Seeker’s Guide Links

This entry is part 28 of 31 in the series Audios

Seeker’s Guide, Introduction.

Class One – Who or What Am I?

Class Two – I see my body for what it is.

Class Three – I see this world for what it is

Class Four – You are not your feelings.

Class Five- I use my feelings; my feelings do not use me.

Class Six – My feelings hide the light of the soul.

Class Seven – I will examine my feelings today.

Class Eight – I will find my grievances.

Class Nine – The two grievances.

Class Ten – I will change my mind today.

Class 11 – I will communicate my grievances and let them go

Class 12 – I will let my feelings express themselves

Class 13 – I will be honest about my feelings

Class 14 – I will discover the cause of guilt

Class 15 – I see a difference between guilt and regret

Day 16 – I will find the source of guilt

Day 17 – I accept the true God over the false today.

Day 18 – I will obey the first commandment

Day 19 – I am discovering the key to recognizing the true God

Day 20 – I will replace theory with experience

Day 21 – My first false gods.

Day 22 – I will identify my outer gods

Day 23 – Words hide truth as well as reveal

Day 24 – I will trust the Inner Voice over the outer

Day 25 – I will begin the journey home

Day 26 – False gods are sustained by desire

Day 27 – I will find the source of my fears

Day 28 – I will understand why I fear

Day 29 – I will shift my focus to Spirit

Day 30 – I will not see the material world today

Day 31 – I will see beyond the physical

Day 32 – I am extending my vision today

Day 33 – I will not see fear today

Day 34 – Victims are victims of themselves

Day 35 – I will face any feelings of victimization

Day 36 – I will find my blind spot

Day 37 – I will reflect on effects before I criticize

Day 38 – I will not let criticism control me

Day 39 – I will see myself as I am

Day 40 – In place of excuses, I will take responsibility

Day 41 – I will focus my thoughts

Day 42 – I will grade myself today

Day 43 – I seek for a grateful heart.

Day 44 – I will give glory to God

Day 45 – I will forgive seventy times seven

Day 46 – I will see difficult people as lions

Day 47 – I see the Christ within you and within me.

Day 48 – I send goodwill to all

Day 49 – I extend friendship to all

Day 50 – I will find my brothers

Day 51 – I seek to be pure in heart

Day 52 – I will examine my motives

Day 53 – My soul and I are one.

Day 54 – I will find true love

Day 55 – I will recognize Divine Love

Day 56 – I will send love today

Day 57 – I will show courage

Day 58 – I will choose to choose

Day 59 – I will keep my mind steady in the light

Day 60 – I will reach beyond the lower emotions

Day 61 – I will see the real world

Day 62 – I will rise above emotional thinking

Day 63 – I will discern the two emotions

Day 64 – I see harmony in truth

Day 65 – I seek to understand the two worlds

Day 66 – I will correct my mistakes

Day 67 – I will keep my focus on the higher world

Day 68 – I will discern truth from error

Day 69 – The Two Minds

Day 70 – Discovering Illusion

Day 71 – The Great Illusion

Day 72 – Creation by Illusion

Day 73 – Seed Thoughts

Day 74 – Seed Thoughts and Questions

Day 75 – I Am a Point of Light

Day 76 – Quality Questions

Day 77 – The Will of God

Day 78 – Understanding Divine Will

Day 79 – Finding Purpose

Day 80 – The Plan

Day 81 – Shutting the Door

Day 82 – Light and Love and Power

Day 83 – Understanding the Path

Day 84 – The Revealing Light

Day 85 – Life Responds to Names

Day 86 – Settling on the Name

Day 87 – Completion

Day 88 – Energy Follows Thought

Day 89 – Today I ask questions

Day 90 – Listening for Answers

Day 91 – A Higher Touch

Day 92 – The Voice of the Soul

Day 93 – The Eyes of Understanding

Day 94 – Discernment

Day 95 – Accessing Intuition

Day 96 – Accessing Intuition

Day 97 – The Master Mind

Day 98 – Extending the Master Mind

Day 99 – The Sixth Sense

Day 100 – The Seventh Sense

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JJ’s Podcasts on YouTube

This entry is part 27 of 31 in the series Audios

JJ’s Podcasts on YouTube

1. Eliminating Guilt
Guilt is different than conscience. Conscience comes from within, but guilt comes from the mark of the beast which comes from control from outer voices that are taken for the will of God.

2. Opening the Centers and Spiritual Progression
Excerpts from JJ’s presentations reveal that we progress through approximately 1000 lifetimes represented by the 1000 petaled lotus in the crown chakra. At first we progress through trial and error, and eventually achieve soul contact which accelerates our progress.

3. The One Thing
JJ explains the importance of finding the one thing that you are supposed to learn in this life and then how to accomplish it.

4. Why Are We Here?
What was it that drew us to this world of time and space where there is risk, pain and suffering as well as joy, happiness and sense of accomplishment?

5. How Healing Miracles Occur
What are the principle Jesus used to heal that are also available to us? It is pointed out that He never took credit Himself, but gave the credit to the faith of the person being healed.

6 Listening to the Inner Voice
Speaks of the importance of trusting the inner voice over the outer.

7. Who is Your Savior?
The two types of love. Who is the least of the brethren that we are supposed to love?

8. Prayer and the Point of Tension
Why are some prayers answered and others not? How to get an answer.

9. The Gathering Principle
The Key to Spiritual Evolution

10. The Illusion of Guilt and Sin
Guilt is different from conscience and is caused by illusion. The meaning of sin has been corrupted and had different meaning in the days of Jesus.

11. The Dominating Good
The reason that good dominates in the universe is discussed as well as the core meaning behind good and evil.

12. The Second Coming of Christ
The three stages of the Second Coming. Mistaken notions on the Second Coming. How many will recognize Him? The Dweller on the Threshold. You find what you are looking for.

13. The Real vs Illusion
How our desires keep us in illusion. The importance of finding the truth. “The truth is true and nothing else is true.”

14. The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation
The meaning behind this book is not what you think. JJ reveals what the first chapter means when it said 2000 years ago that the things in the book “will shortly come to pass.”

15. Discovering Reincarnation
Many are taught by their religious leaders that reincarnation is not correct, that there is only one life. JJ relates his journey of discovery that proved to him that reincarnation is true.

16. Molecular Politics
Both major parties claim to represent the will of the people, but their actions often prove otherwise, and policies are implemented that cause the people many problems.. A plan is presented that will give the people themselves the ultimate power.
For the complete plan check out JJ’s book at Amazon. Search there under books for Dewey Molecular Politics

17. The Ten Needs
The fulfillment of ten human needs necessary to a happy life are discussed.

18. Life is Fair
It is common to hear people say that life is not fair, and indeed this seems to be the case. Fortunately, this is not true and this discussion explains why life is fair.

19. The Initiations
There are nine initiations on the path to total liberation. Seven of them are taken on this planet. The first three is of great importance to seekers of wisdom  who will be listening to this.

20. The Mysteries of the Afterlife
What happens after we die? Why are there so many versions in NDE and psychic accounts? Is there a heaven or hell and what creates these two states?

21. Are Conspiracies Real?
Conspiracy theories seem to surface at the drop of a hat and many of them are obviously the result of an over active imagination. Yet we know that there are true conspiracies in the world. How can we tell the true from the false and where would we look to find the truth?

22. Life is a Game
What is the purpose of life? Perhaps it is no more complicated than the fact that all intelligent life likes to play games, and life is the most challenging game of all.

23. Overcoming Limitations to Liberation
Layers of obstacles exist between seekers and the Spirit including the pull of the physical world, the emotional and the lower mind. The seeker must tap into the Purpose behind all creation to take the next liberating steps.

24. Honesty – A Key to Liberation
We place a cloud between ourselves and our souls when we deceive, but sometimes we find ourselves in situations where lying seems necessary. How to avoid these situations is discussed.

25. The Mysterious Name of Jesus Christ
Jesus didn’t plan on keeping the name of Jesus Christ to himself, but intended for disciples to understand its meaning, take upon themselves His name and use its power.

26. Resolving Guilt
Guilt not only causes a problem with peace of mind, but also our health. When guilt is neutralized life energy flows and health is greatly improved.

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Prayers and the New Song

Prayers and the New Song

The book under discussion in chapter five of Revelation represents the knowledge of God as it is revealed through the Oneness principle and differing types of revelation takes place on the various planes. One of the meanings of the seven seals is the implication that there is specific knowledge and principles that apply to our sphere of activity which must be loosed and revealed to us.

The 24 elders represent advanced souls (masters) either on heaven or on earth who have perfected the molecular relationship. Whether they are male of female physically does not matter, but they represent 12 male and 12 female energy units. They also represent the higher self.  

A more personalized correspondence is this: The pilgrim incarnates through the zodiac clockwise until he becomes a disciple. Then when he learns to go against the material flow he incarnates in reverse or counterclockwise. The twelve clockwise and 12 counterclockwise increments also corresponds to the 24 points of wisdom represented here for these 24 great lessons makes a master of wisdom, or an Elder before the throne.

“And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.” Rev 5:8

If we skip to verse 11 we see there are three groups praising the Lamb, the beasts, the elders and millions of angels.

Interpretation: The lower self (beasts), the masters (elders) and the inner guides (angels) acknowledge the sacrifice of the lamb, that the disciple has obeyed the soul and followed as the lamb, but has now graduated. The lamb is sacrificed and the lion emerges with all power in heaven and earth. The lamb is not dead, but transformed. He still follows the inner voice but now knows the voice and is as confident as the lion.

So what do the harps represent?

A harp must be tuned and when it is, beautiful music is played for the Master. We not only receive from God but give to him. The playing of the harp signifies that when we attain the Christ consciousness, we become finely tuned in both our lower and higher natures and are likened to a musical instrument joining in the “music of the spheres” to play in the great symphony of God.

Next it speaks of the “golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.”

The golden vials represent the relative perfection of both parts of the of the nature of the Christed one. Such a divine servant senses the prayers and desires of the saints, or those who are pure in heart, following the highest they know. He then performs the duty of the name of Christ and reaches out to those who pray for more light and truth, and seeks to give it to them so they can advance to where he is. This is the true work of Christ.

Each of us can search for the gold (truth) within us and share it with those who are seeking. We do this to some degree in this group. It is our duty to listen to the prayers of the saints.

The New Song

Here are the next two verses

“And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.” Rev 5:9

“And they sung a new song…”

The word “new” here bears examining. There are two basic words for new in the Biblical Greek. The first is NEOS which means new in the point of time. The second is KAINOS which has the same meaning as NEOS but with the addition that the thing is new in the aspect that it has never existed before. When Jesus talked of “new wine” he used NEOS, for wine had existed before the new wine. But all through the book of Revelation KAINOS is used which tells us of things that never were which are coming to pass.

