Things Getting Better

Things Getting Better

A reader asked about karma as it affects the various kingdoms.

Cause and effect reaches into all kingdoms in all spheres. Even a plant operates under this law but the dynamics of the law as it affects the lower kingdoms are much more subtle as far as karma goes. As far as we are concerned, karma as it affects the human kingdom is of prime importance.

All lives, even Masters, have negative as well as positive karma. This statement may startle some, but first consider this. There cannot be a positive unless a negative is lurking in the background somewhere.

“But,” asks one, “haven’t we learned here that a Master learns to work with the law of cause and effect so karma works in his favor?”

Yes, I have indicated that, but one more thing needs to be considered. When one expands his consciousness and masters karma as it causes painful effects on the human kingdom so that it seems as if one is indeed a Master of producing good effects as we understand the idea – then a new problem is created. This expansion of consciousness that creates the Master also expands his ring-pass-not so new worlds of becoming appear before his eyes. With this comes new challenges and as he moves into these new vistas where he is a beginning student, and no longer the master, he again makes mistakes but on a higher level. These higher mistakes, which are not to be comprehended by the average seeker, create again both positive and negative karma.

Let me quote again from what I believe to be the highest writings on the planet: DK through Alice A. Bailey. Here are some exerpts that clearly tell us that lives above human have to deal with karma. These include lives as high up as the Ancient of Days (Sanat Kumara) and the Solar Logos and beyond.

Here are some quotes from DK:

The whole question depends upon two things, which are the karma of the man, the planetary Logos, and the solar Logos, and the dominance of the spiritual indwelling entity over its vehicle. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 111

Types of Karma. We might here enumerate the different types of KARMA, even though we have not the time to enlarge upon the subject. A book by itself of vast proportions could not contain all that might be said. We should bear in mind that KARMA is imposed upon the ensouling entity through the medium of matter or of substance itself (which is coloured by it) and that this matter or substance is intelligent material composed of deva essence.

Cosmic Karma-Imposed upon the solar Logos from outside of the system.

Systemic Karma-The working out by the Logos of effects set in motion in previous Kalpas, and which influence His present type of Body.

Planetary Karma-The individual karma of a Heavenly Man, which is just as different from that of another Heavenly Man, as is the karma of the different members of the human family. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 469

In connection with the karma of the solar Logos, the subject is even more abstract and incomprehensible. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 801

The relation of the fifth Hierarchy to a certain constellation has also a bearing upon this mystery. This is hidden in the karma of the solar Logos, and concerns His relationship to another solar Logos, and the interplay of force between them in a greater mahakalpa. This is the true “secret of the Dragon,” and it was the dragon-influence or the “serpent energy” which caused the influx of manasic or mind energy into the solar system. Entangled closely with the karma of these two Entities, was that of the lesser cosmic Entity Who is the Life of our planet, the planetary Logos. It was this triple karma which brought in the “serpent religion” and the “Serpents or Dragons of Wisdom” in Lemurian days. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 1203-1204

The problem of humanity in respect to imperfection is complicated, not only by the fact that the seven informing vitalising Energies are “tainted with imperfection,” but also by the fact that the Lord of the World is Himself, from the angle of a Solar Logos for instance, far from perfect; this is the reason why our planet, the Earth, is not a sacred planet. We are told that Sanat Kumara is the divine prisoner of this planet, held here until the “last weary pilgrim has found his way home.” This is His heavy karma even whilst it is an expression of His desire and of His joy; the “weary pilgrims” are the atoms (human or otherwise) in His body, and they are tainted with imperfection because of His imperfections; their complete “healing” will set the term for His release. Esoteric Healing, Page 298

JJ: If therefore lives such as the Solar Logos and beyond have to deal with karma then we might as well put the idea of escape from cause and effect out of our minds for at least several eternities.

Actually this goes along well with our current topic.

Today’s Question:

Many people, new age and old age, believe that the people on this planet at this present time are the most evil bunch in history. Do you believe this to be true? Is the righteousness of the people on this planet increasing or decreasing?

In my younger days when I used to attend church I heard the idea preached again and again that the world is more wicked than it has ever been in the history of the world. As evidence of this I was told to look around and witness the wars and rumors of wars and man’s inhumanity to man. (Notice girls that the male is blamed for all the inhumanity?). I swallowed this idea without thinking about it until a time came that an alternative view by DK was presented to me. This new idea was that the people on the earth are evolving and getting better as a whole and not worse. This immediately struck a chord with me and after reading it I wondered why I had not considered it before.

For just one comparison consider this. A couple thousand years ago it was national sport to throw Christian men women and children to the lions.. The crowds composed of former neighbors and friends of such Christians cheered the lions on as they tore their victims limb to limb.

Now we give Spain a bad time for bullfighting, but imagine if they reinstituted this ancient spectacle? Why all the nations of the earth including he totalitarian regimes would be abhorred and protest with righteous indignation.

Here in Idaho farmers made national headlines a few years ago when they killed jackrabbits that were causing them problems. Now they had been doing this for many years and no one complained, but when some journalist wrote a national article about it the whole nation began to look upon us as a bunch of animal hating hicks. Just a couple hundred years ago there was not this much outrage over killing a surf or a slave. Now people are becoming as sensitive to the life of a tree as they were the life of a human in the days of Jesus.

We just mentioned that when karma is mastered on one level we then move up to a higher level where we have subtler karmas to work with. The same is applied to good and evil which is closely linked to cause and effect. One of the goals of the higher lives is to not only bring in the greater good of a new age, but to raise the standard of evil so that which was evil in days past (throwing people to lions for sport) becomes unthinkable and a lesser evil (killing jack rabbits) becomes the new definition of the bad behavior.

As we are approaching the new age we tend to go overboard and in some ways we are too sensitive and too politically correct, but after the pendulum swings back and forth a few times we will reach a happy medium in judgment.

Now we could spend many months discussing this Law of Correspondences which has been under discussion, but I believe we have covered it enough to give an idea as to its value in the principles of discovery. We will cover another post or two on it and move on to an entirely new topic, largely out of group need. Nevertheless, this law will come up again and again in these teachings.

Even though there are more principles of discovery to cover I am impressed to move on to talk about the principles of good health and then finish this topic at a later time.

A number of people in the group have health problems and my heart goes out to them. It is also of extreme importance that those of us seeking to serve, who presently have good health, maintain this vitality, for poor health is indeed a great handicap to many.

We could spend years on this subject, but the class goal at present is to cover the most important and useful information..

Wholeness (holiness) in health covers many areas including the physical, emotional mental and spiritual.

Let us start with the physical and move up.

What are four (or more) things we can do on the physical plane to improve health?

March 8, 2000

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The Lever Principle

June 4, 1999

The Lever Principle

Many people wonder how karma will be paid off or if it is even necessary if the offender learns his lesson and changes his behavior. And how about someone like Hitler who was responsible for killing millions of people? Will he have to be reborn and murdered again and again to pay for his deeds? Or how about a burglar who has robbed from many homes? How can he pay his debt?

The trouble we have here in our understanding is that we tend to examine forgiveness through the eyes of the fundamentalist religions which tend to see God on some yonder throne making decisions as to how much each person needs to be punished before he is forgiven. Then after he has either been punished to the maximum or performed a necessary ritual he wipes the slate clean.

This simplistic view works good as a teaching mechanism for the spiritual infants of the world who see God as an amplified Santa Claus, but there comes a time that the seeker realizes that the Santa Claus God is an illusion and wants a more logical reason behind the true disciplines and gifts of the Father/Mother/It God.

The truth is that when God switches from the state of Being to BECOMING the worlds of form were created and as a result of God reflecting Itself and, having plunged into form, certain laws became manifest that were a natural result of the creation of God and even God Itself had no power to determine exactly how the laws would materialize. God did not say – I am going to create the universe and in it I am going to make a law of cause and effect. Instead He created the universe and within this universe the reflections of God discovered that the law of cause and effect is an inherent principle that eternally exists within any creation of form. The reflections also discovered other laws such as gravity, the polarities of positive and negative, inertia and other principles that just ARE. The reflections discovered that the principles that just are cannot be altered or changed but must be mastered and used to mold creation to a desired end. That desired end is that which we DECIDE and creates the process of BECOMING.

Thus we, as reflections of God, find ourselves within a universe that has certain eternal laws that are interdependent with creation that even God cannot negate and thus we as reflections cannot negate. To make a declaration of belief that a principle does not exist does not and cannot alter the principle. What we as reflections must do is discover the laws and work with them to create the end that we desire.

The lives higher than human, who are so advanced that they seem as gods to us, have learned and mastered many principles that have given them a great deal of power and freedom, but only because they work with what is rather than what is not.

