The Mysteries of A Course in Miracles, Chapter 2

Chapter Two
Who Wrote A Course in Miracles?

Most believing ACIM students think that the Jesus of the Bible wrote the Course.


Because the author pretty much says so. Numerous times we come across statements where the author speaks in the first person as the voice of Jesus, such as:

“I elected, for your sake and mine, to demonstrate that the most outrageous assault, as judged by the ego, does not matter. As the world judges these things, but not as God knows them, I was betrayed, abandoned, beaten, torn, and finally killed.” T-6.I.9

“When I said “I am come as a light into the world,” I meant that I came to share the light with you.” T-5.VI.11

“When I said “I am with you always,” I meant it literally. I am not absent to anyone in any situation.” T-7.III.1

“I have also made it clear that the resurrection was the means for the return to knowledge, which was accomplished by the union of my will with the Father’s.” T-3.V.1.

But then the author often speaks of Christ in the third person. For instance, he again speaks of the resurrection as follows:

“The resurrection is the complete triumph of Christ over the ego, not by attack but by transcendence. For Christ does rise above the ego and all its works, and ascends to the Father and His Kingdom.” T-11.VI.1

Statements such as this are typical of the third person referencing.

“Christ waits for your acceptance of Him as yourself, and of His Wholeness as yours.” T-11.IV.7

It may seem odd for an author to reference himself in the third person, but many have done it, so this is certainly not without precedent. It can, however, arouse suspicion if authorship is in question.

In defense, one could argue that ACIM teaches that the Christ, or the Son of God, in its wholeness is composed of all of us in our true nature, not just the one man Jesus.

It is interesting that the most quoted authority on the Course, who was also its original editor as well as a friend of Helen Schucman, Kenneth Wapnick, was not sure if the voice was the Jesus of history.

He wrote this:

“Returning now to Helen and the Course, while her experience most definitely was of Jesus-a person outside herself-relating to her and dictating to her, in truth the reality was much different. Helen was able to return her mind to that memory of God’s Love-her true Identity-symbolized by her as Jesus. By uniting with him, she united with love. That union has no form or specifics, for love, as we have seen, is abstract and beyond all divisions of the ego. This love, of which Jesus was the manifestation, flowed through the separated mind we know as Helen (the water taking shape in the glass) and came out to the world as the three books we know as A Course in Miracles.” Absence of Felicity, Page 457

So here, Ken gives his view that Helen was not in contact with Jesus, a different entity than herself, but “was able to return her mind to that memory of God’s Love-her true Identity-symbolized by her as Jesus.”

According to him Helen had the ability to unite with her Christ self which is still with God, and through this contact, with what is often called “the Higher Self,” she was able to manifest the Course.

Are there any other possibilities?

Some, of course, believe that Helen, as a clever person, was the author. However, most who have taken a serious study of it do not think she had the ability to create such a document.

Of course, many reactionary fundamentalist Christians believe that Satan was the author. This makes no sense for a number of reasons.

(1) ACIM emphasizes the most important teachings of the Biblical Jesus such as, love, forgiveness and the reality of the resurrection.

(2) One can disagree with some of the teachings, but any astute student must admit the Course guides us toward a behavior that is good and not evil.

As noted, any honest student who has really examined the Course must admit that the mind that revealed it is of a very high order, seemingly far beyond Helen’s intelligence.

Is it possible that another entity who was neither Jesus or Helen revealed it? Is it possible that this entity also identified with Christ because he was speaking from the higher mind which is one with Christ or the “One Son” mentioned in the Course?

This is an interesting possibility not considered by most students.

Some who take a cursory interest in the Course may think the author is an astral entity such as those contacted in the trance state or by automatic writing. But most of these channelings do not create writings of such a high order of intelligence as ACIM. Those entities who are one with the Christ mind do not use such methods, but will use a means of mental impression or mental telepathy.

In Helen’s case it was mental telepathy.

In September 1965 Helen Schucman was working to advance her career as a psychologist at Columbia University working in association with Bill Thetford, also a psychologist.

Out of the blue she started getting some impressions, visions and hearing an inner voice. She kept getting the feeling that something unusual was going to happen.

Then one evening in October while sitting in her bedroom she clearly and consciously registered a Voice which said: “This is a course in miracles. Please take notes.”

She was somewhat alarmed, thinking she may be experiencing a psychological problem and called Bill for advice. Fortunately, instead of dismissing it, he told her to write down what the Voice said and they would talk about it in the morning.

The next day Bill reviewed Helen’s notes and saw they were far from the gibberish of someone with a mental problem. The writing seemed to be presented with high intelligence and her notes ended with this profound statement:

“Nothing real can be threatened.

