What Are We, Really?

What Are We, Really?

2021 Gathering, Part Six

Just as the interference of our life energy can cause problems, so does the disruption of the emotional energies. The person with healthy emotions will be the person who is honest and will communicate with actual emotional feeling. But one thing I didn’t say about the emotions that’s an important point. It’s not necessarily a sign of a highly evolved person to be unemotional. The highly evolved person actually has emotions that are stronger than the lesser evolved person. It’s just that he has more control over them.

As you evolve, your seven basic centers light up. Your first center is at the base of the spine, and it controls the flow of life through all the other centers. It’s like a candle that lights up.

The next one is the sacral center governing physical creation and the sexual energy.

The next one is around the area of the naval. It’s actually located in the back of the spine. You’ll often hear about yogis focusing on their navel, and that’s the solar plexus and that governs lower emotions.

And then the next one up is the heart. It governs the higher emotions. The energies that govern the heart are the energies of love/wisdom. It’s not only love, but also wisdom. It governs the higher feelings. So, you have the lower feelings in this area (pointing to the navel area) and the higher feelings in the heart, and the higher intelligence in the heart.

Then you have the throat that governs the creative energies. For instance, when people have problems in their throat area, that’s often caused by their creative energies being suppressed. In other words, they’re supposed to be . . . your soul tells you you’re supposed to be more creative, and you’re not fulfilling your creative destiny.

You’ll get physical problems in areas in which you’re supposed to improve. People that have heart problems often are people who need to generate the love energies.

The next one up is the center between the eyebrows, often called the third eye. Technically it’s called the ajna center. And that governs ideas. You get ideas from the higher mind, and it’s centered in this third eye. When this is open, you’re able to see greater light and understanding. The third eye is an eye of higher vision.

The final one is the crown, and the crown has approximately a thousand petals, symbolizing about a thousand lifetimes that it takes to overcome and master all things. And its focus is around the correct use of power.

So all of these centers light up, and they unfold. And when they unfold, an increase of energy is sent to the person. As the person evolves, he may find that his solar plexus, which governs the emotions, may be sixty percent unfolded. But he may have a lot of trouble handling his emotions, because he hasn’t developed the self-control. Now as the person evolves, and the heart begins to open, the emotional center, the solar plexus center opens an additional amount. So as the person evolves, the lower centers open up more and function in greater perfection.

You take the average person, and his emotional center may only be open like sixty percent. But then the more advanced person, it may be close to a hundred percent, which means that when he feels the emotions he feels it with more intensity. But because he has evolved more and learned to master them, you can insult him, and he will not react because he has control of the emotions. So even though his emotions are stronger, he has more control.

So it’s interesting that people out there who are totally out of control emotionally, don’t know what full emotions feel like, because they have not had their emotional centers completely unfolded yet. So as a person evolves, his passions will be very strong.

I think Adam realizes that. He’s a passionate guy. (laughter) What do you think of that, Adam?

Adam: What do I think about passion? (laughter)

JJ: Yeah, you’re a pretty evolved person, I would say. But I would say you’re a passionate person, right?

Adam: Oh yeah.

JJ: Can you guys identify with that? Most people here are above average in spiritual evolution or else you wouldn’t try to be making something of your spiritual life. Is there anybody here that feels they are not a passionate person? How about you Shawn? Do you feel you’re a milquetoast kind of guy, or what? (laughter)  

Shawn: Yeah, I’m passionate.

JJ: How about you Phil?

Phillip: Depends on who you ask. (laughter)

JJ: Now Rebecca, she sounds passionate. She says she gives you a piece of her mind once in a while.

Phillip: She is the most passionate person I know.

JJ: Yeah, so as a person evolves, the feeling nature actually becomes stronger. But it’s like a weightlifter. A weightlifter that really practices can lift a hundred pounds more easily than a non-weightlifter can lift the same amount. It might break the guys back if he’s not in good shape. But a weightlifter that exercises those muscles can lift a hundred pounds like it’s a feather.

And this is the way it is with the emotions. As you progress along the path, you’re given more emotional energy, but you have more control over it. This is one of the things that a lot of spiritual teachers get wrong. A lot of them teach that we’re supposed to negate our feelings and our passions. Whereas there’s really nothing wrong with letting our passions and feelings just be whatever they are. Recognize them but control them. They become easier to control as we continue to work on them.

Once somebody insults you once . . . say they come and insult your mother, you may react strongly the first time, and then the second time somebody does that you think, “I don’t have to respond this way.” Eventually, people can insult you all they want, and you don’t have to respond. You still feel really passionate about your mother, but you realize this is just a wayward person that doesn’t know what the heck he’s talking about. So there’s always a way to neutralize the negative attacks that people experience.

This is an interesting thing to realize that we are not our emotions. We’re not our minds. We’re not even our higher minds, though our higher minds are probably the highest part of our self that we use as a vehicle of expression. And we’re not even spirit. But we use spirit, and spirit is a part of us. But what are we?

Anybody read the first two books? (laughter) Okay, well who can tell us what we are? Somebody raise your hand. I’ll pick on somebody. Phil?

I remember – decision.

JJ: Okay, but that is not correct. I figured anybody would answer that.

Asaph: That’s the key word.

JJ: Right. That’s the key word. It only directs you to what you are. What are you really?

Joshua: The power of decision.

JJ: Right. The power of decision. You’re the power that makes decision. And decision is the key word, because it’s the closest we can get to what you are. But you are the power that can decide . . . that can make a decision.

Think of that for a moment. You are the power of decision. What is the power of decision?

Susan: Will.

JJ: Will. Yeah. But it’s something that we can’t really put in words. The closest word that comes to describe it is the key word of decision. Contemplate when you make any decision in life. And that power that makes that decision is the closest you can get to your pure essence. It’s closer than saying you are a body, you are emotion, you are mind, you are spirit, you are gods . . . but you are the power that can make a decision.

The Parable of Decision Video is played for the group. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MTKif7w3rM

So we are that power that makes decisions, and decisions can create reality. Just like Dave there . . . he went to hell.

Oh! Curtis! When did you show up?

Curtis: We’ve been here a while.

Ed: We’ve been here all night. (laughter)

JJ: Yeah, we were watching, and you were one of the stars of the show there. Did you see part of it?

Curtis: I’m glad I got out of hell? (laughter)

JJ: Yeah. So the rest of your trip went okay?

Curtis: Yeah, we just had a little breakdown. Had to replace a starting motor.

JJ: Yeah.

Curtis: No big deal. (laughter)

JJ: (laughter) Well, we’re glad you guys are safe.

So anyway, the power of decision is the first key. Decision itself is the key word. But the power that is within us . . . and you could sense this when you were watching this, that Dave recognized that power within him. He went to hell, and everybody there thought that they were in hell, and there was no way out.

And why did they think that? Because apparently, they were sent there by somebody, some force. And everybody just felt that’s the way it is. And it was groupthink. Groupthink is one of the worst plagues that our society is presented with. And it’s getting stronger all the time.

We have group think about what to think about the virus. What to do about global warming. What to do about people we don’t like. About what speech we don’t like. And there’s all kinds of group think out there that doesn’t have to be what we think. We have power over our thoughts. We have power over our decisions.

Now what’s interesting about decision, is that the closer we get to spirit and to the higher mind, the easier decisions become. There are decisions that are so easy, it’s almost a non-decision. If you find yourself driving over a cliff or toward a cliff – so it looks like you’re going to go over it if you don’t change your course . . . is the decision to go over the cliff even a decision?

It’s so obvious that it’s the wrong thing to do that it’s a no-brainer. So in the higher spheres, decision is very easy, because we can see the correct knowledge. We have the correct knowledge and so the correct  decisions are as easy as deciding to not go over a cliff.

But then we have the story of a war in heaven. And the war in heaven has all kinds of explanations behind it. One explanation is that people were dissatisfied with the peace that was in heaven. It was always very peaceful, and there was unity, and there weren’t even any games because we were in a place that was beyond duality, where there was changelessness and complete peace.

So a group wanted to get together and play some games. And the only way to play games is to create a world where there is duality where there are winners and losers. In this world where there’s duality, we can play games. We can have competition. Competition is fun. Look how much time is spent playing games and watching games.

What would humanity do if we did not have games to play? We watch football, basketball, baseball . . . all these games we get involved in. We have fun watching them, but there are always winners and losers. And in the perfect world, there are no winners or losers. Everybody is a winner.

So one story is – and this is taught strongly in A Course in Miracles – is that there were people dissatisfied with the idea that they could not play games. And so they came down here to this world to play games. There’s probably a certain amount of truth to that because people love to play games – not only regular games that we watch on TV, but we play games with each other.

Think of the time when you were single and trying to find a mate. You kind of play games with each other and see who can win. And you see what you can do to impress the other person. There are even movies about love being a game. So we play games with each other.

The other theory about the separation in the beginning was that the war was about the principle of freedom. One side believes that people have the right to make their own decisions. And even though by making your own decisions you’ll make a lot of mistakes, eventually you will grow much faster spiritually. And in the end, you will eventually come to the truth.