When John therefore speaks of singing a new song he is speaking of a new creation, something that was not sung before. When God in Revelation says he does “all things new” it means he is creating that which has never existed in the past.

There is truth in the statement of Solomon that “there is nothing new under the sun,” but it is not literally true as evidenced by Revelation for there always comes a cycle where a new creation manifests that is different than any other in the universe.

How does this relate to us?

When the seeker contacts the soul, the Christ in him, he discovers new principles and knowledge that was never before seen by him and his whole being, higher and lower, sing with joy, a new song of thankfulness.

Now keep in mind that the song is new, not the repetition of that which is old. It reads:

“Thou art worthy to take the book,”

The fact that one discovers he is worthy when the Christ within is contacted is new to the seeker. All this time he saw himself as unworthy and now he sees through the eyes of Christ that he is sinless before God. This is a new and joyous revelation.”

…and to open the seals thereof…”

Soul contact reveals that he is worthy of unlocking knowledge that he thought was sealed to him and could only be given to prophets and holy men.

“for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation.”

The old self who saw himself as limited and unworthy is slain and replaced by the worthy Christ within. The great and new realization is that this blood (the life of Christ) is available not just to you, or holy men of the past, but all peoples, tongues and nations.

“And hast made us unto our God kings and priests…”

Those who discover the Christ within become a king of their own domain and universe. They no longer bear the mark of the beast where an outward authority (king) must give them permission to think or to act, but they have discovered the true authority within.

The seeker no longer goes to any Priest to make intercession with God, but he is his own priest and can contact the God within for himself.

“…and we shall reign on the earth.”

Spirit has always reigned in heaven, but now something new has occurred. When the seeker finds the Christ within, he discovers that the Christ in heaven has also manifested through him as the Christ on earth. Since Christ has all power in “heaven and earth,” he reigns through us on earth as in heaven.

A reader quotes me as follows: “There is truth in the statement of Solomon that ‘there is nothing new under the sun,’ but it is not literally true”

Then he says, “Well is it true or isn’t it JJ? Can’t have it both ways.”

JJ: I am not trying to have it both ways and my beliefs do not collide here.

What I said was comparable to saying there is truth in the statement “an atom is like a solar system,” but it is not literally a solar system.” Or, there is truth in the statement “an airplane is like a bird, but it is not literally a bird.”

Even so there is truth in the statement that “there is nothing new under the sun.” And what is that truth?

It is true that history repeats many elements of itself so that no matter what happens there are some similarities to what has happened in the past.

The United States, for instance, has many similarities to ancient Rome and even more ancient Atlantis. Some look at the similarities and think there is nothing new going on because certain elements have repeated.

But not all elements have repeated. There is a forward cycle to all evolution and within this forward cycle there are certain elements that are totally new and never been externalized before.

Every new entity that comes to the earth is like any other entity in many ways, but in other ways it is new and unique, different than any other living thing in the universe.

Thus there is truth in Solomon’s truism, but there is also truth in the use of KAINOS in Revelation, or new things that have never before exactly been.

These two gleanings of truth from seemingly contradictory scriptures highlights two statements from DK.

(1) “Words veil truth.” In other words, it is difficult to put a thought into words so its meaning is literally seen in every application.

(2) He also said that two sets of teachings from even masters may appear to contradict, even though they do not when seen from a higher angle.

“The truth is true and nothing else is true.” A Course in Miracles

March 28, 2005

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The Rainbow Bridge

The Rainbow Bridge

Questions concerning Revelation chapter five:

(1) What did God look like?

(2) What is the meaning of the rainbow?

(3) Who are the 24 Elders? Do you think they are all men? What is the meaning of the crowns of Gold?

First, we are told that God was to “look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.”

Now the interesting thing is that exactly what a jasper and sardine stone was 2000 years ago may have been lost to history. Plato mentions these three stones in his writings as very precious and they are mentioned several other times in the scriptures. Later in Revelations we are told that the light of the New Jerusalem “was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal.” Rev 21:11

Why is this significant?

Because the modern jasper is a dull opaque stone whereas the jasper of revelation was “clear as crystal.” Some scholars think John may have been describing a diamond or something similar. On the other hand, the sardine stone was supposed to be blood red. Scholars believe the emerald of ancient times was similar to the modern emerald.

When John saw God he thus saw a translucent white light contrasted by a deep red and the reflection of a rainbow of colors around the throne that looked like light reflected through an emerald.

There is another mention of the contrast of white and blood red in Rev 7:14 “These (the saints) are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

The robes of the saints were made white by being washed in blood. Did John see a correspondence of this symbol in that the Jasper is made clear white through the contrast of the blood red of the sardine stone?

A major point to consider is John does not describe God as a man sitting on a throne, but as lights resting upon and around the throne.

Even so, when the disciple goes within he will discover a door and on the other side of the door he will discover a variety of lights, or God resting upon his throne.

Here is one description that DK gives of the light in the head: “This pathway of light leads to the heart of a dark blue disk at the very centre of which you were told I could be contacted. Those of you who are in any way adept at meditation work know well that the light in the head when seen and recognised passes usually through three stages of intensification:

“a. It is, first of all, a diffused light, surrounding the head, discovered later within the head and producing an inner radiance, which is the rudimentary halo.

“b. This diffused light then consolidates and becomes an inner radiant sun.

“c. Finally, at the centre of that sun, a point of dark blue, or a small indigo disk, appears. This is, in reality, the exit in the head through which the soul passes out of the world of phenomenal existence, and it is the symbol of the path or the door into the kingdom of God. This is the symbolical interpretation of the phenomena.”

In addition he makes another interesting statement: “The human being who has taken the highest of all our planetary initiations is termed “the diamond-souled” the man who can perfectly transmit the pure white light and yet reflect equally all the colours of the rainbow, the seven colours of the chromatic scale. His personality is here called by the same term for it has become a transmitter of the inner light or radiance.”

He also calls the link between the higher and lower self the rainbow bridge. The personality has all the colors of the rainbow which are merged into the one white light of God.

The lower self circulates around the throne of God, but the final light sitting upon the throne is white, clear as crystal.

Round about the throne were 24 Elders. When the scriptures says “elder” we have a tendency to think of a male dominated position, but the word comes from the Greek: PRESBUTEROS which implies old or ancient, These twenty four also sat on thrones, mistranslated as seats.

As we said at the beginning the book is about the unveiling of Jesus Christ and for what was Christ most famous? The first historical human molecule of twelve human units, twelve male with twelve female companions. The twenty-four have thrones as God does because they are extensions of the full consciousness of Christ.

Finally, the crowns of gold symbolize the victory over the lower nature and the ability to maintain soul contact at all times so the molecular order maintains its presence before the throne of God.

Here are the next two voices:

“And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God. Rev 4:6 And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.” Rev 4:5-6

Contemplate as to what the symbols in these verses mean.

The lightenings from the throne or presence of God are flashes of light, intuition and revelation the seeker discovers as he approaches the inner presence.

The thunderings are the inner quaking  that penetrates to the core as one senses the voice of God within.

The voices are the expressed communication the seeker makes as he translates the revelation into words as he teaches his fellowmen the principles he received.

The seven spirits of God are the seven chakras as they apply to the individual.

The Sea of Glass is the highest of the seven planes or the “divine.” On the physical level that which corresponds to this is space itself, whether it be the space which holds the stars or the space within our being.

Whereas space in the physical plane is filled with blackness, space within the divine is filled with light and produces the effect of a sea of glass to the seer.

Now think some more about the meaning of the four beasts and the eyes within.

“„…round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind. And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come. And when those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever.” Rev 4:6-9

The most obvious thing of interest here is that these four beasts are symbols of the fixed cross of the zodiac. The first beast was the lion, the symbol of Leo, the second a calf for Taurus, the third a man, a symbol of Aquarius and the fourth a flying eagle, one of the symbols of Scorpio. Each sign of the zodiac is in one of the three crosses: the mutable, the fixed and the cardinal. The fact that all four of these signs are in one cross shows that the astrological connection is no coincidence, but an important message is embedded therein through symbolism.

The meaning of the fixed cross signifies fixed intent, persistence, reliability and firmness – that which can be depended upon.

This gave the early saints three messages: (1) You can depend on God to stand by you, (2) he who endures to the end shall be saved, (3) a symbol of the cross whereon the Son of God was fixed between heaven and earth.

Each of the beasts has six wings. Isaiah calls these beasts Seraphim “In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the LORD sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.” Isaiah 6:1-3

Searaphim comes from the Hebrew SARAPH and means “burning or fiery ones.” This is translated as “fiery serpents” in Numbers 21:6 & 8 and as a “fiery flying serpent” in Isaiah 14:29

The fact that these four beasts are associated with serpents (a symbol of wisdom) tells us that there is much wisdom to be gained through an understanding of the fours signs of the fixed cross. The fact that they are fiery before the throne of God is a sign that enlightenment can come through the contemplation of God’s handiwork in the heavens.

The six wings are a symbol of the six worlds of creation with the seventh being the throne of God or the sea of glass. Four wings cover the fiery light and only two are in use which tells us that average humanity cannot see (wings covering the face) or work (wings covering the feet) in the higher worlds. They are limited to two worlds ˆ the physical and emotional. When the “mark of the beast” is removed, two more wings shall be free and cause the seeker to gain greater power of flight to the world of the mind and intuition or higher love.

The four beasts were “full of eyes before and behind.” [ Rev 4:6] “Before” is a symbol of a vision of the future and “behind” a symbol of the past. The beasts speak of that “which was, and is, and is to come.” [ Rev 4:8]

This tells us that when we uncover the secrets of the throne of God (the stars of heaven) that we can decode the secrets of the past, present and future.

This is the destiny of the science of astrology, which is yet in its infancy as far as the general understanding of humanity is concerned.

“It doesn’t make a difference what temperature a room is, it’s always room temperature.” Steven Wright (1955 – )

March 9, 2005

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Unveiling Revelation

Unveiling Revelation

Time for a new venture my friends.

Several times over the past few years have readers expressed an interest in unlocking more of the secrets of the Apocalypse, or the Book of Revelation. When we first started the Keys we spent several months on the most mysterious of all scripture which was Chapter Thirteen of the book dealing with the Beast and the antichrist. This continues to this day to be among my most quoted writings delivering interpretations found nowhere else, except as they have been placed in circulation since that time.

