Braco Comments

This entry is part 35 of 50 in the series 2011A

After quite a lively exchange on Braco I guess I’ll weigh in with a few comments.

First, I’ll answer my own questions.

(1) Are real miracles produced?

There are some participants who have no healing and feel nothing. Others feel a good feeling but are not healed. Still others receive partial or temporary healing. Then there are some who receive healing that will last for a year or more. One could say this latter category has received a true miracle as we normally define the term.

(2) Are the miracles created because Braco has special powers or something else? (3) What is the something else???

People can heal because of specialized knowledge more than the fact that they are special beings. There are, however, personal attributes that help. If the healer is healthy and has a strong vital energy, this can help. One would think that being a spiritual person would help, but when dealing with the masses a carnal person or one motivated by power or illusion can perform short term healings as well as the spiritual person. The main advantage held by the spiritual person is he can heal other people who are spiritually evolved. A wrongly motivated healer cannot do much for someone of a higher vibration than himself.

An initiate should not seek spiritual healing from a non initiate.

Okay – so wouldn’t one have to call Braco special since he does get some miraculous results?

Not necessarily for you hear similar testimony around many other healers.

Those who attended the last gathering may recall the teaching I gave out about ceremony. I said that this was one of the secrets of healing and that if we used our imagination we could create a new ceremony that could be given to the public and produce miraculous results.

Well Braco has come up with a new ceremony that works.

Why does it work?

Because it produces a point of tension in some. A good ceremony will guide the people’s thoughts toward a point of tension. Remember that energy follows thought and if a large group have their thoughts properly directed then miraculous things can happen.

Several things must happen before a healer can have success with a group.

First he must establish a reputation of one who can heal. Braco gained this gradually after he became a disciple of Ivica Prokic. He studied under him and worked with him for a couple years and then took his place when he died. At his death many began to look upon him to heal as did Ivica.

Braco then experimented with additional techniques and gained a reputation as a healer with special powers.

Secondly, the healer must create high expectation.

Once the healer gets a reputation expectation is not hard to accomplish and is where the ceremony and staging comes in.

The staging is set by the warm up people and the audience itself. Those on stage testify to the miraculous healing powers that will be witnessed and many believers are in the audience rubbing shoulders with neutral and negative people often turning them positive before the healer makes an appearance.

This rising of the expectation is a huge step in approaching the point of tension necessary to draw forth healing powers.

Even Jesus realized this and discovered that reputation and ceremony did not work when expectation was low. When he went home no one expected any results from him and nothing happened. Even the great Master could not heal in his hometown where he was seen as nothing special.

These preliminary proceedings are the first part of the ceremony, but the final most profound part occurs when the healer himself appears to fulfill expectations.

This is where Braco has come up with a very powerful ceremony, one that can only work where the healer has a positive reputation and has created high expectation. As Howard Stern says – most people would be laughed off the stage for trying to do the gazing thing, but this guy pulls it off.

Yes, the audience becomes convinced that this unconventional method works and this makes it all the more potent for believers.

He looks at the people in silence and the silence causes them to see his soul and reflect his soul energies back to themselves and if a point of tension is reached then some healing occurs.

The group has been debating as to whether Braco is on the dark or light side or maybe in between.

Let us take a look at the guy. He looks almost like the stereotype of Jesus with his long hair and sweet face. He looks harmless and benevolent. This look he has is good for the ceremony he uses. Clint Eastwood could never get away with this type of work, nor could a lot of others with regular looking appearances.

If I had to pick a guy from the Keys that could create a similar look I’d have to pick Dan. There is a warm and fuzzy aspect to Dan that could pull something like this off and garner trust. (I mean that in a good way, Dan)

Unfortunately, you can’t always tell by looks for, as Jesus said, there are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

The main thing to examine to find the truth of any spiritual messenger are their words and their works. These are the two witnessesq.

Unfortunately, there are no words, so this part of the witness seems to be missing. The lady closest to him in the United States who wrote the only English book about him did say this:

“It is no coincidence that after the November election and Barack Obama’s entry into office, the way was cleared for Braco’s first visit to America. Everyone is now facing the opportunity to open in perspective and action to more balanced possibilities as our ill begotten economic, social, educational and political structures are challenged and crumble. Braco represents a new level of healing reality to consider in the very left-brain West with a greater underlying potential in each of us.”
Angelika Whitecliff

So is Braco going to replace our “ill begotten” constitutional system with something else? And what would that be?