The other side didn’t trust people to make their own decisions. And so they came to the conclusion that we need to create a system that controls and forces humanity to do good and to make the right choices, whether they want to or not. This is the basic teaching in the regular scriptures, that there was this dichotomy between control and freedom.

Whether that explanation is right or wrong, it’s certainly playing out in the world today. We see it playing out with one side wanting individual freedom to the max, and the other side wanting to control, and making everything right through control.

So, it all boils down to how much individual power of decision is available. Because we are decision, and because we are the power that makes decision, we don’t want anything to interfere with that. We should always have maximum power to make decisions and to follow our decisions no matter where we are.

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The Higher and Lower Mind

The Higher and Lower Mind

2021 Gathering, Part Five

There’s no way to go through life just having everything be sunshine and roses. There are many outward events that we cannot change. But one thing we can change is how we look at them.

Two people can be approached and insulted, and one may react strongly and attack back, and produce negativity, and maybe create other attacks, and create a chain reaction – like two neighbors arguing over where a fence needs to be. Like Rand Paul was recently attacked by his neighbor who didn’t like him. Different things like this happen.

There are many ways we may be attacked, but we can avoid how we interpret it, or we can change how we interpret it. So if two people get attacked, one can look at the attack and react and create a chain reaction. The other can look at the attack and think it’s not worth bothering with, and let it go through him.

It’s not that he’s in denial of anything and that’s the key. Put yourself in a state to where you can just say this just doesn’t matter. You don’t have to deny it. You may feel some feelings within you, and you acknowledge those feelings, and mentally you tell yourself that there’s a different way of looking at this. Suppose my neighbor had a bunch of his leaves blow on my yard. That’s kind of irritating. Now I have to clean up his leaves, but it’s not a big deal. It’s not worth making a fuss over.

So changing your attitude about how you look at a situation or an attack or something that can be emotional, is something that’s within the realm of our decision making.

The third thing that we are not is our minds. There’s something that we can call the higher mind and the lower mind. What is the difference? Lower mind is what is often called the ego. It is that which sees us as being a separate self. Our emotions are separate. Our body is separate, and we communicate in separateness.

Asaph lives in Israel. He had to come thousands of miles to associate with the rest of us because he is living as a separate individual a long way away. So to associate with us he had to actually come here in the physical. And we’re really glad he made that effort.

But it’s interesting that this is all a part of the lower mind, and the lower mind has to function as a separate entity. The higher mind is connected with what I call the spiritual internet. Think of our communication now compared to fifty years ago. Fifty years ago there was no internet, and if you wanted to communicate with somebody, you had to make an individual phone call. If you wanted to get some information you had to go to the library or look at an Encyclopedia Britannica or check out a book.

But now, all you have to do is Google something and ask a question and you can get an answer to almost anything that you want. It’s not always accurate (laughter) but can get an answer to almost anything. If you want to know, for instance, when the next full moon is . . . if you want to know how far it is from Boise, Idaho to here, and how long the driving time is, just Google it and you can have that readily available.

So our evolution is to evolve more toward the higher mind and away from the lower mind. And the higher mind doesn’t see everything as being separate. It sees us all linked together. And there’s only one mind. Think of the mind itself, the mind of God as a flowing ocean. And we are in that ocean. And we are a part of this mind. We are partaking of the mind of God.

Now, if you just see yourself as a fish in the ocean, then you are separate from the ocean. But even if you’re separate from the ocean, you have that water flowing around you, giving you life. And so, the mind of God . . . there’s one mind in the Universe, and this is like a flowing stream that flows through all of us. And we can connect to that mind. And when we connect to that mind, it’s like a spiritual internet, and all things become available to us.

When using the lower mind, we rely on our brain. With the higher mind, our attention goes to the pure spirit of the mind of God, so to speak. With the lower mind, our attention focuses on what the brain can do for us. Those are the two distinctions. When we focus on the brain, we see ourselves as lone individuals, not really connected to anything else. But when we focus on the higher mind, then we have a sense of unity with all living things.

Now when you look at all living things, for instance when we were outside looking at those cute little chickens . . . weren’t those cut little chickens . . . when you look at them, if you look at them correctly, it’s like even those chickens out there or the grass or the trees, if you have a sense of the higher mind, you’ll have a sense of the connectedness with all life in the Universe. Because all life in the Universe is connected. There’s really only One Life in the Universe – which is the life of that which we call God.

All Masters, whether they be people who have overcome death and are gods as far as we’re concerned, the gods, the Elohim, they are people that are one with the One Mind of God. And so, they can identify with being Gods. That’s why in the Bible the word Gods or Elohim is plural. It really says, “In the beginning, Gods created the heavens and the earth.” It’s actually written this way, “In the beginning, the Gods create the heavens and the earth.” It’s used with a singular verb, which is interesting.

So a word which is fitting of “the Gods,” which is plural, yet used with a singular verb would be a council or a group. A group of Gods created the heavens and the earth, so to speak. That’s kind of an interesting thought.

We’re a combination, all of us, of our lower and higher minds. Everyone has a sense of the higher mind, but we don’t use it that much. Everyone has a sense of the lower mind, and we use this quite a bit, but the lower mind is not you. Neither mind is you, but we use mind. Mind is a vehicle, a vehicle that we use to accomplish things.

Similarly, if you’re going to descend below the ocean, you can descend a few feet and be okay, but if you get too far down for too long, you’ll suffocate because you can only stay down there so long. So, you take a breathing apparatus with you, but you still can only go so far before the pressure becomes too great. So, you can put on an armored suit, and you can go much deeper. But you can only go so deep.

James Cameron a while back, made a vehicle and went about five or ten miles down . . . I can’t remember exactly, but it broke a record. But he went down in a vehicle and was able to go very deep into the ocean and was able to endure that great pressure.

Now in the beginning, we decided, being beings of pure spirit, we decided to jump into matter. And to jump into matter, it’s almost like jumping in the ocean and going deeper and deeper. The deeper you go, the more vehicles you need to endure the pressure.

And so, we jumped into matter, and we gathered around ourselves a lower mind. And then we gathered around ourselves the emotional/astral body. And then finally the physical body, and it enabled us to jump into this pressurized system of the material universe, and to be able to be in this material universe and go through experiences, we had to have all these vehicles to protect us, so to speak, so we could go through the experience of physical reality.

Unfortunately, having all these vehicles that we work with, also put distance between us and our true reality. And so this distance between us and our true selves, needs to be bridged. And we need to be able to become masters of our vehicles to the extent that they do not keep us trapped in the lower realms.

So the key to finding out what we are is to first find out what we are not. We are not our bodies. We tend to identify too much with our bodies. This creates all kinds of problems for us.

When we realize we are not our bodies, then we pay less attention to them. When we pay the wrong kind of attention to our bodies, we interfere with the flow of energy going through them creating perfect health.

We want to maintain good health, so we don’t want to interfere with the flow of energies. If you’ve got to perform, and you place a whole bunch of attention on it, you may really blow your performance because you were just too nervous. And this happens with our bodies because if we pay too much attention to it in the wrong way, it interferes with the flow.

The best way to deal with your body is to view it as if it doesn’t exist. And then all the energies in the body will circulate correctly. They’ll take care of themselves. But we interfere with the circulation of energy in our body by our wrong thinking, and much of our thinking is wrong.

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Dealing with Negative Emotions

Dealing with Negative Emotions

2021 Gathering, Part Four

Your body is not the real you. Your brain is not the real you. Your brain is not your intelligence. Your brain is just your computer system. So think of using your computer, and your computer is like the physical brain. It is not intelligence. It is something intelligence uses. It is used by your mind. It’s a physical thing, just like your computer is a physical thing. But it’s a very sophisticated computer that we use.

Same thing with our emotional body. Our emotional body is not us, but it is something that we use.

Now they’ve come up with an interesting measure of intelligence, sometime ago, called emotional intelligence.

Regular intelligence is highly associated with the physical brain as well as the mind. But a lot of what they call intelligence these days on intelligence tests and taking tests is associated with having a good functioning brain. You can take a very intelligent person and give him an older computer and he can do amazing things with it. You can take a person that’s kind of backward and give him a sophisticated computer and he can’t do anything with it.

What we can do with our brains is determined a lot by intelligence that goes beyond the brain. So, with our intelligence, we use the brain and many people that have a really good functioning brain, that have really good power of memory, and they do really well in school, and are good at taking tests because they can remember stuff . . . but they may not be that bright.

I remember when I was twenty years old and was on a mission for the LDS Church, I had this companion who had a 4.0 and a perfect score in college. Now my graded point in college was about average. He had a 4.0, but I’ll tell you, that guy was about one of the densest guys I have ever worked with. His real intelligence level was like a child almost.

When he had to give a lesson, he had to review it every time and I never had to review at all. I guess he could read and write and memorize, and was good at taking tests, and had a 4.0 grade point and almost doubled mine. (laughter) But he couldn’t do the stuff that I could do.