Now we will go through the rest of the vision of John and again instead of taking orthodox interpretation we shall search for the real meaning behind the symbols. This may take a while to complete, but when done we should have plenty of material for a book or two and hopefully, we can shed light where before there were only shades of gray.

The first three chapters are not part of the Great vision, but are messages to the seven churches at that time. Even these are more interesting than meets the eye, but for the sake of brevity we shall skip over them at this time, except for the first three verses of the first chapter which applies to the book as a whole and reads:

“The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.” Rev 1:1-3

There are several interesting statements here that are ignored by many commentators.

(1) The book is a “Revelation of Jesus Christ.”

“Revelation” here comes from the Greek APOKALUPSIS. Does this Greek word look a little familiar? It should for it is the word from which “Apocalypse” is derived. The book is sometimes called the Book of Revelation and sometimes The Apocalypse, but in reality the name is the same. “Apocalypse” is the Greek rendition and “Revelation” the English of the same word.

Let us examine the word a little more carefully. APOKALUPSIS is translated in a variety of ways including, “revelation, be revealed, to lighten, manifestation, coming and appearing.” It is derived from the Greek APOKALUPTO which means “to take off the cover.” This is perhaps the reason the Concordant version translates the word as “unveiling.” In fact, their translation does not name the book Revelation or the Apocalypse, but “The Unveiling of Jesus Christ.” Unveiling has a deeper meaning than the word revelation. A revelation of Jesus Christ could occur by having a short vision and seeing his image. But an unveiling is a different story. A short vision could not do this. To unveil Jesus Christ would imply the revealing of his mystery, layer after layer until there is a full understanding of the light received.

I therefore, submit that the purpose of the book is much more than a mere revelation that there is such a being as the Christ, but that there is an unfolding of a mystery like the unfolding of a flower by the power of the light of the Sun.

Keep this thought in mind as we proceed.

(2) John was shown things “which must shortly come to pass.”

This seems to be an odd statement indeed when almost 2000 years has passed since it was written and most believe that the events have still not come to pass. Where is the great comet striking the earth? Where is the antichrist and where are the waters that are turned to blood etc? 2000 years is not a short time by any human standard, yet the scripture says these things would shortly come to pass.

Now note the end of verse three:

“the time is at hand.”

Not only is the time short, but the time is at hand. Is it possible that all predictions within the book have already happened, or perhaps they repeat themselves on a cyclic nature? This is a good question to keep in mind as we examine the text.

(3) “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.” Verse 3

Thus is a very interesting statement. Why?

Because most people who read the book do not feel blessed. Many feel almost cursed with fear instead because of all the calamities predicted there. How can you feel blessed when you feel that a good portion of the earth may be destroyed and many loved ones will suffer great calamities?

Or is it possible the book is misunderstood, that the real purpose is to unveil Jesus Christ and such an unveiling will bring a blessing and not a curse?

Keep this thought in mind as we move forward.

Now let us go to the first part of the vision:

“After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter. And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.” Rev 4:1-2

The first thing you might want to do is to get an overview of chapter four and read the whole thing.

For purposes of interpretation forget the literal vision and whether or not John saw images with a real existence. Instead remember this one important point. All form, real or imagined, represents a real inner truth that can enlighten the understanding.


(1) What is the door which was open in heaven?

(2) Why did the first voice sound like a trumpet? What is the meaning of the sound of a trumpet?

(3) What is the throne set in heaven?

For Video classes based on the completed book go to this link:

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” Dr. Seuss (1904 – 1991)

March 7, 2005

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The Revelation of the Keys of Knowledge

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The Immortal is the story of an average truth seeker who stumbles across a fascinating teacher, only to discover that the man is John, the Beloved, the Revelator, an Apostle of Jesus, perhaps the most mysterious man in history, comes alive in this book. Legend has it that John never died and still roams the earth as a teacher. John finds JJ Dewey, the main character, to teach him the Twelve Keys of Knowledge to prepare the world for the new age of peace. The first question addressed in Book I is WHO OR WHAT AM I? The student gives all the standard answers…and they are all wrong. The lead character then realizes he is under the tutorage of no ordinary teacher and must apply himself in a quest for knowledge.

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Walls and Borders, Part 6

This entry is part 6 of 9 in the series Walls Borders

Walls and Borders, Part 6

Racism and Nationalism

Let us move on to Argument Two

“Those who support a wall are racist and do not want people of a darker skin living in the country.”

This race card is a disingenuous source of attack pulled out way too often and with no justification.

Both the left and the right have participated in creating our legal immigration laws and policies and there is nothing in them that reflect racism, or discrimination because of race.

The latest poll (Jan 13, 2019) available at the time of this writing was commissioned by ABC News and the Washington Post. It reveals that 42% of the population support building a wall.

Now think a moment. Can anyone really rationally believe that 42% of the population is so racist that they want a wall built just so people from other races cannot come into the country? This thinking is just plain silly, especially when you realize that this poll tells us that 22% of non whites support the wall. Are they racists against themselves?

Here is the interesting part. Among the 54% who oppose the wall 9% see the border problem as a crisis situation and an additional 47% see it as a serious problem. So, 56% of the 54% who do not support a wall still see the border as a serious problem that needs additional controls. They just figure there are other solutions better than a wall.

56% of the 54% equals an additional 30%. Add that to the 42% who support a wall and you have a total of 72% of the population who want extra controls at the border, be it a wall or some other method, to control the inflow of people into the country.

Do 72% of the population desire more border control because they are racist? No one in their right mind can believe this.

So, why do 72% of the population want more secure borders? The answer is simple and it has nothing to do with race. There are three main concerns.

(1) We are limited in the number of people we can assimilate without overtaxing our resources.

(2) We want to screen the people to weed out potentially harmful people such as criminals and terrorists.

(3) We want to make sure they support our country’s laws and ideals of freedom and justice and will not be subversive to our way of life.

We have two groups of people attempting to get in the country. One has legally applied and waiting in line and the other attempts to forcefully cross the border and ignores the law.

Which group deserves the priority?

The answer is obvious and again race has nothing to do with this for both groups are of the same racial mixture.

Argument Three:

“Those who support stronger borders are nationalists, and nationalism is just plain wrong. Spiritual teachers, and particularly DK, are against nationalism.”

Like racism, the idea of nationalism is used as a label to sidestep the reasoning process and used merely as a tool to defeat an opposing view. If you do not like the other guy’s thinking just call him a nationalist or racist, and if the label sticks then no additional thinking or discussion is necessary. It is then concluded that anything that comes out of the guy’s mouth is tainted and not to be trusted no matter how logical it seems. This is similar to the approach of the member of a fundamentalist religion who labels someone as being in league with the devil or evil spirits. Nothing such a person says can be trusted in their view.

A nationalist is simply someone who loves their country and desires to put its needs first above that of other competing countries.

Therefore a nationalist would do the following:

He would try to feed the hungry in his country first, figuring other countries will be doing the same with their own people.

He would seek to secure freedom and security in his homeland before that of others.

He would generally support his team in the Olympics above that of other nations.

Now such nationalistic support does not mean the guy is against helping other countries, but most figure they cannot be much good to the world if they at first do not take care of themselves.

For instance, on an individual level, if one neglects his health he loses power to help others and can wind up being a burden instead. Each of us must put our health first else we may have no power to help others.

So, if nationalism is harmless and in many cases helpful, why did DK and others who are enlightened speak against it?

Again, one must read more than out of context quotes here for as DK wrote most of his thoughts on this as we were in a life and death struggle against the extreme nationalism of Germany during World War II. He appropriately condemned their extreme nationalism, materialism and selfishness, but did not condemn all nationalism. Instead, he said there were two forms of nationalism. One is good and the other not so much.

Concerning the bad nationalism he says:

“First, there is the spirit of nationalism with its sense of sovereignty and its selfish desires and aspirations. This, in its worst aspect, sets one nation against another, fosters a sense of national superiority and leads the citizens of a nation to regard themselves and their institutions as superior to those of another nation; it cultivates pride of race, of history, of possessions and of cultural progress and breeds an arrogance, a boastfulness and a contempt of other civilizations and cultures which is evil and degenerating; it engenders also a willingness to sacrifice other people’s interests to one’s own and a basic failure to admit that “God hath made all men equal”. This type of nationalism is universal and everywhere to be found and no nation is free from it; it indicates a blindness, a cruelty and a lack of proportion for which mankind is already paying a terrible price and which will bring humanity down in ruins if persisted in.”

So this negative nationalism goes beyond self interest to great selfishness, denial of equal rights and a feeling of superiority leading to contempt for others.

But then he tells us there is a good nationalism. He states:

“There is, needless to say, an ideal nationalism which is the reverse of all this; it exists as yet only in the minds of an enlightened few in every nation, but it is not yet an effective and constructive aspect of any nation anywhere; it remains still a dream, a hope and, let us believe, a fixed intention. This type of nationalism rightly fosters its individual civilization but as a national contribution to the general good of the comity of nations and not as a means of self-glorification; it defends its constitution, its lands and its people through the rectitude of its living expression, the beauty of its mode of life and the selflessness of its attitudes; it does not infringe, for any reason, the rights of other people or nations. It aims to improve and perfect its own mode of life so that all in the world may benefit. It is a living, vital, spiritual organism and not a selfish, material organization.

Problems of Humanity, Page 88-89

This enlightened nationalist still focuses first upon his own country, but not so he can feel superior but to make the greatest possible contribution to the planet. In doing this he says country still “rightly fosters its individual civilization” and “defends its constitution, its lands and its people,” but without infringing on the rights of others.

I see myself in this second category, as I do not have a feeling of superiority about being a U.S. citizen, but want my country to do well and defend its Constitution and Bill of Rights. I value the freedom and prosperity here and desire to share it with the rest of the world. But like individual humans, if we do not look after our interests and become ill then we could lose our power to assist other nations.

Yes, there are many selfish nationalists in all nations, but there are also good ones who want their nation to thrive so they cannot only help themselves, but the world.

As it is the word “nationalist” has been promoted as an evil label to describe political opponents as racists, haters, selfish and evil. Such approach does not exist on the path of return. We are all brothers and sisters in the same boat and the time is overdue that we focus on goodwill and unity rather than division through distorted use of labels.

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Walls and Borders, Part 4

This entry is part 4 of 9 in the series Walls Borders

Walls and Borders, Part 4

Inclusion and Borders

Many spiritual students are not only against a wall but are against borders themselves as well as enforcement of current law. Instead, these often support sanctuary cities which shield numerous individuals with a criminal background.