Nothing unreal exists.

Herein lies the peace of God.”

Bill was impressed and advised her to continue taking notes. He wanted to read more.

She took down a few more notes and began to wonder what the Course was all about and what its purpose was. She asked the Voice and received this reply:

“The world situation is worsening to an alarming degree. People all over the world are being called on to help, and are making their individual contributions as part of an overall prearranged plan. Part of the plan is taking down A Course in Miracles, and I am fulfilling my part in the agreement, as you will fulfill yours. You will be using abilities you developed long ago, and which you are not really ready to use again. Because of the acute emergency, however, the usual slow, evolutionary process is being by-passed in what might best be described as a celestial speed-up.” Journey Without Distance by Robert Skutch

For the next seven years Helen took the words of the Voice down in shorthand and read them off to Bill who typed them up.

Unlike many New Age trance channelers, Helen was quite reluctant and sometimes dragged her feet and delayed the work. Like the Voice said, she was not ready for the job, but apparently the world situation called for her early cooperation. Fortunately, her sense of duty got the best of her.

She was a non-religious Jew and didn’t feel she was a good choice for the job so she asked the Voice: “Why me? I’m not religious; I don’t understand these things; I don’t even believe them. I’m about the poorest choice you could make.”

The answer came back very clearly. “On the contrary; you are an excellent choice. In fact, the best.”

“But why?” she anguished. And then, without a hint of doubt she heard the answer; “Because you’ll do it.”

(Quotations from Journey Without Distance by Robert Skutch)

Later, she learned that she had been an Essene in a past life, apparently in the days of Jesus, and had developed the mental skills necessary for her current work as a scribe using mental telepathy.

Kenneth Wapnick refers to the process of her work as “‘internal dictation’; that is, she did not go into an altered state, a trance, or engage in automatic writing. She was always aware of what she was doing, even if she chose not to pay attention to it. Regardless of her attitude, the writing would continue.” Absence of Felicity, Page 181

Many students of Eastern teachings, Theosophy and the Ancient Wisdom will rule out most anything from the trance state or automatic writing and believe that true masters use a process similar to what Helen described. This is very similar to how Alice A. Bailey received her teachings and ironically, she was also very reluctant to take the notes at the beginning.

So, we have a scribe receiving through a high order of telepathy giving us writings from a mind with intelligence beyond mortal wisdom. Whether one believes this was the mind of Jesus or some other high intelligence, the writing is compelling enough that any serious thinker would be wise to take its content seriously.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Read the Introduction HERE, Read Chapter One HERE. Chapter Two HERE, Chapter Three HERE, Chapter Four HERE, Chapter Five HERE Chapter Six HERE, Chapter Seven HERE, Chapter Eight HERE, Chapter Nine HERE, Chapter Ten HERE, Chapter Eleven HERE, Chapter Twelve HERE, Chapter Thirteen HERE, Chapter Fourteen HERE, Fifteen HERE, Sixteen HERE, Seventeen HERE,       Eighteen HERE, Nineteen HERE, Twenty HERE, Twenty-One HERE, Twenty-Two HERE, Twenty-Three HERE, Twenty-Four HERE, Twenty-Five HERE, Twenty-Six HERE, Twenty-Seven  HERE, Twenty-Eight  HERE, Twenty-Nine HERE, Thirty HERE

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The Mysteries of A Course in Miracles, Chapter 1

Chapter One
Why Should We Take the Course Seriously?

I have been a seeker of wisdom and truth for my entire life which is beginning to be fairly lengthy by earthly standards since I was born in 1945. During this time, I have studied quite a number of spiritual and philosophical writings. Many of them which present themselves as enlightening or from other worldly sources do little for me. On the other hand, many who make no claims but just present the highest they know have been quite inspiring.

When a writing does come along that claims to be inspired by God, Christ or a Master I ask myself this question:

“Using my creative imagination, could I have written this?”

In almost all cases the answer is yes. That doesn’t mean that all such works are not true or do not have truth. Instead, it means that some mortal in the flesh, or astral entity, could have just made the whole thing up.

But then, three or four times in my life materials have come to me that are so profound, as well as beyond that which I could have created, that my attention was indeed captured causing me to take them seriously. In addition to recognizing the writings as coming from a higher intelligence, I also found they presented truths that were verified by my Inner Voice as well as my personal spiritual experiences.

Therefore, a handful of teachings I have stumbled across in my life have become an earned authority to me. An earned authority is one that has proven itself reliable (though not infallible). An unearned authority is one that makes claims but with little or no evidence to back them up. The difference with an earned authority is this. When it teaches something that is not part of my belief system, I do not automatically reject it but take it seriously and mull it over in my mind. If I cannot accept it in the present, I put it on the shelf until I can get a definite yes or no on the matter and is in harmony with my Inner Voice.