So it’s very interesting that if you have a good physical brain, you may be judged to be much more intelligent than you really are. There are people who are highly intelligent, who are born with brains that don’t function very well, or have good memory, or that good of ability take tests and so on. So intelligence is much more than just the brain.

Now getting back to the feelings, we identify very powerfully with our feelings, it’s amazing. And like I said, you meet anybody who’s enlightened, or go to group of people who are enlightened, or go to a convention or something where enlightened people are arguing with other enlightened people, and you’ll find that they identify just as much with their emotions as the man on the street. It’s amazing.

It’s amazing how difficult it is for people to really get control of their emotions to the point that they can be insulted and act as if the insult does not exist.

How about you, Tyler, can people insult you and can you overlook that? How would you grade yourself on that? Or do you get insulted? You’re such a nice guy, you may not get insulted.

Tyler: Usually my kids insult me. (laughter)

I’m getting better at not being insulted. I have to determine if it’s true or not. If they tell me something that’s true, you know, maybe I’ll take it one way. But if it’s not, then . . .

JJ: Yeah, that’s a good point. If people point out something that’s kind of hurtful that’s also true, there are different ways to approach that. If somebody’s overweight and you say, “boy, you’re fat as a pig. You ought to go on a diet.” Well, that’s a lot different than saying, “you know I’ve got this book here that tells you how to lose weight and get in shape.” The approach can be a lot different. (laughter)

Honesty is good, but it also has to be tempered with intelligence. Because you might be putting your life in danger if you tell the wrong female that her body is not perfect. (laughter)

Guys really enter a danger zone there. We’ve got to be really careful.

I made some jokes about that a while back where if you get the wrong question from your spouse, about her body, you may be putting your life in danger . . .  (laughter) if you answer incorrectly. And sometimes there’s no correct answer. No way out.

So ideas of the difference of the sexes is a fascinating subject in itself. We definitely react different from each other, on the average, but here are always exceptions.

How do we escape this tie we have to our emotional body? It is so powerful that people do everything they can to escape, including denial.

And we were talking about denial and what produces the denial. We figured out that people want to pretend that they are better than that. And what does denial produce? Now suppression produces a blockage within the system. So you have a blockage of energy, and blockages of energy produce all kinds of physical problems.

But denial is a little different. It doesn’t block energy in the same way that suppression does. Suppression takes this energy, and it’s like a tea kettle. You turn on the tea kettle and the steam increases the pressure until the lid pops off. When you suppress again and again, then pretty soon, the energy becomes so strong you have to let it loose.

An example of this happening is the person that, say, you hurt your spouse’s feelings, and they say, “no, you didn’t hurt my feelings, everything is cool.” Then you hurt them a week or so later and everything is still cool. And they’re suppressing a little bit more each time. And maybe about the tenth time that you hurt their feelings, everything is so bottled up to the point that they can’t take it anymore, and you say some very small thing that hurts their feelings, but they blow up big time. Because it has accumulated over a period of time. And the guy will think, “wow, why is she reacting this strong over this small thing that I just said?” That’s because it builds up.

But denial is different. What denial does is, it’s a form of dishonesty. And the dishonesty creates a suppression of spiritual energy. So it creates like a cloud between the person and his own soul. He’s unable to achieve the soul contact that he needs because of the denial. Anything that you do that is dishonest, in any way, increases the barrier between you and the spirit. And so total honesty is always called for, and the easiest place to be dishonest is our own feelings.

Because we do not like to think of ourselves as a person who’s inferior in any way. All of us want to think of ourselves as being at the top of our game. And none of us want to think of ourselves as being too emotional or too controlled by emotions. So this causes many people to go into denial.

And if they’re denying an emotion that they actually feel, they will go into a mode where it’s almost hypnotic, where they’re hypnotizing themself saying, “no, I do not feel jealousy over this incident.” So they will be in denial to the extent that the jealousy will be there, but they will not acknowledge it to the extent that it’s almost like it’s not there. And so they’re deceiving themself into thinking that it’s not there. And this deception produces a dark cloud between them and their own soul.

So it’s important that we acknowledge our feelings, and deal with them in as harmless way as possible. And like I’ve said, dealing with them harmlessly takes a lot of ability and takes a lot of thought to be able to release these emotions in such a way that they will be as harmless as possible.

But as far as harmlessness goes, look at Jesus. Jesus was perhaps the greatest example of harmlessness, yet he still made people angry. And you can make people angry if you’re following the most harmless, honest path possible.

People just pick up things. Sometimes, if a person is very negative and you’re positive, they will pick up the difference. They will be more comfortable being around negative people. And if you’re a positive person, focused on spirit and honesty, they may pick up a difference and they may feel they want to bring you down because of it.

And sometimes there’s just no escape from dealing with some negativity in the world. Again, we look at the life of Jesus and the prophets and the great teachers and they all had negative things to deal with. And to deal with them in the most intelligent way possible is about all we can do.

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Suppression and Denial

Suppression and Denial

2021 Gathering, Part Three

There are two things you can do to mismanage your emotions. You can deny them, or you can suppress them. Both approaches are harmful and they create psychological problems and physical problems. So, what do you think is the difference between denying an emotion and suppressing an emotion? Has anyone got a comment?

Joshua: They’re similar but denial is where you pretend you don’t even have the emotion. And suppression is sort of . . . you acknowledge it, but you push it down and don’t let it manifest.

JJ: Okay. That’s a good answer. What is it that makes a person deny rather than suppress? There are causes behind the denial and the suppression. People deny their emotions because they feel that being emotional is for the lesser evolved and they’re above that. “I’m above being jealous; therefore, I can’t be jealous because I’m above that. I’m an evolved spiritual being and therefore can’t be jealous.”

When their mate or romantic partner flirts with somebody else, and they still feel that twinge of jealousy, but they will deny it. “Wait! I can’t be jealous because I’m above that.” So, he denies that feeling of jealousy.

Now on the other hand, there’s suppression. And suppression happens most commonly with the emotion of anger. The person feels angry, but he realizes that anger is not good. So, what he does is suppress that anger. Then, if somebody hurts his feelings, and it makes him angry, he thinks, “well I shouldn’t really be angry because this creates problems. And because this creates problems, I’ll just pretend that nothing happened.”

Now this often happens with hurt feelings. Somebody will say something, and the guy goes a little quiet, and so you say, “is everything okay?” And the guy says, “yeah, I’m fine. No, no, no problem. None at all.”

But there is a problem. The problem was his feelings were hurt. He would like to say something, but he feels that he shouldn’t say something because that’s negative and he’s not a negative guy. So he suppresses that feeling. What happens when you suppress for so long?

Joshua: Cancer.

JJ: Yeah, cancer is one. It affects you physically, and suppression is a major cause of cancer. You notice, it’s amazing how many people that have cancer are really nice people. Almost everybody that dies of cancer, at their funeral, it’ll be talked about how wonderful they were and how nice and always pleasant they were. And they were always pleasant because when people hurt their feelings, when people said negative things toward them, and they felt like slapping them in the face, but they didn’t!

They held their temper, and they suppressed it. So that’s one reason people of die of cancer, one of the causes of which is suppression. These are considered very nice people because they never over-reacted, when they were attacked by somebody. They were always trying to be pleasant.

Now why would that be considered a fault by our higher self, to suppress our anger? Why would that be a problem?

Tyler: We’re denying a part of who we are.

JJ: Right. And this is a key to overcoming all of the obstacles on the spiritual path, is total honesty. In other words, if you’re feeling anger and you’re pretending that the anger is not there, it’s a deception. And all deception hinders the person on the spiritual path. It’s very difficult to be completely honest. So when someone makes you angry and you feel anger inside, what should you do? How can you express this harmlessly without creating a problem?

Darren: Acknowledge it and have compassion for it.

JJ: Yeah. Acknowledge it and have compassion. Let’s see. Let’s pick a couple together. Phil –  now you and Rebecca seem like such nice people. It’s hard to imagine you two getting angry or upset with each other.

Audience: Inaudible remark (laughter)

JJ: Rebecca, have you ever gotten upset with Phil? He’s such a nice guy. It’s hard to imagine. But have you ever gotten upset with him?

Rebecca: I have.

JJ: Okay, what do you do when you get upset with him?

Rebecca: Yell at him.

JJ: (laughter) Okay. Well, that’s actually a lot healthier than holding it in.. . . My sister died of cancer. Wonderful woman. My brother-in-law I would guess was a little hard to live with at times. But my sister, she just acted like everything was cool all the time. Yet she died of cancer. So she probably had suppressed feelings; things that she did not express.

But you do express things, right? Does she let her feelings be known (speaking to Phil)?

Rebecca and Phil: They both acknowledge she does.

JJ: (laughter) Well that’s why you two have a glow about you. You’re honest with each other when you do have negative feelings. When he doesn’t put his socks away or whatever he does wrong, do you try to correct him in a harmless way where it doesn’t create total damage?

Rebecca: Yeah, I do. But I don’t do a very good job of that all the time. (laughter)

JJ: Yeah, it’s hard to do, isn’t it? Okay, when somebody makes you angry, there are three things you can do:

[1] One, you can attack them and choke them to death. In this case, you’ll be arrested and go to jail, so that’s not a good plan.

