Leaving the Crowd


Leaving The Crowd

A reader made an excellent point that we all have missions if we are willing to find and accept them, but allow me to make another point.

Many there are who are seeking greater light who yearn for a calling from God or a Master and none seems to come. After a period of time some get discouraged and feel that God does not want them or perhaps feel insignificant.

What is needed here is understanding not a calling. We are entering an age where initiation will be a keynote and those who will be seen as worthy servants will be those who call themselves and initiate beneficial work of some kind through their own free will.

Would you like a calling to some great and glorious work?

Then imagine a great and glorious work and call yourself to it and God will honor that call if your heart is pure.

Along this thought I found the words of Jesus in the Aquarian Gospel inspiring:

“Whoever will may come; but he who comes must will to prune himself of every evil thought; Must overcome desire to gratify the lower self; must give his life to save the lost.

“The nearer to the kingdom gate you come, more spacious is the room; the multitudes have gone.

“If men could come unto the kingdom with their carnal thoughts, their passions and desires, there scarcely would be room for all. But when they cannot take these through the narrow gate they turn away; the few are ready to go in and see the king.”

The key phrase here is:

“The nearer to the kingdom gate you come, more spacious is the room; the multitudes have gone.”

One of the keys to this gate is the initiation of good works, but such initiates are such a rarity that, at the kingdom gate, the room is indeed spacious for the crowds are left behind.

There is no need for many aspirants to feel like they are being left out of some loop for if one wants a great calling all he has to do is call himself and then do the work.

Of course, doing the work is what trips up the many with egos to prove for instead of them doing the work, many want to be called and exalted and have others do the work, recognize their greatness and serve their own little needs.

Djwhal Khul said that true humility is recognizing your place on the path and acting accordingly.

I would also add that part of being humble is just being yourself. I personally can’t stand to be around others who are trying to be someone else. A lot of politicians fit in this category.

The Life of Abraham Lincoln is a good example of one in a great position who is merely being himself. The common people loved him for it but the proud and arrogant were threatened by him.

Oct 4, 2000

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The Dweller on the Threshold



The Dweller on the Threshold

A reader mentioned that the Aquarian Gospel is a channeled work. By general definition a channeler is one who gives up his consciousness to create a channel for an outside entity so such an entity can speak or channel through the medium.

This is also known as “direct voice” and this method usually reaches either a thoughtform or an astral entity who knows less about the mysteries of existence than do many members of this group.

A much higher and accurate method is mental telepathy. Some outside of the Brotherhood of Light have the ability to use this, but in their communications the Brotherhood will almost always use this or higher methods, unless there is a direct visitation.

One of the higher methods is called by AAB the “science of impression.” This works through the intuition and by this method a “flashing forth” is created where there is an immediate transfer of a package of information through the use of the language of principles.

Then the highest from our point of view is “inspiration” or direct revelation from God as some Christians call it.

Still another is the reading of the Akashic records through meditation, crystals or other means. Some read a reflection of these records from the astral realm and their accuracy is very low. Others read them with the aid of a Master or the Higher Self and have great accuracy.

As we leave the channeling behind we see that the quality of work received by these higher methods is much higher than the channeled material. It may not have the flowery words and data, but will speak accurate truth to the soul.

The one criteria that runs through all high revelation is the continuity of consciousness. The works of Blavatsky, Alice A. Bailey, A Course in Miracles, the Bible, Book of Mormon, The Koran and other holy books were received this way.

The Aquarian Gospel was not voice channeled, but Levi entered a state of conscious meditation and read the Akashic records. I personally believe he was 90% accurate or better as he related the life of Jesus.

I believe we have credibly established that Jesus went through tremendous stress in the garden of Gethsemane and blood came to the surface of his skin because of the agony. I see no evidence that this was symbolic writing, even though there is always symbolism behind real events.

A large portion of the cause of the distress was covered in my posted book the Molecular Relationship. For those of you who are new you may need to read the book to receive a full understanding of what I wrote here. Nevertheless, I will quote part of it here.

Keep in mind that Jesus created a human Molecule of twelve units and I am here describing the stress caused by the temporary destruction of it by Judas.

Jesus himself was severely affected by the betrayal. At the point in time when Judas completely decided to turn on his Master and was with the Jewish leaders Jesus had brought three of the apostles to Gethsemane. We are told that he “began to be sorrowful and very heavy. Then saith he unto them, My Soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me.” Matt 26:37-38 Mark also described him as “sore amazed.” Mark 14:33

Some of these words are not translated very accurately. “Sorrowful and heavy” come from LUPEO and ADEMONEO. “Sorrowful” is a fairly accurate rendering of LUPEO. It implies great sorrow, distress or grief. ADEMONEO implies a great distress of the mind or Soul. It could be translated as “anguish” or “depression.” It most exactly means that the soul of Jesus was saturated with a feeling of foreboding.

The second “sorrowful” comes from PERILUPOS. This has essentially the same meaning as LUPEO with the addition of the prefix PERI. This implies that the sorrow surrounded and completely permeated Jesus.

“Watch” comes from GREGOREUO which means to be awake or fully aware of what is going on. It implies the opposite of death or sleep.

