direction, and told them to love their enemies.
Newton’s laws were accepted as presenting space, time and mass as absolute. Einstein looked in the opposite direction and discovered that relativity is the higher norm.
For the seeker of today these insights are now obvious truths. The important thing for him or her in the present is not to see the obvious but to see what is overlooked by authorities today, just as Galileo did centuries ago.
He must look in the opposite direction of established thought and ask questions such as:
(1) Is God really all-powerful and all knowing?
(2) Are we headed toward a global cooling cycle rather than global warming?
(3) Was there really a big bang?
(4) Can we go faster than the speed of light?
Keep in mind that established thought is often correct, but sometimes it is not, so the seeker must always be willing to look in the opposite direction just to see what he finds. Any truth discovered by this method will be its own reward.
Seed Thought of the Day:
We may look at the problems in the world and feel overwhelmed, but if each helps those within his or her circle of influence the world will be healed.
Day 325
Doing Your Part
The Seed Thought:
We may look at the problems in the world and feel overwhelmed, but if each helps those within his or her circle of influence the world will be healed.
Many seekers listen to the news, see the problems in the world and feel somewhat depressed. We see starvation, deprivation, war, violence and all kinds of examples of man’s inhumanity to man. It often seems that anything one can do is insignificant, that maybe the best thing to do is retreat to some hideaway and hibernate.
This brings to mind the great truism: “Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.”
Many seekers who have good intent feel frustrated and wind up doing nothing rather than something.
This is a huge mistake and one of the main reasons there is so much suffering and lack of justice in the world.
The vast majority of people have good intentions, but many do not do their share in bringing those intentions into reality. If everyone did then suffering on this planet would be minimized.
So, what should the path of the seeker be who wants to do his part? The first thing is to look at his family and friends who may need assistance or a helping hand. This need may not only be financial, but perhaps he or she is depressed, feels isolated, has health problems, is abused or just needs to hear the voice of kindness. If the seeker merely assesses those within his circle he will find plenty in need of help.
Just think of how much suffering and distress could be eliminated if all merely were sensitive to the needs of those within his circle.
When you see a homeless person on a street corner asking for help do you suppose that this is a person without family or friends?
Of course not. Even the most down and out have family, but where are they? If just one member of his family, or a friend, were to give a helping hand then perhaps the guy wouldn’t have to be pleading for help on the street corner.
Yes, there are some people high on drugs and alcohol who are difficult for even family to help but this does not apply to all and does not give excuse to harden one’s heart.
If then, the seeker finds that he has assets to spare after he has surveyed family and friends he can then reach out to others outside of his circle.
Each seeker has to assess his talents and abilities and conclude as to how he can accomplish the largest amount of good with the means that are available to him.
If all were to do this then the golden age could manifest within a generation.
Seed Thought of the Day:
A work of light is rarely destroyed by its enemies, but by its friends.
Day 326
The Greatest Threat
The Seed Thought:
A work of light is rarely destroyed by its enemies, but by its friends.
The biggest threat from a positive work often comes from those who claim to be the biggest supporters. Examples are Judas betraying Christ, Benedict Arnold vs. George Washington, or John Sculley getting Steve Jobs fired so he could assume control – which move almost destroyed Apple.
The fact is that if a group is united it is extremely difficult for outside enemies to destroy them. If the group represents something positive that upsets those in the status quo then they will be attacked. When such attacks come, those who seek to maintain power will often lie and distort to destroy the challengers. Their problem is the truth. If the group represents higher truth, or a higher standard, and stand up for themselves as a united body then it is only a matter of time before they prevail.
On the other hand, a betrayal from within that either gives power to enemies or divides the group can be devastating. For instance, Arnold’s betrayal of Washington could have cost us the war if it had not been exposed. Judas would have destroyed the movement if not for the resurrection and Apple would have failed if they had not brought Steve Jobs back on board.
In all three examples there were all kinds of outsiders who wanted them to fail, but the greatest threat came from the inside.