Whereas the law of cause and effect is an eternal principle, forgiveness is not. Forgiveness is a temporary measure that manifests in the state of illusion. The illusion that makes forgiveness seem real is the idea that there is something to forgive, as The Course in Miracles teaches. As a reflection of God you are invulnerable and as such there is nothing anyone can do to hurt you in the real sense. This is a realization that all Masters who have overcome death have attained. Once this understanding is incorporated into our being then forgiveness no longer exists or is possible because there is never anything to forgive.

But even those who have attained this high realization still have to deal with the law of cause and effect because this law is no illusion as it relates to creation.

Cause and effect (or karma) applies to the universe, galaxies, suns, planets, humans and even atoms… there is no escape as long as we are experiencing the life principle.

Some gurus argue with this by saying: “My consciousness is so high that I am one with a beingness that is beyond cause and effect.”

To this I answer: Look in the mirror. Do you see yourself? If you do then you have not left the world of cause and effect. Are you conscious of time and space? If so then you are subject to the law of cause and effect. Do you use money? Then you are in the world of cause and effect.

The trouble is that many read teachings about some ultimate reality that is beyond cause and effect and they immediately assume that this is the next step for them. Then after a short period of contemplation they assume they have taken that step and they then enter a world of illusion where they see themselves as untouchable by the normal laws of being. Entities who enter this illusion often receive a painful and alarming awakening by the law of cause and effect from which they see themselves immune. Sooner or later they are forced into the realization that they have not left the laws of the universe behind but must deal with what is.

Let us use a car as an example of this law. You get in your car and head out to the freeway and accelerate to seventy miles an hour and then put on the cruise control. You have now created cause that has the effect of making you cruise down the road at a certain speed.

Now that this cause and effect is a reality in this part of creation let us say that for some reason you want to change this situation and bring your car to a stop. If forgiveness has any effect on karma (or cause and effect) then all you would have to do is say to your car: “I forgive you for going seventy miles an hour and because I forgive you I expect you to stop.!”

This seems like an obviously silly thing to do because there is nothing to forgive and even if there was it would not effect the speed of the car.

So it is with the burglar. Seen from the reality of cause and effect there is nothing to forgive and even if we think there is, nothing changes.

Let’s get back to the speeding car. Suppose you blurt out a mantra decreeing: “I see myself in the Eternal Now and decree that all is still!”

Does your car stop?



Because you created no cause.

So how do you stop the car?

There are several ways.

The worst method is to run head on to an opposing vehicle. This would stop you dead in your tracts in an undesirable manner.

You could run into a stationary object such as a building or a cow. This would also stop you, but is also undesirable.

You could take the cruise control and acceleration off and let natural resistances outside of yourself cause you to slow a stop.

But perhaps this method of stopping takes much longer than you desire. So what else can you do? Aha! You discover a device called a brake that works with cause and effect in the real world, and using such device you can bring yourself to a quick and secure stop. You have not negated the law, but worked with the law with intelligence so your desired end is achieved and under your control.

So the burglar has created a thousand burglaries or a thousand causes so his car is going at the terrible speed of a thousand miles an hour. Now he wants to stop because he has discovered he is going the wrong direction. He needs to slow to zero, turn around and go the other direction. How does he do this?

(1) First he must realize that there are causes in motion that he must steer correctly. If he does not he is likely to have a collision and come to a disastrous stop which will take a long period of pain and healing from which to recover.

(2) He can turn off his cruise control and release the acceleration (stop committing burglaries) and let natural causes from the opposing direction bring you to zero.

(3) The burglar experiences an epiphany and ceases his bad behavior, but he decides to just “go with the flow” and applies no intelligence to using the law of cause and effect in his favor. Thus what brings him to zero are a thousand negative resisting experiences happening to him. This stretches the pain out over a long period of time, but is still undesirable.

(4) The final and most desirable method of coming to a stop is to apply the brakes. Consider the miracle of the brake. A frail 100 pound weakling can apply a small pressure with his foot and bring a vehicle weighing tons to a complete stop in seconds, much faster than using the going with the flow idea. The brake applies the leverage principle wherein a pound of pressure can create a thousand pounds of resistance through intelligent application of law and materials.

So how does the burglar apply the leverage principle so he does not have to suffer the equivalent of a thousand thefts himself?

First he must come to the realization that he is going the wrong direction and take off the cruise control and acceleration (stop burglarizing homes). Then he must obtain a sense and awareness of his situation. He must become aware of his speed and direction and he must do something to slow to zero so he can head in a positive direction. Once he obtains a sense of the energy (service) that is required to stop he then seeks power to manipulate this force.

There are a number of ways the wise burglar can neutralize this energy of negative karma; here is one.

The burglar changes his ways and seeks to live by the highest that he knows. As he does this he achieves a degree of soul contact and begins to get direction from within which tells him that he should strive to succeed and do good works to help his brothers and sisters. He follows this impulse and starts a business and becomes successful. After he achieves considerable wealth his inner self tells him he should be generous with his good fortune. He then sets up a scholarship program that helps a thousand kids go to college and improve their lives. This then becomes a lever that puts a brake on the great debt that he owes and brings his karma to a complete stop much quicker than going with the flow will ever accomplish. In addition, he pays off his debt through joyous service rather than painful experiences.

This also illustrates the beauty of BECOMING. As we become that which we decide to become we discover more levers that give us accelerating power to make our decisions a reality. We receive joy and peace as additional levers are registered by our consciousness and used with wisdom. In fact the Brotherhood of Light are often called the Masters of Wisdom.

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The Law of Karma


Sep 9, 2016

The Law of Karma

Or Cause and Effect – Part 1

I have already written quite a lot about this law. Here are some excepts

Karma is in principle the law of cause and effect. To determine whether or not there is bad karma we must merely look at the causes and effects that we all agree upon as the real thing.

We know that if we cause money to be put in the bank we will have the effect of available money (good karma). We also agree that if you cause a loan to be made at the bank that you will then owe some money (bad karma).

To say that there is no bad karma is to say that there are no negative effects. Therefore if there were no such thing as bad (or negative) karma is the same as saying that when you take out a loan from the bank that you will owe no debt. In this case if negative karma is denied long enough you will awaken to reality when you watch the bill collectors haul your car off.

To say there is no bad karma is the same as saying that when you drive over a cliff that only good things will happen. I think here we all will agree that when we create a cause in this life that an effect will follow.

Now perhaps some think that when we die all of our causes die with us and we carry no effects into the next life, but in principle a cause always is followed by an effect and they are carried over into future lives.


It seems like a number of people have a strong aversion to the terms good and bad or good and evil. It seems strange to me to want to negate or eliminate words from the dictionary, as if that will change anything, or as if that would eliminate negative judgments. A rose is a rose by any name. You can change the name of good and evil and you will still wind up talking about good and evil, but just using different terminology.

For instance I find it amusing that some who criticize me for using the word “judgment” and “good and evil” wind up judging me as being on the wrong path which is the evil one in their mind. They think that by avoiding the word evil and judgment that the two does not exist for them even though they are talking about it just as much as I am. The only difference is that I am being up front and honest about it.

Even though it is true that good and evil is what we define them to be, there are two definitions that should be important to us.

The first definition is that which has been given by the Brotherhood of Light. I stated this a few days ago, but it was not new with me for it has been stated and restated by the Master DK through Alice A. Bailey. Good is that direction which takes us forward in evolution and evil is that which takes us backward into what we were in the past.

The second definition to consider is that espoused by general humanity. For the general populace good is that which is desirable and evil is the undesirable. There is a lot of basic agreement as to the desirable and undesirable which allows the general public to talk about this subject with some intelligence. For instance giving to worthy charities is considered a good thing and robbing your neighbor considered bad.

If we could just have the oneness of either the Masters or the general public on discussing this subject I think we would all be far ahead.

A reader made an interesting comment on karma. She says basically that karma, or cause and effect can be stopped in its tracks by not reacting to it. Let me give my thoughts on this. On an emotional basis reacting or not reacting to an attack has no effect on karma. If someone is angry with you and kicks your leg and breaks it, you then have a choice to react or not react emotionally. If you feel anger at the guy that does nothing to his karma or if you feel no anger that has no effect either. It does not matter what you feel there was still a cause and an effect. He kicked you (cause) and broke your leg (effect).

Your feelings only have causes within your self. Such feelings have to be translated into some type of action to create new karma. If you kick him back then that is a new cause with a new effect. If you do not kick him back (whether you are angry or not) then you do not negate the past cause with its effect. Instead you have prevented a new one from surfacing.

Concerning the debt of karma Jesus said: “Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.” (Matt 5:26)

The reader tells us that karma (I assume negative karma) is wiped clean when we forgive ourselves. Forgiveness releases you from guilt and grievances but does not negate karma. It can lead to a faster repayment of it, but does not negate cause and effect. There has not been any negation of cause and effect since the beginning of the universe. Not one example can be cited.

