Spirit, Spirituality & Spiritual Progression

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1.  “All forms of human endeavor are spiritual if it elevates the soul of man.”

2.  “The closest the average person comes to the higher spiritual sensation is the sexual climax.”

3.  “To make real progress in spiritual evolution one must be willing to accept change, even if his whole belief system is shattered.”

4.  “There is no way one can supply the exterior world with a measurement of spiritual progress.”

5.  “Often those who are making the greatest progress are seen as the greatest devils.”

6.  “If a person believes that he has already achieved the highest contact possible, he will not seek any further.”

7.  “If one truly desires a quantum leap in spiritual evolution for his brethren, let him set up an ensign and remember the ancient law that we become as that which we gaze upon, or that which draws our attention.”

8.  “As we climb the ladder of spiritual progress the number of entities who turn around in their progress lessens because as we move toward greater and greater light it becomes more obvious that it is indeed wisdom to continue forward.”

9.  “After we finish one long cycle of spiritual evolution then, after a period of rest, we will begin another with temptations anew and perils unlike any encountered before.”

10.  “We either go forward in spiritual evolution or we go backward. We never stand still. If we try and just stand still and ‘just be’ as many new agers teach then the person will go backwards on the path.”

11.  “Spiritual progression is directly proportional to a person’s understanding and acceptance of the principle of freedom; therefore, let us contemplate that principle and embrace the greater livingness.”

12.  “A change in direction, belief or thought process toward what seems to be the light does not indicate a leap in spiritual evolution.”

13.  “Gaining much knowledge does not indicate advance in spiritual evolution.”

14.  “Whenever anyone makes a step forward in spiritual evolution he has to earn that step by facing a temporary aloneness and spiritual blackout. If you continue to stumble through the darkness, no matter what, then the light will come back and completely dispel the darkness and the step forward will then become a reality.”

15.  “One who has felt what I call the New Jerusalem feeling will have a sense of oneness and brotherhood with others who have felt it, and those who have not yet had this baptism of fire, yet think they have, will never be able to adequately describe it.”

16.  “This spiritual fire is usually given to you as a witness to some truth that you are supposed to register and incorporate into your life or mission. It gives you a surety that you are headed in the right direction.”

17.  “In this age, the true baptism of fire is very rare and only comes through a high demonstration of faith.”

18.  “You are commanded to “try the spirits whether they are of God.” (1 John 4:1). Remember you are not commanded to ignore the spirits or claim they are from the devil, or to try and destroy them, but ‘try them’.”

19.  “The weakest link determines the power of the spiritual flow.”

20.  “The Molecular Relationship creates the vehicle for the Kingdom of God, but spiritual fusion creates the greater life.”

21.  “Whether it be symbolic marriage or real physical marriage a disciple is considered a virgin before God if he has no spiritual intercourse with false gods.”

22.  “The Beast robs the seeker of his spiritual virginity.”

23.  “Even though we attempt to follow the spiritual path we must still live in the real world and nurture a certain amount of plans and goals to take care of our needs as well as our loved ones.”

24.  “All your desires to tread the spiritual path will be clouded if an unrealized vow is hanging over your head.”

25.  “When a person who has had contact with the Spirit goes against what he has received and reverts back to the old ways and seeks to steady the ark of God in the hearts of others with black and white laws of stone, then such a one will be in danger of being burned by the spiritual fire and can actually physically self destruct.”

26.  “Let me give you and others who receive a spiritual contact a word of warning. The power to hold this contact must be earned and not taken for granted. Approximately three days after a higher contact, the seeker usually undergoes a mini dark night. The void can be so great that he will be tempted to forget, discount or disbelieve his contact. The disciple must make a mental commitment to hold steady in the light and hold the memory of the Presence. This focus will take you through the dark night and eventually toward higher more permanent contact.”

27.  “The subtle authority that controls man and places a veil of illusion between him and the truth must be understood before a group can take the next great step in spiritual evolution.”

28.  “Spiritual oneness encompasses the oneness of the mind and emotions.”

29.  “Before illusion is overcome a person may experience quite a few spiritual contacts through the soul, but the door has yet to be opened completely. But when illusion is unraveled the door swings open wide and a world of vision and new opportunities are revealed.”

30.  “It is fine to enter into the world of soul and then return and be ‘in the world,’ but when the consciousness settles down in this reality, we tend to get spiritual amnesia and lose sight of the soul.”

31.  “Every great step forward is taken in the midst of a point of tension.”

32.  “Progression on an individual basis will only take us so far. The next step is progression as a group of individuals with soul contact.”

33.  “When a person first experiences the spiritual fire he will usually have an initial endowment of power that will have a residual effect for about three days.”

34.  “Lack of progression is something that I have observed in {both} extremes of thought. The literal Bible believer cannot get past his outward authority riveting him into his mindset and the “all is within” person will not take an objective look at reality as it is.”

35.  “Once the male and, or female relationship is in balance then higher non-sexual sharing on a spiritual level can create the next great step in our human evolution.”

36.  “Many in the East and West need to shift the focus of their meditation technique from formlessness to form if they want to make maximum progress.”

37.  “There are those who have prayed regularly all their lives, and made sure others did too, yet the closest they have reached to the soul was the solar plexus emotion.”

38.  “One of the main purposes of soul contact is to reveal to us the next steps in our progression.”

39.  “Time after time the work of disciples fall short of the goal, and mankind does not progress as hoped for. In such circumstances even the Great Ones have to accept what is and move the Plan forward the best they can.”

40.  “An advanced disciple or master incarnate will never reveal his point in evolution publicly.”

41.  “If we follow the highest we know and move ahead to the best of our ability we will indeed make many mistakes, but the pure in heart will discover their mistakes and correct them.”

42.  “The lesser evolved shove to be first. The more advanced push forward without thought of first or last but for the pure joy of service, benefiting the whole and moving ahead to the new plateau of realization.”

43.  “The fact that you’re even seeking indicates that you are at least aspiring to something higher. Either you’re just looking or you’re committed to the purpose of your inner soul. You probably feel inside which category you’re in.”

44.  “The key to progression is always harmlessness.”

45.  “If our desire to be an island of independence separates us from reality then our progression will come to a standstill.”

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Teachers and Students

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1.  “If I am right about everything, and you believe it and follow the teachings without confirmation from within, you have found nothing.”

2.  “It is much easier to attempt to distort a true teaching than it is to be a true teacher.”

3.  “To be a good student takes as much wisdom as it does to be a good teacher.”

4.  “When the chord of truth is played by the God within it rings the same strings in the neophyte’s soul that also vibrated in the teacher, and in an instant they understand each other.”

5.  “Perhaps philosophy and religion are the most ephemeral as far as proving reliability because of the number of forms the various doctrines will take and the difficulty in proving the teacher right or wrong.”

6.  “There are three major tests to apply to a spiritual teacher before he should earn any of your trust for reliability. Can you guess what they are?”

7.  “The student and teacher who start in harmony together will eventually meet conflict that must be resolved. In that resolution comes greater soul contact and vision of higher truth. If the conflict is not resolved and the teacher possesses the greater light the student will then carry the conflict within himself and often hold a lifelong grievance toward the teacher.”

8.  “Take the things you have learned to be true with reasonable certainty (especially from soul contact) and compare them to those of the spiritual teacher. If there is a high degree of complimentary thought this is a sign that you have a good starting point and a certain amount of trust is beneficial.”

9.  “Examine the teachings of the potential earned authority over a period of time and range of material.”