So what causes an insider to betray his group when the goal of the group is positive change? There are three main reasons.
(1) A feeling of superiority. The person feels that he knows what is best and should be in charge so he sabotages the rightful leaders in hopes of replacing them. Such individuals are usually in illusion about their abilities and do more harm than good if they succeed.
(2) A desire for power. They sabotage the initiates in hope of assuming power for power’s sake.
(3) Hurt feelings or jealousy. The person’s emotions are not stable and he is offended by leaders or members of the group and feels they deserve to fail.
So, what should a seeker do if he sincerely sees a problem with the group?
First, I’ll say what he should not do and that is he should not attack or betray them. Instead, he can merely present his ideas for positive change. If his ideas are good then he will move forward with group approval. If his ideas are not accepted then he should accept the group consciousness as it is, or move on to another project.
The key guidance for the seeker is to keep his or her mind steady in the light.
Seed Thought of the Day:
Most people find what they are looking for rather than finding the truth.
Day 327
Finding the Truth
The Seed Thought:
Most people find what they are looking for rather than finding the truth.
Every honest seeker will see some evidence of the truth of this statement in their own lives if they sincerely reflect.
In my own life I can see how I was caught in this trap when I was young and supportive of my religion. When I read the scriptures and other writings I found that the evidence seemed close to 100% that the standard doctrines were correct.
Then when I received an awakening and considered teachings out of the mainstream may be true I took a second look at the same writings. This time I saw many of them in a new light and frequently asked myself how I had missed the meaning, which now seemed apparent.
This brought me to the realization that we find what we are looking for and if we are looking for something that may seem bizarre to most, the evidence will still be found.
For instance, Google “Flat Earth” and you will see that many people have found all kinds of “evidence” that convinces them the earth is flat. The same goes for the Apollo moon missions. Many look for evidence that we did not go there and indeed they find what they are looking for.
Dedicated conspiracy theorists can find evidence to prove any conspiracy theory support, no matter how illogical. Yes, it may be true that there are some real conspiracies, but there are many with no real foundation that can suck in those who are looking at them with the assumption they are true and thus find what they are looking for.
This principle illustrates the tremendous power of thought associated with belief. Belief directs thought to produce evidence and miraculously the evidence appears. At least it appears that way to their mindset.
If self-deception prevails to such an extent then how is the seeker to proceed and see the true reality?
It is difficult until the person reaches a certain sate of consciousness because almost all consider themselves to be open minded. If the guy sees himself as open minded when his mind is closed to accepting anything outside of his belief system he is faced with a difficult problem indeed. But it is a problem that all seekers transcend at one time or another. However, this transcendence does not come with ease but is usually triggered by a painful crises that forces the seeker to withdraw from outer authorities and seek the inner voice above all else. This is where this course as a whole will be helpful to the seeker.
Just telling the seeker to be open minded is not enough. This point of tension must be reached and it is only reached when truth becomes more important than confirmation of belief.
This is a difficult point of consciousness on which to ascend, but one that must be attained by each sincere seeker.
May the time speedily come that the many reach this state of consciousness and find the truth because they are looking for the truth above all else.
Seed Thought of the Day:
The key word for harmony is ‘acceptance.’ Accept harmless differences and see the divine at play in each other’s roles. Remember, to accept does not necessarily mean to embrace.
Day 328
The Seed Thought:
The key word for harmony is ‘acceptance.’ Accept harmless differences and see the divine at play in each other’s roles. Remember, to accept does not necessarily mean to embrace.
Many problems in this world have been created by intolerance, in other words, by those who cannot stand for their brothers and sisters to have a different opinion than themselves. If they do, and express it, they are considered dangerous and must be extinguished at all costs.
The truth is that the intolerant ones pose much more danger than those expressing an opinion, no matter how controversial.