Let us examine some of their positions and see if they are in harmony with the Ancient Wisdom.

Argument One: Borders and walls exclude people. If we are enlightened we will include everyone.

Most students will agree that we should be as inclusive possible but the question is, should inclusiveness apply more to opportunity than access to all?

For the answer let us use the Law of Correspondences. A nation is merely a large group with rules, and that which makes it work corresponds to smaller groups such as organizations, businesses, families and even ashrams.

You would think then that if we wanted to understand the correct application of inclusiveness that we would look to the masters to see how they handle inclusiveness.

When we examine the teachings we see that the ashrams of the masters are inclusive in that fact that no one is denied entrance because of race, sex, nationality, social status, economic situation, education, looks or many other factors.

Does this mean that they will let anyone in?

Absolutely not. The opportunity to qualify is open to all, but qualify they must. DK says this:

“…in an Ashram only that is to be found within the sphere of influence of an Ashram which is of the soul. Nothing of the personality is allowed to enter in—personality reactions, disabilities, limitations, personality thoughts and all that is material and connected with the lower nature, never reaches the Ashram at all. … An Ashram is basically formed of those who through their knowledge, devotion and service have worked their way out of a group into an inner centre where the Master’s energy, wisdom and effort is more easily available. In order to work their way from the group into the Ashram, disciples will need most carefully to discriminate between their high grade personality inclinations, their responses to truth and ideals and their true soul reactions, spiritual wisdom and intuitive perception.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Page 694-695

Not only are they careful who they will admit, but difficulties arise even when the applicant has done everything possible to qualify. DK tells us that when a new member comes in that, for a period of time, his added energy is very disruptive to the group. Much work is slowed or disrupted as the group goes through a period of adjustment. In addition to this the new member also has to adjust to the new and higher vibration. It would be destructive to allow in an applicant who has not done all to make himself ready, for it is problematic as it is to assimilate one who is qualified.

Most other groups follow the same process as does the Hierarchy. A business, for instance, doesn’t hire just anyone. They first take in applications, then do interviews and finally hire. Then comes the period of adjustment and assimilation. Fellow workers adjust to the new guy and the new guy adjusts to them.

Let us say the business needs ten new employees but only five apply. In this case, because of the need they have to seek out more. On the other hand, if 20 applied they have double the number they can assimilate wanting jobs, but to keep their business alive and well they need to reject the surplus ten.

The same principles that apply to small groups apply to large ones. Nations have certain cultures, structure and a quality of life they desire to maintain and are selective as to who they will let in and how many.

Mexico, for instance, has some pretty strict guideless on outsiders coming in the country. Immigration authorities must be assured that foreigners will be useful to the state well as have the necessary funds to take care of themselves.

Illegal immigration is a felony and anyone with false papers or entering the country with false pretenses could be imprisoned. Those who assist illegals are subject to prosecution.

Their constitution forbids non citizens from participating in politics or to participate in demonstrations or express opinions in public about domestic politics and there are no equal employment rights even for legal immigrants.

Overall, Mexico is much less inclusive toward foreign visitors and immigration than the United States.

The Pew research Center says that as of 2015, “the United Nations estimates that 46.6 million people living in the United States were not born there. This means that about one-in-five international migrants (19%) live in the U.S. The U.S. immigrant population is nearly four times that of the world’s next largest immigrant destination – Germany, with about 12 million immigrants.”

Overall the U. S. policies have been and continue to be generous toward immigrants and, like any other nation, group, or the Hierarchy itself, has the right to issue laws and qualifications and make sure they are followed so correct assimilation can be made.

It is true that the world is evolving toward a society of open borders, and that will be a good thing when the time comes that all nations have the resources and benevolence in government to take care of their own people. Unfortunately, we are not there yet and in current circumstances there is no condemnation in DK’s teachings of nations who protect their borders. We have the ideal set before us, but we must proceed one step at a time.

Here are some wise words from D K

“The Masters utilize the form to the uttermost; They seek to work through it, imprisoning the life in confining walls for just as long as the purpose is served and the race instructed through that form. Then the time comes that the form no longer serves the purpose intended, when the structure atrophies, crystallises and becomes easily destructible. Its destruction then becomes the matter of greatest concern and usefulness, and it goes, whilst a new form takes its place. Watch and see if this be not so. Always the building of the form, always its utilisation for as long as possible, always the destruction of the form when it hinders and cramps the expanding light, always then the rapid reconstruction of a new form. Such has been the method since the commencement of the aeon.”

A Treatise on White Magic, Pg 371

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The Seeker’s Guide to Soul Contact, Part 27

Day 354

Mirror Image

The Seed Thought:

An accuser and name caller is, more often than not, merely looking in a mirror and describing himself.

We seem to live in an age where many have dismissed civility and replaced it by a desire to attack and humiliate anyone who thinks differently than themselves.

I have experienced attacks myself for making innocent statements that would have not raised an eyebrow decades ago.

For instance, I have been attacked on political sites for merely mentioning something that indicates a belief in a nebulous Divine Intelligence. In past generations the belief in a Higher Power was so pervasive and tolerated that the mention of such would not raise an eyebrow. But now in this age it seems many are looking for something to attack, even if it is mainstream belief.

The raise in attacking the beliefs and positions of others seems to be on the rise since the introduction of the Internet. You would think that people would be more civil where they have to take the time to write, pause and hit the send button, but there seems to be something about lack of face to face communication that calls forth the worst in many.

I have spent time on sites talking about controversial issues and have often seen baseless attacks calling others liars, hypocrites, Nazis, fascists, tyrants, or generally the most insulting phrase they can come up with. In each case it seemed that the accuser was merely looking in a mirror identifying the other guy with qualities that are within himself. More often than not the accusation of “liar” is made merely because the one attacking disagrees with the victim and doesn’t want his argument to be true. Then if one researched the dialog of the attacker you will often find numerous lies and distortions in his own presentation.

It is interesting that Satan is called the “accuser” of the brethren “which accused them before our God day and night.” Rev 12:10

There is a time and place for a true and just accusation, but the seeker should avoid anything resembling a false accusation where the accusation is made to create problems rather than solve them.

And if a person lies should we immediately respond, calling them a liar? No. Accusation by name calling should be avoided whenever possible. Instead of calling the person a liar merely tell him, “You said this, but here is the truth.” That reveals the lie, but removes the seeker from the position of the accuser.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Those who say the path of achievement is effortless are entirely wrong. Standing still is effortless. True progress takes a tremendous struggle – there is no other way.

Day 355

The Necessity of Effort

The Seed Thought:

Those who say the path of achievement is effortless are entirely wrong. Standing still is effortless. True progress takes a tremendous struggle – there is no other way.

In the Alice A. Bailey books the influential master Djwhal Khul writes this:

“I am a brother of yours, who has travelled a little longer upon the Path than has the average student, and has therefore incurred greater responsibilities. I am one who has wrestled and fought his way into a greater measure of light than has the aspirant who will read this article, and I must therefore act as a transmitter of the light, no matter what the cost.”

Note that he says that he has arrived at his place on the Path because he has, “wrestled and fought his way into a greater measure of light than has the aspirant who will read this article.”

It is interesting that it is very popular for teachers from the old and new age to place emphasis on shortcuts that remove us from all responsibility of making an effort to actually accomplish anything or worth.

Among the Christian fundamentalist emphasis is placed on being saved by faith alone so all you have to do is acknowledge the right version of Jesus and then you are all set for eternity.

This same idea exists in a different form among many in alternative spirituality. Among them we hear such things such as:

“Accept our guru as divine and you can escape the wheel of life and enter eternal bliss.”

“Accept our message and the space brothers will rescue you from Armageddon.”

“Accept our teachings and you can escape duality and enter the blissful eternal void.

There are many versions of this idea, but in principle they are all the same which is, “Do as we say and your labors are over.”

When the seeker hears such teachings he must fall back on his common sense and the wisdom of the soul and ask, “When has anyone ever achieved a great accomplishment without effort? Does not real world observation tell us that progress in any endeavor is largely proportional to the effort made?”

The only qualification is that the effort should be made in the right direction, but even if the disciple works smart and efficiently great effort is still needed for a great accomplishment.

The highest aspect of God is Will for without the will to create the universe would not even exist. Now some believers think that all God had to do to create the universe was snap his fingers, but reality says otherwise as science indicates that God has been at it for over 14 billion years and still things are far from perfect. It is even taking God a great effort to whip the universe into perfect condition.

The same principle of focused effort is needed by all lives including you and me if we want to accomplish anything worthwhile.

“Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Jesus – Matt 5:15-16

“And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and THEIR WORKS DO FOLLOW THEM.” Rev 14:13

Seed Thought of the Day:

Falling in love is the closest thing most mortals have that relates to a direct experience with God.

Day 356

The God Experience

The Seed Thought:

Falling in love is the closest thing most mortals have that relates to a direct experience with God.

There are those fortunate people who have had the falling in love experience where the intensity was so great that the individuals do not want to be apart, as they are experiencing a greater high than any drug could produce.

The experience is so joyful that it is seen as a cherished memory even if the relationship breaks up.

Even more fortunate are those who have had a spiritual experience of oneness with Spirit. This can be even more intense and is an even more wonderful memory.

Now both of these experiences have their lower pseudo counterpart.

The true falling in love experience is produced from a two-way sharing of love energy. The feeling produced in a one-way attraction only involves lower desire and though the feeling may be intense, the vibration is low and incomplete.

Correspondingly, the true spiritual experience is also two-way – between the seeker and a great spiritual life. The false one involves the individual tuning into his own higher emotions which can generate intense feeling.

Those who have had both true experiences will marvel at the similarity between the two. The question is, why are they similar?

In the spiritual experience the seeker shares a oneness with pure spiritual life. With falling in love the two are imperfect personalities but overlook the lower and for a time see the perfected soul in each other. Thus the two experiences are similar with the spiritual one being of a more refined vibration because two lower personalities are not involved.

If those who have had a true mutual falling in love experience realize that there are higher and more intense spiritual experiences available then they have great reason to continue on the path of the seeker until full soul contact is achieved.

Seed Thought of the Day:

One must have enough empathy to relate to the suffering in the world, but keep enough detachment to avoid madness.

Day 357


The Seed Thought:

One must have enough empathy to relate to the suffering in the world, but keep enough detachment to avoid madness.

Some who are sensitive complain that they suffer when around others who are in pain and this makes life difficult for them.

All of us are affected by this to a degree. Perhaps the most common situation is that of a parent dealing with a sick child. The suffering of an innocent child, especially your own, has a powerful emotional pull on one who loves him or her.

