One of the major divisions of interpretation of A Course in Miracles is whether God is one united life composed of many creations or children, or whether God is merely one life with no children to keep Him company. This makes a big difference as to how students see their ultimate union with God. In the first they see it as a union with the Creator, but you as an entity still exist. The difference is that you will share the mind of God and instantly recognize all that is true so all sharing entities will be in agreement.
In the second you will no longer exist as a distinct entity but will merge with God. All that makes up the individual “you” will be no more.
When one reads through the Course it becomes obvious as to why there is division in interpretation, as statements can be drawn from the text to support both sides. However, after studying the Course quite intently I have concluded that the Course mostly supports the first, the. concept of the many united into one. I therefore created some supporting points strongly supported by Course quotes illustrating that the first interpretation is the most accurate as it is supported by logic, reason and many statements from the Course itself. I’ll be posting this in several posts. Here is Part I
The discussions over whether the Course is dual or non-dual makes for interesting dialog, but as far as I can see the teachings of the Course are pretty clear on it. In fact, clarity was a stated intention:
“you may believe from time to time that I am misdirecting you. I have made every effort to use words that are almost impossible to distort, but it is always possible to twist symbols around if you wish.” T-3.I.3
So… what words were used to support non duality?
For one thing the words “duality” and “non-duality” are not to even be found in the Course so they cannot be misused.
So, what is the main word used in related to oneness?
The word “unity” and variations of it are found repeated 179 times in ACIM compared to zero for non-dualism.
A unity consists of numerous parts (more than one) united toward a single purpose.
There can be no union possible if there is just one with no parts. The word “union” itself implies a whole created from cooperating parts.
The use of “unity” is just one of many “words that are almost impossible to distort” as mentioned in ACIM.
Many have been arguing that true reality is non dual because love dominates there, but when you think of it, more than one has to exist before there can be love. If all there is, is just one being with no parts and no extensions there would be nothing to love. After all we are told that:
“Our function is to work together, because apart from each other we cannot function at all. The whole power of God’s Son lies in all of us, but not in any of us alone. God would not have us be alone because He does not will to be alone.” T-8.VI.8
Here we learn that if either we or God were alone there would exist no power and if we were alone we could not even function.
An entity alone could not love because there would be nothing to love. There has to be two or more for love to even exist, or, for existence, to have any meaning “for God Himself did not will to be alone.” T-11.I.1
I’ve seen pure non dualists make the argument that life in heaven is merely God alone with no Sons (plural) because the Course says we have a “shared identity.” Perhaps then it may be worthwhile to examine this phrase to see what the Course is actually saying. Let us start with this quote:
“You whose hand is joined with your brother’s have begun to reach beyond the body, but not outside yourself, to reach your shared Identity together.” T-18.VI.10.
We do not reach our shared identity alone but must join hands with our brother and reach this state “together.”
Right off the bat this sounds like a state of being occupied by not just one, but a group of souls. Understanding this shared identity is important, for it is a key to remembering “what you are.”
“Earlier I said this course will teach you how to remember what you are, restoring to you your Identity. We have already learned that this Identity is shared. The miracle becomes the means of sharing It,” T-14.X.12
Then too, this understanding of identity is salvation itself:
“Again, how simple is salvation! It is merely a statement of your true Identity.” W-pI.77.1
It boils down to this. “You dwell in the Mind of God with your brother, for God Himself did not will to be alone.” T-11.I.1
So, God, who did not will to be alone, created innumerable Sons of God and shared all things with them, even His identity. This sharing makes us equal in all respects except that God was the initiator and created us, we did not create Him or ourselves. Hence comes the “recognition that the Father is greater.” T-1.II.4
Let us correlate this idea with an earthly example. Let us say you rent a large motel suite and do not want to occupy it alone. You therefore invite a friend to share it with you and tell him he can invite several others to join us. Finally, we settle down with six of us in the suite. All six equally share the room and have equal access to all the amenities. The only difference is that you originated the sharing and are the one actually providing the room so to you is due an appreciation and thanks that differs from the others.
Since God initiated our shared identity, we are told that He is in a different position than the Sons, and it is correct to have awe toward Him for “a state of awe is worshipful. It implies that one of a lesser order stands before a greater one. This is the case only when a Soul stands before its Creator. Souls are perfect creations and experience awe only in the Presence of the Creator of perfection.” OE Tx:1.77
The bottom line is that one cannot share unless there is more than one entity involved. Our true identity is one, but those sharing it are many.
