Walls and Borders, Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 9 in the series Walls Borders

Walls and Borders, Part 2

Jesus and Walls

It is indeed true that Jesus was an inclusive guy. Whereas others who claimed piety shunned prostitutes, drinkers, tax collectors and many common folk as sinners, Jesus went among them, assisting, healing and inviting them to listen to his message. Because Jesus is seen by many as being inclusive and loving some figure he would be against a wall that would be a deterrent for undesirable people to enter the country.

On the other hand, Jerusalem, where Jesus did much of his ministry, had a wall and the temple where he taught also had walls around it. Walls were quite common in his day and neither Jesus or any other writer in the scriptures spoke of them as being evil, or of a people being sinners for putting one up.

It is interesting that the prophets anticipated the manifestation of a New Jerusalem, a higher correspondence of the walled city of old Jerusalem. Concerning this city of God, it was written:

“And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb’s wife. And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;

“And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel: On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

“And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof. And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal. And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel. And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass.”

Rev 21:9-18

This is to be quite a city. If we translate the measurements into modern units we see that the city is about 1500 miles square as well as 1500 miles in height. Then around the city is a wall that is 266 feet high and guarded by twelve angels.

And why would God and Christ want a giant wall around their city?

Obviously the city is to be a habitation for the good guys and once descended to the earth there will be a need to keep the bad guys out.

“And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life.” Rev 21:27

“Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs (repulsive people), and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches.”

Rev 22:14-16

It is pretty clear here that those who are approved, and in the book of life, can enter through the gates in the walls, but those who are not so registered will not be allowed entrance. The largest wall that is to ever appear on the earth is to insure that only those approved get through into the city.

It appears that those who claim that Jesus would be against a wall are barking up the wrong tree as he was the one who gave out this revelation through the angel telling of us of the city of God, which has a wall much larger than anything ever constructed on the planet.

And why would the city of God need to keep out the bad guys?

The answer is simple. To keep it a heavenly and desirable place to be there has to be controls as who gets in and who does not. Quality of life is determined by the company you keep and life is much better when you are surrounded by honest and loving people instead of thieves, backstabbers and harmful individuals.

Jesus talked about this separation during his ministry. He gave this parable:

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind: Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away.

“So shall it be at the end of the world (age): the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just”

Matt 13:47-49

In Luke chapter 16 we have the account of the rich man who refused to help a poor beggar. After he died he was told, “between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.” Luke 16:26

So, according to Jesus there is even a wall, or barrier of separation in the afterlife.

Jesus was inclusive in that he offered his message to all who would listen and was kind and forgiving to all. That didn’t mean that he wanted to spend eternity with just anyone. Even during his earth life he gathered out twelve of the best people he could find with whom he spent most of his time. His inner circle was handpicked by himself.

Walls can be an advantageous tool of positive separation. They can supply a power to screen those who come through the gates so the destructive people are kept out and the constructive people are allowed in which keeps the area within the walls a place a peace, law and productivity.

Then when the time comes that those on both sides of the wall are equal in what they can contribute the walls can come down.

We are told that the New Jerusalem will have no need for a temple as did the old one. We would hope the time would come that it would also have no need of walls.

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Walls and Borders, Part 1

This entry is part 1 of 9 in the series Walls Borders

Walls and Borders, Part 1

The Controversy

I normally stay away from political topics when writing on spiritual topics but in this case the current topic of whether or not to build a wall and enforce immigration laws overlaps into spiritual thinking and teachings.

Let s begin by stating the controversy.

The political left, as a whole, want no additional physical walls between the borders and do not want to enforce current law. Instead, most desire amnesty followed by voting rights and citizenship to those who are not legally here. Some support a degree of border security, but minimal deportation. Many support sanctuary cities that make it difficult to deport or punish those who have committed crimes. They seem unconcerned about criminals or terrorists entering the country and oppose any additional screening for them.

Overall, the left seems to want to put up a big welcome sign to all who want to come here and ignore all rules or laws to the contrary and label anyone who does want a wall as being racist. They s ay a wall is immoral.

The political right has a very different and opposing view.

First, they see nothing immoral about a wall to secure legal immigration.

They want enforcement of current immigration law, but complain that this is impossible without a wall. They say a wall works in other countries, citing Israel as a prime example. They say it has nothing to do with race, that we would apply the same tactics to Canadians if they were entering our county by the millions and taxing our resources. They say that they are happy to invite immigrants of all races if they seek to legally enter the country.

They say that current immigration laws need to be enforced because we do not have the resources to handle an unlimited number of people. Instead we must determine a number that we can assimilate and make laws around that number and enforce those laws.

Another main argument made is that we need to carefully screen those who enter our country to make sure we do not take in criminals or terrorists.

These two views do indeed clash with each other and have created a division among the people unlike anything since the American Civil War.

You would think that students of the Ancient Wisdom and alternative spiritual thinking would be united on this issue but even among those, who see themselves as more enlightened than most, do not agree here.

The true seeker must ask with an open mind, “What is the truth of the matter here? Should we have open borders and no or minimal laws or closed borders and strict laws?”

This subject touches seekers on such an emotional level that it is difficult for many to even discuss it without heated sensations welling up inside distracting from using the mind and reason. Nevertheless, let us attempt to look at the subject through the clear cold light of reason and established teachings and see where it takes us.

Let us first take up the ideas as to whether a wall is right or wrong in various circumstances.

When we look at numerous walls in history we find they are made for two purposes.

(1) To keep people imprisoned. Or

(2) To keep undesirable people out.

The most famous example of #1 was the Berlin Wall that created a virtual prison for the people of East Germany during the days of the Soviet Union.

As we look back on this, it is obvious to most of the people of the world that this did not have a positive purpose and to keep a whole country locked behind them was evil, and not a good thing.

On the other hand, walls to keep dangerous prisoners away from the public is considered by all nations to be a good and necessary thing to do.

Now let us look at #2. Are walls to keep undesirable people out a good or bad thing?

There are those who claim that a wall on our border is evil just as was the Berlin wall. This is indeed a disingenuous comparison as a wall to imprison inhabitants is a much different animal than one to keep people out. That is like saying a fence around your house is the same as one around a prison. This idea is not logical enough to warrant discussion.

So, let us look at examples of walls of protection in history. Have they been deemed good or evil?

Jerusalem has had walls around it since the time of its creation by David. They have been destroyed a number of times, but always rebuilt.

In addition, Israel today has a wall on its borders. Enemies of Israel want the wall to come down, but friends maintain that Israel would not exist today if they had not created the present system of walls to protect their borders.

The most famous wall in history is that of China to protect its borders. This is seen as a monumental work, but no one condemns the Chinese for seeking to protect their country.

Over a thousand years ago, in 846 AD, Pope Leo IV created the Leonine Wall, completely surrounding the Vatican Hill which still exists today. The present pope is against walls for the United States but has no problem maintaining his own walls.

Throughout history there have been thousands of cities, castles and estates that have used walls to keep out undesirable people and today many of the rich have wall around their estates including some who are against the U.S. wall. President Obama, for instance has an eight foot high wall around his place.

Have any of these walls of protection been condemned as evil by historians or the people?

I cannot think of any, but as we read about them we generally see that the various groups were justified in determining who could enter their domain and who could not.

But what about the general morality of a wall? Shouldn’t we be inclusive rather than exclusive. Wouldn’t Jesus want open borders and allow all to enter his domain?

Next, let us next take a look at the scriptures accepted by the Christ to see what direction they take us. After that, we’ll examine the Bailey writings.

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The Light Side

Jan 16, 2019

The Light Side

This quote from DK was presented which seems to give the idea that the Hierarchy wants disciples to be neutral:

“The members of the New Group of World Servers belong to no party or religion and yet belong to all parties and religions; they assume no attitude or position either for or against any existing government, religion or social order. They engage in no political activity of any kind, and attack no existing order.

They are neither for nor against a government or a Church, and spend no money, organise no campaign, and send out no literature which could be interpreted as attacking or defending any organisation of a political, religious, social or economic nature.”

Esoteric Psychology, Vol 2, Page 643

Here DK emphasizes that disciples should concentrate on the positive rather than the negative and being constructive rather than attacking. Overall, this is a good thought for students to embrace. Some thought that esoterists on the right went overboard in criticizing the Obama administration, but that was nothing compared to the barrage of attack and hate we see coming from the left directed toward Trump. We indeed need to step back, take a breath, and realize that neither side is all bad, new Hitlers or the antichrist.

On the other hand, like all individual quotes this one must be examined in the context of the whole and in the light of other statements made by DK in this direction.

Some may read that “the New Group of World Servers belong to no party or religion” and figure that anyone who is a member and involved in politics or religion is mislead and not associated with the enlightened. They overlook the next statement which says they “belong to all parties and religions.”

In other writings he has made clear that the NGOWS are found in every religion and political party

“Look for them in every nation and expressing many lines of thought and points of view. Remember always that in doctrine and dogma, and in techniques and methods, they may differ widely from you, but in love of their fellowmen, in practical goodwill and in devotion to the establishing of right human relations they stand with you.”.

Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 641

His obvious meaning in the first quote is that the true servers are found most everywhere but their allegiance is always on the side of what is best for humanity rather than the party or movement with which he is involved. This does not mean that they do not give positive support to their various groups as most have good aspects about them.

The rest of the quote may give some the idea that disciples will not take sides or even openly promote one side or be against another. While the server should try to be a positive and not a disruptive influence there are times when he must take a stand with firmness. The Hierarchy itself presents the example for us for DK tells use that whenever possible they avoid taking sides and just let humanity fight out their problems, but when the freedom of the soul is at stake they are very firm in their support and opposition.

Consider this quote from DK:

“When the war broke and the entire world was hurled into the consequent chaos, horror, disaster, death and agony, many spiritually minded people were anxious to stay aloof from the struggle. They were not the majority but a powerful and noisy minority. They regarded any attitude of partisanship as an infringement of the law of brotherhood and were willing to sacrifice the good of the whole of humanity to a sentimental urge to love all men in a manner which necessitated their taking no action or decision of any kind. Instead of “my country right or wrong,” it was “humanity, right or wrong.” When I wrote the pamphlet called The Present World Crisis and the succeeding papers on the world situation, I stated that the Hierarchy endorsed the attitude and aims of the United Nations, fighting for the freedom of the whole of humanity and for the release of the suffering people. This necessarily placed the Hierarchy in the position of not endorsing the Axis position in any way. Many in the goodwill work and some few in the school interpreted this as political in import, presumably believing that a position of complete neutrality, where both good and evil are concerned, was demanded of spiritually inclined people. Such people fail to think clearly and confuse an unwillingness to take sides with brotherly love, forgetting the words of the Christ that “he who is not with me is against me.” Let me repeat what I have oft said before. The Hierarchy and all its members, including myself, love humanity but they will not endorse evil, aggression, cruelty and the imprisoning of the human soul. They stand for liberty, for opportunity for all to move forward along the way of light, for human welfare without discrimination, for kindness and the right of every man to think for himself, to speak and to work. Necessarily they cannot, therefore, endorse the nations or the people in any nation who are against human freedom and happiness. In Their love and Their grasp of circumstance, They know that in a later life or lives the majority of those who are now the enemies of human freedom will themselves be free and tread the Lighted Way. In the meantime, the entire force of the Hierarchy is thrown on the side of the nations struggling to free humanity, and on the side of those in any nation who thus work. If being on the side of goodness and freedom is deemed detrimental to the spiritual issues, then the Hierarchy will work to change the attitude of people as to what is spiritual.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Pages 784-785

Let me repeat the last statement:

“the entire force of the Hierarchy is thrown on the side of the nations struggling to free humanity, and on the side of those in any nation who thus work. If being on the side of goodness and freedom is deemed detrimental to the spiritual issues, then the Hierarchy will work to change the attitude of people as to what is spiritual.”

The key principle here is the principle of freedom. Where freedom of the people is at stake then indeed a side must be taken, and the disciple will support those supporting freedom and oppose those against it.

Concerning DK’s position Alice A. Bailey says this:

“At the time of the second phase of the World War, which started in 1939, many pacifists and well meaning, though unthinking, people among the students of the Arcane School and the general public, which we could succeed in reaching, took the position that I had written the pamphlets and papers endorsing the United Nations and the need to defeat the Axis Powers, and that the Tibetan was not responsible for the anti-Nazi point of view of these articles. This, again, was not true. The pacifists took the orthodox and idealistic point of view that because God is love it would be impossible for Him to be anti-German or anti-Japanese. Because God is love, He had no alternative, or the Hierarchy either, working under the Christ, to do anything else but stand firmly on the side of those who were seeking to free humanity from slavery, evil, aggression and corruption. The words of the Christ have never been more true, “He that is not with Me is against Me.” The Tibetan in His writings at that time took a firm and unshakable stand, and today (1945) in view of the unspeakable atrocities, cruelties and enslavement policies of the Axis nations, His position has been justified.

Unfinished Autobiography, Page 169

DK also took a side against the suppression of freedom of the Soviet Union:

“The concept of unanimity which has been presented by Soviet Russia runs completely counter to the truth. Their idea is that the concept, the idea, the decision and the interpretation of a group of powerful men establishes the truth, and to this truth the docile masses render prompt allegiance. This is a basic misconception and to it no member of the New Group of World Servers will render homage; they will fight this imprisonment of the human soul to the last gasp.”

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Page 238

Overall, the New Group of World Servers has a great destiny. DK adds this:

“goodwill is the “saving force” and an expression of the will-to-good which animates the New Group of World Servers.”

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Page 784

“The important aspect, at this time, of the basic oneness underlying all forms, and which the workers of today must immediately emphasise, is the fact of the kingdom of God, of the planetary Hierarchy. The citizens of that kingdom and the members of that Hierarchy are gathered out of every nation, every political party, every social group, every religious cult or sect, and every organisation—no matter what their expressed objectives—and the universality of the field from which these people emerge, demonstrates their underlying unity. When this unity assumes adequate proportions in the eyes of mankind, a real synthesis will follow.”

Rays and Initiations, Page 300

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Christmas Message 2018

This entry is part 23 of 28 in the series Christmas Messages


Dec 25, 2018

Christmas Message

Perhaps the greatest words of hope ever spoken was by the song of the angels to the shepherds heralding the birth of Christ, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:14

Since that time there have been many wars, conflicts, untold suffering and persecution among the human race – so much so that many have lost faith that the words of the angels will ever become a reality. This Christmas, as we reflect on the birth of Christ, is a good time to reflect and ask where the peace and goodwill is, for to many it seems to be a time of great unrest and ill will with neighbor against neighbor and brother against brother. All one has to do to test the waters in this generation is to give out a political view. Chances are that such a person will be met, not with goodwill, but with ill will and conflict. Many are afraid to speak their views and remain silent on numerous aspects that are important to them.

So, did the angels speak falsely, or premature in their declaration? Where is the peace and goodwill of which they sang?

Those who doubt the truth of these great words overlook the principle behind the manifestation of all things of truth and beauty. All creation happens first spiritually before materializing on the physical plane, and spiritual progress manifests in the individual before the group, and the group before it comes to universal acceptance.

The full manifestation of peace and goodwill first rested upon one individual, Jesus of Nazareth. As he went forth to fulfill his mission he demonstrated supreme goodwill by healing all those who sincerely sought him. When John the Baptist was in prison facing death and a trial of his faith he sent messengers to Jesus asking if he was the one to fulfill the prophecy or the Messiah. Jesus told them to stay with him a while and then tell John what they saw.

This they did and when they returned to John they told him that they saw Jesus give sight to the blind, caused the lame to walk, lepers were healed, the dead brought back to life and the gospel was preached to the poor. When John heard this his faith was restored and was able to face his death in peace.

John realized that such a powerful demonstration of goodwill, which resulted in peace for himself, was a witness that Christ had indeed been born here upon the earth in the person of Jesus.

Even though Jesus went forth will goodwill he was often met with ill will. To such people, he taught of a response that was highly unusual in his day. He said, “Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”

Taking goodwill to this extent was more than many could fathom, but a few took his words to heart and became his disciples. They saw many demonstrations of goodwill through his healings, but then came the time they saw the first real physical portent of peace. They were all on a ship together in the midst of a great storm. Fearing death they sought Jesus and found him peacefully sleep as the storm raged. They woke him and asked for help. He faced the storm and said “Peace, be still.” Because this Prince of Peace had perfect peace within him the winds and the waters obeyed and his words were followed by a perfect calm.

When he was facing death on the cross he told his disciples, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27

Then after demonstrating power over death he appeared to them saying, “Peace be unto you.” John 20:19

Later, when speaking of this peace from Christ, Paul called it, “the peace of God, which passeth all understanding.” Phil 4:7

Indeed, the peace and goodwill predicted by the angels did start with one man, but that was just the beginning. Since the birth of Christ in Bethlehem there have been many others who have been inspired with the birth of the Christ spirit of peace and goodwill in their own hearts and have been doing all in their power to to transmute the friction among their brothers and sisters into peace.

In times like these many wonder where such people are, but they do exist and their numbers and strength are growing for those who have eyes to see.

All people, even the most troubled with ill will have a center within their hearts that can respond to peace and good will and one of the great lessons of Christmas is that we are all reminded of the Prince of Peace and his great words of goodwill. When listening to a Christmas carol even the most hardened heart is at times softened and feels a sliver of hope for the people of earth.

Let therefore all who see themselves as disciples of the Master focus on the good, the beautiful and the true, and become a point of light, goodwill and peace and stand in the love of God until every soul sees the light and the words of the angels become reality.

Peace, peace, my friends and goodwill to all. It is only a matter of time before peace will prevail on the earth. You and I can shorten that time by being points of light and love here and now.

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The Seeker’s Guide to Soul Contact, Part 27

Day 354

Mirror Image

The Seed Thought:

An accuser and name caller is, more often than not, merely looking in a mirror and describing himself.

We seem to live in an age where many have dismissed civility and replaced it by a desire to attack and humiliate anyone who thinks differently than themselves.

I have experienced attacks myself for making innocent statements that would have not raised an eyebrow decades ago.

For instance, I have been attacked on political sites for merely mentioning something that indicates a belief in a nebulous Divine Intelligence. In past generations the belief in a Higher Power was so pervasive and tolerated that the mention of such would not raise an eyebrow. But now in this age it seems many are looking for something to attack, even if it is mainstream belief.

The raise in attacking the beliefs and positions of others seems to be on the rise since the introduction of the Internet. You would think that people would be more civil where they have to take the time to write, pause and hit the send button, but there seems to be something about lack of face to face communication that calls forth the worst in many.

I have spent time on sites talking about controversial issues and have often seen baseless attacks calling others liars, hypocrites, Nazis, fascists, tyrants, or generally the most insulting phrase they can come up with. In each case it seemed that the accuser was merely looking in a mirror identifying the other guy with qualities that are within himself. More often than not the accusation of “liar” is made merely because the one attacking disagrees with the victim and doesn’t want his argument to be true. Then if one researched the dialog of the attacker you will often find numerous lies and distortions in his own presentation.

It is interesting that Satan is called the “accuser” of the brethren “which accused them before our God day and night.” Rev 12:10

There is a time and place for a true and just accusation, but the seeker should avoid anything resembling a false accusation where the accusation is made to create problems rather than solve them.

And if a person lies should we immediately respond, calling them a liar? No. Accusation by name calling should be avoided whenever possible. Instead of calling the person a liar merely tell him, “You said this, but here is the truth.” That reveals the lie, but removes the seeker from the position of the accuser.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Those who say the path of achievement is effortless are entirely wrong. Standing still is effortless. True progress takes a tremendous struggle – there is no other way.

Day 355

The Necessity of Effort

The Seed Thought:

Those who say the path of achievement is effortless are entirely wrong. Standing still is effortless. True progress takes a tremendous struggle – there is no other way.

In the Alice A. Bailey books the influential master Djwhal Khul writes this:

“I am a brother of yours, who has travelled a little longer upon the Path than has the average student, and has therefore incurred greater responsibilities. I am one who has wrestled and fought his way into a greater measure of light than has the aspirant who will read this article, and I must therefore act as a transmitter of the light, no matter what the cost.”

Note that he says that he has arrived at his place on the Path because he has, “wrestled and fought his way into a greater measure of light than has the aspirant who will read this article.”

It is interesting that it is very popular for teachers from the old and new age to place emphasis on shortcuts that remove us from all responsibility of making an effort to actually accomplish anything or worth.

Among the Christian fundamentalist emphasis is placed on being saved by faith alone so all you have to do is acknowledge the right version of Jesus and then you are all set for eternity.

This same idea exists in a different form among many in alternative spirituality. Among them we hear such things such as:

“Accept our guru as divine and you can escape the wheel of life and enter eternal bliss.”

“Accept our message and the space brothers will rescue you from Armageddon.”

“Accept our teachings and you can escape duality and enter the blissful eternal void.

There are many versions of this idea, but in principle they are all the same which is, “Do as we say and your labors are over.”

When the seeker hears such teachings he must fall back on his common sense and the wisdom of the soul and ask, “When has anyone ever achieved a great accomplishment without effort? Does not real world observation tell us that progress in any endeavor is largely proportional to the effort made?”

The only qualification is that the effort should be made in the right direction, but even if the disciple works smart and efficiently great effort is still needed for a great accomplishment.

The highest aspect of God is Will for without the will to create the universe would not even exist. Now some believers think that all God had to do to create the universe was snap his fingers, but reality says otherwise as science indicates that God has been at it for over 14 billion years and still things are far from perfect. It is even taking God a great effort to whip the universe into perfect condition.

The same principle of focused effort is needed by all lives including you and me if we want to accomplish anything worthwhile.

“Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Jesus – Matt 5:15-16

“And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and THEIR WORKS DO FOLLOW THEM.” Rev 14:13

Seed Thought of the Day:

Falling in love is the closest thing most mortals have that relates to a direct experience with God.

Day 356

The God Experience

The Seed Thought:

Falling in love is the closest thing most mortals have that relates to a direct experience with God.

There are those fortunate people who have had the falling in love experience where the intensity was so great that the individuals do not want to be apart, as they are experiencing a greater high than any drug could produce.

The experience is so joyful that it is seen as a cherished memory even if the relationship breaks up.

Even more fortunate are those who have had a spiritual experience of oneness with Spirit. This can be even more intense and is an even more wonderful memory.

Now both of these experiences have their lower pseudo counterpart.

The true falling in love experience is produced from a two-way sharing of love energy. The feeling produced in a one-way attraction only involves lower desire and though the feeling may be intense, the vibration is low and incomplete.

Correspondingly, the true spiritual experience is also two-way – between the seeker and a great spiritual life. The false one involves the individual tuning into his own higher emotions which can generate intense feeling.

Those who have had both true experiences will marvel at the similarity between the two. The question is, why are they similar?

In the spiritual experience the seeker shares a oneness with pure spiritual life. With falling in love the two are imperfect personalities but overlook the lower and for a time see the perfected soul in each other. Thus the two experiences are similar with the spiritual one being of a more refined vibration because two lower personalities are not involved.

If those who have had a true mutual falling in love experience realize that there are higher and more intense spiritual experiences available then they have great reason to continue on the path of the seeker until full soul contact is achieved.

Seed Thought of the Day:

One must have enough empathy to relate to the suffering in the world, but keep enough detachment to avoid madness.

Day 357


The Seed Thought:

One must have enough empathy to relate to the suffering in the world, but keep enough detachment to avoid madness.

Some who are sensitive complain that they suffer when around others who are in pain and this makes life difficult for them.

All of us are affected by this to a degree. Perhaps the most common situation is that of a parent dealing with a sick child. The suffering of an innocent child, especially your own, has a powerful emotional pull on one who loves him or her.

But consider all that is happening on planet Earth. Millions of all ages are suffering and near death with disease, accidents and abuse. Just imagine the distress you would feel if you could feel all their pain. Such a thing would indeed lead to madness.

Then consider the universe itself. Somewhere in the Universe a star system is going Nova and is completely destroyed with all life therein. Considering that there must be millions of planets with life that has suffering thereon certainly would magnify this problem of one identifies with the whole.

Yet even through all this suffering the Creator remains at peace and in a state of bliss.

Since we are created in the image of God we can do the same thing and see from a perspective that allows us to remain at peace no matter what is happening around us.

Fortunately, we are each created with a separate consciousness so we do not share another’s pain unless we extend our consciousness through empathy. The seeker must be careful to not over extend his empathy or he will become so distracted that he will be of no use to God or man – and certainly useless to those who are suffering that he wishes to help.

Once again, a moderate common sense approach works best.

Seed Thought of the Day:

If reality disagrees with your opinion then change your opinion.

Day 358

The Key to Change

The Seed Thought:

If reality disagrees with your opinion then change your opinion.

It may seem obvious to the casual observer that people would follow this advice, but unfortunately many do not.

And why is this the case?

Because we as humans just do not want to admit we may have been wrong.

And why is this?

There are two reasons. The first is obvious and related to the ego. To admit to ourselves that we have been wrong disturbs the ego’s sense of self worth or value. The “I” part of ourselves likes to see us as being clever, astute and being right all the time. It takes a blow when confronted with error and becomes defensive.

The second reason is not so obvious which involves the time factor. A wrong choice often leads the individual on a path of labor which causes an investment of much time and labor. No matter what the investment is no one wants to lose it all and start over. When the person has resources invested in a direction he seeks to protect the investment, even if it is a Ponzi scheme.

Therefore, to discover you are wrong usually involves the deflation of the ego and loss of investment. At least that is the way it is perceived.

So, how does the seeker transcend this problem so he can move ahead?

A greater realization will help the seeker overcome the ego. If he realizes that finding error so he can increase his progress toward the truth is a much greater benefit than the saving of a hurt ego he will greet correction with gladness rather than anger. The ego will still tell the seeker that it wants to be right but the higher part of himself has to tell the ego to settle down.

A higher realization also solves the second problem. The seeker must realize that part of his journey involves taking the wrong paths, understanding why they are wrong and then moving back to the correct one. He is not losing an investment for the whole journey is the investment. By analogy, discovering an error is like adding money to your bank account.

In both cases a higher realization is the key to success.

Seed Thought of the Day:

What good is it if we have light but keep it under a bushel? The bushel is composed of fear, inertia, ego, lack of confidence and dependence on unjust authority. Let us remove the covering and keep this a land of the ever present sun, in season and out of season.

Day 359

Let Your Light Shine

The Seed Thought:

What good is it if we have light but keep it under a bushel? The bushel is composed of fear, inertia, ego, lack of confidence and dependence on unjust authority. Let us remove the covering and keep this a land of the ever present sun, in season and out of season.

This thought calls to mind the words of Jesus:

“Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matt 5:14-16

Who wants to put a light under a basket? You would think the answer would be no one, yet such a thing must be a problem or Jesus would not have brought it up.

Notice how the verse begins. Even though the greatest light was Jesus, he did not tell them, “I am the light of the world,” but “Ye are the light of the world.” He said this to his disciples who were taking his words seriously. Jesus was a lighted candle, who lit other candles. He obviously wanted them to see that they also had light and once having light one incurs a responsibility to spread that light.

What would prevent a disciple from sharing light and truth once it is received? There are several things:

(1) A feeling of inadequacy or unworthiness.

I’m sure some in the audience felt that Jesus was doing the job for all and their contribution would not be important, but these did not realize that Jesus needed their help, that it was important for them to let their light “shine before men.”

(2) They think that any attempt to enlighten others is related to the ego wanting feel important and should be avoided.

Yet the greatest proclaimer of light to the world was Jesus. Was he centered in the ego? Was he encouraging others to be egotistic by admonishing then to expose the light they have?

To share is not saying you are better than the one receiving, but is an act of love if done with a humble spirit.

(3) Fear. The sharing of light is often met with resistance, ridicule and attack. Because of this many are hesitant to let their light shine. Of course, the seeker must use wisdom in how he shares and not unduly antagonize others, but he should share what he can without fear as the opportunity permits.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Imagination precedes reality, so imagine well.

Day 360

Imagine Well

The Seed Thought:

Imagination precedes reality, so imagine well.

The seeker must firmly establish in his mind the fact that thought has tremendous power to create and that creation can be good or bad. For instance, Tony Robbins tells his listeners how he visualized being rich and successful and it came to pass. Then we have the Biblical story of Job with all his problems who exclaimed, “For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me.” Job 3:25

Imagining either good things or negative results sends energy and structure into the creative ethers so we might as well imagine that which is desirable.

Most seekers will buy into this idea but some will ask why anyone would focus on the negative. One thing we do know for sure is that many people do make this mistake, but it helps to understand why. There are a number of reasons.

The first is that many do not understand the power of their own thoughts. If they fail to correlate results with positive or negative thinking then they will not monitor their thoughts and may often find themselves wandering into ideas that are not wanted in the real world.

Secondly destructive thoughts take less energy than constructive ones. It is always much easier to destroy than to build.

Thirdly, fear is a very powerful emotion and has great power to make life miserable. Even if the thing you fear does not happen the results of the fearful thoughts may still bring numerous unwanted events in life.

Lack of confidence or feeling undeserving is another factor. Many just do not think they deserve good things to happen to them.

The list could go on but this gives the general idea. The seeker must learn to neutralize the negative and once he realizes the power of his building thoughts he can place his focus on desired outcomes.

Some outcomes take more energy to manifest than others so they key to success lies in two main factors.

Pick an outcome that you feel is possible and that you are sure will be satisfying.

Secondly persevere until success is achieved. Someone once said, “Have you ever known someone who has worked his entire life on a goal and did not achieve some measure of success?”

Fortunately most goals do not take a lifetime to achieve, especially for the seeker who understands the power of his thought and imagination.

Seed Thought of the Day:

When the student is ready the teacher will appear. Therefore, focus on getting ready rather than just thinking one is ready. Find your next step.

Day 361

The True Teacher

The Seed Thought:

When the student is ready the teacher will appear. Therefore, focus on getting ready rather than just thinking one is ready. Find your next step.

The first sentence is a famous maxim known by all spiritual students. Most students think they are ready and either think they have found their teacher or looking for one to show up. The questions to ask are these:

  • Am I really ready, or do I mistakenly assume I am?
  • Are the current teachers in my life just placeholders filling in time until I am ready for the real teacher?
  • What steps do I need to take to be ready for a teacher that can truly assist me?
  • How can I recognize such a teacher when he or she shows up?

Most students assume they are ready for a real teacher, but many are not. Just like there are true and false teachers there are true and false students (or perhaps “misled” is a better word). What is the difference between the two categories?

The main difference is this. The true and wise student will be doing all in his power to find and fulfill his next step and doing his best to develop talents and increasing his power to serve.

The misled student will not be fully applying himself but be waiting around for enlightenment to strike, or a teacher to just show up and tell him what to do. Instead, the student must seek soul contact and focus on impressions therefrom.

The teacher may be an unseen master, an advanced spirit, his own Higher Self or one here in the flesh and may step forward to assist after the student has first done all he can do on his own.

The student needs to ask this question. “Why would a busy teacher take time to teach me knowledge that is already explained in a book that is sitting on the table in front of me?” First study that which is readily available then you may be given more.

Until the seeker truly makes himself ready he will encounter many who will compete to be his authority, or link to the Divine. These are placeholders and also teachers but not the kind looked for. Their job is to teach us what a real teacher is not.

How does the student recognize the real teacher? He can only be sure of recognition when a degree of soul contact is achieved. The real teacher will be more of a guide than an authoritative figure and stimulate the student to to move forward with or without his presence. The truth imparted will be confirmed through his own soul contact.

Seed Thought of the Day:

You find what you are looking for, whether it be good or evil, the true or the false, freedom or slavery.

Day 362

You Find What You Look For

The Seed Thought:

You find what you are looking for, whether it be good or evil, the true or the false, freedom or slavery.

The Bible Code caused a big stir a few years back. Researchers discovered that if they looked for hidden references of historical events in the Torah that they could find them. Some then concluded that all the history, past and future, was secretly placed there by God. They concluded that since past events seemed to be predicted in there that the future has to be there also. They then applied this same process and made numerous future predictions.

The strange thing is that none of the future predictions came true.

This same phenomena happens with the writings of Nostradamus. After any big event we see some article telling us that it was written of by this sage. In fact, every big event from the past seems to be in there, but finding the future in his writings presents the same problem as the Bible Code. Every announcement of the discovery of a prophecy of the future seems to fail.

The question to ask is this. Why do scholars find past events in code in these two sets of writings, but cannot find the future there?

The answer is very simple and that is that we humans find what we are looking for.

If you wonder whether the Bible Code or Nostradamus predicted the 9/11 event then you have this in the back of your mind as you look and anything that seems to verify your notion on this stands out and in the end the image in your mind is verified.

Finding the future there is much different because you do not know what it is and thus you just look at what is actually on the page.

The fact that one can find the past but not the future gives evidence to the principle that we find what we look for.

This applies even to some quite outrageous beliefs such as the flat earth. The Internet age has revived interest in this idea and even though we now have thousands of photographs of a round globe, which is earth as well as other globular planets, those who look for evidence of a flat earth find it. Such people have made many hours of video giving us the supposed evidence they are correct.

The question the seeker may ask is this. If we find what we are looking for then is it possible to find the truth? After all, the earth cannot be both flat and a round globe. Only one has to be true.

Yes, the seeker can find the truth. To find it one has to merely look with no preconceived notions. This is very difficult as most people are influenced by their bias. The final solution is to obtain solid soul contact. Then the soul will guide the seeker’s attention away from bias and directly toward that which is true.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Just as gold must pass through the refiner’s fire before it reaches its highest purity and value, even so must the disciple pass through every obstacle that can be thrown in his way on the path of service.

Day 363

Refiner’s Fire

The Seed Thought:

Just as gold must pass through the refiner’s fire before it reaches its highest purity and value, even so, must the disciple pass through every obstacle that can be thrown in his way on the path of service.

A recent thought I wrote enlarges on this idea:

It is ironic that life often treats her benefactors as if they are criminals who must pay a debt before they can serve the greater good.

The greatest example of this was Jesus, but there are many others such as his disciples, Galileo, Ignaz Semmelweis who was attacked for insisting that physicians wash their hands before an operation, Winston Churchill when warning of Hitler, and many more.

Any time a seeker decides to participate to any degree in moving himself or any part of humanity forward toward greater light and love it will generate a vacuum of negative force that will bring forth events and circumstances to pull the person backwards and keep him from taking the step forward.

When the seeker decides to use his resources to advance toward greater light and love he must be prepared to encounter resistance. The greater the impulse is to move forward the greater will be the resisting force to pull him backwards.

When one goes forward in the service of others he would think that one would be greeted with open arms by the many who would benefit, but that is rarely the way it works out. Instead, it seems that the servant must first go through a trial by fire, as if the gods demand that the one making a Herculean effort must first prove himself before he even is qualified to be a worthy servant.

Jesus made this important statement to disciples:

“Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” Matt 10:16

He also said: “Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness.” Luke 16:9

A good example of this approach was Isaac Newton. He spent a third of his life investigating forbidden ideas in scripture, a third in forbidden alchemy and the occult, and a third in science, which was accepted. He wisely kept two thirds of his research and thinking secret so as to not inflame the authorities at the time. It wasn’t until 2007 that his spiritual thinking was published to the masses. His wise approach prevented potential enemies from destroying his work.

Many a seeker thinks that he needs to just blurt out all that is on his mind, but sometimes this is not wise. Instead, he must take a realistic look at what the public is willing to receive and give it to them while holding back on some of those things which would cause enemies to come out of the woodwork opposing him.

Then there are other times that the only path ahead involves a release of the truth that will cause great conflict that must be faced, as was the case with Jesus.

This is where true soul contact is so important. The true seeker must be prepared to follow whatever it is the path the Higher Will sets out for him.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Most pain and disease has its root cause in resistance to taking the next harmless step in spiritual progression. Find out what that next step is, and take it; then a quantum of life energy will be released to circulate and heal your entire being.

Day 364

Causation and Pain

The Seed Thought:

Most pain and disease has its root cause in resistance to taking the next harmless step in spiritual progression. Find out what that next step is, and take it; then a quantum of life energy will be released to circulate and heal your entire being.

If you take two people living a similar lifestyle and it turns out that one is healthy and pain free, whereas the other is enduring all kinds of pain and suffering what are we to conclude?

The common thinking is that the one enduring hardship is just a victim of bad luck associated with his inherited health potential and there was nothing he could have done to avoid his problems. To insinuate in any degree that those who suffer hardships, ill health and pain are exacerbated by anything other than maybe diet and lack of exercise is politically incorrect and can be a cause of vicious attack for being insensitive.

The hard fact is this. There is a cause for everything. If two people have the same lifestyle and one suffers painful ill health then there is something going on in this person that is initiating the cause.

I will briefly explain the cause of much pain and suffering by the individual not recognized by the science of today. It is simply this. Your soul or Higher Self has a plan for your life with lessons you need to learn. When it sees the time is right for the seeker to take the next step it sends an impression that will register on subtle levels in the hope of eventually reaching the fully conscious mind. If the seeker correctly picks up the message and acts upon it then he will release currents of energy that will energize him and successfully propel him onward through his life’s missions.

On the other hand, if he looks at his next step and resists taking it then blockages of energy will occur that create all kinds of painful problems. More often than not the pilgrim will reject his next step and create problems for himself until those problems become so painful that he looks up at the skies and asks, “Why me, God!” It seems that God is picking on him rater than trying to help him.

Asking this question is often a milestone and eventually leads to an answer where the next step can be taken and the pain and problems neutralized.

The next step in the progression of any individual is never easy. Because it is difficult resistance is common. If the seeker obtains a degree of soul contact he will be able to successfully see the next step ad take it without putting up a fight and creating many problems for himself.

Seed Thought of the Day:

We have reached the end of this course and have only one day left. If you have applied all the lessons it is hoped that they have been helpful in bringing you closer to your soul and understanding your true connection. We will end this course with two important, but connected seed thoughts.

An important key to spiritual progression is to make sure that every word you speak is true to the best of your knowledge. You do not have to reveal all you know, but what you do reveal should be true.

A broken promise is serious because it is a breaking of the will, your will. You have willed to do a thing and your will was broken by the only person who can break it, yourself.

Day 365

Being the Truth

Final Seed Thoughts:

An important key to spiritual progression is to make sure that every word you speak is true to the best of your knowledge. You do not have to reveal all you know, but what you do reveal should be true.

A broken promise is serious because it is a breaking of the will, your will. You have willed to do a thing and your will was broken by the only person who can break it, yourself.

How does the seeker expect to find and recognize truth if he is consciously giving out that which is not true? The law of cause and effect tells us that we reap as we sow – that we receive back in kind to that which we have given out. Therefore, it stands to reason that if one gives out error and distortion he will receive, not pure truth, but error and distortion in return.

Have you ever explained to another something you knew of a surety to be true and present him with solid evidence, yet he cannot see it? Instead, he clings to a distortion of reality that you know is just not close to the true one. Have you wondered why this person cannot see the truth when it seems so obvious?

The answer is that the person has practiced deception on others and thus is suffering the effect on himself.

In this last lesson, if I can stress just one important starting point on the road to complete soul contact, it is that the seeker must be true to himself and others, else he cannot expect the truth to be true to him. If he allows deception to creep into his words then oftentimes he will not be able to see truth when it is staring him in the face.

To correctly discern truth and error that is out there he must first correctly separate truth from error within his own heart.

Now, of course, the seeker can make honest mistakes and some error may turn up in the words of the most honest among us. The responsibility though is to make sure that all the words coming out of your conscious mind are true to be best of your ability and knowledge. The worst thing the seeker can do to hinder soul contact is to tell outright lies that he knows are not true.

A broken promise is similar to a lie but different. When a lie is told the person knows that it is not true but many promises are made thinking that they will be fulfilled, but were not. Maybe the promise was completely sincere, but something unexpected happened to prevent its fulfillment.

In the area of promises, unlike merely telling the truth, more than sincerity is needed. On top of this, must be added good judgment and foresight. The seeker must look into the future and see all possibilities that could interfere with the fulfillment of the promise. If you promise to take your spouse out for dinner on Wednesday, yet there is a 10% chance your boss will ask you to work late then that 10% chance must be factored in. The seeker would then qualify his promise with careful wording such as,

“I’ll take you out to dinner as long as I do not have to work late.”

Or, even better, “Let’s plan on dinner Wednesday, barring something unforeseen.”“


“Lets go out to dinner Wednesday.”

The last statement only gives your intention, but has no promise behind it. If something comes up you both realize is important there is no harm done and no promise is broken.

Consider this. Suppose you were visited by a divine messenger, as were some of the prophets of old, and he gave you some truth accompanied by a promise. Would you trust him?

Most likely you would.


Because you associate a Divine Presence with truth.

If the seeker wants to be one with his Divine Soul or Higher Self then he must also become one that can be trusted to tell the truth and fulfill his promises.

It is my wish that the readers will take this advice that sets them on the path and then follow it to the consummation of full soul contact.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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Part 1,  Part 2,  Part 3,  Part 4,  Part 5,  Part 6Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23Part 24, Part 25, Part 26

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The Seeker’s Guide to Soul Contact, Part 26


Day 340

The Next Step

The Seed Thought:

To correctly assess your place on the spiritual path is a great accomplishment. Then you can see the next step to be taken.

Many standard Christians see themselves as saved. To them this is the ultimate accomplishment, so there is no greater attainment possible. There is nowhere else to go when sanding still is the best option.

Then we find many in the New Age community who see themselves at the end of their evolution and figure that they are on their last life. Since this is the pinnacle of accomplishment, they too have no next step, or nowhere to go but to stand still and just not go backwards.

Then there are many others who may not see themselves in any ultimate situation, but as being enlightened and very far up the spiritual path, maybe even a master or a famous person incarnate. These have a problem taking their next step because most are missing the step they are supposed to take and working on something which truly lies beyond their consciousness.

If you are climbing a ladder and are half way to the top, there are two things you do not want to do. You do not want to be deceived into thinking you are at the top when you are in the middle and thus stand still.

Secondly, you do not want to see your next step as being the fourth step ahead as that is impossible to take. Instead, you need to find the actual next step and take it.

The problem with finding the next step is that most people are centered in the ego and the false self will not tell you the truth. It will either humiliate you and make you think you are not worthy to take any step or it will glorify you, inflate your worth and tell you that you are a spiritual giant.

The seeker can only find his true place and the next step to be taken by going within and communicating with his own soul. He or she must ask, what subtle impressions have they have received from within about what they are supposed to be doing. When the right answer is received and followed the seeker will have a sense of well being and peace and be assured that their next step is a good one.

Seed Thought of the Day:

It is fun to talk about theory and ideas that we can never prove true or false in this physical reality, but the time comes in the lives of all seekers where practical work and progress must be made. Such work must be demonstrated in the eyes of all, believers and non-believers.


Day 341

Practical Work

The Seed Thought:

It is fun to talk about theory and ideas that we can never prove true or false in this physical reality, but the time comes in the lives of all seekers where practical work and progress must be made. Such work must be demonstrated in the eyes of all, believers and non-believers.

Many of those interested in alternative spiritual thinking are viewed by the masses as embracing illogical and impractical thinking. This has the negative effect of causing numerous potential investigators to stay away from thinking out of the box.

So what are some of the impractical doctrines that distract from practical thinking? Here are a few:

(1) The end of the world is approaching and we need to abandon all and prepare for space aliens, God, Jesus or Zork to come to the rescue.

(2) Teaching that there are shortcuts to salvation or escaping the wheel of life making any work you do here without value.

(3) Fanciful teachings about mysteries of the past, presenting data that cannot be proven true or false. While there is nothing wrong with contemplating any truth, too much focus on that which cannot be proven takes away for work that can be of real value.

(4) Believing and promoting the flat earth idea. To the surprise of logical thinkers this idea is enjoying a renaissance and a disturbing number of people are embracing it and wasting time promoting it.

Then there are others who are sincere seekers of the truth and do learn from some of the highest sources, but focus much more on learning than doing. Learning is, of course, valuable, but to be of true value the learning must be applied, preferably in acts of service.

The wise seeker must seek above all learning that can be transmuted into some type of useful activity. This can include esoteric ideas that merely shed additional light on true principles but should also include principles that have a practical application. Categories of practical spiritual learning would include:

(1) Anything that improves physical, emotional or spiritual well-being.

(2) Useful meditation techniques

(3) The presentation of principles so understanding is enhanced.

(4) Teachings that enhance goodwill and right human relations.

(5) Teachings that inspire service that is actually helpful to others.

The bottom line is the seeker needs to have as the end goal the improving of his or her usefulness and ability to serve.

Seed Thought of the Day:

You either make decisions that create your life, or someone else does it for you.


Day 342


The Seed Thought:

You either make decisions that create your life, or someone else does it for you.

Many people feel they are much more in charge of their life than they are – that they are the ones making decisions when they are really floating downstream in a current produced by the decisions of others.

The part of life most affected by this is a person’s belief system. Many parts of the average belief system were not chosen, but planted by parents or trusted authorities. Perhaps the individual did choose a religion, a political party or group as a whole, but never examined all the ingredients. All the doctrines and beliefs were created by someone else but the supporter just accepts the whole package without looking closely at the fine print.

The seeker needs to realize which parts of his life are governed by his own decisions and by the decisions others. He needs to unravel illusion so he does not think that decisions made by others that control or guide him are his own decisions.

Now it is not wrong to have parts of your life governed by the decisions of others. Politicians and various representatives make decisions for us all the time. We may not agree with them all, but it is necessary for a lot of decision making to be had outside of our personal circle.

There are spheres of decisions that affect us over which we have no control and then there is a sphere of decisions over which we have power. The seeker should never give this power away unless he can see that it will work to his advantage. He must claim as his own, decisions within his own power and make the best of them. If he doesn’t use this power of decision on a matter then someone else will do it for him and if things do not work out he will have no one to blame but himself.

The greatest power in the seeker’s life is that of decision and it is a valuable skill to use it wisely.

Seed Thought of the Day:

To be a good student takes as much wisdom as it does to be a good teacher.


Day 343

The Good Student

The Seed Thought:

To be a good student takes as much wisdom as it does to be a good teacher.

The prevailing wisdom is for people to view the teaching position as being superior to the student, but we need to consider this. Without students there can be no teacher and, conversely, without teachers there can be no students. Every teacher was once a student and if he continues in his progression will be a student again. The student-teacher, or sender-receiver situation is a cycle that repeats indefinitely.

The idea of superior-inferior is entirely the wrong approach to viewing this relationship as all are capable of teaching some things and all are capable of learning and both approaches must be incorporated into our lives for successful living.

A student who views the teacher as superior rather than just a different place on the path is likely to be handicapped in his learning and delayed in his ability to become a similar teacher himself. Instead, the student needs to see himself and the teacher as fellow travelers in this earth school (where we are all students) who are working together toward a similar end. The good student does not have as his first priority to pass the class or get good grades, but to learn practical knowledge that can be applied in life. One piece of practical learning is worth dozens related to theory that can never be used in the life of the student.

So, what are the qualities we look for in the successful student? Here are a few:

(1) The student will not see learning as an inferior position but will look forward to using the acquired knowledge productively.

(2) The student will be wise in his choice of a teacher and the classes taught so his time will be well spent.

(3) The student will sort out the profitable from the unusable material and concentrate on that.

(4) The student will focus on seeing the principles involved rather than merely memorizing data.

(5) The student will formulate in his mind how he would present the information if he were the teacher (which may be the case in the future).

Indeed all seekers must take the learning position seriously for every teacher first had to be a student and will be again.

Seed Thought of the Day:

There is one space yet innumerable stars manifesting in it. Correspondingly, there is one God manifesting many lives, including you and me.


Day 344

The One Life

The Seed Thought:

There is one space yet innumerable stars manifesting in it. Correspondingly, there is one God manifesting many lives, including you and me.

Spiritual teachers from the beginning have contemplated the oneness of God with all life. How is it that we can share a oneness with God, or the One Great Life, yet remain in a separate consciousness on the earth?

A popular analogy goes like this: The life of God is like a great ocean of water. We as individuals are like drops of water that have been separated from the main body. Then, when oneness is realized, we become like the drop that is placed back in the ocean, which contains all the drops merged into one body.

This idea is good food for thought and gives a rough idea of how God is the one and the many. On the other hand, it is not exact for this reason.

Once a drop of water is merged back into the ocean it will never exist again, for the millions of molecules which compose it are scattered in all directions. That particular drop will never again be reconstituted.

On the other hand, we as individual lives continue after oneness is realized. The essence of our life continues even after oneness is realized. That is because oneness with God is made by linkage rather than merging. Paul speaks of this principle:

“For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being MANY, are one body: SO ALSO IS CHRIST.” I Corinthians 12:12

God having one body but many members is different than an ocean composed of many merged drops. In an ocean each merged drop is the same, but in a body each part, which shares in the oneness of the body, plays a distinct and unique role.

So, is there a better analogy that more accurately reflects reality?

Indeed there is. Just go outside at night and look up in the sky and the truth of the oneness of life is revealed.

How many stars do you see?


And if we use our telescopes how many stars are revealed?


And all of these stars are ingredients that exist within the body of space. How many spaces are there?

There is only one space that contains the entire universe.

The body of the one space contains and links every star, every planet and every life in the universe, yet each life is still unique and follows its distinct path for the ages.

This correspondence is worthy of deep reflection.

Seed Thought of the Day:

One of the important teachings of the approaching age will be the restoration of knowledge of the power of female energy, for it is as mysterious as gravity; no form can be held together without it.


Day 345

The Female Energy

The Seed Thought:

One of the important teachings of the approaching age will be the restoration of knowledge of the power of female energy, for it is as mysterious as gravity; no form can be held together without it.

The female energy has been a mystery through the centuries, even to the females. They have been tricked into thinking all the power is invested in the male energy and to succeed they must act as a male to compete and succeed. Doing this is comparable to swimming upstream. It can be done but things will seem unfair when you are competing with others swimming with the current.

To understand this problem the seeker must understand the difference between the male and female energy. The male energy is radiant, visible, active, sending and outgoing. The female energy is magnetic, invisible, receiving and works more on the inner plane than the outer. The male energy scatters and separates the one into the many while the female energy pulls the many into the one.

It is interesting that the female started to come into her own energy about the time that Newton caused the scientific world to pay attention to the law of gravity – a female energy. Civilization has made progress in understanding the female but still has a long way to go. Most still think the female will only be equal when she has an equal amount of power in the male energy and this is illusion – just as it is to believe that the male would achieve equality by obtaining an equal portion of female energy.

Evidence of female dominance in receiving is illustrated in the fact that over the records of student grades for the past 100 years females outperform males in all countries and subjects studied. Then when it comes to sending or initiating the males out perform.

The difference is illustrated in the male and female bodies. The male sends the sperm and the female receives. When the cycle is completed then a new creation occurs. This correspondence gives the seeker much food for thought and contemplation – much too much to cover in detail here, but is covered in my other writings.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Since you are in the image of God then whatever God can do, you can do. Nothing is impossible.


Day 346

The Image of God

The Seed Thought:

Since you are in the image of God then whatever God can do, you can do. Nothing is impossible.

In Genesis we read:

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Genesis 1:27

The implications of this are revealed in a later verse:

“And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil…” Gen 3:22

This tells us that the “image” of God refers to much more than any physical representation, but other qualities such as the power to judge “good and evil.”

If we are then truly in the image of God then we have all the attributes and potential of God within us. We can possess all the powers of Jehovah who spoke those words, for we can become as one with the Godhead.

Why is this the case?

As reflections of God we have all the potential that God has. The skeptic will then ask why cannot we do great miracles with the snap of a finger?

The answer is that there are many things God cannot do with the snap of a finger for human beings are the arms and legs of God on the earth. You are a part of the wholeness of the One Great Life which we call God and that life, which is you, chose to enter into dense material substance in a limited condition in order to further your own progression. You are a reflection of God with all the powers of God, but do not yet realize what you are, so you are restricted in time and space to a limited condition in the game of life.

The prime limitation is our consciousness that does not understand our potential. When humans developed the advance in consciousness to recognize good and evil they removed a great limitation and opened the door to greater realization that would eventually restore all their powers of godliness, just as is possessed by Jehovah.

