Book Of Quotes
Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes
From The Writings Of JJ Dewey
1. “A person may use common sense principles in their business and have great success, yet let all reason fly out the window in their relationships or with their religion.”
2. “The more spheres of relationship available to magnetic pull the greater the manifestation of love.”
3. “The initiative to tread the path of love is yours alone, but our growth in love as well as light is dependent on others to a great degree.”
4. “The relationship of humanity to Christ has not been sufficient the past 2000 years and have indeed lacked a fullness as was prophesied by Saul.”
5. “There is nothing wrong with any relationship if pursued harmlessly by free will.”
6. “The principle to work toward in all relationships is the balancing of energies.”
7. “The greatest balance is achieved by a one-to-one relationship when we are talking about anything involving sex.”
8. “Even the Great Ones depend on relationship for growth and higher learning.”
9. “If we are complete by ourselves then any type of relationship would be completely unnecessary and there would be no association which would benefit or enhance us in any way.”
10. “If you are not married, or seem to have no prospects, do not despair for it is quite possible that you will learn more through non marriage relationships than through marriage itself.”
11. “Remember this. Marriage is a relationship, but it is only one relationship out of many.”
12. “It is indeed true that we must have relationship for us to progress on the path of return and if we are not married we must examine the relationships we do have and make the best of them.”
13. “The relationships you do have in present time are very important; else your soul would not have brought them to you.”
14. “If it is indeed in the design of God that you be married you will feel it when the time is right, but until that time it is best to live in the world where we find ourselves and see the many opportunities to serve in the relationships available in the Now. They are always there to be found.”
15. “The thread of commonality which goes through all relationships is that our circumstances in each life are arranged by our souls in such a manner to aid with our maximum advancement toward progress, service and wholeness.”
16. “All creation is composed of relationships.”
17. “Without relationship there would be no form, no creation, no intelligence, no love and no universe.”
18. “Some seekers have made the claim that they have evolved beyond relationship, that they need no one else besides themselves, but such is an illusion.”
19. “Whether we want to admit it or not all of us are deeply involved in relationship.”
20. “God himself needs us in relationship and if God should need us for relationship then surely we need God and each other.”
21. “Eventually we will have levels of higher relationship never before experienced which we call the Molecular Relationship.”
22. “As it is, none of us have a perfect relationship, nor should we expect one, for we are all individuals. We can, however, seek to have a fulfilling one, especially when the desired energy flow is understood.”
23. “When the time is right a good romantic partner will come into your life. In the meantime a working non romantic partner will work much better than a spouse who does not support you.”
24. “A major cause and effect of discord in relationships is arguing.”
25. “Affection is extremely important in a male-female relationship. It is the glue that cements the bond leading to oneness.”
26. “A yielding nature is essential to create oneness in any relationship and it must be possessed by both parties.”
27. “Each one of us will be much happier when we realize that criticism, insults (real and imagined) and barbs will come whenever we have a relationship with one or more people.”
28. “In a relationship, you both give and receive, but the giving and receiving is NEVER equal in this world. If you are giving more than receiving, then by default you become the teacher in the relationship.”
29. “When one divorces frivolously, on a whim, or because of betrayal with another person, definite harm can come. It is generally recognized that a committed couple, especially with children should do everything in their power to rekindle their love and live together in peace.”
30. “You can’t please everyone so just be you, do your best and move on with harmlessness.”
31. “All unhappiness in any relationship can be traced back to a failure to communicate by one or both parties.”
32. “Put aside negative feelings and move on, explore and learn from each other.”
33. “It is our responsibility as a species to take relationship to its next great beginning.”
34. “There are times to learn and share through marriage and times to learn through other relationships.”
35. “No one has ever been truly happy in a relationship who has not had a hope of unity or union with others.”
36. “All people feel a need for more union than they have at the present moment.”
37. “It is important to contemplate the root source of happiness. It can be summed up in one sentence: Interaction with others that leads to unity.”
38. “Ending a relationship with openness and honesty instead of deceit and betrayal keeps the door open for progress on the spiritual path.”
39. “Eventually all must learn to master the intimate relationship on the road to liberation and unity.”
40. “There is indeed a principle of forgiveness, but it has much more to do with a person’s relationship with his own soul than good or evil or a decree from God.”
41. “People are following the principle of harmlessness when they have learned to control their emotional bodies to the extent that they are able to practice right thought, speech and action in their relationships with others, themselves and their environment. It means they have a constructive and positive approach to everything they do.”
42. “The relationships we have with each other and the influence we wield is a display in miniature of the influences of the planets and other heavenly bodies.”
43. “Many teachers from the other side who work with humanity are fellow disembodied humans and are not Masters. A relationship with these beings would be much more similar to a relationship with a fellow human on the earth than a disciple to a Master.”
44. “To disagree because of unnecessary illusion and misunderstanding creates waste of time and distance in relationship.”
45. “The stars do not yet have an organization as complex as a human city. They do have relationship, but they are simple relationships and even these relationships are created more through the interplay of advanced lives who have passed through the human kingdom rather than that of the actual solar life force itself.”
46. “We owe our vary existence to the intimate relationships of the tiny lives out of which we are composed.”
47. “Many there are who teach oneness with God yet fail to have a relationship with even one human, out of billions available, where a semblance of oneness is demonstrated.”
48. “When Jesus said “I and my Father are one,” He merely reached a realization of the relationship of His own holy spirit in relationship to God and this principle applies to us all when we attain to “the stature of the fullness of Christ.”
49. “In principle, ‘A Course in Miracles’ is the best relationship book that’s ever been written, a totally new light on principles. There is elaboration on principles on relationships in there that have never been given to mankind before.”
50. “The relationship of the Masters such as Christ to the higher permanent inhabitants of Shamballa corresponds to the human relationship to the Masters.”
51. “The true science of astrology is built around the science of relationships. The principle is this. One living being in relationship with another living being will influence that entity.”
52. “Relationship and the establishment of new and greater relationship is an eternal principle.”
53. “Forget for the moment about any mass appearance of the Christ and instead consider your individual relationship with God.”
54. “The most important area of trust in a marriage relationship is love.”
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