Concerning God as a whole it is written:
“there are no separate parts in what exists within God’s Mind. It is forever One, eternally united and at peace.” T-30.III.6
So, concerning the Trinity, which includes us as Sons of God, we are told in these verses that we are “one,” there is “no separation.” And “no separate parts.”
If one takes these statements too literally, he could wind up believing that God has no Sons or no parts whatsoever, and after our awakening and return to heaven, there will no such thing as any individual life or choice, for there will only be one life. You as an individual entity will no longer exist. What is left of you will be God all alone with no one else with which to share anything. If there are no parts, there is only the One all alone.
One can get this idea if he goes by a few isolated passages, but the Course as a whole does not support it. The first thing we need to clear up is what the Course means when it speaks of oneness.
It gives us a clue in the first passage we quoted. Here it is again:
“Father and Son and Holy Spirit are as One, as all your brothers join as one in truth.” T-25.I.5
Here it tells us that oneness is created by joining “as one in truth. “
This joining together of parts to maintain oneness is emphasized a number of times in the Course. Here is a good example:
“In the holy meeting place are joined the Father and His creations, and the creations of His Son with Them together. There is one link that joins Them all together, holding Them in the oneness out of which creation happens.” T-14.VIII.4
A key phrase is that “There is one link that joins Them all together.”
Then we have passages like this that seem to support oneness with no parts:
“What is the same can not be different, and what is one can not have separate parts.” T-25.I.7
Some will quote this and say, “See, in heaven there will be just one life with no parts.”
But notice that the verse does not say “no parts” but no “separate parts.” When the many parts of God’s creation are joined together into “one link,” then they are no longer separate parts, but united parts of one life.
Think of a puzzle with the pieces separated in a box. You look at one piece and it is not joined to anything, and only confusion would result by trying to see the whole picture from it. But then if one joins the pieces together, he sees a completed picture. The pieces are no longer separated parts, but joined into a union that creates the one picture.
Similarly in heaven, all lives are joined together so they are not separate but create the one life. If you look at one piece you see the hole picture.
A student says: “ACIM doesn’t say “united parts” anywhere.”
But it talks about united parts everywhere. For instance:
“It (Christ’s vision) is the bond by which the giver and receiver (two parts) are united in extension here on earth, as they are one in Heaven.” W-pI.159.4
When two are united on earth they do not merge into one with no parts, but the two are united in purpose. The quote tells us that the two parts are one here “as they are one in Heaven.”
Then we have this:
“Atonement itself is one, uniting all creations (parts) with their Creator.” T-1.III.7
“it is the function of love to unite all things (parts) unto itself, and to hold all things (parts) together” T-12.VIII.7
“For no two brothers (parts) can unite except through Christ, Whose vision sees them one.” T-22.I.7
“You are one Self, the holy Son of God, united with your brothers (parts) in that Self” W-pI.95.13
One indeed must twist and distort to discount the many times the Course clearly refers to the many united parts in the kingdom of heaven.
The Father and the Son are said to be one, but that oneness does not mean sameness for the Course says that, “I and my Father are one, but there are two parts to the statement in recognition that the Father is greater. T-1.II.4
Then we read in the unedited version:
“the original statement was “are of one kind.” The Father and the Son are not identical, but you can say “Like Father, like Son.” UR T 1 B 22l.
Just like the Father and the Son share one mind and one life, but are separate parts of the whole, even so, is the Son composed of many parts that make up the one great life. This is comparable to cells in the body that are parts of the one life that make up the whole of your body. It is one life, but composed of many parts.
“So do the parts of God’s Son gradually join in time, and with each joining is the end of time brought nearer.” T-20.V.1
“God has but one Son, knowing them all as One.” T-9.VI.3
The Course uses a different definition of truth than is found in the dictionary. It tells us that “truth is the environment by which and for which you were created.” T-7.XI.6
So, then truth as ACIM defines it is merely the experience of heaven or our true self.
As far as this world goes it says:
“No illusion has any truth in it. … any wish that seems to go against His Will has no foundation in the truth.” T-26.VII.6
So, in this world 2+2=4 is not true as the Course defines it, yet it is true as the dictionary does.
Perhaps the biggest problem in having unified discussions about the Course is that it defines numerous keywords different than does the dictionary, but doesn’t make this clear to readers.
And speaking of truth it says “The first chaotic law is that the truth is different for everyone.” T-23.II.2
Truth is the same for everyone. Even in the illusion 2+2=4 for all.