[2] The second thing you can do is suppress it. And that’s really bad for your health because it creates blockages of energy within your body. And these blockages of energy can create cancer, or other problems. All kinds of things can surface because of these blockages of energy.

[3] And the third thing you can do is communicate your feelings. And then what you do is communicate them as harmlessly as possible.

So if your mate or your friend or anybody says something to make you angry, you can approach them like this. You say, “hey, you said this to me, and that really hurt my feelings. Do you understand how that bothered me? And he may say, “yeah, I didn’t know that hurt your feelings at all. I’m sorry about that. And if he says that, that will diffuse the whole situation and make it go away.

Now, sometimes when you honestly communicate feelings the opposite will happen. The guy will get angry himself. You will release your feelings, and the guy will say, “well, what’s your problem? You shouldn’t get angry over that.

And then, what will happen is the negative energy that was hovering over the person that communicated his hurt feelings, the cloud, will be removed because he communicated his feelings honestly, for when he communicates, it just dissipates.

But if the other person doesn’t cooperate in the communication, and turns negative the cloud rests over him. And now, he’s feeling really put out. He’s angry because he feels that he’s attacked unjustly even though no attack was intended. This often happens sometimes, but it’s a chance you have to take.

If you feel anger and need to express it, and you do it honestly and the other guy reacts negatively, that’s just something you may have to deal with, but now you’re free. But the other guy now has the problem, and you might have to avoid him for a while, (laughter) because he’s going to go around with a cloud over him for a few days.

We identify so strongly with our feelings that it’s hard to disassociate ourselves from that identification, because when we feel something what do we say? We say, “I feel this.” It’s almost like, if I feel anger, it’s like saying, “I am anger,” or “I am jealous,” or “I am this.” Whereas you are not. You’re just using a vehicle. And your vehicle is responding to this emotion. It’s not the real you.

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You Are Not Your Feelings

You Are Not Your Feelings

Part Two of the 2021 Gathering

The second thing that people identify with . . . and in this age, people identify very strongly with the second part of our mechanisms that we use. And what’s the second part?

Asaph: Emotions.

JJ: Right, emotion. Your feelings. People really identify with their feelings, even people that realize they are not their body, that it’s just a vehicle. They still identify strongly with their feelings.

I’ve had interplay with a lot of people who think they are really evolved, and if you say anything that crosses them in the wrong way, they’ll still have their feelings hurt because they will identify too strongly with their feelings.

Even people who are into esoteric teachings, thinking they are way beyond the astral and way beyond the feeling nature, but just step on their toes a little and all of the sudden you will see a reaction that tells you that this person isn’t beyond identifying with his feelings after all.

And so we tend to think we are our feelings. And some people have had teachings where they are told that they are not their feelings. And like I said, some of these people still are somewhat in denial, and they haven’t really been able to leave their feelings behind, as far as identification.

Then there are others that do identify strongly with their feelings, and a lot of standard religious people do this. They connect their feelings to their spirit, and they think that’s all part of their eternal nature. But their feelings are temporary. And it’s part of what they call the astral body.

The astral body is a vehicle, just like the physical body, and this is an important thing to realize. The astral body is a vehicle.

After death, when you go to the world of the soul, you will leave behind a lot of the feelings associated with the astral body. Your feeling nature will be quite different because there are lower feelings and higher feelings. And in the spiritual spheres, there are just the higher feelings. And so we leave the lower feelings behind.

But in this physical existence, we have these lower feelings that are very powerful. And we identify with them.

So let’s go through all these lower feelings that people identify with. What’s the most common one?

Asaph: Desire.

JJ: Desire. Okay, that’s kind of a summary of all of them put together.

Audience: Fear.

JJ: Fear. That’s a lower one. What’s one of the main things that causes fear?

Joshua: Uncertainty.

JJ: Yeah. Have you ever thought of this? If your body was completely invulnerable so no one could do any harm to it, would you have anything to fear? What else is there to fear?

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: Now we fear, for instance, breaking the law because authorities can put us in jail. But if you had complete mastery, like say Jesus after the resurrection, where they couldn’t put you in jail because you could disappear and appear wherever you wanted. Nobody could do anything to your body that you didn’t want done to your body. Would there be anything to fear?

Some people might fear God throwing them into hell or something like that, but concerning the things we know for sure, that cause us fear, what are they?

Like, right now everyone’s afraid of getting Covid, aren’t they? That’s about half the fear that’s generated around the world right now. And it’s all associated with the body. If the body were invulnerable, we wouldn’t have any fear about the virus or any disease or anything like that. So, think of all the fear that is associated with physical health.

Also associated with the body is the threat of people attacking it. Say, going through a rough part of New York right now or Los Angeles. People are afraid of getting attacked, stabbed, or shot. Okay, and that’s all centered around the body.

So think, if you were able to overcome death and become a master of your physical body, your physical vehicle, what would there be to fear?

Susan: Ridicule.

JJ: Yeah.

Michael: There’s fear of loss if you’re really attached to something.

JJ: Right. That’s a good point. Okay, that’s connected with the emotional body, isn’t it? So with the physical body, if we could neutralize all harm done to the physical body it would be amazing. Almost everything that average people fear would be neutralized.

Then Susan made a good point. There are fears connected with the emotions. People are afraid of failure. They’re afraid of ridicule, of emotional attack. Now some people aren’t afraid at all on the emotional level. But others are.

My friend Wayne, who’s passed on, God bless his soul . . . he was a funny one about fears. He had no fear at all on the physical plane. But he was terrified about an emotional attack. And that’s the opposite of a lot of people.

A policeman would stop him, and he often drove with no driver license because he believed in being his own guy. (laughter) He was a funny guy that way, and when a policeman stopped him, he’d say, “why don’t you go out and get a real job? Don’t you have anything better to do than go around persecuting innocent citizens?” (laughter)  

And then when he was hauled into court, he would refuse to stand for the judge. And he was just completely fearless on the physical level. I’ve never met anybody like him.

One time we were in a restaurant, and somebody was talking pretty loud a couple of booths down. And I said, “boy those guys are loud.” And Wayne said, “yeah, they are. I’m going to go do something about it.” (laughter)

And so he was gone for about five minutes and comes back and they were really quiet afterwards. And I asked what happened. And he said, “well I gave them a piece of my mind and they said they’d quiet down.”

And I said, “well, it’s a good thing that whoever you were talking to wasn’t a football player or something.” And he said, “well, one of them was a football player.” (laughter) Anyway, he was a funny guy that way.

But then, he had this big crew that he managed that was called (inaudible name), and they did yardwork, tree service, spraying, and all kinds of things. And his guys, when they needed help, they would ask him for extra money, and they would appeal to him on an emotional level, and he could not say no. He would grumble about it, but he just could not say no.

And if somebody told him about another person having their feelings hurt about something, he would really identify with the feeling nature of people. And he did not want to offend anyone’s feelings that he was close to.

Joshua: Except the judge . . .  (laughter)

JJ:  Yeah, except for the judge. That was more of a physical level of confrontation. He didn’t look on the judge like a person. But people that he was friends with, and who he saw as a friendly individual, he was amazing. He was very sensitive. And if I were to say to him, “we need to talk to so and so about this because he’s creating a problem.” And I would bring Wayne in, and he wouldn’t want to talk about it. He would just want to talk about positive stuff.

So he was a funny guy. Completely fearless on the physical level. I’ve never met anyone that was fearless on the physical level outside of him. But he was terrified about hurting somebody’s feelings, somebody that he was close to, somebody that he considered a friend.

He was very trusting too. He would leave his keys in his car all the time. And he would tell people where he stashed money. And they would steal it from him. I’ll tell just one little story about him. It’s kind of funny.

He had this big dump truck that a lot of people wanted to borrow because he was the only one in the area with one. And he always left the key in it. And I told him one day, “you shouldn’t do that. People could run off with your truck.”

He said, “well, I believe in trusting people.” And Curtis’s brother and my nephew, Bill, needed to borrow and he went there, and Wayne wasn’t in. And he noticed the key in the dump truck. So he thought Wayne wouldn’t mind if he borrowed it. So he took off with it, but one thing he didn’t know was that Wayne was changing the oil and he had all the oil drained out. And he drove it a few blocks and the engine blew up. And to Bill’s credit, he bought him a new engine. (laughter)

But after he finally got that new engine in there, I drove up to his place and saw that dump truck there and I wondered if he still had that key in there. And I looked in and there was the key still in there. (laughter) And I said, “Wayne, you still have the key in the dump truck. Somebody’s going to do that again.

And he said, “well, what good is life if you can’t trust people?”

And I said, “some people you just cannot trust, or you can trust them to do the wrong thing.”

And you know what he died of? He died of a big heart. An overgrown heart. So, I guess his soul was trying to straighten him out. Because the soul gives us messages to correct the mistakes we’re making in life. And his soul tried to tell him by giving him a big physical heart, and problems connected with it. But he just didn’t listen.

