Parable of Soul Contact


Jan 3, 1999

Parable of Soul Contact

Imagine in the beginning that there is one central broadcasting station for all programs and life experiences. This is called SPIRIT.

Then there is a medium through which all broadcasts are transmitted. This is called SOUL.

Finally, we have the possibility of instruments or vehicles which can pick up that which is transmitted.

When humans began their long period of evolution they started with no instruments at all except for a computer program that we call instinct, which is built into them. This computer program was created at the Central Broadcasting Station (Spirit) and planted in humans to make sure they can survive until they can consciously tune in and receive.

Individuals ran on this program for many lifetimes and slowly, by trial and error, began to realize that the program did not answer all of their needs. Meanwhile the Central Station continues broadcasting and the waves pass through them, but until they develop a receiving instrument they cannot clearly intercept the higher communication.

Then every once in a while, when the individual was still, he sensed that there was more than the program, that there is new material of which to become aware. In his moments of stillness he thinks he feels the vibration of the broadcast (soul) passing through his body. The feeling is so slight that the first few times he senses it he dismisses it as his imagination, but, finally, he becomes convinced that there has to be something more out there. He is now weary of just running on his preprogrammed material and reasons that if indeed there is a Creator out there then there has to be more to receive, or life would not be worth living and he should just self destruct.

As the seeker bumps into dead end after dead end, because of the limits of his program, he decides to take a chance and attempt to construct some type of receiving device to receive the Central Broadcast that he has dimly sensed.

Then for a long period of time he experiments with hundreds of mechanical listening devices that he attaches to his ear. Some of them amplified noise and regular sounds, and there were many times that he thought he was hearing from the Central Station, but time after time he learned that he was deceived. Several times his friends, who thought he was crazy, played tricks on him. Another time a charlatan passing through town deceived him and then there were many times that other men claimed to have made the breakthrough. These beastly men claimed that only they could receive from the Central Station and if anyone wanted to know what the broadcast was they alone could be trusted to reveal it.

The seeker continued to search but there were many times he doubted himself and thought that maybe he was crazy for trying to receive from the Central Station because of the ridicule he received from his friends and developing authorities who claimed that only certain appointed ones could ever receive.

The man made many mistakes and had many self doubts, but the idea of the search never completely left his mind, and one day, as he was in contemplation under a tree, he saw a tremendous bolt of lightening strike in the distance.

After the strike a large amount of electricity filled the air and it seemed to the guy that for a short moment he was sensing the broadcast waves. It seemed as if he saw things in his mind and heard things with his ears that he had never experienced before.

After the storm subsided the man roused himself with joy for he realized that he had found the missing ingredient for reception, which was electricity (soul energy).

The man went back to his workshop and gathered together all the physical materials that did not seem to work before and experimented by adding the element of electricity to them. Finally, after much work and frustration the man put together a primitive radio receiver. There was a lot of static, the sound was bad and sometimes it worked and sometimes it did not, but, finally, he was sure that he was receiving something, for the words were clearly meaningful.

He still did not trust his instrument completely because in the past he had been deceived by people playing tricks on him and perhaps this was another deception. He listened to the broadcast in private and tested it again and again and finally concluded that no deceiver could come up with such new and refreshing material that was not in his original program.

Upon concluding that he was truly receiving, he had so much joy that he decided to share his good fortune with his friends. He took his receiving instrument and showed it to his friends. They were curious and asked for a demonstration. The man turned it on and after some static he heard a couple of sentences come through.

“There it is! Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?” said his friends. “All we heard was a bunch of noise.”

The man was beside himself. His friends must have not been paying attention. “There it is again!” he said.

“What do you mean?” said his friends. “All that is coming across is just noise. We think this quest of yours has scrambled your brain. Perhaps you need professional help.”

At this the man realized that only he could hear the words on the receiver, that for some reason the instrument was in tune with him and that each person would have to eventually create his own medium of reception.

Night after night the man listened to his new device and wrote down the information. Then after a period of time another idea occurred to him:

“I know how I can prove beyond any doubt that I am receiving from the Central Station. I will take some of the material I have received and share it with others. Then when they contrast the new material with all the other worn out programs in circulation, the people will become convinced that I am a true receiver. Then all they have to do is follow the plans I have for instruments and they can then receive everything I do without my help.”

He was enthused about this plan and immediately began teaching the words of Light to all who would listen.

But alas, he was alarmed and disheartened by the reception. Many of his closest friends thought that this new material was not as good as the old program and that even the charlatans had more to offer.

The man did not give up and he taught others, but their leaders pointed the finger of scorn at him and told their followers that he was an agent of the devil, and the people turned on the man and he was lucky to escape without injury.

Then the man retreated for a long period of time into his quiet chambers and concluded that if no one else was going to benefit by his discovery at least he would. The first thing he did was to work on his receiver, and after a period of time he was able to eliminate the static and blank periods so the broadcast came through loud and clear on a consistent basis. But he did not give up here. He continued to experiment until he developed the equivalent of a primitive black and white TV. It had such a small screen and so much snow that images were difficult to make out, but he continued working until he had a larger screen with clear images and sound.

Then he realized that color would add even more beauty to his learning pleasure and that was also perfected.

Finally, everything was fined tuned and the man learned and learned and learned until he felt he was about to burst at the seams with knowledge. He reached a point where learning was no longer important. What good was all this knowledge if he had no one to share it with?

The big question was with whom could he share his knowledge? Everyone seemed to be satisfied with either their original program or with the teachings of illusion. What was he to do?

The man sat silently for many moments in front of the TV contemplating the answer when he heard the Words of Light come through loud and true.

“There are others.”

The man perked up. Over his transmitter he heard the answer. Why didn’t he think of this before? There has to be others who have made some type of receiver and they have also retreated into a solitary space because of rebuke from their peers.

The man then went on a quest to find others like himself who have been receiving from the Central Station. “How will I find them,” he asked himself? And then a plan came to his mind.

“I will go forth again and teach things that do not conflict with the program of the ordinary people, yet I shall plant within these teachings higher knowledge that will pass over the heads of all but the other receivers who can also comprehend.”

The man then went out into the world and taught to all who would listen his parables of hidden meaning, and sure enough there were other receivers with eyes to see and ears to hear who recognized certain words and concepts they had themselves received from the Central Broadcasting Station. As they recognized that this man was no ordinary teacher, the other receivers began to gather with him. As they gathered they all discovered that they had all built receivers of different grades and qualities. Those with better receivers began to help and instruct their brothers and sisters so all who desired could receive with the quality and picture that was desired.

Finally a potency of force was built up so that even those with no receivers began to believe that reception was possible, and the numbers of the receivers began to multiply.

After a period of time, the unexpected happened. As the receivers were all gathered together in one body a message of great Wholeliness came to them all from the Central Station.

They heard a Master speak these great words: “The time has come that the sender and the receiver become One.” They then heard the words of most hallowed instructions that could not be written.

Those who followed the words blended with the Central Station and the Central Station Blended with them in Oneness. Now they discovered that it was no longer necessary to have an instrument of reception, for the Spiritual Center was now in them and they were in the Center. They could walk among humanity and teach all things or they could explore new worlds. All things were now theirs and their joy was full.

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Soul Contact

Dec 30, 1998

Soul Contact

The main reason many of us are here is to get to soul contact. We seem to be taking the scenic route to get there though. What the heck, JJ is doing the driving, so I’ll sit back and try to soak it all in. Wait…I see a sign post up ahead…it says Soul Contact 1/4 mile. Here we go! (the only question is…at what speed are we traveling?)”

Seriously though everything we have covered so far is essential material to reach the kingdom of the soul because as long as the Beast is alive and well in us our spiritual vision is blocked, as if we are in a fog. We must become aware of the name of God in our foreheads. It is already there. We must merely still ourselves and let the clouds clear away.

Even though this sounds easy, the journey to the kingdom of God is most difficult and has many pitfalls. The higher lives are not just sitting around waiting for you to merely declare that you are ready. You must make yourself useful as a tool in their hands to get their attention.

Your soul which is a midway point between body and spirit, is, however, ever waiting and always present for you. The fact that you are a member of this forum and reading these words is itself a sign that you have passed through many lifetimes of struggle and are in preparation for higher contact.

Question: What do you think is the first major step toward soul contact?

Dec 31, 1998

Approaching the Soul

Why is the door shut to animals moving into the human kingdom?

Answer: This is not a permanent thing. As one door shuts another is open. Right now the door is open for humans to move into the kingdom of God or the God kingdom. When this great work is finished for the majority of humans then the door can open again for the animals to move into the human.

All progress moves in ordered cycles.

When we move from one kingdom to another we still keep our individual identity but we go through a process of fusion where the many become one with a greater life.

Here is a quote from Book II that may shed some light:

“I have kind of a silly question,” said Elizabeth. “Are we ever born again as animals, spiders or anything like that?”

John smiled knowingly again. “I know you’re getting tired of this, but the answer is…”

“I suppose it’s yes and no,” I injected. “I’ve got to hear this one.”

“The answer is no,” he said, “When we consider the person as a whole. The human entity, which is you, always moves forward. Except in rare cases of the Dark Brothers, humans are always moving forward to a better, more refined human body with expanded light and consciousness.