You would think that there would be no disagreement about how the oneness of the Son and God Himself works – that there is not just one part but many parts in a united, joined, unseparated condition. For one thing, the course uses the plural phrase “Sons of God” over seventy times.
It also refers in individual sons as “parts” numerous times.
“So do the parts of God’s Son gradually join in time, and with each joining is the end of time brought nearer.” T-20.V.1
In addition, the Son “is part of the Holy Trinity.” T-3.II.5 “all living things as part of him.” M-23.2
Indeed, “God has but one Son, knowing them all (all parts) as One.” T-9.VI.3 “There is one life. That life you share with Him.” W-pI.156.2
There can be no sharing unless there is more than one involved.
“WE (the parts) stand together as one Son of God.”
“To be egocentric is to be dis-spirited, but to be Self-centered in the right sense is to be inspired or in spirit.” T-4.in.1
Sounds like our true self just realizes he is not alone and understands who he is, and when this happens, we are told that “you would be, gaining, not losing, a sense of Self.” T-18.VI.13
I posted this:
“Any part of the Sonship can believe in error or incompleteness if he so chooses.” T-2.VII.6
I would like a non dualist to explain how one part can choose to believe in something another part does not if there are no parts.
I’ve received several answers to this but none of them give any proof from ACIM to back them up.
Then there is this:
“The Atonement actually began long before the Crucifixion. Many Souls offered their efforts on behalf of the Separated Ones but they could not withstand the strength of the attack, and had to be brought back. Angels came, too, but their protection was not enough, because the Separated ones were not interested in peace. They had already split themselves, and were bent on dividing rather than reintegrating.” UR T 2 B 43
Here we are told that “Many Souls offered their efforts on behalf of the Separated Ones.” So there were two groups of sons in heaven. Those who chose to separate and those who chose to stay home. Then another great “part” in heaven were angels.
So why does the course describe all these parts in the beginning if there were no parts, unless the Course is deceptive?
“Without your Father you will not know your fatherhood. The Kingdom of God includes all His Sons AND THEIR CHILDREN, who are as like the Sons as they are like the Father.” T-7.XI.7
If in heaven we are just one blob with no united parts how then does the kingdom include “Sons” (plural) along with the children (plural) of the Sons???
Jesus said: I have made every effort to use words that are almost impossible to distort.” T-3.I.3
It does indeed seem almost impossible to distort the description of Sons and children of Sons in heaven into nothingness, leaving God all alone, when God Himself did not will to be alone.” T-11.I.1
I would be interested to see how the pure non dualists who believe that God is all alone in heaven with no parts and no Sons (plural) would explain the Course’s teaching on the four main divisions with different functions.
First in heaven is the Father who created the Sonship composed of many Sons of God “for God Himself did not will to be alone.” T-11.I.1 Because the Father is the Source of the Son we are to acknowledge “that the Father is greater.” T-1.II.4
Second, we have the Son whose main function is to create with the Father “You were created only to create” T-14.I.4 Creation is your Source and your only real function. T-3.V.6. God shares His function with you in Heaven, T-12.VII.4
Thirdly we have the angels with still a different function which is to protect. Of them it is written:
“You were created ABOVE the angels because your role involves creation as well as protection. You who are in the image of the Father need bow only to HIM, before whom I kneel with you.” UR T 1 B 30y&z
They tried to protect us from the separation but were not able to: “Angels came, too, but their protection was not enough, because the separated ones were not interested in peace.” OE Tx:2.38
Finally, we have the Holy Spirit with a totally different function from the other three:
judgment is the function of the Holy Spirit, and one He is perfectly equipped to fulfill. T-8.VIII.4 it is His special function to return you to eternity and remain to bless your creations there. T-5.VI.12.
In summary, we have the Father and His Sons sharing the prime function of creation. The angels do not create, but have the function to protect creation. Finally, the Holy Spirit has the function to lead us to correct judgment or right-mindedness so we can return to heaven. There He will bless our creations.
Truly we have more than one function applied to more than one part of the one life that we all share.
The idea of sharing is mentioned in ACIM around 500 times. It is interesting that sharing happens everywhere in the Course. It is spoken of being in on earth, as well as in heaven, encouraged among us dreamers, and practiced among the Sons of God in heaven, as well as the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Since sharing can only take place when there is more than one, this principle supplies us with abundant proof that the Course teaches that there are many parts who share the one life. Here is just one example:
“As your function in Heaven is creation, so your function on earth is healing. God shares His function with you in Heaven, and the Holy Spirit shares His with you on earth.” T-12.VII.4
Here we are told that both God and the Holy Spirit share their functions with Sons. And how many Sons does the Holy Spirit share with on earth?