Some may say that a miracle such as Jesus walking on water is an example. Not so. Jesus created a cause in accordance with the law and the effect was the walking on water, which was just as natural of an effect as a boat floating on water.


The law of Karma is the Law of Cause and Effect. There can be no cause unless there is a corresponding effect, for that is what a cause is. The first definition of a cause in The American Heritage Dictionary is: “The producer of an effect, result, or consequence.” The same dictionary gives as the first definition of effect as: “Something brought about by a cause or an agent; a result.” Therefore, by definition, there can be no effect without cause and there can be no cause without producing an effect.

Now some have said that Karma, or the Law of Cause and Effect, can be negated or eliminated. Some say that it only exists because we are attached to it or because we have judgment within us. Others say that we merely must rise above the illusion of this world and Karma will cease.

Do you realize what it would mean to escape karma to the extent that karma would no longer exist? If karma no longer exists for you, this means you would cease to exist. Non-existence is to have no power to initiate cause and effect. And non-existence is impossible; therefore, total escape from karma is impossible. If you are beyond cause and effect, you are beyond the power to even be alive.

DK through Alice A. Bailey tells us that the Masters do not eliminate the Law of Karma. Instead they learn to “wield the law”. In other words they create causes so the effects that result are desired effects rather than undesirable ones. In this way they are free from unpredictable karma. In other words, they are no longer victims of the law as regular humanity is.

A regular human in his use of karma is a little like a novice going to Las Vegas to gamble at blackjack. The odds are against him because he does not understand the game and does not realize, that because of his ignorance, the longer he plays the more he will lose. He who learns to master karma is a little like the master gambler who learns how to count the cards which will give him control over the game. In both cases the law of cause and effect is in full force, but in the latter case the Master Gambler uses the law instead of being used by the law.

Is cause and effect only applicable in the worlds of form? It would have to be applicable in all worlds because the worlds of form are an effect of energy which was an originating cause before the worlds were created.

In the beginning there was God and God Itself was a cause and creation is the effect. To those who say they can exist apart from karma, let me put forth this challenge.

I can show you billions of examples of karma (cause and effect). But can you show me even one example of anything that is real that creates no cause and effect? It takes a tremendous leap of faith to believe so strongly in that for which no example can be given. Why would someone believe in a place beyond cause and effect if such a place cannot be demonstrated internally or externally??? You can in deep meditation, attempt to withdraw into perfect stillness, but even this meditation (cause) has the effect of peace or stillness of thought.

Not only does logic, experience and the law of correspondences bear witness to the eternal existence of cause and effect, but all the writings revealed by the teachings of the Masters as well as the scriptures agree.

The Bible: Gal 6:5 For every man shall bear his own burden. Gal 6:6 Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. Gal 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Gal 6:8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. Gal 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Note here that Karma extends beyond the physical for it says: “He that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”

The Book of Mormon: “For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so, my first-born in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility.

“Wherefore, it must needs have been created for a thing of naught; wherefore there would have been no purpose in the end of its creation.

Wherefore, this thing must needs destroy the wisdom of God and his eternal purposes, and also the power, and the mercy, and the justice of God.

“And if ye shall say there is no law, ye shall also say there is no sin. If ye shall say there is no sin, ye shall also say there is no righteousness.

“And if there be no righteousness there be no happiness. And if there be no righteousness nor happiness there be no punishment nor misery. And if these things are not there is no God. And if there is no God we are not, neither the earth; for there could have been no creation of things, neither to act nor to be acted upon; wherefore, all things must have vanished away.” (II Nephi 2:11-13)

Note that without karma, cause and effect there would be no creation, no you and me, and no God for God is the First Cause, the first agent of karma.

A Course In Miracles: “If I intervened between your thoughts and their results, I would be tampering with a basic law of cause and effect; the most fundamental law there is.” (Text Pg 27)

“Think not you understand anything until you pass the test of perfect peace, for peace and understanding go together and never can be found alone. 5 Each brings the other with it, for it is the law of God they be not separate. 6 They are cause and effect, each to the other, so where one is absent the other cannot be.” Text Pg 278 “ Nothing can have effects without a cause, and to confuse the two is merely to fail to understand them both.” (Text Pg 420)

Alice A Bailey; “As I write this instruction I would call your attention to the subject of karma. There comes ever in the life of a disciple and in the soul’s experience some one particular life wherein the Law of Cause and Effect assumes importance in the consciousness. From that life and that moment, the disciple begins to deal with karma, consciously and definitely. He learns to recognize it when events and happenings come which require understanding and which evoke questioning; he begins to study the quality of his radiation as a karmic agent, and therefore he becomes the maker and constructor, in a new and important sense, of his own destiny and future. His reactions to life and circumstances cease to be simply emotional in nature and become deliberately dictated by conscious observation; they then have in them a significant quality of preparation which is absent from the life of the average man. For the remainder of this life, therefore, I would ask you to carry the theme of karmic decision and of preparation for the future ever in your consciousness; I would ask you always to take action with as full an understanding of the probable following effects as you can manage to achieve, and to make a real effort to study the Law of Consequence and Compensation.”

“It is not my intention to explain or elaborate the subject of Karma. This occult yet fundamentally exoteric theme, the Law of Cause and Effect, evokes a general recognition when called by this name. When called the Law of Karma, it is immediately regarded as mysterious, Oriental and new. Called (as it sometimes is) the Law of Retribution, an entirely erroneous connotation has become attached to it. Today, the karma of humanity is descending upon it. I would remind you, however, that the continuous emphasis laid upon the malevolent aspects of karma conveys a wrong impression and negates the full grasp of the truth. There is as much good karma as there is bad; even in the present world situation, the good karma emanating from the soul of humanity balances the evil which comes from the material aspect and is continuously over-emphasised. It is the rhythm of matter in contradistinction to the rhythm of the soul, and these constitute the initiating causes of the present conflict, both in individual lives and in the general world situation. When this is properly grasped, the true picture may emerge in your hearts and minds with greater clarity.”

“A steady endeavour to see the reality in every form. This literally involves a study of the law of cause and effect, or karma, the object of the karmic law being to bring the opposite pole of Spirit, matter, into strict conformity with the requirements of spirit so that matter and form can perfectly express the nature of spirit.”

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol II, Pages 538-539

DK goes on to tell us that the earth is not a sacred planet because Sanat Kumara himself is somewhat of a rebel from a cosmic point of view and has some effects that he must deal with before the planet can take the needed initiation.

Even high entities who have learned to use the law of karma in a positive sense cannot let their guard down, for one of the Kumaras that came to the earth with the Ancient of Days (called Lucifer by Christians) fell from his lofty station when he did not wield the law with wisdom.


I am amazed at this strange doctrine concerning the negation of Karma that has surfaced in the new age community over the past few years and am curious where it has come from. All the sages past have taught the principle of cause and effect. It is plainly taught in all the scriptures of the world and in modern inspired books by Blavatsky, Alice A Bailey and even A Course in Miracles.

Is there some new recent channeled work that I am unaware of that brings forth this great illusion? If anyone could cite some reference here it may help me understand where this teaching is coming from and why it is so easily believed. Or is it possible that many are just creating their own version of belief in Karma associated with a desire to escape effect?

There is great illusion being derived here from the comparison of karma to the statement of Newton’s Law. The potential correspondence is accurate, but the correspondence must be seen as it is.

Where is the illusion then? In Newton’s law, as well as cause and effect which is basically Newton’s law, like creates like. The Law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Note that it DOES NOT say that the opposite reaction is a different type of force than that created by the action but an “equal” one. The word “opposite” refers to the direction of the force, not the force itself.

Sending out force does not cause something other than force to return, and sending out love does not return hate. But the opposite involved is not the opposite of love or force, but the opposition involved is in direction. Love begets love, force begets force, hate begets hate.

A reader asks what is the opposite of Karma? Answer: Oblivion, lifelessness, voidness, nothingness, deadness, no creation, no love – the opposite of Becoming. If this appeals to you then go for it, but for the life of me, I cannot see the attractiveness of it in this reality.

Now some say that cause and effect are happening at the same time in a higher reality where there is no time. This may be true, but still it does not negate karma. I submit that the Eternal Now is not timelessness as many teach, but a consciousness that allows time selection. If there were true timelessness, as some believe, then nothingness would be the result and the higher worlds are far from being nothing.

Now some associate karma with guilt, but guilt is created by illusion, a trick of the mind caused by an outside entity or voice that takes the place of the true god within. Outside voices can be very deceptive, but again, even with this we have a cause and effect. An outside voice causes you to believe you are to trust in the voice of God out there and that you need to hang your head in shame when commands are not followed.