“The answer is yes in the fact that within the universe of your being, every kind of living entity is represented. Some of this is obvious. The mineral kingdom, which does have a consciousness of its own, is represented in you by your teeth and skeletal structure. Your hair and fingernails are highly evolved parts of the vegetable kingdom. Then some believe that humans are merely highly evolved animals. A human as a unit is much more than an animal, but we do have animals in our nature. For instance, I think all of us at one time or another, when angered, have felt like a roaring lion out of control.”

“I can identify with that,” I said, “but where is the roaring lion? You’ve told us where the mineral and vegetable is, but I don’t see where the animal is unless it’s the body as a whole.”

“They are represented by parts of the body not normally seen,” he said. “Have you heard of the seven chakras, or energy centers?”

“Yes,” I said. “I’ve read about them in various yoga and other books.”

“And I also assume you have read about acupuncture points?”


“There are hundreds of smaller energy centers that compose these points. The five lower chakras and hundreds of the smaller energy points are actually little lives that were once animals and other little lives eons ago. These lives do not become human, but combine to create something greater than themselves. This is the true order of evolution. The subatomic particles unite to create atoms, atoms unite to create molecules, molecules unite to create cells, cells unite to create the vegetable kingdom, the essence of vegetable life unites to create animal and animals and all the smaller lives unite in consciousness to create human. Thus, you are a universe composed of millions of smaller lives including the animal. Because we are closest to the animals it is easiest to sense the animal within us.

“For instance, we speak of animal magnetism in relation to sexual attraction. When we get very angry or fearful in a dangerous situation, our animal instincts may take over, without mental intervention. Many people are closer to their pets – are more in tune with them than with their family or friends. My point is, if you pay attention you can sense the various animals within you. These lives many, many years ago reached the highest point they could as animals and to go higher they had to become part of something greater than themselves. The lion in you is still an animal, but shares your consciousness so he becomes more than a lion. You are like a god to him and give him commandments that he must obey so you can harness his life energy for good.”

“That is a fantastic teaching,” I said. “I’ve read a lot of books but have never read anything like that anywhere.”

As we continue the discussion on soul contact it is important that we define our terms as the words “soul” and “spirit” are sometimes used interchangeably, but there is a difference.

The soul or soul energy is the interplay of spirit and matter. It has no form but is the power that makes all forms possible in the material world.

Take a look at your TV with the picture on. This represents the physical world. The transmitting station is Spirit. That energy which interplays between the TV and the station and makes all programs possible is soul. This may not be a perfect correspondence but should be good enough to get the general idea.

Review in your mind our study of the Beast and a major step toward the soul should come to your consciousness.

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The Teacher-Student Relationship



I’ve received comments from time to time from readers who wish they could learn from a teacher like John in The Immortal book. Many readers want to continue to go forward after reading the first two books so I am hoping this forum will fill the void. Instead of answering your questions about the student-teacher relationship individually, I’ve decided to write an article about it and post it here for everyone.

The Teacher-Student Relationship

This concept of the teacher-student relationship has two extremes associated with it. To understand it completely you will need the second lost key of the Buddha, revealed in Book III, but what I give here will be a big help to those who already register this key internally. The one extreme is the idea that goes something like this: Me teacher—you student. You do, think and act exactly as I command if you want to learn or amount to anything. The other extreme: There are no teachers and no students for we are all teachers, and we are all students. One person is not above another and everyone’s words have equal value.

Even though people in these two camps see each other as an agent of evil and opposite to themselves, the concept espoused by each has the same effect. And what is that? That effect is to turn the student into a non-thinking animal, or “beast,” as it is called in the Book of Revelations.

The Illusion Of “Follow The Teacher”

There are many problems associated with the illusion of following the teacher.

(1) No earthly teacher is flawless. If you limit yourself to learning according to the exact mindset of the teacher, you will also inherit his flaws.

(2) This black and white method of teaching only allows for the dissemination of facts and not principles. It takes a thousand facts to create the understanding of one principle, but one principle can reveal an unlimited number of facts. Therefore an enlightened teacher will stimulate understanding of principles. For instance, the Keys of Knowledge are centered upon principles and cannot be revealed as mere facts, or they will not be comprehended.

We will talk more about principles and facts in future books and posts.

(3) Just following the teacher takes away freedom of thought. Instead of stimulating the student’s own intuition by directing him toward his own soul, the teacher steals his thought process by demanding that he accept everything without question.

An example of an extreme failure of a student from this mindset is the religious fanatic who will kill himself and others with a bomb tied to his back so he can secure a place in heaven. Another example would be the Jim Jones group who committed mass suicide. Still another is the group that goes to the mountain top to be raptured (because their teacher set a certain date) only to discover that Jesus seemed to have changed his mind because they were just not good enough.

These are extreme examples, but all who follow the black and white teacher of the first extreme have their progress tied up to some degree in actions of a similar degree of ridiculousness.

The Illusion Of All Are Equal

This is the feel-good extreme, the seemingly safe extreme of “we are not judging each other.” How could this extreme be bad if the intent is to establish equality? Remember the other extreme that tried to establish equality—Communism. The ideal of equality sought in Communism has nothing wrong with it, but because it used force to conform, it diffused individual thought and soul contact and turned into a great evil. The great illusion that all are equal is revealed when we realize that good ideals are often attempted to be implemented by harsh and harmful means resulting in disappointment and illusion. True equality can only be achieved through truth, not by force and illusion.

In the reality we are presently in, there are teachers, and there are students. Even though there are certain equalities on the soul level, we are very diverse on the physical, emotional and mental levels. To fully understand this concept we must define what a student and teacher is. The student and teacher are each symbolic of the two basic energies of the universe: positive-negative; yin-yang; male-female; light-dark; hot-cold; and finally, giving-receiving. These two energies are called the dualities. Wherever there is form there exists positive-negative, giving and receiving. Thus, in any relationship of two people one will be polarized as the teacher (giver) and the other as the student (the receiver).

You may object because in your relationships sometimes you are the teacher or giver, and other times the student or receiver. It seems egotistical to think of yourself as always the teacher. It is true all of us have within us the giving and receiving (positive-negative) principles, but we are talking about polarization here. If you are polarized as a male, this means you have more male energies within you than female. It does not mean that you do not have female energies available. In a relationship, you both give and receive, but the giving and receiving is NEVER equal in this world. If you are giving more than receiving, then by default you become the teacher in the relationship. Because this statement is true and truth must be recognized to escape from this veil of illusion, then this student-teacher relationship must be recognized before true equality can even be dreamed of.

Let us take the relationship I have with Rick. Overall I am polarized as his teacher, but the true teacher will always be open to receiving from the student when the opportunity permits. Rick gave me that opportunity by presenting the idea of creating this forum. Now if I saw that this was a bad idea I would have remained in the teaching position and taught him why it was a bad idea; however, I could find no reason to object and I became obligated to become the student for a time. As long as the direction Rick is going registers well with my soul I am obligated as a disciple of truth to follow.

The highest of the Masters who have overcome physical death would see themselves polarized as a teacher in a relationship with any of us, yet they still recognize that we can do certain things better than they can. For example, most of us in the human kingdom understand that we are of much higher intelligence overall than any animal. No animal would have any concept about building an automobile or spacecraft as man has done; but on the other hand, a human can never build a beaver dam as well as a beaver. Beavers already have the knowledge to build them better and faster than we can. The Kingdom of God in relation to humanity corresponds to the human kingdom as higher than the animal. The attention of the Masters is set on many lofty ideas that man does not even comprehend, yet there are many things in the human world that man is more capable of performing well than is the Highest of Masters.

This is the main reason we do not see more of The Masters, as the more directly they become involved by doing for us what we can do for ourselves, the more things turn messy, slowing progress in the end. The powers that be learned this painful lesson during Atlantis. During part of this period the Masters associated much more freely with humans and gave them great knowledge that they were not yet ready to handle. The result was that the entire civilization was destroyed and we had to start again from scratch. The Masters learned their lesson and this time have committed themselves to only helping us when we cannot help ourselves. They do assist behind the scenes, but only work through our personal desires and free will. The goal at present is to move certain groups in the human kingdom towards alignment with the kingdom of God so heaven and earth can be brought together. This will result in a truly beneficial interplay between the two kingdoms that will assist rather than destroy humanity.

Now getting back to the Teacher-Student principle, it is extremely important that this concept be recognized. Without it we will be polarized on one of the above extremes and the only way we will advance toward the soul in that case is through tremendous pain. Discovering your position in a relationship creates a detour around the pain and toward the greater light.

In the true student-teacher relationship authority is only recognized because it is earned. Let us say you want to learn Spanish and two teachers surface who say they can teach you. They both seem equally convincing, but the truth is that one of them knows the language well and the other one does not. If you accept either as an authority just because he or someone else tells you to, then you have a 50-50 chance of getting a bad teacher. What do you do? You test the teacher. Have him actually speak some Spanish. Give him several paragraphs from English and see if he can translate and then check out the translation for correctness. Finally, you will establish in your mind that one of them can truly teach you.

Once you have tested your teacher then you do not have to check up on him in every little detail, but when you have learned the basics and want to go to advanced Spanish, you do need to check again to see if he has anything more to teach you or if you need to move on to another teacher. This point is dangerous ground for the student, for sometimes his false ego will convince him that he knows Spanish as well or better than the teacher, when in reality he may not. In this case the student often goes off to teach before he has learned all the lessons.

