- The Real Beginning
- The Separation Begins
- The Beginning of Form
- Light, Love and Purpose
- The Marriage of Atoms
- The Evolution of the Molecular Relationship
- Human Relationships
- Selecting a Mate
- Sex and Knowing God
- Correct Use of Energy
- The Meeting of The Minds
- The Mystery of Romantic Energy
- Three Keys to Happiness
- Key Two – The Open Mind
- Key Three – Willingness to Give
- The Seven Needs
- Trust
- The Positive and Negative of Feelings
- Turning The Negative Positive
- Children
- Birth Control and Raising Children
- The Molecular Order
- The Male-Female Relationship
- The Human Molecule
- Molecular Principles
- The Spiritual Link
- The Expanding Molecule
- Leadership in the Molecule
- The Middle Way Principle
- The Union of Souls
- The Threshold of History
- The Molecular Commitment
- Preparing For the Return of Christ
- The Covenant of The Three Energies
- Right Use of Money
- Right Use of Power
- The Molecular Business
- The Selection of Key Positions
- Hiring New Employees
- How To Get Employees Involved
- Parable Of Abundance
- Molecular Details
- Molecular Politics
Chapter Nine
Sex and Knowing God
As we arrive at the cusp of the New Age men and women are asking questions about the right use of sex as they never have before. Many have broken off from the authority syndrome and are trying to decide for themselves concerning the use of sex.
Let us shed some light on this subject which has, in the past, been approached with such philosophical obscurity. To comprehend the answers, one must understand the purpose of marriage and sex as it applies to man and woman.
The Bible gives us some help here. In the Old Testament Hebrew two words are translated as “man.” The first is ADAM and the second is IYSH. ADAM is sometimes translated as “man” and sometimes literally as “Adam.” ADAM is not the name of a person, but of a racial being that is the hermaphroditic combination of male and female in the image of God: “Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called THEIR name Adam, in the day when they were created.” Gen 5:2 On the other hand, the word IYSH refers to the single male only.
The word ADAM should not have been translated “man” as IYSH was for it refers to a certain type of man. Genesis 2:26-27, where we have a description of the sixth creation day, is an example of ADAM being translated as “man” in all Bibles. Let’s transliterate ADAM as it reads in the Hebrew as “Adam” and see how it reads: “And God said, Let us make Adam in our image, after our likeness…So God created Adam in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
This scripture is especially interesting when we read it in the light of the next chapter which tells us that “on the seventh day God ended his work…” Gen 2:2 On the seventh day, then, we are told that the “end” or last work of God was the creation of woman. She was taken out of the man and brought to him: “And Adam said, This is the bone of my bones, and the flesh of my flesh: she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Gen 2:23-24
If woman was not created until the seventh day then who was the female mentioned as existing during the sixth day?
The amazing answer as we shall illustrate is that the male and female were united in one body during the sixth day and were divided in two on the seventh day.
Enlightenment on this mystery is revealed in the Hebrew word for God. In the first part of Genesis ELOHIYM is used. This is a strange word because it is plural and has been literally translated as “Gods.” The mystifying part is that it is used with a singular verb. In other words, if the first part of Genesis were translated literally it would read: “In the beginning Gods creates the heavens and the earth.” Translators have generally used God (singular) for ELOHIYM because of the belief in one God and it also goes with the verb. On the contrary, we know that God is not singular because later it reads: “And God (ELOHIYM) said, Let US make ADAM in our image…” Thus, we see that God is more than one entity and Adam was made in its (or their) image.
How is God plural? This is indicated in the word itself. The first part of the word is EL and is masculine and means “strong.” The second part of the word is thought to come from ALAH which means “to covenant.” This part of the word is feminine. It also is thought by some scholars to correspond to the name of the Muslim God “Allah.” If we place the meanings together, we can say that ELOHIYM, or God, means “strong covenant.”