The difference between Jehovah and a regular mortal is not their origin, for both are a part of the One Great Life we call God. The difference is consciousness. Jehovah has the limitations of consciousness removed and humans are still restricted by them. With each removal of limitation we move one step closer to becoming as the “we” mentioned in the scripture.

All things are possible when our self-imposed limitations are removed and they will be removed when the seeker is ready.

Seed Thought of the Day:

To be born again is to drop all preconceived notions planted by the traditions of men, and see the world anew, as if through the eyes of a child.


Day 347

The Two Kingdoms

The Seed Thought:

To be born again is to drop all preconceived notions planted by the traditions of men, and see the world anew, as if through the eyes of a child.

The scriptures shed some additional light on this idea:

“Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3

When one is born he enters life as a child and Jesus said this about them:

“And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Matt 18:2-3

So is having a crusade and filling believers full of emotional energy the fulfillment of this or is there an actual principle involved?

Indeed, there is a principle.

Jesus spoke of two different kingdoms. One is the material world in which we live and another that is spiritual. He made this evident when he spoke to Pilate:

“Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.” John 18:36

And where is this kingdom?

“the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:21

All of our outer senses are tuned to only perceiving the material world. Many are so focused on them that they will not accept the existence of anything that cannot be perceived by them. If you speak of things spiritual to them they will immediately discount them and not even consider another possible reality. They are like the Vatican scientists who refused to look through Galileo’s telescope. Because they did not look they could not see the moons of Jupiter.

In order to discover the kingdom of God one must at least look for it and to look for it one must drop all preconceived notions that it does not exist. The outside world (represented by the authorities in the days of Jesus) places every possible obstacle in the seeker’s path:

“But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.” Matt 23:13

Even today the authorities of the world do not look for and find the spiritual kingdom for themselves and do all in their power to convince others not to look, telling us that revelations, near death and out of body experiences, visions, angelic encounters and all sorts of spiritual experiences are merely products of the stimulation of the physical brain and are illusions.

For the seeker to discover the inner world of soul contact he or she must become as a little child and have a mind that is a clean slate willing to consider anything. When the seeker then approaches the inner kingdom as if it may be real the truth of its reality will be discovered. It will then be discovered that experience is more real than the declarations of outer authorities and nothing can take such knowledge away.

Seed Thought of the Day:

When we learn to stay focused in the light while a negative force is pulling us back, with negative people and circumstances trying to distract us, then we finally reach a point where we have earned the right to stay permanently on our next plateau of consciousness.


Day 348

Moving Forward

The Seed Thought:

When we learn to stay focused in the light while a negative force is pulling us back, with negative people and circumstances trying to distract us, then we finally reach a point where we have earned the right to stay permanently on our next plateau of consciousness.

Even those who are not spiritual seekers will notice that whenever they try to do something that improves their lives that it seems that events and people just seem to come out of the woodwork to prevent them from succeeding.

If a person tries to quit smoking then it will seem that an unusual number of people will offer them free cigarettes. If one goes on a diet then great tasting rich foods will be available at every turn as well as a seemingly unusual amount of sumptuous ads for delicious forbidden foods.

While it is true that the average person will just notice the temptations more because he has deprived himself, there is also a true principle involved.

We as human lives are immersed in many fields of energy and it requires a transfer of spiritual energy to move toward the light or away from it. Moving backwards is the line of least resistance and forwards is the most. It is like the difference between going upstream or down. Going upstream requires more effort.

Yes, the guy seeking to improve his diet will encounter many temptations not linked to energy but he will also be attempting a small step toward greater light which forces him to go against the current. Thus, to succeed he must not only overcome the obvious outer temptations but the subtle energies at play as well.

For the average person seeking self-improvement the outer temptations are dominate over the subtle, but this situation is reversed for the seeker of greater light and wisdom. For him the outer evidence may seem to support his decision to advance forward into greater light. As he contemplates his decision it seems to make sense to move forward toward an increase of light, love and a more finely tuned inner vision.

Then when definite steps are taken toward greater light a significant disturbance of the force is created. It is as if a vacuum is created right behind him that creates a great force that pulls him backwards.

Jesus spoke of this principle:

“When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first.” Matt 12:43-45

This illustrates the principle that when the seeker takes a step forward and thinks that he has made an advance that forces will come into his life seven times stronger than the energy he expended to move forward. When this happens many a seeker succumbs and instead of going back to where he was he winds up in a worse state than before.

The good news is that most seekers will eventually develop the inner strength to counter the powerful forces against his advancement. He will handle the inner turmoil and ignore the outer negative voices and by the strength of an enhanced will he will stand steady in the light no matter what forces attempt to pull him toward the darkness.

When he (and of course she) stand unmoved steady in the light the negative forces dissipate and the seeker then finds his place secure until the next step forward is taken.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Using feeling alone to find truth is like one hand clapping. Mind and heart are the two necessary hands.


Day 349

True Heart

The Seed Thought:

Using feeling alone to find truth is like one hand clapping. Mind and heart are the two necessary hands.

It is common for teachers of alternative spiritual thinking to portray the mind as some kind of enemy of enlightenment, that we need to put it aside completely and place our full attention on the heart. This, however, runs contrary to this ancient prophet as well as common sense:

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Jer 17:9

Jeremiah here seems to be on the other extreme. After all, isn’t the heart the seat of love which is a good thing?

Here is where the problem of discussing the heart energies enters in. The heart center streams the energies of both love and wisdom, but it has its reflection in the solar plexus where most people have their center of consciousness. The solar plexus, governing lower feeling reverses true reality and leads to great deception. When the average person thinks of following his heart he really thinks of following his solar plexus lower feelings rather than the real heart. Because Jeremiah was speaking to those centered in the solar plexus his words were quite appropriate.

An example of the deception of the lower feelings associated with heart is the lady who falls in love with an abusive guy who follows her feelings into a world of misery while ignoring warnings registered by the mind.

To encourage the masses to follow their heart and ignore their mind is a very dangerous teaching for following the lower feelings while ignoring common sense is madness and leads to most of the problems we see people having in their lives.

The seeker must realize that the true heart center is composed of twelve energy pedals, part connected to spiritual love and the other to wisdom which is linked to mind. In addition, the heart has a distorted reflection in the solar plexus, but a higher more accurate reflection in the head chakra causing a union of mind and heart for the enlightened seeker who focuses on higher mind and heart rather than distorted feelings and the physical brain.

Let then the seeker follow the path of holiness (wholeness) by embracing both mind and heart, working in unison to take him to the feet of God.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Anyone can be the soul mate of another if both drop all barriers that separate and see the true spiritual being.


Day 350

Soul Mates

The Seed Thought:

Anyone can be the soul mate of another if both drop all barriers that separate and see the true spiritual being.

It is a common belief that there is one special person who is a soul mate and that if you find him or her that you will live together in a life of bliss, unity and understanding.

When people fall in love they often think they have found that person, but then after difficulties arise they find themselves despising that person they once adored. At that point they figure they made a big mistake and either the soul mate is elsewhere or doesn’t exist and is a myth.

Then there are a handful of individuals who have a happy relationship who figure they have indeed found their soul mate of destiny.

What is the truth of the matter here? Are there really only a lucky handful who can have a relationship with enough harmony to qualify as soul mates?

Let all seekers run this answer by their souls for verification.

There is no single person who can be your soul mate. All of us are children of the One God and have the same potential and at our core is the spark of Divinity.

That spark is represented in each individual by his own soul or Higher Self, but our vision is clouded by the imperfect judgments we make in this land of shadows and illusion.

How is it that a person can feel blissfully in love, feeling they have found a soul mate at one time, then a while later be filled with hate toward that same person?

The answer is that this person overlooked the personality and looked for the good that lies beneath the surface of us all.

If the seeker does this with any individual he or she will feel a soul to soul link that is similar to others who think they have found their soul mate.

The differences in personality characteristics and qualities hide the love of the soul and yes, some differences are much harder to filter out than others.

Does this mean that to see the soul you have to deny flaws in others?

No. Instead the seeker applies the Lion Principle mentioned earlier. Just see these personality problems as something temporary that exists in this material world that clouds the vision of many. See the soul of even in difficult people and love them as souls, as Jesus did when he said, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” You do not have to be best buddies with them.

On the other hand, when you do find your life’s partner you will discover numerous personality differences that can cloud soul vision if allowed to get in the way. If the two can focus on the soul with more attention than personality differences they can have the soul mate experience for the entirety of their lives.

Seed Thought of the Day:

The more you let others do for you what you can do for yourself, the more chaos and seemingly bad luck will enter in.



Day 351

Self Sufficiency

The Seed Thought:

The more you let others do for you what you can do for yourself, the more chaos and seemingly bad luck will enter in.

There are two types of people in the world: Those who seek to be self sufficient to themselves and use the extra power of their resources to strengthen and serve others and those who think the world owes them a living and expect someone else to take care of their needs.

Yes, there are shades of gray between these two poles, but each person overall will gravitate to one side or the other.

The second group tends to follow the line of least resistance and let others do for them many things that they can do for themselves. The problem is that once a person becomes comfortable with this mindset it is difficult to escape from it. After all, if you need food, shelter, clothing or some of the luxuries of life, which is easier? To get some other person or agency to supply them or to earn them for yourself? If the individual finds some generous source to supply his needs then the temptation to continue life with his hand held out for freebies is great.

The trouble for this group is that energy follows thought and if the thought of dependence and helplessness is reinforced, time and time again, then the person will have less control over his life. As the years pass he will seem to be plagued with an increasing degree of bad luck and friends will tend to avoid him for fear of having to endure conversations of bad luck stories instead of fun conversation.

When you hear from a friend or associate what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? If it is, “Oh, no, I wonder what he wants this time,” then you know that this guy is in the second category. If you have no such thoughts but just glad to hear from him or her then this individual is probably in the first category.

Every seeker should strive to find himself in the first category and do all in his power to, not only take care of himself, but to have an abundance of resources to assist others along the way. Keep in mind that there are many resources that are beyond the realm of money and material possessions.

Seed Thought of the Day:

An initiate is one who initiates. He or she will desire to do more than repeat the past, but to participate in creating the new and the beautiful.


Day 352

The Initiate

The Seed Thought:

An initiate is one who initiates. He or she will desire to do more than repeat the past, but to participate in creating the new and the beautiful.

In the past an initiate has been thought of as being a person who has joined some special or secret organization and jumped through some bells and whistles, learned secret code, knowledge, handshakes or mantras. He is a part of an inner circle with special access not available to the rank and file.

The question the seeker must ask is this. What good is it to be in on some esoteric secrets if you do not do anything with the knowledge to actually initiate something? In other words, if all one does is go through some process, but do little or nothing to benefit humanity then how is such an initiate any better off in his progress than one who has not gone through some outward initiation?

When you think about it any initiate worth his salt will do what the meaning of the word implies and “initiate” something of value.

The true initiate though does more than blindly repeating what has been done before. Reinventing the wheel accomplishes nothing new and useful. Instead, the initiate will make a better wheel.

Here are some things true initiates may be involved in.

He or she will either start, or assist in starting, a project, group, enterprise, business or movement.

He may initiate something new and different creatively in music, art, writing, architecture or other endeavors.

He may do something inventive or promote a new invention or process.

The greater the initiate the greater will be the power to initiate. To find some initiates just check the Internet for those who are doing new and different things that benefit humanity.

Finally, the question the seeker must ask himself is this: Am I involved in anything that will initiate new and better conditions for humanity?

Seed Thought of the Day:

An increase of freedom brings a temporary increase of both good and evil, but as the people choose truth over error that which is good will surface, be understood and dominate.


Day 353


The Seed Thought:

An increase of freedom brings a temporary increase of both good and evil, but as the people choose truth over error that which is good will surface, be understood and dominate.

The United States has 146 times more gun crime per 1000 people than North Korea. The main reason is a lack of freedom there as gun use or ownership is forbidden for civilian use and only allowed for the military.

On the other hand, the murder rate there is four times that of the United States. It looks like they find a way to kill each other, guns or no guns. It is said by some escaped dissidents that some murder for the sake of cannibalism as there is much starvation in the country.

Now let us suppose it was suddenly declared that anyone in that country could own a gun for any reason. Would that extra freedom produce some gun violence?

Of course. Instead of killing themselves with knives and hammers many would resort to guns.

The point is that with an increase of freedom in any area of life you will have an increase of activity and that increase will be on both sides resulting in an increase of good and evil.

The question we want to ask ourselves is do we want freedom where there is more good and evil or do we want lack of freedom where both good and evil actions are very limited?

The wise seeker will always side on the choice of freedom, within the structure of just law, for this reason. Though humanity makes many mistakes it learns from them and when good and evil are both revealed it will eventually side with the good. Thus maximum freedom, even though it allows the manifestation of both good and evil, causes progression toward the good in he long run.

On the other hand, suppression of freedom also suppresses progress and causes the consciousness of the people to stagnate.

The Principle of Freedom creates the main dividing line between the path of light and darkness.

Seed Thought of the Day:

An accuser and name caller is, more often than not, merely looking in a mirror and describing himself.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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The Seeker’s Guide to Soul Contact, Part 25

Day 323

Seeking Answers

The Seed Thought:

Human nature generally takes the easy way and just wants to be told the answer by some authority instead of being forced back upon their own souls.

The truth behind this thought is more subtle than appears. Some may take it to mean that the seeker should never seek answers through established books and teachers, but such is far from the case. Without stimulation from the outside none of us would be able to function in this material world.

This is illustrated by some horrid examples of child abuse where the parents kept a child as an isolated prisoner for a number of years. When this happens, and the child is left with only himself and his soul, it is as if his progress comes to a standstill. If he were imprisoned at the age of ten and released at 15 then he still sees himself as a ten year old.

This tells us that we do indeed need more than guidance from within. In this world guidance from within must be balanced off with stimulation from without.

So, what is meant by the easy way? Does this include reading books and taking classes?

No. It does not. There are many truths in the books of the world and in instructions given by various teachers. Both of these can be very helpful.

What then is this easy way that causes the seeker to not reflect upon his own soul?

To understand we must realize that there are two types of information to be gleaned by the seeker.

The first is knowledge to which all reasoning minds agree is true. For instance, there are few who would question the principles of mathematics as taught in textbooks. The seeker has little reason to question that 2+2=4.

There is little reason to question any established facts. Concerning these it is best for the seeker to just take them in and add them to his memory.

What then is this lazy way that we should avoid?

To understand we must realize that there are two types of information given out to the public.

The first is information that contains facts that are not in dispute. An example would be that Washington was president of the United States between 1789 to 1797.

On the other hand, there are those who tell us what was in Washington’s mind concerning slavery. This represents the second type of information, which is not settled knowledge. Nothing is established here as an absolute fact and in this case the seeker must check out all the facts himself to come to a correct conclusion. If he goes the easy way and just accepts the word of an authority he will share the errors of that authority.

Are there other planets besides earth? Yes, definitely?

Do intelligent aliens live on these other worlds? To this there is no solid agreement and instead of trusting some UFO authority the seeker must examine the evidence and fall back on his own soul and decide for himself.

Is global warming going to present a catastrophic problem that should be of our greatest concern? Some authorities say yes and others tell us that we face much greater danger from other events such as a giant solar flare that happens every couple hundred years.

There are many who tell us what to believe when the facts are still in question. In this case the seeker must not take the word of any authority without question but seek out all the known facts and run them by his own soul to establish his own conclusions.

This is the key to escaping the mark of the beast as mentioned earlier.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Take those concepts that are embraced by the authorities of the world and look in the opposite direction. There you will find gems of truth.


Day 324

The Opposite Direction

The Seed Thought:

Take those concepts that are embraced by the authorities of the world and look in the opposite direction. There you will find gems of truth.

Unfortunately, most people will go in the opposite direction of this thought. Instead of thinking for themselves they will, without question, accept the authorities of the world and only look in the direction to which they point.

Fortunately, for the progress of the world there have always been a handful who have broken this rule.

One of the most notable was Galileo. In his day the authorities declared that the earth was the center of the universe and it was the sun that moved around it.

Galileo questioned this, built a telescope and found out the opposite was the true reality.

2000 years ago the religious authorities declared that an eye for an eye was the gold standard. Then Jesus came along, looked in opposite direction, and told them to love their enemies.

Newton’s laws were accepted as presenting space, time and mass as absolute. Einstein looked in the opposite direction and discovered that relativity is the higher norm.

For the seeker of today these insights are now obvious truths. The important thing for him or her in the present is not to see the obvious but to see what is overlooked by authorities today, just as Galileo did centuries ago.

He must look in the opposite direction of established thought and ask questions such as:

(1) Is God really all-powerful and all knowing?

(2) Are we headed toward a global cooling cycle rather than global warming?

(3) Was there really a big bang?

(4) Can we go faster than the speed of light?

Keep in mind that established thought is often correct, but sometimes it is not, so the seeker must always be willing to look in the opposite direction just to see what he finds. Any truth discovered by this method will be its own reward.

Seed Thought of the Day:

We may look at the problems in the world and feel overwhelmed, but if each helps those within his or her circle of influence the world will be healed.


Day 325

Doing Your Part

The Seed Thought:

We may look at the problems in the world and feel overwhelmed, but if each helps those within his or her circle of influence the world will be healed.

Many seekers listen to the news, see the problems in the world and feel somewhat depressed. We see starvation, deprivation, war, violence and all kinds of examples of man’s inhumanity to man. It often seems that anything one can do is insignificant, that maybe the best thing to do is retreat to some hideaway and hibernate.

This brings to mind the great truism: “Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.”

Many seekers who have good intent feel frustrated and wind up doing nothing rather than something.

This is a huge mistake and one of the main reasons there is so much suffering and lack of justice in the world.

The vast majority of people have good intentions, but many do not do their share in bringing those intentions into reality. If everyone did then suffering on this planet would be minimized.

So, what should the path of the seeker be who wants to do his part? The first thing is to look at his family and friends who may need assistance or a helping hand. This need may not only be financial, but perhaps he or she is depressed, feels isolated, has health problems, is abused or just needs to hear the voice of kindness. If the seeker merely assesses those within his circle he will find plenty in need of help.

Just think of how much suffering and distress could be eliminated if all merely were sensitive to the needs of those within his circle.

When you see a homeless person on a street corner asking for help do you suppose that this is a person without family or friends?

Of course not. Even the most down and out have family, but where are they? If just one member of his family, or a friend, were to give a helping hand then perhaps the guy wouldn’t have to be pleading for help on the street corner.

Yes, there are some people high on drugs and alcohol who are difficult for even family to help but this does not apply to all and does not give excuse to harden one’s heart.

If then, the seeker finds that he has assets to spare after he has surveyed family and friends he can then reach out to others outside of his circle.

Each seeker has to assess his talents and abilities and conclude as to how he can accomplish the largest amount of good with the means that are available to him.

If all were to do this then the golden age could manifest within a generation.

Seed Thought of the Day:

A work of light is rarely destroyed by its enemies, but by its friends.


Day 326

The Greatest Threat

The Seed Thought:

A work of light is rarely destroyed by its enemies, but by its friends.

The biggest threat from a positive work often comes from those who claim to be the biggest supporters. Examples are Judas betraying Christ, Benedict Arnold vs. George Washington, or John Sculley getting Steve Jobs fired so he could assume control – which move almost destroyed Apple.

The fact is that if a group is united it is extremely difficult for outside enemies to destroy them. If the group represents something positive that upsets those in the status quo then they will be attacked. When such attacks come, those who seek to maintain power will often lie and distort to destroy the challengers. Their problem is the truth. If the group represents higher truth, or a higher standard, and stand up for themselves as a united body then it is only a matter of time before they prevail.

On the other hand, a betrayal from within that either gives power to enemies or divides the group can be devastating. For instance, Arnold’s betrayal of Washington could have cost us the war if it had not been exposed. Judas would have destroyed the movement if not for the resurrection and Apple would have failed if they had not brought Steve Jobs back on board.

In all three examples there were all kinds of outsiders who wanted them to fail, but the greatest threat came from the inside.

So what causes an insider to betray his group when the goal of the group is positive change? There are three main reasons.

(1) A feeling of superiority. The person feels that he knows what is best and should be in charge so he sabotages the rightful leaders in hopes of replacing them. Such individuals are usually in illusion about their abilities and do more harm than good if they succeed.

(2) A desire for power. They sabotage the initiates in hope of assuming power for power’s sake.

(3) Hurt feelings or jealousy. The person’s emotions are not stable and he is offended by leaders or members of the group and feels they deserve to fail.

So, what should a seeker do if he sincerely sees a problem with the group?

First, I’ll say what he should not do and that is he should not attack or betray them. Instead, he can merely present his ideas for positive change. If his ideas are good then he will move forward with group approval. If his ideas are not accepted then he should accept the group consciousness as it is, or move on to another project.

The key guidance for the seeker is to keep his or her mind steady in the light.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Most people find what they are looking for rather than finding the truth.


Day 327

Finding the Truth

The Seed Thought:

Most people find what they are looking for rather than finding the truth.

Every honest seeker will see some evidence of the truth of this statement in their own lives if they sincerely reflect.

In my own life I can see how I was caught in this trap when I was young and supportive of my religion. When I read the scriptures and other writings I found that the evidence seemed close to 100% that the standard doctrines were correct.

Then when I received an awakening and considered teachings out of the mainstream may be true I took a second look at the same writings. This time I saw many of them in a new light and frequently asked myself how I had missed the meaning, which now seemed apparent.

This brought me to the realization that we find what we are looking for and if we are looking for something that may seem bizarre to most, the evidence will still be found.

For instance, Google “Flat Earth” and you will see that many people have found all kinds of “evidence” that convinces them the earth is flat. The same goes for the Apollo moon missions. Many look for evidence that we did not go there and indeed they find what they are looking for.

Dedicated conspiracy theorists can find evidence to prove any conspiracy theory support, no matter how illogical. Yes, it may be true that there are some real conspiracies, but there are many with no real foundation that can suck in those who are looking at them with the assumption they are true and thus find what they are looking for.

This principle illustrates the tremendous power of thought associated with belief. Belief directs thought to produce evidence and miraculously the evidence appears. At least it appears that way to their mindset.

If self-deception prevails to such an extent then how is the seeker to proceed and see the true reality?

It is difficult until the person reaches a certain sate of consciousness because almost all consider themselves to be open minded. If the guy sees himself as open minded when his mind is closed to accepting anything outside of his belief system he is faced with a difficult problem indeed. But it is a problem that all seekers transcend at one time or another. However, this transcendence does not come with ease but is usually triggered by a painful crises that forces the seeker to withdraw from outer authorities and seek the inner voice above all else. This is where this course as a whole will be helpful to the seeker.

Just telling the seeker to be open minded is not enough. This point of tension must be reached and it is only reached when truth becomes more important than confirmation of belief.

This is a difficult point of consciousness on which to ascend, but one that must be attained by each sincere seeker.

May the time speedily come that the many reach this state of consciousness and find the truth because they are looking for the truth above all else.

Seed Thought of the Day:

The key word for harmony is ‘acceptance.’ Accept harmless differences and see the divine at play in each other’s roles. Remember, to accept does not necessarily mean to embrace.


Day 328


The Seed Thought:

The key word for harmony is ‘acceptance.’ Accept harmless differences and see the divine at play in each other’s roles. Remember, to accept does not necessarily mean to embrace.

Many problems in this world have been created by intolerance, in other words, by those who cannot stand for their brothers and sisters to have a different opinion than themselves. If they do, and express it, they are considered dangerous and must be extinguished at all costs.

The truth is that the intolerant ones pose much more danger than those expressing an opinion, no matter how controversial.

Here is the reason. An informed humanity, as a whole, has a fair degree of common sense. They have their biases and deceptions, but the majority are not likely to knowingly choose something dangerous or obviously harmful. Therefore, a person or group freely expressing an outrageous doctrine is not likely to be embraced. This is one reason that freedom of speech produces more good results in the end than censorship and suppression.

On the other hand, an intolerant bunch who believe that contrary opinions need to be eliminated at all costs can create great havoc and even war against the will of the majority. Unfortunately, if enough suppression takes place the majority will can be controlled.

As one reflects on our history we can find many examples of needless suffering inflicted because of a lack of acceptance or tolerance of the beliefs of others. For Instance, we had he Romans persecuting the Christians, later we had the Christians persecuting the supposed heretics, then there are Muslims who persecute those who leave their religion, the KKK persecuting the blacks and even today many advocating force to shut down free speech they do not like.

Overall, acceptance of the beliefs and actions of others that pose no physical danger is a major key to peace among nations, groups and individuals. On an individual basis a constant agitation over what another is doing or thinking is downright unhealthy physically and mentally. The seeker must accept that there is a variety of diverse thinking going on and work for positive change while not allowing the current situation to corrupt his state of mind that leads to a Big Brother attitude.

Seed Thought of the Day:

It is not the learning of true facts that is an indication of spiritual evolution. Instead, it is the power to perceive truth and act upon it.


Day 329

Spiritual Evolution

The Seed Thought:

It is not the learning of true facts that is an indication of spiritual evolution. Instead, it is the power to perceive truth and act upon it.

Just like having a head full of facts is not proof of high intelligence neither does an accumulation of knowledge indicate an advanced place upon the path.

Knowledge and facts can be very useful, but they represent potential power rather than power itself. The knowledge of the combination to a safe has potential, but if not applied to actually opening the safe it is as if it never existed.

Many read a few spiritually related books and think they have made spiritual progress after they learn a few new vocabulary words and encounter some fanciful thinking.

The truth is that no progress is possible until decisions are made and the amount of progress largely depends on the quality of a decision. And what determines the quality of the decision? It is that quality we call discernment which is an aspect of wisdom.

Gaining information brings to the seeker a wider range of options as to what to incorporate into his pool of accepted truth. The one with an accumulation of accepted truth that is 99% factual has a great advantage over the one that is only 60%. The one with much error in his beliefs will wind up making numerous bad decisions that will cause a lot of delay in spiritual progression.

Then there’s also the situation where two seekers have the same assortment of true facts set before them but one will see them in a different light and use them to make a more productive decision than the other.

So the thought gives us two abilities that the seeker must acquire. The first is the ability to perceive the true from the false. The best way to do this is to achieve soul contact and attempt to see reality through the eyes of the Higher Self.

The second is to use that truth to the best possible advantage and act upon it. A truth is of little value unless put to use.

When the seeker gains the wisdom to discern the true from the false and act upon it he or she will then have the spiritual wind at his back.

Seed Thought of the Day:

The committed love relationship is the highest form of schooling on the earth.


Day 330

The Great Classroom

The Seed Thought:

The committed love relationship is the highest form of schooling on the earth.

A famous mantra says, “The souls of men are one and I am one with them.”

Seeing humanity as one from a spiritual viewpoint has been a teaching that has been promoted for thousands of years, yet we still have a long way to go to accomplish the goal.

What needs to be realized is that before we can become one with the whole we must learn to be one with the part. The starting point is the obtaining of the ability to be one with just one other person and the best opportunity to make this happen is through the marriage or romantic relationship.

This relationship has the advantage of having attractive forces that bring two people together with greater force and intimacy than casual friendships or group relationships. Because of the intimacy involved the individuals are tested with much greater fire than casual relationships. Many personality idiosyncrasies that are hardly noticed by friends can become major in-your-face obstacles to the intimate relationship.

Of course, there are lives where the seeker learns important lessons outside the love relationship, but speaking from the viewpoint of the whole, average humanity learns more from such relationships than anything else. Here they discover their faults and have an opportunity to work off the rough edges. They also face the great test of continuing to look at the Christ within the other individual while seeing all their surface personality flaws.

In the beginning of these relationships the falling in love experience happens because the attractive forces shifts their attention away from any flaws and causes them to look at each other to their spiritual essence. Love then manifests when they see each other as souls rather than personalities.

Then, after the relationship continues personality flaws begin to stand out and the individuals are tempted to fall out of love by looking at the imperfection rather than the perfection.

The seeker needs to see these temptations to look away from the Christ within as just that: temptations to be transcended. When the seeker learns to keep his attention focused on the soul essence of his or her partner he has then crossed a milestone on the spiritual path.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Thoughts are seeds that sprout and grow, so plant well and water with goodwill so your fruit will be desirable.


Day 331

Planting Seeds

The Seed Thought:

Thoughts are seeds that sprout and grow, so plant well and water with goodwill so your fruit will be desirable.

I have lived long enough to watch friends and family age and observe how their thoughts in their younger years were like seeds that grew and dominated their lives as they approached older age.

My mom was a prime example of this. She had her faults and I never saw her as a saint as I was growing up but her intentions were always good and she had a sincere desire to help people. Even in our struggling years she was thinking of others, always willing to help. For instance, there was a time when she was visiting a friend at the hospital when she encountered a young man who had been badly injured in a motorcycle accident. He was over 1000 miles from home and had nowhere to go after he got out of the hospital. My mom then invited him to stay with us. We took him in and took care of him for a couple months as he recovered.

Fortunately, he was a nice guy and we enjoyed having him with us. My mom also helped others who turned out to be not so nice, but that did not discourage her.

As I watched my mom age it seemed that the rough edges wore off and she became almost angelic by the time she died. In her older age there was no one who had anything but good to say about her.

Indeed, I witnessed that the seeds of thought that she nourished when young grew and dominated her (in a good way) as she aged.

On the other hand, numerous others who had a critical or complaining spirit when they were young nourish this type of thinking into becoming a very cranky elderly person that people go out of their way to avoid.

Think of people you knew 10, 20, 30 years ago or more and compare them with who they are today and you should be able to see this principle at work. This illustrates to us the importance of what we allow to be placed in our minds to become part of our thinking. To insure good thoughts are planted the seeker must do his best to read positive books, make good friends, have positive romantic relationships and be a giving, friendly and loving person.

And most important, the seeker must be his own moderator and filter out negative thoughts and keep the good and constructive ones as seeds to be nourished into a productive life.

Seed Thought of the Day:

All seekers feel a desire to find their true home, not one that is physical, but spiritual.



Day 332

Our True Home

The Seed Thought:

All seekers feel a desire to find their true home, not one that is physical, but spiritual.

The first question to consider here is, what is our true home? Many seekers in contemplation have accessed ancient lingering memories that tell them that they are eternal beings that came from a wondrous spiritual home linked with our source that we call God. It is interesting that this is mentioned in the book of Hebrews:

The scripture tells us concretely that the prophets (and most likely you and me) lived in the Heavenly New Jerusalem before they were born: “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were STRANGERS AND PILGRIMS ON THE EARTH. For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country (country is from the Greek PATRIS which literally means FATHERLAND and figuratively means: Heavenly Home) And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned (If they were looking for any country on the earth they would have had no trouble finding and returning to it). But now they desire a better country, THAT IS AN HEAVENLY: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them A CITY (The New Jerusalem).” (Heb. 11:13-16)

This interesting scripture deserves a closer examination. First, the prophets are called “strangers and pilgrims on the earth.” This is significant because both words imply that they originated somewhere else besides the earth.

If a person were a stranger in New York, it means he had an existence and a residence in another city before he arrived there. The prophets are “strangers” on the earth; therefore, they lived somewhere else before they lived here.

If a man is a foreigner or an alien in the United States, then he had to have a true citizenship in another country before he arrived here. Therefore, if the prophets are foreigners or aliens on the earth, then their true citizenship belongs to another country that they originated from before they were born.

The pilgrims who arrived at Plymouth Rock did not originate in America but came from a distant land. They had a pre-America existence. The prophets are called “Pilgrims on the earth” meaning that they had a “pre-mortal” home. A pilgrim is a traveler who comes from somewhere else.

The next verse makes it crystal clear that the choice of these words was no accident. We’ll quote it using the more accurate translation of “fatherland” instead of “country”: “For they that say such things (that they are strangers and pilgrims) declare plainly that they SEEK A FATHERLAND.” (Heb 11:14)

The next verse puts a seal on this point: “And truly, if they had been mindful of that country (fatherland) from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned.” (Heb 11:15) In other words, if their originating country was on the earth, they could have returned to it while in the flesh. They were in an unfortunate position in that they were citizens of a Fatherland that was not on the earth, and that they could only return to after they died.

The next verse reads: “But now they desire a better country, that is an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God for He hath prepared for them a city (the New Jerusalem).” (Heb 11:16)

Just like the prophets have a sense of belonging to a heavenly home so do many seekers. It could be a mistake, however, to spend too much time dreaming of returning for we came to the earth school for learning and experience. When we successfully finish then our rest “will be glorious” as the scripture says. If we do not keep focused on why we are here then that rest will be delayed.

Most people do not pine after a heavenly home for they figure we were created at birth and there is no home to which they can return. The sincere seeker though on reflection develops a sense that his true home lays elsewhere and looks forward to a homecoming.

Seed Thought of the Day:

When one has established firm soul contact it becomes almost impossible to take offense. The offense becomes like the roar of a lion at the zoo and may make one smile.


Day 333

Zero Offence

The Seed Thought:

When one has established firm soul contact it becomes almost impossible to take offense. The offense becomes like the roar of a lion at the zoo and may make one smile.

We live in a strange age where it seems that many are staying awake at night trying to figure out new ways to be offended. People are not only offended by obvious insults, as has been the tradition, but many find offense at terms used considered politically incorrect, dog whistles or even by what a person does not say.

This taking offense at the drop of a hat has led to a perilous political climate where both sides see the other as the enemy making the temptation to attack very real.

The situation cries out for more soul contact among the people.

Those who are centered in the personality are very vulnerable to being hurt through various types of remarks. Such statements may be obviously offensive, but others may be spoken with innocent intent. When dealing with a person polarized in the personality one must watch his words quite carefully.

The person with soul contact is much easier to deal with, for with him or her you do not have to walk on eggshells. He realizes that nothing you can say to him can harm his inner core. If you say something that is intended to be hurtful or critical he will not take it personally, but recognize it for what it is, which is often just an expression of frustration or anger on the one attacking.

When in the soul the person becomes the observer and in this position can see attacks as if they are a part of a movie and when watching a movie you, the watcher, are not able to be hurt by the bad guy.

The more intimate the relationship the more control he seeker must have to take the vantage point of the observer, but it can always be done. When this ability is acquired the life of the seeker will flow much better than the one who is personality centered.

Seed Thought of the Day:

It is impossible for two people experiencing spiritual contact together to not reach agreement, for Truth, Spirit and Soul are One in the Mind of God.


Day 334

Two Becoming One

The Seed Thought:

It is impossible for two people experiencing spiritual contact together to not reach agreement, for Truth, Spirit and Soul are One in the Mind of God.

Often we have the case where there will be two people, both attempting to be on the spiritual path and to be in touch with the Inner Voice, but will take opposing sides on an issue, principle or teaching.

One may claim that within a year the Space Brothers will land and announce themselves to the world and the other will say that his soul have not verified any such thing.

Which one is right and why do they disagree?

Fortunately, in cases like this, the truth will be revealed within a year, but with many teachings, verification is not so easy.

Maybe one guy teaches that angels have wings and another does not. In this and many other cases, there is no way to prove what is true using techniques approved by the material world.

Is it possible then for two seekers to see as one and come together in unity?

The answer is a definite yes and the method to achieve that unity is through soul contact. The Higher Self of one person does not disagree with the Higher Self of another on principles. The understanding of principles is the understanding of how things work, or the truth behind the world of appearances. Since the pure language of the soul is the language of principles and the truth behind them links all life up with our Source then two people seeing through the eyes of the soul will see the same things.

As far as truth of data goes the soul is not so concerned with this and rarely will verify it to the seeker. If Jim thinks the temperature is 76 degrees and John thinks it is 78 then neither are likely to get verification from the soul on this. First, the information is not that important and, secondly, they can find out the true temperature for themselves. If, however, they want to understand the principles by which a thermometer works, this or any other thing that requires understanding brings in the power of the soul to some extent.

Some principles are easy to see and others are not. The most difficult one to reach agreement on is that of freedom. If a seeker has any residual personality attachment then he will not understand that this principle requires him to not force another against his will to support his pet causes, however benevolent they may seem.

Two sincere seekers with real soul contact, when examining a principle, will see through the eyes of the soul and understand as one unit how it should be applied.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Truth is found by looking for truth and basking in light, not focusing on error which darkens the mind.


Day 335

Focusing on Truth

The Seed Thought:

Truth is found by looking for truth and basking in light, not focusing on error, which darkens the mind.

This sounds like a simple easy to understand statement but the truth of it goes over the head of a large percentage of the population. This segment of people figure that the way to find the truth is to take a look at statements, theories, proposals, controversial stories, philosophy, teachings etc. and find every possible reason that they cannot be true. The idea is that after all the objections are made that which is true should remain.

The problem with this is that this approach never reveals new truth for consideration. The only truth that will remain will be that which is beyond dispute, such as he sky is blue. Any truth that expands consciousness will not be considered but negated.

The seeker must go beyond the world of standard facts which are established as true beyond controversy. He must search with an open mind for truth beyond which that which can be casually observed or proven by science such as:

  • Life after death
  • Life on other worlds
  • Higher Intelligence than human
  • Extra sensory perception
  • Teachings that run contrary to one’s mindset

The death experience is a good example of this principle at work. Some are convinced there is no life after death so they will ignore all the positive evidence and seek for reasons to explain it as a phenomena associated with residual activity of the physical brain. When this approach is taken they always find what they are looking for. When they find what they are looking for they ignore reports, even from atheists, who claim the experience was more real that physical reality. They also ignore accounts of those when out of the body overheard actual conversations and actions of those in the hospital.

Thus this skeptical approach causes the person to miss the greater truth that is readily available.

Does this mean we should be gullible and not question?

No. Far from this. The point is that the seeker should be more focused with finding truth than error, but in the process be totally open to both sides of any argument. The attitude is similar to seeing the glass half full rather than half empty.

Average people only embrace truth that agrees with their dogma and hate the rest. An enlightened mind embraces all truth that crosses his path.

Seed Thought of the Day:

It is a big mistake in relationships to hold back emotionally for fear of hurt. This limits the amount of love that can be shared.


Day 336


The Seed Thought:

It is a big mistake in relationships to hold back emotionally for fear of hurt. This limits the amount of love that can be shared.

Many who have fallen in love enough to participate in a committed relationship harbor a residual distrust that causes them to hold back from full emotional sharing. If the partner shares 100% and the other does not then one becomes shortchanged. One shares all and the other maybe 60% or so. This gap keeps the relationship from achieving a fullness of sharing which is the most joyful part of a romantic relationship.

What is mean by 100% sharing?

It is basically the full unrestricted sharing of love, affection and true feelings with your partner.

And why do many hold back from such sharing?

The main reason is, it makes the person vulnerable to being hurt if the partner betrays trust and turns on him or her. Most who have difficulty in trusting the partner with full sharing have felt betrayed in past relationships and suffered great hurt. The person decides that this pain needs to be avoided at all costs. The feeling is that if sharing is restricted then the possibility of devastating hurt will also be negated.

The problem is that restricting emotional sharing restricts feeling and that restricts the potential of experiencing good feelings as well as bad. To experience the greatest highs in a relationship the risk must be taken that one may experience the greatest lows.

The question the seeker must ask is, is it worth the risk?

To this I respond with a definite yes. Like many of you I have experienced great highs and lows and yes, the lows are tough, but even if you go through the worst of times the journey is worth it to find the right partner and achieve a happy union.

Here is some helpful advice for those who still have a fear of a fullness of sharing. The problem is that you may have been so hurt in the past that it seems that another hurt will destroy you. This is not the case. Your essence is invulnerable. Others can hurt you so much and no more. If you realize this you can allow yourself to trust and be vulnerable in a relationship with the realization that if the partner betrays you and does his worst that you will survive and still go on to a final victory.

Total fulfillment cannot come in relationships unless one is willing to share all and become emotionally vulnerable.

Seed Thought of the Day:

People either love truth and hate deceit or love deceit and hate truth.


Day 337

Loving Truth

The Seed Thought:

People either love truth and hate deceit or love deceit and hate truth.

So, why would anyone hate the truth? This scripture gives an interesting explanation.

“And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.’ John 3:19-21

Here we are told that people will hate the truth when it reveals things that they want to keep secret. And why do they want to keep them secret? Because such people often have sinister plans and intentions that they do not want revealed. If revealed their true plans would be rejected.

This reminds of us of many politicians. During the campaign they tell us what we want to hear rather than what they really plan on doing and voting upon. They hate the guy who asks them a question that demands an honest answer.

Politicians may be the best example, but not the only ones. Many religious ministers also tell their congregations what they want to hear which often differs from their real thoughts. Some also put in an air of piety that masks their real lifestyle.

Even in science you have researchers manipulating the evidence that hides the real truth so results agree with the mindset of the source of financing.

A person will hate the truth when the truth reveals his true thoughts that he wants to remain hidden.

Now, of course, even those with the most sinister motives will want selective truth revealed, truth which may further his plans, but any truth revealed by such people will be distorted by deception. The problem is that many have no problem embracing a lie if it furthers their agenda. We can look at it this way. If a presentation contains 80% truth and 20% is false but the end result is the receiver sees the whole with an incorrect understanding then the whole package is more lie than truth.

In this case the person embraces deceit and will hate anyone who dares reveal the truth which exposes him.

There is a big difference between the approach of those who love the truth and those who do not.

Those who love the truth will honestly express their views and seek only truth to justify their views. When they encounter one in darkness they do not hate them but are willing to give them a helping hand if possible.

Those who hate the truth are happy to embrace deception to further their goals and when encountering one who is in the light feels hatred and has no desire to help him or her in any way.

It goes without saying that all seekers need to take the side of light and truth and embrace them with love.

Seed Thought of the Day:

If you have not yet shouted with the greatest joy as well as cried with the deepest sorrow you are far from finished on the path of life.


Day 338

Extreme Learning

The Seed Thought:

If you have not yet shouted with the greatest joy as well as cried with the deepest sorrow you are far from finished on the path of life.

Have you ever had an experience so good that you felt like jumping for joy, or maybe hugging everyone in the room? Maybe it was when your team won the big game, or you landed that dream job or found your life’s partner.

On the other hand, have you ever been so devastated that you were not sure if you could go on, felt defeated or were not sure what to do next to deliver yourself from the pit of self doubt?

Now we are not talking about mild highs and lows, but big ones. If you have experienced either a great negative or positive extreme you have had a great learning experience. If you have experienced both the high and the low then you have crossed a major hurdle of learning in this school called earth.

We are happy to have a joyful high, but do everything we can to avoid the low. Even so, as far as value goes the learning and wisdom earned from our low points are priceless. If you do not believe me consider this. Think back to a time, years ago when you were at a low point that you eventually transcended. If you could just snap your fingers and have that erased from existence, as if it never happened, would you?

Most people would answer no. Even though living through it was tough, now that it is in the past you wouldn’t trade the experience for anything. It has helped to make you what you are today and most feel that they would be incomplete without it.

If the seeker realizes that praying for wisdom and patience is like praying for complicated problems he might be a little more careful what he asks for, though after the problem is solved one is generally glad for the experience. Unfortunately, the seeker must be willing to risk great pain to achieve great learning and wisdom.

Once the seeker has learned from great highs and lows what is next?

Next is reaching that midway point between the extremes where the seeker rests in peace as the observer who is not so affected by what occurs in this material world. But before one can stand on that peaceful point he must milk every drop of wisdom from the highs and lows of life.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Some people talk of a benevolent dictatorship. There is no such thing.


Day 339

Benevolent Dictatorship?

The Seed Thought:

Some people talk of a benevolent dictatorship. There is no such thing.

Most people in the free world see a dictatorship as a bad thing, except with one exception. Many see God as a dictator, but in a good way. Because He is seen as perfect then this gives him the perfect right to tell us what to do, and the believers should just obey without question.

But, where is the evidence that this is the case? Do we see God appearing anywhere to anyone telling us what to do or else? Are not all people on the planet free to accept or reject anything that purports to come from God?

Furthermore, from whence come dictates that claim to be words from God? Look around and you will see they always come from the mouths of mortals like you and me who claim to speak for the mind of God. Investigate these spokesmen a little closer and we will find no evidence that they represent the mind of God any more than your neighbor out there mowing the lawn.

Obviously, God does not fit the description of Greek God sitting on a throne throwing out decrees that must be obeyed or else, for we find:

(1) There is no clear voice to the masses representing God.

(2) There is no evidence that God assumes the role of a dictator for the world.

(3) The only sign of dictatorship comes from corrupt mortal individuals seeking to impose their wills upon others.

It is widely agreed that Jesus most closely represented the mind of God in mortal flesh. It would seem then that a study of him would reveal how much of a dictator God is. What is interesting is that Jesus is said to have had tremendous godlike powers, even over the elements so he could have used this power to force, or at least entice others to submit to his will.

So how did Jesus react to the rich young man who rejected his advice to sell all he had to give to the poor?

He did nothing to enforce his will but merely let him go on his way.

And how did he react when James and John wanted Jesus to cause fire to come out of heaven and consume a village that rejected them?

“But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them. And they went to another village.” Luke 9:55-56

And how did he react to the great betrayal from Judas?

Even though he knew it was going to bring him pain and suffering he did nothing to stop him.

Instead of portraying God as any kind of dictator who punishes all who offends him Jesus tells us that God is a benevolent father giving good gifts to his children and makes the sun to shine of both the good and the bad.

A great example of how God deals with us is found in the parable of the Prodigal Son.

This wayward son takes his inheritance, leaves his father’s home and squanders the whole thing.

This son represents humanity which has distanced itself from God and wastes its gifts on the physical rather than the spiritual side.

And what does the father do in the parable? Nothing. He just bides his time waiting for his son to return, and when the son comes to his senses and returns the Father greets him with a celebration rather than condemnation.

Is there any indication of the father (or God) in this parable being any kind of a dictator?


He allowed his son to make all the mistakes he wanted with no interference from his end.

The trouble with seeing God as the divine dictator is that it gives crazy real world dictators an excuse for acting as God’s representative who the people must obey or else.

Seed Thought of the Day:

To correctly assess your place on the spiritual path is a great accomplishment. Then you can see the next step to be taken.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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Provocative Quotes, Part 2

Provocative Quotes from JJ Dewey

For Provocative Quotes, 1-500 go HERE

501. Ideals can be very positive if approached with good judgment, but dangerous if judgment is in error, especially if human freedom is sacrificed to obtain the “greater good,” which turns out to be the greater evil.

502. Be thankful when rising, act with purpose through the day, reflect in the evening and sleep peacefully at night.

503. Though there be a dozen versions of the truth, there is only one that is true.

504. To learn, teach; to master, do; to receive, give; to be loved, love.

505. Look within and find yourself as bright as the sun, as endearing as the moon and mysterious as the stars.

506. When those who believe they have found the ultimate in spiritual understanding or experience take a rest, and look again, they will see another step that needs taken.

507. Love your enemies, but don’t give them your passwords.

508. The secret of happiness is in realizing you have free will and then choosing the path of freedom.

509. Many freedom lovers have quoted, “I may disagree with your speech but would defend to the death your right to say it.” That attitude has changed. Now many are saying they want to silence or harm those with whom they disagree. This is a dangerous path.

510. The moon today is blotting out the light of the sun, dividing America with a path of blackness, symbolizing the uncontrolled emotional rage that is blotting out the light of the inner sun which should unite us with true vision. (Written Aug 21, 2017, the day of the solar eclipse)

511. If you are incited to violence because of some disgusting opinion then the violence belongs to you, and you alone.

512. The secret to maintaining freedom for oneself is to not interfere with the freedom of others.

513. The secret of knowledge is to seek until you find, and when truth is found, to accept.

514. The secret of wisdom is to accept the higher over the lower, the mind over lower emotion, the intuition over mind and pure Spirit over all.

515. The secret of success is persistence in the right direction. Persisting 1000 miles in the wrong direction only takes you away from the goal.

516. Space is not empty, but filled with thought, which has woven itself into many forms.

517. Space is the mind of God; creation is Its body.

518. The secret of strength is to have no fear of loss.

519. The secret of security is to become indispensable

520. The secret of love is understanding.

521. The secret of intelligence is in the choices made.

522. The secret of health is moderation, harmony with yourself and nature and a cheerful heart.

523. The secret of good fortune is to make your own luck.

524. The secret of finding is to seek and not give up.

525. The secret of motivation is fire, but let it be a flame that warms your brother.

526. Love is sharing that last bite.

527. Sometimes love is just being there.

528. Life is intelligence in purposeful motion.

529. The only way to know if another has soul contact is to achieve it yourself. One person who has achieved this contact can recognize another who has received it.

530. When we talk about soul contact, we are talking about putting our attention and consciousness on the still point within that tells Spirit, what matter is doing, and matter, what Spirit is doing.

531. There is a time to play by the rules,

And a time to break them.

There is a time to play in the box,

And a time to think out of it.

A time to embrace with love

And a time to respond in firmness.

A time to include

And a time to exclude.

But the time is always right

To assist a willing pilgrim on the Path.

532. We can deviate from divine will on a temporary basis in this world governed by time by using our free will, but the pain and discomfort of bad decisions will eventually force us back into alignment.

533. The soul is associated with truth and has the capacity to recognize all true principles; therefore, a search or quest for the truth is a quest for soul contact.

534. When love and sharing become the new normal spiritual teachers will guide humanity toward a quality of life hitherto unknown.

535. Your eyes reflect your soul, your smile your state of mind, your walk reveals your attitude and your face is a roadmap of your journey through life.

536. Everything that has or will exist is in the mind of God and can manifest. Select that which you desire and make it yours.

537. Always remember, there is more to see than you are seeing, more to hear than you are hearing, more to feel than you are feeling and more to believe than you are believing.

538. Knowledge of facts contributes 1% to wisdom and the intelligent understanding of how they apply is the other 99%.

539. The “I found it” delusion is a great obstacle to soul contact. One cannot find without seeking and one will not seek if he feels there is nothing to seek. The ego becomes God; why seek that which is higher than God?

540. Be civil when attacks rage about you.

Pursue your goals when distractions abound

Find peace amidst the noise of life.

541. While it is true the NOW is all there is, sometimes it is pretty tough while other times it is a joy.

542. Beware of anyone who praises too much.

543. Once the light of truth is seen, it cannot be unseen, for light reveals and darkness hides.

544. Once truth is heard and understood, it cannot be unheard. Let us ever speak the truth and fill the world with light.

545. The great mind will work on the small, but necessary details, while the small mind sees himself at the center of drama with himself as a superstar.

546. The pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow, that make us human are the source of our constant complaints, but the envy of heaven.

547. If truth is relative then there is no such thing as truth, but “truth is true and nothing else is true.”

548. We cannot excel at all things, but all have the ability to focus on one thing. Pick that one thing that is most interesting to you and become an expert.

549. To hear in silence is wisdom and to see in the midst of darkness is true vision.

550. Perform well today so the you of tomorrow will be happy and at peace.

551. Teaching the rising generation true principles preserves liberty, whereas indoctrinating their minds with illusion and hatred is the biggest threat.

552. You came here with a purpose. When you discover it you will feel an inner fire that moves you forward no matter what others say to discourage you.

553. Even in the midst of great evil the good that is in humanity reigns supreme. (Written after the Las Vegas shooting Oct 2)

554. The greatest victor is not the strongest, but the one who makes all the needed corrections until the goal is met.

555. I will be your mirror and you be mine,

As we seek the light divine.

I’ll take a step and so will you,

Ever learning that which is true.

Two souls becoming as one,

As we approach the heart of the sun.

556. The Great Plan allows us to enter into the deepest materialism, pain, selfishness and illusion until we no longer want to play the games therein. Then we work our way back to reality.

557. Now is the opportunity to manifest in this world of time and space that which is in the consciousness that dwells in the great peace of the Eternal Now.

558. A popular illusion that is exposed as deception will strike a nerve in about half the people who will see you as an enemy to truth.

559. We have always been because God has always been.

560. You are proof that intelligence exists in matter. If intelligence can exist in a small body then it can exist in a larger one – such as the universe. That indwelling intelligence is called God.

561. The first great discovery was the fire that warms the world without. The second is the fire of the Spirit that warms the world within.

562. Illusion is so powerful that it can cause even good and decent people to take the path of destruction.

563. Achieving union with your own head and heart is difficult indeed, but achieving it with two or more people is a Herculean task, however, the reward is great power to move through any obstacle.