Here is the reason. An informed humanity, as a whole, has a fair degree of common sense. They have their biases and deceptions, but the majority are not likely to knowingly choose something dangerous or obviously harmful. Therefore, a person or group freely expressing an outrageous doctrine is not likely to be embraced. This is one reason that freedom of speech produces more good results in the end than censorship and suppression.
On the other hand, an intolerant bunch who believe that contrary opinions need to be eliminated at all costs can create great havoc and even war against the will of the majority. Unfortunately, if enough suppression takes place the majority will can be controlled.
As one reflects on our history we can find many examples of needless suffering inflicted because of a lack of acceptance or tolerance of the beliefs of others. For Instance, we had he Romans persecuting the Christians, later we had the Christians persecuting the supposed heretics, then there are Muslims who persecute those who leave their religion, the KKK persecuting the blacks and even today many advocating force to shut down free speech they do not like.
Overall, acceptance of the beliefs and actions of others that pose no physical danger is a major key to peace among nations, groups and individuals. On an individual basis a constant agitation over what another is doing or thinking is downright unhealthy physically and mentally. The seeker must accept that there is a variety of diverse thinking going on and work for positive change while not allowing the current situation to corrupt his state of mind that leads to a Big Brother attitude.
Seed Thought of the Day:
It is not the learning of true facts that is an indication of spiritual evolution. Instead, it is the power to perceive truth and act upon it.
Day 329
Spiritual Evolution
The Seed Thought:
It is not the learning of true facts that is an indication of spiritual evolution. Instead, it is the power to perceive truth and act upon it.
Just like having a head full of facts is not proof of high intelligence neither does an accumulation of knowledge indicate an advanced place upon the path.
Knowledge and facts can be very useful, but they represent potential power rather than power itself. The knowledge of the combination to a safe has potential, but if not applied to actually opening the safe it is as if it never existed.
Many read a few spiritually related books and think they have made spiritual progress after they learn a few new vocabulary words and encounter some fanciful thinking.
The truth is that no progress is possible until decisions are made and the amount of progress largely depends on the quality of a decision. And what determines the quality of the decision? It is that quality we call discernment which is an aspect of wisdom.
Gaining information brings to the seeker a wider range of options as to what to incorporate into his pool of accepted truth. The one with an accumulation of accepted truth that is 99% factual has a great advantage over the one that is only 60%. The one with much error in his beliefs will wind up making numerous bad decisions that will cause a lot of delay in spiritual progression.
Then there’s also the situation where two seekers have the same assortment of true facts set before them but one will see them in a different light and use them to make a more productive decision than the other.
So the thought gives us two abilities that the seeker must acquire. The first is the ability to perceive the true from the false. The best way to do this is to achieve soul contact and attempt to see reality through the eyes of the Higher Self.
The second is to use that truth to the best possible advantage and act upon it. A truth is of little value unless put to use.
When the seeker gains the wisdom to discern the true from the false and act upon it he or she will then have the spiritual wind at his back.
Seed Thought of the Day:
The committed love relationship is the highest form of schooling on the earth.
Day 330
The Great Classroom
The Seed Thought:
The committed love relationship is the highest form of schooling on the earth.
A famous mantra says, “The souls of men are one and I am one with them.”
Seeing humanity as one from a spiritual viewpoint has been a teaching that has been promoted for thousands of years, yet we still have a long way to go to accomplish the goal.
What needs to be realized is that before we can become one with the whole we must learn to be one with the part. The starting point is the obtaining of the ability to be one with just one other person and the best opportunity to make this happen is through the marriage or romantic relationship.
This relationship has the advantage of having attractive forces that bring two people together with greater force and intimacy than casual friendships or group relationships. Because of the intimacy involved the individuals are tested with much greater fire than casual relationships. Many personality idiosyncrasies that are hardly noticed by friends can become major in-your-face obstacles to the intimate relationship.