Let us take a Mormon and a non-religious person drinking coffee together. The good Mormon will feel very guilty about it, but the other guy will feel no guilt even though they are doing the same thing. The true basic effect on them, physically, is the same. However, one feels guilty because he erroneously believes he is displeasing god and the other feels no guilt. Because guilt is created by illusionary cause, it can instantly disappear as soon as the illusion is removed. In this way Christ removed our sins; he dispelled much illusion that removed us from the effects of karma that we never had in the first place.

Imagine that the Mormon authorities told the church that they could now drink coffee. Instantly, all guilt surrounding this act of coffee drinking would be erased, but the real effect from the hot liquid and caffeine would remain the same as before in the real world.

On the other hand, the effect of missing out on a lot of enjoyable coffee drinking is a residual effect through decision to accept illusionary cause.

Now some of you are saying that karma exists merely because we believe in it. The only way karma is altered by belief is when belief initiates a new cause and produces a new effect. It does not negate a past effect, but joins in with it.

Let us say a person throws a stone in a stagnant pool and it creates a rippling of waves. Now I have a second stone that I will label as a cause created by belief and I throw it in where the ripples are. Does this nullify the previous effects? No. The ripples are still there from the first stone.

Does the new stone create an overall new effect? Yes. Is there any way that you can use belief only to cause all the ripples to instantly disappear? No. If you desire a still pool what are you to do? Wait for the forces to play themselves out. There is no other way. As the forces are playing themselves out you might want to make the best of it and throw a leaf in the midst and watch it dance upon the forces until stillness arrives.

The time will indeed come when all karma will be played out and we will enter into a peaceful rest to contemplate the experience. But then we will plunge again into the rippling world of cause and effect and play the game one more time, but a little wiser than before.

If karma, cause and effect, is caused by mere belief then why does it exist on the surface of Mars where there is no intelligent life or belief? Why does karma exist in the animal kingdom, for animals have no beliefs? Some say that karma exists because we see ourselves as separate. Yet the animals see themselves as interconnected, and still experience the effects of karma.

DK basically saidAmong primitive man, for millions of years, the animals were the ones that dominated the human kingdom. Early man lived in constant fear of ferocious animals and there was a great struggle on the part of the human kingdom just to stay alive in their midst. Many there were who had friends and family killed and eaten by the beasts.

Now he says that this situation which lasted for eons created karma within the animal kingdom that is being played out today. The situation is reversed and humans are a threat to the animals rather than animals being a threat to humans. He says this karma is the true reason that we presently kill animals for food. When this karma has played out then there will be a balance achieved between the human and animal kingdoms and both shall live together with greater harmony.

DK also says there is karma in the very elements of the earth itself, an effect from the previous solar system. Our personal belief would have nothing to do with this residual effect from billions of years hence.

If we define karma as that which is perceived, then a change in perception can give the illusion of negating karma. For instance if Jim wants to give me an anonymous gift and gives it to Jane to give to me, I will erroneously perceive that the gift originated with her. The true fact is that the cause of the gift was Jim, no matter what my perceptions were. If my perception is changed and I see that the gift did not originate with Jane, but perceive it erroneously to be from Jack that does not negate the true cause. This true cause is still Jim no matter what my perceptions are.

True karma is actual cause and effect, not perceived cause and effect. We daily experience the effects of many causes of which we are consciously unaware and which have nothing to do with our individual belief system.

A while back I perceived myself typing the word “the,” but instead typed “tghe.” My perception did not create the reality, but my lack of focus and cause on the physical plane did. I believed at first I typed the word correctly, but belief did not alter reality.

In fact, the alteration of reality and the creation of misperception of cause and effect is a technique used in brainwashing. In the book 1984 we read of many alterations by Big Brother, but instead of creating a new pleasant reality, the result was hell on earth.

Some say there is no real karma here because this world is just a larger dream state, and when we awaken from the dream we will discover the karma never was. First let me state that this is a very long dream. Creation on the physical plane has been ongoing for trillions of years and since we have been and will be involved for such extensive periods then perhaps it is in our interest to make this a “happy dream” as A Course in Miracles calls it.

It is in the nature of all conscious beings to dream on a regular basis. One who is deprived of the dream state becomes insane. Dreaming in one form or another is something we will do on and off as long as there is existence.

Even a dream has a cause and then within the dream itself there are causes and effects. When I have a good dream with good causes and effects (karma) I often reflect upon it during the next day or so and feel that it adds to my quality of life. Thus even if it turns out that this life is like a dream we will still take the experience with us to a greater reality and this life will be a cause to ongoing effects in higher realms.

DK describes the coming liberation from physical life as follows:

“Respond, O Rising One, to the call which comes within the sphere of obligation; recognize the call emerging from the Ashram or from the Council Chamber where waits the Lord of Life Himself. The Sound goes forth. Both soul and form together must renounce the Principle of life and thus permit the Monad to stand free. The soul responds. The form then shatters the connection. Life is now liberated, owning the quality of conscious knowledge and the fruit of all experience. These are the gifts of soul and form combined.” Tenth Law of Healing

Note that in this liberation, form reality is not forgotten for he says we will then own “the quality of conscious knowledge and the fruit of all experience. These are the gifts of soul and form combined.”

“The quality of conscious knowledge and the fruit of all experience” is thus good karma (effect) that we take with us to the higher planes. Belief has nothing to do with it. Attachment has nothing to do with it and judgment has nothing to do with it. You will just take this “fruit” with you even though you will be free from attachments at that distant time.

Now those of us here are far from having the connection shattered with form so it is best to plow with the horses we do have rather than dreaming of riding the tractor we do not have. If we merely dream of riding the tractor we do not have, we will cease being a cause, but if we plow with the horses we have, cause will be generated and the effect will be a plowed field. Maybe it will not be plowed as quickly as we can dream of doing it on a tractor, but at least it will be plowed in real life and preparation is made to eat the real fruit of the vine.

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Cause & Effect

This entry is part 02 of 98 in the series Principles

Principle Two:  Cause & Effect

Of all the principles that govern the universe this is the most basic of them all. This is the principle from which all others are derived. There is no effect or creation without a cause and no cause that does not produce effect.

Cause and effect is the foundation of duality, which is the cause of all manifestation.

Cause and effect brings intelligence into being. From eternity effects have been observed and then causes are repeated with an improved end in mind. This brings into being the principle of evolution and creation.

Below are several comments on cause and effect from my previous writings.

There is no First Cause because cause and effect has always been and always will be.

Even if a person is in a state of complete forgiveness, or complete peace of mind, he is still subject to the laws of karma or cause and effect.

For instance if you misstep and fall down some stairs this is a result of your not playing along wisely with cause and effect created by gravity. No matter how much forgiveness you have been given you still have to watch out for this law because cause and effect and forgiveness have little to do with each other.

In fact about a month ago as I was getting ready to go upstairs and go to bed I had all the lights off and got turned around and took a step on the stairs going down instead of the ones going up. I assure you that even though I am a fairly enlightened fellow with a forgiving heart that I found myself fully subject to this law and fell down a flight of stairs. I was lucky. I had sprains and bruises, but nothing was broken. Even now my right arm is returning to normal strength, but for a while I had difficulty in even writing my daily posts to you.

Karma is like this. If we set causes in motion the effects come back to us. If we have sent forth destructive causes in times past in a way this is like borrowing money from a bank. We have to pay it back and we wish we didn’t have to. The key of wisdom here is to not wait until the bank comes after us for payment, but to pay off the debt so interest will not accumulate. With negative karma the best way to do this is through service. The more you serve the more negative karma is paid off. Zia said something that was a help to Jill. This put some money in her account to offset negative karma. If you do something even more dramatic like enter a burning building and rescue a child then you make a giant deposit.

Now don’t forget that there is also positive karma. Good people, as we have on this list, will have a lot of this in the bank and if we listen to our souls we will know the appropriate time to cash in on it. I know a lot of you will just want to reinvest it so the good will continue to multiply and benefit the world.

Whereas the law of cause and effect is an eternal principle, forgiveness is not. Forgiveness is a temporary measure that manifests in the state of illusion. The illusion that makes forgiveness seem real is the idea that there is something to forgive. As a reflection of God you are invulnerable and as such there is nothing anyone can do to hurt you in the real sense. This is a realization that all the great ones have attained. Once this understanding is incorporated into our being then forgiveness no longer exists or is possible because there is never anything to forgive.

But even those who have attained this high realization still have to deal with the law of cause and effect because this law is no illusion as it relates to creation.

Cause and effect (or karma) applies to the universe, galaxies, suns, planets, humans and even atoms… there is no escape as long as we are experiencing the life principle.

Some gurus argue with this by saying: “My consciousness is so high that I am one with a beingness that is beyond cause and effect.”

