Molecular Freedom

2006-7-20 16:16:00

Woody writes:

"The 24 people who form the disciples are presided over by 2 initiates. If you had to identify who the higher life was "incarnating" into the molecular life, it would be the 2 initiates because they would be the decision-makers for the molecule."


This does not fit in the law of correspondences. Using this analogy it would mean that the highest life in you would be the most advanced cell. This is not the case. You are a greater life than any one cell. All the cells together make up your body of manifestation. Your cells are not you; neither do they make what you are before there were cells. They can share in your consciousness, however and use your energy and will for their own benefit.


"I'm afraid at times that molecular life may be construed as a form of limitation, a step backwards in freedom from what they now enjoy."


Participation in the greater life increases freedom and does not decrease it.

Jesus compared the Molecular Order linking to the greater life as a branch connected to the vine. If the branch is severed it may have a temporary freedom to go with the wind, but will soon die and have no freedom to explore this world.

If it is connected to the vine the life energy flows and the branch can then share consciousness with the whole and have an increased freedom to experience.

There is no ultimate freedom in anything we do in the worlds of form. If you wish to have the freedom to fly you must be restricted to an airplane. If you want the freedom to explore the bottom of the ocean you must lose some other freedom and restrict yourself to an exploratory vehicle.

The principle to look for is always maximum freedom, not a free-for-all.


"You wonder why I agree with Dean attacking JJ."


No, I don't wonder.


"Dean wants this relationship with JJ, to be his brother not a student/son. Why does JJ resist so vehemently?"


I am neither resisting nor acquiescing.


"Why does Dean continue his assault?"


He just wants to make his mark.


"Right now it's Fire by Friction, the price that is required to achieve Brotherhood, but it will turn to Harmony, which is two people who find a Oneness in disagreement, who learn how to bridge the disagreements by synthesizing their disagreements into a dynamic balance that represents the middle ground between their choices."


This is not what will happen. Oneness will come through soul contact.


"JJ enjoys his Father status, with each Keyster being a Son or a Daughter."


You do not seem to have a clue as to what motivates me. I am not motivated in the least to be a father figure to the group. I see myself as one of the group struggling with things just as they are.


"His relationships with the Keysters is in the Father/Son mode (the beastly mode...contrary to what JJ has said about The Beast, the entire world revolves around this relationship, a good relationship for most. Brotherhood being a relationship that needs to be discovered)"


It is silly to see all student and/or teacher relationships as a beast. This would mean that since the Christ is a disciple of the Ancient of Days that Christ is subject to the beast and the Planetary Logos is under the beast of the Solar Logos.

A father and/or son or student and/or teacher relationship has nothing to do with the creation of the Beast.

Blindly following an unearned, untested authority is what creates this.


"He resists because he sees Dean's impudence as a challenge to him."


I see no challenge here and I'm not sure what I am supposed to be resisting here.


"Dean attacks not because he is impudent but because he wants to discover the brotherhood relationship, the unity that mysteriously develops even in the face of the duality of agreement/disagreement. And he acts like a Dragon sometimes to get it."


If that is reason for attack then he is headed the wrong direction.


"I just had a funny thought. JJ is not in the molecular relationship yet he teaches it."


I have been shown enough and allowed to participate in a higher molecule to the extent that I teach from knowledge, not guesswork with many aspects of it. There are many things though that I do not know about the qualities that will manifest when the Molecular Relationship is manifest among humanity.


Global Warming Enlightenment

It is a myth that Carbon Dioxide levels in our atmosphere at the moment are at an unprecedented high.

Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, currently only 350 parts per million have been over 18 times higher in the past at a time when cars, factories and power stations did not exist -- levels rise and fall without mankind's help.