That’s a little unsettling to contemplate.

He does have works so we can look at them.

He desires to heal people are works tirelessly at it. That by itself is a good sign. Yes, there may be glamour involved but that’s for him and his followers to work out.

He either works for free or charges $8 to cover expenses. This tells us that making large sums of money is not his goal at this time. Even if he may at times make a profit $8 is a reasonable fee. That’s a real bargain compared to anything a doctor may charge in attempting to heal you.

He apparently sells miscellaneous items for a profit. Nothing wrong there with doing some free marketing. What he does with the profits is his business.

His work gives a lot of people more purpose and makes them feel better. Nothing wrong with that, in fact that is commendable.

There is one problem I see coming from his works and that is he is receiving the adoration of a messiah figure from many. Instead of looking on the inward God many seem to feel that they cannot receive the spiritual high without him as they can with him. In other words, they are focusing attention on the god without rather than the God within.

I’m reminded of the guy in the Braco film that had the toothache and the pain went away when he gazed at Braco. Did it go away for good? I don’t know, but I know I had a toothache a few days back that went on for a couple days and I was quite upset because I cannot afford to lose another major tooth. I had a good talk with my soul reminding it that it’s important that I not lose the tooth.

Well, the good old inner voice responded and said, “put some colloidal silver on the tooth.” I immediately did this and the pain went away in 15 minutes and has never came back. Hopefully I can keep the tooth and I didn’t need an outside person to help me to manifest that healing.

Yes, sometimes we do need outside help but this should never overshadow the power of a person’s own soul.

One thing that bothered me were the number of people who think they have to be in Braco’s presence to get a spiritual high. I’m inclined to think that this high they are getting is from an astral energy, for receiving the higher spiritual energies does not depend on another human being.

But there’s nothing wrong with getting a good emotional high as long as one realizes there is much more available.

Then there is an important thing that Jesus did that Braco is not doing. He duplicated himself. He told his followers, “Greater things than I have dome shall you do.” He then taught his disciples and soon they were doing great works just as their master did.

I do not see Braco training others to do what he does and the problem is amplified by the fact that many think he is special way beyond what they could achieve themselves.

I surfed through dozens of sites studying Braco and was amazed that I could not find one negative comment. Finally I did find one guy who did not see Braco as a god incarnate – none other than Howard Stern. As usual there is nothing sacred for this guy. Take a listen. It’s entertaining.
Howard Stern Comments

Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

Series NavigationBraco, The HealerExamining Braco

10 thoughts on “Braco Comments

  1. The book I read, “21 Days with Braco” reminded me of reading “Autobiography of a Yogi.” It has a similar vibration to it. The thing I liked about it is that it showed he can be stern and has little patience with unorganized hosts. His concern is for a good experience for the people. I did not see that he was being a prima donna, just very focused on what should happen. Most of the time he struck me as gracious and fun-loving with those around him. The fact that he had been quite a playboy in his day shows he has a lot of solar plexus energy. I believe that is almost a given with any charismatic person. He seems to be handling that energy rather well.

    I recognized that the ceremony thing is part of the power and the mystique surrounding him can serve to increase that power. I have a gift of sorts when I read books. I can really tune into the vibration of a person through a book. I cannot necessarily do that with a video, but I certainly do with books. There were no red flags for me when reading Angelique’s book. I felt a very sweet spirit that helped me be my very best self while in that space and for some time afterward.

    I remember wondering as I read the book if he were a reincarnated master or some sort or higher initiate. I wondered how one would present them self to the world as a higher initiate. What would be the method to reach the most people? I have been contemplating it again and had quite the insight yesterday morning. Going to work driving east I always recite The Great Invocation and The Song of 144,000. I was overcome with love and gratitude as I was saying it yesterday:

    “From the point of Light within the Mind of God
    Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
    Let Light descend on Earth.”

    What does Braco claim to be doing? Tuning into the energy and being a conduit for others to feel the energy.

    “From the point of Love within the Heart of God
    Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
    May Christ return to Earth.”

