Keys Posts 2012, Part 10

This entry is part 23 of 40 in the series 2012A

May 14, 2012

More on Monads

JJ Quote: A monad is a point of life in the Divine Space which is the One Great life. Each monad has within it all the knowledge and programming (from a past creation) necessary to fulfill its potential creative end. There are human monads, deva monads and animal monads and they are as different as the seeds of a tree, a flower and a watermelon. Normally one will say that a flower grew from a seed but you do not normally say that a petal from the flower grew from a seed. Similarly a tree grows from a seed but one does not associate a leaf growing from one.

Even so the elemental lives are always part of a greater life that grew from a seed which is a monad.

Each piece from the vegetable and mineral kingdom did not come from a unique monad though lives that did develop from monads work with these kingdoms.

Adam: Can you define what you mean by “‘piece’ from the vegetable and mineral kingdom”?

JJ Every creation that develops from a seed or monad is made from parts when it is developed. An acorn tree comes from a single acorn. But the seed creates the whole tree. It doesn’t just create leaves of branches or even other acorns. Instead, it has within it the elements of the whole tree. The parts do not develop from the seed as parts but as a part of the whole creation.

Even so, all living creation has various monads for the development of the whole rather than the parts.

Humans and devas have individual monads for each entity but when you get lower than human a monad may be over the development of groups of lives rather than a single life such as a fly or a blade of grass.

Various parts that create life may not have a monad but be influenced by one. On the other hand, each atom would have its individual monad for it is a contained creation developed from design rather than a naturally created combination or pattern.

Adam: Are there no thoughts of God/monads behind the mineral and vegetable kingdoms? Doesn’t there have to be a thought of God/monad behind each “organic” manifestation?

JJ Yes, but each thought creates a whole made of numerous parts that belong to that whole.

Adam Or….does there only have to be a thought of God/monad behind each idea of creation?

JJ When DaVinci created the Mona Lisa he had one thought of how the finished product would appear and in creating this he brought together numerous parts and colors and combinations. The thought of the finished product is like the monad. The inks, the canvas, the combination of colors and strokes were all parts of the influence of the one seed but not the seed itself.

Adam Is it the case then that – Humans, animals, and devas require or are endowed with individual monads. But lower lives (vegetable and mineral) only require a monadic thought or principle, which then develops the lower kingdoms?

JJ Anytime creation goes beyond natural selection and becomes the product of intelligent design then a monad or a seed is developing somewhere.

Adam; The human molecule of 24 and other combinations will attract “higher lives” waiting to “incarnate” through the molecular unit, creating opportunity for humans to identify with higher consciousness. These “higher lives” also have a monadic source, correct? This monad is of a higher order than the human/god monad, correct?

JJ You are correct.

Adam There are also planetary, solar, and galactic monads that then manifest as the indwelling Logoi of those respective vehicles?

JJ Yes, there would be monads behind entire planets, solar systems etc.

Adam I’m assuming monads have some role in helping manifest the lives of the sixth, fifth, fourth… Universes? Are you able to elaborate on the nature of monad relationship to these lower Universes?

JJ You must be staying awake nights with these heavy thoughts. Yes, there would be monads in the lower universes. As I said, each atom has a monad but the universes within each atom would have numerous monads within them. These monads are fully developed though and most have long since joined with many others so they can share the consciousness that exists within our universe.

May 15, 2012

Evolution of the Universe

Larry said he was not clear about the Universe of Eleven that was the foundation building block of the atom. The Grand Tour from Eternal Words has a lot of meat in it and you might have to read it several times to absorb it all.

In a nutshell here is the teaching.

In our far past we have advanced as high as the Universe of Eleven. When this reached relative perfection this universe then became the foundation for new universes that would evolve from a point clear up to the Universe of Twelve. Presently the advancement toward this goal has reached near the midway point in the present Universe of Seven. This Universe of Seven is built entirely on tiny particles much smaller than the atom patterned after the Universe of Eleven.

Our present goal is to perfect the current Universe of Seven, but this will not happen at the end of the current universe. When the current universe folds up and goes back to the singularity it will still be far from perfect. It will have to incarnate many more times before relative perfection can be achieved. Then after many more incarnations have passed this universe along with a mind-boggling number of other universes will gather together and create the Universe of Eight. This process will repeat itself until the Universe of Twelve is perfected. When this is complete then another great decision will be made.

Here is some of the dialog from my book which should be helpful.


