Discerning Light and Dark

This entry is part 37 of 50 in the series 2011A

This discussion on Braco causes an interesting question to surface – one of the few that I have not commented on to some degree.

Does it matter whether or not Braco is an angel or demon as long as people are healed with his technique?

Should we just accept the fact that some miracles happen and not even contemplate or question his motive or whether he represents the light or the dark?

Let us present two scenarios

Scenario One:
Braco is as much or more than his supporters believe. He is pure in heart – his main goal is service; he loves his fellow men and women and is a high initiate.

Obviously no one need have any concern about making the most of his healing powers.

Scenario Two:
Braco was on a quest for power and glory and he saw the teacher Ivica Prokic as a way to attain this. If he could learn his secrets then he could dazzle the crowds.

He studies with him for around a year and a half and feels he has progressed beyond his master but cannot demonstrate this because everyone looks toward Prokic and ignores him. He solves this problem by drowning him in the sea and telling everyone that a rogue wave came along and killed him.

This captures the attention of the Dark Brothers who now decide to use him to further their own ends. They create a goal to make him appear to be a messianic figure and when the time comes that he is loved and trusted by millions they will use him to make their move.

Now very few of us would have any problem receiving a healing by Braco number one, but how about Braco number two? If you knew the guy was on the dark side but also knew he could heal you would you accept?
Before I answer this perhaps we should deal with another important question. Can a person who is not in the light even perform a healing or other miracles?

Let us check the scriptures on this.

Acts 8:9 But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one:
Acts 8:10 To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great power of God.
Acts 8:11 And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries.

So here we see that Simon deceived “all’ from the least to the greatest into thinking he “was some great one.”

Here is another account of Simon:
Dositheus, when he perceived that Simon was depreciating him, fearing lest his reputation among men might be obscured (for he himself was supposed to be the Standing One), moved with rage, when they met as usual at the school, seized a rod, and began to beat Simon; but suddenly the rod seemed to pass through his body, as if it had been smoke. On which Dositheus, being astonished, says to him, ‘Tell me if thou art the Standing One, that I may adore thee.’ And when Simon answered that he was, then Dositheus, perceiving that he himself was not the Standing One, fell down and worshipped him, and gave up his own place as chief to Simon, ordering all the rank of thirty men to obey him; himself taking the inferior place which Simon formerly occupied. Clementine Recognitions, ii. 11

Then after Simon surpassed his teacher, Dositheus, he was said to be able to levitate and even fly.
Then when the apostles visited him he discovered there was one miracle he could not perform and that was the giving of the Holy Spirit. That is one thing the wayward soul cannot manifest.

He can however manifest intense emotional feelings that may be mistaken for the Holy Spirit by those not familiar with it.

In addition Jesus said this:

Matt 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Matt 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Matt 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
Matt 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

This tells us that workers of darkness can perform “many wonderful works” and yet be out of alignment with the will and purpose of God.

Concerning those who serve the beast we are told:
Rev 13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast;

Then we have this:
Rev 16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
Rev 16:14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

Rev 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image.

Thus the scriptures seem to tell us that many who work miracles are not on the side of the light. The only sure sign of a true servant is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit which is revealed to our souls.

Until one has enough soul contact to perceive the Holy Spirit he has to use his best judgment when he meets someone who is acclaimed as a great or chosen one to do miracles.

Now the natural question to arise is this: If these guys mentioned in the scriptures are not in the light then how do they perform miracles? How was Simon able to convince “all” in his community that he was some great one?

Obviously people saw some real miracles and most people when witnessing such a thing automatically think that the person who seems to be performing the miracle is from God.

But, if the false servant is not from God then by what power is the miracle performed?

The answer may surprise some.

All miracles are performed by the power of God.

BUT… that does not mean that the person performing the miracle is approved of God or on the right hand path. Let me explain.

The miracle of life is through the power of God yet this does not mean that all who are alive are servants of God.

All of us are reflections of God and as such have all the powers of God within us and can manifest them if we just understood how to go about it.

