- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Parts 1-16
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 17
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 18
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 19
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 20
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 21
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 22
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 23
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 24
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 25
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 26
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 27
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 28
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 29
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 30
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 31
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 32
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 33
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 34
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 35
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 36
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 37
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 38
- Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 39
Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 1
Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 2
Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 3
Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 4
Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 5
Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 6
Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 7
Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 8
Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 9
Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 10
Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 11
Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 12
Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 13
Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 14
Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 15
Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 16
The Rapture
Audience: So is it going to be like one is working in the field and one is taken like the rapture that the Christians believe in?
JJ: No they completely misinterpreted that scripture, it says one is working in the field and one is taken?
Audience: Yes
JJ: The word “taken” comes from the Greek (paralambanō) meaning “Accepted” so when two people come to Christ, one person will be ready to recognize him and accepted and the other person will not be ready to recognize Him. The scripture doesn’t mean that they will be lifted up into the sky or anything like that.
So the true meaning is that some people will be ready and accepted to be taught by Him and some people will not be ready. The same thing with the parable of the ten virgins. Do you remember how that works? In the parable of the ten virgins, five, of half of them, had their lamps full of oil and ready to go and meet the bridegroom. And speaking of Christ being married, this idea was written about in the book “The Da Vinci Code.”
The parable of the ten virgins refers to the ten brides that were going to be married to The Christ! (Laughter) So some people from the polygamist organizations think well, okay Jesus was a polygamist. (Laughter) So anyway, the parable of the ten virgins, five were ready and had their lamps trimmed. They had to be able to travel a distance and see where they were going with their lamps in order to meet the bridegroom. Five of them did not have enough oil so they asked the five with oil to share with them so that they could go and meet the bridegroom too. The five that were ready said, “If we share with you then none of us will have enough oil and not one of us will be able to meet Him. So we are going to keep our oil. Go to those that sell oil and buy from them for we are going out to meet Him.
Then the five unprepared virgins went to find people that would sell them the oil and by the time they found more oil the wedding was over, the bridegroom was gone and the five virgins were accepted.
What is the meaning of this parable? The meaning is this; The oil symbolizes the Holy Spirit, or Soul Contact, the ability to contact the Higher Energies within your self in order to meet The Christ and be prepared for His presence when He comes. A person must have the Holy Spirit (Soul Contact) within him, he must have that inner contact or else he will not be prepared to meet Him and he will not be aware as to how to get there and he will not be able to light the way to see the path in order to reach the bridegroom. Now it says, “Those who do not have oil went to those who sold.” Who are those who sold?
Audience: Teachers?
JJ: Yes, there are people that will tell you how to get spiritual if you give them lots of money (Laughter) or donate to their church and things like this. Then they will tell you how to get spiritual. Well, by the time they learn anything on how to prepare from these people, the bridegroom will be long gone.
What is also interesting about this parable is that they had to make a trip in order to get there; in other words The Christ just did not manifest in the heavens and wipe out all the bad people and here I am Lord, rapture me into heaven. No they had to make some type of journey. This also symbolizes not only the individual Christ, but also finding The Christ Consciousness as well. To find the Christ Consciousness we must have the oil in our lamps, we must have the burning flame of The Spirit and matter connecting together and producing the burning of the soul that lights our lamps so that we can see where we are going. And once we see where we are going then we journey to the Lodge of the Masters so to speak and then we can find the Second Coming within our hearts. Also, when the physical second coming happens we will be aware and be able to find it and see it.
There was Jesus and He was born to Mary and Joseph. We are told that the Spirit of the Most High overshadowed Mary and she conceived. She was conceived by the power of The Holy Ghost. How many believed this happened, that Joseph was the physical father of Jesus and he was overshadowed by The Holy Spirit? He was very close to God, when Mary was conceived he was overshadowed by the Spirit of God, this is why she was conceived by the power of The Holy Ghost because they had an at-one-ment, a point where they touched The Spirit at conception. Jesus was conceived through the Holy Ghost in this manner. Now He was not the only One conceived of The Holy Ghost. If two couples make love and conceivably doing it with purity of heart and intent and touch the spirit then that baby will be conceived of The Holy Ghost.