So he was an interesting character in the fact that faults were really overgrown virtues in a way.

But anyway, we are not our bodies. But the interesting thing is we are not our emotions. Now how is it that people identify so strongly with their emotions, because in a way we just about feel that we are.

I identified strongly with my emotions yesterday. And it takes a lot for me to get emotional. But yesterday, in the car . . . Artie was driving, and I took a nap and after I took my nap, my glasses were gone. And my glasses weren’t in my pocket. We looked all over for my glasses. Couldn’t find them. And so I was somewhat irritated over that.

And then after we got here, Artie took another look and she finally found them under the seat. How they got there, I don’t know. But anyway, that solved that problem. And then after we got here . . . we have this key to our new car, and it costs five hundred dollars if you have to get a new one. And Artie wanted me to change my pants, and in between changing my pants from here to over there, the key disappeared. And I thought, what the devil! (laughter)

And thank goodness Artie had a second key, but that was somewhat annoying because I just couldn’t figure out how I lost the key within ten feet. And as it turns out, Artie found it under that couch. And how it got there I don’t know. (laughter) But it was almost like someone was trying to test me to see if they could get me irritated yesterday.

So all of us have emotions and the key is not to identify with them but become the observer. Not identify with the body but observe what is happening with the body. The more we detach ourselves from our vehicles, the more control we have over them. Because if we identify too strongly with our vehicles, then what happens? Then there is corruption. There’s disease. And there are all kinds of disease connected with the emotions.

One of the problems with the emotions is the suppression that comes, because people tend to want to feel like they’re in charge of their emotions. If you tell somebody they’re being too emotional . . . they don’t want to be called emotional. That’s like an insult. Even though they are being very emotional, they don’t want to recognize that they are being emotional.

But people tend to identify too strongly with their emotions. And many people realize that it’s not good to identify too strongly. So what they start doing when they realize that being too emotional is not the way to be, they will often deny or suppress their emotions.

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Introduction To the Twelve Keys of Knowledge

Introduction To the Twelve Keys of Knowledge

Part One of the 2021 Gathering – Transcription By Adam Clayton

This is kind of a special group because you’ve come despite the virus and everybody’s nervous about catching something. So I thought people may need a little extra incentive to come here. Some came here with quite a bit of sacrifice so I’ve decided to go through all twelve Keys during this gathering.

Now so far, I’ve given out seven of the Keys. Four of them are given out in the books. Three others I’ve given out at various gatherings. But at this one, we will go through those seven, plus five additional ones that I haven’t identified yet as The Keys of Knowledge.

I’m seventy-six years old. Who knows how knows how much longer I’m going to be here, so I might as well get them out so they’re in the public arena. Hopefully, I can live to be a hundred or so.

Asaph: Two hundred and fifty.

JJ: Two hundred and fifty? That would be nice.

Yeah, I’ve got to figure out the key to regenerating my physical body. Artie and I have several keys of personal things we’ve found to try and stay healthy and that certainly helps. But we have aged just like everybody else. And so we haven’t quite overcome the physical pull toward death yet. And that is something that we’re looking forward to gaining.

That usually doesn’t happen until the fifth initiation. At the fifth initiation, the entity becomes what they call a Master of Wisdom, and he has power to regenerate. He’s not really an immortal, but he has power to regenerate until he no longer needs his physical body.

Now when attaining this power, some Masters go on to higher spiritual levels and do other work, and others stay behind. There are seven different paths that are taken by the various Masters. And one of the paths is called the Path of Earth Service. And in the Path of Earth Service, those who attain the higher initiations, stay behind in order to help us mortals that haven’t crossed over the barrier yet.

But when I wrote the first book, I introduced the idea of the Keys of Knowledge – that there are Twelve Keys of Knowledge, Twelve Keys of Understanding, and Twelve Keys of Eternal Life. I probably won’t get any further than the Twelve Keys of Knowledge in this lifetime. But you never know. It depends on if we eventually establish the Molecular Relationship, and then anything is possible.

Joshua: On these Keys, what’s the difference between these gradations? There are these three sets of keys. There are the Keys of Knowledge and . . . I forget the names of the others. What’s the distinction between those?

JJ: Well, I don’t have all the keys yet, so I can’t clearly tell you the distinction. But we’ll present the Keys of Knowledge, and you can see that the Keys of Knowledge really open up the disciple to more knowledge and understanding of principles that will further them along the path.

And the Keys of Understanding are like the Keys of Knowledge, but they are more related to understanding than increasing knowledge. And the Keys of Eternal Life will be keys that once they are in place, we will understand how to rejuvenate our physical bodies, which I do not have yet.

And if I did have them, I wouldn’t be able to give them out yet, because there isn’t a group ready to receive those final keys. The Keys of Knowledge are something that everyone can understand, and it will increase their ability to discover new knowledge, knowledge that is accurate and true.

Any other questions before we move on?

Key One:  Decision – The Essence Behind Decision

So in the book, we’re hit with the idea as to “Who or what are you?” That is the question that many people have dealt with. Many philosophers have dealt with throughout the centuries and millennia. And what is the main answer that most people give?

Now, there are a lot of teachers teaching “who or what are you.” And they give various answers. But most of their answers are very similar. What do most people say that we are?

Joshua: Souls.

JJ: Souls, yeah. Then you say, “what is a soul?” What else do people say that we are?

Asaph: Gods.

JJ: Gods. Okay, well what does that mean?

Asaph: Essentially, that we are eternal.

JJ: Yeah. Okay. There’s certainly truth to that because we came from a sphere where we were one with God. And we’re reflections of God, so there’s a lot of truth in that. But what is God? And what is any life form? What is the essence of who we are?

Let’s say Asaph here is God. And he doesn’t even know he’s a God because he’s forgotten who he is. But who is he? What is his essence? What’s an answer that a lot of people give?

Joshua: Spirit.

JJ: Spirit. That’s the most common one. Okay, our essence is spirit. All right, well what is spirit? It’s higher than matter, right? But what does that tell you? It doesn’t really tell you anything, does it?

There’s spirit and matter. We kind of have an idea of what matter is. There’s stuff that we can see. And we can build houses out of it and build cars out of it. And our physical body is built with it. But then a lot of the teachings teach that everything that we see is built on the principle of illusion. So we don’t even know what matter is for sure.

Scientists are trying to figure it out. And they look at smaller and smaller particles and all they can find is wavelengths. And then when they get down to the smallest particles, they find out that when we look at it, it’s a particle, and when we are not measuring it, it turns into a wave. And so it goes back and forth depending on whether we’re looking at it or not.

And this has really baffled scientists. It even baffled Einstein. Einstein couldn’t figure it out. It didn’t make much sense to him. He said there had to be something missing in the explanation here.

Some people have even come up with theories from the quantum reality, that science is finding, that they think the whole Universe is produced by some type of hologram. We’re living in some type of video game, and the video game is not composed of real matter that can be touched. But in the game, the actors can touch each other and have experience.

And a lot of people, because of the quantum studies they’ve done where they showed that matter is not solid, and can be either a particle or a wave, a lot of theories are surfacing that our whole life is like a video game that is being played out. This is quite interesting. But that still doesn’t tell us who we are.

Now let’s consider two different teachings. One says we’re in a real universe with real matter and God created it, and I’m in a body. Okay, well what is in the body?

Now the same thing occurs if life is a video game. You’re still in the avatar. We all saw the movie ‘Avatar.’ The guy was in his physical body, but his consciousness was projected to an avatar. The avatar wasn’t real, but it was like it was real. He still had an essence that was real. Even though he wasn’t his avatar, and maybe he wasn’t his body, he was still something. What is that something?

And this is what people have been asking for centuries. And that is what the first Key is centered around.

So the question is “who or what are you?” And first, the seeker has to find out what he is not. The first thing we have to realize is that we are not our bodies. It’s kind of sad that many hard-core scientists believe we are our bodies. They believe we are a machine, and our physical brain has produced our consciousness.

It’s kind of odd though that consciousness, according to science, came from something that was not conscious. Does that make any sense? Does that make sense that your consciousness evolved from something with no consciousness? Doesn’t make sense, does it?

There are so many things that do not make sense regarding the idea that we are our bodies. For instance, consider how complicated one cell in your body is, and how complicated the DNA within that cell is. It has all the knowledge within it to duplicate your entire body. Those small strands of DNA are more complex than any computer we’ve been able to manufacture so far. As a matter of fact, it’s so complicated that it took a tremendous amount of computer energy and technology to decipher it and merely map its configuration.

So figuring that something that has no consciousness . . . just materialized and put things together to produce less than one trillionth of your body, which would be a cell, and in that cell the DNA . . .  to figure that one thing alone was produced by just random effects is harder to believe than like walking through a forest and tripping over a computer, and thinking, “oh, this computer just materialized through the elements all combined together to make this computer work.

Now, just think of a lightbulb, for instance, how complicated it would be for random energies and random events to put together something with threads that could screw into a socket with matching threads. So you screw in a lightbulb, and it works because everything matches.