10.  “Any true student or teacher in this age will not depend on lower psychism for guidance, but will test all things against their own soul and that shall be their guide.”

11.  “As the Christ solidifies his work he will have within his association about 9,000 who will have a clear enough vision of the work to be an associate teacher, ten times more than the Buddha and his 900 in ancient times.”

12.  “To follow is a virtue if you are following someone who has something real to teach.”

13.  “If a teaching just seems to make no sense do not trust it until it does make sense.”

14.  “No earthly teacher is flawless.”

15.  “If you limit yourself to learning exactly according to the mindset of a teacher, you will also inherit his flaws.”

16.  “The more directly teachers become involved in doing for us what we can do for ourselves, the more things get screwed up.”

17.  “Receiving from two teachers brings two points of vision that can slow down the learning process and sometimes bring confusion.”

18.  “It is always difficult for a spiritual teacher to get the attention of the masses without some strong astral attention grabber.”

19.  “Many of the teachings I have given out have been either new, or a new slant on the old, and cannot be found in any book. This is what the student must look for in any teacher who works through the soul.”

20.  “It is always a big temptation for the beginning server to create the illusion that his borrowed material is his own so his ego will be fed by the praise and adoration of his students.”

21.  “If one teaches that the world is round that does not mean the teacher is claiming to own the world. If one teaches about the creation of the universe this does not mean the teacher lays claim to all of creation.”

22.  “The rising teachers of the human race will teach through the authority of the soul instead of through the sanction of an organization.”

23.  “We do not need the same old precepts that we should have mastered years ago drilled into us over and over with a sledge hammer. A light threshing of the simple doctrines is all we need so we can withstand the heavier.”

24.  “Do you teach of a way to discover whether or not your teachings are true?”

25.  “When Jesus appeared he did not concentrate on the standard teachings of Moses, but presented new concepts. The true teachers in this age are the same. They will not just rehash the old, but present the new, for after all, God says,  ‘I make all things new.’  (Rev 21:5)”

26.  “The true teacher in contact with the Brotherhood is very humbled; he realizes that there are many far above him, and when in touch with these greater lives through the Oneness Principle, it seems absurd to announce himself as a great one.”

27.  “No great teacher has expected to be a light to the world all by himself.”

28.  “Many illusionary teachers want to oversimplify things and present one giant step to a point of understanding or some type of liberation.  ‘Accept Jesus and be saved’ is a popular one. This is one giant step that is advocated and nothing more will be required for all eternity.”

29.  “What I look for in any teacher, is how he defines his terms and then go with it. This is the only way to clearly understand the teacher.”

30.  “The false teacher will seek to be fed by the sheep. The true teacher will seek to feed the sheep.”

31.  “Subtlety and disregard for the will of the group does not help your credibility as a teacher.”

32.  “You know a teacher is doing a reasonable job when he finds his students can get along fine without him.”

33.  “The best any teacher can do is relate the truths he has received and wait for the seeds to grow in their proper places.”

34.  “If a teacher has a truth to reveal, but finds that he is unable to communicate it in such a way that his vision is perceived correctly then the truth stays with the teacher and nothing is given out.”

35.  “The natural man instinctively rejects the message of a true teacher.”

36.  “The deterioration of teachings after the death of the teacher has been a major problem through the ages.”

37.  “One of the problems with students is that when they go out of alignment with the soul they often think their teacher has gone astray while they believe they have now passed beyond their teacher.”

38.  “There has been only a handful of teachers working through the Oneness Principle.”

39.  “It is silly to see all student/teacher relationships as a beast. This would mean that since the Christ is a disciple of the Ancient of Days that Christ is subject to the beast and the Planetary Logos is under the beast of the Solar Logos.”

40.  “Many religions use the title of Holiness or Holy in reference to their leaders. Many New Agers use the title Master when talking about a teacher, but there is one Master and that is the Christ within all of us. If a teacher does not speak to that center within us then we should ignore him.”

41.  “The true student tests the teacher and makes sure that the teacher is one who is capable of leading him or her to greater knowledge.”

42.  “Teachers of Light will teach many who are in the churches and this will cause the leadership of all churches to lose hold on its members over a period of time.”

43.  “Often times when leaders are dense to impression, the teachers will work with the leaders assistants who will then advise their superiors.”

44.  “The true student (or one who is really learning) does not see himself as on a ‘lower level.’  Instead, he sees himself as one who is progressing to a ‘higher level.'”

45.  “No matter what we teach all will not be happy.”

46.  “Teachers do not look for one who performs the appearance of work, but a student that one can truly depend on who will be a great asset to accomplishing the goal.”

47.  “Isaiah tells us that those who are supposed to be the spiritual teachers of humanity will not fulfill their roll, but instead be lifted up in pride to the extent that their teachings may be compared to that of a drunken man.”

48.  “The true teacher will dedicate his excess abundance not to self, but to the benefit of the whole in the way he sees best.”

49.  “The Will of God is a concept that is very misunderstood even by many of the teachers of the planet.”

50.  “All of us have within ourselves the capacity to recognize at least seven aspects of the Will of God and if we follow all of the Will of God that we understand then we will have the power to recognize teachers who are in harmony with that Will.”

51.  “Many feel that if there is a student teacher relationship, it means that the student must experience the humiliation of being at a ‘lower level.’  Since this seems disgusting to many, they instead teach that there are no teachers and no leaders, but all are teachers and leaders and all are students and followers. Unfortunately, this is an illusionary concept that interrupts evolution as all illusion does.”

52.  “School and learning can be painful but when the whole picture is seen no one would want to deny this to the students.”

53.  “If you believe we need no teachers then you must believe that we need to eliminate all schools with their teachers and all books which were written to teach.”

54.  “A matter of prime importance to each student is not the fact of a particular teacher’s personality but the measure of truth for which he stands.”

55.  “The method of teaching through hints stimulates the power of the soul and intuition which empowers all who are willing to participate.”

56.  “One who teaches through the reasoning of the mind is often perceived as an illusionary threat by one who has his decisions based in the emotions only.”

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The Beast

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes

From The Discourses Of JJ Dewey

1  Just as Christ came the first time and only 120 people out of the whole world realized it so has in this age the beast, the mark and the number also arrived and still has people looking for it.

2  When asked what he thought on a point of doctrine he replied: “I don’t know. I’ll check with my minister and find out what I think about it.” This is the exact procedure The Beast wants you to follow.

3  The dispelling of the illusion of the Dragon will proceed slowly at first on an individual basis, but the time will come when the Kundalini of the whole planet will be raised and the beast will be destroyed as if by fire.

4  He who still has the mark of the beast will either be enhancing someone else’s ego or his own, whereas he who follows the soul will always feel humbled by it.

5  If the antichrist or beast was already in the world 2000 years ago then why are the religious still waiting for him to surface?  Answer: They are deceived by the beast itself. They have followed authorities who have mislead then instead of looking at the source.

6  The authorities of the beast today want everything from us and give us nothing real in return.

7  The war is between those who gladly receive the mark of the beast through control by authority, and those who seek to escape the mark.

8  If a person accepts a teaching just because it comes from one proclaimed as an authority, then he has received the mark of the beast in his forehead and becomes a follower, a beast trailing after his master.

9  The beast is the mindless following of anything – good or bad in design. Even mindlessly following the words of Jesus in the Bible carries the mark of the beast.