Of course, there are lives where the seeker learns important lessons outside the love relationship, but speaking from the viewpoint of the whole, average humanity learns more from such relationships than anything else. Here they discover their faults and have an opportunity to work off the rough edges. They also face the great test of continuing to look at the Christ within the other individual while seeing all their surface personality flaws.
In the beginning of these relationships the falling in love experience happens because the attractive forces shifts their attention away from any flaws and causes them to look at each other to their spiritual essence. Love then manifests when they see each other as souls rather than personalities.
Then, after the relationship continues personality flaws begin to stand out and the individuals are tempted to fall out of love by looking at the imperfection rather than the perfection.
The seeker needs to see these temptations to look away from the Christ within as just that: temptations to be transcended. When the seeker learns to keep his attention focused on the soul essence of his or her partner he has then crossed a milestone on the spiritual path.
Seed Thought of the Day:
Thoughts are seeds that sprout and grow, so plant well and water with goodwill so your fruit will be desirable.
Day 331
Planting Seeds
The Seed Thought:
Thoughts are seeds that sprout and grow, so plant well and water with goodwill so your fruit will be desirable.
I have lived long enough to watch friends and family age and observe how their thoughts in their younger years were like seeds that grew and dominated their lives as they approached older age.
My mom was a prime example of this. She had her faults and I never saw her as a saint as I was growing up but her intentions were always good and she had a sincere desire to help people. Even in our struggling years she was thinking of others, always willing to help. For instance, there was a time when she was visiting a friend at the hospital when she encountered a young man who had been badly injured in a motorcycle accident. He was over 1000 miles from home and had nowhere to go after he got out of the hospital. My mom then invited him to stay with us. We took him in and took care of him for a couple months as he recovered.
Fortunately, he was a nice guy and we enjoyed having him with us. My mom also helped others who turned out to be not so nice, but that did not discourage her.
As I watched my mom age it seemed that the rough edges wore off and she became almost angelic by the time she died. In her older age there was no one who had anything but good to say about her.
Indeed, I witnessed that the seeds of thought that she nourished when young grew and dominated her (in a good way) as she aged.
On the other hand, numerous others who had a critical or complaining spirit when they were young nourish this type of thinking into becoming a very cranky elderly person that people go out of their way to avoid.
Think of people you knew 10, 20, 30 years ago or more and compare them with who they are today and you should be able to see this principle at work. This illustrates to us the importance of what we allow to be placed in our minds to become part of our thinking. To insure good thoughts are planted the seeker must do his best to read positive books, make good friends, have positive romantic relationships and be a giving, friendly and loving person.
And most important, the seeker must be his own moderator and filter out negative thoughts and keep the good and constructive ones as seeds to be nourished into a productive life.
Seed Thought of the Day:
All seekers feel a desire to find their true home, not one that is physical, but spiritual.
Day 332
Our True Home
The Seed Thought:
All seekers feel a desire to find their true home, not one that is physical, but spiritual.
The first question to consider here is, what is our true home? Many seekers in contemplation have accessed ancient lingering memories that tell them that they are eternal beings that came from a wondrous spiritual home linked with our source that we call God. It is interesting that this is mentioned in the book of Hebrews:
The scripture tells us concretely that the prophets (and most likely you and me) lived in the Heavenly New Jerusalem before they were born: “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were STRANGERS AND PILGRIMS ON THE EARTH. For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country (country is from the Greek PATRIS which literally means FATHERLAND and figuratively means: Heavenly Home) And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned (If they were looking for any country on the earth they would have had no trouble finding and returning to it). But now they desire a better country, THAT IS AN HEAVENLY: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them A CITY (The New Jerusalem).” (Heb. 11:13-16)
This interesting scripture deserves a closer examination. First, the prophets are called “strangers and pilgrims on the earth.” This is significant because both words imply that they originated somewhere else besides the earth.
If a person were a stranger in New York, it means he had an existence and a residence in another city before he arrived there. The prophets are “strangers” on the earth; therefore, they lived somewhere else before they lived here.