The key to understanding miracles is the principle that “energy follows thought” and the more thoughts involved and directed to one purpose the greater the power.

One who works in either the dark or the light can gather a crowd and direct their thoughts and thus channel their energy to create an atmosphere where miracles an take place.

Once the miracle worker has the people’s thoughts directed according to his will miracles can manifest but their manifestation often has nothing to do with the guy performing, but comes from the energy generated by the people themselves.

This is why in our gatherings, during the healing sessions I try and get as many involved as possible because the more thoughts directed as one the greater the power and we have seen miracles as a result. After the gatherings I have had numerous communications of miracles that manifest because of the group healings that were not apparent at the gathering itself including some proxy healings we have done.

So it seems that healing energy is a little like money. It is available to all who are willing to work for it and can be directed toward selfless service or for the support of the ego or even some dark purpose.

Is it important to know whether a healer or miracle worker is on the right or left hand path?

Yes and the reason is this.

The only really free gifts come directly from God with no other human taking credit. There is no such thing as a free gift when given or seen to be given by another human being.

Like Simon who presented himself as a Great One, the healer who is seen as a special being will seek some type of payment. Maybe he just wants to get rich and will charge a lot of money. Maybe he wants power and wants your allegiance and loyalty. Maybe he wants to increase his power and will use your God energy and claim it as his own.

The true servant will be like Jesus and make no claims of specialness.

The Son can do nothing of himself…the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.” John 5:19 & 14:10

The god that dwells in us all performs all the miracles that manifest and the true servants take no credit for any power apart from this.

Sharón spoke correctly when she said that the healer in the ego would create an energy link with the one being healed. If such a link is established with one who is not in the light then the individual may wind up rejecting the servants and teachings that are in the light – especially if they seem to not be in alignment with the healer.

My approach when being introduced to a new healer, teacher or servant is not to pronounce them good or evil, dark or light, but to examine their two witnesses – their words and works – in the light of day and then let the group decide for themselves.
Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

Series NavigationExamining BracoBraco & the Blue Dot

19 thoughts on “Discerning Light and Dark

  1. I think he is a special man…I attended one of his sessions, and I saw a golden aura around him…I experienced peace and relaxation. I could not believe that he is a negative source. I think he brings a positive energy and hope to people.

  2. I could tell you he is a God’s sent. I received the pure devine energy after just watching a video a few times while editing for my mom. Right before finishing our father prior to eat dinner I was strike by this divine energy I could possibly call it The Holy Spirit, since I felt the biggest peace and love and the presence of a divine entity “God” Jahwe? My lower back chronic siatic nervs dissapeared and never came back. Truly change the way I behave and I am a better persons since that incident.

  3. 8. Just imagine I read it twice. While I am not as accomplished on this topic, I concur with your closings because they make sense. Thanks and good luck to you.

  4. JJ Quote from the Archives

    Eternal Marriage

    “The main advantage of the sealing powers of the Priesthood is that it seals a commitment to meet again and once registered in two souls the future union is assured. The future of those eternally progressing will be eventually to be as Gods to evolving human lives on other worlds. This, of course, is just the beginning. There are worlds and concepts above ours that we can comprehend no more than a slug can comprehend us, but someday, in our future eternal lives and endless expansionof our consciousness, we will comprehend.”


    Copyright 1996 by J J Dewey

  5. “This is why in our gatherings, during the healing sessions I try and get as many involved as possible because the more thoughts directed as one the greater the power and we have seen miracles as a result. After the gatherings I have had numerous communications of miracles that manifest because of the group healings that were not apparent at the gathering itself including some proxy healings we have done.”

    Perhaps my memory is bad. I don’t remember you ever talking about any proxy healings or any healings that resulted from anything we have done at The Gatherings. It actually has been a disappointment that we haven’t been able to manifest any healings.

    1. At the actual gatherings rarely does anyone announce they have been healed but I usually receive several comments afterwords from people who have been healed or greatly improved and some of these have been agents of proxy healing. I’ve been healed at a gathering before, but didn’t say anything.

