- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 1
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 2
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 3
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 4
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 5
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 6
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 7
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 8
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 9
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 10
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 11
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 12
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 13
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 14
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 15
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 16
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 17
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 18
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 19
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 20
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 21
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 22
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 23
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 24
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 25
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 26
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 27
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 28
- McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 29
- McCall Gathering 2007 Part 30
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 31
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 32
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 33
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 34
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 35
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 36
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 37
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 38
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 39
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 40
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 41
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 42
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 43
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 44
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 45
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 46
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 47
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 48
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 49
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 50
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 51
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 52
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 53
- McCall Gathering 2007, Part 54
The Unveiling, Part 1
JJ: We are going to talk about my new book called “The Unveiling” and this is the first copy and as you can tell we put a lot of work and expense into the cover. (Shows cover with title written by a Sharpie)
Audience: I like the font! (Laughter)
JJ: It has a little bit more reading than the Immortal 1 & 2 put together and this book “The Unveiling” is about the Book of Revelations. The Book of Revelations starts off with an interesting verse, “The revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto Him to show unto His servants things which must shortly come to pass and he sent and signified it by His angel unto his servant John.”
There are several interesting things in this statement and first of all it calls it the revelation of Jesus Christ. The word “revelation” comes from Apokalypsis which is interpreted a number of different ways but it derives from another Greek word, Apokalypto which means to take the cover off of something, to unveil it. A handful of translators have come up with the idea that it really should be translated as “the unveiling.” From my study of the word that is actually the closest to the translation into English from the Greek Apokalypsis. What we are told in the very first verse, the unveiling of Jesus Christ to show unto his servants things, which must shortly come to pass. Must shortly come to pass, when was this written?
Audience: 2000 years ago.
JJ: 2000 years ago, that would be like me saying, I am going to write this prophecy about things that will shortly come to pass and here it is 2007 and we are clear up to 4000 and nothing has happened yet. Do you think the people in the year 4000 are going to get an accurate interpretation of a prophecy we make in 2007?
Audience Sharón: If you look at the time cycles for each 2,160 years and then you go through each time cycle that change within each sign, shortly does not necessarily mean tomorrow, a hundred or two hundred years shortly means after about 2,160 years.
JJ: Sharón, I am disappointed in you to hear a fundamentalist interpretation coming out of your mouth. (Laughter) Because she is about as far away from a fundamentalist as there is. But if you say this to fundamentalist like a Christian, they will say well a day with God is like a thousand years and that is kind of short. But yes by the normal way of looking at this if this is a prophecy of events and it is inspired then we have to come with something to explain what it is that “this will shortly come to pass.” Also at the end of the book Jesus is speaking and He says, “Behold I come quickly.” I am going to come quickly on this white horse that is going to come down out of the sky; I come quickly.
Well it is 2000 years I guess if a day to God is a thousand years and if age if the universe is billions of years old than a couple thousand years is not that much. But by normal standards 2000 years is not really quick.
Suppose some prophet says California is going to sink into the sea. Somebody said that in 1978 and a lot people moved to Idaho around that time, remember the song that said, “Tie up your boat in Idaho?” It was a popular song because this physic had made a prediction that California was going to sink into the sea and the shoreline was going to be up here in Idaho.
After about 5 years passed, California did not sink and then people said it has been too long now so it must have been a false prophecy. And it only took about 3-5 years before everybody forgot about the prediction but could you imagine California sinking into the sea in the year 4000 and they said, ah, it shortly came to pass and it didn’t take too long, it only took 2000 years!
So is it possible there is a different meaning for “shortly” here, what does it mean, that things will shortly come to pass? First of all what are some of the things that are supposed happen in here?
We are told there is going to a great fiery star descend from the skies land in the oceans and kill 1/3 of the life in the oceans. Has that happened yet? No I have not seen that happen yet. There is going to be an army of 2 hundred million men descend on Jerusalem and have the battle of Armageddon there. That has not happened. Two witnesses are supposed go prophesy in Jerusalem and a beastly character is going to rise up like Hitler and he will come against them and kill them and their dead bodies will lay in the streets for three and half days. After the three and half days they will rise up and there will be a great earthquake and everyone will be terrified and every people nation and tongue shall see these two witnesses rise up and great fear will fall upon those who have beheld them. That has not happened. It would certainly make the news if two guys got killed and lay in the streets for three days and everybody was happy and sent gifts to each other because their dead bodies were laying in the street because it says that two witnesses plagued the people of the earth and they were so happy to see them dead.