“Amazed” comes from EKTHAMBEO which implies a state of mind that is astounded by what is happening and is in a state of wonderment.

What do we get from this? When Judas was in the process of betraying his Lord, Jesus was so completely overcome with a feeling of sorrow, heaviness, and distress of mind that he was astounded that such a thing could happen to him, the greatest of us all. The feeling was so intense that he thought that if it became any worse, he would die before any cross would get him. He was “sorrowful even unto death…”

The feeling was so bad he pleaded for his apostles to “watch” or be fully aware with him so he could draw strength from them.

The pain became so great he asked his Father to remove the cup from him “And being in agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.” Luke 22:44

Does this pain and heaviness that nearly killed Jesus have anything to do with the betrayal of Judas?

The answer is yes… it had everything to do with it. A Human Molecule of eleven did not conduct the spiritual energy flow, nor did it produce the same results as did the twelve. When Judas withdrew his energy, the whole Molecule was shattered and the tremendous spiritual power that had been flowing through Jesus and the apostles had been interrupted. They were all affected, but Jesus felt the brunt of it since he was the focal point. They were all sustaining a strong spiritual flow and when it was cut off, it felt as if their very life was dissolving. Jesus almost died and the apostles could not stay awake. He only brought three of the eleven to Gethsemane. Perhaps the other eight were still back in the room of the last supper asleep through depletion of energy. Whatever the case, he hoped to create some Molecular flow between himself and Peter, James and John. This would have returned him some of his strength.

The effort failed. Three times Jesus tried to revive the three apostles to share awareness with him and three times they fell back into a deathlike sleep.

Finally, he reached a point at which he could no longer continue on the physical plane without a recharge of energy. At this point: “There appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him.” Luke 22:43

This angel was a member of the Molecule which existed in the Spiritual Hierarchy of which Jesus was a member. This angel then was able to re-establish in Jesus the spiritual flow he needed to continue his work. After this, he woke the apostles for the fourth time and this time they stayed awake. Jesus was able to recharge them so they could be themselves again.

We all know the story from here. Jesus was taken, crucified, and after three days he rose from the dead. Sometime after this later event, the eleven met together on the day of Pentecost. From the time of the betrayal to this time the apostles were just ordinary men, but now they were inspired to rectify this situation. They were going to add the additional unit to their group to make the complete Molecule of Twelve. They chose Matthias and immediately after he (and his female partner who is not mentioned) joined the group to complete the mystical number of twelve their minds were united “with one accord in one place: And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” Acts 2:1-4

Now this was an agony separate from the taking on the “sins of the world.”

Let us state the basic belief of most Christians concerning Christ in this regard. It goes something like this.

He came to redeem us from our sins, or to take upon Him the sins of the world. If we believe on him or his name and repent our sins will be removed. Many believe that in the Garden of Gethsemane He took upon Him or suffered for the sins of the world and this was a payment made by God so that we would not have to pay for our sins ourselves if we have faith or repent.

Now we have already pointed out that in that age sin was error and the great error by the “unsaved” was guilt. As far as the result of our actions go Jesus did nothing to nullify causes and we must all deal with effects of past causes. After a manner of speaking though he did take upon himself our sins.

Alice A. Bailey stated that he established a thread or link to Shamballa in the garden.

There is one thing that many do not realize about the higher centers of the earth and that is this. The relationship of the Masters such as Christ to the higher permanent inhabitants of Shamballa corresponds to the human relationship to the Masters. Just as it is very difficult for us to catch the attention of the Masters even so is it difficult for the Masters to catch the attention of the Ancient of Days and His Council Chamber.

The inhabitants of Shamballa of course are aware of all the goings on within and on the earth but did not in the past respond directly to humanity because their energy was too powerful. One must remember that they are focussed in the first ray energy of power rather than love-wisdom as are the Masters.

The Christ in Jesus was the first in human flesh of this earth to make a direct contact with the Shamballa energy, but in order to make that contact he had to face the Dweller on the threshold for all humanity.

Our individual Dweller is a powerful thoughtform which is created by the negative energy of all of our fears, mistakes, “sins” guilt and illusions from all of our past lives rolled into one bundle. The disciple has numerous partial contacts with the Dweller before he comes face to face with it.

We talked earlier about when a person makes a step forward in his spiritual progression that within several days there seems to be a strong negative force pulling him away from the Path. Many see this as a direct work of the devil, but in reality it is our Dweller coming back to haunt us.

The Dweller is actually a low life form that is fighting for its life and as such will do everything within its power to survive. Fear is its main weapon for when the disciple overcomes his fears and faces the Dweller it begins to “die” and go back to its source.

The disciple must face the Dweller before the third initiation of transfiguration. Before Jesus was transfigured he had to face his Dweller . This happened when he went into the wilderness and faced the three famous temptations.

The Apostle Paul faced his Dweller and was temporarily blinded by it.

Some have had to face the Dweller over a long period of time.

Moses received a partial revelation of God In Egypt. This was what converted him to identify with the Hebrews for he did not fully believe it until it was revealed to him.

Later he fled Egypt and spent forty years herding sheep gaining the courage to face his Dweller. When he finally did face it he then crossed the threshold and talked with God.

