CIA Plot and ACIM

CIA Plot and ACIM

What if you found out that the conspiracy theory that A Course in Miracles was really written by the CIA as a mind control mechanism, and they transmitted the Course to Helen using a filling in her teeth as a receiver?

Would this change your opinion of the Course? Would you cease using it, ignore the findings, or what would you do differently if anything.

I know there are some who think we should not even ask questions like this but let us ignore the Debbie Downers and have some fun speculation.

Since I asked the question, I’ll also give my answer.

If I definitely discovered that A Course in Miracles was not a divine revelation but created by regular mortals, whether it be the CIA, Bill and Helen or channeled from a space alien it would not alter the true principles in it that have been verified by the Holy Spirit.

Two core principles in the Course concerns forgiveness and the letting go of grievance.  The way the Course presents handling these two things harmonized with what I had verified to me by the Spirit before I even read the Course and is one of the reasons I took it seriously.

These teachings would be true and useful, even if the devil himself wrote it.

Many of the basic teachings centered around principles are true no matter who wrote them. It is mainly factual details that I would call into question if regular mortals created it. For instance, the comments on the life of Jesus would not be known to be true by a regular creative writer.

Personally, I do not think any regular mortal could have come up with the Course, so my question is only hypothetical, designed to create thought.

On the other hand, there are a lot of writings out there that claim to be divinely inspired that definitely could be written by a creative individual.

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