564. Too many people love illusion. They want to be tricked into believing what they want to believe and not let the facts get in the way.

565. If you lost a winning lottery ticket and didn’t know you had won there would be no significant discomfort. But if you lose a ticket you know is a winner the upset would be great. The difference between peace and pain is your attitude, not the loss.

566. Illusion seems logical to one caught in it and can only be unraveled by an honest and discerning mind.

567. Unless we practice non-deception then inspired teachings designed to take us out of illusion can lead us further into it.

568. The true seeker will never exchange truth for illusion no matter how disturbing.

569. The ways of transforming good intentions into harm through illusion are without number.

570. Seeing the same illusion together will reinforce error giving the false confirmation they are correct.

571. Foundation illusions are very difficult to dispel because they are usually tied in with a mainstream thoughtform, which is held by millions.

572. Illusion cannot be dispelled by good intentions alone; there must be an wakening.

573. The greatest enemies to seeing true reality are comfortable illusions that truth would destroy.

574. Natural love for illusion and magic gives the mind power to trick the seeker into thinking the unreal is the real.

575. The light of truth, if not blocked by stubborn willfulness, will immediately reveal and disintegrate illusions.

576. That which is not true can have the illusion of truth, yet those in illusion can present truth as a dark deception.

577. The small mind attacks the person with whom he disagrees. The greater mind addresses the illusion.

578. Harry sees three and Jim sees two. Either Harry is seeing something that is not there or Jim is not seeing what is.

579. There is illusion behind most fears, but there is also great illusion behind many proclamations of love.

580. We normally see a word as merely a sound, but from a higher view a word is a force that creates an impact. It could be represented by an idea, a book or united action. A Word created all there is.

581. Yes, follow your passion, but you must also make time to take care of the boring, but essential details.

582. Your life plays a note in the great symphony of the music of the spheres. Try and stay in tune.

583. Freedom of speech is determined by your government. Freedom of thought comes from yourself.

584. You can try to avoid life and its consequences, but life will not avoid you.

585. Seeing equality as sameness is a great error. Do we want a football team with all quarterbacks or work for a company where everyone is the boss? Equal opportunity is a fine ideal, but equal outcome cannot be mandated.

586. Truth offends those in illusion but is a thrill to those seeking reality.

587. The magical power of the soul is manifest when the self is forgotten, higher purpose is sought and service is the objective.

588. The mind expands when it is exposed to two sides of a debate and contracts when limited to just one.

589. The doors of higher spiritual reality cannot stay shut for long to one who loves the truth.

590. Diversity alone does not equal strength. Real strength comes from union, or cooperation on positive goals despite differences.

591. We are entering a point of tension that will create a gathering of lights that will illuminate the way of higher evolution.

592. The duties of life and career often consume too much precious time. Even so, make time for your passion each day, even if it is a small amount.

593. Advice can only go so far in personal situations because our own souls often have lessons in mind for us to learn, from which there is no escape.

594. We either create our own reality or allow someone else to do it for us.

595. In the end good dominates over evil, intelligence over ignorance, light over dark and love over hate. This knowledge gives the servants of life the faith to endure to the end.

596. Union through true principles creates vision. Union through deception leads to blindness.

597. The seeker sees creation and marvels at the invisible Creative Intelligence. Then he advances another step and sees that the Creative Force hides an even greater revelation.

598. Prayer opens the door of the soul to gain access to the world of Spirit, meditation takes you through that door so you can receive the Spirit, and contemplation brings the things of the Spirit down into the practical realm of the material world.

599. There was once a seeker from hitherland.

Who happily plunged into earthland.

But he soon forgot the plan,

And looked upward to demand

Asking what life is about?

Please remove all doubts.

He listened and listened for words from above

And finally from the soul heard words of love.

600. You experienced a resurrection from the dead at birth, for it wasn’t long ago that you died in a previous life.

601. After the path of good is discovered and followed to its end, another path opens to a yet greater good. Once taken, the good of the past becomes the current evil.

602. If belief is based on authority and backed up by other authorities then you have nothing unless you have verified it for yourself.

603. When the seeker learns to be the observer he can enjoy the ride through life in good times and bad.

604. On this Thanksgiving how can you not love a person with a grateful heart who appreciates all the wondrous gifts in his surroundings?

605. If authorities say do, consider not doing. If they say do not, consider doing. Step out of the box and join original thinkers.

606. All form is temporary, even stars and galaxies will disappear. Only that which creates form is immortal.

607. There are words that are just words and pass away and then there are words that convey true principles that do not pass away. These are eternal words.

608. Those who say there is no heaven or hell must be closing their eyes to life right here on earth, for we create our own heaven or hell in life by our thoughts and actions.

609. We complain about life’s problems but they often provide more opportunities for growth than the peaceful times for which we give thanks.

610. A small act of kindness can affect more change of heart than a thousand sermons.

611. Knowledge dispels many fears, but not all. If you’re headed over a cliff and you know it you will feel somewhat uneasy.

612. All of us have one important lesson to learn in this life. If it is ignored then circumstances will be created again and again forcing us to face it until mastered.

613. Familiarity can breed contempt, but remove the cause of contempt, replace it with love, and you have an everlasting bond.

614. A productive teacher obtains satisfaction, not from students who become disciples, but from those who are sponges for knowledge and independent thought.

615. One meaning of being born again is to birth yourself into a new learning experience, seeing yourself as a child beginning anew, instead of resting on previous accomplishments.

616. All people come into our lives because their consciousness shares a certain note with our own consciousness.

617. He who stimulates love from others dwells in heaven. He who finds no love or acceptance dwells in hell.

618. Truth is as we perceive it until we know the truth. Then the truth just is.

619. The words and works of an individual reveal his true nature.

620. If you make a mistake on the road of life the problem multiplies with each turn until you are forced to correct or crash and burn.

621. Even the most average among us can excel at an endeavor if he focuses his time and energy on mastering it.

622. A spiritual insight gained, if not reinforced and applied, will be as if it never was.

623. It is not death that should be so feared, but a wasted life.

624. A test for seeker comes when he receives knowledge that contradicts what he has believed all his life. His outright rejection takes him into darkness, whereas his sincere consideration takes him into the light.

625. To manifest the great new age of brotherhood the lights of the world must penetrate the darkness that keeps the rank and file from the truth.

 “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!

Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when the LORD shall bring again Zion.” Isa 52:7-8

626. Nature responds to human consciousness. Effects such as storms and peaceful waters, disease and health reflect the thinking and feeling of the people.

627. Love is not the opposite of fear and does not negate fear as many assume. Peace is the opposite of fear and fear can be amplified by love. If your child is threatened you will fear because of love. Fear is negated by seeing the whole rather than the part.

628. Your brain is your computer, your vision is your screen, your subconscious has your programming, your consciousness is the end user and your password is thought.

629. A belief system that allows persecution, suppression of free speech or violence is not the solution but a major part of the problem for humanity.

630. Like the sun is to the earth the inner spirit of truth ever shines, but is sometimes obscured by clouds, storms and a dark night.

631. The secret of success: Plan, work, revise; plan, work, revise; plan, work, revise – continue until satisfied.

632. The brave decide and do, though uncertain of the results; the timid stay where they are and wait; the cowards run.

633. Our desires, which often distort reality, pull us toward defending them with deceit. Unless truth is the highest priority desire will obscure vision.

634. Given two people of equal strength and ability, the one with the greater sense of purpose will prevail.

635. He who reaches the highest pinnacle of success has first passed through failure so devastating that tempted him to dismiss his life as worthless.

636. Celebrate this season with the birth of Christ, first within your own heart, then watch for it in the hearts of others.

637. Claims of strength, spiritual power or virtue mean nothing until they are tested.

638. A smile is a bridge between human consciousness and the gods.

639. He who has peace of mind, someone to love and basic needs supplied is rich.

640. The heresy of one age is often the established thinking of another.

641. One who is trusted is always loved, but we do not always trust those we love. Therefore, trust is to be valued even more than love.

642. A new year, a new cycle, a new beginning, and a new you. You are a different person now than you were last year and will be born anew many times hence, yet your essence remains. (Written on New Year’s Day)

643. Most of the unproductive are not so much lazy, as lacking focus, and wind up working hard at labor not related to their progression.

644. Time is caused by the motion of form. Therefore, true timelessness would be a state where there is nothing that moves.

645. To be or not to be is always the question. Do we move decisively ahead with life and forge a destiny or relax and let the decisions of others take control?

646. I would rather be in harmony with true principles and stand alone than receive the praise of the world for siding with error.

647. If all the people of the world were like you, would it be a better place? Something to think about.

648. If a rich man offers you a million dollars to jump up and down ten times, and tabulates in advance that you will do it, are you exercising free will when you perform since the probability of you doing it is close to 100%?

649. It seems strange that new truth is resisted by so many, but light destroys darkness and darkness fights for its life.

650. Taking the next step in spiritual progression not only brings a higher state of consciousness but greater freedom as well as more understanding of the principle on which it rests.

651. It is almost impossible to find new information that is not somewhere available, but the ways of enunciating ancient truths that shed new insights are without number.

652. A grain of sand, a perfected crystal – the difference being that the crystal is many grains of sand fused into one. So shall many souls become one and share the greater life.

653. A lesson unlearned returns again in new clothing. If not mastered it returns as an adversary that cannot be ignored.

654. Do not waste time awaiting a great opportunity before acting. There are small ones that come each day that can lead to big outcomes.

655. Happiness, love and friendship are elusive. The only way to keep them is to give them away.

656. Your soul and mine are one.

In the realm of souls love prevails.

Let us lift up our consciousness

That we may love on earth

As we do in heaven.

657. Certain melodies lift the consciousness from matter to spirit and heal the soul. Seek out those inspired sounds and play them when needed.

658. Silence is more than lack of noise. When the emotions and mind are also stilled, and the attention is focused on the place of stillness, true silence can be known.

659. Much worse than losing possessions we can see are losing those we cannot see such as love, friendship, trust, hope and faith.

660. True strength is revealed not in fantastic claims, but in one that is quiet in the storm, reserved when holding power but acts decisively when the need arises.

661. Proceed as if there were no limitations and prepare to be amazed.

662. The symbolic meaning of Jesus walking on the water tells us you achieve success by moving forward. Not moving ahead is the surest way to sink into failure.

663. If negative people knew the joys of love and forgiveness there would never be another war and the world would be at peace.

664. We plant seeds whether we realize it or not. The fruit from seeds of love and kindness or hate and fear planted in one cycle become obvious in another.

665. Taking one step forward on the spiritual path is more difficult than ten steps backward. Therefore, let the pilgrim focus with one-pointed attention on the goal.

666. An attempt to correct another has little effect if the flaw is in oneself.

667. Faith in unseen Divine Intelligence gives many advantages to one seeking to accomplish great things. With a spiritual wind at his back he will aspire and persevere where others will falter.

668. Those who gained fame because of power, position or authority are rarely remembered fondly, whereas those who touched us with their words and deeds are loved for ages.

669. The overly cautious and indecisive may make few mistakes but have little success. Success requires decisiveness and a few whopper mistakes.

670. True freedom brings freedom from guilt, from ignorance, from fear and lower desire as well as the freedom to act.

671. The few will see a higher truth that benefits the many. The many will embrace its lower distorted reflection that benefits the few.

672. If you know you are right, it is not stubbornness to stand your ground. If you are not sure, it is folly to pretend you are.

673. Make small improvements on yourself now and see large effects manifest later on.

674. Principles of a Fulfilled Life

(1) Trust yourself

(2) Love much

(3) Give much

(4) Seek truth

(5) Give others the benefit of the doubt.

(6) Take some risks

(7) Follow the highest you know

(8) Have faith in the goodness of God and fellow humans

675. Intelligence and character are revealed, not only by what you say, but by what you do not say, by what you do and not do.


I AM fire, the burning Spirit is within.

I AM air, I take in and share knowledge.

I AM water, I share my life.

I AM earth, I stand as a source of strength.

677. The learned are adept at solving problems for which exists reliable formulas, but sometimes lack the wisdom of a six year old in discovering the real problem that needs to be solved.

678. The mind rusts from lack of use; the heart stagnates when love is not there and the blood runs cold when there is no compassion. The key to the abundant life is to keep all of our parts in positive motion.

679. True vision not only sees what is there, but what is not there.

680. Great order and harmony are visible in all creation. Even so, make order and harmony a keynote in life for a peaceful happy existence.

681. A closed mind keeps the truth from entering, but releases many falsehoods and distortions.

682. Imagine how you would treat others if it were the last day of your life. If it is different than today then perhaps some reflection is in order.

683. An action, whether it be right or wrong, is the result of, not only the individual making it, but influences of millions who came before.

684. An action taken toward a goal is worth a thousand words.

685. Character etches itself into our appearance. Look at a person’s face as the years pass and you’ll see the roadmap of a life.

686. Take heart in the fact that in some skill you are superior to Einstein.

687. Victim mentality is as difficult to cure as cancer.

688. True education comes not from universities but through following the inner voice. It will let you know when the lessons are learned.

689. Are you a different person today than you were ten years ago? You should be, but in a good way.

690. Romance may come and go, but a true friend is forever.

691. Greatness is seen when another does that which we wish we could do.

692. How do you prove the dream world exists to one who does not dream? The final proof of all that is not physical is personal experience.

693. You can never love too much, know too much, or be too wise. Therefore proceed with full strength toward all the virtues.

694. There would be peace on earth tomorrow if everyone would just apply one or more of these:

  • Live and let live
  • Love their neighbors as themselves.
  • Send goodwill to all.
  • Believe in harmlessness
  • Are not easily offended
  • Are not obsessed with power
  • Do not feel like a victim

695. To do something great, be a part of something great.

696. Silence can speak volumes or it can say nothing. Therefore, guard how you use it just as you would your speech.

697. Great thoughts never shared are like pieces of art never seen. Don’t let them become as if they never were.

698. Look for flaws in your associates and you will find them, but look for wondrous things and you will find them also. Here you have a good reason to focus on the positive.

699. If you can make a living doing that which you love, you are blessed indeed.

700. Fear, worry and distortion are contagious. For immunity, vaccinate yourself with light, truth and courage.

701. If this divided society put as much energy into constructive activities as attacking each other, we’d be living in Utopia.

702. Sleep is the great equalizer. Whether one is rich or poor, old or young, small or great, sleep can be a blissful part of life.

703. The degree to which a person, organization or nation is attacked by the masses and pillars of power is directly proportional to their light and drive toward freedom and positive change.

704. Just as we can harness the power of a mighty river, the wind or the sun, let us harness the power of mind, the greatest of them all.

705. Many failures are caused by taking steps too big; whereas, many succeed with smaller but continuous steps toward the goal.

706. To be liked, speak kindly, listen much, smile often and show appreciation.

707. Before the lie, comes the works in the dark of night.

708. If one’s greatest talent is in making excuses then he has a problem that is inexcusable.

709. We tend to blame our failures on outside forces, but qualities inside are the real problem, such as laziness, bad judgment, envy, intolerance, deceit, and playing the victim.

710. There’s a big difference between knowing a fact and knowing what to do with it. The many have some knowledge but the few know how to apply.

711. Like attracts like. Your chosen friends and associates reveal a lot about you.

712. There is a price for everything though the payment is not always in money.

713. If we could go 100 years into the future we would see that much of what the masses believe today is not true. The wise will open their minds and see much of that truth now.

714. In the long run, the criminal has to work as hard for money as one who is upright, so we might as well put our efforts into an honest living.

715. Those who have work to do, good health, someone to love, and common sense have the foundation of a happy life.

716. Cause and effect and intelligence interplay. They have always been and will always be.

717. He who acknowledges weaknesses is a normal human being.

He who can tune out the partisan diatribe is a saint.

But he who instigates the division with fingers of false accusation is an agent of darkness.

718. Many believe in the path to excellence. Few take it.

719. Things do not happen unless someone makes them happen. You can be that someone.

720. We live in space and space resides in us, even so, we live in God and God is in us.

721. A firm decision is worth a thousand wishes.

722. That which makes you laugh or cry, angry or delighted, feeling hate or love will reveal your true character.

723. He who initiates attacks through demonization is the true demon.

724. People going to extremes in their beliefs and actions are the norm. Live a measured life and you will not seem normal to either side.

725. Do something in life that will cause others to fondly remember you after you die.

726. Truth will make the corrupt angry, but will bring gladness to the pure in heart.

727. Treat others as if they were angels and no devil will seem to exist.

728. Your talent will be appreciated by the humble, but arouse jealousy in big egos.

729. Your situation, whatever it is, is mostly the result of your past decisions. To make a bright future, cease blaming others and make constructive decisions now.

730. You can’t fool all the people all the time, but there are enough that can be fooled that it sometimes seems that way.

731. Be true to yourself and others. If not, you’ll never find out who you are.

732. To see the divinity in others you must first see it within yourself.

733. All the great ones were not satisfied with conditions as they are, but focused on that which should be or could be.

734. Knowledge can be power, but it is suffocated when constrained by ignorance and blocked by intolerance. Its greatest friend is time.

735. Climb the ladder to heaven. The steps are faith, hope, love, service and honest labor, and can be taken now.

736. What do those who achieve greatness have in common? Is it IQ, education or status? It is none of these obvious factors but an invisible intelligence not seen by the masses.

737. New truth, or a better way, is like a bright light, painful to those who love darkness, but bringing gladness to those already in the light.

738. Life’s problems bring blessings in disguise. They bring forth strength, talent and insights unrealized without the challenges of life.

739. Hold your vision continually in your mind and it will magnetically attract the ingredients of fulfillment.

740. The cure for an unhappy life is a change in thinking.

741. We do not realize the chains that imprison us until we try and break free.

742. Too many facts clutter the mind. Keep the important things in your memory but make sure the rest are available in other sources.

743. Each major event in life, whether good or bad, is an opportunity to discover truth that was hitherto hidden from view.

744. You will learn ten times as much studying that which you enjoy as that which gives you no pleasure.

745. We live in an age where machines are getting smarter and people are dumbing down. Your mobile device knows billions of facts, but many kids do not know who fought in World War II.

746. Happiness is directly related to being a decent, kind and forgiving person.

747. The great hero or villain did not take their path because of one big decision, but their direction began with something small during everyday life.

748. Miracles happen when you speak words of love, which are sent from the heart of God.

749. The only good thing about a failed life is that the biography makes for interesting reading.

750. It is easy to tell another he is wrong but nearly impossible to bring him to the truth unless he wants to see it.

751. If Christ were to come again and walk the earth, even in the hearts of a thousand souls, the event would go unnoticed if He is not first birthed within your own heart.

752. That which is seen as enlightenment often consists of replacing one illusion with another.

753. There is no noble thought or grand ambition that goes unnoticed by those who watch.

754. The heavens declare the glory of God, the heart pulsates with the love of God and the mind reflects Divine Intelligence. Then there is the inner core, which is One with All There Is.

755. The time of opportunity is now. It may be great or small, but if you seize the small the great will follow.

756. Since you cannot win arguments with those whose minds are fixed the best thing to do is humor them.

757. Look at the famous and adored today and wait 100 years. Only the ones who made real accomplishments will remain in the public consciousness.

758. Making a difference requires a firm decision, focused attention and perseverance. These are three pillars of creation.

759. If people insult you, do not lash back, but prove them wrong by the way you live your life.

760. A tree cannot fall in a forest without being witnessed by some consciousness, however subtle.

761. Find the limit of your consciousness, take a step beyond that limit, adjust and find your new limit.

762. When you find your true path every person and circumstance will try to pull you off it. Ignore them.

763. In a balanced education of our children lies our safety, but there is great danger of tyranny if learning is controlled by one political view.

764. He or she who makes use each day of wealth, knowledge, vitality and time is on the path of mastery.

765. You live with yourself. Do you like what you see? That is what you will project.

766. Freedom is not secure unless we protect the rights of those with whom we disagree as much as for ourselves.

767. He who supports injustice for the despised is supporting the same for himself at a future date.

768. We spend too much time wanting to feel important when we should be doing important things.

769. He who is afraid to leap is far behind the one who has taken a chance and failed.

770. We honor dead saints, but seek out and destroy the living ones.

771. Take ordinary knowledge, wrap it in mystery and secrets and you will captivate the minds of the unthinking.

772. Yes, life seems tough at times, but compared to those who have real problems we should be giving thanks.

773. We may be alerted by the experience and warnings of others but ignoring them really sinks in when we suffer the consequences of our own mistakes.

774. God speaks to us each day in events, through friends, family and people encountered. We should always be listening.

775. To relinquish thought and conform to a group mindset is true cowardice.

776. The one to be admired is he who remains calm while others are quaking with fear, who takes his time when others are rushed and who sees the sunrise tomorrow when others see only the black of night.

777. There is what people think of you, what you think of you and what God thinks of you. If they are all the same you are doing something right.

778. One with a truly good heart will be generous in poverty as well as wealth and will help others in good times as well as bad.

779. Truth is like a seed that cannot die which will sprout and grow the moment it lands on fertile soil.

780. Truth, clearly enunciated, vibrates in the heart, the mind, the soul and spirit. It is the link we all have between heaven and earth, if we choose to accept it.

781. If true sacrifice were seen in its correct light we would see that we are giving up the limited for the unlimited, a source of sorrow for joy, that which enslaves us for total freedom.

782. Sometimes the most effective promoters of truth are those who seek to destroy it and the greatest hindrance comes from those who embrace it.

783. You are more than you imagine.

The mind is stronger than steel

The heart more intense than fire

The spirit of life is invulnerable.

784. That which we run away from is often that which we should be hastening to confront head on.

785. Are your thoughts the result of your thinking or that of someone else? Are you in control or is someone else? Do you follow your path or one decided by another?

786. Power belongs to all the people, lusted after by many, but seized by the few who live in fear of losing it.

787. Truth revealed before one is ready can be like a scorching sun at midday. Though the sun is the source of life, too much too soon can be dangerous.

788. A small thought now becomes an imprisoning mindset later. A small action in time leads to a painful habit. Given time, there is not that much difference between small and great errors.

789. If you hate your enemies, your friends are not far behind.

790. Trust the person with flaws that you have tested above one proclaimed as a saint that you have not.

791. The light in your words reveals the light in your mind.

792. Keep words of light, love and truth before you for reflection and you will not lose sight of the path that takes you to the heart of God.

793. Courage is not found in being self-destructive, but in intelligently moving forward when others are afraid.

794. When one in darkness encounters a knower he must resist the impulse to fight the light before he can embrace it.

795. To achieve mastery the point of focus must be on the next step, and ignore the praise that may come from accomplishment.

796. New truth will not be seen correctly when using the filters of the incomplete pieces of the whole from the past. New prospective must be consistently added.

797. Choose the right thing over peace and you will have peace. Choose peace over the right thing and peace will only be a passing dream.

798. The body communicates through the senses, the feelings through emotion, the mind through reason and the inner spirit through inspiration.

799. The wise gravitate to being loving and kind whereas the foolish tend to be thoughtless and selfish. If love is the goal, wisdom indeed must be sought.

800. See Divine Power as coming through you, not from you, and miracles will happen.

801. If your religion is truth then we belong to the same church.

802. If you feel forced to labor for that which you do not love then devote your free time in excelling at that which you do love. In time the beloved skills will dominate.

803. Be the answer to someone’s prayer and watch your own prayers come true.

804. From a higher view there are not good times or bad times but different and valuable learning experiences.

805. A sure path to failure is an unrealistic demand for perfection.

806. Wisdom comes not from books, but neither does it ignore what is in them.

807. Confidence alone takes you half way to the goal.

808. To thine own self be true and truth will manifest for the rest of your life.

809. Thought breathes the spirit of life into our words.

810. If all people were of the same race would the division and animosity of humanity be healed? If not why?

811. Find work to do that gives a sense of purpose, else life will be an empty vessel.

812. To rob a person of hope is the greatest of all theft, but to instill hope opens the mind to all possibilities.

813. Many who preach peace have not tamed the fires of war within their own breasts.

814. Bring me friends to share highs and lows, dreams and visions where we imagine together the wondrous possibilities to come.

815. Extend the senses…

Smell the rain.

See the soul.

Hear the beauty.

Feel life and love.

Taste the memories.

816. I hear and know the creative force.

I think and know that I exist.

I see and know that I experience.

I feel and know that I love.

I decide and know I have direction.

817. Poetry is children playing

Art is in fields of flowers

Science is in the stars

Philosophy is in the mind

Theater is staged in life.

818. Pain awakens us to illusion, but it is truth that must lead us out of it.

819. Ignorance of the truth when the truth is readily available has been the cause of untold suffering.

820. Nothing in creation is completely neutral. All things gravitate to one direction or another. Let us consider the direction we are going.

821. Both love and hate manifest in difficult times. These are the times to wisely choose your friends.

822. Zero can mean nothing or a multiple of ten, even so, stillness can be as nothing or open a door to infinite possibilities.

823. Search for something where nothing is and you will find something. Search that something and you will find everything.

824. Just as matter becomes radioactive at the end of its evolution, so do humans. These great souls radiate love and wisdom to all who are willing to receive.

825. You will reach a place in your quest when you feel like you cannot take another step; that is the step that must be taken.

826. Those who endure to the end goal become masters and those who get discouraged and quit become subjects.

827. Minimal results do not mean you should quit in your pursuit of a vision. Instead, it is a sign your methods are flawed and need revision.

828. The closed mind uses super human effort to insulate itself from the truth, but sooner or later the stubborn one is dragged, kicking and screaming, into the sun.

829. It is good advice to associate with great souls, but first you have to find them.

830. To initiate a new idea places one on the path to glory.

831. Let your will prevail, not idle wishes, let labor be applied to dreams and love be your motivation. You will then have a wonderful life.

832. Love generates courage and moving forward.
Fear creates cowardice and stepping back.
Let us be motivated by love and move forward into the light
Into greater freedom and abundance for all.

833. If a person says something that is not true he is either lying or ignorant. It is not our place to judge the category he is in, but merely to reply truthfully ourselves.

834. If you are just in it for what looks good, you won’t do good.

835. Silence or speech can be the result of wisdom or bad judgment. Only the seasoned soul knows which to employ.

836. The one who has had experience has learned a hundred times the value over the one who has learned only theory.

837. You are the world’s greatest expert on yourself. Don’t let anyone talk you out of being who know you are.

838. You cannot change the past, but you can change how you perceive it and how it affects you.

839. The victim blames others and fails because others do not change.
The successful person takes responsibility and succeeds because he changes himself.

840. Those who hear what was not said, see what was not done and feel what was not in the heart create many problems in this world.

841. It is not the monetary cost that is important but the hours of your life that are needed to obtain your desire.

842. Every mistake can reveal a better way for those who are willing to take it.

843. How many have said “thank God” because of something you have done? If the answer is none or few, reflection is needed. If the answer is many, then you have treasure in heaven.

844. When one puts attention on looking for error, this wrong focus takes him on a detour as he moves along the Path. He sees error after error, and rarely has any positive observation of new truth to report.

845. There is one earth and one surface of the earth, yet there are billions of seeds that are planted on its surface. Each seed grows into a separate plant entity, yet is still a part of the One Life which is Mother Earth. This is a key to understanding the One and the many.

846. Hell is not knowing what to do next.

847. Unthinking people who support the latest thing are like a trained dog responding to the order of his master.

848. Those who make good things happen are part of the solution, but those who just watch things happen are a part of the problem.

849. We would pay to avoid our fears, but facing them and overcoming is priceless.

850. The wise person can disagree without being disagreeable; have a minority view without being a victim and can criticize without insulting.

851. Words are merely symbols of thought, thought is the action of mind, mind is the projection of intelligence, and intelligence is a point in divine space.

852. Great souls proceed and navigate amidst turbulent waters while the timid fear a few small waves.

853. The way of truth requires courage, whereas deceit is the coward’s path of least resistance.

854.The person with faith will find a way to accomplish the goal though a dozen faithless try and discourage him.

855. True vision is:
To see the light of God in the dark of night;
To see the face of Christ in a sea of hate;
To see heaven when others see hell.

856. A single candle can light others to create a great light, but no amount of darkness can extinguish the tiniest light.

857. The worker of darkness can direct your eyes toward the dark so you will not see the light, but he cannot prevent the light from being seen should you choose to look.

858. Your mind is so powerful that it can make heaven out of hell or hell out of heaven. The choice is yours.

859. If you look for reward for good works it will often elude you, but if you serve with no thought of reward good fortune will seek you out.

860. Only humans and the gods smile and laugh at themselves.

861. We cannot out imagine God and thus what is circumscribed within the mind of the Creator appears infinite to the human point of view.

862. Let me love a little more,

Seek a little more,

Learn a little more,

Try a little more,

Share a little more,

Be friendly a little more,

Be helpful a little more,

Improve a little more,

Which could make a lot of difference.

863. If you do not know what it takes to make you happy then happiness will elude you.

864. In the end, the highest good for the group is also the highest good for the individual. If surrounding cells do not get oxygen the individual cell also dies.

865. The tiniest spark can start the greatest of fires. Be therefore a spark to others to enflame their hearts to good works.

866. To live a year in a day, or a lifetime in a short time, is to know the beauty of life.

867. Find the Christ anew within your companion and fall in love all over again.

868. If you love someone they will see it in your eyes.

869. To make a mistake is a problem. To not correct it is a disaster.

870. It is a special person who can be trusted with all your secrets.

871. Many get ideas, a number act on them, but it is the few who see them to completion.

872. All of us are prodigal sons who will eventually return home.

873. To see: look; to know: explore; to understand: experience; to realize: reflect.

874. The total you is what you have been, who you are and what you will be.

875. Timing is everything. A mistake badly timed can wipe out the good will from 100 things done well.

876. The reward of any accomplishment is a temporary satisfaction. Permanent happiness demands unending challenges and victories.

877. The wise teacher will not decree the way, but turn on the lights so others can see the way.

878. When you turn on the light for another you also brighten the room for yourself.

879. Many of great education have learned a lot of uncommon things yet lack common sense.

880. Every thought and every action creates a ripple that eternally flows across time and space and joins with all other effects to create a wave of new cause.

881. In this age of fake and biased news, real news is revolutionary.

882. Truth has a vibration that is recognized by those who love the note it sounds.

883. Those who are guardians of truth are deceived for truth needs no protector. It only needs to be freely released.

884. For a fulfilling life,
Work while others sleep,
Move forward while others are still,
Learn while others are being entertained.

885. Choose light over dark Knowledge over ignorance Love over hate Wisdom over folly Peace over turbulence Humility over pride Work over sloth Joy over sorrow.

886. Words of life are those that lift the spirit, give birth to hope and stimulate love anew.

887. Not only is there is a time to smell the roses, but to pick the roses and plant anew.

888. Time crumbles all things to dust except true principles. Speak the truth and be a part of eternity.

889. Love of truth refines spiritual vision and allows the seeker to see far beyond the uncaring masses.

890. Some correspond to stars that merely twinkle in the light of truth. Others are like the moon who reflect truth given by others. Then there are those who are the truth like the sun shining at full strength. Find that sun within you and let its light shine forth.

891. To destroy is much easier than creation; thus for every person presenting a step forward you will have a hundred critics and accusers surface.

892. A short time each day spent frivolously, doing what you want, with no apparent purpose can have the purpose of recharging the soul.

893. All seems well as long as you play along, but when you disturb the power of the beast you then find where his presence is.

894. Be the same person while hidden by the dark of night as in the light of day and quality friends will be yours.

895. Your life is like the words and music to a song. May your words inspire and your melody be interesting.

896. Make use of the moment and the hour will be productive. Make use of the hour and have a great day. Your days make the years and the years your life. A successful life is determined by those tiny present moments.

897. When a person who disagrees resorts to name calling, insults or violence he has just admitted his angry feelings cannot be translated into logical words.

898. People often are contentious, argue and get angry over that which they do not understand. Seek first understanding, which leads to peace and unity.

899. Some take a book to say a paragraph and with others a paragraph yields a book’s worth of wisdom. Seek to be the latter if you wish others to pay attention.

900. To take in facts without reflection is to be a mere recorder rather than a thinker.

901. There are two times when the seeker of wisdom should question and examine his direction: when he is not sure he is right and when he is.

902. Never forget the consciousness you had as a child. Nurturing the child in you keeps you young, flexible and healthy.

903. To seek to suppress the speech or views of another is to admit that they are superior to your own.

904. Never appoint a group to do what can be accomplished by an individual at ten times the speed.

905. The greatest enemy of progress is the fear of change.

906. Though experience gives great realization, one can know many things without it by adding two and two together.

907. We must all be conservatives and hold fast that which is good, but also liberal and change that which is not so good.

908. It would be a great marvel if all that existed in the universe was one rock, but the glory of intelligent creation is so much more and beyond our imagination.

909. Forcing equality creates two unequal classes: the upper class of those applying the force, and inferior status to those upon whom the force is applied.

910. To believe everything is to know nothing.

911. The greatest freedom is to think your own thoughts instead of those implanted by others.

912. The pure music of the spheres can only be discerned by those centered in love and light.

913. The enemy of my enemy, as well as my enemy, has the Christ within I need to see.

914. True intelligence is not measured by memory, or brain activity, but what is done with the brain.

915. Equality is usually demanded by the 99% from the 1%, but if you divide everything up equally soon they would be looking for a new 1% and demand a new equal division.

916. Make a positive difference today and tomorrow will take care of itself.

917. That which many call good is seen as evil by others, revealing that the truth behind good and evil is a mystery seen by few.

918. A definite decision, even if wrong, is much better than indecision, for error will be revealed making progress possible.

919. Two things convince me there is Divine Intelligence: the universe without and the universe within.

920. Facts are pieces of a picture which, if put together in the wrong order, are very deceptive.

921. A believing heart opens the seeker to all possibilities from which the mind can discover many truths.

922. He who takes offense at innocent questions generally has something to hide. Truth loves the light and falsehood the dark.

923. The tendency is to attack others for flaws we do not see in ourselves, but obvious to others.

924. If you would expect the voice of God to be true to you, then first make sure others can depend on your own word.

925. True genius is related more to decisions made than I.Q.

926. Certain enlightened entities seem to incarnate in the same circles at the same time to perform a mission to aid humanity.

927. Knowledge is not power, neither radiates as light, until used with wisdom.

928. Those who dwell in the shadows are terrified of those who dwell in the light, for light obliterates the darkness which is their covering.

929. It is easy to recognize the truths of yesterday, but much more difficult to discern those of today that we watch playing out before our eyes.

930. Many of those who are hated today, and seen as on the side of evil, will be accepted as heroes or saints in future generations.

931. The overly cautious may avoid minor problems but also many great adventures in life.

932. Two people pass through a stressful experience. One feels exhilarated and laughs; the other feels defeated and weeps. The only difference was in their minds.

933. A unit of human consciousness is approximately one heartbeat. If you do not believe this, try and think two or more separate and distinct thoughts in one second.

934. All organization we see before us – such as the human cell or DNA is the result of conscious thought on some level, but now operates automatically below the threshold of consciousness.

935. Find that point which lies just beyond the limit of your consciousness. Therein lies your next step.

936. If you are to be free, find the programming in your brain and reprogram to your advantage.

937. The playing of a harp for God is a symbol of the soul that is in harmony with Higher Will.

938. The seeker must learn to think with his mind above his programmed brain and feel with his spiritual heart rather than lower emotions.

939. You are an eternal song in the music of the spheres. The arrangement and tempo may change but you will always be you.

940. The bird flies making use of true principles, yet does not understand the principle of flight or realize it exists. Even so, we fly through the divine skies of experience back to our true home, unaware of our true purpose.

941. It generally takes as much effort to fail at life as to succeed, so you might as well face a positive direction and move forward.

942. The trouble with all the world being a stage is that too many want the leading roles when other parts need filled.

943. One anonymous good deed is worth a dozen that demand recognition.

944. He who loves the most serves the good of the whole above the individual, and in doing so, individuals prosper.

945. The one who is truly enlightened does not stand still basking in light, but moves forward toward what the light reveals.

946. Communication works when the speaker’s words are true and the listener actually registers what was said.

947. The fear of nothingness is greater than the fear of hell, for as long as there is life there is hope.

948. Some say there are no coincidences and others say there are. Who is correct is determined by how we define a “coincidence.”

949. Even though the seeker of wisdom can imagine himself doing the greatest good or the greatest evil he chooses the good and makes his own reality.

950. If all were suddenly immortal many would be so miserable with themselves after a hundred years or so they would chose death instead of life.

951. Many things that were invisible in past ages are clearly visible today, and many that are still invisible today, including things spiritual, will be clearly seen tomorrow.

952. Laughter is a gift from the gods to give us moments of joy in the midst of our greatest trials.

953. Many of those critical of others with too much learning are just excusing themselves for being too lazy to make the effort themselves.

954. Without an informed and just public no one will be protected by law or against the unscrupulous.

955. In the first half of life you learn what not to do, and, if you are lucky, in the second half you’ll learn what to do.

956. Lower love asks, “What can you do for me?” Spiritual love asks, “What can I do for you?”

957. Since the prime ingredient of life is intelligent motion then all things are alive, from the atom to a galaxy, all with their never ending particles in motion creating form by the Divine Artist.

958. Some will be miserable when others are happy and others cheerful in the midst of disgruntled souls. State of mind is a choice.

959. The last years of life can be the sweetest or the most bitter depending on the seeds planted earlier.

960. Do not let the imperfections of others cause you to not be thankful for the good they have done.

961. Life is indeed like a play. Some act in various parts while others watch as spectators. Many though do not even watch and have no clue what is taking place.

962. The inner voice leads to freedom while the outer voices seek to dominate and control. The choice is yours.

963. It is ironic that life often treats her benefactors as if they are criminals who must pay a debt before they can serve the greater good.

964.  Be playful at 10, studious at 20, useful at 30, successful at 40, creative at 50 and giving of yourself thereafter.

965. He who will not allow his words to be challenged will have a subtle sense of error but fears it being exposed.

966. A successful teacher not only gives out what he knows, but continues to be a student of what he does not know.

967. They say that the millions of stories are based on only seven plot ideas illustrating the importance of how things are said.

968. Seeking turns on light, revealing knowledge, leading to choices, producing revelation and wisdom, which manifests love and oneness with all life.

969. As noted by Aristotle, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” Be therefore not attached to the part, but to the whole of a project, a group, a nation, all life on earth or even all there is.

970. How do those who cannot find satisfaction in life expect to find it in death?

971. If words say “I love you” but actions say otherwise – trust what you see above that which you hear.

972. Our state of consciousness manifests in physical appearance, our surroundings, health, as well as our emotional and mental states. Since we create our reality it is wise to take control of our thoughts.

973. Two forces are behind the cycles of creation. Light, or radiation, which separates the one into the many, and love which draws the many back to the one.

974. It is much easier to be a critic than a creator, to destroy than to build and to discourage than inspire. Pick the constructive path to satisfy the soul.

975. Expectation is an aspect of faith. It creates a powerful impulse to manifest for all who feel its influence.

976. God is the one and the many, but the many who become one see God.

977. If you want to see the second coming of Christ you must experience the first within your own heart.

978. The seeker must make sure his own words are true, else truth will appear to be false and the false will seem to be true.

979. One who looks will see Higher Intelligence playing out in life. Reflect now and then and see the hand of God.

980. The many accept as truth all that appears on the surface. Then there are the few who look below the surface and find sparkling gems of lighted truth missed by those who do not seek.

981. I ask because the answer awaits me.

982. If there seems to be no great work to do, the initiating thinker will create one and press forward with great attention even if he is ignored by friends, God, angels and social media.

983. The higher feelings within the heart reveal a path of love and light that takes us to our true home.

984. To find out what IS, you must first discover what is not.

985. As I seek the Life Divine, It will also seek me. We will meet in the place of peace.

986. Use truth to find more truth; for truth is in harmony with truth, whereas, error makes a discordant sound.

987. The main difference between one who achieves and one who does not is the achiever has intelligently focused consciousness in the desired direction.

988. Love opens the windows of heaven that reveals more good gifts than we have power to receive.

989. Remembering the meaning of a thing has much more value than merely remembering the black and white details.

990. If we had a society of reasonable people with a spirit of harmlessness and goodwill we would need no written laws, for each person would have just law written in his own heart.

991. Anger is diffused by understanding, hate is neutralized by love and pride is set in its true place by humility.

992. No misfortune is so bad that good cannot be salvaged, and no times are so good that the careless cannot turn them into disaster.

993. People tend to make big problems out of the insignificant while the real issues of life go over their heads.

994. He who works for money may do an acceptable job, but excellence demands a love of one’s labor.

995. Praise of self brings disdain, but to honestly praise another will increase your worth as well as the one praised.

996. Many see themselves as being where or who they are not, and waste time going nowhere. To “know thyself” is crucial knowledge all must seek.

997. Silencing audible noise allows normal hearing. By stilling the emotions we can perceive thought and reason. Silence our thoughts and we can hear the voice of God.

998. Many things that are mediocre, which are extolled in the present, are forgotten in a generation. Only creations of quality stand the test of time.

999. Difficult things become easy when the challenge is accepted and you apply yourself with all the energies of your heart & soul.

1000. Fulfillment comes when the seeker realizes that there is a plan, catches a glimpse, and decides to play a part in its manifestation.

1001. Many a thing enthusiastically embraced by seekers will later be discarded and seen as a mere stepping-stone to a greater reality.

1002. To support those who break the law is to punish them who obey it.

1003. Even a bad decision can be lead to a good end for the one who is willing to examine his errors and make corrections.

1004. Filter what goes into your mind as you would food and pure water into your body. Good mental nourishment makes for a strong focus, positive feelings and a healthy life.

1005. To live to please others often pleases no one, but if you please yourself at least one person is happy.

1006. To be consistent, peaceful and steady in good times or bad, in turbulence or calm is a rare but great virtue.

1007. Mastering relationships is the key to fulfillment in love, to happiness, peace, contentment, satisfying work, and to heaven itself.

1008. There is a language of mind and one of emotion. If another is centered on feeling then you must speak to him in that language or there will be minimal communication.

1009. Thought must lead to understanding; else it will weave an illusion.

1010. When life nears its end it is the acts of love that one remembers most.

1011. Plant a good seed that will grow and light the way to full realization of love, for unless this happens, you are in danger of substituting true love you do understand with illusionary love you do not understand.

1012. Loving thoughts must be followed by loving actions, else love is not complete.

1013. When the discerning mind is developed the seeker sees beyond answers in emotional black and white and discovers many layers of truth.

1014. The wise person accepts or rejects those things that will affect feelings, and thus, the state of mind will be under control.

1015. An emotion suppressed is like a dangerous wounded animal, hiding in the dark, waiting to attack.

1016. The greatest of souls are open to being the least, but most of those who think they are the greatest will be sadly disappointed.

1017. When there is a negative emotion, the emotional body cannot correct itself. The negativity must be neutralized with the assistance of the one who caused it or by the higher consciousness of the individual.

1018. Reality is reflected by feelings to be what we want it to be rather than what it is. Let us therefore raise our vision above the emotions to the plane where reason and wisdom may be found.

1019. When I see Christ in you, I feel Him in me.

1020. In the beginning were you and I in the mind of God. We moved and there was light. We perceived the light and there was life. Creation followed and we had purpose.

1021. Go to any spiritual, religious, political or even scientific group and tell them something contrary to that decreed by their authorities and see what happens.

1022. If we do not see the Christ in people then we are going to see something else, and before long we will see the devil in them.

1023. A minute’s worth of common sense can be more valuable than a month’s study of facts.

1024. One person standing up and questioning, when all others are blindly following, can light a candle that leads the whole group to the light of truth.

1025. The final test of the validity of a belief is whether or not it can be demonstrated.

1026. If we have a false belief at the foundation of our thinking, then even the finest logic and true facts will produce illusion.

1027. Illusion is so powerful that the one deceived could kill the Lord of Love and feel virtuous, and even if that Lord should come back from the dead he still would feel justified in the illusion.

1028. Many dogmas and illusions, accepted by the unthinking, take them into belief systems with no appeal to common sense or logic of any kind.

1029. Whoever commits an error and does not correct that error incorporates it into his belief system and becomes a servant of that erroneous belief.

1030. The test for the true seeker is when he discovers evidence that a cherished belief is not true. Does he dismiss or investigate?

1031.The senses will take a snapshot of reality, but unchecked feeling and desire can alter the memory so current belief will be based on what is imagined rather than true perception.

1032. The swinging of the pendulum manifests among humanity by their swing to the left and right in their belief systems. As the pendulum swings among us, the masses swing with it, not realizing that they are following the energy much more than they are doing any independent thinking.

1033. Many are deceived by the concept of relative truth. When truth is seen as a moving target then the real truth at the center cannot be discovered.

1034. If you make a promise believing you can carry it out, but then find that you are unable to fulfill it, the promise was broken because you were self deceived about what you could or could not do.

1035. A comfort zone should be seen as a temporary rest, not a permanent place of residence.

1036. We are warned against “familiar spirits.” Perhaps then, for maximum progression, we need to detour from the familiar and tread the path that is not so familiar.

1037. As the seeker travels the path he reaches a point where he feels powerless and gives his power of decision to outside forces. He must take it back to continue.

1038. You know you understand a teaching when you can explain it to another using your own words and the person clearly understands what has been said.

1039. If the inner voice is ignored there is likely to come a painful event, teaching the same thing, that cannot be ignored.

1040. When the seeker looks for spiritual food within rather than without he will discover that we left the Tree of Life — the Tree of Life did not leave us.

1041.  Not all invisible contacts are Higher Lives, and a big mistake of the beginner is to assume that all communications from the unseen world are to be trusted.

1042. All illusion is created by deception. It makes sense then that practicing non-deception and always communicating the truth to the best of one’s ability is the key to dispelling illusion.

1043. The decision between the two paths is not between blissful love and demonic madness. Darkness portrays itself as light and only the sincere seeker will discern correctly.

1044. Find that point where you feel powerless, discover the self-deception, face it and power will manifest.

1045. That which is seen as a paradox is merely an illusion caused by missing pieces to a puzzle.

1046. Personal advice is often limited because our own souls often have lessons in mind for us to learn from which there is no escape.

1047. You can only have freedom where consciousness is active and our consciousness still sleeps on many levels.

1048. The division of the world is as much along the lines of consciousness as strictly on boundaries.

1049. When the power of Attention is in harmony with the Purpose of God all things are possible and the magical power of the soul is manifest.

1050. There are new things under the sun. You, in this life, are new and unique, different from any other life in the universe, an essential part in making the universe whole.

1051. Shine the light of truth to one who is not ready, and it will be as if he is struck by a blinding intrusive light that must be rejected.

1052. A Sabbath is a period of rest and reflection after a cycle of labor. This time is essential for the individual to receive the full joy from labor and recharge for the next cycle.

1053. Those who are looking for a heaven composed of lush estates are in error, for true heaven is a state of consciousness that is available at any time.

1054. Those who come into our lives are like musical notes, which, if properly placed, will add to the beauty of the music of which we are a part.

1055. The skillful mariner of life will adjust the sails so even the fierce winds of change will blow in his favor.

1056. Evil is the reverse reflection of good, or abundant life, corresponding to the fact that “evil” is “live” spelled in reverse.

1057. The bird flies making use of true principles, yet does not understand the principle of flight. Even so, do we go through life unaware of the intelligent activity in our organs, cells and atoms of our bodies.

1058. In a state of eternal change you just have to be at home with change or you’ll never feel at home.

1059. To have goals is positive as long as they are achievable. If not, then they can sabotage the prospect of a happy life.

1060. Those who speak of “my truth” and “your truth” are not speaking of truth, but relative perception, or belief.

1061. The seven steps of enlightenment: question, seek, discern, understand, realize, apply, repeat.

1062. Do not be fooled by simplicity. Sometimes there is no more depth to a problem than what is starkly before our eyes.

1063. Experience is such a strong need that even God seeks it by dreaming all creation and in turn we have experience when awake as well as in our dreams.

1064. Some parts of life are rock and roll; others are classical, rap or jazz. You might as well enjoy the music as you journey through life.

1065. We came here as a point in our eternal progression, not to restore that which is lost, but to gain that which is new and beautiful.

1066. For maximum free will, make a decision to decide.

1067. Will cannot exist without decision for will is a motivating force to bring that which has been decided into existence.

1068. If we believe we have no control, we acquiesce our real power, become subject to the decisions of others, and become like a leaf floating helplessly down a current of other people’s decisions.

1069. Is there any cause without decision? No. Decision is cause – BE-CAUSE.

1070. There are decisions made from beyond our consciousness that affect our reality over which we have no control, but there are many within our comprehension that we can make.

1071. Contemplation is the highest form of meditation.

1072. How does your name get in the Book Of Life? It gets there because your works are living and stimulate love and beauty rather than hate and destruction.

1073. There are times when you are faced with a choice between the real and the unreal, or that which is true and is false. Make that choice if you want to find the truth.

1074. There is no state or place where there is nothing. Something is always going on in the life of God.

1075. Focus on ideas that inflame those who tell others what to think and reflect upon them. Chances are they will reveal provocative, but valuable truths.

1076. CHOOSE to be a sun rather than a black hole,
To walk in the day rather than the night,
The warmth of love rather than the chill of hate,
To have hope and faith instead of discouragement,
To see with true vision rather than distortions in a fog.

1077. There is no fear that can stand in the way of a powerful decision enhanced by a strong will.

1078. The only thing that can be unchanging is nothing, and even nothing is something.

1079. A scripture, or any writing, is only the word of God if it is understood and verified by the mind of God within, otherwise they are just words.

1080. All creation is composed of waves in motion, and if we were to stop time and see the real present all would be still and we would perceive no thing, yet from this nothing comes everything.

1081. No form is eternal. It is only the life essence behind the form that continues.

1082. Truth is disturbing and causes anger when it confronts a false mindset; whereas, one who is on a foundation of truth can calmly handle any challenge.

1083. Fear is caused by too much focus on a negative outcome. Shift that focus to a positive outcome and faith replaces fear.

1084. To speak of fearful things without fear is to overcome the fear of fear.

1085. A lot of causes that restrict freedom sound very benevolent but the hidden result is often a good intention turned into a more negative result than if things were just left to educating the people of the ideal good and letting them make up their own minds.

1086. Only by creating a sense of personal responsibility and a consciousness of freedom can we insure that our world will not slip back into slavery.

1087. If the good and freedom loving people of the earth stand by and wait for God to change things, then God will stand by and allow the selfish people of the planet to set up rule until the lazy ones see the error of their ways and forge their own destiny.

1088. Fear or hurt, which is denied or suppressed, does not go away. Instead it foments and grows and when it resurfaces it will loom greater than it was at the moment of burial.

1089. Many proclaim freedom and walk into slavery. Others, a very few, proclaim and live the principle of freedom and walk into the very heart of God, drawing the willing behind them.

1090. After deciding on a path and pursuing it, one must see through the illusions that will trick him into taking freedom from others or freely giving up his own.

1091. The sad fact is that many who see themselves as representing light are deceived into accepting and even promoting diminished freedom, and thus become unwilling pawns for darkness, until the truth makes them free.

1092. Where freedom is enhanced, life is magnified and grows in power and purpose.

1093. Everything new is not good and everything old is not bad, but there is a mixture of quality in the new and the old that is seen by the wise.

1094. To consider using a bad means to reach a good end is illusion, for in the ultimate end, like produces like.

1095. The workers of light have a tolerance for the freedom of others to express their thoughts in areas where they have no interest – or perhaps even distaste.

1096. A good ideal can become a great evil when implemented by force.

1097. We all support self-interest. The difference lies in the fact that some seek only the interest of the little self and ego, while the wise seek for the benefit of the whole, from whence cometh life.

1098. If you see evil as something only manifesting as a demon destroying everything in its path you are likely to be led to the pangs of hell by the pious salvation salesman.

1099. Good eventually dominates because intelligence gravitates to good more than evil.

1100. Good eventually dominates because intelligence gravitates to good more than evil.

1101. The higher can understand the lower, but the lower does not understand the higher, for one does not have knowledge of a path not yet taken.

1102. Messengers of light are often first seen as messengers of evil until the darkness in which they worked is turned to light and true works are revealed.

1103. How many have cursed God for not helping them when they did not help others when the need was there?

1104. Good intentions are not enough to be assured one is on the right path, for, lacking discernment, many in the past have been deceived into supporting tyranny.