Joseph Smith had an interesting encounter with the Dweller:

“After I had retired to the place where I had previously designed to go, having looked around me, and finding myself alone, I kneeled down and began to offer up the desires of my heart to God. I had scarcely done so, when immediately I was seized upon by some power which entirely overcame me, and had such an astonishing influence over me as to bind my tongue so that I could not speak. Thick darkness gathered around me, and it seemed to me for a time as if I were doomed to sudden destruction.

“ But, exerting all my powers to call upon God to deliver me out of the power of this enemy which had seized upon me, and at the very moment when I was ready to sink into despair and abandon myself to destruction–not to some imaginary ruin, but to the power of some actual being from the unseen world, who had such marvelous power as I had never before felt in any being–just at this moment of great alarm, I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me.”

Joseph Smith was quite fortunate to have a single intense encounter with the Dweller as he entered into the Presence.

Even though many disciples mistake the Dweller for the Dark Brothers it is really a presence of our own creations. Nevertheless, when the disciple approaches the transfiguration initiation it will get the attention of the Dark Ones and in this case will do what they can to assist the Dweller.

Now facing our individual Dweller is a terrifying experience beyond the imagination of most seekers. Imagine what it was like for Christ who had to face the Dweller for all humanity in order to establish a link for us with the Shamballa energy. This Dweller he faced was the combination of all negative energies created by mankind since the first man. Even though it was written that he took upon himself the sins of the world it may be more accurately stated that he faced and penetrated the sins of the world and established the link with the Planetary Logos which would eventually end all sin and guide mankind to relative perfection.

As we explained earlier there were two entities involved in the mission of Jesus. The first was the man Jesus who was Joshua in a past life. The second was the Christ himself who entered and shared the body of Jesus after his baptism. The Christ was the same as he who was Melchizedek.

Jesus suffered great pain because of the shattering of the molecule through Judas and the Christ suffered through the facing of the Dweller. Both of these experiences created such anguish for the body of Jesus that an angel had to appear and strengthen him or he would have died right there.

Now the interesting thing is that Jesus going to the cross was the easiest part. The worst was over and some sense of relief was held. In fact a fragment of the Gospel of Peter tells us that Jesus actually laughed on the cross.

He had power to cancel out the pain if he so desired. Perhaps he was amused that his disciples thought this was the tough part. Little did they know.

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McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 25

This entry is part 25 of 54 in the series McCall Gathering 2007

Identifying Light and Dark

One of the things I thought I would talk about and one of things DK talks about in the book on White Magic is the difference between the light and dark brotherhoods. I have heard quite a few people say; I think my ex-husband (ore wife) was a dark brother.  Or my ex-boyfriend he was a dark brother and I have different people coming to me and identifying people that they thought were dark brothers but in very few cases they would really be right because if a person is somebody that goes against your belief system or seems cold and hard then that does not a dark brother make. All of us have been through a number of lives and even though Robin here is just as sweet a gal as you can find anywhere, maybe a hundred lifetimes ago she was really someone to be reckoned with. She may have caught Larry doing something she did not like and taken care of him right there, on the spot.

But this is why it is important when we look at other people that we be careful when we judge them, because as we judge them we may be identifying something we have been or will be and if we can identify with being that then we are much more careful about judging the other person.

Say if a person has been a thief a past and he is not a thief anymore. You will find that person to very cautious about condemning the person that is a thief because they will think, well I understand the mindset, it is wrong and I understand it is wrong but he will be careful about condemning the person that has done what he himself did. This is the attitude all of us should take in dealing with other people.

Many people have all kinds of individuals in their lives that just irritate and annoy them very much. What we have to look at is that we all have our share of faults and we do our share of irritating other people. We must be cautious about judging people where they are in the moment.  It helps to remember the truism – “There but for the grace of God go I.”

Do we all know people that judge much more harshly than this? They judge, as they could never have been guilty of such a thing. Some crimes are so heinous that people think that they could never be like that and that is very possible in the future but not so much in the past. And this one of the beautiful things knowledge brings to us about understanding reincarnation. There is more than one life and if we are 500, 700, 900 lives old in this system then we have probably done everything there is to do and where that person is, we have been.

Curtis read the statement from the Aquarian Gospel, quoting the words of Jesus, “Where I am you shall be and what I have done you can do.” And it works in reverse. We find someone that is in prison somewhere for some crime and what he has done, we have probably done. It works in reverse on the backward scale and it also works positively when we think of a Master like Christ or an example of a great athlete that we want to become like or a great statesman that we want to become like or a great writer, that he can inspire us. What he is I can be and that is a very inspiring thing.

And almost every person that achieves greatness finds some role model that he thinks – what he is, I can be. Look what he accomplished starting from nothing. What is the reason that I can’t do the same thing? This person rose in the company so why can’t I, or this person started a business so why can’t I? This person wrote a book – I can write a book. This type of example really helps. So often our judgment is a very important key.

Live and let live is another important phrase. If people would just live and let live the whole world would be a lot better place. Imagine if Germany, Italy, the United States, Europe, just before World War II had said, lets all get together and just live and let live. Hitler would have got together with the Jews and the Jews would have said, Hitler how about just live and let live. You do your thing and we will do ours. How about that? If Hitler would have just okay then the whole problem of World War II, the whole conflict, millions upon millions of lives could have been saved if people would have just been a little bit tolerant and just live and let live.