But consider all that is happening on planet Earth. Millions of all ages are suffering and near death with disease, accidents and abuse. Just imagine the distress you would feel if you could feel all their pain. Such a thing would indeed lead to madness.

Then consider the universe itself. Somewhere in the Universe a star system is going Nova and is completely destroyed with all life therein. Considering that there must be millions of planets with life that has suffering thereon certainly would magnify this problem of one identifies with the whole.

Yet even through all this suffering the Creator remains at peace and in a state of bliss.

Since we are created in the image of God we can do the same thing and see from a perspective that allows us to remain at peace no matter what is happening around us.

Fortunately, we are each created with a separate consciousness so we do not share another’s pain unless we extend our consciousness through empathy. The seeker must be careful to not over extend his empathy or he will become so distracted that he will be of no use to God or man – and certainly useless to those who are suffering that he wishes to help.

Once again, a moderate common sense approach works best.

Seed Thought of the Day:

If reality disagrees with your opinion then change your opinion.

Day 358

The Key to Change

The Seed Thought:

If reality disagrees with your opinion then change your opinion.

It may seem obvious to the casual observer that people would follow this advice, but unfortunately many do not.

And why is this the case?

Because we as humans just do not want to admit we may have been wrong.

And why is this?

There are two reasons. The first is obvious and related to the ego. To admit to ourselves that we have been wrong disturbs the ego’s sense of self worth or value. The “I” part of ourselves likes to see us as being clever, astute and being right all the time. It takes a blow when confronted with error and becomes defensive.

The second reason is not so obvious which involves the time factor. A wrong choice often leads the individual on a path of labor which causes an investment of much time and labor. No matter what the investment is no one wants to lose it all and start over. When the person has resources invested in a direction he seeks to protect the investment, even if it is a Ponzi scheme.

Therefore, to discover you are wrong usually involves the deflation of the ego and loss of investment. At least that is the way it is perceived.

So, how does the seeker transcend this problem so he can move ahead?

A greater realization will help the seeker overcome the ego. If he realizes that finding error so he can increase his progress toward the truth is a much greater benefit than the saving of a hurt ego he will greet correction with gladness rather than anger. The ego will still tell the seeker that it wants to be right but the higher part of himself has to tell the ego to settle down.

A higher realization also solves the second problem. The seeker must realize that part of his journey involves taking the wrong paths, understanding why they are wrong and then moving back to the correct one. He is not losing an investment for the whole journey is the investment. By analogy, discovering an error is like adding money to your bank account.

In both cases a higher realization is the key to success.

Seed Thought of the Day:

What good is it if we have light but keep it under a bushel? The bushel is composed of fear, inertia, ego, lack of confidence and dependence on unjust authority. Let us remove the covering and keep this a land of the ever present sun, in season and out of season.

Day 359

Let Your Light Shine

The Seed Thought:

What good is it if we have light but keep it under a bushel? The bushel is composed of fear, inertia, ego, lack of confidence and dependence on unjust authority. Let us remove the covering and keep this a land of the ever present sun, in season and out of season.

This thought calls to mind the words of Jesus:

“Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matt 5:14-16

Who wants to put a light under a basket? You would think the answer would be no one, yet such a thing must be a problem or Jesus would not have brought it up.

Notice how the verse begins. Even though the greatest light was Jesus, he did not tell them, “I am the light of the world,” but “Ye are the light of the world.” He said this to his disciples who were taking his words seriously. Jesus was a lighted candle, who lit other candles. He obviously wanted them to see that they also had light and once having light one incurs a responsibility to spread that light.

What would prevent a disciple from sharing light and truth once it is received? There are several things:

(1) A feeling of inadequacy or unworthiness.

I’m sure some in the audience felt that Jesus was doing the job for all and their contribution would not be important, but these did not realize that Jesus needed their help, that it was important for them to let their light “shine before men.”

(2) They think that any attempt to enlighten others is related to the ego wanting feel important and should be avoided.

Yet the greatest proclaimer of light to the world was Jesus. Was he centered in the ego? Was he encouraging others to be egotistic by admonishing then to expose the light they have?

To share is not saying you are better than the one receiving, but is an act of love if done with a humble spirit.

(3) Fear. The sharing of light is often met with resistance, ridicule and attack. Because of this many are hesitant to let their light shine. Of course, the seeker must use wisdom in how he shares and not unduly antagonize others, but he should share what he can without fear as the opportunity permits.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Imagination precedes reality, so imagine well.

Day 360

Imagine Well

The Seed Thought:

Imagination precedes reality, so imagine well.

The seeker must firmly establish in his mind the fact that thought has tremendous power to create and that creation can be good or bad. For instance, Tony Robbins tells his listeners how he visualized being rich and successful and it came to pass. Then we have the Biblical story of Job with all his problems who exclaimed, “For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me.” Job 3:25

Imagining either good things or negative results sends energy and structure into the creative ethers so we might as well imagine that which is desirable.

Most seekers will buy into this idea but some will ask why anyone would focus on the negative. One thing we do know for sure is that many people do make this mistake, but it helps to understand why. There are a number of reasons.

The first is that many do not understand the power of their own thoughts. If they fail to correlate results with positive or negative thinking then they will not monitor their thoughts and may often find themselves wandering into ideas that are not wanted in the real world.

Secondly destructive thoughts take less energy than constructive ones. It is always much easier to destroy than to build.

Thirdly, fear is a very powerful emotion and has great power to make life miserable. Even if the thing you fear does not happen the results of the fearful thoughts may still bring numerous unwanted events in life.

Lack of confidence or feeling undeserving is another factor. Many just do not think they deserve good things to happen to them.

The list could go on but this gives the general idea. The seeker must learn to neutralize the negative and once he realizes the power of his building thoughts he can place his focus on desired outcomes.

Some outcomes take more energy to manifest than others so they key to success lies in two main factors.

Pick an outcome that you feel is possible and that you are sure will be satisfying.

Secondly persevere until success is achieved. Someone once said, “Have you ever known someone who has worked his entire life on a goal and did not achieve some measure of success?”

Fortunately most goals do not take a lifetime to achieve, especially for the seeker who understands the power of his thought and imagination.

Seed Thought of the Day:

When the student is ready the teacher will appear. Therefore, focus on getting ready rather than just thinking one is ready. Find your next step.

Day 361

The True Teacher

The Seed Thought:

When the student is ready the teacher will appear. Therefore, focus on getting ready rather than just thinking one is ready. Find your next step.

The first sentence is a famous maxim known by all spiritual students. Most students think they are ready and either think they have found their teacher or looking for one to show up. The questions to ask are these:

  • Am I really ready, or do I mistakenly assume I am?
  • Are the current teachers in my life just placeholders filling in time until I am ready for the real teacher?
  • What steps do I need to take to be ready for a teacher that can truly assist me?
  • How can I recognize such a teacher when he or she shows up?

Most students assume they are ready for a real teacher, but many are not. Just like there are true and false teachers there are true and false students (or perhaps “misled” is a better word). What is the difference between the two categories?

The main difference is this. The true and wise student will be doing all in his power to find and fulfill his next step and doing his best to develop talents and increasing his power to serve.

The misled student will not be fully applying himself but be waiting around for enlightenment to strike, or a teacher to just show up and tell him what to do. Instead, the student must seek soul contact and focus on impressions therefrom.

The teacher may be an unseen master, an advanced spirit, his own Higher Self or one here in the flesh and may step forward to assist after the student has first done all he can do on his own.

The student needs to ask this question. “Why would a busy teacher take time to teach me knowledge that is already explained in a book that is sitting on the table in front of me?” First study that which is readily available then you may be given more.

Until the seeker truly makes himself ready he will encounter many who will compete to be his authority, or link to the Divine. These are placeholders and also teachers but not the kind looked for. Their job is to teach us what a real teacher is not.

How does the student recognize the real teacher? He can only be sure of recognition when a degree of soul contact is achieved. The real teacher will be more of a guide than an authoritative figure and stimulate the student to to move forward with or without his presence. The truth imparted will be confirmed through his own soul contact.

Seed Thought of the Day:

You find what you are looking for, whether it be good or evil, the true or the false, freedom or slavery.

Day 362

You Find What You Look For

The Seed Thought:

You find what you are looking for, whether it be good or evil, the true or the false, freedom or slavery.

The Bible Code caused a big stir a few years back. Researchers discovered that if they looked for hidden references of historical events in the Torah that they could find them. Some then concluded that all the history, past and future, was secretly placed there by God. They concluded that since past events seemed to be predicted in there that the future has to be there also. They then applied this same process and made numerous future predictions.

The strange thing is that none of the future predictions came true.

This same phenomena happens with the writings of Nostradamus. After any big event we see some article telling us that it was written of by this sage. In fact, every big event from the past seems to be in there, but finding the future in his writings presents the same problem as the Bible Code. Every announcement of the discovery of a prophecy of the future seems to fail.

The question to ask is this. Why do scholars find past events in code in these two sets of writings, but cannot find the future there?

The answer is very simple and that is that we humans find what we are looking for.

If you wonder whether the Bible Code or Nostradamus predicted the 9/11 event then you have this in the back of your mind as you look and anything that seems to verify your notion on this stands out and in the end the image in your mind is verified.

Finding the future there is much different because you do not know what it is and thus you just look at what is actually on the page.

The fact that one can find the past but not the future gives evidence to the principle that we find what we look for.

This applies even to some quite outrageous beliefs such as the flat earth. The Internet age has revived interest in this idea and even though we now have thousands of photographs of a round globe, which is earth as well as other globular planets, those who look for evidence of a flat earth find it. Such people have made many hours of video giving us the supposed evidence they are correct.

The question the seeker may ask is this. If we find what we are looking for then is it possible to find the truth? After all, the earth cannot be both flat and a round globe. Only one has to be true.

Yes, the seeker can find the truth. To find it one has to merely look with no preconceived notions. This is very difficult as most people are influenced by their bias. The final solution is to obtain solid soul contact. Then the soul will guide the seeker’s attention away from bias and directly toward that which is true.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Just as gold must pass through the refiner’s fire before it reaches its highest purity and value, even so must the disciple pass through every obstacle that can be thrown in his way on the path of service.

Day 363

Refiner’s Fire

The Seed Thought:

Just as gold must pass through the refiner’s fire before it reaches its highest purity and value, even so, must the disciple pass through every obstacle that can be thrown in his way on the path of service.

A recent thought I wrote enlarges on this idea:

It is ironic that life often treats her benefactors as if they are criminals who must pay a debt before they can serve the greater good.