1105. To obtain skill on any level one must exercise the muscles involved, whether they be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.

1106. The current creative life, the human, is the soul of the universe, the mediator between God and matter.

1107. There is always a point of truth that is seen by the eyes of the soul that will bring oneness to all those who rise above the fog of the ego and look.

1108. A greater light can seem as darkness if a lesser light has our attention.

1109. The magical power of the soul is manifest when the focus is centered on the good of the whole above that of the self.

1110. The Soul which communes with Spirit lies within each one of us, and anyone who seeks with a sincere heart and focused attention can contact the chords of truth that ring within us all.

1111. Many problems in life are not caused by some tricky devil or unseen hand, but merely happen because of lack of focus or attention.

1112. All disease and pain has a cause and a solution. Sometimes the benefits of the solution are found more in the wisdom gained than the healing.

1113. Good sense, which is rare, is erroneously called common sense, for that which is common is often nonsense.

1114. A major key of good health is the free flow of energy. Vital energy can be blocked on physical, emotional and mental levels. Good health is wholeness.

1115. Many people, overly fussy about health and diet, have serious health problems because excessive attention draws too much energy toward the body that is not properly assimilated.

1116. Failure is merely a signpost letting us know of a needed lesson to be learned.

1117. The honest person may not reveal all he knows, but what he does say will be true to the best of his ability.

1118. When all the words you speak are true and all your promises can be trusted you have taken a major step in joining ranks with the Great Ones in this world and the next.

1119. Focused attention has the magical power to draw the elements necessary to create the desired outcome.

1120. Neither God, angels or some master will come down from a lofty place to do for you what you can do for yourself.

1121. Ever notice that about six out of seven people have all the problems they can handle in life, and about a seventh (a Sabbath) of them have a restful easy life?

1122. The natural impulse behind all life is to create or have experience that is meaningful.

1123. The wise teacher will make the complex simple; yet see the great complexity behind all creation.

1124. Relationship of positive and negative, male and female energies, taking us toward balance leads all life forms back to their Source.

1125. How many people have tried to correct you when they are in the dark concerning their own flaws? Probably too many.

1126.You do not have to place yourself at great risk to feel alive, but neither do you want to avoid all risk if you desire the joys life has to offer.

1127. Who would have thought, back in 1972, after Apollo 17, that over 46 years would pass and we would not have returned to the moon?

1128. If love takes a stand, as well as truth and justice, the new age of peace and goodwill is imminent.

1129. When a seed is planted in the dark and nourished, nothing seems to happen, but then, suddenly explodes with life. Let this give you hope as you nourish your own ideas.

1130. Many people love illusion. They are content to be tricked into believing what they want to believe and not let the facts get in the way.

1131. Illusion, when discovered, is normally replaced with another illusion. Only one diligently seeking will find truth instead.

1132. Shine a light to reveal an illusion to a believer, and, if he is not ready to see what the light reveals, he will see you as an enemy.

1133. Attack the illusion and not the person, though most thus attacked cannot tell the difference.

1134. The positive effect given to the seeker through the outreach of love is more forceful than a thousand armies attempting to move him from one place to another.

1135. There is a certain amount of illusion behind most fears, but there is also great illusion behind many proclamations of love.

1136. The mind on its own is subject to illusion, placing it in bondage. It needs the intelligence of Spirit to break free.

1137. Look within. Feel the Christ Center in the core of being speak the words ever so softly: “If you do not act who will? And if you do not participate in the role you feel gently pushed towards, perhaps the part will not be taken and the curtain will not rise on the grand play of the ages. Perhaps the responsibility of the future rests upon your shoulders… Perhaps.”

1138. Would you like a calling to some great and glorious work? Then imagine a great and glorious work and call yourself to it.

1139. To choose between two paths one must first see the two paths, and if one is not aware of the decision he will find himself wandering in darkness in a direction not chosen.

1140. Humanity praises the lives of dead initiates while fighting against those living.

1141. We should not let our bias toward the Bible, because of its association with wild-eyed TV preachers, prevent us from learning its great truths.

1142. The Bible is the Word of God in the same way that Tom Sawyer, Aesop’s Fables and Shakespeare are the Word of God. The true Word is that which speaks to the soul.

1143. The principle is energy follows thought – not energy follows words. If all we needed were the right words, we could put them on a recorder and play them over and over.

1144. It is not a coincidence that Atom and Adam sound so much the same; neither that wholeness and holiness are similar. The sacred word of the East, AUM, and the Christian, Amen, is another – so are Christ and Krishna as well as Son and Sun. These harmonies and others are worthy of much contemplation.

1145. All things which are true or real can be expressed in words, but a full understanding often demands the listener see beyond the words.

1146. Quantity of words does not wisdom make. One wise statement has more light than 1000 rambling pages.

1147. Words spoken from the heart have much more power than mere printed or spoken words.

1148. Separateness is said to be the only sin, for if you see yourself as not connected to others there would be no reason to love or feel compassion.

1149. To recognize sin is to merely realize an error, and then seek to correct it, not through punishing yourself with guilt but correcting the problem with common sense.

1150. To possess less need not make you less happy.

1151. Sacrificing your all for some illusion that does nothing to benefit God or man is a sin against all that is holy if there ever was one.

1152. There is nothing wrong with doubting anything, even a scripture or an entity from the unseen world. It’s the first step to finding the truth.

1153. If the things that bring you happiness are condemned by your religion, then perhaps you ought to change religions.

1154. To Judge or discern is not wrong. Only wrong judgments are wrong. “Judge righteous judgment.” John 7:24

1155. There is a big difference between judging to see correctly and judgment which seeks to condemn.

“For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged.” Matt 7:2

1156. Baptism and confession are designed to remove guilt, not karma. But when guilt is removed the person is free to take more efficient moves to pay off karma.

1157. There has not been any negation of cause and effect since the beginning of the universe. Not one example can be cited.

1158. Look in the mirror. Do you see yourself? If you do then you have not left the world of cause and effect. Are you conscious of time and space? If so then you are subject to the law of cause and effect. Do you use money? Then you are in the world of cause and effect.

1159. There are two energies behind all creation. Some of the names of this duality are, male/female, sending/receiving, radiant/magnetic, etc. All creation is formed and held together by their interplay.

1160. “Never say never,” they say, but, on the other hand, do not always say yes.

1161. Acceptance is the key to facing that which is beyond your control, but hope is born anew with the realization that your day of opportunity will come.

1162. The beginning seeker is as one who wants to go through a locked door, but unaware that he has the key in his pocket.

1163. There is always an answer and joyful is the one who finds it.

1164. The vegetable kingdom is composed of vegetables. The animal kingdom is composed of animals and the human kingdom is composed of humans. Therefore, what kind of residents abide in the Kingdom of God? Yes, they can only be those who manifest the image of God.

1165. Freedom obtained by gifts and permissions from others is illusion. True freedom comes from giving yourself permission and not allowing outside forces to obstruct your path.

1166. A reasonable and logical degree of risk is accepted by the disciple in a quest for the expansion of freedom.

1167. When we focus on the faults of the lower personality in place of the perfection of the Higher Self, the Kingdom of God goes out of focus and the two remain two.

1168. Great accomplishments come from deep contemplation not seen which transforms to great acts which are seen.

1169. To love and not embrace is to live but not be alive.

1170. Always choose action over inaction as action reveals your next step and inaction, nothing.

1171. Have you ever been depressed when laughing, or applying yourself to a good cause or just enjoying good friends? Probably not. Perhaps there is a message here.

1172. Superior knowledge is only of high value when combined with superior wisdom.

1173. If your life is a play, what kind are you? Are you a melodrama, a comedy, a farce, a tragedy … does the good guy win in the end? It’s your choice.

1174. You fall in love because you see something wonderful in that person, but that is not enough. You must fall in love again and again by looking deeper.

1175. Think of the person who made the greatest positive difference in your life. Was he or she some person adored by the masses or a virtual unknown? Even though you may not be famous, you may be the most important person in the universe of some.

1176. He who has the easy life knows not himself or his true friends. Indeed, problems we would have shunned, will sharpen our vision.

1177. The darker the night the more visible are the stars; even so, the dark night of the soul reveals points of truth previously unseen.

1178. We all admit that problems are good for us and make us grow. The funny thing is that no one is asking for more of them.

1179. We have cycles of adversity and peace. Use your cycle of peace wisely so you will have greater strength in your next cycle of struggle.

1180. If you take steps toward a goal latent abilities will manifest to assist you, but if you stand still you may lose what little you have.

1181. Always make important decisions and judgments in a state of peaceful reflection, as any type of irritation will cloud your thinking.

1182. A genius is merely an average person who works much more diligently and focused than average.

1183. Silence is sound, darkness is light and nothingness is form. This statement veils great mystery.

1184. Live to be trusted rather than loved and you will be trusted and loved.

1185. Give advice that is wanted and it will seem agreeable, but useless. Give advice that solves the problem and it will generally be rejected and you may be seen as a rude intruder.

1186. A rare source of good advice comes from one who has intensely suffered through costly error and wants to set things right.

1187. That which we imagine in the dark corners of our minds terrifies us much more than that which occurs in the outer world.

1188. The creative powers of the universe tend to manifest that which we think we deserve above that which we want.

1189. Seek harmlessness in word and deed, for a small harmful action now is like a seed that can grow into a tempest of destruction.

1190. Angels smile when looking upon a loving heart, a pure intent, a helping hand, a child at play, or a light turned on in the mind of a seeker.

1191. Happiness is a temporary illusion. Enjoy it while it lasts. Joy settles within the heart and is always waiting to be discovered and shared.

1192. There is outer music that you have heard before, and the inner, which is new and beautiful. Stay tuned.

1193. Great passion, if harnessed and directed, can produce great results, if not, it may become a force of destruction.

1194. Problems, stress and affliction are tests that are needed to determine how large will be your part in the game of life.

1195. Though there be many issues on the table, the real battleground is always centered on the Principle of Freedom.

1196. For a man to be called a “real man” and a woman to be a “real woman” has been a badge of honor in the past and should be so now.

1197. You do not defeat an enemy of truth by accommodating him, but by destroying the illusion that supports him.

1198. Facts are easy to find, but it takes the light of the soul to reveal a true principle and understand its applications.

1199. A person very rigid in his blind beliefs will eventually encounter truth that will shatter them with one blow. Then he can rebuild on a new and better foundation.

1200. Without a link to Higher Intelligence the seeker is as a small child with no tools to learn to read.

1201. That which causes great distress and pain to one may only be viewed as a temporary hindrance to another who keeps an eye on the goal.

1202. To accept that which cannot be changed brings a peace unknown to one who fights the inevitable.

1203. When we find our next step, however small, and take it, we will be most fulfilled, much more than an illusionary giant leap.

1204. Soul contact begins with such a “small voice” that you think it is your imagination. But each time you trust in it, the flame is fanned and it grows until the light is bright, the heat is sure, and your faith is replaced by knowledge.

1205. Knowledge with soul contact has two main advantages. First, one has guidance leading in the right direction. Secondly, one can know that he knows.

1206. They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. So is incomplete knowledge.

1207. Any time you do not feel free it is because some knowledge is lacking.

1208. There is a difference between knowing and knowing that you know.

1209. The successful seeker will embrace that which makes sense, yet seek mysteries beyond accepted conclusions and be open to all possibilities.

1210. There is a certain comfort to dwelling in darkness, and there must be something one wants to see before a greater light can be embraced.

1211. Two keys of knowledge beyond orthodoxy are soul contact and the application of the Law of Correspondences.

1212. Too many or too few laws and regulations have a negative effect. The right amount, embraced by the majority, will bring peace among the people.

1213. If one follows the law of love, he may wind up breaking the letter of the law and being condemned by the orthodox, but approved by the Spirit.

1214. No successful game can be played without rules of order. Even so, must the seeker find the rules of life and abide by them for maximum fulfillment.

1215. On the Great Seal is written, “E pluribus unum,” or “out of many, one.” Some use this for an argument that people need to be diverse, but the meaning is that the diverse are to unite and become as one. This needs to be emphasized anew.

1216. Just and sensible rules of society do not take away freedom any more than do the rules of football.

1217. There is no point at which, having arrived, we can remain.

1218. Overcoming negativity comes not by pretending it does not exist, but by discovering principles that allow you to replace them with positivity.

1219. Tears of sorrow as well as joy are necessary ingredients for a lens to see true heaven.

1220. There are lost loves, lost opportunities, lost joys, lost victories and lost hope – so it seems, but all is never lost; instead, merely delayed until the divine moment comes when your enjoyment can be the most exquisite.

1221. Plant good seeds in your mind when you are young, for they will sprout and manifest in your features and character as you age.

1222. Some are old in their thinking and pine over opportunities lost. Then there are those transcendent souls who live in the present and are forever young, forever flexible and have their next goal in mind, even to the taking of their last mortal breath.

1223. May your progression through life be as one counting steps toward wisdom rather than years toward old age.

1224. You fall in love because you see a unique spark of the divine in that person that you never want to lose.

1225. Young children are like bolts of energy that recharge our circuits.

1226. Many of the old are young souls and the young, old souls. One with wisdom can discern them.

1227. To enjoy a fullness, make love with your mind as well as your heart.

1228. The most sinister of lies is a willful distortion of truth.

1229. The human spirit, a spark of divinity, can only be temporarily suppressed, but never defeated.

1230. A lie told again and again becomes as the truth to the deceiver, causing the originator of the lie to be the greatest victim.

1231. He who is not in search of meaning is not fully human.

1232. If you think the whole world has gone mad except you, then take a second look at your thoughts.

1233. The greatest fire is created by the tiniest most imperceptible spark; so it is with ideas that change the world.

1234. One who has little but needs nothing is richer than a billionaire who needs another billion.

1235. Most healings that are credited to various treatments should be given to nature, as the recovery would have transpired if nothing had been done.

1236. Those things that are feared, hated or despised create the most difficult of thoughts to clear but the most important.

1237. Wisdom is knowing when to be silent, when to speak and when to turn your attention in a different direction.

1238. The evils of the world such as money, passion and power are like wild horses that must be tamed and mastered to become our useful servants.

1239. The left and the right will disagree on most anything these days, except both will equally grumble about a bad cell phone connection.

1240. Free will is more than lack of restriction, for it involves a decision to decide and take responsibility for your life.

1241. There is a sight that goes beyond forms to see the formless, the principles and the inner meaning of appearances.

1242. Those who focus on the personality will find flaws in the best of us and will never find a soul mate. Instead, look for the Christ in others and you will find the love of your life as well as many faithful friends.

1243. To say that no higher intelligence created the universe is to say that zero intelligence is smarter by far than the atheist making that statement, for the unbeliever cannot come close to duplicating the complexity of the engineering that went into creating a single flower.

1244. Today we are indulged with more information than ever, but with the effect of scattering our thoughts, creating a need for focused attention on that which is important.

1245. A false belief in the mindset of the masses can be so powerful that only the rising generation can make a change.

1246. No amount of consensus justifies the elimination of dissenting free speech of any individual.

1247. When faced with the lesser of two evils, look for the third and harmless choice.

1248. That which is new is usually that which is old, but expressed differently.

1249. Yes, the present is all there is, but if one ignores the wisdom of the past and the warnings from the future then all there is will be chaos and confusion.

1250. Anything you believe is possible – if you are willing to find the steps to manifest that belief. Then, after the correct steps are found, you must be willing to take those steps; else your belief will become a fading dream.

1251. Today is the flower of the past, the seed of tomorrow.

1252. If you want a different result do not join the insane and do the same thing over and over, but ask yourself: Is my plan feasible and what do I need to change?

1253. Action without thought and thought without action are two aberrations that plague the present generation.

1254. Music and truth have a common thread in that one must see the harmony in both to fully appreciate them, and a distorted truth is like a song played out of tune.

1255. It is sad if one is poor or infirm, but sadder still if the individual does nothing to attempt to improve the situation.

1256. A union of minds is as a union of fire that removes all obstacles in its path.

1257. Beware of the individual who has crazy beliefs, for he is capable of doing crazy stuff, corresponding to his thinking.

1258. If that which makes you happy depends on others’ suffering, or making unwilling sacrifice, then happiness will be fleeting indeed.

1259. An ounce of appreciation is of more value than a ton of criticism.

1260. One who can perform with great skill and continue to joyfully serve, though no praise is received, is rich indeed.

1261. Promoting illusion because of self-deception is problematic, but one who deceives, knowing exactly what he is doing, achieves much greater harm.

1262. That belief or policy which is founded on that which is false can only be maintained by suppression and ridicule of those who seek to reveal the truth.

1263. An illogical belief cannot be dispelled by logic, but the stubborn soul’s mind must be changed by the painful experience of reality.

1264. We love those who have our virtues but tend to despise those who mirror our flaws.

1265. Do not stand on principle with such rigidity that the ultimate good is defeated. Focus on wisdom instead.

1266. No questions are a sign of few thoughts. Questions are an indication the person is thinking; good questions imply deep thoughts.

1267. To drift and go with the flow is hell, to learn and duplicate success is satisfying, but manifesting original ideas opens the gates of paradise.

1268. We all know the guy who despises wickedness in all but himself. We are happy to let him be isolated and miserable with others of like minds.

1269. Reason is like holy water on a vampire for those governed by emotion and groupthink.

1270. The greatest of the gifts of God to humanity: Laughter, reason, faith, consciousness, free will and the capacity to love and feel. Let no one take these from you.

1271. The effective seeker is willing to follow truth wherever it leads, yet tolerate, rather than attack, others in perceived illusions.

1272. We must value time as we value life for, as they say, it is the stuff life is made of.

1273. He who is corrupt will see his own distorted motives in the sincere while trusting others worse than himself.

1274. Beware of one seeking power whose hidden motive is to enslave you while promising to fulfill your desires. The wise seek always to discern the true motive of those in power.

1275. After a generation has passed most prophesies of doom not only did not happen, but are forgotten.

1276. The cure for loneliness is just one other person who understands you.

1277. God sang a new song and the universe appeared. Look within, feel the music and fulfill your destiny.

1278. Yes, be thankful for the good times when the sun is shining, for you can see and enjoy the world, but also the night that reveals the greater universe of stars and galaxies.

1279. Productive thought takes effort and is avoided by the lazy more than physical labor.

1280. What is most difficult to believe: (1) In the beginning there was a point much smaller than a grain of sand that for some unknown reason exploded in a Big Bang to make the universe or (2) A great intelligence made heaven and earth?

1281. Unless your beliefs are challenged, any truth behind them will never be fully realized.

1282. A person of average brainpower who is honest in heart and without bias will be much better at sorting out truth from error than one with a high IQ who has preconceived notions.

1283. Truth and justice may triumph in the end, but if good people relax in the present, they will get overwhelmed by deception and corruption.

1284. Take note of problems endured by your friends, not to criticize, but to avoid them in your own life.

1285. You can easily share information, but for many, common sense is only gained through painful experience.

1286. Many do not write or create for fear of lack of talent, yet there was a time that neither Shakespeare, Beethoven nor Einstein could produce anything of substance.

1287. If life is to have great meaning find something that rouses great passion.

1288. To be content with those on your level or lower is to be satisfied with the status quo. Those who want to excel will seek out others with more skill than themselves.

1289. The foolish are insulted and angry when proven wrong. The wise are happy they are now more enlightened than before.

1290. Some think we should believe their view is the truth merely because they declare it, not realizing the discerning mind needs a logical reason to accept.

1291. You work like crazy just so you can relax. Then when you take it easy, things unravel, and back to work you go.

1292. The most despicable of characters is the one who projects the image of purity yet will stab you in the back at the first convenience.

1293. One is in illusion who expects equality of outcome, illustrated by the fact that no two snowflakes are the same.

1294. It is better to have attempted a failed endeavor that demands noble thought and skill than to succeed at mediocrity.

1295. Some analogies reveal truth, but others are flawed. The sincere seeker can tell the difference.

1296. Reach your goal and set another, and then another and learn the joy that achievement brings.

1297. One who challenges the gods is more respected by them than the doting sycophant.

1298. Most can be pleasant and friendly during the good times. The real test is to be equally positive during times of rejection and misfortune. Fortunately, the inner attitude can quickly change the outer circumstances.

1299. He who has passion toward one goal will excel above the one with many.

1300. Thanks to Murphy’s Law, even if you do all in your power to cover your bases to make things work you will still have plenty of problems surface. Makes you wonder how so many careless souls out there even survive.

1301. Remember that kid in class who cracked the joke that got him in trouble? On reflection, he was the teacher and the rest were students.

1302. Praise means little to truly great souls for their prime desire is to see others inspired by them to do great works.

1303. It is much safer to deal with one who is open and angry than the quiet guy suppressing feelings, seething with offense.

1304. Never make an important decision in a disturbed emotional state, but wait until you feel at peace and your decision will be much wiser.

1305. There are two voices calling for you. The material side is shouting for attention while the spiritual whispers gently, but is the one that delivers with power.

1306. The most important question for the person with spiritual aspiration to ask is, “Can I be trusted to be good to my word?”

1307. In the best of times we tend to relax and little gets done. In the worst of times we feel the pressure and miracles often happen.

1308. Though you conquer all foes and rejoice in victory, if you relax in your pride, a David will appear and humble you with a small stone.

1309. A moment of exquisite oneness with another soul has more value than a whole lifetime lived for self.

1310. Perfection is basically the result of a process where many mistakes are made and corrected. It is always an end result, not a beginning.

1311. There is a price to pay for the doer of good deeds, as if nature has a charge for admission through the gates of service.

1312. Our expectations both reward or punish us, often more than the actual result.

1313. In the deepest pitch of the night where nothing from the world is visible, the seer will discover the light that never fails and reveals All There Is.

1314. All things old are not bad nor are all new things improvements. The wise must discern and choose well.

1315. No one is strong enough to take on the worries of the world, or even their own potential problems of tomorrow, but all of us can handle what is right here in front of us at this moment. That is what counts.

1316. To say much in a few simple words requires more thought than the complex in many words.

1317. If as much effort were put into presenting the truth as promoting the false, then the people would not have to endure such division as is in our midst.

1318. If you love inspiring words and deeds of great souls, you are nourishing seeds of greatness within yourself.

1319. Show appreciation today. It could be the only spark of goodness that a depressed soul has received for some time, perhaps even salvaging a life.

1320. Unless humanity produces those who can perceive and understand works of light, it will be as if the servants of light do not exist.

1321. Those who reveal the light and see the light constitute a greater light with hidden revelation.

1322. For each person in need of love there has to be one to send it. You can choose to be that one.

1323. Doubting yourself weakens the soul. Therefore, search for this prime ingredient of failure and cast it out.

1324. Only those who embrace the light can see and appreciate that which the light reveals.

1325. Reason only has effect on the reasonable, but will only aggravate those attached to illusion.

1326. For many, an insult arouses the greatest of passions for retribution when it should be the least. Instead, passionately respond in kind to loving souls.

1327. Beauty, as registered by human eyes, is merely a reminder of the exquisite perfection that awaits us in the higher realms.

1328. Let us go the next step beyond wireless and communicate mind to mind, heart to heart and soul to soul.

1329. There are those who seek the meaning of life, others who want to improve upon it and then the many who just want to live it without thinking about it.

1330. Find a great soul in our history and chances are he or she will have been focused on understanding and applying higher will and intelligence.

1331. Never be overly satisfied with where you are, for life will be without meaning if you have no place to go.

1332. It is better to be alone than risk picking up the disease of negativity from infected souls.

1333. Human beings overestimate their ability to use power and authority correctly than any other thing.

1334. Exquisite enjoyments are rare because the mood, the focus and the timing must be right. If the extraordinary became ordinary, then where would we find the special moments of life?

1335. If you come across two teachers and not sure which is best to engage – go with the one from whom you feel the most spiritual love.

1336. The many are impressed with big words and complex explanations. The few recognize the genius of making the complex so simple a child can understand.

1337. The most important knowledge to be gained in life comes not from books or teachers, but from insights through inner reflection.

1338. Some days are full of sunshine and joy yet you still embrace the cloudy days that hide the sun and bring nourishing raindrops which cause flowers to bloom.

1339. What’s the next big thing? Make it a new and improved version of yourself.

1340. Gold mixes with common dirt until someone sees its value. Even so, there is a golden spirit in you waiting to be recognized.

1341. Bad timing can make an intelligent person seem like a caveman; whereas good timing projects the image of a sharp mind.

1342. The few who proclaim and live the principle of freedom walk into the very heart of God, drawing many behind them.

1343. A good friend is one with whom you can share crazy ideas and this person will not think you are crazy.

1344. Many people stand on principle with such rigidity that the ideal is shattered and the principle is lost.

1345. Managing your physical needs with wisdom is an essential step to gaining spiritual mastery. Worry over health, safety or finances are great distractions.

1346. Indecision occurs when the power of decision falls asleep or is shut down by fear.

1347. Little children remind us of the innocence and purity we should have as adults.

1348. Compromise is where both sides, not just the other guy, yield for the good of the whole. A simple point, but beyond the understanding of most politicians.

1349. Why do some see beauty and perfection when others see ugliness in the same thing? In the answer lies the mystery behind human conflict.

1350. The greatest adventures and experiences in life are usually the result of bad planning or a terrible misjudgment. The funny thing is after it is all over we wouldn’t trade the experience for anything.

1351. No life is so difficult that you cannot make it worse by following the easy path.

1352. Someday everything will make perfect sense, and when it does, nothing that troubles you now will matter much.

1353. Though you are on in years, do not consider yourself old; though you have nothing, do not be poor; though you have troubles, dwell in peace rather than sorrow.

1354. You can only recall the past but physically move into the future. Thus the past is a guide, but the future should be the focus of attention.

1355. It would be foolish to follow one who proclaims to be of great works and wisdom and from a past life but has nothing to show in this one.

1356. When the seeker can see error with accepted authorities, yet recognize truth spoken by the despised, he has arrived at the threshold of true knowledge.

1357. Care not for honors, degrees, titles, accolades, progenitors or the praise of the world in accessing the value of a person’s works and words. Only value them by the weight with which they register upon your soul.

1358. Do you desire to open the gates and rule a kingdom? Then control your speech, rule over your words in good times and bad. Then watch the kingdom come to you.

1359. Those who come into our lives are like pieces of a puzzle, and if we look carefully we will eventually see the whole picture.

1360. Always consider relativity. The situations you complain about may seem like heaven compared to others less fortunate.

1361. To obtain a thing of value you have to give up something else. When selecting what you want to acquire, also select that which can be sacrificed.

1362. If each person were reduced to a song some would be sad songs, others happy, some hits, others not. Pick what you want to be and play it well.

1363. A locked mindset is a terrible prison that can force the inmate to willingly give up life and liberty for an insane belief.

1364. Sound arguments only have an effect on sound minds.

1365. Cures for Depression

  1. Make someone smile.
  2. Tell someone they are loved and appreciated.
  3. Do something helpful to others.
  4. Learn something new.
  5. Find something to enjoy at the end of each day.

1266. What we want to be true is the greatest roadblock to finding what is really true.

1367. We must cease hating others because we think we see hate in them, but extend love and goodwill to all who are willing to receive.

1368. High points of ecstasy, joy or attainment are great because they are difficult and rare. The seeker must descend into the valley so he can assess the next mountain to climb.

1369. If bliss was our consistent state then this high would seem normal. This gives us a hint as to why we were born in this world of trials. When we finish here and return to spirit we shall have joy in reclaiming our inheritance.

1370. Some focus on finding truth as it is and others as it fits their illusions. Both find what they are looking for.

1371. Only in the light can seekers adjust their values so they are in alignment with the will of heaven, for what is valued separates the light from the dark.

1372. Many are frustrated because they wish they had a great work to do that will be praised by millions, while ignoring a great effect that can be had on a distressed individual here and there.

1373. Those who insist that you conform to their idea of what is worthy of love are the unloving ones.

1374. Darkness takes us into many a peril and tries to save itself with more darkness when only a candle of light is needed for deliverance.

1375. Many who have slaved for great possessions use and enjoy them less than poor people who make full use of what they have.

1376. Beauty is visible evidence of an intelligent creator whether manifesting as a piece of human art or a flower.

1377. Neglect deprives dreams of their life. Feed them well that they may live and multiply.

1378. That which brings love, joyousness and peace is Divine Reality. That which brings fear, pain and sorrow comes from illusion.

1379. If a little is good, how much more is better? That is the question.

1380. Some individuals have souls so potent that they would be attractive in any body, yet others would be dull if they switched places with the latest heartthrob.

1381. Genius is loved and appreciated by many, but hated by the big egos who despise anyone who excels them.

1382. Outward beauty comes and goes, but inward beauty remains if nurtured.

1383. One piece out of order can change perfection to disaster. Hence the importance of finding your place in the scheme of things.

1384. The good, the beautiful and the true inspire love. Hate springs from a distorted perception of these things.

1385. One who stands on the foundation of truth fears not a close inspection of thoughts and motives. But one who stands on deception becomes angry when questioned and examined.

1386. The unenlightened feel that it is fine to force their vision of good on the other guy because the other guy’s vision is seen as evil. Instead, the true evil is the force, not the vision.

1387. Since energy follows thought it only makes sense to place your thought on beauty, love and peace rather than worries, fear and doom.

1388. God’s handwriting is in the stars; His love in a child’s eyes; His light in all life reaching toward the sun.

1389. Some believe a truth because they understand it. Others believe because it was told to them. The first sees at day the second feels at night.

1390. Only the truth can bring true glory.

1391. The test of the open mind is to encounter a truth that runs contrary to an established belief.

1392. Delay of action and relying on study to master a skill is the path to mediocrity.

1393. Happiness is directly linked to making other lives better. Disgruntled ones need to reflect on this.

1394. The source of liberation is not all within or without, but a balance of the two.

1395. The tighter we hold to material possessions the slippery they become. True abundance comes to one who gives that he may receive again.

1396. All life needs purpose, whether it be a blade of grass or the greatest among us. The greater the purpose you discover and fill the greater will be your fulfillment.

1397. A pleasure shared doubles the enjoyment.

1398. Use ordinary circumstances to regularly do small but beneficial deeds, and the time will come that the wholeness of your labor will be seen as a work of greatness.

1399. From acts of love spring more love until there is fullness. From selfishness springs misery until the loving path of service is found.

1400. Wisdom and love are interdependent. You cannot be wise without love and love is not complete without wisdom.

1401. The simplicity of the point, the circle, the square and triangle lay the foundation for the great complexity of creation.

1402. We live in a world saturated by overwhelming knowledge that would be envied by Socrates, yet are governed by simple sound bites that would embarrass the sages of the past.

1403. You can be counted successful in life if others feel richer for knowing you and look forward to your presence.

1404. Those who say there is no hell must not know those presently living in the chains of tyranny, want or affliction. Those who say there is no heaven have missed out on the greater joys of life.

1405. The power in our thoughts, words and intent is far greater than realized by the many, but the few use them to change the world.

1406. Which would be more like heaven in the hereafter? Living with interesting, but flawed people, or the pious who never even said a cuss word or watched an R rated movie?

1407. Some say you cannot talk about or understand a thing unless you have experienced it. Well, I do not have to drive over a cliff or experience many other negatives to know they are something I want to avoid.

1408. It is an honor if you were born into illusion and moved to higher truth, but if you were given a foundation of truth by your parents and you rejected it then that is a shame indeed.

1409. Ever notice that those who focus on the good seem to have a life of good fortune while those who dwell on the negative complain of continual misfortune?

1410. Poverty and wealth are states of consciousness that have little to do with material possessions.

1411. Forget about just being good enough to do your job. Improve in something every day for maximum satisfaction in life.

1412. When science discovers a rough but ancient tool they say this is proof of the presence of intelligent human creation, but when they discovered DNA, which is more complex than any computer, they discounted the creative power of Higher Intelligence. Does not compute.

1413. The scripture says that “the love of money is the root of all evil.” Money itself is a neutral force that can be used for either good or evil. Corrupt desire is the problem.

1414. Reality does not ridicule, but reality can make one feel ridiculous.

1415. I would rather be where there is thriving light and life in the midst of a few than conform to the unthinking many.

1416. All have a blind spot where they cannot see the truth about themselves. Listen to your friends as they will tell you what it is.

1417. So far, the fear of the Coronavirus has created much more damage than the virus itself.

1418. Isn’t it strange how the negative has such impact? For instance, it seems that losing an hour through Daylight Savings happens twice as often as gaining one even though they are equal.

1419. Panic is generally worse than that which the masses are panicking over.

1420. In good circumstances 90% of the people are friendly and reliable, but when a situation becomes stressful, or threatening, the opposite occurs and you are lucky if you can trust 10%.

1421. There are those who speak to be heard and others to be understood. The first is to be avoided and the latter warrants consideration.

1422. When examined honestly, truth reveals itself to be true and that which is false is seen for what it is.

1423. If your thoughts are loving, love will manifest, If your thoughts are happy, you’ll be happy. The recipe is so simple it is not accepted and overlooked.

1424. The critical mind often sees flaws that do not exist and their criticisms are destructive. On the other hand, a rare correction from a loving heart can save the day.

1425. If we had no eyes and an individual created one it would be hailed as the greatest act of genius of all time, yet many with darkened minds see the creation of the entire body as an accident of blind forces.

1426. To be a skeptic while seeking the truth is a positive thing, even if it goes against accepted authorities, the media and the little old lady next door.

1427. People either move out of the way or assist one who makes a bold decision and moves forward with purpose.

1428. Great leaps forward occur when the seeker takes the wrong path, honestly analyzes the results, realizes the error and chooses again.

1429. Written words are frozen thoughts and if a new insight is conveyed they will not pass away.

1430. Even though I am open to all things, I will question all things.

1431. I have taken many steps that have led me toward the truth. Now I will take one more.

1432. Instead of fear, which is more contagious than any virus, focus on the Divine Power within that will renew and sustain you.

1433. There is a spiritual message behind any significant event. There are lessons humanity is supposed to learn from the happenings of the day. Let us press on to a positive outcome.

1434. To be yourself you have to be one of the few who understand what that self is.

1435. It takes many noble thoughts to manifest even one noble action, for such an action is the incarnation of many thoughts.

1436. Perhaps, if humanity reimagines God as a loving parent instead of a cruel punishing dictator, reality itself will change for the better.

1437. You will not find love without until you first find it within.

1438. In the beginning was the point vibrating in divine space, creating the wavelength, creating sound, creating the word, creating all there is.

1439. One who sees wealth in possessions will never have enough, but the person who finds wealth in the realms of Spirit will have an overwhelming supply.

1440. If your life were a book, would it be an interesting read, and, if made into a movie, who would play you?

1441. Some events are signposts with messages, while others are just events. Your internal sense can tell the difference.

1442. Would you trade a clear conscience for a million dollars? If not, you have taken a step toward true wealth.

1443. If you do not know a thing with reasonable certainty do not offer a guess as if it is the truth, or, nine times out of ten, you will regret it.

1444. A great poem, a song, a story, talent or work of art are all held in the hands of your inner soul, waiting to be discovered.

1445. If our consciousness is merely created by a computer brain, as many scientists claim, does this mean that your computer also dreams at night when you turn it off and daydreams in the day when it is on?

1446.I am a point of fire within a greater fire,
In the group of which I am a part.
Together we are one flame,
Focused in the fire of the Holy One,
Which burns away all that which veils pure Spirit.

1447. The understanding of truth through inner contact represents the greatest advance in learning since the written word was discovered.

1448. Many take pride with the quantity of knowledge in their heads, but the quality is the important thing. The wise carefully select their sources of knowledge.

1449. If we were as concerned about what goes into our minds as food for our bodies we’d all be geniuses.

1450. Truth is its own authority. When seen it cannot be unseen. Revealing it is the great quest.

1451. Ineffective believers are everywhere, but there is strength in knowing, and even greater in knowing that you know.

1452. In times of stress hope is often the only light to be seen. Never be the one to take that away but seek to make it manifest.

1453. When an event is presented through conflicting reports we can either go with the version that fits our bias or search out the real truth.

1454. To gain knowledge is good. To reflect upon it is even better, but to apply it is a game changer.

1455. A book, a thought or an idea can live forever if it speaks to the soul.

1456. People get excited about new things when there is often more value and quality in the old.

1457. Those overly stressed out because of fear of the Coronavirus do not know what real stress is.

1458. The foolish give highest value to money and possessions and the wise to time. Unlike money, all have the same amount of time, and how it is spent will determine the quality of life.

1459. If the goal is to avoid risk at all costs then the final cost will be worse than the risk which was to be avoided.

1460. Courage is relative. Some who will put their lives on the line in the battlefield will cower to the weak who make an emotional attack.

1461. Speak only that which people are willing to hear and not longer than they enjoy hearing it.

1462. Shakespeare was able to say more in a sentence than a blowhard politician says in his entire life.

1463. People confuse quality and quantity. The wise always prefer a little of something exquisitely good over large quantities of mediocrity.

1464. Does it make sense to destroy many lives by economic starvation to save a few lives from the virus?

1465. Many seek in vain to see the second coming of Christ when they have not experienced a first coming by searching their own hearts.

1466. Brevity is appreciated, even from one who is wise, but considered a real godsend from the guy who normally rambles on and says nothing.

1467. The media is the Pied Piper of humanity sounding notes that those grounded in raw emotion feel they must follow to the exclusion of doing their own thinking.

1468. Many seem to think that the 54,000 deaths from the Coronavirus are a much bigger loss than the 2,800,000 other deaths that happen each year in the U. S., many of which are preventable.

1469. It is too bad that the word “brotherhood” is considered sexist by some today, for it describes a camaraderie that transcends sex, something we do not want to lose.

1470. Seek not for perfection, but to take your next step forward, imperfect though it may be.

1471. There are beginnings to all creations, but no beginning to beginnings.

1472. That which is seen as good in one age can be viewed as evil in another.

1473. If knowledge alone were power then anyone with internet access would be supremely powerful. Only applied knowledge has power.

1474. The best humor highlights obvious truth in a unique way. Then there is distorted humor of attack that only appeals to a biased few.

1475. It is far easier to excel when you are working on something you love.

1476. Always be working on something for which you feel passion and love, even if it is only a few minutes a day.

1477. Training your mind to handle two or more things at once is equivalent to adding many years to your life.

1478. Those who do not feel a passion about living and achieving have not looked in the right direction.

1479. We all receive payment for our labors. Some receive it in cash and but others gladly accept love and appreciation.

1480. Some work harder to escape work than that which is needed to achieve success.

1481. There are standard criminals who wind up in jail, and then there are the clever ones in positions of power who do much more damage with seeming impunity.

1482. Imagination, perseverance and common sense are more powerful ingredients to success than the high I.Q.

1483. Be selective of those you help, for some require much more payment than your voluntary gift.

1484. Perfection is achieved not only by finding the true and workable, but by finding that which is not true and does not work and not repeating the same mistakes indefinitely.

1485. If you do not look you will not see, even if the thing is easily visible.

1486. If you do not focus on understanding what you know, then adding more of what you do not know will have little effect.

1487. Thinking originates from emotion as well as mind, and they both use the brain. Emotional thinking is more popular, but the mind is much more accurate.

1488. The guy who is most rigidly sure he is right is usually subject to the greatest error.

1489. Beware of the guy who seems overly helpful for there is often a hidden motive.

1490. When you sense a “but” coming in a conversation you can pretty much ignore all that has been said.

1491. A belief that there is a higher purpose behind the disturbing events of the day brings a peace not shared by the pessimist.

1492. Fear without judgment often causes one to avoid a lesser calamity in exchange for a greater one.

1493. A person can make great errors yet maintain a clear conscience if the heart is pure.

1494. The unthinking fight change, and it matters not whether it is change for the better or the worse.

1495. There is no such thing as sacrifice. There is only payment, or exchange of energy, for that which is desired.

1496. Irreverence, correctly applied, is as much of a divine quality as is reverence.

1497. If you hear excessive hate expressed toward a person or idea then investigate, as there is something of value to be discovered.

1498. You cannot control the evil spoken by malicious minds, but you can ignore it.

1499. We are all asleep to different degrees. Listen to that inner voice which calls you to awaken to the real world.

1500, Some teachers see themselves as authorities not to be questioned while the good ones see themselves as guides, merely pointing you the right direction on the path.

1501. To see reality as it is rather than as you want it to be is to take a great step from darkness into the light.

1502. Humans ignorantly create undesirable things with their careless thoughts. Be therefore aware of what goes in and out of your mind.

1503. As long as you believe that what you see with your physical eyes as all there is, that will be all there is.

1504. If a teaching does not make sense you either do not understand or it is just plain wrong. You must discover which it is.

1505. Truth is not what seems true, or desired to be true but simply what is, nothing more or less.

1506. One focused on reason, having a few facts, can reach a more accurate conclusion than many an expert with countless facts in his head.

1507. Give no one power to press emotional buttons to produce guilt, fear or shame. Rely on your own intelligence to make corrections in life.

1508. Being a loving, helpful and harmless person does not insulate one from hateful attacks. A light shining in the eyes of those in darkness can inflame rage.

1509. Words alone convey only data. Words generated by emotion stir emotion. Words generated by thought and emotion create reality.

1510. When you hear that a person, a book or a work is evil, consider that the opposite may be true.

1511. For a taste of heaven surround yourself with good friends.

1512. Truth is true whether spoken by an angel or devil, a friend or an enemy.

1513. The enemy of freedom hides his true intention and his presence, and uses disposable pawns to wrest power from the innocent.

1514. Your past worries are now gone, as shall be your present ones with the passage of time.

1515. Little realized is the desire to be heard and understood exceeds the desire for change. People know what they want to say, but do not know the solutions.

1516. A warm and understanding heart can heal the afflicted far beyond any medical prescription.

1517. It takes a great soul to wish happiness on the person who has broken one’s heart.

1518. If you error, error on the path of inclusiveness rather than exclusiveness.

1519. Contemplating the unknowable makes the mysteries more knowable.

1520. Any struggle to find truth will reveal some truth; therefore, struggle on.

1521. Humor that has to be explained is no longer humor. The best communication is found in the space between the words.

1522. If another deceives you, blame yourself not them, for it was you who missed the truth.

1523. It is a big mistake to be neutral when taking a stand can stop evil in its tracks.

1524. Non duality is like one seed, but when planted in the soil of universal mind becomes many.

1525. Flashlight analogy. The Will of God is the power source, truth is the light bulb. Our power of decision turns the light on and reason points the light in the needed direction.

1526. Are those who preach salvation the type of characters with whom you want to spend eternity? Maybe not.

1527. Don’t wait for inspiration, but proceed as if you already have it, for the kingdom of heaven is within.

1528. Beware of that person who tells you what God thinks, for this merely supports the worship of an idol of the false god without, instead of discovering the true God within.

1529. The holograph and your physical body are both compose of the same thing – wavelengths. The only difference is density.

1530. A thought, planted in the mind, accepted by the heart and confirmed by the soul has to manifest on some level.

1531. There are victims of circumstances and then there are victims of one’s own thinking, but wait! Our thinking creates circumstances.

1532. The flimsiest paper becomes strong when folded several times; even so, the uniting of many minds creates great power.

1533. Be aware of the sufferings in the world but not consumed by them else the joys of life will be suppressed.

1534. Seek the path of joy for it negates pain and suffering, not only for you, but for others.

1535. The mind has unlimited power, but we have used this to limit ourselves. Find those limiting thoughts, change your mind and set yourself free.

1536. That which doesn’t love you is not from God, nor even the devil, but is merely a mistaken notion.

1537. We must comprehend the principle and meaning of truth else be deceived by illusion after illusion.

1538. Anger and hate are the result of self deception and illusion. Love and peace come from clearly seeing the truth.

1539. There are two types of people. Those who favor illusion over truth and those who love truth wherever it leads.

1540. Unlimited love, peace and power, which is your birthright, does not seem possible because your unlimited mind believes otherwise.

1541. Most can appreciate the intelligence of those near their own level, but, unless the mind is open, those on a higher level will often be seen as an enemy to truth. 

1542. Think in your heart, feel in your mind, breathe from the spirit, and touch with your soul.

1543. Incorrect predictions of false prophets are often overlooked by their followers while true teachers are attacked for telling the truth.

1544. That which is a consuming worry to one is but a trifle to another. The difference is not in the threat but the attitude.

1545. We communicate with words, emotion, thought and finally soul to soul where real truth is exchanged.

1546. If you seek a life that has meaning and fulfillment engage your power to create something that others will appreciate.

1547. Civilization is at risk when mob action and rioting has more influence than the will and common sense of the people.

1548. Never betray a trust. Getting it back again is a Herculean task.

1549. A keen observation of the mistakes of others can save a lifetime of pain.

1550. People fight against new and beneficial changes, not because of reason, but because they fear change.

1551. Cowards will attack the innocent who will do them no harm, but praise and embrace the tyrant.

1552. The foolish will provoke an enemy into action against them when they would have normally been ignored.

1553. We are looking for differences in each other when we should be looking for similarities. We look for something to hate rather than to embrace with love. To heal humanity we must see each other as equal human beings from the same source.

1554. If you want a true answer only ask God for that which will benefit others besides yourself.

1555. Many who do not like what is, create an inferior fantasy world for themselves of what is not.

1556. To be sane in an insane world is counted as madness.

1557. Criticism hurts, but can be useful; whereas praise may hide a flaw that needs correction.

1558. Free speech slogan in the modern era: I will defend to the death your right to speak if I agree, but your life is at risk if I do not.

1559. The truly educated are those who never cease to learn from their own initiative.

1560. A true sage is one who can see themself as others see them, yet can see others as they see themselves.

1561. There are two types of people. Those who go through life asleep and unquestioning, as if in a dream, and those who are at least trying to wake up.

1562. Taking action can be good, bad or just busy work. Choose wisely, but at least let posterity know you were once alive.

1563. Experience is the one thing that we know is real and not illusion, as even experience in a dream is an actual event for our consciousness.

1564. We see with our eyes and hear with our ears yet we only know through the sense of our inner Spirit.

1565. There are all kinds of flaws in everything that God has created because that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Perfection is a journey rather than a final adjustment.

1566. If a teacher or guru insists you call him Father, Brother, Mother, His Holiness, Reverend or some other title, then, run.

1567. Until one spends more energy on finding knowledge and wisdom than toward personal comfort, he is not a true seeker.

1568. If you are prepared to not allow anyone to hold you hostage because of attachment to a person, place or thing, then you are free.

1569.True salvation is to be relieved of guilt, not your flaws, which are often in the eye of the beholder.

1570. We have before us the American Dream and the American Nightmare. It is up to us what the end will be.

1571. In America we pay for our own mistakes, our kids mistakes, our ancestors mistakes and those who are not our ancestors.

1572. Many falsely hope that when the rioters take over that they will be spared because they cheered them on.

1573. When it is 100 degrees outside hotter is bad and colder is good. When it is below zero then colder is bad and warmer is good thus demonstrating the relativity of good and evil.

1574. To feel insulted when the other person means no harm is a much bigger problem on your end than theirs.

1575. We may resist to the death logical reasoning of an adversary yet yield in an instant to an inner realization.

1576. There are those who disagree merely to be disagreeable, others who hate the other guy and do not want him to be right and then a few who see a legitimate problem.

1577. Even a lie can be a tool to discover truth. The sincere seeker will see the lie and seek to discover the truth it is hiding.

1578. Perfection is a journey that reaches its destination, even though imperfect obstacles and detours were encountered along the way.

1579. Love creates bias for and hate produces bias against. Only by rising above emotion can the truth be seen.

1580. Search for truth today
You will find a way
Though the skies are gray
The sun will send its rays.

1581. If you are willing to submit to any outer authority over the inner then the time will come that the outer will order you to do the unthinkable.

1582. If you think you’ll use something “someday”, and put it away, there is a 99% chance that someday never comes.

1583. First you learn and “know about,”
Then you do and “know how,”
Finally, you experience and you “know.”

1584. Question for orthodox believer: How could one enjoy heaven if even one child or friend is burning in hell forever? Are we more merciful than God?

1585. Sleep is but a near death experience. In real death we sleep deeply to this world, but awaken in another.

1586. Air is the most essential substance for our existence, yet no one hoards it, but all take what they need. One day, this will be the case with other human needs.

1587. What is difficult to believe is what people do believe.

1588. Seeing was believing until Photoshop came along.

1589. Those who question scientific, but unproven consensus, are labeled as heretics, even though, after a passage of time, the majority of such consensus is proven incorrect.

1590. It is true that many laws are flawed, but imperfect law is much better than no law and anarchy.

1591. To deny or suppress your feelings does not make them go away; instead, they hide and later return with a vengeance.

1592. Essential food for the healthy mind: good books, good friends, good teachers, good thoughts with some light-hearted humor to aid in digestion.

1593. If the truth we know is stranger than fiction just imagine how strange the truth we do not know may be.

1594. To know the character of another look at:
The books he reads
The friends he attracts
How he spends his free time
How he treats those who cannot help him.

1595. Never has there been such a difference between the vast information available and the usable knowledge absorbed.

1596. Good humor that is seen by all can expose the distortion of evil; whereas mean spirited sarcasm merely strengthens prison walls of illusion around those who relish it.

1597. Seeing is believing in what you see, which may not be what is actually there.

1598. A press that is free to only give one point of view is not free.

1599. Quantum leaps forward that are positive are rare and take effort, but falling into the abyss is effortless. It is difficult to build a thing of beauty, but easy to destroy.

1600. Sometimes peace can only be acquired by fighting back and exposing the true enemies of real peace.

1601. Many who accomplish great things were seen as ordinary when young, yet many who seemed extraordinary in youth never excelled as adults.

1602. To attempt to force others to conform to your version of correct speech is to join the mindset of fanatics in the past who burned heretics at the stake.

1603. The only way darkness can prevail is to control those who seek to turn on the lights.

1604. To blame the result of bad judgment on the will of God is an insult to Deity.

1605. What is seen as random chance is merely an event composed of numerous unrecognized causes.

1606. What is the greater sin? To appear polished and controlled but bore people to death, or to ruffle feathers and stir up some excitement?

1607. We fear that which we imagine much more than reality itself.

1608. Sometimes a truth must be exaggerated to humorous proportions, else the point will not be grasped.

1609. Every event has a cause, but many mistakenly see minor events in their life as something major, demanding the full attention of God.

1610. Live your life so others will yearn for your presence after you are gone.

1611. Devils and angels are real and are within us. We choose which one to manifest.

1612. The betrayal of trust may be forgiven, but not forgotten.

1613. Tune out irritating people as if they do not exist; then they are left to just irritate themselves.

1614. There are two difficult steps in a great accomplishment. The first is to begin, the second is to finish.

1615. You create your own reality whether you believe it or not. Understanding this is a key to power.

1616. If you love someone do not let them go, but fight for them. Let annoying people go.

1617. Forgiveness can be obtained from any benevolent soul but the restoration of a broken trust must be earned and proven to be real.

1618. The highest sign of good character is found in one who values his or her word and seeks to make it true.

1619. To be trusted for your word without the need to sign strict legal documents is among the highest of honors.

1620. One who achieves greatness enters a dangerous land where the many who expect success with no effort will fire darts of jealously, greed and anger in an attempt to destroy.

1621. Those who are waiting on Congress to pass laws to make them happy and prosperous will never be happy or prosperous.

1622. The Founders pledged their lives, their fortunes and their “sacred honor.” This generation understands the value of life and fortune but who speaks of the value of sacred honor? This quality which was seen as equal with life itself must be reclaimed.

1623. Ever notice that those who are fussy about healthy habits are often sickly; whereas, many who seem careless live healthy lives?

1624. If you can mix with the high and the low, the carnal and the spiritual, the sane and the insane yet remain under the stable guidance from your own soul, you have achieved an important mastery.

1625. It matters little what others think of me so long as my conscience is clear and I follow the highest I know.

1626. It is an honor to be attacked by mean-spirited, ill-informed and delusionary characters.

1627. One who chooses happiness over integrity will, in the end, have neither. But one who chooses the path of honor will have all good things in the end.

1628. A glass of wine with good friends is like a medicine; whereas, a large soda is an assault on the health of the body.