When you think of that it is a very important principle. There are a lot of people in this world that just do want to live and let live and they think, this person is really screwing up and this person is saying this and this person is a dark brother and this person is evil and this person is on the wrong path he needs to be set straight or something worse. This type of attitude creates a tremendous amount of problems for humanity. If we just live and let live and judge softly thing would be so much better.

The scripture does not say do not judge because we have to judge. The key to my book The Lost Key of the Buddha is actually judgment but it is judgment in the positive sense for we have to make judgments in order to move ahead. The scripture does not say do not judge but if you judge then you will be judged with the same type of judgments that you handed out. What you hand out in judgment will come back. In other words, if we make a harsh judgment then somebody will come along and make a harsh judgment toward us but it does not say don’t judge. As a matter of fact there is another scripture that says, “When you judge, judge righteously.” It tells us to have “right use of judgment.”

That is one of the things that I try to do in my life is to be sparing in my judgment and not be harsh but try to always think, that guy is not where I am right now but I have probably been there so I should understand where he is coming from as much as possible.

Now, the question might be asked what is the true difference between the brotherhood of light and the brother hood of darkness? Let’s make a list of differences between the brotherhood of light and the dark brothers. First of all what is the most obvious difference? Let us name a few.

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Work Work Work

Jan 1, 1999

Work Work Work

My Friends,

A reader’s words come to mind about the difficulty of seeking God and the frustration of being trapped in a job you don’t like. I’m sure few of us on this forum are working at our number one choice (which would probably be being paid for writing postings for this forum), but we have found that most have to do quite a lot of “regular” work just to make a living.

Here’s a chapter from The Aquarian Gospel that is very inspiring on the subject of work. Let me quote.

1 “IN silent meditation Jesus sat beside a flowing spring. It was a holy day, and many people of the servant caste were near the place.

2 And Jesus saw the hard drawn lines of toil on every brow, in every hand. There was no look of joy in any face. Not one of all the group could think of anything but toil.

3 And Jesus spoke to one and said, Why are you all so sad? Have you no happiness in life?

4 The man replied, We scarcely know the meaning of that word. We toil to live, and hope for nothing else but toil, and bless the day when we can cease our toil and lay us down to rest in Buddha’s city of the dead.

5 And Jesus’ heart was stirred with pity and with love for these poor toilers, and he said,

6 Toil should not make a person sad; men should be happiest when they toil. When hope and love are back of toil, then all of life is filled with joy and peace, and this is heaven. Do you not know that such a heaven is for you?

7 The man replied, Of heaven we have heard; but then it is so far away, and we must live so many lives before we can reach that place!

8 And Jesus said, My brother, man, your thoughts are wrong; your heaven is not far away; and it is not a place of metes and bounds, is not a country to be reached; it is a state of mind.

9 God never made a heaven for man; he never made a hell; we are creators and we make our own.

10 Now, cease to seek for heaven in the sky; just open up the windows of the hearts, and, like a flood of light, a heaven will come and bring a boundless joy; then toil will be no cruel task.

11 The people were amazed, and gathered close to hear this strange young master speak,

12 Imploring him to tell them more about the Father-God; about the heaven that men can make on earth; about the boundless joy.

13 And Jesus spoke a parable; he said, A certain man possessed a field; the soil was hard and poor. 14 By constant toil he scarcely could provide enough of food to keep his family from want.

15 One day a miner who could see beneath the soil, in passing on his way, saw this poor man and his unfruitful field.

16 He called the weary toiler and he said, My brother, know you not that just below the surface of your barren field rich treasures lie concealed?

17 You plough and sow and reap in scanty way, and day by day you tread upon a mine of gold and precious stones.

18 This wealth lies not upon the surface of the ground; but if you will dig away the rocky soil, and delve down deep into the earth, you need no longer till the soil for naught.

19 The man believed. The miner surely knows; he said, and I will find the treasures hidden in my field. 20 And then he dug away the rocky soil, and deep down in the earth he found a mine of gold.

21 And Jesus said, The sons of men are toiling hard on desert plains, and burning sands and rocky soils; are doing what there fathers did, not dreaming they can do aught else.

22 Behold, a master comes, and tells them of a hidden wealth; that underneath the rocky soil of carnal things are treasures that no man can count;

23 That in the heart the richest gems abound; that he who wills may open the door and find them all.

24 And then the people said, Make known to us the way that we may find the wealth that lies within the heart.

25 And Jesus opened up the way; the toilers saw another side of life, and toil became a joy.

Aquarian Gospel Chapter 33

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Christmas Message 2001

This entry is part 5 of 29 in the series Christmas Messages


I thought I would divert from the regular class and give a Christmas message. Maybe I will start a tradition with this and do it each year.
This is the time of year that we celebrate the birth of Christ, a symbol of the first initiation where the birth of the Christ Consciousness is born in the dark cavern of the heart.

I like the account of this given in the Aquarian Gospel:

(Beginning of quoted material.)