Within the cells in your body, there are all kinds of linkages like that going on, where you have things matching to other things, just within the cell. Just that alone isn’t something that would just show up for a trillion years, anywhere. And if it did show up once, the winds would blow it away and it wouldn’t go anywhere.

I often think when these atheist scientists die, and they find out that they still have consciousness, and they find out that everything was not created by chance, I think they’re going to hit themselves on the head and think, “boy, was I stupid! Why didn’t I figure that out? Here I was projecting myself as the smartest of the smart, and I did not see this really simple thing that consciousness cannot be created by unconsciousness. How can something with no consciousness create something with consciousness? How can something with no intelligence create something with intelligence?”

I think these scientists, when they find out, when they’re on the other side, they’re just going to slap themselves. Because, you know how you feel when something dawns on you and you think, “well, I should have known that, darn it.” How often has that happened to you? You know, every once in a while, it happens in life.

But you can imagine what an atheist, especially a scientist, who is supposed to be a seeker of truth, how they will feel when they see how obvious it should have been. It should have been completely obvious that we are not our bodies. But even a lot of people who are religious, and believe that within the body is a spirit, they’re still very attached to being a body. They identify with it very strongly.

A sign that we identify too strongly with the body, is the fact that we get ill, that the body breaks down. Since energy follows thought then if we identify too strongly with the body then in the process the thought will be distorted. We are not our bodies. But our body is a vehicle.

Now sometimes, like for instance, if you have a really good car . . . we had a neighbor that had this ’57 Chevy that was in prime shape. He just loved driving that around showing it off. And he had a couple of classic cars, but this particular one he almost identified with, like it was an extension of him. But he’s not his car. His car was a vehicle, but he liked his car so much that it was part of his identity.

Same thing if someone gets a Lamborghini and invests everything in it, or any type of car that someone is really proud of . . . it’s a vehicle. And the tendency of many people is to identify too strongly with the vehicle as if they and the vehicle are one.

Asaph here is a good-looking guy. But it would be a mistake to identify with his body, that he and his body are one. So we have to look on our bodies as a vehicle, a vehicle that we use. And a vehicle can be used for good or evil. You can use a car to help somebody out, to get somebody where they’re going. Or you can use a car to rob a bank.

You can use your body for service and love and helping people, or you can use it to hurt people and do destructive things. So whatever you have, whatever you identify with can be used for good or evil. But the first lesson is to learn that we are not our bodies.

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McCall Gathering 2007, Part 54

This entry is part 54 of 54 in the series McCall Gathering 2007

Closing remarks

JJ: I was going to go into cycles and global warming and what were we to expect in cycles. One of the things that I will say that I find kind of interesting is I have done some reflecting on the cycles and I think we will have a warming period as we are having now but I do not think that it will last and by somewhere around the year 2030 we are going to have another cooling period and then this global warming idea will have to be completely revamped in people’s minds because I do not know why but many people have it stuck in their mind that because we are releasing more carbon dioxide that we are just going to get warmer and warmer forever and they forget about the normal cycles that have been with us just about forever and ever.

Sharón: Light keepers say that always before a cooling period with the earth that it always looks like a warming cycle but then it cools and we head into a colder cycle.

JJ: That’s right, before every ice age there is a warming cycle. Those that seriously studied it are more worried about an ice age than global warming. Now it is possible that we are emitting enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to make the difference between an ice age and just a cooling period and that would be a nice thing. What would be funny and very humorous is if all this carbon dioxide and greenhouse gasses is actually going to save us from a drastic ice age for ice ages are a lot tougher on humanity than a warming cycle.

The last major ice age was about 11,500 years ago and then there was an even worse one about 30,000 years ago. An interesting book is “Unstoppable Global Warming every 1500 years” and he says that for the past couple million years there has been a 1500 year cycle of warming and cooling and these cycles are a part of greater cycles.

Here are some of the more recent ones: Between 600 to 200 BC we had an unnamed cool period that preceded the Roman warming then from 200 BC to about 600 AD. We had a warming period and then from 600 AD to 900 AD we had the dark ages that was also a cold age for we had a mini ice age during that time period. Then we had the medieval warming period between 900 to 1300 and during this time Greenland was discovered and it was actually green. They went there and raised hay and cattle and it was a lot warmer than it is today. Then from 1300 it started to cool and after that time people started to freeze to death in Greenland and all the villages could not sustain themselves with growing food anymore so they either had to leave or starve so there was hardly anyone left by around 1400.

From 1300 to 1850 was a little ice age and I think by 1816 or something like that we had a major volcanic eruption that spread ash all around the world and it became the year without a summer. This was a period of great distress all over the world and during this time period crops failed everywhere. It is a miracle that people survived as good as they did.

So we had the little ice age from 1300 to 1850. As this wasa winding down we were fighting the Revolutionary War. We just cannot appreciate the cold that the poor soldiers had to endure for the cold was extremely bitter, much worse than it is today. When George Washington crossed the Potomac there was all kinds of ice build up in the river because it was such a cool period and at Valley Forge everybody just about froze to death.

Then between 1850 to 1940 we had another warming period. especially between 1920 to 1940. Some may say that is because of all the carbon dioxide that we began to release into the atmosphere. But the first great s urge of Human caused CO2 began at World War II and from 1940 to 1975 we had a cooling period. So we had a lot of carbon dioxide going into the air and yet it cooled during 1940 to 1975 and right around 1975 when it had cooled for 25 years straight pretty much everybody was talking about that it looked like we were entering an ice age.

Newsweek had a big front page article about the coming ice age and that we had to do something to prevent it just like they are talking about today that we must do something to prevent the warming age. From 1979 to the present there is a large disparity between surface thermometers, which show a fairly strong warming, and independent satellite readings, which show only a slight warming, trend. Global warming alarmists emphasize the land based thermometers but what is interesting are satellite measurements that they think is more accurate show just a very slight warming trend.

What is interesting about global warming is that unfortunately it has become a political issue and one side of the political fence believes global warming hook, line and sinker and the other side of the global warming fence is accused of not believing in global warming which is not true. They believe it is mainly not man made and it is just a natural cycle but they are called global warming deniers and this is what they call people like me. This is incorrect named calling. I do not deny anything but am skeptical of any prediction that cannot yet be proven to be accurate.

Everyone that believes the way I do is not a global warming denier, we look at the temperature readings and accept them for what they are. The earth has warmed slightly over the past 100 years and the land based measurements say about a degree, the satellite measurements say maybe about a couple of a tenths of a degree or something like that. Whatever it is, that is what we accept.

But whatever it is, it has become a political issue with people throwing accusations back and forth. Instead of throwing accusations why don’t we look and discover what the real truth is. One meteorologist came forward and just questioned some of the views of global warming that were prevalent and one of bureaucrats in charge of the global warming thing comes up and threatens his job and he says I am going to destroy you completely unless you change your mind. A number of meteorologists have come forward to say that they disagree with some of the global warming conclusions and their jobs are threatened. There is a lot of threats and intimidation to try to attack anyone who comes presents an unorthodox view.

Why is it that they say that all the scientists agree on global warming? Well they created this IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) for the UN that is supposedly composed of a whole bunch of scientists but unfortunately the leaders of the panel are not scientists but bureaucrats with an agenda and they pay these scientists to come up with research and if their research does not point in the direction that the bureaucrats want then they cease to get funding.

They take the findings from the scientists and compile them together to fulfill their own agenda. Scientists that are not connected with these panels come up with an all together different conclusion than the UN panels and the UN claim that they have ten thousand scientists or whatever but on the other side has written statements that are contrary to that too. So you have thousands of scientists against thousands of scientists and what is interesting is not so much that the scientists disagree but that we have different scientists with different motives.

The truth is we find what we look for and if the scientists are paid to find something then they will find something because if they do not find it then they lose their grant and funding and lose their jobs so they are going to find something that keeps their employer happy. The independent scientists that are looking into it have very different findings than the ones whose job depends on getting specific results.

The problem is that the political agenda behind global warming is not to save the planet from global warming it is to change our way of life. The plan is to take away 80% of the greenhouse gasses that we emit in the next 20, 30, 40, 50 years and that would completely alter our economy and they want us to do it without nuclear energy using only solar panels and wind power which with our current technology can only provide us with maybe 2% to 3% of our current use of energy.

Nuclear energy has the capacity to provide 100% of our needs but they are against doing that. Al Gore and many of the UN scientists are against using nuclear energy and the bureaucrats certainly are and so what their draconian steps would do is completely take away our prosperity and our potential for freedom so that we could be taken over by a dictator and a one world government in the wrong direction could materialize.

So this is something for people that believe in freedom to stand up for. The interesting thing about carbon dioxide is that when it is emitted as a greenhouse gas – as it increases in density it inversely decreases in its power to produce a greenhouse effect. So if you double the amount of carbon dioxide the amount of the effect is reduced by 50%. All the scientists that support the global warming theory do not tell you that. They just act like that if we double the amount of carbon dioxide then we will have double the effect. When we double the amount of carbon dioxide then the amount the increase will affect global warming will go way down. We would have to introduce a lot of carbon dioxide to produce the effect that they are trying to scare us into thinking that is happening.