1629. Concern not yourself with judging insulting words directed at you, for the real test is how much power you allow them to have.

1630. Choose your path wisely, for improving character one per cent may take a lifetime, yet it can be destroyed in five minutes.

1631. Praise coming from one with impure motive has no value, but sincere appreciation is priceless.

1632. Reflect on that by which you will be remembered after you die while you yet live.

1633. The weakness of people in a free society is that they support those who would destroy them and frustrate those who want to help.

1634. Two plus two equals four and nothing else, though corrupt thinking says otherwise.

1635. Great minds disturb mediocre minds.

1636. One with courage and daring, who takes initiative, can overwhelm a legion of fearful souls.

1637. The impulse is toward faster everything; to go faster, read faster, think faster, etc., but those who do not slow down at times and contemplate the pieces will miss the greater vision.

1638. Think of the person you despise the most and describe him or her. Next, look in the mirror and see how close the description fits.

1639. Rules for a happy life.
(1) Set goal
(2) Work to achieve goal.
(3) Set new goal.

1640. When humanity awakens it will discover that its destiny is to save the planet, not destroy it.

1641. To be seen as a benevolent and decent character, though boring, has little value. But to be seen as exciting as well as a good guy is priceless.

1642. Keep alive the child in you that wants to play, to laugh, to explore, to question and to hug.

1643. The quality of one’s questions reveals the quality of the mind, and to have none is a sorry state.

1644. The power of words is obvious when you feel the difference through hearing words like faith, hope and love contrasted to fear, hate and loathing.

1645. A leader not willing to do the menial and unrecognized work when required is not a true leader.

1646. Light shining in darkness is darkness. Light shining ON darkness reveals.

1647. Many are deceived in thinking the time of great opportunity was in generations passed, but the truth is the greatest time to make a difference is always here and now.

1648. There are no monuments honoring bureaucracies. It is the individual taking initiative who stands out in history.

1649. If you do not know where you are going, the chances are you will not like where you wind up.

1650. If what a person does runs contrary to his words, then trust what you see above what you hear.

1651. If the average person took as much interest in wisdom as gossip, then he would not be average.

1652. If “they” has traction in replacing the single “he” or “she”, confusion will be the result. Readers will not only be in the dark as to gender, but the number of people involved.

1653. If a plan is good then determination can make it a reality. If it is flawed it will eventually collapse forcing a reformulation.

1654. The problem with giving money or material goods is that soon more hands are out in need than one can possibly help. This would not be the case if all did their share.

1655. Those with absolute certainty their dogma is right are like a balloon approaching the point of a pin.

1656. Those who support common beliefs endorsed by authorities are honored in life. Those who question and replace the false with the true are honored in death.

1657. There is little difference between the named god of a religion or the designated ideal of the atheist. Both are outside of self; whereas the Kingdom of God is within.

1658. Time first destroys the bad ideas and lets the good ones live a little longer, but they too will fall to be ever replaced by something better.

1659. There’s gotta be a message in the fact that it is so much easier to adjust to having an extra hour, compared to losing an hour, when we switch to standard time.

1660. There are rebels who are against tyranny and other rebels who are deceived to support tyranny over freedom. One must clear away the fog of illusion before he rebels.

1661. If emotionally based people do not agree with the message they attack the messenger; whereas, thinking people refute the message.

1662. When the individual becomes a light unto others he then becomes a light unto himself. He buries not his light under a bushel but lets it shine upon a hill until all partake equally of the glowing flame.

1663. Enlightened people can only be gathered by shining forth a homing beacon of light in words of light. Light cleaves to light and recognizes itself in others who are prepared.

1664. Love is manifested as we move toward union. Hate grows in separative thinking.

1665. The Big Bang is a symbol of all creation, from the universe, to the explosive multiplication of cells after human conception to an idea whose time has come.

1666. Do not yield to fear and speak around the truth, but present it as it is with clarity

1667. Truth is like an arrow that will pierce the heart of those who resist, yet hit the target of joy for the true seeker.

1668. Practice may not always bring complete perfection, but no practice never works.

1669. The non thinker accepts consensus thought.
The thinker is skeptical.
The genius reveals its flaws and is hated.

1670. The false conscience tells you to not have fun when you should have fun.
The true conscience protects you from harming others.

1671. Fortunately, it is a rare thing when the future turns into the gloom and doom expected by the many.

1672. The rising generation always looks for a cause to set them apart. They feel they have found it when their elders are alarmed.

1673. Evil prevails when good people do nothing is the old maxim. How do you get good people to do nothing? Deceive them to place their attention where the problem is not so the real evil can continue to grow.

1674. Things change and stay the same, as they say, but there are times when real change is made through a focused will.

1675. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but there are times that saying “I love you” is worth a thousand pictures.

1676. Action may speak louder than words but inaction also sends a strong message.

1677. All good things come to an end but, fortunately, there is always a new beginning.

1678. They say that all is fair in love and war, but the trouble is that some are always in love or at war so everything seems justified.

1679. If all the world is a stage then what is your part and how well are you playing it?

1680. God has raised my vision from the dread of earth to the joy of heaven. I see heaven and feel unspeakable joy.

1681. We create our reality and then blame our own creation for what it seems to do to us.

1682. A lot of what comes to one who merely waits is not what he waited for or wanted.

1683. You may not be able to make a difference in the world but there are at least a couple people in your life whose world you can change.

1684. The greatest dangers are faced by those who fear risk and go to great lengths to avoid it.

1685. Every truth, no matter how insignificant or mundane, is an important piece of the great puzzle, just as every soul is an important part of the Life of God.

1686. If you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t, then you might as well do it.

1687. Those who side with the truth have many forces against them, but their single most powerful weapon is the truth itself.

1688. What you love about others reflects the best within you whereas that which is hated in others will reveal your own flaws.

1689. Desperate times may require desperate measures but if you just kick back and relax during good times they will soon turn desperate.

1690. There is no dark night of the soul, for the inner light is always there, but there are times when we focus where the light of the soul is not.

1691. Not only does a cloud have a silver lining but above it is a golden sun and an unlimited universe.

1692. Your 15 minutes of fame should be enough to convince you that is not where the greatest joys of life are found.

1693. The eyes may be the window to the soul, but the heart is the door to releasing its love.

1694. Better late than never if the event is interesting, but, if not, better never at all.

1695. Better safe than sorry is for the timid; whereas tis better to take a risk than suffer a life of regret.

1696. A gathering of lights occurs when the ruling powers reach a point of corruption that is beyond reform.

1697. Common stones have such little value that people pay to have them hauled away. But if a master builder uses such a stone in the creation of a masterpiece it becomes priceless. You are a stone in the hands of a master builder, the God within.

1698. Instead of fighting fire with fire take away the oxygen of hate and still the flames with the Spirit of Peace.

1699. Many mysteries are revealed to one who looks, sees and accepts.

1700. Guilt is the most destructive emotion God never created.

1701. One way or another I have power to decide to be or not to be.

1702. All thought is a creative force, but thought energized by belief penetrates all barriers.

1703. We may disagree on politics and religion, but it is difficult to disagree on a shared experience. Let us therefore share love and goodwill to all and heal the world.

1704. Stories of fiction are rejected if they sound like they cannot be true, but there are many truths, stranger than fiction, that one must believe or reject reality.

1705. A feeling of contentment and inner peace about your life is a sign you are headed the right direction.

1706. If you want to find the truth, you must be the truth – your word must always be true.

1707. Maybe today is the day that you will perform a simple act of kindness that will change a life.

1708. Give the benefit of the doubt, but when there is no doubt act decisively.

1709. Discovering those things that do not work are essential steps to perfecting that which does work.

1710. It is good to not only think before you speak, but before you marry, before you choose a vocation, before you eat or most any action of consequence.

1711. If life is a dream then it is certainly a long and elaborate one.

1712. Seeing yourself as a victim is a choice, the wrong choice.

1713. If leaders would first seek to control themselves, rather than everyone else, most of the world’s problems would be solved.

1714. He who hesitates is sometimes lost but other times a great calamity may be avoided.

1715. Every day is a note in the symphony of eternity. Sound the right notes day by day and hear the music of the spheres.

1716. We either believe in something or nothing, but even nothing is something.

1717. Emotion adds to complex illusion while pure reason leads to simplicity and understanding.

1718. If you feel depressed then lift another’s spirits. If you are lonely visit those in need.. If you need love, give love to all and learn the secret of happiness.

1719. Can you find light where there is only darkness or truth where there is only error? The seeker must find the source of light and truth for the prodigal to find the way home.

1720. Ignorance is caused more by an unwillingness to seek rather than any lack of access to knowledge.

1721. To accept a gift can be more difficult than giving, yet the joy of giving cannot take place unless there is one who receives in appreciation.

1722. During times of prosperity 90% of the people are pleasant and generous, 9% are difficult and 1% you want to avoid completely. Then, during times of fear and scarcity, 90% will be out for themselves 9% try to be helpful and 1% will totally give of themselves.

1723. It is the nature of the emotional self to find witnesses to false beliefs it wants to be true, but pure reason eventually reveals the deception.

1724. Shining the light of truth on an unbelieving mind often causes fear and repulsion rather than acceptance.

1725. Seek the peace that passes all understanding, for when it is found you will understand.

1726. Hell hath no fury like one whose core beliefs are challenged.

1727. He who needs the fewest toys (or possessions) is the true winner.

1728. Making a half-hearted effort can be worse than no effort.

1729. I am adjusting my vision to see with the true light of the soul.

1730. Those who say that a thing is beyond our power to understand are placing limits on the consciousness of God within us.

1731. Truth is what it is, not what we want it to be.

1732. When that which you feared has come and gone you will usually realize there was nothing there.

1733. Our judgment of the present is based on our flawed vision and interpretation of the past, causing us to see beyond reality to a prison of illusion from which we must escape.

1734. Why is it that the bad parts of history seem to repeat more than the good?

1735. To attain peace of mind is a greater achievement than all the wealth and fame offered by the world.

1736. Courage is speaking your mind to those who have none.

1737. We all have the power of speech. We just wish that more used that power to say things that made sense.

1738. Those who focus on the negative, corruption and illusion see positive and intelligent people as enemies deserving of attack.

1739. Some deception is so obvious that it seems that many actually choose to be deceived, even when the truth is readily accessible.

1740. Home may be where the heart is, but my heart is in a faraway place.

1741. The wise individual can initiate a more concise and intelligent plan in a day than a dozen committees working for six months.

1742. Entertain me, educate me, enlighten me or humor me but please do not bore me.

1743. If it doesn’t kill me, it should be afraid, very afraid.

1744. Hope springs eternal, for defeat is merely a sign of better things to come.

1745. If all the meaningless thoughts were dropped out of our conversations the human race would indeed be a quiet bunch.

1746. Courage is so universally respected that even an opponent or bitter enemy is admired for it.

1747. Imagine that you had amnesia and could only see the present. What would you fear? Nothing.

1748. True peace comes not by suppression of conflict but by focusing on Divine stillness at the core of your being. Then you will have peace, even in the midst of outer conflict.

1749. A thousand people may have received the same good idea but the one who manifests it is the one making a real achievement.

1750. When attacked unjustly, get revenge by cheerfully showing that you are not affected.

1751. There is the creativity resulting from mixing together memories and then there is that special occasion when lightening strikes. The latter is a special gift to be treasured.

1752. Seek out the guy that the masses are pointing fingers at and calling crazy. There is a 50/50 chance that he will be tomorrow’s genius.

1753. If you find yourself consistently agreeing with what the media tells you, then perhaps this is a good time for self examination and some critical thinking.

1754. The successful person always factors in Murphy’s Law: “If something can go wrong, it will.”

1755.  If you can’t beat them, and they are disgusting, don’t join them, but slow them down.

1756. The wise may learn what many have learned before, but then see what others have not seen.

1757. Honesty is the best policy unless your mate asks if you think she looks too fat.

1758. It takes two to make an argument, but one to make the peace.

1759. Those of few words are often deemed wise and reflective; whereas, the incessant talker reveals his shallow thinking.

1760. The Master said: “You love me because I loved you first.” We must consistently be like Him and love, first, last and always.

1761. Many who think they have escaped the illusion are just seeing another illusion.

1762. People ask for your honest opinion, but don’t be too honest or they will hate you.

1763. Those in power have no fear of violating the laws they make to control the common folk.

1764. It is interesting to note the difference in tone between a funeral home director and a used car salesman. It illustrates how people tend to adjust their personalities to the occasion.

1765. What we receive corresponds to that which has been given. If you wish for more, give more, love more and serve more.

1766. The value of a gift is not determined by its worth in gold, but by the value given by the receiver. A kind word may be priceless.

1767. The victim is often deluded into thinking that someone or something out there causes his misery when the true source lies within himself.

1768. Many value their toys more than their freedom to use them, until it is too late.

1769. A difficult truth can be related harmlessly or as a cutting blow, depending on the delivery.

1770. A slick politician can win the vote of the ignorant while promising to stab them in the back.

1771. I’m looking for the fat lady to sing so the constraints of this virus will be over.

1772. Seek not to change your annoying brother, but to change your mind about him, and see the good below the surface.

1773. I think, therefore I am, and if I did not think I would not be.

1774. Congress recently had an approval rating of 15% yet voters often give high marks to and re-elect their local representative who is part of the problem. Does not compute.

1775. Most people are fine with government excess if they benefit from it even though it may be revolting to the majority of citizens.

1776. We often play the victim with a bad turn of events, but are happy to take full responsibility when things go right.

1777. The bad guys obtain power because they immediately run with an opportunity, while the good guys endlessly discuss how it should be fairly implemented.

1778. Many abhor a dictatorship in theory until one comes along promising to implement their views.

1779. There are magicians who please you with magic tricks, and then there are gurus and leaders who captivate with illusions that are accepted as reality.

1780. Repeating a foolish idea often and loudly, as happens in the media today, only repulses intelligent people, but has a hypnotic effect on the unthinking.

1781. The magic of falling in love occurs when you see the reality of the person’s soul.

1782. When you look and see that which is wonderful in the soul of another you then feel wonderful.

1783. Many say they want something but never received it. This happens because a desire for something in the opposite direction prevented the manifestation.

1784. Instead of turning the other cheek, sometimes it is wise to remove your cheek from the situation.

1785. Truth is where you find it, and when you find it, if you are sensitive to the inner voice, it will be confirmed from within.

1786. You can fall in love with anyone if the barriers to seeing their soul are removed.

1787. What caused the greater distress in your life: That which you feared or the fear itself?

1788. Many would risk everything for 15 minutes of fame, yet unwilling to give 15 minutes to change a whole lifetime.

1789. Nothing’s sure except death, taxes and offending people if you speak your mind.

1790. A great error, once seen, can be corrected by the mind as easily as a small one. However, we are very reluctant to examine our big illusions that control our lives.

1791. Those who do not believe you when you are telling the truth are not to be trusted to tell the truth.

1792. If the whole country proclaims that which is false as true, it is still false, and can be exposed by a few brave souls.

1793. A smile, a loving look, a helping hand and laughter are understood in any language.

1794. Those who get a free lunch will soon insist on free breakfast and dinner as well.

1795. Those who drift aimlessly make their decisions based on their immediate desires, while those who achieve fulfillment make decisions based on what is best.

1796. Even a poison in the right amount can be a medicine and a common food a poison.

1797. Many feel smug in harshly judging those of generations past without realizing that future generations may look back on our illusions with disgust.

1798. True friends last forever. Romances come and go, but if you have a romantic love who is also a true friend you have treasure indeed.

1799. Question those things that others blindly accept. Question authority, political promises, spiritual doctrines, the used car salesman and even reality itself.

1800. The earnest seeker is open to the possibility that everything he believes is false and everything he doubts is true.

1801. In this age so many are called racists, bigots and supremacists that insults have lost their meaning.

1802. Real education shouldn’t end, instead, it begins when you leave school.

1803. Nothing succeeds like success, but having a pile of cash on hand doesn’t hurt.

1804. Opposites attract… sometimes. Other times they hate each other.

1805. Your greatest enemy is not out there, but in there. It is called self.

1806. Many would rather choose to be right in their own minds, yet be miserable in results, than to embrace the truth which leads to happiness and peace.

1807. We lead ourselves into temptation and then have to deliver ourselves from evil.

1808. The success of some public figures proves that there is such a thing as luck.

1809. If Congress were a vegetable it would be a noxious weed.

1810. To fully live is to see beyond the vision of the eyes, to hear beyond hearing, and watch love unfold day by day.

1811. History repeats itself, but with subtle changes making exact predictions near impossible.

1812. The average student memorizes the required information. The above average will learn to apply it. But the superior student will learn, apply and discover new vistas of knowledge.

1813. He who deceives others will be deceived, and he who enlighten others with light and truth will receive the same.

1814. The measure of intelligence is not based on degrees or on data recorded in the brain, but on how constructively knowledge is applied.

1815. Many seek power over others when they should be seeking it over themselves.

1816. The ability to pick your friends wisely may be the most valuable skill you will acquire in life.

1817. Those most eager to take from those with more abundance than themselves are the least willing to give to those less fortunate.

1818. Many are as mad as hell today and will be madder than hell tomorrow.

1819. The future is not what we imagine, but more than we can imagine.

1820. Saying “it could be worse” to one in a painful situation is not helpful.

1821. You are going to make mistakes in life. The important thing is to avoid the dumb ones.

1822. If you want the truth question the way you think, the way you perceive, the way you interpret what you perceive and perception itself.

1823. What if this life is a dream and we wake up but are still dreaming?

1824. Love is never out of sight or out of mind.

1825. Correction of inequalities comes not through force of decree, but through understanding.

1826.Speaking truth is controversial in peaceful times, but of extreme danger when the world goes insane.

1827. Many trust in science today with about as much actual knowledge as an ancient Greek had of Apollo.

1828. It may be considered a virtue to support what is popular today, but in 100 years the heroes of this age will be those who stood for truth in the face of fierce criticism.

1829. It may be risky to play with fire, but without it there would be no civilization.

1830. It would be difficult to accept your own sanity if you were surrounded by the insane.

1831. What is good or evil is a matter of perspective. In past ages even slavery was considered good by those who were not slaves.

1832. Two things convince me there is Divine Intelligence: The heavens above and the heaven within.

1833. What the masses of the world see as essential good is often the butt of jokes generations later.

1834. World leaders must hate history as they ignore the obvious lessons contained therein.

1835. Don’t just smell the roses, see the sunsets, hear the music and feel the love.

1836. There are certain individuals of courage and nobility who will be remembered when many current idols will be forgotten.

1837. Cause and effect is eternal just as God is.

1838. We create our own reality, so the question to be asked when a painful situation occurs is this: Why did I call this to myself and what is the lesson to be learned?

1839. Those who experience both joy and pain feel an impulse to share what they feel. Therefore, seek the path of joy to benefit not just yourself, but many.

1840. In life if you help another to win you will win, but if you cause him to lose you will lose. It therefore makes sense to apply the Golden Rule.

1841. Facts can paint a picture of the truth, but can also be presented to distort reality.

1842. If you’ve worked hard, achieved and still unsatisfied, then you’ve achieved the wrong thing.

1843. If you are forced with the choice of pleasing others or yourself, you may as well please yourself. If you are not happy you cannot make others happy.

1844. Spiritual power depends on three things: Placing focus on spirit over matter, correctly interpreting the light received and a willingness to act upon it.

1845. You do not have to be a noted expert in a field to come up with the most intelligent conclusions concerning its controversies. Einstein was a patent clerk when he first presented his famous theories.

1846. The new normal is often an old rejection.

1847. There is no last chance with God, or any loving parent toward a child. The moment the child seeks to embrace the father or mother there is a loving accepting response.

1848. Some accept teachings because of an emotional and powerful presentation, but the wise seeker only accepts those things that ring true to the Still Small Voice within.

1849. Less is more works with words, but not with works.

1850. Consciousness expands in proportion to the quantity and quality of truth fed into the mind.

1851. Time is of no concern when you are enjoying yourself.

1852. Some of the best things in life are free, but the really great stuff has a hefty cost.

1853. Will receiving a dose of your own medicine heal or hurt? It’s wise to reflect on what we give out.

1854. Happiness consists in accepting and adapting to the things you cannot presently change, yet proceeding with a firm belief that you can mold your own destiny.

1855. One who presents that which is false as true by mixing truth and error is much more dangerous than the obvious liar.

1856. Live your life so when you die you will be missed by many.

1857. The worst of people have a few good ideas and the best of us have some bad ones.

1858. Light the candle of truth and see revealed the lovers of darkness come forth trying to blow it out.

1859. Good friends are a greater treasure than material wealth.

1860. The end can justify the means if the good at the end outweighs the problems of the means.

1861. Insanity is when a man speaks at all when asked by a female: “Are my thighs too big?”

1862. Fear is most quickly overcome by doing that which is feared. If you are afraid of the water go swimming regularly and soon the fear will pass.

1863. The eyes are the mirror of the soul and the soul is the mirror of God.

1864. If everyone on the planet merely had goodwill toward all, fear would become extinct.

1865. They who cannot feed, clothe and house themselves and loved ones are not free.

1866. Since the choice is to either eat, drink and be merry, or eat, drink and not be merry we might as well be merry.

1867. Unfortunately, if the majority of those who wish to help mankind were able to implement their beliefs they would do more harm than good.

1868. Many spiritual students maintain that the world is not real and just an illusion until they remember you owe them $50. Then that $50 seems pretty real.

1869. It’s a good thing fools rush in so angels and the rest of us know what not to do.

1870. People are mirrors of our own thinking. How they seem to judge us reflects how we judge ourselves.

1871. Visit any group clinging to insane beliefs and you’ll find a significant number who are surprisingly intelligent when discussing conventional topics.

1872. The old must not be blindly rejected and the new not blindly accepted. The wise make use of the best of the old and the new.

1873. If the good die young then Betty White must be some type of evil genius.

1874. Human nature takes a curious delight in the misfortune of those who are out of favor.

1875. So many speak of freedom but support actions that enslave.

1876. If hell is a state of mind, then there’s a good chance that’s where many people presently reside.

1877. And in that day when you drop an anvil on your toe, take no heed what ye shall speak, for the words will be freely given unto you.

1878. If you do nothing, nothing happens, but if you do something, something happens. So simple is this directive, but over the heads of so many.

1879. If you get lost in a forest and no one ever finds you were you really ever there?

1880. Hell is when a truck load of live ducks collides with a bus full of rock musicians.

1881. Seeing yourself as you truly are opens the door to heaven.

1882. Doing things for people’s own good, that they do not want done for their own good, is not appreciated and a waste of time.

1883. Circumstances forced us to learn new things as children but as adults we have to force ourselves toward new learning if we want to progress.

1884. If you get what you want at the cost of others not getting what they want you have both lost.

1885. True friends allow you to make a fool of yourself as if nothing happened.

1886. Even harmful decisions are motivated by love, but it is love misunderstood and misplaced.

1887. A person of high intelligence does not accept a thing to be true just because it is in print or stated by an authority.

1888. To become as a little child is to remove limitations to make all things possible.

1889. Love your enemies but do not neglect your trusted friends.

1890. Genius is revealed not through complex explanations but simple ones leading to an understanding of the complex.

1891. It is easy to come up with bad questions that go nowhere, but it takes thought to ask the right question and pursue the right answer.

1892. The need to feel special is the source of many problems in relationships.

1893. True humility opens the door for great things to happen at your hand.

1894. Average people connect the dots. The great minds will move the dots around to create that which is new and beautiful.

1895. It makes sense to believe in a Divine Intelligence, but to believe in some versions of God that are out there seem to require a disconnect from reality.

1896. Beware of the man who claims to know what God’s will is concerning yourself for the end result will be in you giving him money.

1897. The gods seem to destroy the interesting and preserve the boring.

1898. Be like the butterfly: spread your wings and add to the world of beauty.

1899. When I see Christ in you I also find Him in myself.

1900. As I seek for greater knowledge my soul will seek for me.

1901. If you do not ask questions you will not find the answers.

1902. Even though I am open to all things, I will question all things.

1903. The fact that you need a real bad guy in a story to make it interesting may offer a clue as to why God has allowed evil to be in this world.

1904. Evil prevails when good men do nothing, next to nothing or just do not pay attention.

1905. I ask a question and another forms.

1906. I see a purpose and am seeking more.

1907. I am linked to a source of light and love and power.

1908. I look and thus I see. I listen and I hear. I am open and I receive.

1909. I create that which I imagine.

1910. We revere icons like Lincoln who are dead, but if he were alive and in politics today half the country would despise him.

1911. Success in politics today is determined by how much of other people’s money they can spend.

1912. Free Speech Today: You can say anything you want as long as it agrees with the Powers-That-Be.

1913. I eliminate the false and the truth is seen.

1914. I will give trust to those who have proven themselves.

1915. Instead of just having a “like” and positive buttons these should be the additional choices: Dislike, Outrageous, Loath, Mad Dog Crazy.

1916. A good false prophet is one who can capture the attention of his followers with fantastic predictions, and when they do not materialize is able to convince believers they just did not understand the mind of God.

1917. The seeker who cannot tell the difference between opinion and truth will never find the truth.

1918. To impress the unthinking the clever guru says nothing, but in a way that it seems like something.

1919. Move from believer to knower.

1920. Look at those things that orthodoxy tries to suppress being said and you will find that which is in most need of being said.

1921. Truth leads to more truth, reason to enlightenment and discernment to knowing.

1922. When the kingdom of God is found within, it is then projected without and is seen everywhere.

1923. Powerful are they who can balance the dual forces within themselves.

1924. The most spiritual among us have not generally been the most religious and the most religious have not been that spiritual.

1925. Some take what they need; others earn what they need, but the truly rich supply the needs of others.

1926. Do not neglect the child that is within you who still wants to play.

1927. Listen to the messages from your soul, your body and the outside world. They are clues to make sense of life.

1928. There is a picture forming and you are a part. See the whole and wonder.

1929. I will look in a new direction today to see what is there.

1930. Focusing on error reveals error but focusing on truth reveals both truth and error.

1931. There are those who avoid the truth, others who wait for the truth and those who seek the truth. Then there are the few who are the truth.

1932. I decide what I am becoming and become what IAM.

1933. To be upset at others for gaining wealth, success or happiness is to deny them to yourself.

1934. To restore your soul reflect regularly on the highest moments of your life.

1935. There are many who are happy while ignorant of what’s happening, but only a few who are happy while knowing what is actually happening.

1936. Happy are those who enjoy the sun while it shines as well as the cool breeze on a cloudy day.

1937. The more the talk the less the thought.

1938. We are born with an understanding of love, but have to learn what hate is.

1939. I like my idea of heaven but your idea may quite possibly be hell for me.

1940. It often takes more effort to be miserable than to be happy.

1941. Any emotional pain from your past is no longer real, but only in your mind. Your mind has full power to let it go as if it never existed.

1942. If the church had only presented the idea of heaven as a fun and more interesting place than the habitations of the wicked it might have produced more people aspiring to go there.

1943. If you brag of your good works people will despise you, but if others mention them you will be honored.

1944. The successful person may not apply himself with as much intelligence as the unsuccessful, but he applies it longer.

1945. To read an accurate account of our time you’ll have to wait for those currently unborn to write it. Those scholars now living are too emotionally involved and biased to write reliable history.

1946. If a friend expresses hope in any form do not discourage him for it may be his medicine to survive another day.

1947. If you have traveled the wrong direction correct yourself immediately. This choice should be obvious but many do not take it until forced to do so.

1948. Ignorance can be bliss for truth can be somewhat disturbing.

1949. When a dream is realized a new dream must be sought to give purpose to life.

1950. A healthy mind keeps the emotions at peace and the body free of problems.

1951. The person of the most enticing words will often produce the bitterest of results.

1952. A new but good idea is seen as dangerous by the many, but inspiring to the few.

1953. Share your views, realizing that you are not likely to say anything new, but you may say that which is needed at the moment.

1954. New ideas are rare. More rare still are those who can manifest them.

1955. You will not know unless you seek to know.

1956. Truth can be troubling until the whole picture is seen. After this, you would never desire anything else.

1957. In this day of unlimited information, the many know a little about everything, but lack depth of knowledge about anything.

1958. It is better to be ignorant and aware you do not know than to feel assured you know when you do not.

1959. An increase of knowledge should lead to an increase of wisdom, but this is rarely the case.

1960. The hypocrisy of those in authority is overlooked whereas the guy who is struggling is often condemned.

1961. It is better to be honest and make angry than to suppress and delay reaction.

1962. What you don’t know is usually what you do not want to know.

1963. Life has a way of rewarding those who move forward expecting positive results.

1964. The less evidence there is to sustain an authoritative policy the greater is the demand for compliance.

1965. Many dream of immortality while oblivious as to what to do with their few remaining years in this life.

1966. Like life itself, errors with computers generally have nothing to do with the computer, but the guy using it.

1967. Many people want to change things to show they matter more than a desire to make things better.

1968. The circumstances producing heaven for one would be hell for another with different priorities.

1969. Focusing on what you do not want increases fear and draws the negative. To focus on what you do want engenders hope and success.

1970. Those who become ill in these times must ask whether the cause is some virus or perhaps the political poison in the air that is breathed.

1971. Truth leads to more truth, light to increased light and love to the heart of God.

1972. It took us thousands of years to achieve the fragile civilization we now have, but all that could be lost in a day by the pressing of the wrong button.

1973. Two men were given the same insult. The first reacted strongly and sought revenge. The second ignored it as if it never happened. The power of thought alone made the first a major problem, but to the second it was nothing.

1974. Many get upset over nothing and give something a pass until that something causes pain that cannot be ignored.

1975. If we all just did the good that we know we wouldn’t have to die and go to heaven, for heaven would be here.

1976. The curiosity that drives you to find the truth of one thing often leads to another.

1977. To be able to discern the difference between those who seem to know and those who do is a virtue.

1978. To know you don’t know is a form of knowledge.

1979. The truth can lead to bliss or madness depending on how it is processed.

1980. Find one skill and excel at it and you will double the quality of your life.

1981. Words are basically symbols and an imperfect mode of communication, yet for those who cannot read minds they are all we have.

1982. Control of the language equates to control of the minds of the unthinking.

1983.  I will take seventy times seven steps toward the Kingdom of God.

1984. In a serious atmosphere a show of humor is seen as irreverent by the pious, but enlightened relief by others.

1985. If you can take nothing and make it sound like something, or something and make it sound like nothing, you would make a good lawyer or preacher.

1986. Consensus thinking lacks originality and brilliance which, when manifest, destroys its conclusions.

1987. Laws can only endure if the people support them.

1988.There are no amount of laws that can force people to do the right thing.

1989. If you do not understand a wordy explanation take heart in the fact that others also do not understand, including the one who wrote it.

1990. Finding truth will reveal error but focusing on error often leads to more error.

1991. When you can listen to any story, no matter how painful to the characters, yet remain in perfect peace yourself, you are healed

1992. In the hippie era the popular slogan with the youth was: “Question Authority.” Now they have become the authorities they do not want to be questioned.

1993. You can win an argument in two ways. You can be smarter than the other guy or bore him into retreat with nonsense.

1994. Good leaders let others take responsibility when willing, and, if not, they will take command.

1995. A good idea will outlive the nations of the world.

1996. In the past corrupt authorities burned books that challenged their mindset. Now that is not necessary as they do not allow controversial ideas to be published or distributed.

1997. If a little knowledge is dangerous then total ignorance has to be devastating.

1998. The harsh critique often says, “But I am just telling the truth.” But if I honestly say “You are as fat as a pig,” that is more mean than honest. All truth needs to be presented as harmlessly as possible.

1999. Free time has more value than wealth for those who know how to use it.

2000. There is a point within your being that, when accessed, reveals your true home which awaits your arrival.

2001. If your life is like a box of chocolates, then you need to get a life.

2002. If civilization were to collapse the first great panic that would hit the young would be over the loss of social media.

2003. Those who see the humor in life are much more pleasant company than those who do not.

2004. If life when you are older turned out just as you planned when you were young, then you have not really lived.

2005. Some die before death comes. Others live as if there is no death.

2006. If you go with the flow, the flow will often take you where you do not want to go.

2007. We often seek to avoid work, but without meaningful labor life would be hell.

2008. The guy who said there are no dumb questions had to be kidding himself.

2009. The meaning of life is to win at the game of life.

2010. Honest communication is a cure for many negative feelings and grievances.

2011. If you do not know what love is then how do you know you even want it?

2012. Those who feel they have abundance will share and those who share will feel they have abundance.

2013. Think of the most painful experience of your life and what you learned from it. Would you erase the memory if you could? Probably not.

2014. Chances are you will never feel depressed if you feel you are making a useful contribution to society.

2015. To be loved with the heart is good, but to be loved with the heart, mind and soul is exquisite.

2016. Falling in love can turn the most sensible person into an idiot.

2017. If what you believe to be true is stranger than fiction, then maybe it is fiction.

2018. The sane are hated when the world approaches madness.

2019. Pain is not my enemy but my teacher. I will listen for the lesson.

2020. Nothing is certain but death, taxes and more taxes.

2021. If the way to hell is paved with good intentions, then of what is the road to heaven paved?

2022. If you struggle too much to avoid hell you will create hell.

2023. Those into groupthink do not realize their thoughts are not their own because they are not thinking.

2024. Your ticket to heaven first takes you on a ride through hell.

2025. The highest moment of life will be from an experience within rather than without.

2026. There are those who appear crazy who are really geniuses and then there are those who are really crazy. The wise can tell the difference.

2027. Three may be charm, but sometimes you have to go for the fourth or fifth.

2028. Three may be charm, but sometimes you have to go for the fourth or fifth.

2029. You are a unique and essential life which is the result of your thoughts, feelings, decisions and experience.

2030. If reason is not reasonable then then it is not reason.

2031. Intelligence, speed and strength are useless if you are going the wrong direction.

2032. Humanity can be the destroyer or savior of worlds. The choice is ours.

2033. Your time is now; your place is here. Seize the day.

2034. If the real truth behind people’s beliefs were revealed after death, then that alone would make many feel like they are in hell for stupidity alone.

2035. There is a spiritual rule which says, “Before you can receive divine assistance you must first do all you can do to accomplish the goal yourself.”

2036. Throwing people in jail for claiming a cure for cancer may delay the cure indefinitely.

2037. If a person thinks he is ordinary, others will also.

2038. After a few years the difference between memory and imagination becomes blurred.

2039. An ex-lover has a great memory of what you didn’t do.

2040. There are those who point the way, those who help make the way and then those who are in the way.

2041. There’s barely a hair’s worth of difference between one person’s belief in modern medicine and another’s in faith healing.

2042. Imagine that you lived every day for a year as if you had one day left in life. That would make for an interesting year.

2043. Good humor is like a lubricant for the mind.

2044. Leave your mind open enough to receive truth, but closed enough to reject the false.

2045. Money doesn’t buy happiness because no one is selling it.

2046. After thousands of years of labor on intelligent design science has not been able to duplicate the technology of one cell of a blade of grass. To think that life was created by the lifeless and mindlessness is folly indeed.

2047. At the right moment silence can penetrate like a two-edged sword.

2048. A politician by any other name is still a politician.

2049. You may get away with ignoring human laws but not those of nature.

2050. The greatest thing to learn through education is how to educate yourself.

2051. Seek not for the praise of the world, for your best thoughts, acts and deeds will be recognized by no one but yourself.

2052. Love and fear affect all parts of our being including health. Love increases life energy and vitality, and fear diminishes them.

2053. Whether you feel old or young is a condition of the mind more than the body.

2054. Some people grow old; others just grow.

2055. Don’t let anyone talk you out of your goals if you are at peace and enjoying life.

2056. You are rich if you are doing what you want to do when you want to do it.

2057. There is no such thing as being restricted to a choice between two evils. There is always a better way.

2058. There are those who know they are boring and demonstrate it. Then there are those who not know they are boring and really demonstrate it – thinking you think they are fascinating.

2059. When alone some become anxious and unsettled. Others tap in to the inner fountain of wisdom and are at peace.

2060. They say there are only seven basic plots yet we have millions of books, all somewhat different. Similarly, one idea can be presented in many different ways, some much better than others.

2061. The critic may be a necessary part of society, but not a wanted part.

2062. So often does that which appears easy is much more difficult than it seems.

2063. It is a blessing that we only feel our own pain. Imagine the hell life would be if you fully felt the pain of just three other people.

2064. If a good memory is a sign of intelligence, then my digital recorder is smarter than Einstein.

2065. Love your enemies, but first humiliate them.

2066. Where you are is not so important as the direction you are going.

2067. If you are speaking from your innermost soul, you’ll be speaking like a Master for there is really no difference.

2068. If any accuse you of hate, show love; of racism, show acceptance, or of supremacy, show inclusiveness. Demonstrating their error is more powerful than words.

2069. Imagine the sense of freedom you would have if nothing could hurt or imprison your body.

2070. One reason so many prophesies are wrong is that people predict what they want to happen rather than what will happen.

2071. Memory belongs to the past, imagination to the future, but reality is in the present.

2072. Enlightened individuals must wait for decades after their deaths to be judged with any degree of accuracy.

2073. Many hate the truth and try to change it, but sooner or later it changes back into what it is.

2074. Maybe one out of a thousand are doing anything to heal the political division we see about us. Just imagine if it was one out of a hundred.

2075. After the internet arrived, I thought that discussions there would be more civil because you will be taking more time to respond, and if you say something rude you could delete it before being sent. That may have been the biggest misjudgment of my life.

2076. If something is, then it exists. If it exists, then it is. I think; therefore, I am.

2077. To lose material possessions can be disturbing but to lose inner guidance is a true disaster.

2078. Though I grow old in body, my soul is ever young. I look within and am reborn.

2079. Under the right circumstances most people are capable of a much higher degree of either good or evil than they realize.

2080. One who is determined and succeeds is praised, but another who is determined and fails is dismissed as stubborn.

2081. Philosophy is what you don’t know and try to explain while religion is what you think you know but cannot explain.

2082. Innovative thinkers are often rejected outcasts while living but are honored after their deaths.

2083. Many think that if they, or their chosen group ruled the country it would be paradise. Chances are the common people would call it something less flattering.

2084. He who doesn’t understand the situation is often much more at peace than one who does.

2085. There are many parts of life that come with no instruction book, but it is there that one can learn wisdom.

2086. Don’t wish for what you want. Will for what you want.

2087. Every prediction of exhausting resources has been proven wrong by human ingenuity.

2088. There is work that just keeps you busy and then there are labors of love that make something beautiful. The first drains your energy but the second recharges you.

2089. There is stark truth of a few words, and then there is truth presented with beauty, imagination and even poetry. These truths will have a lasting impact.

2090. They say that good times pass quickly and bad times go slowly. Maybe that explains why it seems like we have been dealing with this virus forever.

2091. Revenge is only sweet to those who are sour.

2092. Seeing is believing until you see something unbelievable.

2093. All it would take for many to double their productivity is to make a definite decision to do so.

2094. There are monks that own nothing, survive on a handful of rice a day and happily feel they are headed toward Nirvana. Then there are those worth millions who are unhappy with what life has given them. Happiness is related more to a state of mind than anything else.

2095. To simply dismiss any teaching contrary to your mindset as a deception of the devil is to abandon intelligent thought.

2096. The optimist says, “This is the first day of the rest of my life.” The pessimist says, “Today I am one day closer to my death.”

2097. It’s love, not time, that heals all wounds.

2098. Those who can do, demonstrate. Those who cannot do, just talk.

2099. To refuse to accept what is true, when it is obvious, is a bigger error than embracing what is not true.

2100. A stopped clock is right twice a day. That’s a lot better than many who are seeking to control our lives, telling us what to do. They are lucky to be right once a year.

2101. Most people think that if they had power they would use it wisely, yet of those who do attain it, few do.

2102. For the want of an honest politician, the kingdom is lost.

2103. To tolerate intolerance is not a virtue, but to be intolerant of tolerance is a vice.

2104. The past is always gone, the future is never here, but the present is always what is experienced.

2105. Many of those in authority would rather lose their honor than their power.

2106. I owe my parents for my life my teachers for my livelihood and my decisions for my quality of life.

2107. One can know many things without direct experience by adding two and two together. I’ve never experienced driving off a cliff but pretty much know it is something I want to avoid.

2108. Everyone appreciates sincere praise, but if you try to get it you will chase it away.

2109. The greatest pleasures seem ordinary after a period of time, hence the need for variety.

2110. We may encounter skilled liars but to call them good liars is a misuse of the word “good.”

2111. For some it is the fear of success more than failure that spells defeat.

2112. Great talent and brainpower will not salvage the one who quits, nor will lack stop the one who perseveres.

2113. Anger over a disagreement is a sign that you are the problem.

2114. There are three groups of people. Those who do not think, those who think they think and those who know how to think.

2115. A lot of arguments happen not because of differences in thinking, but a difference in defining terms.

2116. One person’s reasonably well thought out opinion is seen as unacceptable bias by another.

2117. Like often attracts like, but other times, when that which is similar is flawed, the two who are alike will loath each other.

2118. Many a critic, after attacking and inflicting an unnecessary emotional wound, will virtuously exclaim: “I was just being honest!”

2119. There is a center at the core of your being that sends you messages to guide you to your true home. When you follow you will have peace.

2120. If strictly following one’s principles brings great pain and distress then maybe the principles need some adjusting.

2121. Any writing or video brought to my attention that has been banned, censored or carries an attached warning moves to the front of the line for me to engage.

2122. Discrimination used to be seen with the physical eyes. Now it is seen through the interpretive inner eye of the beholder.

2123. Assume that life is great and you’re half way there. Living as you assume does the rest.

2124. Communication goes beyond words in a smile, a glance, a tone, a deed or even a thought.

2125. Your greatest power is the ability to choose which thoughts settle in your mind.

2126. Love is a warm breeze caressing you, the smell of a flower, the taste of heaven, a vision of beauty and the sound of music beyond the hearing of the ear.

2127. You can directly choose your thoughts, but not your feelings. Lower feelings follow thought, but the higher reflect the eternal world and merely need to be accessed.

2128. Pick anything that the media proclaims as true. Then investigate, and the chances are that you will find that which was supposed to be true is false and that which was supposed to be false is true.

2129. A problem half understood will only be half solved at most.

2130. To get an answer you must first understand the question, then gather information, next separate the true from the false and, finally, use your inherent reasoning to find the truth.

2131. The enlightened see the sun on the darkest day; they show love in the midst of hate and have faith in the midst of despair.

2132. Those who know much, but understand little, become the problem, not the solution.

2133. Truth is ceaselessly replaced by lies, but the time always comes that the truth is seen and cannot be unseen. This destroys the lie and the truth remains.

2134. Those who advocate force to sustain their beliefs are acknowledging their beliefs are flawed.

2135. Insanity is the thinking of our leaders who spend our money and get no results, yet tell us they have accomplished something worthwhile.

2136. The greatest peril within a life comes when you think you have it made and decide to just coast.

2137. What is cool now will be seem lame in another generation, but if we could see what was cool in the future we would be alarmed.

2138. The foolish often become angry when quoted, while the wise always own their words.

2139. For every ten times you feel like criticizing an individual, perhaps one may be justified, and even that one may do more harm than good.

2140. What one says in ten pages another can say in a sentence or two. Brevity is not only more interesting, but a great timesaver.

2141. Original thoughts tear the fabric of normality and cause alarm in the seats of power.

2142. It is notable that a mediocre account related in one’s own words with passion is more interesting than a monotone reading of the best of writers.

2143. If you are not radical in at least one area of your thinking, then you’re not really thinking.

2144. Reason that only confirms one’s bias is not true reason.

2145. In every poll that has an insane response available, there is always around 10% that endorse it. Who are those people?

2146. Humanity can only handle the revelation of reality a layer at a time. Three layers would overwhelm them.

2147. One who complains that reason is not needed is one with an unreasonable opinion.

2148. There are not two kinds of people. There are at least three kinds, maybe more.

2149. Massive amounts of time and energy invested in going the wrong direction makes it difficult to stop and turn around, even when the error is obvious.

2150. There are three groups of people. There are about a third who are aware of what’s going on and are concerned. Then there’s another third who are informed of what’s going on but ignore it. Finally, there is a third who only register soundbites and are oblivious.

2151. The more others become involved in doing for us that which we can do for ourselves, the more frustrating life becomes.

2152. A show of understanding for another soul is an act of love whereas a lack of understanding is a sign of love withheld.

2153. Anything visible is subject to loss, but no one can take from you the formless values of love, honor and truth.

2154. For love to exist there has to be more than one.

2155. Would you rather watch a movie about a guy enjoying paradise or one who is struggling against odds to defeat an enemy? Answer that question and you will understand why there are problems in your life.

2156. Most revolutions against corrupt leadership create something worse than the original.

2157. Imagine if you woke up and found that you were God existing in pure non duality all alone – not having anything or anyone to love and you had to be alone for all eternity. Would not that be the greatest hell one can imagine?

2158. Accusing someone of lying but not revealing the lie is usually a lie in itself.

2159. Relaxing and going with the flow can lead to terrifying circumstances that require a superhuman effort to escape.

2160. Imagination links you to unlimited creative power; therefore, it is strongly advisable to only imagine the good, the beautiful and the true.

2161. There is nothing more dangerous than a bureaucrat or politician laying down rules to save us from ourselves.

2162. To side with loved ones when they are wrong is the same mistake as supporting an enemy who is in error.

2163. The trouble with our politicians is that they put more effort into trying to stop the sea level from rising the thickness of a dime each year than preventing a nuclear war, which could not only destroy the environment but threatens all life on earth.

2164. Those who support forceful change in society are the unhappy and dissatisfied. The trouble is they are still unhappy after the change occurs.

2165. Dispelling the illusions of the current generation is next to impossible. Change occurs when a new generation arises, replacing the old illusions with new ones.

2166. The trouble with advancing technology is that the machines get smarter and the people get dumber.

2167. The explanation of creation by science and religion both require a leap of faith. Religion says there was nothing, God spoke, and the universe appeared. Science says there was a point smaller than a pin that exploded and here we are.

2168. If an authority figure has more influence on you than hard facts or reality itself, then you need to rethink your priorities.

2169. Insisting on zero physical risk can place chains around the soul seeking to joyfully serve humanity.

2170. Real security is not found in seeking money, success or praise, but in finding the peace that exists at the core of your being.

2171. It is a curious thing that we often feel the greatest love from those who rarely mention it, whereas many who preach about love may leave us flat.

2172. The biggest sin in the eyes of society has moved from involving sex between a man and woman to calling someone a man or woman.

2173. We are evolving toward being a one united world. The enlightened must not sit back, but guide society toward a good end result.

2174. Greatness is never achieved by promoting the status quo, but by challenging it.

2175. Three types of people you want to avoid:
Those who talk too much.
Those who brag too much
Those who are offended too much.

2176. Every problem has a solution, every disease a cure and every enemy carries the seeds of its own destruction.

2177. Some Intelligence created the living cell from scratch with no blueprint; whereas, the collective intelligence of humanity cannot even copy one.

2178. The wise reader should understand common terms presented in the media. Current definitions are as follows:

Nonpartisan: Very partisan but not openly declaring which side they are on.

Independent: Completely dependent on money and instructions from a biased source.

Inclusive: Accepts those with the same belief system, rejects all others.

Racist: Anyone with whom the writer disagrees.

Hater: Anyone the writer hates.

Free Speech: Speech the writer agrees with.

Democracy: Representation that agrees with one side and seeks to suppress the other.

2179. If you think you are alone, you are not listening.

2180. When reason disagrees with the unreasonable, the unreasonable become even more unreasonable.

2181. Science as well as religion has its fixed beliefs which resists exposing them to reality.

2182. Just when you think society has dumbed down past the point of no return some original thinking or innovation occurs that tells us that intelligent life still exists on planet earth.

2183. Being rich or poor is more of a state of mind than a state of economics.

2184. Because you are in the image of God your will is all powerful. It is your deluded beliefs of limitation that prevent this from being manifested.

2185. Nature tends to manifest the complex through a path of great simplicity; whereas humans are inclined to make the simple complex.

2186. There is selfish love that only seeks to benefit self, and then there is spiritual love that works for the good of the whole.

2187. To be ignorant and sincere is not a virtue, yet to know and to disturb is not a vice.

2188. There are those who just like to be let alone and let others be, and then there are those who do not like being with themselves and cannot let others be.

2189. Be aware of the world’s problems, but not consumed, else there is no room for joy.

2190. There’s a difference in how things are said. Two individuals can say the same thing, and one can put you to sleep, but the other capture your attention.

2191. The planets, the sun and the stars will someday pass away and seem as if they were a dream, but the aspect of experience is eternal and real, whether we are in or out of illusion.

2192. As the moon reflects the light of the sun it becomes visible and comes into view of the seer. Correspondingly, when we allow our soul to reflect the light of the Spirit toward our inner eyes then we see truth.

2193. Since we find what we are looking for it is important that we focus on truth over our bias.

2194. Seeing the true present would be the same thing as making time stand still.

2195. Just because some claim to speak for God, Jesus, an angel or a great invisible entity doesn’t mean that they are any more accurate than your best guess.

2196. You will be at peace when you no longer feel the need to please anyone but yourself.

2197. Why is it that when there is a 50/50 chance of guessing correctly, and being right is of great importance, that 90% of the time you are wrong?

2198. How can one believe in the omnipresence of God and not believe that God is within us? What do they think – that God is everywhere but in us?

2199. One truly sublime and happy moment is worth years of struggle.

2200. Proclamations of independent thinking are often merely a repetition of what one has been told to think.

2201. Many there are who dwell in darkness and take darkness for light. Let them see true light once and they will be forever changed.

2202. You are like a water molecule in the ocean of universal life, and, unlike a drop, you keep your identity in and out of the ocean.

2203. To see beyond the senses one must first accurately register what the senses reveal.

2204. Instead of seeing what is, many see sameness where there is diversity and diversity where there is sameness.

2205. The biggest mistakes are often made for the smallest of reasons.

2206. Have you read that latest best-selling book that is politically correct and offends no one? Probably not.

2207. Spiritual sensuality: I feel and I love, I hear and understand, I see and I know, I taste and find Spirit, and finally, I take in aromas and bask in the flowers of heaven.

2208. True vision not only sees the truth as true, but the false as false.

2209. Words are merely symbols that require interpretation. Sometimes we need to go beyond the words and see the intent of the heart and mind.

2210. Since we find what we are looking for we must look in the right direction, the direction of pure Spirit, not the familiar spirit.

2211. Imagination creates reality and true reality stimulates the imagination.

2212. Rely not on signs alone for your beliefs, for the current sign that you are right may be followed by one that shows you are wrong.

2213. The light within can never be extinguished by the darkness without.

2214. Though I walk through a valley of shadows I will fear no illusion, for the light is with me, and the peace of God comforts me. I dine at the table of abundance in the midst of those who see it not. My cup runneth over and I will dwell in spiritual consciousness forever.

2215. Light represents the world without and love the world within.

2216. “Peace on earth good will to all,” are still the words on the lips of angels. Let it also be on our lips, and let it spread as the fire of a candle lighting other candles until all the hearts of humankind feel the presence of the most holy peace within, transforming the world to peace without.

2217. If you think you have found the secret of life, think again. If you are still here, then there is more.

2218. If you look for verification of something that you have a preconceived notion is true, then you will find evidence to prove it, at least to yourself. This will happen whether the notion is true or false.

2219. History repeats itself, but with an unpredictable twist.

2220. We are all teachers. From some we learn what to do, and from others what not to do.

2221. To be or not to be is still the question. The choice between life or death is always before us.

2222. The thoughtless will criticize you for thinking, the unreasonable for using reason and the unloving for extending love.

2223. A right decision brings a sense of peace. Follow that peace and meet your destiny.

2224. I am a note in the symphony of creation, a word in the play of life and a thought in the mind of God.

2225. Energy follows thought, but to use this principle the thought must be sustained and focused.

2226. The reason for your reasoning may be very unreasonable, so examine your reason with reason else you may make no sense at all.

2227. Many would rather see the approach of a doomsday asteroid than an error in their belief system.

2228. It is human nature to go with the material flow until we pick up a spiritual flow going the other direction, the path that takes us home.