“1. The time was nearly due for Jesus to be born, and Mary longed to see Elizabeth, and she and Joseph turned their faces toward the Judean hills.

“2. And when upon their way they came to Bethlehem the day was done, and they must tarry for the night.

“3. But Bethlehem was thronged with people going to Jerusalem; the inns and homes were filled with guests, and Joseph and his wife could find no place to rest but in a cave where animals were kept; and there they slept.

“4. At midnight came a cry, a child is born in yonder cave among the beasts. And lo, the promised son of man was born.

“5. And strangers took the little one and wrapped him in the dainty robes that Mary had prepared and laid him in a trough from which the beasts of burden fed.

“6. Three persons clad in snowwhite robes came in and stood before the child and said,

“7. All strength, all wisdom and all love be your, Immanuel.

“8. Now, on the hills of Bethehem were many flocks of sheep with shepherds guarding them.

“9. The shepherds were devout, were men of prayer, and they were waiting for a strong deliverer to come.

“10. And when the child of promise came, a man in snow-white robe appeared to them, and they fell back in fear. The man stood forth and said,

“11. Fear not! behold I bring you joyful news. At midnight in a cave in Bethehem was born the prophet and the king that you have long been waiting for.

“12. And then the shepherds all were glad; they felt that all the hills were filled with messengers of light, who said,

“13. All glory be to God on high; peace, peace on earth, good will to men.”

(End of quoted material.)

“Peace, peace on earth, good will to men,” is perhaps the most glorious and hopeful words in all the scriptures, perhaps the greatest words in our language, period, but unfortunately, the full meaning behind the phrase is hidden and not seen by the majority.

When the words are heard many only hear the first part of the phrase and discount the implications of the “good will” portion.

“What do you mean?” one may ask. “Do not peace and good will go together?”

Not necessarily. It depends on the kind of peace which is pursued.

Is there more than one kind of peace?


What are they?

Answer: Peace without good will and peace with good will.

What is the difference?

Let me give a possible example. If we had given in to all Hitler’s demands and let him have dominion piece by piece over the world we could have had peace, but there would have been no good will. If today the people had peace, or a lack of conflict, yet have Nazis as our cruel taskmasters there would be no good will either from the Nazis or from the people abused by them.

Instead of settling for this false peace, the Allied nations waged war on Hitler and when we prevailed then the possibility of both peace and good will became possible. We then worked with the energy of good will in a time of peace and helped Germany and Japan rebuild and then let them retain their own independent government.

Because of this good will in a time of peace, which was won through conflict, Japan and Germany are now our friends. In fact they are often more supportive of the United States today than are some of our allies from World War 2.

A static peace which is merely as lack of conflict is easy to attain. All you have to do is roll over and play dead. But then as the enemy steamrolls over you and your friends good will will be ground into the ethers nowhere to be found

Here are a few words of Djwahl Khul (DK) on the subject:

“It is no doubt an undeniable spiritual truth that right thought can change and save the world, but it is also true that there are not enough people able to think to do this work. Also, there is not enough time in which to do it. The thoughts of peace are mainly founded upon a stubborn idealism that loves the ideal more than humanity. They are based also upon an unrecognised fear of war and upon an individual inertia which prefers the dream world of wishful thinking to the shouldering of responsibility for the security of humanity.

“Thus briefly have I sought to make the position of the New Group of World Servers clear as it fights for the rights of man, for the spiritual future of humanity, and for the new world order.

“Peace must not be imposed by those who hate war. Peace must be a natural outcome and expression of the human spirit, and of a determination to change the world attitude into one of right human relations (good will to men).”

This is an interesting statement: “Peace must not be imposed by those who hate war.”

Why is this?

Because hatred of any kind, even a hatred of war will bring circumstances that will suffocate good will. To bring the desired peace and good will we must be willing to do what is necessary.


DK explains it in this profound statement:

“There is no peace in the questioning hearts of those who are not actively sharing in the struggle against evil.”

This is an interesting statement. No real peace is even possible for those “who are not actively sharing in the struggle against evil.” Unfortunately, this struggle can sometimes include war.

Of the Christ it is written:

“In righteousness he doth judge and make war.” (Rev 19:11)

This is also affirmed by DK as follows:

“The Prince of Peace will lead His people–through war–to peace. Those who think only in terms of peace as they understand it and desire it are apt to forget the Biblical implication that the Prince of Peace takes a definite part in the battle of Armageddon… After achieving victory, He will then lead His triumphant cohorts through the gates into “Jerusalem,” the city of peace. The symbolic and practical significance of this is becoming increasingly apparent. This notable event can and will take place when the free will of the people, blended by invocation and prayer, can make this possible.”

Here is another quote from DK:

“This Avatar can descend to the physical plane and there appear, to lead His people–as the Prince Who leads through war to peace.”

DK tells us that the Christ led us to peace through war during World War Two by working with the hearts and minds of the leaders of the Allied nations to defeat the Axis powers. It is hoped by the Hierarchy that we will not have another major physical conflict before the coming new age, but that the next war will be on the plane of the mind reaching down to the emotional level.

Where this new war surface?