10  The beast is not caused by anything “out there” but is created by the focus of the minds of the people.

11  Those who have escaped the mark of the beast of unjust authority have a responsibility to those who are yet in bondage.

12  The marriage vows as they are used today are the creation of the Beast and an instrument in the hands of the Dark Brothers to keep a barrier between human beings and their souls.

13  Over 90 percent of humanity are controlled in some degree through emotional oneness and this is the mark of the beast.

14  The Beast is very difficult to detect when it influences our own lives.

15  If you do not know for sure and refuse to accept the word of an authority just because the authority says a thing is true and admit that you are open to all possibilities then you may be free from the Beast–IN THIS AREA.

16  You are also free from the Beast when you find the real truth whatever that is.

17  Ironically, those who are under the influence of a similar thoughtform of the Beast will also sense a oneness and a kindred spirit, but it will be a oneness in direction. Those who have soul contact will experience a deeper oneness that goes in all directions. This must be experienced to be able to understand and differentiate.

18  The Beast is still alive and well in our day and indeed it represents an energy of authority which attempts to keep humanity from progressing to the plane of the mind which rules Aquarius – being an air sign.

19  The Beast itself is a giant world thoughtform that is a vehicle for the dragon to establish his authority.

20  In this current age the greatest most persistent attacks by the Beast comes in the area of freedom. The illusion will be that we need to give up more and more of our freedoms for safety.

21  Ground zero for the Beast is the principle of freedom and any expansion of freedom is always fought by those with the mark of the beast through deception and ridicule.

22  Observe how the line of authority is administered and you can then run down the workings of the beast.

23  Using a quote from an earned or established authority to prove a point has nothing to do with the Beast.

24  The idea that contemplating the meaning of the Beast will give it more power I see as pure illusion in most cases. From my observation the opposite is true. Those who do not give such things a second thought are the ones who would be the first to lie down and roll over and even die for the beast.

25  One can escape the mark of the beast no matter how corrupt things are “out there.”

26  The Beast is much bigger and more pervasive than any corporation or organization and affects every business and every organization and every person on the earth.

27  The Beast is not the Beast because he is evil, but because of mindlessness. A good thing can be your Beast including the Bible, Jesus, your nation – anything outside yourself that you follow mindlessly.

28  A mindless or emotional decision to submit indicates the mark of the Beast, but a rational decision to submit does not.

29  Not all submission to authority is negative. A positive submission for the sake of true learning elevates us above the Beast.

30  Control of the individual through the feeding and control of the ego is perhaps the greatest tool that the Beast has to work with.

31  Any time that silence allows the seed of suppression to grow, fertile soil is being created for the growth of the power of the beast.

32  If you feel an emotion that needs to surface and your mind agrees with this, but you suppress because of anger or fear, then the Beast has a place to obtain a foothold.

33  A person descends to carrying the Mark of the Beast when he forfeits his destiny and is ruled by emotion or ego rather than mind or soul.

34  If a person thinks he should speak up, but feels that he should not and goes with emotion rather than mind he is forfeiting the Mark of Humanity and being ruled by the Mark of the Beast, or animal nature.

35  If a person speaks up in class because he has thought things through and his thoughts will benefit the whole then he is amplifying his human nature. But if he seeks to defeat his teacher as a lion devours his enemies then he again bears the Mark of the Beast.

36  So what is the name of the Beast? This answer will offend many people new age and old age, but the name of the Beast is I AM.

37  Escaping the Mark of the Beast is not merely a matter of memorizing a black and white formula, but a matter of using the mind to discern the situation and make your own decision independent of unjust authority.

38  The beast is here now and has great authority. It may be deceptive and subtle, but it is great and all encompassing nevertheless.

39  While it is always a possibility that the Beast of authority could implant a literal mark, the true mark is the unseen control of the mind. The true mark is invisible and can only be seen with the inner vision and understanding.

40  The beast is a thoughtform under the control of “the dragon” (the Dark Brothers). This thoughtform covers the entire planet. This is why Satan (the adversary of light) is called “the god of this world” in the scriptures.

41  We receive the illusion of the mark of the beast when we accept any name for God or final authority that is outside of ourselves.

42  The beast is the static I am.

43  Once a thoughtform or system that represents the Beast becomes the ideal it also becomes an unearned authority and has power to control all actions on the physical plane.

44  This understanding of the Beast and his number is perhaps the most important thing for seekers of truth and wisdom to comprehend.

45  The Beast wants you to do more than obey. It wants you to think as you are told to think in the process.

46  The Beast is already here and has been for many thousands of years.

47  Ignorance, and also fear, gives power to the Beast by the unthinking masses, but those who are not ignorant and enlightened will be the ones to suffer from it.

48  To be a victim of the Beast one must unquestionably follow an authority who takes the place of the inner authority of the God within.

49  The one authority we must not challenge is the Spirit within.

50  Those who worship the outward authorities of the Beast will hate the inner authority of the message from the inner Christ.

51  When the dragon gives the beast authority he automatically gives power and a seat (or some type of position from which to command).

52  Actually, the beast will often use the truth to increase his authority.

53  We have all been under the authority of the Beast at one time or another – either in this life or in past lives, and have accumulated much negative karma because of it.

54  The authority of the Beast crucified Jesus and after the creation of the Christian Church the power and authority of the Beast increased, not decreased.

55  This doctrine of the Beast and the way to overcome him may be the most important thing you will learn in this life.

56  If one hears a story purported to come from a Master, or even Christ or the mouth of God and automatically gives it authority without first examining it under the light of your own soul then some of the residual Beast still has control.

57  Among other things, the beast represents the tendency of humanity to revert back to the authority of a mindless God outside of us, rather than the God who speaks from within.

58  One is not rebelling against the Beast by merely speaking up against an authority he does not honor.

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The Christ

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  Christ himself is not ready (because we are not ready) to work directly with humanity.

2  We celebrate the birth of Christ on December 25th. While it is true that He was not born on this day it is true that this has been a sacred season for the celebration of world saviors for many thousands of years.

3  Christ is a representative of the Son of God aspect or of the soul.

4  It would be counterproductive for Christ to repeat the same type of mission as last time.

5  The entity who is the Christ occupies that office because, among the human family, He is most in tune with the middle principle of soul.

6  What is the consciousness of the entity who is Christ?  His consciousness is centered on the Masters of Wisdom returning to the earth as soon as practical, and assisting to elevate mankind into higher levels of achievement.

7  Christ did not face someone else’s Dweller, but faced the Dweller for the human kingdom of which he was an integral part.

8  When Christ was suffering in the Garden and near the point of death it is written that an angel came and strengthened him. This angel was the molecular link while Christ was on the earth. This angel was not a permanent resident of Shamballa, but an intermediary called a Nirmanakaya in the East.

9  The Christ, or a servant of Christ, is in reality exactly the opposite of the pious image (Babylonian image) that the average man paints of him.

10  Any day that you seek to kindle the birth of Christ within your heart is a sacred day.

11  The Christ could come as a female but if He did, He would play the female role and emphasize receivership rather than sending.

12  There were several occasions where Jesus revealed Himself, but as with Peter and the woman at the well, most of these revelations were of a private nature to people who already surmised that He was the Christ.

13  Christ and his servants are maligned in character more than any others.

14  The number necessary for His [the Christ’s] coming is not revealed but this basic idea must be in place: when He does appear there must be a sufficient number of people prepared to recognize Him so He is not viewed as just one more delusionary messiah figure.