Now Jesus grew up, and He prepared Himself, I believe that He made a contact with The Christ at a very young age. The Aquarian Gospel reveals that He made a trip starting at a very young age to many of the different nations of the earth, He went to India, Persia, Greece, and then to Egypt. And this is why the Bible is so silent on Him because all of a sudden He just shows up. He just shows up in the Bible because that is what happened, He did just show up. He showed up after He went through a series of initiations in Egypt. During this period of time He was overshadowed by The Christ, He had a very close association with The Christ. He received a series of revelations, then He met His cousin John when he returned and began teaching.
He called John the greatest prophet that had ever lived and the reason why was because John prepared Disciples for Him to teach and turned them over to Christ. Never in the history of man had any great teacher prepared a group of disciples and turn them over to one who he thought was greater than himself. But before this happened, John was baptizing and he was wondering, when was the Messiah going to show up? Who is he going to be and how am I going to recognize Him? John was asking himself these questions because He had a revelation that he was to prepare the way for the Messiah and he was getting a little impatient so he asked and this question was recorded in the first chapter of John. He asked, how will I recognize Him?
And the answer he was given is recorded in the Bible, it says; “ He upon whom ye shall see the Spirit descend and remain, this is the Son of God.” John thought “well that is interesting” so I am baptizing these people and the spirit will descend and then leave and then there will be one which the Spirit will descend and remain. That is how I will recognize him. So, John kept on teaching and baptizing and the here comes his cousin Jesus and asks to be baptized. SO John thinks well he is a pretty good fellow so John he takes Him in the water and baptizes Him and when he baptizes Him he lifts Him out of the water, what does the Bible say? He saw what?
Audience: A dove
JJ: Right he saw the Spirit of God descend as a dove and what did it do? It says the Spirit of God descended upon Him as gentle as dove and what does it say next?
Audience: It went into Him and remained.
JJ: Yes the dove entered into Him and remained fulfilling the prophesy. Remember God told John in a revelation written right out of the Bible, He upon who ye shall see the Spirit descend and remain, this is the Son of God. So finally John witnessed the event. He saw the Spirit descend like a dove and went right into Jesus’ body and stayed there. John lifted Him out of the water and all of a sudden John knew for sure or he thought he knew for sure anyway that his cousin Jesus was the anointed one; it was He who was going to manifest the Messiah.
What was interesting about Jesus is that afterwards He went into the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights and there He was tempted. Why did He go into the wilderness for 40 and 40 nights? He went into the wilderness because, first of all, having a god-like entity share your body was an amazing experience. He went and got baptized and then He felt the Spirit of God, The True Messiah come, enter into His body and stay there. And when He got up He felt a tremendous fire throughout His body. He felt a presence that He had never felt before.
He got up and did not know what to do so He decided that He must commune with this and find out what this is all about. Thus He went into the wilderness to be alone with Himself and the One who had entered into His body. He spent 40 days and 40 nights fasting and praying and trying to understand what He was supposed to do with this Great Presence. After 40 days and 40 nights, when He was very weak he was tempted with three great temptations.
The tempter came to Him and said “Well now you have the Great Presence with you and are going to be able to do miracles and you will have to go and present yourself as a great representative of The Messiah. How will you prove this to your brethren? Do you think that just because you tell them that the Messiah is in you that they will believe you? I have a way for you to prove who you are. Take these rocks and turn them bread and prove it to yourself first. Jesus refused and said; “We must live by every word that cometh out of the mouth of God and live not by bread alone.”
Audience: Why would this be a temptation?
JJ: Because that is a symbol of using the Spiritual Power for the self. He was 40 days without food and near starvation and there He looked at these rocks and “if the Messiah was in Me then I could turn these rocks into bread.”
Audience: But it seems very practical that if He is starving to turn the rocks into bread so that He may eat.
JJ: It does, but it is still for self. It does not matter if He is starving or not, To use His first miracle for self would have been contrary to the laws necessary for Him to be completely selfless. He had to be completely selfless if He was going to be the Messiah.
Audience: Also He was being asked to prove Himself.
JJ: Correct and that is another point, it was a way of proving Himself.
Audience: So it was a battle of Self Doubt?