To this I answer: Look in the mirror. Do you see yourself? If you do then you have not left the world of cause and effect. Are you conscious of time and space? If so then you are subject to the law of cause and effect. Do you use money? Then you are in the world of cause and effect.

The trouble is that many read teachings about some ultimate reality that is beyond cause and effect and they immediately assume that this is the next step for them. Then after a short period of contemplation they assume they have taken that step and they then enter a world of illusion where they see themselves as untouchable by the normal laws of being. Entities who enter this illusion often receive a painful and alarming awakening by the law of cause and effect from which they see themselves immune. Sooner or later they are forced into the realization that they have not left the laws of the universe behind but must deal with what is.

Let us use a car as an example of this law. You get in your car and head out to the freeway and accelerate to seventy miles an hour and then put on the cruise control. You have now created cause that has the effect of making you cruise down the road at a certain speed.

Now that this cause and effect is a reality in this part of creation let us say that for some reason you want to change this situation and bring your car to a stop. If forgiveness has any effect on karma (or cause and effect) then all you would have to do is say to your car: “I forgive you for going seventy miles an hour and because I forgive you I expect you to stop!”

This seems like an obviously silly thing to do because there is nothing to forgive and even if there were it would not affect the speed of the car.

So it is with the burglar. Seen from the reality of cause and effect there is nothing to forgive and even if we think there is, nothing changes.

Let’s get back to the speeding car. Suppose you blurt out a mantra decreeing: “I see myself in the Eternal Now and decree that all is still!”

Does your car stop?



Because you created no cause.

So how do you stop the car?

There are several ways.

The worst method is to run head on to an opposing vehicle. This would stop you dead in your tracts in an undesirable manner.

You could run into a stationary object such as a building or a cow. This would also stop you, but is also undesirable.

You could take the cruise control and acceleration off and let natural resistances outside of yourself cause you to slow a stop.

But perhaps this method of stopping takes much longer than you desire. So what else can you do? Aha! You discover a device called a brake that works with cause and effect in the real world, and using such device you can bring yourself to a quick and secure stop. You have not negated the law, but worked with the law with intelligence so your desired end is achieved and under your control.

So the burglar who has created a thousand burglaries has many more effects with which to deal. It’s like a thousand causes for his car of life so it is going at the terrible speed of a thousand miles an hour. Now he wants to stop because he has discovered he is going the wrong direction. He needs to slow to zero, turn around and go the other direction. How does he do this?

  1. First he must realize that there are causes in motion that he must steer correctly. If he does not he is likely to have a collision and come to a disastrous stop which will take a long period of pain and healing from which to recover.
  1. He can turn off his cruise control and acceleration (stop committing burglaries) and let natural causes from the opposing direction bring him to zero. This is comparable to the burglar changing his behavior (he no longer is a thief).
  1. He decides to just “go with the flow” and applies no intelligence to apply the law of cause and effect in his favor. Thus what brings him to zero are a thousand negative resisting experiences happening to him. This stretches the pain out over a long period of time, but is still undesirable.
  1. The final and most desirable method of coming to a stop is to apply the brakes. Consider the miracle of the brake. A frail 100 pound weakling can apply a small pressure with his foot and bring a vehicle weighing tons to a complete stop in seconds, much faster than using the going with the flow idea. The brake applies the leverage principle wherein a pound a pressure can create a thousand pounds of resistance through intelligent application of law and materials.

So how does the burglar apply the leverage principle so he does not have to suffer the equivalent of a thousand thefts himself?

First he must come to the realization that he is going the wrong direction and take off the cruise control and acceleration (stop burglarizing homes). Then he must obtain a sense and awareness of his situation. He must become aware that he is going a thousand miles an hour and he must do something to slow to zero so he can turn and head in a positive direction. Once he obtains a sense of the energy (service) that is required to stop he then seeks power to manipulate this force.

There are a number of ways the wise burglar can neutralize this speeding energy; here is one.

The burglar changes his ways and seeks to live by the highest that he knows. As he does this he achieves a degree of inner contact and begins to get direction from within which tells him that he should strive to succeed and do good works to help his brothers and sisters. He follows this impulse and starts a business and becomes successful. After he achieves considerable wealth his inner self tells him he should be generous with his good fortune. He then sets up a scholarship program that helps a thousand kids go to college and improve their lives. This then becomes a lever that puts a brake on the great debt that he owes and brings him to a complete stop much much quicker than going with the flow will ever accomplish. In addition, he pays off his debt through joyous service rather than painful experiences.

This also illustrates the beauty of BECOMING. As we become that which we decide to become we discover more and more levers that give us accelerating power to make our decisions reality. We receive joy and peace as additional levers are registered by our consciousness and used with wisdom.


“Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science.”
— Charles Darwin

Go to Principle Three

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Keys Posts 2012, Part 11

This entry is part 24 of 40 in the series 2012A

May 24, 2012

The Greatest Mystery

There seems to be some questions about my statement that there is no such thing as a first cause. Let me say a few words and then if there are additional questions feel free to ask.

First let me again state that I do not expect anyone to believe what I write just because I say it. Do not accept anything unless it feels right to your own soul and mind.

The beginning or no beginning to existence is perhaps the greatest mystery there is but logic and intuition can take us to certain realizations.

Some say there was a first cause. Let us go with this and see where it takes us.

If there was a first cause this means that before the first cause happened there was no cause. If there was no cause then there was no effect either. If there was no cause and no effect anywhere then there was nothing everywhere for something has to exist where there is cause and effect. Without cause and effect nothing exists.

If nothing exists and there is no cause then there can be no effect of creation for creation demands a cause.

If there ever was a time that there was no cause and effect and no creation then it would be impossible for us to be here today. Nothing cannot create something.

Because of the very fact that we are here we can deduce that cause and effect have always been.

All that which has form has a beginning and an end to that form. Someday the universe will fold up and return to its essence but it will not return to nothingness or a state of no cause. Cause and effect will still exist and will create another universe after a period of pralaya.

Johann wants to know how something can exist beyond time and space.

An idea exists beyond time and space. An idea never had a beginning nor will it have an end nor does its essence occupy space or have a form. An idea incarnates into form. You are an idea in the mind of God.

The fifth plane up is the atmic, the plane where ideas are accessed. It has no time and space as we understand them. Time and space co-exist with this plane but are not a part of it. When an idea is not in physical form then it dwells apart from time but when it manifests in form it is subject to time and space.

Dennis asks: Is it then possible to say that “We” all humans are that God who started the whole creation? Therefore, the universe will never fold up again and have to start over????

JJ We are a part of the body of God that created all things but where there is a beginning there will be an end. There is no end to beginnings and endings, however.

Kelly asks: Does God retrieve lessons, does he seek further wisdom? How to do better next time? This cycle around, which lesson or what point of evolution does God seek to attain? I imagine every level has a theme.

JJ Yes, God seeks to progress. The best way to get hints as to what God wants to accomplish is to look within ourselves at what we want to accomplish – for we are in the image of God.

I would say that one of the main goals for God and man is the enhancement of the quality of relationships of one life toward another. God, the whole, wants to get closer to the parts, you and me.

There’s more of course, but this is food for thought.


May 25, 2012

Hints on Creation

Concerning that which gives rise to existence there are some good hints in the Immortal books. I’ll repeat them here.

John sipped his coffee, “My time is short so we need to get on with our lesson. Have you discovered who or what you are yet?”

“I think I have either found the truth or am close to it,” I said, leaning toward John. “When scientists examine matter they say that they cannot find proof that solid particles exist. All they can seem to find on the smallest level is wavelengths in motion. If all these wavelengths were to be stilled, the universe would virtually disappear. If the motion of the wavelengths that make me would be stilled, then I would probably cease to exist. Therefore, the real me has to be motion or action of some kind.”

“That’s very good,” said John. “Coming to this point is a milestone, but you are not there yet. Answer me this: What is it that is in motion and what is the force creating the motion?”

I thought a moment. “If there is no such thing as solid matter then nothing is in motion, if that is possible. I guess the force propelling the wavelengths is pure energy.”

“But,” said John, “if there is no solid matter, then nothing is in motion, as you say. Therefore, does it not stand to reason that energy is not required for motion since nothing is really in motion?”

“Maybe I was right after all,” Elizabeth chuckled. “I said half joking that we were nothing and perhaps I was right.”

“As far as the material plane goes, you are correct,” said John. “But from the greater reality you are a great something. That something which creates all motion in the universe is the great mystery. Energy is not the answer because in reality there is really nothing solid in motion.

“Now I will give you two major hints. First, in my hand I have a pen. Now I will take this pen and throw it on that sofa over there.”

John threw the pen on the sofa.

“Now, what made that pen fly over to the sofa?”

“Obviously you did,” I said

“And who or what am I? And don’t say John.”