If a man is a foreigner or an alien in the United States, then he had to have a true citizenship in another country before he arrived here. Therefore, if the prophets are foreigners or aliens on the earth, then their true citizenship belongs to another country that they originated from before they were born.
The pilgrims who arrived at Plymouth Rock did not originate in America but came from a distant land. They had a pre-America existence. The prophets are called “Pilgrims on the earth” meaning that they had a “pre-mortal” home. A pilgrim is a traveler who comes from somewhere else.
The next verse makes it crystal clear that the choice of these words was no accident. We’ll quote it using the more accurate translation of “fatherland” instead of “country”: “For they that say such things (that they are strangers and pilgrims) declare plainly that they SEEK A FATHERLAND.” (Heb 11:14)
The next verse puts a seal on this point: “And truly, if they had been mindful of that country (fatherland) from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned.” (Heb 11:15) In other words, if their originating country was on the earth, they could have returned to it while in the flesh. They were in an unfortunate position in that they were citizens of a Fatherland that was not on the earth, and that they could only return to after they died.
The next verse reads: “But now they desire a better country, that is an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God for He hath prepared for them a city (the New Jerusalem).” (Heb 11:16)
Just like the prophets have a sense of belonging to a heavenly home so do many seekers. It could be a mistake, however, to spend too much time dreaming of returning for we came to the earth school for learning and experience. When we successfully finish then our rest “will be glorious” as the scripture says. If we do not keep focused on why we are here then that rest will be delayed.
Most people do not pine after a heavenly home for they figure we were created at birth and there is no home to which they can return. The sincere seeker though on reflection develops a sense that his true home lays elsewhere and looks forward to a homecoming.
Seed Thought of the Day:
When one has established firm soul contact it becomes almost impossible to take offense. The offense becomes like the roar of a lion at the zoo and may make one smile.
Day 333
Zero Offence
The Seed Thought:
When one has established firm soul contact it becomes almost impossible to take offense. The offense becomes like the roar of a lion at the zoo and may make one smile.
We live in a strange age where it seems that many are staying awake at night trying to figure out new ways to be offended. People are not only offended by obvious insults, as has been the tradition, but many find offense at terms used considered politically incorrect, dog whistles or even by what a person does not say.
This taking offense at the drop of a hat has led to a perilous political climate where both sides see the other as the enemy making the temptation to attack very real.
The situation cries out for more soul contact among the people.
Those who are centered in the personality are very vulnerable to being hurt through various types of remarks. Such statements may be obviously offensive, but others may be spoken with innocent intent. When dealing with a person polarized in the personality one must watch his words quite carefully.
The person with soul contact is much easier to deal with, for with him or her you do not have to walk on eggshells. He realizes that nothing you can say to him can harm his inner core. If you say something that is intended to be hurtful or critical he will not take it personally, but recognize it for what it is, which is often just an expression of frustration or anger on the one attacking.
When in the soul the person becomes the observer and in this position can see attacks as if they are a part of a movie and when watching a movie you, the watcher, are not able to be hurt by the bad guy.
The more intimate the relationship the more control he seeker must have to take the vantage point of the observer, but it can always be done. When this ability is acquired the life of the seeker will flow much better than the one who is personality centered.
Seed Thought of the Day:
It is impossible for two people experiencing spiritual contact together to not reach agreement, for Truth, Spirit and Soul are One in the Mind of God.
Day 334
Two Becoming One
The Seed Thought:
It is impossible for two people experiencing spiritual contact together to not reach agreement, for Truth, Spirit and Soul are One in the Mind of God.
Often we have the case where there will be two people, both attempting to be on the spiritual path and to be in touch with the Inner Voice, but will take opposing sides on an issue, principle or teaching.
One may claim that within a year the Space Brothers will land and announce themselves to the world and the other will say that his soul have not verified any such thing.
Which one is right and why do they disagree?
Fortunately, in cases like this, the truth will be revealed within a year, but with many teachings, verification is not so easy.