If an unearned authority tells me that aliens from the Pleiades are going to arrive next year to take us into the fifth dimension, then I take that with a grain of salt.

But if an earned authority, that has proven itself in the past, makes an unusual prediction or statement, I will take it seriously and do what I can to find the truth of the matter.

This is my situation with A Course in Miracles (ACIM). This is one of those rare works that I take seriously. Here are the reasons:

(1) This is a work that was originated by a very high intelligence, definitely beyond the reach of the scribe Helen Schucman, a fine lady of normal intelligence but who showed no evidence of an almost supernatural intelligence necessary to produce such a work.

I ask myself: “Could I have written this using my highest creative thinking?” This is one of those rare times that I must admit the answer is no.

(2) There were a number of ACIM teachings, not found in other materials (that I know of) that I had already discovered to be true.

One was its teaching on guilt. The standard thinking is that guilt is associated with conscience and if we do not have it we are a lost soul. Shortly before coming across ACIM, I discovered for myself the illusion behind guilt and how to neutralize it. When I then read about the Course’s teaching on the matter, I was impressed indeed, for it was in harmony with my own discoveries. Here is a  quote from the Course on the subject of guilt:

“What is truly blessed is incapable of giving rise to guilt, and must give rise to joy. This makes it invulnerable to the ego because its peace is unassailable. It is invulnerable to disruption because it is whole. Guilt is always disruptive. Anything that engenders fear is divisive because it obeys the law of division. If the ego is the symbol of the separation, it is also the symbol of guilt. Guilt is more than merely not of God. It is the symbol of attack on God. This is a totally meaningless concept except to the ego, but do not underestimate the power of the ego’s belief in it. This is the belief from which all guilt really stems. T-5.V.2

A second teaching that impressed me was the importance of letting go of all grievances. Before I read ACIM I had come to the conclusion that grievances were extremely detrimental to spiritual progression as well as physical health. I was in great harmony with statements such as this:

“For every grievance is a block to sight, and as it lifts you see the Son of God where he has always been.” W-pI.78.3

“You who were created by love like itself can hold no grievances and know your Self. To hold a grievance is to forget who you are. To hold a grievance is to see yourself as a body. To hold a grievance is to let the ego rule your mind and to condemn the body to death. Perhaps you do not yet fully realize just what holding grievances does to your mind. It seems to split you off from your Source and make you unlike Him. It makes you believe that He is like what you think you have become, for no one can conceive of his Creator as unlike himself.” W-pI.68.1

A third point and a clincher was a personal interpretation I had on these words of Jesus:

“Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matt 25:40

Now the standard Christian thought is that the least of the brethren are the homeless and downtrodden. But I concluded that this was not true, for almost everyone feels some empathy for them and wishes them well. Instead, I concluded that the least of the brethren were those who you thought of as being the worst and most irritating or evil people on the planet. I had never found any teaching to agree with me until read a similar view in ACIM. It reads:

“We will select one person you have used as target for your grievances, and lay the grievances aside and look at him. Someone, perhaps, you fear and even hate; someone you think you love who angered you; someone you call a friend, but whom you see as difficult at times or hard to please, demanding, irritating or untrue to the ideal he should accept as his, according to the role you set for him.

“You know the one to choose; his name has crossed your mind already. He will be the one of whom we ask God’s Son be shown to you. Through seeing him behind the grievances that you have held against him, you will learn that what lay hidden while you saw him not is there in everyone, and can be seen. He who was enemy is more than friend when he is freed to take the holy role the Holy Spirit has assigned to him. Let him be savior unto you today. Such is his role in God your Father’s plan.” W-pI.78.4-5

If I was not a convert to ACIM’s brilliance, this was the turning point. This presented the idea I had in my mind better than I could have written it myself.

I wasn’t impressed with ACIM, though, merely because it only taught things that was in alignment with my thinking, for this was not the case. It taught many things I had not considered before and a number that disagreed with my thinking. But because the intelligence in it is of a high order, it is an earned, though not an infallible authority with me. Therefore, when I come across something that appears to not be sound, I ask myself: “Could my thinking on this have been incorrect?” or “Am I correctly understanding that which is presented?”

This has happened a number of times and has always caused me to think. Some of these were resolved by finding clarifications in other parts of the Course, and others I now see were strong points emphasized in one direction to cause a shift in the reader’s attention. Then there are mysteries not yet resolved. We shall be talking about some of these.