The greatest example of this was Jesus, but there are many others such as his disciples, Galileo, Ignaz Semmelweis who was attacked for insisting that physicians wash their hands before an operation, Winston Churchill when warning of Hitler, and many more.

Any time a seeker decides to participate to any degree in moving himself or any part of humanity forward toward greater light and love it will generate a vacuum of negative force that will bring forth events and circumstances to pull the person backwards and keep him from taking the step forward.

When the seeker decides to use his resources to advance toward greater light and love he must be prepared to encounter resistance. The greater the impulse is to move forward the greater will be the resisting force to pull him backwards.

When one goes forward in the service of others he would think that one would be greeted with open arms by the many who would benefit, but that is rarely the way it works out. Instead, it seems that the servant must first go through a trial by fire, as if the gods demand that the one making a Herculean effort must first prove himself before he even is qualified to be a worthy servant.

Jesus made this important statement to disciples:

“Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” Matt 10:16

He also said: “Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness.” Luke 16:9

A good example of this approach was Isaac Newton. He spent a third of his life investigating forbidden ideas in scripture, a third in forbidden alchemy and the occult, and a third in science, which was accepted. He wisely kept two thirds of his research and thinking secret so as to not inflame the authorities at the time. It wasn’t until 2007 that his spiritual thinking was published to the masses. His wise approach prevented potential enemies from destroying his work.

Many a seeker thinks that he needs to just blurt out all that is on his mind, but sometimes this is not wise. Instead, he must take a realistic look at what the public is willing to receive and give it to them while holding back on some of those things which would cause enemies to come out of the woodwork opposing him.

Then there are other times that the only path ahead involves a release of the truth that will cause great conflict that must be faced, as was the case with Jesus.

This is where true soul contact is so important. The true seeker must be prepared to follow whatever it is the path the Higher Will sets out for him.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Most pain and disease has its root cause in resistance to taking the next harmless step in spiritual progression. Find out what that next step is, and take it; then a quantum of life energy will be released to circulate and heal your entire being.

Day 364

Causation and Pain

The Seed Thought:

Most pain and disease has its root cause in resistance to taking the next harmless step in spiritual progression. Find out what that next step is, and take it; then a quantum of life energy will be released to circulate and heal your entire being.

If you take two people living a similar lifestyle and it turns out that one is healthy and pain free, whereas the other is enduring all kinds of pain and suffering what are we to conclude?

The common thinking is that the one enduring hardship is just a victim of bad luck associated with his inherited health potential and there was nothing he could have done to avoid his problems. To insinuate in any degree that those who suffer hardships, ill health and pain are exacerbated by anything other than maybe diet and lack of exercise is politically incorrect and can be a cause of vicious attack for being insensitive.

The hard fact is this. There is a cause for everything. If two people have the same lifestyle and one suffers painful ill health then there is something going on in this person that is initiating the cause.

I will briefly explain the cause of much pain and suffering by the individual not recognized by the science of today. It is simply this. Your soul or Higher Self has a plan for your life with lessons you need to learn. When it sees the time is right for the seeker to take the next step it sends an impression that will register on subtle levels in the hope of eventually reaching the fully conscious mind. If the seeker correctly picks up the message and acts upon it then he will release currents of energy that will energize him and successfully propel him onward through his life’s missions.

On the other hand, if he looks at his next step and resists taking it then blockages of energy will occur that create all kinds of painful problems. More often than not the pilgrim will reject his next step and create problems for himself until those problems become so painful that he looks up at the skies and asks, “Why me, God!” It seems that God is picking on him rater than trying to help him.

Asking this question is often a milestone and eventually leads to an answer where the next step can be taken and the pain and problems neutralized.

The next step in the progression of any individual is never easy. Because it is difficult resistance is common. If the seeker obtains a degree of soul contact he will be able to successfully see the next step ad take it without putting up a fight and creating many problems for himself.

Seed Thought of the Day:

We have reached the end of this course and have only one day left. If you have applied all the lessons it is hoped that they have been helpful in bringing you closer to your soul and understanding your true connection. We will end this course with two important, but connected seed thoughts.

An important key to spiritual progression is to make sure that every word you speak is true to the best of your knowledge. You do not have to reveal all you know, but what you do reveal should be true.

A broken promise is serious because it is a breaking of the will, your will. You have willed to do a thing and your will was broken by the only person who can break it, yourself.

Day 365

Being the Truth

Final Seed Thoughts:

An important key to spiritual progression is to make sure that every word you speak is true to the best of your knowledge. You do not have to reveal all you know, but what you do reveal should be true.

A broken promise is serious because it is a breaking of the will, your will. You have willed to do a thing and your will was broken by the only person who can break it, yourself.

How does the seeker expect to find and recognize truth if he is consciously giving out that which is not true? The law of cause and effect tells us that we reap as we sow – that we receive back in kind to that which we have given out. Therefore, it stands to reason that if one gives out error and distortion he will receive, not pure truth, but error and distortion in return.

Have you ever explained to another something you knew of a surety to be true and present him with solid evidence, yet he cannot see it? Instead, he clings to a distortion of reality that you know is just not close to the true one. Have you wondered why this person cannot see the truth when it seems so obvious?

The answer is that the person has practiced deception on others and thus is suffering the effect on himself.

In this last lesson, if I can stress just one important starting point on the road to complete soul contact, it is that the seeker must be true to himself and others, else he cannot expect the truth to be true to him. If he allows deception to creep into his words then oftentimes he will not be able to see truth when it is staring him in the face.

To correctly discern truth and error that is out there he must first correctly separate truth from error within his own heart.

Now, of course, the seeker can make honest mistakes and some error may turn up in the words of the most honest among us. The responsibility though is to make sure that all the words coming out of your conscious mind are true to be best of your ability and knowledge. The worst thing the seeker can do to hinder soul contact is to tell outright lies that he knows are not true.

A broken promise is similar to a lie but different. When a lie is told the person knows that it is not true but many promises are made thinking that they will be fulfilled, but were not. Maybe the promise was completely sincere, but something unexpected happened to prevent its fulfillment.

In the area of promises, unlike merely telling the truth, more than sincerity is needed. On top of this, must be added good judgment and foresight. The seeker must look into the future and see all possibilities that could interfere with the fulfillment of the promise. If you promise to take your spouse out for dinner on Wednesday, yet there is a 10% chance your boss will ask you to work late then that 10% chance must be factored in. The seeker would then qualify his promise with careful wording such as,

“I’ll take you out to dinner as long as I do not have to work late.”

Or, even better, “Let’s plan on dinner Wednesday, barring something unforeseen.”“


“Lets go out to dinner Wednesday.”

The last statement only gives your intention, but has no promise behind it. If something comes up you both realize is important there is no harm done and no promise is broken.

Consider this. Suppose you were visited by a divine messenger, as were some of the prophets of old, and he gave you some truth accompanied by a promise. Would you trust him?

Most likely you would.


Because you associate a Divine Presence with truth.

If the seeker wants to be one with his Divine Soul or Higher Self then he must also become one that can be trusted to tell the truth and fulfill his promises.

It is my wish that the readers will take this advice that sets them on the path and then follow it to the consummation of full soul contact.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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Part 1,  Part 2,  Part 3,  Part 4,  Part 5,  Part 6Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23Part 24, Part 25, Part 26

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The Seeker’s Guide to Soul Contact, Part 26


Day 340

The Next Step

The Seed Thought:

To correctly assess your place on the spiritual path is a great accomplishment. Then you can see the next step to be taken.

Many standard Christians see themselves as saved. To them this is the ultimate accomplishment, so there is no greater attainment possible. There is nowhere else to go when sanding still is the best option.

Then we find many in the New Age community who see themselves at the end of their evolution and figure that they are on their last life. Since this is the pinnacle of accomplishment, they too have no next step, or nowhere to go but to stand still and just not go backwards.

Then there are many others who may not see themselves in any ultimate situation, but as being enlightened and very far up the spiritual path, maybe even a master or a famous person incarnate. These have a problem taking their next step because most are missing the step they are supposed to take and working on something which truly lies beyond their consciousness.

If you are climbing a ladder and are half way to the top, there are two things you do not want to do. You do not want to be deceived into thinking you are at the top when you are in the middle and thus stand still.

Secondly, you do not want to see your next step as being the fourth step ahead as that is impossible to take. Instead, you need to find the actual next step and take it.

The problem with finding the next step is that most people are centered in the ego and the false self will not tell you the truth. It will either humiliate you and make you think you are not worthy to take any step or it will glorify you, inflate your worth and tell you that you are a spiritual giant.

The seeker can only find his true place and the next step to be taken by going within and communicating with his own soul. He or she must ask, what subtle impressions have they have received from within about what they are supposed to be doing. When the right answer is received and followed the seeker will have a sense of well being and peace and be assured that their next step is a good one.

Seed Thought of the Day:

It is fun to talk about theory and ideas that we can never prove true or false in this physical reality, but the time comes in the lives of all seekers where practical work and progress must be made. Such work must be demonstrated in the eyes of all, believers and non-believers.


Day 341

Practical Work

The Seed Thought:

It is fun to talk about theory and ideas that we can never prove true or false in this physical reality, but the time comes in the lives of all seekers where practical work and progress must be made. Such work must be demonstrated in the eyes of all, believers and non-believers.

Many of those interested in alternative spiritual thinking are viewed by the masses as embracing illogical and impractical thinking. This has the negative effect of causing numerous potential investigators to stay away from thinking out of the box.

So what are some of the impractical doctrines that distract from practical thinking? Here are a few:

(1) The end of the world is approaching and we need to abandon all and prepare for space aliens, God, Jesus or Zork to come to the rescue.

(2) Teaching that there are shortcuts to salvation or escaping the wheel of life making any work you do here without value.

(3) Fanciful teachings about mysteries of the past, presenting data that cannot be proven true or false. While there is nothing wrong with contemplating any truth, too much focus on that which cannot be proven takes away for work that can be of real value.

(4) Believing and promoting the flat earth idea. To the surprise of logical thinkers this idea is enjoying a renaissance and a disturbing number of people are embracing it and wasting time promoting it.

Then there are others who are sincere seekers of the truth and do learn from some of the highest sources, but focus much more on learning than doing. Learning is, of course, valuable, but to be of true value the learning must be applied, preferably in acts of service.

The wise seeker must seek above all learning that can be transmuted into some type of useful activity. This can include esoteric ideas that merely shed additional light on true principles but should also include principles that have a practical application. Categories of practical spiritual learning would include:

(1) Anything that improves physical, emotional or spiritual well-being.

(2) Useful meditation techniques

(3) The presentation of principles so understanding is enhanced.