To be a good student takes as much wisdom as it does to be a good teacher.

In the case of spiritual teachings, the ultimate test of truth is from the inner self. This inner self, through the medium of the Soul, contacts and registers the Holy Spirit, which is capable of verifying all true principles. In short, this process is called “soul contact.” Soul contact has little to do with facts, except in important circumstances, but it has much to do with principles. For instance, your soul may not verify to you what an inhabitant of Sirius looks like or how many there are, but it will verify within you the principle of life and its existence elsewhere in the universe.

If a man or woman comes forth and is presented as a spiritual teacher, you must not accept him or her (we’ll often say “him” for simplicity) just because a claim is made. You must test him. How do you test him? Listen to his words and test them with your soul. If your soul says no then drop him immediately. If your soul says nothing then test some more until you receive an inner response. When you finally do receive an inner response does this mean you should now accept the teacher? Maybe yes, maybe no.

There is a true soul contact and a false one. There are many people who are sincere seekers who have never in their life received a true soul contact and mistake a high emotional feeling for soul. This can be very deceptive and can produce the type of person who suffers either from a harmless delusion, clear to the extreme of one who will destroy others for his master. If you are not sure you have ever received soul contact it means you have not, because when you do, you recognize it and know what has happened. It is like coming home. On the other hand, not all who are sure they have received soul contact have received it. Some feel a high emotional energy and are sure they have touched the aura of God Himself, yet are completely deceived.

Only those who have received true soul contact can know true principles for sure and can recognize a true teacher from a false one. The only way to know if another has achieved soul contact is to achieve it yourself. One person who has received this contact can recognize another who has received it. If only a small number have soul contact and you’re not positive if you have, are you doomed to be deceived? No, you are not. Soul contact is available to all with pure intent who seek after it. You do not even have to be highly evolved to feel it. But if you are not sure if you have received it yet, then here are some guidelines to keep you on the right course.

(1) Keep your intentions pure and seek the service of the whole above the service to the ego.

(2) Seek with sincerity to know more and to go higher.

(3) Let common sense rule above lower emotional feeling. If your teacher says that Aliens are coming to pick you up on a certain date and then they don’t arrive, that ought to tell you something. No matter what excuses he makes, he was wrong, and now all his teachings should be suspect. Maybe you should be teaching him.

(4) When any degree of soul contact is reached and you receive direction from the soul, keep following that instruction until more is given. If you do not, you may be cut off for a long period and wind up in an illusionary path. Always follow the highest you can perceive.

(5) Remember the words of the Master: “Straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life and few there be who enter, but wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to death and many there be who go therein.”

The teachers of the wide gate are legion and are easy to find. The teachers who lead to the life of the soul are few, but fortunately can be verified by the soul. As one who claims to present true spiritual principles, I invite you to check with your souls about me, for the only authority I will ever use will be the same authority that I am subject to – the inner voice of the soul and spirit. If the One Holy Spirit of Truth speaks through me and you together, we will be as one mind.

Next Post From Archives

First Posted Nov 1, 1998

Copyright By J J Dewey


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Soul Contact

This entry is part 5 of 31 in the series Audios

Audio of a Class by J J Dewey

Given Feb 20, 2013 in Boise, Idaho

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10


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Keys Posts 2012, Part 20

This entry is part 33 of 40 in the series 2012A


Two Types of Soul Contact

Duke asks some tips on recognizing true soul contact.  He wants to avoid following a wrong impression.  If it is not true soul contact then perhaps it could lead to undesirable results. On the other hand, if it is true and he doesn’t respond then he may miss an opportunity.

There are two types of impressions that come through soul contact.

(1) An impression that gives additional knowledge or principles.

(2) An impression that gives direction and leads to a decision followed by an action.

When the seeker begins receiving the first he senses the still small voice and it is so subtle that he is not sure if the knowledge came though his own mental activity or a higher source.  In fact, many receive knowledge from the soul and do not realize the source, but believe it just came through their own thinking process.

BUT… as he accepts the knowledge and tests it and moves forward with it he eventually receives greater knowledge that he realizes is beyond the capacity of his normal brain power. As time progresses, he learns to differentiate knowledge that comes through the soul and that which does not. He also learns to run things by the soul to verify whether the knowledge is true or not.

The second soul impression concerns an action that should be taken and this is not as subtle as the first. When this truly comes from the soul it comes with enough power to get your attention.

Even so, the seeker may be confused the first couple times this happens to him because it is a new experience and he is not sure if his imagination is playing tricks on him or if it is really from a higher source. However, after he follows the direction a couple times and finds the results were beneficial he gains the ability to identify that which comes from the soul and trust it.

Here is a rough idea of how the process works.

The seeker feels an energy from the innermost core of his being that he instinctively knows is a benevolent source. It reveals to him a choice that he should make or a direction he should follow. Ironically, this is rarely in answer to a recent question he has or a prayer he has made. It usually just comes as a strong impression out of the blue.

The impression may involve something that can be resolved in hours, but at other times it may be days, years or even a lifetime.

The impression may also be negative in that it is something he must not do. Even though this comes as a warning feeling it is still clear that it comes from God or a benevolent source, or the part of you that is linked to God.

The first few times this direction comes the seeker may not immediately decide to follow. He will most likely think it over for a while or just try and ignore it. If the decision is important in the scheme of things he will not be able to ignore it as the impression will usually come back stronger.  He will normally get the impression three times so he will be left without doubt as to what he is supposed to decide. After the path is made clear to the seeker he will then be left on his own to decide yes or no.

If he makes the right decision and follows the impression from the soul he will feel a sense of relief and have an inner confirmation and comfort that the path chosen is correct.

Quite often, the first couple times this happens the seeker will reject the impression. Since this is a normal part of the adjustment the Higher Self is fairly forgiving and will give the seeker several chances. If he continues to reject the guidance then the soul will withdraw and the time of opportunity will be lost for a season – often for a lifetime or more.

Once the seeker understands the impressions from the soul and has proven them accurate to himself then it is important that he follow the impressions he receives. If he does not, especially if the choice is important, then he may not be given a second chance.  If the soul seems to withdraw and he wants the contact back then he will have to retrace his steps and fulfill the original choice he was given. If this is impossible then he must be open to following a new impression if it should come.  A second opportunity may or may not come in this life.


Oct 14, 2012

Duke’s Vision

He writes

Some time shortly after “letting go”, I seem to be aware of a presence. So I ask a question, something like, “Do you have any messages for me?” POW! I get a quarter-second-long flash. In that flash, I vividly see a very large, very old book. It is called The Book of Innocence. I still can see it in my mind now.

Wow – very cool! I really saw something! I’m really digging this. The Book of Innocence. Hmmm. It probably tells you what you have to do to be innocent. Yeah, I bet that’s it. All the things you’re supposed to do, or not do. Yeah. Hmmm. I wonder… I wonder what it really says. Maybe I could ask? I asked before and got an answer, maybe I can ask again. So I form the question in my mind, and no sooner had I done so when POW!, another quarter-second-long flash.

In the flash, I see the contents of the book. Rather than telling you how to be innocent, it is a documentation of everyone’s innocence. It takes all factors into account and proves and documents and establishes that everyone is actually innocent. This is a totally new concept to me, and it thrills me. For the next several days I’m high, I smile at everyone. I see everyone differently. The idea becomes one of my core beliefs. I move ahead and have what in retrospect was the most rapidly evolutionary period of my life. Now I didn’t go totally stupid – for instance, I didn’t stop packing a pistol for protection (lived in an interesting locale, shall we say), but did see the “bad guys” as mistaken rather than evil. The experience changed the way I see a lot of things; for instance, I went from being a Rush Limbaugh Republican to something very different.

Well now back to the present day. The effects have faded somewhat with time. Obviously that experience conflicts with much of what JJ teaches, and my mind tells me that JJ is pretty reliable and sensible, so he and his teachings generally win out in my mind, though I still resist some things.


I posted your whole interesting account so it will go in the archives.

I think you received a true revelation that pushed you in a direction of thinking that you needed and it does not conflict with my teachings at all, but agrees with them.  Notice the book says we are innocent, not that there are not two paths.  If there were not two paths (the Left and the Right) then there would be no power of decision and without the power of decision you and I would not be.

The fact is that everyone is innocent within the framework of their own minds for we make our decisions based on our self interest.  The difference between the left hand path and the right is that the self interest of the right sees it as encompassing a greater circle than the left.  They see that helping others eventually helps themselves. Those on the left do not understand this and thus make some very harmful decisions.

Here are some previous thoughts I expressed on Hitler that explains this:

Hitler actually wanted to do what was right but he had an illusionary way of going about it. He thought the Jews were from Satan. He was a vegetarian, he was in charge of what he ate and he really didn’t have that much ego. Everybody thinks he was an egomaniac but he wasn’t that egotistical. He let other people share the glory with him. But he was caught in a trap. He had some very powerful wrong beliefs in his foundation system.

Audience: That just goes to show you the danger.

JJ: Right. Illusion is the most dangerous of all because if you’ve conquered maya and if you’ve conquered glamour and you’re in illusion then you think you are a true servant of God and what you say is right. You can’t find any flaw in what you’re doing. Hitler swallowed some teachings that said the Jews were spawned by Satan from the days of Adam and Eve. He really believed that and he thought they caused most of the problems in the world so the obvious solution was to just get rid of them all.