If we add the fact that the male and female genders in the word indicate the “us” that makes the word plural are a male and female united we can say that God, or ELOHIYM, is “a male and female united through a strong covenant.”
Verily, this is the power that created the heavens and the earth and, in this light, the first verse of Genesis could be translated as: “In the beginning male and female energies united by strong covenants (or bonds) to create the heavens and the earth.”
This agrees with our previous statement that all manifested form was created through the marriage of opposing energies symbolized by the one wavelength.
Genesis continues and tells us that God made Adam in his own image “male and female created he them.”
God, who is male and female united by a strong covenant, created Adam, who was the image of God, or male and female united by a strong covenant…
This first Adam was created out of the non-physical (from the human point of view) ethers and was like a living cell with male and female united into one. He was a reflection of the Divine Hermaphrodite God with all the capabilities of reproduction.
The “Fall” occurred shortly after man was divided into two sexes. At this point, his energies became out of balance and the Adams fell away from the powers of godliness that was their divine right. These powers can only be regained by a person cleaving (making a strong covenant) unto his opposing energy and becoming “one flesh” as they were before the fall.
The greatest of masters, the Christ, made a comment on this: “The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, ‘Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?’ And he answered and said unto them, ‘Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them (the Adams) male and female (hermaphrodites), And said, For this cause (because they were in the beginning male and female in one) shall a man leave father and mother (leave the separate duality), and shall cleave unto his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh. Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore, God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
“They say unto him, ‘Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement and to put her away?’
“He saith unto them, ‘Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.’” (Matt. 19:3-8)
Jesus understood the fact that man was in the beginning a hermaphrodite, that male and female could not get divorced and that man must eventually evolve back to that state. To initiate evolution in that direction, male and female must unite themselves through a strong covenant like the ELOHIYM and represent, as close as possible, “the image of God”.
To make such a strong covenant that can survive even death and continue into eternity, God must join the couple together. When the two are both at the correct state of evolution so they can balance each other’s energies, they can, as previously stated, receive a soul confirmation on each other. Without this godlike confirmation, God has not placed them together and divorce may actually be advisable. But if the confirmation is received, then a marriage covenant should be made that should never be broken by the will of man, for what God puts together should only be separated by God, if separated at all.
The marriages throughout the world should be rearranged so each one is confirmed by the powers of godliness working through the soul; then they should not be separated by the little wills of man, but should seek continually the divine male and female union as if in the image of God.
Jesus continues to expand this principle: “And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication (her heart is not with her husband), and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away (unjustly) doth commit adultery. (See previous explanation). His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry.
“But he saith unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given. For there are some eunuchs (those who do not marry the opposite sex including gays) which were born from their mothers’ womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men (men who were castrated or have physical impairment): and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.” (Matt. 19:9-12)
The third category of eunuchs are those who have not received a soul confirmation to marry yet retain all their procreative parts; in other words, they have not been joined together by God to the opposite sex. Jesus said that all people cannot “receive this saying” or incorporate it into their lives, but those who cannot find a suitable marriage partner for an eternal bond, and are spiritually minded, should be a Eunuch for the Kingdom of God. He should covenant not to marriage but toward the kingdom of God and fulfilling the purposes of God. To be a true eunuch, he would abstain from sexual intercourse until God, through his soul, joins him with a marriage partner.
As Jesus said this concept is not for everyone who is single, but only those who are “able’ to receive it. Nevertheless, he who does become a eunuch for the kingdom of God will obtain great power to focus his spiritual energies.
What is the core principle as to what is right and wrong with sex? Humanity has long cried out for an answer and none has been delivered. Nevertheless, mankind needs to know, for if he has not a sure guide, he will not be able to choose correctly and will always follow the path of least resistance. To tell a person who desires sex that “God thinks it’s a sin” does not carry the needed weight in this enlightened age. Therefore, let us seek the true principle.
