The Intuition

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  This is the purpose of the Intuitive Principle – to cause you to contemplate on questions in hope of touching the soul.

2  Probably the most misunderstood higher contact made through the soul is the intuition.

3  Perhaps the most common thing to be mistaken for the intuition is psychic reception.

4  When we speak of intuition we are not using it according to the common definition in the world, for the world does not understand what soul intuition is and therefore is not equipped to give a definition.

5  Intuition operates through the language of principles and psychic impression operates through the transference of information or data.

6  The closest the average person comes to approaching the intuition is in use of ideas.

7  We could call intuition a higher idea stimulated by soul contact and a regular idea a “lower idea.”

8  The intuition uses all the faculties of the lower self including lower ideas, but takes them further.

9  When the intuition works properly, the seeker can often write a book on the one holy instant of downloading what came into the physical brain.

10  In ancient times initiates were often given dangerous tests to force a point of tension to stimulate the intuition of the disciple. Partially because of the complexity of the modern world such tests are not necessary, for in the day to day world of complex situations and living, it is usually possible to create our own points of tension making a trek to a far away pyramid unnecessary.

11  Intuition is ALWAYS accompanied by understanding. He who receives information, but does not understand it, receives it by some other way.

12  Many who teach and claim to have Christ Consciousness possess little more than higher emotional feeling. Such feeling is pleasant, but it does not mean that the world of the intuition is opened up so the Oneness Principle is activated.

13  The first soul contact comes long before development of the intuition.

14  Soul contact opens the door to all higher contacts, and the intuition opens still another door to even higher levels. Intuition could, therefore, be called the revelation of that which lies behind knowledge or the revelation of principles.

15  He who uses intuition reflects the higher light off the mind and filters the knowledge down to the physical brain.

16  Some psychic impression is accurate and some is not, but even if it is accurate this reception works through different principles than intuition does.

17  If a person obtains knowledge outside the normal realm of learning this does not mean he has used the intuition.

18  Definition of Intuition (not found in any standard dictionary) is:  “The reception by the mind, as a result of a point of tension reached through contemplation, of a principle which leads to a ‘flashing forth’ of understanding, which leads to unlimited knowledge.”

19  A child does not use intuition as we have defined it here. A child’s mind is not equipped to do the type of contemplation needed.

20  Those who are the true intuitives of the world will never feel alone and isolated because mentally they are already gathered, or synthesized.

21  Whereas instinct impresses important facts upon the mind of the receiver, intuition impresses the principles behind the facts. He who wields instinct knows. He who masters intuition knows, and knows that he knows, and knows why he knows.

22  As far as I know this is a first for the introduction of new teachings and principles through the intuitive principle which are virtually unrevealed to the world at large.

23  Understand and develop the principle of intuition through which quantums of truth can be downloaded into your mind and understood by the heart.

24  The problem with understanding intuition is that a full realization of it requires a degree of soul contact. If the principle is explained to one who does not have soul contact, this person will not comprehend it.

25  The intuition leads to comprehension of a principle which leads to knowledge and not knowledge or facts only.

26  Without the connecting link of the intuition the mind determines that illusion is real, and because it is full of facts and does not understand all true principles, it rejects or “slays” the true reality.

27  The mind must be led out of deception and illusion by the power of the intuition.

28  The path to the intuition is forged on the plane of the mind.

29  The main obstacle that prevents the mind from finding intuition is that the mind “slays the real.”

30  Feeling alone excludes reason whereas intuition includes it.

31  The intuition is only correctly perceived when heart and mind have been balanced. Without balance great deception will be present.

32  One cannot develop the full powers of the intuition unless he first masters the powers of the mind and its power to reason and see logical correspondences.

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