And how many Sons does God share with each other in heaven?
This and many other examples of sharing should put to rest the idea that God is one life all alone where no sharing could be possible.
The Father and the Son are grouped as one in the Course, but that oneness does not mean sameness in all aspects, for the Course says that, “I and my Father are one, but there are two parts to the statement in recognition that the Father is greater. T-1.II.4
Then we read this in the unedited version:
“the original statement was “are of one kind.” The Father and the Son are not identical, but you can say “Like Father, like Son.” UR T 1 B 22l.
Just like the Father and the Son share one mind and one life, but are separate parts of the whole, even so, is the Son composed of many parts that make up the one great life. This is comparable to cells in the body that are parts of the one life that make up the whole of your body. It is one life, but composed of many parts. This analogy was used by Paul in a similar approach to the Course:
For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, SO ALSO IS CHRIST. For by ONE SPIRIT we are all baptized into ONE body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into ONE SPIRIT. For the body is not one member, but MANY (All lives together)… Now Ye are the body of Christ (the Sonship), and members in particular.” I Cor 12:12-14, 27
As far as a car transcending the sum of its parts. Audi thinks its car does this. It’s ad reads: “Audi Q7 transcends the sum of its parts”
Obviously the car is one unit, but has many parts.
There are many good passages showing that the one great united life we call God is composed of many parts. The four main parts are (1) The Father, (2) The Son, (3) The Holy Spirit and (4) Angels.
The Son is subdivided into an innumerable number of parts, called Sons which is mentioned over 70 times in ACIM.
Here are some quotes highlighting the idea of the one and the many concerning the Son.
“It should especially be noted that God has only one Son. If all His creations are His Sons, every one must be an integral part of the whole Sonship. The Sonship in its Oneness transcends the sum of its parts. T-2.VII.6
So, each of us is “an integral PART of the whole.” An automobile is a good example of something transcending the sum of its parts. Even carmakers realize this for, as we mentioned, the Audi Q7 transcends the sum of its parts”
“And here, before the altar to one God, one Father, one Creator and one Thought, we stand together as one Son of God. Not separate from Him Who is our Source; not distant from one brother who is part of our one Self” W-pI.187.10
So, how do we “stand together” if there are no Sons (plural). And how can one brother just be a “part” of the one self of the Sonship?
“So do the parts of God’s Son gradually join in time, and with each joining is the end of time brought nearer.” T-20.V.1
How do parts join if there are no parts???
“God has but one Son, knowing them all as One.” T-9.VI.3
This kind of sums up the principle of the united Sonship. God knows us “all” (the many) as one united life.
There are so many references telling us that Gods creation is composed of many parts united as one that it is amazing there is any dispute on the matter, with many thinking there are no SonS (plural) in heaven. Here is an interesting passage that should drive the pure non dualists crazy:
“the Sonship is the sum of all that God created.” T-1.I.19
The original language is even clearer:
“the Sonship is the sum of all the Souls God created.” OE Tx:1.19
The word “sum” is key here for you cannot have addition unless there is more than one to add. For instance, the sum of 2+2 is four. Obviously, the sum of all the Sons who make up the Sonship is many billions.
Another point often overlooked is that the Sons create additional Sons:
“A co-creator with the Father must have a Son. Yet must this Son have been created like Himself. A perfect being, all-encompassing.” T-24.III.6
This gives us as Sons the opportunity of Fatherhood as possessed by God who created us:
“The Father must give fatherhood to His Son, because His Own Fatherhood must be extended outward.” T-8.III.3
This puts the many creative Sons in a unique position:
“The Son of God has both Father and Son, because he is both Father and Son. …What can the Son of God not accomplish with the Fatherhood of God in him?” T-11.II.1&4
So, in heaven we have the prime Creator, the many Sons, and the Sons of Sons, plus the Holy Spirit and angels – obviously more than one part of the One United Life.
This text from the original edition gives us undeniable proof that there are many parts to the Sonship and heaven:
“The Atonement actually began long before the Crucifixion. Many Souls offered their efforts on behalf of the Separated Ones but they could not withstand the strength of the attack, and had to be brought back. Angels came, too, but their protection was not enough, because the Separated ones were not interested in peace. They had already split themselves, and were bent on dividing rather than reintegrating.” UR T 2 B 43
The first thing to note is that at the separation the Sonship was divided into two parts. First, we learn there were “many souls” who never separated but stayed in heaven. These souls (plural) tried to help bring back the second group of Sons called the “Separated Ones.”