DK gives us a hint:

“Years ago I said that the war which may follow this one would be waged in the field of the world religions. Such a war will not work out, however, in a similar period of extreme carnage and blood; it will be fought largely with mental weapons and in the world of thought; it will involve also the emotional realm, from the standpoint of idealistic fanaticism. This inherent fanaticism (found ever in reactionary groups) will fight against the appearance of the coming world religion and the spread of esotericism. For this struggle certain of the well-organised churches, through their conservative elements (their most powerful elements), are already girding themselves. Those sensitive to the new spiritual impacts are still far from powerful; that which is new always faces the supreme difficulty of superseding and overcoming that which is old and established. Fanaticism, entrenched theological positions, and materialistic selfishness are to be found actively organised in the churches in all continents and of all denominations. They can be expected to fight for their established ecclesiastical order, their material profit and their temporal rule, and already are making the needed preparations.

“The coming struggle will emerge within the churches themselves; it will also be precipitated by the enlightened elements who exist in fair numbers already, and are rapidly growing in strength through the impact of human necessity. The fight will then spread to thinking men and women everywhere who–in a protesting revolt–have denied orthodox churchianity and theology. They are not irreligious but have, through pain and sorrow, learned (without ecclesiastical help) that the spiritual values are the only values which can salvage humanity, that the Hierarchy stands, and that Christ–as the symbol of peace and the Leader of the Forces of Light–is not a negligible force but one that is evoking response from the hearts of men everywhere. True religion will come to be interpreted in terms of the will-to-good and its practical expression, goodwill.”

Today we have just scratched the surface in introducing the truths of the coming age to the churches of the world. The time is coming that these truths must be presented by spiritual warriors who are ready for the great conflict which will ensue. Many churches already see new agers as agents of evil and the antichrist. Imagine their alarm when these truths are actively discussed through the media so they become points of discussion which reaches into almost every home.

Many will rise up and resist the new tidal wave of truth with all their means, but just as the church fathers failed to prevent the exploration of the New World after Columbus, even so will they fail in stopping the great light which has come out of the East “and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” (Matt 24:27)

What must be accomplished before the Prince of Peace can return and consummate the peace which leads to good will?

First the world must reach a degree of stability on its own–so the chances of another great world war on the physical plane is reduced to a minimum. This conflict with the terrorists must be resolved and their power to disrupt the peace of the nations must be curtailed.

The teachings of the East (Djwahl Khul, H. P. Blavatsky, and others) must become more widely taught and discussed.

One or more groups must be prepared to receive this Master of Masters. As it is now the “son of man hath no where to lay his head.” In other words, there is no major group upon the earth (new or old age) that he could walk into and be accepted. Most would cast him out as a trouble maker for his teachings would be seen as a threat to their own belief system.

The call is therefore made to you and me, my friends:

Prepare, prepare a home for the coming of the Lord of Light and Love. Come out of the wilderness of illusionary thought and make a straight the path to the minds and hearts of humanity for the great Lord. If he comes to us as a thief in the night, let us be on watch that we be not overtaken by unbelief and cast out the Word of God as if it were an intruder. Let us prepare ourselves to recognize the face of the Lord and give Him a place to begin His great work that we may hear the desired words of every disciple:

“Well done my good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy of the Lord.”
Posted 2001-12-25 01:51:00

Copyright © 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved

Next: Christmas Message 2002

Kalispell Gathering 2006, Parts 1-16

This entry is part 1 of 24 in the series Kalispell Gathering 2006

Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 1

Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 2

Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 3

Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 4

Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 5

Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 6

Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 7

Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 8

Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 9

Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 10

Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 11

Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 12

Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 13

Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 14

Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 15

Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 16

The Rapture

Audience: So is it going to be like one is working in the field and one is taken like the rapture that the Christians believe in?

JJ: No they completely misinterpreted that scripture, it says one is working in the field and one is taken?

Audience: Yes

JJ: The word “taken” comes from the Greek (paralambanō) meaning “Accepted” so when two people come to Christ, one person will be ready to recognize him and accepted and the other person will not be ready to recognize Him. The scripture doesn’t mean that they will be lifted up into the sky or anything like that.

So the true meaning is that some people will be ready and accepted to be taught by Him and some people will not be ready. The same thing with the parable of the ten virgins. Do you remember how that works? In the parable of the ten virgins, five, of half of them, had their lamps full of oil and ready to go and meet the bridegroom. And speaking of Christ being married, this idea was written about in the book “The Da Vinci Code.”

The parable of the ten virgins refers to the ten brides that were going to be married to The Christ! (Laughter) So some people from the polygamist organizations think well, okay Jesus was a polygamist. (Laughter) So anyway, the parable of the ten virgins, five were ready and had their lamps trimmed. They had to be able to travel a distance and see where they were going with their lamps in order to meet the bridegroom. Five of them did not have enough oil so they asked the five with oil to share with them so that they could go and meet the bridegroom too. The five that were ready said, “If we share with you then none of us will have enough oil and not one of us will be able to meet Him. So we are going to keep our oil. Go to those that sell oil and buy from them for we are going out to meet Him.

Then the five unprepared virgins went to find people that would sell them the oil and by the time they found more oil the wedding was over, the bridegroom was gone and the five virgins were accepted.

