Vegetarian Diet

This entry is part 28 of 62 in the series 2010

Posted Aug 18, 2010
Since the vegetarian diet has been discussed lately I thought I would say a few words about it. Someone quoted DK talking about the necessity of a strict vegetarian diet if the disciple wants to obtain certain results, such as reading the Akashic records. This is basically true though there are some exceptions. On the other hand, for the majority of endeavors tackled by disciples, especially in this age, the vegetarian diet is not essential.

In the rules for aspiring disciples DK admonished a vegetarian diet but when talking about the higher corresponding rule for disciples and initiates he said: “All the lesser rules are rules in time and space and cannot hold the group.”

The vegetarian diet is a lesser rule, but such a lesser rule can be bypassed if the purpose is right when one becomes a disciple.

Here are a couple other comments he made about the vegetarian diet.

No set diet could be entirely correct for a group of people on differing rays, of different temperaments and equipment and at various ages. Individuals are every one of them unlike on some points; they require to find out what it is that they, as individuals, need, in what manner their bodily requirements can best be met, and what type of substances can enable them best to serve. Each person must find this out for himself. There is no group diet. No enforced elimination of meat is required or strict vegetarian diet compulsory. There are phases of life and sometimes entire incarnations wherein an aspirant subjects himself to a discipline of food, just as there may be other phases or an entire life wherein a strict celibacy is temporarily enforced. But there are other life cycles and incarnations wherein the disciple’s interest and his service lie in other directions. There are later incarnations where there is no constant thought about the physical body, and a man works free of the diet complex and lives without concentration upon the form life, eating that food which is available and upon which he can best sustain his life efficiency. In preparation for certain initiations, a vegetable diet has in the past been deemed essential. But this may not always be the case, and many disciples prematurely regard themselves as in preparation for initiation.
Esoteric Healing, Page 334

These drastic physical disciplines are often attempted today by well-intentioned aspirants; they practice celibacy, strict vegetarianism, relaxation exercises and many kinds of physical exercises, in the hope of bringing the body under control. These forms of discipline would be very good for the undeveloped and the lowest type of human being, but they are not the methods which should be employed by the average man or the practising aspirant. Concentration upon the physical body only serves to enhance its potency and to feed its appetites and bring to the surface of consciousness that which should be securely secluded below the threshold of consciousness. The true aspirant should be occupied with emotional, not physical, control and ‘with the effort to focus himself upon the mental plane prior to achieving a stabilised contact with the soul.
Esoteric Healing, Page 578

The vegetarian diet is very important for aspirants and seekers working on the first and second initiations. It is also helpful to higher initiates if it is practical for them to be on it. Like he said the vegetarian diet is essential to all who want to work on the astral plane or read he akashic records.

The diet is important to the seeker working on the first initiation because it helps to demonstrate control over his physical body. It is important when working on the second initiation because the animal nature get less vitality and it helps him assume more control over the emotional body. The vegetarian diet doesn’t help a lot with the higher initiations.

I have been on a vegetarian diet several times in my life but for the past 20 years or so I have been impressed to be on a healthy diet but eat and drink what I please as long as it doesn’t hurt my health.

Then a few months ago, my soul told me that it was time to go not just on a vegetarian diet, but a raw foods diet. I think that the reason I am so guided is to extend my life the necessary years to accomplish all I have to do.

Now my diet basically consists of a fruit salad for lunch and a fresh vegetable salad for dinner. Then I eat a few nuts on the side and sometimes splurge on sesame blue corn chips with Artie’s healthy sesame dip. I do allow myself to go off my diet a little when we go out to eat and there is nothing on the menu that fits the diet. I also still drink wine, but have cut back some. If I want to study the akashic records I may have to give that up.

Ruth said she saw me at a future gathering and I was a lot thinner. Looks like this will be the case.

I think a lot of the weight I have gained over the past 20 years has not been due to overeating but to my strange sleeping schedule. I read somewhere that people who keep hours like me usually gain a couple pounds a year and that was what happened to me. I still keep a similar sleeping schedule but am losing weight because of the drastic change in my diet. I’m not losing it as fast as I thought I would. The last time I was on this diet my weight settled in to around 135 pounds. This time I started out at 216 pounds and am now down to 192. I doubt if I’ll get anywhere near 135 this time but should get below 180 – maybe down to 160 eventually. It’ll be interesting to see where I wind up as my metabolism has also changed.

(Note: as of Dec 28, 2010 my weight is still around 190 – a far cry from the 135 pounds the last time I was on this diet. It’s amazing what a change in metabolism over the years can do.)

Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey

Principles – Fasting

This entry is part 29 of 62 in the series 2010

Posted Aug 19, 2010
Dan wrote:
What I want to know is – Does physically fasting from food have effect upon prayer or “communion with higher beings” in any way other than as a symbolic ritual to focus the attention and if so, why and how – by what mechanism does it act? Same question in regard to fasting from water.

…my ability to concentrate has generally seemed to DECREASE while fasting rather than increase. For instance reading for retention/learning – actually even for entertainment – is almost out of the question.

Good questions and comments.  Yes, I have had the same experience.  When fasting my ability to concentrate has decreased and any higher contact has been no more than normal.

So, what is the advantage of fasting?

From my experience it is this.  Fasting with a specific purpose in mind that involves petitioning spiritual assistance seems to get the attention of the soul.  It is as if the soul notices the sacrifice being made and if the upward focus is strong enough then it will respond and help the seeker.

It also has a physical benefit in that many of the powers of the digestive system switch from digesting food to cleansing he body. This is why many have a headache at the beginning of a fast – because the body has released toxins and they make the head ache. They also interfere with concentration.  When the fast is over there is often an increase in the sense of well being and then powers of concentration will increase.

Ruth wanted to know the principle involved with fasting.  There is a principle that gets results and that is the principle of sacrifice which is a corollary to cause and effect.

Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey

Examining Dr. Dahesh

This entry is part 30 of 62 in the series 2010

Posted Aug 20, 2010
Thank you for your gracious response.  We have had a number of people come here from various belief systems and often they are either very antagonistic or preach to us about how deluded or evil we are.

It is therefore an honor to be politely visited by someone who has had contact with a historical figure who is likely to grow in stature as time moves onward.

Of all the figures purporting to be a Christ figure Dr. Dahesh comes closest in my book to being able to logically lay hold to this claim. The most impressive thing I have read of him is that he was raised from the dead and performed many miracles.  If he was truly raised from the dead then he at least deserves our attention.

This does not mean that I accept that he is a reincarnation of the Christ but it does appear that he was either an advanced disciple or he had unseen beings assisting him.

Any person coming before us with claims of being a true teacher must present two witnesses.  They are

(1) His words
(2) And his works.

Apparently Dr. Dahesh has many words for us for if I recall he wrote around 150 works, though a number of then are fiction.

Unfortunately none of us can read them so we can check out his teachings for no books are available in English and not sure if they are available in any language.

The handful of teachings I have read sound interesting and most are not out of harmony with what we teach here.

Concerning the second witness of his works we have his many miracles and his art collection.  The miracles would seem to be associated with the higher fluid of which he teaches, but the collection of art seems to be associated with the middle one of materialism.  That seems perplexing to me.

One would think that he would have put his major attention on making sure his writings were published and circulated far above that of collecting art.

It seems a crime that he left his copyrights to a family that hides his writings under a bushel and doesn’t allow them to be published.

One would think that Dahesh would have sought out the most important miracle of all and that is to take a peek into the future and discern the best way to make sure his writings are published after he died.

Do you have any explanation as to why he did not publish his works here in America himself and why they have not been published to this day?  Did Dr. Dahesh make any comment about when his writings would be published to the world?

That’s probably enough for you to respond to for now but will have a number of other questions for you.

Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey

The Next Step

This entry is part 31 of 62 in the series 2010

Posted Aug 24, 2010
Thanks for the information about the webinars, Larry W.  You are certainly always thinking.  I’m not clear as to whether you can have two way audio or not.

What I’ve decided to do in the near future is something similar and that is to teach through videos using youtube.  The advantage of youtube is that the chances of new people stumbling across us there is much more likely than in Yahoo groups.

I have six more videos to place on The Majority Speaks series.  These haven’t taken off that much but at least I’ll have them on the web for future reference.

I’ll be interested in seeing how much interest metaphysical teachings draw.

I’m gad to have finished the series on my mission experiences.  I was planning on maybe 10,000 words and wound up with over 52,000, almost as many as in The Immortal, Book I.  One thing that motivated me to do this was my kids.  This is one thing I have written that I think they will all read, even the religious ones that think I am on the wrong path.

Some may wonder why I had the spiritual experiences I did when, on hindsight, it is seen that the Church is so off base on a number of issues.

The answer is this.  No matter where we are on the path we are all far from perfect in our seeing if we consider the big picture.  We may look at the typical church-goer and see him as backward and wonder why he doesn’t see as we do, but at the same time we are making many mistakes on a level just a bit higher.

Even so, a master may look at us and see us as backward and not seeing the obvious, yet he is making mistakes on his own level and cannot see with clarity his next step.  The same applies to The Ancient of Days on up.

We should never find ourselves in the position of making condemning judgments on those who do not see as we do.