    I definitely felt an increase of love while reading that book and tuning into his vibration. When I think of him and tune into that energy I feel increased love for humanity.

    “From the centre where the Will of God is known
    Let purpose guide the little wills of men –
    The purpose which the Masters know and serve.”

    Braco is obviously following what he perceives to be the will of God for his life. He has given up a lot of family time (which is very important to him).

    “From the centre which we call the race of men
    Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
    And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

    “Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.”

    Jane says on her website “The energy which Braco projects via the gaze is beyond the time space continuum and so it even can reach people before they come to the event or long after. Many healings happen instantaneously. Others take a few months or never, depending upon the soul’s choice.”

    I sense that Braco is sending pure energy and depending on the personality level of the person experiencing it, is their experience. So yes, there are people pulling out astral energy, worship energy. (We see this happening at Keysters despite JJ’s desire that it not happen). Some are experiencing love-wisdom and are receiving mental stimulation and others soul energy. Some are experiencing physical healings, some emotional and some nothing at all. Once experiencing that sort of energy it provides a baseline if you will and makes it easier in ones own meditation to go there again. I believe it is beyond mental and is more on the soul or atmic level.

    Having a physical teacher conducting energy, showing that it is possible and letting people experience it in a heightened situation, helps them re-create it on their own in their own space. Are some going to become lazy and just depend upon Braco with no effort? Of course. Are others going to use it as a springboard so that then are able to meditate at a higher level and experience things they didn’t before? I and others have experienced that occurrence. I also experience it through Matrix Energetics. I am thrilled there are so many offering this sort of a lesson to humanity to use as their soul directs them.

    This high energy is something that JJ has been trying to create in the Gatherings and has not been entirely successful in doing. I believe if you were to study Braco JJ you would get some good pointers on how to create the momentum you need to fulfill your mission. Stimulating soul contact through mental study has been an immense boost for me and I will forever be grateful to JJ for that boost. I have always felt there was something missing (more correctly someone to help JJ with his mission). I believe that someone will provide the kind of energy, like Braco, to cause thousands to study the principles JJ has so lovingly and tirelessly brought to us over the years. To me JJ is the wisdom part of love/wisdom energy and when the love energy is felt stronger, then will the masses come.

    1. Yeah! Paramahansa Yogananda and Braco have a similar vibration… Maybe it is him. I really felt when reading autobiography of a yogi that he loved serving others, but he loved being a loved as a spiritual leader by others and seemed to love glamor.

  2. If I had the opportunity I would like to check Braco out in person – not to disprove but prove, I keep feeling myself really WANTING him to be GREAT and feel like I have to keep a check on that to stay objective – but I live out in the styx so for now I’ll prolly hafta make do with the live online streaming, I just haven’t been able to get it to work yet.

    I like the fact that he seems to be helping folks and if he is, don’t much care if he’s a master, dirt farmer, or even the devil himself.

  3. JJ said: “The main advantage held by the spiritual person is he can heal other people who are spiritually evolved. A wrongly motivated healer cannot do much for someone of a higher vibration than himself. An initiate should not seek spiritual healing from a non initiate.”

    I get the first part – that one of lower cannot do much for one of higher vibration – but it sounds as thought there may be actual danger for an initiate in doing so. What might the danger be?

    By “initate”, I assume you are speaking even of a 1st degree, but is one of the first degree likely to be able to discern a higher (or non) initiate?

    Is the danger only with a non-initiate or even with an initiate though of lower degree than the one seeking healing?

    1. Strange – I responded to this and it did not show up. Here goes again.

      A Second degree initiate and higher tend to tune out astral energies and some are repulsed by them. Oral Roberts was a good example of one who used such energies to heal. Such initiates would be disappointed if they tried to use him but would need to seek a healer more on their wavelength. It doesn’t matter so much for a non initiate. For them whatever works is helpful.

      Now, if i was at the end of my rope and in a lot of pain I would probably try anything that sounded good no matter where it came from and forget about thinking about my place on the path.

      1. I see you giving mostly mental energy and people getting tied up in astral energy all the time. I see people taking “the highest they can” and I think that is a good thing. We are human beings and I don’t know if very many of us are void of emotional energy.

        1. Whatever type of energy Cheri picked up it seems to have worked and that is a good thing. She followed the highest she knew and it paid off.

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