He taught his guys this saying, “I even have friends who are Jews and you can have sympathy for them and feel for them as a human being but you have to transcend that and let it go because these guys have to be extinguished in order to bring in the new age.”

So he had this illusion and it was so powerful that it led him to do very destructive things. Illusions can be a very powerful negative influence. Jesus said to His apostles, “They will kill you and when they kill you they will think they are doing God’s will.” That’s because of the illusion they were in. Hitler thought the Jews were evil and the early persecutors of the Christians thought the same way. Just about every other religion had its persecutors who thought they were doing God’s will by killing somebody with a different belief system.

Here is another excerpt:

If you’ve ever read the book by Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People, it starts with an interesting story about a guy who was on the most wanted list — “Two-gun Willy” or something like that. The police were chasing him and they had him cornered and he was perhaps the most wanted guy in all America and the most hated guy in the country. The papers portrayed him as the most evil character you could imagine. When they had him cornered and he just had a short period of time before he was captured he started writing a letter just in case he was gunned down. He wanted the world to know something. He wrote in this letter that he thought he was a good person, he never wanted to hurt anybody and he only wanted to do good all his life. The way he wrote it he portrayed himself like he couldn’t see anything wrong with himself. Yet he was the most hated man in America at the time.

Dale Carnegie pointed out that though it may sound odd to us to hear this letter from this killer, this most wanted man that everyone hated, but he said everybody feels that way about themselves. Everybody feels that they’re a good person. Sometimes we put ourselves down but inside we think we’re really pretty good. Most people feel that. He says everybody, no matter how bad they are, no matter what they’ve done, they think they’ve done the best with their life that they could’ve done. Therefore, he said, you must be very careful how you criticize or how you look upon the other person because they think they’re okay. He said if you want to win friends and influence people we must play upon that idea. Play upon the idea that they are a good person. Look upon them as a good person then they will start responding as they are a better person.

Innocence is really defined by the person’s point of view. Because a person operates in his best interest does not mean that he doesn’t make mistakes or is not guilty by some type of standard.

For instance, let us say that you were late to a meeting and thought it was in your best interest to run a stop sign and you cause an accident that results in the death of an innocent person. On hindsight you kick yourself and wish more than anything you had it to do all over again. On top of this everyone seems to find you guilty for breaking the law.  All this does not negate the fact that at the time it just seemed like running the stop sign was the right thing to do.

Dan writes:

Mine, as best I can put it in words, was more that the whole universe is not only innocent but utterly and completely benevolent in all its machinations.


This harmonizes with the teaching of the Dominating Good. Because good dominates in this universe when all is said and done even that which appeared to be evil was a necessity.

Oct 15, 2012

Re: The Book of Innocence

lwk: I don’t agree with JJ on this. I think there are people who are convinced mentally that one thing is in their best interest but do something quite different for various reasons.

Sometimes those reasons are things like addiction, self-hatred, or taking the easiest path (studying to pass a college course you know is in your best long term interest, but you just really want to watch American Idol on TV, or something).

JJ Let us take drug addiction. Yes, that is definitely not in the addict’s best interest but in his altered state all he can see is that the relief he will get from the drug is in his best immediate interest. He is wrong, of course, but that’s what he thinks when he takes the drug.


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Principle 18: Decision

This entry is part 16 of 98 in the series Principles

Decision, Part One

Without the power of decision, which includes being responsible for the effects of our decisions, we would virtually cease to exist. We are even more than the results of our decisions. This power is somehow connected with the essence of our very being. Power of decision leads a person to the fear and guilt that causes disease and now decision can lead one back to health.

Decision is the key word as to what we are. We are decision. Every action that takes place is preceded by a deciding intelligence of some kind. I am an intelligence who just moved the glass because I decided to. A decider may use thought and emotion, but thought and emotion alone does not create motion. Thought and feeling with no decision is powerless.

In some way the very power within us that makes decisions is what we are. Let’s say you are deciding between bacon and eggs or pancakes when you have an equal desire for the two. Let your power of decision fluctuate between the two and you can feel that which is the real you, the power of decision at work.

You have two things of equal desire. Let your attention shift back and forth – you can feel the inner power, the power that actually puts things in motion.

Assume that we are more than the results of our decisions, but somehow we are decision or the power of decision itself. If you knew this was a true statement, what would it mean to you?

What God said to Moses is a major hint.

Moses asked God what His name was and back in those days the name of a person revealed what was supposed to be a person’s essence or true nature. So Moses was probably expecting something that described the typical human version of God. He probably would have been satisfied if God had told him that His name was “THE HIGH AND MIGHTY ONE” or “THE ONE WHO HAS ALL KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM,” or something like that. The interesting thing is God did not give Moses any regular name. Instead He basically said “I AM BECOMING THAT WHICH I DECIDE TO BECOME.” He was telling Moses He was Decision and that He couldn’t give him any regular name because, as Decision, He could decide to be different tomorrow than He is today. Because God makes different decisions about how He will manifest, He cannot give any name that will apply in all time periods, except for something like “THE ETERNAL,” which is what Moses finally decided to call Him.

Look at how God has manifested through the ages. In ancient times there were supposed to be many gods. Then in the days of Moses there was just one powerful God of vengeance. Later, in the days of Jesus, God was called Love.

Suppose all the major religions are part of the plan of God, then it would appear that God has decided to manifest a little differently through each one. Perhaps He has many different identities in different places and ages.

In the beginning was the ONE, and within the ONE resided the initiating Cause. The keyword representing this Cause must be discovered by you in a future key. Within the ONE resided Decision and the latent power of decision, and at the beginning of time the great Decider made the first decision for this creation.

If He is existing outside of time and space, then no decision as we know it would be possible. So, before we can understand this principle we would have to know which two or more things were before creation; for before decision can exist there has to be two or more things to decide between.

Before there was creation as we know it, there were two things that have always been before the Decision of God. Decision is eternal because these two things have been, are, and will always be present with God as well as ourselves.

The first decision was to manifest. The second decision was to give Itself the power to exercise a decision. This decision, interplaying with the Power to exercise it created the wavelength represented by Light (or intelligence), and Love (or magnetism). Thus we have the Trinity of Power, Light and Love; or Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The wavelength created unlimited infinite space, which is the mind of God.

The interplay of these two possibilities sustains eternally, without beginning and end, the One Great Decision that interacts between the two. As a reflection of God, you and I and all other lives extend the life of God by continually deciding whether to create or not. As offspring of God the main decision before us is always whether to be or not to be!

Decision plus attention equals consciousness. In other words, consciousness was created by putting attention on a decision which had been made. The power of Decision is eternal and when the Decision TO BE, or TO BECOME, is made then the Trinity of Decision-Consciousness-Attention is instantly made manifest. This Trinity is the one great Life we call God.

The real me is not just the result of my decisions, but I am Decision, which is a reflection of God. The part of me that actually makes a decision is the real me. When I realize this, I am like God in the fact that I can then become what I decide to become.

Keep in mind that without decision, there can be no such thing as consciousness or even life or motion. Consciousness, life, and motion are created by decision, and by applying the power behind this key word to that decision.

In truth, your essence is Decision, and as Decision you have created the reality you find yourself in, whether good or bad. Slavery and victimization are always caused by the illusion that we have little or no control over the reality we see before us. If we believe we have no control, we acquiesce our real power, become subject to the decisions of others, and become like a leaf floating helplessly down a current of other people’s decisions.

By allowing your life to be controlled by the decisions of others, you are put in the position of abdicating yourself from personal responsibility and placing all blame on the decision-makers in your life. Instead, you should be the main decision-maker in your own life, which then makes you responsible for your reality in the long run. All those who are in the third category of evolution and are the teachers of the race have the realization they are the masters of their reality.

This is why the sacredness of the vote should never be overlooked. This is a key power the people must always possess if the kingdom of God is to be established on the earth. As for making changes, if people realized the power of decision within them, this nation could be turned around tomorrow. Even if only twelve people in oneness used their power of decision for good, the power to change can be enormous. I would venture to say there are not even three mortal people on the earth who function in unity with a realization of their power to change the earth for good. The power of decision is indeed unappreciated.

“First secure an independent income, then practice virtue.”
— Greek Proverb



Decision, Part Two

How can DECISION and ATTENTION be used to increase soul contact?

Actually, more important than this is to decide to follow the highest that you know and receive from your inner self. Just deciding something like “I will receive soul contact today or next week” is not enough. If one is penniless and decides to have a new car tomorrow he will generally be disappointed. If one decides to have a new car and take the time and make the effort necessary to get it then there’s a good chance he will receive it.

Similarly, the decision required of us that is most important is the decision to do that which is necessary to receive and maintain soul contact. Then when you receive contact you must then decide whether or not it is worth the effort necessary to keep the channel open enough to keep the contact continuous.

If the seeker is not sure of the path to take he can do one of two things:

  1. Do Nothing.
  2. Make a DECISION and go with it.

“But,” asks the seeker, “what if my DECISION is wrong?” This worry often produces a paralysis. At this point it is best to keep one of my favorite quotes in mind:

“Indecision is worse than the wrong decision.”

Could this statement really be true? Yes, as long as the decisions are made with a pure heart.

If you are sincere and make the wrong decision, then it will only be a short while before you discover your mistakes and start correcting them. Then as you progress and correct, it will only be a short while before you pass by those who did not act at all because of fear.