Audience: Aren’t these people looking at France that gets like 88% of their energy from nuclear power?

JJ: France is doing great, they get 80% of their electricity from nuclear power. The same people that are against global warming are fighting to get France to switch to some other form of providing power. Right now Germany who is trying to be green has to buy much of their electricity from France because they cannot produce it with the solar panels and wind and all this type of thing and yet they preach to everybody about remaining green whereas France is a big supplier of electricity for Europe right now. France has their faults but in the way of energy they did it right. They entered the mental plane and they planned. This happened in the days of oil embargo and the middle east oil was threatened to go up about double in a two week time period and it scared the dickens out of everybody and France said that we do not have any oil resources so we have to do something practical. As a result they developed nuclear energy and I would say that France would be completely falling apart now if they had not done this and have that nuclear energy as a base.

We could have nuclear energy as a base and we could power the United States indefinitely. Instead of putting the nuclear waste in Yucca Mountain by using fast breeder reactors we could power this country for thousand years just recycling the waste and use the energy to power electric cars and be completely independent. But unfortunately President Clinton stopped the research into the breeder reactors. But fortunately France is continuing research in breeder reactors. So when we finally get enough common sense turn around on nuclear energy we will most likely have to go to France to get our breeder reactors. The breeder reactor was developed right here in Arco, Idaho and this is where they actually created the technology where they can reprocess the waste and turn it into power that could power us for a thousand years but because of short-sightedness this has become a pipe dream.

May the next generation be wiser than the last.

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McCall Gathering 2007, Part 53

This entry is part 53 of 54 in the series McCall Gathering 2007

Labor XII

The Capture of the Red Cattle of Geryon (Pisces)

JJ: The twelfth and final labor is the capture of the red cattle of Geryon in Pisces.

Proceed to that dark place called Erytheia, the red place it is, where great illusion is enthroned, where Geryon the monster of three heads, three bodies and six hands, is lord and king. There is a king there that unlawfully holds a herd of cattle that are red in hue. Hercules is to take these cattle and then herd them to the sacred city where they will be safely taken care of but he is to beware of the Shepherd and his two-headed dog. He is to invoke the aid of Helios, the god of the sun.

Okay so Hercules was commanded to go and capture these red cattle and take them to the sacred city. So again he contemplates, how am I going to do this? First of all he has to get to the land of Erytheia and he had to cross a body of water and he does not know how to cross this body of water so he meditates for seven days and lo and behold a bright object falls in front of him. It is a big cup – a symbol of the Holy Grail or something like that and he gets in this cup and sails across this body of water and arrives in the land of Geryon where he goes after the red cattle.

As he goes after the red cattle he finds he has to fight the Shepherd and his two headed dog. He kills the two-headed dog right off the bat because he is a lot stronger now and he does not have to fight so hard because his strength has increased now he is in the twelfth labor. The Shepherd says, “no do not hurt me and I will cooperate,” so he lets the Shepherd live and takes him along with him. Then he goes and finds the cattle and begins to herd them toward the sacred city and as he does this he has all kinds of obstacles along the way.

A giant threw a boulder at him and he caught it and just threw it off to the side. Other people tried to hurt him, a wrestler came and tried to overcome Hercules and he could not. Thieves came in the night and tried to steal the cattle and Hercules had to go and run them down and bring back the cattle. All kinds of things happened on the way to the sacred city to disrupt the cattle and each time Hercules had to keep gathering them back together but eventually he got the cattle to the sacred city where they belonged.

This is the twelfth labor and we all know that the Piscean age savior was Jesus and He is symbolic of Hercules in the twelfth labor. Who are the red cattle?

Audience: The disciples?

JJ: The red cattle are the people that are looking for a teacher and he has to go and gather them. In order to get to them he has to overcome the Shepherd and his two-headed dog. The two-headed dog represents matter and the pull of matter and also astral force. The Shepherd represents thought. Hercules killed the dog because it represented the lower forces that were trying to prevent him from helping the cattle but the Shepherd plead for his life and he let him live because the mind was capable of assisting him so the Shepherd (mind) continued to assist. In the Bible the Shepherd that took care of the sheep so to speak, the followers were called sheep and the teachers were called Shepherd’s and the Shepherd’s were praised if they led the people correctly and they were criticized in the scriptures if they did not lead them correctly. So you had good Shepherds and bad Shepherds and this particular Shepherd was bad to begin with because he was associated with his two-headed dog on the astral but he decided to repent and elevate his thoughts.

Hercules felt the Shepherd’s thoughts could be elevated to a useful level so he let him live and come along. The cattle represents us as people that are followers of Christ and Hercules of course also represents us and the Christ within ourselves. We have the Christ within ourselves that has to herd us and the red symbolizes our lower nature. He has to herd us and our lower nature to the sacred city and the sacred city represents a number of things, especially the soul. The mission of Christ is to deliver us to our soul nature and deliver himself to his higher nature and then his mission is finished.

The Labors of Hercules is quite interesting and I have been tempted to re-write the whole thing to add some interpretive thoughts. The basic labors themselves and their teachings are very fascinating and they have a lot to teach and a lot of correspondence to humanity.

Audience: I thought the Labors of Hercules went counterclockwise?

JJ: They did. Counterclockwise is from Aries to Pisces and in the Zodiac Pisces backwards to Aries is clockwise according to DK. It is a bit confusing because Aries to Pisces seems to be the normal direction. But as far as incarnation goes and apparently looking at the Zodiac in the sky Aries to Pisces is counterclockwise.

Audience: Are the labors always taken in order?

JJ: I think what happens in real life is that they are not always in order whether you are going clockwise or counterclockwise and what will happen is you will go through a sign and if you do not learn the lesson then you will go back and if you are not ready to correct the mistake, because sometimes when you make a big mistake you have got to have a little rest and recreation in between before you have the inner fortitude to correct it. So sometimes you will come back in a different sign and have a break because they say doing something different is really a rest. So you do something different in another sign and then you go back. I think there is fluctuation back and forth.

I have studied a number of individuals in their lives and sometimes they go from one sign to another and the progression is like clockwork and then it will be all out of sync and then I think it goes back again but I do not think it is an iron clad black and white thing. For instance, when Hercules found the doe it says that he went back a number of times – apparently in the same sign but was it all in one sequence? I do not know. Maybe he performed one labor, did three of them in sequence went back and chased the doe again because he liked chasing after it for it was fun after he knew what he was doing.

None of these labors are black and white and no rules are applicable in all circumstance. Like it says in Ecclesiastes “There is a time for war, a time for peace, a time to hate, a time to love, there is a time and purpose for everything under heaven.” And so we cannot really look at anything completely in black and white because there is an exception for all things. Once we are on a certain path there is always some reason to detour for a period of time and take care of something. That is what makes it hard to put it into a mathematical formula for a lot of these things just apply as general rule.

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McCall Gathering 2007, Part 52

This entry is part 52 of 54 in the series McCall Gathering 2007

Labor XI
Cleansing the Augean Stables (Aquarius)

JJ: Next is my sign Aquarius, the cleansing of the Augean stables. Hercules was to seek out the land of Augeas that was ruled over by a king. Now this king had these stables there where had kept horses for 30 years and for 30 years he had not kept them clean and the dung was all over the place – it was everywhere. It stunk up the countryside and the king had consultants come in and nobody seemed to know how to get rid of it all.

W hen servants went in to shovel it out they could only stay in for a very short period of time because the stench was so bad, so the king could just not get these stables clean. In came Hercules before the king and he says, I can clean the stables and I believe I can do it in one day and I will not even charge you anything. Then the king says, I think you are mad but if you can do it in one day then I will give you one tenth of my cattle.

Hercules agreed and again he stood back and did some more thinking and noticed a river near by. He went to the stables and opened the side doors so that the air passed through the back and the front and then he diverted this great river. The river came and gushed through the stables and washed all the dung away – so Hercules was able to clean the stables within just a few hours.

Then he goes to the king and said, oh king I have cleaned out your stables for you and I have come to collect my reward. The king says, this is a trick and I thought you were going to do it by hard work. Hercules said it was not a trick I did it by using my mind. The king said I am not going t pay you for doing it with such ease. You will leave now or I will have you killed and I am not giving you 10% of my cattle.

So Hercules had to flee for his life and he got no reward or appreciation for doing that great labor for the people.

I like to compare this to the life of Abraham Lincoln who was an Aquarian responsible for a Herculean work. The horses represent human beings and the dung represents all the mess that human beings make as they do their work and we make a mess in many ways. Slavery was part of that dung in the past and today all the bureaucracies we create represent a lot of it. In addition we have all of the pollution to the environment and all of the forces of nature that we upset to a degree. All these things are problems of humanity and Hercules’ job was to clean out all these stables.

Now in government one of the main places where dung is created is the bureaucracy and it is interesting how bureaucracies really fulfill that. Wouldn’t it be great if we could have a Hercules today go and clean out the government in one day as he did with the stables?