2229. To become unlimited you must first find and remove your limitations.

2230. Why was the universe created, and why do we create and play games? The answer is the same to both questions.

2231. There’s no such thing as “your truth” and “my truth”. There is just the truth, which belongs to all with eyes to see.

2232. The test for true independence comes when you find yourself mixed with a popular group which accepts the false as true and will reject you if you disagree.

2233. Some of the most painful and embarrassing moments later on turn into cherished stories told with smiles and laughter.

2234. A thousand years from now people will look back on mainstream thinking and laugh at how ridiculous our beliefs were.

2235. To only have one life to attain perfection, or even competency, would be like attempting to be a great archer by releasing only one arrow.

2236. Listening to someone is a bigger compliment than agreeing with them.

2237. Yes, always tell the truth, but that doesn’t mean you have to tell it in such a way that it doesn’t favor your point of view.

2238. Humility is demonstrated when you are true to yourself, and just being who you are.

2239. Examine the message for truth, not the purity of the messenger, for the message always is of greater significance than the messenger.

2240. The successful seeker is stimulated from without but verifies from within.

2241. All claim to want the truth, yet few there are who practice it.

2242. There is a language of truth that is understood by the pure in heart. The rest cannot translate accurately.

2243. Changing your mind is difficult because mind has a mind of its own.

2244. Let reason influence your beliefs rather than belief determine your reason.

2245. You may not have as much money as the next guy, but you have just as much time, which is even more valuable. Use it well and you are rich.

2246. Feeling that something is true does not make it so, but it is a good starting point for investigation.

2247. We are in the image of God, yet by the actions of some, you would think we are in the image of mindless beasts.

2248. If life is pure illusion like a movie, then we are doing a pretty poor job writing the script. Take two hours out of your life and compare it to a two-hour movie. It is pretty boring by comparison.

2249.  Many fight against change merely because it is change. Change is often more feared than a painful present.

2250. The thinker is in charge of his destiny. The non-thinker is controlled by programs accepted by the ego.

2251. A great inventor, musician, writer or other creative artist will often get inspiration when the regular mind is in some type of suspension, and the consciousness tunes into a higher type of thinking by not thinking.

2252. Ignore those who are attached to non-attachment, say they know the unknowable and claim enlightenment while in darkness.

2253. Thought creates, and focused attention on thought creates a magnetic force that draws the ingredients together to manifest that which is desired.

2254. The brain corresponds to a super computer, but the thinker corresponds to a programmer sitting at the keyboard with the realization that he does not have to go according to program, but has the power to work creatively and rewrite things.

2255. Can you imagine embracing a belief system that you think supports the light only to find out later that it set up barriers to the light, love and purpose that is our destiny? Hence the importance of discerning truth from error.

2256. Some can be in hell and think they are in heaven, and others in heaven and think they are in hell; whereas only true understanding brings fullness of joy.

2257. Just as there is a Holy Trinity even so there is an unholy use of the Trinity of energies. The Trinity of the forces of retrogression works out as The Dragon (Father – Deception) The Beast (Son – unjust authority to secure the deception) and the image of the beast (Unholy Spirit, false prophet) – carries out the deception by speaking the words of the Dragon.

2258. Sin has nothing to do with offending God, for God is beyond taking offense. According to the Biblical Greek, to sin is to merely make a mistake, something that can be corrected.

2259. Righteous indignation is a form of insanity that justifies revenge and inhumane brutality.

2260. The black sheep of the family is usually the most interesting character.

2261. The opportunity to do great works is not restricted to ages past, but is always here and now for those who see.

2262. Remember that kid back in grade school who entertained the students, but irritated the teacher with wise cracks and pranks? Chances are he is now wildly successful.

2263. Power is the most dangerous of all aspects to give human beings. Once power is obtained most individuals involved would support great destruction before relinquishing it.

2264. The use of force on the human mind only causes the subject’s consciousness to close down and become unable to discern the true from the false. The truth can be seen when freedom is restored.

2265. They say the first causality of war is truth, but this goes way beyond a physical war and applies to any strong disagreement. It is a shame that so many are willing to distort, exaggerate and outright lie to defend their views.

2266. Two people may have the same assets, yet one feels impoverished and fears losing what he has, while the other is at peace and gives thanks for abundance. Their only difference is a state of mind.

2267. To win an argument takes more than having the truth on your side, for one must find a way for the other guy to see it without feeling defeated or attacked.

2268. Knowledge comes from a book or a teacher. Understanding comes through the contemplation of knowledge. Finally, wisdom comes through the application of knowledge with understanding.

2269. Avoid those persons who announce themselves as beings of high evolution who should be followed. Follow your Inner Voice instead.

2270. Enlightened minds do not take themselves too seriously, but have light hearts and appreciate the soul of wit and the humor of the moment.

2271. Analysis is great for science, but the death of humor.

2272. We are in the midst of leaving the Age of Pisces, governed by emotion, to Aquarius, dominated by mind. Right now, those who control by emotion are making their last stand, fighting for their existence, but mind and reason will eventually prevail and dominate.

2273. You can burn a book, but not the ideas therein.

2274. Like gravity, the major power of the female is not directly seen, but her effects of holding things together are obvious.

2275. Success is assured when your work is as enjoyable as your recreation.

2276. If the seeker taps into the intuition, he accesses a spiritual Internet where all true principles can be understood.

2277. Enjoying the fruit of our beneficial labors gives us a taste of heaven on earth.

2278. The work behind a creative masterpiece is much more than meets the eye, and involves all of life itself, including love, relationships, play, recreation, pleasure, pain and thought while looking at sunsets or the stars in the sky at night.

2279. The straight and narrow path between the extremes has the illusion of movement because humanity wanders on and off it. We move, but the truth stays the same.

2280. Inspiration comes after a period of intense thought is passed and the thinker withdraws into silence and receives.

2281. We fear the future because we focus on the past. Put therefore your mind in the present where peace can be found.

2282. Some say the only real hell is right here on earth. That would explain why the good die young.

2283. Each generation of youth have their own personality with which they identify, and distance themselves from all others.

2284. A good question to ask before going to sleep: Is anyone’s life better today because of you?

2285. Einstein’s relativity neglected to deal with the fact that time goes fast when you’re having fun, and slows way down when you are in a painful situation.

2286. A point of tension is required for a major breakthrough. This point is the result of right thought, right choice and right action.

2287. Whatever you are, be that; wherever you are, be there; whenever you are, be in the present.

2288. The truth matters. The whole universe is based on true math principles, and if 2+2 ever equaled five all creation would collapse.

2289. Those who try to create a good end by causing pain and terror to others will make an end that is not good, but resembles the means.

2290. The most important day in your life is the day you realized what you were supposed to do with your life. If this hasn’t happened yet, then your most important day is yet to come.

2291. On one extreme there are no rules and on the other there are too many. Be in between and only support the rules that make sense.

2292. Yes, there are plenty of crazy people in the world who cause trouble, but there are a few, deemed insane by the establishment, who challenge the status quo and change the world for the better.

2293. Two people who agree as one mind, have not the power of two, but four or more.

2294. Think of what you want, but do not yet have. Now list the thoughts and actions that take you toward the goal and those that take you away. If you are honest, you will have a picture of what you must do next.

2295. The outstanding quality of those who change the world for the better is not talent or genius. Instead, they are they who have the courage to take the needed steps.

2296. Every day we choose to live in heaven or hell. The trouble is that many make the same choice every day so it seems there is no choice.

2297. Some put more work into maintaining misery than it takes to be happy. For them happiness does not require more effort, but a change of mind.

2298. The Ten Commandments Revisited

[1] Trust the Inner Kingdom where God dwells above the outer.

[2] Ignore the outer images who claim to represent God and focus on the inner.

[3] The names of all your neighbors are holy. To condemn them is to take God’s name in vain.

[4] Take time to rest from concerns of the outer world and find the peace of God.

[5] Honor all fathers and mothers as children of God.

[6] Honor and respect all life as you do your own.

[7] Be true to the Voice of God that speaks within.

[8] Let all your actions bless others, instead of diminishing them.

[9] Let all your words be in harmony with the Inner Voice.

[10] Desire only the gifts of God and you will want for nothing.

2299. When the seeker gives up everything for the kingdom of God, it is discovered that nothing was given for everything.

2300. Thoughts are like your friends. If you choose them wisely you will be happy. If not, they can make your life miserable.

2301. Just as the sails can be adjusted to use the wind to sail east or west, individuals can adjust their passions to take them on a path forward or backward to good or evil.

2302. If you are not making things happen, then things are making you happen.

2303. Those in darkness hate those in the light more than opposing enemies also dwelling in darkness.

2304. What if you attempted the impossible and succeeded? There would be one more thing that is no longer impossible.

2305. The fire of passion coming from the soul destroys all obstacles.

2306. In movies we cheer on the guy fighting an unjust system, but in real life such a person is attacked and demonized by the masses.

2307. Some theoretical scientists say that “one extra atom” at the birth of the universe could have wiped out entire galaxies, or even the whole cosmos. If one atom is that important then consider yourself who is made of billions of atoms.

2308. If you have an excuse for failure prepared, then you are prepared to fail.

2309. Belief is all powerful. As proof, note how it manifests among those who believe they are limited.

2310. The physical eye sees that which is outside of self, whereas the inner eye sees the kingdom of God which is within.

2311. A key to happiness is to pick one thing and become good at it. Two things are even better, but that takes a lot of effort.

2312. Placing Band-Aids on a current system that does not work produces a more complicated system that doesn’t work. Sometimes it is best to just start new with a secure foundation.

2313. There is symbolic meaning beyond the obvious of significant events in your life. Contemplate their meaning and guidance will come.

2314. One of the least clever things one can do is to try and be clever when cleverness eludes you.

2315. If guilt by association had any merit, then we would have to put Mother Teresa in the same category as Hitler, since they both ate carrots.

2316. All great things start with an idea, then fertilized by desire, followed by focused thought and, finally, manifested by action.

2317. Without the ability to make corrections nothing of worth would be accomplished.

2318. Those who think too much sabotage their success, and those who think too little have no foundation. Balancing thought and action is the key to accomplishment.

2319. Admitting an error in a belief system, even in the face of overwhelming proof, is more difficult for one in the ego than facing death itself.

2320. Think of the things you wish you would have said and done if you were to unexpectedly die today. Maybe now is a good time to actually do them.

2321. You are half way to success when you have learned what not to do and what doesn’t work.

2322. The difference between average and excellence is sometimes just a one percent additional effort.

2323. Mindlessly following, even the highest wisdom on the planet, leads to error. The seeker must learn to discern the truth from within.

2324. Many there are who are locked into an illogical belief, as if the thought were placed there by a powerful hypnotist. A seeker must awaken from the trance before seeing the truth that makes us free.

2325. Accepting a message without question, even if it claims to come from God, Jesus, an angel, Buddha or Zor, leads to self-deception. Question everything, but be open to all.

2326. The pure in heart, whether high or low, are sensitive to truth when presented. Two or more such souls will feel a similar vibration within and become one.

2327. If you lose something, and it is not where it is supposed to be, and you have looked for it in every possible location, then look again where it is supposed to be, and there is a good chance that is where it was all along.

2328. If you think you have a new idea you are probably wrong, for thousands have had the same thought. On the other hand, if you act on such an idea, you may be the only one.

2329. True knowing is not gained by memorization alone, but is accomplished by testing and applying the information consumed.

2330. Until one can teach what has been learned, true learning has not yet occurred.

2331. Think of how many course corrections you have to make to drive a mile down the highway. Correspondingly, you cannot successfully drive down the road of life without making many adjustments for mistakes. Those who refuse to make corrections drive into the gutter.

2332. There are three types of people
[1] Those who only want the truth if it completely fits their mindset.
[2] Those who say they are open minded for the truth, but often reject it.
[3] Those who accept the truth wherever it leads.

2333. You can’t see the big picture accurately if you miss all the details.

2334. There is no such thing as a true paradox, as truth does not contradict truth. That which seems like a paradox is merely a conclusion drawn from incomplete information.

2335. If you can be at your best when you are feeling at your worst, you will overcome all obstacles that life will throw at you.

2336. Plant your thoughts and dreams in the soil of life. Water them with love and attention. Nourish them with ideas and inspiration.  Harvest with hard work, and then rest and enjoy the fruit of your endeavors.

2337. Two teachings of equal value may seem to conflict because of a difference in presentation. Many students will accept one and reject the other, while those with discerning minds will learn from them both.

2338. Too much light can blind as well as too much darkness. Therefore, let the student move forward only as vision increases.

2339. There are two types of authority. The first is that which is bestowed on a supporter by some outward decree or appointment. The second comes from one who proves to be reliable and trustworthy. The first often feels threatened by the second.

2340. People blame what’s out there for what’s happening to them, when they should be concerned about what is in there, for the external reflects the internal.

2341. Once you arrive at the top 1 per cent of any endeavor, the crowds are gone, the lazy and the quitters are left behind, and your associates are interesting.

2342. Do not believe everything you hear, but neither should you reject out of hand. Consider all things, but be careful of that which is embraced, as it becomes a part of what you are.

2343. You may never be famous and important to millions, but if just one person feels enriched by your life you are a success indeed.

2344. Out of chaos comes order when intelligence is applied. Even so, apply intelligence to the chaos in your life to create a thing of beauty.

2345. Though you live to be a hundred, on reflection, there may be a moment more precious than all the years combined.

2346. Different teachings and teachers often use a different definition of terms. Therefore, before rejecting a teaching as being incompatible with your belief system, make sure you understand what is being said by understanding how the words are defined.

2347. When you take a step forward in your spiritual progress a force of dark energy is created that seems to pull you backwards to lower than you were before. If one ignores this and perseveres, the progress will be secured, and the darkness will be replaced by light.

2348. Love is not the opposite of fear, but hate. Hate separates, but love brings us together.

2349. See not your fears as enemies to be avoided, but guideposts, telling you what you must face to fulfill your dreams.

2350. Act decisively, proceed fearlessly, love passionately, dream large, see the humor, have fun, release the child in you, and live as if there is no tomorrow. At least your life will be interesting.

2351. Believing in the impossible makes it possible. Doubting the achievable makes it unachievable.

2352. Great leaders step forward, not because they want the glory, but because no one else is available.

2353. There are two kinds of mistakes: mistakes from which you learn something and mistakes from which you learn nothing. Embrace the first kind and the world is yours.

2354. Fear happens, but what is feared rarely does.

2355. There are three kinds of fear: Fear of what will not happen, fear of what might happen and fear of what is bound to happen. Peace will come if you ignore the first two and prepare for the third.

2356. You cannot change the past, but you can change its effect on the present, which is like changing the past.

2357. A small act of kindness may score more points in heaven than a lifetime of preaching.

2358. The annoying critics of the world allocate too much time finding the imperfections of others and not enough on themselves.

2359. If it looks difficult, try it, do it and master it. An inner satisfaction will be the result.

2360. Life has a way of moving us out of our comfort zone. Happy are they who are not uncomfortable with that.

2361. One has the power of one, but two or more in harmony increase in power exponentially.

2362. Many a youth with great natural abilities went into obscurity as adults, while many who rose to greatness revealed little foreshadowing of what they would become.

2363. Some think intelligence is associated with a good memory, but what you do with what is in the memory is where true intelligence is revealed.

2364. Politicians brag about doing things for us while the people complain about what they do to us.

2365. A talent is not the result of a magical endowment, but sign of focused will producing a desired result.

2366. Compare what you have done, to what you should have done, to what you could have done, and then move forward to unlimited possibilities.

2367. Forgetting is often more of a blessing than a curse. It clears the mind of unnecessary details to pave the way for new creative thoughts.

2368. You know you’re alive when you have loved and lost, loved and won, or just loved.

2369. Generally, the only ones who sleep peacefully in these turbulent times are those who are not paying attention to the affairs of the world and nation.

2370. In heaven we dwelt in eternal bliss
But wanted to know what we had missed.
We came to this world of pain, death and war,
To learn of our strengths, never tested before.

2371. Whatever the world says to do, do the opposite, and whatever they tell you to think, think otherwise. At first, they will think you mad, but in the end, they will call you a genius.

2372. Tis a failure of sorts to live a life to attain and never enjoy that which was attained.

2373. Seek to accomplish that which is possible, and the time will come you will accomplish the impossible.

2374. If you do not look you will not see, for so many follow where they are told to look, and see what they are told to see, that vision is eclipsed.

2375. There are those with beliefs in illusion so powerful that they cannot be dispelled in the light of day. It is only when they lead to crushing pain are they honestly faced.

2376. The stars and the lights of heaven make love to each other, as do we.

2377. The gods laugh, angels sing and devils curse. We as humans do all these things.

2378. Courage opens the door of opportunity; fear closes it.

2379. A good book, a good movie or a fairly covered news story are getting harder to find. Either creative intelligence by writers is decreasing or that of consumers is increasing.

2380. Some take a thousand words to say nothing, while others can say something interesting in a sentence or two.

The first wonders why no one is listening so he speaks even more. The second thinks he may say even more with less.

2381. Be cautious when you sense danger; otherwise, move with boldness in fulfilling your dreams.

2382. When others meet you, they see a shadow. When you meet yourself, you see the real thing, if you dare look.

2383. Your I.Q. is only a part of the measure of intelligence. Beyond this we have emotional intelligence, creativity, spiritual intelligence, accurate perception, good timing, good judgement, intuition, coordination and plain old common sense. The truly intelligent are skilled on many levels.

2384. As God makes the sun to shine on the righteous and the wicked, even so, should the radiant rays of love that we send forth be available to all.

2385. Advice in this age of turmoil: Where others send hate, you send goodwill. Where others are angry, you be at peace. Where others threaten, you remain harmless.

2386. Your personality is much different than it was as a teenager and your body is mostly replaced after seven years, yet you are still you. Who is this person, really?

2387. If every day were sunny plants would die through lack of rain. If there were no night the earth would be scorched. Even so, the sunny, cloudy and the dark times can be leveraged into a fruitful and productive life.

2388. As an adult, few things seem possible and we marvel at a handful. But for a child, all things are possible and the world is full of wonder. Perhaps this is why we need to become as a little child to enter the kingdom of heaven.

2389. We are not victims of circumstances, for we make our circumstances. We are only victims of misdirected thought.

2390. You can feel alone in the midst of a crowd or connected to the universe while alone, during quiet reflection.

2391. A true friend tries to see through your eyes. Others only see through their own.

2392. If war is hell, then this earth must be where hell is because there is always war somewhere. We not only have endless physical conflicts but emotionally charged political and religious attacks.

2393. Once we leave this life the only thing that remains is the feeling of love for your shared thoughts and actions. Most everything else is soon forgotten.

2394. Even though truth is more valuable than diamonds you lose nothing, but only gain, when you give it away.

2395. One truth is more powerful than a dozen lies to either create or destroy.

2396. Time, space and this universe are but a blink of an eye in eternity, but seems like an eternity when you are in it.

2397. Good timing cannot be taught and is so seamless that it often goes unnoticed, but bad timing comes from thoughtlessness and is painfully obvious.

2398. It is a mark of genius to be in the right place at the right time saying the right things in the right moment to the right person.

2399. Courage manifests in those who are willing to take a great risk. The risk is taken by those who sense a divine justice in all things.

2400. I can’t think of anything more embarrassing than that of an atheist scientist who awakens after death to discover that the Creator he laughed off as fantasy is real and how obvious it should have been.

2401. Two may undergo the same experience. One may curse it to his dying breath, but the other learned the lesson it taught, gave thanks and had a happy life.

2402 If you hear a teaching that seems depressing, then there has to be a flaw in either the presentation or your understanding, as true principles bring peace and joy to your inner core.

2403. Many things that look simple and easy are really quite difficult to create, and those that look difficult are sometimes quite easy.

2404. Read the biography of any famous person, and then take out all the parts involving struggle, pain, distress and conflict. What you have left is a story that will put you to sleep.

2405. To have nothing to do for a day or so is refreshing and rejuvenating, but this situation can be debilitating if it continues.

2406. Beliefs with no foundation of knowledge are merely wishful thinking and have caused many of the problems we see in the world.

2407. One who is in tune with Spirit will not seek to offend or harm anyone, but those out of tune have no problem offending as well as taking offense and feeling harmed by the innocent.

2408. Some mistakenly compare humanity to a virus that destroys the earth, but we are a divine part of nature and, after we learn our lessons, will become a benevolent force and enhance the beauty and harmony of the planet.

2409. Life craves experience, so much that even in sleep we have experience in our dreams.

2410. To unlearn is often a more significant step forward than to learn, for when you are in the right it is easy to take your next step, but when you realize your efforts so far are in error it is difficult to let them go and change direction.

2411. True learning consists of not just gathering data in your head, but also assimilating the data and finally applying data.

2412. Many laugh at the ancients who worshipped a golden calf instead of the true God, without realizing that they too have their idols taking attention away from the true God within. These idols may take the form of a celebrity, a political person or ideology, a book, a teacher a prophet, priest, doctor, scientist or some other authority.

2413. Pain can cause us to deeply learn a lesson which was previously only understood in theory.

2414. The best of humanity live lives that are examples to emulate. Far too many are examples of what not to do. Fortunately, we can learn from both.

2415. Live always with the motive of sharing, serving and loving all those in your life, and it will seem that all the blessings of heaven are yours.

2416. There is a price for everything and the highest price to be paid often comes with those gifts considered free.

2417. The established authorities of the world feel they do not have to prove themselves correct, but merely declare themselves so. Any evidence to the contrary is ignored for a generation.

2418. We all teach by what we do and do not do, and by what we say and do not say. Choose carefully your words and actions.

2419. A criticism, though true, may be met with loathing rejection, but sincere praise and encouragement can cause the aspiring soul to rise above personality flaws with a spirit of love and appreciation.

2420. A lie has to be told many times to be accepted by the people, but the truth only needs to be registered once. What is truly seen cannot be unseen.

2421. If there is someone out there who bitterly resents you, then you have either done something right or something wrong. The character of the offended one will tell you which it is.

2422. Look at the pictures we have of creation, from living cells to galaxies, and we realize that our Creator has a passion for beauty that puts Michelangelo to shame.

2423. Take note of your mistakes, make corrections and then move on as if a mistake was never made.

2424. As the future becomes the past, and we let the past become a dream, we can wake up to the present wherein lies eternity.

2425. There are three basic truths that every seeker of wisdom must incorporate.
[1] Energy follows thought
[2] The kingdom of God is within.
[3] We make our own reality.

2426. Evil appeals to the many because of short term benefits, but the good appeals to the intelligent few who see the whole and are willing to be inconvenienced now to create a good and lasting end.

2427. Failures feel they are controlled by circumstances, whereas successful ones are creators and make their circumstances.

2428. History tells us that the good of one age may become the evil in another, and that which was thought evil in the past may become embraced by the masses in the present.

2429. Life happens to all 100% of the time, but great learning experiences are rare and should be pursued and treasured.

2430. There is much more to see than that which is discerned by the physical eye. Through the eyes of understanding and Spirit the seeker can discover a hidden universe.

2431. The features and lines in your face represent the handwriting of your soul. They all have meaning and stories to tell if we could but read them.

2432. The thread that is in common with those who achieved fame is not related to good or evil, but that they had interesting lives.

2433. Negative people are unhappy for two reasons: when they do not get what they want, and when they do.

2434. Many cause their own pain by holding dear to its cause while not recognizing it, for the fear of letting it go is more disturbing than the pain itself.

2435. If you are feeling down, cheer someone up; if you are feeling poor, do something to enrich someone’s life; and if you feel ill, help another to heal; then you will have the key to a happy life.

2436. To be angry is to not accept reality as it is. Accept reality and you will be at peace.

2437. Seek to manifest love, which is a nectar that sweetens the bitterest of taste, soothes the disturbed heart and calms the storms of life.

2438. The false gods of the world are created and sustained by fear; whereas the true God is love that dispels fear bringing peace.

2439. It is a great act of courage to face your fears and neutralize them.

2440. Guilt is the punishment of self by the self.

2441. To accuse an innocent person of being filled with hate, merely because of a disagreement, is hate projected in its vilest form. Hate seen in others is often just hate projected.

2442. To accuse an innocent person of being filled with hate, merely because of a disagreement, is hate projected in its vilest form. Hate seen in others is often just hate projected.

2443. Hope is a medicine that lifts the spirit, but the real healing comes when the hope becomes manifest.

2444. Good intentions are fine, saying the right thing is better, but actually doing something excellent is divine.

2445. None is lonelier than one who lives only for self. Sharing yourself in helpful ways is the cure.

2446. A smile, a flower and a loving heart communicate that which is beyond the power of words.

2447. The opportunity for failure is always available, but the window for great accomplishment may come only once or twice in a lifetime and is only grasped by those who prepare and are ready.

2448. Many complain of lack of freedom because of restrictions imposed from those out there, but the strongest chains that hold us back are made with our own minds.

2449. If you loan money to a friend or family and want to be at peace, then look upon it as a gift. If they do not pay you back you will not be disappointed, and if they do, it will seem that life has gifted you a bonus.

2450. Not one of those who believe the future is set has produced one article from tomorrow’s newspaper, let alone 100 years from now. Because of free will exact predictions are not possible.

2451. Most will do what they can and quit. The real innovators do what must be done and do not quit.

2452. True genius cannot be taught because the genius picks up ideas and concepts that are not in the mind of any teacher.

2453. Those who insist on being protected from disinformation are merely protecting themselves from additional truth, for many great innovators of the past presented ideas that were resisted by the authorities of the day and considered false.

2454. Advance O pilgrim in the knowledge that you are immortal and will persist, in season and out of season, among friends and adversaries, whether the wind be at your back or against you, and even in the body or out of it. Onward, ever onward are the words of power.

2455. Some who reach old age only live a partial life; while others, still in their prime, have condensed the value of several lifetimes into one.

2456. To realize that truth does not contradict truth is a significant first step in finding real truth.

2457. Let us hope that God has a sense of humor, a love of good music and dance, as well as an appreciation for those who question. If so, heaven may not be so boring as portrayed by some religions.

2458. Sometimes it seems that there is no justice in life, and evil wins over good, but continue to do good and see, that over time, Divine Powers bring balance and people receive what they deserve.

2459. Don’t you hate it when you read an article that tells us what to think, what is right and what is wrong that makes you want to comment – then you find that they are too cowardly to allow comments. They just want to tell you what to think with no input allowed. The fact is that there is often more truth in the comments than in the article telling us what we are supposed to think.

2460. Ideas may be in the air but they must be brought down to earth before they work.

2461. Fulfilled is one who works while others rest, gives when others receive, loves when others hate and sees good when others see evil.

2462. The great ones of our history are those who saw a vision to improve life, sought to achieve it, and were successful to some degree.

2463. If the price of good health is to eat and drink what you do not like, then so be it, for without good health you cannot do anything you do like.

2464. The language of the heart is the language of love, and needs no translation as it is universally understood.

2465. The prison bars of illusion hold many captive and can only be removed by being true to yourself and following the highest you know.

2466. Is there any greater feeling in heaven or earth than that of overcoming your own limitations or inner demons in the here and now?

2467. If you can love your neighbor who has an incessant barking dog, then you’ll probably make it through the gates of heaven.

2468. If praise and criticism were fuels, praise will get you 100 miles per gallon while a gallon of criticism may not even get you started.

2469. It is odd how we can laugh in the present at an experience from the past that was painful and not at all funny at the time. Humor often revolves around pain that no longer affects us.

2470. Ideas may be a dime a dozen, but those who act on them may be one in a million.

2471. To proceed toward an ideal good in a giant leap without taking the necessary steps will often result in something destructive, the opposite of that which was desired.

2472. We all lack knowledge of some things, but it is the wise who know what they do not know, whereas the foolish are ignorant of their ignorance.

2473. Great minds are attracted to great minds, and then try to go beyond them.

2474. If you do not take charge of your life’s decisions someone else will, and that someone else will have their best interests in mind instead of your own.

2475. Though it is admirable to attempt the impossible, such achievement will remain impossible if the prerequisite and possible steps are not taken first.

2476. Humor can be a potent weapon that can expose and disturb the unjust and powerful, causing the masses to see their deceit. Instead of laughing they will smolder with anger.

2477. There are indeed many judgments we make which are overly critical and should be avoided, but we can use judgment in a positive sense such as assessing the talents of a child and encouraging them to succeed.

2478. A drop of water rises from the ocean, blends with the air, merges in the cloud and falls with the rain to blend with the ocean again. Such is the circle of life.

2479. Your body ages, but the invisible spirit within is ever young. Therefore, identify with the spirit over the body and enjoy this playground we call life.

2480. All things of value come to one who enters into stillness and waits.

2481. Laughter at the folly of another may sting more than the harshest rebuke. Be careful what you laugh at.

2482. Free speech has been a sacred value since the founding of the United States. Both the left and the right have been committed to defend it. Now, for the first time, a large block of our citizens wants to restrict speech with which they disagree. This subverting of the First Amendment is a dangerous path.

2483. One person’s hate speech is another’s truth. What one hates, another loves. Let all ideas circulate and eventually the negative will be ejected and the positive will remain. Restrict ideas and many that prevail will be destructive.

2484. The promise of a shortcut to great achievement is very seductive, but you can expect it to be an illusion that will delay your journey. Be prepared to make an effort in proportion to that which is to be achieved.

2485. Knowledge is information registered by the mind, but wisdom can take that data and transmute it into power.

2486. Fewer than 20% of the people in the United States work at a job that actually creates a product we want to buy that creates wealth. The rest just move the wealth around. All could have abundance if just a few adjustments were made.

2487. Laughter, a smile and music transcend language and need no translation in any country.

2488. Winning a war only gives a temporary defeat to an enemy. To permanently subdue them we must clearly demonstrate the superiority of our ideas.

2489. We live lifetimes within a life. It seems we lived a life as a child, a young person, of middle age and one who is aged. Sometimes even a day seems like a miniature life.

2490. To exist, to live, to be, to do, to laugh, to play, to love, to learn, to will, to share, to dream, to thrill, to experience, to be happy… These are the ingredients of a life well lived.

2491. Be an attentive listener and others will think you are a great conversationalist.

2492. We must take care of the details of life, but if they become the prime focus the big picture will be missed.

2493. Maybe one poem in a dozen says anything that makes sense. Many considered profound merely say senseless things with flowery words that seem to create a mystic wonderland beyond reason.

2494. Count yourself fortunate if there is even one person in the world who loves you, despite your flaws, but heaven descends to merge with earth if there is more than one.

2495. If you show love, forgiveness and are helpful do not look for a reward “out there,” but “in there.” The outer response is just an effect of what is stirring within you.

2496. “No matter how bad things get there is always someone worse off.” This is often spoken to cheer someone up, but with little success. One with troubles wants a little help or empathy, instead of being reminded that things could be worse.

2497. If you think you lack opportunity, then just wait for the sun to rise. One is waiting for you in the new day if you just look.

2498. The time is approaching when artificial intelligence will no longer be artificial, but the system will be occupied by an actual entity, and a new life form will manifest. Let us hope it will be benevolent.

2499. The madness of life will either make you laugh or cry, so you might as well see the lighter side and enjoy the show.

2500. In sleep at night, we dream within a dream we call life. Imagine then who we are when fully awake.

2501. The most unhappy are those who only focus on self, and those who only focus on others. Happy is one who can find the correct balance between the two.

2502. Timing and the way you say something is as important as what is said. Two may say the same thing, but the first will invoke anger, while the second may generate good natured laughter.

2503. If you judge only by what you see on the surface you will miss the invisible intensions of the heart, whether they be good or evil.

2504. Success in these three areas cannot be learned from some instruction book: marriage, raising children and what to do with your life.

2505. This world, which seems real, is made out of waves of nothingness vibrating in seemingly unreal empty space.

2506. Not remembering can be a greater blessing than remembering. Hurtful memories kept in the mind can hide the good, the beautiful and the true we should be seeing.

2507. It is quite mysterious that men and women complain about their differences, yet it is those differences that cause them to be attracted to each other.

2508. What is mind is as great a mystery as what is God. Perhaps the answer to both questions is the same.

2509. We hold in contempt the miser who lives in squalor yet dies rich, but many are like that miser with their lives. They live in a life that reaches out in rich abundance yet partake not. The riches that they could have shared and even taken with them are left behind.

2510. The fewer your needs are in this world, the fewer are your fears, the greater your peace and greater is the freedom of your soul.

2511. Many of the pious speak of their loathe of money; yet they labor for it, save it and spend it. Is there a greater hell than spending the better part of your life embracing that which you hate?

2512. Parents are like gods in the eyes of young children. Eventually they are replaced by the gods of the world who are often inferior in nature.

2513. Give and receive healing sounds: Music that speaks to the soul, expressions of love, kind words and praise for a job well done.

2514. It is as if the whole of humanity is elevated, if just once, you have brought joy to the heart of even one person.

2515. Silence is not peace and inactivity is not rest. True rest is found after a labor of love and peace is discovered in the deepest core of being.

2516. There is emotional courage as well as physical. Many are willing to face physical danger but are terrified of the emotional, such as anything that humiliates or causes rejection by one’s peers.

2517. I will find a way to harmlessly release my feelings.

2518. You know you are on the cutting edge of truth when the powerful authorities of the world seek to silence those who think the way you do.

2519. If you are willing and able to intelligently express an opinion that runs contrary to what the media and established authorities purport to be true, then you have joined an elite group of courageous thinkers.

2520. Love may seem to have fled in our chaotic society, yet it ever burns, and the fires rise through the veils that hides its glory soon to be revealed anew.

2521. In this political atmosphere, partisans see the opposition as hateful as themselves and fight perceived hate with more hate.

2522. You are an original thought projected by the mind of God.

2523. People complain that no one really says anything new, that everything has been said by someone, somewhere. While it is true that you may not be able to express a truly original thought, it is also true that you can clothe your thought in original ways, sound it forth with your unique voice and color it with the intensity of feeling only you have. Your expression of a thought can indeed be unique.

2524. We suffer pain at birth and death, and many times in between, but a few drops of love well placed will make all discomfort a fading memory and the bliss of heaven real.

2525. Passion can drive one to accomplish the miraculous or to madness. The difference lies in choices made.

2526. You can’t change the past, but you can relive it and produce an alternative memory with a more positive effect on the present.

2527. Let unpleasant memories go and bring the sweet ones into the present where they can add to the joy of life.

2528. Eventually all that is in the past becomes as if it never was, which is why the you of the present is so important, for the present will always be with us.

2529. Faith can move mountains. Life presents us with mountains of problems that can indeed be removed with faith and persistence.

2530. When you teach love you also teach peace, compassion, unity, friendship, respect, faith and all that is good in human nature.

2531. There are two kinds of people. No. Wait! There are three kinds. Hold on! There are four kinds, or maybe five or six kinds. Come to think of it, there are billions of kinds, for each person is unique.

2532. That which we call perfect is not really perfect, but the flaws involved are merely inconsequential. Example: No one has ever drawn a perfect circle, but many have gotten it close enough that it looks perfect.

2533. If you fail nine times, but succeed on the tenth, all that will be remembered and celebrated is the tenth.

2534. Success requires more than dogged determination. One must find what is not working and change or eliminate it. An accomplished work is always the result of many corrections.

2535. In the past, changes in language were the result of natural evolution and public preferences. Now we have a small minority dictating to us words we can and cannot say. The natural evolution is much preferable.

2536. To say a lot in a few words takes much more thought than saying little with many. In addition, it shows respect for the reader’s time.

2537. All are philosophers to a degree, but all have not thought their philosophy through so it can be reduced to writing.

2538. Those of great material wealth are poor if they are always wanting more, but those who are content are rich whether possessions are great or small.

2539. Many myths of the past are things that should have happened, but a story which should happen is merely a prophecy of what will happen.

2540.  History shows us that power is a deceptive gift. Many who think they would use it to benefit others would use it to limit, to enslave and destroy.

2541. When a media piece begins with “Here’s what you need to know…,” what it is really saying is: “Here are the details that support our bias. Other than that, you do not need to know.”

2542. If heaven is better than the feeling of relieving an intense itch then it must be a pretty good place.

2543. Prayers are most effective when you first attempt to answer them yourself. After you have done all you can, then leave the rest to God.

2544. The more egregious the error of authorities the more they will insist on the strongest possible punishment for those who question.

2545. If you lost your memory, it would be as if the past never happened. Even so, do we have the power to negate unpleasant memories so it is as if they never happened.

2546. The only way to end procrastination is to will yourself to act when you do not feel like acting.

2547. With all the time saving devices that have been made available you’d think we’d have much more free time on our hands than people 50 or 100 years ago, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

2548. For the dedicated disciple, focused on the spiritual life, there is no such thing as hurtful speech. Others are allowed to say what they will.

2549. Money is no more evil than power, for money is a form of power, and all power can be directed toward good or evil.

2550. It is interesting that many of the great figures of history not only had tremendous abilities, but also flaws so great that they would be shunned if that was all we knew about them.

2551. You know you’re enlightened when you attempt to hit the “NEXT” button on a page and it switches to an ad, but you are able to contain the urge to strangle someone.

2552. A simple press of a button sent men to the moon, but perhaps overlooked is the fact that millions of hours of effort went into making that possible. Even so with life, it may seem that a small thing made big changes but overlooked is the fact that the opportunities of the present are the result of all the efforts of your past. But sometimes you still must go ahead and press that final button.

2553. When life is sweet, relax and enjoy it. When life is tough, ignore it, forge ahead and look forward for the sweetness to return – for it surely will.

2554. I’d rather have a little of something very good than a lot of that which is mediocre.

2555. To quote words of wisdom is to see wisdom through your own eyes.

2556. To the unreasonable, reason is unreasonable and truth is fiction.

2557. The idea promoted by the world today is to divide and hate. This is indeed wrong-headed thinking. Instead, let us unite and love.

2558. If you are open minded, reasonable and have goodwill to all, then we are of the same religion.

2559. Those who pursue the spiritual and leave reason behind will find illusion. Those who take the path of spirit and mind will find the truth.

2560. Few sins are greater than destroying the reputation of one who is innocent.

2561. In the past all revolutions led to conflict and distress. It is time for a revolution of peace, plenty and goodwill.

2562. It is not the possession of wealth that makes it difficult to enter heaven, but what you do with that wealth.

2563. Reducing risk is fine, but to take draconian measures to eliminate it completely is the riskiest thing that can be done.

2564. Overlook not the little things, for in their totality they often add up to something bigger than that big thing you are working on.

2565. A black hole doesn’t let light escape. That must be where some of our politicians were born.

2566. If you do not look you will not see, so look where you have not looked before to see what has been previously unseen.

2567. Science goes with their dogma just as do the religions, until evidence to the contrary becomes so strong that they have to submit.

2568. Words are symbols, and symbols reflect ideas which are created by thought, and originating thought comes from the universal mind, or Divine Intelligence that all can share.

2569. Those of great achievement rarely stood out as the top of their class or the most talented in their group, but they had those invisible qualities that cannot be measured: imagination and determination.

2570. cience is supposed to question. Those who refuse to question or resist inquiry are not true scientists.

2571. To be able to keep a secret is a sign of an advanced soul.

2572. In this world we are limited in the attention we can place on areas of interest. It is wise then to pick a few important things for focus, else life will pass you by with little of importance happening.

2573. Self-control is often the last thing people resort to on the road to success, but it should be the first.

2574. Friends will only hint at your flaws whereas your enemies will clearly broadcast them for all to hear. Listen therefore to all if you want to improve.

2575. “If a little is good, more is not always better.” It is a simple and logical thought but beyond the grasp of many.

2576. Our politicians must really believe the scripture which says, “Blessed are the poor,” for they are doing their darnedest to diminish our wealth and thereby bless us.

2577. If we want to transcend this world of illusion, we must not create more illusion, and more illusion is created when we speak words that are not true.

2578. Average people only embrace truth that agrees with their dogma and reject the rest. An enlightened mind embraces all truth that crosses his path.

2579. Introspection leads to reflection, which leads to examining life, which leads to wonder, which leads to faith, which leads to our Creator.

2580. The opportunities that lie before you here and now may never come again, so look, see and act while there is still time.

2581. If God or creation were only one then nothing could exist, for existence is sharing and interplay of many lives and forces.

2582. To make the simple complex shows vanity, but to make the complex simple is genius.

2583. In prison is the one who sees a truth but fears to speak it.

2584. We live in an age where we have defined the atom, quarks, the quantum field and even the god particle, but do not know what a woman is.

2585. Sleep is sweet to one with a clear conscience.

2586. There’s a smile, and then there is a grin. A smile opens the door to the soul, whereas a grin can close it.

2587. Love is a medicine that heals many a hurt and sorrow. A good dose can even heal the sick.2588. 

2588. The fear of fear is a fear most subtle, that leads to denial of negative feelings that must be faced.

2589. Sincere people may still be captivated by deceptive paths or teachings, but if they continue in sincerity and are true to themselves, they will unravel the deceptions one by one until they enter the perfect day of clear vision.

2590. Wise seekers will closely examine their core beliefs. If a foundational belief is incorrect then many other beliefs could be distorted by it.

2591. Within each language are sublanguages, and to effectively communicate you have to use the correct one. Each religion, political party, and culture has their unique way of saying things that must be understood and used if communication is to be successful.

2592. Many think it is the worst of times, but in many ways, it is the best. Compare us today to just 200 years ago when they had no internet, no video, no cars, no airplanes, no toilet paper, no central heating, no air conditioning…  But they did have slavery. Perhaps we should appreciate what we do have.

2593. Common sense, which used to be common, is becoming scarce in this age.

2594. There is normal vision through the physical eyes, and then there is vision through the eyes of understanding. Humanity is partially blind until both are used.

2595. Perfection in this world largely lies in the eyes of the beholder. A perfect person, movie, book or house to one may be revolting to another.

2596. For the few their religion is truth, verified from within, but for the many, it is what they have been told to believe by outer authorities.

2597. We are in World War III, but with weapons on a nonphysical level such as emotional attacks, deceit, distortion, demonizing, and attempted destruction of any opposition.

2598. If you try to deny your feelings they do not go away, but are planted like a seed in darkness, and will grow in magnitude and force you to face them.

2599. Words are just words until their meaning is energized by thought. Then they become a powerful creative force.

2600. To ignore an adversary can, at times, produce more disturbance than attacking him.

2601. Words are but symbols, but behind all symbols is truth, and words combined, like pieces of a puzzle, paint a picture of truth.

2602. If you are doing what you want, when you want and how you want to do it, then you are rich.

2603. All should ask themselves this question: Am I in charge of my life or is life in charge of me?

2604. Strong determination and persistence are powerful ingredients to achieve success, but if your ideas are impractical and your plan not workable all is in vain.

2605. All things are possible. Some just take more time than others. Given enough time you could move a mountain with a spoon.

2606. There is no perfection without correction. Just try and aim your car to drive a block down the road without driver correction and you will go into the ditch. So it is with all great endeavors of life.

2607. There are thousands of suns visible at night, but only one in the day. Even so, in life we have many associates we barely know, but then one comes along who inspires like a sun making the others stars by comparison.

2608. Many have fears of offending God over trifles, but could a being intelligent enough to create DNA really take offense over such things?

2609. Wise words are few but have great value. Common words are many and have some value. Thoughtless words are without number and have no value.

2610. Getting the great idea is the easy part, but manifesting it takes grit, determination, persistence, genius and sometimes a stroke of madness.

2611. If there were no memory of yesterday, then did it even exist?

2612. That which we give, we also receive in subtle ways, that we may give again.

2613. In most cases tolerance is a virtue, but there comes a time when lines are crossed whereby one must take a stand and reject the intrusion into your well-being.

2614. One of my biggest mistakes in life was this. When internet discussion groups first surfaced, I had this thought: In person-to-person communication you may inadvertently say something hurtful, and you can apologize, but not retract it because it is just out there. On the Internet if you say something not appropriate you can read over your post and take the time to delete the hurtful words before sending. Therefore, I thought that internet discussions would be more polite and thoughtful than those in person. Indeed, on this point, I was wrong in Biblical proportions.

2615. If you poke a sleeping lion in the eye you are asking for trouble. It is much wiser to walk by and not disturb him. Even so, there are lions among humanity that is wisdom to not disturb.

2616. To gain the trust of others may take a lifetime of effort, yet can be lost in a moment of betrayal.

2617. In union there is strength, but if that union is based on truth, then nothing is impossible.

2618. When the truth conflicts with our desires the temptation is to reject the true and go with the false. What is not realized is that after the truth is seen and embraced it becomes the most desirable commodity under heaven.

2619. An attempt, requiring courage and strength, that does not succeed, brings more ultimate reward than an easy victory.

2620. People in general focus on either the feeling nature or the mind in making their decisions. They often do not understand each other and see the other as opposition. A handful balance these two factors and will lead humanity to its destiny of peace and goodwill.

2621. If you speak of your own greatness, you will look small. Do great things to help others and they will speak for you.

2622. If you want to be remembered after you die, you’ll need to go to an extreme in some part of your life, but be sure that extreme produces a positive response.

2623. It is easy to start an argument, difficult to end it and almost impossible to win it.

2624. Almost perfect timing is bad timing.

2625. There is one good thing about fear. It tells us where correction of thinking is needed.

2626. Never bet against humanity doing what seems impossible. Chances are that tomorrow you’ll be proven wrong.

2627. If you do not love the work you must do to earn a living, make the time to work at something you do love, even if it is for a few minutes a day. Then your labor of love will eventually evolve into your main labor.

  1. To sing or speak words that stir the soul is to revive the memory of our true Source and honor all creation.

2629. When you take charge of your life, ignore bad advice, dismiss all false statements and refuse to submit to groupthink you will broadcast a vibration that will feel threatening to the unthinking and blind believers.

2630. Two people can have the same experience and relate it to friends. Those hearing the first will think it was an exciting adventure, but those hearing the second doze off with boredom. This illustrates that the quality of our life is largely what we make of it.

2631. If you were a piece of art what would you look like? If you were a song, how would you sound? If you were the weather, what kind of day would it be?

2632. When teaching or writing assume your audience are master souls, but communicate with simplicity that a twelve-year-old can understand.

2633. What is the difference between yesterday and your dreams? After all, they both only exist in your memory.

2634. Remember your youth where life seemed new and exciting? It still is.

2635. Work at something you love, and love someone who loves your work.

2636. The key to peace is found in the word “acceptance.” This especially applies to people in our lives. Accept them, warts and all, realizing you do not have to embrace them.

2637. In this age people become outraged over outrageously small offenses. What’s next? Are we to be condemned for breathing too much air?

2638. There are those who think they will be heard because of excessive speaking, and then there are those who hear first and speak only what needs to be said.

2639. If you want to be happy, do not focus on what you want, but what is needed.

2640. What makes us happy reveals our true character.

2641. If you sense that the essence of all life which surrounds you is joyfully singing praises to our Creator, then you will know you are being directed toward heaven.

2642. Happiness is a temporary quality of the outer personality, whereas joy comes to those who access our true eternal reality.

2643. Those you can trust are like diamonds in the stream of life and add to your peace and security.

2644. Happiness is linked with what you like, whereas joy springs from what you love.

2645. To learn of those things we cannot see is of more value than learning the things we can see.

2646. The path to a clear conscience lies in the understanding that God is love and wills for your happiness, not your condemnation.

2647. The happy seeker of wisdom has a mind gathering knowledge, a heart full of love and hands full of service.

2648. Those who complain of being victims receive little sympathy. On the other hand, those who face problems with courage and do not complain are naturally honored.

2649. Things to pack for your journey through life: Someone to love, a few good friends, a clear conscience and enjoyable work.

2650. Less is more, concerning happiness, when you are dealing with fear, anger and hurt feelings, but more is more when expressing love, faith and hope.

2651. If everyone would just live and let live, we would have peace on earth tomorrow.

2652. Live your life so if you had to live it all over again you would not change anything.

2653. The first rule of life is to ignore attempts of others to control you. The second rule is to remind yourself of the first rule.

2654. Look inwardly for the living water that will quench your thirst and reconnect you to your Source.

2655. Enlightenment consists of more than memorizing and repeating a few catch phrases. The seeker must embrace the light with understanding.

2656. If you want to feel the thrill of happiness then do this. Choose a goal difficult to achieve and master it. At the moment of greatest victory, you will feel a pleasure not found by any other path.

2657. You will be at peace when what you think, what you desire, what you say and what you do are in harmony.

2658. When happiness is no longer important, you will find it. When being loved is no longer the focus, it will find you.

2659. Depression is largely caused by inertia. Become active with your mind, emotions and your body and your focus will be on living life to its fullest.

2660. There are two types of happiness. The first is the positive feeling of accomplishing or sharing something worthwhile. The second is the negative feeling of satisfaction one gets from seeing the suffering of those who are despised.

2661. We must take care of the details of life, the nuts and bolts, or the big things will fall apart.

2662. When life gives you lemons don’t complain. Life could have given you a rotten apple.

2663. If you look ahead in life at the worst that is likely to befall you, and you think “I can handle that”, then you can move forward with confidence and peace.

2664. What is the meaning of life? Answer: The meaning that you give to it.

2665. A purpose is necessary to make life worth living. For some, a purpose finds them, but others must find a purpose, waiting to be discovered.

2666. Wealth is not wealth until it is placed into useful service.

2667. If, as you navigate life, you see smiles, loving hearts, kindness, innocence, playfulness, humor and goodness, then the evil that is seen by others will not touch you.

2668. It is easier to accept others when you realize that everyone is like you in that they are struggling to make the best of what they have. They just have different ideas on what makes for a good choice.

2669. When someone criticizes you the question that subtly comes to mind is this: Is the person sincerely trying to be helpful, or is he merely attempting to show his superiority? Usually, it is the latter.

2670. If you cannot enjoy the little things of life now, then a big event, like winning the lottery, will do little for you.

2671. Consider the messages of the body, as if it were the Book of Life. The hands are symbols of service, the breath a symbol of life, the heart that of love, the eyes take in light, the mouth communicates and the legs give you power to move.

2672. Nothing brings home the joy of giving as much as watching little children open presents.

2673. Life is like a garden and our thoughts are as seeds. If our thoughts are careless, we plant weeds that add no nourishment which leads to pain and distress. Positive thoughts though will nourish the garden of life yielding delicious fruit making the journey through life a pleasure.

2674. Unlike the sharing of material possessions there is only gain when we share our good qualities of love, friendship, kind thoughts and goodwill.

2675. As you drive this road called life watch for the signals. Sometimes you receive a message to stop, telling you that you need to pause and look all directions for danger. Other times you get a message to go full speed ahead toward the goal.  Then there are dangerous curves taking skillful navigation and careless drivers that are best to avoid.

2676. As Lincoln said, most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be, so we might as well make up our minds to be happy, at peace and whatever else we want to be.

2677. There are those who think, and then there are those who think they think, and finally the masses who think what they are told to think.

2678. Heaven and hell are states of mind. Two people can be in the same situation, and one can be at peace while the other is conflicted with the pains of hell.

2679. The vast majority of our fellow humans want to live in peace and live and let live. Unfortunately, we have allowed a small minority who seek power to create many disturbances across the globe that threatens civilization itself.

2680. A problem ignored is a problem not solved.

2681. If you do not have a labor of love then find one if you want to love your life.

2682. Look for that spiritual center at the core of all your brothers and sisters, for seeing the Christ in them will cause us to see it in ourselves.

2683. Once you have secured the basic needs of life you have to look at the quality of your relationships with others for an increase of fulfillment.

2684. Getting what you want seems nice, but then making the best of what you have gained determines its value.

2685. The unexpected is the ultimate test of the soundness of your philosophy of life. If you can maintain your peace in these times then your foundational beliefs are sound.

2686. If you know your next step in life and are taking it, then you will be at peace, even if that step is a difficult one.

2687. Priceless is a friendship born in shared experience, forged in trust, strengthened by respect and tempered by time.

2688. Those unhappy with their lives often spend too much time telling others how to live theirs; whereas those who are happy and in charge inspire by example.

2689. The benefit of bliss that comes from ignorance pales in comparison to the grief experienced when awareness comes, yet the solving of problems brings more than bliss.

2690. Swing the balance of enjoyment in your favor by ignoring the pain and embracing the pleasures of life.

2691. Pick your battles wisely for many that are fought result in a loss of energy, as a win or loss produce insignificant results.