Maybe one guy teaches that angels have wings and another does not. In this and many other cases, there is no way to prove what is true using techniques approved by the material world.
Is it possible then for two seekers to see as one and come together in unity?
The answer is a definite yes and the method to achieve that unity is through soul contact. The Higher Self of one person does not disagree with the Higher Self of another on principles. The understanding of principles is the understanding of how things work, or the truth behind the world of appearances. Since the pure language of the soul is the language of principles and the truth behind them links all life up with our Source then two people seeing through the eyes of the soul will see the same things.
As far as truth of data goes the soul is not so concerned with this and rarely will verify it to the seeker. If Jim thinks the temperature is 76 degrees and John thinks it is 78 then neither are likely to get verification from the soul on this. First, the information is not that important and, secondly, they can find out the true temperature for themselves. If, however, they want to understand the principles by which a thermometer works, this or any other thing that requires understanding brings in the power of the soul to some extent.
Some principles are easy to see and others are not. The most difficult one to reach agreement on is that of freedom. If a seeker has any residual personality attachment then he will not understand that this principle requires him to not force another against his will to support his pet causes, however benevolent they may seem.
Two sincere seekers with real soul contact, when examining a principle, will see through the eyes of the soul and understand as one unit how it should be applied.
Seed Thought of the Day:
Truth is found by looking for truth and basking in light, not focusing on error which darkens the mind.
Day 335
Focusing on Truth
The Seed Thought:
Truth is found by looking for truth and basking in light, not focusing on error, which darkens the mind.
This sounds like a simple easy to understand statement but the truth of it goes over the head of a large percentage of the population. This segment of people figure that the way to find the truth is to take a look at statements, theories, proposals, controversial stories, philosophy, teachings etc. and find every possible reason that they cannot be true. The idea is that after all the objections are made that which is true should remain.
The problem with this is that this approach never reveals new truth for consideration. The only truth that will remain will be that which is beyond dispute, such as he sky is blue. Any truth that expands consciousness will not be considered but negated.
The seeker must go beyond the world of standard facts which are established as true beyond controversy. He must search with an open mind for truth beyond which that which can be casually observed or proven by science such as:
- Life after death
- Life on other worlds
- Higher Intelligence than human
- Extra sensory perception
- Teachings that run contrary to one’s mindset
The death experience is a good example of this principle at work. Some are convinced there is no life after death so they will ignore all the positive evidence and seek for reasons to explain it as a phenomena associated with residual activity of the physical brain. When this approach is taken they always find what they are looking for. When they find what they are looking for they ignore reports, even from atheists, who claim the experience was more real that physical reality. They also ignore accounts of those when out of the body overheard actual conversations and actions of those in the hospital.
Thus this skeptical approach causes the person to miss the greater truth that is readily available.
Does this mean we should be gullible and not question?
No. Far from this. The point is that the seeker should be more focused with finding truth than error, but in the process be totally open to both sides of any argument. The attitude is similar to seeing the glass half full rather than half empty.
Average people only embrace truth that agrees with their dogma and hate the rest. An enlightened mind embraces all truth that crosses his path.
Seed Thought of the Day:
It is a big mistake in relationships to hold back emotionally for fear of hurt. This limits the amount of love that can be shared.
Day 336
The Seed Thought:
It is a big mistake in relationships to hold back emotionally for fear of hurt. This limits the amount of love that can be shared.
Many who have fallen in love enough to participate in a committed relationship harbor a residual distrust that causes them to hold back from full emotional sharing. If the partner shares 100% and the other does not then one becomes shortchanged. One shares all and the other maybe 60% or so. This gap keeps the relationship from achieving a fullness of sharing which is the most joyful part of a romantic relationship.
What is mean by 100% sharing?
It is basically the full unrestricted sharing of love, affection and true feelings with your partner.
And why do many hold back from such sharing?