(4) Teachings that enhance goodwill and right human relations.

(5) Teachings that inspire service that is actually helpful to others.

The bottom line is the seeker needs to have as the end goal the improving of his or her usefulness and ability to serve.

Seed Thought of the Day:

You either make decisions that create your life, or someone else does it for you.


Day 342


The Seed Thought:

You either make decisions that create your life, or someone else does it for you.

Many people feel they are much more in charge of their life than they are – that they are the ones making decisions when they are really floating downstream in a current produced by the decisions of others.

The part of life most affected by this is a person’s belief system. Many parts of the average belief system were not chosen, but planted by parents or trusted authorities. Perhaps the individual did choose a religion, a political party or group as a whole, but never examined all the ingredients. All the doctrines and beliefs were created by someone else but the supporter just accepts the whole package without looking closely at the fine print.

The seeker needs to realize which parts of his life are governed by his own decisions and by the decisions others. He needs to unravel illusion so he does not think that decisions made by others that control or guide him are his own decisions.

Now it is not wrong to have parts of your life governed by the decisions of others. Politicians and various representatives make decisions for us all the time. We may not agree with them all, but it is necessary for a lot of decision making to be had outside of our personal circle.

There are spheres of decisions that affect us over which we have no control and then there is a sphere of decisions over which we have power. The seeker should never give this power away unless he can see that it will work to his advantage. He must claim as his own, decisions within his own power and make the best of them. If he doesn’t use this power of decision on a matter then someone else will do it for him and if things do not work out he will have no one to blame but himself.

The greatest power in the seeker’s life is that of decision and it is a valuable skill to use it wisely.

Seed Thought of the Day:

To be a good student takes as much wisdom as it does to be a good teacher.


Day 343

The Good Student

The Seed Thought:

To be a good student takes as much wisdom as it does to be a good teacher.

The prevailing wisdom is for people to view the teaching position as being superior to the student, but we need to consider this. Without students there can be no teacher and, conversely, without teachers there can be no students. Every teacher was once a student and if he continues in his progression will be a student again. The student-teacher, or sender-receiver situation is a cycle that repeats indefinitely.

The idea of superior-inferior is entirely the wrong approach to viewing this relationship as all are capable of teaching some things and all are capable of learning and both approaches must be incorporated into our lives for successful living.

A student who views the teacher as superior rather than just a different place on the path is likely to be handicapped in his learning and delayed in his ability to become a similar teacher himself. Instead, the student needs to see himself and the teacher as fellow travelers in this earth school (where we are all students) who are working together toward a similar end. The good student does not have as his first priority to pass the class or get good grades, but to learn practical knowledge that can be applied in life. One piece of practical learning is worth dozens related to theory that can never be used in the life of the student.

So, what are the qualities we look for in the successful student? Here are a few:

(1) The student will not see learning as an inferior position but will look forward to using the acquired knowledge productively.

(2) The student will be wise in his choice of a teacher and the classes taught so his time will be well spent.

(3) The student will sort out the profitable from the unusable material and concentrate on that.

(4) The student will focus on seeing the principles involved rather than merely memorizing data.

(5) The student will formulate in his mind how he would present the information if he were the teacher (which may be the case in the future).

Indeed all seekers must take the learning position seriously for every teacher first had to be a student and will be again.

Seed Thought of the Day:

There is one space yet innumerable stars manifesting in it. Correspondingly, there is one God manifesting many lives, including you and me.


Day 344

The One Life

The Seed Thought:

There is one space yet innumerable stars manifesting in it. Correspondingly, there is one God manifesting many lives, including you and me.

Spiritual teachers from the beginning have contemplated the oneness of God with all life. How is it that we can share a oneness with God, or the One Great Life, yet remain in a separate consciousness on the earth?

A popular analogy goes like this: The life of God is like a great ocean of water. We as individuals are like drops of water that have been separated from the main body. Then, when oneness is realized, we become like the drop that is placed back in the ocean, which contains all the drops merged into one body.

This idea is good food for thought and gives a rough idea of how God is the one and the many. On the other hand, it is not exact for this reason.

Once a drop of water is merged back into the ocean it will never exist again, for the millions of molecules which compose it are scattered in all directions. That particular drop will never again be reconstituted.

On the other hand, we as individual lives continue after oneness is realized. The essence of our life continues even after oneness is realized. That is because oneness with God is made by linkage rather than merging. Paul speaks of this principle:

“For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being MANY, are one body: SO ALSO IS CHRIST.” I Corinthians 12:12

God having one body but many members is different than an ocean composed of many merged drops. In an ocean each merged drop is the same, but in a body each part, which shares in the oneness of the body, plays a distinct and unique role.

So, is there a better analogy that more accurately reflects reality?

Indeed there is. Just go outside at night and look up in the sky and the truth of the oneness of life is revealed.

How many stars do you see?


And if we use our telescopes how many stars are revealed?


And all of these stars are ingredients that exist within the body of space. How many spaces are there?

There is only one space that contains the entire universe.

The body of the one space contains and links every star, every planet and every life in the universe, yet each life is still unique and follows its distinct path for the ages.

This correspondence is worthy of deep reflection.

Seed Thought of the Day:

One of the important teachings of the approaching age will be the restoration of knowledge of the power of female energy, for it is as mysterious as gravity; no form can be held together without it.


Day 345

The Female Energy

The Seed Thought:

One of the important teachings of the approaching age will be the restoration of knowledge of the power of female energy, for it is as mysterious as gravity; no form can be held together without it.

The female energy has been a mystery through the centuries, even to the females. They have been tricked into thinking all the power is invested in the male energy and to succeed they must act as a male to compete and succeed. Doing this is comparable to swimming upstream. It can be done but things will seem unfair when you are competing with others swimming with the current.

To understand this problem the seeker must understand the difference between the male and female energy. The male energy is radiant, visible, active, sending and outgoing. The female energy is magnetic, invisible, receiving and works more on the inner plane than the outer. The male energy scatters and separates the one into the many while the female energy pulls the many into the one.

It is interesting that the female started to come into her own energy about the time that Newton caused the scientific world to pay attention to the law of gravity – a female energy. Civilization has made progress in understanding the female but still has a long way to go. Most still think the female will only be equal when she has an equal amount of power in the male energy and this is illusion – just as it is to believe that the male would achieve equality by obtaining an equal portion of female energy.

Evidence of female dominance in receiving is illustrated in the fact that over the records of student grades for the past 100 years females outperform males in all countries and subjects studied. Then when it comes to sending or initiating the males out perform.

The difference is illustrated in the male and female bodies. The male sends the sperm and the female receives. When the cycle is completed then a new creation occurs. This correspondence gives the seeker much food for thought and contemplation – much too much to cover in detail here, but is covered in my other writings.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Since you are in the image of God then whatever God can do, you can do. Nothing is impossible.


Day 346

The Image of God

The Seed Thought:

Since you are in the image of God then whatever God can do, you can do. Nothing is impossible.

In Genesis we read:

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Genesis 1:27

The implications of this are revealed in a later verse:

“And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil…” Gen 3:22

This tells us that the “image” of God refers to much more than any physical representation, but other qualities such as the power to judge “good and evil.”

If we are then truly in the image of God then we have all the attributes and potential of God within us. We can possess all the powers of Jehovah who spoke those words, for we can become as one with the Godhead.

Why is this the case?

As reflections of God we have all the potential that God has. The skeptic will then ask why cannot we do great miracles with the snap of a finger?

The answer is that there are many things God cannot do with the snap of a finger for human beings are the arms and legs of God on the earth. You are a part of the wholeness of the One Great Life which we call God and that life, which is you, chose to enter into dense material substance in a limited condition in order to further your own progression. You are a reflection of God with all the powers of God, but do not yet realize what you are, so you are restricted in time and space to a limited condition in the game of life.

The prime limitation is our consciousness that does not understand our potential. When humans developed the advance in consciousness to recognize good and evil they removed a great limitation and opened the door to greater realization that would eventually restore all their powers of godliness, just as is possessed by Jehovah.

The difference between Jehovah and a regular mortal is not their origin, for both are a part of the One Great Life we call God. The difference is consciousness. Jehovah has the limitations of consciousness removed and humans are still restricted by them. With each removal of limitation we move one step closer to becoming as the “we” mentioned in the scripture.

All things are possible when our self-imposed limitations are removed and they will be removed when the seeker is ready.

Seed Thought of the Day:

To be born again is to drop all preconceived notions planted by the traditions of men, and see the world anew, as if through the eyes of a child.


Day 347

The Two Kingdoms

The Seed Thought:

To be born again is to drop all preconceived notions planted by the traditions of men, and see the world anew, as if through the eyes of a child.

The scriptures shed some additional light on this idea:

“Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3

When one is born he enters life as a child and Jesus said this about them:

“And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Matt 18:2-3

So is having a crusade and filling believers full of emotional energy the fulfillment of this or is there an actual principle involved?

Indeed, there is a principle.

Jesus spoke of two different kingdoms. One is the material world in which we live and another that is spiritual. He made this evident when he spoke to Pilate:

“Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.” John 18:36

And where is this kingdom?

“the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:21

All of our outer senses are tuned to only perceiving the material world. Many are so focused on them that they will not accept the existence of anything that cannot be perceived by them. If you speak of things spiritual to them they will immediately discount them and not even consider another possible reality. They are like the Vatican scientists who refused to look through Galileo’s telescope. Because they did not look they could not see the moons of Jupiter.

In order to discover the kingdom of God one must at least look for it and to look for it one must drop all preconceived notions that it does not exist. The outside world (represented by the authorities in the days of Jesus) places every possible obstacle in the seeker’s path:

“But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.” Matt 23:13

Even today the authorities of the world do not look for and find the spiritual kingdom for themselves and do all in their power to convince others not to look, telling us that revelations, near death and out of body experiences, visions, angelic encounters and all sorts of spiritual experiences are merely products of the stimulation of the physical brain and are illusions.

For the seeker to discover the inner world of soul contact he or she must become as a little child and have a mind that is a clean slate willing to consider anything. When the seeker then approaches the inner kingdom as if it may be real the truth of its reality will be discovered. It will then be discovered that experience is more real than the declarations of outer authorities and nothing can take such knowledge away.

Seed Thought of the Day:

When we learn to stay focused in the light while a negative force is pulling us back, with negative people and circumstances trying to distract us, then we finally reach a point where we have earned the right to stay permanently on our next plateau of consciousness.


Day 348

Moving Forward

The Seed Thought:

When we learn to stay focused in the light while a negative force is pulling us back, with negative people and circumstances trying to distract us, then we finally reach a point where we have earned the right to stay permanently on our next plateau of consciousness.