What is the meaning of this parable? The meaning is this; The oil symbolizes the Holy Spirit, or Soul Contact, the ability to contact the Higher Energies within your self in order to meet The Christ and be prepared for His presence when He comes. A person must have the Holy Spirit (Soul Contact) within him, he must have that inner contact or else he will not be prepared to meet Him and he will not be aware as to how to get there and he will not be able to light the way to see the path in order to reach the bridegroom. Now it says, “Those who do not have oil went to those who sold.” Who are those who sold?

Audience: Teachers?

JJ: Yes, there are people that will tell you how to get spiritual if you give them lots of money (Laughter) or donate to their church and things like this. Then they will tell you how to get spiritual. Well, by the time they learn anything on how to prepare from these people, the bridegroom will be long gone.

What is also interesting about this parable is that they had to make a trip in order to get there; in other words The Christ just did not manifest in the heavens and wipe out all the bad people and here I am Lord, rapture me into heaven. No they had to make some type of journey. This also symbolizes not only the individual Christ, but also finding The Christ Consciousness as well. To find the Christ Consciousness we must have the oil in our lamps, we must have the burning flame of The Spirit and matter connecting together and producing the burning of the soul that lights our lamps so that we can see where we are going. And once we see where we are going then we journey to the Lodge of the Masters so to speak and then we can find the Second Coming within our hearts. Also, when the physical second coming happens we will be aware and be able to find it and see it.

There was Jesus and He was born to Mary and Joseph. We are told that the Spirit of the Most High overshadowed Mary and she conceived. She was conceived by the power of The Holy Ghost. How many believed this happened, that Joseph was the physical father of Jesus and he was overshadowed by The Holy Spirit? He was very close to God, when Mary was conceived he was overshadowed by the Spirit of God, this is why she was conceived by the power of The Holy Ghost because they had an at-one-ment, a point where they touched The Spirit at conception. Jesus was conceived through the Holy Ghost in this manner. Now He was not the only One conceived of The Holy Ghost. If two couples make love and conceivably doing it with purity of heart and intent and touch the spirit then that baby will be conceived of The Holy Ghost.

Now Jesus grew up, and He prepared Himself, I believe that He made a contact with The Christ at a very young age. The Aquarian Gospel reveals that He made a trip starting at a very young age to many of the different nations of the earth, He went to India, Persia, Greece, and then to Egypt. And this is why the Bible is so silent on Him because all of a sudden He just shows up. He just shows up in the Bible because that is what happened, He did just show up. He showed up after He went through a series of initiations in Egypt. During this period of time He was overshadowed by The Christ, He had a very close association with The Christ. He received a series of revelations, then He met His cousin John when he returned and began teaching.

He called John the greatest prophet that had ever lived and the reason why was because John prepared Disciples for Him to teach and turned them over to Christ. Never in the history of man had any great teacher prepared a group of disciples and turn them over to one who he thought was greater than himself. But before this happened, John was baptizing and he was wondering, when was the Messiah going to show up? Who is he going to be and how am I going to recognize Him? John was asking himself these questions because He had a revelation that he was to prepare the way for the Messiah and he was getting a little impatient so he asked and this question was recorded in the first chapter of John. He asked, how will I recognize Him?

And the answer he was given is recorded in the Bible, it says; “ He upon whom ye shall see the Spirit descend and remain, this is the Son of God.” John thought “well that is interesting” so I am baptizing these people and the spirit will descend and then leave and then there will be one which the Spirit will descend and remain. That is how I will recognize him. So, John kept on teaching and baptizing and the here comes his cousin Jesus and asks to be baptized. SO John thinks well he is a pretty good fellow so John he takes Him in the water and baptizes Him and when he baptizes Him he lifts Him out of the water, what does the Bible say? He saw what?

Audience: A dove

JJ: Right he saw the Spirit of God descend as a dove and what did it do? It says the Spirit of God descended upon Him as gentle as dove and what does it say next?

Audience: It went into Him and remained.

JJ: Yes the dove entered into Him and remained fulfilling the prophesy. Remember God told John in a revelation written right out of the Bible, He upon who ye shall see the Spirit descend and remain, this is the Son of God. So finally John witnessed the event. He saw the Spirit descend like a dove and went right into Jesus’ body and stayed there. John lifted Him out of the water and all of a sudden John knew for sure or he thought he knew for sure anyway that his cousin Jesus was the anointed one; it was He who was going to manifest the Messiah.

What was interesting about Jesus is that afterwards He went into the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights and there He was tempted. Why did He go into the wilderness for 40 and 40 nights? He went into the wilderness because, first of all, having a god-like entity share your body was an amazing experience. He went and got baptized and then He felt the Spirit of God, The True Messiah come, enter into His body and stay there. And when He got up He felt a tremendous fire throughout His body. He felt a presence that He had never felt before.

He got up and did not know what to do so He decided that He must commune with this and find out what this is all about. Thus He went into the wilderness to be alone with Himself and the One who had entered into His body. He spent 40 days and 40 nights fasting and praying and trying to understand what He was supposed to do with this Great Presence. After 40 days and 40 nights, when He was very weak he was tempted with three great temptations.