“So the real you threw that pen?”

“Yes. That which is the real me made the pen move. This is the first major hint. The second one is a parable.

(Then in Book Two we have ban account of a dialog with Wayne on decision.)

“OK,” I said. “Let’s shift gears and talk of more pleasant things. I think I finally have the answer to WHO OR WHAT AM I?”

“So, you think you’ve come up with something better than all the great philosophers including Descartes?” I was amazed to see Wayne’s countenance change from agitation to one of calmness almost instantly. He loves to talk about philosophy or anything that requires thought and analysis, and seems to go into a different mode whenever he is engaged. Whenever he enters what I call his “thoughtful mode,” he appears to be much more wise than he seems to be in his general, everyday life. I would venture to guess that many of his own family are unaware of this thoughtful mode I had come to appreciate.

“At the risk of sounding like a giant ego, I do think I may have something that has eluded the philosophers of the past,” I replied, wishing I could tell Wayne about John. I made a mental note to ask John if the time was right to tell others besides my wife about him.

“Well, I’ve known a lot of big egos that I don’t think you could compete with,” he said.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” I said. “Descartes reduced our essence down to thought, but we already concluded that our minds are really just vehicles that are used by our real essence. Then we concluded that consciousness was above thought and finally that motion or action may be behind consciousness. But the key to it all is that which produces action. There is a power in us that is behind all motion that we initiate. What would you say that is?”

“I would say thought, but we’ve already covered that ground so I would guess you have something else for me,” Wayne said dryly.

“Some actions follow a thinking process, but many others do not. We have numerous, thoughtless actions, but all motion is the result of one great inner power we have. Here … I’ll demonstrate it to you.” I picked up a glass of water and moved it several inches. Now, what made this glass move?”

“I think it was you,” Wayne smiled.

“Of course, it was me,” I said, “but what was it within me that caused the glass to move?”

“I don’t know,” he said. “You just decided to move the glass for some reason.”

“That’s it!” I said. “I can’t believe you just got it off the cuff like that.”

“What’s it?” asked Wayne. “All I said was that you decided to move the glass. I wouldn’t say that that is a profound statement.”

“But it is profound,” I insisted. “You just said the key word.”

“Key word … What key word?”

“‘Decide!’ ‘Decision’ is the key word as to what we are. We are decision. Every action that takes place is preceded by a deciding intelligence of some kind. I am an intelligence who just moved the glass because I decided to. A decider may use thought and emotion, but thought and emotion alone do not create motion. Thought and feeling with no decision is powerless.”

“That’s all well and good,” said Wayne. “I can see we are the results of our decisions, but to say we are decision would not be technically correct.”

“But somehow it is, Wayne. In some way, the very power within us that makes decisions is what we are. Let’s say you are deciding between bacon and eggs or pancakes when you have an equal desire for the two. Let your power of decision fluctuate between the two and you can feel that which is the real you, the power of decision at work.”

“It won’t work for me, I’d choose bacon and eggs over pancakes any day,” Wayne quipped.

“Very funny. But you know what I mean. You have two things of equal desire and let your attention shift back and forth — you can feel the inner power, the power that actually puts things in motion.”

“Where are you getting this stuff?” Wayne asked, looking at me with deliberation. “Where’s the old Joe who just wanted to know simple things like when time began or where God came from?”

“I’m the same guy. Just had a little change of direction.”

“O-kay…” He reflected a moment leaning on his elbow. “I have a feeling you want to use my incredible mind-power to delve further here. Let’s see what you’ve got here.”

“You’re right. I thought maybe by putting our brains together, we could take this a step further. Humor me a moment and assume that we are more than the results of our decisions, but somehow we are decision or the power of decision itself. If you knew this was a true statement, what would it mean to you?”

“Hmmm,” reflected Wayne. “I’ve thought of myself as being thought, feeling, love, consciousness and even a part of God, but this is a new one. I am decision,” Wayne mumbled to himself. He closed his eyes. “I am decision … I am decision,” he repeated. “I like it,” he said, opening his eyes widely. “It feels good. Isn’t that close to what you said was the Hebrew reading of what God said to Moses? Didn’t He tell Moses he was deciding, or something like that?”

When Wayne said that, a light turned on in my head. “Wayne, you’re a genius, I tell you. A genius!”

“Why, of course I am,” he smiled, flattered. “Now tell me why so I can brag about it.”

“What God said to Moses was a major hint. Moses asked God what His name was, and back in those days the name of a person revealed what was supposed to be their essence or true nature. So Moses was probably expecting something that described the typical human version of God. He probably would have been satisfied if God had told him that His name was THE HIGH AND MIGHTY ONE or THE ONE WHO HAS ALL KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM or something like that. The interesting thing is that God did not give Moses any regular name. Instead He basically said ‘I AM BECOMING THAT WHICH I DECIDE TO BECOME.’ He was telling Moses He was decision, and that He couldn’t give him any regular name because, as decision, He could decide to be different tomorrow than He is today. Because God makes different decisions about how He will manifest, He cannot give any name that will apply in all time periods, except for something like THE ETERNAL, which is what Moses finally decided to call Him.”

“Very interesting. Glad I could help,” said Wayne, looking pleased with himself.

“That’s not all,” I said, leaning closer. “Look at how God has manifested through the ages. In ancient times there were supposed to be many gods. Then in the days of Moses there was just one powerful god of vengeance. Later, in the days of Jesus, God was called Love.”

“And that’s just the Christian God,” Wayne added. “Suppose all the major religions are part of the plan of God. If this theory of yours is correct, then God has decided to manifest a little differently through each one. Perhaps He has many different identities in different places and ages.”

“And that would make sense,” I said, “because each different civilization or body of people might have to be presented with an interpretation of God which is comfortable with their belief system before they could accept any new and different teachings. The funny thing is, it may be the same God manifesting as He decides to manifest, and this decision would be according to the circumstances of the people.”

“Looks like we have the whole mystery of existence thing sewed up here,” said Wayne. “The only trouble is, what are we going to tackle next?”

“There is a step further we can go here,” I ventured. “Remember when we talked about the idea that we may be gods?”


“We have just discovered a similarity between the description of the God of Moses and us mere mortals. Somehow we are both decision, or decision is somehow our highest essence.”

“So, do you think this is the end of your strange quest to discover who or what we are?” asked Wayne.

“I’m not sure,” I shrugged. “This talk with you has been very helpful, that’s for sure, but I think there may be more to understand.”

“I can think of things already,” said Wayne. “Like, what was the first decision? Was there a time when decision did not exist? If there was such a time, then there was a time you did not exist or maybe God did not exist … A guy could go crazy thinking of these things. Maybe we ought to switch to politics for a while.”

With that statement Wayne changed the course of the conversation to more mundane topics, but my mind was only partially present. I couldn’t help but reflect constantly on the idea that God becomes who He decides to become, and perhaps so do I. Do we obtain the power of God by magnifying our power of decision? I wondered to myself. Somehow, I sensed that mankind had only a primitive understanding of what decision is and how it can be used.


May 25, 2012


Looks like the Dark Brothers realize that the seas are one of the last hopes for the Lights to create new free societies and are doing their darnedest to stop such enterprises through control and regulation. The Law of the Sea Treaty is alive and well. Click Here


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Maximum Freewill

This entry is part 33 of 50 in the series 2011A

If anyone can bring up a provocative question, it is you Rob.  And as far as the answers go I am very impressed by the intelligence illustrated in the responding posts. We indeed have some quality people here.

Okay, let’s look at your question.

“Your post only seems to reinforce the idea that we don’t have a free will.

“When it comes to spiritual progression, the only choice we have is how fast or slow we will traverse The Path. But we are FORCED to traverse it. Sure, we can stand still, become a dark brother, be recycled, waste untold billions of years of opportunity, but ultimately we are put back to square one where the only choice is to progress. Kind of like that childrens’ game Snakes & Ladders.

“God also setup the parameters of this universe, using pain & pleasure to bumper us along. When we step off the path we experence increasing pain, and increasing pleasure when progress along the path. This is indistinguishable from cohercion.

“The truth is supposed to bring with it joy. But the idea that God forces us to do something, even in the tiniest measure, leaves me feeling flat, nevermind it being completely at odds with how you teach God & the White Brotherhood are supposed to operate.

“How does one reconcile the concept of free will with what sounds like coerced progression?”


First let me clarify that there is no absolute free will in any organized system.  Let us look at the creations of humanity who are reflections of God.

Throughout history and around the world we have created various civilizations and always within the framework of laws that have manifest freewill has been restricted in a number of areas.

Every civilization had attempted to restrict the individual’s freewill do harm to others and forbid such things as murder, rape, kidnapping and theft.  The goal is not absolute free will but maximum free will.  To achieve this we must limit the power of obnoxious people to do harm to others and take away their free will.