The most important thing for all of us, no matter where we are in our progression is to follow the highest we know.  If we do this then the next truth and our next step will eventually be revealed.

In my youth during my mission many of the truths I now see were hidden from me.  I made mistakes in my belief system, but there was one thing I did right.  I followed the highest I knew.  The results were that spiritual experiences followed me and layer by layer additional truths were revealed to me.

What is available to one is available to all.  Anyone, no matter where they are on the path, if they follow the highest they know, will eventually be blessed with additional light and guidance which will move them forward on the path.

The mistake many make is they expect a big revelation that will allow them to walk through walls or discover the secrets of the universe.  The neophyte must realize that it is not his position to decree what is his next lesson or truth to learn.  His soul will decide. His job is to follow the highest he knows and keep an ear open for the guidance to come.  It may or may not be what he is looking for.  The important thing is to accept it and  then take the next steps as they are revealed.

And speaking of next steps, I have decided that the next major treatise I will write will be about money.  We’ve talked about it piecemeal but I have never presented my thoughts in a logical sequence.  We are just about done with the next book, but I am thinking this may make one of the most interesting chapters if I include it. I should be writing this section the first of the year after I get a few other things out of the way.

Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey

Reflections on John

This entry is part 32 of 62 in the series 2010

Posted Aug 26, 2010
John C quotes me:
“This is true on a broader scale. Those beginners on the Path may relate enlightening facts to those farther along than themselves, but they can never directly teach them principles. Principles are only passed down from higher to lower. If any of us achieve enlightenment on any principle, it is either inspired by a person who is further along the path than ourselves or from our Higher Selves. What we are saying here is, in fact, a principle: enlightenment proceeds from the top down, never from the bottom up.”

I see things just a little differently.

It is possible to raise one’s consciousness so as to obtain a higher angle of vision and observe for oneself.

I don’t see how you see things differently at all.  If you raise your consciousness to a high enough angle of vision to understand a new principle then you are making some degree of soul contact and receiving assistance from your higher self.  We can come to many conclusions just using metal reflection, but such things deal with facts rather than principles.  Sounds like you are in harmony with my statement.

This statement you made demonstrates how you have received from higher than your lower nature:

“Whenever I went to church, or listened to a speech, or read a book, it was like there was a little narrative of the soul going on in my inner ear: “I know what that guy just said, but this is the truth.” I listened more to that inner voice, than I did to any outer voice….In a way, nobody learns things totally on their own.”

John C
And this explains my insistence that a male/male atomic unit would not hurt a Molecule.

It doesn’t explain it at all for you never created a molecule.  There hasn’t been a full working model since Christ was here 2000 years ago.

What you created was a spiritual group and a spiritual group creating group energy can be produced by any combination of people.

John C
But to say that all same-sex couples are not really married, can’t experience soul contact, and are incapable of forming a balanced atomic unit, does not fit in with the reality that I have experienced.

I never said that there cannot be soul contact in male male and female female relationships as you insinuate.   This happens all the time.  You are using the word “balanced” as in feeling in harmony together through the soul.  This is a totally different thing than balancing electrical charge.  You need to disagree with what I say, not with what I do not say.

John C
It just drives me nuts when so many people on the Keys appear to me to be so stuck on JJ that they can’t see anything or anybody else.

They do see a lot else and many members are attending other classes and reading a large assortment of books.  BUT they do not dwell on these other things because the Keys is set up as a classroom with me as the teacher.

Why does this drive you nuts???

Were you also driven nuts when you attended school and had to follow the agenda of the teacher.  When you were in a math class, did you want to talk about English?
I cannot imagine being driven nuts over anyone who has decided to teach a class no matter how wrong I think they are.  If the teacher does not know what he is talking about I wouldn’t be driven nuts, but would just not take the class.

If the teacher has something good to teach I would take the class and learn, but wouldn’t be driven nuts.

If the students were enthralled with the teacher and do not listen to a word I say -fine – that is their choice and has nothing to do me. I’ll still take what I can from the class and would not be driven nuts.

John C
Why does it bother me when people do that? Some people think it’s because I’m jealous and want attention, but that’s not true. All people want attention. That is perfectly normal. But, I DON’T want attention, but I would like to be at least taken seriously when I write something, and have it given at least some consideration. But, this is something I want for every member of the group.

It sounds like you are saying that you do not want attention but then turn around and telling us you want attention – or to be taken seriously which is the same thing.

John C
When I post, I don’t try to say the absolutely perfect truths, coming out of the mouth of God. I like to throw out an idea and have somebody else improve on it, then I say something to improve on their idea, and then somebody says something to improve that still further. This is the way Thom and I make decisions, and the way we teach each other truths, and it works great! Everybody gets to be the teacher. Everybody gets to be the student. Everybody sends. Everybody receives. This works great here at home, but it has never worked on the Keys.