This first group of Sons were not successful so they “had to be brought back.”
Then, other parts of heaven called “Angels came, too, but their protection was not enough.”
The fact that there were two divisions of Sons is further verified by the Parable of the Prodigal Son which is quoted by the Course, which indicates its accuracy.
The parable tells us of one Son who stayed home and the other left the Father’s house. The Son who left represents us as Sons in the dream whereas the one who stayed with the Father represents the Sons who never left heaven – identified in the quote as “many souls.”
This certainly doesn’t sound like God is all alone in heaven in pure non dualism with no parts. When the Course uses Sons (plural) in reference to parts of the one Sonship over seventy times perhaps we should accept that “Sons of God” is more than symbolic
A major division in belief among students is this. One side believes that in heaven there is just one life alone with no parts and no Sons. Sons is written in the plural to appeal to our low understanding.
The other view, which I embrace, is that there are many Sons or many parts to the life of God. These Sons are not separated, but form one united life sharing the mind of God.
So, the question is: Is God alone? The Course gives a definite answer on this.
God does not want to be alone and is lonely when any part of creation attempts to separate itself from Him.
We are plainly told: “He (God) did not set His Kingdom up alone.” T-30.II.1
Then there is this:
“You dwell in the Mind of God with your brother, for God Himself did not will to be alone.” T-11.I.1
“God is incomplete without you.” T-9.VIII.9
“God is as dependent on you as you are on Him, because His Autonomy encompasses yours, and is therefore incomplete without it.” T-11.IV.7
So ACIM tells us that God did not set up his kingdom alone and it is contrary to His will that he be alone.
And why is that?
“God is lonely without His Sons, and they are lonely without Him.” T-2.III.5 “His joy is not complete because yours is incomplete. And this He does know. He knows it in His Own Being and its experience of His Son’s experience. The constant going out of His Love is blocked when His channels are closed, and He is lonely when the minds He created do not communicate fully with Him.” T-4.VII.6 “They are part of you, as you are part of God. You are as lonely without understanding this as God Himself is lonely when His Sons do not know Him.” T-7.VII.10
Now see yourself as all alone in a void for eternity with no one to keep you company or to share anything with. Could you think of a greater hell? No wonder God created many billions of Sons to keep Him company and to share the joys of creation.
Almost every page of the Course gives teachings that tell us that heaven is a union of many parts rather than consisting of some pure non dualist point of oneness in a void of nothingness.
Here is just one more example. We are told that you as “A co-creator with the Father must have a Son.” T-24.VII.7
And “The Kingdom of God includes all His Sons AND THEIR CHILDREN, who are as like the Sons as they are like the Father.” T-7.XI.7
Then, in heaven “all talents will be shared by all the Sons of God.” T-1.V.3
Obviously, there can be no sharing if there is just one. Who would the lonely one being share with?
We have this process of creation because “God would not have us be alone because He does not will to be alone.” T-8.VI.8
This is about as clear as word can be that God does not want Himself or us to be alone and thus makes us co-creators so we can create additional Sons that obviously enriches heaven by sharing their talents.
It is amazing to read these passages and see that many ACIM students change their meaning to fit with their mindset that believes God is alone with no Sons. They think that when speaking of many Sons, the Holy Spirit and angels Jesus is just using meaningless symbols for some strange and confusing reason.
There are two types of dreams. There is the one we have at night which is recognized by all. Then there is the dream by day we have, as taught by ACIM, which occurs over a lifetime, or perhaps many lifetimes in a physical body.
Students have often made a correlation between the two as if they were the same, but there are major differences
Dreams at night are short and disconnected with very little in the memory and very little is subject to law.
This dream we call life is very detailed, much more involved and there are many memories and laws worked into it.
But the biggest difference is this. At night you may dream of numerous other people, but when you wake up they are gone because they were created by your sleeping mind.
Correspondingly, the non-duality people tell us that when we awaken from the dream of this world, all the people in it will disappear as there is only one real person which is you.
But does the dream work this way?
Not quite.
A number of people claim to be awake, but I am still here and you are too who are reading this.
When Jesus awoke, the twelve apostles remained as well as the whole Roman Empire. Nothing in the world disappeared.
The point missed is this. The dreamer of this world is not just an individual, but the Sonship as a whole, and it is the entire Sonship which must awaken before the world disappears.
This teaching again illustrates that the Sonship consists of many Sons or parts for the many have to awaken before the universe will disappear. The first million or so will just be the beginning.
“External conditions are produced by the thoughts of many, not all of whom are pure in heart as yet.” UR T 2 A 30
I get some of the strangest responses when engaging with pure non-dualists about ACIM. When I present reason linked to quotes from the Course, I receive something like this.
“The attempt to use mind and reason comes from the ego.”
This belief shuts down the mind from receiving anything logical that goes against their mindset. But what does the Course say about reason and ego?
“How can the segment of the mind devoid of reason (the ego) understand what reason is, or grasp the information it would give? All sorts of questions may arise in it, but if the basic question stems from reason, it will not ask it.” T-21.V.4
Reason is a key ingredient in the undoing of the ego:
“The introduction of reason into the ego’s thought system is the beginning of its undoing, for reason and the ego are contradictory. Nor is it possible for them to coexist in your awareness. For reason’s goal is to make plain, and therefore obvious. You can see reason. This is not a play on words… reason sees through errors,” T-22.III.1
The second strange response goes something like this:
“Non-duality is beyond our understanding, beyond reason or mind. It just is. Only the ego attempts to understand it.”
There are numerous quotes from the Course guiding us the opposite direction such as:
“the ego believes that mind is dangerous, and that to make mindless is to heal. But to make mindless is impossible, since it would mean to make nothing out of what God created.” T-8.IX.6
Then there is this:
“It is essential to remember that only the mind can create, and that correction belongs at the thought level.” T-2.V.1
So, how important is mind?
“If I did not think I would not exist, because life is thought.” W-pI.54.2
Instead of discouraging us from finding answers the Course says this:
“It’s (the ego) dictates, then, can be summed up simply as: ‘Seek and do not find.’ This is the one promise the ego holds out to you, and the one promise it will keep.” T-12.IV.1
My advice then is to ignore students who tell you mind, reason and seeking are from the ego, for without using some of these three aspects students would not have picked up the Course to begin with.
It seems that a lot of students do not accept passages like this one:
“my words make perfect sense because they come from God. They are as sensible now as they ever were, because they speak of ideas that are eternal.” T-9.IV.4
Some quote the Course saying that words are symbols and claim that we cannot know the truth through words. Therefore, when you quote something specific from ACIM with which they disagree they just discount it as symbolic and either see it as meaningless or interpret it according to preconceived notions.
For instance, the Course speaks of Sons of God in the plural 81 times but those who believe in non-duality claim there is only one Son in heaven.
The Course also speaks of the one Sonship consisting of “parts” yet they do not believe this as written.
The Course says that God “did not set His Kingdom up alone.” T-30.II.1 Yet many claim that is symbolic that God is alone with no parts and no Sons.
The Course says that in heaven “all talents will be shared by all the Sons of God.” T-1.V.3. Yet if there is oneness with no Sons (plural) who is there to share with? The Course speaks of sharing in heaven numerous times, yet if there is not more than one, sharing is impossible.
Then too love would not exist if there did not exist others to love.
The Course encourages us to use mind and reason yet some say we need to be mindless and reason is a tool of the ego even though the Course clearly says “If I did not think I would not exist, because life is thought.” W-pI.54.2
The problem is that instead of recognizing the great words in the Course many ignore the words claiming the truth is beyond words. Yes there is communication in heaven beyond our power of words to express, but we are not there yet. I haven’t had anyone in this any Facebook group communicate with me by using anything but words. We depend on words but they only have no meaning when we try and make them say what we want them to say rather than what they are.
Here is a question from the Course: “Is the teacher of God, then, to avoid the use of words in his teaching? No, indeed! There are many who must be reached through words, being as yet unable to hear in silence.” M-21.4
A handful may hear in silence from the Holy Spirit, but for normal communication we must use words and, contrary to what many believe, words can be powerful tools:
“God’s teachers have God’s Word behind their symbols. And He Himself gives to the words they use the power of His Spirit, raising them from meaningless symbols to the call of Heaven itself.” M:21.5
I think that many have felt “the power of His Spirit” when they have studied the Course and other inspired writings.
To discount words as mere symbols that do not reveal truth is a big mistake in my opinion. In many cases words are all we have in this world with which to communicate. After all, ACIM was communicated in words. I do not know anyone who received it by osmosis or any alternative way.
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ACIM Conversations, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25
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