The Great Secret

I felt humbled and honored to be given permission to proceed. Even though this space we were entering was infinitesimally small, I had the sensation of entering a vast universe as we proceeded through the barrier. I also felt that the intelligence residing there was overwhelming, beyond words. This was a great mystery to me, as I thought that as we descended to smaller and smaller particles and life forms, the intelligence would decrease, not increase.

Another odd thing I noticed was the great silence. The reason I call it odd is it seemed as if I had been in great silence for some time. The only thing I heard since entering the microcosm were the thoughts of my companion and this was soundless by normal standards. It never occurred to me, until entering this unusual space, that there are degrees of silence, just as there are degrees of sound or noise. This space we just entered indeed had a silence unlike anything I have ever felt or imagined. It was so awe-inspiring that it took me a while to get used to it.

“This silence, it is amazing. What is the cause of it?” I asked.

The Ancient of Days ignored my question and responded, “I must step aside for now. You must commune with the intelligence here to pass your test.”

“Okay,” I thought with some delight. Apparently we had reached the smallest particle with which I was supposed to commune. I then directed the question toward this tiny life, which also seemed like a great life.

I waited and the response came. Again, it was not in the form of distinct words, but of high impression that I am now putting into words. “You are correct in surmising that there are degrees of silence, just as there are degrees of sound, “it said. “But from another angle – that which you normally call silence, is not silence. True sound is produced by vibration within the fabric of space. In all the universes and worlds you have visited, there has been such a vibration even though you do not register it in your consciousness. Only where space is not disturbed will you find true silence. When you went through the barrier you entered such space – space that is not disturbed with vibration, space wherein true silence dwells. In meditation deep, the master on your world can catch a glimpse of this silence, but many waves of silence must he cross to arrive at this great silence beyond silence.”

“Is this the peace that passes all understanding?” I asked.

“It does pass all understanding of the inhabitants of your universe; indeed, just a portion of the peace here is beyond their understanding.”

“I would think so,” I said. “My consciousness is here and I cannot take it all in. It is like a great magnetic force, and I can only take so much of it out of concern I could never leave. Knowing this peace will make regular silence seem like noise.”

“You will adjust upon your return,” he said.

As pleasant as the peace was, I found I had to ignore it to a degree to continue my quest. “Is this a part of the universe of three or could it be two or even one?”

“This is the foundation of all greater universes,” was the reply. “It is built upon three, two and the one. The one is the point in the center, the three is the barrier you crossed and the two is the holy space in between.”

“I was told to commune with the smallest particle, that which is our beginning. Is this our true beginning?”

“There is only a beginning to beginnings, but no true beginning,” was the reply. “This is the place you seek.”

“Is the point in the center just a point or does it contain something?”

“You may approach far enough to answer your question, but no further.”

Again, I concentrated on moving, and eventually the point increased in size until it became about as large as a beach ball before me. It appeared white and luminous, giving off rainbows of colors. I counted the colors and they were eleven in number. Four of them were colors I had never seen before, neither can I describe them outside of saying they were very bright. These four colors were not like a mixture of primary colors, but I got a sense they were primary colors unknown to the greater universe. “I seem to be able to go no further,” I said.

“This is as far as you or any other being from your universe is allowed to proceed. Even the Master who is with you can go no further.”

“Why would that be?” I asked, shocked

“Unravel the great mystery and you will know,” he replied.

“There’s not much to go on.”

“Yet you see eleven colors before you, four unknown to your universe. What does that tell you?”

I reflected and replied, “I came from a universe built upon the number seven and descended through the universe of six to five to four to three, and, finally to this foundation Trinity of Three-in-One. Now I see this ball before me having eleven colors. The number eleven seems like an odd encounter at this point and quite a gap from the other foundation numbers.”

“Think back to your teacher’s words. What follows the universe of seven?”

I was amazed that this tiny entity knew of John’s teachings. Perhaps it could read my mind, I thought as I replied, “He told me that after the universe of seven was perfected, we would create a universe founded upon the number eight, then nine, and finishing with twelve in untold ages hence.”

“Yes, and after the universe of twelve is perfected, what would happen then?”

I thought back and it came to me, “John said that at that point, another great decision would be made.”

“And when do you suppose was the previous great decision?”

“Would it have something to do with the number eleven and this orb I see before me?”

“Would it? Merge with Divine Thought and behold the mystery,” my small teacher encouraged

I stared at the orb and did my best to merge with the life I felt around me. As I looked at the orb I also concentrated on picking up something from it. Suddenly, enlightenment came. It was as if I had knowledge poured into my brain or soul. I knew the mystery and knew that I knew.

“Wow! I have it! This knowledge is fantastic, but I must say it completely boggles the mind. Everyone assumes the Creator is great, but they have no idea of the depth of our past or future.”