Sounds like you are not looking for a classroom but one of the many loosely organized forums like Alex has created for example. Here on the Sealed Portion we are not set up as a classroom with a teacher but as a group where all can post with equal authority. This and others like it should be much more suited for your needs.

I like coming to forums such as this, but am also a member of a list with an acknowledged teacher like myself.  I wouldn’t think of complaining that no one listens to me there or in any other class.

John C
I don’t stand up on the mountain and throw down lightning bolts. My attitude is more like: come, let us reason together.

Perhaps I write things that most people aren’t interested in — like how overshadowing REALLY works, etc.

Maybe the group didn’t believe you REALLY know how it works.
John C
I have new principles or insights to offer the world, and I have taught many of them on the Keys, and I have mentioned some of them in this post.

I think we have a different understanding of principles for I haven’t seen you ever teach a new one.

That said, I thought I would end with a few comments that may be offensive to you, but if you can handle it then they will be helpful.

First, I do not think you are jealous of me as some accuse you of being.  I think you see yourself of at least my equal and therefore, in your mind, no jealousy is possible.

You complain that few on the Keys listen to you.  Here are the reasons for that.

(1) The Keys is set up as a classroom and as such the students came there to learn from the teacher – not a student competing with the teacher.

(2) In post after post you present yourself as a victim.  No one wants to learn from someone who feels like a victim.

(3) You are constantly on a soapbox about being gay.  We have a number of gays on the forum and they do not do this. If you were to equally talk about Scientology and how this made you a victim that would be equally annoying.

You are gay, fine.  I do not know a member of the Keys that has anything against gays.  Unless being gay has something to do with the agenda of the class or something being taught let’s move on.

(4) You regularly give us hints that you have special knowledge that we are unprepared for. This makes some see you as presenting yourself as a superior to the rest of us without giving us any evidence.

(5) You present yourself on the Keys as if you have a right to be listened to and understood.  No one has that right including myself.

(6) You regularly hint that you disagree with me but rarely give anything with clarity that defines the disagreement. This sometimes makes it look like you are disagreeing just to be disagreeing or to take me down a notch.

(7) Even though you say you are free from the beast you seem to think your teachings should be accepted on the Keys because of who you were in past lives (which you’ve hinted at) and/or some type of divine authority you inherently possess. I doubt if you can see this in yourself, but I can guarantee you that others have this impression.

Sorry to be so blunt with you but I think it is time to confront you with these points and they can be helpful if examined with the right attitude.

Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey


This entry is part 33 of 62 in the series 2010

Posted Aug 26, 2010
Larry W writes:
Also you pointed out that JJ’s story of his planetary origin is fiction and that is all that JJ ever claimed it to be. However, I believe that in the context of that story or of some similar story, JJ has thousands more years experience as a physical soul than we do and I buy into the idea he was tapped for leadership by the BOL because of this plus his attitude and his karma.

As I have said many times the Immortal Books are built upon true events as much as possible. Normally I do not comment on what is true and what is fiction but in this case I will make an exception to illustrate how many events in the series are created from points of truth and then fictionalized.

It is true that I was taken far back in time to a distant planet and shown the exact moment my path changed from dark to light. It was very disturbing because I saw that I was one bad dude that didn’t care about human life and that I indeed had to pay for many debts after I made the change.

Most of this particular story in the book is fictionalized but created from what I believe to be a true experience.

Unless a reader gets a true revelation he cannot tell which parts are built upon true events and which one are pure fiction so it is unwise to just declare, “You know that is fiction, don’t you?”
Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey


This entry is part 34 of 62 in the series 2010

Posted Aug 31, 2010
Since only the workings of the hierarchy as understood from the dark side has been clearly manifest on the earth and that is all the people have seen this is also all they understand. This is a hierarchy that has unquestioned authority that must be obeyed or a severe punishment is meted out. Within this hierarchy is a minimum amount of freedom of decision and movement.

An example of the Hierarchy of Light has only been foreshadowed (U.S. Constitution) but not yet been properly demonstrated on the earth. Therefore, when the people hear the term they think only in terms of command and obey rather than the alternative.

The Hierarchy of Light rarely commands but teaches and then allows the students to incorporate the teachings or ignore them. If the teaching is true the punishment inflicted comes not from the chain of command but from the Law of Cause and Effect as it takes its toll upon the student for wandering into illusion.

Because even most aspirants do not understand hierarchy and its two divisions if DK had allowed a teacher they would have created the beast of unjust authority which, would have insured failure.

Therefore, the only thing that DK could have done was to insist there be no leader in the group except for himself as the teacher and guide.