Audience: Chuckling

JJ: That is actually what we need. You see what everybody else did in those days was they came with shovels and piece by piece they tried to clean them out and the stench was so bad they could not stay for long. So what happens when they go to Washington? They say, “Man, the stench was so bad I could only stay in Washington a little while and I had to get out of that place!” That is exactly what happens.

What we need is total cleansing to revamp the system and clean it out and start fresh and then we could have a country where everybody could have health and prosperity.

Audience: What would the water represent?

JJ: Water in this situation is a cleansing force, water symbolizes several things, cleansing, spiritual force. As a matter of fact the water came in two streams and there is a legend about the jar that the Aquarian puts on his shoulder and when he pours forth to a thirsty world it comes out in two streams and the two streams symbolizes life and love. So life and love is a cleansing force that will clean out the stables.

If we want to clean out the stables in Washington we must do it with the power of a new invigorated life and love if that is possible.

It is fascinating how the life of Abraham Lincoln corresponds here, the stables full of dung at that time was created by slavery and slavery was a stench on this country. To clean it out and perform the task of Hercules for that age, Abraham Lincoln, a quintessential Aquarian, shows up and he cleans out the stables by fighting the civil war and ending slavery. And after he ended it he did not ask for a reward like Hercules but people acted like they were going to give him a reward and instead of getting a reward he got shot.

Hercules was just threatened and escaped with his life but Abraham Lincoln did get shot and pretty much all he got for his life of service was a lot of hard work and distress and a wife that gave him a hard time on top of everything else. He had a rough life and little reward for all that he accomplished and did for us. It was similar for Hercules who showed up performed a great service and was chased out of town on a rail so to speak.

Audience: Where is the lesson here?

JJ: The lesson is to learn to serve even though you do not get a reward. Keep in mind this is the eleventh labor and we only have one more to go. As the disciple is reaching the point to be able to perform a labor similar to what Jesus performed he has to go through a period where he serves whether gets a reward or not, whether he gets any appreciation or not, just like what Abraham Lincoln went through. He served all that time, went through all that strain and pain and determination and got virtually no reward for it. He served for the sake of service alone and this is what happens in the Aquarian labor.

Audience: I guess I can understand the thought of working without the thought of a reward but I don’t understand him not getting a rewarded at the end anyway.

JJ: This is a little bit of a delayed reward because he does get a reward later on. Hercules is very close to eternal life and this is the end reward and at this point the reward of 10% of the cattle was really not that big of deal to pass on when you figure he was so close to getting the reward of eternal life where he would not have to incarnate again unless he wanted to and have power over life and death. That is the reward he is now very close to and because he is close to it he has a lot more impetus to continue with or without reward than he did at the beginning.

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McCall Gathering 2007, Part 51

This entry is part 51 of 54 in the series McCall Gathering 2007

The Slaying of Cerberus, Guardian of Hades

JJ: The next labor is Capricorn, that is Artie’s sign. The slaying of Cerberus, Guardian of Hades. (Hell) In this labor he is told again that he needs to go and rescue Prometheus. He is in two of these labors and I don’t know why but I guess just for symbology sake. In this labor Prometheus is in hell and Hercules must descend to hell and rescue him. Prometheus is sent to hell because he went against the grain of the gods for he was not supposed give fire to man which he did against their will. Now some stories say that he just gave them normal fire so that man could progress and light fires and cook food and give him warmth and other stories say that he gave them the fire of the spirit from the gods, the fire that makes them gods.

Whatever he gave them angered them and they chained him up this time in the pit of hell and again he has vultures picking at his liver and his body. So he is in terrible shape and Hercules has to descend to hell and save him. So he begins to descend to hell and he has to cross a river named Styx, a river that the souls of the deceased must cross. It is guarded, interestingly enough, by a person named Charon (sounds like Sharón)

Charon is a ferryman that can take the souls over to the other side of the river. He ferries Hercules over and he was supposed to charge him a penny but he forgot because Hercules was so strong and powerful that he didn’t think about it. In hell he meets Medusa and tries to overcome her and was not quite able to slay her. It does not say anything about turning people into stone like the ancient stories indicate. Then he goes through a Labyrinth and he meets the king of the underworld.

The king of the underworld says, you can free Prometheus if you can kill a three-headed dog with your bare hands. Now many people have tried to do this and no one has been able to hurt this dog and if you can kill this big beast with your bare hands than I will let you free Prometheus. So Hercules continues on his journey and he comes the place where Prometheus is and the three-headed dog guards him. He attacks the dog and he centers in on his main head. The three heads symbolize, sensation, desire and good intentions, so he grabs him at the most important head, which head would that be?

Audience: Desire?

JJ: Correct, desire, and desire is the one that is the most important to overcome. So he grabs him at the central head, which is desire, and he chokes the dog to death. He then proceeds and frees Prometheus, unleashing him, he re-traces his steps and takes him out of the underworld and up to the surface.

Audience: So he only had to kill one head and the others would die?

JJ: Yes, the desire is the main head. Prometheus, as we said, symbolizes God and man, and he is chained to a rock in the depths below which means he is chained to the densest matter and that makes it really hard to see the God in us and remember it is important that to love our brother. We must look into his eyes and see his soul and if we can look into our brother’s eyes and see his soul, then we can see the God within. But many of us only see the outer personality. We only see Prometheus chained and not free and just a normal person and suffering from the things that we suffer from in life. Instead of seeing the suffering we should look and see the perfection of the God within and this is what we have to do with Prometheus. That is the only way we can free the Prometheus within us is to see the true God that is there.

Because God does not appear to be there it appears that he is chained and powerless for that he has been there for ages and ages and ages. It appears we are sinners to be punished by God and we are born in sin and God is frowning upon us and we are chained and suffering and there is nothing we can do about it. Prometheus is an extension of Hercules (Us) and he frees Prometheus hence freeing himself by seeing what he truly is and seeing that the God within and the God without are the same.

Audience: I am lost on that one; I thought you said that he strangled desire?

JJ: He did.

Audience: Well how does that find the God within?

JJ: I will cover this in a little more detail. The lower passions hide the God within. The symbolism of the rock tells us he was trapped in the densest matter. The lower passions, desires, sensations, and good intentions, sensation is very closely related to desire and it increases desire and good intentions are our desire to do good. You have heard the statement that, “The way to hell is paved with good intentions.” This is often the case; it is people with good intentions who often create a lot more harm than good.

Every bureaucracy that we have in this country is created with good intentions. Politicians say we are going to create this bureaucracy that is going to do a lot of good. We create the bureaucracy that costs us billions and billions of dollars and ten years later nothing is improved and it is the same as it was before so all the good intentions did was cost money, raise our taxes and produced nothing what so ever and often times does harm. You look at almost every bureaucracy that has been created and it is the same thing, it was created with good intentions but it does more harm than good.

Many things that we do in our personal life does more harm than good. I was talking to a man a while back and he said that he believed in harmlessness and he would not own or shoot a gun no matter what the case. I said really, lets suppose that you are in this bank and a bank robber comes in with a bomb strapped on him and he begins to rob the bank and says unless everybody cooperates he will press a button and blow everybody all up. The police arrive and they are all trapped inside and now he can’t get out and becomes desperate. In the process he winds up shooting the guard and the guard falls close to this guy who does not believe in shooting anybody and this gun slips out of his holster near his foot. Now here is the guy with the bomb and he tells the police that if they do not do exactly what he says that he is going to blow everybody up. The police are not cooperating and the guy says in ten seconds I am going to blow everybody up. He begins to count ten, nine, eight…

Now you can save the situation by grabbing the gun and shooting the guy, do you shoot the guy and take one life or do you let the guy detonate the bomb and take a hundred lives in the bank? Which one do you do?

He says, well I would not shoot him. I said well then the blood of one hundred people will be on your hands. He said, no it wouldn’t. And I said, yes it would because if you have the possibility of stopping this guy and don’t then you have the responsibility for a hundred lives. So, in that situation would you still not shoot him? He said no. Well the guy has good intentions but those good intentions are going to cost one hundred lives because that guy is now going to detonate the bomb. The guy has the power to stop him but he will not so his good intentions will cost the lives of one hundred people who have husbands, wives, children, girlfriends, boyfriends, friends and who will also be affected by this one man with good intentions that had a chance to stop this and he did not.

This is often the case, we have good intentions and we do what feels good and what sounds good but in the end it creates a lot more destruction than if we took the hard path and actually did the common sense thing that would produce the most good.

Audience: So the good intentions hide the God within?

JJ: Yes, good intentions often create more harm than good and we have to see through the good intentions and see if they are really going to do anything good. The second thing we have to do with good intentions is when our good intentions are actually good and not bad then we have to see them through. If we see through our good intentions and they make sense and fulfill them and if we conquer sensation so sensation does not control us and if we overcome desire so desire becomes a servant then that opens the door for the God within shine forth.

There are a lot of things we can do to show the God within but the most important thing overall is to look, if we do not look we will not see but we can’t really look until we have successfully overcome wrong desire and wrong thought and wrong attachment to sensation.

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