Look at the landscape of the work that needs done and make the best DECISION you can about the part that you will play and move forward with all your strength. If you have a degree of soul contact listen to the inner voice as you work. If you are working in the right direction you will sense a feeling of approval from your inner self.

We decide because of what we are and we BECOME because of what we are. And what is that?

There is a power within you that makes the actual decisions. The real you is this power which is the same power which has belonged to the One God from the eternities. Through this essence all lives are one, and that oneness becomes realized when we obtain full use of this power through the assumption of our real opportunity to make decisions.

Manifesting the fullness of this power also enhances soul contact.

“An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less until he knows absolutely everything about nothing.”
— Murphy’s Law 2



Decision, Part Three

Even though the full power of decision is available to us, we are swindled out of this power through ignorance or deception. All us, of to some degree, are deceived into thinking that we cannot use it in certain areas.

Everyone knows that if they need more money they could get another job or do something part time on the side. But the funny thing is that a person can be totally desperate for money yet opportunity after opportunity is presented to him to get ahead, but he never seems to take it. We may look at the guy and call him lazy but the problem is more than just laziness.

Many people in a situation like this — that is where they need a new car or some other item — often feel helpless and paralyzed even though the way to obtain the extra money is obvious to many.

Why does he feel paralyzed? Because he has not developed the power of decision within himself to the degree that he can DECIDE to get the car and do what is necessary to get it.

To the higher evolved among humanity the lack of power among our lesser brethren seems pathetic at times, but what we do not realize is that we have also limited our own power of decision and we seem pathetic to lives higher than human.

There are many areas of life where intelligent individuals will not take the next move forward because they are oblivious to the fact that they can even make a decision about it.

Let me give you one example. Let us suppose that Jones would like to live to be 100 but just sees this desire as a wish or whim. This person is deceived into thinking that what he decides has little to do with the fulfillment of such a wish. The fact is that he can live to be 100 if he makes a definite decision in that direction.

The Higher Self may have something else in mind or Karma may not allow him to live to be 100. This is true but on the other hand, there is just about always a way around these obstructions.

Let us say, for instance, that the plan of your life by Higher Powers has a plan for you to get incurable Cancer at the age of 50 so you can learn certain lessons.

If you make a definite decision to live to be 100 you can then get an alternative plan from your soul as to how you may learn the lesson and override the original plan.

Then there are times that your decision blends in with decisions of Higher Lives or a larger group. When this happens these influences must be taken into consideration if your decision is to be attained.

Let us say that a born again Christian has made a definite decision to go to a certain mountain on January 1, 2000 and meet Jesus who he expects will swoop him up into heaven. Will this happen just because he has made a decision about it? Why not?

Let us say that each member of the group decides that they will live to be 100 because they think this is a great idea, but then put the decision to the back of their minds and pay little attention to it. Is it likely then that they will live to be 100?

We all have our ring-pass-not. In other words, the ring-pass-not is the highest point that your consciousness can perceive, the highest point that you can make a real decision.

If you cannot make a believable decision to live to be 100 then that decision is beyond your ring-pass-not.

Jesus spoke the truth when he said that “nothing is impossible to him that believeth….” but to make the impossible come true the ring-pass-not must be expanded.

This is where conscious projection comes in. Project yourself into this situation where you are not sure of your limitations and push yourself through it with visualization and if you are true to yourself and have the courage to face your own power of decision you will come to a knowledge of how you will react in any circumstance.

Here is another principle:   If two paths lie ahead and a new choice is to be forced upon you then you will always chose the easier path (usually the worst choice) if you have not used conscious projection to see yourself making the decision ahead of time. On the other hand, if you see the two paths approaching and analyze the benefits of the two choices ahead of time and you make the decision before the event occurs, then you will generally have power to follow that pre-made decision when the path approaches, even if the decision is a difficult one.

Instead of changing the past and future what you do is create them. Each creation is a DECISION point. You can create or decide anything you want to, but decisions in time and space cannot be changed. If I decided to buy a new car yesterday, but changed my mind today I do not alter the fact that I made that decision yesterday. I can, however, alter the effect of that decision with an opposing decision today.

All direction is created by DECISION and all DECISION originates from some Life. Because Time and Space have direction we know that they are vehicles in use by one who Decides. The Universal Entity that occupies time and space over billions of galaxies is beyond the imagination of the highest Master who is merely beginning to understand the Purpose of the Logos of our tiny solar system.

The higher correspondent of consciousness, the root of the tree beyond time and space from which all consciousness, time and space springs forth is the Life Principle itself. This Life Principle is very closely related to the first key which is that power within you that makes decisions. The major decision that the Life Principle makes as far we understand it is “to be or not to be,” within the worlds of time and space.

Before any decision appears to the eye, two paths open up before the intelligent pilgrim.

A knowledge of these two paths (least and high resistance) is preparation for The Great Decision. In this great decision, the two hidden paths become visible to the seeker. They are most commonly called the right and left hand path or the path of light and path of darkness. Life and death are two other names used.

Before the decision is made the entity examines the two paths, then weighs the benefits of each and makes a judgment as to which one to take. After the judgment process is over a DECISION is made.

Decision and judgment go hand in hand.

Consider the following scripture:

“And as it is appointed unto man once to die, but after this the judgment.” (Hebrews 9:27)

The modern English word “crisis” (which is derived from the Greek KRISIS) is actually a more accurate rendering of this word than Bible translations. The actual Greek word implies a decision that brings correction. If it is used in connection with the word “judgment” the idea of a corrective judgment should be implied.

Another mistranslation in this verse is the phrase “to die.” It is more correctly rendered “to be dying.”

Let us now take into consideration these corrections and render the verse as close as possible to the Greek:

“And as it is reserved for mankind once to be dying, but on the other hand, after this [after the state of dying is over we have] the judgment [or KRISIS — the decision to correct the state of death].”

Without this positive aspect of judgment decisions would be random and lead to strange paths.

What are the three most important things we can do to prepare for The Great Decision, so when the day comes we will choose correctly?

The three preparations for The Great Decision are:

  1. The first thing you can do to prepare for The Great Decision is to follow the highest that you know.
  2. Seek to become pure in heart and become he who has pure intent.
  3. Seek to look beyond the universe of Self and cause that your actions benefit the whole with the realization that the self will be more fully realized in the long run.

The decision between the two paths is not a decision between blissful love and demonic madness. If that were all it is then all would choose the path of light. Instead many are deceived into a dangerous heading toward the dark path because they believe they are choosing love.

It is a great temptation for seemingly loving people to support the taking away of freedom so that good may come. Such decisions lessen the power of decision and as the power of decision is diminished the illusion is amplified. As the illusion is amplified the possibility of choosing the unthinkable becomes real.

We restrict the freedom of the thief to rob others because this action takes away more freedom than it adds. The only freedom that should be restricted are actions that take away more freedom or rights of the group or individuals than is added.

Overall we may define the principle of freedom as follows:

  • Those actions and laws lie within the principle of Freedom that bring greater freedom for and amplify the power of DECISION making for the group and individual.
  • The actions and laws that lie outside the Principle of Freedom are those that bring less freedom for and diminish the power of DECISION making for the group and individual.
  • To take away freedom so that good may come is illusion and the foundation of great evil.
  • To allow freedom so that evil and harm is possible is the path of light for in the end the illusion of evil is dispelled and the power to BECOME is amplified.

Although a decision to follow the path of high resistance may not work out the way the disciple wants, because they exercised the Will to follow the resistant path, they will take this valuable Will to go against the grain, plus their experience with them to new and higher endeavors. In many ways this is more important than being right.

When we look at all the alternatives between the two extremes there is always a point of decision which is the most accurate. Because of ever changing facts, situations, and circumstances, this point seems to be a moving target and thus great discernment and soul contact is needed to consistently choose the midway point; and then proceed from point to point along the path of dominating good. This midway point is not really a point from our perspective, but a path — the path of The Middle Way.

In normal times the disciple is careful rather than careless about doing the right thing. But then there comes a time that a fork in the road is reached and a choice is presented. Sometimes the disciple is in a situation where neither decision looks good and both paths seem reckless.

Like the parable in “The Immortal” the disciple must choose the path on the right, the one on the left or stand still and delay a decision through fear.

When confronted with these situations, the disciple must remember the injunction: “a wrong decision is better than no decision.”

The disciple then makes their best decision and proceeds with a willingness to make corrections when error is revealed, and a commitment to continue on the same path unless a higher way is revealed.

“I intend to live forever — so far, so good.”
— Steven Wright



Decision, Part Four

To his friends and family the disciple may appear to be taking a careless and reckless action, but to the soul he is making a divine move forward from darkness to greater light.

You are Decision and you can become whatever it is you decide to Become. Tune into the male and female energies within you and use their forces to best serve the direction you wish to take.

Now it is possible that several may be concerned that they are not highly evolved and may feel discouraged if they are unable to have certain spiritual experiences. Please, please, do not feel this way. What one can do — all can do — and do it through the power of Decision and Attention.

Nevertheless, we all make decisions and place attention in different areas of life so none of us are the best at everything. Some may be very talented with ideas and imagination; but not so talented with visualization. Just as some are good at music, but not business.

One of the main solutions on all levels to this problem is the first key. We must realize that we are Decision and make every effort to magnify this power and create what we decide through the power of Attention.