He was hoping for what he called “occult obedience” which basically means that the true disciples will obtain soul contact and then follow it in harmony together.

That said, hierarchy holds the universe together in intelligent form from the highest Logos to the smallest subatomic particle.

Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey

All Time High

This entry is part 35 of 62 in the series 2010

Posted Sept 3, 2010
Well, John C – looks like you have done a lot of research and contemplation on the overshadowing process. You have come up with some interesting thoughts and conclusions. You are also expanding on a principle you and Keith call the Tuning Fork Principle. An understanding of this can lead to many facts.

You seem to wonder what a divine possession would really feel like. The best description I can give you is found in The Lost Key of the Buddha. The description of the presence is true though the circumstances are changed for the story’s sake.

From The Lost Key:
She then stepped forward and touched both sides of my head with her fingertips, took a long deep breath and breathed out on me. As she exhaled her breath, I felt a deep and penetrating peace begin at the core of my soul, which seemed to light into a warm and comfortable spiritual fire.

Elizabeth stepped back and said, “It’s gone! The Presence is no longer in me. I believe it has been transferred into you. What do you feel?”

“Like you said, it is a strong Presence burning like a spiritual fire. It’s like the feeling I had when I laughed at the Dark Brother beside my bed, and afterward a presence descended on me. It is also similar to the feeling of being in the New Jerusalem.”

“Well, I guess one problem is solved. You do not have to worry about a place to store Excalibur. Apparently this Presence is the owner of it and he is now residing within you.”

“To tell the truth I’m not sure what the situation is. I feel a Presence, and a wonderful Presence it is, but no information is coming through. It is just here with me.”

“Maybe it is just settling in, looking through your eyes and making adjustments.”

“Maybe,” I said, a little puzzled.

“I think it is time to get a little rest,” she said. “I do not remember when I have felt so exhausted.”

That sounded good to me. We both went to bed and quickly fell to sleep.

My sleep did not last long. I was awakened about two hours later by an intensity of feeling that I had never felt before. The power of the Presence within me had magnified several times and I felt as if I were on fire even more than before. It was at this time I realized that the Presence of this Great Entity was not just hovering around me, but was within me sharing my very body and being. I did not quite know what to make of it except that the Entity seemed to be adjusting to me as I was toward it. Whatever the case was, the feelings associated with the Presence were wonderful, and I instinctively had great trust in it. I felt like it would leave if I asked it to, but I had no inclination except to welcome the visitor to stay as long as it wished.

I lay for the next half hour in a sort of blissful joy and then wandered off to sleep again.

Elizabeth and I slept in that morning and did not get to the office until around noon. During the day, the power of the Presence intensified even more – a thing that I did not deem possible. It felt wonderful, but made it somewhat difficult to keep my mind on my work.

The second day produced similar results. I felt as if I were literally on fire.

Then on the third day the intensity reached a crescendo, the likes of which I had never dreamed. I felt as if I was dwelling in the heart of the sun and all who looked upon me would be blinded. I felt a joy which could only be called a fullness. I call it a fullness because I do not think anything could be added to it.

This was the opposite of the feelings associated with the Dweller.

Instead of overwhelming pain, I felt a joyousness and exhilaration far beyond my wildest imagination. Sometimes I thought the intensity was too much, but then when I asked myself the question, “Do I want it to subside?” the answer was always no. Even though the intensity was so great it was almost painful, it wasn’t painful–just exactly the maximum I could endure.

Instead of fear I felt a confident realization that there is indeed a dominating good which always prevails. Instead of wishing the Presence gone this time I opened my arms and heart to it inviting it to stay as long as desired. On this third day when the living fire was so intense I posed a question to Elizabeth.

“Look at me,” I said.

“What for?” she asked.

“Just look,” I said. “Look over my whole body.”

“OK,” she replied. “I’ve looked over your body. Now what?”

“Do I look any different?”

“Not really,” she responded.

“Look harder. Do I seem to be glowing or anything?”

“Not that I can tell.”

“Look closer at my skin then. Is there any light radiating from it?”

“Sorry,” she said. “You just look like you always do. Has this got something to do with the Presence?”

“Yes,” I said. “I thought the strength of the Presence was great on the night it went from you into me, but that was nothing compared to what I feel now. I feel like I am on fire, but it is a good fire. It feels like all who would look at me, because of the Presence in me, would just see a brilliant sun shining in its strength. I am almost surprised that I look normal.”

“Maybe if I had the inner vision I would see the brilliance of the sun,” said Elizabeth, “but all I see with these eyes is the physical you.

“In a way, that’s a relief,” I said. “If I walked around glowing, people would probably think I was an alien or something.”