If anarchy is attempted to achieve absolute freewill then mobs of harmful people will take away the freewill of the whole.

Point 1.  The goal is not absolute freewill, but the maximum freewill possible within any desired organization.

I believe you are in error in thinking that God just conjured up all the laws of the universe and then created or put everything together.  Instead, He figured out the basic idea of what He wanted to create and certain natural laws began to manifest during creation.

The key to understanding is to realize that natural law is different from civil law.

Civil law can tell us the speed limit is 35 MPH, but does that mean that we cannot go 40 MPH?  No.  We can go 50 MPH if we decide.

On the other hand, we have a naturally occurring law of gravity where objects fall at an acceleration of 32.2 feet per second.  Can we jump off a cliff and just decide to change this to 2 feet per second so we will not get hurt?

No.  We cannot violate this law as we can with the civil speeding law – instead we must work with the law.

Man’s law tells us we cannot steal another person’s goods, but people violate this all the time.

On the other hand, when you turn on a flashlight the light speeds forth at 186,000 miles per second (relative to you) and there is nothing you can do to change that speed as it goes through space.

Unlike the laws that man makes that can be violated, natural law is set and we just have to work with it.

The foundation of natural law is the Law of Cause and Effect, which cannot be altered.  Intelligence can direct cause but the interplay of cause producing effect just is and always will be. God did not create cause and effect but it just is and is the engine that powers the life of God as well as our lives.  Without cause and effect there would be no God and no us.  We are all co-eternal and interdependent.  When the power of decision is applied to cause and effect then life as we know it manifests.

Point 2  Natural Law just is and is not created but is an aspect of cause and effect.  All intelligence must work with natural law.

As intelligences from God on down find themselves in this universe governed by natural law we find ourselves forced to confront the decision to work with the laws manifest and make the best of the situation and progress toward greater freedom and joyousness or to go backward toward chaos and non existence.  I find it odd that you feel free will is infringed upon by the fact that all people eventually chose the path that brings the greatest fulfillment.

What is the alternative?

It would be to force us in the opposite direction toward non existence.

To not force us will result always in all lives eventually choosing the path of greatest fulfillment..  The choice of this path is the result of free will, not taking it away.

Let us suppose our government discovered a mountain of gold and had all the money it needed and then told us, “You do not have to pay taxes this year if you do not want to.”

If no one paid their taxes does this mean their free will is violated because they all chose the same thing?

It is a natural law that all lives everywhere will eventually make choices that further their sense of joy and fulfillment.

Instead of taking away free will this law can only operate through free will.  Without free will we will go toward death and disintegration.

Point 3.  Natural Law, which was not created by God but by cause and effect, which creates the very life of God, does not negate free will but allows for the maximum free will possible. Free will, will always choose the good the beautiful and the true in the end.

Intelligence created the same hydrogen atoms at one end of the universe as the other for the foundation of matter.  This is because intelligence everywhere discovered that this is the foundation that must exist if a universe such as ours is to be.  This happened because of freewill, not because it does not exist.
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This entry is part 34 of 62 in the series 2010

Posted Aug 31, 2010
Since only the workings of the hierarchy as understood from the dark side has been clearly manifest on the earth and that is all the people have seen this is also all they understand. This is a hierarchy that has unquestioned authority that must be obeyed or a severe punishment is meted out. Within this hierarchy is a minimum amount of freedom of decision and movement.

An example of the Hierarchy of Light has only been foreshadowed (U.S. Constitution) but not yet been properly demonstrated on the earth. Therefore, when the people hear the term they think only in terms of command and obey rather than the alternative.

The Hierarchy of Light rarely commands but teaches and then allows the students to incorporate the teachings or ignore them. If the teaching is true the punishment inflicted comes not from the chain of command but from the Law of Cause and Effect as it takes its toll upon the student for wandering into illusion.

Because even most aspirants do not understand hierarchy and its two divisions if DK had allowed a teacher they would have created the beast of unjust authority which, would have insured failure.

Therefore, the only thing that DK could have done was to insist there be no leader in the group except for himself as the teacher and guide.

He was hoping for what he called “occult obedience” which basically means that the true disciples will obtain soul contact and then follow it in harmony together.

That said, hierarchy holds the universe together in intelligent form from the highest Logos to the smallest subatomic particle.

Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey

Eternal Principles

This entry is part 51 of 62 in the series 2010

Posted Oct 14, 2010
Ruth asks:
If God did not create Principles and Laws then how do they just manifest during creation? They are either a part of the One God/Intelligence or they are not?
…if God did not create principles and laws, then who did?

Good question.

Core principles are not created. They just are without beginning and without end.

Let us take cause and effect for example. When would God create such a thing? Without cause and effect there could exist no God and no life in universe. Wherever there is life there already exists cause and effect because the essence of life is decision and decision cannot exist unless cause ad effect is already in existence.

Let us take the principles of math as manifest in 2+2=4. Did either man or God create these numbers or do they just eternally exist?

The numbers just are, eternally. No one created them. All a life can do is name them and use them.

A scripture says something interesting on this topic:

And if ye shall say there is no law, ye shall also say there is no sin. If ye shall say there is no sin, ye shall also say there is no righteousness. And if there be no righteousness there be no happiness. And if there be no righteousness nor happiness there be no punishment nor misery. And if these things are not there is no God. And if there is no God we are not, neither the earth; for there could have been no creation of things, neither to act (cause) nor to be acted upon (effect); wherefore, all things must have vanished away. II Nephi 2:13

In other words, if there is no cause and effect then there would be no God, no creation – there would be nothing.

Look at it this way. You are reflection of God. As a reflection of God did you create cause and effect? In other words, did you cause, cause?


You merely find yourself in the midst of cause and effect and work with this principle toward what you hope is a good end.

What you wrote to Ruth below is a very curious statement to me. It sounds like you’re saying Cause/Effect transcend the One Great Life. Is that what you’re saying, or is it more like one of those triangular concepts like Decision-Attention-Consciousness where one can’t exist without the other?

Intelligence is an aspect of cause and effect which means that all life – Gods, devils and angels evolve through cause and effect. Before God had consciousness there was cause and effect which interplay could be called elementary intelligence. God and you and I exist be-CAUSE. We consciously realize we are participating with cause and this brings forth life and decision. We either exist in a state of Being Cause or Becoming Cause.

There is no first or last Cause or Effect.

Jason quotes me from the 2007 Gathering:
We are approaching a time when the two great energies are meeting with each other. I am not going to go into the details of the energies because much of what is good today, people are calling evil. A lot of that which is evil, people are calling good. So even if I were to spell it out in this room there would be much disagreement, people over here would say this good and people over there would say no, this is good.

Then he asks:
Well, now this is just teasing us… you’ve got to share now! 🙂 So, can you go into some of the details now?

We had kind of a mixed group at the gathering and I didn’t want to cause any disturbance in the good atmosphere we had there.

It takes the second key of judgment to discern the true good and evil at play in the various situations and ideologies.

For instance, a large segment of society think that capitalism is good and socialism is evil and the other half think the opposite.

Good and evil can manifest within each system. The problem is that we seek to identify good and evil through labels rather than principles and when this happens illusion and distortion enter in.

Evil can manifest in capitalism when people become selfish and only think of their own advancement and do not have enough empathy for the disadvantaged to help them.

Good manifests in capitalism when abundance is created, jobs are provided and a natural assistance to the many is provided.

Evil manifests in socialism when force is used to further its goals, even goals that sound benevolent. Forcing people to do good has created the greatest of evils in our history. Every tyrant has tried to force his people to do his version of good.

Now where judgment enters in is the fact that any nation under law has to use some force. One could technically argue that forcing people to not steal is forcing them to do good.

Where is the dividing line between good and evil in the use of force?

The dividing line is the principle of freedom. To insure good prevails one must always go in the direction of maximum freedom. Force can be used to prevent theft because theft takes away more freedom than it gives.

Social programs can be good if they are not forced. Insurance, for example draws from the may for the common good and operates through free will. On the other hand, when government takes money by force to finance benevolent sounding programs then the social program becomes evil because it operates contrary to the principle of maximum freedom.

Thus universal health care through stealing money to pay for it is an evil.

What those who support theft to do good do not realize is that all their social ideals can be realized through free will and the result will be much higher quality and efficiency.

If I had thus picked on various social programs that operate by the power of force contrary to the principle of freedom I’m sure I would have offended some.

LWK writes:
The evil you describe above is not some particular symptom of capitalism. It has existed from before recorded history. If anything real capitalism has done a lot to discourage that sort of evil. The reason is not hard to understand if people will drop their prejudices.