The main reason is, it makes the person vulnerable to being hurt if the partner betrays trust and turns on him or her. Most who have difficulty in trusting the partner with full sharing have felt betrayed in past relationships and suffered great hurt. The person decides that this pain needs to be avoided at all costs. The feeling is that if sharing is restricted then the possibility of devastating hurt will also be negated.
The problem is that restricting emotional sharing restricts feeling and that restricts the potential of experiencing good feelings as well as bad. To experience the greatest highs in a relationship the risk must be taken that one may experience the greatest lows.
The question the seeker must ask is, is it worth the risk?
To this I respond with a definite yes. Like many of you I have experienced great highs and lows and yes, the lows are tough, but even if you go through the worst of times the journey is worth it to find the right partner and achieve a happy union.
Here is some helpful advice for those who still have a fear of a fullness of sharing. The problem is that you may have been so hurt in the past that it seems that another hurt will destroy you. This is not the case. Your essence is invulnerable. Others can hurt you so much and no more. If you realize this you can allow yourself to trust and be vulnerable in a relationship with the realization that if the partner betrays you and does his worst that you will survive and still go on to a final victory.
Total fulfillment cannot come in relationships unless one is willing to share all and become emotionally vulnerable.
Seed Thought of the Day:
People either love truth and hate deceit or love deceit and hate truth.
Day 337
Loving Truth
The Seed Thought:
People either love truth and hate deceit or love deceit and hate truth.
So, why would anyone hate the truth? This scripture gives an interesting explanation.
“And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.’ John 3:19-21
Here we are told that people will hate the truth when it reveals things that they want to keep secret. And why do they want to keep them secret? Because such people often have sinister plans and intentions that they do not want revealed. If revealed their true plans would be rejected.
This reminds of us of many politicians. During the campaign they tell us what we want to hear rather than what they really plan on doing and voting upon. They hate the guy who asks them a question that demands an honest answer.
Politicians may be the best example, but not the only ones. Many religious ministers also tell their congregations what they want to hear which often differs from their real thoughts. Some also put in an air of piety that masks their real lifestyle.
Even in science you have researchers manipulating the evidence that hides the real truth so results agree with the mindset of the source of financing.
A person will hate the truth when the truth reveals his true thoughts that he wants to remain hidden.
Now, of course, even those with the most sinister motives will want selective truth revealed, truth which may further his plans, but any truth revealed by such people will be distorted by deception. The problem is that many have no problem embracing a lie if it furthers their agenda. We can look at it this way. If a presentation contains 80% truth and 20% is false but the end result is the receiver sees the whole with an incorrect understanding then the whole package is more lie than truth.
In this case the person embraces deceit and will hate anyone who dares reveal the truth which exposes him.
There is a big difference between the approach of those who love the truth and those who do not.
Those who love the truth will honestly express their views and seek only truth to justify their views. When they encounter one in darkness they do not hate them but are willing to give them a helping hand if possible.
Those who hate the truth are happy to embrace deception to further their goals and when encountering one who is in the light feels hatred and has no desire to help him or her in any way.
It goes without saying that all seekers need to take the side of light and truth and embrace them with love.
Seed Thought of the Day:
If you have not yet shouted with the greatest joy as well as cried with the deepest sorrow you are far from finished on the path of life.
Day 338
Extreme Learning
The Seed Thought:
If you have not yet shouted with the greatest joy as well as cried with the deepest sorrow you are far from finished on the path of life.
Have you ever had an experience so good that you felt like jumping for joy, or maybe hugging everyone in the room? Maybe it was when your team won the big game, or you landed that dream job or found your life’s partner.
On the other hand, have you ever been so devastated that you were not sure if you could go on, felt defeated or were not sure what to do next to deliver yourself from the pit of self doubt?
Now we are not talking about mild highs and lows, but big ones. If you have experienced either a great negative or positive extreme you have had a great learning experience. If you have experienced both the high and the low then you have crossed a major hurdle of learning in this school called earth.