“And you know more than you did before and still it is as nothing,” said the entity. “Yet I cannot give you more, for your consciousness cannot handle it.”

“You are right,” I said. “My cup is full, and I could not contain any more at this time.”

“Tell your associate of your revelation. Tell it as you will later record it.”

I concentrated until I felt the presence of the Ancient of Days and said, “Let me tell you what I received, for I do wish to hear your comments. A key hint was given by the entity when he said; There is only a beginning to beginnings, but no beginning. This orb we see before us is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and Omega. It is the end of a great round of creation and the beginning point for all the greater universes. What we are looking at here is a universe of universes. This universe is much greater than our own, and yet, a part. If we were to slow time even more and enter this universe, we would find new galaxies and worlds all built upon the number eleven. Then, if we were to go smaller, we would find a universe of ten, then nine – clear down to another alpha and omega point like this one.”

“And how many colors would you see in that point when you approach it?” he asked.

I reflected and exclaimed, “Ten! There would be ten colors. This is fantastic to think about. Then, if we went smaller, we would go through a universe of ten, then to a universe of nine, to eight, seven, then down to another Alpha and Omega point.”

“And the number of creative colors of that point?” the Ancient One asked.

“That would be nine,” I said. “But then, if we repeated the process we would reach another Alpha and Omega particle of eight, then seven and so on, until we get to the true Alpha particle.”

“And would that be the beginning of creation or the beginning of beginnings?” he asked.

“The beginning of beginnings, I suppose. But,” I pondered aloud, “what could be in this beginning point from which a universe of universes are made?”

“I don’t know,” was the Ancient of Days reply.

“I never thought I could ask you a question to which you did not know the answer. What do you mean you don’t know?” I asked somewhat exasperated.

“There are Great Ones whose knowledge is unfathomable when compared to average humanity. Even so, there are many things kept from all lives in our universe, from the greatest to the smallest. We can use the Law of Correspondences and deduce what we would find if we descended into these micro universes. Even though we have not been there, we have assurance of the foundation numbers to the beginning Alpha. What is in that, we can only speculate. We know there are many universes there, but, upon what foundations they are built, we do not know. Some think the beginning Alpha has a foundation of twenty-four, while others think the foundation is something other than a number.”

“What could be without a number?”

“We know God is one,” he said. “Perhaps the early universes were built out of an essence with no separation, hence no numbers. We can only speculate now, but I will tell you this all will be known when the universe of twelve is perfected. That is so distant in the future; however, that it even puts strain upon me to think about it.”

I stared again at the orb in wonderment at how tiny it was in relation to the toothpick it was a part of; yet, at how vast it was, containing trillions of universes. “It looks like a perfect circle, yet the knowledge that was implanted in me tells me it is not. I sense there is something significant here. Can you explain?” I asked, hoping he could answer

“Part of the goal of the Great Decision was to create the perfect circle. The universe of eleven came very close, but is ever so slightly off. The perfect circle will manifest at the end of the Universe of Twelve. The Grand universe manifesting as the perfect circle will bring perfect understanding and recollection. We will then understand all things back to the first Alpha of numbers.”

“In the revelation, I was given knowledge so strange that I cannot comprehend it even though I have it within me. I saw that when the Universe of Eleven was finished, it was alone. There was only one of them, yet each molecule, atom and cell has untold billions of these points within them. How did the Universe of Eleven get from being one to a number so vast that all things are created from it?”

To this my guide replied, “When the Universe of Eleven was finished, its complexity and vastness far exceeded anything that is in our current universe. Yet, if you put enough space between you and a great universe, that universe, vast as it is, becomes only a tiny point. In the beginning, the Universe of Eleven manifested as the mind of God. At this time this was all there was in form existence. Think of the contrast. This tiny point was at one time all there was, but all there was formed a vast universe of universes. This mind of God within this past universe put distance between Itself and the universe, creating a ripple or wavelength in space that caused a wavelength and points to manifest in the fabric of space. Each of these points was an exact duplicate of the Universe of Eleven, caused by an explosive expansion of the mind of God. The numbers of these points were great, so great in number that it is beyond imagination. These created all there was in the greater universe, through gathering together and intelligently organizing.”

“This is amazing,” I said. “You mean to say at the end of the Universe of Eleven, there was only one of these tiny points floating in space until they multiplied and created all there is including our universe?”

“That’s correct, but it did not seem like a tiny point at that time, but a vast universe.”

So this must have been the beginning of the Big Bang?

“Correct. The Universe of eleven is the mysterious singularity of scientific theory.”


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