“I have an idea of what you are feeling since it was first in me,” said Elizabeth, “but you say the power of the Presence increased over a three-day period. Perhaps it is merging with you beyond what I experienced.”

“I think that is the case,” I said. “I think we both felt the Presence to a similar degree the night it came, but it seems to have settled in and is merging beyond words to describe. I think this intensity can only be endured after a period of several days of adjustment. If this intensity had come all at one time I do not think I could have handled it. Here, hold my hand a minute.”

She took my hand and held it.

“Do you feel anything unusual?” I asked.

“Actually I don’t,” she said, sounding a little disappointed.

“The feeling is so intense I thought you would feel something just by touching me. But again, I guess it is good that touching me feels normal.” I paused a moment and asked, “Do you have any feelings about what I am supposed to do with this Presence?”

“It only rested on me for a short time,” she said. “I just received one communication from it and that did not come in words, but an impression. I feel that you need to blend your mind with its mind until its thoughts become your thoughts – a little like the Oneness Principle that John speaks of.”

That sounded like as good advice as any, and for the next several days I concentrated on merging and tuning into its thoughts. This Being was of such a high vibration and so far beyond me in spiritual attainment that I was not sure of the path of approach. I seemed to sense that the spiritual level where we were merging was beyond the power of regular spoken words.

The next few days seemed to be one of adaptation on my part. I’m sure this Being also had to make adjustments to share my body and consciousness, but at least I was sure he knew what he was doing. On the other hand, I was not sure about myself. This was an experience that had no precedent as far as my knowledge went. I therefore attempted to tune into his mind and as the days passed I seemed to be able to do this. When I acquired some ability to understand the mind of the Being who was with me, I realized that I was learning a higher form of communication.

In normal communication the mind formulates thoughts, translates them into words and speaks them to others. In this process much is lost, for the original thought is always corrupted to some extent because of the imperfection of spoken or written language. This communication I was learning was much different. In this case my mind and the entity’s mind became as one mind, intertwined and understanding each other in almost all things. I say “almost” because I sensed we still maintained our individuality and there were certain things in the entity’s mind that were hidden from me.

For instance, I probed it for the Second Key of Knowledge that John was teaching me and found all his thoughts on the subject were closed to me. I assumed that I was to learn this key without it being given to me.

The three attributes of Light and Love and Power in this Being were strong beyond my previous vision or understanding. I felt such power from this Entity surging through my being that it felt as if I could point my finger at a mountain and it would be reduced to nothingness if he so willed it. Such power would have been frightening to feel if it were not tempered by an equally powerful love which I felt. The love was like a fire of unimaginable depth that was at one with my soul and spirit. It vivified my own life force and caused my thoughts to reach out to all humanity; seeking to alleviate their pain and seek peace on earth, good will to human kind.

The light and wisdom from this being was equally overwhelming. I have often considered myself a seeker who could match wits with the best of the ideologues, but before the light of this great mind I felt humble indeed. This Being was indeed a teacher of teachers, a master of angels and men.

The being stayed with me about forty days. During this period I learned that its purpose was not so much to teach me knowledge in the normal sense, but to intensify my vibration and acclimate me to this higher Presence in preparation for some future mission. I learned to understand the aspect of the Oneness Principle as never before, where two become one.

Perhaps the most unusual thing about this forty-day experience was the consistent exaltation of joy and pure bliss that I felt. I had my ups and downs in the normal sense during this time, several business problems, disappointments, etc., but nothing that happened, no matter how disturbing, was able to diminish or take away from the consistent exaltation I felt. This Being had an eternal fullness of joy, and there was nothing that could happen in the outward world that could interfere with it or take it away.

Many people have the mistaken idea that God is consistently sad because of all the evils and hurt in the world. The state of mind of this great Entity taught me otherwise. He realizes all the problems that people have and seeks to help them, but no problem, pain or distress that you or I may feel can touch or diminish His state of joy. This is because His mind is not focused on the temporary distress that humanity may have, but the eternal conquest over illusion which we all will attain at some future time. The Great Ones can see these future times of joy and merge them with the present distress, so all negativity is neutralized.

This consistent joy was perhaps the most amazing thing I gathered from this whole experience. Before this happened, I could not conceive of a positivism that could not be diminished or touched by the cares of the world. I had, of course, heard preachers talk about heaven, where we will have some type of eternal bliss; but I never seriously considered experiencing a positive joyousness in the here-and-now that could not be touched or diminished.

For instance, if I lost one thousand dollars I would, of course, be very upset. But the interesting thing about sharing this Presence was that it would not matter what happened; even if I had lost everything I owned, the experience of a fullness of joy would have continued.

I would have registered the consequences mentally and dealt with the problem on a practical basis, but the joyousness would not have been touched or diminished. The loss of the money would have seemed like a very small thing for the lower mind to handle.