Even those who are not spiritual seekers will notice that whenever they try to do something that improves their lives that it seems that events and people just seem to come out of the woodwork to prevent them from succeeding.

If a person tries to quit smoking then it will seem that an unusual number of people will offer them free cigarettes. If one goes on a diet then great tasting rich foods will be available at every turn as well as a seemingly unusual amount of sumptuous ads for delicious forbidden foods.

While it is true that the average person will just notice the temptations more because he has deprived himself, there is also a true principle involved.

We as human lives are immersed in many fields of energy and it requires a transfer of spiritual energy to move toward the light or away from it. Moving backwards is the line of least resistance and forwards is the most. It is like the difference between going upstream or down. Going upstream requires more effort.

Yes, the guy seeking to improve his diet will encounter many temptations not linked to energy but he will also be attempting a small step toward greater light which forces him to go against the current. Thus, to succeed he must not only overcome the obvious outer temptations but the subtle energies at play as well.

For the average person seeking self-improvement the outer temptations are dominate over the subtle, but this situation is reversed for the seeker of greater light and wisdom. For him the outer evidence may seem to support his decision to advance forward into greater light. As he contemplates his decision it seems to make sense to move forward toward an increase of light, love and a more finely tuned inner vision.

Then when definite steps are taken toward greater light a significant disturbance of the force is created. It is as if a vacuum is created right behind him that creates a great force that pulls him backwards.

Jesus spoke of this principle:

“When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first.” Matt 12:43-45

This illustrates the principle that when the seeker takes a step forward and thinks that he has made an advance that forces will come into his life seven times stronger than the energy he expended to move forward. When this happens many a seeker succumbs and instead of going back to where he was he winds up in a worse state than before.

The good news is that most seekers will eventually develop the inner strength to counter the powerful forces against his advancement. He will handle the inner turmoil and ignore the outer negative voices and by the strength of an enhanced will he will stand steady in the light no matter what forces attempt to pull him toward the darkness.

When he (and of course she) stand unmoved steady in the light the negative forces dissipate and the seeker then finds his place secure until the next step forward is taken.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Using feeling alone to find truth is like one hand clapping. Mind and heart are the two necessary hands.


Day 349

True Heart

The Seed Thought:

Using feeling alone to find truth is like one hand clapping. Mind and heart are the two necessary hands.

It is common for teachers of alternative spiritual thinking to portray the mind as some kind of enemy of enlightenment, that we need to put it aside completely and place our full attention on the heart. This, however, runs contrary to this ancient prophet as well as common sense:

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Jer 17:9

Jeremiah here seems to be on the other extreme. After all, isn’t the heart the seat of love which is a good thing?

Here is where the problem of discussing the heart energies enters in. The heart center streams the energies of both love and wisdom, but it has its reflection in the solar plexus where most people have their center of consciousness. The solar plexus, governing lower feeling reverses true reality and leads to great deception. When the average person thinks of following his heart he really thinks of following his solar plexus lower feelings rather than the real heart. Because Jeremiah was speaking to those centered in the solar plexus his words were quite appropriate.

An example of the deception of the lower feelings associated with heart is the lady who falls in love with an abusive guy who follows her feelings into a world of misery while ignoring warnings registered by the mind.

To encourage the masses to follow their heart and ignore their mind is a very dangerous teaching for following the lower feelings while ignoring common sense is madness and leads to most of the problems we see people having in their lives.

The seeker must realize that the true heart center is composed of twelve energy pedals, part connected to spiritual love and the other to wisdom which is linked to mind. In addition, the heart has a distorted reflection in the solar plexus, but a higher more accurate reflection in the head chakra causing a union of mind and heart for the enlightened seeker who focuses on higher mind and heart rather than distorted feelings and the physical brain.

Let then the seeker follow the path of holiness (wholeness) by embracing both mind and heart, working in unison to take him to the feet of God.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Anyone can be the soul mate of another if both drop all barriers that separate and see the true spiritual being.


Day 350

Soul Mates

The Seed Thought:

Anyone can be the soul mate of another if both drop all barriers that separate and see the true spiritual being.

It is a common belief that there is one special person who is a soul mate and that if you find him or her that you will live together in a life of bliss, unity and understanding.

When people fall in love they often think they have found that person, but then after difficulties arise they find themselves despising that person they once adored. At that point they figure they made a big mistake and either the soul mate is elsewhere or doesn’t exist and is a myth.

Then there are a handful of individuals who have a happy relationship who figure they have indeed found their soul mate of destiny.

What is the truth of the matter here? Are there really only a lucky handful who can have a relationship with enough harmony to qualify as soul mates?

Let all seekers run this answer by their souls for verification.

There is no single person who can be your soul mate. All of us are children of the One God and have the same potential and at our core is the spark of Divinity.

That spark is represented in each individual by his own soul or Higher Self, but our vision is clouded by the imperfect judgments we make in this land of shadows and illusion.

How is it that a person can feel blissfully in love, feeling they have found a soul mate at one time, then a while later be filled with hate toward that same person?

The answer is that this person overlooked the personality and looked for the good that lies beneath the surface of us all.

If the seeker does this with any individual he or she will feel a soul to soul link that is similar to others who think they have found their soul mate.

The differences in personality characteristics and qualities hide the love of the soul and yes, some differences are much harder to filter out than others.

Does this mean that to see the soul you have to deny flaws in others?

No. Instead the seeker applies the Lion Principle mentioned earlier. Just see these personality problems as something temporary that exists in this material world that clouds the vision of many. See the soul of even in difficult people and love them as souls, as Jesus did when he said, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” You do not have to be best buddies with them.

On the other hand, when you do find your life’s partner you will discover numerous personality differences that can cloud soul vision if allowed to get in the way. If the two can focus on the soul with more attention than personality differences they can have the soul mate experience for the entirety of their lives.

Seed Thought of the Day:

The more you let others do for you what you can do for yourself, the more chaos and seemingly bad luck will enter in.



Day 351

Self Sufficiency

The Seed Thought:

The more you let others do for you what you can do for yourself, the more chaos and seemingly bad luck will enter in.

There are two types of people in the world: Those who seek to be self sufficient to themselves and use the extra power of their resources to strengthen and serve others and those who think the world owes them a living and expect someone else to take care of their needs.

Yes, there are shades of gray between these two poles, but each person overall will gravitate to one side or the other.

The second group tends to follow the line of least resistance and let others do for them many things that they can do for themselves. The problem is that once a person becomes comfortable with this mindset it is difficult to escape from it. After all, if you need food, shelter, clothing or some of the luxuries of life, which is easier? To get some other person or agency to supply them or to earn them for yourself? If the individual finds some generous source to supply his needs then the temptation to continue life with his hand held out for freebies is great.

The trouble for this group is that energy follows thought and if the thought of dependence and helplessness is reinforced, time and time again, then the person will have less control over his life. As the years pass he will seem to be plagued with an increasing degree of bad luck and friends will tend to avoid him for fear of having to endure conversations of bad luck stories instead of fun conversation.

When you hear from a friend or associate what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? If it is, “Oh, no, I wonder what he wants this time,” then you know that this guy is in the second category. If you have no such thoughts but just glad to hear from him or her then this individual is probably in the first category.

Every seeker should strive to find himself in the first category and do all in his power to, not only take care of himself, but to have an abundance of resources to assist others along the way. Keep in mind that there are many resources that are beyond the realm of money and material possessions.

Seed Thought of the Day:

An initiate is one who initiates. He or she will desire to do more than repeat the past, but to participate in creating the new and the beautiful.


Day 352

The Initiate

The Seed Thought:

An initiate is one who initiates. He or she will desire to do more than repeat the past, but to participate in creating the new and the beautiful.

In the past an initiate has been thought of as being a person who has joined some special or secret organization and jumped through some bells and whistles, learned secret code, knowledge, handshakes or mantras. He is a part of an inner circle with special access not available to the rank and file.

The question the seeker must ask is this. What good is it to be in on some esoteric secrets if you do not do anything with the knowledge to actually initiate something? In other words, if all one does is go through some process, but do little or nothing to benefit humanity then how is such an initiate any better off in his progress than one who has not gone through some outward initiation?

When you think about it any initiate worth his salt will do what the meaning of the word implies and “initiate” something of value.

The true initiate though does more than blindly repeating what has been done before. Reinventing the wheel accomplishes nothing new and useful. Instead, the initiate will make a better wheel.

Here are some things true initiates may be involved in.

He or she will either start, or assist in starting, a project, group, enterprise, business or movement.

He may initiate something new and different creatively in music, art, writing, architecture or other endeavors.

He may do something inventive or promote a new invention or process.

The greater the initiate the greater will be the power to initiate. To find some initiates just check the Internet for those who are doing new and different things that benefit humanity.

Finally, the question the seeker must ask himself is this: Am I involved in anything that will initiate new and better conditions for humanity?

Seed Thought of the Day:

An increase of freedom brings a temporary increase of both good and evil, but as the people choose truth over error that which is good will surface, be understood and dominate.


Day 353


The Seed Thought:

An increase of freedom brings a temporary increase of both good and evil, but as the people choose truth over error that which is good will surface, be understood and dominate.

The United States has 146 times more gun crime per 1000 people than North Korea. The main reason is a lack of freedom there as gun use or ownership is forbidden for civilian use and only allowed for the military.

On the other hand, the murder rate there is four times that of the United States. It looks like they find a way to kill each other, guns or no guns. It is said by some escaped dissidents that some murder for the sake of cannibalism as there is much starvation in the country.

Now let us suppose it was suddenly declared that anyone in that country could own a gun for any reason. Would that extra freedom produce some gun violence?

Of course. Instead of killing themselves with knives and hammers many would resort to guns.

The point is that with an increase of freedom in any area of life you will have an increase of activity and that increase will be on both sides resulting in an increase of good and evil.

The question we want to ask ourselves is do we want freedom where there is more good and evil or do we want lack of freedom where both good and evil actions are very limited?

The wise seeker will always side on the choice of freedom, within the structure of just law, for this reason. Though humanity makes many mistakes it learns from them and when good and evil are both revealed it will eventually side with the good. Thus maximum freedom, even though it allows the manifestation of both good and evil, causes progression toward the good in he long run.

On the other hand, suppression of freedom also suppresses progress and causes the consciousness of the people to stagnate.

The Principle of Freedom creates the main dividing line between the path of light and darkness.

Seed Thought of the Day:

An accuser and name caller is, more often than not, merely looking in a mirror and describing himself.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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