We are happy to have a joyful high, but do everything we can to avoid the low. Even so, as far as value goes the learning and wisdom earned from our low points are priceless. If you do not believe me consider this. Think back to a time, years ago when you were at a low point that you eventually transcended. If you could just snap your fingers and have that erased from existence, as if it never happened, would you?
Most people would answer no. Even though living through it was tough, now that it is in the past you wouldn’t trade the experience for anything. It has helped to make you what you are today and most feel that they would be incomplete without it.
If the seeker realizes that praying for wisdom and patience is like praying for complicated problems he might be a little more careful what he asks for, though after the problem is solved one is generally glad for the experience. Unfortunately, the seeker must be willing to risk great pain to achieve great learning and wisdom.
Once the seeker has learned from great highs and lows what is next?
Next is reaching that midway point between the extremes where the seeker rests in peace as the observer who is not so affected by what occurs in this material world. But before one can stand on that peaceful point he must milk every drop of wisdom from the highs and lows of life.
Seed Thought of the Day:
Some people talk of a benevolent dictatorship. There is no such thing.
Day 339
Benevolent Dictatorship?
The Seed Thought:
Some people talk of a benevolent dictatorship. There is no such thing.
Most people in the free world see a dictatorship as a bad thing, except with one exception. Many see God as a dictator, but in a good way. Because He is seen as perfect then this gives him the perfect right to tell us what to do, and the believers should just obey without question.
But, where is the evidence that this is the case? Do we see God appearing anywhere to anyone telling us what to do or else? Are not all people on the planet free to accept or reject anything that purports to come from God?
Furthermore, from whence come dictates that claim to be words from God? Look around and you will see they always come from the mouths of mortals like you and me who claim to speak for the mind of God. Investigate these spokesmen a little closer and we will find no evidence that they represent the mind of God any more than your neighbor out there mowing the lawn.
Obviously, God does not fit the description of Greek God sitting on a throne throwing out decrees that must be obeyed or else, for we find:
(1) There is no clear voice to the masses representing God.
(2) There is no evidence that God assumes the role of a dictator for the world.
(3) The only sign of dictatorship comes from corrupt mortal individuals seeking to impose their wills upon others.
It is widely agreed that Jesus most closely represented the mind of God in mortal flesh. It would seem then that a study of him would reveal how much of a dictator God is. What is interesting is that Jesus is said to have had tremendous godlike powers, even over the elements so he could have used this power to force, or at least entice others to submit to his will.
So how did Jesus react to the rich young man who rejected his advice to sell all he had to give to the poor?
He did nothing to enforce his will but merely let him go on his way.
And how did he react when James and John wanted Jesus to cause fire to come out of heaven and consume a village that rejected them?
“But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them. And they went to another village.” Luke 9:55-56
And how did he react to the great betrayal from Judas?
Even though he knew it was going to bring him pain and suffering he did nothing to stop him.
Instead of portraying God as any kind of dictator who punishes all who offends him Jesus tells us that God is a benevolent father giving good gifts to his children and makes the sun to shine of both the good and the bad.
A great example of how God deals with us is found in the parable of the Prodigal Son.
This wayward son takes his inheritance, leaves his father’s home and squanders the whole thing.
This son represents humanity which has distanced itself from God and wastes its gifts on the physical rather than the spiritual side.
And what does the father do in the parable? Nothing. He just bides his time waiting for his son to return, and when the son comes to his senses and returns the Father greets him with a celebration rather than condemnation.
Is there any indication of the father (or God) in this parable being any kind of a dictator?
He allowed his son to make all the mistakes he wanted with no interference from his end.
The trouble with seeing God as the divine dictator is that it gives crazy real world dictators an excuse for acting as God’s representative who the people must obey or else.
Seed Thought of the Day:
To correctly assess your place on the spiritual path is a great accomplishment. Then you can see the next step to be taken.
Copyright by J J Dewey
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