I can only give the briefest description of my experiences with this Entity, but will add that even one hour of this oneness is worth a lifetime of struggle to attain.

During the forty days, I received many impressions, mainly concerning overall pictures and principles, but the last one I received is the one that lingers in my mind.

This was the message: “Teach those things which you receive through your teacher and the Oneness Principle. When you gather around you those who are willing to receive that which you have, then I will come dwell with you again and shall give you more.”

“How many do I have to gather?” I asked.

“That is for me to decide,” he said. “Gather around you all the lights who listen to the voice of the soul, and when all is ready I will come. Until that time I will be with you, for a link has been created between us. I will be aware of all that transpires until I come.”

Shortly after receiving this message the entity left. The time afterwards required quite an adjustment to feel “normal,” but on the positive side I was still aware of the link, and this connective energy I constantly sensed helped to make normal living and being bearable again.

Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey

True Past Lives

This entry is part 36 of 62 in the series 2010

Posted Sept 6, 2010
I thought I would make a few comments on the recent round of conversations concerning past lives of famous figures and the persons identified in “Secret Places of the Lion.”

George Hunt Williamson claimed to have discovered in Peru a manuscript kept by the White Brotherhood that revealed the essential information in his book. Whether or not this is true, it is true that there is a Goodly Company of advanced souls that incarnate again and again in the service of humanity. One can surmise that a significant person in history who has accomplished a worthwhile service of value may be one of them.

The question is which one? Was Brigham Young Solomon? Was Joseph Smith, Joseph the Father of Jesus or Peter as I indicated or someone else?

Were some members of the Keys back there with Jesus and the Apostles?

It is interesting to speculate, but unless there is some message from a past life that your soul wants you to know the chances of knowing the exact truth is fairly slim.

I have had past life readings from a number of psychics and no two have told me the same thing. There has, however, been a common thread among all the readings, as I recall, and that is they all perceived me as some sort of teacher, shaman or magician that knew things that the people as a whole did not. It would make fascinating reading to reveal some of them.

What does this tell you?

It says that they tuned into the basic true vibration from the Akashic records but could not tune into the fine details with accuracy.

The most likely person to tune into his own past lives is himself. This is because he has a right to know providing his soul is in agreement. We are also the most deceived about our own past lives. Because of glamour we often see ourselves as being more important in the past than we are in the present. If a person claims to be a great one from the past yet does nothing great in the preset then you can be assured that something does not compute.

It is possible for a third party to read our past lives but accuracy is rare unless that person is a master or close to it.

It is a positive thing that we do not remember our past lives for it forces us to focus on the present. After all, the reason we die when we do is that the life has served its purpose and the soul wants to place us in a new and different situation where we will cease concentrating on the old and concentrate on the new.

In summary, Secret Places of the Lion gives us food for thought but I do not think it is 100% accurate. Past lives given by Sharón, me and others are also good food for thought but may or may not be true.

What is true is the present and our power to make something of it. What is also true are all the principles that have been covered on the Keys. These can be taken to the bank of the soul and once understood can be used for the rest of the current life as well as future ones.

A principle truly registered in the psych stays with us for not only the present life, but all future ones. Facts come and go. Therefore, seek understanding of the language of the soul, the language of everlasting principles.


Ruth writes:
I hear what you are saying JJ and I understand the fact that one must not live under a pretense or glamor about one’s past lives, however, as you have discussed past lives in your teachings, I assumed that we could still piece some things together in the present to get a bigger or better picture and understanding of ancient history etc.

It’s always good to piece together any truth you can from various pieces of information that is available.


“There is a book that comes to mind that I believe to be about 90% accurate. I found it to be one of the most interesting books I have ever read. It is called “Secret Places of the Lion: Alien Influences on Earth’s Destiny” by George Hunt Williamson.” JJ

I would say that 90% accurate is a high level, leaving only a margin of 10% error.

Was there a particular reason for you including this book in the Archives, so people could delve into past lives etc?

Just wondering……

I first read this book many years ago just as I was discovering the principle of reincarnation. It helped to open my eyes to the principle. The 90% figure was a guess. It could be less but probably not more.

JJ Quote:
The most likely person to tune into his own past lives is himself. This is because he has a right to know providing his soul is in agreement. We are also the most deceived about our own past lives. Because of glamour we often see ourselves as being more important in the past than we are in the present. If a person claims to be a great one from the past yet does nothing great in the preset then you can be assured that something does not compute.

What about if that person who had been great in a past life was now having a life of rest? This would mean that this person had spent 6 lives doing possibly great things for humanity, and then would have one lifetime of “rest” or one lifetime wherein he or she spent receiving higher teachings.