15  Last time His [the Christ’s] presence required the readiness of twelve units capable of soul contact. This time it could be quite a bit more but I make no prediction. Those working in harmony with the Christ will know when the time comes.

16  The days of Atlantis marked the beginning of the shift from female to male polarization which was consummated with the first coming of Christ.

17  Christ represented the ideal male who is to lead us to Spirit. Unfortunately the age of Pisces gave us many males who gave us terrible examples of what the ideal male was supposed to present.

18  The true sheep know, or recognize the voice of God or Christ.

19  December 25th was a holiday centuries before the birth of Christ. On this day the Romans celebrated the Mirthraic feast of the Sun-god. Also from December 17-23 they held a great festival honoring Saturnus, the god of agriculture.

20  The principle behind the name of Christ is the only thing that can redeem any of us.

21  Christ had to descend below all things so he could rise above all things and manifest the invisible love of God to us.

22  If we hear the voice of Christ and open the door then He will come into us and sup (or commune) with us.

23  The Son of man is another name for Christ, but it is the Christ among humanity rather than the Christ in far away spiritual realms.

24  You’ve heard the statement that “hope springs eternal.”  Hope is very closely connected with the Christ Principle.

25  The Christ principle is a point of interplay between Spirit and matter that our consciousness must attune to discover the mysteries of God.

26  The person with no Christ consciousness is only aware of the material world. The person with Christ consciousness is aware of the spiritual as well as the material world.

27  We first serve the anti-Christ outside of ourselves for many lifetimes until we finally wake up. Then we discover that was illusion and the real Christ is within ourselves.

28  Some may say that pure love (or some type of enlightenment) eliminates resistance but nothing you can do will eliminate all resistance. If even Christ, the teacher of us all, was unable to eliminate resistance, what makes us think we can?

29  The simple teachings of the Christ on Love must become a reality.

30  When Christ returns only a few will recognize Him because the rest will be following a non-thinking program that does not allow for vision.

31   The Christ is a position occupied by one individual on each inhabited planet. There are millions of Christ positions throughout the Universe, but only one principle that is manifest everywhere and creates all there is.

32   Through the centuries astrally grounded men have marred the character of Christ and his servants and made them seem far removed from the average seeker.

33   We may all have our comments and opinions of the magnitude of the confrontation the Christ had in the Garden of Gethsemane, but without a revelation or going through the experience ourselves, there is no way we can appreciate what He went through.

34  Masters of Wisdom will either appear among us or incarnate and the Christ will overshadow disciples in preparation for His work with humanity.

35   He [Christ] is not coming to destroy the wicked or to force men to do good. Neither is He coming to save us from our sins. Instead, He is coming with eternal words and teachings that will touch the soul of humanity so universal brotherhood will be understood and peace on earth good will to men will become a reality.

36  Many students of metaphysics eagerly accept the idea of the Christ Consciousness which is available to us all, but have difficulty in accepting the possibility that the actual entity who is the Christ will soon make an appearance in the flesh.

37  There have been many methods used for predicting the return of Christ, and hundreds of dates set. All of them, have been wrong.

38  As we now know Christ did not return in the year 2000 and it is not likely He will return in the immediate years following. What is possible is that an Antichrist will appear first as an externalization of the expectations and thoughtforms of the masses. For the image of Christ in the mind of the average man resembles more the Antichrist, than the true one. We may or may not have another Hitler type antichrist, but we can assuredly predict several self proclaimed quasi spiritual ones.

39  The reappearance of the Christ will not be just a continuation of His work as is but a continuation of His work with changes. In other words, the principle of Becoming is involved here.

40  One of the most important things for me to teach and demonstrate is the seeing of the Christ within each of us.

41  Melchizedek was overshadowed by “The Ancient Of Days” and this is the one who called Christ to be after the order of Melchizedek.

42  What is the main difference between the philosophy of the Christ and the Adversary? The answer is free agency. Christ always supports the agency of all men and women. Now suppose he did come with such great power that all who were opposed to him were destroyed, and those who are left are full of the fear of God and would not think of opposing such a powerful being who now is the King of the earth? Do you not think this would destroy the agency of man? It would.

43  He who was the Christ in Jerusalem was not many entities, but one entity and thus cannot return as more than one entity.

44  If the Christ, or the Lord of the World, were to appear to you in human form and you were to attempt to worship him as a personality He would stop you; but if you were to worship with your Spirit and sense the Spirit of God in the presence of the Master then it would be allowed.

45  If Hitler would have succeeded in his world conquest the appearance of Christ would have been delayed at least a thousand years.

46  The reappearance of the Christ cannot happen just anytime for certain preparations must be made and without them the Christ cannot appear and effectively work.

47  Christ is not looking for people who have to be told what to do in every detail, but for those who are willing to initiate good causes of their own free will and bring them to fruition.

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The Intuition

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  This is the purpose of the Intuitive Principle – to cause you to contemplate on questions in hope of touching the soul.

2  Probably the most misunderstood higher contact made through the soul is the intuition.

3  Perhaps the most common thing to be mistaken for the intuition is psychic reception.

4  When we speak of intuition we are not using it according to the common definition in the world, for the world does not understand what soul intuition is and therefore is not equipped to give a definition.

5  Intuition operates through the language of principles and psychic impression operates through the transference of information or data.

6  The closest the average person comes to approaching the intuition is in use of ideas.

7  We could call intuition a higher idea stimulated by soul contact and a regular idea a “lower idea.”

8  The intuition uses all the faculties of the lower self including lower ideas, but takes them further.

9  When the intuition works properly, the seeker can often write a book on the one holy instant of downloading what came into the physical brain.

10  In ancient times initiates were often given dangerous tests to force a point of tension to stimulate the intuition of the disciple. Partially because of the complexity of the modern world such tests are not necessary, for in the day to day world of complex situations and living, it is usually possible to create our own points of tension making a trek to a far away pyramid unnecessary.

11  Intuition is ALWAYS accompanied by understanding. He who receives information, but does not understand it, receives it by some other way.

12  Many who teach and claim to have Christ Consciousness possess little more than higher emotional feeling. Such feeling is pleasant, but it does not mean that the world of the intuition is opened up so the Oneness Principle is activated.

13  The first soul contact comes long before development of the intuition.

14  Soul contact opens the door to all higher contacts, and the intuition opens still another door to even higher levels. Intuition could, therefore, be called the revelation of that which lies behind knowledge or the revelation of principles.

15  He who uses intuition reflects the higher light off the mind and filters the knowledge down to the physical brain.

16  Some psychic impression is accurate and some is not, but even if it is accurate this reception works through different principles than intuition does.

17  If a person obtains knowledge outside the normal realm of learning this does not mean he has used the intuition.

18  Definition of Intuition (not found in any standard dictionary) is:  “The reception by the mind, as a result of a point of tension reached through contemplation, of a principle which leads to a ‘flashing forth’ of understanding, which leads to unlimited knowledge.”

19  A child does not use intuition as we have defined it here. A child’s mind is not equipped to do the type of contemplation needed.

20  Those who are the true intuitives of the world will never feel alone and isolated because mentally they are already gathered, or synthesized.

21  Whereas instinct impresses important facts upon the mind of the receiver, intuition impresses the principles behind the facts. He who wields instinct knows. He who masters intuition knows, and knows that he knows, and knows why he knows.

22  As far as I know this is a first for the introduction of new teachings and principles through the intuitive principle which are virtually unrevealed to the world at large.