The tempter came to Him and said “Well now you have the Great Presence with you and are going to be able to do miracles and you will have to go and present yourself as a great representative of The Messiah. How will you prove this to your brethren? Do you think that just because you tell them that the Messiah is in you that they will believe you? I have a way for you to prove who you are. Take these rocks and turn them bread and prove it to yourself first. Jesus refused and said; “We must live by every word that cometh out of the mouth of God and live not by bread alone.”

Audience: Why would this be a temptation?

JJ: Because that is a symbol of using the Spiritual Power for the self. He was 40 days without food and near starvation and there He looked at these rocks and “if the Messiah was in Me then I could turn these rocks into bread.”

Audience: But it seems very practical that if He is starving to turn the rocks into bread so that He may eat.

JJ: It does, but it is still for self. It does not matter if He is starving or not, To use His first miracle for self would have been contrary to the laws necessary for Him to be completely selfless. He had to be completely selfless if He was going to be the Messiah.

Audience: Also He was being asked to prove Himself.

JJ: Correct and that is another point, it was a way of proving Himself.

Audience: So it was a battle of Self Doubt?

JJ: That was part of it, yes, but He refused and then the second great temptation was to jump off a great tower in the midst of the city and just land on His feet and not be injured and this would prove to all that He was the Son of God. This temptation is the one that feeds the ego, and if He would have done this it would have shown doubt that He could manifest the Presence correctly without going out and proving it in such a way as this.

So He refused once again and at the third great temptation was the He was promised all the kingdoms of the world and again he refuses this. This was probably the greatest temptation because it seems like power is the easiest thing to use wisely but it is really the most difficult. How many times have you heard people say; “If I had a million dollars I would much to help people.” But then you look at these lottery winners and what they do? They squander their millions and usually within a year they are declaring bankruptcy. Almost all of them do this. They do not know how to handle power because it is the most difficult thing.

Look at almost every revolution and you will find they started out with good intention and then the power ended up being used to for the self and for the few. Look at Cuba, Castro and his cronies took over the government in the name of freedom and what did they do? As soon as they got power they were worse than what they over threw.

Communist China led by Mao, the Bolshevik revolution in Russia over threw the Czar Nicolas II. They thought they had gotten rid of the bad guys but the new leaders ruled with more brutal tyranny than ever before. Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro and so on, people think that yes if I got power I would do something good for the world but the truth is they become even worse than those who came before them. Very few people can handle power.

Now Jesus, was told by the tempter; that He could have all this power that His heart could desire and just think of all the good He could do with all this power over the world, Yet again, Jesus refused. After 40 days and 40 nights He came back and chose the twelve Apostles from John and began to teach them. His first miracle was at a wedding in Cana where He turned water into wine. He did not do that for Himself, He did because His Mother asked Him. (Laughter) Every miracle He did you will noticed, was not for His self, but it was because somebody asked Him to do it. Very seldom did He volunteer to go and do this and never did He use this power for Self Interest even if He really wanted to do this.

Audience: Unless it was probably at some wedding! (Laughter)

JJ: You never know. It was not so much the wedding but the fact that Jesus’ Mother was in charge of the wedding, which would indicate that one of her children; was getting married. If Jesus was responsible for the wine, many people think that it was possible that He was one that was getting married. So you never know for sure at this point.

What you have in the first coming; you had Jesus the reincarnation of Joshua, preparing the way and then when He had prepared the way at His baptism another Entity entered. For a period of 3 and a half years you had two Entities in one body. Now Jesus started doing these miracles and people came to Him and said, “Wow, Jesus you are a really great man being able to do these things.”

Now, this is recorded over and over again right in the Bible that Jesus replied, “It is not me that is doing these things, it is My Father that dwells within me. He does the miracles and the works. I am even telling you the words that He has given me to teach for these words are not mine. The words are my Fathers words that He is giving me and He is the One. Without Him I am nothing; without Him I can do nothing, He is the One that is doing the miracles.”

Another time the Apostles got together said, “You keep talking about this Father, show us the Father.” And He says, “I have been here so long with you and you still do not understand what I am talking about when I talk about the Father. He who has seen me has seen The Father, The Father is in me.”

Then the Jews came to Him and said, “ Well you can’t be the Messiah because it says that there are supposed to be two witnesses to the Messiah. You are one witness, where is your other witness?” And Jesus replied, “There are two men here, I am one witness and The Father that is in me is the Second Witness.”

Jesus said this point blank, emphasizing that there were two witnesses, He and The Father within him. This is very fascinating. I first read about the overshadowing when I studied the works of Alice A. Bailey given through the Master Djwhal Khul (DK) and being raised as a standard Mormon the doctrine of overshadowing hit me as one of the hardest to accept. I thought, “Well this is a very strange doctrine and it goes contrary to anything I had ever read or heard before. I thought to myself that maybe this doctrine is hidden in the scriptures. Then I started looking in there and BAM, it was in there everywhere I looked. There was solid proof that Jesus was saying that there were two entities all along! When I read it point blank like that I found, Jesus saying this, “There are two witnesses, me and the One that is in me.” This was very clear and not hidden, I thought to myself, “Boy, how could I have messed this after reading the scriptures quite a number of times.” And each time I read the scriptures I did not see that. I never saw this.