In ancient days, sexual intercourse was described by the Hebrew word YADA, or the Greek work GINOSKO, which meant “to know”. When a man had sex with a woman, he was said to have “known” her. Here are several examples: “Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: And KNEW (GINOSKO) her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name Jesus.” (Matt. 1: 24-25)
“And Adam KNEW (YADA) Eve his wife, and she conceived and bare Cain.” (Gen. 4:1)
“And Cain KNEW his wife and she conceived…” (Gen. 4:17)
“And Adam KNEW his wife again and she bare a son, and called his name Seth.” (Gen. 4:25)
This word is especially revealing when we examine its use in the following verse: “And this is life eternal, that they might KNOW (GINOSKO) thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.” (John 17:3)
Other references are: “Then Manasseh KNEW that the Lord he was God.” (II Chron 33:13)
“They KNEW he was the Christ.” (Luke 4:41)
“Be still and KNOW that I am God.” (Psalms 46:10)
“All shall (eventually) KNOW me, from the least to the greatest.” (Heb. 8:11)
“I am the good shepherd, and KNOW my sheep, and am KNOWN of mine. As the Father KNOWETH me, even so KNOW I the Father.” (John 10:14-15)
All these quotations are translated from the same equivalent Hebrew or Greek word.
Why was the ancient method of expressing sexual intercourse the same as that used for establishing spiritual intercourse with God or the Christ? Is there something similar about a person knowing his opposite and man knowing God?
Christ even presents an interesting correspondence of sex when he says: “If any man hear my voice and open the door, I WILL COME IN TO HIM, and will sup with him and he with me.” (Rev 3:20)
When a man has sex with a woman there is produced union of the divided sacral energies. This produces a “knowing” of each other, a high physical sensation. Since each of us are a part of the projection of God, then we can know God by knowing our other half that completes that projection. The two halves are united and we finally know the whole, or the “one flesh” in the physical sense.
The sacral and the solar plexus centers, which influence our desire energies, unite during the average sexual act and produce high physical and emotional stimulation during above-average sex.
These two, however, are the lowest centers of feeling and are a mere reflection of the feelings of God, or the feelings of our highest attainable human consciousness.
The next major center, which is higher than the sacral and solar plexus centers, is the heart center, which projects love-wisdom energies. It is the center of the Christ consciousness and sends out the energy of pure unselfish love. Less than 10% of humanity are able to have interplay of a significant degree with this center, but those who do will know the meaning of spiritual sex. The sensations and knowing are on a higher plane. The feelings are much more spiritual and the sensations much more fulfilling. Those who do not share the heart energies will always feel that something is lacking in their sex life even if they reach a full physical climax with each act. They will have a sense that there something greater that could be obtained.
The sharing of the heart energies in their fullness is higher in exquisiteness than the sharing of the lower energies, just as the moon is brighter than the stars in light.
The highest major area to be shared is the head centers, or the world of the mind. The heart centers can be shared when people advance into the higher use of the mind. These people understand how to work with mental substance and have learned the use of common sense and unselfish love. The head centers cannot be shared to a great degree until both parties move up to the world of the intuition where they become one in vision. Here they open up communication with the God Within and commune with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, a great trinity of sharing. These sensations are higher than any sexual experience man has imagined. The mind sensations are higher than the heart just as the sun is higher than the moon, and a grand celestial knowing and union at three levels are experienced that goes far beyond any result produced by physical sex alone.
When a couple have known each other on these three levels, their consciousness has then together entered the presence of God. This conscious sharing from the solar plexus, heart and head energies then continues at all times when they act and think in oneness, even when they are not having sex. The sexual act merely serves as a source of recharging these energies and to remind the couple of the threefold union they should share 24 hours a day, even in each other’s absence.
This, then, is the ideal that all men and women are driven to seek: Union in the three worlds until the presence of God is entered, and Christ and eventually the Father come into the union and “sup” with them. The Father and the Son will be one and we will be one with them.
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