23  Understand and develop the principle of intuition through which quantums of truth can be downloaded into your mind and understood by the heart.

24  The problem with understanding intuition is that a full realization of it requires a degree of soul contact. If the principle is explained to one who does not have soul contact, this person will not comprehend it.

25  The intuition leads to comprehension of a principle which leads to knowledge and not knowledge or facts only.

26  Without the connecting link of the intuition the mind determines that illusion is real, and because it is full of facts and does not understand all true principles, it rejects or “slays” the true reality.

27  The mind must be led out of deception and illusion by the power of the intuition.

28  The path to the intuition is forged on the plane of the mind.

29  The main obstacle that prevents the mind from finding intuition is that the mind “slays the real.”

30  Feeling alone excludes reason whereas intuition includes it.

31  The intuition is only correctly perceived when heart and mind have been balanced. Without balance great deception will be present.

32  One cannot develop the full powers of the intuition unless he first masters the powers of the mind and its power to reason and see logical correspondences.

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The Middle Way

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes From

The Discourses Of JJ Dewey

1  Let us follow the Middle Way and not mindlessly follow unearned appointed authorities, but lend support to elected ones and initiators who have a desire in their hearts to serve their fellow humans.

2  Now people like to think in black and white terms instead of shades of gray and if you tell them the truth is in the middle they want it to be exactly in the middle, but unfortunately following this formula also produces error.

3  One person can observe the tendency of the majority to miss the truth in the middle, as Jesus did, and yet not have a separatist attitude because of it.

4  Two extremes usually accomplish nothing, but the middle way brings the most efficient results.

5  It is interesting to see how easily the people have their focus diverted from the Middle Way.

6  Some will have a hard time seeing the Middle Way, just as they do in all matters.

7  Because circumstances are always in motion around the one who is in the middle, he must choose a different course of action as the circumstances change. Even though he may stand firm on unchanging principles, the application of those principles will be different as the group or humanity sways back and forth.

8  The handful of the enlightened who see with higher vision, by allowing contrasts to interplay, will see the truth of the Middle Way and will see the virtues of high intelligence working on both sides of the spectrum.

9  If we save a life with no thought of karma, but of service, then we have found the Middle Way.

10  If we want to find the Middle Way we must tune into that common sense which is within us all and common to us all.

11  He who finds the path in the middle learns to eliminate the blind spots and illusions, and to apply common sense to all areas of life.

12  When the wholeness of his or her life makes sense, then the Path in the Middle appears before [their] eyes.

13  The path in the middle has the illusion of movement because of the swing of the pendulum and because of our imperfection we weave on and off the path.

14  In the extreme left swing, deviating from the Middle Way, there are no rules. In the extreme right swing there are too many rules. In the middle, the eternal laws are recognized and followed.

15  He who follows the true Middle Path accepts the soul as his only infallible authority and if such a disciple appears to be following a leader, it is only because the two see as one through the eyes of the soul.

16  Buddha had two sets of teachings. One was for the inner group and the other was for the masses. A more complete presentation of his Middle Way will be revealed when his hidden teachings are revealed, but even then they must be studied under the light of the soul to be understood.

17  The Middle Way is found by understanding a principle.

18  A complete understanding of the Middle Way would involve understanding on many different levels.

19  The Middle Way I am presenting leads to a path.

20  If we follow the highest we know and act upon that which is revealed, then more light will come and the next step on the path in the middle will be revealed.

21  When a person has discovered soul he has all ready found the midway point.

22  It may be good for you to review our discussions on the Pendulum Principle and the path of the Middle Way where we point out that both extremes from the center of truth are destructive.

23  Between the extremes of “ego inflation ” and “false humility ” lies the middle way of simply being yourself.

24  The middle way takes us to the “dominating good.”

25  The midway point symbolized by the still point of the pendulum is not really a point from our perspective, but a path.

26  Great discernment and soul contact is needed to consistently choose the middle point, and then proceed from point to point along the path of dominating good.

27  The principle of freedom from the viewpoint of the pendulum principle is neither left nor right, but at the midway point.

28  Those who discover the middle way are like suns. They appear to be in motion, but in reality they make their stand at the midway point.

29  We have two extremes demonstrated in our society as far as authority goes. The disciple treading the Middle Way between the two extremes will walk neither of these paths. Instead he will use both the outside and the inside blended as one divine whole to find truth.

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The New Age

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes

From The Discourses Of JJ Dewey

1  We are moving from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. We will be securely into this coming new age in about 150 years and most expect this to be an enlightened age of brotherhood and peace as well as human advancement. Right now we are in the transition phase and the division between the old age and new age thinking is coming into greater contrast.

2  We are in the twelfth hour of the labors in the vineyard and many new workers are being hired and coming forth to serve. In many ways their labors now, for this one hour, are considered as valuable as that of the older laborers over thousands of years. Why? Because many of the older laborers are expecting to be the new gurus who will be served and respected. Consequently, they are of little use in the present. The new workers will wind up performing a service of equal value to the combined value of the seasoned ones.

3  Those who are caught up in the glories of the past and sacrifice the possibilities of current joy to the authorities of the past will only enter the New Age kicking and screaming.

4  Those on the cutting edge of the age past are often left behind as the new age begins to dawn.

5  From this time to 2025-30 the seekers will embrace various stages of New Age thought and present it to their peers in an acceptable manner. Some time after 2025-30 will begin the seven years (or periods) of burning the weapons of Gog. During this time the old emotional fires which fight the new age will be consumed and Gog and his armies will find that they are void of instruments with which to fight the Christ consciousness. After the seven years burning, the fundamentalist clinging to a certain creed or dogma will be an oddity for the ignorance of old dogmas will be clearly manifest.

6  The Christ is the building stone of the New Age.

7  If the lights bringing the dawn of the Aquarian Age are to be successful, they must first and foremost survive and stand in their rightful places until the sun arises and shines forth in its strength.

8  Many call the coming age, the Age of Peace, and this will be true on the physical plane, but not on the emotional and mental planes.

9  The New Age will see conflict through debate and discussion as never before, but physical conflict will eventually be seen as primitive and beneath the dignity of the human race.

10  Think you that when Christ comes again He will be the lone teacher here on the earth? Far from it. To usher in the New Age we will need thousands of teachers and many of them need to be here before He manifests again.

11  The shift of attention by humanity from an emotional base for decision to the mind will insure the stability necessary for an age of peace to prevail.

12  Some of the philosophies that will be popular in the New Age are now permeating society to a greater extent than was even hoped for by the disciple of the mid twentieth century.

13  The Aquarian Age switches from water to air. Air is the symbol of mind. The beginnings of this age were manifest at the writing of the Constitution of the United States. We are now about half way into the full manifestation of the New Age.

14  The New Age will be ruled by mind.

15  To move to the Age of Aquarius we must free up the mind and the mind is freed up as freedom itself abounds. This is why basic democratic rights had to be established on the earth before the New Age could come in.

16  In the New Age brought by the Prince of Peace and His disciples the focus will be taken away from mean spirited competition and refocused on cooperation and the cities (polarized systems) will fall and be transformed.

17  We may be entering a new age, but let us not leave behind the basics that many souls have fought and died to preserve and demonstrate.

18  Because Pisces is such an emotional energy and Aquarius so mental the resistance to the New Age by the accepted teachers of the world will be very strong.

19  The natural resistance to the energies of the New Age must be dropped and a new understanding must come.

20  A critical mass composed of the brothers of light must be gathered together to produce the chain reaction to usher in the New Age. As with atoms, so with humans. Without the critical mass almost all the radiating energy is of minimal effect.