2692. Anything that exists whether in heaven or on earth can be understood. Anyone who says otherwise is limiting themselves

2693. Those who smugly think they know all there is to know on a subject have brought their learning to a halt.

2694. Good deeds are often accompanied with danger or risk. It is almost as if you have to earn points in heaven through tribulation.

2695. If you’re sure you know, but do not know, you have condemned yourself to ignorance.

2696. If you do not like this moment, and it displeases you, relax. Another moment is coming.

2697.People get praise for their determination to face obstacles and plow through them, but sometimes the intelligent thing to do is to go around them.

2698. The difference between success and failure is often a mere ounce of extra effort, a moment of extra time or an instant of focused attention. The little things are like nails that hold a house together.

2699. The biggest troublemakers on the planet are those who seek to rigidly enforce their views designed to keep us out of trouble.

2700. Life goes a lot smoother if you accept people as they are rather than what you think they should be.

2701. Humans are the only species that laugh at themselves. Perhaps that is because we use our intelligence to come up with the craziest of ideas followed by many insane actions that provide entertainment for God and man.

2702. Expand your vision, feed your mind with positive thoughts, create something, make friends, give to others, learn the laws of health, and life indeed will be a period of enjoyment.

2703. A too rigid stand on principle often defeats the principle; whereas, a flexible approach may advance it a step.

2704. When a block of rigid ice is hit by a stone, it shatters, but when the ice is warmed to water it merely absorbs the strike and returns to tranquility. Thus, does nature teach us a lesson in dealing with the blows of life.

2705. Some say that life is a dream, but even if it is, we might as well make it an interesting one.

2706. Take the hand that is dealt to you in life and play it to the max. If everyone thinks you have four aces it will be as if you do and you will win at life.

2707. General inertia is often a bigger obstacle to reaching the goal than are great obstacles. Both require an act of will to neutralize.

2708. You are a prince of great power in your own inner kingdom if you can forgive offenses that others consider outrageous.

2709. Be selective in the feelings you share, for both love and hate create a bond that causes the person involved to reappear in your life.

2710. It irritates the obnoxious people of the world when nothing they do irritates you.

2711. You destroy a flower by severing its stem, yet it spends its short remaining life blessing you with a beautiful fragrance.

2712. There is a heaven on earth. It is seen in the smile of a child, the blooming of a rose, the feeling of a job well done and the sharing of a sunset with a loved one.

2713. If you think life is hell you will find the devil under every rock.  If you think life is heaven you will find angels clearing your path.

2714. One man curses the rain for ruining his ballgame while another blesses it for watering his crops. No event in life is totally good or bad.

2715. A prolonged success may bring inertia, leading to stagnation, leading to reassessment, leading to new goals, leading to another round of achievement.

2716. The more awake, or enlightened you are, the more you will see the big picture in all its glory, and the more you attempt to see the big picture with all its subtleties, the more awake you will be.

2717. If you seek spiritual truth many will try to discourage you saying it should not be sought. Ignore them and proceed, for every truth is like a piece to the great puzzle of life.

2718. Negative people are just bad at math. On a scale of 1-10 they give negative events a nine or ten and positive ones only a one or two. They add up the points of their lives and decide everything is against them.

2719. There are dumb smart people who have no problem adding two plus two on paper, but in real life they often get five, six or some crazy number for an answer.

2720. Ever notice that those most dissatisfied with life often live in abundance with few needs? What they are missing is the overcoming of challenges that strengthens the rest of us.

2721. Chances are slim of winning a lottery, but if you make full use of what you have you will win at life.

2722. Happiness consists of what never happened as much as what has happened.

2723. Words communicate some but not all our thoughts. For full communication focus also on the eyes, the smile, the expression, the sound, the heart and intent of your associate.

2724. If you think your pains of life come at random, and you are a helpless victim, then they are likely to continue.

2725. We tend to desire what we do not have until we have it. Then we want something else.

2726. People like to believe what they do not understand, but one must first have some understanding to have a credible belief.

2727. Your potential is like an iceberg. You only see a small portion of what you are and what you can do.

2728. If you appreciate the little things of life then the big things come naturally; whereas the ungrateful one enjoys neither the big or the small.

2729. A lot of people complain of not having enough, but you cannot find anyone complaining about having too much.

2730. True humility is the virtue of demonstrating greatness rather than proclaiming it.

2731. Would you trade places with the richest man in the world? Consider Elon Musk who works 18 hours a day, often sleeps on a couch at work, is always traveling, doesn’t have time for a committed relationship and has many enemies who wish him harm. His life would be considered a downgrade to many.

2732. There seems to be two paths in life, the right and the wrong one. In reality there is only one path, and the question is always, “Am I on it or off on a tangent?”

2733. Thought reaches its own level. Great thought attracts great minds, average thought is embraced by average minds and no thought appeals to blank minds.

2734. If you have reasonable health, can put food on the table, a roof over your head and have friends, you have the foundation to have as fulfilling of a life as anyone alive.

2735. If life seems tough, rejoice. Some unknown blessing is coming to you within the next 24 hours, but you’d better pay attention and look for it, or it will be missed.

2736. There are two types of people – the reasonable and the unreasonable. The problem is that the unreasonable think the reasonable are unreasonable.

2737. Some are not satisfied with everything; others can be happy with almost nothing. The wise understand why this is so.

2738. Some say there is no death, but it depends on how you define it. If you define it as leaving the body behind then there is death, but if you define it as oblivion, then there is no death.

2739. There are three major barriers to fulfillment: The first two are not getting what you desire and getting what you desire. The third is too much desire.

2740. If you would make no more than three major changes if you had your life to live over, then you can count your life as a success.

2741. Perhaps the worst effect of negative emotions, such as hate, anger and jealousy, is that they are a waste of time.

2742. The quality of love is not measured by outward gifts, but by the depth of union between two souls.

2743. It doesn’t seem fair when you think about it that you are the only one that is you, and all the rest of the billions of people aren’t you and can oppose you at any moment.

2744. A realization that you make your own reality, and to take charge of causes, is a major step toward fulfillment.

2745. I would rather have a little of something really good than a lot of that which is mediocre. This applies not only to food, but to life.

2746. Loving words become alive when sent by loving thoughts, which communicate beyond the power of words.

2747. We learn by doing; so give some love, happiness and cheer today and you will have plenty for yourself tomorrow.

2748. For the pleasant people of the world to live and let live is easy, but for the unpleasant it is impossible.

2749. There are times that a kind word spoken may be the best thing that has happened to the recipient for a month.

2750. Little children remind us of the joy of giving, the joy of playing and the wonders of the imagination. They are a medicine for the soul.

2751. If everyone realized that empowering others empowers ourselves, then there would be no poor anywhere.

2752. Treasure in heaven from small acts of kindness is of more value than all the wealth of the world.

2753. At the highest level, all souls are twin souls.

2754. It seems that the more a person complains the less he is willing to help others with their problems. If not for the cheerful giver there would be very little assistance available in this world.

2755. It seems that the more a person complains the less he is willing to help others with their problems. If not for the cheerful giver there would be very little assistance available in this world.

2756. If life gets hard and you are at the end of your rope, do not jump into the abyss, but continue on, for soon circumstances will change and new doors of opportunity will open.

2757. If you do not do what needs to be done now, the payment required may be many times the expense in time and effort to complete the task later.

2758. Where there is life there is movement. Yet by stilling the mind in the world we open the door to seeing the life in the spirit.

2759. Help two others achieve miracles and there will be one in the spiritual bank waiting for you.

2760. Think of how differently you would respond if you could register the unspoken desires, prayers and wishes of those within your sphere of contact.

2761. The sharing of friendship is the highest level of spirituality many achieve in this life.

2762. The achievement of true friendship unlocks the door to the kingdom of heaven.

2763. Dishonest people will never know true friendship, for a true friend is someone you can trust when the chips are down.

2764. If you like yourself, others will like you, and you’ll find others you like.

2765. Today somewhere in the world is a kind soul helping another who is in distress. The one afflicted is thanking God. It is a life well lived that causes others to thank God for kind actions.

2766. Everyone needs assistance. The strong need help to remain strong, and the weak need it to become strong.

2767. You are the center of your own universe, but if you act like you are the center for everyone, they will avoid you and your center will be nowhere.

2768. There is the physical touch that is felt by the surface of the body, but eclipsing this is the spiritual touch of pure love that reaches the core of being and permeates the whole.

2769.True communication is more than merely talking or listening. Speakers must send a clear picture of their words and the receivers must obtain a full understanding beyond the literal meaning of the words.

2770. The quality of people who come into your circle are a reflection of your own thought.  If you are not happy with them, then change your thinking.

2771. Those considered great conversationalists are never the ones who talk your leg off, but are those who listen and extract conversation from others.

2772. Silence can communicate as well as speech.

2773. It is a fatal flaw to underestimate the intelligence and ability of your opposition on the other team. Half of winning a victory is to correctly assess what you are up against.

2774. You are like a source of heat to your associates. If you get too close, they will push you back, and if you are too distant, they will feel cool toward you. If you keep the right distance the relationship will be warm and friendly.

2775. Do not criticize a friend unless asked, and when asked, tread ever so gently.

2776. If you have friends who will stand by you, even if you should lose everything, you are rich indeed.

2777. Joy must be shared else it will vanish.

2778. Old friends are great, but we know all their stories; whereas new friends are a source of discovery.

2779. Those who are in darkness see light, love and truth as weapons that must be destroyed. How great is this deception, for these three could heal and take away the pain which afflicts those who attack.

2780. There is no greater incentive than a belief in you by one that you love.

2781. People you meet are like books, some are more interesting than others. Some you want available like books in your bookcase, but there are a few you refer to regularly. Then there are close friends who are cherished like sacred scripture.

2782. The one with the least attachment in a relationship has the most control over where it goes.

2783. The greatest punishment for those who harm others is to be placed with their own kind.

2784. Fact checking, where any controversy is concerned, has largely became a business of substituting imaginary facts for real facts.

2785. If the two of you can spend an hour enjoying talking about nothing, then the relationship is good, but if you spend the time actually talking about something it is priceless.

2786. The one Spirit within you and I witnesses to our united inner oneness, but bodies seem to make us appear as two.

2787. The greatest proof for God is found by becoming aware of the inner core of your own being and its connection to our Source.

2788. The good friend will share your joys even though his life is in shambles.

2789. Let this New Year be as happy as you make up your mind to have it be.

2790. Just as you know there is a shining sun, even when experiencing the darkest night, those who reflect know there is an inner sun that radiates the light and love of God.

2791. Focus on the past and you’ll feel pain. Focus on the future and you’ll feel hope. Focus on the present and you’ll feel power.

2792. Reason without faith and faith without reason lead to a dead end, but reason and faith together are all powerful.

2793. True Faith is not walking in blindness, but the result of seeing a light and following it to see what is revealed.

2794. Since life is seen as either a tragedy or comedy we might as well choose comedy and enjoy the show.

2795. The path to knowledge is covered with doubts and questions. If you try and avoid them you will be taking another path. If you solve them knowledge is yours.

2796. Faith is not blind for the Bible says it is “the certainty of things hoped for, a proof of things not seen.” Heb 11:1 What many today call faith is really blasphemy, for this word in the Biblical Greek means “to hinder by stating an unfounded, rumored, or unreasonable statement”.

2797.Getting your 15 minutes of fame is like winning the lottery, for it would take 228,000 years to give that to everyone presently on the planet.

2798. Those who move forward with confidence, even when the world seems to be falling apart, are the saviors of humanity.

2799. Study, in learning a skill, only takes you about 10% to mastery. The other 90% is through doing.

2800. Sometimes I think it may be a source of amusement for souls in the spirit realm to observe a hardened atheist after death when he discovers that he still lives.

2801. If you seek a sacred place, look not toward a piece of land or a building, but direct your attention inward to the core of your own being where burns the divine flame of love.

2802. It is said that any life could be made into a book. I’m not so sure, as some people only have about a page of interesting material, while a few could be the basis of several books.

2803. You can change your life this instant by deciding to change your mind about your life now.

2804. Make it a habit to be sure that all your words are true, if for no other reason than so you can trust yourself.

2805. It is commendable to memorize words of wisdom, but to actually incorporate them into your life is priceless.

2806. Live your life so the most difficult thing that others will find to forgive in you is that you find nothing to forgive in them.

2807. Loving thoughts are the highest form of prayer.

2808. Out of the billions of people on this planet, which one has the perfect body? Answer: None. Where there is form there are differences and where there are differences perfection is a matter of opinion.

2809. Most thoughts are just thoughts and words are just words, but there is that rare occasion where their intensity and eloquence pierce heaven and reach the heart of God.

2810. Would you, under any condition, light a match to burn your child at the stake? Then why do you suppose that God, who is more loving than yourself, would send you to the fires of hell for eternity?

2811. To be surrounded by trusted friends is to experience a taste of heaven on earth.

2812. It is amazing how many are concerned about offending God with a little irreverent humor, but put yourself in God’s position. Who would you rather hang out with? Is it the boring guy who sounds like he is at a funeral, or the happy-go-lucky guy who puts a smile on your face?

2813. That which is desired fully with your heart and mind, and then is translated into words and action, will become manifest.

2814. Perhaps the greatest hell is to feel totally alone, but the greatest heaven is to be among those with whom you share a mutual love.

2815. When God answers prayers it is usually yes, no or hell no. Unfortunately, many take that last answer as, “hell yes!”

2816. When your prayers rise to heaven you are much like E.T. seeking to phone home.

2817. Three souls totally united have the strength of an army.

2818. One who bows not to the authority of false idols endorsed by the media but seeks the Inner Voice has found the way to peace.

2819. Others may have a natural advantage over you in a number of areas, but there is at least one category of endeavor where you have equal opportunity in which you can excel if you so decide.

2820. To have a truly open mind you must look upon criticism with the same objectivity as praise. Too much attention on either produces lopsided thinking.

2821. To make your life worth living make yourself useful. If you do not have a purpose, then make one. The world needs what you have to offer.

2822. Do not deny or suppress your feelings, but face them, turn on the light and gently direct them toward a positive path.

2823. Allow outside thought to be planted like a seed, not to be copied, but to be fertilized with your own inner contemplation to grow into something new and beautiful.

2824. Imperfections are revealed and corrected as we seek perfection, for perfection is never achieved by taking perfect steps.

2825. Once you have developed a skill so you are happy where you are, seeking for perfection is a waste of time.

2826. Loving and serving others is admirable, but remember that you are as important as the next guy and are entitled to the joys of life.

2827. When you read a headline that says, “Here’s What You Need to Know,” what it is really saying is “Here is what you need to absorb so you can agree with me. All facts to the contrary are not included.”

2828. We all see the same world and events, but we interpret them so differently it is as if we live in many different worlds.

2829. Conquest of self is the greatest victory, and one who rules self is the greatest of kings.

2830. If you rule yourself, you become a cause. If not, you are merely an effect.

2831. Confidence is a realistic belief of what you can do; whereas, egotism is an unrealistic view of what you are.

2832. One like Forrest Gump who is focused will accomplish more than an Einstein who scatters his energies.

2833. I sought the mysteries of the universe that is seen and discovered something greater: the mysteries of the universe unseen within my own soul.

2834. Even the most positive among us have barriers of unbelief. How many steps are you away from moving a mountain with faith alone?

2835. The greatest investment with the highest return is in life itself. Positive thinking is like money in the bank gaining high interest.

2836. It is fine to listen to the voices without, but decide in harmony with the voice within.

2837. Positive thinking that ignores the problem at hand is really negative thinking.

2838. The poet, the philosopher and the king reside in the heart of each human being. The great ones manifest that which is within and allow us to see what we can be.

2839. It takes a similar amount of effort to be a devil or angel, a hero or a villain, a thief or a producer. Why not make the choice that leads to peace?

2840. If a teaching or proclamation from an authoritative source goes against common sense and reasoning, then it may be time to consider that either your interpretation or your source is just plain wrong.

2841. The weak are ruled by circumstance, the strong use them, but the wise create them.

2842. Life is like a play, but the question is, are we reactors, and merely read the lines, or are we true actors and create them?

2843. Listen to the Inner Voice who says your mind sleeps, your vision is dimmed, your hearing is weak and your feelings do not comprehend the heart of God. Awaken to your true reality.

2844. Two people are in the same place. The first complains of the cold and sees the darkness coming. The other breathes the fresh air and enjoys the sunset. Our state of mind determines how we see more than what we see.

2845. Ever notice that when someone says “just a minute” it’s really at least five minutes, and five minutes equals at least fifteen, and fifteen minutes equals an hour for the average guy, but at least two hours if spoken by a salesman.

2846. Sometimes you have to speak up for yourself, as there are times when no one else will do it for you.

2847. Even the most hardened Nazis took great care to nurture their gardens which gave and asked nothing in return.  Maybe this thought gives us an insight into the power of goodwill.

2848. Boredom is the enemy of a happy life. Don’t be boring, don’t do boring things and do not force boring situations upon anyone.

2849. Each of us are the architect of our lives, the engineer of our destiny, a musician playing tunes, an actor reading the lines and an artist painting a picture of the good life.

2850. You give up you power when you blame others, play the victim or do not take responsibility for your actions.

2851. Life itself is like a parable, and significant events have meaning beyond that which appear on the surface. Reflect and learn.

2852. It is said that God hates a coward, but I would venture to say that He would have even greater passion, but positive, toward one who goes forth with boldness, who is willing to risk everything.

2853. It takes talent to make the simple seem complex. Unfortunately, it is a talent relished by far too many.

2854. Love more, eat well, sleep soundly, complain less, talk less, listen more, relax more, get your work done and you’ll be happier than most.

2855. They say a good writer writes so a twelve-year-old can understand the words.  The problem is that many twelve-year-olds are smarter than adults.

2856. Hate and other negative emotions roar while love speaks softly. Quiet the negative, hear the love and in a quiet moment the voice of God will speak.

2857. Take note of where you are, where you have been, and where you are going, so you can be what you want to be.

2858. Many disagreements are not disagreements at all, but are the result of poor communication. Harmony can often be obtained when the sender makes himself clear and the receiver attempts to understand what has been said.

2859. Productivity will be greatly increased if we merely put the essentials as the top priority. In this world of distractions this is easier said than done.

2860. Maybe your purpose in life is to find, or even create, a purpose.

2861. Communicating a loving thought with words is a beautiful thing, but add to that a pleasant voice with eyes that radiate warmth and you will then have a taste of heaven.

2862. In general, all the people of the world that we both love and hate are doing the best they can as they see it.

2863. This day has an exquisite gift for you, waiting to be received, but first you must look for it, and then, you must accept it.

2864. Flowers bloom and flowers die, but let us focus on the life, the fragrance and the beauty which lasts until spring when they are born anew.

2865. The greatest value of money is its power to buy you some free time, as time is your most valuable asset. If you have time to follow your dreams you are rich.

2866. It is extremely difficult to change course when you have invested significant time and money on the one you are on, but this is something that must be done when headed the wrong direction.

2867. The strength of a small child can uproot an oak tree as it begins its life, but the mightiest man on earth cannot do so after it matures. Even so, truth is fragile when it first appears, but nothing can stand against it when it has taken a secure root.

2868. You cannot kill time, but time can kill you, so it is best to show respect while you live within its borders.

2869. Each day your mind has access to many thoughts and choices that can bring satisfaction or regret by nightfall. Let your focus be on the positive and your sleep will be one of peace.

2870. What is love? It is a central sun that radiates and gives life, yet holds all that lives within its periphery.

2871. Every day there is something that needs to be done that you do not want to do. Do that first and you will have a good day.

2872. If your work is play then your life will be interesting.

2873. The divine sequence:

To look, to see, to realize, to do, to experience joy.

2874. Life is divided into five mini lifetimes. The first is childhood and the second, the teenage years. Third, are years of adjustment to about age 30. Fourth, the years of productivity to about 60. After that, life coasts along on the foundation built by the previous four.

2875. Live as though you will live forever, for indeed you will live on after leaving the body.

2876. If you are depressed, seek out another who you could make happy with an act of kindness. In that moment, when you then see a smile of appreciation, depression will be replaced with an inner joy.

2877. There is no greater symptom of illness than a day spent without laughter.

2878. The little things are the nuts and bolts that hold life together so it works. Overlook them and life comes apart at the seams.

2879. Even if life seems difficult, you know that you can easily make it to the end of the day. Then you can do that again tomorrow, and the next day, until the difficulty vanishes.

2880. An hour lasts exactly sixty minutes for the rich and the poor. There is equal opportunity to spend it wisely.

2881. The time to act is always now, for if you wait until tomorrow, it will still be now.

2882. It is strangely true that the most difficult of times often produce the fondest of memories.

2883. For those who wish they were born in a previous era; I have three words that should change your mind: No toilet paper.

2884. The past only exists in your memory. Pull up all the files where there was any condemnation or lack of love and delete them. Now move forward in the present where all things are possible.

2885. You cannot change the past, but you can mold a positive future, which will later become a more favorable past.

2886. The standard successful person learns from the general mistakes of life. The great ones may make great errors, but once corrected they make a quantum leap forward.

2887. The talent of forgetting the right things is as important as cultivating a good memory.

2888. I favor the future over the past, for I can create my future, but the past is set in stone.

2889. You often hear people say that this is the pivotal point in history, but people have been saying that every day for thousands of years, because the now, or the present moment, is always the crucial one.

2890. There may be many parts of the past we would like to forget, but we do want to save thoughts and acts of love, friendship and faith, but let us not forget the crazy things that now bring laughter when told. They add spice to life.

2891. Enjoy the roses today. Yesterday they had not yet bloomed and tomorrow they will fade. The message is to enjoy today.

2892. Maybe one in ten people are self-motivated. Perhaps one in a hundred are driven to succeed undaunted by failures, but no more than one in a thousand live up to their full potential.

2893. It is the best of times for those who live in the present, but the worst of times for those who live in the past.

2894. Millions of years of the past are summed up in this one present moment. Think then on how potent the present must be.

2895. Guilt belongs only to the past and worry to the future. Neither exist when the mind is focused on the present.

2896. You might as well act now, for the present is the only time that is ever available.

2897. It takes at least 13 milliseconds for the eyes to capture an image and much longer to respond. This means that we never see the real present and always live in the past.

2898. The most valuable moment of your life is now. The least valuable is that moment of past regret that surfaces.

2899. Every day has magic in it, but you must look or you will not see.

2900. There is perhaps no motivation more potent than that produced by loved ones who either depend or have faith in you.

2901. When the storms of life come, be like the Master and say, “Peace, be still.” Expect peace and it will be yours.

2902. Do you create circumstances or do circumstances create you? That is the question.

2903 Each day has two awakenings. First there is the awakening of the physical brain to the morning light, but more important is the awakening of the consciousness to the opportunities at hand.

2904. Could we really endure full awareness? Somewhere on the planet there is one who is shouting for great joy, whereas in another place there is one who endures great suffering. Somewhere in the universe is a planet where peace and security reigns, but in another the whole solar system is destroyed by a supernova.

2905. Similar to people, each day is unique. Life is enhanced by finding that which is special in it and feeling appreciation.

2906. Your true self is a being of such immense power that, when sensed, no one would dare challenge it.

2907. After reading an article written by a professional, we often find more wisdom and useful information in the comments of the nonprofessionals. Never underestimate the common people.

2908. Love your life today and the future will take care of itself.

2909. You can always handle the problems of today. It is tomorrow that causes the worry, but tomorrow will soon be today, and you will handle that also.

2910. Fortunate are you if you have a loved one who accepts you whether young or old, in abundance or lack, or whether others praise or condemn. Hold on to such a person and give as you receive.

2911. A future that we cannot predict keeps us involved and makes life interesting.

2912. Boredom is a hell easily rectified by a little creative thinking.

2913. If you want to be interesting to others, find something that consumes your interest.

2914. Even though you may be a peaceful soul, you had better prepare for conflict if you are willing to defend the truth.

2915. You cannot be depressed while: (1) You are doing something that makes another happy (2) You are creating something beautiful or (3) you are discovering or learning something new.

2916. The weather corresponds quite accurately to life, and the wise can use the changes to their advantage. They have fun during the sunny days of summer, but also enjoy the aftermath of a winter snowstorm and use the snow as a source of play.

2917. Time is definitely affected by our state of mind. Remember that, as a kid, how slow time went when you were waiting for Santa Claus and then how fast it went when you could finally open your presents.

2918. “All things come to him who waits”, but unsaid is the importance of what we do with those things after they arrive.

2919. Since we become what we believe we might as well see ourselves as healthy, happy and productive.

2920. Since we find what we are looking for, we might as well look for the good, the beautiful and the true.

2921. The world you see reflects your thoughts as if it were a mirror. Change your thoughts and watch the reflection change.

2922. If you think you can’t, you definitely will not. If you think you can, you definitely will, if you do not give up.

2923. Never see yourself as poor, no matter how troubling are your circumstances. Your state of mind can become fixed and thus a barrier to abundance.

2924. Intentions create your thoughts, which create words, which create actions, which create the world you experience.

2925. Happiness in this world is merely a temporary glimpse through a dusty window that allows us to catch a glimpse at the true eternal joy which awaits us.

2926. A truth spoken by a devil is still true, but a lie spoken by an angel is still a lie. Look not for outward verification, but inward.

2927. The earth is like a garden and we are like plants. Some are like flowers, lovely with a beautiful fragrance. Others are like weeds that you want to avoid. Let us seek to bloom forth in beauty and gather with like-minded souls.

2928. We all make mistakes, but, every once in a while, you say the right thing or do the right thing at the right time and its priceless. May we all have more of those moments.

2929. Before the Wright Brothers it was said that if God wanted us to fly, He would have given us wings. But He has given us wings. It’s called imagination.

2930. There are billions of people praying for help every day. Give God a little relief and check out the needs of those within your circle and be an answer to their prayers.

2931. A cause of fear is the unknown. It therefore makes sense to explore and to know as much as is possible.

2932. Fear is caused by misdirected focus. Change the focus of your attention and the fear disappears.

2933. If you fight against something you give it energy and the problem generally increases. Give no thought or energy to person or situation and the problem will take care of itself. This works on most everything but taxes.

2934. Those who fear suffer twofold. First they suffer through the period of fear, and then they suffer again when the thing they feared comes upon them.

2935. Positive thinking must be followed by positive intelligent action or failure will be the result.

2936. If you do not have what you want, act as if you do. Continue the act and watch it come to pass.

2937. We observe that when life leaves the body that it immediately begins to disintegrate. This tells us that our mind and spirit has power to create in the body and produce health or disease accordingly.

2938. One has not fully lived life until he finds something that sets him on fire to the extent that some think he has gone insane.

2939. If you tune in to the mindset of one who is communicating with enthusiasm you can enjoy the energy, even if you consider the subject boring.

2940. The more pictures we take of deep space the more we see a Divine Artist at work.

2941. Some take thousands of words to communicate a thought yet the thought still remains unclear. Others can condense it to a sentence or two that is clear as day. Clarity of thought equals clarity of expression.

2942. We all lose now and then at the game of life, but the important thing is that when you win, you make up for the losses and move forward to total victory.

2943. Great endeavors usually take much more effort than expected. Those few who persevere to the point of accomplishment are the ones who change the world.

2944. Where the consciousness goes the energy flows.

2945. Sometimes advice from your local plumber or handyman on matters such as politics, investments or health is as good as the experts. Always consider the message no matter what the source.

2946. More important than talent is focused attention and persistence in achieving your goals.

2947. Those who focus on the imperfections of this world, and the people in it, miss seeing the beauty, the love and the divine spark that is in us all.

2948. If your work and your life’s purpose are in harmony then your labor will be sweet and a vacation will seem a distraction.

2949. Most beliefs are founded upon either fear or hope. Truth is found through love.

2950. There is hope based on illusion which is really wishful thinking; then there is hope based on the inherent goodness of humanity which does indeed manifest from time to time.

2951. There are two types of people. Those who see what they want to see, and those who at least attempt to see what is.

2952. Love is a language that God has written in the human heart. It is a language we all must learn.

2953. We all see the same sunrise, but the new day is seen differently by most of us.

2954. When you realize who you are, and sense that Divine Spark within, then all things become possible.

2955. The sun you see at noonday is merely a reflection of the sun at the inner core of your being, which is a reflection of our Creator.

2956. Happy is one who drifts off to sleep at the end of the day feeling good about the day’s labors while looking forward to a new day.

2957. What others can do you can do also, if you study their lives and apply yourself as they did.

2958. There is more to be learned from the school of life than from any other school.

2959. Change, even beneficial change, can be quite a painful process. That is why so many resist it.

2960. You are either an agent of change, or agents of change force themselves upon you. Take your pick.

2961. If you do not seek to do the impossible, then make sure that you are not standing in the way of one who is.

2962. Dependability may be the greatest virtue there is, for what good is love, intelligence, humor and good intentions in a person with whom you cannot depend?

2963. Three of the most terrifying words are: “Some assembly required.” It is right up there with someone from the government saying, “I am here to help you.”

2964. In making life’s decisions we face the known and the unknown. The unknown causes the progress of many to be painfully slow, but the courageous plunge ahead to learn and succeed.

2965. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, except in politics where physics goes out the window.

2966. When faced with a choice between two evils, choose neither, but when faced with a choice between two flawed plans, choose the best and seek to perfect it.

2967. If, when faced with a decision, you do not make a choice, then you yield control to others who have decided and created the events that will force your hand.

2968. There’s got to be a lot of dumb luck involved in the rise to leadership. Just look at Congress and ask yourself if the average member is as smart as your plumber.

2969. Think of the individuals of history who achieved greatness without taking significant risk. Think again, because there are none.

2970. You may silently make a decision that receives no herald in this world, yet lives unseen may be rejoicing at the course you have set.

2971. Political correctness is not new. It has been with us since the beginning of civilization. It just changes form from generation to generation.

2972. The individual tends to trust the outer authorities in life above the inner until he feels betrayed multiple times. In the end he learns to trust the inner which never betrays.

2973. Love without reason has no direction, and reason without love has no power.

2974. Just as salt adds flavor to food, even so do we need some salty experiences to enhance life, but like physical salt we need just the right amount.

2975. Wisdom is the ability to see all the decision points ahead and to pick the best of them.

2976. There are times and situations in life when it seems the only person you can depend on is yourself. As you forge onward help will come from unexpected sources.

2977. Following a right decision enlivens the soul, but a wrong decision blocks the flow of life.

2978. Neglect not your friends, your loved ones, your responsibilities, and especially what you need to be happy. If you are not happy nothing gets the attention it needs.

2979. If you find time to do what you love you are fortunate, but if doing what you love also pays the bills you are doubly blessed.

2980. If a sane person does not get his way, he will formulate a new plan and move forward. The insane one will blame his failures on others and demonize them to the point that attack and violence become the only solution.

2981. Each of us is here because they are a unique piece in a giant picture. Find your place and you will see the bigger picture.

2982. The difference between success and failure is often just one or two steps, two or three feet or a few minutes of extra effort.

2983. They who are honest with themselves and others have clarity and simplicity in their communication, but the dishonest are vague and their communication is distorted and lengthy.

2984. The greatest bliss becomes normal after a while, and the aspiring soul will seek a challenge, even at great risk.

2985. If life were perfect, we would never take a risk, but taking a risk and solving the problem takes us a step closer to that perfection we crave.

2986. Those who use the strongest words of condemnation are usually in the greatest of error.

2987. The mediocre mind seeks the praise of the many, the greater mind is happy with the praise of the few, but great minds are only stirred by the affirmation of the inner Spirit.

2988. You are only free if you have broken the bands of thought that control the thinking of the masses.

2989. You may not be rich and famous, but if you make use of what you have you will have more fun than them.

2990.  The true joy of labor is found when we discover where we are and then move a step forward. There are many frustrated souls who do not know where they are and are moving away from the goal of life.

2991. If your wishes are in harmony with reality your dreams may come true.

2992. To hear of painful happenings from afar is just news, but if you are the one experiencing them it is the apocalypse.

2993. Have you ever seen a person passionately following a dream who complains about being unhappy? Probably not.

2994. Each rising generation seeks change to improve upon the past. Unfortunately, the majority of that change, if implemented, would do more harm than good.

2995. When your goal is fixed and clear, and your resolve unlimited, obstacles move out of the way like frightened mice.

2996. If you are not changing the world, you are not changing yourself.

2997. Some lives are bumper stickers, others are books, but a few are hit movies.

2998. One who listens to the inner voice will not be restricted to the teachings of one book, one teacher or one philosophy, but will find many useful points of light, some in unexpected places.

2999. Failure is caused, not so much for a lack of talent, but the scattering of the talent that you do have. You want the laser over the shotgun to hit a specific target.

3000. Those who seek for the impossible have left the crowds behind and breathe rarified air shared by the great ones.

3001. As soon as the goal is reached, the happiness associated with it begins to fade. Therefore, you must set another, and then another.

3002. Happiness is found when you are not looking for it, peace is discovered when you do not need it, and life is fulfilling when attention is taken off the self.

3003. There is a decision you can make right now that will alter the course of your life for the better.

3004. There are those who fail because they do not try, others because they do not try enough, and still others who try too hard at the wrong things. Indeed, success requires intelligent focus with the right amount of energy.

3005. Breathe deeply, live passionately, think new thoughts and feel intensely, for then life will share its delights.

3006. Great ideas and creativity come not from hard work, but a state of complete rest, with no stress, brings them forth.

3007. Fear is like a virus and the medicine of the true reality of inner peace is the cure.

3008. Regret belongs to the past, fear to the future, but peace is found in the present moment.

3009. Fear is merely faith in a negative event rather than a positive one.

3010. Yesterday was once the tomorrow that was feared, but now we see that what we thought was a fierce lion was merely a harmless kitten.

3011. Until you have learned by doing, you haven’t really learned.

3012. There are times that it takes more courage to live than to face death.

3013. When you see signs that tell you not to go ahead – that is usually the time to go ahead.

3014. Repeat doing the thing you fear and by the third time the fear will be mostly gone.

3015. A flawed belief is a terrible master that makes a slave out of both the heart and mind.

3016. The great soul will find humor and levity in everything, but the small minded only seeks to make fun of perceived enemies.

3017. There are those who fear because they see a problem and others who fear because they are a problem.

3018. Consistent worry about small things adds up to big things, but facing big fears reduces them to small fears and finally no fear.

3019. If you cannot help someone trying to accomplish something, then do not hurt, hinder or get in the way.

3020. It is a basic human need to feel useful, so make yourself useful and life will seem worth living.

3021. When the headline says, “This is what you need to know,” what it is really saying is “These are details that support our bias, all else is censored.”

3022. There are those who anticipate good things and others who see only the negative. The first enjoys the journey, but the second endures torture.

3023. Do you think that if you won the lottery that all your troubles would vanish? Think again. You’d just have a handful of old troubles replaced by new ones.

3024. We all have an Achilles Heel, a weak spot that allows distress to enter, but if we find that point and become aware, healing can occur and peace can take its place.

3025. If you want to make a difference for the better in this world, then be prepared to face uncertainties, risk and attack from unexpected sources.

3026. We can be certain of nothing until we become aware of our Source of life which registers within.

3027. The most secure of all people are they who believe they can solve any problem that comes their way.

3028. Life gets complicated when you accept new ideas, but do not discard the old inferior ones.

3029. To be willing to risk the security of the future for a small benefit of the moment is insane, yet many follow this path.

3030. o be seen as being mediocre is a greater insult than an accusation of failure.

3031. Each rising generation is viewed with concern by the previous generations; yet many in each generation mature and perform with excellence.

3032. Many who wish to serve humanity look to times past, and wish they could have lived then when opportunity seemed greater, but the opportunity is always there, and if it is not seen they are not looking.

3033. Face life, dare it to try to stop you, and courage will follow.

3034. Speaking the truth is dangerous, but safer than suppression in the long run.

3035. A sarcastic attack on one’s belief system is never considered funny, though it may amuse the enemies of that belief.

3036. The idea of the impossible is merely a prison wall that needs to be torn down.

3037. It requires a lot of effort to make a little change. Even so, we must always press onward toward the good, the beautiful and the true.

3038. Two groups of people are accused of insanity: The geniuses of the world and those truly insane. Wise are they who can tell the difference.

3039. There are three types of people. First, those who consistently play it safe; second, those who continually take risks without thinking, and third, those who take thought-out calculated risks. The third has the most enjoyable life.

3040. Fear of being hurt prevents many from a full sharing in a love relationship, but remember that your spirit is invulnerable, so give of yourself fully so you can receive fully.

3041. Fear is the master of the coward, but the valiant move forward, facing fear, removing it of its power.

3042. If a thousand people refuse to give because they think their gift is small and does not count, then that which could have been a great force for good does not manifest.

3043. What may seem trivial to others may require a great act of courage on your part. Any act of courage grows the soul.

3044. It is not the state of being rich, intelligent or talented that brings satisfaction in life, but movement in that direction.

3045. Resting for a time is refreshing, but standing still and ceasing to progress is a form of death.

3046. When you reach that point of despair, where you feel the world is closing in on you – that is the time to make a bold move. Such an action will revive your spirit.

3047. A mouse on the offensive has more power than a lion in retreat.

3048. If you lack purpose then pick the thing that is hardest for you to do and proceed to do it. Purpose will follow.

3049. Instead of becoming angry we should rejoice at being proven wrong, for it means we now see where before we were blind.

3050. Let your voice only speak the truth just as you would expect from the voice of God if it should speak to you.

For Provocative Quotes, Part I go HERE

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The Seeker’s Guide to Soul Contact, Part 24

Day 304

Creating Reality

The Seed Thought:

Give love and acceptance to all and you will have all the love and acceptance that you can handle.

How many times have you heard people complain about how badly others treat them? They are not loving enough, generous enough, kind enough and, instead, treat them badly. To listen to them it would seem that they were cursed with the exceptional bad luck to be surrounded by people of a terrible temperament.

The seeker must realize that there is a lot of truth in the statement, “We create our own reality.” If most of the people around us seem negative then we need to examine the thoughts that we ourselves are producing to create that reality.

This reminds me of a story.

A guy moves into a new neighborhood and has his first encounter with the guy next door and asks, “What are the people like in this neighborhood?”

The guy responds, “What were they like in your last neighborhood?”

“They were a bunch of S.O.B.’s, backbiters, irresponsible, and just out for their own selfish purposes.”

To this the neighbor responded, “Well, that’s pretty much the way that you will find them here.”

The guy was wise enough to know that reality is largely created by our own thoughts and perception.

Understanding this principle is very useful in the selection of friends and romantic relationships. If a person complains about a string of terrible relationships in the past then it is best to avoid that person or you will shortly join the list. If the person complains about all the friends that betrayed him then you’d better distance yourself or you will join that list also.

A complimentary principle here is that like attracts like. Positive people are attracted to others who are positive and the negative to negative. The positive ones create their own heaven on earth and the negative ones their own hell.

If the seeker sends out love and acceptance to the maximum degree possible he will draw others who recognize and appreciate such vibes and people will come into his life who reciprocate that which was given out.

Seed Thought of the Day:

You can dispel hate with love, but you cannot eliminate love through hate.


Day 305

Love and Hate

The Seed Thought:

You can dispel hate with love, but you cannot eliminate love through hate.

This roughly corresponds to the thought that light can instantly dispel darkness but no amount of darkness can extinguish the tiniest light.

I say the correspondence is approximate because few correspondences are exact yet they are close enough to reveal the principle involved.

Light immediately dispels darkness, but a show of love does not always cause an immediate effect. What does correspond exactly is when love is received. When love is given and then received all hate involved is instantly evaporated just as a light instantly causes darkness to no longer exist.

On the other hand, when one truly accepts love into his consciousness there is no amount of hate that can take it away for love and light are closely related. It is of great importance then that the seeker keeps his focus of attention on both light and love. When the focus is maintained then no amount of darkness, negative feelings or hate can extinguish them.

Once a truth is registered in consciousness no amount of darkness can cause the seeker to snuff it out. Similarly, once the fires of love are registered in the heart the seeker will always choose that feeling over hate.

Jesus was a great example of this principle. In the midst of the agony of crucifixion by his enemies, who hated him, he demonstrated the dominance of love over hate by saying:

“Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

Likewise the love of the true disciple cannot be diminished by those who hate him. He will instead look upon them as if they are little children who know not what they do. He will have faith that the day will come that the love of God will manifest in their hearts and from that point on be the dominate force.

Those who are polarized in hate have never fully registered spiritual love. What they see as love is merely selfish desire. Spiritual love is completely unselfish accompanied by a desire for equal sharing.

Seed Thought of the Day

Those who focus on an end of the world apocalypse often create an underlying energy that leads to the end of their personal world in disaster.


Day 306

The End of the World

The Seed Thought:

Those who focus on an end of the world apocalypse often create an underlying energy that leads to the end of their personal world in disaster.

This is a good time to review lesson 88 dealing with the principle of energy following thought. Because we are all a part of God we all have within us godlike powers. We thus have within us power to manifest our thoughts for thoughts are indeed things and create things. The only reason this creative power is not more apparent is that most have within them many thoughts in opposition to each other. You may have a goal you want to achieve but other thoughts take you on the easy and perhaps more enjoyable road in the opposite direction. You may want to make a great accomplishment, but opposing thoughts do not believe it is possible.

Remove the opposing thoughts and all things become possible.

Easier said than done.

Today as in ages past there is a large percentage of the world who believe we are in the end of days, that we are approaching an apocalypse that will manifest great tribulation in the near future. Fortunately, not everyone has this belief, as there are also many with the opposing belief that mankind has a promising future ahead of them.

These two opposing beliefs interplay and from them is produced a world of uncertainties where a apocalypse seems possible, but so does a better world. How this plays out is largely determined by whether positive or negative thinking dominates.

Meanwhile, even if we have no outside apocalypse the power of focusing, and sometimes even hoping for one, has a powerful effect and such thinking is often powerful enough to cause great tribulation within one’s own world.

A great example of this was David Koresh and the Branch Davidians. They believed the apocalypse was very near and the days of fire and tribulation were at their doors.

It turned out that they were correct, but the fire and tribulation only applied to them and not the world itself. After a confrontation with the authorities their whole compound went up in flames burning many of them alive and destroying their movement.

Their thoughts were directed toward the end of the world and the end of their world came to pass.

Many end of the world thinkers do not suffer such a dramatic ending, but still suffer their own personal apocalyptic scenario. Some suffer financial disaster, devastating breakups of relationships or painful end-of-their world health problems.

The old adage of being careful of what we think applies here. The seeker must focus his mind on seeing both the outer and inner world in as positive and peaceful terms possible. This will aid in making his personal world more of a heaven on earth rather than a hell.

Seed Thought of the Day:

No great truth will come without effort. We must seek it in our quiet moments. As we become sensitive to the inner voice we will all discover truth in some odd places.


Day 307

Holding the Light

The Seed Thought:

No great truth will come without effort. We must seek it in our quiet moments. As we become sensitive to the inner voice we will all discover truth in some odd places.

I have discovered what I consider to be many significant truths in my life that are outside of mainstream thinking. When I have taught them to others I notice an interesting response. Part of the receivers merely registered the information as data with no understanding of the underlying principles. When discussing it later with them it is as if they had never heard of the teaching before, though they may recall a few words that were said.

Then there are others who heard the same teaching, but seemed to have a light turned on inside of them. These seem to grasp more than a few words but assimilated the ideas or principles therein.

What is the difference between the two groups?

The difference is the second group made an effort to understand, whereas, the first just basked in the teaching as one would enjoy a movie for entertainment purposes only.

The seeker must understand that greater understanding does not come by osmosis. When a greater light is available the student must see it as a trigger rather than something just passing by. If he sees it as a trigger then it will act like an alarm clock reminding him to wake up and pay attention. When he pays attention he then applies the principle of holding the mind steady in the light. When the mind is then steady in the light it is as if the light is no longer just passing by, but now held firm as the sun shining in its strength at noonday.

When this occurs the student claims the understanding as his own and it will always be with him.

The student must have his internal antenna up at all times to detect signals of truth. If he keeps up this awareness at all times he will find truth in unexpected places. It could be something like an interview in the media, a comic book, a movie or even a casual statement from a friend. Flashes of greater light comes from other sources than the scriptures or great literature.

Jesus said: “Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.” Matt 24:42

This is equally true if worded as follows:

“Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour greater light will come.”

Seed Thought of the Day:

Perfection is in the eye of the beholder. Even Jesus was rejected because he was seen as a flawed character.


Day 308


The Seed Thought:

Perfection is in the eye of the beholder. Even Jesus was rejected because he was seen as a flawed character.

All religions teach about the perfection of God and Christians are big on the perfection of Jesus. This doctrine uses the Bible to justify this, but what is not realized is that theologians rely on a mistranslation. The Greek word for “perfect” in relation to Deity is TELEIOO and the corresponding TELEIOS. This word does not really mean perfection as we think of it today but more literally means to finish, accomplish, or complete.

Here is the main scripture that refers to the perfection of Jesus:

“Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him.” (Hebrews 5:8-9)

“being made perfect” all comes from the one word TELEIOO. This does not mean perfection as we define the word but it implies that Jesus finished his learning so he could do his job.

The Greek word AKRIBELA corresponds to the English perfection implying exactly correct performance. This word was not applied to Jesus but to the attitude of the authorities who crucified him.

Perfection is indeed in the mind of the beholder. What one considers as the perfect response to a problem will be seen as flawed to another.

Many see God as the perfect creator yet take a look at his creations, All humans are different and all have some flaws. It is close to impossible to find a perfect natural diamond or crystal, but easy to find those with flaws.

And take a look at the planets in our solar system. Only earth has perfect enough conditions to support human life.

Even when we look at the creations of God we must admit that perfection among them is difficult to find and then what one sees as perfect another will find flaws.

Instead of seeking a flawless perfection the seeker should seek the perfection of TELEIOO as did Jesus. In other words, the pilgrim will seek to do a work in harmony with the will of God and continue until it is finished, or TELEIOO.

This is doable whereas an exacting perfection in this material world is not.

Seed Thought of the Day

The inner voice must be awakened by focused attention.


Day 309

Focused Attention

The Seed Thought:

The inner voice must be awakened by focused attention.

Focused attention is a key to success in almost any arena of life where achievement is involved, yet it is perhaps the most ignored.

And why is this?

Because focusing one’s attention takes effort and it is the line of least resistance to take the easy way which is to attempt to reach the goal with little or no effort.

The main lesson learned by the life of God as it passed through the animal kingdom was the paying of attention. A wild animal has to learn to pay attention or it will starve or get eaten or killed by a predator. Deep within each human are all the knowledge and lessons of the lower kingdoms which are: the knowledge of the mineral, the feeling of the vegetable and the focused attention of the animal.

All these qualities can be retrieved by human consciousness, but not by osmosis. The individual has to pay attention to the Spirit within if he wants to correctly manifest and use them.

Here is why paying attention to the inner Spirit is difficult for the beginning seeker. From the time of his beginning as a human life all he has felt from within are the feelings generated by his personality self. For a long period of time he is not even aware that there is something else to perceive.

Eventually, he hears others speak of the inner voice or Spirit or has an experience where the Still Small Voice seems to speak. Finally, he realizes that if he pays attention that there is something more within than his own personality feelings and thoughts.

At first the seeker just “waits upon the Lord.” Then after waiting and waiting he either gets discouraged and ceases his quest or realizes he must do more than wait. Instead, he learns that he must be actively involved in directing consciousness toward the union with Spirit and the Higher Self.

Just as a person building a model ship within a bottle must pay a lot of focused attention to the project, even so must the seeker who seeks consistent communion from within must do likewise.

Seed Thought of the Day

Only by descending into the darkest depths can the fullness of love and light become known.


Day 310

Earth School

The Seed Thought:

Only by descending into the darkest depths can the fullness of love and light become known.

We often complain about problems we have as humans. Many either blame God or refuse to believe saying, “If there was a God then why would He allow pain and suffering?”

The seeker needs to realize that this earth plane is a school and without problems to solve the student learns very little.

One of the most important lessons to be learned is love and the principle is illustrated in this story:

“And, behold, a woman in the city, which was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at meat in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabaster box of ointment, And stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment.

“Now when the Pharisee which had bidden him saw it, he spake within himself, saying, This man, if he were a prophet, would have known who and what manner of woman this is that toucheth him: for she is a sinner.

“And Jesus answering said unto him, Simon, I have somewhat to say unto thee. And he saith, Master, say on. There was a certain creditor which had two debtors: the one owed five hundred pence, and the other fifty. And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both. Tell me therefore, which of them will love him most?

“Simon answered and said, I suppose that he, to whom he forgave most. And he said unto him, Thou hast rightly judged. And he turned to the woman, and said unto Simon, Seest thou this woman? I entered into thine house, thou gavest me no water for my feet: but she hath washed my feet with tears, and wiped them with the hairs of her head. Thou gavest me no kiss: but this woman since the time I came in hath not ceased to kiss my feet. My head with oil thou didst not anoint: but this woman hath anointed my feet with ointment.

“Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.” Luke 7:37-47

This does not mean that we have to become great sinners to learn about love, but it does illustrate the fact that great difficulties provides opportunities for it to manifest.

The woman had a great weight on her shoulders which was relieved by Jesus, causing her to feel a surge of love. When a person encounters difficulties of any kind and receives help from another that brings relief, then love will be manifest.

Great love is often manifest when a group of people undergo a harrowing experience together. For instance, those in the military who go through great battles where they have to depend on each other to survive establish a brotherhood and closeness that few realize. Comrades in sports also establish a strong link.

Such a brotherly love cannot manifest between two who do not go through points of tension together.

Any shared experience involving problem solving bring two or more people closer together and helps love to be known.

The seeker will not realize the power of love through mere osmosis, but must descend to the depths and get his hands dirty if necessary. Peace and love exist most profoundly together when they follow a resolved conflict or problem.

Seed Thought of the Day:

It is difficult for us to clarify with our consciousness that which lies outside our consciousness.


Day 311

Expanding Consciousness

The Seed Thought:

It is difficult for us to clarify with our consciousness that which lies outside our consciousness.

One of the problems with a lot of gurus and self proclaimed prophets is that they elaborate on many things outside of their consciousness while expecting students to accept merely because they say that what they teach is true.

One of the things that is beyond the consciousness of all these characters are the details of future happenings. One can examine future trends and cycles compared with the past and give some accurate indications, but no one has proven they can accurately predict the details of the future.

This gives the seeker a reliable key to weed out the self-deceived teachers. All one must do is examine their writings and see if they have made any serious predictions that did not come true. Amazingly, most of them do make specific predictions and all who have that I have examined have failed prophesies. Generally, close to 100% fail.

So, if a person claims to be of such high consciousness that he can predict the future, and then fails, one must ask – what else has he taught that is not true? What other levels of consciousness that he thinks he is accessing that is illusion on his part?

As sincere seekers, however, we do want to expand our consciousness and stretch ourselves to reach our next level. This is a right direction to take, but problems develop along the way. When the individual touches upon his next level he finds himself on unfamiliar territory and at first has difficulty in articulating what he has perceived. Sometimes he will merely say that it is impossible to put into words.

The truth is that anything can be put into words for the Word is God and with God all things are possible. The difficulty in putting a new experience into words is that the seeker merely has not yet completely processed it and does not comprehend it in his physical brain consciousness.

Therefore, you will sometimes encounter those relating true experiences but giving a description that is not accurate. This is again an important reason that the seeker develop his own soul contact so he can discern for himself the real from the unreal.

Seed Thought of the Day:

The inner spirit only recognizes that which is true and does not see error. Therefore the soul vibrates positive for us when truth is spoken or presented.


Day 312

Perceiving Truth

The Seed Thought:

The inner spirit only recognizes that which is true and does not see error. Therefore the soul vibrates positive for us when truth is spoken or presented.

The Higher Self lives in a realm where only truth exists which is quite different from the earth plane where unlimited illusions exist.

Here, there are a number of problems with our communications. Some of them are:

(1) Outright lies.

(2) Distortions and exaggerations.

(3) Incomplete communications giving the wrong idea.

(4) Honest communications, which are misunderstood and interpreted incorrectly.