When Christians read this they say this has got to happen in our time because it says all the people of the nations were able to see their dead bodies laying in the streets and that could not happen in the days of John but with TV and the internet we could see this today. But then that presents a bit of a problem. We have this clearly detailed prophecy. So if some Hitler type killed these two and they were laying in the streets and everybody was celebrating and sending gifts to each other that these guys were finally out of the way and dead and they did not even suffer their dead bodies to be buried it said because they were televising them for all the world for all to see and everyone was rejoicing that they were dead wouldn’t somebody say, “hey this sounds like it could be the witnesses in revelation and that means they are going to rise up after three and half days.” People would start to wait and see boy that would convert everybody when they rose from the dead, would it not?
And how about this beast? It is supposed to be a terrible beast and antichrist rise up and he is going to put like a computer chip in everyone’s hand, some type of mark in everyone’s right hand or their forehead and they will have to do exactly what this dictator says and this dictator is going to be so bad he is going to make Hitler look like Cinderella. This guy is going to be a real bad guy, and he is going to control the whole world and we are all going to get his mark and we all are going to do what he says and he is even going to be so bad he is going to challenge Jesus when he sees him come down on that white horse.
He is not going to put up much of a fight because Jesus is going to zap him and he is going to evaporate along with all the armies and Jesus is going to call the fouls of the air to come and feast on the flesh of all the captains and the horses. As a matter of fact it says they, 200 million men, will all be on horses. That is kind of weird is it not? Well maybe he was talking about tanks and stuff but John just called them horses and all this is supposed to shortly come to pass.
How do we explain that word shortly getting in there? The Christian world looks at this and says that word shortly cannot interfere with out interpretation so there is lots of ways to interpret shortly. In other words, when these events start to happen it is all going to happen in a short time is one way to look at it or a day with God is like a thousand years and what’s a couple thousand years that is short in God’s mind and Jesus says I come quickly, and that could be that when he comes, he is just going to come really fast.
So there are ways around this but let’s look at it just the way it reads, these things will shortly come to pass. Actually it means exactly what it says, what things and who, who is the book of revelations written to? I read it to you and does anybody remember?
Audience Joshua: The Disciples.
JJ: Joshua you did great! It was written to the servants of God. And whom will it come shortly to pass for?
Audience: The servants of God.
JJ: Everything in here is going to come shortly to pass to the disciples. Not to everybody else but to the disciples. Then it says something interesting here, it says, “Blessed is he that reads and hears the words of this prophecy, and keeps those things which are written therein, for the time is at hand.” What time is at hand? The time for everything in this book to come to pass shortly! In other words, the time, is at hand, but for whom? The disciples who read and keep within their heart and their minds the words of this prophesy. They are the ones who will be blessed.
Well that is really weird because when you read it in the normal sense there is no blessing in the book. I mean a mountain coming out of heaven killing all the fish, fires coming down, hail storms, all kinds of destruction and at one point one third of the men on the earth are killed with this great army, and the beast rising up. Where is the stuff that blesses everybody? There is nothing in there to bless anybody. All it is, is stuff that it scares the daylights out of you – if you believe it. You read the whole thing and you think this is probably going to happen soon because it has been 2000 years and it cannot go on much longer before soon is not soon anymore.
Audience: We are in the latter days.
JJ: It seems so. Let’s pick a random verse from the book of revelation and see how it applies. (JJ Opens to a random selection and reads:)
All they that dwell upon the earth shall worship him the beast whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world. This beast exercised all the power of the first beast before him and causes the earth and them which dwell in to worship the beast whose deadly wound is healed and he does great wonders and then it says he causes all rich and poor to receive his mark on the right hand or forehead and if they don’t receive it the they will be killed.
Is that anything to be happy about? No, let’s just pick something else at random here.
“And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
“And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
“And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
“For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?” Rev 6:12-17
Would I be able to stand if every mountain and island are moving out of their place? Then there will be a great earthquake, the stars will shake and move the moon will turn blood and the sun will not give it’s light! What is there to look forward to? How can I be blessed by reading this book? How is that possible?
Let me tell you how it is possible, the book is not about what everybody thinks it is about.
The Mayans talked about 25,000 year cycles.
JJ: My feeling about 2012 is that it is a point taking us into the Age of Aquarius. I don’t think there is anything magical with 2012 over 2011. From what I understand it was the end of their calendar and they saw this as the end of an age rather than the end of the world. It could be an intense time period. Let me see. It is now 2007… we could have some interesting things happen by that time. I see a larger turning point occurring around 2025-2030, which I see as an intense period of change.
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