I think we are on the same page with capitalism and free enterprise but my point is that evil can manifest in any system. There can be no system produced that will cause people to do good all the time. They all open the door to abuse. The only real cure for the evil that men do lies in our spiritual evolution. Eventually we as a human race will learn to treat all people with kindness.

For example, we all agree that freedom is a much better situation than slavery. But does this mean that there are no problems associated with greater freedom? No. There are problems.

I remember reading an article about a study done about 40 years or so after the Civil War. They interviewed a significant number of slave survivors and asked them to compare their situation where they are now free with being a slave and an amazing number of them thought they were better off being a slave.

Freedom, free enterprise, capitalism and other endeavors that moved us forward can all be used toward a good end provided our consciousness meets the need. If it doesn’t then we can use the advantages toward a negative end.

A person can use freedom to abuse his fellow men and take advantage of them.

Another can succeed through capitalism and because of his success assume that anyone who has not done what he has is just lazy and has no empathy for those who are having a difficult financial time.

Overall the good that comes from freedom and endeavors that use this principle is more abundant than lack of freedom and the evil that comes from it is much less than slavery but problems will occur within any system that we create. Humans are not perfect and freedom allows certain evils to surface that restriction does not. But such evils must eventually surface and be subdued, harnessed and redirected toward that which is the good, the beautiful and the true through free will. On the other hand, when government takes money by force to finance benevolent sounding programs then the social program becomes evil because it operates contrary to the principle of maximum freedom.

Thus universal health care through stealing money to pay for it is an evil.

What those who support theft to do good do not realize is that all their social ideals can be realized through free will and the result will be much higher quality and efficiency.

If I had thus picked on various social programs that operate by the power of force contrary to the principle of freedom I’m sure I would have offended some.
Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey

Karma — or Cause and Effect

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1.  “True karma is true cause and effect, not perceived cause and effect.”

2.  “The only way karma is altered by belief is when belief initiates a new cause and produces a new effect. It does not negate a past effect, but joins in with it.”

3.  “All lives, even Masters, have negative as well as positive karma.”

4.  “Cause and effect reaches into all kingdoms in all spheres. Even a plant operates under this law but the dynamics of the law as it affects the lower kingdoms are much more subtle as far as karma goes.”

5.  “We have all been under the authority of the Beast at one time or another — either in this life or in past lives, and have accumulated much negative karma because of it.”

6.  “Because decision originates cause does not mean that it is the same as cause. Cause is an aspect of Decision.”

7.  “It is not for us to judge the karma of another, unless a revelation is given in the matter. There is no sure way of knowing if we are correct or not without such a revelation.”

8.  “Baptism and confession are designed to remove guilt, not karma. Of course when guilt is removed the person is free to take more productive moves to pay off karma.”

9.  “The dead and the living have a karma that is intertwined, and they must work together in the flesh again to correct the problems of the planet.”

10.  “Karma is not negated, for cause and effect is an eternal interplay, but the one who knows can pay off karma much more quickly than one with no understanding.”

11.  “When we thus increase our power to serve, we increase our power to pay off karma.”

12.  “You can make your future more positive by changing your feelings, but karma has to do with causes from the past and you cannot change that.”

13.  “To say a thing is not good or bad at any level is to say a spoken word or action has no effect. Every spoken word and action has an effect.”

14.  “Forgiveness releases yourself from guilt and grievances but does not negate karma.”

15.  “To say there is no bad karma is the same as saying that when you drive over a cliff that only good things will happen.”

16.  “The time will indeed come when all karma will be played out and we will enter into a peaceful rest to contemplate the experience. But then we will plunge again into the rippling world of cause and effect and play the game one more time, but a little wiser than before.”

17.  “When the initiating cause is love in the direction of another human being, we then have the effect (karma) of love coming back to us from an opposite direction.”

18.  “Misapplied teachings of karma have indeed been used to enslave the minds of many.”

19.  “I exist, therefore there is cause. I DECIDE therefore there is effect. To go where there is no cause and effect is to go to a place where you do not exist or have power to decide.”

20.  “It does not matter how important the work one has to do — the basic rule of karma for the planet prevents the Great Lives from assisting us on a physical level, beyond that which we have earned.”

21.  “In Newton’s law, as well as cause and effect which is basically Newton’s law, like creates like. The Law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Note that it DOES NOT say that the opposite reaction is a different type of force than that created by the action but an ‘equal’ one. The word ‘opposite’ refers to the direction of the force, not the force itself.”

22.  “There has not been any negation of cause and effect since the beginning of the universe. Not one example can be cited.”

23.  “Change is the cause. Time is the effect. Change and time are as different as cause and effect.”

24.  “Cause and effect was initiated through the principle of Decision within the life of God. All cause and effect, or all action, is motivated by some decision which has been made.”

25.  “Cause and effect has always been here and always will.”

26.  “Existence can only be if there is cause and effect and cause and effect produces.”

27.  “If there is debt to be paid off here the Lords of Karma will take care of it.”

28.  “The commandments focus our lives so the law of cause and effect (karma) works for our good so our free will is eventually expanded. They also direct our minds toward the soul.”

29.  “He, who is not attached to outcome or the time frame involved, changes the causes as necessary until the plan (or picture) is manifest.”

30.  “As more advanced entities pay off their karma, they can choose the sex where they can accomplish their work.”

31.  “If the dead are judged according to their works and their works follow them, then the doctrine of karma coincides perfectly with the Bible.”

32.  “Even if a person is in a state of complete forgiveness, or complete peace of mind, he is still subject to the laws of karma or cause and effect.”

33.  “Feelings, thought, preprogramming and other influences cause action. The best we can do with energy set in motion (effect), is to direct it wisely.”

34.  “Karma is like this: If we set causes in motion the effects come back to us.”

35.  “When I have sacrificed to help others I had love in mind rather than karma.”

36.  “You cannot give or receive without eventually giving or receiving in return.”

37.  “Since disciples were supposed to have absorbed the lessons of sacrifice during the past 2000 plus years the emphasis will also shift. The emphasis on service will revolve around cause and effect or karma. Instant or more immediate karma becomes the ideal.”

38.  “If you therefore claim to live in a world where there is no effect that is good or evil, pleasant or unpleasant, blissful or painful, hot or cold, light or dark, I would say you are in a place that is different than that occupied by anyone I have ever met or could meet.”

39.  “I see that when I create cause, like effect is at the door. I do not seek to gather to myself more than the effects that I create.”

40.  “The true Aquarian seeks no more in reward than that which is the just effect of his service (cause).”

41.  “You created certain causes in past lives and the effects are working out in this one.”

42.  “Both separation AND oneness are effects initiated by some cause.”

43.  “If you misstep and fall down some stairs, this is a result of your not playing along wisely with cause and effect created by gravity. No matter how much forgiveness you have been given you still have to watch out for this law because cause and effect and forgiveness have little to do with each other.”

44.  “I spend a lot of time inside myself and have to remind myself regularly that there is a world out there of cause and effects so I can avoid accidents.”

45.  “He who is attached to the result is also attached to the cause; therefore, he refuses to change them.”

46.  “Cause and effect (or karma) applies to the universe, galaxies, suns, planets, humans and even atoms — there is no escape as long as we are experiencing the life principle.”

47.  “Look in the mirror. Do you see yourself? If you do then you have not left the world of cause and effect. Are you conscious of time and space? If so then you are subject to the law of cause and effect. Do you use money? Then you are in the world of cause and effect.”

48.  “Any time we see an effect produced here; there is a cause that is linked to ‘here.’ If we were totally operating in some other reality the effects would show up in that reality and would completely bypass this one.”

49.  “Seen from the reality of cause and effect there is nothing to forgive and even if we think there is, nothing changes.”

50.  “The first cause was the DECISION of the One Life to reflect Itself to infinity and the first effect was the infinite reflections, you and me.”

51.  “Karma is effects that are waiting to materialize because a cause has placed energy into motion.”

52.  “The meaning behind cause and decision are different. A decision by itself does not make cause, but the execution of it by intelligent will does.”

53.  “Purpose, duality and Decision are always in existence and had no cause, but originate cause.”

54.  “Love and forgiveness are causes which produce the effects of joy and peace and thus the law of Dominating Good works through cause and effect for the long term benefit of all.”

55.  “That which is responsible for all creation is either a cause causing itself to do things or a causeless cause. Which is it?

56.  “Even a dream has a cause and then within the dream itself there are causes and effects. When I have a good dream with good causes and effects (karma) I often reflect upon it during the next day or so and feel that it adds to my quality of life. Thus even if it turns out that this life is like a dream we will still take the experience with us to a greater reality and this life will be a cause to ongoing effects in higher realms.”

57.  “The true Law of Karma illustrates that all punishment is not eternal but has a beginning and an end.”

58.  “Karma exists whether you are one with love or separated from love.”

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