(5) Bias on the part of the receiver causing him not to register what has been said.

In the realm of Spirit these limitations are virtually non-existent for deceptive communication is impossible. Think… if you could read someone’s mind then they could never lie to you.

This earth plane is foreign territory to the soul. When it begins to merge with the lower self and peers out into our world it is like entering a foreign country with different customs and language. It recognizes truth but error and deception are not in its consciousness.

The question that arises then is this: Is the soul any help to the seeker in perceiving error?

The answer is yes and the reasoning is simple. When a true principle is enunciated to a seeker with soul contact he will feel an inner vibration that tells him that there is truth in what is being presented. If there are no true principles then the seeker will draw a blank or a stupor of thought.

Remember the consciousness of the soul focuses on principles rather than data. If the sender is giving out true principles then the data is usually reliable, but it is up to the seeker to verify them if they are of importance. If the seeker gets nothing from the soul then the data is generally filled with distortions and should be investigated to discover the truth.

Then there are times that the soul becomes aware of certain directions of people in your life and will perceive that they will be of benefit or harm to you. If the knowledge is considered important it will send you either a positive or negative impression on these people and it will then be up to you to reflect and figure out how to deal with them in your life.

When the seeker first establishes soul contact these impressions are so faint they seem to be a part of his imagination, but as he places attention on them the link becomes stronger and the seeker becomes confident in what he receives, for he has proven them correct many times.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Never substitute the master within for a master without.


Day 313

The Master Within

The Seed Thought:

Never substitute the master within for a master without.

In addition to the word “master” one could use “teacher” or “authority.”

It is human nature to look at a confirmation from an outside authority before they will accept something as true. And why do they accept a particular authority? For the average person this occurs largely by chance. Such authorities may come from the groupthink of a religion he is in or a political party or group accepted by family and friends.

Once something is proclaimed by this outside authority it is accepted as true, even if it makes no sense when critical thinking is applied. The mind directed by outside authority is so clever that it can take the most illogical pronouncements and rationalize them into acceptable logic for the unthinking conscious mind.

The problem for beginning seekers is this. Before achieving soul contact that which comes from within is not directly from the soul, but filtered through the astral/emotional body which distorts reality. After they have relied on this they have found they have been wrong most of the time. These inward impulses caused them to marry the wrong person, take the wrong job, and choose the wrong friends or maybe a bad belief system.

Therefore, it seems safe for this person to rely on an outward authority who seems reliable. One thing that seems enticing is that if something goes wrong he is absolved of responsibility. He can now just use a version of “I was just following orders” excuse. He can thus make mistakes and remain innocent of failure within his own mind.

What is not realized by those who substitute the voice of a strong authority within for that which is without is that there is a guidance that comes from within which is reliable. To contact it the seeker must rise above emotional contact to the spiritual contact of the Inner Voice through the Spirit from the Higher Self.

This whole course is dedicated to assisting the seeker in finding and securing this contact. Once the contact is made the test is whether the seeker will learn to trust the inward master over the outer self-proclaimed ones.

Seed Thought of the Day:

There are certain words stimulating thought that take the ear back to the vibration of spirit that cannot be corrupted. These are called, “Eternal Words.”


Day 314

Eternal Words

The Seed Thought:

There are certain words stimulating thought that take the ear back to the vibration of spirit that cannot be corrupted. These are called, “Eternal Words.”

There are words that pass away and then others that do not. Jesus talked about this principle when he said:

“My words shall not pass away.” Matt 24:35

What is the difference between words that pass away and those that do not?

First, words that pass away are those that:

(1) Merely repeat something that has already been said.

(2) Do not make sense.

(3) Do not offer a new insight.

(4) Do not clearly enunciate a truth or a principle.

Eternal words that do not pass away, such as those spoken by Jesus, are:

(1) Words that bring additional light to the minds of the receivers.

(2) Words that are original in presentation and not just a repetition of things past.

(3) Words that either clarify a true principle or clearly present a new one.

For example, some of the words of Shakespeare are so enlightening that they bring greater understanding to the mass consciousness and, therefore, do not pass away. Here is an example:

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

This is knowledge we should know, but passes over the heads of many; therefore, Shakespeare’s words helped to anchor this important truth and thus will not pass away.

Others may quote and reword this, but it is the original thought offered by the master writer which shall not pass away.

Jesus knew that his words would not pass away because this master soul knew that he was presenting truth and principles in a way that had not been done before, and that these words lifted the consciousness of the receivers to a new level.

Words that do not pass away come from the higher self to the mind of the seeker and should be sought. Often, these eternal words are something tailored to an individual consciousness to bring a greater awareness. When this happens to the seeker the light from the experience will stay with him or her from that point on. Let us all seek the light that comes from eternal words and cherish them.

Seed Thought of the Day:

If we try to solve the equations of the higher realms before we learn our basic lessons, we will neither know the mysteries of the higher or be able to live successfully in the lower. What this leads to is the seeker becoming the dreamer within the dream rather than the knower waking from the dream.


Day 315

Basic Lessons

The Seed Thought:

If we try to solve the equations of the higher realms before we learn our basic lessons, we will neither know the mysteries of the higher or be able to live successfully in the lower. What this leads to is the seeker becoming the dreamer within the dream rather than the knower waking from the dream.

Here is one of the best commentaries on this idea made by Djwhal Khul:

“What do I mean by the dangers of atrophy? Simply this: Some natures become so polarised on the mental plane that they run the risk of breaking connection with the two lower vehicles. These lower bodies exist for purposes of contact, for the apprehension of knowledge on the lower planes and for reasons of experience in order that the content of the causal body may be increased. Therefore it will be apparent to you that if the indwelling consciousness comes no lower than the mental plane and neglects the body of emotions and the dense physical, two things will result. The lower vehicles will be neglected and useless and fail in their purposes, atrophying and dying from the point of view of the Ego, whilst the causal body itself will not be built as desired and so time will be lost. The mental body will be rendered useless likewise, and will become a thing of selfish content, of no use in the world and of little value. A dreamer whose dreams never materialise, a builder who stores up material which he never employs, a visionary whose visions are of no use to gods or men, is a clog upon the system universal. He is in great danger of atrophying.”

Letters on Occult Meditation – Page 97

Most of us have met aspiring individuals who focus on fanciful ideas floating around in their heads while ignoring down to earth realities which must be dealt with. These people usually dwell in poverty on the material plane as well as in relationships for they do not cross their Ts and dot their Is in the world of experience.

The seeker must avoid this trap and render to Caesar that which is Caesar’s and take care of essential business. When he does this he can then focus with peace of mind upon higher ideals.

Seed Thought of the Day:

I cannot alter the will of God, or even the whims of fate, but can adjust my mind and heart to create a positive outcome.


Day 316

Accepting Limitations

The Seed Thought:

I cannot alter the will of God, or even the whims of fate, but can adjust my mind and heart to create a positive outcome.

Harmonious with this thought is the Serenity Prayer used by 12 step programs which reads:

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And wisdom to know the difference.”

There’s also the famous quote of Clint Eastwood from the movie, Magnum Force:

“A man’s got to know his limitations.”

The seeker must realize that there are things that are under his control and then others that are not.

The individual does not have power to control the weather, who is elected president, what time the sun will rise or decisions made by others. He may have a small influence on some large events, but overall he has to accept that such things will happen with or without him and must be incorporated into his reality.

Then there are other items over which we do have power. The most important is the power of decision itself. We have the free agency to make decisions within the realms of our ring-pass-not.

Within our limitations we have full power over:

(1) Words we speak.

(2) Books we read

(3) Friends we select

(4) Careers we pursue

(5) Our entertainment

(6) How we use our time and much more.

Any time we pursue a positive goal there will be hurtles to overcome, but if we make the best of the powers we have, and do not give up, a satisfying result can be obtained.

Along the way to success many seekers make the mistake of not taking their limitations into consideration on one hand, and not relying on decisions within his power on the other. Thus when they fail they often succumb to the temptation to see themselves as victims.

The fact is that we are all in the same boat and face similar advantages and disadvantages. The differences which exist are more related to consciousness than circumstances. There is a way for seekers to achieve most any desire if they persist within the light.

The path to the unlimited is through wisely dealing with limitations.

Seed Thought of the Day:

You are an authority on yourself more than anyone else. Do not let anyone else define who you are.


Day 317

The Highest Authority

The Seed Thought:

You are an authority on yourself more than anyone else. Do not let anyone else define who you are.

Perhaps you have been called a liar, hypocrite, racist, bigot, sexist, hater etc. and you knew that you were none of those things. You explain your true views but the attacker insists that he is right, even though he is unable to present any evidence of your inner thinking.

The guy has the gall to believe he knows your actual thoughts better than you know them yourself.

A problem occurs when the seeker may doubt his own authority over that of a negative person trying to define him. In all cases the seeker needs to examine his own thoughts and not let an outside authority convince him that he is thinking or believing something other than what is real.

Can some really be convinced that they think differently than their real thoughts?

Some time ago Dateline arranged an experiment with college students. They had unsuspecting victims participating with a group of about a half dozen that knew what was going on. The group was shown a set of four lines and of the four there were two of equal length and two obviously unequal. They were then asked to pick the two lines that were equal. They showed the lines on TV and it was obvious which two were the correct match.

The next thing they did was to have the planted students all give the same wrong match. Then when it became the victim’s turn you could tell he began to doubt what his eyes and reasoning were telling him. Some of the victims gave the right answer for a round or two but, one by one, each victim gave in and started giving the wrong answer as the right answer, even though they knew within themselves that it was wrong.

The interesting thing about watching their faces on TV was that they all looked a little depressed when they started knowingly giving the wrong answers as right answers. It was almost like the poor kids were selling their souls.

Even so, some will allow others to define them in ways that defy perceived reality.

Does this mean that introspection of ourselves always produces a reliable assessment of ourselves?

Yes and no. Each of us knows for sure what we think and feel at any given moment. Such thoughts and feeling truly represent what is occurring inside, but that does not mean that one’s thoughts and feelings represent true reality.

For instance, one may believe his thoughts and feelings represent a very giving person, but when contrasted with that of 100 other people he may find that he is really in the bottom 10%. It is true that he feels that way, but truth is not born out in his actions.

Thus in dealing with other people the seeker should accept that each individual is the world’s greatest authority on what he thinks and feels, but at the same time question their accuracy if they do not seem to reflect reality when contrasted with humanity as a whole.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Creation begins with thought, then contemplation, next a feasible plan, then the plan into words and finally the words into sustained action.


Day 318

Creation Principles

The Seed Thought:

Creation begins with thought, then contemplation, next a feasible plan, then the plan into words and finally the words into sustained action.

A thought marks the beginning of all creation and rightly so for thought is associated with the life of God. We have heard that God is love, but even more foundational is that God is thought for not even love could exist without thought.

And what produced thought one may ask? Thought and intelligence is manifest though the eternal interplay of cause and effect. Thus, cause and effect, as well as thought, are the two eternal principles that are co-dependent and have always existed and will always exist.

This seed thought is a formula for successful creation as all successful endeavors begin with a thought and then is followed by contemplation upon the thought or the idea.

This second step often lacks attention and focus thus leading to disaster or incomplete creation. The seeker must take the seed idea and allow it to come to life within the womb of the mind and heart to then give birth to a workable plan or blueprint for success. If there is not enough thought applied to create a workable plan then all the effort in the universe will not produce success. There will occur failure after failure until sufficient contemplation is applied to create a workable plan.

The next step is to put the plan into writing or some type of physical blueprint or model that can be shared. This sharing will draw others who will assist in the creative effort.

The final step is to sustain action directed at the final creation until success is achieved. This is the second major step where failure happens as many give up when difficulties present themselves. But, if the plan is good then it is only a matter of time and energy expenditure before the creation will manifest.

Seed Thought of the Day:

True peace comes not through suppressing dissent, but in allowing conflict to be resolved through maximum freewill.


Day 319

True Peace

The Seed Thought:

True peace comes not through suppressing dissent, but in allowing conflict to be resolved through maximum freewill.

Many there are who are deceived into thinking that peace is equated with a vacuum of physical dissent from opposing beliefs. This false peace manifests in tyrannies where the slightest disapproval of the “Dear Leader” brings imprisonment or death. Such draconian measures do cause the appearance of stillness, or false peace, on the physical plane, but where is the peace in the minds and hearts of the loved ones of the one who was martyred? The hearts of the spouse and children of such a person are ablaze with rage as the crowds shout with approval to the tyranny that persecuted him or her.

This false idea of peace manifests not just in authoritarian governments, but in all nations and groups throughout the world. Lack of agreement may not be met with death or imprisonment but it usually reveals disapproval and lesser, but still effective, punishments meted out such as, loss of job or status, loss of love or family association, unfriending, shunning or threat of damnation from a religious group. These threats in a free society are often almost as effective in creating a false peace as the tyrannies. This is especially true of a religion that holds the threat of eternal hell over the head of a true believer.

On the other hand, the threat of ostracization is very powerful in any group where the thinker represents a small minority. Just having to deal with being the sore thumb in the group is a difficult situation for many to handle.

The fact is this. If free speech is allowed with no draconian punishments attached there will be disagreement and conflict, but just as light is only revealed through contrast even so truth that leads to peace on all levels is only revealed through the contrast of truth and error. Without that contrast manifesting through the principle of freedom then ignorance through false peace will prevail.

There is a principle called “harmony through conflict” which tells us that a certain amount of conflict must be resolved before true harmony and peace can manifest. The true seeker must not seek to suppress conflict, but to resolve it through the promotion of true principles.

Seed Thought of the Day:

The higher nature can fulfill the lower but the lower cannot fulfill itself.


Day 320


The Seed Thought:

The higher nature can fulfill the lower but the lower cannot fulfill itself.

The bureaucracies of the world illustrate the truth of this principle. They create a problem and then those who created the problem attempt to solve it and wind up making things worse. To solve the problem, requires thinking, unencumbered by the deficiencies of the ingrained groupthink, so an efficient solution can be presented.

With humanity in general, problems are attempted to be solved on three levels.

The first is the emotional level in connection with the computer aspects of the brain. The decisions here are determined by what feels right which often disregards reasoning to the contrary. This is by far the most popular method of decision-making and greatly flawed, for what one desires to be right or true is often set with many flaws.

The second is the thinking part of the mind, which uses reasoning and logic. A minority are polarized in this even though it is much more accurate and can correct many of the mistakes made by the feeling nature.

The third is the intuitive/spiritual approach through soul contact. Whereas, the mind can reach a dead end and slay the real, soul contact always reveals true reality and is the most reliable of the three. Unfortunately, only a handful of people are centered here.

Each seeker desires the greatest possible fulfillment, but to find this he or she must realize that the lower nature does not have the power or intelligence to fulfill itself. The emotional nature consistently sabotages its own desires and understands not the path of peace and happiness.

The reasoning mind sees at a higher level and can do much to assist the emotional nature in reaching stabilization. It has its limits and eventually reaches dead ends in its reasoning.

The intuitive/spiritual self sees from the widest angle of vision and can fill in the gaps and errors created by the mind. Because the Higher Self is linked to the Life of God it is the source of the most complete fulfillment for humanity.

When soul contact is not perceived the seeker needs to use his reasoning powers as the highest point of decision, but influenced by positive desire. But when those flashes of inspiration come through the soul he has the ultimate guide on the path of fulfillment.

Seed Thought of the Day:

The most potent control happens when the person does not realize he is being controlled and the strongest prison is that where the prisoner thinks he is free.


Day 321

The Strongest Prison

The Seed Thought:

The most potent control happens when the person does not realize he is being controlled and the strongest prison is that where the prisoner thinks he is free.

The average person has numerous implanted mindsets that control his thinking of which he is unaware. He thus thinks he is in charge of his thinking and destiny when he is a slave to direction that comes from a source outside of himself.

This can result in a situation where the person is a slave to an outside will while thinking he is following his own.

There is an advantage to being a slave and realizing that you are a slave. In such a situation one will fight for his freedom. The problem is exacerbated when he is a slave, but does not know he is a slave and truly believes that he is sacrificing of his own free will. In this situation he will not fight for his freedom and will remain in slavery until light is shined on his ignorance.

So, what are some situations where a person is in a prison of sorts but does not realize it? Here are a few.

(1) In religion. The believer sacrifices time and money to support his religion when none of his beliefs are his own. Instead, he was raised in that religion and is enslaved by the belief system implanted in his. He doesn’t think to question it.

(2) Even if he is a convert to a religion he can be enslaved by it if he accepts all beliefs as coming from an all-powerful God who is not to be questioned. He donates money not questioning how it will be used and supports teachings, not thinking them through.

(3) Politics. Just like religion many are slaves to beliefs instilled into them by their parents, friends, groups and teachers. Many give their support as slaves to a master without even thinking through their beliefs.

For instance, reporters have taken the stand of candidates that are hated by various individuals and told them they come from a politician they love and they instantly support such issues, obviously showing slavery to an ideal rather than reason.

(4) Average citizens. In the United States the average person pays over 50% in taxes when all of them are considered, but many do not believe we pay enough and do not consider them slaves to the system. Consider that in ancient Rome it was common for slaves to run a business and only pay a third of the profits to the slave master.

The seeker must free himself from implanted thoughts that control him. He will do this by examining all his beliefs and testing them out in the light of his heart, mind and soul. Then when he understands why he believes what he does he takes a great step toward liberation.

Thought of the Day:

As the seeker transverses the valley of the shadow of death in the blackest pitch, a hand extending love or light is seen with overwhelming joy that could not be experienced in the light of day.


Day 322

Extending Love

The Seed Thought:

As the seeker transverses the valley of the shadow of death in the blackest pitch, a hand extending love or light is seen with overwhelming joy that could not be experienced in the light of day.

The biggest complaint about God is that we live in a world where we have to endure many negative things such as pain, suffering, loneliness, depression etc. They claim that if there is really a God then there would be no suffering or deprivation – that all would be bliss and peace instead. Why would God want anything else?

The answer is that it is not some god on a throne that wants all the difficulties that surround us in this world, but ourselves. We are the ones who volunteered to come here and were happy to do so. Therefore, if a person wants to blame anyone for a difficult situation he finds himself in he must blame himself.

“So when did we volunteer to enter a world with pain and suffering?” asks the skeptic.

The answer is that you are an eternal being who came from a higher plane where there is perfect peace and bliss. You decided you wanted a new and different challenge that would expand your awareness and appreciation for the things of the spirit. We could call this the Bodybuilding Principle. Behind this is the truism, “No pain, no gain.”

In other words, to build a strong body which can handle great challenges with ease the person has to put himself through a strenuous program that takes great effort and is quite uncomfortable over periods of time. But, after going through such an agenda, the person sees great progress toward his goals.

Even so, before birth we planned and agreed to the life we have now in hope of obtaining a great benefit from it. Ironically, some of those who are now in the most painful of circumstance were most eager to plunge into it because of the benefit that would be later realized.

Two great realizations come to the seeker as an increase of light and love and these often manifest in the most difficult of situations. When a seeker feels crushed by negativity or overwhelming circumstances and experiences a hand extending in loving support he will feel a sweet spiritual uplift that is priceless.

There are many out there who need a word of cheer or encouragement, or assistance, and the seekers who have the strength can do much to increase the flow of love in the world by reaching out and doing what they can to help. The reward will be beyond anything money can buy.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Human nature generally takes the easy way and just wants to be told the answer by some authority instead of being forced back upon their own souls.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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The Seeker’s Guide to Soul Contact, Part 23


Day 286

Unnatural Results

The Seed Thought:

Eat too much unnatural processed food and get unnatural manmade problems and disease.

I came across a teaching many years ago that registered as truth to my soul. It goes like this.

Nature is a far superior chemist compared to humans as it has spent billions of years perfecting its processes. The closer we get to consuming fresh natural ingredients the healthier we will be.

Somewhere in nature is a cure for any disease.

Most every attempt science has made to duplicate, synthesize or improve nature has resulted in a cheaper, but inferior product.

In the end, you do not save money when using synthetics or processed food for you pay a lot extra with future medical bills accompanied by pain and suffering.

When I first became interested in natural products way back in the Sixties the only place you could find health related natural foods was in a health food store and most of what they had were supplements. It was difficult to even find whole wheat bread and there was no such thing as purified drinking water.

You couldn’t get a good salad anywhere. There was nothing in fast food restaurants and even fine restaurants served you a salad with only iceberg lettuce with a bunch of processed ham and dressing thrown on top.

Outside of making one myself I couldn’t find a good salad anywhere until about 1972. Fifty miles from my residence a health food store opened up a decent salad bar. I visited it whenever I could and I seemed to be a great success. It always had a big line and they had lots of good ingredients.

At the time I thought that within 30-40 years the whole country should be converted to healthy natural foods and we should be a much healthier nation.

Reality turned out to be somewhat different than I expected. The knowledge available about natural foods and cures has indeed expanded, but in this process the health of the nation has deteriorated.

How could this be?

The answer is that some have paid attention and incorporated natural foods, but the majority eat more junk than ever and, thus, overall health health has gone downhill.

There are a lot of people who give lip service to healthy eating, but in reality consume many processed foods. Sometimes friends will insist they eat healthy, but then when watching what they order I see they order soft drinks with artificial sweeteners (terrible for your health), processed bakery goods and sweet items with lots of sugar.

One of the first things a seeker needs to do is read the labels of any packaged item they buy. If the ingredients include names that you do not recognize then it is probably full of chemicals that would make you instantly sick in large individual quantities. A rule of thumb is to be suspicious of anything with more than three or four ingredients.

Because humans are far inferior to nature as chemists the seeker needs to stay as close to natural foods as possible, else his body will be greatly weakened over a period of time.

Some say that they cannot afford natural foods, but the healthiest food you can eat is actually very cheap. Sprouts are top of the line as far as healthy foods go and if you buy your own seeds and sprout them yourself the cost is very low. They will be some of the cheapest foods than you can eat.

Many books have been written on natural foods and health. The true seeker should seek some of them out and keep up on the latest thinking.

Seed Thought of the Day:

There is no such thing as infinity. If there were the universe could not be expanding. There is a number to everything.

Orthodox thinking accepts the idea of infinity as a given – but is it?


Day 287

A Number to Everything

The Seed Thought:

There is no such thing as infinity. If there were the universe could not be expanding. There is a number to everything.

The common thinking is that the universe is infinite, but the truth is that nothing has been proven to be infinite. Many things seem to be infinite but when examined they are always composed of a specific number.

Just consider the number of human beings on the planet as an example. If you met a new person every second you could only get through a third of the current population by the age of 80. If you greeted new baby every second you would only be able to see 20% of them. To such a person it would seem that there are an infinite number of humans, just on this planet.

This number pales in comparison to the number of cells in the average human body, which number around 30 trillion. In other words, there are 4000 times more cells in one human body than there are humans on the earth.

Now if we take just one cell and count the atoms which make it up we will come up with an even larger number of about 100 trillion. If a person were shrunk down to where he could see the cells and started counting it would indeed seem that the human body had an infinite supply of cells. The same goes with atoms in a cell. They would seem infinite to anyone who started counting them.

The components of most creations seem infinite to those lives within them. Many ancient people thought there was no end to the earth. Some thought the few thousand stars were all that existed. Now we have discovered that we live in a galaxy with over 200 billion stars and in the universe we can observe there are as many as 2 trillion galaxies.

What we have discovered in what we know is that the components of creation are so numerous that they can seem infinite, but are not and still have a finite number to them.

The bottom line is there is a definite number to everything.

Another conundrum is found in the idea that the universe is expanding. The only thing that can expand is something that is finite. If the universe were indeed infinite it could not expand. If the universe were to expand to twice its size would you then have two infinities? There is no such thing. The truth is that if we could expand out vision enough we would see that the universe has an end and has within it a specific number of galaxies, stars and atoms.

A more correct wording would be to say that God and the universe, or the universe of universes are unlimited.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Who says there is no intelligent design? Billions of intelligent humans over thousands of years have been trying to duplicate the human body, and cannot match the intelligence in its design, or even a single organ as the eye, or a single cell within the eye, or a single atom within the cell. They cannot even reverse engineer these creations.

Some good food for thought for the atheist.


Day 288

Divine Complexity

The Seed Thought:

Who says there is no intelligent design? Billions of intelligent humans over thousands of years have been trying to duplicate the human body, and cannot match the intelligence in its design, or even a single organ as the eye, or a single cell within the eye, or a single atom within the cell. They cannot even reverse engineer these creations.

Isaac Newton, who is considered the greatest scientist of all time, marveled at the technology that went into the creation of the human body and noted that the eye alone was so complex that some greater or Divine Intelligence had to be involved in its creation

‘Imagine walking through a forest and stumbling across an iPhone lying at your feet. You pick it up and wonder how it got there. A friend walks by and tells you that all the elements of the forest just came together at the right moments and created it.

This may sound hard to believe, but at the other end of the scale we have scientists digging among ancient ruins and finding ancient tools so deteriorated that it looks like natural forces could have created something so elementary.

“Absolutely not,” they say. “These elementary tools are solid evidence that ancient intelligent man was here and they are intelligent human creations.”

Now consider the difference in the intelligence involved in the creation of a rough-looking hammer and an iPhone. If the hammer is proof of intelligent design then the iPhone is a million times the proof.

On the other hand, the human eye is many times more complicated than the iPhone and the body as a whole many times more complex than that. You would think that the existence of an Intelligent Designer would be so obvious that no one would question it.

Is it possible that the complexity is so overwhelming that the point is just ignored?

The truism, “You can’t see the forest for the trees” comes to mind.

Seed Thought of the Day:

The greatest gift that one person can give to another is to stimulate that love which is in the soul to light the soul of another, like the passing of a candle.

The implications of this thought are great.

For an interesting story that illustrates the blindness of those who do not see Intelligent Design click on this link.


Day 289

The Greatest Gift

The Seed Thought:

The greatest gift that one person can give to another is to stimulate that love which is in the soul to light the soul of another, like the passing of a candle.

That part of us which is eternal is that originating point of light in Divine Space called the monad, or originating intelligence. This monad is born in the world of souls, or spirits, into a body (called the egoic or causal body) composed of a high grade of mental matter.

This soul is focused on divine attributes and is most centered on love; especially love of the whole rather than just the part.

When the seeker obtains soul contact his consciousness moves beyond love of self and those who only bring obvious benefit to self. Instead, he develops love of humanity as a whole and realizes that within each person, even those who are annoying to the personality, dwells the soul which is enflamed with the love of God.

The problem is that this great love has not penetrated the veil of separation between God and humanity. We as true seekers who have a realization of soul love can assist in the following ways:

(1) Realize that this divine love is not only within you but all others and is seeking to manifest.

(2) Realize that the love of the soul dwells even in the most irritating people. See that side of them that is on the inside more than the personality flaws on the outside.

(3) Show love to all no matter how they treat you.

(4) Realize that energy follows thought and look for love to be lighted in unexpected places.

Forgiveness is a key to making this happen as the seeker must purge himself of all grievances toward his fellow men and women. Advice on accomplishing this was discussed earlier and these teachings are always good to review.

May the Force (of love) be with you.

Seed Thought of the Day:

If you hear a report you do not like, do not shoot or attack the messenger, but investigate the message. Your preconceived notions could be wrong.


Day 290

Don’t Shoot the Messenger

The Seed Thought:

If you hear a report you do not like, do not shoot or attack the messenger, but investigate the message. Your preconceived notions could be wrong.

When the average person hears a message he does not like or that runs contrary to his mindset his first reaction is not to sincerely examine the message for truth, but to attack the messenger. And how does he do that?

First he will figure that since the guy is on the other side (usually assumed to be the side of evil or the devil himself) that this person must evil or at best some reckless, unreliable reprobate.

Next he will assume that the guy has many flaws that signal a red flag.

Finally, he will look for and find those flaws, even if the guy is as innocent as Mother Teresa.

Then, when he is satisfied that the guy is in league with the devil he will assume it is safe to reject everything that comes out of his mouth with no need at all to examine the veracity of the arguments presented.

The true seeker will not only reject this approach but be personally abhorred by it. The sincere seeker after truth realizes that no earthly teacher is flawless and all people have a mixture of truth, error and distortion in their belief systems. He will not reject anyone because they are a flawed character and will not accept any because of claims of infallibility. Instead, he will look at the actual words and works of the person and run them by his own soul to test them for approval. If they register well with his soul he will incorporate them and, if not, he will either put them on the shelf or reject them depending on the clarity of the inner voice.

Many true messengers have been rejected, persecuted, imprisoned and put to death because their message was not honestly examined for they were identified as being in league with evil. The day of enlightened messages and true messengers is not over. Let us be among the few who can embrace them when they surface.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Insanity is when you disagree with reality
Justice is when realty bites.
Happiness is when reality is embraced.


Day 291

Facing Reality

The Seed Thought:

Insanity is when you disagree with reality
Justice is when realty bites.
Happiness is when reality is embraced.

Why would anyone disagree with reality? Well, it happens more than one may think. You’ve probably done it yourself since over 90% of the human race is polarized in a reality distortion field.

And what is that?

It is human emotion, which emanates from our emotional body, often called the astral body.

Communication with the soul, which is the one reliable registrar of truth, occurs when the higher part of the mind receives from this higher part of our selves. To get that truth impressed upon our consciousness it has to go through the emotional self and then to the lower mind centered in the physical brain.

Unfortunately, the emotional self acts like a mirror and creates a reverse image of truth. Consider this. When you look in a mirror it seems that you are seeing yourself and surroundings as they are, but you are not. If in doubt just hold up a newspaper headline and try to read it. Difficult isn’t it? Everything in the mirror seems normal, but there is a subtle reversal that distorts reality.

This is what the emotional self does. Instead of allowing you to see things as they are it represents to you a version of truth that seems real, but is not. It tends to believe what it wants to believe rather than what is.

This is a form of insanity forced upon us all until the time comes that we are forced by others or circumstances to look at the true reality. This is like holding up a newspaper headline in a mirror and actually seeing the reversal. When this happens the distortion can no longer be denied.

At first this reality bites because you liked believing what you wanted to believe, even though it was false, but you can only stare at the reversal so long without admitting to yourself that it is a distortion of reality.

When the reversal is finally accepted the seeker begins to access and trust the higher part of his mind that can see without distortion. After a period of time in doing this, he finds that the truth brings much more satisfaction and happiness than did his previous desire to embrace illusion.

When the seeker looks back on his youth and sees what he desired and embraced then compared to what he desires and embraces now he can often see how he has moved toward the truth and that move has always brought him to a greater degree of well being and happiness.

If we expect truth to verify all our desires, we develop a mindset that becomes an enemy to truth. Let all true seekers become friends with reality.

Seed Thought of the Day:

The language of the soul is the communion of true principles.

Contemplate on what is meant by the language of the soul.


Day 292

The Language of the Soul

The Seed Thought:

The language of the soul is the communion of true principles.

Many people who seek for soul contact think that the Higher Self will give them answers in literal English, or their native language. They also think the soul cares about personality details in their life such as finding a parking space.

First, let me clarify that your soul is only interested in helping you with issues that you cannot solve on your own or that will have significant impact beyond that which you personally desire. It is particularly interested in things that have impact on the group of souls with which you are associated.

Secondly, the seeker should not expect answers to come in complete sentences. If words do come to the speaker from the soul they will usually be impressions that are interpreted by the mind.

Overall, the Higher Self understands, absorbs and sends knowledge much faster than we do because it deals with principles and knowledge is received and sent as impressions that convey much more than words, but understanding of how things work or why things are the way they are.

Specific details are sometimes accessed through the soul by retrieving the Akashic records, the Book of Life containing a complete record of earth history and the lives thereon. The problem is that few are able to accurately access them through the soul and many get pieces of information with numerous gaps and when put together by their physical brain much distortion is the result.

This is why we hear many teachers giving conflicting accounts of what they have received.

Dealing with principles in connection with the soul is much more reliable than data for the seeker has an inward sense that tells him when a principle revealed is true whereas details are much harder to discern.

If I were to say that aliens have a hidden base on the moon, then how many could confirm this through the soul?

Very few.

But if I were to say that a great purpose behind all creation is the evolution of life from matter in the direction of Spirit then this idea may register as correct.

Because principles are the language of the soul I have focused on the principles behind reality in most of my writings.

Seed Thought of the Day:

The desire for the truth must be the only desire in the consciousness, as the truth is sought.


Day 293

The Eye Single

The Seed Thought:

The desire for the truth must be the only desire in the consciousness, as the truth is sought.

Jesus threw some light on this idea:

“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” Matt 6:22-23

The Master gives us some expansion on this thought since light and truth are often synonymously written together. If we focus 100% on the side of light and truth, then we will be filled with light and always be able to distinguish truth from error. On the other hand, if we take our focus away from light and truth the opposite will happen. The person will be full of darkness.

What does this mean?

In light you can see clearly and in darkness you cannot. Therefore, the one in darkness will not see reality as it is no matter where he looks – unless he makes a firm decision to look within to the Source of light and develop a love for what is revealed.

Again, we go back to that basic principle which tells us that, “energy follows thought.” If the seeker’s thoughts are directed toward light and truth then he will draw them to his consciousness, but if his thoughts are only on verifying what his lower desires want to be true he will draw darkness and error into his life.

As one contemplates this seed thought he may be inclined to ask: “Does not everyone desire truth? After all, who desires to be wrong?

It may help if we break down the approach of the two sides.

On the side of light and truth, as mentioned in the seed thought, “the truth must be the only desire in the consciousness.”

If this is so, then what is different that is in the mind of the one who is in darkness and illusion? Surely all people think they desire the truth.

Yes, even the ones in great darkness think they desire the truth as much as the next guy, but there is one difference. Above the desire for truth the one in darkness desires to be right and only to have his preconceived notions verified. He thinks his desire to be right is the same as another’s desire for truth. Such thinking is a grievous error.

A desire to be right is linked to satisfying the lower emotions and, as discussed earlier, the lower emotions always distort and reflect in reverse the true reality.

A pure desire for truth is linked to the higher mind, the soul and God who is the Source of all things. The lower self fights tooth and nail to hold on to desired beliefs, however wrong. The seeker reaches a great milestone when he finally lets this go and focuses on soul contact rather than favoring the lower emotions.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Good must co-exist with evil to have meaning, just as light needs the darkness of a shadow to be seen.


Day 294

Good Needs Evil

The Seed Thought:

Good must co-exist with evil to have meaning, just as light needs the darkness of a shadow to be seen.

We often think that we see light but we do not. What we see are merely the effects of light.

In the depths of space above the earth there is a massive streaming forth of light from the sun, but if you were up there in a spacesuit you would see nothing but the blackness of space no matter how much you tried to see it. You would see something though when you looked at your spacesuit where the rays of light strike and cast differentiation, contrast and shadows. You need the shadow land of physical form to see the effects of the light of the sun. Otherwise, the rays of light would move on forever undetected through space.

Light and darkness are just one of the many manifestations of duality, but they all have one thing in common. They need each other to be revealed and understood.

Like a light shining in darkness, if only good existed then this quality could not be seen, but would be invisible to all. God had to create the universe with contrast and the duality of good and evil so that which is good could be seen, understood and appreciated. Before creation we could not have appreciated God as being good because there was no evil to reveal what was good.

We may not appreciate the manifestation of evil, but without it we wouldn’t have a clue as to any path that would lead to the beautiful, the good and the true.

I guess we could say that evil is a necessary evil.

The path of the seeker, therefore, must be to see manifestations of good and evil as points from which to navigate toward a good and desired end

Seed Thought of the Day:

Unquestioned, unproven or unearned authority is always a destroying energy.

Why would this be true?



Day 295

Following Authority

The Seed Thought:

Unquestioned, unproven or unearned authority is always a destroying energy.

The first question that may come to the mind of the seeker is this: What if the material from such authority is correct and the person follows it and benefits? In that case would it not be destructive?

We can answer that with this scenario.

Let us suppose you came across Bernie Madoff before he was caught and he gave you an investment tip that paid off. You followed it merely because he was an established authority on Wall Street. After this he advises you to invest with him and make over 15% interest. You think to yourself that he is an authority and was right last time so you will trust him even though the 15% seems unrealistic in most cases.

In this case your unearned authority being right just set you up for a great disaster.

The problem with unearned authorities that are not thoroughly tested is that it is only a matter of time before they give you information or direction that is wrong and will lead to negative results.

There are a handful of seekers who question and test their authorities to the best of their ability. When this rare authority passes all their tests then should they accept without question?

Even here the answer is no.


Because no human being is infallible. We all are subject to error.

So what is the difference in the way the seeker should handle the earned and unearned authority?

With the unearned authority the seeker needs to be skeptical of everything he says and check out the truthfulness to the best of his ability. When he says something that doesn’t seem to make sense you figure the chances are that there is error or distortion involved.

Concerning the more reliable earned authority the seeker gives additional weight and accepts most things that sound reasonable and registers well with the soul. If he says something that seems odd or unreasonable you do not automatically reject it, because he or she has been correct numerous times in the past. Instead, you seriously consider it and check out all the details possible. If you cannot prove the information true or false you put it on the shelf thinking that additional knowledge will bring further light in the future.

The wise seeker will not follow any authority if he cannot make sense of his words, except the soul itself, for a true communication from the Higher Self can be trusted as long as the seeker interprets correctly.

There are those who see me as having no earned authority in their minds and these should only go by the authority of the words themselves in connection with their minds and souls.

Some see me as an earned authority as they have tested my teachings numerous times. These still question me if I say something that does not seem reasonable to them. This is what they should do as I am not infallible and the language itself often does not depict real truth as it is.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Answers to prayers can be very disturbing if one is not thoughtful about what is asked.

Have you ever gotten what you asked for and then been disappointed or upset with the results?


Day 296

The Gold Principle

The Seed Thought:

Answers to prayers can be very disturbing if one is not thoughtful about what is asked.

Everyone wants love, right? Let us suppose you pray for it with enough faith to cause God to deliver. How would this come about?

The greatest manifestations of love come through painful circumstances that reveal who our real friends are. Here are some possible circumstances.

(1) Jack suffers a financial disaster and can’t even afford Christmas presents for his kids. A friend gives him $500 to help him out. Both Jack and the friend share an experience of love they had not realized before,.

(2) Jimmy is confronted by bullies in a park and they start slapping him around. Just as it looks like the worst is yet to come a stranger comes along, puts his own safety at risk causes the invasive kids to flee. Jimmy now feels a love toward this stranger that he will never forget.

(3) Jane as just escaped from a terrible and abusive husband. In a down and out situation she meets Lyle who protects her and helps her out. They wind up getting married and Jane realizes that her love and appreciation for him is much greater than it would have been if she hadn’t passed through her bad first marriage.

Love is just one quality that is enhanced through difficulties. Patience is developed by dealing with obnoxious people. Dealing with terrible circumstances creates wisdom. Tolerance is to be acquired by handling intolerant people.

The bottom line is that quality attributes are formed through the Gold Principle. And what is that?

To achieve the quality of pure gold requires a refining of the material through great heat, allowing the impure elements to be removed so just the pure material remains.

This principle also applies to us humans. The idea of no pain no gain applies. To develop good qualities will often demand that we go through some fires of adversity.

In the first half of my life I often asked God to bless me with various good qualities. I can now see that it is no coincidence that this part of my life was extremely difficult for me. Now, in the latter part of my life, I do not ask for such things for I figure I could use a little rest and am happy to savor the positive results of the troubles I have passed through. Life seems to present enough trials without praying for virtues that will bring on more difficulties.

Don’t let this discourage you from seeking to improve yourself. It will take courage to do what it takes to progress, but courage is one of the finer virtues.

“And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness.” Mal 3:3

Seed Thought of the Day:

When one is filled with love and is receiving love he will never give up his journey on the path.

Why does love give the seeker power to persevere?


Day 297

The Motivation of Love

The Seed Thought:

When one is filled with love and is receiving love he will never give up his journey on the path.

There are three categories of seekers who pursue the Path to the soul.

The first are those who focus on the mind, almost to the exclusion of the heart.

The second are those who focus on the heart, almost to the exclusion of the mind.

The third are those who balance the two energies and exercise an interplay of mind and heart in their decisions as they move forward.

The first person may absorb considerable knowledge but without being tempered by the love energies of the heart he is in danger of being diverted toward the dark path of selfish desire.

The second is highly focused on the love energies of the soul and is not likely to pursue the path of selfishness, but without the aid of the mind he is likely to make numerous detours into the land of illusion. The love of the soul will eventually guide him out of the illusion toward the balance of mind and heart.

The third is the rarest, but with a balance of the two energies he will avoid the path of selfishness as well as the fog of illusion and proceed until the goal is reached.

So, how is it that love motivates the seeker to not give up until liberation is achieved?

The key to successful and continuous soul contact for the seeker is to be involved in unselfish service. This requires him or her to feel a genuine love toward his fellow men and women and follow the Christ Principle, previously mentioned. To follow this principle the seeker will, through the impetus of love, stretch forth his hand, to lift up others to where he is and in turn someone higher will lift him up. All connected to this principle form a chain linked to the one God, bound together by the power of love.

As long as the seeker recognizes the love of God which is in him he will not cease in his motivation to stay on the path and maintain his place in this great chain of Christ.

The words of Paul express this well:

“But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will. For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. For the body is not one member, but many.” I Cor 12:11-14

Love manifesting through consciousness produces the dominating good in the universe and gives impulse to all spiritual evolution.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Since we all have the knowledge of God available within us, the only reason we need a teacher is to remind us to ask questions and search for the truth – not to be the truth for us.


Day 298

The Key to Knowledge

The Seed Thought:

Since we all have the knowledge of God available within us, the main reason we need a teacher is to remind us to ask questions and search for the truth – not to be the truth for us.

Socrates had the idea that all of us, whether we be high or low have access within us to all truth. An acquaintance disagreed with him on this so to demonstrate he called in a lowly uneducated servant and proceeded to ask him a series of questions. This caused the servant to think and reflect until he came up with answers as intelligent as most philosophers of the day. The friend was impressed and most readers had to admit that Socrates had a point.

This approach verifies the idea that the Kingdom of God is indeed within, as was said by Jesus, and that the key of all knowledge is also there as taught by many wise individuals of the past.

This thought is in harmony with a previous seed though which says:

It takes as much intelligence to come up with the right questions as it does to recognize the right answers.

The first major step toward true enlightenment for the seeker is when he begins to ask himself questions. In saying this I’m not talking about questions from a teacher, a quiz or some outside source, but self-generated questions.

This is where a good teacher, book or video comes in handy. They can present some questions and answers that may generate more questions until the seeker begins to formulate his own questions and initiate his own search for answers.

If a teacher does not stimulate the student to ask questions beyond that which he teaches then his value is minimal compared to another who does provide such stimulation.

In the end though, the responsibility is on the seeker to ask questions and look within and without for the answers.

Here is a stimulating parting thought:

The Ark of the Covenant represents that secret place within you where the Spirit of God, and Christ consciousness is found. Within all human beings is available all knowledge written by the finger of God.

Seed Thought of the Day:

When love is truly demonstrated, it does not have to be mentioned.

Does the mentioning of love sometimes occur when it is better to be silent?


Day 299

Show Instead of Tell

The Seed Thought:

When love is truly demonstrated, it does not have to be mentioned.

Have you noticed that many of those who claim to be loving are often not that loveable; whereas, others who never promote themselves as loving are much easier to love?

This relates a principle that manifests though numerous concepts.

For instance, those who present themselves as masters or spiritual giants are often quite ordinary.

Those who claim a high IQ often lack common sense.

Those who tell you how to live your life often have a life which itself is in shambles.

It comes down to this. If you want to be known as a person with positive characteristics, the way to achieve this is not by broadcasting that which you see as your virtues.

Instead, that is the worst way, generally backfires and creates reverse the intended effect.

The seeker should not worry about what others think of his virtues. He needs to merely proceed as a servant of humanity and spread love and helpfulness where he can without thinking of praise or reward. In doing this, whether he realizes it or not, the reward is built in and will manifest in some way.

True, some people you help may not appreciate it, but the next guy will appreciate enough to make up for it.

Those with a good heart will recognize the one who acts in a spirit of love and he will never have to remind the receiver of his good deeds.

The stable servant will realize that the reward for good deeds is a sure thing. He can keep this principle in the back of his mind and then place the idea of praise out of his mind as he goes forward in service with the realization he is on the right path.

All of us know what love is when we feel it, and when we feel it we do not need anyone to explain it to us.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Every creation and life in the universe is a center from which all things in its periphery must be discovered.


Day 300

The Universe of You

The Seed Thought:

Every creation and life in the universe is a center from which all things in its periphery must be discovered.

The more you think about it the more each of us are like an entire universe.

We marvel at the vastness of our Milky Way galaxy, which is called an island universe, having over 250 billion solar systems within it, of which our sun is only about average in size.

On the other hand, our bodies contain over 30 trillion living cells within them and each cell is composed of around 100 trillion atoms. Remember that a trillion is a thousand times as much as a billion so the vastness of that which is within us is great indeed.

You, as a conscious self-aware entity, are only one out of billions living on this small planet. Even so, we begin our awareness centered on one thing, ourselves. From there we explore the universe within and without. At first we seem to be of ultimate importance in the scheme of things, but the more we explore the universe the smaller we become. The seeker slowly discovers he is a mere drop in a great ocean of life.

Does this mean that we are insignificant?

No. As consciousness expands the seeker discovers that there is one life, or one great ocean, of which he is both the part and the whole.

The universe needs each one of us to be complete and we need all the other parts to experience the wholeness, or holiness.

Seed Thought of the Day:

When the world around you seems to fall apart after you have given your all, what should you do?

Give some more.


Day 301

The Extra Mile

The Seed Thought:

When the world around you seems to fall apart after you have given your all, what should you do?

Give some more.

The Master said, “he who endures to the end shall be saved.” (Matt 10:22)

This is more literally translated as “he who endures to the end shall be delivered.”

Most people associate this with some type of spiritual salvation in the next world but when you look at the expanded meaning one can see that a universal principle is at play as covered somewhat on day 218.

We are delivered from failure when we just keep plugging away at a project until it is successfully completed. The problem many seekers have is they give up when the going gets tough. This problem occurs to those seeking to accomplish goals on the material plane as well as salvation in the spiritual.

As the seeker begins to tread the path he finds that much seems to be required from him. It seems that he has to just give and give and give and often gets very little in return. Not only does he have to sacrifice material pleasures, but that sacrifice is generally not appreciated. In fact he often has to endure the opposite which is criticism and attack when all he is trying to do is perform a service that will be a benefit for others.

Many a disciple has fallen short after giving and serving for a season and then becoming frustrated because of lack of success or lack of appreciation and support from others. Often his greatest disappointments come from those closest to him.

Many thus reach a point where they throw up their hands and say, “That’s it! I can’t take it any more. Not even God is helping me so why should I continue? It is time for me to resume the normal life.”

Such people do not endure to the end and thus do not achieve the prize. They may return to an easier life, but a feeling of dissatisfaction with themselves will linger.

Then there are other seekers who feel discouragement and do not consciously quit, but linger on with one foot planted on the goal and the other foot in limbo. This may be the worst situation of all and such a disciple is reported to be even disgusting to God for the scripture says:

“I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” Rev 3:15-16

Of course, to have this principle work the seeker must have a goal that is feasible and worthwhile. If there is something wrong with the idea pursued then the flaws will be revealed to the sincere seeker and can be corrected.

As the disciple works on the goal he needs to realize that all who have succeeded in the past have reached points of discouragement and thought of quitting, but they continued anyway. Their motivation was not their own success, but the need that is out there.

The world needs the light and love that true disciples can give.

Let all true seekers hear the call and be one of them.

Seed Thought of the Day:

To unlearn is to learn and before we do we must often undo, else our efforts are in vain.


Day 302

To Unlearn

The Seed Thought:

To unlearn is to learn and before we do we must often undo, else our efforts are in vain.

There are times when the pilgrim reaches an important crossroad where he encounters evidence that his beliefs and labors are based on illusion rather than reality. At that point he has to make a choice, which is this.

“Do I stop and examine this evidence and risk finding out that all my labors have been mislead and possibly of no value or even negative – or should I just ignore and dismiss them, and move forward and hope for a positive outcome?”

Most go with the second alternative and either ignores or dismisses the evidence that the current labors are a waste of time. Why would a person do this and go contrary to the highest he knows?

The main reason is this. When a person has invested years, or maybe even a lifetime of effort in a certain direction it is devastating to discover that one has wasted so much time. Who wants to face the fact that his life’s work was in vain? The natural inclination is to take a second look and see if all the labors can be justified, built upon and continued.

The second problem deals with the ego. If the person has been wrong all these years when others have been correct then this signals that he has been dense at best and utterly stupid at the worst. It is very difficult for the seeker to accept the fact that he has been wrong when the truth should have been obvious all along.

The natural inclination here is to look for the good in the ideals he has espoused and use them to justify his continuing onward in the illusion.

If this then goes against the highest he knows something strange happens that drives him even deeper into illusion. He then consciously justifies himself to the degree that the truth deep in his consciousness is suppressed. After the suppression is complete the pilgrim’s lower self becomes convinced that he has been right all along and that his current path is the highest and the best.

It then seems to him he is following the highest he knows because he has no conscious recollection of rejecting he highest he once knew. This is a sad situation indeed, but one that all seekers go through for numerous lifetimes until the repercussions of the mistakes become so pronounced and so painful that he is finally forced to unlearn all the mistakes that were the result of his previous learning.

As painful as this turning around is and as frustrating as it may be to realize how much time and effort has been wasted, from the vantage of the soul this is a great day, the beginning of real learning. In the end all the illusion was not a waste of time, but a school designed to teach the student how to enter the path of real learning.

Thus, the seeker must backtrack on the wrong path to enter the right one, to acknowledge error to see truth and to unlearn to learn.

Seed Thought of the Day:

One of the main causes of depression is in the avoiding of difficult decisions that must be faced.

This presents good food for thought to expand on the last quote.


Day 303

Facing Reality

The Seed Thought:

One of the main causes of depression is in the avoiding of difficult decisions that must be faced.

Medical authorities examine the causes of depression on a physical level, as if all that composes our makeup is physical mater and interactions thereof. They tell us that because of bad luck many just randomly suffer from chemical interactions in the brain that cause depression. Yes, they acknowledge that certain experiences such as a lost love, lost job or just pure boredom can contribute, but all people undergo difficult situations, but not all people suffer from depression. The difference they say is in the brain chemistry of the depressed.

So, does random brain chemistry cause depression or does the thought process of the person cause the problematic brain chemistry?

A few researchers are discovering evidence that thought is indeed a powerful factor. This is something that spiritual students have known for thousands of years.

The question for the spiritual student is this: What is the difference between the thinking of the one who suffers from depression and the one who does not?

Before we get to the core answer we must acknowledge that there are seemingly physical behaviors that affect our moods. A bad diet, particularly the overuse of refined sugar, has an effect as well as physical activity or the lack thereof. But even here one has to admit that these things are the result of choices made by the mind of the person. Mind thus makes decisions and decisions affect moods.

Many problems that filter down to the creations of negative brain chemistry are psychological in origin and the result of thought, or wrong direction of thought.

Each individual has some degree of connection with the Higher Self and has a sense of the right thing he should do in various circumstances. When the right choice is difficult then it is often avoided or replaced with an easier decision that merely exacerbates the problem.

When the right decision is avoided the person will take one of several alternatives.

(1) He will feel bad that he took the easy route and reflect with distress about what he should be doing.

(2) He will ignore or dismiss the effects of his wrong choice.

(3) He will suppress disturbing memories so it will seem to his current consciousness that no wrong decision has ever been made.

In each of these situations the internal psyche knows the true reality and the effects of the wrong decision continue to stand in need of attention.

The person in the first situation keeps the problem in his consciousness and is most likely to face the problem and solve it.

In the second it is shoved to the back of his mind making the solution more difficult.

The third is most problematic for the guy lives as if the problem does not exist – except it does and only sincere internal reflection will bring the solution back to his consciousness.

The seeker must always remember that energy follows thought and make sure the thought is headed the right direction. When this is the case the flow of vital force will be unimpeded and the seeker will have a positive feeling about life.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Give love and acceptance to all and you will have all the love and acceptance that you can handle.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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