Read the Introduction HERE, Read Chapter One HERE. Chapter Two HERE, Chapter Three HERE, Chapter Four HERE, Chapter Five HERE Chapter Six HERE, Chapter Seven HERE, Chapter Eight HERE, Chapter Nine HERE, Chapter Ten HERE, Chapter Eleven HERE, Chapter Twelve HERE, Chapter Thirteen HERE, Chapter Fourteen HERE, Fifteen HERE, Sixteen HERE, Seventeen HERE,       Eighteen HERE, Nineteen HERE, Twenty HERE, Twenty-One HERE, Twenty-Two HERE, Twenty-Three HERE, Twenty-Four HERE, Twenty-Five HERE, Twenty-Six HERE, Twenty-Seven  HERE, Twenty-Eight  HERE, Twenty-Nine HERE, Thirty HERE

ACIM Conversations, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part  16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25

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The Mysteries of A Course in Miracles, Introduction

The Mysteries of A Course in Miracles

Since A Course In Miracles was introduced to the public in 1976, a plethora of writings have sprung up commenting on it and explaining it.

A negative spin comes from mostly fundamentalist Christians who are upset that it claims to be a revelation from Jesus, but one that does not fit into orthodox interpretation. Thus, they view it as a crafty work of the devil himself made to lead the elect away from the real Christ.

I do not know of any full-length book critical of the Course, but there are many articles, videos and web pages attacking it.

On the other hand, most of the commentary on A Course in Miracles (ACIM for short) is positive, and there are many full-length books in addition to websites, podcasts, videos, symposiums and study groups making an attempt to explain to the average reader what the Course is really saying.

These authors and students mostly see the Course as a revelation of Christ and fully accept everything therein. The main question they try to answer is, “How can we best apply the teachings in our lives?” That seems to be the theme of every book I have examined on the Course itself.

So basically, writings and comments on the Course come from two camps. On the one side, we have those who reject the whole thing out of hand. Then, on the other, we have the true believers who accept it all without question and only wish to understand it better.

I know of no book delving into the Course where the author sees great value in the writings, but is prepared to take a dispassionate position on teachings that are controversial and difficult to understand.

Furthermore, ACIM covers numerous mysterious teachings that are not touched upon by writers who are trying to tell us how to apply the Course to have a better life, or to awaken. This ignored aspect of the Course needs to be examined and examined with dispassion and reason rather than merely as an affirmation of a belief system.

This book is different in three different ways from anything I have seen published to date.

(1) We will discuss mysteries and teachings from the Course that are of high interest to readers but have basically been ignored by other writers.

(2) Instead of presenting the writings from the starting point of total acceptance or rejection, we will take the position of the observer and see how each teaching registers with the internal truth detector, with pure reason and the Course itself. The writings will be accepted at face value unless otherwise stated.

The Course itself places strong emphasis on reason, telling us that most are suffering from a lack of it:

“You do not realize the whole extent to which the idea of separation has interfered with reason. Reason lies in the other self you have cut off from your awareness. And nothing you have allowed to stay in your awareness is capable of reason. How can the segment of the mind devoid of reason understand what reason is, or grasp the information it would give? All sorts of questions may arise in it, but if the basic question stems from reason, it will not ask it. Like all that stems from reason, the basic question is obvious, simple and remains unasked. But think not reason could not answer it.” T-21.V.4

This book will attempt to stay true to the direction of reason as well as that which is verified by the inner Self.

(3) Instead of merely telling readers how to better apply the principles of the Course, we will look into what is taught there (and sometimes not taught) that many have glossed over or missed completely.

Besides, if you want to know how to apply the Course to your life, there is nothing better than the Course itself to learn to do that. We will leave that aspect to others and move on to the new, the beautiful and the true – the mysteries of Divine Thought.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Read the Introduction HERE, Read Chapter One HERE. Chapter Two HERE, Chapter Three HERE, Chapter Four HERE, Chapter Five HERE Chapter Six HERE, Chapter Seven HERE, Chapter Eight HERE, Chapter Nine HERE, Chapter Ten HERE, Chapter Eleven HERE, Chapter Twelve HERE, Chapter Thirteen HERE, Chapter Fourteen HERE, Fifteen HERE, Sixteen HERE, Seventeen HERE,       Eighteen HERE, Nineteen HERE, Twenty HERE, Twenty-One HERE, Twenty-Two HERE, Twenty-Three HERE, Twenty-Four HERE, Twenty-Five HERE, Twenty-Six HERE, Twenty-Seven  HERE, Twenty-Eight  HERE, Twenty-Nine HERE, Thirty HERE

ACIM Conversations, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part  16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25

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