If Einstein was having his Sabbath life as John Doe, he would still have the intelligence of Einstein. When one has a Sabbath life he just doesn’t sit around and do nothing. Often he will do as great a work as ever. Instead of being boxed in with many problems to solve he is freed of many restrictions and can do whatever is fun to him. For many people work is fun. Others just want to go fishing or play golf.

If Abraham Lincoln were here among us enjoying his Sabbath life he would still be a fascinating person but instead of having a great burden of saving the union he would be free do something he liked that was less strenuous.

Quoting JJ
It is possible for a third party to read our past lives but accuracy is rare unless that person is a master or close to it.

So someone with soul contact could possibly be wrong on the past life vibration of another? (I am asking this for a particular reason.)

Many who have occasional soul contact are incorrect when trying to figure out the past lives of others. I’ve only had my soul give me a past life impression on a couple people and that was because they have been close to me for numerous lifetimes. One of them verified I was correct when I took her back and she revealed the name I was given and information she couldn’t have known from this life.

Was it correct of you to state that Susan is a walk in? Would that produce a type of Glamor in her, or within others who would think of her as someone more important now, because she is a walk in?

I didn’t state positively that she was a walk-in but that her handwriting showed a significant change in personality which could be caused by being a walk-in.

There’s not a lot of glamour over being a walk-in for a walk-in is not always a high initiate, but someone who has a strong desire to serve and pay off karma.

This is kind of confusing to me, because in one instance we are allowed to learn about past lives, and you even do past life regressions through hypnosis, but in another instance, we are told that it is more important to focus on true principles, which is understandable, but then you have stated who you were in a past life and mentioned about Susan, so I am wondering the reasons why you stated these facts?

I’m confused about why you are confused. I have never said anything to indicate that it is wrong to use means at our disposal to discover past lives. Past life regression has nothing to do with soul contact. Much investigation can occur without having soul contact. I have said that our soul will not reveal them to us unless it is important for us to know. That doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with using our own resources to learn whatever we want whenever we want. What we learn on our own through using regression techniques usually doesn’t usually distract that much, but it could if a person becomes over obsessed with a past identity. Putting too much attention on anything can be a distraction.

By being born with no past life memories we are freed up to concentrate on the present, but that doesn’t mean we do not incorporate the knowledge of discoveries we make along the way.

I have revealed only one past life and that was harmless because it carried with it no authority that I must be followed because of my greatness. There is nothing wrong with revealing who you think you might have been in a past life as long as you do not try to claim you must be followed because you were some great being or use it to establish beastly authority or enhance glamour.

Jesus said the first shall be last and the last first. Some of those who saw themselves as the first in past lives because they were close to Jesus, Buddha, George Washington etc may find themselves unable to deal with the next steps that now have to be taken that are different from the past. The only way out of this cycle is to stay open to new truth as a little child is.

Tom writes:
I know about walk in….but I have a question on overshadowing. I know
that Christ overshadowed Jesus. Can more than two or three souls/ or person’s occupying the exact same body at the exact same time, or overshadowing the body or only one soul overshadow one body at a time? Does it has to be a master or can if be an advanced soul?

It is obviously possible for more than two to occupy one body at one time. After all when Jesus cast the evil spirits into the swine they said their name was legion because they were many.

On the side of light there is not the need for such multiple occupations as that would be a waste of time. On the other hand, when Jesus was sharing a body with the Christ he was sharing consciousness with a great host of intelligences connected through the Oneness Principle, but only one other actual entity was dwelling in his living space.

Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey


This entry is part 37 of 62 in the series 2010

Tom writes:
I am not too familiar with the history of the plot to kill Hitler, but I know that JJ was the one who planned it, if I am not mistaken. Because you have revealed this life I figured it was ok to bring it up. I am wondering if you have the ability to learn German?

No. I think a dose of living with the Nazis has made me gun-shy of learning German in this life. We all have spoken other languages in past lives but even so most of us would have to struggle to learn them again.

I have taken people back into past lives where they were able to speak a language of the past but then as soon as they return to the present they can’t remember how to speak it.

Also, if Einstein was reincarnated you say he will have the same intelligence of Einstein? I Remember in a private Email from you that if one had a mental illness that could effect anyone’s intelligence including Einstein, Newton, Hawking. (I added those names not you) Let say the reincarnation of Einstein had Autism or Dyslexia or some kind of illness that can cause the brain to produce poor language skills. Is this correct that if one is born with such disabilities that it will effect their overall intelligence from a past life?

If Einstein were born with brain damage then his full intelligence would be handicapped. However, if he were born with a fully functioning body, brain and nervous system, his intelligence would carry over. He may apply it differently in this life but he would still have genius.