21  Without the law of mind, the laws of order, we will have no new age, no order, but only confusion and disorder.

22  I do not know if one can increase public involvement through law, but this certainly needs to be taught and encouraged in the new age.

23  Laws producing an orderly society will not pass away in the new age, but will be refined until they work so efficiently that the whole world will become stable and live in peace.

24  From the New Jerusalem (teachers of light) will go forth with the revelations of the New Age which will be the foundation of the new order of the ages. These revelations will also include many new scientific inventions, healing techniques, mysteries explored and New Age teachings.

25  If mankind changes not and does not shift its thinking to the higher level of the New Age, then physical destruction must come.

26  Those who make right use of sacrifice will make an easy transition into the service of the New Age.

27  One of the important teachings of the New Age will be the restoration of knowledge of the power of female energy, for it is as mysterious as gravity; no form can be held together without it.

28  Pisces is also on the mutable cross which causes a “go with the flow” attitude as far as energy goes. The funny thing is that we often hear this phrase from new age people, not realizing that this is the mantra of the passing age and not the Aquarian Age. Thus the energy of the mutable cross caused the people of the last two thousand years to go with their feelings with very little thought involved.

29  Physical presence establishes a very necessary link for the new teachings and energy to be transmitted.

30  Service in the New Age will be seen in the light of the LAW of cause and effect and karma.

31  Many other sources of energy will be opened up for us in the New Age including the application of the theories of Nicola Tesla.

32  The basic seed of the New Age Plan was presented as far back as the days of Moses and the working principle behind that plan was the gathering principle, or the synthesis of Israel into a greater working whole.

33  Nothing can hold back the establishment of the coming age of peace save our own lethargy.

34  Just as freedom and democracy had to struggle for existence in the midst of totalitarian governments, so will the principles of the New Age have to struggle for a foothold in our present society.

35  Many of the gurus and new age people we see around sway people by their personalities. The New Age Disciple must get beyond the personality and what we need to look at is the pure words and how they affect your spirit.

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The Path

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1.  “A path to improvement and eventual liberation is always to be found as long we stay aware and pay attention.”

2.  “To inflame and go into battle while proclaiming that you are treading the path of love and peace is inflammatory in itself. “

3.  “Follow the highest that you know, and keep your mind steady in the light.”

4.  “A starting point of harmony of thought between two souls is an important ingredient for progression upon the path.”

5.  “In this world there lies before us at all times two paths. Path one leads to truth and the real world. Path two leads to illusion and deception. Each decision that we make takes us in the direction of one of these paths.”

6.  “The path for us to become one with God and manifest the name within is us for us to take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ by committing ourselves to the highest service that we know and then practice the science of BECOMING the highest that you can DECIDE to BECOME.”

7.  “Realize that, as you progress upon the path, every loss is replaced by a gain greater than that which is left behind. The only way to not acquire that gain is to let it slip through your fingers or throw it away.”

8.  “I therefore admonish all true seekers who read these words, to walk the path of light by seeking the light and looking for the light.”

9.  “Pursuing the path to greater works and greater revelation is our focus here and I’m sure Christ would approve.”

10.  “If you find one asking questions requiring independent thought then there is evidence that the person is on the path.”

11.  “Every major success achieved is created by a path paved with failures overcome.”

12.  “Those who go ‘with the flow’ give energy to the pendulum to swing to the extreme of the direction it is heading. On the other hand, those who apply the path of most resistance work to make the pendulum swing the opposite direction so it will again pass over the center point. When it makes that pass a truth is seen.”

13.  “Forced change can produce quick results, but always carries a backlash and the people eventually backtrack and work on finding the correct path.”

14.  “At the end of the Path, ages and ages hence is a pralaya of rest or a point of absolute stillness from our point of view.”

15.  “We must apply the principle of correction on the path, just as we do as we drive down the road in a car.”

16.  “The path of correct use and sharing is difficult indeed.”

17.  “The one farther upon the path understands the beauty of the scenery before him and can relate it to the one behind, but the one behind will not have a full understanding of the beautiful mountains and valleys until he actually gets there.”

18.  “The angle of vision and the problems faced by one progressed upon the path is generally not available to the beginner.”

19.  “Judging progress upon the path can only be done by the individual himself or his inner teacher.”

20.  “If you think you are in motion on the path and progressing toward the light then you are where you should be.”

21.  “When we do find the path and make real progress we will all (as individuals) sense the increase in vibration and we will be able to internally gauge ourselves so long as we keep our focus on the highest that we know.”

22.  “Do we run from the battle because an enemy is in the path? If we did so there would never be a battle and the Lights could not take joy in the victory.”

23.  “Often times when we move into a new step on the path more mistakes than usual are made at first because we are in unfamiliar territory.”

24.  “Many who have not fully developed the mind and are yet centered in the emotions are very good people who are seeking the highest they know and the way of deliverance for them through the maze ahead is to have ‘good shepherds’ to follow who commune through the One Spirit. By this means can one who is yet centered in the emotions make true progress upon the path.”

25.  “Unfortunately many who would follow have not learned to recognize the true voice and are led by the ego of a false shepherd which will indeed lead them off onto strange paths.”

26.  “The wayfarer is on the path of darkness and death if his focused attention is returning to lesser evolution, lesser advancement or lesser light.”

27.  “So, what happens to those few stubborn humans who succeed in reversing themselves on the path? Answer: The lesser lives that make the greater begin to come apart and as they do, the person begins to lose human attributes and take on the characteristics of the next kingdom down which is the animal. The strongest animal lives within him take control of the life until it falls apart. After it falls part then the animal lives revert to the vegetable and finally to the mineral and lastly to a pralaya that lasts many millions of years. The person’s evolution must then begin anew in a far future creation.”

28.  “We are therefore on one of two paths:  (1) The path of Life where Spirit is increasing in power as we share greater union with an increasing number of lives; or (2)  The path of death where the power of Spirit is diminishing and the lesser lives which compose us are in the process of coming apart and unraveling the greater entity.”

29.  “I let no thing control me but my own soul and recommend the same path for all people.”

30.  “To accept God as a being that will not send you to hell is a major step to be taken on the path.”

31.  “The two paths, the line of least and most resistance has more to do with making ourselves in alignment with higher Decision and, or Will and, or Purpose than it does with the flow of energies in connection with the physical and etheric body.”

32.  “He who has the name of the Father in his forehead will only trust a path revealed or confirmed by the God within.”

33.  “An intelligence coming to three paths of equal value will often pick one for reasons that even it did not know in advance.”

34.  “It is the eternal way of things that those who are further upon the path must extend a helping hand to those not so progressed as themselves.”

35.  “Discerning the proper place upon the path and acting accordingly is an invaluable part of discernment and a characteristic of true humility.”

36.  “If two paths lie ahead and a new choice is to be forced upon you then you will always chose the easier path (usually the worst choice) if you have not used conscious projection to see yourself making the decision ahead of time. On the other hand, if you see the two paths approaching and analyze the benefits of the two choices ahead of time and you make the decision before the event occurs, then you will generally have power to follow that pre-made decision when the path approaches, even if the decision is a difficult one.”

37.  “The real challenge is to see the souls of those who may seem to be obstacles in our path.”

38.  “When one truly follows the living principle behind baptism he will enter the path of Spirit as guilt free as a new born baby.”