One of the main causes of depression is that we have avoided decisions in our past. Remember the parable in my book where Dave turned hell into heaven? Who were the really depressed ones in the story? It was the two who did not make a decision, and who stayed behind and never progressed on the path or took the risk required. Do not let fear stop you from making a decision and then putting your attention on it. If you find that your attention is focused much of the time on yourself in a negative way you must shift your attention to other avenues. Place it on your work, loved ones, learning, a hobby, etc. Every day arrange your life so that you’ll have something to look forward to. This is a little thing, but can be a big help.

It can be as simple as a glass of wine at dinner, a good TV show, a movie or a visit with a friend. These things to look forward to will not happen automatically if you are depressed. You must arrange them and place them in your path and when they are crossed focus all your attention on your enjoyment of the moment.

On the non-physical level one of the greatest causes of depression and apathy is guilt. Guilt is a negative force that focuses attention on your imperfection and paralyses your power of decision. It is caused by your allowing your attention to be placed on some outside authority who has taken the place of the God within. If God, or the power of God, is seen as existing in some man or influence from without then this entity has power to control you through guilt and thus control you through fear and depression.

Between Consciousness, Attention and Decision, Decision was the first to manifest, but then was sustained by the triangular energies of the three. The first decision that caused us to manifest as entities was “to be or not to be.” The first decision was a little like throwing the dice which created the impulse to be. This impulse pulsated around the first duality which was the possibility of becoming versus not Becoming — or eternal pralaya.

However, the key is not the definition of the words Attention, Decision and Consciousness. The key is the answer to “WHO OR WHAT AM I?”

The answer is not a definition of a word, but a principle, which is never the definition of a word. Your essence as it exists in any state of Becoming is that power within you which makes decisions, not decision itself. Decision is the key word, but not the answer. This power which is your essence does not have a name in the English language. It has not been recognized so it has not been named.

In my book there is a mention of another key word which will shed some light on this and the word was revealed in the beginning of my book on the Molecular Relationship.

That word is Purpose.

Purpose as it is used there is not purpose as we define it in our normal conversation which is related to goal setting. Purpose as we shall use it is the Initiator of all things. It is not energy, but is the initiator of energy. It is not decision, but the initiator of Decision and gives meaning to all things. Decision cannot exist without Purpose. Purpose sustains that power within you to Become and Decide. Because you are a reflection of Purpose you are that power to decide, but not decision itself.

Decision is the key word because it is the highest hint in the direction of our essence that we have an accepted word for.

Decision, Consciousness and Attention are to be seen as a Trinity, not as words to be defined. If they are seen as an interdependent Trinity created by Purpose then this will indeed be a key of knowledge to you. These words may seem simple, but even the highest masters and beyond are continually expanding their ring-pass-not on this concept.

We all may think we understand Decision-Consciousness-Attention. However, before 1492, the people of that time thought they understood the concept of “earth-circle-ship,” but Columbus discovered a key from this Trinity that led us to discover a new world.

Never be fooled by simplicity.

“Never regret. If it’s good, it’s wonderful. If it’s bad, it’s experience.”
— Victoria Holt

Decision, Part Five

The only future which is a sure thing is that which is the result of a decision made by an entity with power to bring the decision to completion. Even then, the events in between the beginning and the end will not all be seen.

The Christ knew that He was coming back to teach humanity in a future age for He had decided to do so. He also knew that the kingdom of God would manifest at some future time, for this is in the realm of decision by lives higher than any on this earth.

If you decide to paint a picture you do not look ahead and see every brush stroke or the mistakes you will make that must be painted out. Instead you see the end picture and work toward it. Thus Christ was not unduly bothered with details that would transpire during the next two thousand years and was not pained by them. Passing through the Dweller on the Threshold as the representative of humanity was the painful thing.

How does one then decide to become truly free?

  1. Deciding to make a choice wherever possible rather than let all the choices that govern your life be made for you. Free will involves more than just living in a situation where you are not restricted from the outside. More importantly, it involves a decision to decide and take responsibility for your life. He who does not take responsibility for his life and actions within that life will never be free.
  2. Placing a greater value on freedom than one does on security that seems to be offered through the giving up of freedom.
  3. After deciding on choice and placing value upon it one must see through the illusions that will trick him into freely giving up his freedom. This is, in the end, the only way freedom can be lost — by giving it to another through your own free will. Once the true path of freedom is seen this path must be followed, for if it is not pursued, and time passes, the night will come and the vision of the path will dim.

Freedom always revolves around decision and not around the endowment of goods and services.

The Dark Brothers try and convince us that true freedom comes by receiving an endowment of goods or favors.

The Brotherhood of Light promotes the idea that freedom comes with the enhancement of the actual power of decision and the removal of obstructions thereof.

The first philosophy involves a forced handout where the handout of goods or services is taken from person “A” and given to person “B,” and is seen as an increase in freedom for person “B,” while ignoring the problem created for person “A.” The light on the illusion comes when you realize that neither “A” nor “B” have their power of decision enhanced. In fact both usually have it diminished. The second philosophy allows true freedom to manifest for such can only occur when the power of decision is not infringed.

We may not like all the decisions people make when given freedom to do so but in the end, as water reaches its correct level, the life of the body begins to flow and a beautiful, free living society is the end result.

The mind must be stimulated and take control of the decision making process. When this occurs and the seeker begins to understand the importance of breaking free from unjust authority then all he has to do is make a decision to be led by the spirit within rather than an authority without.

I say “all he has to do,” but it is not as easy as that. While this is a true statement it is extremely difficult to make that first decision to trust the spirit within over a previously trusted authority without. But after that first decision has been made the second and third is much easier. Eventually the disciple will get a charge out of defying authorities seeking to control him and his power of decision will solidify.

All cause and effect, or all action, is motivated by some decision which has been made. This original decision lies beyond our normal understanding of the word and the true comprehension lies hidden in the principle of Purpose. The meaning of Purpose is only hinted at in the Ancient Wisdom and is briefly covered in my book on “The Molecular Relationship.”

There was creation and the impulse of decision from the Purpose of God before there was thought or consciousness. This is why the sacred books tell us that there was chaos in the beginning. As thought and consciousness evolved chaos gravitated to organization. All organization we see before us — such as the human cell or DNA is the result of conscious thought on some level, but now operates automatically below the threshold of consciousness.

Energy existed before thought — and thought is organized energy.

If the “real you” is not your body, is not your feelings, and not your mind or thoughts — then what and/or who are you?

You are that power within that can make a decision from which purpose and potential power reside and from which all things spring.

Now consider this quote decribing the experience of “Decision” taken from “The Immortal” Book 2, Chapter 16:

“It was an amazing feeling, or non-feeling, and even though there was a time that decision existed with no creation, I sensed that there were universes beyond and before creation, as we know it, and I could retrieve no information about them. I did sense that God, or Decision, existed in a point beyond and before time and space. Before this point were two possibilities. They were the possibility of Something, and Nothing, or the possibility of Creation or No Creation.

“Suddenly an inspiring phrase came to me. ‘It was the decision to be or not to be. That is the question!’ So even before form and space existed there was still a duality — the possibility of nothing (female) and the possibility of something (male) or the decision to be or not to be.”

Question One:

If all things in creation originate from the principles in Purpose and/or Decision, then where did the principle of Love come from — and what is it?

If you had to describe love by writing the Law of Love what would you write?

In other words, what would you say the primary Law of Love is?

The divine aspects of Will-Power-Purpose working together synthetically manifests the First Ray which is called “Power.”

The power behind all of these is the power which activates Decision, for it is only after a decision has been made that Purpose is made manifest even though they both silently co-exist in the mind of the Creator. Then it is only after a purpose is sensed that Power can be applied. Again it is only after purpose and power is in play that Will can be exercised to manifest the decision.

Question Two:

How would you define the three divine aspects of Will-Power-Purpose; and how do you suppose they provide a key to manifesting that which the seeker Decides?

“Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family — in another city.”
— George Burns (1896 – 1996)


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Copyright  By J J Dewey

Autism and Teachers

This entry is part 9 of 50 in the series 2011A

Thanks for your comments about vaccinations and autism. Since one of the prime directives of this group is to find and recognize truth – this controversy provides an ideal situation to exercise this ability.

Both sides make good arguments, but the question is which side is correct?

The establishment makes the Global Warming defense that the science is settled – there is no further discussion or investigation necessary.  They merely pronounce their version of the truth as fact.

The trouble is that that no good studies are available to prove which side is correct.  All we have so far is anecdotal evidence which is just not accepted by the Powers-That-Be as acceptable.  Perhaps the best study was from the parent in the video where he said he had talked to about 1000 parents with autistic kids who witnessed a correlation between vaccinations and autism in their children.

He then tells us that kids receive an average of 36 vaccinations by the age of five.  I think back to my youth and I had only one vaccination before high school and that was for polio. He points out that one single vaccine may not be the problem so much as the quantity.  After all, the autism rate has increased from one in 10,000 to one in 110 in the past few decades.  Something has to have caused this and nothing else has been identified, even in an anecdotal way.

The parent in the video calls for studies of the effect of numerous vaccines given at once.  Typically a kid may receive 6 vaccines during one single appointment.