  6. Cheri:
    During this discussion about Braco I’ve realized that I can’t care what
    anyone else thinks about Braco. I had my experience and wanted to share it and people can take it or leave it. JJ you teach great things but it
    doesn’t mean I agree with every last thing you say. If you like or dislike Braco doesn’t matter to me. It wouldn’t change my mind about him one bit!

    As far as changing one’s mind goes evolution itself is a composed of a series of mind changing events. I’ve changed my mind about the church, Jesus and even God and have lost nothing but gained instead. Whenever additional knowledge is gained there is some type of mind changing going on whether small or great. As far as the reality of your experience it was what it was and there is not much mind changing possible on that. There are still things about Braco, however, that you do not know.

    BUT… More important than being unchanging in mind is to be unchanging in your peace. When you have an experience like yours critics, skeptics and unbelievers will come forth and the temptation is to let them alter your peace and to take away feelings of love and friendship toward them. It is important to take all things that are said from the vantage point of the soul and see those who do not agree as souls, like yourself, doing their best to discover the truth.

    I assume you are doing this, but many in your situation do not and allow a grievance to be planted. It is always of great importance that the seeker not let this happen. The solution is inclusive spiritual love open communication.

    Blayne writes:
    Here is a question I don’t think has come up yet. What is one to think of a spontaneous healing such as Cheri has had, when she was not asked permission nor gave permission, but just later discovered she was healed. Was it just her soul using the good will/healing energy of those gathered? What does this say about Braco or spontaneous healing even by proxy such as those who bring pictures of thier loved ones etc? How can that create a karmic link when one did not consent they were jut spontaneously healed”

    I could be wrong but I think Cheri did give permission. She attended and was open to being healed.

    On the other hand, you are right about the proxi healing. Would there be any obligatory link with the one healed?

    No there would not, even though any transfer of thought creates some linkage of energy. The main link would be with the one who brought the picture or stood in for proxy. If the healer is in the ego the who stood a proxi would feel a natural inclination to stand by the healer right or wrong.

    If the healer is not in the ego this one may still pay too much devotion to the healer because of mislead beliefs but is much more free to give the glory to God and not a man.

    I’ve been doing some contemplation on Braco and am now ready to give my viewpoint. I will be posting this shortly.

  7. JJ, you wrote:
    Concerning those who serve the beast we are told:
    Rev 13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast;
    JJ: Then we have this:
    Rev 16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
    Rev 16:14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
    Rev 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image.

    The dark-worker will use the miracle of healing for the greater purpose of the evil ones, those counter-to-God’s-will, to deceive mankind in an attempt to steer the destiny of mankind off its pre-destined path to follow God and his will into its full manifestation to become more like God.
    Whereas, the light-worker will use the miracle of healing for the grater purpose of God’s will.

    It sounds like the art of healing within the dark arts is manifested or comes to be only when the need to be deceitful for the means to gain a foot-hold for a particular agenda of the dark brotherhood.

    I love the clarity that JJ has provided us on the scripture about the unclean frogs/spirits.

  8. Here is a question I don’t think has come up yet. What is one to think of a spontaneous healing such as Cheri has had, when she was not asked permission nor gave permission, but just later discovered she was healed. Was it just her soul using the good will/healing energy of those gathered? What does this say about Braco or spontaneous healing even by proxy such as those who bring pictures of thier loved ones etc? How can that create a karmic link when one did not consent they were jut spontaneously healed”

  9. Maryellen wrote, “For one thing, I believe that being surrounded by so many people who truly come to feel this man’s energy and expect great things creates its OWN energy.”

    Larry Woods says,

    Danion Brinkley wrote one of my favorite NDE books. About a year after his NDE, as soon as he was well enough to get around again (he had been struck by lightning and burned from the inside out), he went with some friends who wanted to test his new found spiritual sensitivity at Las Vegas. He repented of that later but it made an interesting early exploration in his spiritual journey. Danion found he could speak whatever people were getting ready to say and that he often could predict the very close immediate future. When they arrived at a Casino Danion said he could feel the energy of expectation in the air. He said it was almost intoxicating. He also sensed despair among many which detracted from the overall sense of fun and hope. He won many games using his uncanny ability.

    He then helped a woman whose boyfriend was beating her up often. He immediately knew something was wrong when he first saw her so he contrived to shake her hand which then showed him exactly what was going on (direct contact facilitates this for him). He had been a sniper in the Army (trained assassin) and later worked for the CIA doing many jobs over the years involving systematic intimidation so he qualifies expert at using this dynamic. He brought the girl back to her hotel suite and sat on the couch with his arm around her because he knew the boyfriend would show up shortly. When the guy came unglued at seeing Danion, he quickly turned the tables and scared the hell out of the guy. The guy left fully believing that if he ever saw the woman again, Danion would kill him. Kind of a strange story of service. Well I guess I got side tracked thinking about Danion’s excellent book which features prophecies of Ronald Reagan’s presidency back at a time when no one knew who he was, a prophecy of Chrernobyl, worldwide implementation of brand new technology that saves millions of fish every year, and much more actually scoring very high for me as one of the most effective books of prophecy I ever saw in modern times.

    Back to my point. When a lot of people get together with high expectations, it creates spiritual energy. Probably someone who knew how could ride that energy. This makes me think of actors and performers. Specifically I remember a video of Bruce Davidson teaching aspiring actors how to work an audience. I listened to George Burns several times speak of the mystical power that comes to stage performers which enabled him, even after he was so old he old barely walk, to go out on stage for 45 minutes of standup comedy. Very powerful. I believe George could ride that energy like a surf board. Now the formula for the law of attraction, as far as I know it, is: Visualize your goal, with feeling (empower it with emotion – this is fuel), now act on it as a done deal. If you think of it in terms of “as if” then you already undermined it because that acknowledges that it might not come to pass. My impression is that somehow you simply accept it as already done and merely waiting for the physical to catch up with your mental picture and your emotional investment. The only variable you allow in your thinking is time. I think this accurately reflects BOL methodology. JJ, it appears to me, added to this by teaching that you can goose the power input by sharing the vision seed with your spouse by mutually holding the vision while making love. This certainly amps up the emotional investment. The law of attraction on steroids. But now we see yet another power source, group expectation and group feelings. More emotional fuel. The record of Jesus’ healings appears to support the idea of creative power in expectation. I say this as a picture enters my mind of the southern tent preachers (I attended one such meeting while on my LDS Mission many years ago so I could see what it was all about) who go from town to town setting up with signs that read, “Expect a miracle”.

    So our challenge is to create a healing and service mystique using combination punch strategy consisting of ambiance, ceremony, permission, and more so a spiritually sensitive individual who can channel this energy and use it for more than merely a stage performance may heal people with it and exploit other service opportunities.

    Frankly, I had always thought there was more to the healings of Jesus. Like he had power of his own regardless of the person to whom he chose to apply that power or the combined belief in a crowd. For example, when Peter cut off the guard’s ear, Jesus reached up and replaced it in an instant. I don’t think this had anything to do with the guard’s faith or expectations at all – which probably would have gone exactly the other way. This power simply came from/through Jesus. I guarantee that guard thought long and hard about that transaction the remainder of his life, no matter what spiritual level he had achieved before that time. Whether it swayed him to accept any true principles I cannot tell but, like the mule who gets clobbered with a 2×4, he could not ignore it. But now we find ourselves in a discussion involving delicate and changeable expectations and group dynamics. This also resembles what a stage hypnotist does. It seems to me this discussion targets a legitimate part of Jesus’ healing skill but, so far, did not yet account for this other personal power part. I would comment on Jesus’ personal power myself but I must plead ignorance; staying tuned, hoping to get enlightened more.

    One more thing about Braco, JJ said, “As far as my feelings go Braco is an oddity for me. Usually when a new teacher or Guru comes on the scene I get an immediate impression that turns out to be correct. In Braco’s case I get little impression. It’s as if my soul is telling me to figure this one out on my own.”

    I have seen JJ admit that he was previously unaware of some things. But this is the first time I saw him admit to actually being stumped, even temporarily. One thing I might add about Braco’s opaqueness, he does not teach so we miss the witness of his words. When we view Braco, we only see half. He shows some of his works, but none of his words – zero. In fact, this is the very thing that makes the “BOL or DB” theoretical question credible or even possible. It’s the out-of-sight/out-of-mind principle. I, myself, resort to that technique with some of my friends who would find many of my words problematic. I simply choose to speak of other things which I know will not offend them so we can relate at least on the limited levels still available between us while ignoring the other parts until I can get back to my beloved Keysters where I need not mince words. But I would never chose to completely mask or withhold my beliefs, goals, and motives from everyone. As JJ said, Braco’s lack of words is odd.

    Your brother,
    Larry Woods

    1. About Braco´s words and thoughts, I have seen a long interview with him, I believe he has also written books, has he not?
      I do believe he has expressed his ideas. Re the whole body, I think the idea is to look into his ideas and we do see his body as he approaches the podium.

  10. “My approach when being introduced to a new healer, teacher or servant is not to pronounce them good or evil, dark or light, but to examine their two witnesses – their words and works – in the light of day and then let the group decide for themselves.” JJ

    Well I am sure that this is what I did in this case. I didn’t call him good or a Master and I didn’t call him evil or a Devil, and I looked for the two witnesses, and the middle way like you had taught us all to do when examining anyone who teaches or heals etc.

    It would be interesting if you had also done a handwriting analysis on Braco or Ivica, but I do not know if there is any handwriting samples around?

    BTW, if or when humans become much more telepathic or totally telepathic, then what happens to the Two Witnesses of someone’s words and works, if words are no longer spoken, unless the words are written down?


  11. “nimrod20032003″> wrote: Why do I say that? Because JJ said he got no “read” on the guy and since he is the teacher (of soul contact) here … if we cannot depend
    upon that, we may as well go elsewhere.

    To this John C writes:
    This kind of sounds like the Mormon saying: “When the Prophet speaks, the thinking stops.”

    I hope you are not saying that that we are not supposed to gain and exercise our own soul contact? Are we not supposed to look for ourselves? Think for ourselves? Exercise judgment for ourselves?

    As an example of a healer I can believe in, I used to visit a chiropractor in Los Angeles named Dr. Eric Perl. Years after I stopped seeing him, he was on Coast to Coast describing how he discovered that he had developed an ability to heal others by touch. I tend to believe him, because I know him personally, and know that he is a good man.

    First, let me say that I may not always be the one with the first soul contact on any person or teaching. Energy follows thought and if someone else puts more energy in a certain direction and is pure in heart he may he receive more than me on that item. If my soul tells me such a person is self deceived them I will defend what I see as truth no matter where it leads.

    Before I make a final judgment on people I like to examine their two witnesses their words and works. Unfortunately, with Braco I have only seen his works and only one work at that – healing. There is not much to run by my soul. Generally soul confirmation comes after one does all he can on his own.

    Yes, sometimes I will get a soul impression just by hearing a name spoken but other times my soul just leaves the discovery up to me.

    I heard Eric Perl on Coast to Coast and was favorably impressed with his methods.

  12. JJ wrote:
    “… there are a number of reasons why the disciple needs to be careful about who he allows into his aura. Among them are:
    (1) A healing produces a link and his overall vibration could be lowered.
    (2) There are spiritual vampires that steal energy from disciples.” – http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Keysters/message/49931

    JJ wrote:
    “If such a link is established with one who is not in the light then the individual may wind up rejecting the servants and teachings that are in the light – especially if they seem to not be in alignment with the healer.” – https://freeread.com/archives/2723

    JJ wrote:
    “The only sure sign of a true servant is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit which is revealed to our souls.

    Until one has enough soul contact to perceive the Holy Spirit he has to use his best judgment when he meets someone who is acclaimed as a great or chosen one to do miracles.
    My approach when being introduced to a new healer, teacher or servant is not to pronounce them good or evil, dark or light, but to examine their two witnesses – their words and works – in the light of day …” – https://freeread.com/archives/2723

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