39.  “When the better path manifests, let go of your investment in the past and choose the new.”

40.  “If you are treading the path of true progress you must earn every step that you take.”

41.  “Those who say the path is effortless are entirely wrong. Standing still is effortless. True progress takes a tremendous struggle – there is no other way.”

42.  “The difficult thing is the overcoming of glamour and illusion so we can see our point on the path correctly, so one does not think he is a Buddha when he is just a beginning seeker.”

43.  “When we make a great effort to progress upon the path a vacuum is created behind is that tries to suck us backward at our weakest moment. If this negative force does not pull us backward it will create an attack when our guard is down at our most vulnerable point.”

44.  “When one puts his attention on seeing that which is true, he is taking the inner right-hand path. His attention on that which is true moves him in the direction of this path and pushes him forward on it to truth after truth, greater light after greater light.”

45.  “When one puts his attention on looking for error, this attention on error moves him toward the left-hand path, and as he moves along this path, he sees error after error, and rarely has any observation of new truth to report.”

46.  “Additional seeking is always necessary – no matter where we think we are upon the Path.”

47.  “As we take a step on the Path the interplay of the polarities is increased and the good and bad around us seem to increase.”

48.  “We often accept and look in the obvious direction until we reach a dead end. Only then does another path appear before our eyes, and only then will we even consider it.”

49.  “To tread the path to be a Master of Wisdom one must be a person who can be trusted and relied upon (Faithful) and his word must be his bond (True).”

50.  “The path to the union through the soul can begin with either agreement or disagreement.”

51.  “Even most of those who believe they have chosen the dark path and have become Satanists, have not yet chosen. Their decisions are dangerous and based on illusion, but they have not yet seen the real choice.”

52.  “Those who are tempted to take the dark path are those who cannot give up an attachment to the ‘flow’ of personality energies.”

53.  “There will come a time in the life(s) of each disciple that he will have to choose one of the paths. Very few on the earth have progressed far enough to make that choice.”

54.  “If you are a servant on the Path and have the capacity and willingness to serve humanity, your questions will sometimes be answered by an advanced unseen entity, and on rare occasions one will be manifested to you.”

55.  “All those who choose either side of the path have gone through much love and service, but even after experiencing the beauty of love and many spiritual experiences from God, the temptation of the left hand path may still be great.”

56.  “The true Inner Voice often guides us in ways we never would have dreamed of on our own and directs in paths we are reluctant, even fearful to pursue.”

57.  “The mission of all seekers is to examine themselves in all honesty and try and discover where he is on the path. If you know where you are, you can become aware of your next step. If you do not know where you are, then your next step will be in the dark. You will have to bump into several dead ends before you again find your true way.”

58.  “Finding your place on the path is extremely difficult for many because the beginning seeker will often think he is on his last life and ascension is just around the corner.”

59.  “The Solar Plexus takes a lot of control no matter where we are on the path.”

60.  “The stimulation of thought along the correct path is in the end very beneficial.”

61.  “As a person progresses by trial and error eventually the fog disperses and his place upon the path becomes clear.”

62.  “The person who is clear about his place upon the path will rarely reveal it to anyone and never publicly.”

63.  “We always have the power to decide to take any path we want.”

64.  “Some on the spiritual path will see the great order among the tiny lives and give credit to the great Universal God, but they see it backwards. It is not the big One Life creating the order as a unit. It is the divided One Life finding pieces of Itself, putting Itself back together.”

65.  “He who has found his true point on the path senses a greater happiness on the horizon.”

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The Three T’s: Triads, Trinities & Triangles

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes

From The Discourses Of JJ Dewey

1.  “The Divine Trinity is, of course, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. This is esoterically Power, Love and, or Wisdom and Active Intelligence.”

2.  “Just as there is a Holy Trinity even so there is an unholy use of the Trinity of energies. The Trinity of the forces of retrogression works out as The Dragon (Father – Deception) The Beast (Son – unjust authority to secure the deception) and the image of the beast (Unholy Spirit) false prophet – carries out the deception by speaking the words of the Dragon).”

3.  “The lower octave of Will-Power-Purpose is Determination-Empowerment-Objective.”

4.  “To create a gathering of lights requires a people who are able to manipulate matter in all three worlds of human endeavor – mental, emotional, and physical.”

5.  “Will-Power-Purpose working together synthetically manifests the first ray which is called Power.”

6.  “Where the life of God is, there is Decision – Will – Creation.”

7.  “The explosions of knowledge, love and self discovery will unite with the Zion reaction to cause this trinity of energies to be as one, a symbol of the One God that worketh in and through all things.”

8.  “The most important principles Zion will cause to spread across the world are peace, love, and goodwill. After this will come great building energies never before witnessed.”

9.  “Overall there are three marks:  (1) The Mark of the Beast – emotional control.  (2) The Mark of Humanity – mental control.  (3) The Mark of God – soul control.”

10.  “The Trinity shifts in position as the various Rays rotate and subdivide.”

11.  “I’ve done a lot of contemplating about time and believe that the Trinity of time, past, present and future do compose a great whole, but this does not make the future the present or the past the future. The whole is like our body who has a left arm (the past) the right arm (future) and the torso (the present).”

12.  “All is created from the great Trinity of positive, negative and the originating point. From the multiplicity of this and the interplay of countless pieces of intelligent creation we have the majesty of complex creation that boggles the mind.”

13.  “In this human cycle of progression we go through three cycles of learning:  (1) The Cycle of Experience;  (2) The Cycle of Seeking; and  (3) The Cycle of Service.”

14.  “One of the reasons that the Song of the 144,000 is a powerful combination is because it expresses itself through a Trinity.”

15.  “There are at least three interpretations that apply to every inspired scripture.”

16.  “Above mind are the three higher formless planes, the Spiritual Triad, whereon the Solar Angel may be found.”

17.  “In any molecular structure that is created, we must remember that the number three is of prime importance. If we look through an electron microscope, for instance, we will always see that the atoms form numerous associations in triangular relationships. This is because the Trinity is the foundation of all life. We observe this truth consistently throughout nature.”

18.  “All things that have life or create livingness operate in triads or triangles corresponding to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; Father, Mother, Child; or Positive, Negative, Neutrality. Unless these three aspects work together there is no creation and no noticeable effect, as if there were only one hand clapping.”

19.  “Using the triplicity of the conscious, the subconscious and the will is the way to make permanent and safe change in yourself.”

20.  “Your higher self is your upper [Spiritual] Triad often called Atma-Budha-Manas. These are three higher vehicles wherein consciousness can reside. The upper Triad of the regular seeker is occupied by the Solar Angel. From this upper Triad the Solar angel seeks to guide and stimulate you.”

21.  “The causal [body] encompasses all three bodies of manifestation (mental, astral, etheric) even though its form is built using the third subplane of mental matter. This is sometimes called the soul body because it is the vehicle used by the Solar Angel in linking the lower and higher selves.”

22.  “When your consciousness then ascends to the upper [Spiritual] Triad your Solar Angel returns home and then through the [Spiritual] Triad you seek to know your true source, your Father. The conclusion of this step was spoken of by Christ when he said ‘I and my Father are one’.”

23.  “Eventually as cities of Zion spring up and interlink in triangles and sevens and twelves and pyramids of energies are formed, the whole earth will be transfigured and lighted with the glory of God.”

24.  “The body manifest [Nirmanakayas] may not be a physical body, but may be composed of the higher vibrations or ethers of the Spiritual Triad.”