It is my gut feeling that he is on to something here.  I would think that a small child receiving six vaccines at one time could be in danger of a number of things.  Such a barrage of poisons could indeed induce a number of ills.

I think the parents of autistic children should do all in their power to encourage some legitimate studies to determine once and for all if there is a connection of some kind.  The trouble is that the medical establishment and the drug companies do not want such studies for if it turns out the parents are correct then medical practitioners will be embarrassed and drug companies will lose money.

On another note John C writes:

A person who possesses such “soul vision” would be intuitively aware of what the soul knows and what the soul sees. And the key of intuition can be used most effectively when consciousness, and therefore attention, has risen above the level of the personality.

I wonder, then, whether such a person would be in constant need of a teacher to explain all things to him, or whether he would be able to look through the eyes of the soul and “just know”, though the oneness principle, that for which he or she seeks.


As far as students needing “a teacher to explain all things to him…” I do not think this applies to anyone here.  Such thinking applies to some cult members and dumbed down adherents of some tightly controlled religions.

When a person achieves soul contact he does not instantly know all things, but progresses precept by precept and line by line, as the scripture says, until he achieves full enlightenment. That which is seen through the eyes of the soul (not the emotions) is accurate but that does not mean the person sees all things.


Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 19

This entry is part 4 of 24 in the series Kalispell Gathering 2006

Why Jesus Should Show Up

Every scripture has about three different meanings. The ancient Jews called them  the body, soul and spirit of the scriptures. And some more devout Jews believe there are as many as  seven or more different interpretations of every scripture. Now I do not believe the righteous are going to be taken in the air but always keep in mind anything is possible. Let’s suppose that we had a nuclear war and it appeared to the powers that be that unless something was done, humanity would be eliminated. If this were the case we may have some supernatural event to save humanity so that we may repopulate the planet.

At the end of Malachi it says the hearts of the fathers must return to the children and the hearts of the children must return to the fathers or else the earth shall be smitten with a curse and it is speaking of the coming of the Messiah. The word “curse” comes from a Hebrew word (Cherem) that means. “total destruction.” So what does this mean? The hearts of the fathers must be returned to the children. This means our hearts must be turned to future generations and make this earth a safe place for the people to live. If we do not do our part in disarming the world so there are no weapons of mass destruction anywhere then the earth will be smitten with utter destruction because sooner or later if everyone has nuclear weapons it is only a matter of time before they use them.

The nations of the world have to lay down their arms and if they do not lay down their arms then we will reach a point where the words of Malachi will come to pass.

My family had a mini family reunion just the other day and Artie and I were the only ones that were not solid in the Mormon Church. My sister said, what do you want to accomplish anyway? And you know they realize I think very different than they do. What they want to accomplish is to be good members of the church.

I quoted Malachi. I said, after I am gone I want it to be said, that I did something to make the world a better and safer place. Then one of the other family members said, well, I just leave that in the hands of the Lord. (Laughter)

And I said, well you cannot just leave this in the hands of Lord because if we had left World War II in the hands of the Lord then Hitler would be our supreme leader right now. Jesus said that we are the hands of the Lord. If you meet someone that is hungry, starving, or wounded by the side of the road and if you just say a prayer for them do you honestly believe that would help them? He basically says, no you are the hands of the Lord. He says you have to help that person and when you help that person, God is helping them. They will give thanks to God that God has helped them but you as an instrument of God were the one who helped; you helped them – this, was your action that accomplished this. It was not because you prayed and God sent some angel to feed, mend or clothe this person. That is just not the way it works.

If we do not do something about all these weapons of mass destruction that are pointed at each other, it says that it is only a matter of time before Malachi’s destruction comes to pass. “Unless the hearts of the fathers are turned to the children and make the world a better place for the children the earth could be totally destroyed. The prime directive of the Powers That Be and the Hierarchy is a little bit like Star Trek, non interference is essential but if it came down to humanity being completely eliminated They may interfere.

It may be possible to do this without incurring any negative Karma. It just depends on how we are about to destroy ourselves. If the Powers that Be in our planetary system look down and say: Well, looks like they deserve to destroy themselves then there would nothing that could be done. If there were enough of us in the state of innocence then it would be within the perimeters of the Spiritual Hierarchy to take action and save humanity. I would give it about a, 75% chance that we move into the new age without a major nuclear war, the way Shirley sees it happening. Let us all hope that this happens and it will happen if each one of us does our part.

What we need to do is sense the responsibility. One of my favorite movies of all time is “Oh God” with John Denver. George Burns plays God. How many saw this movie? That movie depicted God probably more accurately than the religions out there. God appeared to a grocery clerk named Jerry Landers, who is played by John Denver. He says to God, well what are doing are you going to save the world now and eliminate hunger, poverty and war and all that stuff? And George Burns says, nothing, that is up to you.

John says, Up to us! What do you mean up to us? We can’t do anything; it is up to you! And God says, no, it is up to you. If you want to make the world a better place then you must do it yourselves.

Now John Denver was beside himself because he always thought it was up to God to do that and this was a big revelation that came to him – that it was our responsibility to do this. I thought that was a good part and also presented a great truth. I really liked how John Denver was exasperated and surprised by that answer from George Burns because that answer is in reality up to us.

If we look all through history there are periods where can see there was divine influence but nowhere did the hand of God come in and completely take over and do our work for us. God never does work for us that we can do for ourselves. There is only divine interference when we do everything that we can do. If we really need assistance and we have done everything that we could possibly do and sometimes more than what is possible, then that is the time when the miraculous can occur and there can be divine interference.

Outside of this we are expected to do all that we can do and generally there is not Divine interference because all we can do is usually enough to get the job done.

Getting back to World War II again, from about 1939 to about 1942 it looked as though we may not win the war. It looked like everything was against us, but we did everything that we could. We finally got stirred up; and decided to do everything in our power to defeat Nazism our selves. We did not sit around and pray for an angel to be sent from heaven, but using everything within our power we decide to do this. There may have been some divine interference along the way but as it came, we were doing everything that we could do.

That is the way it is in our lives. So many people get frustrated because life is hard and they get mad at God for not helping. This is because you have not done everything that you can do yet. We have to do everything that we can do. A lot of people expecting the Messiah to come back  think that He is going take over and make life wonderful for us. He is going to take the earth and snap His fingers and make it into a Garden of Eden and we will be able sit under the fruit trees and eat fruit and we will not have to work. Jesus is going to appear to us and love us and we will kiss His feet and play some harps and it is just going to be so wonderful! (Laughter)

Audience: (Wayne?) I was ready to sign up until you got the part where you have to kiss His feet! (Laughter)

JJ: What will He do when he comes; is He just going to come here and do everything for us?

Audience: (Suzy) I say no, He is not!

JJ: Why not?

Suzy: Because it is up to us!

JJ: Do you not deserve a reward?

Audience: Well yes, but,

JJ: James has to take care of that huh!

Audience: (Laughter)

JJ: Does anyone remember what it says about Jesus in connection with rewarding us?

Audience: It does not mean anything unless you have earned it.

JJ: That is a true principle but that is not what it says. There are prophecies about the return of Christ and the word “reward” is used in connection with it. Does anyone remember what it says about Christ rewarding us?

Audience: I remember the parable of the talent. And He comes back and says for the work that you have done you will get this reward, or something like that.

JJ: Yes, that is true. Okay here is what it says, it says, When he comes “his reward is with him.” What do you think that means? Susan Carter, you are a student of the scriptures what does that mean?

Susan: I would say the reward is in us as we accomplish things and that is our reward.

JJ: I find it fascinating that no one has ever contemplated that scripture before. It is another one of those scriptures that sometime they even quote in church but never explain. Well what the dickens does that mean? Okay, well his reward is with him. Is He going to come down and bring us a plate of food or what? How can His reward be with him? The reward that He brings in other words, what is it?

Audience: The Christ Consciousness, His Presence, Himself.

JJ: Yes, what else?

Audience: He showing faith that your faith that you have in Him was valid.

JJ: That could be part of it.

Audience: He said the kingdom of heaven is within.

JJ: That is part of it and is there more? Why do we want Him to come in the first place?

Audience: To establish the kingdom of heaven on earth, an outer confirmation?

JJ: Yes, everyone is overlooking the main reason. Okay James, if The Christ was here and you invited Him over for dinner, why would you want Him there?

Audience: To teach us!

Audience: Correct, and what is with him? His teaching’s are with Him and that is the reward for the righteous, He will come and He will teach them.

Audience: So, only the righteous will be taught because only the righteous will be able to recognize it?

JJ: Yes, for one thing, only the people that have soul contact will be able to recognize Christ and not only Him but, His teachings as being eternal words that touch the soul.

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Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 35

This entry is part 20 of 24 in the series Kalispell Gathering 2006

JJ: I am glad you got in so you could share that with us. We had a New Jerusalem meditation on the keys and I think someone has it compiled somewhere and if anyone is interested you may want to go through it even though we have not finished it yet. It takes you quite a distance in meditation through the New Jerusalem.

Audience member: I think it is in the file section on yahoo groups.

JJ: One of the things we have taught much about is soul contact. To really be able to understand a principle one has to have soul contact. Let us go back to the temperature again. If you say the temperature outside is 95 degrees, you are given a piece of data and with that piece of data you learn only one thing and that is that in a certain place at a certain time the temperature is 95 degrees. But if you give a guy a thermometer or teach him the principle behind how it works than he can figure out what the temperature is at any time and any place on the planet that he wants to go. He can get millions of pieces of data with understanding this one principle. He can make many thermometers and place them all over the world and figure out the temperature everywhere on the planet. He could even send thermometers to Mars if he wanted to.