JJ: That was part of it, yes, but He refused and then the second great temptation was to jump off a great tower in the midst of the city and just land on His feet and not be injured and this would prove to all that He was the Son of God. This temptation is the one that feeds the ego, and if He would have done this it would have shown doubt that He could manifest the Presence correctly without going out and proving it in such a way as this.
So He refused once again and at the third great temptation was the He was promised all the kingdoms of the world and again he refuses this. This was probably the greatest temptation because it seems like power is the easiest thing to use wisely but it is really the most difficult. How many times have you heard people say; “If I had a million dollars I would much to help people.” But then you look at these lottery winners and what they do? They squander their millions and usually within a year they are declaring bankruptcy. Almost all of them do this. They do not know how to handle power because it is the most difficult thing.
Look at almost every revolution and you will find they started out with good intention and then the power ended up being used to for the self and for the few. Look at Cuba, Castro and his cronies took over the government in the name of freedom and what did they do? As soon as they got power they were worse than what they over threw.
Communist China led by Mao, the Bolshevik revolution in Russia over threw the Czar Nicolas II. They thought they had gotten rid of the bad guys but the new leaders ruled with more brutal tyranny than ever before. Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro and so on, people think that yes if I got power I would do something good for the world but the truth is they become even worse than those who came before them. Very few people can handle power.
Now Jesus, was told by the tempter; that He could have all this power that His heart could desire and just think of all the good He could do with all this power over the world, Yet again, Jesus refused. After 40 days and 40 nights He came back and chose the twelve Apostles from John and began to teach them. His first miracle was at a wedding in Cana where He turned water into wine. He did not do that for Himself, He did because His Mother asked Him. (Laughter) Every miracle He did you will noticed, was not for His self, but it was because somebody asked Him to do it. Very seldom did He volunteer to go and do this and never did He use this power for Self Interest even if He really wanted to do this.
Audience: Unless it was probably at some wedding! (Laughter)
JJ: You never know. It was not so much the wedding but the fact that Jesus’ Mother was in charge of the wedding, which would indicate that one of her children; was getting married. If Jesus was responsible for the wine, many people think that it was possible that He was one that was getting married. So you never know for sure at this point.
What you have in the first coming; you had Jesus the reincarnation of Joshua, preparing the way and then when He had prepared the way at His baptism another Entity entered. For a period of 3 and a half years you had two Entities in one body. Now Jesus started doing these miracles and people came to Him and said, “Wow, Jesus you are a really great man being able to do these things.”
Now, this is recorded over and over again right in the Bible that Jesus replied, “It is not me that is doing these things, it is My Father that dwells within me. He does the miracles and the works. I am even telling you the words that He has given me to teach for these words are not mine. The words are my Fathers words that He is giving me and He is the One. Without Him I am nothing; without Him I can do nothing, He is the One that is doing the miracles.”
Another time the Apostles got together said, “You keep talking about this Father, show us the Father.” And He says, “I have been here so long with you and you still do not understand what I am talking about when I talk about the Father. He who has seen me has seen The Father, The Father is in me.”
Then the Jews came to Him and said, “ Well you can’t be the Messiah because it says that there are supposed to be two witnesses to the Messiah. You are one witness, where is your other witness?” And Jesus replied, “There are two men here, I am one witness and The Father that is in me is the Second Witness.”
Jesus said this point blank, emphasizing that there were two witnesses, He and The Father within him. This is very fascinating. I first read about the overshadowing when I studied the works of Alice A. Bailey given through the Master Djwhal Khul (DK) and being raised as a standard Mormon the doctrine of overshadowing hit me as one of the hardest to accept. I thought, “Well this is a very strange doctrine and it goes contrary to anything I had ever read or heard before. I thought to myself that maybe this doctrine is hidden in the scriptures. Then I started looking in there and BAM, it was in there everywhere I looked. There was solid proof that Jesus was saying that there were two entities all along! When I read it point blank like that I found, Jesus saying this, “There are two witnesses, me and the One that is in me.” This was very clear and not hidden, I thought to myself, “Boy, how could I have messed this after reading the scriptures quite a number of times.” And each time I read the scriptures I did not see that. I never saw this.
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