25.  “These three states of consciousness [of the Spiritual Triad of Atma-Budha-Manas] of course correspond to the three prime aspects of will, love and light or Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”

26.  “The true singing of the Song of the 144,000 is accomplished on three levels: the physical, emotional and mental planes, which opens the door of the spiritual.”

27.  “Where there are wavelengths there are Trinities. There is the top of the wavelength, the bottom, and the point at the center symbolized by Light and Love and Purpose.”

28.  “The creation of form, space and time is an extension of Purpose, Light and Love.”

29.  “All life, or motivating power, must have aspects that correspond to the Trinity in order to accomplish purpose.”

30.  “The foundation Ray for the universe itself is Ray One which is a triangle of Will-Power-Purpose.”

31.  “There is a hierarchy of beings of a diverse magnitude of consciousness who are tuned into the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost aspects.”

32.  “The individual must be taught to reach the point of tension that brings “the still small voice,’ ‘the peace that passeth all understanding’ and the ‘baptism of fire’ which come from an inflow of Soul energy. Each must learn the difference between these three.”

33.  “Soul contact is represented by the two interlocking triangles in the Star of David. The lower Triangle represents the three worlds of matter, or form and the higher triangle represents the higher Triad of worlds of Spirit – The Buddhic – the Atmic and the Monad. These six originate from the seventh point, or higher correspondence to soul contact called the Divine Plane or Plane of Adi.”

34.  “Space, form and distance is the Trinity that gives life to time.”

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Think On This

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  Think on this. At the time of the resurrection, Jesus had only 120 who accepted his teachings. That’s 120 out of the entire world in that day.

2  Brain activity is not thinking.

3  Over ninety percent of those living now who love the message of Jesus and abhor slavery would have bought into the mass thoughtform, or the flow of the energy of pendulums past.

4  The emotionally polarized person has instinct, can calculate and feel, but does not think.

5  The thinker does not lose contact with emotion, but increases contact, but learns to direct them intelligently.

6  We should play God. We are reflections of God with the fullness of God within us. How can we regain our inheritance if we do not play the part? If we do not play the role of God as Christ suggested then we must play at being something less than our true reality. Should we play at being animals instead? Keep in mind that some of the rules of playing God are justice, mercy, love, intelligence and good judgment.

7  If you think you have no delusions then you should also have power over death for such a feat is accomplished by the overcoming of some of the final delusions.

8  For one as intelligent as Einstein, the idea of a grand intelligence is difficult to deny.

9  Equality is a desirable goal but it cannot be obtained by force or by the illusion of seeing sameness when such does not exist.

10  The brain is a piece of equipment equal to a super computer. This super computer has many built in programs and is capable of many calculations, but it does not think.

11  The thinker is in charge of his destiny. The non thinker must be controlled by a program.

12  When you think of it there has never been a time in history for such inclusive opportunities as the Internet offers.

13  All of us have a mental body, but the elements of which it is composed are not available for our use until we begin to master thought.

14  Acquiring the ability to think is an important step in evolution, but it does not mean that you are perfect by any means.

15  Anyone who is truly against hunting should be a vegetarian or surely hypocrisy is involved, for killing an animal through the hunt is much more humane than a kill floor of a processing plant. There the animals wait in line and they have a sense that the kill is coming and will often spend an hour or so in intense fear. This fear causes hormonal secretions which carry negative effects over into humans who eat the meat.

16  As far as gun control goes I cannot think of even one great person who supported it. I can think of a lot of bad guys such as Hitler, Stalin, slave holders in the Old South, Castro, and every tyrant in modern times.

17  While it is true that you and I have the free will to reject the endorsements of celebrities it is also true that they affect the thoughts and desires of millions of people and these millions have a mass effect that reaches us all and often causes great resistance to true spiritual work.

18  Good and evil and the dualities are not created by our thoughts but exist independently. Night and day will continue to exist whether we are here to think about them or not.

19  A great inventor, songwriter, writer or other creative artist will often get his inspiration when his regular mind is in some type of suspension, and he tunes into a higher type of thinking by not thinking.

20  The current experiments of scientists pose a danger to us as they are combining human and animal DNA. Their motive is supposedly to create healing benefits to humanity, but as this progresses someone will not be able to resist creating a being that is half human and half animal. This could lead to great problems for the poor entities who have to inhabit such bodies if allowed to continue.

21  It is incorrect thinking to see one race as superior to another. The correct view is to see each race as having a different purpose. As it stands in our current evolution, it is possible that any of us could incarnate into any of the human races if the need and karma required it.

22  Even if I am right all the time, you must still check; for there may come a time that he who you think is me is not me after all.

23  The Kybalion says God is unknowable, so how can you claim to know this and accept the book?

24  Think on this:  It takes a thousand facts to reveal one principle, but one principle can reveal thousands of facts.

25  Are you so attached to your meditation on non-attachment that you cannot let go of it and try something else? If you are attached to non-attachment then you are not truly detached, are you?

26  We draw to ourselves that on which we place our attention.

27  The true atonement is a revelation of the truth so illusion passes away and guilt is lifted.

28  The main negative we want to avoid is the expectation of the negative around the corner. This type of thinking diverts our attention from the good, the beautiful, and the true.

29  Previous calamities in past ages did not cause such a great disturbance as a modern one would, for man, even a hundred years ago, was fairly self sufficient, and over ninety percent of the population engaged in some type of farming. Today a disruption of communications and food supplies could leave over ninety percent of the population in a helpless state.

30  In the end, to fully accept a thing it must make sense and it must feel right.

31  The brain corresponds to a super computer, but the thinker corresponds to a programmer sitting at the keyboard with the realization that he does not have to go according to program, but has the power to work creatively and rewrite things.

32  When is the last time you heard new light and truth revealed by the Vatican or any other ARCHE religious organization?

33  The Bible does not claim to be the word of God. In fact the Bible does not even speak of itself for the Bible did not even exist in book form when it was being written.

34  When you think of it, we do not eat animals for taste alone. Those who have eaten dogs, cats, horses and even humans have sometimes reported that the taste was excellent. Civilized humans tend to select animals to eat more because of their lower intelligence than because of taste alone.

35  Light and Love create the dreams of God and the power of the One Life is projected into the dreams through Purpose.

36  Can you think of a worse fate for yourself than to die an enemy to Christ while thinking you were fighting evil?

37  If any of us considers himself to be a great one, then he or she should follow the example of the Master Himself. Jesus never clearly announced Himself as the Christ. His only announcement was in His teachings and His works.

38  “Think on” and see the good, the beautiful and the true and you shall become a magnet for these things and shall draw truth, pure as the driven snow into your life experience and the light that is in you will be great so no darkness or deception can there abide.

39  Whenever you hear of something happening that causes your stomach to turn there is wrong use of money and material goods involved somewhere along the way.

40  Are the terrorists really fighting materialism or are they really aiding materialism?

41  Each body in the universe is an expression of God and possesses a life and consciousness of some kind, and many of them are above or below our present understanding.

42  There is nothing more pathetic than he who is in hell, but thinks he is in heaven. He neither learns through his pain nor seeks a greater joy.

43  A “thoughtless” idea can be a great one, but just a memorized one to which no thought or reflection has been applied. A “real idea” is one that is realized and the true value seen through inner contact.

44  Where has there ever been an accomplishment in the history of the planet that has benefited the world where there has not been some type of hierarchy involved?

45  Without someone to see them; there would be no stars. Why is this true?

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