This is just what he can do with just one principle. To really see the principle behind things the person needs to be in contact with the soul. I call the language of the soul, the language of principles. The soul does not speak in data, but in principles, and this is where some of the psychics go astray because many of them just go after data. When they go after data and they reach the places in the astral area where there are certain recordings that are available. They are all jumbled up and unless a person understands a principle behind it he will get pieces of information here and there. This is why psychics are sometimes right and sometimes wrong. Sometimes that they will be right on with the info and sometimes they will be way off with the info. They do not understand the principle of why they are getting what they are getting. They understand what they are getting but they do not understand why.

Now this is the difference between a Master and the rest of us because the Master understands why He is getting what He is getting. The Master is touch with the higher worlds and the intuitive world which goes above the emotional, physical brain and astral mind. The intuitive world is where principles are spoken. The people that reside in these higher worlds can communicate in an instant because they are communicating in the language of principles rather than data.

Have you ever had an instance where you had an idea come to you and the idea was so profound that you felt you could write a book about it? You are touching the soul and bringing the higher concepts from the higher spheres. Now when you understand how things work then you are approaching the soul and the language of principles.

One of the greatest principles to understand, and this is incorporated and illustrated in the book, is the law of correspondences, does anyone understand this law and can you explain it?

Audience: Wayne: I have heard explained that as above so it is below. That patterns, repeat endlessly through nature.

JJ: I remember when I gave a class on this and the next day I saw my wife was out in her garden, and she looked like she was just having a wonderful time. She came in with a big smile on her face and she said I have been thinking about the law of correspondences and I have been looking at these flowers reminding me of this and that. Just being in the garden that day made her think of all kinds of truths by observing the plants and nature. I enjoyed hearing this from her very much.

JJ: A lot of this illustrates the correspondence of truth and this is illustrated in the book Eternal Words and it ends with what is called the grand tour. The main character is taken on a tour of what is below and what is above. I believe you will find it quite fascinating.

When the atomic scientists first started studying the atom they began to use the law of correspondences. They thought that maybe the atom is like a solar system. Their thinking was that if they took the sun and the solar system that maybe they would find something similar in the atom. They theorized that the atom had a nucleus like a sun and circled about something like electrons. Then when they began to look deeper they found that the atom was similar to the solar system but much more uniform, much more flawlessly put together. In our universe each sun is different from every other sun but every atom of hydrogen seemed like every other atom of hydrogen. This leads to a truth that needs to dawn upon us which is, “as above so below but not exactly.”

In the Bible God says, “behold I do all things new.” This is a scripture that all Christianity ignores because they say that God does everything the same. They look forward to a heaven of sameness with the same thing going on all the time and somehow we are going to be happy doing the same thing over and over again. But even if the same thing is fun, is it always fun doing it over and over?

When I was a kid I just loved Hershey bars and I thought I could never get enough of them. My dream was that my Mom would come home with a big pile of them and say, go for it! I can’t remember ever getting enough to fill me up. I was a little like a dog you know; you feed your dog, and we were just talking about this with the Wong’s, Have you ever given dog enough so that he was full? I have had several dogs and I do not remember the dog ever getting full. He can always take one more bite of something he likes and he could always find a space for it.

Anyway, when I finally started making my own money I started stuffing myself with all the sweets I could and got sick for a while and then I did not want any more Hershey chocolate anymore and I became more moderate. It was not that much fun to eat anymore. Now the Christians have these two contrasting scriptures, “I am the same yesterday, today and forever” and “behold I do all things new.” If we read it in context could they both be true? In other words God is the same yesterday and a dependable guy is what it means. We look at God, Christ or any advanced being, He is dependable, we can depend on Him yesterday, today and forever, but that does not mean that He is not doing something new.

There are new things going on all the time but the common belief, even in metaphysics and new age circles is that we are going to reach a point where there is going to be nothing new. We are going to incarnate so many lives and then after we get off the wheel of re-birth we are going to some Nirvana and have that bliss forever. Is that teaching any different from the Christian or any other religious teaching that after you finish your work that you go to this bliss forever? The only difference is that in Eastern teaching you go through many lifetimes and then bliss forever, and in the Christian teachings and many others you have one life and then go the bliss forever. There is not a lot of difference in the end product – that the way it is going to be – we are just going to go to a place where we have bliss forever whether we have one lifetime or a thousand or a million. However many lifetimes it is, in the whole scheme of things, it is like the snap of a finger. So when this is over are we just going into a static position forever?

Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey

Spiritual Direction

This entry is part 8 of 62 in the series 2010

Posted July 15, 2010
Comments on Chapter 25 of Mission Experiences at:

John C
There’s an old cruel joke about “lady missionaries” being unattractive.

There may be a seed of truth in that as many females who go on missions are those who haven’t yet been taken yet. But not all females who go on a mission do so because they cannot find a man. Both Rhea and Diane were attractive passionate females.

It’s funny though. I have met a number of females I found attractive 40-50 years ago and now some of them have really lost that luster. On the other hand one female that I graduated with who was overweight and ignored by the guys looks great at reunions. I sometimes wonder what Rhea and Diane look like now.

JJ Quote”
For the first time since I knew her she became visibly upset and started to cry and asked me to leave. I was reluctant to leave her when she was feeling so hurt and tried to sooth things over but she just became more upset and ordered me out. She said our relationship was over and didn’t want to see me again. She shoved me out the door.

John C
Wasn’t she the one that the Spirit told her that she herself would answer your question?

No. That was Diane. I started going with Rhea right after this.

John C
Somebody who could turn on a dime like that from being madly in love with you to shoving you out the door strikes me as somebody who is mentally unstable. Good thing you didn’t marry her.

I do not think she was mentally unstable at all as she was very stable and composed in the rest of our relationship. Actually “shove” was perhaps the wrong word. Perhaps should have said, “ushered me out the door.” She was the type of person who would lose control only once in a while in exceptional circumstances.

Also, I might note that I seem to have a talent to bring rage to the surface in close relationships with females. I always try to be as nice as possible but think it has something to do with rays and vibration.

Artie, my current wife, to her credit has her astral body under reasonable control and she has never let rage surface in our relationship. However, I might add that my life may be in danger if she ever discovered that I was unfaithful. She never plays the role of victim.

John C
I’m sure we are all dying to know what happens next.

But I, and perhaps others, are curious to know why you think God told you that you would receive the answer through a 3rd party? Is there a principle behind this?

That’s not what happened. I already receive an answer twice and was not looking for another. The first was the one I wrote about that caused me to hop on a plane and go to England. Then after I got there and spent some time with Margaret I discovered we were not a good match and decided not to marry her. I figured that God approved of her for a wife but the choice was up to me. I started planning my trip home.

Then I received a powerful answer beyond my ability to describe that left no doubt of how important that it was that I marry her. Even after this I was reluctant to yield and told God I would marry her if Bob said she was the one in his vision. If she wasn’t then I wouldn’t marry her.

To this the answer came back, “It’s a deal.”

I thought I had an escape clause because Margaret was not tall.

I thus went to Bob not to find out the will of God for I already knew it. I went there to get out of marrying someone with whom I was not compatible.

John C
Is it perhaps because you were too emotionally attached to the outcome that you weren’t thinking clearly enough to receive it directly from the Spirit?

As I said I had already received the answer. I just didn’t like what I received and was not emotionally attached to the answer at all, but emotionally repelled by it.

Duke Writes:
At the time of these events, were you so clear about the sources of these different voices in your head as here portrayed in your retrospective narrative?

Yes, clear as a bell. I couldn’t have been more sure.

The reason I ask is, to me that’s the most interesting part of the story, perhaps because following “inner voices” is something that has not worked out very well for me, nor has giving heed to someone else’s “revelations” on my behalf. I could give a retrospective narrative of certain parts of my life and with the benefit of hindsight label my various inner voices as coming from various sources, and such labels would be very different from the ones I assigned at the time of the experience. So I am curious about how clear it was to you when you were in the middle of it.

In this instance the higher will was very clear but there has been many other times where it was not. In any case where we can make the decision ourselves we will not be told the direction and we must use our minds to decide. If we use our emotions the direction will generally be incorrect.

Then there are times where we do receive something but it is subject to wrong interpretation. For instance, I had the dream about Diane correctly revealing that I would see her again before she left. I thought this must have been a sign that she was the one for me but I was wrong. I do think I had a past life connection with her though and that partially explains the spiritual feeling I had in the dream

Also, any suggestions on how to reliably judge between one inner voice and another? Or is uncertainty on the subject simply inevitable until one attains “soul contact”?

Yes, there will usually be uncertainty until soul contact is achieved. I say “usually” because some receive a strong emotional feeling and are falsely certain that they have heard from God.

When true contact is achieved then as the person increases in sensitivity the difference between high emotional feeling and the Spirit will become very clear.

The biggest difference between true soul contact and personality energy is true contact originates in the inner core of your being whereas personality contact starts at the outer emotional level and works its way inward.

All who want true contact must place attention on it for energy follows thought. A breakthrough will be obtained when the directed energy reaches critical mass.
Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey